Life with Tim

Published on Aug 30, 2022


Life with Tim 70

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"God you're a good cocksucker!" Master Keiko said as he extricated his dick from my throat. "I'll need more of your mouth, boy. I'll speak with your Masters. And, you know what, I need to piss before I head back to the station.

Officer Keiko stepped back and aimed his dick at my face. He released an amazingly strong stream of piss onto my face, chest, stomach, and crotch.

"Let me take you back to your Masters, boy," Master Keiko said as I stood up. "You're a smelly fucking mess, boy! You need to clean up your act!"

I followed Officer Keiko back to the crowd of onlookers.

"The inspection went well, Officer Newland," Officer Keiko said. "He's in your custody now."

"Thank you for the help, Officer Keiko," Officer Newland said.

"Jesus, Steven," Master Tim added. "You fucking smell like a toilet."

Chapter 70: Did It Really Happen

"Where would you like the boy, Officer Newland?" Master Buba asked our police officer guests

Officer Van Newland scanned the pool deck. "Do you have a playroom?"

"Of course," Master Buba replied. "Please follow me.

Master Buba led us into the depths of the playroom before explaining the situation. "The boy is yours for as long as you want him. Lock him in his cell when you finish with him, please. I'd suggested starting with the sawhorse if you're ardent ass men. But, you are welcome to use any of the equipment. Make yourselves at home. Beer is in the fridge behind the bar plus we have a full bar in case you are so inclined. Have a good evening!"

Master Buba left. All three officers stood staring at my naked body. Officer Newland licked his lips. Officer Marsh adjusted his crotch. Officer Whitehorse began unbuckling his belt.

All of the officers stood naked after only a few moments. Dicks hard and ready to use. It took them only moments to secure me on the sawhorse.

Officer Marsh, the six-two, muscular blond, stroked his twelve-inch dick. Officer Whitehorse eventually took Officer Marsh's place as he stroked his massive cock.

"In case you're wondering, boy," Officer Whitehorse began. "It's fifteen inches long. Do you like it?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"We've decided Officer Marsh will start the festivities. Officer Newland has the second opportunity. I will finish because I'm the biggest."

I felt Officer March's big dick brush against my waiting asshole.

"Ooooooooooo," I moaned in anticipation.

Officer Marsh teased my asshole with the head of his dick for a few moments before slamming it into my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Marsh's dick forced its way into me.


I woke up the next morning in my cell. I lay on my back. My wrists were spread wide above my head and held in place by leather restraints.

"So, Steven," Master Tim said as he sat on the edge of the bed so we could see one another. "You've really done it this time. Your arrest has become the talk of the town. So much talk. So little time. Officer Whitehorse and Officer Newland will be here shortly. They'll be arresting you for indecent exposure and performing sexual acts in public spaces. The A-House is pressing charges as well. It looks like you'll be in jail until your arraignment on Monday morning. It's too bad you won't have time for a shower."

I heard footsteps descending the stairs.

"Ah!" Tim said as he saw the people. "They're here! I'll leave you alone, Steven, while these officers get you ready to transport to the jail. We'll see you sometime Monday afternoon if they let you out."

Another officer accompanied Officer Whitehorse and Officer Newland. He loomed over the other two as though they were little people. He looked to be at least seven feet tall.

"I'm Captain Pearlman," the big man said to Tim. "I'll be in charge of the arrest. I normally don't get involved, but this case has brought a great deal of attention to the town. The City Council has instructed me to be as aggressive as necessary to show we are a civil and law-abiding town."

"Terrific, Captain Pearlman," Tim replied. "I don't believe I've met you. Are you new to the Provincetown Police Department?"

"I started last Monday," Captain Pearlman said to Tim. "I'm still learning the ropes."

I didn't like the way he emphasized the word `ropes.'

"If I can ever be of help, Captain," Tim said to the Captain. "Please let me know. I'm always honored to help an officer uphold his duty."

"Thank you, Mr. Caiden," Captain Perlman replied. "I am, by the way, a big fan of your books."

"Why thank you, Captain," Tim replied. "I'll leave you so you can do your job."

When Tim disappeared up the stairs, Captain Pearlman walked into my cell. He spit on my face.

"It looks like you and me, boy, will get to know one another," Captain Pearlman said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You already know these other two fine officers. Intimately, I hear."

Captain Pearlman unzipped his police uniform trousers and reached inside to fish out his dick.

I gasp when I saw his flaccid dick hanging half way down his huge thigh. Uncut and growing. Bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

I licked my lips.

"Do you like my dick, boy?" Captain Pearlman replied.

"Yes, Master," I said. I couldn't take my eyes off his huge, uncut cock.

"You're lucky, too," Master Pearlman continued. "I've been working so much this week, I haven't had time to cum. Do you know what it means to have loads and loads of pent up cum in my balls, boy?"

I shook my head yes.

"You'll be servicing a lot of dick until you're released," Master Pearlman continued. "All the boys at the station expect you to perform during your stay with us. We expect a few other guests as well. You'll be busy."

Master Pearlman somehow managed to put his still hard dick back in his pants.

"Officers," Master Pearlman said to Officer to Officer Marsh and Officer Newland. "Get the prisoner ready for transport."

The two officers unlocked the restraints and my arms dropped.

"Get up, boy," Officer Newland ordered.

I stood. Officer Newland turned me so my back faced Master Newland. He pulled my hands behind my back and handcuffed them.

"Move, boy," Officer Newland exclaimed.

Officer Newland wrapped his hand around my right bicep. Master Whitehorse did the same around my left one. The escorted me up the stairs—naked—from the playroom, into the entry hall, and outside the house. They pushed me into the back of a police cruiser while several people watched and pointed.

We finally arrived at the police station. Master Whitehorse and Master Newland escorted me from the cruiser into the station. Another crowd had gathered outside the police station. Another crowd filled the lobby of the station.

"You've really caused quite a stir, boy," Captain Pearlman added as he pulled me to an interrogation room. "This can't help your case. I understand the DA is thinking about adding prostitution to the charges against you. "

"Captain," Officer Keiko began as he stepped into the room. "Will you be interrogating the suspect?"

"Yes," Captain Pearlman replied. "I will need your assistance, Officer Keiko."

My dick suddenly hardened when I saw the object in Officer Keiko's hand.

"Your dick tells me you like having your ass paddled," Captain Pearlman said as he took the black leather paddle from Officer Keiko who walked into the room naked and hard.

Officers Marsh and Whitehorse entered. Each carried a flogger. Each sported very hard, dripping dicks.

"Bend over the sawhorse, boy," Captain Pearlman ordered.

I bent face first over the sawhorse. Captain Pearlman secured my ankles while Officer Keiko took care of my wrists.

"Do you want to go first, Officer Keiko?" Captain Pearlman asked.

"I'd be honored," Officer Keiko said to Captain Pearlman.

"So, boy," Officer Keiko began. "You've already had my dick. Now, I'm taking this paddle and reddening your ass. Officer Marsh and Officer Whitehorse will mark up your back. Then, we'll take turns fucking you."

Officer Keiko took his place next to my upturned ass.

"Oooooooooo!" I moaned as Master Keiko rubbed the paddle over my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the paddle landed its first blow to my ass.

Master Keiko continued. Blow after blow. Over and over again. Ass hot! Blows continue. Over and over again. Ass burning!

Suddenly Master Keiko finished paddling my ass and appeared in front of me.

"Your ass looks so good, boy!" Master Keiko hissed before he lifted my head and pushed it down over Master Keiko's extremely hard cock. He pulled out of my throat and walked away.

Officer Marsh took over. Then, it was Officer Whitehorse's turn.

The fucking began. Officer Keiko. Officer Marsh. Officer Newland. Officer Whitehorse.

"Your ass is nice and sloppy, now, boy," Officer Whitehorse said as he pulled his spent cock out of my ass. "It will be perfect for Captain Pearlman."

Captain Pearlman stepped in front of me so I could see him.

I gasp at the size of his rock hard, uncut dick and huge, low hanging balls. I'd never seen a dick as large as the Captain's.

"Yes, boy," Captain Pearlman hissed. "It's big. I've never met any man with a bigger one. You'll like it, won't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I kept my eyes focused on the Captain's big dick.

He slapped his monster dick across my face. It felt like a baseball bat.

He disappeared.

"Ooooooooo!" I moaned as he added lube to my already sloppy asshole.

I felt the Captain's dick rubbing my asshole.

Pain ripped through my body as Captain Pearlman buried his dick in my ass.

I screamed.

I froze as Captain Pearlman began pummeling my ass.

I couldn't move or scream because the pain of Captain Pearlman's attack on my ass became so intense. I couldn't t think about anything but the pain Captain Pearlman inflicted upon me. Every inward stab felt as though a tree trunk pushed into me, ripping me apart. Every withdrawal of Captain Pearlman's huge dick felt as though he vacuumed everything out of me.

I forced myself to remain calm even though I feared his carnage could lead to total ruination of my ass.

I finally saw Master Tim and me walking down a country road. I walked naked down the middle of the road. Tim, fully clothed, put my hand in his and led us further down the road.

`This is it, Steven,' Master Tim said as we walked. `The next journey will take you further and further down the path which leads to the perfect fulfillment of your life's work. You no longer will have the confidence, wisdom, and power to control your situation. You will become meek. You will become totally dependent on others. No decisions. Only one option. You will do as ordered. You will not be in the power of one man. You will take direction from a host of men in your life already and some who are not. You will transfer your ownership to others who may rent you or be given access to your body. Every man you serve will own you, Steven. Remember the phrase it takes a village? Your village will be the world. Your world covered with a sea of men.' Tim's hand released mine. He disappeared. A huge group of men in black leather replaced Tim. All sizes, shapes. Every man stood before me in an endless sea of men. But, then again I could be wrong.'

When I could finally focus, Captain Pearlman's huge body rested on mine.

"Your ass is perfect for my dick," Captain Pearlman whispered as he lifted his body off me. I felt so empty when his dick popped out. "I need more of it. Someone's here to see you though."

Officer Whitehorse, now fully clothed in his uniform, began to remove me from the restraints holding me on the sawhorse. He helped me up and moved me to the bed.

"On your back, boy," Officer Whitehorse ordered.

I reclined on the bed as ordered. Officer Marsh joined Officer Whitehorse. Officer Marsh spread my wrists above my head and stretched them as far apart as he could. Office Whitehorse secured my legs, spread wide.

"Your guest will be in shortly," Officer Whitehorse announced. "Once he is finished with you, you'll be sent back to your Masters home and be confined to your cell while you await arraignment."

Master Zain appeared. His well-worn, sweat stained tank top stretched across his chest. His skimpy gym shorts showed his dick dangling commando style.

"Master Jose sent me here to keep you company," Master Zain explained. "I just finished a two-hour bike ride on the trails around the dunes. Very exhilarating. I'm told you like licking sweaty asses until clean. I need cleaning... with your tongue. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as Master Zain pulled off his tank top. His muscled sweaty upper body glistened in the dim light.

Master Zain let his gym shorts fall to the floor. He kicked off his trainers and stepped closer to me. He left on his jock. I could smell him. I could smell his musky, sweat covered arm pits, crotch, and ass. My dick hardened.

Master Zain climbed on top of me with his exposed ass in my face.

"Lick it, boy," Master Zain ordered. "Lick it clean. The inside, too. I need you to use your tongue to clean my ass on the inside. Do it, boy!"

My dick reacted with my first lick. I licked and licked and licked and licked. Master Zain moaned as my tongue slipped into his asshole.

"Yea, boy!" Master Zain hissed. "Suck my ass clean, boy. Suck it!"

I intensified my efforts.

"Fuck yes, boy!" Master Zain exclaimed. "Lick it! Lick my ass clean, boy! Oh! Yea!"

Master Zain pulled his ass away from my face. He turned to face me and began removing my restraints.

"I'm taking you home under house arrest, boy," Master Zain replied as he continued with the restraints.

"Get up, boy," Master Zain commanded.

I stood with difficulty and assumed the position. Master Zain fastened a collar on me and clipped a leash to the collar.

I stayed silent and motionless while Master Zain slipped his gym shorts back on and laced up his trainers. He left his tank on the jail cell floor.

"You smell like sweat, cum, and piss," Master Zain added. "You'll be punished when I get you home. You should know better than to let yourself go like this. You're an embarrassment to the family."

As we reached the first floor, Captain Pearlman stood at the top of the stairs.

"This pass will allow you to get the boy home even though he stays naked," Captain Pearlman explained. "You must have him home within one hour. He must not rest. He must move constantly."

"Thank you, Captain," Master Zain replied. "The boy needs exercise. He'll follow me. I'll ride home the long way. He'll run behind me."

"Excellent," Captain Pearlman replied as Master Zain led me out to his bike.

Master Zain unlocked his bike from the bike stand. He mounted his bike and began to slowly peddle.

"Keep up the pace, boy," Master Zain explained. "I'd hate to drag you home. If you fall, I'll be forced to continue with your leash and collar practically choking you."

Master Zain kept peddling. Every couple of blocks, he would increase the pace. I ran behind his bike—barely keeping up with Master Zain. Finally, we arrived at the house. Sweat poured out of my body. My breathing sounded heavy. My legs hurt. Master Zain led me to the pool area where the family gathered.

"Look!" Master Tim shouted when he saw my naked, sweaty body standing beside Master Zain. "You are one filthy SOB. Have you no shame, boy?"

"No, Sir!" I replied. "I'm sorry I offended you, Sir!"

"Zain," Tim continued. "Would you please take slave boy here downstairs and clean him. Join us once you are finished."

"Yes, Sir," Master Zain replied as he tugged at the leash.

I followed Master Zain downstairs to the playroom. Master Zain removed my collar and leash before he pushed me into a cold shower.

The freezing water took my breath away. I quickly soaped and rinsed my body before stepping out of the shower to dry myself.

"Let's go, boy!" Master Zain exclaimed.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I followed Master Zain upstairs.

"Good to have you back, boy," Master Jose said as Master Zain delivered me to both of my Masters. "Assume the position, boy. Arms up."

"Yes, Master," I said as I positioned myself with feet shoulder width apart. Hands clenched together behind my neck. I looked down at the pool deck.

"I understand from the officers you had an overwhelming experience with Captain Pearlman," Master Jose continued. "We've arranged for him to demonstrate his technique after Monday. In the meantime, we need to assess your readiness to serve us while you're in your cell. Buba?"

Master Buba circled while I stood silently and motionless. Without speaking, he positioned himself behind me. I felt his big, hard, uncut dick caressing my ass. He put his hands on my hips.

"Mmmmmmph!" I moaned as Master Buba shoved his entire fifteen-inch dick into me. One quick, powerful stroke.

"Ah! Yes," Master Buba hissed. "Perfect! Captain Pearlman did an excellent job of opening up the boy's ass. I've never felt such a sloppy ass."

Master Buba pulled his dick out of my ass and moved beside Master Jose. Master Tim took his place with my other two Masters.

"So, boy," Master Tim said to me. "I hope you've learned your lesson about walking around Provincetown naked. I also thought you'd enjoy spending time with our sons before they head to Harvard. They are excited to have you back.

"And Steven," Master Tim began. "The winner of the door prize at the bar. He will claim you next week. He's a really nice man. Tall. Big dick. Muscles. Hairy. Sadistic. He loves to fuck."

Master Tim turned to Masters Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo. "Take your boy downstairs. You can have him until his court appearance. Make certain he is either in his cell or in restraints in the playroom."

Master Zain removed his collar from around my neck. Master Connor grabbed my left arm. Master Theo grabbed my right arm and pulled me in the direction of the playroom.

My four Masters positioned me in the middle of the playroom in the center of the flood light pointing at the floor from above. The light created a circle on the otherwise empty floor.

"We became so excited when Dad T told us you were ours for the rest of the weekend," Master Adrian said as he stood in front of me. "Assume the position, boy."

I positioned my feet shoulder width apart with my hands clenched behind my neck.

"We had your collar modified," Master Adrian said as he held up my collar. "We installed an electroshock device on the inside. It's remote controlled. You'll like it just as much as we will."

Master Adrian affixed the collar around my neck.

"Masters," I began. "I am yours. You own me. You control me. I am yours. Use me as you please."

"Very good, boy," Master Adrian said as Master Leo took his place.

"You also must wear this ankle bracelet to monitor your location and vital signs," Master Leo said as he showed me the device. He leaned down and snapped it into place on my left ankle.

Master Theo and Master Connor took the place of Master Adrian and Master Leo. They quietly circled my body. They looked intently at my body as my dick began to harden even more.

"We'll have so much fun with you, Dad," Master Theo said as the two stood in front of me. "It's too bad, though, Dad. You have a nice big dick and huge balls, but you don't use them. Maybe we can actually put them to use for a change while you're with us."

"It's time to get this extravaganza started," Master Adrian announced.

"We'll be taking this slowly, boy," Master Leo explained as he reached out and began tugging at my nipples. "We're savoring every moment of this experience!"

I felt Master Adrian's big, hard dick rub against the crack of my ass as he fisted my cock and began stroking it. He teased the crack of my ass with his own big dick.

Master Leo continued tugging, twisting, and pinching my nipples as he moved his lips close to mine.

"Look at me, boy," Master Leo hissed. "Look into my eyes. Concentrate. Concentrate on your son's big, hard dick rubbing against the crack of your ass. Concentrate on your son's boyfriend tweaking your nipples. How does it make you feel, boy?"

"Weak, Sir," I replied. "It makes me feel weak. I can't stop myself from wanting more...needing more."

"Good," Master Leo replied. "Because you'll get more. More from me. More from Adrian. More from Connor. More from Theo. We'll give you a lot more. And, you know what? You'll want even more from us."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Adrian began kissing the back of my neck while he kept rubbing his big hard dick against the crack of my ass. And he continued slowly stroking my engorged dick.

"Oooooooo," I moaned as Master Leo leaned in and began kissing me.

Soft gentle kisses on my lips. Sensuous kisses on the back of my neck. Big, hard dick rubbing the crack of my ass. Hands kneading my nipples.

"Don't move, boy," Master Adrian warned. "You'll pay if you move."

"Yes, Master," I hissed as my mind raced into high gear as the sensations of my son's and his boyfriend's touch. It made my body tingle.

"Don't cum, boy," Master Leo hissed. "If you do, you'll be punished. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good, boy," Master Leo hissed back as he went back to kissing me.

They continued to fondle and kiss my body. Master Adrian artfully brought me near the brink of cumming—like I had almost reached the top of the mountain. Then, he paused until he knew I had begun descending the mountain without going over the top.

Over and over again. Master Leo and Master Adrian brought me near the top of the mountain only to bring me back down again. Over and over.

I almost didn't notice Master Adrian's cock slip into my ass. One of Master Leo's hands dropped from my nipple and found his dick. Master Leo began stroking as Master Adrian began fucking me. I felt them both nearly reach the top of the mountain at the same time I did. The explosion happened. I shot. Master Leo shot. Master Adrian shot in my ass.

Master Leo and Master Adrian both held onto me as we used each other to stabilize ourselves.

"Okay, boy," Master Leo whispered finally. "We all need to rest."

"Let's have a drink," Master Adrian suggested.

Master Leo attached the leash to my collar. I followed them to the bar.

"Sit, boy," Master Adrian ordered.

Master Leo fished out three beers from the fridge behind the bar.

"I just experienced some of the best sex I've ever had," Master Adrian explained after he took the first sip of his beer.

"Amazing is all I can say," Master Leo replied. "Boy?"

"Amazing, Sir," I replied.

Master Connor and Master Theo sauntered up to the bar. They both grabbed a beer.

"Your Dad's ass is amazing, Leo," Master Theo said. "So tight!"

"I like the way he moans during sex," Master Connor added.

"Anton is here?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Connor replied. "We'll switch for the next round. We left him in the sling for Leo and Adrian. He kept begging us for more."

"He'll be fucking you, Dad, before the night is out," Master Theo added. "By the time we're finished with you, Dad, cum will drip from your ass. Your husband will have a fit if you get any cum on the furniture."

"I think it's time," Master Leo said.

Everyone disposed of our bottles. Master Adrian and Master Leo disappeared into the darkness.

Master Connor took my leash and led me to a corner of the playroom.

"What do you think of our new toy, Dad?" Master Theo asked.

"It looks interesting," I replied.

"Grant bought it for us as a graduation present from high school," Master Connor explained. "He had it custom made."

"Here's how it works, Dad," Master Theo explained. "It's sort of like a horizontal stockade. You lay on the bench facing up. Your neck rests on the indent. The mirror image bar fastens on the fixed bar. Your head is secured. We bring your ankles up and secure them with the third bar. So, you're secured with your ass, cock and balls, and nipples available to us. Sounds like fun, huh, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I said as my dick went from almost soft to absolutely hard.

Master Connor and Master Theo worked quickly to secure me onto the horizontal stockade.

"God this makes me so, so horny!" Master Connor exclaimed. "Does it make you horny, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. He couldn't have assumed anything else because my dick stood straight and hard.

"We flipped a coin to determine who goes first," Master Theo said. "I won. I'm sticking my dick in your ass and ride and ride and ride until I can't ride anymore. I'm using your ass, Dad, like I've never used it before. Long. Hard. It'll be a power fuck. You like power fucks, don't you, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Theo positioned himself between my legs. His hand aligned his big, hard dick with my asshole. I almost exploded when the tip of his dick touched my asshole. Master Theo's dick disappeared into my ass. All thirteen inches of eighteen-year-old meat.

"Powerless. Needy. You like it when someone takes control. Your son has his dick impaled in your ass. So good. So fucking good," Master Theo said

Master Theo's body tensed. His breathing became heavier.

He started pounding. Pounding my ass. Taking me. Owning me. Dominating me. Humiliating me.

"Yes, Master!" I moaned. "Take me. Please take me, Master!"

Master Theo took my words as encouragement, and he quickened the pace of his rampage.

`You're good for each other, boy,' I heard a voice say. `Your sons Connor and Theo and you have a beautiful bond you share. Make certain they know it. Make certain you give yourself to them. Do it often, boy. They are your real life.'

My brain felt like it was about to explode. My body pulsed with energy from my son's dick in my ass. I sank into his rhythm. I floated.

Master Theo's body tensed. His eyes glazed over. Sweat dripped from his body. Before he exploded in my ass, A powerful force enveloped me.

Master Theo's body convulsed as he began to unload in my ass. He stabbed his dick into me with each pulse of cum spilling into my ass.

Master Theo slowly lowered his body so he rested on top of me. I felt the pounding of his heart. I felt the rise and fall of his chest as he forced his breathing under control. I felt the heat from his sweaty body filter into mine.

Master Theo raised his head and looked into my eyes. He smiled, and I returned the smile.

"God I love you, Dad," Master Theo whispered.

"I love you, too," I replied as Master Theo leaned down and began kissing me.

My dick stirred as Master Theo's passion grew.

Master Theo pulled away from my lips. Our eyes locked again. He smiled. I smiled.

"My brother needs to give you some affection, Dad," Master Theo said as he lifted his body off mine.

I felt empty when Master Theo's dick popped out of my ass.

I watched Master Theo move away from me as Master Connor took his place between my legs. It seemed like a dance.

"You and Theo looked hot together, Dad," Master Connor said as he stroked his already hard dick.

It struck me how much alike Master Connor and Master Theo are physically but also different in their respective heads.

"I know what you need now, Dad," Master Connor whispered. "And I'll give it to you. I want something from you before I give you what you need."

"Anything, Master," I replied.

"Give Theo and me your body, Dad," Master Connor said. "Give us your body when we're ready to take you, Dad. Let us own your body and your mind, Dad. You know we'll give you everything you need, Dad. Just give us your body, your mind, your spirit, your energy, your power, and your lust."

"Master," I replied. "It's not mine to give."

"We'll take care of your Masters Jose and Buba or whoever else owns you when we're ready," Master Connor explained. "We will take you in time, Dad. Will you give us what we want?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I'll give you what you want. Take me. Own me. Control me. Take possession of everything I am and everything I own. It's yours."

"Thank you, Dad," Master Connor said as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Yea, Dad," Master Theo said. "Thank you."

Master Theo leaned in and shared the kiss with Master Connor and me.


I awoke to the dim glow of the night light. I was spread eagle on my back with restraints at the foot and head of the bed. Master Connor slept on my right with his head on my chest and his arm draped across me. Master Theo had assumed a similar position on my left. My dick stirred to life at the sight of my two beautiful, naked boys. The bed we were on consumed a large corner of my cell.

Master Connor blinked awake first. He looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back. Master Theo also opened his eyes and assessed the situation.

Master Connor and Master Theo looked at one another. Like a choreographed dance each one took one of my nipples in their mouths and began sucking and biting.

"Ooooooooooo," I moaned.

Master Connor and Master Theo paused sucking my nipples.

"Who goes first?" Master Connor asked his brother.

"I had him first last night," Master Theo replied. "You can have him first this morning!"

"And we have another evening and another morning before we need to give him back," Master Connor said. "Dad T, Adrian, Leo, and Anton wants a piece of Dad's ass this afternoon."

"I think we can give him up for a little while," Master Theo said as he leered at me. "Then the real pressure for the boy to perform for us will be tonight."

"Yea," Master Connor hissed as moved between my legs to take me.

My eyes locked with Master Connor's. I knew from the look on his face I was in for a real workout. Unlike last night, this will be a power fuck for both of my sons.

"Don't hold back, Master," I whispered. "Take me, please. Take me hard. Pound my ass, Master. Please pound my ass."

"Done," Master Connor said as he unhooked the restraints from the eye bolts attached to the wall of my cell. He pulled each leg back over my head and attached the restraints to the ones holding my wrists still. He positioned himself with his big dick aligned with my asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Connor shoved his dick into my ass. All of it. All nine inches in a single, powerful, rapid stroke.

Master Connor's eyes glazed over. He lost himself and found a place in my head.

Master Connor immediately shifted into overdrive and began to powerfully ravage my ass.

Master Theo took over Master Connor's duties after Master Connor shot copious loads of cum in my ass.

Master Adrian took the reins after Master Leo. Likewise, Master Leo pumped my ass in his rage to satisfy himself.

"Now, my Dad gets a piece of your ass, boy," Master Leo hissed. "Your ass is his reward for pleasing us so masterfully. And, you should get used to him fucking you, boy. We've all agreed anyone in the family can have your ass as long as you're not being used by someone else. Dad, he's all yours."

Master Anton slowly moved beside my bed.

"Never in a million years did I expect to be in the position I am in now," Master Anton began. "I'm about ready to mount and take the ever-so-powerful Steven Caldwell. I used to watch you from a distance as you worked a crowd at charity events. Moving so gracefully from one powerful guest to the other. You were always in control."

My eyes fixed on Master Anton's growing dick.

"You like my big dick, don't you, boy?" Master Anton asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I continued, mesmerized, staring at Master Anton's huge dick. It still hadn't stopped growing.

"You seem bigger, more muscular, Master," I whispered to Master Anton as he prepared to mount me.

"I work out every day," Master Anton replied. "My son supervises my workouts."

I watched Master Anton position his huge cock at my asshole. He looked into my eyes. I saw lust and power take over his usually timid eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Anton shoved his big dick into my ass.

Master Anton pulled out of my ass and shoved his dick back inside me. Repeatedly, he pulled out of me and shoved back inside me. Slowly. Rhythmically. Repeatedly.

I moaned every time Master Anton shoved his dick inside my ass up to his balls.

Suddenly, like someone turned on a switch, Master Anton began to battle my ass. Quick, powerful strokes. Sweat poured out of Master Anton's body and dripped onto mine. I felt as though I stood in the middle of a rain storm. Drenched with pelting rain. Except it wasn't rain. Master Anton's sweat smelled of sex, of power, of lust.

I zoned out as my mind moved inside my body. I relaxed into the powerful stabs of Master Anton's cock into my ass. Every cell in my body felt the power and lust in Master Anton's workout.

`It's happening, boy,' I heard Master Lien Bien Chung quietly whisper to me. `You've stepped over the edge. You're taking control. Settle your mind with his, boy. Make him one with you.'

My mind began to creep inside Master Anton's mind. I saw demons. I saw lust and power. I saw rage and concentration.

`Go one step further, boy,' my Spirit Master urged.

I saw Master Anton's power over me grow. I saw his lust breed torment. I saw his rage strain at the seams of his very being. Master Anton took me into his world—a world filled with serpents, dragons, and demons.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Anton screamed as I felt the serpents, dragons, and demons spew out of his dick and into my ass.

`He bred you, boy,' my Spirit Master whispered and then disappeared.


I woke up alone. Tied spread eagle on my bed in my cramped cell. Quietness enveloped me. A dim flood light created a soft glow in a circle around my cell with darkness on the other side of the light.

This morning the judge found me not guilty, but my Masters decided to privately sentence me to one week in my cell. `You need to be punished, boy,' Master Buba explained. `One week. You will have visitors. You will be fed.'

Then Master Tim led me into my cell with the whole family watching and placed me on the bed inside my cell. He put my ankles and wrists in restraints which pulled me into a spread-eagle position on my back. The family and Master Tim all left silently.

As I lay in my cell waiting for the next man for me to service, I realized I had lost something. Something I needed to move out of my current life and move into my next life. I needed to claim my true place in this world. I couldn't picture what I lost, but I knew I had a void in my mind.

I also had a curious interest in moving beyond my world as it exists. I found a memory of something I knew could help lead me into my new being. Meditation hypnosis techniques.

The words of my first time with my Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung filtered through my head.

"For our time here, Steven, we will be naked," my Spirit Master, Lien Bien Chung, explained. "We will exchange few words. We will be intimate. We will become one. You will learn the meditation techniques and hypnosis techniques as we move along from one point in our journey to another. We will spend our time by ourselves. No one else will see us. No one else will hear us. Now, take off my robe so you can view my body and my mind. Look into my eyes. Look at my body. Look into my mind. I will do the same to you."

I felt the big man standing next to me. Silently. Naked. His mind seems to meld with mine. I close my eyes. A mind-numbing silence replaced the initial pleasant burst of energy."'

`It's happening, boy,' I heard Master Lien Bien Chung quietly whisper to me. `You're about to experience your first step onto the next Spirit Journey. This is the ultimate Spirit Journey. You may not recognize the people and places on this journey. But, when you finish this journey, you'll understand where you must be. You'll know what you must do. And you'll recognize others who will join you in this journey. It may not be the people you love. The people you cherish. It might be total strangers. But they won't be strangers for long.'

`You'll be communing with a higher being, boy,' my Spirit Master explained. `You will be intimate with those around you without them realizing you have become a powerful force in this place we call Earth.'

`You will teach your followers the meditation and hypnosis techniques we explored during our initial meeting. Your will also teach them about the Gift your Master Buba gave you. But your followers won't know you are teaching them. Just like some of the men you serve don't know you and only you are in total control of the situation.

`You will be in your own world, Steven,' Sprite Master continued. `Others will come and go as necessary to accomplish your goal—a goal you haven't yet considered. At times, no one will see you. No one will hear you. You will be accompanied on your journey by higher powers working with you to achieve your goal. Your journey will take time. Sometimes you won't even think you are on your journey. But you will be. You will always be on your Spirit Journey. Take your journey and don't look back. Go forth, Steven!'

I jolted awake as I felt something enter my space.

"You looked so peaceful lying there, Steven," Master Tim said softly as he sat on a stool next to my bed. "And I'm always amazed at how sexy you look. The restraints add some intrigue."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "What brings you down here?"

I realized Master Tim sat next to me wearing a tight Speedo swimsuit and nothing else. My dick began to stir.

"I wanted to have a little time with my husband," Tim replied. "It's been a few days since we've had a chance to talk. You've been busy recently. First, Adrian and Leo. Then, Connor and Theo. And Anton! How was Anton?"

"He's an amazing performer," I added. "Of course, you watched. What did you think of Anton's performance?"

"I agree, he's amazing," Master Tim replied. "I didn't realize he had such a meaty dick. He's also like Grant and David. He never stops. I hope I get to experience his performance abilities first hand before long. How are you coping with your incarceration?"

"Very nicely, Master," I replied. "I've had a lot of time to think since my court date yesterday."

"It must be lonely laying here," Master Tim continued. "Restrained in a spread-eagle position with only the dim floodlight overhead illuminating the area. No one to talk with. No one to play with. Such a shame."

"I've enjoyed my time alone, Master," I replied. "It's given me some time for self-reflection. I'm on another Spirit Journey, Master Tim. I have begun a learning process."

While I explained my time alone, Master Tim eyed my growing dick. Finally, he wrapped his hand around my cock and began to slowly stroke me.

"Have you ever had hallucinations or very vivid dreams which shake you to your very being?" Tim asked.

"No, Master," I replied.

"I suspect you will," Master Tim added.

"You seem different, Master," I said.

"I've had some revelations about myself, Steven," Tim said as he continued to slowly stroke me. His gazed still on my cock. "I'm growing tired of being scattered around to those who want a piece of me. I've decided I'm going to love who I want to love. I'll write what I want to write and how I want to write it. I'm still trying to decide how you fit into my new life. Any suggestions?"

Tim still fixed his eyes on my dick while he continued stroking.

"You're getting me close to cumming, Master," I warned.

Master Tim stopped stroking my dick. He continued with his explanation.

"I'm not certain whether to think of you as my husband or a rent boy that Grant, David, and I hire," Master Tim continued. "I could also reclaim you as my slave boy. You do remember your contract with Master Jose and Master Buba?"

"I'm not certain what you mean, Master Tim.

Tim began stroking my dick again as he resumed his explanation. "I'm the only one who can claim you without permission from Jose or Buba. So I'm contemplating my options. If I do reclaim you, Grant, David, and I won't need to rent you. I could limit your service to the three of us, the boys, and maybe a few other carefully selected men. But, with ownership, comes other responsibilities. I'd need to keep you in shape. I'd need to keep you fed. I wouldn't worry about clothing you, however. Especially if I confine you to the house or even your cell. I also don't want to piss off Jose or Buba. I'm also thinking about removing you as the boys' legal father. But some of the intrigue would be lessened. There's something hot about the boys fucking their father like he was a pig. Of course, you are a pig. Am I right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I hissed as Tim continued to stroke my dick. The intensity of Master Tim sitting next to my bed in my cell while I'm restrained in a spread-eagle fashion increases with every slow stroke. My dick is now again almost ready to explode.

"Keeping you as my husband also has its advantages," Tim continued to explain as he also continued to stroke. "We have joint custody of our kids. We have joint control over some of our private investments. I can be your surrogate health care advocate."

Master Tim stopped stroking my dick. "We can't have you spewing cum all over your cell, Steven. I also thought I might need to have you as my husband in case something happened to you or me. As spouses, we don't pay the estate taxes. I'd also enjoy being first husband if you were elected to be President. Wouldn't it be fun, Steven? You and me in the White House?"

"It would be different, Master Tim," I said.

Master Tim started stroking my dick again.

"You might be grateful if I reclaimed you," Master Tim continued as his strokes became faster. "I'd probably not rent you out so much. Between Grant, David, Connor, Theo, Adrian, Leo, and me, we would definitely keep you busy. But you like being rented, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as Tim quickened his strokes. My whole body seemed on fire.

"I'm leaning toward keeping you as my husband, but I haven't made a final decision," Tim continued as he stopped stroking my dick. I sighed in relief.

Master Tim began to slowly stroke my dick again after he stopped for a moment.

"You... would like... your... freedom..., wouldn't... you..., Master Tim?" I asked as I tried to hold back an ensuing eruption.

"Not necessarily, Steven," Master Tim replied. His stroking continued. "Remember when you told me I'd have new priorities in my life since I'm committed to being lovers with Grant and David?"

"Yes, Master," I hissed.

"You were right, boy," Master Tim said as he continued to slowly stroke my dick. He averted an explosion. "My priorities are different. I really, really want to spend quality time with lovers. Connor and Theo would miss you if you were gone, boy."

"I would miss them as well," I replied as Tim kept stroking my dick. "Have you noticed... Master Connor and Master Theo's dicks... have grown... since we first... met... Used to be ten inches... Now twelve inches... I think... they've... stopped... growing... Their dicks... I mean..."

"Whose dick is your favorite?" Master Tim asked.

"They are all... my favorite...," I replied.

"Let's narrow this down," Master Tim said as he continued stroking my dick. "Connor, Theo, Adrian, Leo, Jose, Buba, Grant, David, and me. Which is it?"

"Master Connor... and... Master Theo...," I replied. "Both... the... same... So... beautiful..."

"I thought as much," Tim said as he began to add speed to his strokes. He sat silently as he gazed at my dick. My body moved to the edge of cumming.

"Well, Steven," Tim said as he stopped stroking. "I need to get back upstairs. Grant and David will wonder where I went. Bye, boy!"

"Bye, Master Tim," I hissed as Master Tim left me in a frenzied state.

`Fuck!' I thought. `I need to cum!'


After Tim had left, I still lay on my back in a spread-eagle position.

`I need to be honest with all the people I encounter,' I thought to myself. `I need to be open and honest in all my work. I can no longer live a lie. I need freedom to be myself."

A guy I didn't know meandered into my cell and began to stroke my dick again.

"They told me you were hot, boy," the guy explained. He had a southern accent. Looked amazingly handsome and tanned. His six-one body bulged with muscles. "But I never expected this. You are one fine piece of meat, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"I started home from the beach and I ran into four guys," the dude continued. "They said you were their father. All I can say is you have some very, very hot sons."

"Three of them are my sons," I explained as the stranger continued to stroke my dick. "The fourth is one of my son's boyfriend."

"They fuck you, right?" the guy asked as he continued to stroke me. The speed of his stroking increased slightly.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "They fuck me among other things." My body began to tense. I concentrated on my dick and balls trying not to cum.

"Are they Sadists, too?" the guy asked.

"Yes," I replied. I was so close. `Don't cum!' I screamed at myself. `don't cum!'

"They... are... Sadists. Very good... Sadists..., I might... add." I mumbled.

The guy without a name sat back in the seat beside the bed. He looked longingly at my body.

"I told your husband upstairs I'd be happy to help out in any way I could," the guy explained. "I'll bet your ass is so, so sweet."

The guy took his index finger, slipped it in his mouth, and grinned at me. I looked up at the ceiling into the light. I felt his finger inside me. My dick pounded, eager for release.

"Your husband suggested I come back tomorrow," the guy continued as he began to stroke my dick again. "He said I could take care of you for the entire afternoon. Your husband's lovers seem pretty hot, too."

"Yes, Sir," I squeaked.

"I'll bet your husband's lovers keep your husband's ass busy," the guys said with a smile. "Do they have big dicks?"

"Yes...," I replied as he tightened his grip on my cock. "They have... big... dicks...! My husband... likes... big... dicks."

"Do your husband's lovers ever let another man fuck your husband's ass?" the guy asked as his smile grew and his hand squeezed even tighter.

"No...," I replied as I started a meditation routine which helped me not cum in the past. "Grant... and David... only fuck... my husband..."

The guy stopped stroking my dick at the instant I was almost ready to cum.

`Shit I need to cum!' I screamed at myself.

"You're a porn star, too," the guy said as he sat and eyed my dick.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"I've seen all of your films," the guy continued. "I didn't realize I had been invited to stroke the dick of a porn star until I saw you lying here."

The guy fumbled with something in his bag. He pulled out his phone. He put his head next to mine and took a selfie.

"I just want to tell my friends I met a porn star," the guy added as he put his phone away. "Someone said you were for rent, too."

"Yes," I replied as the guy settled next to me again. He reached for my dick and began stroking again.

"I'll bet you're expensive," the guy continued. "I can afford you, I'm certain."

"Who are you?" I asked as my body again rode the rollercoaster of sexual stimulation. I was now on my way up. "You look familiar."

"I'm Roger Roberts," the guy replied. "I'm a soccer player for the Chicago team."

"Oh!" I replied as he tightened his grip on my dick and stroked just a little faster.

"I'm in town with my husband," Master Roger said as he continued stroking my dick at a fairly rapid pace. "He and I would both like to play with you. Separately, of course. We don't play well together. We both want all the attention. We have a very nice playroom in Chicago. I understand you live in Chicago when you're not in Provincetown."

"Yes...," I hissed as my body tensed and the sweat poured out of me.

"Good," Master Roger replied. "I've got to run now, boy. I'm meeting my husband at the coffee shop downtown. Your husband and his lovers were on their way there when I walked through the door."

Master Roger the soccer player turned and made his way upstairs.

My balls ached from the highs and lows of the last... however long it had been since Tim arrived.

`Boy,' I heard a voice in the distance I had never heard before. `At last I get to spend time with you.'

An image of a young, extremely muscled man with long, straight brown hair dressed in a black leather harness. Flaccid cock hung to his knees. I looked up at his tattooed body and almost came.

`Before we go on, I should introduce myself,' the image explained. `I'm Kratos. I am an enforcer. I stand at the gate of the heavenly throne. I serve Zeus and I am the spirit of strength, might, and power. Welcome to the Spirit Journey Place of Strength and Power.'

I continued to stare at the Greek God, Kratos! His skin seemed to glow as I watched his huge dick grow as it filled with blood. The weight of his engorged cock didn't allow it to stick straight up. It proudly stood at a forty-five-degree angle once it stopped growing.

`You will come to this place often, Steven,' Kratos said with confidence. `You and I will make thunder and lightning surge through the human world. I appeared before you to welcome you to this cherished place. I look forward to our next meeting. The next time we see one another you will seek rejuvenation.'

`I now know solitary confinement ruin's people's brains!' I thought to myself.

"Hello, boy!" I jumped to awareness as a handsome man with jet black hair hanging seductively across his forehead and touching his back shoulders. He stood in the doorway of my cell. His dark olive skin brought goose bumps to my body. His electric emerald green eyes shimmered in the dimness of the overhead floodlight. A six one body stood with his muscles bulging. His naked upper body again made my dick stir. His short, tight, tattered cutoffs almost burst open at his crotch. "They were right! Handsome doesn't begin to describe you. I swear I smell sex oozing from the pores of your body! My name is Andre, by the way. A group of men on their way to the beach suggested I might like to stop in to keep you company. Would you like company, boy?"

I could barely speak as I watched Andre in the doorway of my cell. My dick sprang to life again.

"I believe your dick speaks for you, boy," Master Andre said as he walked into my cell and dropped his back pack on the floor. He sat in the seat once occupied by Master Tim and Master Roger. The fingers of his right hand traced the lines on the tattoos in my right pec. "These tattoos belong in an art museum. You whole body becomes a work of art with your muscles, flawless, hairless skin, and astounding tattoos. Your Master must be very proud of you. I understand you lay here because your Master showed your naked body to one too many people. Sometimes cops have absolutely no artistic vision!"

I couldn't speak as Andre continued to move his fingers over the tattoos on my chest. I could feel the electricity pop and crackle as he moved his fingers across my chest.

Our eyes locked. I watched his eyes brighten as I felt the sexual energy between us swell.

"Would you mind if I made myself more comfortable, boy?" Andre asked.

"No, Master," I replied in a strained voice. I could barely speak.

My eyes followed Andre's perfect body as he flipped off his topsiders. I almost came as he unzipped his cutoffs and lowered them to his ankles. My eyes settled on his perfectly formed ass. When he turned to face me, I caught my first glimpse of his dick. Growing harder. Uncut. Thick. Huge. Twelve inches and growing.

Master Andre settled again in the seat next to my bed.

"I met your husband by the pool," Master Andre began. "His lover didn't stop fucking him while we spoke briefly. I take it you two don't make love anymore... Pity!"

Master Andre continued tracing my tattoos with his finger. His finger had worked its way down to my stomach.

"You have incredible six-pack abs," Master Andre said. While his right hand continued to trace the outline of my tattoos, his left hand palmed my dick. He began stroking me.

"Ooooooooo," I moaned softly as the feeling of intense sexual energy hit me like a cannon firing into a brick wall.

"Nice cock and balls, too, boy," Master Andre added. "I've seen you before, you know. Your sons and I had a conversation while Jerome tattooed your cock. You're a very fortunate father to have three very hot sons who aren't afraid to take from you what they want. Extraordinary men. I suspect their intensity while using you explodes at times."

Master Andre stopped tracing my tattoos with his finger and switched hand. His right hand now firmly clenched my hard dick. He kept stroking.

"Tell me, boy," Master Andre said softly. "How does it feel to have your extremely handsome sons fuck you and take possession of your body?"

"I don't know what you mean, Master," I said as I reacted to Master Andre's touch and his hand massaging my hard cock.

"Nonsense, Steven," Master Andre continued. "You know what I mean. You have three absolutely striking sons and one of their friends eagerly awaiting another chance to be with you. To control you. To fuck you. To use you. I'm asking again. How does it feel to have your sons fuck you and take possession of your body?"

I remembered an earlier thought, `I need to be honest with all the people I encounter.'

"I feel I'm on the biggest high of my life when they are with me, either inside me or using me," I began. "They bring me to new heights of sexual fulfillment. Their dicks and cum energize me. Their touch emboldens me to respond in ways I've never thought about. The exhilaration I feel as a whip lands on my skin delivered from one of my boys drives me insane. I want them to own me. I want them to own me like no other man has owned me. I yearn to serve them over all others. They own me in spirit. I hope, one day, they can physically own me."

Master Andre kept stroking my dick. Faster than before. My explanation about how I feel about my sons ricocheted through my mind. Reality sidetracked my self-examination.

`I'm going to cum!' I thought to myself. I started breathing harder. My body tensed.

Master Andre took his hand away from my dick.

"Please let me cum," I begged. "Please!"

"Nope," Master Andre replied. "Your husband told me not to let you cum. He didn't say much after he gave me my instructions because his other lover, the big Asian guy, stuck his dick in your husband's mouth. Very, very sexy. I would have enjoyed watching, but I wanted to keep you company."

Master Andre licked his index finger and pushed it into my ass.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as he began to close in on my prostate.

"You like having things in your ass, don't you, boy?" Master Andre whispered.

"Yes, Master," I hissed as the sexual tension in my body began to build.

"Your Masters Jose and Buba promised me your ass when you are not in a compromising position," Master Andre said. "In the meantime, I'll be content to tease you."

"Anything you say, Master," I replied not really knowing what I was saying. I only knew Master Andre's finger in my ass drove me toward the rollercoaster ride's highest peak.

Master Andre pulled his finger out of my ass and put it into my mouth to lick clean.

"Good boy," Master Andre added. "I understand beyond being a really good slave boy, you're also a porn star and prostitute. How does being a prostitute make you feel, boy?"

"It makes me feel whole, Master," I explained. "The spirits placed me on this earth to serve men as best I know how... with my body. It is an honor, Sir."

"Makes sense to me," Master Andre said to me. "You need to do what makes you happy, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as Master Andre took my dick in his hand again and began stroking.

"I can tell you and I will have a fruitful relationship, Steven," Master Andre explained. "You will give me what I want. I will give you what you need. Do you have any political aspirations, boy?"

"No, Sir," I replied. "I want to work for social justice so people can be free of hate, anger, and distrust. I feel it is a calling of mine."

"You want to help others and to provide sexual favors for men who have the means to pay you," Master Andre said with a smile on his face.

I had to look away from Master Andre's handsome face. He made me hornier. I wanted him to kiss me.

"The guy with his dick in your husband's mouth told me you liked to kiss," Master Andre continued. "True?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Andre took his hand away from my dick. His eyes locked on mine. I watched, as though he were moving in slow motion, as he positioned himself between my legs and lowered his body onto mine. Our lips met.

"Oooooooooo," I moaned as the touch of Master Andre's lips on mine sent rockets zooming through my body.

"Yea," Master Andre moaned as he kicked into high gear and began to passionately devour my mouth, my tongue, and my lips. His right hand slipped behind my neck and pushed me closer to him even though we couldn't get any closer. His left hand began to caress the side of my face. His huge, hard dick rubbed menacingly on mine.

"I see you two are getting a little carried away," I heard Master Tim say to us.

Master Andre looked up at Tim.

"You didn't say I couldn't kiss him," Master Andre said to Tim. "And I believe I still have a little time left with the boy. So, husband of Steven, why don't you let us finish here."

"Sure," Master Tim replied and turned to go upstairs. "Remember though, Andre. He can't cum. Otherwise, he will be rearrested by the Provincetown police."

"It's a chance I will need to take then," Master Andre replied as he resumed kissing me.

Master Andre made mad, passionate love to my lips, tongue, and mouth. We were one.

`You and Andre look good together, Steven,' I heard a voice say to me. I couldn't see who spoke. `I'm Eros. I became a God of love, lust, and sexual fulfillment. I've also been called the protector of homosexual love between men. I'll be back later so we can get to know one another.'

His voice left me and Master Andre. The only sound in the room came from our sweat covered bodies rubbing together and the battle raging against my lips. We connected with the help of rapturous sexual energy.

Master Andre slowed. His kisses became slower and softer. He looked into my eyes between kisses. Finally, Master Andre lifted his body off mine and slipped off the bed.

"You were almost ready to shoot, weren't you, boy?" Master Andre asked

"Yes, Master," I said as I tried to catch my breath and control the unfulfilled sexual tension inside my body.

"Me, too," Master Andre said as he began collecting his clothing. "I need to meet someone in a few minutes. I've enjoyed our time together. I look forward to our next encounter."

I just watched as Master Andre pulled on his form fitting cutoffs, slipped on his Topsiders, and grabbed his bag. He didn't look at me as he turned to walk up the stairs.

`I see I won't need to teach you about sexual fulfillment,' Eros began again as he stepped into my cell where I could see him.

I gasp when I saw the image of the man before me. Handsome. Muscled. Soft. Gentle. Hard. Rough. Love. Lust. He looked remarkably familiar.

`You will be joining me here in the Garden of Man from time to time,' Eros explained. `The Garden of Man serves as a vessel to learn the hidden joys of loving another man. Love and lust join hands in the Garden of Man just as men loving men join hands in the material world. Because of your life's work, you will be joining me here often. Sometimes just you and me. Other times, others join us to celebrate the male bonding experience. In the meantime, Steven, I'm looking forward to our many encounters.'


When I finally returned to freedom, I sat poolside discussing various political issues with our group.

"I don't understand how people in this fucking Congress would be so insensitive!" Master Tim exclaimed during our discussion. "People in this country are dying because they have no job, food, housing, or healthcare insurance. This is outrageous! We can't ignore this hatred and insensitivity. But, how do we change the attitudes of Congress?"

"We don't change the attitude of those in Congress," I began. "We change the people in Congress."

All eyes looked in my direction. They sat silently.

"What?" I asked.

"Steven," Master Grant said as he looked directly into my eyes. "Would you rather be a Senator or a Representative?"

I looked at one pair of eyes, then another. Another. Another. Another.

"No!" I said as I finally realized what Master Grant suggested. "You've got to be fucking kidding! I can't run for office."

"Yes, you can," Master Tim replied. "And you must run! People's lives are at stake."

"You have contacts around the world," Master David replied. "You're better connected to national and world leaders than any politician in the US."

"Just think," Master Buba added. "You'd be the first gay, masochist, slave boy, porn star, prostitute in the world to hold public office."

"You have a built-in campaign team," Master Jose suggested. "Think of it, boy. Grant, communications director. Tim, speech writer. David, legal counsel. Buba and I, fundraisers. The list goes on and on."

"And we could tell everyone we fucked a Senator," Master Connor suggested.

"Illinois has a Senate seat in play for next year's election," Master Theo added.

"You could ride in with a black horse and save the world," Master Adrian said.

"You could wear tight, distressed jeans with cowboy boots and a Brooks brothers' shirt," Master Leo said as he tried to hide a laugh. "Think of the dichotomy!"

"And you could get a tattoo of the current President on your ass!" Master Tim exclaimed!

"Stop!" I screamed. "I am not... running... for Senator... of... Illinois."

"Yes, you are, Steven," Master Jose added.

"If you don't agree, we will put you in solitary confinement for the rest of your life," Master Buba replied. "Besides, you have the Gift, remember?"

"How will I service my clients I'm promised to?" I asked.

"We'll find a way," Master Jose explained.

"Then it's settled," Master Tim added. "We'll have Steven's campaign staff begin a petition signing campaign to get him on the ballot."

"What campaign staff?" I asked.

"The one we hired five months ago," Master Tim replied. "They've been busy crafting your platform."

"I had our real estate agent in DC looking around for property," Master David replied. "He found the perfect house. It boasts ten bedrooms, twelve bathrooms, and eight thousand square feet in DuPont Circle area. It used to be the Vatican Embassy in DC."

"Will security be a problem?" Master Buba asked.

"No," Master David explained. "A high-tech security system and fence were installed when the house underwent a fifteen-million-dollar renovation two years ago."

"Why does the Vatican want to sell the house?" Master Jose asked.

"They built a bigger one down the street," Master David replied. "Apparently the Vatican Ambassador to the US has a taste for the opulent."

"Hold it!" I screamed again. "I do not... want... a campaign staff... political platform... or a house... in DC. I am not... running... for... Senate."

"Anton, Zain, take the boy downstairs and convince him he is running for Senate," Master Buba said as he glared at me. "Also, while you're convincing him to run, make certain he understands he'll be winning!"

"Yes, Master," Master Zain and Master Anton said in unison.


Tim and I sat at the coffee shop downtown Provincetown discussing our upcoming lives.

"It will certainly be different from the life we used to lead," Master Tim suggested. "I'll be away with Grant and David for a few months. You'll be servicing your clients and making porn movies before the campaign begins in earnest. The boys will be in college."

"I'm not looking forward to campaigning for Senate," I added.

"Bullshit, Steven," Master Tim responded. "Have you forgotten how well I know you? You'll be in your element once this campaign gets rolling. And you'll make a terrific Senator."

"Thank you, Master Tim," I replied. "I'm looking forward more to making the porn movies and servicing clients than I am campaigning. I'm a simple slave boy who enjoys making men happy! Why do I need to run for Senate?"

"To help people who can't help themselves," Master Tim suggested. "Don't forget what people have told you over and over. Even though you are a masochist, you are always in control. People may not know it until you've taken over them."

"We'll see," I said.

"Probably," Master Tim replied.

"I have something else to talk with you about, Master," I said quietly to Master Tim. "I've taken some time for myself recently. I meditate every day. I've become closer to myself than I realized was possible."

"It shows, Steven," Master Tim replied. "You need time to be yourself and to think about things."

"I believe we both would be better off if you filed for divorce," I said. I stopped to gauge Master Tim's reaction.

"Why?" Master Tim quietly asked.

"I feel as though I'm still a wedge with your relationship with Master Grant and Master David," I explained. "You need space to ground your relationship with Master Grant and Master David. They need you, Master. You need them. Do this for me, Master. File for divorce."

"Well, Steven," Master Tim began. "This is an unexpected turn of events. I know I might be rash in passing judgement so quickly, but, if it will make you feel better, you file for divorce. But, I promise you I won't sign the divorce papers. I don't want a divorce. I want you to be my husband even though I have two wonderful lovers. You and I are a team, Steven. I have no intention of breaking up our great team. Besides, I'd take your sorry rich ass to the cleaners."

Master Tim smiled broadly.

"So, where does this whole scenario of you, Master Grant, and Master David combined with me, Master Jose, Master Buba, Master Zain, and Master Anton leave us?"

"Married," Master Tim replied. "I'll still be your husband during social functions while you are Senator. We must play the marriage game. And part of the game of marriage we must perform conjugal duties."

"But you're in a monogamous relationship with Master David and Master Grant," I replied.

"Not exactly," Tim replied as a smile crept across his face. "Only David and Grant fuck me. I can fuck my husband. My husband just can't fuck me. Does this fact bother you, Steven?"

"No," I replied as Master Tim took my hand and raised it to his lips. He kissed my hand and pushed my hand onto his crotch. "Oh!"

"Shall we make our way home?" Master Tim asked.

"Only if you agree to come with me to my cell in the playroom," I suggested.

"You dirty minded little boy!" Tim hissed as he leaned in to kiss me as we sat on the patio of the coffee shop just feet away from busy Commercial Street.

"We need to be on our way, Master," I said as I kissed back. "Otherwise I won't be able to stand up."

"You've been arrested for being naked in the streets of Provincetown and you're worried about showing a boner while we walk home?"

"But I'm going to be a Senator," I whispered back. "I can only show a boner on a porn film from now on. I can't show a boner in pubic. It'll ruin my image."

"March, rent boy!" Master Tim demanded. "I need to put my dick in my husband's ass. We only have three hours before cocktail time. Move it!"

Master Tim and I scurried off to the house.

As we walked home, Master Tim took my hand in his for our journey home.

"Do you remember our first night together?" Master Tim asked.

"How could I forget?" I asked in return.

"The first time I saw you naked, I wanted to explore every inch of your body," Master Tim explained. "I couldn't get enough of you. I still can't, Steven. Until I am old, senile, and suffer from erectile dysfunction, I will want to make love to you. So, if I hear one more time you think we should get a divorce, I will be tempted to cut your fucking balls off. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I replied as I opened the door to the house which led directly downstairs to the playroom from the outside. "I understand completely."

By the time we hit the ground on the playroom floor, our clothes littered the stairway from top to bottom. Master Tim pulled me close to him. Naked body to naked body. My dick sprang to at the same rapid pace as Master Tim's.

Master Tim touched a button on the wall with his hand.

"Locked the upstairs door," Master Tim hissed. "Can't be interrupted."

Master Tim began kissing me as he pushed me backward into my cell. I felt the back of my legs touch the side of the bed. We lowered ourselves so we laid flat on the bed. Master Tim on top. Me on the bottom. We never stopped kissing.

As we continued to kiss, Master Tim positioned himself so his dick rubbed against the crack of my ass. Sparks of energy pulsed through my body.

Somehow Master Tim found the lube and applied it to his dick. I lost myself in Master Tim's passionate kisses.

"Oooooooooooo!" I moaned as I felt Master Tim's dick push into me. He slowly kept pushing until his crotch brushed against my hairless, sensitive balls.

"This will take a while, Steven," Master Tim whispered between kisses. "We don't often have time to ourselves like this. I'm going to make it last as long as I can."

"Oh. Yes!" I hissed as Mater Tim continued kissing and began massaging my ass with his rock-hard cock.

`You know now where your relationship with your husband stands, Steven,' my Spirit Master's voice echoed through my head. `Make him feel your power, Steven. Show him who's in control, but don't let him think you're in control.'

"Thank you, Spirit Master," I said in a whisper not knowing if I said it aloud or not.

We floated into space as we made love to one another. We were in our own world. Our own space. Our own time zone.

"Shit, Steven!" Master Tim bellowed. "Take it boy! Take my cum, boy!"

I watched Master Tim's body tense. I felt his heart beat stronger and faster. I felt the sweat pouring off his body onto mine. I watched the look of utter contentment as his body began to convulse. I felt the explosion of cum flood my ass.

"Steven," Tim whispered to me after he had recovered. His sweaty body rested on mine. "Ask me for a divorce more often."

To be continue

The following lists links to all my stories on

Sam and Chris

We're in This Together

Jeffery Comes Home

Taking a Stand

John's Journey Forward

Together Forever

Life With Tim

This is my 70th posting of my second story on

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Next: Chapter 71

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