Life Worth Living

By Lisa Collins

Published on Nov 18, 2014


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes, which is intended for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get permission from the author. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Live Worth Living

I sat in my car looking at the fast moving current of the river. It was the snowmelt that gave rise to the river this time of the year. I knew that once I jumped off the bridge, there was no going back. Swimming would have been near impossible.

Getting out of my car, slowly walking to the bridge walkway, I started thinking why I was actually going to do this. When I entered high school, I believed that I was like any other kid. I really wasn't a raven beauty, but I did have my fair share of male seekers. My father wouldn't let me date until I was sixteen, so I had a year to wait.

My favorite sport was soccer, and I believed that the constant running up and down the field did a pretty good job of keeping my body in shape and toning my muscles. My thighs were not overly big, but firm and muscular. I felt all that running up and down the field also helped give me a nice rounded butt, sticking out just far enough to make it sexy.

Sometimes I wished that I had a bigger chest. I mean what boy doesn't like looking at big rack of boobs on a girl. Instead I was stuck with good solid B cup breasts, just like my mom. During the two years from sixteen to eighteen, I had my fair share of dates. I had learned early on, in most guys thinking I was a challenge, who could get into my pants first. I think word got around that if my date couldn't get into my pants, at least he was treated to a hand job.

Just before I turned eighteen, during the summer at a party down by the river, I let my date finally take my cherry. I was totally disappointed. I let him do it one more time, realizing that a lover he was not. After him I had three other lovers, and none were able to give me any kind of satisfaction. That's when I think I really stopped going on dates with guys. They were just not worth the effort.

My birthday was in November, and on my eighteenth birthday, I treated myself by buying a lotto ticket. I was now old enough, so why not. I dropped it into my purse, along with some gum I had just purchased.

I had forgotten all about the lotto ticket until the middle of January, I was searching for a pen in my purse when I came across the forgotten lotto ticket. I logged onto the Internet and went to the state lotto site to check out the ticket, thinking at least I might have won five dollars. I started checking off the numbers, realizing that so far I had them all and when I looked at the final number, I knew I had won the jackpot.

Not believing my luck, I had to double and triple check the numbers a few times, still having a hard time believing that I had actually won. According to the rules in tiny letters on the back of the ticket, I had just over a month to cash it in or lose out on the winnings.

Having seen a TV show about past lotto winners filing for bankruptcy, I searched through the phone book looking for a tax attorney. Having found one, I had made an appointment for Friday, three days from then.

The first thing I wanted to do was tell all my friends that I had won, but thought it might be better if I just kept it to myself until I actually had the money in hand. Over the next two and a half days, I was almost a nervous wreck by Friday morning. I decided to skip school, thinking no way was I going to be able to hold myself together until my scheduled appointment with the attorney.

Finally at one o'clock, I was sitting in the office waiting room of Mallard and Mallard, Attorneys At Law. The attorney I had made the appointment with was Henry Mallard. When I was shown into his office, meeting him for the first time, he was an older man, tall and very nice looking. He had just enough gray on the sides of his head to give him a very distinguished look.

After shaking his hand, he welcomed me to the firm and asked what he could do for me. Without saying a word, I took the lotto ticket and placed it on his desk in front of him. Looking at it for a moment, he turned to his computer, probably checking out the ticket against the state posted number. He kept looking from the computer screen and back to the ticket several times. Finally after a minute or two, he looked up and smiled.

"Looks like you hit the jackpot, and I see that you have one month left to claim the jackpot. Congratulations Miss Moore."

"Thank you." I said, feeling the stress of the last three days melt away, taking a heavy burden from my shoulders.

For the next hour and a half, we talked about all my options. I could take a lump sum with penalties, or take all the winnings over a twenty-five year period, minus taxes of course. After hearing all the options, and with his advice, I took the lump sum, putting what I needed in a trust fund so that I couldn't spend it all at once. I told him that I wanted to buy my mother a home and new car, and set her up on a trust fund also that would last the rest of her life. He said that at a later date he would recommend other options for the remainder of the money to ensure steady growth over the years.

Having signed and agreed to all of these things, he said he would meet me at the lotto office on Monday afternoon to submit the ticket and claim the jackpot. On the following Friday morning, I received a call from Henry, who told me that the monies had been transferred into the accounts he had established and I was now a multi-millionaire.

When classes let out at two that afternoon, I took a cab down to the Lexus dealership to buy my mother her new car. At first all the salesmen seemed reluctant to talk to me until a young lady approached me, asking me what I had in mind. I told her I wanted to buy a car for my mother and was willing to pay cash for it. At first she probably thought I was trying to play a joke on her set up by one of her associates, until I walked over to the model sitting on the showroom floor. It was a white LS four sixty L model with a sticker price in the nineties, but I knew for cash I would getting a discount

When I asked her what my price was going to be for the car, she did include a discount, not that big, but a few thousand off the sticker price. When I told her I would take it, she looked a little hesitant, but led me back to the dealer finance office and turned me over to them. After he had told me what the price was going to be with taxes and all, I pulled out a checkbook and began writing a check for the amount.

When he asked me about the check, I looked at him and said that I just won over a hundred million on the state lotto, and yes the check was good. After that, I was treated like royalty.

Later that night, after mom got home, she questioned me about the new car sitting in the driveway. I simply told her that it was her new car, and that I won the state lotto. She kind of scoffed about it until I pulled out the papers that I had signed, showing I was the lotto winner. If she hadn't sat down at that very moment, I think she would have fainted.

Within a matter of a few days, I had told all my friends about my winning and word was spreading. By Saturday morning, we had TV reporters and knocking on the front door wanting statements from the latest lotto winner. All my friends started asking for favors, asking me to buy them all kinds of gifts. Whenever I tried to talk to any of them, before I could finish a sentence, they would ask me to buy them something.

Over the next couple of months, I was treated very differently. All the people I thought were my friends seemed to only want something from me. Others would look from a distance, but stayed far away as if some evil was going to happen to them.

Graduation was nearing, and I began to feel terribly lonely, no one to really talk to. I finally had to change my phone number to stop all the harassing calls I got, either from my so-called friends, or others seeking handouts for some stupid charity. Being so bummed out, I didn't even go to my own graduation. It was supposed to be the highlight of a school career. I had spent the entire evening sitting on the fender of my car, I should say mom's old car now that I was driving it, watching the cars traveling up and down the expressway.

It was during that summer that I bought my mother her new home. It wasn't the biggest, but it was more practical for her, and for me as long I stayed there. Things began to quickly deteriorate between my mother and I when she found out that I wasn't going to give her half the money, but instead a trust fund I thought would last her a lifetime. She did accept the house, but completely ignored me and by the end of summer, she was not even talking to me. Packing my belongings, I moved out.

I wasn't the brightest in school, I could have possibly made it through college, but I knew that it would be a very difficult struggle to do so. Taking my next best option, I moved into an apartment that also had a garage to park my car. After setting everything up, I took a cab to the airport, and boarded a plane to start my worldwide journey. I left my phone in the glove compartment of the car; hell, there was no one to call, no one to tell I made it safely. Most of all, there was no one to ask to come and pick me up at the airport when I returned. For two years, I traveled the world. I kept in contact with Henry, my attorney. He assured me that everything was well and told me to enjoy myself.

Two years later, I was home. I was glad to know I didn't need to pack my suitcases for the next leg of my journey, but already getting bored looking at the same four walls. During my travels, I had bought a good camera and computer. I was able to take as many pictures as I wanted and save them all for viewing later.

The weather was starting to warm up, early spring and the river was high this time of the year with its fast moving current. I no longer could see a future for myself, I had tried contacting my mother on my return to try and reconnect with her, but she would not take my calls or return them. She was still pissed at me not giving her more money.

Feeling no alternative, with tears in my eyes, I drove to the river... the last journey I was going to take.

I stood at the edge of the boarded walkway across the bridge. Looking down at the swift moving river, I knew it would be days if not longer if and when they would find my body. There were reports of people falling into the river this time of the year and sometimes they never found the bodies. Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the bridge and started my journey to the middle.

As I was slowly walking towards the middle of the bridge, I could see someone walking towards me from the opposite direction. When I was about a third of the way across, I noticed it was a girl, possibly my age, maybe younger. I figured I would slow down, let her pass, then wait a minute or two and make my jump. While walking out on the bridge, the girl kept her hand on the railing, looking out over the river, not paying any attention to her surroundings.

I stopped walking when I was a few feet from her, watching her. She stopped and pulled her backpack off, dropping it to the walkway. She then took off her jacket and dropped it on top of the backpack. She still had not noticed me or given any indication that she had. It suddenly dawned on me that this girl was going to jump. I was here for the same purpose, and yet I started to move towards her when she stepped up on the bottom rail, swinging her other leg over the top rail.

I took the last few steps at a dead run, grabbing her by the waist band of her jeans just as she was about to swing the other leg up over the railing. Pulling on her, she lost her balance and the both of us tumbled down on the walkway. She immediately started screaming and cussing at me for stopping her from jumping.

"Get the fuck away from me; why did you stop me?"

I was a bit stunned at first, but then she started kicking at me, landing a couple times on my leg and arm.

"You had no right to interfere. Get the fuck away from me," she screamed at me.

Unable to control her kicking, I reached out and slapped her across the face with my open hand, trying to get her to stop kicking me. The shock of the slap stunned her. I could see the red mark made by my hand on the side of her face.

Curling up into a fetal position, she lay on her side and said, "Please leave me alone; I can't go on anymore." Covering her face, she began to cry.

Reaching out, I put my hand on her arm. She jerked her arm away. "No, just go, leave me alone."

Picking up her coat and laying it over her shoulder, I said "Come on, I'll take you home, it can't be all that bad."

"I don't have a home. My parents kicked me out. Now go away and let me do this one final thing."

Sitting down beside her, I knew the feelings of being kicked out of your home. For a moment, I had nothing I could say to her. I just knew I couldn't let her jump.

"What is your name? Mine is Lisa," needing her to talk and maybe get her mind off jumping for a minute.

"Just leave me alone and go away, asshole."

"I'm not going away and I'm not going to let you jump. So sit up and tell me your name." I pulled her into a sitting position.

"My name is Anastasia, but everyone calls me Anna."

"So tell me Anna, why did your parents kick you out of the house, you kill someone or something?"

"No, I got pregnant."

All of a sudden, I was angry, very angry. "You stupid little shit. That baby in your stomach never asked you to go out and fuck someone and get yourself knocked up. All you can think about is how miserable you feel this moment, never giving that baby a second thought. I should kick your ass just for the thought of doing what you thought you wanted to do."

I took a breath, trying to regain some control.

"Get your ass up; I'm taking you home to my place, unless you want me to call the cops and have them come pick you up and take you to the funny farm."

"You wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Yes I would. I still might kick your ass; then both of us will be in the funny farm. Now get up," I shouted.

Looking at me with skepticism and maybe a little worried I just might kick her ass she slowly started getting up. Picking up her backpack, I held out my hand to help her the rest of the way up. I held on to her hand as I started walking, not really conscious of what I was doing. After a few more steps, I felt her adjust her hand in mine and hold it a little tighter. Beginning to like the feeling of holding her hand, I squeezed her hand back just as tight.

"So tell me why you were out of the bridge this afternoon."

Thinking of something clever to say, I just decided to tell her the truth. "I came out here to do the same thing you were going to do, jump and end it all."

Still holding onto my hand, she suddenly stopped, jerking me around facing her. "Why did you stop me, if you were going to do the same thing, can you tell me that?"

Taking her other hand in mine, I lowered my head, looking at the ground... "I wish I could say something funny or some other revelation, but I can't. All I can say now is that it was totally a stupid idea, but when I saw that you were about to jump, I knew I had to stop you."

Finally looking up at her, she just stood there, looking at me, cocking her head to the side, and studying me. Looking into her blue-gray eyes, I was trying to understand her as she was trying to understand me. Finally letting go of my right hand, but still holding my left hand tightly, she started walking once more.

"I still might come back tomorrow and jump. You can't watch me forever you know."

Taking an extra step to catch up. "No I can't, but maybe I might convince you not to jump. Can we at least talk about it?"

"Maybe, we'll see."

The rest of the walk back to the car, we both remained quiet, lost in our own thoughts. The drive to the apartment didn't take that long. Once I had parked, I showed her into the apartment. It was a one-bedroom apartment, enough for me; at least it was until today.

"Are you hungry, or would you like something to drink?"

"I'm a little hungry, but I have no idea what I want to eat." She said.

"How about I order us a pizza and some drinks. We can munch out on that and talk, what do you think?"

"Sounds good," she said, sitting on the sofa.

After the pizza arrived, we sat on the floor and started really talking about ourselves. I told her my life story, omitting the lotto winnings. I didn't lie when I told her that I had a trust fund that I lived off of, explaining why I wasn't working or going to school. It just wasn't all of the truth at the moment.

She told me that her parents were devoted Catholics almost to the point of being fanatics. When she had told them that she might be pregnant, her mother bought a test kit and tested her to make sure. When the test came back positive, both her mother and father started screaming at her, telling her that she was nothing but a whore, telling her to leave and never set foot back in their home again. After spending the night on a park bench and nearly freezing to death, she felt that jumping off the bridge would end all her problems, not wanting to be living off the street or selling her body just to eat.

It upset me when she told me her story, but what really got to me was the fact that I had no real problems compared to hers. My thoughts of suicide were foolish compared to hers. I told her this, bringing us both to tears, falling into each other's arms and crying on each other's shoulders.

Pulling back from Anna, wiping the tears from my face, then wiping hers from her cheeks.

"Fate brought us both to that bridge today. In our own way, we each felt there was no hope. Today I learned that I really did have hope, just I didn't have a direction to go. You had no hope because you were abandoned when you needed someone the most. Fate left us no choice but to go to that bridge, but Karma says that our future is determined by current actions and choices; each person effectively chooses her own future. What do you say that we give the future a chance, we take care of one another, be there for each other. Do you think you can do that with me?"

Sitting in front of each other, our legs folded up under ourselves, our knees almost touching each other's, we just sat looking at one another. Finally Anna reached out with her both her hands and took both of mine.

"I'm going to get big and fat, with morning sickness, and hormones running rampant. I'm going to want pickles and ice cream at three AM when all the stores are closed. Is this what you really want to be put through?"

"I most certainly do," I said, and gave her hands a little squeeze.

Leaning towards each other our arms embracing each other, giving one another a hug. When we pulled apart, Anna started to yawn.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night and now it's starting to catch up with me."

"Come on, let's go see if we can't find you something to wear, maybe you can take a shower and get a good night's sleep."

Helping each other to stand up, I started to lead her back to my bedroom. Once we entered the bedroom, Anna stopped at the doorway, looking around.

Looking over at her, I asked, "What's wrong?" Wondering why she was standing there with a funny look on her face.

"Is this the only bed you have? I mean..."

"Oh yeah... I see... I mean," not really knowing what to say.

"Look, this is not going to be a problem, I'll sleep on the sofa and you sleep on the bed. I'm sorry, I guess I just didn't think that far ahead," feeling a little embarrassed.

"No, this is your home. You should not be the one to have to sleep on the sofa. Unless you feel otherwise, maybe we can both sleep on the bed together, I mean... I..."

Raising my hand to stop her from trying to say anything more, I said, "It's a big queen size bed. I'm sure we both can have our own space and not disturb each other. If you're willing to try, I am."

Seeing her smile once again, "Yes, we can give it a try."

Looking at Anna, we were close to the same height; I am five foot five, one hundred and fifteen pounds. If anything Anna was maybe an inch taller and maybe five pounds heavier. She has grayish blue eyes to my brown eyes. She had brown hair that hung down around her shoulders, though a little messy from being outside for the past twenty-four hours, once washed I knew it would look beautiful, compared to my short black hair.

Pulling a long t-shirt and a pair of panties from my drawer, I showed her to the bathroom, while giving her a clean towel and washcloth.

While Anna was taking her shower, I went back to the kitchen to check and see if I had enough for us to at least eat breakfast. After rinsing out the dirty glasses and setting up the coffee maker for the morning, I heard the shower being turned off. By the time I had turned off all the lights and checked the door, Anna was coming out of the bathroom.

The first thing I noticed was she had perfect legs. Her thighs weren't too big, but had a muscular shape to them. The t-shirt was long enough that nothing else showed, but it did look like she had a nice rounded butt on her. I didn't know why I was looking at Anna the way I was, but I told myself that all women checked out other women, comparing them to themselves.

Anna was using the towel to dry her hair when I told her to take a seat in the chair just inside the bedroom. I went and got my blow dryer and brush to finish drying her hair. As I was standing over her, brushing and drying her hair, when she would sometimes slouch over, I would be able to see down the inside of her loose t-shirt. Her breasts were nearly like mine, a good B cup, her areolas were a soft pink and very puffy, making her look like she had no nipples at all.

The more I began to chastise myself for even looking in the first place, the harder I tried to catch glimpses of her breasts.

With her hair now dried, I was thankful that I could step away and not keep trying to look down her t-shirt. Going to my dresser, I got a clean pair of panties and t-shirt, heading to the bathroom to take my shower.

As I was standing under the shower feeling the warm water bouncing off my shoulders, while washing my breasts, I started comparing mine to Anna's. Being almost the same size cup as she was, mine however were pointed, my areolas were the size of a quarter, and my nipples were longer and standing out, even when I was not excited. When I was horny and excited, my nipples wouldn't really stick out more, but would become thicker and very hard. Cupping my breasts with my soapy hands, I slowly started to massage them, wondering what it would feel like if Anna was the one massaging them.

Shaking my head, I had to stop those kinds of thoughts; they just weren't who I am. I had never looked at another girl, much less fantasized about one. For God's sake, I was straight; I'd been to bed with several men, never a woman.

Getting out of the tub and towel drying my hair as I normally do, I slipped on my panties and t-shirt. When I opened the door, walking into the bedroom, Anna was already in bed and appeared to be sound asleep. Turning off the lights, I walked around the bed, and slipped into the other side of the bed. Pulling the covers up to my chest, I glanced over at Anna, lying on her back; I watched the steady rise and fall of her chest. In my heart, I knew I had to find a way to help her. I just had no idea how I was going to be able to do that. Closing my eyes, my thoughts were slowly taken over by sleep.

Not sure what time it was, but when I tried to turn to my right side, I was unable to do so. Lifting my head, I noticed that Anna had moved across the bed on her right side and her head was now lying on my left shoulder. For the next few minutes, I looked at her; her hair was covering most of her face. I could hear the faint sounds of her snoring each time she inhaled. Her left arm was lying across my stomach; her right arm seemed to be straight down between our bodies. For a few moments, I felt comforted feeling her close to me, somewhat in a nightly hug.

Suddenly realizing we were now cuddling one another, I didn't think it would be a good idea for her to wake up in this position. I slowly started sliding out of bed, not wanting to wake her. I did manage to get out of bed without waking her. Looking back down at her, she appeared like a child, a mixed up, confused, lonely, child. Pulling the covers over her, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, then go and make some coffee and try to think of what I could do to help her.

Sitting in the kitchen, coffee now made, holding a cup in my hand, I started to think what I could do to help her. I wondered if she had any other relatives that would take her in. So many questions and no answers seemed to keep any constructive thoughts at bay. As I started to get up to pour myself another cup of coffee, I heard the toilet flush and knew she was up and awake.

A few minutes later, she came into the kitchen. She had brushed her hair, but her eyes were still a little puffy from sleep.

"Good morning, how did you sleep last night?" I asked her as she sat down at the table.

"Very good; your bed is very comfortable. I didn't wake you last night, did I?"

"No, after I had finished my shower, I saw that you were already asleep. I laid down and also was soon asleep. Would you like some breakfast, I don't have much on hand, but I think we can find something to eat. You haven't started having morning sickness yet, have you?"

"Yeah, it came on about two weeks ago. That is when I bought the test strips to make sure."

"How about I just make you some toast, maybe a cup of tea, unless you prefer coffee?"

"No, coffee sounds good, and yes, I think I might be able to eat some toast and keep it down."

As we sat eating our toast and drinking some coffee, I started asking her what she thought she might want to do. Did she have any relatives, or grandparents she could go to? She said that her father was an only child and his parents were killed in an auto accident. Her mother had one sister, but she was back east somewhere serving a prison term for selling drugs. Her grandparents were both heavy drinkers and she really didn't feel comfortable being around them.

I had gotten up to freshen up our cups of coffee, and when I turned to sit back down, she had her head down in the crook of her arm, apparently crying. Sitting the cups on the table, I knelt down beside her chair, my left hand on her back, my right hand stroking her hair.

"What's bothering you, tell me."

"You should have just let me jump. I have no one; I have no money, no clothes. All I have is a couple of my school books and note pads."

Drawing her to me, putting her head on my shoulder, she broke down sobbing. All I could do was try and comfort her as her body was racked with sobs. As her sobs began to slow down, I helped her to stand, pulling her towards the sofa. After we were seated, I took her by the shoulders, making sure I had her attention.

"Anna, listen to me. It's going to be okay. I know you're scared and have no idea what to do, but together we're going to figure this out and make it work."

"You don't even know me, why would you help me?"

"Tell you what, when I am home here, changing shitty diapers while you're at school, then ask me why I'm doing all this."

"But I'll be finished with school by the time the baby is born."

"High school yes, but by then you'll be in college."

"Trust me, we'll find a way for you to go to college. You're a lot smarter than I ever was, I barely got out of high school with a three point zero average. Trust me, I'll make sure you get to go, come hell or high water," I said, pulling her in to hug her.

"But why, I mean... I don't know you, and you don't really know me... why?"

"Remember yesterday I said that I had no hope, I had nothing to look forward to. Well, saving you and your baby gave me a purpose. It showed me I wasn't as lost as I thought I was. Believe it or not, I feel like I have a direction to go now. I can't explain why, but I want very much to see this baby born, to hold it in my arms. I'm not sure if I could ever have a baby of my own, but if you'll let me, I'd like to maybe one day be a part of this baby's life, if you would let me."

"You're not going to throw me out into the street? What's going to happen when you find a guy and want to marry him, what then?"

"I've never had any feelings for a guy. I've dated in high school, but they all seemed to so shallow. I'm not a virgin, but I don't think a man right now is going to change how I am. I can't explain myself, it's just what I feel inside."

She reached her hand out, pushing a few of my curls behind my ear. "You really think we can do this, I mean me having this baby and me becoming a mother and all?"

"I know we can do this. It's not going to be easy, it's going to take a lot of work, but we are going to do this together." I gave her my most convincing look.

I leaned back into the sofa; Anna slid over and put her head on my shoulder, my arm across her shoulders, my left hand stroking her soft hair.

We sat, each in our own thoughts. After some time, I lifted her chin to look at me.

"Are your parents church goers; I mean do they go to church every Sunday?"

"Yes. They never miss going every Sunday. They leave every morning around nine thirty and don't get home until eleven or twelve. Why do you want to know that?"

"I was just thinking, there are still some things you want from your room, right?"

"Well, yeah, my clothes for one. There are a few things I've collected over the years I think I would like to have."

"Do you still have a key to the house?" I asked, hoping the answer was going to be yes.

"Yes, it's in my backpack. Why all the questions?"

"How many boxes would it take to put everything you want in them?

"I don't know, maybe four or five. Would you please tell me what you're getting at?"

"Well, I was just thinking, what if we rented a van tomorrow, and as soon as your parents leave for church. We go in and pack all your stuff up and bring them here. Leave the TV or stereo equipment. Do you have a computer?

"My dad gave me his old laptop, it's not very fast or anything, but I do use it for homework."

"Is there anything on the computer you don't want them to see or know about?"

"No, just my homework papers. Why?"

"We'll leave that also, but we'll take along a flash drive and copy your work on it. We'll also put a password on the computer so that anyone who wants to get into it, will have to format the computer and reinstall the software."

"I think that is a good idea. I mean getting my clothes and stuff while they are gone. You're so smart; I would have never thought of doing that," she said leaning in and kissing my cheek.

"Come on, let's get dressed, we'll go and get something to eat, then drive by your old house and check things out. On the way home, we'll stop and buy some groceries. We need to get you on a good, balanced diet. First chance we get, we're going to find a good doctor you can start going to while you're pregnant."

"But I don't have any money. I can't afford to go to a doctor."

"Even though you're eighteen, you're still in school, and by law, your parents' insurance still covers you. I have a friend who is a lawyer that will make sure that happens."

"This is going to work, isn't it?" She said while sitting there smiling at me.

"Yes it is, so what do you think, getting hungry yet?" I was starting to feel a little hungry myself.

"Yeah, let's go and get something to eat, I feel like I could really eat something now."

Walking into the bedroom, Anna reached down and pulled the t-shirt she had on up and over her head, dropping it on the bed. She now stood before me only wearing panties. When she turned to face me, I could now see her breasts, her firm breasts with those puffy nipples. Her areolas were larger than mine, a pale pink color with nipples barely visible. I had to quickly turn my head so that she didn't see me staring at her breasts. As I turned, I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head, so as not to make her feel uncomfortable being the only one just wearing panties.

Walking over to the dresser, I pulled out a bra that I thought might fit her, turning towards her, I asked her if she would like to see if this bra would fit her. Slipping the straps up her arms, she turned allowing me to fasten the hooks in the back. After some minor adjustments, the bra seemed to fit her perfectly. Taking out another bra, I started to put it on. When I reached behind me to fasten the clips, I felt her fingers on my back as she clipped the bra in place.

Since it was still a little cool out, I got us both a pair of jeans to wear. I reached into my closet and handed her a cardigan sweater to wear and a long sleeve shirt for myself. Slipping on a pair of ankle sock and shoes, we were ready to go. As she started walking out of the bedroom, the sweater she wore was bulky enough to hide much of her figure, but the image of her topless was forever burned in my mind.

After eating a light lunch, we drove by her home, at least what used to be her home. It was a single story home with an attached garage. She had said that the locks were the same for the back as well as the front door. I asked if there was an alarm system in the house; she said that there was none. Just down the street, at the corner was a seven-eleven. From there, we would be able to see when her parents would leave for church.

She was telling me that she was a little reluctant on leaving the computer because that was her way of doing her homework and writing assignments. I had decided that I could solve that problem this afternoon. Instead of doing the grocery shopping next, I went to an electronic store to get her a computer.

Walking into the store, Anna touched my arm.

"Why are we here, is there something that you need?"

"No, it's something that you need." Taking her hand, I guided her to the computer department.

As we started walking into the computer department, Anna squeezed my hand, pulling me to a stop.

"No Lisa, I can't let you do this."

"Do what?" I said.

"You know what I am talking about, I can't let you buy me a new computer."

"And if I don't, how are you going to do your homework and write your papers for your assignments?"

"I'll just go to the library and use those."

"And how will you get to the library?" Feeling like I was boxing her in without many options.

"I'll take the bus. I can't let you do this. It's just not right."

Taking her by the shoulders, making sure she was facing me, "Honey, if it wasn't for you, I would be miles downriver by now, probably hung up on the bottom somewhere and nothing more than fish food. This would be a drop in the bucket to what I really owe you, so please, accept this and whatever else I think you need. Please, do this for me."

Shrugging her shoulders, she nodded her head in agreement to me.

"Now, go over there and see if you can find a computer that would fit your needs." I sent her on her way.

I spotted a sales person heading our way, heading him off before he could get to Anna. I told him that I wanted the biggest, fastest IMac he had, a printer to go with it, an external hard drive, and a CD/DVD reader. I also told him that I wanted a second twenty-four inch monitor, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I told him when he had everything ready to go, bring me the paper work. For now I had a laptop that she could use if she had to take it to school, but when she started college, I would get her one for herself.

As Anna and I went from computer to computer, checking them out, Anna kept going back to the cheaper ones, trying to talk me into getting a less expensive one for her. When I saw the sales person approaching with the paper in hand, I told Anna that I would be back in a moment. As he was showing me the final bill, I looked at Anna, thinking that she also needed a cell phone so that she would be able to call me or at least text me if there was a problem.

I told the sales person to get two cell phones and add it to the bill, using my old cell number to be changed over to the new one. I handed the sales person my credit card and told him to charge everything on it. When it was all done and all of my purchases were in one neat pile, I went and got Anna, taking her over to the pile and said that it was time to go.

Looking at me like I had just lost my mind, "What did you do, buy the entire store out?"

"No, I just got you what you needed." Taking the cell phone, handing it to her to have it activated.

As another sales person helped me load everything into my little Volvo, Anna had her new cell phone activated and ready to use. With the trunk pretty much loaded up, any groceries we got were going to have to go in the back seat.

Once in the car, I asked Anna if she had a driver's license; she said that she did. My next stop was U-Haul to rent a van for tomorrow.

After picking up the van, I let Anna drive the car while I drove the van to our next stop, which was the grocery store. Shopping for groceries with Anna was turning out to be an experience that was so much fun. She was constantly making me laugh with her jokes and antics with all the things that we could do with some of the food we were about to purchase. Some of the people we passed in the isles gave us funny looks, but then I knew what it really felt like to be alive and I wasn't going to let the odd looks from strangers spoil my day.

Pushing our over loaded cart back to the car, I stood with the door open trying to figure out where I was going to put all the groceries we had bought. Standing with my hands on my hips, I heard my name being called from behind me. "Lisa!"

Anna was standing behind the van with her arm stretched out holding herself up against the back door of the van. "We can go back and get some more items if you forgot anything."

Standing next to the car, I felt like an idiot for not thinking about using the van to take the groceries home. I tossed the keys to Anna, as I closed the door and pushed the cart to the back of the van. I was about to give Anna a kiss on the cheek for thinking ahead, when at the last second she turned her head and our lips met. The kiss was brief, if not shocking to me at first. I was about to apologize, when Anna just looked at me and smiled, while reaching for a bag in the cart. With my mouth hanging wide open, I watched as Anna loaded the next three bags of groceries into the van. Snapping out of my daze, I grabbed two bags to help load the van. With everything loaded and the cart put away, I started driving back to the apartment, with Anna following close behind.

I was really lucky I didn't get into a wreck, my mind was focused on the brief kiss I had with Anna. Her lips were so soft. I swear it felt like she didn't want it to end. I was really starting to wonder about myself; first off I was admiring another woman's body. Last night when I was drying her hair, I kept trying to look down at her breasts. This morning when I woke up and Anna was up against me, her head on my shoulder, how good it felt to be that close to her, and earlier today, how sexy she looked standing before me only wearing panties, and now the kiss.

I looked at women before, but it was only at how they were dressed and if I would look good wearing what they had on. No way was I looking and wondering what they would look like naked before me. I was so lost in my thoughts; I almost drove past my apartment. Stopping just past the driveway, I motioned for Anna to pull into the garage and park so I could back in and make it easier to unload the van.

After everything was unloaded, it took us nearly half an hour to put the groceries away. I asked Anna what she wanted for dinner but she had no idea. Thinking of something easy, I told her to start making us a salad, and I would fry up a chicken breast to add to it. Dinner was light and easy; cleaning up was quick and also easy.

I took her to my computer, and told her that hers was just like mine, and said I would show her how easy it would be compared to the PC she was accustomed to. It was decided that before we returned the van, we would go and find her a desk that we could set up in the living room for her to use while she was doing her homework.

After an hour or so playing around with the computer, we decided it was time to take a shower and get to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, if not stressful. Anna insisted that I take my shower first; she would take hers after me.

I decided that I was going to wear the same t-shirt that I had worn last night, so getting out a clean pair of panties, and my t-shirt, I pulled off my clothes, placed them in the hamper to be washed and went into the bathroom to take my shower.

Once I was in the shower, I washed my hair, and then as I was washing my body, I began thinking of Anna, seeing her puffy breasts, her firm thighs and legs. Her ass looked so perfect in her panties, I almost wished I could have run my hands over them... God I've got to stop thinking this way, it's just not like me.

Looking down at my bush, I decided that it was time to trim it. If she ever saw me again just wearing panties, I know how repulsive it would look seeing hairs sticking out from under your panties. Reaching over to the cabinet, I took a pair of scissors, trimmed the long hairs, and then used the razor to leave just a landing strip to the top of my cleft. Feeling much better about how it looked, I turned off the water, reaching for the towel to dry myself.

Getting dressed, I took the hairdryer, and started towards the bedroom. As I stepped into the bedroom, Anna was sitting on the bed, with nothing on except her panties. Stopping for a second, I had to gasp for a quick breath of air. I tried to move on like it was no big deal, hoping she didn't see me staring at her.

As Anna left the bedroom, I plugged in the dryer and began to dry my hair. Being so short, it didn't take very long to dry. I sat the dryer down on my makeup table, knowing that she was going to want me to dry her hair when she came back to the bedroom.

I turned down the covers of the bed, and set the alarm clock so we would be up in plenty of time to get ourselves into position tomorrow morning. It seemed like in no time Anna came walking back into the bedroom, this time with a towel wrapped around her head and her t-shirt hanging off her forearm.

As she sat down in the chair, she said, "I didn't want to put on my t-shirt and get it wet, then have to sleep in a wet t-shirt. You don't mind do you?" She smiled at me like it was no big deal being nearly naked in front me.

"No, that's fine, it's just us girls here anyway." I picked up the hair dryer and brush to dry her hair.

When she sat down in the chair, she was facing the mirror. I started to wonder if she had intended to dry her own hair, or just sit back and let me do it. I could see her watching me as I started to brush and dry her hair. There were times when I would run my hand up under her hair, pulling it out from her head to dry. Each time I would do this, the back of my hand would brush up against her soft skin, making my stomach do little flip-flops each time. Once when I was near the front of her, as my hand came around, I brushed against the top of her left breast. This time I noticed Anna sigh when it happened.

By the time I had her hair dried and brushed out, I noticed that my nipples were like little points pushing out my t-shirt. I knew she saw this in the mirror when she looked at me. I knew that there was no way of hiding the fact now, so I just sat the dryer down, saying I was finished and she could finish getting dressed now.

Waiting for Anna to climb into the bed, I turned off the hall light and then the bedroom light, leaving the room in a dim glow from the nightlight shining in through the door from the hallway.

After I got into the bed, Anna was laying on her side facing towards me. I could see her eyes were open as she looked at me.

"Lisa, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Anna, you can ask me anything you like. I have no secrets to hide from you." Well, except the one that I was a millionaire, but that wasn't important at this moment.

"You're not regretting having me here are you. I mean I'm not making you feel uncomfortable or anything am I?"

"No, you're not making me feel uncomfortable or anything, it's just that I'm not used to having someone around all the time. I've never lived with anyone except my parents, so this is kind of new to me."

How could I tell her the things she was doing to me, parading around half naked, sleeping on my shoulder. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling; it was just something I never experienced before.

"Lisa, would you give me a hug before I go to sleep, please."

"Sure, come here." Reaching towards her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

Scooting over, she also reached around my shoulder, pulling me into a tight hug. When I started to ease up, instead of pulling away, she settled her head into the crook of my shoulder, making herself comfortable. Baffled about what to do, I did nothing. As I lay there, I could hear her breathing beginning to slow, and soon I knew that she was asleep. Not having the heart to disturb her, I let her be and drifted off to sleep myself.

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm clock went off, and it seemed that she had not moved all night long, except her arm was now lying across my stomach, and her leg was over mine, with her mound pressed up against my leg. Lying there, feeling the closeness of our bodies, I began to enjoy the warmth and security of someone being so close to me.

Suddenly the blaring of the alarm clock jolted me fully awake and I tried to reach over and turn it off while she was still lying against me. My movements and the alarm going off woke Anna also. Looking at me, Anna said, "Good morning." I watched her yawn, stretching her arms into the air.

"Good morning to you too," I said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh yes, thank you for holding me last night, I felt so safe and warm lying here next to you."

"Let me get up and go and pee, then make some coffee while you get up and get dressed. We can't waste too much time this morning. Just take what you need from the closet."

"Okay," she said while rolling off me.

After peeing and washing my face, I went to the kitchen to make the coffee and some toast. Just as I was finishing my first cup of coffee, Anna came walking into the kitchen. She had the same jeans on that she wore yesterday, but a different shirt. Pouring another cup of coffee, I told Anna I was going to go and wash up and get dressed.

Sitting at the Seven Eleven waiting for her parents to leave for church, I decided to ask Anna how she became pregnant, was it an accident or... She went on to say that she only dated guys so she could fit in. Apparently, everyone knew it was her birthday, so they all decided that getting her drunk on her birthday was going to make it a day she wouldn't forget.

She went on to say that she had no intentions of having sex with anyone, but being so drunk, she had not realized that she had sex until after it was over with. She explained that just the thought of having sex with the guy almost made her sick. It wasn't until three weeks later when she missed her period that she knew something was wrong. After getting a couple test kits, both tested positive. It was almost two weeks later, when she started having morning sickness, that her mother started asking about it.

She said that when she finally told her mother, that is when all hell broke loose. After spending the night in the park she decided to jump off the bridge. I was just about to ask her what she meant by saying that she dated guys just to fit in when we saw her parents leave for church.

I dropped Anna off in front of the house with the boxes and tape while I took the van around the corner to park it so it wouldn't draw attention to the house. Having parked and walked back to the house, I was met at the front door by Anna. We immediately went to her room, and started packing. I had her get on the computer and download the files she needed while I threw her clothes in boxes. After everything was packed and boxes sealed, I added a password to the computer, locking it up. With a quick walk through, we had all the boxes in the garage. All I needed to do was get the van; back it in the drive way, load it up and we were gone.

Before heading back to the apartment, I decided to make a detour to find a desk for Anna. She needed space for her computer so she could do her homework. We pulled into an Office Depot where I was sure we could find what we needed. Finding the right desk, we had them remove it from the carton so we could handle it, and assemble the chair that I bought with it.

It was later Sunday evening when we had the van emptied and her clothes put away. We returned the van and stopped at a restaurant to eat before going home.

Again that evening, Anna had me take my shower first. When I stepped back into the bedroom, Anna was once more waiting, only wearing her panties. This was becoming a nightly ritual, one that I wasn't completely against, but had me wondering where this was all going.

Driving Anna to school Monday morning, I told her not to say anything about her moving, and to wait and see if her parents tried contacting the school as to her whereabouts. For the entire week, nothing was said to her concerning her parents or why she had missed two days of school. I told her on Friday, just before dropping her off, that she needed to change her contact number in case something were to happen.

As usual, I was the first to take a shower, and after Anna had finished with her shower, I would comb and dry her hair each night. Wednesday night, when Anna came to bed, she didn't put her t-shirt on, coming to bed topless. At first I was nervous but, after she settled down with her head on my shoulder, I was able to relax and drift off to sleep.

Saturday turned out to be a nice, warm spring day. We decided to go to the park and enjoy ourselves. To my surprise, there was an art festival scheduled. Going from stand to stand, admiring all the works of art, Anna would take me by the hand, leading me from stand to stand. I was starting to enjoy the feeling of her holding my hand. If made me feel that we were making a connection each time we held hands.

Later in the afternoon, she asked me if we could go down by the river and walk around for a while. Seeing no problem in doing that, we went to the river. I had parked a few hundred yards from the bridge. Getting out of the car, she stood on the bank of the river, staring at the water rushing by. I stood back, letting her work out in her own mind the feelings she was having. After a few minutes, I stepped beside her, putting my arm around her waist and asked if she was all right. As she turned to look at me I could see that she had been crying.

Before I could say anything, she turned towards me, wrapping her arms around me, and started crying harder. All I could do was wrap my arms around her, my hands moving up and down her back, trying to soothe her. When her tears began to dry, she pulled back, leaned in and kissed me on my lips. The kiss was brief, but effective, once more jumbling my nerves and causing the butterflies to start their fluttering in my tummy.

Laying her head on my shoulder, she said, "I want to thank you for saving me. Before I met you I thought there was no hope. Everyone I knew before you seemed to want something from me. Whenever I would ask a favor or something, they never had time. You're the first person who never asked for anything, but instead gave everything to me." She wiped her cheeks on my shoulder.

"I would have to work a thousand years and I'd still never be able to repay all that you have given me. All the thanks in the world wouldn't be enough for being there for me. There is so much more I want to tell you, but I don't know how just yet." She squeezed me tight.

To be continued;

Feedback is a way for the author to feel their work is appreciated. Will try to answer all that write. Thank you for reading my story.

Next: Chapter 2

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