Life with Tim

Published on Dec 8, 2014


Life With Tim Chapter 07

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2014 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim

Chapter 07: The Search Begins

Tim called me around 11:45 am to tell me he was on his way to pick me up at my workplace so we could go to lunch. I turned my computer off, slipped on my suit jacket and top coat and headed for the lobby. I was heading out the door when Tim pulled up to my office.

I had made reservations at Tim's favorite seafood restaurant near my office for 12:15. When we entered the restaurant, the host greeted us warmly, "Gentlemen! So nice to see you again. I have your favorite table ready for you."

We both ordered a glass of wine from the host and we began our discussion about our goals for our house hunt. The waiter brought our drinks and took our order. We both always ordered the same thing when we ate here.

I began our discussion of our future home, "What kind of house do you want, Tim?"

"I am pretty certain I don't want a condo. I'd like a real house. Maybe even a three flat."

"Are we thinking Lakeview?" I asked.

"I think I'd like that a lot. More so than any other neighborhood. It's been nice living on LaSalle in some respects—shopping on Michigan Avenue and all that—but I'm thinking being in the `hood' would be much more interesting." Tim replied.

"David said he would bring along descriptions of different types of places—condos, single-family homes, multi-family units—in the Lakeview area." I added.

"What's our price range?" Tim asked.

"We'll need to discuss that with David tonight. But, I know from my earlier hunt, I was pre-approved for $750,000. So, I think we can go a little higher with both of our incomes, especially if there is a rental with it." I began to explain.

"How much would we have to put down?" Tim asked.

"Probably 20 percent if we want to keep the mortgage payments fairly low." I answered.

"That's like $150,000!" Tim said with a look of horror on his face.

"Yea! But, that is very doable," I replied trying to maintain some degree of calmness. Tim gets extremely nervous about large sums of money.

"I only have about $25,000 in the bank!" Tim added with sadness creeping over his face.

"Yes, Tim, but we have about $750,000 from the sale of the software business," I added. "Besides, I have about $2 million in stocks from the sale."

"That's your money!" Tim said slowly.

"Tim," I began as I placed my hand over Tim's, "we are getting married soon. I love you with all of my heart. I am planning on being with you for the rest of my life. What's mine is also yours. So, between us we make about $200,000 a year. That's about $16,000 a month. We should be able to swing, with taxes, about $5,500 for a mortgage. If we put down a big enough down payment, it could be under $5,000 as long as we go for something less than $1 million."

Tim's eyes were big, "You mean we could be living in a million dollar house?"

"We could," I continued, "if we want to. So, tell me what you want in a house."

"Okay," Tim began still processing the information I had just rattled off. "At least three or four bedrooms. One for a home office. One for us. One for guests. An open floor plan. Big kitchen because I know you like to cook. Two bathrooms. A garage. Not a lot of yard, but a deck or patio. Not a condo... And a fireplace. I've always wanted a fireplace! You?"

"I think we are pretty much in agreement," I said with my hands still resting on his and a smile on my face. "Like I said, David is bringing information about some places in Lakeview that are on the market. We'll see where we go from there."

"One other thing," Tim said with a huge grin on his face, "I'd like to have a private space for a playroom."

"Why did I think you might way that, SIR?" I enthused.

We paid the bill and Tim dropped me off at my office.

On my way home from work, I stopped at Whole Foods to pick up already prepared food for dinner. It would save time since I just needed to heat things up.

When I walked into the apartment around 6, Tim was coming out of our bedroom clad only in his white Calvin Klein low rise briefs. He had shucked his suit.

I dropped my briefcase and food for dinner on the floor in the entryway and pulled him into my arms for a kiss. "God! I can get enough of your body, Tim!"

"Thanks," Tim said as he held onto me. "I think you need to get rid of that suit. I'll start setting the table."

I went off to our bedroom and took off my suit and returned in my black 2xist briefs to organize the food for dinner. The chastity device around my cock made the bulge in my underwear look huge!

"You know, boy!" Tim said with a leer, "we could skip dinner and I could eat you!"

"Tim, I would like nothing better," I replied, "but David will be here soon and I think we should have something other than our underwear on."

"Yea!" Tim agreed still staring at me, "I know you are right, but I am only telling you how I feel."

Once we had everything under control, we went into our room to dress. I slipped on a pair of tight jeans with a button down sports shirt. Tim selected his black skinny jeans and a white mock turtleneck shirt that hugged his body perfectly.

We headed to the kitchen to fix our usual vodka drinks and to await David's arrival. Tim pulled me into another hug and kiss, "After today's discussion at lunch, I'm really, really excited to think that we could be living in our own house. And, we have a wedding to plan! I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't met you in P'town that night!"

"I feel the same way, Tim," I answered just as the phone began ringing.

Tim answered the phone and replied to the caller, "Yes, Gavin, send him up. Thank you!"

A few moments later, we opened the door to find a flower-laden David on the other side, "Hello, boys!" he gave us both a hug and a kiss and handed us the flowers.

As the three of us headed toward the kitchen, I asked, "So, David, my man. What can I get for you to drink?"

"I've been thinking all afternoon about having one of your famous vodka on the rocks drinks," David answered as he took a seat on a stool at the island in the kitchen. I handed him his drink and Tim put the vase of flowers in the middle of the island. Tim and I picked up our drink and David said, "So, boys, here's to your new home!"

We clinked our glasses together, "Thank you, David. Steven and I are really excited about buying a house together. And, one other bit of news! We're engaged as of Monday!"

"That's great! So, this deserves another toast! To a long and happy life together!" David said as he raised his glass.

"Maybe we can discuss our options while I get dinner ready," I said as I went to the stove and popped the food into the oven to warm.

David went into real estate agent mode, "We need to talk about price ranges, location, property type, and the kind of place you want."

"Well, Tim and I discussed this a little at lunch today," I began. I thought I would deal with the financial stuff and let Tim tell David about our expectations for our new home. "I think we are probably hoping to get something between $750,000 to $ 1 million. We have enough savings to put down 20 percent and still have money left for renovations if they are needed. And, I think we could manage nicely if the mortgage, taxes, and insurance is less than $5,500. Hopefully closer to $5,000."

"Hmm..." David said. I could see the wheels working in David's head. "We have a lot of options. But first, tell me more about the property you have in mind."

"We'd like to find something in East Lakeview. We'd like to stay away from condos for the moment. It would be great if we could find a single-family house or three-flat. Something near Lincoln Park and the lake. Garage for two cars. Outside deck or patio. Three or four bedrooms. Nice kitchen. Master suite. Open floor plan. Low maintenance. And, hopefully, something that doesn't require extensive remodeling before we move in." Tim explained.

"Okay, I think I have the perfect place, but let me show you a few options so you know what you can expect." David began his sales pitch. "The first," David continued as he put the listing sheet on the island so that Tim and I could look at it, "is a totally renovated condo building. One unit is on the first and second floors, has four bedrooms, four bathrooms, terrific kitchen, and it's listed for $750,000. The second is on the third floor and has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a nicely done kitchen, and it's listed at $500,000. Each floor contains about 2,000 square feet. It is between Broadway and Halsted on Cornelia."

David paused for us to ponder the property. "It sounds very nice, but it's still a condo. We can consider something like this though. " Tim finally said.

"I thought you would probably say that. So, here is another one," David began his explanation. "This is a single-family home on Hawthorn. Very nice area. It is a more contemporary home than most on the street. It has four bedrooms, three full bathrooms and one half bath. It has a kitchen that opens to a family room. The kitchen needs a little updating, but the cabinets are solid maple. There is a large formal living room as well as a formal dining room. The family room opens to an outdoor entertaining area that is partially covered. There is a two car garage as well as a finished basement. This is a fairly large home. It is about 4,500 square feet of indoor living space plus the finished basement. The down side is that most of the carpet needs replacing and you would probably want to refinish the floors. This home is listed for $875,000, which is a steal in this neighborhood. The present owners are eager to close on this house because they want to move to a single floor home."

"It sounds nice, but are there lots of kids on the street?" I asked.

"Yes. It is a very family oriented neighborhood," David admitted.

"I think we should pass on this one," Tim added.

"The last one I have for you tonight is a gem," David began his pitch. "I just got the listing two days ago. The current owners are moving to San Diego, California to be nearer their son and grandchildren—and better weather. The owners bought the building about 25 years ago and turned the first two floors into one apartment. The third floor is a rental, which brings in about $2,000 a month. There is also a one bedroom garden apartment. That unit rents for $1,000 per month. Each floor is about 2,500 square feet of living space. So, the owner's duplex is 5,000 square feet of indoor space. They renovated the kitchen and all five bathrooms two years ago. The first floor features a huge living room, entry hall, formal dining room, eat in kitchen, a three season sun porch, a home office, and a guest suit complete with an in suite bathroom. When they made the first two floors into a duplex, they removed a third bedroom on the first floor as an extension of the entryway and staircase to the second floor. As I said, the kitchen underwent an extensive renovation about two years ago. It is breathtaking! The entire kitchen is top notch: Subzero fridge, two dishwashers, double ovens, microwave, flat top cooktop, two sinks, and a walk in pantry. On the second floor, this home features a master suite where the original living room was, three additional bedrooms—two share a jack and jill bath and the third is an exact duplicate of the guestroom downstairs—the original dining room has been converted to a media room, and the original kitchen has been set up as a bar with a wine storage cooler, ice maker, sink, and dishwasher. There is also a three season sun porch on the second floor. There is an outdoor porch on the first, second, and third floors. Finally, the property has three, individual garages off an alley in the back that are reachable off Elaine Place. The owners are asking a little more than you had planned to spend, but it is also income property. They are asking $1,250,000—in my opinion, this is a steal at this price."

There was a pause. Finally, Tim spoke, "I was ready to buy it until you told us the price."

"Remember," David said, "this could not only be your home, but it is also income property! The mortgage payment would be around $6,000 each month. But, the rental income is $3,000 each month. That means your outlay is only about $3,000 each month—significantly less than you'd planned on spending!"

"I agree with David, Tim," I spoke up. "This could be an opportunity to get a really nice home for not a lot of monthly outlay. Besides, if we needed to, we could add a little to the down payment."

"When can we see it?" Tim asked David.

"I will call the owners and ask, but are you two men free tomorrow evening... say 6 pm?" David asked.

"Yes," Tim and I both said in unison.

David went into the living room to call the owners of the property. He returned about 10 minutes later. "Here's the deal. You can definitely see the owner's apartment tomorrow evening. They need to contact the tenants in the two rental units to make arrangements for you to see both of them. The owners are pretty confident that they can get permission for me to show you the two rental units, but we will know for certain later."

"How soon could we own this place?" Tim queried.

"It usually takes 60 to 90 days," David said. "It depends on how quickly you can get the financing approved and inspections completed."

"Shit!" Tim exclaimed. "Where do we get all the stuff to furnish this place?"

"That's what decorators are for! I know several," David replied.

"Okay, men," I announced, "dinner should be ready. Anyone want another drink?"

"Sure," David said as he pushed his glass toward me.

"Make it a double," Tim replied. He looked like he was in shock.

We pulled dinner from the oven and began to eat in the dining area. We talked about friends and caught up on David's `nonexistent' love life. Tim and I didn't mention our time with Master Ed or Ricardo.

"So, Tim," David began, "I assume, since you two are getting married, the boy here is working out for you?"

David could be a flaming queen real-estate agent, but he was also an avid top leather man in his spare time. He and I shared a few heated sexual moments over the years, including one with Tim.

A big smile suddenly crossed Tim's face as he replied to David's question, "To be honest, the boy has been more than satisfying for me. The past few weeks has been an incredible journey for the two of us. Haven't they, boy?"

"Yes, SIR! Absolutely, SIR!" I answered.

Tim turned his attention back to David, "Do you know Ed—the man the boy was with for several years?"

"Oh! Yes! I know him very well, don't I, boy?" David replied to Tim and turning his attention to me.

"Yes, David knows Master Ed very well, SIRS!" I answer David's question and Tim's at the same time.

"I'm a member of Hellfire. Have you been to one of their events yet, Tim?" David inquired.

"No, I haven't been to one yet," Tim replies, "but I'm looking forward to doing that soon."

"It's a great time for everyone! We've missed having your man at our events lately," David explains. "He was such a popular and enthusiastic bottom boy!"

"He still is!" Tim started to say. "As a matter of fact... I hope you don't mind me telling David about Ed and Ricardo, Steven."

"Anything you want, SIR!" I replied with a smile on my face.

"During the last couple of weekends, I've seen the real Steven in action. First, it was with a guy we met in the bar two weeks ago on Saturday night. He's a hot Latin guy. Do you know Ricardo Martinez, David?"

"Yea! I know Ricardo. He's about 6'2" with a very hard muscular body and an incredible 9" uncut cock. He goes both ways... top or bottom, I mean." David affirmed.

"That's the one," Tim said with a grin. "He is one hot man! And, then, last weekend, we were with Steven's former Master, Ed! That was fucking hot! I've never seen the boy here so submissive! I want to see more... much more."

David replied to Tim, "Ed and the boy were a good team!" David turned from Tim to me and asked, "Do you still drink piss, boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

"That's good, because I need to piss and I don't want to waste it!" David added as his grin turned into a leer.

"Get naked, boy!" Tim ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I quickly said and hurriedly removed my clothes.

After I was completely naked, Tim again ordered, "Get ready to drink, boy! First David then me!"

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied as I moved to where David was sitting.

David moved his chair away from the table, unzipped his pants, and fished out his semisoft cock. I knelt in front of him and prepared to take his piss down my throat. David didn't say anything. He just let his bladder empty into my mouth. When he was finished, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and shook it in my face so the last few drops found their way to my face.

"Thank you, SIR!" I added

"You're welcome, boy!" David added.

By this time, Tim was standing next to David with his jeans down to his ankles. "Now, me, boy!"

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied and moved to put Tim's cock into my mouth and was soon receiving his gift.

"David?" Tim asked looking at David.

"Yes, Tim," David replied.

"Are we done talking real estate?" Tim asked.

"For tonight, I think, yes!"

"Then, I think we need to take the boy into the bedroom fuck his ass." Tim quietly said to David. "Unless there is something else you'd like to do with him."

"That's a good start, I think, Tim!" David said with a smile covering his face.

"I like this, Tim!" David said as he played with the chastity device on my cock. "How long has he been in it?"

"I just put it on him last night," Tim replied.

"How long do you plan on leaving it on him?"

"I don't know yet. Ed and I haven't decided. We'll make that decision when we are with Ed again the weekend after next." Tim explained as he led me and David into the bedroom. "Restrained or not?"

"Definitely restrained!" David answered gleefully.

"Face down on the bed, boy!" Tim ordered.

I laid down on my stomach as Tim and David attached my wrists and ankles to the restrains on the bed and shoved a pillow under me so my ass was more available to them.

David was the first to crawl between my legs. He started applying lube to both my ass and his rock hard 9 inch dick. Tim had me inhale several hits of poppers and handed the bottle to David. He also inhaled deeply. He lined up his cock with my asshole and rammed his cock quickly into me without pausing. After a few moments, David was pounding my ass in long, swift strokes. Although Tim had fucked me hard the past few nights, David's 9 inch cock was more brutal than Tim's 8 inch one.

After several minutes, David's sweaty body began to tense up and his breathing was heavy. I knew he was going to cum, soon. Sure enough, he began to yell, "Take my cum, boy! Take my cum in your boy pussy! Fuck yes!" I felt the ropes of cum explode in my ass. Finally, David collapsed on top of me. "God, Tim I missed the boy's ass. He is one good fuck!"

"Yes, he is!" Tim said with lust in his voice. "I'll tell you what, David, if you get this house for us at a good price, I'll let you use his ass whenever you want!"

"Deal!" David replied as he pulled his cock from my ass. "Your turn, Tim!"

Tim took David's place between my legs. "I'm not going to use any lube, boy! After the fucking David just gave you, you won't need any." Tim lined up his hard cock and pushed all the way into my ass. I felt his crotch on my ass. He began to fuck my well used ass with a vengeance! His pounding was a lot easier to take after David's big cock had ravaged my ass. He pushed all of the way in and then, just as quickly, pulled almost out. He kept stabbing my ass with his rock hard cock. I grunted every time he pushed his cock deep into me. I knew when Tim was getting close. He started making guttural sounds and finally began his trademark, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... Take my fucking cum dickhead. Yea! Take my cum you fucking ass wipe!" Finally, Tim's body stopped convulsing and he collapsed on top of me.

While Tim was fucking me, David positioned himself next to us on his back. He was watching Tim pound my ass as he was stroking his now hard nine inch cock. When Tim had partially recovered, David pulled Tim to him and began to passionately kiss him. Tim pulled his now softening cock out of my ass as David pulled Tim on top of him.

I heard Tim mutter, "David, please fuck me! Please!"

"I thought you were a top?" David said quietly.

"I am, but I have a weakness for Latino men, black men, and any man with a big cock!" Tim replied. I knew from the sound of Tim's voice that he wanted feel David's big cock in his ass.

"On one condition," David started his explanation. "I want you on your back to I can see your face and kiss you. But, I'm not going to fuck you like I did the boy. I'm going to make love to you. Long and slowly."

"Deal," Tim whispered to David. "I just need you in me."

Tim and David took their places. Tim on his back. David between Tim's legs. David lifted Tim's legs to his shoulders, put lube on his dick and on Tim's waiting asshole. "Fingers? Or, should I just start?"

"Just start," Tim whimpered. "I need your dick in me. I need it now. I've wanted this since the first time the boy and I had sex with you a few months ago."

David lowered himself to kiss Tim on the lips. Tongues were in each other's mouths. Both were moaning every now and then. I could hear Tim gasp softly as David's cock began its descent into Tim's waiting ass.

"That feels so good," Tim whispered.

"Yes, it does," David cooed as he leaned down to kiss Tim again. "You have a fabulous ass, baby!"

"And you have a fabulous dick," Tim replied in a hushed tone.

Tim and David continued their love making session. Occasionally, David would pause—I assumed so that he could extend their session. "I don't want this to end, baby, but I'm getting really, really close," David quietly said as he picked up the pace of his lovemaking.

"Breed my ass, big guy. Fucking cum in me! Give me your love juices!" Tim urged.

"Fuck! I'm cuming... Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" David yelled and collapsed on top of Tim. After a few moments David's breathing began to return to a normal level and he and Tim began to kiss again. "That was amazing, Tim!"

"Yea! Yea, it was!" Tim answered. "But, you know when I said you could have the boy's ass anytime you wanted it?"

"Yes," David replied softly.

"I want to amend that. You can have my ass, too, anytime you want it," Tim whispered. "Now, I think we need to get the boy out of restraints. I want to feed him your cum!"

"Fucking hot idea, Tim!" David agreed.

Tim and David soon had the restraints off my wrists.

"Turn over on you back, boy!" Tim ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I answered.

Tim squatted over my mouth. I moved my lips and tongue to his still lubed ass and awaited my treat. I heard Tim grunt and felt David's cum begin to flow from Tim's ass. I sucked and licked until Tim moved from my mouth. I swallowed everything Tim had given to me.

"Thank you, SIR!" I added as Tim pulled his ass off my mouth.

"You're welcome, boy!" Tim responded as he moved on top of David and began kissing him.

"I take it you like my dick in your ass, Tim!" David responded between Tim's kisses.

"I loved it," Tim answered. "Next time we get together, I'd like you to spend a lot of time with us. Between the boy and me, I think your dick will be well used, won't it boy?"

"Yes, SIR! Very well used, SIR!" I answered


Tim and I pulled in front of the three flat we were going to look at. It was 5:45—fifteen minutes before our appointment. Tim wanted to take a walk up and down the street just to see what the vibe of the neighborhood was like.

"Holy shit!" Tim exclaimed as he took his first look at the property. "This is even more impressive than the photos showed. The landscaping is incredible!"

"Don't get too excited, Tim!" I added. "We don't want them to increase the price!"

"I'll contain myself," Tim promised.

As we returned from our stroll around the block, David was on the sidewalk in front of the house. "Hello, boys! Are you ready to take a look at this place?"

"Absolutely," Tim answered. "I've been ready since 8 am today!"

David retrieved the key from the lock box and opened the door. When we were inside the entry hall, I heard Tim gasp, "Wow! This is impressive!"

We were looking into the entryway which included a striking staircase to the second floor. You could see the kitchen, living room, and dining area from the entrance.

"We were thinking open floor plan," I announced, "but this is amazing. The whole downstairs just flows! I think we might need a more contemporary look for the furnishings, though."

"And, you said you wanted a fireplace," David began. "The owners unit has four: two downstairs and two upstairs. The living room fireplace burns wood. The dining area fireplace is gas as are the two upstairs. One is in the master bedroom. The other in the media room."

David led us into the kitchen and began explaining, "The kitchen, renovated two years ago, has everything you could possibly want. This is one for the magazines!"

As we continued the tour of the owner's unit, Tim and I both became more excited. When we reached the master bedroom upstairs and went into the bathroom, Tim was sold! "This bathroom is absolutely amazing! A shower big enough for four with shower heads everywhere, a Jacuzzi soaking tub big enough for both of us, a bidet—holy shit, I will need lessons for that—this room is massive!"

Once we finished looking at the other bedrooms, David suggested we head upstairs to see the third floor rental unit. David knocked on the door and two stunning men, probably in their late 20's, welcomed us. One was blond and the other had brown hair. Both had muscles bulging from their tight t-shirts. The blond was the first to speak, "Hello, I'm Terrance. And, this is my boyfriend Aiden."

David introduced us, "This is Steven Caldwell and Timothy Caden." We exchanged greetings.

David showed us this unit and then we headed downstairs to see the garden apartment. A young woman answered the door, "Hello, David. This must be Steven and Timothy. I'm Carroll. Please come in."

We were finished looking at the apartments. "So, what do you boys think?" David ask as we stood beside my car.

"I think it is really, really nice," I answered. "I think we will want to do some painting and do a more contemporary look. But, it has all of the right bones, so we are just talking decorating here, I think."

"I agree, Steven," Tim confirmed. "We will need a decorator and a whole lot of furniture! But, it will be fun to work on."

"So, do we make an offer?" David asked.

"Yes!" Tim and I both said in unison.

"And, how much do you want to offer?" David began.

"What do you think, David?" Tim asked.

"Well, we don't want to insult the owners and offer a really low price," David explained. "But, I think they might jump at the offer if it were $1.2 million pending inspections and all of the other legal stuff."

"Let's hope we just bought a house," I said.

"Okay," David began. "Let's go to Starbucks down the street and I will prepare an offer and take it to them. We might even know by this evening!"

We found a table in Starbucks and David pulled out his laptop and portable printer while Tim and I headed to get coffee for us all. Twenty minutes later, David was on his way to talk to the owners.

Tim was getting a little squeamish, "God! What have we done? I've never spent this much money in all my life. It's just a little scary!"

"Everything will turn out fine, Tim," I reassured him. "We both love the house and the fact that, other than some paint and new furniture, we could move in tonight!"

"You're right about that," Tim added.

We were still sipping our first cup of coffee when David strode through the door. "Boys! You've just bought a house!"

Tim and I stood and hugged one another tightly without saying anything until Tim whispered into my ear, "I've spent more time picking out a shirt than we did buying this house!"

"But, we both knew this was the one when we walked through the front door," I assured him. "Everything will work out! Trust me on this!"

Tim answered, "I have to! I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do next!"

We both pulled David into our hug. We made plans with David to talk over the next steps sometime the next day.


I arrived home at the apartment on Friday evening around 6 pm. Tim had called me and said he was stuck in traffic, but would be home within 45 minutes. He gave me no instructions, so I improvised. I pulled on my still cum stained black jock strap and stuffed the chastity device that was around my dick into the pouch. No need for a cock ring with this thing on.

When I was dressed—just the jock strap—I went into the kitchen to get dinner ready to be put into the oven. Tim arrived as I was cleaning up the kitchen.

"I'm home," Tim shouted.

"I'm in the kitchen," I answered.

"Wolf!" Tim leered at me when he entered the kitchen. "Let me go change and then we can settle in for an early evening cocktail! I'm parched! Besides, I've had a very bitchy day."

"I'll have your usual waiting for you, SIR!" I answered. "And, you can tell me about your day."

Tim returned to the kitchen after a few minutes. He was dressed in his white, Calvin Cline low rise briefs.

"I love the way you look in those," I said to Tim as I kissed him and handed him his vodka on the rocks.

"Thanks," Tim answered. "I'd fuck you in the kitchen right now, but I need to relax a bit!"

"Then, I have something to look forward to, don't I?" I replied and added another kiss. "So, tell me about your bitchy day!"

"It started at 10 am when I met the witch from Winnetka at the education center there," Tim began his explanation. "First, she was late by 20 minutes. Then, she proceeded to tell me that she could only spend 15 minutes with me instead of the 60 minutes that we had agreed to earlier... I can't even open my mouth in 15 minutes. After 10 minutes, she interrupted me to tell me she didn't think our STEM program met the standards that her school district had established. I told her about the Chicago Public School System adopting our program system wide. Her response was, `This is not Chicago! This is Winnetka. We have much higher standards.' She escorted me out of her office."

"She sounds terrible," I added.

"Then, my afternoon meeting lasted two hours instead of one because the lady kept taking personal phone calls from her 16 year-old daughter. Apparently the daughter was trying to convince the lady that she should be allowed to go on a weekend trip with her 18 year-old boyfriend," Tim paused momentarily and took a gulp of his vodka on the rocks.

"Of course, I then had to drive halfway across the country to our offices in Schaumburg to drop off some paperwork," Tim took another gulp. "And, as you know, I was stuck in this horrible traffic jam on the Kennedy Expressway on my way back into the city... So, how was your day?"

"I think more productive than yours," I answered. "Based on the preliminary information I gave Carlotta at the bank, we have been approved for the mortgage. The monthly mortgage payment will be around $4,500 a month. I upped the down payment by about $100,000 to make it lower. But, we need to send her your proof of income and a few other things."

"Terrific!" Tim enthused. "I'm really excited about us buying this house. That thought alone helped me get through the day without quitting my job!"

"And, David arranged for the inspections to be completed by next week," I explained. "According to Carlotta and David, we could close on the house in about 45 days if all goes according to plan."

"Does this mean I can actually tell my social climbing sister that we will be moving into a million dollar house?" Tim ask with a smirk on his face.

"I think that would be safe," I answered. "I told Carlotta that if there were any problems with the mortgage we would just pay cash. She doesn't want that to happen!"

"Sometimes I think my evil boyfriend is a really good business person!" Tim said as he kissed me. "I think I also need another drink!"

As I was getting us both another vodka, I asked Tim, "So, what do you want to do this weekend to celebrate?"

"I think I want to take my evil boyfriend out to the bar and show him off to the world," Tim decided.

"That sounds like a plan," I answered. "I could take out my handsome, sexy Master to the bar to show the world I'm with this hot stud for the rest of my life!"

"And, I'm looking forward to seeing your shaved naked body tomorrow," Tim hissed. "I'm getting hard just thinking about it!"

"Maybe we should do something about your hard cock, SIR!" I suggested.

"Like what, boy?" Tim hissed back.

"I was thinking blow job now and a proper fucking after dinner," I answered.

"Good plan, boy," Tim agreed.

"But, before your slave boy gives you a blow job, I hope your boyfriend will be allowed to kiss you," I whispered into Tim's ear.

"You know as well as I do that I can never say no to that," Tim whispered back.

I stood and faced my still seated lover and pushed his legs apart so I could get close to my man. I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Our tongues seemed to be working in perfect sync.

"This... is why... I love you... so much," Tim whispered between kisses.

"You mean... you don't... like my... ass?" I asked also between kisses.

"I love... your ass... too, but... right now... I love... kissing you," Tim hissed.

I started tweaking Tim's nipples.

"Fuck... you are... going to make... me cum!" Tim said in a lusty voice. "Then..., I'll have... cum in... my underwear!"

"It won't be... the first... time," I answered in an equally lusty voice.

After a few more tweaks and a few more kisses, I pulled away from Tim and stepped back slightly.

"Where do you think you are going?" Tim hissed.

"I have a job to do," I answered as I knelt in front of my lover and pulled down his Calvin Clines. His raging hard on popped to attention when his cock was freed. I threw his Calvin's behind me and started to lick his engorged cock. First the tip. Then, I let my tongue work it's way down to my lover's shaved balls and started to moisten them with my tongue.

"God! You are good at this," Tim hissed.

"I'm glad you like it," I answered. "This is where I belong. Making my man feel good!"

Finally, I moved my mouth to the head of Tim's rock hard cock and took it inside my mouth. I kept going until I felt his pubic hairs on my lips. I paused slightly and then began my job of making my lover cum. I slid my mouth back and forth. My hand was stroking his cock when my mouth was at the tip.

"Shit, Steven!" Tim almost yelled. "I'm going to fucking cum, boy! Take my fucking cum! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...! Shit!"

As Tim was moaning, I was taking rope after rope of my man's cum down my throat. When Tim finished convulsing in pleasure, I stood and positioned myself between Tim's legs. After a few more passionate kisses, I pulled back to look at my sexy boyfriend.

"God! Steven!" Tim whispered. "Sex with you is always so amazing! You are the best cock sucker I have ever been with. I think I'll keep you!"

"I'm glad you liked it," I answered. "I certainly did!"

"Take off the jock strap," Tim ordered. "I want to see your cock in the chastity thing."

I stepped out of my jock and tossed it next to Tim's underwear. My cock was straining at the plastic enclosure of the chastity devise.

"Looks good!" Tim announced. "Does it hurt?"

"No," I answered. "It actually feels good... it makes me even hornier!"

"Good!" Tim enthused. "I like my boyfriend to be horny! And, if you are really, really good to me in bed tonight, I will let you beat off tomorrow when we take that off your cock to shave your body. I might even video tape it so you will have a record of pleasuring yourself!"

"Knowing that I make you happy, my dear man, is more than enough to pleasure me," I explain. "Now, I think we need another cocktail before we eat."

To be continued...

I hope you liked the direction that `Life With Tim' is taking. I've heard from many people and would like to hear from even more.

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This is my 7th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 8

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