Life with Tim

Published on Jul 22, 2022


Life with Tim 69

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"It's great to have another brother around," Bashir added as he hugged Sid. "Those three are abandoning us for Harvard. We need reinforcements."

"Your one hot stud, bro," Theo finally said. "Get naked and we can all hit the pool again."

"Naked?" Sid asked.

"Of course," Adrian added. "You look like you have the perfect bod for being naked."

"Don't worry about getting a stiffy," Bashir added. "We all do."

Sid, looking worried, stole a glance at me, Master Grant, Master Tim, and Master David. A smile crossed his face and quickly removed his shirt, shoes, and shorts.

"I was right," Adrian said as he looked over his brother's body. "You look terrific naked!"

All the boys cannon balled into the pool.

"So, Steven," Master Jose said as he engulfed me into a hug. "It's time for you to be naked, too."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I quickly lost my clothes.

"Tim suggested we give you a proper welcome home," Master Buba explained as he also gave me one of his famous bear hugs. "He'll have you after we're finished with you."

Master Jose fastened my collar around my neck. Master Buba attached the leash to my collar and led me inside the house to our room.

Chapter 69: The Fight Is On

"I finally spend some quality time with my husband," Tim said as we settled into a seat in a nearby coffee shop. "What are your plans for the future?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The moment I saw you step out of the helicopter, I saw the lilt in your step and the smile on your face," Tim explained. "What's on your mind?"

"I'm still not following you, Master," I replied.

"You're hatching a plot to do something," Tim explained. "I see the wheels turning. I just can't see where they are taking you."

"It's funny you should ask," I began. "I've been thinking about us. You, me, the boys, Grant, David, Jose, and Buba. We have been extremely fortunate. We have more money than we can ever spend. We need to give our foundation more direction so the people who run it can provide some real help to people who need it. I'm thinking of something like the Underground Railroad, except instead of slaves we would move young LGBTQ people to safer environments if they feel threatened."

"Terrific idea, Steven," Tim agreed. "How much are you thinking about spending on this cause?"

"As much as we need to," I replied.

"Take it up with the board," Tim replied. "I'm with you all of the way. I'll fight if you'll fight. And I know you will fight."

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me?" Tim asked.

"You have something on your mind," I replied. "I can tell."

"I haven't formulated my plan to formulate my plan, so I don't have much to tell you," Tim replied.

"And you're the queen of England," I added.

"I've grown really fond of David and Grant," Tim finally said. He didn't look at me.

"Translation, you are in love with both of them," I replied. "They're both terrific men. I can see it in your eyes. I have been waiting until you recognized it yourself."

"It confuses me, though, Steven," Tim replied. "I love you, too. I never was good at setting my priorities and following my goals."

"Have you found a solution to your plight?" I asked.

"No," Tim replied. "I'm more confused now than I was six months ago. It's more than just the sex. My real problem stems from my fear of hurting you—hurting us. I know I can't have it all. I need to make some choices. I just hope I make the right choices. What do you think I should do?"

"Only you can decide what you should do," I replied. "How do Grant and David feel about this?"

"I haven't told them," Tim admitted. "And, before you get any bright idea, I will always want to be married to you."

"Thank you for that," I replied. "My advice is to speak with Grant and David. This is a group decision. You can't make the decision on your own because it affects three people not one."

"It affects four people," Tim added.

"Yea," I replied. "It does. Tim, I love you very, very much. I always have since the day we met. And I will continue to love you until I can't. We have made some unusual life choices. We have an unusual family. So, one more unusual decision will not ruin our lives. Talk to Grant and David. Decide what the three of you want out of your relationship. It's easier to make choices if you know all of the facts."

"I'll talk to them," Master Tim replied. "Grant talked with David and me about a playdate with you. What do you think?"

I wiggled my eye brows at him. "You're making me hard."

"I just mentioned a playdate and you are hard," Master Tim said with a smile. "I guess you would be willing to try a foursome. I think it would be hot. We need to stop this conversation. I'm getting hard, too. Were you thinking of rescuing LGBTQ youth in just Chicago or the entire country?"

"Chicago already has an outreach program for homeless LGBTQ kids," I explained. "I thought about New York as the first. We might need to move there."

"We have two homes in New York, Grant's house and AJ's house," Tim replied with a smile. "About five blocks apart. Maybe you could convert AJ's home into an LGBTQ homeless shelter."

"I don't believe the neighbors would be happy," I replied.

"Who's the `we' who would be moving to New York?" Master Tim asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "I am hoping Masters Jose and Buba would want to help."

"What would you do with the porn and rent boy business?" Master Tim asked.

"I would have more than enough clients in Manhattan to keep me busy," I replied.

"We could all move to Manhattan," Master Tim offered. "Grant's house is certainly big enough. So is AJ's. Garrison could take over the Chicago operation."

"You make it seem like we're in the mob," I added.

"You've given me another idea for a story," Master Tim replied. "I need to write full time."

"You do write full time," I reminded Master Tim.

"Oh! Yea!" Master Tim responded. "Silly me. I have another question for you since you are now father of the year. What if one of our sons came to you and wanted to follow you into the rent boy business?"

I almost spit out the sip of coffee I had just taken. "Which one?" I asked.

"JJ," Master Tim replied. "He talked with me about being a sub. Somehow the conversation turned to following in your footsteps to be a highly skilled, highly priced rent boy."

"Isn't he a little young to be thinking of alternative lifestyles?" I continued. "He's not even sixteen for Christ sake!"

"We also have a budding relationship with Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo," Master Tim explained. "Problem is they are all tops. Connor suggested to me they might have auditions for a couple of subs once they are at Harvard. One sub for every two tops."

"They will not be holding auditions until they have graduated from Harvard," I replied.

"Have you ever said `no' to either of them?" Master Tim asked.

"No," I said with a smile. "Let me phrase it differently. I will make certain the condo association has rules against installing a playroom without proper permits."

"Where do you think the idea two tops and one sub is a normal relationship?" Master Tim asked.

"Isn't it normal?" I asked.

"To our family, yes," Master Tim said with a smile. "Others may not agree it is normal."

"Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo seem to be very strong individuals," I added. "I don't believe they will let the outside world dictate how they live their lives."

"They take after their Dad," Master Tim added.

"I believe they take after their DADS," I responded.

"You think?" Tim exclaimed. "Shit! I just had another brilliant idea! When we have our playdate with you, we should invite Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo to participate."

"You wouldn't?" I asked.

"I'll let you know after the playdate begins," Tim replied. "It will be cocktail time soon. We should head back to the house. Before we close this rap session, I'd like to reiterate. I love you. I will always love you. Nothing will change how I feel about you, Steven. I may be a fickle bastard, but I am loyal to you and the kids."

"I never doubted your love, Tim," I replied. "I never will."

We walked home slowly as we enjoyed the company of each other. We walked into the house to find chaos in progress.

"What's happening?" I asked as we stepped onto the pool deck.

"Nothing much," Master Connor added as he lay naked on the chaise lounge beside the pool. "David suggested he might have some news on the real estate deal in Chicago tonight during cocktail hour. If we offer to make drinks, you'd be willing to let us have a beer or two, right?"

"No," I replied.

"We're eighteen," Master Leo reminded us. "People under twenty one can legally drink on private property provided a parent has consented."

"No," Tim added.

"Just one?" Master Adrian asked.

I looked at Tim. Tim looked at me.

"One," Master Tim and I said in unison.

"Thanks, Dad," Master Connor replied. "Shouldn't you be naked, Dad?"

"Yea, boy," Master Tim said to me. "Get fucking naked."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I pulled off my shirt, gym shorts, and kicked off my flip flops.

"Isn't your dick getting sunburned, Connor?" Master Tim asked.

"No," Master Connor replied. "It's red from overuse."

"He'd been fucking Wayne since lunch," Master Leo explained. "Did you know Wayne is a cock slut?"

"This is a revelation?" Tim asked. "I always thought it was common knowledge."

"He's been talking with Jose and Buba about working for the rent boy business," Master Adrian explained. "He might do some porn, too. You may have competition, Dad."

"I wouldn't mind competition," I replied. "I'd have more time to devote to LGBTQ issues. He's really good?"

"Not as good as you, Dad," Master Connor replied. "Close, but not as good as you. No one will be as good as you. You've become the gold standard for S&M subs."

"Your dick is getting sunburned, Connor," Master Grant said as he joined us.

"It's just overworked," Master Connor replied.

"How would you boys like to join your Dads, David, and me in a playdate this weekend?" Master Grant asked.

"Oh! Jeez!" I whine.

"Your Dad Tim has gotten really good with whips," Master Grant reported. "He's mastered caning and flogging. He's working on bullwhips now."

"Cool, Dad!" Master Theo said. "Did you know Wayne makes a good bullwhip target?"

"Yes," Master Tim replied. "He's given me inspiration and the drive to perfect my skills as a bullwhip artist."


"You're looking good tonight, boy," Master Buba said as he and Master Jose tightened the last of the restraints. "Your muscles, straining to match the tension of the restraints, paints a very vivid picture of your future, boy. Every man you serve becomes a training ground for the next man. You will have a life of men. Many, many men. All with lust in their eyes, power in their minds, energy in their bodies. They make you a better slave boy with every breath they take. Their breaths accumulating to become the driving wind pushing you to newer and newer heights—pushing you into the bowels of servitude."

"We have the distinct pleasure of owning your slave boy body," Master Jose continued. "We tell you who to serve, when to serve, how to serve. You have become our livelihood, boy. We sell your body to the highest bidder. We take your body back and beat it back into shape for the next bidder. We have a very busy fall planned for you, boy. Enjoy your husband and sons while you can. After September closes, you won't be seeing any of them for several weeks."

"You're excited about serving all those men aren't you, boy," Master Buba asked.

I nodded yes because my Masters had installed a gag.

"Good," Master Buba said. "It will be good for your husband as well. He's looking forward to spending quality time with his new lovers. We encouraged him to take advantage of this opportunity because we didn't want him to be alone while you run around the country getting fucked by big dicks."

"Now for the fun," Master Jose said as he stepped to the opposite side of the St. Andrews Cross. He caressed my ass with the tip of a flogger.

`Oh! God yes!' I said to myself as shivers of excitement moved through my body. Another touch of the flogger pushed my limits to the brink. `Hurt me, Master!' I again said to myself. `Please hurt me!"

"I'll hurt you, boy," Master Jose said as if he heard my thoughts. "I'll really hurt you. You'll feel the power of the flogger as it contacts with your skin. Over and over you'll feel the pain."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the gag as Master Jose pounded the flogger against my skin for the first time.

Again and again he powered the flogger against my body. Pain shot from my back to the outer points of my extremities. My fingers and toes burned at the sensation of each blow of the flogger against my back. Pain seemed to shoot from my dick into the darkness of the room.

More pain. More blows. Over and over, Master Jose delivered fast-paced, powerful blows to my back. The pain turned into a calmness. The calmness surrounded me. My body relaxed and gave in to the pain from the blows of the flogger.

`Take me, Master,' I screamed into the gag. `Take me. Own me. Hurt me. Make me feel your power!'

I didn't notice the blows stop. The sound of the flogger cracking against my back became the sound of the air swishing past me.

`Please don't stop, Master!' I pleaded into the gag.

Master Buba stood in front of me. My body became a limp rag hanging from the restraints.

"Very good, boy," Master Buba said as he wiped the sweat off my brow with his index fingers. "I'm very proud of you, boy. Your Master Jose lost control with you, boy. I could see the demons in his eyes as he used your body as a prop in the circus of his mind. Now, it's my turn. But I'm not using a flogger."

Master Buba disappeared behind me. I felt the rush of air behind me as Master Buba prepared to use me.

I felt a cold metal object brush against my asshole. My sagging dick instantly stood at attention. The object began to slide further into my ass. Master Buba's fingers pushed inside my ass to help the object seat itself. It felt cold, hard, and exciting.

"Yes, boy," Master Buba explained. "I inserted a steel ball inside your ass. I'm preparing you for a very intense experience. I am removing the gag, boy. I want to hear you while I fuck you."

Master Buba removed the gag and applied a cold liquid into my asshole and along the crack of my ass. Another object touched the crack of my ass. This object I recognized. Master Buba's huge black, uncut dick.

"Oooooooo!" I whimpered with anticipation.

Master Buba's dick slowly pushed into me. When Master Buba's PA made contact with the metal ball already inside me, I felt sparks erupt inside my ass and almost blew a load. Master Buba's huge dick pushed the ball further and further into my ass.

"You now have a ball floating freely inside you," Master Buba explained. "And I'm almost ready to fuck you silly, boy. This will feel so good... at least for me. I guarantee you'll feel every movement of my dick in your ass."

Without warning, Master Buba began to pound my ass. The ball pushed inside me as Master Buba plunged his dick balls deep into my ass. His huge dick sucked the ball backward as he pulled almost entirely out of my ass. Over and over and over and over.

"Please don't stop, Master," I screamed.

Master Buba understood my pleading. His stabs became more powerful. I found myself totally immersed in my Master Buba. He controlled me. He pleasured himself with my body. I became part of Master Buba's dick. I felt Master Buba's power over me. His power and his lust exploded in my mind.

Then, I felt Master Buba's dick explode inside my ass. I suddenly couldn't hold back as my dick spewed huge amounts of cum all over the cross.

Master Buba kept his dick inside my ass. His big, black hands reached around my chest and found my nipples. He tugged, twisted, and pinched them. Over and over again. My dick began to grow again.

"Remember the first time I fucked you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I told you about the gift," Master Buba continued.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"You like me using you. I know this because I see it in your face. It comes to me. One revelation after another. You're good at pleasing men," Master Buba added. "We need to take the boy off the cross, Jose. I want to watch his muscles ripple when me moves. I like your muscles, boy. They make me excited. They make me horny."

As Master Buba and Master Jose removed the restraints, Master Buba continued. "Remember our talk as we began this session tonight, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as the last restraint came off.

"I mentioned you would be pushed into the bowels of servitude," Master Buba continued to explain. "At first, I didn't know where my statement came from. However, as I watched your Master Jose lose control with you, watched the demons in his eyes, watched the circus of his mind, I understood. You begged Jose, from your mind to his mind, to lose control. You saw your duty, and you let yourself plead with your Master to lose control. He pushed you deeper and deeper into the quagmire of your mind. Do you like my body, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"What about my body do you like, boy?" Master Buba asked as he stood tall with perfect posture which enhanced the muscles in his body. "Be specific and descriptive."

"Your body is beautiful, Sir," I began. "Your massive chest muscles ripple when you move. Your big arms look strong. I like a man with strong arms. If he has strong arms, he can deliver very, very painful blows to my body with a whip. Your hairless upper body excites me. I can almost feel you on top of me. Battering my ass with your big, black, uncut dick. Your naked body dripping sweat onto my naked, hairless body. I can almost smell the scent of sex, lust, and submission. Most of all, Master, the beauty of your fourteen inches of thick, hard, uncut black dick makes my mind pulse with anticipation of having it in my mouth or in my ass."

"Our beautiful boy," Master Buba said as he calmly swipes his palm over my ass. "You must be happy your husband has found such a nice pair of lovers to spend his time with. It would be a pity for him to be lonely while you're away."

I turned to see Master Jose moving from the back of the playroom to where Master Buba and I had been standing. He led a brown headed beauty toward us.

"Steven," Master Jose began. "This is Zain, our new boy. Zain, this is Steven, our other boy. Zain has agreed to share our bed and take care of our needs while you are away, boy. We won't, unfortunately, have an opportunity to mark the boy like we do you. He's an underwear model as well as a porn star. He, however, always plays a top. You'll be his bottom in a new film we will be making this winter. He's our sub and your Master. If Zain orders you to do something, do it. No hesitation. He's been given the authority to punish you if he feels you are unresponsive to his orders."

Zain was six-one with a gym tightened muscled body. He had a flawless all over tan which highlighted is emerald green eyes and huge dick with low hanging shaved balls. His hairless crotch sent lightning bolts through my body.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you perform for your Masters, boy," Master Zain said with a smirk on his face. "I understand you have one of the best slave boy asses around. I'm looking forward to getting a piece."

"I can also see that the two of you will become dear friends," Master Buba added. "I can see it. You won't disappoint me, will you, Steven?"

"No, Master," I replied. "I won't disappoint you, Master."

"We're about to begin our first bonding session," Master Jose explained. "This way, Steven."

I followed Master Jose to the center of the playroom. Master Buba restrained my wrists to the ceiling. Master Jose secured my ankles.

"Zain," Master Jose said as he turned to Zain. "Please stand in front of Steven. I want you both to look into one another's eyes. Tell the other what you see."

Zain took his place in front of me. His eyes met mine. His emerald green eyes could light up a room in the middle of the night.

"You first, Steven," Master Jose said to me. "Tell Zain what you see in his eyes."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Your eyes brighten the room around you. I not only see confidence, but I also see an eagerness to serve your two new Masters. I see enthusiasm and excitement. You will quickly adapt to the needs of our Masters. I can see it in your eyes. They will be pleased. I will be pleased to serve you, Master."

"Zain," Master Jose said. "It's your turn now. Tell Steven what you see in his eyes."

"I see an amazing man," Zain began. "Always ready to please. Always ready to serve. I also see power. The power to push the right pleasure buttons to make a man satisfied and happy. You were born to serve, Steven. I see it in your eyes. You will please many, many men. You have the power to help those who cannot help themselves"

"Kiss him, Zain," Master Jose ordered.

Zain moved closer to my face. I watched as his parted lips moved close to mine.

"Ooooooo!" I whimpered as his lips touched mine. Lightning bolts pulsed through my body again.

Master Zain kept kissing me. I felt Master Jose's hard dick brush over my asshole.

"Oooooooo!" I whimpered again as Master Jose's dick began its journey into my ass. Master Zain kept kissing me.

"Don't stop kissing him, Zain," Master Buba ordered as Master Jose kept fucking. His pace quickened after each thrust.

Master Zain kept kissing me. Master Jose's dick and Master Zain's mouth made my entire body shudder. I didn't feel like a man any longer. I became an instrument playing a symphony to heighten the sexual stimulation of the man in my ass and the man kissing me. In my mind, I clearly saw the transformation of my body into a commodity to be bought and sold like a sack of flour. I felt the sexual tension explode as I felt Master Jose's dick erupt inside my ass.

"Don't stop kissing him, Zain," Master Buba ordered.

The passion of Master Zain's kisses grew exponentially. He obviously drew great energy from Master Buba's order.

As Master Jose slipped his still hard dick out of my ass, Master Buba stroked his huge monster dick. Master Jose moved behind Master Zain. He stroked his dick. Master Buba impaled his dick into my ass exactly as Master Jose shoved his into Master Zain.

"Oooooooooo!" Master Zain and I moaned in unison.

"Kiss him, Zain," Master Buba ordered. "Don't stop until we tell you to stop."

"Yes, Sir," Master Zain said between kisses. He quickly resumed his passionate kissing.

Master Jose and Master Buba slipped into a rhythm as they worked their dicks in and out of our asses. On the inward stroke, Master Zain and I felt our bodies press together quickly and powerfully. Coupled with the kisses, our bodies became a unit, a unit focusing on giving our men pleasure. Our asses were not our own. Our Masters owned our asses. My ass would soon become a commodity again. My body would be a play toy for the sadists who would rent me. I melted into Master Buba's powerful stabs at my ass. Over and over and over. Master Jose and Master Buba pounded our asses.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Buba and Master Jose shouted in unison. I felt Master Buba's cum flood my ass. Master Zain's kisses became insanely sensuous.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Zain and I moaned as both of our dicks began spewing cum coating our stomachs with sticky liquid.

Master Jose and Master Buba put their arms around Zain and me. Zain put his arms around me. We waited until we could speak.

"Wow!" Master Buba whispered to us. "Amazing! Absolutely amazing. Mind blowing, actually."

"You need to fuck the boy, now, Zain," Master Jose said as both he and Master Buba removed their dicks from our asses.

Master Zain cupped my head in his hands and moved his lips to brush against mine. His lips touched mine, and his tongue found its way into my mouth.

"Oooooooo!" I moaned in anticipation of what would happen next.

My head buzzed with energy swirling around in my brain. The soft touch of Master Zain's hands on my face, and his eager lips pushed my slowly softening dick to fully erect.

Master Zain stepped back and began stroking his massive dick.

"Oooooooooo!" I moaned again.

I began salivating at the sight of Master Zain's meaty, fourteen inch, uncut dick.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Master Zain asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. I couldn't take my eyes off his huge, hard dick as he continued to stroke it with one hand. He used his other hand to fondle his low-hanging, shaved balls.

My eyes stayed fix on Master Zain's dick until he moved behind me.

"Ooooooooooooo!" I whimpered again as I felt his hands touch my shoulders.

His hands encircled my chest, and Master Zain took my nipples in his hand and began to knead, stretch, and pinch them.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I moaned again.

Master Zain's hands retreated as he positioned his massive cock to align with my asshole. His dick brushed against my hole.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I moaned.

Master Zain stabbed his dick into my ass. I felt his shaved crotch against my hairless ass. His balls slapped against mine. His lips kissed the back of my neck as he prepared himself before he began ravaging my ass.

Master Zain began to work my ass. His big dick pushed its way into my ass. His balls slapped mine. He pulled his entire dick out of my ass. With little hesitation, Master Zain rammed his dick in. Over and over and over.

My body reacted to Master Zain's brutal attack on my ass by matching his rhythm. I pushed my ass toward him as he stabbed his dick into me. I pulled away from Master Zain as he pulled out of me. Sweat poured out of my body and dripped down my face, chest, and stomach.

"Own me, Master! Please take me and own me! Please, Master! Please!" I pleaded.

I felt Master Zain's energy flow freely into my body. I felt his breathing. I felt his heartbeat. I felt the blood pulsing through his dick. His energy overtook me and I became part of Master Zain's perfect body.

"Fuck!" Master Zain bellowed. "Here it comes, boy! Take it! Take my cum! You're mine, now, boy. You are mine!"

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Zain moaned as his dick spurted copious amounts of cum into my ass.

I hung limply from the restraints while Master Zain encircled my body with his powerful arms. Master Zain used my body to keep him standing as he recovered.


Master Jose, Master Buba, Master Zain, and I joined the family for our usual mid-morning brunch. Harvey had gone all out on this one. Everyone seemed to be eyeing Master Zain.

"Gentlemen," Master Buba began. "I'd like to introduce our new boy, Zain Timberlake. We picked Zain to help ease our loneliness while Steven serves as a prostitute."

"Where are you from, Zain," Master Tim asked. "You look familiar."

"I'm an underwear model," Master Zain explained. "Perhaps you've seen my photos in conjunction with The Underwear Expert advertising pieces."

"Ah!" Master Tim replied. "Yes! I look forward to getting those e-mails. I don't wear underwear, so I'm not a member. But I do enjoy the photos. I am confused by one item, Jose and Buba. Why is Zain not naked?"

"Steven is the lowest level sub," Master Buba explained. "Zain is Steven's master. He also has the authority to punish Steven."

"How clever," Master Tim added as he looked at me with a confused look.

"How did you get into the underwear modeling business?" Master Connor asked.

"I was not looking for a job at the time," Master Zain began. "I walked down Commercial Street with my shirt off one afternoon. I had come from the beach. And, after the bike ride back to town, I thought I looked a mess—all hot, sweaty, and smelly. This guy approached me. He and I had coffee and chatted. He offered me a screen test to become an underwear model before I finished drinking the coffee. The next day, I met him at his studio. The rest is history."

"Who else do you work for besides the Underwear Experts?" Master Leo asked.

"All of the major brands," Master Zain explained. "If you're interested, I can connect you with my agent. You can make a lot of money in a very short period of time. And, judging from what I see, you'd make an excellent underwear model."

"Maybe you could model some underwear for us one time soon," Master Theo suggested. "If I'm right about the bulge in your jean shorts, you're probably very ample in the dick department. Am I correct, Dad?"

"Yes, Master Theo," I replied. "Very ample."

"Zain will also be starring in a couple of films for Blue Dungeon Studios," Master Jose explained. "When I interviewed him last week, I became very interested in him as a companion to Buba and me."

"May I speak with you, Steven?" Master Tim asked from the back of the sofa we were sitting in.

"Master?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Buba replied.

I followed Tim into the house. Once inside, he turned to me. I saw fire in his eyes.

"Are you okay with all of this bullshit, Steven?" Master Tim asked.

"Why do you ask if I'm okay with this?" I asked.

"Steven," Master Tim began. "From what I could translate from the conversation we had poolside, this Zain person, underwear model and porn star, is your replacement. It's like you aged out of slave boy status. And who the fuck does Zain think he is. He's an arrogant prick!"

"Master Zain is a very nice man," I replied. "He and I connected. It's like he's been a part of our lives for a long time. He's an amazing kisser, too."

"Tell me some other amazing traits Zain possesses, Steven," Master Tim suggested.

"He has a beautiful, full body tan and perfectly sculpted muscles," I continued.

"How is his dick, Steven?" Master Tim asked. "I'm certain your Master Zain has already stuck it up your ass."

"His dick is also amazing," I replied. "And, yes, Master Zain fucked me already. We clicked immediately."

"How big is Master Zain's dick, Steven?" Master Tim asked.

"At least fourteen inches of meaty, uncut dick," I replied. "He also has some of the most perfect low-hanging balls I've seen on a man."

"You seem very pleased Master Zain is now a part of your lives," Master Tim said.

"I am," I replied. "We only just met, and I feel we've known each other for a lifetime."

"I don't want you to get hurt, Steven," Master Tim replied. "At first, I thought it was tactless of Jose and Buba to find a replacement for you while you were working for them bringing in a fortune from fees."

"I won't get hurt, Master Tim," I replied. "Master Buba and Master Jose love me. I feel it every time one of them touches me or looks at me. I think, too, I am learning about the gift Master Buba seems to be passing onto me. I can see things more clearly now than I ever could before. Master Zain and I will also love one another. I can see it. I also see something about you and Master Grant and Master David. Have you talked?"

"You are so fucking perceptive sometimes it scares me," Master Tim replied with a smile. "Yes. We've talked. We've made some decisions about the three of us. I'll tell you all about it later. I believe we need to get back to the family and have another cocktail. I am particularly parched."

Master Tim and I rejoined the others. Harvey delivered another round of cocktails. I sat on the floor between Master Zain's legs. He sat between Master Jose and Master Buba. Master Zain wrapped his legs around my chest and squeezed. I became instantly hard. Tim smiled at me from across the deck.

"When will your father arrive, Leo?" Master Tim asked.

"Friday morning," Master Leo replied.

"Your father is visiting, Master Leo?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Leo explained. "He wanted to spend some time with us before we went off to school. Besides, he wants to watch the last tattoo session with you and Jerome. He's eager to see the finished product."

"We have an interesting situation brewing here," Master Connor further explained. "Dad, did you know Leo's father is an S&M masochist?"

"No," I replied. "I wasn't aware he was a masochist. I didn't even know he was gay until Adrian told us about Leo. How does this apply to our discussion about Anton's visit?"

"My dad thought our idea would be super fun," Master Leo began.

I didn't answer. I just waited for one of my sons to explain. I feared for my sanity.

"We have decided the four of us want to have a play date with you and Leo's father," Master Theo continued.

"It would be a bonding experience for all concerned," Master Adrian added. "We'll all be related if Leo and I decide to get married after we graduate from Harvard."

"No," I said slowly and quietly. "This will not happen. I will not join Leo's father in some strange sexual orgy for our sons."

"You don't make those decisions, Steven," Master Buba replied. "I understand you have final decision-making authority concerning your sons. However, they are eighteen and can make their own decisions about sexual relationships. So, unless you, Tim, have objections to the boys using their fathers in a BDSM scene, I am overriding Steven's objections. You will join Leo's father `in some strange sexual orgy for our sons.' Tim?"

"Buba, I'm only his husband," Master Tim replied. He tried not to laugh. "He's your slave boy. It's your decision."

"Thank you, Uncle Buba," Master Theo said. "We appreciate your thoughtfulness."

"You're welcome," Master Buba said.


"How did your discussion with Master Grant and Master David go?" I asked as Tim and I sat at the same table at the same coffee shop during our last offsite conversation. It has become our Thursday afternoon meeting spot.

"I'm grateful for your advice, Steven," Master Tim replied. "We had a terrific discussion. I'm at a whole different plane than I was before our discussion. I finally realized something I never wanted to face. I'm in love with three of the most amazing men in the world. You. Grant. David. I could go into hibernation with the three of you for about fifty years, and I wouldn't miss the world."

"I'm not certain I would want to come out of hibernation after fifty years," I replied. "I'd be old and wrinkly. Some of my options would probably be closed to me."

"I'll love you no matter how old and wrinkly you become, Steven," Master Tim continued. "The three of us want to have a real commitment ceremony involving rings, vows, and a reception. David wants to have a tattoo commemorating our commitment. The tattoo I can take or leave. The rest, I want. We want the world to know we love one another. Are you okay with this?"

"Of course," I replied. "I want you to be happy just like you want me to be happy. This changes a few things, though, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Master Tim asked.

"It changes the dynamics of our relationship," I replied. "You'll no longer be in a relationship of convenience. Your obligations will be to Grant and David, and not to me."

"I never thought of my relationship with David and Grant overshadowing our relationship with obligations," Master Tim said. "What do you mean by my obligations to Grant and David?"

"They come first in your life," I replied. "You three will plan trips together. You'll enjoy outings together. You'll socialize together. You'll be a team. Don't forget, Tim, I chose to become a slave boy because I needed to be who I really am. You've given me the freedom to become who I am now. I'm giving you the same freedom to discover the real you. The Tim whose life is now consumed by two other very wonderful men."

"Does this mean were good with each other?" Master Tim asked.

"Yea," I replied. "We're good. I'll always be here for you if you need advice or just to talk. And I'll always love you."

"Same here, Steven," Master Tim said as a tear trickled down his face.

"Where will the commitment ceremony be held?" I asked.

"We thought about the house on Nantucket," Master Tim replied. "It's absolutely beautiful. It's huge. You could easily anchor a couple of super yachts out front. The possibilities are endless."

"You'll make it happen with style and graciousness," I added.

"How's Zain fitting into the mix?" Master Tim asked.

"Like a glove," I replied. "I think even Master Jose and Master Buba are surprised we have become such great friends. Don't comment, Tim. We're more than just friends. He's ten years younger than I am, but I feel as though we've been together since childhood."

"Has his performance improved in bed?" Tim asked with a smile.

"I'm in sexual heaven, Tim, when all three of my Masters make love to me," I replied. "I'm also very fortunate to have such skilled Masters. Master Zain picks up where either Master Buba or Master Jose left off with the skill of a natural born leader. The thoughts of the movie we will do together has me horny all the time. I won't be acting."

"Who would have thought when we met in Provincetown we'd end up like we are now," Master Tim began. "Married to one another. We have nine sons going on ten. I'm living my dream to be a writer. You're living your dream serving men—sometimes for hire. You have three Masters. I have two wonderful lovers."

"You have the perfect body, too," I added. "I always thought you did. I always will. Are you going to the gym more often? You look more... more... more built."

"Thank you for noticing," Master Tim replied. "I have been going to the gym five days a week. Grant and I have become workout buddies. He must have a drill Sargent gene in him. He's very driven at the gym."

"At least you can devote your time to weight training," I added. "Your cardio workout probably involves sex with David and Grant."

"Not really," Master Tim replied. "I just lay on my back and lift my legs. They do the rest."

My cell phone rang. Sid's name flashed across the screen.

"How's it going, Sid?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Good," Sid replied. "I have a question for you."

"Ask away," I replied.

"I'm, like, missing my friend Eon from back home," Sid replied. "Can I contact him or should I wait until my asshole father is permanently out of my hair?"

"Does he know your father?" I asked.

"He lives on the same block as my ex-father," Sid replied.

"What about his parents?" I asked. "Are they sympathetic to your father?"

"They go to the same church," Sid replied.

"Is Eon gay?" I asked.

"Yea," Sid replied. "He hasn't come out to anyone except me."

"Was Eon more than a friend?" I asked.

"Ahm... Yes," Sid said.

"Let me think about this," I added. "I know you miss him, but I need to think about how this might play out. Can you hold off for a few hours?"

"Sure," Sid replied. "I have one more question."

"And it is?" I asked.

"Are Connor and Theo lovers?" Sid asked.

"We'll have a talk when I get home," I explained. "They might want to be involved in our conversation."

"Thanks, Dad," Sid replied. "I'm sitting beside the pool. I'm not going anywhere."

"We'll be home in an hour or so," I added as I ended the call.

"So, Sid has a boyfriend back in Tennessee," Master Tim said.

"It appears he does," I replied.

"If the situation progresses like I think it might, we might have another son," Master Tim replied.

"You're onto something, Master," I replied. "Do you mind another kid?"

"Nope," Master Tim replied. "If it means one more kid won't worry about physically abusive parents because he is gay, our house is open."

"Good," I replied. "Just to let you now, I'll be on tour, as Master Jose and Master Buba put it, in October and the first two weeks of November. I'll be home until I go out again in February, March, and April."

"You'll be gone for three whole months?" Master Tim asked.

"Yes," I replied. "It appears I will be a busy rent boy. Garrison and Wayne will accompany me. It seems Garrison won't be separated from Wayne for more than a few days. Besides, Garrison needs company while I'm with a client."

"Where will this tour lead you?" Master Tim asked.

"I'll be in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in October and November," I explained. "China in February. Australia in March. San Francisco in April."

"Will you see much outside of men's dicks while you're away?" Master Tim asked with a smile.

"I'll have time to be a tourist," I explained.

"How did your dick react to the last tattoo session?" Master Tim asked. "I know this is an unexpected question, but the thought just popped into my mind."

"It only hurts when I get hard," I explained. "Which means it hurts most of the time."

"I'm sorry I asked," Master Tim said with a smile. "When will we see the finished product? You've had it covered for more than a week."

"Friday when we take Anton to the A-House," I replied. "Before you ask, yes, I will be naked on Friday night."

"Do I see an arrest coming?" Master Tim asked.

"We'll see," I added. "I've only been arrested twice this summer."

"The P'town cops must be celibate," Tim said.

"Not a chance," I replied. "This weekend will probably be a catchup weekend."

"I've enjoyed our talk today, Steven," Master Tim added. "But, it's almost cocktail time. We need to get back to the house."


"You look absolutely amazing, Steven," Master Tim said as Master Buba and Master Jose brought me to the pool deck before we left for the bar. I stood naked before the entire crew including Anton. "Your body shines like a bright star in the distance."

"We oiled his body with the most amazing body lotion we bought in Jerome's shop," Master Buba replied. "It not only looks good, but it also makes Steven more susceptible to sexual feelings."

"I can't imagine him being MORE susceptible to sexual feelings," Master Tim replied with a smile. "Maybe we'll need to oil him for our play session on Sunday evening."

"And for ours on Monday evening," Master Leo replied. "Maybe we should oil Dad, too!"

"You might consider a container shipment of the oil," Master David suggested. "We might all need to be oiled!"

"Zain," Master Grant added. "You're looking mighty fine!"

"Thank you, Sir," Master Zain replied.

Master Zain wasn't naked. However, his leather briefs positioned his dick for maximum bulge. He also wore two leather arm bands just above his extremely pronounced biceps. Black leather lace-up boots with red sox showing above the boot top finalized his most sexy look. My dick hardened immediately.

"Steven apparently thinks you look terrific as well, Zain" Master Tim added. "You'll have heads turning tonight."

"They'll be looking at Steven's naked body," Master Zain suggested as he slid his hand over my ass. "Such a sexy boy!"

Leo held Anton's leash attached to a collar around his neck. Anton dressed very similarly to Master Zain.

The foursome wore tattered jeans under extremely tight chaps with leather boots and nothing else. If my dick hadn't already been hard, it would be after I saw the four of them.

The others, Master Tim, Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, and Master Buba dressed down for the evening. Tight, tight jeans, a leather vest, and boots. I wanted to eat all of them.

"It's time to get started!" Master Connor exclaimed. "How much did you pay the owners of the bar to let us in again, Dad?"

"I promised them favors," I replied. "Rather Master Jose and Master Buba promised them favors... for the whole staff."

"We also promised them Steven would provide entertainment this evening and tomorrow evening!" Master Jose replied.

"Seems fair to me," Master Grant replied. "I also alerted the Provincetown police department you'd be breaking the law again tonight and tomorrow night, Steven. So, it appears your well-oiled body will be put to effective use."

"Thank you for your thoroughness, Master," I replied. "I will be forever in your debt."

"My thoughts exactly!" Master Grant added. "And I'm a very disadvantaged person when it comes to kinky sex. Of course, you already knew I'm disadvantaged when it comes to kinky sex."

"I'm not likely to forget it, either," I replied.

"David, Tim, and I will walk to the bar," Master Grant explained. "Any one is welcome to join us."

"We'll walk with you," Master Leo added. "It'll be good to show off my Dad. It's sort of his coming out party tonight."

"We have solved the transportation problem," Master Buba replied. "We'll walk with you."

As we headed towards the door, Master Zain fastened the leash to my collar. With a gentle tug, we were on our way to the bar.

Miraculously, our walk to the bar did not end in any arrests.

George, the bouncer, held court outside the door of the A-House.

"My, my!" George said as he eyed our group. Lust spewed from his eyes. "Steven, when you said your sons were hot, I didn't realize they were this hot! Just having them in the bar will be great for business."

The boys and our guests introduced themselves to George. As we went inside, George grabbed my inflated dick and pulled me close to him and kissed me.

"It's been a long time, Steven," George added as he released my dick and licked his lips. "I understand we'll be seeing you next week."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I am eager to begin paying my fee."

"We might have a chance to visit later tonight, also," Master George added as I followed our group into the A-House.

We stepped off the stairs in the second-floor bar. The whole bar quieted to an eerie silence. The bartender shouted to the crowd, "For Christ sake. It's not like you haven't seen a naked man before. Drink up."

Master Grant, Master David, and Master Tim took charge and ordered our drinks.

Our first visitor of the night stopped beside Anton. He put his arm around Anton's shoulder. The hunky visitor looked to be about six-three. His chain link harness added definition to his highly pumped chest and arms. His extremely distressed jeans showed a definite bulge.

"You're the last person I thought I would see in here, buddy," the man said. "Especially with a collar, leash, and a very hot, young stud holding the leash. Who's the lucky stud?"

"Ah... Ah... This is my son, Leo," Anton replied.

"Jesus, Anton," the man said as he looked lustfully at Leo. "This stunning young man is your kid! And you're his boy! Amazing!"

"He's my boy for tonight, at least," Leo beamed.

"I'm Carver," the man finally said mostly to Leo. "I've known your dad since college. I didn't know he enjoyed being a sub. This is just perfect news!"

"Why?" Master Leo asked. "Are you looking for a sub?"

"I'm always looking for a sub," Carver said to the group as he surveyed the rest of us. "Most subs I've had didn't work out for me. Most think they are God's gift to Sadists. They usually turn out to be control freaks."

"Steven is for rent," Master Zain added. "And he doesn't disappoint."

"Thank you for the information," Carver said to Master Zain and then turned toward me. "Aren't you a porn star at Blue Dungeon Studios?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"You're welcome to join us later tonight, Carver," Master Connor said with excitement in his voice.

"We'll see how much the boy likes dick in his ass," Master Adrian said to Carver.

"I'd be delighted to help you find out, son," Carver replied.

"This is my boyfriend, Adrian. The other two studs are Connor and Theo," Master Leo explained to Carver. "Steven's three Masters are Zain who's holding the leash, Jose, and Buba. These three," Master Leo said nodding in the direction of Masters Grant, David, and Tim. "These three are Grant, David, and Tim. Tim is Steven's husband."

"Now, I'm excited." Carver said. "It's very good to meet all of you."

"I can safely say I did not expect to meet you here, Carver," Anton added. "Carver and I had a very interesting time while we were in college. I'll not explain in detail until later."

"I need to get back to my buddies in the corner," Carver explained. "Where are you staying?"

"Tim and Steven's house," Anton replied.

"All of you?" Carver asked.

"It's a big compound," Master David explained.

"You could also join us for our walk back to our compound," Master Grant suggested. "We should encounter some really good plots for a new television series. We'll call it Steven's Arrest Record."

"I don't understand," Carver replied.

"Carver," Master Tim began. "What does Steven have on his body?"

"Nothing," Carver replied.

"Just think Provincetown Police Department encounters with a naked man walking down Commercial Street," I explained.

"Oh! Yea!" Carver replied. "Now I understand. I won't miss it."

As Carver left to return to his entourage of friends, Leo looked at his father. "So, Dad," Leo began. "Carver seems like a nice man. How well do you know him, Dad?"

"We were roommates our freshman year in the dorm," Anton explained. "We leased an apartment together for our last three years. He's a nice man."

"How nice, Dad?" Leo asked.

"What do you mean, Leo?" Anton asked.

"Dad," Leo continued. "Remember, it is Master Leo, Master, or Sir. Do not address me as Leo. I will punish you if you don't do as I ask. Understand, Dad?"

"Yes, Master Leo," Anton replied.

"So, what's your answer?" Master Leo asked. "How nice is Carver?"

"He's one of my best friends," Anton replied.

"I'm not asking about best friends," Master Leo continued. "Did he fuck you while you were in college?"

"Yes, Le... Master Leo," Anton replied.

"Does he have a big dick?" Master Leo asked.

"Yes," Anton replied.

"How big?" Master Leo asked.

"I don't remember exactly," Anton replied.

"Cut the shit, boy," Master Leo said as his voice raised. "How... big... is... his... dick?"

"About thirteen inches," Master Anton replied.

"Cut or uncut?" Master Leo asked.

"Cut," Anton replied.

"How often did he fuck you with his thirteen inch, cut dick, Dad?" Master Leo asked.

"Two or three times a day," Anton replied. "More on the weekend."

"Whose dick will you like better? Carver's or mine?" Master Leo asked.

"I don't know," Anton replied. "I haven't been with you, Son."

"Don't... fucking... call... me... son!" Master Leo replied as he slapped him in the face. "Remember. Master Leo. Master. Sir. Those are your only three options. Get on your knees, Dad."

"What?" Anton asked.

"I said, get... on... your... knees," Master Leo demanded as he put his hand on his father's shoulder and pushed him down. Leo fished his dick out of his jeans. In order to get his rock-hard dick out of his pants, Leo pushed them down below his dick and ass. "Suck it, Dad!"

"Yes, Sir," Anton replied as he brought his mouth to Leo's dick. Anton licked the tip of his son's dick before he swallowed it in one gulp. All twelve inches of dick disappeared down his throat.

After a few minutes, Master Leo decided he had made his point.

"Stop," Master Leo ordered.

Anton stopped with his mouth on the base of his son's dick.

"Get up," Master Leo replied. When Anton didn't immediately take his mouth off Master Leo's dick, Master Leo slapped his father again. "When I give you an order, boy, I want you to obey my order. Get... the... fuck... up!"

Anton removed his mouth from his son's dick and stood. Head down. Hands locked together behind his neck. Feet shoulder width apart.

"So, Dad," Master Leo said as he pulled his pants up and tucked in is still hard dick. "Whose dick do you like better? Mine or Carver's?"

"Yours, Master," Anton replied.

"Why?" Master Leo asked.

"You... you... you... taste like me," Anton quietly added.

"Now, it's your turn, Steven," Master George the bouncer said as he moved beside me. "Thomas asked me to help you put on a show for the bar. You'll like putting on a show, won't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I can't disappoint Thomas. He is the owner of the bar after all."

"You have a choice, boy," Master George suggested. "I can fuck you while you're bent over the bar, or I can fuck you while you're on your back on top of the bar. Which is it?"

"Bent over the bar, Sir," I replied.

"Good choice," Master George replied as he took my leash from Master Zain. As Master George led me to the middle of the bar, the customers moved aside to create path to the bar. Once we arrived at the middle of the bar, Master George gave his next order. "Take me out and stroke it until I tell you to stop."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I unbuttoned Master George's tight, distressed jeans. Master George's hard dick hit me in the face as I pulled his jeans down to his ankles. I began to stroke Master George's already hard dick. His thirteen inch, uncut, meaty dick took my breath away. I wanted to play with his low hanging shaved balls, but I thought better of doing something he hadn't told me to do.

"Suck it to get it wet, boy," Master George ordered.

"Yes, Master," I said as I dropped to my knees and took his big dick into my mouth. I slurped his dick down my throat in one gulp.

"Such a good cock sucker," Master George said so the entire bar could hear.

I continued to work on Master George's dick. Another man began to fondle Master George's nipples which turned Master George on so much he began to face fuck me.

Master George finally pulled away from me. He began stroking his own dick.

"Bend over the bar, boy," Master ordered.

I noticed the television monitor lit up with the image of my ass arranged so Master George could slip his big dick into my ass without being sidetracked.

"I won't use lube, boy," Master George growled. "Just your spit."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I bellowed as Master George pushed his dick balls deep into my ass.

"I've forgotten how good your ass feels, boy," Master George said to me and the rest of the bar. "You make me want to fuck you so hard you won't be able to use it for a week. Would you like me to fuck you hard, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I begged. "Please fuck me. Make me feel your power, Master. Take me. Make me yours. Please, Master. Fuck me. Fuck me!"

Master George fucked me. Just like I'd asked. Hard. Fast. Powerful. Every time he stabbed his entire dick inside me I was his. He owned me.

My hard dick slapped the bar. My balls bounce freely in the air. My ass felt on fire. Over and over and over and over, Master George stabbed his dick inside me before pulling completely out. Over and over and over again.

Master George's body tensed. His cum filled my ass. Every spurt coincided with an inward stab.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master George leaned on the bar supported by his muscled arms.

"I had forgotten what a terrific ass you have, boy," Master George said after he caught his breath enough to speak. "You know you're not done yet, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I need to clean your dick, Master."

"Very good, boy," Master George replied. "You remember!"

"I could never forget you like your dick cleaned after you fuck me," I replied.

Master George moved away from me. I went down on my knees. I licked, sucked, and swallowed his dick until it seemed clean. I pulled Master George's jeans up, tucked in his still hard dick, and buttoned them.

"Thank you, boy," Master George replied. "I'll definitely enjoy your week of payment to let your studs into the bar."

"Every day," I added. "All fifteen staff members. I'll enjoy my week as well, Master."

Master George tugged on my leash, and I followed him back to Master Zain.

"Good show, boy," Master Zain said as he took the leash from Master George. "It gets me excited about our performance, boy."

Master Zain put my hand over his leather clad bulge.

"So, Steven," Master Tim said as he stood in front of me. "I see George hasn't lost his edge. Was it as good as you remembered?"

"Better, Master," I replied with a smile. "I'll be reminded every day this week about how good Master George fucks."

"I need my boots cleaned, boy," Master Jose told me. "You did such a good job cleaning George's dick. So, boy, go to it. And clean Buba's after you finish mine.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I dropped to my knees and began licking Master Jose's boots.

"His ass looks good," Master Grant said to Master David. "So, so fuckable."

"Play your cards right, Grant," Master David replied. "You'll have not only Tim's ass but Steven's as well."

"Wishful thinking," Master Grant replied. "We will be in the back of the line for Steven's ass, and it will be a long, long line. Think Provincetown police department. Then three of his sons and one son's boyfriend. Of course, Jose, Buba, and Zain are guaranteed a piece of Steven's ass."

"I see your point," Master David replied. "We'll just need to wait until Sunday evening."

Once I completed cleaning Master Jose's boots, Master Buba's boots, and Master Zain's boots, I stood to face an absolutely stunning hunk.

He stood six-three with a massive hairless chest, six pack abs, and hugely muscled arms. His tight, tight almost thread bare jeans highlighted hunk's cock and balls, tree trunk legs, and superbly formed, muscled ass.

"Hello," the hunk greeted me. "I'm Sean. Garrison suggested I visit the bar tonight so I could meet you. I'm considering a rental."

"Sean!" Master Jose said to our visitor. "I'm Jose. Garrison told us you would be here to inspect the boy. Steven's other two Masters, Buba and Zain, also welcome you to perform your inspection. If you'd like to take the boy into a corner, you are welcome to try him out."

"I'm interested in learning about the boy's ability to handle intense pain," Master Sean said.

"I don't believe the bar is conducive for whipping, but you're welcome to experiment with him," Master Jose suggested. "We need him back here in about an hour for another show."

Master Zain handed Master Sean my leash. He tugged on the leash and I followed him to a dark corner, away from the traffic of customers.

"Back against the wall, boy," Master Sean ordered. "Feet shoulder width apart. Hands locked behind your neck. Look directly into my eyes. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I assumed the position and looked into Master Sean's eyes.

I could see the fire. The rage. The energy. The power. The lust.

"You like what you see in my eyes, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"What do you like the most, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Power, Master," I replied. "The power I see in your eyes excites me the most. The fire, rage, energy, and lust come with power."

"Very good, boy," Master Sean replied. "You've been trained well. Don't take your eyes off mine."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Sean took my nipples into his hands and pinched with his finger nails.

I wanted to shut my eyes and scream. Instead, I continued to look into Master Sean's eyes.

"What do you see now, boy?" Master Sean asked.

"Pain, Master," I replied. "Lots of pain. I want it, Master, if you'll give it to me."

"Oh! I'll give it to you, boy," Master Sean replied just before he jammed his kneecap into my balls.

The pain from by balls burst through my body. I continued to look into Master Sean's eyes.

I saw Master Sean's eyes brighten. He seemed pleased.

Master Sean kept his eyes on mine. His took my dick into his right hand and began stroking my already hard dick.

"Good boy," Master Sean said. "I see lust, desire, submission, humiliation, and pain. Lots and lots of pain. The pain in your eyes makes me excited. I like to inflict pain. I can tell you will be perfect for me to torment, Steven. I'll take you back to your masters now. I have made my decision. We will be together soon. Very soon."

"Thank you, Master," I said still engrossed in Master Sean's eyes. I felt lonely when Master Sean turned away from me, and we walked toward Master Jose, Master Buba, and Master Zain.

"You have a well-trained boy," Master Sean said to my three Masters. "I am looking forward to speaking with you about a session with Steven."

"Terrific," Master Buba replied. "I'm certain we can find time for you to use Steven while you are in Provincetown."

"I'm looking forward to the opportunity," Master Sean said as he leered at me. "I'm also gleefully anticipating your show with Steven, Zain. I suspect you will be very entertaining!"

"Thank you, Sean," Master Zain replied. "This will be our first public scene. We are both looking forward to this."

Master Sean moved to the other side of the room with his friends.

"Are you ready for our show, Zain?" Master Buba asked.

"Definitely," Master Zain replied as he picked up my leash hanging loosely from my collar. He led me to the center of the room light by a single overhead floodlight. Master Zain quickly put my wrists into the restraints hanging from the ceiling.

Master George join us in the circle of light.

"We have the honor to witness a demonstration given by Steven's newest Master, Master Zain," Master George said to the crowd. "Zain will begin the demonstration, but he welcomes audience participation if you would like to join him. Zain's demonstration will primarily focus on tit torture as well as cock and ball torture. Don't forget to register for the door prize this evening. The lucky winner will win a free weekend with Steven in a private dungeon here in town. The winner will be announced shortly before closing."

Master George left Master Zain and me in the circle of light. Master Zain gathered several cloth covered items from his toy bag and placed them on a table near my restrained body.

I felt as if Master Zain and I were totally alone. Master Zain took a position in front of me as he carefully unwrapped the first cloth covered item.

"How do you feel right now, boy," Master Zain asked.

"Helpless and exposed," I replied.

"Good," Master Zain replied. "Do you know what I will do to you in front of all these people?"

"You will hurt me, Master," I replied.

"Definitely," Master Zain replied. "What will you do when I hurt you, boy?"

"I will look straight ahead. I will not show fear. I will wait for you to hurt me again, Master," I replied.

"Excellent, boy," Master Zain said as he held up the tit clamps he had selected.

"I need a volunteer to help me," Master Zain said to the group assembled around the circle of light. "Connor, will you assist me?"

Master Connor quickly stepped forward. He stood in front of me. His eyes danced with anticipation.

"Gladly, Zain," Master Connor replied.

Master Zain handed Master Connor a nipple clamp.

"We'll attach these one at a time," Master Zain explained. "You go first."

Master Connor skillfully pulled and kneaded my nipple before he attached the clamp and pressed it to tighten. As the clamp bit into the skin of my nipple I wanted to scream. Instead, I gritted my teeth.

"Thank you, Sir," I said to Master Connor

Master Zain fondled my other nipple before attaching the clamp—tightly.

Again, I instinctively wanted to scream. Teeth tight. Fire blazing in Master Zain's eyes.

Master Connor retreated into the crowd.

Master Zain moved behind me. I continued to stand erect, eyes unmoving. He returned holding a long black rod. Master Grant's long black rod he used on my balls. I sucked in a breath.

Master Zain turned to the assembled group and explained the black rod.

"A client introduced this black rod to Steven during a recent session," Master Zain replied. "He's frightened of this little black rod. With good reason, of course."

Master Zain paused and turned to face me. He grinned. It looked evil.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the black rod hit my balls.

Master Zain stepped forward for a moment and positioned my balls so they were more exposed. He wrapped a rope around the base of my balls and fasten the rope around my waist.

Master Zain stepped back and readied the black rod for its next attack.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' I screamed as the rod first hit my balls. He kept hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting. I couldn't scream. Tears began to fall.

Master Zain stopped.

"The black rod is good for other uses," Master Zain said to me. He disappeared behind me. "Bend over, boy."

I bent over as Master Zain asked. I braced myself for what I knew would be a massive beating.

His barrage began. He slammed the rod on my ass and worked his way down my thighs. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Nonstop. Up. Down. Up. Down.

Finally, Master Zain stopped. I didn't realize he stopped until I heard his next words.

"Stand up straight, boy," Master Zain ordered before he turned to face the group of men assembled to watch my torture. "Now, the fun part can begin. I need a couple of volunteers to help with the next phase of torment."

Master Theo and Master Tim stepped beside Master Zain.

Master Zain dumped a huge mound of clothespins on a table.

"We have one-thousand clothespins here," Master Zain explained to Master Theo, Master Tim, and the rest of the group watching. "We'll use these clothes pins to cover as much of Steven's body as possible. Nothing is off limits. Theo, work on the boy's chest, stomach and arms. Be creative. Tim, I'd like you to concentrate on the boy's cock and balls. Cover them. I'll work on the boy's backside and his armpits."

My masters worked quickly to cover my body with clothes pins. Master Tim diligently covered my cock and balls. Three held my foreskin together. He covered the vein of my dick with clothespins. He covered almost all of my scrotum with clothespins. My discomfort level really wasn't caused by adding the pins to my body. The discomfort evolved from what would happen when they finished.

Master Tim, Master Theo, and Master Zain began to thread all of the pins together with a small rope.

"I will pull off the back ones," Master Zain announced. "Theo, I want you to pull off the front ones once I am finished. Tim, you are in charge of pulling off the clothespins from the boy's cock and balls. Let's see which ones make him scream the most.

I braced myself emotionally for the pain which was to come.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Zain pulled off the pins on my backside.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as Master Theo pulled off the front ones.

Tim stood in front of me. "This is it, Steven," Master Tim explained. "My next act will signal the end of our relationship as we know it. From now on, I own a piece of you."

Master Tim stepped back. His grin filled his face. His eyes danced with anticipation.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as an extremely intense pain shot from my cock and balls throughout my entire body. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the shock of the pain wore off.

The lights in the rest of the bar came up from darkness to comfortably dim. I stood in the middle of the bar. Motionless. Body riddled with pain.

Master Tim's touch on my face brought me back to reality. "It wasn't so bad, was it, boy? I like it when you cry from the pain I've inflicted upon you. It makes me feel powerful. It makes you seem weak and dependent upon your tormentors. I never realized until a few moments ago I like hurting you so much. We'll do this more often."

Master Zain, Master Tim, and Master Theo returned to our group. They left me in the middle of the bar, hands locked behind my neck, legs spread shoulder width apart, looking downward to the floor. Master Buba joined me in the middle of the bar.

"How do you feel right now?" Master Buba asked.

"In pain," I began. "Humiliated. My husband told me I'm weak and dependent upon my tormentors. I don't want to disappoint you, Master."

"You'll never disappoint me," Master Buba replied. "You'll never disappoint Jose. You'll never disappoint Zain. You'll never disappoint any of your clients. Your talent is reading your Master and reacting accordingly. And, Steven, never forget you appear weak and dependent with your masters. But you are the one in control. Don't tell too many people."

"Thank you, Master," I said. I still stood in the position Master Tim, Master Theo, and Master Zain left me.

"Let's get you a drink to calm you down," Master Buba said. "We'll leave shortly."

Master Buba took my hand and led me to the bar. He ordered me a vodka on the rocks.

As Master Buba and I stood sipping our drinks, I felt two hands encircle my body. They were familiar hands. They were Master Tim's hands. He began to play with my nipples.

"I hope you're not mad at me, Steven," Master Tim said as he continued to tweak my nipples.

"I'm not mad at you, Master," I replied.

"Grant reminded me of something," Master Tim continued. "Your Masters believe you are giving control of your body to them. In reality, you are in control of everything they say or do during a scene. And I must say it makes me extremely proud of my husband. Not many masochists control the sadists. It's usually the other way around."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as Master Tim stopped playing with my nipples. "You don't need to stop, Master."

"Yes, I do," Master Tim replied as he kissed me. "I want to have a good vantage for your arrest by the Provincetown Police Department."

"You're so thoughtful, Master Tim," I replied as he turned to rejoined Master David and Master Grant.

"Let's get you arrested, boy," Master Buba said as he led me back to our group for the walk home.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I believe I will like to get arrested."

"I thought so," Master Buba replied. "I'll organize the group."

I waited with my drink in my hands while Master Buba gathered the group for our walk home.

"See you later, boys," Master George said as we filed out of the bar. "You'll be here tomorrow, won't you?"

"Of course," Master Tim replied. "We're celebrating!"

"What are you celebrating?" Master George asked.

"Our family returning to normal," Master Tim replied. "Funny how normal seems so strange."

We made our way down Commercial Street. We managed to pass the pizza joint and the coffee shop with only about half of the people touching, fondling, or pinching my body.

"Stop!" we heard a voice from behind us.

We turned to see Van from the Provincetown Police Department closing in on us. Van swaggered next to me. He stood at least six-six tall and probably came from Irish stock. His body consisted of muscle and more muscle. His dark black, wavy hair—clipped short—and his always present five-o'clock shadow exuded sex. I'd seen him in the showers at the gym and knew he packed an impossibly huge cock and hairless low hanging balls.

"I hope you had a wonderful time at the A-House tonight," Van said to the group.

"Yes, we did," Master Grant replied. "How has your evening been?"

"Quiet," Master Van said as he leered at my naked body. My dick suddenly grew to fully erect status. "The evening appears to be looking up, though. Did you know you have a naked man walking with you?"

"Naked man?" Master Jose asked and then turned to me. "Steven! Why the fuck are you naked? You should know better than to be on a public street without clothes. And you have a hard dick. Make it go down, boy. You'll get us in trouble with the law."

By this time, Master Van had his handcuffs out.

"Turn around, boy," Master Van ordered. "Hands behind your back."

I complied.

"I've heard about you, boy," Master Van said after he clicked the handcuffs around my wrists closed. "You're shameless, and a black mark on this fine, upstanding community."

Master Van's radio crackled to life.

"Officer 4423," the voice on the radio said. "Copy?"

Master Van pressed a button on his radio, "Office Newland here. I have a situation on Commercial Street next to the Chamberlain Gallery. Need reinforcements."

"All available officers," the voice on the radio said. "All available officers assist Officer Newland near the Chamberlain Gallery."

In less than a few seconds, three officers appeared ready to assist Officer Newland.

"Officer Newland," a very tall Asian man began. "What do we have here? A problem?"

"A naked man walking down Commercial Street seems to be a problem to me," Office Newland replied. "We'll need to arrest him."

"The Captain won't be happy having a naked man in the pen," another officer replied as he shifted his weight from one leg to another. His blond, curly hair fell across his forehead. He reminded me of Master Connor and Master Theo. My dick pulsed.

"We need an alternative lockup, Officer Marsh," the third officer suggested to the blond. He seemed very interested in my naked body. "Any ideas, Officer Newland?"

"We could tie him up behind the liquor store until morning," Officer Newland replied. "What do you think, Officer Keiko?"

"Excellent idea," the Asian officer replied. "Do we have enough rope to secure him?"

"You could tie him up at our place," Master Tim suggested. "Or, better yet, you can lock him up in his cell in the playroom. You can drop by once you're off duty to question him."

"Problem is, I just started my shift," Officer Keiko replied.

"Take him behind the liquor store and inspect him," Master Tim suggested.

"Officer Newland?" Officer Keiko asked. "May I inspect the suspect?"

"Of course," Officer Newland replied.

Officer Keiko led me from the growing crowd of observers into the alley behind the liquor store.

"On your knees, boy," Office Keiko demanded as he unzipped his pants and began to fish his hardening dick out of his pants. His dick was erect immediately after he released it from his uniform. He grabbed my leash and attached it to a sign post. "Suck it, boy."

Officer Keiko moved closer, and I immediately put my mouth on his perfectly shaped eight inch cut dick. I swallowed my prize and began working furiously on my captor's dick.

"Yea, boy!" Office Keiko growled. "Suck my cop dick, boy. Suck it. Suck it good, boy!"

Officer Keiko put his hands on the back of my head and pushed his dick down my throat. He immediately began to face fuck me. Harder and harder. Faster and faster. Trouble breathing.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Keiko groaned as he unloaded his cum down my throat.

"God you're a good cocksucker!" Master Keiko said as he extricated his dick from my throat. "I'll need more of your mouth, boy. I'll speak with your Masters. And, you know what, I need to piss before I head back to the station.

Officer Keiko stepped back and aimed his dick at my face. He released an amazingly strong stream of piss onto my face, chest, stomach, and crotch.

"Let me take you back to your Masters, boy," Master Keiko said as I stood up. "You're a smelly fucking mess, boy! You need to clean up your act!"

I followed Officer Keiko back to the crowd of onlookers.

"The inspection went well, Officer Newland," Officer Keiko said. "He's in your custody now."

"Thank you for the help, Officer Keiko," Officer Newland said.

"Jesus, Steven," Master Tim added. "You fucking smell like a toilet."

To be continued.

This is my 69th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 70

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