Life with Tim

Published on Jun 23, 2022


Life with Tim 68

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"It's settled then," I said. "We need to get the three of you naked. Where do you want us?"

"On the bed," Master Lyndon replied. "My little bottom boy will be riding my dick."

"I'm taking this bottom whore downstairs to the playroom," Master Randal said as he clipped a leash onto the collar I wore.

"Steven doesn't need lube," Master Joshua said to Master Randal.

"Why?" Master Randal asked.

"Right after we dropped the gang off at the airport, I ushered Steven into the bathroom," Master Joshua explained. "I made certain he would be ready for anyone or all of us."

"What about you, boy?" Master Lyndon asked Master Joshua.

"I took care of mine as well," Master Joshua replied.

"Suck it, boy," Master Lyndon said to Master Joshua. "Suck my big dick like the cock sucker whore you really are, boy."

"Yes, Master," Master Joshua replied as he guided Master Lyndon's big uncut dick to his mouth.

Master Randal led me downstairs to the playroom.


Chapter 68: Back Again

I put my arms around Master Buba and pulled his sweaty, muscled body close to mine. I listened to Master Buba's breathing and heartbeat return to normal.

"I love feeling your sweaty muscled body on top of mine," I whispered to Master Buba. "Do you have any idea how much it means to me to be back with everyone again?"

"Probably," Master Buba replied. "I longed for the day to have you all to myself for a few hours."

"I was concerned you may have gotten used to life without me," I whispered again.

"Not happening," Master Buba said as I felt his big dick start to move inside my ass again. "Derrick handled himself exceedingly well. However, he is not the man I promised to keep safe and happy."

"I could stay like this forever," I added. "You on top of me with your big dick firmly planted in my ass. This to me is my heaven on earth."

"You'd be happy with any big dick in your ass," Master Buba said as he smiled at me.

"Nope," I replied. "Yours and Master Jose's. I'd be happy if I never had another dick in me except the two of you."

"Good," Master Buba said as he picked up the pace of his dick moving back and forth in my ass.

I rubbed the muscles in Master Buba's back as he was working into satisfying himself in my ass.

"Fuck me harder, Master," I plead. "Please fuck me harder. Fuck me hard, please."

Master Buba raised his body up supported by his outstretched arms.

"Look at me, boy," Master Buba ordered. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what you see."

"Lust. Power. Desire," I answered.

"You see love, too, don't you, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I see love too."

"Right now, what do you most want to see in my eyes?" Master Buba asked.

"Power," I replied. "Take me. Please Master, take me on a journey."

"Hang on, boy," Master Buba hissed at me. "We're hitting a few bumps on this journey."

Master Buba took a deep breath and began to pound my ass. It began as slow, powerful stabs into my ass. Master Buba picked up the pace again.

I remembered the virtual reality scene at the club. This felt the same only I knew my Master Buba claimed my ass as his.

"I want to mark you, boy," Master Buba bellowed as I felt the bed shake with each inward stab.

He moved his mouth over my right shoulder without missing a beat. I felt his tongue on my skin. Then I felt his lips on my skin. Then I felt his teeth sink into my skin. The bite felt so sensual I couldn't hold back. My dick shot loads and loads of cum. My stomach. My chest. My face. Covered with cum. I felt like I couldn't stop cumming.

"Take it, boy," Master Buba screams as I felt the ropes of his Master cum fill my ass. Over and over and over again. More cum. More cum.

Master Buba again laid on top of me. I felt satisfied. I felt happy. I felt loved.

Master Buba finally spoke, "We're probably a smelly mess. Do you want to shower with me?"

"No," I replied. "I want you to fuck me again."

"Listen, horny slave boy," Master Buba explained. "I just fucked you three times. If you want it again, we will both need food. We can't join the others smelling like we do."

"Why?" I asked with a smile.

"This has been a three-hour workout, boy," Master Buba said as he pulled his big dick out of my ass. "Shower. Now!"

"Yes, Master," I replied and followed Master Buba to the shower.

"We should check in with the others," Master Buba said after we dried ourselves. I dried Master Buba, and he dried me.

Master Buba pulled on a pair of gym shorts before we moved outside to the pool. There was no missing his still hard dick underneath his gym shorts.

Master Grant looked up as we selected a pair of lounges. "We should cancel the order of little blue pills. We could just bottle you, Buba."

"Steven just makes me horny," Master Buba replied.

"Anything makes you horny, Buba," Tim said as he played with Master Grant's already hard dick through his board shorts.

"Where's everyone else?" Master Buba asked.

"Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo went to the gym," Master Tim explained. "David is talking to someone about something which sounds very legal and very confusing. Jose is auditioning a couple of possible actors to star with Steven in the next film. Joshua and Derrick headed out to the beach on their bikes. They are probably fucking in the sand by now. I just finished writing a sex scene for my next book, and I needed to research the authenticity of the scene. Grant promised to help. It's been a slow day."

Master David came out of the house with his phone in his hand. "Listen to me very carefully, Mr. Wroth. I never heard of anything so preposterous. It is not normal to suddenly change the way you value property just because you feel like it. I have three other appraisals. They are all within a few thousand dollars of each other. Yours is undervalued by about five hundred thousand dollars. If you want the property, you will play by the rules. Take it or leave it!"

Master David ended the call and stood beside Master Grant and Master Tim. "Has your day been as shitty as mine?"

"It doesn't sound like it," Master Grant replied. "How would you like to take a break and work off some steam?"

Master David looked at Master Grant and then Master Tim. He smiled broadly "Follow me, boys."

The three quickly left and headed to their room.


"I finally get to enjoy your company, Steven," Master Grant said to me as he finished installing me on the bondage table. "I thought it was a stroke of genius on my part to bring you to New York so we could play in my private playroom. I'm also excited we have three full days before we return to Provincetown. I will say I was very persuasive when I convinced David to take your husband to Nantucket this weekend. The house on the island is spectacular from what I've heard. Are you comfortable, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"We'll need to make some changes in your lockup," Master Grant replied. "The goal is to make you uncomfortable and suffering from the pain. Let's start with this."

Master Grant installed a ball stretcher on my balls and tightened it to the max length. He retrieved an odd looking black rod from his toy bag. It looked as though it measured about three feet long and about one-half an inch in diameter.

"While I fucked your husband last night for third time, something dawned on me," Master Grant began to explain. "I've had this hard, plastic rod in my toy bag for maybe a year. I could never decide what I needed to do with it. An idea burst into my head as my dick spewed cum into your husband's ass. Your balls, boy. This will be perfect for your balls."

Master Grant stepped back. His chaps without jeans underneath gave me a perfect view of Master Grant's huge, uncut, dick. I salivated.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed as Master Grant slammed the black rod against my balls.

"Are you comfortable now, boy?" Master Grant asked.

"No, Sir," I whimpered. "Balls hurt."

"Good," Master Grant replied as he slammed the rod against my balls for a second time.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I bellowed as the second, more powerful blow hit my balls.

"So, how is my piece of sit slave boy now?" Master Grant asked.

"Hurting, Sir," I replied.

"Do you want me to stop?" Master Grant asked.

"No, Sir, please don't stop," I whimpered as I saw Master Grant prepare to deliver another blow to my balls.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed in pain.

When Garrison hung me by the balls, it was painful but not like this. My balls felt as though they could explode.

Master Grant didn't speak after he slammed my balls with the rod for the fourth time. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth.

I fully expected Master Grant to continue, but, instead, he paused. His hands caressed my aching balls.

"Your balls make you a special slave boy, Steven," Master Grant began. "I've heard rumors you might be castrated. I'll fight against the decision... if I have any power in the discussion. I will probably not be allowed to express my opinion because you are not my property. So, before they are gone, I'm planning on having fun with them."

Master Grant stepped to the side again. I heard the whistle of the rod before it slammed against my balls again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed.

Master Grant gave my balls nine more blows with the black rod before he stopped again. I could no longer manage to scream.

Master Grant stood closer so he could examine my balls.

"Very nice," Master Grant said. "Nice red marks. They will probably turn black and blue before long. It looks as though your balls are swelling, too. Perfect!"

Master Grant put down the rod near the bondage table. He returned with a leather case.

"When we decided David and I could use your services occasionally, I began thinking of all the wonderful things I wanted to do to your body," Master Grant explained. "We'll cover most of my ideas this weekend. Some will hurt more than others. Some might even be scary for you. You know, I am certain, I will give you back to your husband... actually your Masters... in one piece. The piece may be battered and bruised, but you will be in one piece. Your sons, Connor, Theo, and Adrian suggested a few ideas I hadn't thought about. They are very creative, you know. It's amazing what ideas those boys dream about. Next time, I might arrange to bring them with us."

Master Grant opened the leather case. The case held a massive collection of sounds.

"I had a few sounds in my collection," Master Grant explained. "But I saw this set online. I knew I had to buy them for this weekend. According to the website, this is the most complete set of sounds sold in a package. I have straight ones. I have curved ones. I have some larger than any sound I've seen. You'll be wearing one when we sleep."

Master Grant slipped on surgical gloves and selected the first sound.

"I sterilized all these so you don't need to worry about infections," Master Grant continued. "I'm also using a sterilize ointment to lube the sounds. Once we have you opened up properly, we'll do this without the ointment."

Master Grant touched the first sound to the opening in my dick. The cold metal of the sound touched my dick, and it twitched in reaction to the coldness. I watched as Master Grant let the sound find its way into my dick.

Master Grant grasp the top of the sound and slowly pulled it almost out and then let the sound drop once again into my dick. Over and over and over. Master Grant let the sound find its way into my dick, then he'd pull it out again. Over and over and over.

He pulled the first one out and selected a larger size. The sound was larger diameter and length than the first. Master Grant used the same pattern. Let the sound creep into my dick. Pull it out. Repeat.

After several cycles, Master Grant pulled the second one out. The third one seemed to be the largest in diameter and length.

"Normally, I would work up to this before I put this in," Master Grant again explained. "But, I can't wait much longer to experience this sound. This is the one you will wear for several hours today as we move on to other activities."

This sound took almost two minutes before it seated itself firmly into my dick. The sensation of the sound entering my dick made me moan in ecstasy, "Oooooooooo."

"You like this, don't you, boy?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I've never had a sound this big in me. It feels amazing. Almost as though you were fucking my dick."

Master Grant began his standard procedure of pulling it out and letting it sink itself into my dick. Shivers poured from my body as I felt the sound pull out of me. On its return trip inside my dick, I moaned again. "Oooooooooo."

Over and over and over again. Every journey in and out made me want more and more.

Finally, Master Grant attached a lip on the sound. "The lip will prevent the sound from getting lost inside your dick. We wouldn't want to ruin our time together with a trip to the ER, would we?"

"No, Master," I replied as my dick tried to eat more of the sound.

"I can't believe we spent nearly two hours with the black rod and the sounds," Master Grant said. "It is amazing how time moves quickly when I'm enjoying myself. Speaking of enjoying myself, I'm planning on a little outing with you tomorrow night. It's one of my favorite places in the city. It's also a place where you and Joshua used to hang out. I'll enjoy showing everyone my little slave toy."

Master Grant picked up what looked like a remote control.

"This is more than just a regular bondage table," Master Grant began. "It has a few features most don't. For example, if I press this button, it folds your legs back towards your shoulder so your tormentors can have easy access to your ass."

Master Grant pushed the button and the foot of the table began to push my legs backwards. The table bent my legs back against my upper body. The middle panel of the table folded down so my ass was totally exposed and ready to be used.

"I've been fucking your husband for a long time now," Master Grant explained. "He has a great ass, but I've always had a fondness for yours. Sparks fly for both of us."

Master Grant stood back and began to stroke his hard dick.

"You like what you see, don't you, boy?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "The first time I met you, I couldn't get over your body. Six-four. Muscled. Smooth. And... your dick... thirteen inches of beefy, uncut, black dick... makes me want to shoot a load just looking at you, Sir."

"Thank you, boy," Master Grant added. "What were your first thoughts as my big dick plunged into your ass when we first met?"

"I needed your dick," I replied. "I wanted it, and I needed it. I still do."

"Good," Master Grant replied. "You're getting my dick a lot while we're together. By the time we finish the weekend, you will be so addicted to my dick you will beg your Masters to let me use you. I've even planned a playdate with David, your husband, me, and you. As a matter of fact, your husband has been using Wayne as target practice while he learns the ins and outs of whipping. He's become extremely proficient. You'll enjoy his new talents... Enough talk. Let's get on with the show."

Master Grant began to circle the bondage table. He flipped on an overhead television. It showed Master Grant's beautiful body and rock hard dick. His hand kept stroking his dick. The camera followed Master Grant as we continued to walk around the bondage table and stroke his dick. His eyes fixed on my hard dick, oversized balls, and exposed ass. He licked his lips as he circled.

He stopped and positioned himself in front of my exposed ass. He kept stroking his dick. The camera angle changed to focus on my ass, cock, and balls—along with Master Grant's rick hard uncut dick—a thirteen-inch piece of meat which made me salivate.

"Yeeeessssss!" I moaned as the tip of Master Grant's dick brushed against my asshole.

Master Grant smiled as he stopped stroking his dick. His nostrils flared as he licked his lips and fixed his gaze on my eyes. His eyes seemed to brighten as his anticipation began to overwhelm him.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I hissed as Master Grant shoved his un-lubed dick into my ass.

Master Grant paused momentarily before he began to move his dick slowly in and out of my ass.

"Yeeeesssss," I moaned again.

It seemed as though my moaning symbolized the start flag in a car race. Master Grant instantly began a long journey of brutalizing my ass with his huge dick. Over and over and over again he pounded my ass. The bondage table held me securely in place so each stab of Master Grant's ass seemed faster and more powerful than usual.

`You're mine, boy,' Master Grant whispered to me as he and I stood beside one another while we watched the scene of Master Grant taking my ass. `I own your ass right now. No one else matters. I own your ass. I own your dick. I own your balls. I own your mind. You are mine. I own you.'

As we stood in the sidelines watching the scene before us, I felt Master Grant touch me. His hand didn't stop at my skin. It went deep, deep into my body and touched my mind. `You... are... mine!'

"Ahhhhhhh! Fuck," Master Grant bellowed as he unleashed a firestorm of cum into my waiting ass. I felt the power of each spurt of Master cum forcefully splash against the inside walls of my ass. Over and over and over. Master Grant unloaded massive amounts of cum into my ass.

Master Grant rested his sweat covered body on top of mine. His body seemed to melt into mine as I listened to his heart slow and felt his breathing return to normal. I wanted to stay underneath Master Grant forever. I was his.


"It's time, boy," Master Grant said to me as he stepped into the hallway where I stood waiting for him. I stood naked except the collar Master Grant had secured around my neck.

Master Grant stepped in front of me and attached a leash to my collar. He looked into my eyes and smiled. "Do you like what you see, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Very much."

Master Grant stood tall and proud in his tight leather pants with a codpiece covering his huge cock and balls. His perfect skin stretched over his massive chest and biceps. Every move he made rippled through his body like a fierce river flowing. He became a work of art.

"I am proud to have you accompany me to the club," Master Grant said. "You will turn heads, boy."

"So will you, Master," I replied. "So will you."

Master Grant led me out the front door of his townhouse to the awaiting Uber ride. A few people dressed in leather gathered in front of the house. Master Grant removed the leash from my collar. I opened the door for Master Grant, and he slid into the right rear seat. I walked around the car, and I slid into the left rear seat.

"Why were there men dressed in leather watching as we left the house?" I asked.

"Advanced publicity," Master Grant explained simply.

I watched silently as the city passed us by. We arrived in front of a fairly dark building. A tuxedoed man stood at the door.

I exited the car and moved to the other side to open Master Grant's door.

Once Master Grant stood outside the car, he reaffixed the leash once again. He led me to the door. A long line of patrons stood outside waiting for their chance to get in. Master Grant strode directly to the entrance where the tuxedoed man greeted us.

"Welcome back, Grant," the man said to Master Grant. "I haven't seen you here in a long time."

"I've been busy," Master Grant replied. "This is my boy. We decided to spend an extended weekend in the city."

"I can see he is eager," the man added as he buzzed us into the club. "Have a great evening."

We paused in the entry hall before moving into the bowels of the club.

"People will want to touch you, boy," Master Grant explained. "Everyone expects slave meat to allow anyone who is not naked to touch any part of the slave's body. Act accordingly."

"Yes, Master," I said as I bowed slightly.

"Good boy," Master Grant said as he tugged on the chain to pull me closer to him. He kissed me.

"Do not speak to anyone unless someone speaks to you," Master Grant continued. "Keep your hands behind your back, stand tall, and watch the floor at all times until you are instructed otherwise. When we stop and I begin to talk to another person, you are to assume the position on your knees. I do not want to remind you, boy. You will be severely punished if I need to remind you. Do you understand everything, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Grant said as he tugged on my leash. "Let's go have some fun."

We stood for a moment just inside the doors to the club. Our eyes adjusted to the lower light level. I looked around the entrance to the club. Nothing had changed. Same low light level within the hallway throughout the club. Some of the cubicles, designed to look like rooms in a cave, were lit in varying hues. The occupants could adjust the color and intensity to fit the mood.

A hand touched my ass. The hand became two. Both seemed rough and callused. Both palms caressed my ass gently and slowly.

"Your boy has a nice ass," the man said to Master Grant.

"Thank you," Master Grant replied. "He has one of the best asses I've ever had. I bury myself in his husband's ass almost every night. I treat the boy's ass with rage, lust, and power. When I take the boy's ass, I own it."

"Which brand is yours?" the man asked.

Master Grant turned me around and pointed to the brand he added to my ass.

"The tattoos on his dick. When will they be finished?" the man asked.

"By the end of summer," Master Grant explained before he tugged on the leash to signal our departure. Every fully clothed man we passed touched some part of my body. Every touch seemed to lead, not only down the corridor of the club, but also deeper into the darkness of my mind.

"Grant," we heard from our left.

"Tide!" Master Grant exclaimed. "Where have you been?"

I dropped to my knees and assumed the position. Hands behind my back. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Looking down at the floor. Perfectly erect body.

"My boy and I had been living in Berlin until a month ago," Tide replied as he and Master Grant hugged. "I hear you've left this city for life in Chicago—among other places."

"I did," Master Grant explained. "David and I married, and we took a lover, Tim. Tim is my boy's husband."

"You needed a lover, why?" Tide asked.

"David and I both love to fuck," Master Grant replied. "Tim loves to get fucked. It's a perfect union."

"Grant, I'd like you to meet my boy, Seymour," Tide said. "I call him Semi because he's always semi-hard or hard as a rock. Semi, this is a good friend of mine, Grant."

"I'm honored to meet you, Sir," Semi said quietly as he, too, dropped to his knees and assumed the exact position I struck earlier.

"You may kiss my boy, Steven, if you like, Semi," Master Grant said.

"What do you say to Grant, boy?" Tide said to Semi.

"Thank you, Sir," Semi replied as he moved in front of me on his knees. Semi's hands remained behind his back as his lips closed in on mine. Our lips touched, and I immediately felt a connection with Semi. I could tell by his reaction he felt the same connection. Finally, Semi pulled back and stayed silently on his knees in front of me.

"Is this the only boy you have, Grant?" Tide asked.

"Steven is a shared boy," Master Grant replied. "When David, Tim, and I began our relationship, Tim was a slave-boy in training. Steven has two Masters who own him. David and I discovered we were more interested in fucking our boy rather than hurting, humiliating, and dominating him. So, we adapted. Tim is now our lover and David and I keep his ass filled. David, Tim, and I struck a deal to use Steven occasionally. He's also a prostitute and a porn star. His Masters and two others own the porn studio and the prostitution business. Steven is a high-priced whore. His clients demand perfection from the boy as a submissive. Steven delivers."

"I'll bet he delivers," Master Tide added.

"I have a few activities planned," Master Grant explained. "As you well know, I love performing with a boy in public. I trust you, too, still have the need to show your power over a boy in public."

"We came here to be on public display," Tide replied. "Will I have an opportunity to share your boy's ass?"

"Of course," Master Grant replied. "I have an alcove in mind to start the festivities. Would you care to join us? The alcove comes equipped with dual restraining systems. I designed the system myself and donated it to the club. A friend of mine made a matching donation. So, we could enjoy the two systems together. Your boy in one. Mine in the other."

"I'm excited," Master Tide replied as he tugged at Semi's leash and Master Grant tugged at mine.

We continued our journey deeper and deeper into the bowels of the club. Hands kept touching my naked body. The hands touched and groped me, not Semi. Some hands sent lightning bolts through my body. Others sent chilling water coursing through my veins.

"Here we are," Master Grant finally said as we stopped in front of the cubicle. The light inside the cubicle turned to a harsh red color instead of a soothing pink.

As I looked into the cubicle, my sexual energy hit a high point. My dick seemed to almost burst. The lustful energy of the room absorbed me. My senses turned to overdrive. I smelled sex in the air. I saw the lust of the people around me explode, creating a cloud of excitement which captivated my mind. And, I heard the heartbeats of the three other men in the room with me.

`Do it, Steven,' I heard Tim's voice float through the air. `Take the power in your head and give your body to those around you tonight. You'll be forever transformed into a new man with power to change lives and the understanding to know when to use your power. Own your life, Steven. Do it for me and our sons, do it for your family, friends, and those who need your help.'

"Steven," Master Grant's voice startled me back to reality. "Is something wrong, Steven?"

"No, Master," I replied. "Quite the opposite. Everything is perfect, Master. Make me a better man and boy, Master. Please!"

"Just what I like to hear coming out of your mouth, boy," Master Grant almost whispered to me. "You're ready for your next step, aren't you, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Tim told me you would be going on a powerful journey this weekend," Master Grant explained. "He was right, I think."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "He told me the same thing."

"Tide," Master Grant turned his attention to our partners in tonight's activities. "Welcome to a transformation. We will all be inspired tonight."

"I have this feeling you are right, Grant," Master Tide added. "The energy feels perfect for the next phase for both of our boys."

"Steven," Master Grant began as he removed the leash from my collar. "Let me put you into position."

Master Grant escorted me to a stainless steel table. Tonight's activities obviously involved bondage, but this was not a typical bondage table. Master Grant turned me so I faced him and my back pushed into the cold metal surface of the table.

"On your back, boy," Master Grant ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I positioned myself onto the table. My back rested on the cold surface. My ass rested on thin air.

Master Grant quickly began restraining me. First a leather strap around my waist and another around my chest just under my armpits.

My wrists were pushed over my head in a position resembling a spread-eagle pose. My wrists and biceps were restrained.

Master Grant began slipping on a head harness. The harness wrapped under my chin, and around the back of my neck. A pair of side straps connected to a band around my forehead to the back of my head. Master Grant secured the head harness to the table with a chain and tightened it. My arms, wrists, and head were immobilized.

Master Grant moved to my legs which were dangling from the table. Master Grant secured one leg at a time. Stretched wide in a spread-eagle pose and pushed toward my head to fully expose my ass.

Master Grant turned his attention to my nipples. He selected two suction cups for a vacuum pump system and pulled a vacuum on the suction cups.

He added a third vacuum device to my hard dick and pulled a vacuum on it.

A television came to life above me. It showed three split screen images. One focused on my cock, balls, and ass. The second focused on Master Grant's crotch. The third focused on Master Grant's upper body, including his face.

Master Grant took his position between my legs. In the monitor, I saw lust brighten his beautiful brown eyes. They sparkled in the harsh red light. The light also made his skin glow and heightened the ripple of his muscles as he moved around.

I salivated as Master Grant began to unbutton the cock filled codpiece from his crotch. My breath quickened and my heart raced as I watched Master Grant slowly unleash his huge, uncut dick. His balls began to swing freely as he stroked his already blood engorged manhood.

"Relax, boy," Master Grant said in a soothing voice. "Get ready to undertake a life altering experience."

"Take me, Master," I whispered as the excitement grew stronger. I felt Master Grant and I were about to make history. How? I had no idea.

I alternately watched Master Grant's dick slowly descend into my ass and Master Grant's facial expressions as he led the way.

"Oooooooo!" I moaned as I felt Master Grant's trimmed pubic hairs touch my hairless balls. "Don't leave me, Master. Please don't leave me."

"We will always be together, Steven," Master Grant replied. "After our time here at the club, we will be joined together. Forever."

Master Grant looked down at my crotch and grabbed my balls and began to pull and stretch them with his hands.

Master Grant turned his attention to his dick in my ass, and he began to slowly move. Out an inch. In an inch. Out two inches. In two inches. Out three inches. In three inches. And so it went. The cycle continued until his dick slipped out of my ass before he shoved it back in.

Master Grant paused. He looked at the camera projecting his face on the monitor above me. Our eyes met. He smiled. His smile turned to lust. His lust turned to energy. His energy turned to power. Then, he took me. Fast and furiously he began to pummel my ass.

A jolt of electricity charge through my body from my cock and nipples.

"Oooooooooo!" I moaned in ecstasy.

Master Grant moved faster and faster. If I had been in a sling, I would have been swinging wildly to Master Grant's rhythm.

"More! More! More!" I moaned with each inbound stab of Master Grant's dick.

As the sweat poured off Master Grant's body, his speed and energy increased.

"More! More! More!" I kept moaning. I felt Master Grant owning not only my ass, but my body and mind as well. I felt his power over me. We were together as he fucked me wildly.

"More! More! More!" I continued.

My moans pleading for more fueled Master Grant's lust and energy. I could see the way his body reacted to his driven desire to give me what I wanted.

"More! More! More!" I continued.

Master Grant's energy, lust, power, and undaunted passion kept going and going and going.

Finally, I saw his eyes shoot fire through the air. Moments later he gave in.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" he bellowed as he began to unload his cum into my ass as another shock blasted though my body from my nipples and cock. ""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Grant slowly eased his body on top of mine. His sweat mingled with mine. I felt the rapid beat of his heart. I felt the surge of energy shoot out of our bodies and into the room.

We lay still. Not moving. I just listened to Master Grant's breathing. I just felt Master Grant's heartbeat return to normal. His dick still lived inside my ass. He's just as hard as when he entered me.

Finally, Master Grant stirred. Then, I noticed the crowd. Men standing in a circle around us. Many stroked hard dicks. Others sucked on their Masters.

Master Grant lifted his head and put his lips on mine. His passion grew as we kissed.

"I'm not finished yet, boy," Master Grant whispered to me. "I want to give you more. You want more, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied... also in a whisper. "I want more! I want a lot more! Take me."

He took me. Two more times.

"I need to rest, boy," Master Grant said after he recovered from his third powerful orgasm. "Don't worry, boy. I have backup to keep you busy. You need dick in your ass, boy. And we've come to the right place judging from the line which formed over the last three hours. Make them happy, boy!"

Master Grant pulled out of my ass and turned to walk away so he could recover.

Master Tide took Master Grant's place between my legs. I couldn't move as I took in the beauty of the man standing in front of me. He now stood naked except for a leather harness, arm bands over his biceps, and lace up black boots.

His body looked like an advertisement for a fitness magazine. He stood six-two. His smooth skin stretched tautly over his muscled body made my dick ache. He had a smooth muscled chest with huge pecs and an amazing six-pack. His biceps bulged. His thighs seemed like tree trunks. But it was his cock and balls which held my attention. His hard, hard, uncut dick stood at attention and he slowly stroked it. His beefy thirteen inch dick made me salivate.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Master Tide asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You're amazing."

"Thank you, boy," Master Tide replied. "You'll enjoy our time together. Grant and I share a passion. Ass. Pretty boy ass. Slave meat ass. I love ass. I love to fuck it. I love to fist it. I love to torture it. We will do well together, boy. I watched Grant's performance. I'm excited to have a professional ass to use. If your ass is as good as I am told it is, I will need to become a client."

Master Tide turned to a naked, shackled Simi. "Watch carefully, boy. We will discuss the boy's performance after I finish."

Master Tide turned back to me and moved closer to my ass. He still stroked his hard dick. An almost evil grin turned him into the most spectacular sex engine. I needed his dick inside me.

"Take me, Master," I hissed. "Please take me."

Master Tide touched my asshole with his dick. My hard cock almost exploded with the mere touch of Master Tide's dick.

"Aaaaaaaaa!" I moaned as a shock sliced through my body from the base of my cock and nipples.

I needed Master Tide's dick even more.

"Take me, Master," I bellowed. "Please take me. Own me. Use me. Make me yours, Master."

Without saying a word, Master Tide slid his dick deep into my ass.

"Ooooooo!" I moaned.

"Shit, boy!" Master Tide raised his voice over the music which now pounded in the background. Master Tide began to match his strokes to the music. "Your ass... So nice... Hot... Addictive."

Master Tide turned all of his attention to pleasuring himself. It seemed like I wasn't there. Only my ass mattered. I seemed to crawl inside my ass so I could see his dick sliding in and out of me. Over and over and over again. He slammed into me, rattling my bones until I felt I didn't have bones. I became an ass. A lump of flesh, muscle, and blood. Taking care of a man's needs. The muscle contracted and expanded giving my user a heightened sensation, adding to his user experience.

`This is why you exist, boy,' Master Tim whispered to me from nowhere. `I'm proud you have become the best ass you can be. Feel his dick, boy. Feel his dick take your ass. Feel his dick as he takes over your mind and body leaving you mindless and bodiless. You are his ass. Not a boy he is fucking, but his ass.'

Tim's voice disappeared to be replaced with Master Connor's voice. "Yea, Dad. Every one of your sons are so proud of you, Dad. Giving yourself unequivocally to men you serve. Don't take offense, Dad, but we all think of you as our asshole Dad. Our slave boy Dad. Our masochist Dad. You make us proud, Dad."

Master Connor's voice disappeared and was replaced with the reality of the man between my legs taking my ass and making it his. Pleasuring himself without regard to me. I was invisible to the man who fucked me. I was his toy. Nothing more than his toy.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Master Tide screamed as I felt his cum splash against the lining of my asshole. Massive amounts of cum filled my ass. More and more cum as Master Tide's body shook.

Master Tide stood silently for a moment. After several moments, he pulled his still hard dick out of my ass. He turned. Grabbed Simi by the leash and led him away.

Another stunning man slithered between my legs. Then, another. And another. Another. Another. Another. Another.

When the last man pulled his spent cock out of my ass, he looked at me. "Your Master has beaten the shit out of my boy. He's a real pro. You're a real pro. You've both been the best entertainment tonight. Usually we just get some dudes trying to get off on a public display. You two, though, were into each other in no way I have ever seen before. If I don't see him before you go, please tell him I appreciate the time he spent with my boy. I love it when he's returned as a mass of whip marks, swollen nipples, and badly bruised balls."

The man turned to leave. No one took his place until Master Grant reentered the cubical. He sweated from his prior activities. His body glistened when the light hit the beads of sweat on his body.

Master Grant leaned in to kiss me.

"We can go if you're ready, boy," Master Grant replied. "I'll fist you when we get home. Or, we could stay so I can fist you with others watching."

"Go, please," I whispered. I could barely get the whispered words out of my mouth.

Master Grant removed the restraints and slowly moved my limbs to make certain I could move after being restrained in the same position for hours.

"How many?" I asked.

"How many men or how many hours?" Master Grant asked.

"Both," I replied.

"Twelve hours," Master Grant explained. "At least ten men. I really don't know. It could have been twenty."

Master Grant helped me to stand. I felt the cum leaking from my well-used asshole.

"I see you're leaking," Master Grant added.

"And?" I asked.

"You'll just leak," Master Grant said with a smile as he kissed me, put his leash on my collar, and led me out of the club.


After Master Grant and I made up some sleep from the evening before, we headed down 72nd street toward Central Park on our way to Master Grant's favorite Sunday afternoon hangout.

I spotted a scruffy looking blonde guy. He looked like he could use a haircut, a shower, and some clean clothes.

"See the kid beside the Ely's," I said to Master Grant. "He doesn't even look sixteen. Why is he homeless?"

"How do you know he is homeless?" Master Grant asked.

"Master Grant," I replied with some impatience in my voice. "He needs a bath, a haircut, and some clean clothes. He has a trash bag full of, hopefully, clean clothes. He's sitting in front of the building with a hat in front of him. He's obviously asking for handouts. He looks homeless to me. Let's go ask him."

"You're kidding, right?" Master Grant said.

"Of course not," I added. "We can't leave a sixteen-year-old on the streets to fend for himself."

"No," Master Grant said without a lot of excitement as he followed me to where the boy sat on the sidewalk.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked.

"It's a public sidewalk," the kid replied.

I sat beside the kid mirroring his posture and expressions.

"You been here long?" I asked.

"A few hours," the kid replied.

"So, you're from around here?" I asked.

"Nope," the kid replied.

I detected a slight Southern accent.

"From the South?" I asked.

"Yup," the kid said.

"What state?" I asked.

"Tennessee," the kid explained

"What town?"

"Around Nashville," the kid continued.

"Why are you in New York?" I asked.

"Kicked out."

"Kicked out from where?" I asked.

"Home," the kid said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm gay."

I noticed tears beginning to form on his cheeks.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"Nope," the kid answered. "I'm living off my trust fund."

"Trust fund?" I asked.

"The one I used to have before my parents kicked me out of their house because I'm gay. The one I used to have which my grandparents on mother's side of the family set up to protect me from my overbearing, deeply religious father. The one my father slipped into his name so I couldn't touch it and neither could my mother because he had her committed for depression. She was a danger to herself. Or so my father said."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Sixteen going on sixty," the boy replied. "You grow up fast when you're alone in a strange city with no friends, no job, no family, and no home."

"I'm sorry," I began. "You need a place to stay until you're on your feet?"

"What I need is a sugar daddy who likes tall, skinny blond guys," the kid replied.

"Let's get you something to eat before we worry about finding you a sugar daddy, son," Master Grant said to the kid. "What's your name?"

"Sid," the kid replied.

"Okay, Sid," I began. "We're taking you to one of the best food trucks in Manhattan."

"Food trucks?" Master Grant asked as he pulled me to the side so the kid couldn't hear us. "What about the restaurant?"

"The kid smells. He's dirty. His clothes are ripe. Do you really want to go into a restaurant with a smelly homeless kid? He'd be humiliated." I explained.

"Your right, Steven," Master Grant replied. "You're always right. While the kid is with us, you need to call me Grant and not Master Grant or Sir or Master."

"Your right, Grant," I said to Master Grant. "You're always right."

The kid had begun to put his things in the trash bag.

"Are you ready, Sid?" I asked.

"It'll take me another hour to pack up all my stuff," Sid said with a smile. "I'm packing up my home, you know!"

"I see," I replied. "Do you do standup, too?"

"I wish," Sid replied.

Master Grant and I walked on either side of Sid to the nearest food truck in Central Park.

"What would you like, Sid?" I asked.

"Their avocado sandwich is terrific," Master Grant explained. "They also make the best baked string potatoes. It's like fries except without the grease. The milk shake is one of my favorites in town. Get chocolate."

"You choose," Sid replied.

"Steven?" Master Grant asked.

"You choose," I replied with a smile. Sid and I grabbed a seat in the open area surrounding the food truck.

"So, Sid," I began. "How do you see the rest of your life going starting today?"

"I won't be hungry," Sid replied. "Now I just need to figure out how to get a shower and find some clean clothes."

"We can help you with the shower and clean clothes," I explained. "But in return for your food, shower, and clothing, we need you to tell us more about you. We might be able to help in the long term if you tell us everything about your parents, your grandparents, your trust, and your idea of how your life would be if you hadn't been thrown out of your father's house."

"This could take days," Sid said as he slumped in his chair. "What do you want in return?"

"Keep us posted on how you're doing from time to time," I replied. "I suspect you're a bright kid. Right?"

"If I were to have continued in school and kept my grades up, I'd probably wind up valedictorian of my high school class," Sid explained. "Keeping up grades, however, is hard to do when you don't have a place to live and the people around you hate you for being thrown out of your parent's house because—drum roll—you're gay. It's doesn't look like you or your friend have a problem with what people think about you. How did you guys learn to overlook what others think?"

Master Grant sat on the seat next to us and unloaded the lunch from the food truck. "I bought one of everything. Plus three avocado sandwiches, three baked string potatoes, and three chocolate milk shakes. I can get another milk shake or two if you want one later. I have learned not to buy excess milkshakes in the summer. Miraculously, they don't last in the heat. What did I miss?"

"Sid wants to know why we don't care about what other people think of the way we lead our lives," I explained. I saw Master Grant give me a `how much did you tell him' look. "I didn't really give him an answer nor did I tell him about how we live."

"Got it," Master Grant replied. "Let me explain something to you, Sid. Steven noticed you sitting in front of the building. Instinctively he somehow knew you could use some help. You will NEVER find a better friend or advocate than Steven. He is loyal to the core and, if he tells you something will happen, plan on it happening. Also, Steven and his husband, Tim, seem to rescue people who need help. They have two twin boys who were left fatherless when their anti-gay dad made some bad decisions. They also adopted two boys whose father, one of their dearest friends, was murdered in some senseless crime. Of course, their first son is a kid from a foreign country who fled an anti-gay government. Questions?"

"Where do you fit into the picture?" Sid asked Master Grant.

"Your last question is a complicated one to answer," Master Grant explained. "I believe we should know more about you. We share. You share."

"Got it," Sid replied. "Where do you want me to start?"

"Try explaining how your father took control of your trust fund," I suggested.

"I didn't even know he did it until he threw me out of the house," Sid began. "I went to the bank where the executor of my trust works. My mother used to be the family member who decided on distributions of the trust. Since he committed my mother to a psych ward, she wasn't of sound mind and body to continue her role. My father appointment himself. He knew the president of the bank really, really well. Together they took my trust away from me so I couldn't pursue a deviant lifestyle. `Deviant lifestyle' was my father's catchphrase for gay."

"Hold on for a moment, Sid," I said as I pulled out my phone and called David. "David! This is Steven. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a question for my attorney."

"Great timing, slave boy," David replied. "I just stuck my dick in your husband's ass. I had a hunch you needed something. Make it quick. Your husband is impatient, you know."

"Sorry," I began. I explained the situation, including meeting Sid and his father stealing his trust fund.

"Tim wants to talk with you, Steven," Master David said. "And, before you ask, my dick is still in his ass."

"Steven," Tim began. "I need to make this short so I can take care of business, but I want you to know I am with you if you need to help this kid. Bring him to Provincetown if you want. You can't leave him on the streets of New York."

"Thanks, Tim," I replied. "I remember something you told me last night about doing the right thing. So, I'm doing what I think is the right thing."

"You are, Steven," Master Tim replied. "It's the reason I love you. Here's David again."

"I can't do anything today, but please e-mail me any information your friend can remember," Master David suggested. "I have some contacts in the State of Tennessee. People in high places. Think Attorney General and Governor. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to resume fucking your husband. Say hi to my husband."

"Thanks David," I replied. "I promise to make this up to you when we are together next."

"You're damn right, boy," Master David replied. "I have plans for you. Your husband and I have been plotting. Later."

Master David hung up abruptly.

"David will work on your trust tomorrow," I explained to Sid. "He knows a few people in Tennessee."

"Thank you," Sid replied. "Is your attorney friend really fucking your husband?"

"Yes," I replied. "Now, tell us about your father and mother."

"Before I discovered I like boys instead of girls," Sid began. "I thought we had a perfect family. I was an only child. My mother came from a long line of Tennessee's most prominent families. My father came from a long line of bullies, liars, and con artists. When I hit puberty and started thinking about boys, I kind of thought I was normal. Then, I heard my father and his Baptist minister friend discussing the `deviant lifestyle' of gay men and women. I knew I was in trouble. I kept my secret hidden until my father decided he needed to use my computer because he left his at his office. My entire porn stash sprang to life with a single hot key. I was toast."

"Did he hurt you?" I asked.

"He beat the shit out of me," Sid replied. "My mother managed to cover things up at school while I recovered. I went back to school, and I thought everything would be fine. And it was until I heard my father and his minister friend talking about the `deviant lifestyle' again in our living room. They both crashed through my bedroom door and began to implement an intervention about my sins of the flesh. They began praying over me as one of them held me down and the other kept whacking me with a belt. It gets a little kinky here. They managed to pull off my jeans, rip off my underwear, and throw me over a table with my ass exposed. The good Reverend took off his belt, and my father used it to beat some heterosexual into me."

By this time, my blood boiled inside me. Anger swelled. I wanted to beat the shit of Sid's father and the minister.

"Why are you turning red, Steven," Master Grant asked.

"Because I am getting angry," I replied as I gritted my teeth. I picked up my phone to call David again. I turned it on speaker phone.

"What!" David screamed into the phone. "This better be good, rent boy!"

I explained Sid's father's actions.

"Bastard!" David replied. "I'll have Garrison look into this for me. He's become quite the private dick. I'll send him to Nashville tomorrow. Now, rent boy. Please, please let me fuck your husband in peace."

"Yea, Steven," Master Tim said in the background. "Let David fuck me in peace."

"Got it," I replied. "Go fuck in peace. I'll talk with you tomorrow."

Sid grinned from ear to ear.

"Something funny, Sid?" I asked.

"I'm loving this," Sid replied. "I'm sitting here in New York City having lunch with two very hot gay men at a food truck in Central Park. One dude's husband is in Nantucket getting fucked by the other dude's husband. And you TALK about it like nothing is weird."

"Do you think it's weird?" I asked Sid.

"Yea," Sid replied. "But I love it! It means there are people who don't give a shit about `sins of the flesh' and `the deviant lifestyle.'"

"You're a very perceptive kid," I added. "Wipe that shit eating grin off your face. You will not get laid by either one of us."

"Bummer," Sid replied. He still smiled.

"Let's get you cleaned up so we can buy you some new clothes," Master Grant suggested.

"What will I wear after I am showered?" Sid asked. His smile disappeared.

"We'll find something," Master Grant replied. "In my days before I became a married man, I dated a few guys who were about your size. I'm sure I can find something in the archives for you."

Sid's smile returned.

As we walked back to Master Grant's house, Sid told us about his dreams of going to college to become a software designer.

"Hmmm," I finally said after Sid ended his monolog. "I worked as a software designer for a firm in Chicago before I married my husband and before I began following a deviant lifestyle."

"Really!" Sid exclaimed. "Can you give me some advice about where to go to school and all the things I need to do?"

"Sure," I replied. "I still know some people in the business, too. Maybe we can get you an internship with a company. You could decide if the business is for you or not."

"I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here," Sid added. "I'm still homeless. I still don't have any money. I don't know how in God's name I can afford to go to college. Thanks for thinking of me, though."

"Is your name really Sidney?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" Sid replied.

"Sidney!" I shouted. "Didn't you hear anything we said while we were eating lunch?"

"Yea," Sid replied. "But I still am homeless."

"Sidney," Master Grant began. "If Steven says you are not homeless, you are not homeless. Steven, is Sid homeless?"

"No," I replied. "Sid is not homeless. We have another sixteen-year-old living with us. He can be our replacement for our three sons who will be attending Harvard in the Fall."

Sid stopped in his tracks.

"You don't even know me," he said. "I could be a serial killer. I could be a con artist following in my father's footsteps."

"You could be," I replied. "But you're still not homeless anymore. You don't have a choice. Master Grant, do you know anyone in the Child and Family Services in the city?"

"I know the director of the state-run program," Master Grant said. "Why?"

"We need to get custody of Sid before we can leave New York."

"It'll be done by tomorrow afternoon," Master Grant replied. "Consider it done."

"See, Sid," I said. "You'll be my son. At least temporarily. You're coming to Provincetown with us. Later, we'll head back home to Chicago."

"We'll run a background check on you, too, if it would make you feel any better, Sidney," Master Grant suggested. "You also need to realize we aren't the typical family unit. Please don't freak out."

"It will be an adventure, Uncle Grant," Sid said with a smile. "Right, Dad?"

"Right, son," I said as I ruffled Sid's matted hair.

Master Grant entered the code for his house security system. The front door unlocked.

"Do you really want me to come inside?" Sid asked. "What if I have a disease? What if I have bugs? What if..."

"Sid," Master Grant stopped him in mid-sentence. "Get your ass in the house."

"Yes, Sir!" Sid replied as he stepped into the house. "Holy shit!"

"What's wrong, Sid?" I asked.

"This place is unbelievable!" Sid replied. "Who are you two anyway?"

"We'll explain further after you are clean," Master Grant replied. "In the meantime, let's go upstairs to the shower."

Master Grant pushed the button for the elevator. We rode to the fifth floor in silence. The elevator door opened, and we walked through the sitting room to the master bedroom.

"The shower is in here," Master Grant explained as he opened the door to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and washcloth from the linen closet as Master Grant turned on the shower. "I'm not trying to be an asshole, but put your clothes in this bag. We'll have them washed. I'll put some clothes on the bed. When you're finished, Steven and I will be in the sitting room."

Sid stood in the middle of the bathroom. He seemed stunned.

"Is something wrong, Sid?" I asked.

"I... I... I've never seen a place like this," Sid finally managed to say.

"It's just a house, Sid," Master Grant explained. "It may be a bit larger than some, but it's still a house."

"We'll be outside in the sitting room," I added. "Take your time."

"Thanks," Sid replied as Master Grant and I left Sid alone in the bathroom.

Master Grant and I settled on the sofa after we had poured a drink.

"He's scared," I said to Master Grant as I set my drink on the coffee table in front of us. "Hopefully he knows we won't hurt him. The kid needs a few breaks. I'm still ready to fly to Nashville and personally beat the shit out of his father."

"We'll let Garrison work his magic," Master Grant said as he began to rub my crotch. "Think we have time for a little fling?"

"Master," I began. "You never have a `little fling.' It's always a major production. I'm not complaining, but `little fling' really isn't on your playlist."

"You're right as usual," Master Grant replied. "Correct me if I am wrong, but we can't leave New York with Sid until you have custody."

"Yup," I replied. "Is staying here a few more days a problem for you?"

"Not as long as we can lock the bedroom door," Master Grant said with a huge grin spreading across his face. "Where should we take Sid shopping?"

"H&M and Macy's," I replied. "Connor, Theo, and Adrian slum it in Primark. We should probably hit H&M first."

Master Grant and I continued to talk while Sid cleaned himself up. My head found my way to Master Grant's lap.

"You are making this difficult for me, boy," Master Grant said.

"It wouldn't be a problem for you if you wore underwear," I said playfully.

"But I don't," Master Grant replied. "What will Sid say when he arrives and sees me with a massively hard dick?"

"Can I see?" Sid asked as he joined us in the sitting room.

"Wow!" I said as I quickly sat up on the sofa. "You clean up nicely."

Sid did, indeed, clean up nicely. His longish blond hair hung straight down. He parted it in the middle and flipped the sides behind his ears. His jeans fit him like a glove. He looked somewhat thin, but what can you expect from a homeless kid.

"Thanks," Sid replied. "So you don't wear underwear, Grant?"

"No," Master Grant replied. "Neither does Steven. Neither does my husband David. Neither does Steven's husband Tim. I can safely say our household has a very low budget for underwear."

"Then, I should take mine off," Sid added.

"Leave them on," I suggested. "You will be trying on clothes. You don't want to get the sales clerks too excited."

"Shall we be on our way?" Master Grant asked.

"Uber?" I asked.

"Yup," Master Grant replied.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "He also needs a phone and a laptop."


I awoke immediately from a sound sleep when I heard screaming from what I assumed was Sid's room. Master Grant jumped up with me as we both hurried to Sid's room.

I flicked on the lights to discover Sid screaming at someone. "Don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me. No! Don't."

"Sid," I said quietly so I wouldn't startle the screaming boy. "Sid. Wake up, Sid. You're safe. Sid."

Sid's eyes flickered open. He looked terrified.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You're safe. We're here."

Sid sat up and attached himself to me with his arms around my neck. "He hit me. He kept hitting me. Over and over. He hit me. In the face. In the stomach. In the groin. He grabbed me by my balls and dragged me naked out of my bed. He threw me on the floor and kicked me. He kicked me with his boots on. I thought he'd kill me."

"Calm down, Sid," I whispered to him. "Who's he?"

"My father," Sid whimpered. "My fucking father."

"We won't let him near you again, Sid," I said. "We're here to protect you. Did your father really grab you by the balls and drag you out of bed?"

"Yes," Sid sniffled. "I sleep naked."

Sid pulled back. He looked down and the sheet did not cover his body. He looked at me.

"I'm naked!" Sid shrieked.

"We're not exactly fully clothed," Master Grant replied as Sid looked at me sitting naked beside him and Master Grant standing naked beside the bed.

"Oh!" Sid said as he pulled up the sheet.

"Are you okay, Sid?" I asked.

"Just scared," Sid replied. "I have the nightmare practically every time I fall asleep."

"We'll get a restraining order just in case he decides to come to New York," Master Grant suggested.

"As long as you are with us, you will be okay, Sid," I added. "Understand?"

"Yes," Sid replied.

"Will you be okay by yourself, Sid?" I asked.

"Hopefully I won't wake everyone up again," Sid replied.

"Sid," Master Grant replied. "I don't believe you should be alone. Get your naked ass out of here and come to bed with Steven and me. We won't bite."

"Thanks," Sid said as he slid out of bed and followed us to our bedroom.

"Middle," Master Grant said to Sid. "We'll tie you down if you have another nightmare."

"I feel strange being naked with two guys," Sid replied. "Especially since one of you will be my Dad."

"Stranger things have happened," I said as I climbed into bed beside Sid. "We won't accost you, I promise."

"You're no fun," Sid said as I turned out the light. "Can you guys hug me?"

Master Grant and I both put our arms around Sid, and we all went to sleep almost immediately.


Sid and I sat in the breakfast room while Master Grant called his friend at the Office of Children and Family Services.

"I slept peacefully for the first time in my life after you and Grant heard me screaming," Sid said quietly. "It's amazing how good it feels to sleep without demons taking over."

"We all have demons, Sid," I explained. "We all need help with our demons. I'm glad we were able to help."

"Thanks, too, for the clothes," Sid said. "I thought I might wind up with a pair of jeans and a shirt. You practically bought out the entire store. I'm grateful"

"We bought nothing you didn't need," I replied. "We'll get you a phone and laptop later today."

"I don't really need either of them," Sid responded.

"Yes, you do," I added. "We need to stay connected in case of an emergency, and you will need a computer for school."

"How are the schools in Chicago?" Sid asked.

"The public schools are pretty good," I explained. "We'll put you in Francis Parker. It's a great private school not far from us."

"Why can't I go to a public school?" Sid asked.

"You can," I replied. "It will be totally up to you. Our other boys go to Francis Parker. They can help get you acclimated. Connor, Theo, and Adrian are off to Harvard this fall, but you will still have JJ and Bashir at the same school."

Master Grant returned to the breakfast room after his phone call.

"I have good news, and I have bad news," Master Grant began. "First, the good news. We need to visit Mathew Dugan's office to make Steven your official guardian, Sid. I've made an appointment for 4 pm this afternoon. The bad news is, Mr. Dugan needs a waiver signed by your father, Sid, giving his rights to custody to Steven. He has seven days to sign the waiver. After seven days, Mr. Dugan can schedule a hearing to overrule the necessity of your father to sign the waiver. We can't go to Provincetown until Steven has legal custody to take you across state borders. So, it looks as though we might be stuck in New York taking in all of its beauty."

"I hoped to have Sid meet the family," I said.

"I spoke with David," Master Grant continued. "If we are delayed here, the family will arrive to keep us company. David, Tim, Connor, Theo, Adrian, JJ, Bashir, Jose, Buba, the four little ones, and the little ones' nannies. Oh! I forgot! Leo... This house will be ablaze with activity."

"I'm sorry to be so much trouble," Sid responded. "I didn't mean to make everyone move in an instant."

"Don't worry," Master Grant replied. "Connor, Theo, and Adrian want to explore the city. Steven, I believe, prior to the arrival of our family, you need to explain a few things to Sid so he is not overwhelmed."

"Yea," I replied. "We do need to have a long talk, Sid. Why don't we take a walk to Central Park? We can sit on a bench, lay in the grass, or just walk as we talk."

"I'd like to take a walk with you," Sid replied. "I do have a question, though. When you legally take custody of me, what should I call you? Steven? Dad? Sir?"

"You can call him anything you want, Sid," Master Grant said with a grin. "Just don't call him Sir. You will understand after your talk."

"Okay, Uncle Grant," Sid replied. "I'm ready when you are, Dad."

Sid and I stood up together and I put my arm around his shoulder.

"We'll be back soon," I said to Master Grant. "I'll call when we are on our way back."

"Have fun, boys," Master Grant called after us as we left the breakfast room.

"So, what is so unusual you need to explain about the family?" Sid asked.

"We live a little differently than most families," I began as we started down the sidewalk. "You know about my husband and Grant's husband. But, we have a few more quirks."

"Before we get into the quirks," Sid began. "I know you are taking a chance on me. But, I promise you, I will do everything I can to not disappoint you. I'll find a way to pay you back for all you've already spent on me."

"Sid," I said as I stopped and turned to face him. "I do not expect you to pay me back for your clothes or anything else. I want to help you. I don't expect anything in return, except your promise to help others when they need help. You will be part of our family. And this is not a short-term relationship. We will always be around for you. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Sid replied. "I understand. I'm still in shock, but I understand."

I put my arm around his shoulders again, and we continued to walk.

"Good," I replied. "We don't bite, either."

We continued walking—mostly without talking until we reached Central Park.

"Do you like the bench under the tree?" I asked.

"Perfect," Sid replied.

We settled on the bench. I began.

"You'll really like the family, Sid, and they'll really like you. I need mostly to explain the complex adult relationships found in our family group."

Sid never interrupted while I explained the dynamics of our family. He seemed to be understanding everything I said. However, I'm not certain he had all the players and the roles perfectly in place.

"Do you have any questions, Sid?" I asked.

"Will your husband Tim be my Dad, too?" Sid asked.

"With your permission," I replied. "He's learned to be a terrific father. He's very, very empathetic and patient with our other boys. Even though sometimes you may think he is flighty or nuts, he's really the rock of the whole family."

"I'd like him to be my Dad, too," Sid replied. "I'm not trying to be needy, but I feel safe with you and Grant probably for the first time in my entire life. My father became controlling and belligerent when things didn't go his way. My mother just sat back and watched the world go by. I felt pretty alone because I was an only child. Now, I'll have brothers. I hope they like me."

"Sid, they won't like you," I began. "They will love you."

"Let's hope," Sid continued. "Your Masters Jose and Buba sound very sexual. They don't hurt you, do they?"

"I'll be honest with you," I continued. "Yes, they do hurt me. However, they only hurt me when I want to be hurt and only to the level I want to be hurt. I'm a masochist. I trust them with my life. Just like Master Grant and Master David. I'm never afraid of anything when I am with either of them."

"How often are you away when you're with clients?" Sid asked

"Most of the time, not long," I replied. "A few days, or maybe a week, at most. And, yes, they hurt me too, but I trust them because my Masters wouldn't give me to someone they didn't totally trust."

"Can I watch some of your porn movies?" Sid asked. "I need to understand what might happen around me. Watching them would be a good education, don't you think?"

"I don't want you to get too excited," I replied. "Like now."

"I can't help it," Sid replied. "For the first time in my life, I'm around a gay guy and his friend. The gay guy will be my Dad. And, quite frankly, I'm more than a little turned on by the escapades of the whole family."

"Have you had sex with another boy?" I asked.

"Just kissing," Sid replied.

"Don't tell your brothers," I added. "They'll make certain you lose your virginity quickly."

"I won't mind," Sid replied.

"Do you want your own room when we get home?" I asked.

"Why?" Sid asked.

"We have the room, but I'm thinking you might like some company," I explained. "Don't worry about privacy. There are plenty of private spaces around our house."

"I think I would like company, but I don't want to impose on someone," Sid replied.

"You won't be imposing," I added. "We should head back home. We need to officially make you my son."


Master Grant, Sid, and I filed off the helicopter that brought us to Provincetown from Manhattan. Sid's father jumped at the chance to sign over custody rights for his `deviant homosexual' son. We didn't tell Sid exactly what he'd said.

"Are you ready to meet the family?" I asked Sid.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sid replied. "Will you return me if they don't like me?"

"Sid," I said. "Listen to me very carefully. I will never return you to your father. People don't return their kids. I won't return my kids. You are my kid. You're stuck with us, Sid. Get used to it."

I put my arm around his shoulders as we stepped off the plane.

Tim and David waved when they saw us. I waved back.

"This is Sid," I said to Tim and David. "Sid, this is my husband, Tim. The other on is Grant's husband, David."

"Welcome to the family, Sid," Tim said as he pulled Sid into a hug.

"Thank you," Sid replied. "Dad said I could call him Dad. Can I call you Dad?"

"Absolutely," Tim replied. "I'd be honored."

"You don't know how much I appreciate your help," Sid added. "I'm still in shock. I was living in Tennessee. I was homeless in Manhattan. Now, I'm living with two Dads."

"And nine brothers," Tim added. "Plus a gazillion uncles."

"I'm stoked," Sid replied.

Sid turned to David, "Thank you for your help with my father. Thanks to you, Dad, and Uncle Grant, I can actually sleep at night."

"I enjoyed taking care of your issue with your father," David replied. "It gives me great pleasure to stomp on piss ants."

Sid grinned from ear-to-ear and pulled David into a hug.

"Let's get our new son home so he can meet the rest of the family," Tim said. "I told everyone to be on their best behavior, which probably means your brothers are naked in the pool."

Sid took in the sights of Provincetown as our SUV lumbered down Commercial Street. When we pulled in front of the house, Sid's jaw dropped.

"This is your summer house?" Sid asked.

"Houses," I corrected Sid. "We will explain more after you meet the rest of the family."

Sid's eyes widened as we went from the front door to the pool. Master Grant opened the French doors to the pool area.

Our oldest four boys greeted their new brother dripping pool water and standing stark naked.

"I'm Connor," Connor began. "This is my twin brother Theo, my brother Adrian, and Adrian's boyfriend Leo. Welcome to the family, bro!"

Each boy offered a hug to Sid. Sid's clothes were wet.

Master Jose and Master Buba greeted Sid with a bear hug.

Next Bashir and JJ, both naked of course, were next. "Welcome home, bro!" JJ said as he hugged Sid.

"It's great to have another brother around," Bashir added as he hugged Sid. "Those three are abandoning us for Harvard. We need reinforcements."

"Your one hot stud, bro," Theo finally said. "Get naked and we can all hit the pool again."

"Naked?" Sid asked.

"Of course," Adrian added. "You look like you have the perfect bod for being naked."

"Don't worry about getting a stiffy," Bashir added. "We all do."

Sid, looking worried, stole a glance at me, Master Grant, Master Tim, and Master David. A smile crossed his face and he quickly removed his shirt, shoes, and shorts.

"I was right," Adrian said as he looked over his brother's body. "You look terrific naked!"

All the boys cannonballed into the pool.

"So, Steven," Master Jose said as he engulfed me into a hug. "It's time for you to be naked, too."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I quickly lost my clothes.

"Tim suggested we give you a proper welcome home," Master Buba explained as he also gave me one of his famous bear hugs. "He'll have you after we're finished with you."

Master Jose fastened my collar around my neck. Master Buba attached the leash to my collar and led me inside the house to our room.

To be continued.

This is my 68th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 69

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