Life with Tim

Published on Nov 1, 2022


Life with Tim Chapter 72

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


Master Theo pulled the cover off the object in the middle of the room. A cage stood in the center of the room.

"We'll be locking you in here at night," Master Connor explained. "We couldn't risk having you run around the house naked. So you'll just sleep here. It's one of the reasons for the catheter. You can't get up to go to the bathroom. We didn't think you'd want to wake up in the middle of the night with your piss all over you."

"We could leave the catheter off some night," Master Theo added. "You'd like pissing all over yourself, wouldn't you, Dad."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"This cage has a cover which goes over the cage," Master Connor continued. "We'll use it occasionally just to spice up your nights. We've been told the cover is virtually sound proof. The only noise you will hear is the whir of the ventilation fan."

"We have another surprise for you upstairs, Dad," Master Theo said as he attached the leash to my collar.

With a single tug, I followed my Masters upstairs.

Chapter 72: I Saw It in the Window and Just Had to Have It

"So, Steven," Master Tim began as he sat on top of my cage. "You look rather snug in your new cage. I didn't like the idea when I first heard about Connor and Theo's plans. I like it now. It makes sense. We know where you are now. You'll either be in use or in one of your cages. I understand from the boys they will occasionally let you out to roam around your cell... You never cease to amaze me, Steven. Your dick gets hard at the most impractical time. Who, other than you, would get hard as you're locked away in your cage?"

"It seems so, Master," I replied. I couldn't help but notice Tim's growing dick through the legs of his shorts as he sat on top of my face on top of the cage. Any closer and I could suck it into my mouth.

"I've also heard you were quite the hit with our new best friend Sean," Master Tim explained. "He and I had a long talk after he brought you home. He seems eager to negotiate a long-term rental. I, of course, told him I don't do the negotiating anymore. I leave it up to your Masters Jose and Buba. I also pointed out to Sean he should make friends with Connor and Theo. They seem to be heavily involved in your life these days."

Master Tim stood and shed his shorts. His dick stood straight and hard. His recently shaved cock and balls made my dick quiver. He reached over to the top of the cage and opened a door over my face.

"Connor and Theo did a marvelous job of designing this cage," Master Tim continued. "You haven't yet experienced all of its features, but I've been given an in-depth explanation of all its nooks and crannies. This particular door allows me to sit on top of your face and lower my ass so you can lick it. Stick your tongue in it. Make me feel your tongue caress my ass, Steven. I am your husband after all. You know how much I love having your tongue up my ass."

I went to work quickly as Master Tim lowered his ass to the perfect vantage point. I immediately began licking the crack of Master Tim's ass. When I finally forced my tongue into Master Tim's waiting asshole, I nearly came.

"Good boy, Steven," Master Tim cooed. "You haven't lost your touch. Remember how much I loved sitting on the rimming chair while you worked your tongue in my ass, and I made out with some stud from the bar. Oh! Yea, Steven! Use that tongue of yours!"

We heard a voice from the top of the playroom stairs.

"Tim," the voice said. "David and I need your ass up here in the bedroom. It's an emergency!"

"I'll be right up," Master Tim yelled back.

"So, Steven," Master Tim said as he stood and replaced the door over my face. "It seems our time is up here. I'll leave you alone to contemplate your solitary life. Just remember all the good times we had. Your memories will get you through some of the challenging times in your new life."

Master Tim turned and left.

I suddenly felt another presence in the room.


`It's good to see you again Steven,' my Greek God friend Kratos said to me as he appeared in a puff of smoke. `Every time I see your ex-husband with you, I feel as though he's a real bastard.'

`I don't understand,' I replied.

`Tim,' Kratos replied. `Your ex-husband... Oh! I'm sorry. My tongue worked faster than my brain. I am a little premature. He's still your husband... Every time I learn more about you, Steven, I get more and more impatient about spending some quality time with each other. I just love to be rimmed. Just love it!'

`I'll keep your preferences in mind,' I replied. `What may I do for you, tonight?'

`I planned a party in your honor, Steven,' Kratos replied. `Naturally, Eros and I will attend, but I've also invited some new people for you to befriend. You'll meet four brothers: Menoetius, Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. You'll really enjoy their company.'

`I'll look forward to meeting them,' I replied as I noticed Kratos begin to stroke his big uncut dick.

`Menoetius's claim to fame arises from his notoriety as a violently angry being with a tendency to make rash decisions,' Kratos explained. `He will be with you on many of your journeys. Pay strict attention to Menoetius, and he will guide you in bringing out the best—or should I say worst—of your Master's pain inflicting minds.'

`You'll be impressed with Atlas,' Kratos continued. `He held the earth up for a while before someone found a suitable stand, so he maintains his physic with regular workouts in his home gym. He's also the god of astronomy and navigation. He invented GPS. He also has kids strung throughout most of the world, but his best asset became his boyfriend, Burt. His real name is BUMBA, a giant pale-skinned figure, and is an African god.'

`Prometheus, and Epimetheus haven't earned a title during their life with us,' Kratos explained. `Their claim to fame developed as their bodies developed. Their extremely large dicks became their brain. They never run out of energy, either.'

`Others will be added to our guest list as we move closer to the date," Kratos said. `I'll keep you posted.'

He left silently and without fanfare.

"So, boy," Master Nicholas said. "It's finally my time to spend with you. I've been looking forward to this weekend. I'm delighted Tim suggested we use the house here in New York. This space is perfect!"

Master Nicholas stood next to the bondage table. I looked up at his perfectly formed Greek featured face and superb body. He let the front of his coal black hair fall over his forehead. His brown eyes and dark, plush lashes, framed by his dark olive skin, bore a striking resemblance to my Greek God friend, Eros.

His neatly trimmed black chest and stomach hair covered his heavily muscled chest and six-pack abs. The two armbands around the top of his biceps enhanced the bulging muscles in his upper arm.

He wore a leather jock strap and nothing else. I stared at the magnificent man hovering above me.

"You must like what you see, boy," Master Nicholas said as he touched my cock.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I am in awe of your beautiful body."

"Good," Master Nicholas added. "I'm not the techie my husband is. I lean more toward the old fashion hands on techniques. You won't be wearing any virtual reality glasses, medical exam tables, or other technology laden gadgets. I also developed a keen proclivity for fucking and fisting the boys with whom I play. Let's get started."

Master Nicholas had fastened me onto the bondage table before he explained his plans for the weekend. He grabbed my balls in his right hand and squeezed. Hard. Tight.

I moaned in pain as Master Nicholas pulled and twisted my balls with my balls still in the grip of his massive hands.

"I like those sounds you make, boy," Master Nicholas hissed as he tightened the grip on my balls. "I have plans for these balls. Lots and lots of plans. My husband tells me you're fond of needles."

After one more grip tightening squeeze to my balls, Master Nicholas released them.

"I'm not sure if my husband told you about my new hobby," Master Nicholas said. "Probably not. I'm a certified body piercer with licenses in Massachusetts and New York. I've also learned new techniques to develop longer and thicker dicks. Your Masters Jose and Buba as well as your husband asked me to introduce you to some new techniques of piercing. Think needles of varying length and diameter. I'll practice the enlargement techniques on you as well."

Master Nicholas wheeled a mobile cart beside the bondage table. Several sealed packages of sterile needles lined the top. I couldn't take my eyes off the packages. Some, I decided, must hold very large needles. A shudder raced through my body.

Master Nicholas picked up the first packet after he wiped my left ball with a sterile wipe. He unwrapped the first needle.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" I moaned as I saw the size of the huge needle.

"I'll put five needles into each ball," Master Nicholas explained as he positioned the first needle. "The needles, perfectly placed, will stimulate your balls to grow. Unlike your previous injections, this method doesn't use any drugs or other unnatural chemicals. I learned this technique from a group of Buddhist Monks who live in a remote region in Vietnam. They've been practicing the art of piercing to achieve very interesting goals. I'll be concentrating on your balls and dick tonight."

Master Nicholas must have seen the fear in my eyes.

"No, boy," Master Nicholas reassured me. "I won't be piercing your dick. By stimulating your balls and the area around your shaft, you'll quickly feel your dick growing. We need to be careful. A Monk told me a story about forgetting to check on their patient. He wound up with an eighteen-inch baseball bat-sized dick."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Nicholas pushed the first needle in.

"See, boy," Master Nicholas said quietly. "It didn't hurt much, did it, boy?"

"N... No...," I hissed in reply.

The second needle went into my ball exactly 180 degrees away from the first.

The third and fourth needle formed a circle with each needle 90 degrees apart.

The fifth helped form a semicircle around my ball.

Two hours later, I had thirty needles stuck in strategic places. Mostly in my balls and around the base of my dick. Master Nicholas inserted the last two in my I foreskin.

I couldn't scream anymore. I concentrated on the pain. The pain. The pain.

"Can you feel your dick and balls growing, boy?" Master Nicholas asked.

"Yes," I said in a barely audible squeak.

"I'm only leaving the needles in for an hour," Master Nicholas replied. "Depending on the results, we'll do it again once or twice before I take you home."

Master Nicholas left the room. I lay secured on the bondage table. The only company I had were the needles in my body and the pain the needles cause.

`Hello, boy,' a voice I didn't recognize said to me. He appeared as a very tall, dark, well-built man whose naked body seemed to glow. `I'm Hermes. I'm the God of Boundaries. Eros thought I should pay a visit to you, boy. He seemed impressed by your spiritual and sexual growth. He also suggested I tell you about me and another God who will remain unnamed for the sake of this story. Let me summarize. The other God, who looked extremely handsome and viral, had a way with the Goddesses—one in particular. He pissed me off one day because he spread rumors about me and Eros being lovers. So, to get back at him, I masturbated on the Earth and turned his current Goddess into a lesbian. I luckily turned a few boys into gay men. Now you know my story.'

He paused as stroked his dick a few times. `You look as though you enjoy the attention of your Master, boy. I see he's learned a few secrets from the Buddhist Monks. He will be here soon. I should go. I'll drop by later, and we can talk more. In the meantime, enjoy your new enhanced balls and dick.'

The Greek God Hermes disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He left beside a faint odor of cum. Large amounts of cum.

"I hope you've enjoyed your mediation time," Master Nicholas said as he took his place beside the bondage table. "It is not uncommon to have vivid dreams during this procedure."

He inspected my dick and balls.

"Very nice, boy," Master Nicholas said. "Your Masters and your husband will be pleased. We'll only need to do this one more time before I return you. I'll remove the needles now, boy. Some say it hurts more to remove them than to place them."

Master Nicholas was right.

"Now, we can move onto other activities," Master Nicholas said as he rolled the cart with the needles out of the way. He picked up a bag of clothes pins and dumped them on another nearby table. "I developed these clothes pins a few years ago after a boy Sean and I played with complained about the lack of pain with the regular pins. These pins are made with metal tips with a rough surface which digs into the bottom's skin when closed." He said as he put the first one on my right nipple.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I moaned as the pin dug deeply into my nipple.

"You can imagine, of course, the incredible pleasure these pins will bring you when I rip them off your skin. If we're lucky, we won't need to take you to the ER for stiches."

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the pain. I felt high because of the intense pain from each pin. I didn't moan or scream. I just concentrated on the next pin as it closed around my body. The next. The next. The next. The next.

"We're finished, boy," Master Nicholas said. "Look at the beauty of your body now."

I opened my eyes. Master Nicholas had covered my body with thousands of pins. Nipples. Down my stomach until they reached my crotch. Balls. Dick.

"Oooooooo," I moaned as I imagined the pain from the pins as they were pulled off me.

"Beautiful, don't you think, boy?" Master Nicholas asked.

"Y... Ye... Yes...!" I hissed.

"I'm happy you like the pins," Master Nicholas said as he held the string attached to each pin.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Nicholas jerked the string and pulled all the pins off my skin. One by one. I passed out.

When I awoke, Master Nicholas had removed all the restraints keeping me solidly in place.

"Ah! I see you're stirring again," Master Nicholas said as he stood next to me while I was on the bondage table. "How do you feel, boy?"

"Needles stuck all over my body," I whispered.

"The feeling will pass in time, boy," Master Nicholas said as he held out his hand to help me off the table.

I felt wobbly as first.

"Let me help you to the bar," Master Nicholas said as he led me by the bicep to the bar in the playroom. "I took the liberty of making us both a vodka on the rocks."

"Thank you, Master," I said as Master Nicholas helped me sit.

"We've spent the last several hours getting to know one another physically," Master Nicholas said as he handed me a drink. "I'd like to know more about the thoughts rattling about in your head. I hope you've enjoyed our time together so far as much as I have."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I've enjoyed myself as well."

"I've decided you are one of the few men who are truly a real masochist," Master Nicholas said after he took his first sip of his drink. "You're not a fake. You really want to be hurt, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Feeling the pain inflicted on my body makes me whole. I live for it. I would be a zombie walking the earth without it."

"How will becoming a Senator fit with your need to experience pain?" Master Nicholas asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "I don't relish the idea of becoming a Senator."

"You'd be a good one," Master Nicholas added. "You possess great empathy, drive, confidence. Key traits of a good Senator."

"Thank you, Master," I said. "We'll see what happens. I'm a porn star and prostitute. How can people vote for me?"

"People will just need to hear your voice and see your presence in a crowd," Master Nicholas replied. "I see something else troubling you. What is it?"

"I'm afraid of the changes which will accompany a run for the Senate," I begin. "I just want to live my life making men happy. Sometimes when I'm with a man, I sense a loneliness in their lives. It's as though I'm a hope, a beacon, a compass leading them into their real lives. Every time I'm finished with a client, the desire to find and serve the next man overpowers me. It's all I've ever wanted to do."

"Then say no," Master Nicholas said.

"I can't," I replied.

"Why?" Master Nicholas asked.

"I can't say `no' to my Masters," I replied. "I just can't. It's not in me."

"I understand, boy," Master Nicholas added. "Let me think about some possible alternatives."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

Master Nicholas downed the remainder of his drink. I did the same.

"It's time for you, boy, to get back to work," Master Nicholas began. "My husband tells me you have been blessed with one of the best asses around. I want to find out for myself."

Master Nicholas leaned in to kiss me.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as Master Nicholas's tongue pushed through my lips and into my mouth.

As Master Nicholas's passion grew, my body burned hotter and hotter. I felt Master Nicholas' heart beat inside me. His breathing synced with mine. His energy swept through my body like a herd of wild horses.

"On the bed," Master Nicholas whispered to me as he paused kissing me and nodded toward the bed covered in leather sheets. "Face up. Legs spread."

"Yes, Sir," I eagerly whispered back. I positioned myself on my back with my legs lifted and spread offering Master Nicholas my ass.

Master Nicholas paused looking down at me.

"Stunning," Master Nicholas's breathy voice fueled my desire for him. "So soft looking without body hair. Yet, your muscles, tattoos, and piercings look rugged and strong."

Master Nicholas took my dick in his hand and softly ran his fingers up and down my achingly hard shaft. His other hand caressed my hairless balls. His touch made my nerve endings tingle.

I watched Master Nicholas as he tucked his hand into the waistband of his jock strap and slowly lowered it until his hard dick slapped his stomach.

I gasp.

"Like my dick, boy?" Master Nicholas asked as he slowly fondled his huge dick. "This is proof the Buddhist technique works. Most men can't take it. Others beg for it. You?"

"Please, Master," I begged. "Please fuck me."

Master Nicholas slowly climbed into the bed and positioned himself between my legs. He sat back on his lower legs.

"I went from a twelve-inch dick to a sixteen-inch dick," Master Nicholas explained. His voice drove me further into total submission.

Our eyes locked. Master Nicholas aligned his huge dick with my asshole. Slowly, Master Nicholas pushed inside me.

I wanted to beg him to use me hard, but no words could form.

"Are you okay, boy?" Master Nicholas asked after his dick completely disappeared into my ass.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You feel so good in me, Master. So ... good."

Master Nicholas leaned down and kissed me. Slowly. Softly. Passionately.

"Sean definitely was correct," Master Nicholas said as he paused kissing me. "Your ass is heaven."

"It's yours, Master," I replied. "I've never felt so well-owned before."

"Good," Master Nicholas replied as he began moving his huge dick. One little tug. One little push. Our eyes relocked.

"Look deep into my eyes, boy," Master Nicholas ordered. "What do you see?"

"Power," I began to slowly speak. "Love. Energy. Lust. A proud bull waiting to break through the walls holding him in. I see you and me joined. Our minds. Our bodies. Our spirits. Our very soul."

"We see the same things," Master Nicholas said. His smile beamed brighter until the fury in him turned into a powerful rage. His dick became his weapon. My ass became his target.

I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. I couldn't think. I seemed to sit in the sidelines and watch Master Nicholas pound my ass. I felt every sensual movement of his dick. He overwhelmed my senses.

`You've found it, boy,' I heard Master Marcus tell me. `Be happy!'

He disappeared.

Master Nicholas's scream broke my trance.

"Oh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Master Nicholas screamed as he began to load my ass with his cum. Master Nicholas rested his body on top of mine after the last rope of cum spewed into my ass.

He lay motionless on top of me as his breathing returned to normal, his dick securely inside me.


I stepped into the pool area. Master Nicholas had dropped me off after our perfect weekend in New York. My ass ached from Master Nicholas's many workouts in it. My muscles ached from the many awkward positions I endured. Patches of skin burned from the many lashes from the whips and clothespins pulled off.

"You look different, Steven," Master Tim said as he looked at me from the lounge chair he and Master David shared. "Really, really different. Did something happen?"

"A lot of things happened, Master," I replied. "I don't feel any different, though."

"You have a glow, boy," Master David added. "The same glow which usually occurs after some extremely satisfying sex. I hope it was as good as your glow says it was."

"I had a very satisfying time with Master Nicholas," I replied.

"Let's see your dick, boy," Master Tim ordered.

"Yes, Master," I said as I pulled my tank top off and dropped my shorts to the floor.

"Stroke it," Master Tim added. "I want to know if the needles worked."

I was fully aroused with only a few strokes.

"Damn!" Master Tim exclaimed. "You're fucking huge, Steven! Too bad you can't fuck me anymore."

"I don't understand," I added.

"Oops," Tim said as he turned to Master David. "I've said too much."

"You'll need to tell him sooner or later," Master David said. "Now is good."

"Maybe you should wait, Tim" Master Grant said as he stepped into the pool area totally naked and hard. "I need to see you and David immediately. It's an emergency."

"My life is an emergency," Master Tim replied as he and Master David stood.


"You're mine now, Steven," Master Andre Xanthis said as we stood in the circle of light in his playroom. "You're mine for the next three days."

Master Andre and I stood naked, face to face. I felt incredibly aroused when I saw the perfect specimen of a man in front of me. Six two. Perfectly sculpted muscular chest, arms, stomach, and legs. His ten-inch, uncut, hard dick made my mouth water.

"We will learn intimate details about each other this weekend," Master Andre said. "I can be an extremely sensuous lover or a raging Sadist. How familiar are you with Total Power Exchange?"

"I understand the concept, Master," I replied. "Total Power Exchange or Absolute Power Exchange links the emotional sexual feelings and physical sexual feelings of a BDSM couple. Most relationships contain degrees of power exchanged between them. Trust becomes essential for both the Sadist and the masochist."

"Very good, boy," Master Andre said to me. "The degree of power exchange between two individuals differ from relationship to relationship. And, as the relationship grows so does the trust."

Master Andre moved closer to me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer. I closed my eyes. I waited. His lips touched mine. I felt a wave of energy burst from Master Andre's lips to mine. Master Andre continued to kiss me. The energy pulsing between us grew exponentially with time.

Master Andre pulled away from me—his arms still around my waist. We both realized we were breathing heavily. Sweat poured from our bodies. We seemed to glow in the dimness of the circle of light.

"Wow," Master Andre hissed between breaths.

"Wow," I added.

Master Andre's forehead rested on mine. The energy in the room kept swirling around us.

"I want you, Steven," Master Andre finally said in a hushed voice. "I need you. And I don't just need to fuck you. I want all of you. For our time together, I want all of you."

"It's yours for the time we are together," I replied. "All of me."

"Thank you, boy," Master Andre said. "I normally want to drag a boy into my playroom and immediately whip him into submission. With you, I want to make love to you. Passionate love. Exploring our bodies together."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "It seems so right."

"Let's go upstairs to my bedroom," Master Andre suggested. "I don't want to make love to you like we're a dark and dirty secret. I want to make love to you in full view of the world around us."

Without speaking, I followed Master Andre up the stairs to the main living area. We continued to the second floor where we stepped into a magnificent contemporary bedroom filled with light.

"It's beautiful, Master," I said.

"It's just a room," Master Andre replied. "Me touching your body, making us one, and seeing our innermost secrets is the beauty."

Master Andre led me to the bed and helped me in. I rested on my back. Master Andre followed—his body on top of mine. Dick to dick. Chest to chest. Face to face. Eye to eye. Mind to mind. Lust to lust.

"You feel amazing, Steven," Master Andre whispered into my ear before nibbling on my earlobe. "Your whole being wants me to pack you in my suitcase and take you to my home on Mykonos. Another time."

His lips firmly landed on mine. My mouth opened to welcome Master Andre's tongue. I responded with equal passion and energy.

`Fine work so far, boy,' the Greek God Eros said as he dropped into my mind. `Andre is a very sensual lover. He is also a very demanding Sadist. You'll fit nicely with his temperament.'

Eros evaporated from my mind. Master Andre continued to kiss me for a few moments. He suddenly stopped.

"Eros sometimes presents himself at the worst possible times," Master Andre suggested. "Family mythology suggests he and I share some of the same genes."

"You're a Greek God!" I whispered. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere. You and Eros could be twins except you are real and he is a spirit."

"He's more than a spirit, Steven," Master Andre said to me. "We'll plan a visit with him. You'd be amazed at how erotic sex with Eros can be."

"It can't be anymore erotic than with you!" I replied. "Do you always have a conversation when your sexual partner has just reached the tip of the rollercoaster ride?"

"Don't forget, Steven," Master Andre replied with his sexiest smile. "I'm a Sadist."

"Please kiss me, Master," I pleaded. "Please."

Master Andre leaned in again. Our eyes locked. He placed his finger gently on my lips.

"Mine," Master Andre said. "Mine for now."

"Yours," I replied.

Master Andre moved off me, but our eyes remained locked. He sat on his lower legs bent under him. Master Andre put my legs on his shoulders and put his finger previously on my lips on my asshole.

"Mine," Master Andre said.

Master Andre found the lube without taking his eyes away from mine. I watched his eyes as he slathered his hard dick with lube.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as Master Andre put the tip of his dick over my asshole. I felt his big dick slide into me. Slowly. Gently.

I felt his neatly trimmed pubic hair scratch at my hairless balls.

"Yours," I whispered.

Master Andre's lips leaned closer and closer to mine. They touched.

Nerve endings tingled throughout my body. Master Andre pressed our mouths together and began to kiss me as though he needed the kisses for life support.

I put my hands on the back of Master Andre's head, and I pushed him further to me as though I had his lips inside mine. Master Andre forged ahead with the kisses. More and more passion with each minute.

Master Andre suddenly pushed himself away from my lips. His eyes glowed like fire. His sweat covered body glistened in the sun beating through the windows.

I felt it. I felt Master Andre's big dick begin to move inside me. Slowly his dick moved in. His crotch rubbed my balls. His big dick moved out. The slow and deliberate rhythm Master Andre chose sparked exotic sexual feelings like I had never felt before. A burning inside my ass. Nerve endings on fire. Everywhere our bodies touched flashes of electricity fanned an intense need to have Master Andre near me. I wanted his whole body inside my whole body.

"It is, boy," Master Andre whispered as he continued to rhythmically thrust his big dick in and out of me. "Feel it, boy? We're one. Our bodies. Our mind. Our spirit. Our energy. One big pool. Do you trust me, boy?"

"With all my being, I trust you, Master," I replied.

"Then, let me take you further," Master Andre whispered. "To the deepest parts of sexual fulfillment. May I take you there, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered back.

"Feel the rhythm, boy," Master Andre whispered. "Concentrate on the rhythm. It is key. Key. Key."

I closed my eyes and sucked in the beauty of the moment. Our bodies becoming one. Our heart beats in sync. Our breathing in complete harmonization.

`You are mine now, boy,' I heard Master Andre's voice inside my head. `You'll be mine until you won't. Mine. Mine. Mine.'

I finally came back to a physical presence. Master Andre's thrusts now forceful, fast paced rhythm. I felt his body tense. Every muscle sprung to life. Fire shot from his eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Andre bellowed as he began to shoot cum into my waiting ass and I shot my load between our bodies.

Our bodies rested together. Master Andre on top of me. Me underneath Master Andre. `I'm home,' I thought as I luxuriated in the feeling of completeness between my Master Andre and me.

"You are amazing," Master Andre hissed with his face still resting on my chest. "Absolutely amazing."

"I don't want us to move," I whispered. "I must be in heaven."

"I am so relaxed right now, I don't know if I have rubber legs or not," Master Andre added. "We've spent three hours in bed, and I haven't once sliced your back with a whip. It's a record for me. Before we continue, I need food and a strong drink. You?"

"Anything you want, Master," I replied. "I'll follow you wherever you want to go."

"Good," Master Andre replied. "I suggested Gallow take the weekend off. Gallow keeps the house running. I thought we could fend for ourselves this weekend. Let's go downstairs and see what we can find."

Master Andre slipped out of bed, and he offered his hand to help me up. His hand stayed clasped with mine as we made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Please have a seat," Master Andre said as he pointed to one of the four barstools surrounding the kitchen island. "I'll get us a drink."

Before Master Andre moved away, he stole a kiss from me.

"I don't know what to say about what we both went through in the bedroom as I made love to you," Master Andre began as he set about pouring vodka on the rocks. "Even though I had my dick in your ass, I felt as though you were making love to me at the same time."

"We both felt it, then," I said quietly. "I believe I have just experienced what Master Buba calls `the gift.' The highest Spirit Journey possible."

"If I look at you too carefully, Steven," Master Andre said as he placed our drinks on the counter in front of us, "I would be tempted to carry you upstairs and make love to you all over again. But, alas, we need sustenance."

"Here's to a delightful weekend together, Master," I said as we clinked glasses.

"Let me pop this in the oven, Steven," Master Andre suggested. "Then, we can talk until we can't."

Master Andre slipped off his stool and padded naked and hard into the kitchen to do whatever he had to do.

"Tell me all about Steven, boy," Master Andre said as he pulled dishes out of the fridge and transferred them into the oven. "Where are you from? What did you do professionally? How do you and your family get along? And everything else which crosses your mind."

"I'm from a farm community in Southern Illinois," I explained. "I led a boring life as a kid. I found my voice during college. I've been following my dreams ever since?"

"I understand you did fairly well following your dreams," Master Andre added. "You made quite a mark in the telecommunications field."

"The only people who would have any idea I made a mark had experience in the telecommunications field," I said. "What's your experience in the telecommunications field?"

"My family's original business morphed into the telecommunications over the course of time," Master Andre explained. "I only understand the business enough to know what's going on in a board meeting."

"What's the name of the family business?" I asked.

"Xanthis," Master Andre replied.

I raised my right eyebrow in surprise. "THE Xanthis? As in shipping, telecommunications, media, film production, and real estate development Xanthis?"

"That's the one," Master Andre replied. "I'm surprised anyone knows about the telecommunication branch in relationship with the other businesses."

"It was my job to know," I replied. "How involved are you with any of the businesses?"

"I go to board meetings," Master Andre replied. "I have some of my own projects."

"What are some of your projects?" I asked.

"Nothing too exciting," Master Andre replied. "I have a foundation which specializes in LGBTQ causes. We help fund some international human rights organizations, shelters for homeless gay youth, and women's health issues, and I understand you and your husband have one, too."

"Yes," I replied. "We have some shared interests."

"I know," Master Andre replied as he leaned toward me. He took my drink from my hand and set it on the island. His lips edged closer as my dick hardened. "I spent time with your sons Connor and Theo while you were with Nicholas. They think the world of you, Steven. You are more than a father figure to them."

"I love all of my sons," I began. "But Connor and Theo share a very special place in my life."

"I saw in them something I want to see in myself," Master Andre said.

"What?" I asked.

"The courage to live their lives like they want to live them and not how someone else thinks they should live them," Master Andre replied.

"You don't?" I asked.

"No," Master Andre explained. "We can discuss this later. I have a boy to kiss."

His lips touched mine and I suddenly didn't care about anything else but Master Andre's body.

"I understand you're an excellent cock sucker," Master Andre said between kisses.

"I try my best," I whispered. "I can show you."

"Suck my dick, boy," Master Andre said in his sexiest voice yet.

I knelt in front of Master Andre and paused to take in the beauty his dick. Ten inches of uncut, meaty dick. Beautiful dick. I licked my lips with anticipation as I moved closer. I smelled the smell of Master Andre. His musky scent grew more intense as my face moved closer to its target.

My tongue instinctively reached out and I licked the tip of Master Andre's dick as it peeked out of his tight foreskin. My body shuddered.

I pushed my tongue under Master Andre's foreskin and savored the taste of sex. My body felt hot to the touch.

I slowly began to pull Master Andre's dick further into my mouth. I thought I would explode with all of the energy surrounding Master Andre's dick.

"Shit, boy!" Master Andre whispered. "Good! So good!"

I felt emboldened by Master Andre's words. I began pulling Master Andre's dick further and further into my mouth until the tip of his dick pushed against my throat. I saw fire light up the room.

I plunged Master Andre's big dick all of the way into my throat until my lips touched his well-trimmed pubic hair. My dick felt like it would erupt with a major explosion.

I began to work Master Andre's dick with my entire mouth and throat. I licked and sucked. Then, I shoved Master Andre's dick down my throat. I worked faster. I felt Master Andre lose himself as the sexual intensity increased.

"God yes, boy!" Master Andre bellowed as he held my head down so his dick stayed down my throat.

Finally, Master Andre took charge. I no longer controlled the situation. Master Andre put his hands on my head and began to face fuck me. Over and over. Master Andre quickened his use of my mouth until he screamed, "Take it, boy! Take your Master's cum, boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

With each groan, Master Andre's dick shot yet another rope of cum down my throat.

I gasped for breath when Master Andre let me pull off him.

Master Andre pulled me onto my feet and close to him. Our chests tightly melted together. Our spent cocks still stood at attention.


"I promised you time in the playroom starting today," Master Andre explained. "Think of last night as our introduction to what's yet to come."

Master Andre stood in front of me dressed in black leather pants, black leather boots, black leather harness, and black leather arm bands. The bulge in the crotch of his leather pants made my dick harden.

"What's your safe word, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"Maple," I replied.

"You still want to be my boy?" Master Andre asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I want to serve you. I want you to use me. Make me hurt."

"Do you trust me, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I trust you."

Master Andre held his collar in his hand. He placed it around my neck and locked it securely.

"Assume the position," Master Andre barked. "Hands up."

I spread my legs shoulder width apart, clenched my hands together behind my neck, and looked directly at Master Andre's boots.

"This moment marks a change in our relationship," Master Andre said. "You've had me as a lover, Steven. Now, you will have me as a Master. A sadistic, extremely motivated Master. Boy?"

"Thank you, Master, for making this change," I replied. "I am eager to begin this phase. I am yours. My body is your body. My mind is your mind. My spirit is your spirit, Master. Take me, Master. Please take me."

"I plan to break you, boy," Master Andre began. "I have spent many years developing my techniques for dehumanizing, humiliating, and defiling my boys. You will be a different person when I return you to your Masters, your husband, your sons, and the rest of your family. You will slowly find your old self and live your life as you've planned. Or not."

Master Andre attached his leash to my collar. I followed him out of the circle of light. As the cold circle of light slowly dimmed, a new circle of light slowly illuminated another area of the playroom. A sawhorse stood in the middle of the circle of light.

Master Andre stood in front of me as he removed his leash from my collar.

"During our time together, others will join us," Master Andre explained. "Don't be afraid of the visions, boy, the players in the visions will help us with our plans. Learn from them. Respect them. Give yourself to them. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good boy," Master Andre replied.

Master Andre led me to the sawhorse. He positioned me facing down. My chest and stomach rested on a narrow, padded surface. My head positioned on a padded pillow with an opening for my eyes, nose, and mouth. My arms positioned outstretched above my head in a spread-eagle position. My feet rested on a platform on either side of the sawhorse which pushed my legs up to position my ass for maximum access. Restraints secured my wrists and ankles.

Master Andre, who became silent as he worked to secure me, finally spoke.

"The bondage sawhorse becomes the ultimate form of control between a man and his boy," Master Andre explained. "You lost your power and control the moment I secured you into position. You became vulnerable to punishment. This begins our journey of discovery for us. Remember the others who will join us, boy. Learn from them."

Master Andre stepped to the head of the sawhorse.

"Open your mouth, boy," Master Andre ordered.

I opened my mouth. Master Andre shoved a ball of cloth into my mouth. The ball reeked of piss.

"All last week I prepared the gag you have in your mouth," Master Andre. "I wore it to the gym every day for five days. Yesterday, before I claimed you, I pissed on it several times. The smell and the taste of me, boy. You have my sweat and piss in your mouth. It is a symbol of your position in my life."

Master Andre returned to the back of the sawhorse.

"Ooooooo," I moaned into the gag as Master Andre caressed my ass.

"Your ass is a history lesson, boy," Master Andre explained as he continued to run his fingers over the brands on my ass. "Your husband and his lovers. Your Masters: Ajmal, Marcus, Jose, Buba. I don't see your former Master Ed's brand on your ass. Pity. Maybe I will add my brand to your ass one day."

Master Andre's hand stopped touching my ass.

I heard the cutting of air, and then I felt the slap of a paddle on my ass.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned into the gag.

Master Andre continued. Rhythmically slapping my ass with a paddle. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. I had no idea why I used the one, two, three "sequence" repeatedly as Master Andre slapped my ass with the paddle.

Just as suddenly as Master Andre began paddling my ass, he stopped.

"Nice and red," Master Andre said as he began rubbing my ass again. "Warm, too. The paddling added highlights to the brands on your ass. Nice touch."

Master Andre stepped away again. I concentrated on the burning feeling left by the paddling. Pain and pleasure. It was both.

"As you already know, boy," Master Andre began. "I am addicted to having my dick in ass. Especially, your ass. We've made love with my dick in your ass. I will not make love to you while you are in this room. If anything hurts, boy, tell me. I'll just continue what I'm doing until I'm ready for a change of activity."

I felt Master Andre's finger touch my asshole.

"Ooooooo," I moaned into the gag.

His slickened finger penetrated my asshole.

"Ooooooo," I moaned into the gag again.

Master Andre added a second finger.

"Ooooooo," I moaned into the gag again.

Master Andre pulled both fingers out of my asshole. I heard the sound of lube slickening his big dick. The touch. My body exploded with energy when Master Andre's big dick touched the outside of my asshole. My anticipation built. Master Andre kept his dick pressed against my asshole—teasing me. The pressure built until I felt Master Andre's massive dick begin its slow descent into my ass.

"Oooooooo," I moaned again into the gag.

Master Andre's dick felt so warm as he pushed further and further into my ass. Every inch pushed me further into an amazing feeling of sexual gratification. I felt as though I could melt into an amazing orgasm as Master Andre's balls rubbed against mine, but I didn't.

Master Andre paused with his dick completely embedded into my ass. His body stilled. No motion. The only sounds of the room were our heart beats and our breathing.

It began with the power of a jackhammer. Master Andre began pounding my ass. Over and over again he smashed into my ass with his balls slapping against mine. Energy pulsed between Master Andre and me. I felt hot and sweaty as the rampage against my ass continued. My dick stiffened even more as Master Andre grabbed my hips and used them to stabilize himself as the rage continued.

`Give yourself to your new Master,' I heard the voice of Kratos say. `Relax and absorb his energy. Take in his beauty and power. Let go of your whole body and give him control. Let go. Relax. Let go. Relax.'

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Andre bellowed as I felt the first spurt of his cum hit the walls of my ass as though a cannon shot through me. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Andre collapsed on top of me with his hard cock still inside my ass. Our hearts pounded in sync. Our breathing reached a rhythm reminding me of the power Master Andre had over me. I waited with excitement building inside my dick.

Finally, Master Andre spoke, "You're an amazing fuck, boy. You're an amazing lover, but you're also an amazing masochist slave boy slut. Amazing."

Master Andre continued to rest on top of me. His dick still impaled in my ass.

`You have some amazing stuff in here,' I heard the voice of Master Andre. `Useful stuff, too. You need to move this out of storage and put it to use.'

I suddenly snapped awake as Master Andre pulled out of me.

"I want to end as we began," Master Andre said as still hard dick brushed against my thigh.

I heard something cutting through the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned into the gag as the paddle made its first landing on my ass.

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.

`There it was again,' I thought. `The sequence. One, two, three. One, two, three.'

I felt Master Andre remove the restraints from my ankles. Then the wrists.

Master Andre helped me off the sawhorse and, without uttering a word, led me to the bar. We both took the same places on the stools. Two fresh drinks sat on the bar.

We clinked glasses and sipped before putting our glasses back on the bar. All of this in silence as Master Andre met my eyes.

"You're a powerful man, Steven," Master Andre finally said. "You're giving me new energy. You're giving me renewed power. You're filling my head with new desire... renewed lust. You're a healer, you know."

"What do you mean by healer?" I asked.

"You'll know before our time together is finished," Master Andre replied. "I saw the gods floating over us in my head while I ravaged your ass. You brighten the room with your gift."

"Gift?" I asked.

"Your body," Master Andre replied as he leaned in to kiss me. "When I first saw you in your cell, I knew I wanted you."

"What DO you want from me, Master?" I asked.

"I want you to sleep in my bed, withstand my manic desire to inflict pain, and to explain what's in your head," Master Andre replied.

"I've already slept in your bed, but I want to sleep in your bed again," I replied. "I've already experienced your manic phase, but I want to experience more. As for my head, you can ask any question you want, and I will answer truthfully."

"What's your one major fantasy you've not seen fulfilled?" Master Andre asked.

"Abduction by someone I don't know, taken to a cabin in the woods, and fucked repeatedly by bat man and Robin," I replied. "Why?"

"I can arrange everything but Bat Man and Robin," Master Andre said with a smile. "Would three muscle men in skimpy tank tops work?

"Sure," I replied. "You?"

"To find a partner to share my life with," Master Andre replied. He looked at me.

"I'm certain you will find him," I replied. "I can imagine lots of men standing in line for the pleasure of applying to be your partner."

"Thank you," Master Andre replied. "However, the line is nonexistent. Tell me about your sons."

"Nine kids in four years," I began to explain. "The first was Bashir. I promised his parents I'd adopt him and bring him to the states. He's gay and some middle eastern cultures don't like gay people. His mother and father feared for Bashir's life."

"Connor and Theo's parents freaked out over some gay issue and were arrested," I explained. "The boys didn't have any other family. So, Tim and I adopted them. Then Tim and I adopted twins who were orphaned in Iraq. AJ and Marcus adopted another set of twins. When AJ and Marcus were killed, Tim and I adopted their two boys. Then, two of AJ's other boys, Adrian and JJ arrived on our doorstep. We adopted them, as well. We have nine boys."

"And you're very proud of them, I can tell," Master Andre replied. "How does your husband, Tim, handle your rent boy and porn star business?"

"He didn't believe Master Ajmal would go through with his plan to rent me," I began. "When he discovered Master Ajmal really did plan to rent me, he put up a sizeable opposition effort. In the end, he realized I WANTED to be a rent boy. So, he agreed. He agreed with several stipulations. But, I love him. And he loves me. We're a good team when it comes to the boys."

"If I'm being too personal, please tell me," Master Andre continued. "Do you and Tim still have sex with one another?"

"We do," I replied. "Not a lot, but we still have really great sex together. Why?"

"Just curious," Master Andre replied. "I've never been interested in a boy whose husband lives with his two lovers.

"It works for us," I replied. "I wouldn't recommend it for most couples, but we make it work. He knew all along I had a history of being in a Master/slave relationship. We discovered I still needed to have a Master/slave relationship. Our journey has progressed. Have you been in a relationship before?"

"Yes," Master Andre replied after a pause. "I'd landed my first job after college. I had always been interested from a distance about the leather world. I met Richard who was a Dom. I became his sub, and I enjoyed our time together. I came home from work and found Richard dead on our living room floor. He had a heart attack and died. We had three terrific years together. I haven't been a sub for another man after Richard died. I discovered I not only enjoyed being a Dom, but I craved having a sub to play with. I still do. I want something else, too. I want a partner to share my life. I haven't found the right sub who could serve as my partner and my sub."

"You will," I replied.

Master Andre set our empty glasses on the bar and leaned in to kiss me.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as I felt Master Andre put his lips on mine and then his tongue in my mouth.

Master Andre pulled me closer with one arm, and he grabbed my nipple with the other hand. He squeezed and kneaded my nipple. I drew energy from Master Andre and responded with incredible passion. We kept kissing and kissing and kissing. Master Andre pulled away from me after several minutes.

"I want all of you, Steven," Master Andre hissed at me as he pulled away. "I want to explore every pour in your body, both inside and outside. I want you to go with me on a journey most men never dream of. Will you come with me, Steven? Follow me wherever our journey these next few days take us. Will you do this for me, Steven."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I want to go with you into the depths of our minds. To the darkest corners of the world. Take me, Master. Please take me."

Master Andre attached his leash to my collar again and led me to yet another part of the playroom. The circles of light followed us to the sling. One going dark while another began glowing.

"Suck me off, boy," Master Andre ordered.

I dropped to my knees and eagerly put my mouth over his dick and began to lick and suck as his dick went further and further into my mouth. His big dick pushed at my throat.

I put my hands on Master Andre's ass cheeks and pulled him closer to me. I kept sucking and licking. Sucking and licking. Sucking and licking. Master Andre pushed his dick down my throat and held my head tightly. I couldn't breathe. He released me and I gasped for breath a few times before returning to the task of sucking my Master. I wanted his cum. I wanted to taste Master Andre again.

"Take it, boy!" Master Andre roared as his cum began to fill my mouth and throat.

"Good boy," Master Andre whispered to me after he recovered. "Now my real treat. Getting sucked off just makes me hornier. Concentrate on pleasing me boy. Concentrate. Make me happy. Give me what I want."

"Anything, Master," I replied. "Take anything you want."

"Good boy," Master Andre said as he led me closer to the sling. He removed my leash, and helped me into the sling. He put my legs in the stirrups, exposing my ass. "I'm leaving your hands free, boy. I want you to play with yourself while my hand and arm pushes inside you. Play with your nipples. Play with your balls. Play with your cock. Just don't cum. Don't cum until I tell you to cum. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I said in a breathy voice.

Master Andre pulled a stool close to my ass and sat. He reached for the Crisco off the side table, and he began to slather the lube on his right hand, wrist, and arm. Master Andre lined up his fingers with my asshole and began to slowly push into me.

"Oooooooo!" I moaned as Master Andre's knuckles cleared my sphincter muscle.

I closed my eyes and began playing with my nipples with one hand and my cock and balls with the other.

"Oooooooooo!" I moaned again as Master Andre's wrist cleared my sphincter muscle.

Master Andre's hand inside me triggered a flood of sensations which took me by surprise. A warm, fuzzy, tingling feeling radiated from inside of me, down my thighs, up my back, across my stomach. I needed more. And Master Andre gave it to me as he slowly pushed his fist and arm further and further into me. We connected in a way I'd never felt before.

Thoughts. Many thoughts circulated in my mind. Pleasure punched through my brain and caused more sexual energy to build. I squeezed on my nipples and stroked my dick. I relaxed into a sea of tranquility.

`Look at you, Steven,' I heard a voice through my sex crazed mind. The voice belonged to Eros. `Splayed out on a sling. Dick hard and dripping. Nipples aching from your nails digging into the skin. Incredible. You're giving yourself to this man, Steven. You may not return from this journey as a whole person. You're becoming addicted, Steven. Relax. Enjoy. Let your body take over your mind. Let the arm inside you bring ecstasy. Give the arm energy, power, control. Let it happen.'

Eros disappeared as quickly as he appeared. His smile brought intense pleasure. His eyes lit the room with a cool, peaceful light.

"Cum, boy," Master Andre whispered.

I moved my hand from my cock to my free nipple. I closed my eyes. I felt an intense surge of energy strike my brain. I came.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

"Good boy!" Master Andre whispered after my body stopped convulsing.

I opened my eyes and saw Master Andre staring intently at me. A glow surrounded him. His smile warmed my heart.


We stood in Master Andre's bedroom. Me naked. My body well-oiled. Master Andre dressed in tight, distressed jeans. His dick showed prominently through the threadbare fabric of his jeans. His naked upper body dressed in two arm bands above his bulging biceps. His black leather boots—licked clean and well-polished—gave him a look of power, control, energy, dominant.

"You'll be wearing this, boy," Master Andre said as he handed me a black, thinning jock strap and black high-tops.

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I took the items from Master Andre.

"Put them on, boy," Master Andre gruffly said.

"Yes, Master," I said as I slipped the leather jock and pushed my feet into the trainers.

"You look good, boy," Master Andre said as he felt the crotch of the jock strap. The material of the jock not only perfectly outlined my cock and balls, but it also stretched so it became almost transparent. "We're not yet finished. Bend over. Ass toward me."

I turned around and bent over. Master Andre inserted something which felt like a butt plug.

"Stand up, boy," Master Andre said. "Face me."

I turned to face Master Andre. When I straightened my body, my ass felt as though Master Andre had inserted a watermelon in it.

"Open your mouth, boy," Master Andre ordered. "Wide."

Master Andre held up his next item for me to wear.

"I'm certain you are familiar with a Jennings Dental Mouth Gag," Master Andre explained. "You will be wearing this tonight. I won't take it off until we are properly ensconced at home again."

I held my mouth open while Master Andre installed the device which kept my mouth open.

Master Andre took a black marker and wrote something on my forehead. He stepped behind me and wrote something on my back.

"Now, we're ready to go out," Master Andre replied as we went downstairs. "Jenner brought the car around. He will take us to the A-House."

Master Andre clipped his leash on my collar and led me outside to the waiting car.

The car stopped on the corner of Commercial Street and Masonic Place. I stepped out of the car and hurried to the other side to open Master Andre's door.

A crowd of onlookers watched as Master Andre led me down Masonic Place to the front of the A-House.

"Looky what we have here!" Master George, the bouncer, said. "A mighty fine sight, indeed!"

"Hello, George," Master Andre said as he pulled me in front of Master George.

Master George's bulge in his crotch grew significantly.

"I always knew you were an animal, boy," Master George drawled. "You should wear tails more often. I'll be sure to let your Master Andre know when I need to piss."

"Thank you, George," Master Andre said. "I'm looking forward to watch you piss in the boy's mouth."

Master Andre tugged at the leash, and I followed him upstairs. A sea of men occupied most of the bar area. Several men dressed in full leather and had nearly naked boys following them around.

We encountered Master Tim, Master Grant, and Master David standing near the bar speaking with someone I didn't know. After Master Andre had a beer in hand, we joined them.

"Andre!" Master Tim exclaimed as he and Master Andre exchanged hugs. "You're looking good!"

"Thank you, Tim," Master Andre replied as he looked at the stranger in the group.

"I'd like you to meet a friend of mine," Master Grant said. "Andre, this is Harry James. Harry, this is Andre and his boy, Steven."

"Pleasure to meet you, Andre," Harry replied. "Your boy looks stunning!"

"Thank you, Harry," Master Andre added. "You look familiar. Do we know one another?"

"Yes," Harry said to Master Andre. "I was one of Robert's BDSM buddies. Unfortunately, my job took me to Dallas shortly after Robert met you.

"Damn!" Master Tim exclaimed after he returned to Master Grant's side after an inspection walk around my body. "I love how Steven looks. Mouth wide open. Tail hanging out of his ass. `Piss pig' written on his forehead. `For rent' written on his back. Just amazing!"

"Is the piss pig just for you or can anyone use him?" Harry asked.

"You're welcome to use him," Master Andre replied as he hands Harry my leash. "The dark corner near the bathrooms look appropriate."

"Let's go, boy," Master Harry said as he tugged on my leash.


I woke up and discovered my head rested on some man's muscled chest. It wasn't Master Andre's either.

"Good morning, boy," the voice I recognized as Harry's said to me.

"Good morning," I replied as I still tried to fully wake up.

"Andre took George home," Master Harry explained.

"George?" I asked.

"The bouncer from the A-House," Master Harry explained. "You do remember last night, right, boy?"

I thought for a moment and realized why my ass hurt. "Yes, Master."

My legs ached, too. Probably from being in the sling for hours last night.

"Andre just left to take George home," Master Harry explained. "I have time to take just one more piece of your mighty fine ass, boy. On your stomach."

I rolled onto my stomach and opened my legs wide to give Master Harry access to my ass. The glimpse of Master Harry's muscled, hairy chest and his huge twelve-inch uncut dick made my own dick burst to life.

"I won't bother with lube, boy," Master Harry added as he aligned his dick with my asshole. "I could drive a Humvee into your ass with no problems after last night. Remember, boy? Three dicks. Three fists. One double fist."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I suddenly remembered the line which formed in the dark corner in the A-House. They waited for their turn to piss down my throat. Master Harry. Master Tim. Master Grant. Master David. Master Jose. Master Buba. Master Zain. Master Anton. Master Connor. Master Theo. Master Adrian. Master Leo. Others followed.

Master Harry mounted me and, with one quick push, shoved his huge dick down my ass.

"Oooooooo," I moaned as I realized I missed having a dick in my ass.

`You're doing it, boy,' the image of Kratos said to me as Master Harry began his pillage of my ass. `You're taking back your life, boy. You're owning it. You're using it. Do you feel it, boy?'

`Yes, Master,' I replied to the image. Something really was changing. My body felt firmer. I felt something find a place in my brain.

`It's your life coming to you, boy,' Kratos explained. `Take and own your life, Steven. Don't give it away. Above all, respect it. It's yours to use. It's your gift.'

Kratos vanished. I settled into the rhythm of Master Harry's attack on my ass. Each stroke of his big dick left me feeling lighter, but more empowered. Bolder than ever before.

With each inward stab of Master Harry's dick, I pushed my ass out to meet his crotch.

"Yes, Master," I hissed. "Yea, fuck me. Fuck me hard. Yea. Fuuuuuccccckkkk me!"

Master Harry took my pleading to heart. He ramped up his attack on my ass. Faster and faster and faster and faster. Harder and harder and harder and harder.

"Give it to me, Master," I screamed. "Please! Harder!"

Instead, Master Harry shot.

"Aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhh...!" Master Harry bellowed as he unloaded an enormous load of cum in my ass.

Master Harry lowered himself on top of me. I felt his breath on the back of my neck as he tried to bring his breathing into a regular level. I also felt his heart pounding.

"You have one terrific ass, boy," Master Harry finally said. He didn't move off me or pull his dick out of me. We stayed together. His massive body on top of mine.

"You know, boy," Master Andre said as he stood naked beside the bed. "You're too much. I leave you here for a few minutes. When I return, I see you've seduced this poor naked man. I see punishment in your future, boy. Do you have anything to say for yourself, boy?"

"Fuck me, Master," I pleaded. "Please fuck me."

Master Andre sneered at me.

"I'll fuck you alright, boy," Master Andre said as his scorn seemed to grow. "I'll fuck you, and then I will punish you. Whipping a boy into submission is one of my passions. Could I please have the boy's ass now, Harry?"

"If I can watch you punish the boy," Master Harry replied as he pulled his still hard dick out of my ass.

"Sure," Master Andre replied to Master Harry before he turned his attention back to me. "On your back, boy. Pull your legs up."

I rolled onto my back and lifted my legs up and spread them widely. "Take me, Master," I pleaded. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard, Master. Please."

"I'll fuck you hard, boy," Master Andre said with lust, rage, and power in his voice. "Really hard. My dick will rip your slutty ass apart. Do you want it, boy? Do you want me to rip your ass apart?"

"Yes, Master!" I explained. "Please fuck me! Please!"

Master Andre positioned his dick in line with my asshole. Wham! Master Andre shoved his dick balls deep into my ass.

"Ahhhhh! Yes, Master," I bellowed.

Master Andre lifted his head skyward, eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar, as he began to wreck my ass. His dick felt like a cannon shot from my asshole into my ass. My insides exploded with feelings of bliss, sensuous rattling of my nerve endings exploded with tingly sensations throughout my body. Muscles I never knew I had contracted with each inward stab. My balls ached from the crushing force of Master Andre's body as he slammed into my ass. Master Andre's sweat dripped from his muscled body onto mine. My ass seemed to shudder in an orgasmic rush as Master Andre's dick left my ass before slamming into me again. I felt like I was on a drug induced high as I reacted to Master Andre's attack on my ass. My ass tingled with Master Andre's heartbeat.

I felt Master Andre's body tense. He began to moan.

Then I felt it. Unlike any other sensation I've experienced. Master Andre's dick erupted inside my ass.

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Andre stayed motionless after his powerful orgasm. Resting with his arms holding his upper body positioned over me. His head still bent upward.

Master Andre pulled out of me once he returned to normal breathing. He rolled out of bed instead of resting on top of me as usual this weekend.

Master Andre grabbed my arm and practically pulled me out of bed onto the floor. He didn't speak. He didn't look me in the eyes. He paused in a new circle of light.

Master Andre worked quickly to secure my wrists to restrains hanging from above with arms spread in a wide `V' above my head. He shoved my legs apart and attached another set of restraints to my ankles.

Master Andre retreated into the dark. I numbly stared into the darkness of the playroom in front of me.

I heard rustling behind me. I heard something whistling through the air.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as the first crack of a whip landed forcefully on my back.

Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another.

I felt my skin cut open when every blow of the whip battered my body. Pain. Intense pain.

`Concentrate on the pain,' I said to myself. `The pain. Good pain. Need pain. Want pain. Concentrate on the pain.'

It stopped.

Nothing stirred around me. The circle of light dimmed before completely going dark. Silence. Secured. Dark. Cold. Alone. Alone with the pain. The pain became my friend.

I must have drifted into sleep. I startled awake as I felt the heat of intense light bathe my body in a bright, glowing, stark light.

The light-filled room stood in silence. I strained my brain to see or hear signs of movement. Nothing.

The temperature around my body seemed to soar. I began to sweat. The silence in the room brought a feeling of loneliness with it. Nothing.

No voices of Kratos or Eros joined me. No thoughts of Master Ajmal or Master Marcus entered my brain. Loneliness. Silence. Nothing.

"So, boy," a looming metallic voice boomed through the space of the playroom. "How dare you defy your Master by seducing another man. You're a pig. A slut. A pervert. Yea, boy. You're a fucking pervert. Bad pervert. Slimy. Useless. Hollow. You're a lonely pervert restrained in the middle of silence. What do you want to say to the spirit of your Master Andre?"

"I'm sorry, Master," I weakly responded. "I'm sorry I failed you. Please, Master. Please forgive me."

"Why?" the voice asked. "Why should your Master Andre forgive you, boy?"

"I need Master Andre," I continued. "I need him to survive. I'll do anything he asks of me. Anything. I want to please him."

The voice left. The temperature lowered. The light dimmed.

Master Andre, naked with his dick standing hard and powerful, appeared from the darkness. He stood in front of me.

"So, boy," Master Andre said in a whisper. "You need me?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as our eyes locked. "I need you. I need to be your boy again, Master. Please."


The next few weeks were a blur. So many things happened around me. Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian left for Harvard. Masters Tim, David, and Grant were preparing to fly to London in two days. Master Jose and Master Buba left with Master Zain to spend time at their ranch.

Master Andre became my Master yesterday in a complicated exchange of contracts and shares of the trust.

"We'll miss you, Steven," Master Tim said. "I know you need to do this, but we'll miss you. Me, the boys, and the rest of the family."

"And I'll miss all of you, too," I replied. "Please give the boys my best, and remind them I love them."

"Please take care of him, Andre," Tim said to Master Andre before he left us in the entry way of the house.

I walked quickly to my Master's side. "I'm ready, Master."

"Good boy," my Master said as he connected a leash to my collar and led me out of the house and into the waiting car. "I know you're sad, Steven. You'll soon settle in to your new life with me. We'll invite all of your family to Mykonos to visit once your six-month retraining is over."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I'm looking forward to starting over with you. I'll work hard to please you."

"You don't need to work on pleasing me, Steven," Master Andre added. "You already please me."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

The car pulled out of the driveway and began its journey down Commercial street to the airport.

"Strip, boy," Master Andre ordered.

"Here?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Andre replied. "You will be naked during most of your six-month conversion period. Even in public sometimes. This will be your new life, Steven. Get used to it."

"Yes, Master," I said as we pulled beside the helicopter waiting to take us to Logan airport.

Master Andre led me from the car to the helicopter. Several people watched me, naked, walk the one-hundred feet to board the whirring bird.

"Welcome, Mr. Xanthis," a gentleman said to us as we neared the helicopter. "The crew began the pre-flight procedure. We'll be ready for takeoff in five minutes."

"Excellent, Alastair," Master Andre replied. "This is my new boy, Steven. Steven, this is my personal assistant, Alastair Frangopoulos. He will be an almost constant figure in our lives together."

"Welcome to the family, Steven," Alastair said. "I look forward to learning more about you."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

We boarded the helicopter and took our seats.

"Once we're on the plane to Mykonos, we'll have time to talk about our lives together," Master Andre explained. "I find the noise on this leg of the trip not conducive for talking."

Master Andre took my hand in his as we zoomed across Cape Cod Bay to Boston Logan. After our forty-minute flight, Master Andre reattached the leash to my collar and led me down the stairs. Several unknown people watched as I walked, naked, behind Master Andre to the Gulfstream jet.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Xanthis," a tall blond man said.

"Good afternoon, Chad," Master Andre said. "This is my new boy, Steven. Steven, this is Chad. He is our flight attendant. He and the two pilots, Kenneth and Montgomery, make up our flight crew. We'll be seeing them often."

"Pleased to meet you, Steven," Chad said to me. He turned his attention back to Master Andre, "He's beautiful, Mr. Xanthis."

"Thank you, Chad," Master Andre replied. "Once we're in the air, I'll have my usual, and Steven will have a Grey Goose on the rocks, please."

"Excellent," Chad replied. "We're almost ready for takeoff. Please be seated."

Master Andre and I took seats beside each other. Chad brought our drinks once we were in the air.

"Please let me know if you need anything else, Sir," Chad said to Master Andre.

"Could you make certain the bedroom is prepared?" Master Andre said to Chad. "We'll be using it for most of the flight."

"Yes, Sir," Chard replied as he scurried off to the back of the plane.

"We have some important items of business to discuss, boy," Master Andre explained. "The bedroom will give us more privacy."

"Yes, Sir," I said as Master Andre and I took our first sip of our drinks.

"In the meantime, how do you feel about leaving your life with Tim, Buba, Jose, and the boys?" Master Andre began.

"I'm both sad and excited," I replied. "But I will become less sad as we make our lives together.

"We'll be spending the next thirty days in Mykonos preparing you. I'm adding several piercings to your body. You'll have two piercings in each nipple instead of the one. You'll also get a much larger PA along with a Guiche and a massive scrotum piercing. I'm thinking of a nose ring, but I haven't decided. Once we're done with the additional piercings, I'll add my brand to your ass."

"Thank you Master," I added.

"We'll stay in Mykonos for three or four weeks before we set sail," Master Andre added.

The End

I have enjoyed writing this story for several years now. I've discovered one of the difficulties when writing a serial story over time can be the tendency to write yourself into a corner. I had to kill off Master Ajmal and Master Marcus because some of you disliked their characters immensely.

I dropped a few which popped up from time to time after I became tired of them. So, with this in mind, I wrote this ending.

Do not despair. You can follow Steven in his new life with Andre Xanthis. I'll keep you posted.


I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at

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If I have time, I will get back into the twitter game. Twitter: @stevenwellsma1

The following lists links to all my stories on

Sam and Chris

We're in This Together

Jeffery Comes Home

Taking a Stand

John's Journey Forward

Together Forever

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