Life with Tim

Published on Jun 13, 2022


Life with Tim Chapter 67

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"What would it take to get you to bottom for me, Joshua?" Micha asked. He smiled as though he were plotting his next move.

"What are you offering?" Master Joshua asked.

"A bet," Master Micha continued.

"What kind of bet?" Master Joshua asked.

"I bet I will have you begging for me to stop within twenty-four hours," Master Micha replied. "If I win, you will be my bottom for the rest of your stay here. If you win, I'll be your bottom for the rest of your stay here."

"You're on," Master Joshua replied.

"And we film our time together," Master Micha added.

"Sure," Master Joshua replied. "On one condition."

"What's your condition?" Master Micha asked.

"The film will be given to Blue Dungeon Studios for editing into a feature length movie," Master Joshua replied. "If I win the bet, we will film another twenty-four-hour segment of me using you."

"Deal," Master Micha replied.

"I won't be the only porn star in the family anymore," I said to Master Joshua with a smile.

Chapter 67: It's Payback Time

My phone rang on Monday morning right before noon. It was Tim.

"Hello, Master Tim," I said into the phone.

"Hello, Steven," Master Tim said. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Nope," I replied. "We are out and about. We are looking for a place to have lunch. How are things on the home front?"

"Things are humming along," Master Tim replied. "We all miss you and your Master's charming personalities. Leo and Adrian are inseparable. Derrick enjoys his time with your Master Jose and Master Buba. I've been busy writing, eating, drinking, sleeping, and serving my Masters. Sometimes, I think both Master Grant and Master David have a sexual dysfunction. They never want to stop. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. But, I'm not getting the sleep I should be getting. Master Grant alone could be in my ass twenty-four hours a day if I let him. How is London?"

"London is terrific," I replied. "We've met ten men who are movers and shakers in the BDSM scene. They were also very close friends with Master Ajmal. They offered to help us figure out the black hole."

"Good," Master Tim replied. "Will you be home sooner than planned?"

"Not exactly," I replied. "We don't have a time-frame yet, but we will probably need to stay in London for one month instead of two weeks."

"Hmm," Master Tim said. "Why?"

"I will explain when we know more of the details," I replied. "The boys are doing well?"

"Adrian, Leo, Connor, and Theo roam the streets of Provincetown almost every afternoon," Tim explained. "I don't ask questions because they come home promptly at 6 pm. JJ and Bashir do boy things naked in the pool most afternoons. I'm not positive, but I think our fourteen-year-old sons might be having sex with one another."

"Doesn't surprise me," I replied. "It's a good thing we had the talk with them a few months ago. What were the telltale signs?"

"Noises emanating from their room," Master Tim replied. "I don't even think about what Adrian, Leo, Connor, and Theo are doing to entertain themselves at night. What's on your agenda this week. I know next week is the leather extravaganza."

"Mostly free time to tour the city," I replied. "I have two more media events scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday. Then, we wait for the extravaganza as you put it. What about you?"

"Nothing much," Master Tim explained. "Master Grant, your Master Buba, and the dude your artist friend mentioned are getting together tomorrow to talk. God only knows what Master Grant has in his filthy sex addicted mind. I only hope it doesn't involve me."

"You might enjoy being the object of their affection," I added. "Relax and enjoy the ride."

"We'll see," Master Tim said. "I'll let you go. I just wanted to check with you and see how things were going and to make certain you hadn't been arrested."

"So far so good," I replied. "We'll keep you posted on the progress of the black hole investigation."

"Skip the black hole update," Master Tim replied. "I want to hear about all of the studs you're with."

"I'll be sure to have Master Joshua take photos," I added. "Love you."

"Love you, too," Master Tim replied as we ended the call.

"Was your husband checking up on you, Steven?" Master Joshua said as he pulled me to him and hugged me.

"He wanted to make certain I hadn't been arrested," I replied. "How would you like to strip naked and make love to me?"

"We need to eat, Steven," Master Joshua said. "Besides, you've worn me out this morning."

"Damn!" I said. "I was just getting into the mood."

"You're always in the mood," Master Joshua said as he added a kiss before releasing me form his hug. "What do you want to eat?"

"You," I replied.

"Why don't we go to the cute little place two streets over," Master Joshua replied. "We both said it looked like fun."

"Let's go," I agreed.

As we walked the two blocks to the restaurant, we held hands as we walked silently down the street.

We stepped into the restaurant and were greeted by a very handsome man in tight jeans and a tight black polo shirt.

"Welcome to Carl's," the handsome man said. "I'm Roger. Pick any table."

We selected a booth near the front window.

"Your accent seems to be American," Master Joshua said. "Am I right or wrong?"

"Right," Roger replied. "I fell in love with a Frenchman and married him. So, I'm an American living and working in London. Where are you from?"

"Chicago and New York," Master Joshua replied. "Steven lives in Chicago. I live in New York. Now, we are visiting London."

"Are you a couple?" Roger asked.

"We knew each other ten years ago," Master Joshua explained. "I had to move to New York, and we lost touch until a few weeks ago. Steven is married. I am married. Steven and I are rediscovering our attraction to one another."

"How do your husbands react to this rediscovering thing?" Roger asked.

"They are fine with it," I replied. "Master Joshua's husband sleeps with my two Masters while we are away. My husband sleeps with his two Masters all of the time."

"How totally awesome," Roger said. "My husband, Jean-Paul, would be shitfaced if I had a Master."

"You do have a Master. Me," a dark haired six-foot tall hunk said as he joined us near our table. "I'm his husband, Jean-Paul.

"I'm Joshua," Master Joshua replied. "This is Steven."

"Nice to meet you," Jean-Paul replied. He turned to me. "Aren't you a porn star?"

"Yes," I replied. "Blue Dungeon Studios. I've been in a number of their films. A new one begins filming next September. It's called The Club."

"You're the one with the big balls, right?" Jean-Paul asked.

"Yes," Master Joshua replied. "Stand up, boy, and show these men your balls."

"Here?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Joshua replied. "It's okay, right?"

"More than alright," Jean-Paul replied. "He can be naked if you want him to be. One of the advantages of owning a business. We make our own rules."

"Strip, Steven," Master Joshua ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I slipped my t-shirt over my head, towed off my sneakers, and pulled off my jeans.

"Impressive," Roger said. "May I touch your balls?"

"Sure," Master Joshua replied. "You can touch anywhere you want to touch. Steven is also a whore."

Roger cupped my balls in both hands while Jean-Paul began kneading my nipples. My dick instantly became hard as a rock.

"You can fuck him if you want," Master Joshua offered.

I looked at Master Joshua because he surprised me with his offer.

Fire and lust flooded Jean-Paul's eyes.

"Keep Joshua company, Roger," Jean-Paul suggested. "You can have a turn with the boy after I finish."

Jean-Paul put his hand around my dick and led me to an office at the back of the restaurant.

"I am very grateful to your Master," Jean-Paul said as he locked the door and began undressing. "The moment I saw you sitting at the table, I knew I wanted you. Roger is the only one who fucks me, and I am the only one who fucks him. We like sexy bottom boys like you."

I stared at Jean-Paul's naked body. Slightly hairy chest. He was nicely toned, but not a body builder by any means. The sight of his uncut dick lit a fire in my groin. Ten inches of uncut French meat. Jean-Paul grabbed my arm and led me into another room—one with a bed with black leather sheets.

"We spend so much time at the restaurant. So, we bought a bed. It's easier if one of us gets lucky," Jean-Paul explained. "On your back, boy. Call me Sir or Master, boy. It makes me even hornier."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I positioned myself on the bed. I opened my legs to give Master Jean-Paul access to his prize.

"Do you like it rough, boy?" Master Jean-Paul asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I want to please you, Master. Take me anyway you want. I am yours until you are finished with me."

"You're a well-trained, boy," Master Jean-Paul said. "How long have you been a masochist?"

"Since my senior year at college," I replied. "I met a leather couple at a bar. They took me home with them and played with me. I was hooked. I saw them almost every weekend until I graduated from college."

As Jean-Paul climbed between my legs, he added lube to his huge dick. Uncut. Shaved cock and balls. Hard. Desirable. My ass ached for Master Jean-Paul to fill it.

His lubed dick began to caress my asshole. Sparks flew through my body.

"Oooooooo," I moaned with anticipation.

As Jean-Paul's dick began its descent into my ass, his eyes connected with mine. I felt his trimmed pubic hair against my hairless, swollen balls.

"Play with my nipples, boy," Master Jean-Paul ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I located Master's nipples and began to knead them between my fingers.

"Harder, boy," Master Jean Paul demanded as he began pumping his dick in and out of my ass like a battering ram. Our eyes locked on each other's during the entire time Master Jean-Paul used me. "Your ass... is perfect. So good!"

Master Jean-Paul continued pounding my ass. He picked up the speed and force of his thrusts. Jean-Paul's body dripped sweat onto mine like a spring rainfall. The bed began to move in time with his inward stroke. Over and over and over and over again. In and out. In and out. In and out.

"Ooooooooooooo," I moaned. I hissed at Master Jean-Paul. "You... feel... so good... in my... ass!"

"Wait... until... my... husband... fucks... you," Jean-Paul managed to growl. "He's... bigger... Rougher... Hornier. Oh shit! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Jean-Paul lowered his body to rest on top of me. His sweat and my sweat mingled.

"You're one good fuck, boy," Master Jean-Paul replied. "I could fuck you all day, but I promised Roger his turn in your ass. Besides, I want to talk with your Master."

Master Jean-Paul pulled his semi-hard dick out of my ass. He began pulling on his clothes scattered around the bedroom. "Roger will be right in," Master Jean-Paul said as he reached for the door.

He closed the door behind him. I waited. Still on my back. The smell of sweat and sex lingered throughout the room.

The door opened. Master Roger entered the room and immediately began pulling off his clothes.

"You look good on your back waiting for my big dick to fuck your slave boy ass," Master Roger said. Lust filled his voice with a sense of urgency. "My husband said you have a perfect ass. I'm eager to feel your ass surround my big dick, boy."

Roger slipped off his jeans, and his dick popped out and slapped his six-pack abs. Roger obviously worked out—a lot. His gym-sculpted body glistened in the light of the back office. His body was hairless except his head, under his arms, and groin. All hair was neatly trimmed.

His dick, even in its semi-hard state, was a work of art in many ways. Perfectly shaped, uncut dick. I watched it grow as Roger approached the bed. When Master Roger slipped between my legs, it appeared to have reached its full length—the size of most men's fore arm.

"My husband warned me you are habit forming," Master Roger whispered as he spread lube on his dick. "He said you like it rough and hard. So, you will get it rough and hard. Most men have a hard time taking my dick. I fuck them anyway. Do you like powerful men, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Roger said as he positioned his dick and began to push it inside me. Slowly at first. Then, bang. All the way inside me.

"Oooooooo," I moaned as I felt my ass spread wide by Master Roger's huge dick. "Fuck me, Master! Fuck me hard!"

And he did. Like with Master Jean-Paul, Master Roger stabbed my ass with powerful and quick strokes in and out of me. Over and over and over again. I felt as though he took over my body. My physical body and my mental body. He owned me. He and his big dick owned me. My mind drifted into space. I was on a cloud looking down at the world. `Let go of the power in your life,' I heard a soft voice say. `Become the masochist you want to be. Give yourself to men. Make men happy.' The voice disappeared as quickly as it appeared. An image replaced the voice. The image featured Master Tim, Master Connor, Master Theo, Master Adrian, and Master Leo. They hovered naked over a ball of something on the floor. I looked closer and saw it was me bound with rope, chain, and duct tape. All five Masters stroked their hard dicks. One by one each Master came on the lump—which was me. I suddenly landed in the midst of a real-time situation. Master Roger's sweat covered body plundering my ass with his big dick.

Master Roger's body tensed. His head turned up. His eyes closed. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

With every moan he shoved his big dick into me. Master Roger lowered himself on top of me and rested his head on my chest.

"Jean-Paul was right," Master Robert finally said. "You are habit forming. Let's get you back out to the restaurant so you can get something to eat. I'm sure you are starving after the workout."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I am hungry."

Master Robert pulled on his jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. He led me naked back into the restaurant. Four other couples had arrived while I got fucked.

I took my seat opposite Master Joshua. I sat naked waiting for Roger to take our order. The other customers watched in amazement.


"What do I wear?" I asked Master Joshua as we were getting ready for another media event.

"Something sexy," Master Joshua suggested. "Anything you wear is sexy, so you choose."

"A tux?" I asked.

"No, not a tux," Master Joshua said with a smile. "Think more casual. Tight distressed jeans with a tight tank top. Black slip on boots."

"Do I need underwear?" I asked.

"No!" Master Joshua replied. "You're a porn star, Steven, not a choir boy."

I pulled on my clothes which Master Joshua suggested.

"You need an adjustment," Master Joshua said as he unbuttoned my jeans and rearranged my cock and balls.

"Do we have any idea who will be directing this event?" I asked.

"Buba told me it's organized by Out magazine," Master Joshua replied. "It will be a meet and greet. You will be available to chat with attendees. These people are your fans and important media people, so be nice to them."

"I'm always nice to people, Master," I replied. "How could you think otherwise?"

"What about the dude who you outed to his conservative, religious family?" Master Joshua added. "This because he was rude to your husband at a political event."

"Oh yea," I responded. "I forgot about him."

I watched Master Joshua as he turned to the mirror and adjusted himself. He wore skin tight, very distressed jeans with black leather boots. He also wore a chain link harness—nothing else.

"The car is waiting," Master Joshua explained. "We have people to meet."

"Can't we stay at home so you can make love to me?" I asked.

"No," Master Joshua replied. "I promised you would be at the event by six."

"Will the people at this event expect me to be naked?" I asked.

"Probably," Master Joshua replied. "You are a porn star after all. Porn stars usually appear naked in the films they make. So, my guess is, yes, you will be expected to be naked."

"I can't disappoint my fans," I said as Master Joshua slid into the car before I did.

"Most porn stars do porn to make money," Master Joshua added. "Why do you make porn movies?"

"Masters Jake and Miguel needed a bottom," I explained. "I was a bottom. Master Jake loves playing with me. So, now I am a porn star. It keeps me busy."

"I could keep you busy," Master Joshua replied. "I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve we haven't tried yet."

"I'll bet," I replied. "Wouldn't Derrick be pissed if you were keeping me busy all of the time?"

"We can't be worried about Derrick right now," Master Joshua replied. "He's a big boy. He's a lot like you. He'll service just about anyone who has a dick."

"Is there something you are not telling me?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Joshua responded. "I'll tell you some other time when we don't need to be on our best behavior."

The car pulled in front of the hotel where the event was taking place just as Master Joshua finished his last statement.

The driver opened the door and we both slipped out of the car and into the lobby.

"Steven!" Randal exclaimed. "Over here."

Master Joshua and I moved in Randal's direction.

"Hello, Steven, Joshua," Randal began. "I'd like you to meet our hosts, Garret, Editor of Out and his assistant Johnathan."

"You, Steven," Garret began, "are just as outstanding in person as you are in your films."

"Thank you, Garret," I replied. "You can call me boy, if you'd like."

"Thank you, boy," Garret replied. "We're expecting a rather large crowd tonight. Two hundred people registered. Everyone wants an opportunity to meet their favorite star at Blue Dungeon Studios. Do you need a place to change?"

"Change?" I asked.

"Mr. Jenkins told me you would be provocatively dressed," Garret continued.

"I don't have anything else to change into," I explained. "I can only offer to appear naked."

"Perfect," Garret responded. A lusty look clouded Garret's face and eyes. "You can strip in front of the group at the beginning of the event. You can use the platform so everyone can see you clearly."

My dick began to harden inside my jeans.

"So, now I am a stripper," I whisper to Master Joshua.

"And a good one, too," Master Joshua responded.

"Okay, Steven," Garret said as he put his hand on the small of my back. "It's show time. I will introduce you. After the introductions, you can strip. We can sit on the stools in the middle of the platform and discuss your work."

"I'll follow," I responded. "I'm good at following orders."

"I'll bet," Garret added as he took the microphone.

"Good evening," Garret said to the audience. "We have a special guest with us tonight. Blue Dungeon Studios' very own Steven. You've seen him in a number of films. He will start filming his latest film this fall. You're on, Steven."

I looked out at the sea of men attending the event. I saw men in leather. I saw men in jeans. I saw men in suits.

Music began to blare from the sound system. It was my time to strip.

"They told me to dress provocatively," I said to the group. "I forgot to bring a change of clothes, so I decided to do the question and answer session naked. Is it okay with you if I strip?"

The crowd roared in agreement.

First, the boots and socks came off. I threw each sock into the audience. I slowly pulled my tank up by the bottom hem before I removed it.

The crowd roared again.

I flung my t-shirt into the audience.

I slowly unbuttoned my jeans. I turned my back to the audience and slid my jeans below my ass.

The noise of the crowd thundered through the venue.

I balanced on my right leg as I slipped my jeans off. Then, I stood on my left leg and did the same with the other leg of my jeans. I tossed them over my shoulder into the crowd.

"I got them!" a man in the crowd bellowed.

I quickly turned around to face the audience and assumed the position. Hands behind my back. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Dick growing to fully hard.

Garret appeared beside me. "The boy and his Master will make their way through the crowd. Feel free to asked questions, touch the boy, kiss him, fondle his cock and balls, or tweak his nipples. He's yours for the evening. Make him remember his time here tonight."

I stepped off the platform and stood beside Master Joshua.

"Ready to meet your fans, boy?" Master Joshua asked.

"I'm always ready to meet my fans, Master," I said with a smile.

Roland, our media event personal assistant, appeared out of the crowd. Randal accompanied Roland.

"We have several influential people who want to meet you, boy," Roland explained.

"We have promised them total access to your body, boy," Randal said.

"What is total access to my body?" I asked.

"Just what it sounds like, boy," Roland continued. "More than likely, it will just be a matter of fondling your body parts. Some may want additional access. Think fingers and dicks in your ass and mouths on your cock and balls."

"Oh! Good," I exclaim. "Nothing unusual for a media event. You would let men fuck me?"

"Of course," Randal said. "These are influential media contacts. They may need to sample your body so they can give an accurate review of your next film. Besides, most of the men are hot as shit!"

"I will protect you, Steven," Master Joshua said.

"Thank you for your assurance, Master," I replied.

Roland herded us through the crowd to the first "influential media contact."

"This is Dirksen Guy," Roland said to Master Joshua and me. "He's the gay porn reviewer for Mr. Guy, this is the boy's Master Joshua. I'll leave the three of you alone while you get to know one another."

Master Dirksen's six-six frame towered over me. His massive chest glistened under the black leather harness. My eyes were first drawn to his extremely well developed biceps. Until I saw the insanely huge bulge straining the crotch of his tight, tight, rubber pants.

"So, boy," Master Dirksen finally said. "Do you like what you see, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Very much, Master."

"What do you think I would enjoy you doing for me?" Master Dirksen asked.

"Sucking your dick?" I asked.

"Probably," Master Dirksen replied. "What else?"

"Fucking my ass?" I asked.

"Perfect!" Master Dirksen replied. "First, however, you need to clean my boots while I talk with your Master."

"Yes, Master," I said as I dropped to my knees to clean Master Dirksen's boots.

As I began licking the front of Master Dirksen's left boot, he began chatting with Master Joshua.

"So, Joshua, do you enjoy watching Steven serve other men?" Master Dirksen asked.

"Yes," Master Joshua replied. "It's very, very erotic for me. I like handing over my boy so he can pleasure other men. It's like a power trip."

I glance up as I feverishly licked Master Dirksen's boot. I saw Master Joshua put Master Dirksen's hand on his crotch.

"I can see it excites you, Joshua," Master Dirksen said as he and Master Joshua locked eyes. Master Joshua placed his hands over Master Dirksen's crotch. "What would excite you most if I offered to use your boy?"

"Judging from the apparent size of your dick," Master Joshua began. "I would be most excited if you fucked the boy as he bends over and sucks my cock."

"Do you like to kiss, Joshua?" Master Dirksen asked.

"Yes," Master Joshua said as he leaned in and began kissing Master Dirksen.

Master Dirksen broke his kiss with Master Joshua to give me my next order. "Boy, pull your Master's pants down and get him ready for you to suck him off."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I turned, raised myself on my knees, and began releasing Master Joshua's beautiful dick from his jeans.

As I slipped Master Joshua's jeans beyond his cock it slapped against his six-pack abs. I almost came at the sight. I slid his jeans down to the boot tops.

"Now me, boy," Master Dirksen ordered as he and Master Dirksen continued kissing. Master Dirksen found Master Joshua's nipples. He quickly discovered Master Joshua's passion for nipple play. Their kissing became more energetic.

I slipped Master Dirksen's leather pants down. I heard the thud of his dick slapping his perfectly muscled stomach. I gazed at Master Dirksen's huge dick. His dick, well-proportioned with the rest of his massive body, stood straight and proud. I saw pre-cum seeping out of the head of his uncut dick.

I whimpered at the thought of having Master Dirksen's dick in my ass.

"How big is it?" Master Joshua asked as he stroked Master Dirksen's dick.

"Fifteen," Master Dirksen said. "I've been told it is fatter than most fifteen inch dicks."

"Steven will enjoy it immensely," Master Joshua added. "Right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I still took in the beauty of Master Dirksen's monstrous dick.

"Stand up, boy," Master Dirksen ordered. "We need to get this show going. I hope you don't mind, Joshua, but I have requested this be filmed."

"Perfect," Master Joshua replied. "We can send it back to the others in Chicago. Steven's sons will enjoy watching, I'm certain."

"How old are his sons?" Master Dirksen asked.

"Eighteen," Master Joshua explained.

"Bend over, boy," Master Dirksen ordered as Roland rolled a bench in front of me. "The bench will keep you in the appropriate position."

I bent over the bench. Roland adjusted the height perfect for Master Dirksen's six-six height. My ass bent exposed to Master Dirksen's pleasure. My mouth inches away from Master Joshua's big dick.

Master Dirksen positioned his already lubed dick at my hole. His touch flooded my body with highly charged surges of energy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Dirksen shoved his entire dick into my ass.

Master Joshua stepped closer and pushed my mouth onto his dick. With a little more pressure, I swallowed Master Joshua's dick.

Master Dirksen and Master Joshua began moving in and out of me. Finally, they developed a rhythm. Master Dirksen fucking my ass and Master Joshua fucking my face.

My ass seemed to be ripped to shreds by Master Dirksen's first few minutes of rapid fire plunges inside me. I rode the syncopated thrusts of both men using me. Master Dirksen's dick. So big. Painful. So good! I nearly came myself.

I don't have any idea how many minutes had passed, but both men unloaded into my ass and throat. Master Dirksen leaned his body to rest on top of mine. Master Joshua, his dick still in my mouth, rested on his outstretched arms on the table underneath me.

"The boy has one terrific ass," Master Dirksen said as he recovered. "I could do this all day."

"You can rent him," Master Joshua said as he, too, recovered.

"I might," Master Dirksen replied as he pulled his spent cock out of my ass.

The audience applauded.

"We have more people for the boy to meet, so if you will excuse me, I will take the boy to the next media contact," Roland explained.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Master Joshua replied.

"It's not necessary," Roland continued. "But, you are most welcome to join us."

"I believe I will," Master Joshua replied. "Would you like to share the activities with the next media contact, Dirksen?"

"I would love to share, but I have a boy who is waiting patiently for my dick," Master Dirksen replied.

"Another time, perhaps," Master Joshua said as he finished fastening his pants around his waist.

Roland led Master Joshua and me to a group of men. All five of them had shaved heads, gym worked, massive bodies. All were over six-feet tall. One looked to be Hispanic, another was African American, two were Asian, and the last man was Caucasian.

Roland introduced the group from left to right. First, the Hispanic man. "Jefferson Reyes, Judd Thomson, Brian and Allen Huang, and Jeffery Selfridge. Gentlemen, this is boy Steven and his Master Joshua Johnson-Reynolds. I will leave the seven of you to get acquainted. We have another media contact for you to meet in about an hour. Have fun!"

Roland left Master Joshua and me with the men.

"The boy looks just as good as promised," Master Jeffery said to the group as he took my nipples in his hand and twisted.

I moaned at the pleasure of the pain.

"The tattoos on the boy's dick turn me on," Master Judd added. "Why not more detail?"

"More will be added once we return to Provincetown," Master Joshua replied. "His cock and balls will be covered with ink."

"Perfect for a cock sucking slave boy porn star," Master Jefferson added.

"He's also a prostitute," Master Joshua explained.

"Maybe we could hire him for twenty-four hours," Master Brian suggested. "How much is the fee be and when is his next available time slot?"

"I'll let the five of you use him before we leave London," Master Joshua replied. "My treat."

"Thank you, Joshua," Master Allen replied. "We appreciate your kind offer."

After another thirty minutes of chatting with the men, Roland appeared again to move us along to our next contact.

"We need to move onto our next media contact, boy," Roland said as he led Master Joshua and me to an older man. He dressed in too tight jeans, and he was shirtless. His hairy belly drooped over the top of his jeans.

Roland paused to make introductions, "As promised, Horacio, I hope you can spend some time with boy Steve and his Master Joshua Johnson-Reynolds. This is the illustrious Horacio Giovanni. He's here tonight to get to know you, boy. He's a film producer, and your Masters Jose and Buba wanted both of you to meet. Horacio is planning to use you in a few films for his studio."

"I finally get to meet my favorite porn star," Master Horacio said with a slightly Italian accent. "I've seen every one of your films. And you, Joshua, are a very lucky man it seems."

"Yes," Master Joshua replied as he smacked his hand across my ass. "I am very lucky, indeed. What is the subject of your film?"

"Theistic Satanism," Master Horacio explained. "I want to use Steven in the film as the vessel of one of the rituals. He drinks the piss of thirteen men, and we deposit thirteen loads of cum in his ass. The leader performs several different torture activities to bring the spirit further into the room. It will be a phenomenal film."

"Are you involved with Satanism?" Joshua asked.

"No," Master Horacio replied. "But, I do have a very, very good friend who leads a Coven in LA. He will be starring in the film and has helped put the film together."

Master Joshua and I met three more media contacts. All three blogged about Porn for a living.

The event ended promptly at 12 am.

"It's time for us to go home, boy," Master Joshua said as he led me to the exit.

"I'm naked, Sir," I said as I stopped before we left the building.

"I know you are naked, boy," Master Joshua replied as he took my hand in his to leave.

"But, Sir," I quietly said. "I might get arrested."

"You might," Master Joshua reacted. "We have a car waiting outside."

"Oh," I replied as I followed Master Joshua out of the venue. The damp air made my skin shiver.

Master Joshua led me to the car. The driver waited inside.

"Open the door for me, boy," Master Joshua said.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I opened the door for Master Joshua. "The other side, boy. Get in the car on the other side."

"Yes, Master," I said as I moved to the other side of the car and opened the back door. I slid into the car. The leather seats seemed colder than normal.

We rode in silence until we were near the house. The driver pulled over to the side walk.

"You need to walk the last three blocks," Master Joshua said. "Go."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I left the car. I stood on the sidewalk and watch the limo speed off down the dimly lit street.

I began my brisk walk down the street to the house. The cool, damp air softened my dick into a semi-flaccid state. My cock and balls swayed between my legs. I became suddenly painfully aware I walked down a residential street in a high-end section of London. I was naked. It made my dick suddenly stir. `Down, boy,' I whispered to my dick.

"You seem to be in a rush," I heard a voice from behind me.

`Oh, jeez!' I thought to myself as I turned to see an extremely attractive man in black leather, skintight pants. He wore a too-tight red tank top. His chest seemed huge as did his biceps. His crotch filled out rather suggestively. His six-six height added to the look of power.

"Ah... hi," I finally managed to say.

"Did you run away from your Master or did he make you walk home naked?" the man asked.

"He made me walk home naked," I replied. "How did you know I have a Master?"

"An extremely well-built, generously tattooed and pierced body walking naked down the street with his cock and balls swaying in the night is a definite give away," the man explained. "I'm Lyndon. Maybe I should walk with you so you don't get arrested or accosted."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as we began our journey home.

"Are you a porn star?" Lyndon asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Blue Dungeon Studios."

"The guy who hangs by the balls?" Lyndon asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Among other activities, of course."

"I've seen most of your movies," Lyndon added. "I understand a new one is releasing in the next few months."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "We are in London to meet with the media to promote the film."

"Excellent," Lyndon responded.

"We have arrived, Sir," I said. "Thank you for walking with me."

"You're very welcome, boy," Lyndon said. "So, you knew AJ?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "He was my Master."

"When I heard the news, I wept," Lyndon said. "He was such a generous and caring person."

"Yes, he was," I responded. "Would you like to come in and meet my Master Joshua?"

"I would be delighted to meet him," Lyndon said.

I stepped onto the stairs in front of the door. Master Joshua opened the door to greet me.

"I trust you had a nice walk, boy," Master Joshua said to me.

"Master," I began the introductions. "This is Master Lyndon. He walked with me for the last two blocks. Master Lyndon, this is my Master Joshua."

"Would you like to join us for a drink, Lyndon?" Master Joshua asked. "Randal, our personal assistant on this trip, will join us also."

"I believe I would enjoy having a drink with you," Master Lyndon replied. He looked directly into my eyes. His fiery energy and lust burst into the night. My dick began to harden.

Master Joshua looked into my eyes, my dick, and back to my eyes. He smiled as he turned to lead the way to the parlor.

Two jock strap clad boys appeared and asked for our drink orders. I made a mental note to ask Master Joshua about them.

"So, Lyndon," Master Joshua began as we settled into small facing sofas. Master Joshua and Master Randal sat opposite Master Lyndon and me. "What brought you out tonight?"

"I had an appointment with a client," Master Lyndon replied. "I had just begun my walk home when I spotted the boy."

"What is it you do for your clients, Lyndon?" Master Randal asked.

"I'm a high-end prostitute," Master Lyndon explained. "I discovered several wealthy bottoms who live in the neighborhood. I have a home about two blocks away from here. AJ and I decided one night to become prostitutes. I loved the work. So did AJ until he found this very special boy."

Master Lyndon turned to look directly at me. "He loved you, boy. More than life itself, I think. Now I understand."

"If you are available tonight, please join us," Master Joshua suggested. "I believe you will enjoy our company."

"I'd love to join you," Master Lyndon replied. "I am eager to discover the qualities of the boy who swept AJ off his feet."

"Where do you work out, Lyndon?" Master Randal asked.

"Harold's Gym," Master Lyndon replied. "It's not far from here. Great place to not only work out, but also to socialize. It's an all-male gym. Clothing is optional in most of the gym. If you'd like to come as my guest sometime, just let me know."

"Thank you, Lyndon," Master Joshua replied. "We might just take you up on your offer sometime. Why don't we retire to the bedroom? We can get comfortable as we get to know one another."

"Great idea, Joshua," Master Randal replied. "These pesky clothes are making me uncomfortable. I need room to spread out."

Master Joshua and Master Randal led the way as we stepped into the elevator. I gasp as I felt Master Lyndon's hand brush across my ass.

We stepped off the elevator and into the fifth-floor master bedroom suite.

"Take off our guest's clothes, boy," Master Joshua ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I moved in front of Master Lyndon. As I found the hem of his tank top, I glanced into Master Lyndon's eyes. `Everything is in the eyes, boy.' I remember heard Master Ajmal tell me over and over again. `Everything is in the eyes.'

Master Lyndon's eyes told a story of a lust filled, powerful man. Master Lyndon was my lust filled, powerful man at this very moment.

I pulled Master Lyndon's tank top up and over his head as he stretched his arms upward to facilitate its removal. I knelt in front of Master Lyndon to remove his boots. His feet were huge. I slipped off both boots, and hurriedly removed his socks to reveal his feet. I wanted to lick them, but I managed to continue my duties.

I raised myself, still on my knees, so I looked directly at Master Lyndon's huge and growing bulge in his leather pants. I licked my lips as I began to unbutton his leather pants. When I finished undoing the two top buttons, I began to see Master Lyndon's neatly trimmed pubic hairs. Two more buttons revealed the base of his dick. After I unbuttoned the final two, I began to slowly slide his leather pants down. His huge cock slapped at his perfect six pack abs as his dick cleared the pants.

"Ooooooo," I whimpered as I took in the delightful sight of Master Lyndon's uncut dick. His dick must be at least fifteen inches long and extremely fat. I began sweating profusely.

Master Lyndon pulled me to my feet. His massive arms reached around me and held me tightly to his gigantic chest. His lips and my lips touched. I felt his energy envelop me as he committed to a zealous kissing event.

"Take me Master," I pleaded. "Please take me."

"He's yours, Lyndon," Master Joshua said. "Show the boy your power, Lyndon. Take him."

The giant of a man effortlessly picked me up and carried me to the side of the bed. He gently laid me on my back, and, then, climbed on top of me to begin kissing me again. The room seemed empty with just Master Lyndon and me. I felt our blood begin to boil. Our body temperature soared. We became one. Just Master Lyndon and me in our separate space.

Master Lyndon reared up on his knees and positioned himself between my legs—both spread wide apart. I watched as my giant of a man slathered lube on his huge cock. He added lube to my ass.

"Ooooooooo," I moaned as his huge dick touched my asshole for the first time.

Master Lyndon put my legs on his shoulders and leaned in to kiss me. Sparks flew as he plied me with kisses as his huge dick began its descent into my ass. An awesome peace enveloped me as our bodies became one. His dick slowly pushed inside me. His kissing became more intense. I almost came when I felt his trimmed pubic hairs caress my huge, hairless balls.

`Make him happy, boy,' I heard Master Ajmal whisper to me. `He's a good man. You will need his help in the not too distant future. Make him happy, and he will be at your side when needed. He'll be a friend for life, boy. Treat him like he's a king.'

Master Lyndon lifted his body up so he could look into my eyes. I melted into his gaze.

"I need to make you happy, Master," I whispered.

"You already have, boy," Master Lyndon whispered back. "You already have."

He slid his dick in and out of my ass in what seemed slow motion. Each thrust into my ass carried another kiss. I hungered to feel his pubic hairs against my hairless, overinflated balls. Shivers swept through my body with each movement. I clung to him as my body pleaded for another kiss.

When I saw his head look upward with his mouth trying to make sounds, I knew he had moved beyond return of his organism. Without missing a kiss, he filled my ass with his cum. I felt his sated moan in my mouth.

Master Lyndon lowed his body onto mine. His sweat mixed with mine. His dick still twitched inside my ass.

"It is amazing," Master Lyndon said quietly to me. "It's amazing what two prostitutes can experience in bed together."

"You're funny, Master," I replied as he kissed my nose.

I saw motion beside me on the bed. "Master!" I exclaimed. "You have a dick in your ass! Roland's dick is in your ass, Master!"

"He's habit forming—just like you, Steven," Master Joshua hissed as Master Roland amped up his pattern of slipping in and out of Master Joshua's ass.

"Do you want to watch your Master get fucked?" Master Lyndon asked as he kissed me again.

"No," I replied. "I want you. Again, please."


"The sleeping beauty awakes," Master Joshua suggested to Master Randal, Master Lyndon, and me. I stirred awake in Master Lyndon's muscled arms.

"You look very sexy when you wake up, boy," Master Lyndon whispered.

"You feel sexy," I whispered back as I snuggled closer to Master Lyndon's massive body.

"The real test will be if the boy can walk," Master Randal said. "Actually, the test will be if you, Joshua, and the boy can walk."

"We did have a lot of dick shoved into our asses last night," Master Joshua said. "Right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I want more, though."

"You always want more, slut," Master Randal added. "You were talking in your sleep, boy. Do you know what you said?"

"No," I replied. I did, but I didn't want to explain it at the moment.

"I couldn't make it out," Master Randal explained. "Something about AJ. He wanted you to make someone happy."

"He did," Master Lyndon replied. "I may need to kidnap the boy for a month or two."

"Other than working as a prostitute, Lyndon," Master Roland began. "What else do you do to keep yourself busy?"

"I manage a few investment accounts," Master Lyndon replied. "AJ and I had an ongoing contest going. Whoever made the most money in a month won."

"What did you win?" Master Joshua asked.

"The winner won the chance to fuck the loser," Master Lyndon replied. "When we tied, we took turns fucking the other. Sometimes, I think AJ lost on purpose... just like I did."

"Why don't we throw on some clothes and have lunch with our friends at the restaurant they own?" Master Joshua asked. "You'd like to have lunch with them, wouldn't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Why?" Master Joshua continued. "Tell Lyndon and Randal why you enjoy having lunch at their restaurant."

"They both fuck me," I replied. "Their office in the back of the restaurant has a bed in it."

"Steven will be on a liquid protein diet after lunch today," Master Randal explained. "He needs to be clean, and he needs energy for tomorrow night.

"We want the evening to be perfect tomorrow night," Master Joshua added. "The boy will have an amazing night with a few surprises thrown into the mix."


"Are you ready for the fun to begin, boy?" Master Joshua asked me as he led me to the car waiting in front of the house. Master Randal followed close behind. As usual, I was naked. "Lyndon will meet us at the club. He became quite fond of you, boy."

"I'm fond of him, as well," I replied. "He's a unique man. Master Ajmal told me I will need his help in the not too distant future."

"I suspect, since he was so close to AJ, he knows many well connected people," Master Joshua explained. "He will, I am certain, be a better friend than most people. He's from a very wealthy family, and he controls most of the family's wealth. Many in the investment world believe he will be one of the world's first trillion airs."

"Money seems to swirl around all of Master Ajmal's friends," I added.

"Here we are, boy," Master Randal said as the car pulled in front of a fairly shabby story entrance. "It's better inside."

As we exited the car, a group of scantily clad men stood in line to get into the club. Master Randal handed the bouncer a card, and we were ushered into the club immediately. Randal escorted us further into the club. We were greeted by a nearly naked man in his early fifties. His buff body, layered with well-trimmed chest hair which followed a line down his six pack abs and disappeared into his leather jock strap.

"Good evening, men!" the man greeted us. "I'm Phil A. Buster. You must be Steven."

"Yes, Sir," I said. I could hardly contain myself as I pondered his name. "A pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"I'm Joshua," Master Joshua said. "This is our assistant Randal. The others will join us later."

"Wonderful," Master Phil said. "Why don't we have a drink before we head further into the club?"

We gathered around the bar as we gave our drink orders to a waiter dressed in rubber shorts.

"I have looked forward to this evening for a long time," Master Phil explained. "All of our regulars clamored for a chance to be here tonight. Everyone will remember tonight's activities for a long time. Many will have their fantasies fulfilled. Everyone will enjoy the evening."

I leaned into Master Joshua and whispered into his ear. "Am I missing something, Master?"

"No, boy," Master Joshua replied. "Just relax and enjoy your surroundings."

We continued talking for a few moments until Master Phil determined it was time for the evening to begin.

"Are you and the boy ready to begin, Joshua?" Master Phil asked.

"Definitely," Master Joshua replied as he put my hand over his crotch. "What do you feel, boy?"

"Hard dick, Master," I replied as I licked my lips in anticipation.

"We're about to have one magnificent evening, boy," Master Joshua said as he put his hand in the small of my back and guided me to follow Master Phil.

We stopped in a large, empty room with restraints hanging from the ceiling and lying on the floor.

"I thought this would be a good place to start," Master Phil explained. "I'll let you set the stage so to speak. I'll return after you've finished."

"Thank you, Phil," Master Joshua replied.

Once our host departed, Master Joshua seemed to change his focus. His voice became quiet, yet firm and excited. "Remember our times in the bondage clubs in New York, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You took me from room to room. You were creative. Very creative."

"What did you like most?" Master Joshua continued the questioning.

"You offered me to a few others," I replied. "People you knew."

"The thing is, boy," Master Joshua added. "I know everyone who will be here tonight. Lots and lots of men. Men waiting for a chance to see you used. Some men waiting for the chance to use you. I will not whip you tonight. I'll hurt you, but I won't whip you. You'll beg me to stop, but I won't stop. Not until I'm ready to stop. The fun part will be watching you in another room with other men. Lots and lots of other men. All clamoring to have a piece of your body. You'll feel used. Really, really used. Your dick tells me you want to be used. Your dick tells me you want all of the men here tonight to sample your body. How it feels. How soft and warm your skin is. How soft and warm how your ass is. You won't forget tonight, boy."

Master Joshua skillfully attached me to the restraints. Spread eagle. Open to the world. Dick hard. Nipples painfully wanting attention. Ass needing to be filled.

"I'm starting you with a new toy over your head so you won't know whose using you," Master Joshua said as he slipped a plastic device, much like a football helmet, over my head. The device covered my head, my eyes, my ears, and my mouth. Suddenly I found myself in a different world. Totally unable to see the blackness of my surroundings. Totally unable to hear the silence of the room. Totally unable to speak to those around me.

Master Joshua left me restrained and vulnerable to the world around me.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my ass. But, the hand tenderly caressed my ass. The hand became two. Both hands roamed the skin of my ass. Fingers brushing the crack of my ass sent my body into a huge empty world of sensuality I'd never experienced before. My mind raced as I felt the hands gently massaging my ass.

The hands. The hands felt so good.

Another set of hands touched my chest. Those hands nearly sent me into orgasm. They touched the skin gently. The four hands became six as another pair began to sensually stroke my dick and balls. The hand on my cock stroked it, brining me almost to an orgasm and backed away. My balls stretched and alternately compressed.

Two mouths attacked each of my nipples. One mouth licking my asshole. Another tongue on the tip of my dick, and another licking my balls.

My pulse pounds in my ear. My skin turns hot like I'm in the searing sun. I see images burning holes in my eyes. The images become hands, become lips, become tongues. Dick. Big uncut dicks float through my line of sight. But, I can't see the images. They are images in my mind.

Everything stops. I'm alone in the dark, silent aura left behind by the hands, mouths, and tongues. My body tingles with the sensation of nothingness.

A hard, cold surface touched my stomach. Hands touched my body. This time they quickly eased the tension of the restraints. The hands lowered my body so my upper body rested on the cold, hard surface. The restraints on my wrists tightened. This time my wrists were held in place below my body. Possibly to the floor. More hands positioned near my ankles. The hands pushed my legs so they were almost parallel with my upper body lying on the cold, hard surface.

I saw silent images race through my brain. One after another. The images portrayed people. I couldn't make out the faces of the people. All naked. All hard cocks.

More hands added a leather strap around the small of my back. It tightened until the bottom part of my upper body couldn't move.

The smell of the ocean filled the device on my head. I heard sounds. Sounds of the ocean waves crashing on the beach.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt something else touch the crack of my ass. When the object began its journey inside my ass, I realized it was a cock. A huge cock. The feeling of the cock stretching the inside of my ass almost brought me to climax. Images of a naked man filled my vision. He was smiling. He was fucking me with tremendous power behind every thrust. After I don't know how much time the first dick made way for a second. Then, a third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth... Fifteenth... I lost track of the number of dicks.

I lost myself in the silence which enveloped me as the last cock pulled out of my ass.

I woke up on my back. The head covering device no longer affixed. My eyes adjusted to the soft circle of light surrounding me. Bondage table. Arms and legs bound to the table. Nipple clamps ate into my nipples. My cock strained against its solid metal enclosure. No sounds filtered through the room. I couldn't see beyond the circle of light.

A naked body joined me in the circle of light. "You're finally awake, Dad," Master Connor said to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Joshua invited me, Dad," Master Connor said as he removed the nipple clamps. "I'm here to keep you company until the others want you. What do you think, Dad?"

Master Connor stood in my vision his arms outstretched to welcome me to salivate over his perfectly tan, muscled body. His big uncut dick stood at attention. My dick tried to get bigger, but the metal device kept it from taking its natural course of action.

Master Connor moved closer to me, and he began caressing my body.

"Oooooo," I whimpered. His touch made my toes curl and my mouth water.

Slowly, he climbed on top of me. His face merely inches from mine.

"Do you want me to kiss you, boy?" Master Connor asked.

"Yes, please, Master," I pleaded.

"Not yet, boy," Master Connor replied. "I have something for you before I kiss you."

Master Connor slid off me for a moment as he put a key in the chastity device and freed my dick. When my dick sprang to life, Master Connor climbed back on top of me.

"How many times have you sucked me off or let me fuck you?" Master Connor asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied.

"Neither am I," Master Connor added. "No matter what, boy, no one can satisfy my dick like you. But, before the others come in to visit with you, I'm giving you something you probably never dreamed I would give you. Thoughts?"

"No, Master," I replied in a whisper.

"I'm sitting on your big slave boy dick, and I'm ridding it until you shoot your load in my ass and I shoot all over your slave boy body," Master Connor hissed.

"Fuck me first?" I asked.

"No," Master Connor replied. "You will have your turn with the others who are here to fuck you."

Master Connor grabbed the lube and applied it to my extremely hard dick. He added some lube to his dick and his asshole.

Master Connor licked his lips as he positioned his asshole over my dick. Our eyes locked as he began to slide his ass onto my dick.

"Ahhhhh!" Master Connor groaned as he paused with my dick halfway in and halfway out. "God you feel good in me, Dad. You like it, too, don't you, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I hissed. I barely could utter a sound as Master Connor's ass adjusted to my hard dick. Our eyes never looked away from the other. A huge grin spread over Master Connor's face until my entire dick filled his ass.

Master Connor began stroking his nine-inch uncut dick as he began to ride my dick like it was his life's work.

"You know, Dad," Master Connor said as he paused. "The only person, until now, who has fucked me is Theo. Do you like my ass, Dad?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You're so tight, Master Connor. Feels so good."

"While your dick is in my ass, call me Connor and not Master Connor," Connor suggested. "It makes me feel like we're sharing something really, really special. Don't you think it is special, Dad?"

"So good, Connor," I replied. "Can we make this last, Connor?"

Connor stopped stroking his dick and stopped riding mine. He leaned down and kissed me. A long, passionate kiss.

"What's amazing, Dad," Master Connor said as he stopped kissing me and began stroking himself and riding my dick. "I feel you've given me even more power over your body, Dad. I control whether you cum. I control when I cum. I control when I kiss you. I'm in control, Dad. You're still my boy, Dad."

"I'm all yours, Connor," I replied. "Take what you want."

Connor continued to ride me until he thought I would shoot. He would back off and ride me again. Over and over. We never took our eyes off one another.

Finally, Connor's body tensed. He cried out, "Fuck! I`m cumming, Dad. I'm fucking cumming.

Just as Connor's body stopped convulsing, I began to fill Connor's ass with my cum.

Connor rested his body on top of my body. We listened to each other breath. We listened to each other's heartbeat.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence. "Jeez, Connor," Master Tim exclaimed. You've been riding your Dad's dick for almost two fucking hours. Give the rest of us a chance."

"Sorry, Dad," Master Connor said as he pulled out of my ass. "I got carried away. Well..., we both got carried away, right, Dad?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"What are you doing here, Tim?" I asked.

"We went to your show last night. All of us. Jose, Buba. Grant. David. Me. Derrick. Theo. Connor. Adrian. JJ, Bashir, Garrison, and Leo. We stuck our dick in your ass while you were high on that virtual reality thing contraption."

"I thought more people fucked me," I said.

"A lot more did fuck you, boy," Master Tim replied. "Your hot shot BDSM friends, several people I've never met before. Joshua fucked you. Lyndon. Randal. Roland. Several other people whom I have no idea where they came from. Both of you pigs need to stand up and join the rest of the group. We have some family business to discuss."

Master Connor grabbed his gym shorts after he removed me from the bondage table. We scurried upstairs to join our family.

"Good morning, boys!" Master Tim said to Connor and me as we entered. They wore, like most of the others at the table, gym shorts and a tank top. I, of course, was the only naked person in the group. He looked directly at Master Joshua. Their eyes locked. "How is my slutty husband after his performance last night?"

"Outstanding," Master Joshua replied.

"When did everyone decide to visit?" I asked.

"The moment we heard about the virtual reality device," Master Grant replied. "We didn't want to miss the world premiere."

"We wanted to join the fun," Master Theo replied. "We really did miss you, Dad. It's great to finally be here with you again."

"Thank you, Master Theo," I replied.

"Dad has something else to tell you, Dad," Master Adrian added as he turned his attention to Master Tim. "Don't you, Dad?"

"We can talk about all of that stuff later," Master Tim replied. "I could really use another Bloody Mary. Anyone else?"

Tim stood and carried Master Grant, Master David, and his empty glass to the bar area where a pitcher of Bloody Mary's sat.

"Tim," Master Grant spoke up. "Tell your husband about the changes in our relationship. He needs to know."

Tim busied himself with the three Bloody Marys. He finally returned to the table, put the drinks in front of his Masters, sat down, and began his explanation.

"Ooooookay," Tim began. He didn't look at me. "All relationships grow and change courses as we change and grow. So it's not surprising my relationship with Grant and David has changed since we met. We started this relationship as Masters and slave until we figured out what everyone wanted. We really didn't know what we wanted until we were heavily invested in our situation. Are you with me on this so far, Steven?"

Master Tim quickly looked at me to gauge my reaction.

"I'm totally with you so far," I replied.

"During your absence..., actually a little before..., Grant, David, and I began drifting from our original premise of having a Masters and slave relationship," Tim continued. "Grant and David's advanced case of faux sexual dementia overtook their initial need for a submissive partner. What I mean by sexual dementia needs further explanation. I define faux sexual dementia as forgetting they just fucked like bunnies and want to do it again and again and again."

"To paraphrase," Master Grant began. "David and I both became addicted to Tim's ass. For example, a few weekends ago, we only came out of our bedroom for something to eat or drink. The rest of the weekend—a long three-day weekend—we spent with either David's dick in Tim's ass or mine in Tim's ass."

"Thank you for your very explicit discussion points, Grant," Tim said before continuing. "We've decided to skip the pretense of being Masters and slave. We will continue our relationship as lovers. Now, before I move on to the good part, Steven, do you have any questions?"

"Does this mean you, Grant, and David will be monogamous?" I asked.

"Yes," Master David replied. "Sort of. You need to continue, Tim, before your husband asks for a divorce."

"Okay," Master Tim continued. "We will be entirely monogamous until Grant and David, especially Grant, need to have some kink... actually, a lot of kink... in their lives. So, I offered them your services, Steven."

"You offered them my services?" I asked. "Why?"

"The three of us believe living as Masters and slave will demean our relationship," Master Tim explained. "We want to be equal partners."

I look first at Master Jose and then at Master Buba. They both smiled broadly.

"We have no problem about the terms," Master Jose replied. "You're a prostitute and a porn star. We believe it will be a perfect way to join our families into one unit."

I paused for a while before I spoke. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. My husband's ex-Masters developed a fondness for my husband's ass and no longer want to think of my husband as their slave. Instead, they want to think of my husband as their lover. And my Masters," I look at both Master Jose and Master Buba. "Consented to offering my services for my husband's lovers whenever they want to be kinky. Did I follow the explanation correctly?"

"Yup," Master Tim replied.

"It's a natural extension of your role as our slave boy, our prostitute, and our porn star," Master Buba explained. "Jose and I also reserve the right to participate whenever your husband's lovers want your services."

"Of course, we will pay your friends and family discounted rate for your services," Master David added. "It will help your sons' college fund."

"I have a friends and family discount rate now?" I asked. "Since when?"

"About twenty-four hours ago," Master Jose replied. "The negotiation was tough, but we finally settled on this plan. You will be on a retainer with a flat monthly fee, boy."

"Welcome to the family, boy," Master David added.

"Maybe we should hop aboard this think tank session and explain our idea," Master Adrian suggested to the group.

"May we, Dads?" Master Theo asked.

"Sure," Master Tim replied.

"Go for it," I added. "Your father has turned our marriage into a three-ring circus after turning into a power bottom, so, sure. This isn't sexual, is it?"

"Of course not, Dad," Master Connor replied. "Theo, why don't you begin?"

"Thank you, Connor," Theo said as he adjusted from his eighteen-year-old-boy persona into his presentation mode. The difference amazed me. "We have a Power Point presentation prepared, but since this room doesn't have a projector we will stick with more traditional presentation approaches."

"This is exhibit A," Master Theo said as he passed a single sheet of paper sheathed in a plastic page protector. "It's a map of Harvard's campus. We attended the initiation class summer session last week. We're all three stoked for our next four years at Harvard. We did a lot of walking and looking around at different areas surrounding Harvard."

"Harvard requires freshmen to live on campus for the first year," Master Adrian took over. "Harvard assigned the three of us to a really cool dorm. Connor and Theo share a room as do Leo and me. Our rooms are part of a suite with a central living area. We have two bathrooms. One for each set of roommates."

"As Theo said, we did a lot of walking and looking around the area surrounding the school," Master Connor began. "One day, we stumbled upon this terrific building."

Master Theo handed exhibit B be to be passed around the table.

"It's a five-story condo building with one condo on each floor. Each unit has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The kitchen is amazing. Granite counter tops. Subzero fridge, Wolf cook top and ovens. The only unit still available is the fifth floor. For the first year while we are living in the dorms, we thought it would be a great retreat to get away from the craziness of the dorm. So, we sort of put a deposit on it."

"Sort of put a deposit on it?" I asked. "How in God's name did you sort of put a deposit on it?"

"We gave the realtor a check drawn on our personal trust funds," Master Adrian explained.

"How much does this get away from the craziness of the dorm condo cost?" Master Tim asked.

"It's really a bargain," Master Connor added. "The builder is motivated to sell the last unit."

"How much?" I asked.

"One point six," Master Theo finally said. "One point six million dollars."

"Give or take a few dollars," Master Adrian said.

"If we were to include the private roof top deck, we would only need to pay another three hundred thousand," Master Connor continued. "It also has a loft space which would be perfect for a playroom."

"Where do you intend to get the money to pay for the condo?" I asked.

"A mortgage?" Master Adrian explained even though it was more of a question than an answer.

"Who in God's name will give four eighteen-year-old college students a mortgage on an almost two-million-dollar condo?" Tim asked with his voice hitting the pissed state.

"We talked to our trust manager," Master Connor said. "He didn't see a problem with a mortgage for the condo. He thought it would be a terrific investment."

"I don't mean to butt into this family conversation, but why doesn't the black hole provide the mortgage?" Master David asked.

"You're right, David," Master Tim said without looking at his lover. His eyes were fixed on the three boys across the table from him. "Butt out."

"It would be a great investment," Master Joshua suggested. "The Cambridge real estate market has exploded in recent years. How close is this condo to the campus?"

"Master Joshua," I began. "As my husband said to his lover, butt out!"

"Yes, Sir," Master Joshua said with a smile.

"Tell us exactly how you want to pay for this condo," I said with squinty eyes.

"We could put down a twenty percent down payment," Master Connor began. "We'd like to get a fifteen-year mortgage. The monthly payments would be about five-thousand dollars apiece.

"Holy shit!" Master Tim exclaimed. "You are not fucking buying a two-million-dollar condo and spend fifteen thousand a month on mortgage payments. Are you fucking nuts?"

"We thought you might say something like that," Master Adrian responded. "The builder also has another building next door which has four condos on each floor. A two-bedroom, two-bath condo on the fifth floor runs about eight hundred thousand."

"This is bait and switch only going down instead of up," I hissed.

"If they bought the more expensive one, you'd have a place to stay when you visited," Master Buba added with a smile.

"We could buy a lot of hotel rooms for the extra one point two million," I added. "Boys, I suspect you will get a condo no matter what your father and I say. However, I would be cautious about buying the expensive one. To some of your fellow students, you might appear to be spoiled rich little white boys. I know you wouldn't want to be labeled pretentious."

"So you'll let us buy the cheaper one?" Master Theo asked.

"Your Dad and I will talk about it tomorrow before you leave," I said. "We'll let you know before the plane leaves."

"Keep in mind, we are also offering a friends and family rate for new mortgages," Master David said with a smile.

"What's the friends and family rate?" I asked not really wanting to hear the answer.

"Zero percent," Master David replied with a huge smile painted across his face.

I look at Master Tim and he smiles his `we're so getting screwed' smile.

"Make sure your Uncle David sees the contract before you sign anything," I said. "Have the condo inspected before you agree to anything. I know it's new construction, but we don't know the builder."

"Maybe they should buy the expensive one," Master Joshua replied. "I just looked up the Cambridge real estate listings. The first one is probably the last high end new construction within walking distance of Harvard. It'll sell in a flash after the boys graduate. The other one might take a long time to sell."

"You heard your Uncle Joshua, boys," Master Tim said. "Go for the expensive one with the roof deck. Make certain the guest room is always available for your father and me to use."


We said good bye to the visitors on Tuesday afternoon. Master Joshua and Master Randal and Master Lyndon headed back to the house.

"I'll miss them," I said as the car pulled away from the airport.

"We'll be back in Provincetown soon, Steven," Master Joshua reassured me. "And I think it was good for you and Tim to have some time alone with each other."

"It helped," I replied. "I liked Tim's relationship with Master Grant and Master David better as a Master and slave situation rather than a lover situation."

"Why does one bother you and the other doesn't?" Randal asked.

"I have Masters and so did Master Tim," I began. "Now I have Masters and Master Tim has two lovers."

"You have lots of lovers, Steven," Master Joshua added.

"But I'm connected to all the men, lover or client, via a Master/slave relationship," I continued. "Masters Grant, David, and Tim plan on being monogamous. They will only step out of their relationship with Master time with me. I will be with any or all of them as a slave. Master Tim's ass will become off limits to anyone but Master Grant and Master David."

"Tim still loves you, Steven," Master Joshua said as he tried to reassure me.

"I know he does," I agreed. "We will always love one another no matter what happens. We are especially connected through the kids."

"So, what exactly is the problem?" Lyndon asked.

"I want him to be my lover and don't want to be his slave boy," I replied. "Does any of this make sense?"

"All of it," Master Joshua replied. "I feel the same way with Derrick. Here I am. Half way around the world from my husband, and I'm regularly sticking my dick in an ass which doesn't belong to my husband."

"You don't like my ass?" I asked.

"I love your ass, Steven," Master Joshua replied. "Maybe a little too much."

"Take off your jeans, boy, and I'll stick my dick in your ass," Master Lyndon hissed at Master Joshua. "My dick should take your mind off Steven's ass."

"While you fuck the new bottom," Master Randal added. "I could fuck the old bottom."

"Then we could switch," Master Lyndon continued.

"Are you becoming a bottom, Master?" I asked Master Joshua.

"I'm not certain," Master Joshua replied. "I must say these two men's dicks feel extremely good in my ass. Derrick will hate me."

"Why?" Master Lyndon asked.

"He's never fucked me," Master Joshua said. "You two studs have already fucked me more than I've ever been fucked. Two other men fucked me. Once each. They weren't given a second chance."

"It's settled then," I said. "We need to get the three of you naked. Where do you want us?"

"On the bed," Master Lyndon replied. "My little bottom boy will be riding my dick."

"I'm taking this bottom whore downstairs to the playroom," Master Randal said as he clipped a leash onto the collar I wore.

"Steven doesn't need lube," Master Joshua said to Master Randal.

"Why?" Master Randal asked.

"Right after we dropped the gang off at the airport, I ushered Steven into the bathroom," Master Joshua explained. "I made certain he would be ready for anyone or all of us."

"What about you, boy?" Master Lyndon asked Master Joshua.

"I took care of mine as well," Master Joshua replied.

"Suck it, boy," Master Lyndon said to Master Joshua. "Suck my big dick like the cock sucker whore you really are, boy."

"Yes, Master," Master Joshua replied as he guided Master Lyndon's big uncut dick to his mouth.

Master Randal led me downstairs to the playroom.


To be continued.

This is my 67th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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