Life with Tim

Published on Sep 20, 2022


Life with Tim 71

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


By the time we hit the ground on the playroom floor, our clothes littered the stairway from top to bottom. Master Tim pulled me close to him. Naked body to naked body. My dick sprang to at the same rapid pace as Master Tim's.

Master Tim touched a button on the wall with his hand.

"Locked the upstairs door," Master Tim hissed. "Can't be interrupted."

Master Tim began kissing me as he pushed me backward into my cell. I felt the back of my legs touch the side of the bed. We lowered ourselves so we laid flat on the bed. Master Tim on top. Me on the bottom. We never stopped kissing.

As we continued to kiss, Master Tim positioned himself so his dick rubbed against the crack of my ass. Sparks of energy pulsed through my body.

Somehow Master Tim found the lube and applied it to his dick. I lost myself in Master Tim's passionate kisses.

"Oooooooooooo!" I moaned as I felt Master Tim's dick push into me. He slowly kept pushing until his crotch brushed against my hairless, sensitive balls.

"This will take a while, Steven," Master Tim whispered between kisses. "We don't often have time to ourselves like this. I'm going to make it last as long as I can."

"Oh. Yes!" I hissed as Mater Tim continued kissing and began massaging my ass with his rock-hard cock.

`You know now where your relationship with your husband stands, Steven,' my Spirit Master's voice echoed through my head. `Make him feel your power, Steven. Show him who's in control, but don't let him think you're in control.'

"Thank you, Spirit Master," I said in a whisper not knowing if I said it aloud or not.

We floated into space as we made love to one another. We were in our own world. Our own space. Our own time zone.

"Shit, Steven!" Master Tim bellowed. "Take it boy! Take my cum, boy!"

I watched Master Tim's body tense. I felt his heart beat stronger and faster. I felt the sweat pouring off his body onto mine. I saw a look of utter contentment as his body began to convulse. I felt the explosion of cum flood my ass.

"Steven," Tim whispered to me after he had recovered. His sweaty body rested on mine. "Ask me for a divorce more often."

Chapter 71: A New Day Begins

I stood facing away from the family. My hands clasped together behind my neck. Feet shoulder width apart. Collarless. Naked.

"Steven's client Sean arrives in about five minutes to take possession of the boy," Master Jose explained to the group. "He paid a hefty surcharge to have the boy for the next 72 hours. Sean will return the boy at 5 pm on Monday. I believe you will all want to witness the return of the boy. Sean's reputation for barbaric ritual torture gives us an opportunity to see how Steven reacts to extreme torture for an extended period."

"Why was the family asked to be present when Sean takes Steven?" Master Tim asked.

"You'll see a preview of Sean's predilection for extreme torture," Master Buba added.

"Shouldn't we be videotaping this?" Master Grant asked.

"Sean agreed to provide us with the unedited footage from his dungeon," Master Jose added.

"What do you mean by barbaric ritual torture?" Master Theo asked.

"Sean has studied ritual torture used in some early religions. He's especially interested in the torture rituals used by various Greek Gods. These rituals, uncovered by scholars, provides Sean with some of his most creative scenes. Torture rituals range from simple flogging to complex uses of pain to achieve Spiritual Sexual Fulfilment," Master Buba replied. "Performing the rituals push the Sadist into sexual spiritual awareness to blend the best of traditional sex with Sadomasochism. These rituals take place over the course of a few hours or a few days. We will, I am certain, find enlightenment when we watch the video."

"Who knew we could find sexual fulfillment through sex?" Master Tim added. "Grant, David, and I hope to develop our own rituals as soon as Sean takes Steven way."

"Master Sean to see you," Harvey announced as he led Sean to poolside to join the family.

"Hello, gentlemen," Master Sean said in his husky deep voice. "Finally, my time comes to claim the boy."

"Steven eagerly awaits the opportunity to serve you, Sean," Master Buba replied. "You may proceed."

Master Sean moved behind me. I still stood facing the wall with my feet shoulder width apart and my hands clenched behind my neck.

"Do not look at me until you receive permission, boy," Master Sean ordered.

The smell of the leather Master Sean wore made my dick stir.

"Hands behind your back, boy," Master Sean ordered.

I move my hand to my lower back and clenched them together.

"I am placing this collar around your neck, boy, to symbolize my ownership of your body, your mind, and your spirit," Master Sean said as he began to lock my collar in place. "You will please me with your dedication for serving me, your expertise to satisfy me, your pain to bring me joy, and your submissive nature to assist me in reaching the ultimate power in my quest to achieve Total Spiritual Sexual Fulfillment. What do you say, boy?"

"Thank you, Sir," I began taking my vows while facing the wall. "For allowing me to service you. I give you my mind, my body, and my entire being, both physically and spiritually, for your pleasure and sexual fulfillment."

"Turn around, boy, and face me," Master Sean commanded.

I turned around to face Master Sean. I gasp at his beauty. His massive hairless chest, six pack abs, and hugely muscled arms sent my dick into overdrive. I drooled at the sight of Master Sean's tight, thread bare jeans. The jeans highlighted the outline of his massive cock and tree trunk legs. His perfectly shaved head added to Master Sean's masculine look.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Sean said before he punched me hard in the stomach with his fist.

I stood unflinching and silent as I continued to look Master Sean in the eyes.

"Good boy," Master Sean replied. "There will be more for you, boy. Be patient and you will be rewarded."

Master Sean took my nipples into his hands and pinched with his finger nails.

I wanted to shut my eyes and scream. Instead, I continued to look into Master Sean's eyes.

"What do you see now, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Pain, Master," I replied. "Lots of pain. I want it, Master, if you'll give it to me."

"Oh! I'll give it to you, boy," Master Sean replied just before he jammed his kneecap into my balls.

The pain from by balls burst through my body. I continued to look into Master Sean's eyes.

I saw Master Sean's eyes brighten. He seemed pleased.

"We'll be going now, boy," Master Sean said to me as he attached his leash to my collar. "I have an entertainment permit to parade you down Commercial before I take you to my house of horror. Follow me, boy."

I followed Master Sean past the family still gathered beside the pool, through the house, and outside into the hot sun.

We walked silently down Commercial until we reached the Town Hall. The crowd of people in front of the Town Hall watched Master Sean and I intently.

"I have a surprise for you, boy," Master Sean said to me.

One by one thirteen men formed a semicircle in front of us. They dressed exactly alike. Black leather boots, black leather shorts, black leather harness, and black leather arm bands. The thirteen men disappeared into the crowd.

"Come on, boy," Master Sean said as he tugged on my leash. "We have some unfinished work ahead of us."

I followed Master Sean down the street until we arrived beside an open-air Jeep. Master Sean strapped me into the passenger seat with the seat belt. He took the driver's seat, and we drove out of town. Finally, I realized our destination would be the House on a Hill where Master Ajmal and I shared time together.

"Welcome to my Provincetown getaway abode," Master Sean said as I looked around me. The house and grounds seemed much the same as when Master Ajmal and I spent time at the House on a Hill. As we entered, the simply decorated living area included a dining area, entertainment area, sitting area, and a massive kitchen. "I'll thoroughly show you the house during one of our breaks. I'm eager to get started with our time together."

I followed Master Sean downstairs. When we stopped at the bottom of the stairs, I looked around as though I had never seen a playroom before. This one, unlike most others, featured a wall of sliding glass doors which opened to a huge back deck.

"I like light and air when I play with a boy," Master Sean added. "I'm certain you will also gain a keen interest in open air dungeons. Now it's time, boy. Your real service begins now."

Master Sean pulled me close to him by my leash.

"Look into my eyes, boy," Master Sean commanded.

I looked into Master Sean's eyes. The brilliant blue of his eyes forced me to look inside them. Unlike Master Anton's world filled with serpents, dragons, and demons, Master Sean's world included fire and ice, faceless forms with overly muscled bodies and big dicks, and vultures circling overhead waiting to strike.

"You're afraid, aren't you, boy?" Master Sean asked. "You should be afraid. Not of me, not my rage. You should be afraid to enter the temple because you'll never be the same. I'll leave my explanation until we talk. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied in a whisper. "I understand."

"Good," Master Sean whispered back. He pulled me closer to him so our lips could meet. I waited for what seemed an eternity for his lips to touch mine.

`Oh! God!' I said to myself as bolts of energy took over my body. I felt I could take on the world or to give the man with his lips still on mine the experience of a lifetime.

I melted into Master Sean's body, mind, and soul. We were one.

"Feels good, doesn't it, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I've never felt like this with another man before, Master."

"You and I will share experiences like this often, boy," Master Sean explained. "I knew we would when I first saw you in the bar with your Masters."

Master Sean kneed me in the balls again.

"Take whatever I dish out, boy," Master Sean said. "Just give in and let me take what I need. I'll give it all back when you return to your family. Now you need to take something from me. Something you'll enjoy. I need to piss. My ass needs licking. My dick needs to deposit my cum in your ass. Take off my boots and pants, boy!"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I slid to the floor and began untying the laces to Master Sean's shiny black, lace up boots. I pulled them off one by one and set each on the floor behind me. I removed his socks.

I looked up at Master Sean's face. He intently studied my face. I could feel his eyes burning my cheeks. I began to unbutton Master Sean's ratty jeans. Eventually, I pulled his jeans down to his ankles, and I helped him step out of them. I folded them neatly and placed his jeans on a bench near his boots.

"Put my dick in your mouth, boy, and get ready for my piss," Master Sean commanded.

It started as a slow trickle but quickly became a gusher of piss. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. His piss stopped. I pulled my mouth off Master Sean's dick so I could breath.

"You like drinking my piss, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Sean replied. "You will be getting a lot of it while you are with me. Drinking my piss is part of the ritual of bonding with each other. You will learn other rituals which will add to our bonding experience."

Master Sean turned around and crunched into a semi squat position. His perfectly formed ass made my blood boil. I quickly launch myself at his ass. My tongue found his hole. I traced the outside of Master Sean's asshole around and around until I jammed my tongue deeply into Master Sean's asshole.

"God you're good, boy," Master Sean hissed.

His encouragement made me shift into overdrive as my tongue began to explore further and further into Master Sean's ass until I couldn't push my tongue any further in.

Master Sean pulled his ass away from me. I couldn't take my eyes off his perfect ass until he turned to face me. His flaccid dick had grown to an immense size.

"Suck it, boy," Master Sean ordered.

I moved my mouth to the tip of Master Sean's thick, meaty, uncut dick. It seemed to be the size of my arm from my wrist to my elbow. At first, I licked under the foreskin before I put his dick into my mouth for the first time.

I worked on Master Sean's dick sucking and slurping and moving up and down on it. I felt Master Sean's hands behind my head. He pressed me down further until his giant dick collided with my throat.

Master Sean seemed unfazed as he continued to push. When his dick finally slipped into my throat, I couldn't breathe.

Master Sean continued to push so I couldn't pull his dick out of my throat. I was going to die because I couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, I found myself curled up like a stuffed animal at Master Sean's feet. As I tried to get my breathing under control, he stepped back and watched me recover.

Master Sean helped me stand, and he led me to a king platform bed covered in a black leather sheet.

"On your back, boy," Master Sean commanded.

I positioned myself in the middle of the bed on my back. I positioned my feet wide apart and knees bent.

My body tensed as Master Sean began to position himself between my legs. Every movement Master Sean made to ready himself to take me, sent shivers through my body until his dick touched my asshole. My body totally relaxed. My legs rested on Master Sean's massive shoulders.

Our eyes locked the moment Master Sean's dick began to descend into my ass until his dick disappeared. I felt a rush of energy like a bomb exploded next to me as I felt his trimmed pubic hairs touched my extremely sensitive balls.

I saw the gentleness in Master Sean's eyes change into lust and rage. We exchanged powerful surges of energy. Then, like someone flicked a switch, Master Sean began to greedily pound my ass.

When Master Sean shoved his dick inside me, I felt as though his dick would come out of my mouth. On the out stroke, his giant dick seemed to pull my insides with it.

I felt something enter my mind. Something serene. Something powerful. Something spiritual. I moved into a cloud so I could watch my huge Master Sean take me. I'd never experienced a man who used so much energy and power to take me... to take my ass... to make me his.

`You need this, boy,' I heard a voice quietly say to me. `This Spirit Journey takes you further than you've gone before. These next few days will help shape your mind, your body, and your soul. You will be a new person, Steven. Let yourself go. Let yourself enjoy. Be happy, boy. This Journey helps you shape the world around you. Don't let yourself down.'

Master Sean continued to pound my ass. I felt the pleasure Master Sean took from me. His body felt stronger, more energetic after every stroke of Master Sean's huge dick in and out of my ass. `Please don't stop, Master,' I said to myself. `Fuck me harder, Master! Please fuck me harder.'

Master Sean suddenly burst into a manic pounding of my ass. `Did I plead with him to fuck me harder in my mind or aloud?' I thought to myself. His eyes filled with fire. His body heat nearly burned my naked, hairless skin. His sweat poured off his body and onto mine forming rivulets and pools on my skin. His breathing became more urgent. His muscles tensed. With one massive stoke of his dick into my ass, I felt him explode inside me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Sean bellowed as I felt the powerful eruption fill my ass with my Master Sean's energy filled cum.

Master Sean and I stayed in position. Both of us covered in sweat. Both of us smelled like raw sex. Both of us breathed heavily. Both of us high caused by fantastic sex, reveled in one another's body. His resting on top of me.

"Boy," Master Sean said as his breathing recovered. "I think we need a rest. You took a lot out of me. Just looking at you makes me want to pound your ass for the next three days."

My ass made a slurping sound as Master Sean pulled his dick out of my ass. Once Master Sean stood beside the bed, he offered his hand to help me off the bed.

"Want a drink?" Master Sean asked. "I'm having a vodka on the rocks."

"Perfect choice," I replied.

Master Sean made us drinks. "Why don't we sit outside so we can enjoy this beautiful summer night?"

We settled into a double lounge chair.

"I brought you here three hours ago," Master Sean said. "It seems like three minutes ago instead. I've never in my life fucked someone with such energy before. I may not bring you back to your Masters."

"I was in heaven," I said. "I heard voices."

"Voices?" Master Sean

"Well, voice," I corrected. "Lately, I seem to have conversations with people who aren't there when I'm getting fucked." I went on to explain.

"Your voice knows what he's talking about," Master Sean replied. "Let yourself go. Let yourself enjoy. Be happy. Don't let yourself down. Those words should be the motto everyone follows in life."

"May I ask you a question, Master?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Sean replied. "Ask me any question you want. I suspect we'll be seeing each other often. We need to be honest with one another, and we need to know each other's darkest secrets."

"I felt you were different than other men from the very beginning when we met at the bar. You were exciting. You were powerful. Master Buba mentioned you were a scholar of religious rituals with torture and pain associated with them," I began. "How do religious rituals fit with Sadism?"

"Ah! You will have firsthand experience before our time is over," Master Sean replied. "But, to answer your question, I've found men who worship sex and use specific rituals, even private rituals, move to a higher plain. One can achieve Total Sexual Fulfillment if one follows a few tenants. Our beliefs derive from a variety of sources, including American Indian spiritual practices, Southern Voodoo, Tantra Yoga, Christianity, Buddhism, and sadomasochism to name just a few. Your Spirit Master serves as our worldwide Spiritual advisor."

I looked confused.

"Total Sexual Fulfillment reduces stress, allows people to focus on priorities, provides energy and commitment to projects, increases self-worth and self-confidence, builds healthy and strong bodies, and develops healthy relationships between both followers and non-followers," Master Sean explained further. "You'll understand the ramifications of complete sexual fulfillment after this weekend is over. You'll also become a believer and a follower."

"After you fucked me, I'm already a believer, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Sean said. "You may not understand what I'm doing over the next twenty-four hours. You need to surrender your spirit, your power, your energy, your physical prowess. You need a completely blank slate to adequately focus on your rebirth during our rituals. Please trust me. You will be a better, stronger, and more powerful man once you have taken the next step."

"I trust you, Master," I replied. "I've trusted you since the first night we met at the bar."

"Good," Master Sean said as he placed his drink on a table next to him. He also took my drink out of my hand and placed it next to his. "I need to do something I've wanted to do since I took possession of you."

Master Sean lowered the back of the lounge chair and rolled on top of me. Our eyes once again locked.

"Do you see it, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"See what, Master?" I asked.

"The bond we are forming," Master Sean replied. "If you don't now, you will later. Just let us happen, boy. Just let us happen."

Master Sean's lips brushed against my cheek... then my lips. The kisses started softly and gently.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as I lost myself in Master Sean's energy. I saw the forming bond between us.


After our two-hour kissing fest, Master Sean led me back into the playroom from the outside deck.

"This is my favorite piece in the entire playroom," Master Sean said as we arrived at a medical exam table. "I ordered a custom exam table. No other like it exists. You'll see why in a moment."

Master Sean turned into ball of energy as he concentrated on fastening me onto the medical exam table.

First, he strapped my legs securely onto the leg rests. He fastened a strap around each of my upper thighs. Another above my knee. And yet another securing my ankles to the leg rest.

Master Sean adjusted the back of the medical exam table so I sat in a perfectly upright position. He fastened two straps on my upper body. One above my nipples and the other at my waist.

He fastened My arms to the arm rests with one strap around each bicep and another around my wrists.

"Perfect," Master Sean said as he stepped back to review his handiwork. "Now the fun can begin."

Master Sean picked up a remote control from a nearby table. He punched a button to raise my arms and spread them as far as they could be spread.

My legs were next. First, Master Sean straightened my legs so they weren't bent at the knee. Then, he moved them to be almost parallel with my upper body. I never felt so incapable of any movement except my head. The exam table stretched my arms and legs further than I imagined would be possible.

Master Sean stepped back once again to view his handiwork.

"Perfect," Master Sean finally said. "How do you feel?"

"Stretched, Sir," I replied. "I also feel invigorated."

"So do I, boy," Master Sean replied. "I want you to concentrate on the pain you will feel. Don't think about anything or anyone else. Only the pain. Feel its intensity. Feel its overwhelming power. Concentrate on where the pain physically exists. Visualize the pain. Don't think about the object I use to cause the pain. Concentrate on the pain. The pain. The pain."

"The pain," I whisper as though the words were coming out of someone else.

I seemed to be in a trance as I watched Master Sean begin assembling some of the tools he would use to inflict pain. Clamps. Switches. Paddles. Floggers. Clothes pins. Thousands of clothes pins. White candles. Sounds. Purple wand. Electro torture controller. Dildos. Butt plugs. Gas mask.

Master Sean picked up the gas mask first. He slipped in into place and secured it with an attached strap.

"You can breathe all right, boy?" Master Sean asked.

I nodded my head yes.

"Good," Master Sean replied as he selected the sounds as his first tool. "Before I continue with the sounds, I'm giving you two injections to make it impossible for you to get an erection. It will wear off over time. Or, it might never wear off."

He prepped the syringe before washing the injection site on both of my balls with alcohol.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the gas mask as the needle punctured through my skin and into my left testicle.

"Remember, boy," Master Sean said as he pulled the syringe out but left the needle piercing my left ball. "Concentrate on the pain, boy. Concentrate on the pain."

I focused on the pain emanating from my left testicle. The pain level started to increase. I kept repeating to myself, `Pain. Concentrate on the pain in my ball.'

I felt the needle go into my right testicle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the gas mask again.

The pain from the first injection was still intense. Add the second injection and increased pain from my right testicle, I was in agony. But I did as Master Sean instructed. I concentrated on the pain. The pain. The pain. I concentrated on the pain. I found the pain at each injection site on my balls. Finally, the pain became a dull ache. I took deep breaths to recover from the ferocious pain. My body, covered by sweat.

"Very good, boy," Master Sean said as he stood beside me and looked intensely at me. "Did you concentrate on the pain, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied still barely able to speak, and my voice came out muffled with the gas mask on.

"I need to leave the needles in your balls a while longer," Master Sean continued. "In the meantime, we can get started with the sounds. I've picked out the biggest one. You should handle the large sound very well, don't you agree, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I squeaked.

"Do your balls still hurt, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Sean said as he slipped on sterile surgical cloves. "This sound will be easy for you to handle, boy. I would normally start with one half its size, but I know you will enjoy this one."

I watched Master Sean place the already lubricated sound over the opening of my dick. The sound didn't descend into my penis until Master Sean gave it a slight push.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed because I thought the sound ripped my penis in half.

Intense pain. Burning. I watched as the sound, with the assistance of Master Sean, began its descent into my penis.

`Concentrate on the pain,' I thought to myself. `Concentrate on the pain. The pain. The intense pain. I concentrated on the pain.'

"It's in, boy," Master Sean said to me. "Did it hurt?"

"Yes, Master," I said into the gas mask. "It hurt a lot, Sir."

"Good," Master Sean replied. "We'll move on. We have your penis plugged. Now, we'll plug your ass."

Master Sean held up an enormous butt plug.

"Since you've had two men's arms up your ass, this should be easy," Master Sean explained.

Master Sean added lube to the shiny metal butt plug and took a seat on a stool so he had access to my asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the gas mask as the butt plug suddenly seated itself in my ass.

`Concentrate on the pain,' I said to myself.

Master Sean added electrodes clipped to my nipples, my earlobes, my foreskin, the skin around each ball, the skin between my toes, and the skin between my fingers.

"Now, we're ready to take you to a higher level," Master Sean explained. "I suspect you've never been to this level before. I want a complete rundown on what you felt, what you thought, what you saw. Every detail."

"Yes, Master," I replied through the gas mask.

"I will be running a pre-programmed cycle," Master Sean explained with an odd grin. "It should be exciting!"

The electrodes on various parts of my body began to tingle my skin. The intensity of the shock mounted. All electrodes were firing in what seemed to be a random cycle.

Intensity higher. But I concentrated on the pain. The butt plug sent a surge of electricity through my body. I felt the surge travel to the sound in my dick. The pulse from clamps between my toes shot through my legs and into the butt plug. Likewise, the clamps between my fingers, except the pulses from my fingers moved to the sound in my dick. Ear lobes to nipples. Stomach to butt plug. I felt my body convulsing against the restraints of the exam table. Sweat poured out of my body creating a sensation which covered my entire body. I lost myself for several minutes, concentrating on the pain, while the electrotorture machine fired jolts of electricity through my body. Just when I thought I'd never survive, the pulses of electricity stopped.

Master Sean stood beside me. I hadn't noticed him by my side. He slipped off the gas mask.

Master Sean smiled at me and leaned down to kiss me. My heartbeat raced because the sensation of Master Sean's touch energized me.

"By the time we finish here tonight, you will understand exactly why I had this exam table made," Master Sean said to me as he removed the electrodes between my toes and between my fingers. "You'll need to concentrate very, very hard on what I'll be doing to your body next. You will experience a variety of stimuli."

Master Sean moved the pile of clothes pins closer to him on the table.

"When I ordered the exam table, I noticed another fun toy I just had to have," Master Sean said.

He pulled out a pair of virtual reality glasses. They were much smaller than most I had seen before.

"You will experience a virtual reality torture session while you experience a real-life torture session," Master Sean explained. "Sometimes you won't know which is real and which is not. A controller beside me here will allow me to customize the virtual reality torture session to augment the physical session. I won't know which session engages you at any one moment. All I will know is you are responding to some stimuli."

Master Sean slid the glasses over my eyes and connected a strap in the back to keep them in place. He slipped wireless ear buds into my ears. I heard them crackle to life as the glasses began the session.

Master Sean appeared in the glasses. I could hear him as well.

"One final preparation, and we'll be ready to begin," Master Sean said as though he was in my head.

Master Sean slipped a mouthpiece into my mouth and secured it with a strap around my head.

"There," Master Sean said. "Everything you say will be recorded and won't affect my plans. I won't be able to hear anything you say."

The virtual reality kicked in. I was tied, spread eagle, to four stakes in the ground. I lay on a grassy patch surrounded by what seemed to be dirt. The hot sun beat down on me. I closed my eyes so I didn't look into the sun. Sweat poured out of my body. My lips were parched. I couldn't speak because I had a pair of dirty underwear stuffed into my mouth.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I saw this guy in dusty, tight jeans, a sweat stained white tank top, and muddy cowboy boots. He kicked me in the balls. I didn't get a good look at his face. But I could smell his ripe body as he circled around me.

"Lookie what we have here," the man said to no one in particular. I hadn't seen or heard anyone other than the cowboy. "A naked, muscled, tattooed dude with huge balls and a hard cock."

"Vern!" another guy with a southern accent said. "What you doin' over there?"

"We've got a naked ass man tied to stakes on the grass over here, Duke," Vern explained.

"I think you right, Vern," Duke said as he sauntered next to Vern. "What should do with this naked ass man?"

Duke began to rub his crotch in his dusty, tight jeans. Neither Vern nor Duke had shaved in a few days. Their white a-shirts looked like they had sweated for days in them. Despite their hygiene habits, they both had nicely formed pecs, biceps, and abs. Vern's smooth upper body contrasted to Duke's hairy one.

"First, we need to find out what kind of shape he's in," Vern suggested. "Before we go too far with this dude, I need to piss."

Both Vern and Duke fished out their cocks from their ragged jeans. Neither wore underwear.

Vern concentrated on my face and chest, soaking me with his warm yellow piss. Duke started with my stomach and ended as he soaked my crotch.

As Vern and Duke tucked their dicks back into their jeans, they discussed my fate.

"We need to get him out of the sun before he's no good to either of us," Vern finally decided. "We could tie him to that old tree over there."

Vern pointed to a tree about twenty feet away.

"Or, we could put him spread eagle in the doorway of one of those horse stalls," Duke suggested. "That way we'll have access to his front and his back."

"Now you're thinking like some high-powered executive, Duke" Vern agreed. "But we can take advantage of his current position if we just think for a minute about this."

"How about we use those extra strong clothes pins we bought from the hardware store the other day?" Duke suggested as he rubbed his crotch again.

"Now you're thinking, Duke!" Vern agreed. He, too, began to rub his crotch. "I'll get the pins. Find out why this dude is in our possession on this abandon ranch."

"Sure thing, Vern," Duke said as Vern disappeared. Duke turned his attention to me. First, he removed the underwear from my mouth. "So, boy, why you here?"

"I don't... I don't know," I replied. "I... I don't remember."

"So, then, I guess you be ours," Duke replied as he walked from where my head lay to a spot between my legs. His boot hammered against my balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

"Your balls seem to be good," Duke explained as he stepped in place straddling my waist. He bent from the waist to reach my nipples. He smelled like a gin infused toilet.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as he clenched my nipple between his thumb nail and index finger nail. One in each hand.

"I like it when you scream, boy," Duke added. "It sounds like a desperate coyote lost in the mountains. And here's the man of the hour. Look what we found this morning, Bennie Lee!"

"Well... well... well!" Bennie Lee replied. "Looks like you done found a diversion for us. It'll be good to take our mind off being chased by the police."

I became very nervous when he added a hard accent to the beginning of the word `POL-ees.'

"Damn straight, Bennie Lee," Duke continued. "When are those people gonna realize we killed that drag queen out of desperation?"

"Who knew she wasn't into getting bullwhipped?" Bennie Lee added. "It was an accident."

Needless to say, I began getting a little more nervous.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as something hit me in the balls again.

"Why the fuck is you screaming, boy?" Duke asked.

"Balls," I hissed. "Hit in balls. Hurts."

"No one here did anything to your balls, boy," Duke replied and then turned to Bennie Lee. "I think the boy is getting dopey."

"Why did the boy scream just now," Vern asked.

"He says something hit him in the balls," Bennie Lee explained. "But we didn't do nothing. We just stood here."

"We'll chalk it up to ghosts," Vern suggested. "I have our tools for the next few hours."

Vern dumped the contents of a large shopping bag on the ground next to me.

`Shit,' I gasp silently.

The ground was littered with hundreds of bags of extra strong clothes pins. Each bag contained, if I could see this accurately, two dozen.

"I also brought this ball of string as well as all of these candles," Vern added. "We're going to have one fucking good time here."

Vern positioned himself between my legs so he could have access to my cock and balls.

I whimpered each time a clothes pin snapped shut. They were strong clothes pins.

They hurt like hell when they snapped shut. However, I knew they would hurt a thousand times more when they pulled them off me.

`Don't worry, boy,' the Greek God Eros whispered to me. He stood off to the side as he watched the three men energetically place clothes pin after clothes pin on my body. Vern at first concentrated on my scrotum. Bennie Lee and Duke worked from my arm pits down the front of my body. `You'll get through this. I know for a fact these three have no intention of killing you like they did the drag queen. They are just pussy cats with a dick problem. They'll put their dicks almost anywhere they can stick them. I've heard they've even used sheep.'

`You've got to be shitting me,' I hissed, and then I screamed as I felt two clothes pins connect to the tip of my dick head—not the foreskin.

`Is there a problem, boy?' Eros asked.

`Clothes pins on dick head,' I managed to say.

`Wait until they get pulled off!' Eros exclaimed.

`Don't remind me, Eros,' I replied. I screamed again as Vern connected a clothespin to my asshole. I screamed again when he added the second.

`I need to be get going,' Eros said to me after he shifted from kneeling to standing. `If you're still here tomorrow, I'll stop by and see how you're doing.'

`You're so kind, Eros,' I added. I screamed again and Vern added a third clothespin to my asshole. Eros left in a puff of smoke.

"Are you still with us, boy?" Bennie Lee asked as he finished adding clothes under my left armpit.

"Yes, Sir," I softly replied. "Still here."

Bennie Lee and Duke began putting two lines of clothespins down the inside of my arm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I watched Vern put a C-clamp on my left ball and tighten it. I almost fainted. The clamp hurt more than hanging from my balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as Vern added a C-clamp to my right ball.

My vision alternated from Master Sean to Vern, Duke, and Bennie Lee. I wanted to be with Master Sean.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Sean began to drip hot wax on to clothespins one by one. The pins, secured to my skin by the clip as well as the wax, seemed to take on a life of their own. They seemed to breath and come to life.

`It's probably the wax, boy,' Kratos the God of strength, might, and power. `I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier.'

`Traffic bad?' I asked. Why I asked such a stupid question when three total strangers, drag queen killers at that, were adding hot wax to all the clothespins they had placed on my body.

`No,' Kratos replied. `I had a discussion with your husband Tim. He said to say hello.'

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I saw Master Sean stick a huge needle into my left ball.

`My, my!' Kratos said. `You certainly are in an odd position, boy.'

`No shit,' I replied.

`Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' I screamed as I saw Vern stick a needle into my right ball.

`You're going to really like the next trick,' Kratos explained. `I am so excited to be here when this happens.'

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I watched Vern, Duke, Bennie Lee, and Master Sean each pull on a string which caused all the clothespins to rip off my body. In sixty seconds, they managed to destroy at least two hours of work.

"Are you okay, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Are you real?" I asked.

"Now I am," Master Sean replied as he began to remove the virtual reality glasses and the associated hardware.

"Are you okay?" Master Sean asked again.

"Sure," I replied. "Do I still have skin on my body?"

"Yes, boy," Master Sean said. "You still have skin on your body. You have a lot of red spots and some residuals of wax on your body, but I don't see any missing skin... I had planned to go a few steps further, but I decided you weren't ready to have three smelly murderers fuck you."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "Are you going to fuck me?"

"Yes," Master Sean replied. "I'm going to fuck you. After I fuck you, I'll show you some new toys."


I opened my eyes not remembering where I was or who I was with. My head rested on a massive chest. I brought my eyes up without moving my head and saw Master Sean smiling at me.

"You must have been tired, boy," Master Sean whispered. "You conked out right where you are now after I fucked you for the third time. Remember?"

"How could I forget," I replied. "I might have trouble walking today."

"You won't be doing much walking, boy," Master Sean said as he pulled my head up so he could kiss me.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as my body went limp for the feel of Master Sean's lips on mine.

Master Sean pulled me tighter and on top of him. He kissed more passionately. I responded in kind. I felt his hard dick rub against my stomach. Mine didn't stir, but I felt Master Sean's energy surge through my body. I wanted more.

"Ride me, boy," Master Sean whispered between kisses. "I want you to show me how much you like my big dick."

I didn't need much coaxing. I slipped down between Master Sean's legs and took his big, uncut dick in my mouth. I deep throated him on the first attempt. I let his dick linger in my throat momentarily, and, then, I pushed my tongue under Master Sean's foreskin.

I pulled off Master Sean and repositioned myself. His dick aligned with my ass. I guided him in for the first few moments. I couldn't wait. I forced myself onto Master Sean's dick in one stroke.

"You want this, don't you boy?" Master Sean hissed as he reveled in my quick work. His eyes shut taking in the feeling.

"More than anything," I hissed back.

I began riding Master Sean's dick. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

I stared into Master Sean's eyes. Lust ruled. Power and control led. I looked away and picked up the pace of riding Master Sean's dick. Sweat poured off my body. Muscles ached from overuse. But Master Sean needed me to prove my ability to serve him.

I added more energy to my workout. Faster. Faster. Faster. My now hard dick bounced in rhythm to my body. My hands rested on Master Sean's massive chest to balance myself.

I felt Master Sean's body tense. Our eyes locked again until his body began convulsing and his dick spewed his cum inside my ass. I didn't stop until Master Sean delivered his last rope of cum into my ass.

I couldn't move. I left my hands resting on Master Sean's chest. I felt his pounding heartbeat before I felt his body relax. I stayed motionless with Master Sean's still hard dick planted in my ass.

"Wow!" Master Sean finally whispered.

"Wow!" I whispered back.

"You're amazing, Steven," Master Sean added. "Absolutely fucking unbelievable."

"I had motivation," I replied as Master Sean rolled us over until he rested on top of me with this dick still inside me.

Master Sean kissed me and then pulled away.

"I could fuck you a hundred times the way I feel now," Master Sean added. "But we need sustenance. Otherwise, we'll run out of energy. Sidney will make us something to eat."

Master Sean pulled his dick out of my ass and rolled off the bed. He offered me his hand to help me out of bed. My bones ached as much as my muscles in every part of my body.

Master Sean clipped my leash onto my collar.

"I don't want Sidney to think I've softened," Master Sean explained. I followed him upstairs to the main house.

"Good morning, Sidney," Master Sean said as he settled on a stool at the kitchen island. Sidney stood in the middle of the kitchen naked except for a jock strap. He stood five-nine. Nice smooth body. Shaved head. Nipple rings. Ear rings. Nothing else. "Sidney, this delightful boy's name is Steven. Steven. Sidney."

"I hope you are enjoying yourself, Master," Sidney said to me. "Master Sean planned this weekend with much excitement."

"It's a perfect weekend, Master," I replied. Master Sean indicated I should sit next to him on the adjacent stool.

Master Sidney placed coffee and juice in front of us before he busied himself plating breakfast.

"Shall I prepare the shower in the master suite or the shower downstairs?" Master Sidney replied after he placed a plate of piping hot breakfast in front of us.

"You think we smell, Sidney?" Master Sean asked with a smile.

"Yes," Master Sidney replied. "If you don't wash off the stench of sex, you'll kill most of the wildlife within a six-mile radius of here."

"The Master suite," Master Sean replied. "Make certain the sauna is functioning properly."

"Very well, Master," Master Sidney said before he retreated from the kitchen.

"Sidney has been with me for nearly three years," Master Sean replied. "Now, I want to know more about you."

"My life is fairly unexciting," I replied.

"Not from what I hear," Master Sean countered. "One of the first employees from a massively successful telecommunication start up. Your own venture capital firm. Charity organization in your name."

"Don't forget porn star and prostitute," I added.

"I like to think of you not as a prostitute but a sex consultant," Master Sean said. "Tell me about your family dynamics."

"This could take time to explain fully, but I can give you a summary," I said as I began my explanation. I continued for about ten minutes.

"You and your husband have a complicated relationship," Master Sean added. "But, it works for the two of you."

"What about you?" I asked. "You know all my secrets."

"Here goes," Master Sean said after he took a deep breath. "My grandmother's parents have direct ties to the Astor family. My grandfather descended from Elliot Barlow, a wealthy financier in London. My parents spent the summers in Newport. We had a house near Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' childhood home. We lived in Manhattan across from Central Park on the Upper East Side."

"Must have been exciting growing up," I added.

"Exciting, no," Master Sean replied. "We saw our parents on the obligatory holiday visits. Nannies, tutors, and boarding schools gave us most of our connection with the real world. My mother became consumed by the society circuit. My father had a boyfriend who shared a bedroom wherever they might be. My mother, Genevieve Astor Barlow, always introduced my father, Hathaway Garrison Barlow, and his boyfriend, Belville Richard Augusta, as Hathaway's cousin. I believe my brother Marcus Astor Barlow and I inherited my father's zest for S&M."

"What's your full name?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Giuliano Astor Barlow," Sean replied. "Giuliano was an Italian sculptor and architect during the Italian Renaissance. My mother never wanted the world to forget we have Astor blood. I had it legally changed to Sean Aron Barlow. My brother said I drove my mother to have a heart attack when she heard of my blasphemous decision to change my name. My father insists her heart attack struck when she became so aroused when she accidentally stepped into the play room where my father, naked with a flogger in his hand, had cousin Belville tied spread eagle. I like the latter version myself."

"So, I know this is none of my business, but what do you, your brother, and your husband do professionally?" I asked.

"My brother trains subs, my husband dabbles in fine art, and I run the families trust and charitable organizations. I don't really run it on a day-to-day basis. More like a couple of days a month," Master Sean explained. "My husband and I live in a town house on the Upper East Side. We did have a house on Fire Island, but, when we bought this house in Provincetown, we sold the Fire Island house. Nicholas has his sights on a place in Palm Springs. We'll see."

"You realize this is the house Master Ajmal and I would visit when we wanted to be alone," I explained. "I'm happy David sold it to you."

"I didn't realize," Master Sean said. "I'm sorry if being here makes you uncomfortable."

"No," I replied. "It doesn't make me uncomfortable. I saw this house as a happy place when Master Ajmal and I were here. It seems the same now."

"You're a pretty remarkable sub," Master Sean said as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Oooooo," I moaned as our lips met.

As we continued to kiss, my dick once again stood straight up.

"I see you're cured," Master Sean added as he put his hand around my dick.

"Yea," I replied as I grabbed Master Sean's hard dick.

"Where do you want my big dick, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Wherever you want to put it," I replied.

"Suck it," Master Sean said.

"Yes, Master," I said as I bent over and sucked Master Sean's dick into my mouth and down my throat.

"You are one fine cocksucker," Master Sean sighed as I began to work his dick with my lips, tongue, and throat. I worked even harder.

"Deck," Master Sean ordered. "Lounge chair. On your stomach."

"Yes, Master," I said as I made my way outside and plopped face down on the first one I saw. The deck overlooked the Route 6 entrance to Provincetown.

"Ass up," Master Sean ordered. I complied with knees under my upper body so my ass is perfectly assessable to Master Sean.

Master Sean climbed onto the lounge chair with me. He pulled my ass up to align with his huge dick. Moments later I felt his balls slap against mine.

"Fuck me, Master," I pleaded. "Please fuck me hard. Please Master. Fuck me hard."

He did. He put his entire massive body into fucking me. The speed picked up with every inward thrust. Soon the chair seemed to be walking across the deck. When the chair moved five feet closer to the railing Master Sean pushed the explode button. His body convulsed. I felt his cum pound against the inside of my asshole.

Master Sean pulled me backward with him. He sat with his ass on the lounge, and his legs and arms wrapped around me.

"You haven't lost your touch, Bro," I heard a voice say from inside the house.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Marcus?" Master Sean asked.

"You don't want your only brother to visit?" Marcus said "We could have some quality bonding time."

"Go bond somewhere else, Marcus," Master Sean exclaimed. "I'm busy."

"First, I want to meet your play toy," Marcus added as he sat shirtless on the lounge chair next to Master Sean and me. "I'm Marcus."

He held out his hand to shake.

"No, maybe not," Marcus said with a smile. "You don't seem to be in a position to shake hands."

"I'm Steven," I whispered.

"Kiss him, Marcus, and then get the fuck out of here," Master Sean said to his brother.

Marcus didn't wait for another suggestion. He leaned in close to me and he put his mouth on mine. I quickly surrendered and gave up my mouth for him to use.

"God he's a good kisser, Bro," Marcus added as he pulled away. "Where did you find this lovely boy?"

"I rented him," Master Sean said to his brother. "Ten-thousand dollars a twenty-four-hour period. I'm got him for three full days. You do the math."

"He must be good," Marcus added.

"He is or I wouldn't be here," Master Sean added. "Now get the fuck out of here and don't come back until Monday after six."

"Anything you say, Bro," Marcus said as he stood and left the deck.

"I'm sorry for the interruption," Master Sean added.

"I can live with the interruption," I replied. "He looks a lot like you only not as massive."


My eyes adjusted to the sunlight chest. I felt so comfortable.

"You're awake," Master Sean whispered. "I like feeling you sleep with your head on my chest.

"I like feeling me sleep with my head on our chest," I replied as I lifted my head to see Master Sean's eyes ablaze with lust. "Is there something I can do for you, Master?"

Master Sean took my hand and positioned it on his rock-hard dick.

"How would you like me to take that?" I asked.

"On your stomach," Master Sean said quietly. "Ass up. Now!"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I rolled over and positioned my ass for taking by Master Sean.

"Such a pretty ass!" Master Sean said as I felt his dick rub across the crack of my ass.

"It's yours, Master," I whispered as I felt the anticipation of taking Master Sean's dick increase exponentially.

I almost shot my load as Master Sean's dick began its descent into my ass.

"Oh! Yea!" Master Sean sighed. "Fucking fine ass is mine!"

As Master Sean began to pound my ass, I felt our connection grow. It seemed as though we were connected and formed a unit. His dick and my ass together. We were together.

`Your life is about to change, boy,' I heard Eros whisper to me. `This man who is taking your ass will want more and more of it. Feel the power he has over you, boy. Smell the sweet scent of sexual energy. It is an intoxicating scent. It will overpower you, and move you to new heights. Accept the changes ahead of you as a course of nature. We'll talk again soon!'

Just as Eros left my mind, I felt Master Sean's body tense. His breathing became labored. As I felt Master Sean's cum explode in my ass, my dick also began to unload.

Master Sean collapsed on top of me. His weight pushed me down flat on the bed.

"You, boy, are one hell of a good fuck!" Master Sean finally whispered. "Our lives just changed, boy. I don't know how or why. I only know we have crossed a line."

"Master," I finally said. "Eros came to see me while you were in me."

I explained Master Eros's comments.

"I don't have an Eros in my mind, boy," Master Sean said. "I wish I did. Maybe between us, he could tell us what is happening to us."

"This weekend has brought sensual expression not normally found in a relationship with a client," I began. "Is your husband like you, Master?"

"In many ways, we are the exact opposite," Master Sean added. "Other ways, we are exactly alike. We both have the same needs to dominate sexually. On the other hand, his style of domination is totally different from mine. I'm into extreme pain. He's into long-term domination, humiliation, and degradation. We work well together as a team if we find a boy we both enjoy. I think we've found the perfect boy."

"I don't understand," I continued. "What do you mean by the perfect boy?"

"We both knew we wanted you after we saw all your movies," Master Sean explained. "I rented you first because my style demands a boy who can tolerate pain over extended periods of time. We have only begun to scratch the surface over this weekend. You wouldn't be in the running if you couldn't tolerate pain. My husband expects you to grovel, beg, plead, and tolerate humiliation, domination, and overwhelming control. I have no doubt you two will connect immediately."

"I don't understand," I said. "Do you plan on renting me often?"

"Rent, buy, whatever works out," Master Sean replied.

"Oh!" I replied.


Master Sean lead me downstairs to the playroom after we had fucked, showered, and ate lunch on Monday afternoon.

"We will enjoy this next phase of our time together, Steven," Master Sean began after we stepped inside another circle of light. I must have looked confused because the only objects in the circle were Master Sean and me.

"I'm sorry, Steven," Master Sean explained. "In my excitement about our next activity, I forgot to put the Pièce de résistance in its place."

Master Sean pulled out yet another remote control from somewhere and pressed a button. A noise near the ceiling brought my attention upward.

I watched a shiny metal contraption descend into the circle of light where we stood. I had never seen anything quite like it before. I was curious but not nervous.

"I suspect you've never seen anything like this. Am I correct, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"You are definitely correct," I replied. "I have no idea what its purpose could be."

"You'll find out shortly," Master Sean said as he leered at me.

Now, I'm a little nervous.

"I had this made by the same people who made the exam table," Master Sean explained. "Notice the four arms which are similar to the arms on the exam table. Two for the legs and two for the arms."

Master Sean demonstrated the agility of each arm as he moved them around with the remote.

"Now, I believe you might be getting the full picture," Master Sean continued.

"It's a bondage device," I guessed.

"Exactly, boy," Master Sean explained. "A very special bondage device. So special, I have the patent for this device as well as the exam table. I have invited some press people as well as some interested potential customers who will watch our demonstration next Wednesday evening."

I'm certain I looked confused.

"I'm sorry," Master Sean said. "I should have not been so forward. Did your Masters Jose and Buba not tell you about our demonstration?"

"No, Master," I replied. "They did not."

"Pity," Master Sean continued. "But you'll be here at 3 pm on Wednesday afternoon to get set up."

"Okay," I replied.

"Let's get started," Master Sean suggested. "I'll explain as we move from step to step. Notice this fairly large metal square frame. All of the articulated arms somehow connect to this frame. We'll start with the seating platform. It's really not a seat, but I didn't know what else to call it."

Master Sean made some adjustments to the metal bar which connected to the frame on either side of me. He stepped out of the circle of light and returned with a huge metal butt plug. He attached the butt plug to the `seat.'

"We'll start here," Master Sean explained as he guided me in position. I faced Master Sean and the butt plug nudged my asshole.

"Perfect," Master Sean said. "Sit!"

I lowered myself onto the butt plug. Slowly. Master Sean seemed impatient and pushed on my shoulders to force the butt plug into a fully seated position.

"This butt plug will help keep you in place when we move you around," Master Sean explained. "Let's move on to the legs."

Master Sean used the remote to position the leg braces in place. He began by pulling a metal U bolt tightly around my thigh on each leg. He did the same with a smaller U bolt attached around my ankles.

"I thought you'd like to see the range of motion these braces have," Master Sean said as he concentrated in the remote control. He spread my legs as far as he could with the ankle shackle as the primary positioning point. Master Sean pressed another button and my lower legs folded tightly under my thigh.

"I'm certain, boy," Master Sean again explained, "you can feel the butt plug sinking deeper into your ass as all of your weight is distributed to the one point... the butt plug. Let's move on to your arms."

Master Sean positioned the braces where he wanted them. He attached the U bolt slightly above my bicep on each arm. Master Sean finished with U bolts on each wrist. As he raised my arms stretched wide above my head, I could see the gleam in his eyes. Or was it lust?

"How do you feel, boy?" Master Sean asked. By his tone, I knew his eyes signaled lust and rage.

"Exposed, Sir," I replied.

"What does being exposed do to your mind, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Anxious and eager," I replied as my dick began to grow. "Fearful and peaceful."

"Very good, boy," Master Sean replied. "Now, I'll show you what I want you to feel."

Two gut punches and two knees in my balls left me stunned.

"I warned your Masters and your husband I would bring you back to them a little bruised," Master Sean taunted. "I like a boy with black and blue balls, a bruised ass and stomach, and maybe even a black eye. Of course, you will have the usual marked back, ass, chest, and stomach from floggers and whips."

Master Sean added two more blows to my balls from his knee before he moved out of the circle of light.

He returned with an array of devices, including two floggers and two whips.

"As I stand in front of you, boy," Master Sean began. "I've noticed your nipples screaming hurt me. So, I'll hurt them."

Master Sean reached for two forceps. Each had diamond shaped surfaces where they connect with the skin. Master Sean pulled my left nipple out to stretch it.

I started to sweat as he positioned the forceps in the middle of my outstretched nipple.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the nubby surface cut into the skin on my nipple.

"Hurts, does it, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I hissed.

"Good," Master Sean said as he tightened the grip. He also added the second clamp with the same response from me.

Master Sean walked out of the circle of light. After several minutes, Master Sean returned.

"I made arrangements for your return tomorrow evening," Master Sean explained. "Your family wants to throw you a welcome home party. They've apparently missed your charming wit!"

Master Sean picked up one of the floggers and stood in front of me with the chosen flogger in my sightline.

"I'll show you how versatile this machine can be," Master Sean continued. "I believe your Masters will want one when they see this in action."

Master Sean punched a few buttons on the remote. My legs unfolded and were brought forward as though I sat in a chair. He left my arms in a spread-eagle position.

Master Sean moved behind me, and I waited for the first blow.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the flogger landed squarely in the middle of my back.

The noise rattled through my brain as the surge of pain ran through my body.

Another blow. More noise. More pain.

Over and over. Until it stopped.

I hung from the suspension frame recovering from the sound of the flogger and the harshness of the flogger meeting my skin. My back felt hot. My dick ached for attention. My nipples numb from the forceps.

Master Sean shuffled through one more flogger and two different whips. I didn't feel my back. It seemed to disappear during the last whipping session.

Master Sean again stood in front of me. "You've done very well, boy," Master Sean said approvingly. "I do need to use one more whip on you. I promised your sons."

Master Sean moved beside the table. He reached into a gym bag and pulled out... a bullwhip. He moved in front of me again with the bullwhip on display in his hands.

"I want you to remember your time here, so I planned this as your last whipping from me for this visit." Master Sean explained. "This will hurt you like nothing you've experienced before. I will take my time. I want you to feel the pain. All of it. Savor the memory of the pain in your head. You can look back at our time together and remember the pain in your back as I bullwhip you."

Master Sean quietly moved behind me.

I waited. I imagined the forthcoming pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the first lash hit my back. I felt the power Master Sean put into the swing. I imagined his ripping arm muscles as he brought the whip back. I saw in my head the smile on Master Sean's face as the whip made contact with my skin.

"Count, boy!" Master Sean ordered.

"One, thank you, Sir," I responded.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. "Two, thank you, Sir."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Three, thank you, Sir."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Twenty..., thank you..., Sir!"

I waited for the next blow of the bullwhip to strike my back. It didn't happen.


"So, Dad," Master Connor said as he and Master Theo sat on the bed in my cell while I was suspended over the bed. "You look good hanging in the air. The position becomes you. It gives you a God-like quality."

"You seem so peaceful hanging with your arms and legs spread like you're flying," Master Theo added. "Did you get another injection to prevent you from getting a hardon, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I thought so," Master Theo continued. "Your dick is just hanging limp. The weight attached to the ring on your foreskin looks so, so hot! How long does the injection work?"

"Few days," I replied.

"I want to see you with a hard dick," Master Connor added. "A hard dick and a weight attached to your balls. I just had a terrific idea, Theo! We should stick a candle in his asshole. We light the candle and let it burn. We could let it burn and burn and burn. It would get shorter and shorter and shorter. As it reached Dad's asshole it would get hotter and hotter and hotter. Even while it burns the candle wax would accumulate around the base of the candle which is inserted in Dad's asshole. Can you imagine how much fun this will be?"

"Dad's dick may not get hard, but it sure is plumping up," Master Theo said. "Dad. You really like Connor's idea, don't you, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered.

"We could just lower him to the bed and fuck him," Master Connor added. "I don't know about you, Theo. I could really use a good turn on Dad's ass. We'll miss your ass while we're at school, Dad. You'll miss our dick in your ass, too. Won't you, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I hung in the air. "I will miss your dick in my ass, Master."

"Good," Master Theo added. "Let's fuck!"

Master Connor quickly grabbed the controls and lowered me to the bed. He pushed another button which raised my ass up for better access.

"He needs something in his mouth," Master Connor said.

"I just happened to have the jock I wore to the gym the last five days," Master Theo explained as he dug through his gym bag. He pulled out the jock, wrapped in a ball, and shoved it into my mouth. "How's it feel to have my sweat stained jock in your mouth, Dad?"

I nodded yes. It's all I could manage. The taste and smell of my son's sweat stained jock excited me. My dick didn't get hard, but my libido clicked into high gear.

Master Theo positioned himself between my legs, slathered lube on his dick, positioned his big dick aligned with my asshole.

My body quivered when Master Theo's dick touched my asshole.

"Oooooooooo," I moaned into the jock in my mouth.

Master Theo suddenly pushed hard, and his dick slid into my ass in one quick movement.

"Ooooooooooooo," I moaned as I felt his dick warm the inside of my ass.

"Yea, Dad," Master Theo hissed. "My dick. Your ass. Perfect."

Master Theo held silent for a few moments. Then the fucking started. Pounding. Over and over and over again. Master Theo pushed his dick in, then he pulled it out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

`Perfect, Steven,' Eros said to me as Master Theo obliterated my ass. `You live for this, don't you, Steven?'

`Yes, Master,' I replied.

`What if your sons couldn't be with you anymore?' Eros asked.

`I'd be nothing,' I replied. `I live for my boys.'

`I've been speaking to some of the other Greek Gods,' Eros explained. `You and your sons developed something men have been striving for since the beginning of time. There is a name for it. Do you know what the name is, Steven?'

`No,' I replied. I flew high above the earth. I reveled in the sensitivity and strength and power and lust.

`E__romenos dominus erastes. In ancient Greece, the Gods created a socially acceptable erotic relationship between an older adult and a younger adult. Usually, the relationship consisted of the older adult mentoring the younger adult in the traditions of sexual fulfillment between men. In this case, the younger adult controls the older adult. Through your young sons, you learn to become more humble, more giving, more socially connected. You give your sons power. You give your sons control. You give them your life, Steven. You give them your life. Once you've finished this journey your life and their lives will be totally joined. You will be peaceful. You will be tranquil. As a result of this union you will have power. The power to do good deeds,' Eros said. `They will gain strength from you. You will gain strength from them. They will learn to dominate the world around them. You will learn to serve the world around you. You and your sons will all see power and take it for the betterment of the world.'

My body seemed to be on fire. The energy floating between Master Theo and me seemed intense. Our bond seemed impenetrable.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Theo bellowed as he unloaded a powerful explosion of cum into my ass.

Master Theo finally spoke after he had recovered. "Your ass is so hot, Dad! Sometimes fucking your ass is all Connor and I can talk about. We've become obsessed, Dad. We're obsessed with your ass, your body, your spirit, your energy, and your humility."

"Dad told us you were having hallucinations recently," Master Connor said as he took Master Theo's place between my legs. "Something about you meeting Greek Gods. What kind of Greek Gods, Dad?"

"Kratos, the God of Strength and Power, and Eros, the God of sexual encounters," I replied. "I can introduce you one day."

"So, you aren't really hallucinating?" Master Theo asked.

"No," I replied. "They are very real in my mind."

"I'd love to meet them," Master Theo replied. "We'd be the first in our class to meet a Greek God! Wouldn't it be cool, Con?"

"Yea!" Master Connor replied as he drove his dick into my ass in one very quick, powerful move.

`I'm eager to meet your sons, Steven,' Kratos said as he appeared before me. `They are beautiful. They have the gift of understanding their strength and power. They will soon understand what must be done. You will help them in their quest.'

`Thank you, Kratos,' I replied as Kratos drifted out of sight.

I bit down harder on the smelly jock in my mouth. I refocused on Master Connor taking me. I relaxed. I felt every sensuous movement of Master Connor's dick.

I refocused on the man-boy's body and his dick. His tanned, muscled body moving in a rhythm of lust, love, and power. His blue eyes locked onto mine. He smiled. I smiled back. He took more power from the room and funneled it into pounding my ass.

I relaxed to savor the beating my ass took from Master Connor. His body dripped with sweat and glistened in the circle of light. His muscles danced with every slight movement he made. We melted into one being.

I'm not certain where my mind went, but I suddenly found myself as Master Connor's dick spewed cum into my ass. Lots of cum.

Master Connor stayed in place. His dick in my ass. His hands on my hips. I felt his heart beat with my ass. His breathing bathed the room in hushed remnants of sex. Pure, lustful sex.

"You have one fine ass, Dad," Master Connor said quietly.

"We'll own you one day, Dad," Master Theo quickly jumped into the conversation. "We'll own your ass, your balls, your dick, your muscles, your tattooed body, your mind. We will own it all."

"Yea, Dad," Master Connor said as he began slowly moving his dick in and out of me again. "We'll own you. Until we do, we expect you to be out making us money. With your body. More porn films for you to make. More men for you to serve. People have asked to rent you long-term. We're working out the details now with Dad, David, Jose, and Buba. You'll be one busy rent boy and porn star."

"I can tell you like the idea of Connor and me owning you," Master Theo said. "Right, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Someday."

"We need to prepare you for your overnight stay in your cell," Master Connor added as he pulled his dick out of my ass.

Master Theo picked up the control box for the pulley system. He positioned me with my legs tight with my upper body. My head near the ground. My ass sticking straight up.

Master Connor rolled a ladder next to me so he could reach my asshole.

"So, Dad," Master Theo said from the sidelines as he handed Master Connor a big white candle, "The candle I handed to Connor is an eight-hour candle. It's guaranteed to last eight hours before it becomes just a blob of molten wax."

I felt Master Connor push the base of the candle into my ass.

"We'll light the candle just before we leave you for the night," Master Theo continued. "Hopefully someone will remember to relieve you of the candle before eight hours are up. Otherwise, you'll have a lot of molten candle wax burning into our asshole."

"We should have a formal candle lighting ceremony, but we'll wait until the next time we use your ass as a candle holder," Master Connor said as I heard a match scratch across the lighting surface of the box.

Master Connor stepped off the rolling ladder and pushed it aside.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs of the playroom.

"My, my, my!" I heard Master Tim said. "You've really gotten yourself in a pickle this time, Steven. What on earth were you thinking? You put a fucking candle in your asshole. I'll never be able to look another candle holder in the eye without remembering this vision of... of... of... asshole candle holders... Wait! We could make a fortune here. Take a mold of Steven's ass and make ceramic candle holders. Every grandmother in the country will want to give one of these to all of her gay grandsons!"

"Do you boys want to join us for a drink beside the pool?" Master Tim asked.

"Sure," Master Theo replied.

"If we smell something which resembles skin burning, Dad, we'll be right down to put out the fire."

`This is not good,' I said to myself. `I'm hanging upside down with a lit candle in my asshole. Just me and my candle.'

`Make the best of your time alone, Steven,' I heard Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung say to me. `Take this time to look for the good in this situation. Always look for the good in a difficult situation.'

`Excuse my language, Spirit Master,' I said to the image of my Spirit Master. `How the fuck do I find the good in me hung upside down with a fucking lit candle stuck in my asshole?'

`Let's go over this step by step, Steven,' my Spirit Master said to me. `I watched this whole scene while it was in play. If we could have an instant replay, I believe you would notice the same thing I noticed. You were quite vocal and physical. Well as vocal as you can be with a dirty jock strap stuck in your mouth. What appeared differently after your sons finished fucking you?'

`I don't know,' I replied. `It's hard to reflect on a situation when one is hanging upside down with a lit candle in one's ass.'

`I can see your conundrum, Steven,' my Spirit Master continued. `Let me see if I can help you with solving this problem. Once you were hung upside down and before your son shoved a candle in your ass and lit it, what reaction did you give?'

`I just hung here like a baboon hanging from his tail,' I replied.

`Let me help you think outside the box,' my Spirit Master suggested. `Do you not agree you were attempting to be exceedingly verbal when you were getting fucked by your two stud sons?'

`Yes,' I replied.

`Let's step outside the box and examine the subsequent situation,' my Spirit Master said. `What did you attempt to say while you were being hung upside down?'

`Nothing,' I replied.

`What did you say when Connor shoved the candle in your ass and lit it?' my Spirit Master asked.

`Nothing,' I replied.

`Exactly, boy,' my Spirit Master said. `You said nothing. What physical movements did you attempt?'

`None, Sir,' I said to my Spirit Master.

`Let us summarize,' my Spirit Master suggested. `You were vocal and physically involved while both your sons fucked you. You were not vocal and you were not physically involved when you were turned upside down and had a candle stuck up your ass. You can't lose control of your slave boy attitude. What can you infer from our observations, boy?'

`If I were in control,' I said as I amazed myself. `I lost control! Damn! I can't lose control. I won't please the Masters I'm serving!'

`Good boy,' my Spirit Master finally said. `You've learned the lesson. Now, take this lesson and use it to build on your real life. Make Kratos, Eros, and me proud of you, boy!'

`Thank you, Spirit Master,' I said as my Spirit Master disappeared.

My mind began to drift into God only knows where.

`Time,' I thought to myself. `Lots and lots of time. Time to think. Think about what? I'm a slave, rent boy, and porn star. I don't need to think. My Masters have planned my life, and they accounted for every second. At least I don't need to run for Senate. I hope Tim won't be disappointed he won't be First Lady.'


"We'll need to put you in a more secure area," Master Connor said as he and Master Theo rescued me from the burning candle in my ass. Wax had already dripped onto my skin as the candle slowly burnt.

Master Theo pulled the candle out of my ass and tipped it slightly to deposit candle wax directly onto my asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the candle wax hit the area around my asshole. I had never experienced candle wax there.

Master Connor lowered my body to the floor. One by one, he and Master Theo removed the restraints. They helped me to my feet and guided me to the center of the playroom.

"We'd better insert the catheter while the boy doesn't have a full-blown erection," Master Connor cautioned. "On your back, boy!"

Master Connor and Master Theo led me to the bondage table and helped me onto my back. Master Theo brought a mobile table with a fully wrapped Foley Catheter. The words "Sterile" marked the package.

Master Connor opened the package with sterile latex gloves. He proceeded to add lubrication.

"I hope this works like Grant told us," Master Theo said as he watched as Master Connor positioned the catheter at the opening of my dick.

"This will be good practice," Master Connor added right before he began to insert the catheter.

"Perfect," Master Connor exclaimed when he had the catheter in place. When Master Connor finished installation, Master Theo attached the drainage line and then attached the bag. They taped it to my thigh.

"Now, Dad," Master Theo explained. "We have a new experience for you."

Master Connor and Master Theo led me to the circle of light in the middle of the room.

Master Theo pulled the cover off the object in the middle of the room. A cage stood in the center of the room.

"We'll be locking you in here at night," Master Connor explained. "We couldn't risk having you run around the house naked. So you'll just sleep here. It's one of the reasons for the catheter. You can't get up to go to the bathroom. We didn't think you'd want to wake up in the middle of the night with your piss all over you."

"We could leave the catheter off some night," Master Theo added. "You'd like pissing all over yourself, wouldn't you, Dad."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"This cage has a cover which goes over the cage," Master Connor continued. "We'll use it occasionally just to spice up your nights. We've been told the cover is virtually sound proof. The only noise you will hear is the whir of the ventilation fan."

"We have another surprise for you upstairs, Dad," Master Theo said as he attached the leash to my collar.

With a single tug, I followed my Masters upstairs.

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The following lists links to all my stories on

Sam and Chris

We're in This Together

Jeffery Comes Home

Taking a Stand

John's Journey Forward

Together Forever

The link listed below, Life With Tim, is not for everyone. It involves BDSM scenes, so PLEASE read it only if it does not bother you. Thanks.

Life With Tim

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