Life with Tim

Published on May 13, 2022


Life with Tim 66

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Why can't someone else handle this investigation?" Tim asked. He had been stewing in his juices.

"If the wrong people find out about the black hole before we do, we could all be in jail," I replied.

"Oh!" Tim replied. "When did you say you were leaving? I'll help you pack."

"Thank you, Master Tim," I replied. "Does this mean you've reconsidered?"

"Steven," Master Tim began. "You know I would not survive the first shit I would need to take in front of my cell mate. So, yes, I have reconsidered."

"I knew you would see it my way eventually," I said to Tim. "We should have the alternative identity by Friday. We would need the weekend to plan our trip. We can leave on Monday morning. Are you okay with all of this Master Joshua?"

"Yup," Master Joshua replied. "Did AJ have well-equipped houses?"

I smiled broadly at Master Joshua. But it was Master Babak who answered, "Superbly equipped. I have never known AJ to do something which wasn't first class."

Chapter 66: The Investigation

"Steven," Master Hassid said as he and Buckley prepared for our time in the playroom. "We have talked about this moment for several months. Now, it is finally happening."

"I have taken lessons from Hassid and Babak," Master Buckley added. "They are two very fine teachers. I learn quickly, too."

"We both want to punish you before we move forward with our other planned activities," Master Hassid explained. "Buckley gets to punish you first. He has developed excellent whipping, caning, and flogging techniques. All of which you will experience firsthand this evening. Let's get the boy restrained, Buckley."

Master Buckley stood before me holding a collar. Both Master Buckley and Master Hassid dressed alike. Chain link body harness to accentuate their beautiful, muscular, sexy chests. Extra tight black leather pants. Black boots. Black leather arm bands around their perfectly formed huge biceps.

"This is from me to you, boy," Master Buckley said as he looked directly into my eyes. "I never thought I would have this opportunity to play with you, boy. My boss. My powerful, slave boy boss. Now we will see who is powerful, boy."

Buckley placed the collar around my neck and fasted it into place. He didn't take his eyes off mine.

"Thank you, Master," I began. "I'm yours. Take me. Make me feel your Power, Sir. Please take me."

"Gladly, boy," Master Buckley replied. "I see you've become excited at the prospect of me playing with you. I share your excitement, boy. From this day forward, whenever I see you either at work or some other situation, I want you to acknowledge my superiority to you. You address me as Sir, Master, or Master Buckley. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master Buckley," I replied. "I understand completely, Master."

"I promised Buckley I would show him how to properly restrain a boy using the rope and pulleys you have installed here," Master Hassid explained as he kicked my legs shoulder width apart. Master Buckley and Master Hassid knelt to put the restrains around my ankles and tightened the chain forcing my legs even further apart.

"Now the wrists," Master Hassid instructed as Master Buckley eagerly grabbed the restrain from the table and affixed it to my left wrist. Master Hassid mirrored Master Buckley's actions on my right side.

After Master Buckley and Master Hassid tightened the chains fastened to the restraints on my wrists, they stood back to view their creative efforts.

"What do you see, Buckley?" Master Hassid asked.

"I see what the boy really wants in life," Master Buckley said as he looked directly into my eyes.

"Which is?" Master Hassid asked.

"He wants to be hurt, abused, fucked, humiliated, and dominated," Master Buckley replied.

"Very good, Buckley," Master Hassid continued. "Steven will help take the two of us on a journey. It will be a special journey. Look into his eyes. Fulfill your fantasies. Fly with him. Fly with me. Prepare to be amazed."

Master Buckley still stood in front of me with his eyes fixed on mine. "I will follow you on our journey, boy. You will follow me. We will fly into our deepest, sinister, sensual thoughts and feelings. I can see this in your eyes, boy. I can feel your energy surround me."

Master Buckley walked away into the darkness surrounding the flood light circle we inhabited. He returned with a flogger in his hands.

"I have practiced using the flogger, boy," Master Buckley hissed as he looked into my eyes again and rubbed the leather of the flogger over my chest and stomach. "This will be special, though. I have only flogged an inanimate object before tonight. You will be my first boy I've flogged. I can't wait to make you scream, boy. Now I am ready."

Master Buckley moved behind me. Master Hassid took Master Buckley's place in front of me. He, too, looked into my eyes. He ran his hands along my sides, and cuffed them around the cheeks of my ass. He leaned in and kissed me.

"Ooooooo," I moaned at the touch and sensual energy Master Hassid emoted.

I felt the flogger cut through the air as if the scene was in slow motion.

`Whack!' I heard as the flogger connected with my back. Slowly I felt the sensation of the flogger's damage to my back.

"Oooooooooooo," I moaned again when I finally felt the flogger connect with my back. The sharp pain of the flogger as it hit my back dissipated as it surged through my entire body.

Master Hassid moved away from me, but he continued to keenly watch as Master Buckley continued hitting my back with blow after blow of the flogger. Buckley increased the speed and power of each stroke of the flogger. The pain always the same. Sharp pain dissipating as it surged through out my body.

As the next to the last blow of the flogger hit my back, I felt the pain surged through my body and into my dick. The last blow put me over the top as I shot my first load of cum while under Master Buckley's control.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as I shot rope after rope of cum which puddled on the floor in front of me.

Master Buckley emerged from behind me and took his place in front of me. Our eyes, once again, locked onto one another. Master Buckley gasp for breath as he recovered from his experience with my back and his first flogging.

"Wow!" Master Buckley finally spit out. "I made you cum, boy. I made me cum, too. Together, as the last blow of the flogger hit your back. I'm hooked. Hassid said I would be hooked, and I am. I need this, boy. I need to feel the power over a boy. Over you... Boss."

"You're the boss now, Master," I whispered as I recuperated from Master Buckley's flogging. "Tell me what you want me to do, Sir. You now own me."

"Aren't you spreading yourself a little thin, boy?" Master Buckley asked with a smile. "All these Masters you serve own a little piece of you."

"But, you own me now, Master," I added. "Right now I am yours and yours alone."

The time with Master Buckley passed quickly. After the flogger, Master Buckley experienced caning me for the first time. Lastly, his bullwhipping skills sent me over the top again. When I finished cumming, Master Hassid and Master Buckley both stood in front of me. The three of us shared a kiss.

"You feel like you want more from us," Master Hassid said as the three of us broke the kiss.

"Yes, Master," I begged. "More, please, Sir. More."

"A side effect of the ball injections is an insatiable appetite for sexual adventures, Buckley," Master Hassid explained. "This makes Steven the perfect complement to two lusty Masters. We need to get him into the sling before he shoots another load."

Master Buckley and Master Hassid removed me from the restraints. Master Buckley led me to the middle of a section which included a medical examination table. The floodlights focused on the table. We stepped into the floodlight circumference.

Every touch of my two Masters sent squalls of energy racing through my body. I felt both almost ready to drop to the floor because I was so relaxed and also on fire with electricity pulsing from the point of touch to every possible point in my body. I never felt so much alive yet so relaxed.

Master Hassid and Master Buckley helped position me on the medical examination table. Master Hassid took charge of the installation. As he raised the back of the exam table before giving me instructions, "Slide back and rest on the back support, boy." He took each arm and moved it to a raised arm platform. He secured my arms with a leather strap connected to the arm platform.

Master Hassid secured a leather strap to the back of table and wrapped it around my chest. He also added one around my waist.

Master Buckley watched intently as Master Hassid moved to where my feet were hanging freely. He secured my feet to their appropriate stirrup. He found the remote control for the exam table and raised my legs. When he stopped raising the stirrups, my legs were bent to my chest.

"What do you think, Buckley," Master Hassid asked.

"Beautiful," Master Buckley began. He stood totally naked in front of me. He stroked his already hard dick. "So exposed. So magnificently humiliating if he were not an obedient slave boy. Do you feel exposed, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"You need to tell Buckley exactly how you feel, boy," Master Hassid explained. "Now will be your last chance to describe this moment. Give your Master Buckley what he wants, boy. Tell him how you feel."

"Yes, Master," I said to Master Hassid. I turned my attention to Master Buckley. My eyes fixed on Master Buckley's beautiful naked body. Fire seemed to be spewing from his eyes. I knew he would take my body with the force of a fierce storm. "I feel as though I am on display awaiting for your next move, Sir. I feel helpless since you have bound me in an almost immovable position. I feel powerless. Humbled. Weak. Eager. Eager to give myself to you, Master Buckley. It is an honor to serve you, Sir."

"Thank you, boy," Master Buckley replied as he moved closer to me. He continued stroking himself as he began stroking my already hard dick with his free hand. "You are so beautiful bound naked to the table. Relax, boy. You will be in this position for a long time tonight."

Master Hassid moved closer. He held a metal piece in his hands. "This Whitehead Ratchet Mouth Gag became a favorite of mine. It keeps a boy quiet, yet I know when he is trying to scream. I also enjoy the look of the boy when it is installed. It makes the boy look as though he is terrified of my next move, but he is unable to tell me to stop. So, I don't stop until I want to stop. You want me to put this on you, don't you boy."

"Yes, Master," I responded.

"Open wide, boy," Master Hassid ordered.

I opened my mouth and Master Hassid installed the mouth gag. He adjusted the device so my mouth opened wide.

"Buckley, are you ready to proceed with your next lesson?" Master Hassid asked Master Buckley.

"Definitely," Master Buckley said as his eyes locked onto mine. His lust filled eyes nearly burnt a hole in my eyes. He continued to stroke his hard dick.

"We had a long talk with your friend Joshua on the helicopter ride to Provincetown," Master Hassid explained. "He told us a few stories about how he used you in public places. He provided extreme detail about some of his, as he put it, more memorable events. After listening to his stories, Buckley and I decided I would teach him new activities which will provide us memorable long moments of pleasure. Tonight, I plan to show Buckley how to fuck your dick with sounds. You like sounds in your dick, don't you, boy?"

I nodded yes.

"Good," Master Hassid said as he gathers several black leather cases which opened to show several sets of sounds. He explained everything to Buckley as he moved forward with the sounds. "Sounds were originally used in medical procedures, prior to antibiotics, to open up the urethra after a bout with gonorrhea. Now, we use them to have fucking fun with our boys. You can speak with Steven after we finish with him and let him describe the sensations in detail."

"I am eager to hear all about your reactions, boy," Master Buckley said as he continued to stroke his dick. "I'm eager to watch your face as your Master plays with your dick, too."

"I have two types of sounds for us to use tonight, Buckley," Master Hassid explained. "The Van Buren Sound is my favorite. This sound has a curve to accommodate the curve in the male urinary system. You need to have experienced sounding with the straight ones before you move onto the Van Buren Sounds. If the bottom gets hard while trying to insert or remove the Van Buren Sound, you need to stop and let the boy's dick soften, which for Steven could be a lifetime. He always seems to be hard. The Van Buren Sound slips down the penis into the bladder. We use it sometimes to stimulate the bottom's prostate gland."

"These straight ones, Dittle Sounds, slip in easily. The ones I have cannot slip into the urethra and get stuck," Master Hassid replied. "Let me show you how we insert the straight ones. Once you see it done, you can practice on the boy."

"Cool," Master Buckley exclaimed.

Master Hassid picked up a medium sized Dittle sound. "See this, boy. We'll start with this one. Is it too big?"

I shook my head no.

"Good," Master Hassid began. He applied a sterile lube to the sound with his gloved hands. When he positioned the sound at the opening of my dick, the cold metal sent chills through my dick and then into my entire body.

"Watch how the sound inserts itself deep into the boy's dick," Master Hassid said as he inserted the sound into my dick. Once inside my dick, Master Hassid released the sound and watched in slip further and further into my dick.

"Now the fun part begins, Buckley," Master Hassid explained. "I like to fuck a boy's dick with a straight sound. The boy feels very sensual when a sound moves in and out of his dick.

Master Hassid began fucking my dick with a relatively small sound. I had forgotten the sensation of sounds moving up and down my dick. It was a small sound, so the sensation just tingled inside my dick. It seemed to explode, though, through the rest of my body.

"Now, let's go to a bigger one," Master Hassid said. "Come here, Buckley. Put on these sterile gloves and pick up the middle one."

Master Buckley picked up the sound. He seemed mesmerized by the piece of metal he held in his hand. Slowly, he applied the lube, positioned the sound, and started the sound on its journey into my dick.

"Ooooooo," I moaned in pleasure. It didn't turn out to be a legible moan because of the device holding my mouth open.

"Now, it's in Buckley," Master Hassid said. "Begin to move the sound up and down. Don't take it completely out, but let it drop on its own."

Master Buckley enthusiastically began to slowly move the sound out of my dick and release it to sink back in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In.

"I want to keep doing this," Master Buckley said. "But, I want his ass so badly, I can't wait."

"We can come back to this once we fist him and fuck him," Master Hassid suggested.

Master Buckley removed the sound from my dick. Master Hassid rolled a stool in front of my exposed asshole. He brushed his fingers softly over my asshole.

"Ooooooooo," I moaned at the feel of his body in touch with mine.

"Such a good ass, boy," Master Hassid said as he continued to massag"e my hole. "You like your ass played with, don't you, boy?"

I nodded yes.

"Good boy," Master Hassid continued. "You will be the first asshole Buckley uses with his fist, boy. Make it good for him."

I nodded yes again.

"I'm in charge of getting your ass ready, boy," Master Hassid explained. "We have a long, slow time in your ass planned for us."

I felt his fingers begin their descent into my ass.

"Ooooooooooo," I moaned as Master Hassid's knuckles passed through my sphincter muscle. His energy and power passed through my ass and made my dick twitch.

"You like having my fist in your ass, don't you, boy?" Master Hassid asked.

I nodded yes.

Master Hassid kept working his fist in and out of me. Slowly pushing further and further into my ass with ever stroke. I felt no pain. Only vast pleasure as the feeling of Master Hassid's big arm opened my ass wider and wider and wider. `I could do this forever,' I thought to myself.

"Oooooooooooooo," I moaned again as Master Hassid's elbow embedded itself in my ass.

Master Hassid kept moving his arm inside me. I moaned. I felt myself flying through the air until I broke from my journey when I heard Master Hassid speak to me, "Look boy. Look at our masterpiece."

I looked at where Master Hassid sat. His arm completely immersed into my ass up to his bicep.

"Ooooooooooooooooo," I moaned again.

Master Hassid slowly worked his arm in and out of my ass. I suddenly felt empty. I looked at Master Hassid, and I saw his arm separate from my ass.

"Take the gag out of the boy's mouth Buckley. I know you will want to hear him as you fist him. Master Hassid said to Buckley and then turned his attention to me. "Beg for it, boy. Beg."

"Please, Master. Please stick your arm in my ass," I hissed as I looked Master Buckley in the eye. "Please, Master. Please. I need your arm in me, please."

"What if I say `no'?" Master Buckley asked.

"Please Master," I whimpered. "I need your arm in my ass. Please!"

"Okay, boy," Master Buckley replied. "On one condition."

"Anything, Master," I whimpered again. "I'll do anything you ask."

"After I finish putting my arm in your ass," Master Buckley began. "You will beg me and Hassid to double fist you. I want to see you grovel."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I'll do whatever you ask, Master."

"Good," Master Buckley replied as he sat on the stool and began to get his arm ready for me.

Master Buckley's arm almost pushed me to orgasm. When I felt my ass empty again, I wasted no time. "Please Masters," I begged. "Please put both of your arms in my ass, Masters. Please."

"Why, boy?" Master Hassid asked.

"Because you want me to give both of you my ass," I whimpered.

"What else, boy?" Master Buckley replied.

"I you want to go on a journey with me," I replied. "I will take you. Please put both of your arms in my ass. Please!"

"Very well," Master Buckley replied as he sat in the stool between my legs. Master Hassid rolled another stool in place.

I felt both of their fingers push inside me. I felt like a rag doll. No fears. No pain. I just swallowed to very muscular arms into my ass.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I whimpered as I felt both elbows disappear inside me.

I felt it too. I felt the power inside me. I connected with Master Buckley and Master Hassid. I felt their spirit. I felt their power. Our minds seemed joined as one. I felt our lust explode. Then it was my dick.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as I shot rope after rope of cum which puddled on the floor in front of me.

Where I went, I don't know. But I returned. Master Buckley's naked body rested on top of mine.

"We came together, boy," Master Buckley whispered as he rested on top of me. "What do you want me to do now, boy?"

"Again, Master," I pleaded. "Fuck me again."

"Gladly, boy," Master Buckley replied as he raised his body off mine. His dick stayed hard and in my ass. "Hassid left us alone for the rest of the evening. He wanted us to get to know one another better."

As Master Buckley prepared to take another turn on my ass, I found myself starring at Master Buckley's upper body. Smooth white skin. Well-muscled chest. Six pack abs. Huge biceps.

"You are beautiful, Master Buckley," I said.

"Thank you, boy," Master Buckley replied. "I worked hard for this body. I like showing it off, too. Between you and Master Hassid, you have turned me into an exhibitionist. I'd probably do anything to show my body to people. Especially if I am totally naked. Maybe I could make a movie with you, boy. Me topping you. Fucking you. Fisting you. Whipping you. We'd have a great time, don't you think, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

I lost consciousness as Master Buckley pushed his big hard dick into my ass again.


"You seem extremely happy this morning, Buckley," Master Tim said as Master Hassid, Master Buckley, and I joined the rest of the family beside the pool. "Something good must have happened last night."

"Last night became an epiphany for me," Master Buckley explained. "I connected to both Hassid and Steven last night like I connected to no other man. It was amazing. Absolutely amazing."

"And the highlight of your epiphany activity?" Master Tim asked.

"Fucking Steven's double fisted ass," Master Buckley replied. "I could have kept going, but Hassid said we needed to take a break to get food."

"The day is still young," Master Tim added. "Hassid, did Steven live up to his past performances?"

"Absolutely," Master Hassid replied. "His performance exceeded my expectations."

"Are you conducting a customer satisfaction survey?" Master David asked.

"I am only curious," Master Tim replied. "If Steven's performance is eroding during his more senior years, I will need to adjust my expectations of income derived from his rent boy business."

I looked Tim in the eyes and arched my left eyebrow. "I didn't know I was just a source of income for you," I added. "We are married after all."

"I am only concerned because the stream of income from your rent boy business is paying for our kids' college education," Master Tim explained. "You wouldn't want to limit our kids' college education because you're not satisfying your customers."

"No, I suppose not," I replied. "If you are suggesting I might age out of the rent boy business in the next few days, perhaps you need to find an alternative stream of income to finance our kids' education as well as a new husband."

"I don't really like your tone of voice, slave boy," Master Tim replied. "You need to be punished. Buckley, if I give my husband to you for punishment, what would you do to him?"

"Flog him," Master Buckley replied. "Cain him. Bullwhip him. Fist him. Fuck him. I might also add clothes pins and candle wax to the mix."

"I somehow believe Steven would not consider your suggestions as punishment, Buckley," Master Buba added. "I suspect it would be a repeat of last night's activities plus the clothes pins. And Steven has been glowing ever since he and his Masters have joined us."

"You may not need another stream of income if Joshua and Steven solve our black hole problem," Master David added. "Yesterday's estimate of the black hole's net worth seems to be around five-trillion dollars."

"I see your point, Master," Master Tim replied. "Would you be willing to have your punishment time filmed, Buckley?"

"Sure," Buckley replied.

"Good," Master Tim replied. "I will archive it in case I miss seeing my husband as he and Mr. Accountant run around the globe."

"You could join us, Tim," Master Hassid replied. "You'd like to whip your husband, wouldn't you, Tim?"

"Hmmm," Tim contemplated his options. "Yes. Yes, I would like to join you. Unfortunately, I have another commitment this evening. Can you teach me how to use a bull whip?"

"Yup," Master Hassid replied. "I've taught Buckley everything he knows about bull whipping someone. We'll make certain to schedule a time when your schedule will allow you to join us."

"Hot damn!" Master Tim exclaimed. "You will be sorry you forgot who runs the show in our family, Steven."

"I'm sorry to change the subject, but I need to remind everyone about Steven's appointment this afternoon with Jerome," Master Jose said. "You are all welcome to join the festivities."

"I have a conference call with my agent this afternoon," Master Tim replied. "I would, however, love to see the film of the tattooing and of the fucking. Jerome is so energetic when he sticks his dick in Steven's ass."

"You can watch it while you are on your conference call, Tim," Master Jose added. "We are streaming the tattooing and the fucking live on Blue Dungeon Studios."

"Leo and I will be at Jerome's," Master Adrian added.

"We'll be there, too," Master Connor said. "We want to see Jerome stick needles in Dad's dick. It'll be so much fun."

"Are you sure Leo will be ready for the festivities, Adrian?" Master Tim asked.

"Positive," Master Adrian replied. "When I told him about it, he became totally aroused."

"How did you know he became totally aroused?" I asked.

"We were Skyping as we beat off," Master Adrian replied.

"I see," I added. "Does this happen often?"

"Every day," Master Adrian said casually. "Sometimes more."

"I'm not certain Leo's parents will appreciate him exposed to me getting my dick tattooed and my ass fucked," I added.

"It's not a problem with his father at least," Master Jose explained. "I talked to him yesterday and explained our schedule of events."

"You talked to him?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Jose replied. "He called to talk about our living situation. He wanted to join us, but he couldn't pry himself away from work. He apparently has a very demanding schedule for the next few weeks. He will, however, watch the live streaming."

"A straight man wants to watch a live stream of me getting my cock and balls tattooed?" I asked.

"He's not straight, Steven," Master Jose explained. "He and his wife are both gay. They are married because of family issues."

"The next thing you will tell me is he is a Master looking for a sub," I said with a facetious tone.

"No, but his wife is a Dominatrix," Master Jose continued. "She has a sub. Her name is Monic."

"Oh Jeez!" I said in reply. "When is Leo arriving?"

"In an hour," Master Adrian replied. "He'll arrive by helicopter. He's flying to Boston on his father's jet."

"We can go with you to meet him at the airport," Master Tim said.

"Okay," Master Adrian replied. "You'll be naked, won't you, Dad."

"Not until we are in the car," Master Tim replied. "The last thing we want is to have Steven arrested as our son's boyfriend lands at the airport."

"Is Leo a Dom or a sub or hasn't decided?" I asked.

"Hasn't decided," Master Adrian replied.

"I never thought to ask, but where will Leo stay?" I asked.

"Our room," Master Connor explained. "Where else would he stay? In some room alone?"

"You aren't planning on converting him into a sub are you, Master Connor?" I asked.

"I'm not," Master Connor replied. "Adrian is though."


We arrived in the SUV shortly before the helicopter carrying Leo arrived. Master Adrian suggested how Master Tim and I dressed to meet his boyfriend. Master Tim had light blue board shorts, flip flops, and a tight tank top. I, on the other hand, wore tight, skimpy gym shorts and black lace up boots. No shirt. No underwear. Everyone could see the outline of my semi-hard dick and enhanced balls.

"I hope Leo appreciates the effort we made to welcome him to Provincetown," I said as we watched the helicopter land.

"He will," Master Adrian replied. "He suggested your outfit. I was only the messenger."

My jaw dropped as Leo stepped off the helicopter. The kid dressed to show off his assets. Tight slim fit jeans with a white polo which stretched across his massive chest and bulging biceps. His jet-black hair, spiked to perfection, gave a soft look to his otherwise pale complexion. Master Adrian's face lit up like fireworks in the night as Leo strutted down the stairs from the landing pad. Like a bolt of lightning, Master Adrian raced to his boyfriend and pulled him into a hug... and a kiss.

"Adrian has just changed from a boy to a man in love," Master Tim said quietly.

"You're right, as usual," I added.

Master Adrian and Leo held hands as they joined Master Tim and me beside the SUV.

"Dads," Master Adrian said. "This is Leo. Leo this is my Dad Tim and my Dad Steven. You can call them Tim, Steven, or boy. Whichever you feel like."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Leo said as he shook our hands. "Adrian has told me all about the two of you and the family. And he certainly described you both to a T. Hot as shit!"

"Thank you, Leo," Master Tim replied. "Couldn't you have thought of other adjectives to describe us rather than `hot a shit,' Adrian?"

"You told me never to lie," Master Adrian replied. "What else could I say?"

"How much did you tell Leo about family life?" I asked not wanting to hear his answer.

"Everything, Dad," Master Adrian replied. "Leo had a spontaneous orgasm when I described being with you."

"I'm hoping to get a firsthand look into Adrian's prowess with his Dad," Leo added. "Am I hoping for too much?"

"Nope," Master Tim replied. "I'm certain Steven's other Masters will work something out for you. Just ask Jose or Buba."

"Thanks, boy," Leo responded. "I'll definitely speak with them."

"We need to get back to the house," I said trying to get my mind off the current topic of discussion. My dick grew harder and harder with each word.

Once we were loaded into the SUV, George headed home.

"Strip, boy," Master Adrian demanded. "You need to show Leo the before look. After your appointment with Jerome, we will have a better idea of the new tattoos."

I pulled off my gym shorts. Leo leaned over and touched my balls with one hand and stroked my hardening dick with the other.

"Your Dad's body is amazing, Adrian," Leo said as he continued to fondle my cock and balls. His hands moved up my torso and found my nipples. Leo began to knead, twist, and pull my nipples while he fixed his gaze on my eyes. "How did the injections go?"

"Pushing the needles into Dad's balls totally made me almost cum," Master Adrian replied. "The first one I put in had to be reinserted. His screaming made the process even more erotic."

"I can only imagine," Leo said as he continued to play with my cock and balls. "Are you almost ready to cum, boy?"

"Please don't Leo," I pleaded.

"Answer my question, boy," Leo demanded.

"Yes," I replied. "I am about ready to cum, Sir."

"Good," Leo replied as he quickened the pace of stroking my cock.

"Oh shit!" I hissed. "Oh fuck!"

My dick shot load after load of cum into my son's boyfriend's hands.


"Steven! Steven! Steven!" Jerome bellowed as Master Jose, Master Buba, and I walked into Jerome's tattoo studio. "I hope you're ready for some fun, Steven. I'm certainly ready. As a matter of fact, I just jerked off as I set up the room for us. This is also a milestone in my career. You'll be the first man I have tattooed his entire cock and balls."

"Are you calm enough to put needles in my dick, Jerome?" I asked.

"Of course," Jerome replied. "I can't go wrong today. Your camera man told me you have over five thousand members set to watch this infamous moment."

"Infamous?" I asked.

"I like the word `infamous' better than `judicious,'" Jerome replied. "We also have two monitors outside the shop and two more at the A-House. Strip, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I shed my gym shorts.

"We don't think the boy will need medical help to keep his dick hard, but we gave him a pill about thirty minutes ago," Master Jose replied.

"Good," Jerome said. "Hop on the table, and I'll get you ready for the show... I mean tattoo session."

I climbed on the table. I lay on my back.

"This time I need to restrain the boy," Jerome said to the camera. "I can't have him move even slightly. This is a very delicate tattoo. I need him motionless."

An assistant I had never seen before helped Jerome with the restraints. Wrists. Ankles. Chest. Stomach. Thighs.


"How do your cock and balls feel after the tattoo session?" Master Tim asked as we sat at the dinner table.

"Tingly," I replied. "I can still almost feel the needles on my cock and balls. Master Jerome said I would feel better in a day or two. Of course, I will be back two days from now."

"Master Jerome?" Master Tim asked. "I've never heard you call your tattoo artist Master Jerome. Something new developing, Steven?"

"During the middle of the tattoo session, Master Jerome asked me to call him Master," I explained. "He didn't like being the only man in Provincetown that I didn't address as Master. Besides, he is researching tattooing the head of my dick under the foreskin. So, yes, Master Jerome and I are on a journey together. Besides, he fisted me for the first time today."

"I saw the feed, boy," Master Tim replied. "I need to correct you on one minor point. He not only fisted you, Steven, he used both arms. So exciting to watch. By the way, Leo, how did you enjoy the tattoo work?"

"It was awesome, Sir," Leo replied. "My dad called shortly after the session finished. He watched the feed as well. He said he came twice watching it."

"I'm happy your dad is happy," Master Tim replied. "Are you enjoying your time with Adrian, Leo?"

"Very much so, yes," Leo replied. "Adrian, Connor, Theo, and I have reserved the boy and the playroom tonight. I'm eager to practice my bull whipping skills."

"Have you had lessons?" Master Tim asked.

"No," Leo replied. "Adrian said I would be a natural at bull whipping."

"Have you told Steven the news, Tim?" Master Grant asked.

"Nope," Master Tim replied. "I will wait and tell him after he and his Master Joshua return from the black hole investigation. I want the news to have the maximum impact on my husband. Besides, Connor, Theo, Adrian, and Leo have asked me to join them this evening. I am getting my first bullwhip lesson tonight. I don't want Steven to get a big head until I am done punishing him. Exciting, huh?"

"Are you sure you want to learn how to use a bull whip, Master Tim?" I asked. "It's so unslave like."

"I'll be the judge of what is unslave like, boy," Master Tim replied. "Remember, you are at the lowest point of the totem pole in this family."

"Thank you for correcting my error in judgement, Master Tim" I added.

"Not a problem," Master Tim replied. "Derrick, would you like to join in the festivities tonight. You can make Steven understand how pissed you are. It would be appropriate payback for taking your husband on a trip of undetermined length."

"My Master and I have plans this evening," Derrick replied. "I might be interested after your piss ant husband and my husband return from their trip."

"I knew you would see it my way, Derrick," Master Tim continued. "We'll just hold that thought."

"Not to break up this discussion, but we need to get the boy downstairs," Master Connor said. "Are you ready to bull whip your husband, Dad?"

"You bet," Master Tim replied. "My dick has been hard all during dinner thinking about the possibilities for tonight."

"You get to collar the boy tonight, Dad," Master Theo explained. "You are his husband after all."

"Cool," Master Tim said as my five Masters lined up awaiting my positioning in front of Master Tim.

I assumed the position in front of Master Tim. As Master Tim put the collar around my neck and locked it into place, I saw lust, anger, and an explosion of power in Master Tim's eyes.

"You'll regret becoming a slave boy after I finish with you this evening," Master Tim said. "What do you say to that?"

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"I need to change into something more comfortable," Master Tim said to the boys. "Why don't you boys get your Dad ready to meet his maker?"

"Sure thing," Master Connor replied. "The family that plays together stays together."

"Okay, boy," Master Theo said as he stepped beside me. "We need to get your slave boy ass ready for the whipping our Dad will be giving you."

Master Theo took my left wrist and began to put it in restraints. Master Connor did the same for my right wrist. Master Adrian and his boyfriend Leo worked on getting my ankles restrained. With a tug of a chain both my arms and legs stretched as far as possible without breaking.

"You look good all tied up and waiting," Master Adrian said as he stepped back to survey their handy work.

"The boy looks so fuckable," Leo said as we locked eyes.

"Fucking will come after whipping," Master Theo added.

"Leo can't fuck me!" I screamed.

"He's almost family, Steven," Master Tim said as he rejoined us. He had definitely changed. He wore tight black leather pants, a chain link harness, and black gloves. "So, yes, Leo will fuck you."

"What will his father think if he fucks me?" I asked.

"Your Master Jose already cleared this potential conflict when he spoke with Leo's father," Master Tim continued. "His father gave his permission to allow Leo to fuck you. No one else. Just you. So, boys, let's get on with the show."

"I'll show you the techniques Uncle Donny taught us," Master Connor said as he picked up a bull whip and stood in front of me. "I will use this on you tonight, boy. Your husband, your Masters, and your husband's Masters have agreed each of us will give you twenty lashes. So, by the time we are finished bull whipping you, you will have taken one hundred lashes. Then, we'll take turns fucking you. All five of us will shove our dicks in your asshole. Your Masters Jose and Buba wants you to go to them with your ass full of our cum."

Master Connor took his place behind me. I braced myself as I heard the whip split through the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...," I screamed.

"Count, boy," Master Connor ordered.

"One, thank you, Sir,"


"Two, thank you, Sir."


"Twenty, thank you, Sir."

"Your turn, Dad," Master Connor said to Master Tim.

Master Tim stood in front of me holding the whip. "We've had a lot of firsts, Steven. This will be another. This will be the first time I have whipped you with a bullwhip. You want it, too, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Please whip me, Master."


Master Tim disappeared from my view.


One, thank you, Sir."


"Twenty, thank you, Sir."

Master Tim again stood in front of me.

"God! That was good," Master Tim said as he looked into my eyes. "How does it feel to have your slave boy husband bullwhip you, boy?"

"Invigorated, Sir," I replied. "Back stinging. I will remember. Always."

"Good boy," Master Tim said.

Master Theo took his place followed by Master Adrian and, finally, Leo.

"Now, it's time to fuck," Master Tim said as the boys removed me from the restraints.

Once I was in place on the sling, I gazed at five beautiful, naked, men. All had hard, hard dicks. All looked lustily at me. Finally, Leo stood between my legs.

"I can't believe I am standing here ready to fuck my first slave boy ass," Leo explained. "From now on, boy, you need to address me as Master, Master Leo, or Sir just like you do the other men in your life. Do you understand? Say it boy."

"Yes, Master" I replied. "I understand."

I stared at Master Leo's body. His smooth, muscular chest and huge biceps made my dick stir, but the feature which astounded me most was his huge dick. His cut dick had one of the biggest heads I had seen. The size of the head coupled with the length, almost thirteen inches, made me salivate at the thought of having Master Leo inside me.

"Oooooo," I whimpered at the first touch of Master Leo's dick caressing my asshole. Master Leo pulled back and slathered his huge dick with lube.

"Oooooooo," I whimpered again as Master Leo's cock began to sink into my ass.

I looked into Master Leo's eyes. He looked into mine. I wanted this man.

I felt Master Leo's trimmed pubic hairs scratch at my swollen balls. He leaned down. Our lips met. We shared tongues. He nibbled at my lower lip before he raised his body and began to massage the inside of my ass with his dick.

Master Leo picked a pace. Slow, but driving. Slowly he pulled out. In a second, he shoved his dick back into me. Over and over and over and over.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I hissed. My dick began to unload huge amounts of cum which landed on my stomach, chest, and face. Master Leo paused, dick deep inside me, until I recovered from a massive orgasm.

"Now, boy," Master Leo began when I had completely recovered. "It's my turn."

Master Leo plunged more stabs in and out of my ass. His head turned as if he were looking at the sky. Then it happened!

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Leo screamed as the cum splattered on the wall of my ass.

Master Leo lowered his body on top of mine. It took him a few moments to recover. He kissed me again.

"Thanks, boy," Master Leo said as he stood and pulled out his spent dick. "You've really made my day. Such a good ass. I never dreamed an ass can feel as good as yours."


Master Connor, Master Theo, Master Adrian, Master Leo, and Master Tim led me out to the pool to join the others for morning coffee. We stopped in the middle of the patio.

"Assume the position, and turn around so everyone can see our work, Steven," Master Tim ordered.

I turned so everyone could see my back. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Looking at the floor. Hands handcuffed behind my back.

"This is what a back looks like after one hundred lashes with a bullwhip," Master Tim explained. "Also, notice the butt plug. It is holding ten loads of cum inside him. We didn't want to waste any. I'll take off the handcuffs so you can drink coffee. Steven's a beast without his morning coffee."

I turned to face the others. Tim redressed in his leather pants from last night. Derrick wore tight, magnificently distressed jeans. No one sat naked... except me.


"I am relieved our team of identity thieves managed to create a scenario for us without using false identities," Master Joshua replied as we sat in the jet cabin waiting for takeoff.

"We still have some acting to do while we are in London, especially," I replied. "Tim almost blew a gasket when I broke the news about our cover."

"Yea," Master Joshua replied. "Derrick wasn't pleased, but he finally understood the necessity of doing what we are doing."

"I become your new boy when we land, Master." I explained. "A lot of rumors from our past currently are making their rounds. It's amazing how realistic the crafting of this charade turned out."

"Some of this won't be acting, you know," Master Joshua replied. "I do have definite feelings for you, Steven."

"Same here," I added.

"Are you ready for our transformation, Steven?" Master Joshua asked.

"Ready as I will ever be," I replied.

Master Joshua and I stripped. We piled our clothes on a table.

"Good morning," a young, naked, muscled Asian man stood before us. "I'm Randal. I will be your personal assistant during your time out of the country. I have your new clothes and information about how the next few weeks will transpire. I am prepared to assist you in any way."

"Thank you, Randal," Master Joshua began to explain. "Randal is part of our new back story package. He will guide us through any difficult times we may have. We should start with our new roles."

I assumed the position on my knees in front of Master Joshua. As Master Joshua placed and locked the collar around my neck, I recited my vows to him.

"I am yours, now, Master," I began. "I will serve you in any way you see fit. I will be at your service ready to make you happy. Take me, Master, and use me. Please, Master."

"I will be yours as well, boy," Master Joshua replied. "I will love you and keep you safe. We will be one."

Master Joshua leaned down to kiss me.

"Now for the good part," Randal said as he handed me my identification packet. "You are both well-known figures in the Master/slave community, especially Steven because of his porn work. You will make your debuts in a massive Master/slave event in London next weekend. In the meantime, you will have time to socialize with some of the major players in the BDSM community of London."

"We also have time to work," Master Joshua explained. "The equipment you need, Steven, arrived at the London house this morning. We will follow our investigation plan. Hopefully, this won't last long. But, we also need to enjoy ourselves. How would you like to head to the bedroom so I can make love to you? We need to get into the mood and set the stage."

"You know I want to please you Master," I replied as Master Joshua kissed me.

Master Joshua stood, pulled me to a standing position, and led me into the bedroom. Once the door shut behind us, Master Joshua pulled me into an amazing man hug.

"I plan to make love to you at least once a day while we are on our journey," Master Joshua said. "This will be the best part of our journey for me."

"Me, too, Master," I replied as Master Joshua pulled me onto the bed with him.

Master Joshua immediately took his place on top of me. His kisses blew my mind away. The passion raged throughout both of our bodies. Lust won out as our hard dicks strained between our hard stomachs.

"I need you now, Steven," Master Joshua whispered into my ear. "Your ass. My dick. Showing our love for one another."

"Yes, Master," I whispered into my Master's ear. "Make love to me, Master. Please make love to me. I need you in me, Master. Please."

"You don't need to beg, Steven," Master Joshua whispered into my ear as he raised his body with his muscular arms.

As Master Joshua positioned his dick at my asshole, I felt a lightning bolt blow through my body and explode in my hair. The surge bought all of my lust to the surface as I felt my Master's big dick descend into my ass. I practically blew my load as I felt Master Joshua's trimmed public hairs caress my over inflated balls.

"Oooooo," I moaned as Master Joshua began to slowly massage the inside of my ass with his big, hard dick.

"Do you feel it, Steven?" Master Joshua asked. "Do you feel us growing together? Your mind and my mind. Your body and my body. We are one. Do you feel it, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I felt massive amounts of energy flowing from Master Joshua's body to mine. Back and forth.

I wrapped my legs around Master Joshua's muscled body and adored our physical connection.

"Shit, Steven," Master Joshua hissed. "I'm cumming, Steven. I'm cumming in my baby's ass. Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Joshua rested his body on top of mine. His breathing finally turned less labored.

"You are amazing, Steven," Master Joshua whispered to me once he could speak. "I've never felt like this after I made love to someone."

"I feel the same, Master," I whispered back.

I also felt scared at our intense feelings for each other.

Master Joshua and I stuck together by my cum. We both added three more rounds before we heard a knock on the bedroom door. Randal walked in. He was still naked.

"We will be landing in about forty-five minutes," Randal informed us. "You might want to take a shower. You both smell of sex."

"Thank you, Randal," Master Joshua replied. "We'll be out soon."

"I will be back to fumigate when you are finished," Randal added as he left us alone again.

"So, are you comfortable being my rich boyfriend and boy temporarily?" Master Joshua asked.

"Why do you ask, Master?" I asked.

"I meant what I said about this being an unusually satisfying experience," Master Joshua replied.

"Let's take this one step at a time and enjoy the ride," I suggested. "We will deal with our feelings once we are back to normal, Master Joshua."

"Spoken like a true masochist," Master Joshua said and added a kiss.

We began dressing in the clothes Randal had left us. I was barely able to zip up the jeans once I had stuffed my enlarged balls and still hard cock into my jeans. The red t-shirt also stretched at the seams over my chest and biceps. Master Joshua's outfit matched mine.

"We need to do something with this, boy," Master Joshua said as he held up the collar which would be mine until we returned to our earlier lives.

Master Joshua draped the collar around my neck and fastened it with the small padlock. "What do you say, boy?"

"Master," I began. "I will proudly wear this collar as a symbol of my allegiance to you and to you alone, Master. I am yours. Make me feel your power, Master."

"Thank you, boy," Master Joshua said as he added one more kiss before we stepped out of the bedroom and into the cabin.

Randal stood next to our seats. He dressed in a similar fashion as Master Joshua and me.

"We have arranged for other clothes and accessories to be delivered to the house in London," Randal explained. "May I get you anything while we await our landing?"

"Do you have vodka, Randal?" Master Joshua asked.

"Of course," Randal replied.

"Two vodka on the rocks with a splash of tonic and three olives," Master Joshua added. "Sit and join us, please."

Once Randal had our drinks, he sat with us awaiting our conversation to begin.

"How much do you know about our mission here, Randal?" Master Joshua asked.

"I know you will be investigating a situation which revolves around a computer issue," Randal replied. "I know you need to be as quiet as possible when working. I will help in any way I can help."

"Good, Randal," Master Joshua replied. "Tell me about you."

"As far as this mission is concerned, I am Randal Cranston," Randal began. "I am thirty-eight, I have an MBA and a PhD in criminal computer crimes management. I married my husband, Egan Cranston two years ago."

"Will you be attending the events with us?" Master Sean asked.

"If you want me to accompany you, I will be honored," Randal replied.

"I want to set up the geo locator monitors as soon as we arrive at the house," I suggested. "With twenty-four hours of location results, we will, I believe, understand more of the transmission structure of our black hole. It should only take thirty minutes to set up."

"You are free until tomorrow evening," Randal explained. "You have a round of meet ups with gay some of London's biggest gay media outlets. You are also invited to an invitation only gathering at Durgan Mendal's home in Knightsbridge. The dress code as described in the invitation. `Dominant leather men must be dressed in full leather: Leather pants, leather shirt, leather vest, black boots, cap, and jacket. Submissive men must be naked except for a black leather jock strap and black lace up boots.' Those clothes as well as an entirely new wardrobe suitable for a Master and boy have been delivered to the house. Also, I took the liberty of ordering a few toys in case you don't get to go shopping for a few days."

"So very thoughtful of you, Randal," Master Joshua added. "I believe you should attend the gathering at Durgan Mendal's home. I understand he is an extremely knowledgeable man who was friends with Ajmal."

"He definitely knew Ajmal very, very well," Randal explained. "He and Ajmal shared many of the same interests when it came to men. They would often pair with a uniquely qualified boy. He may also have knowledge of Ajmal's business holdings. There is a possibility Mr. Mendal would want some remuneration for his assistance."

"What kind of remuneration?" Master Joshua asked.

"Steven," Randal replied.

"Oh," Master Joshua responded. "He won't get Steven without me."

"He might insist," Randal continued.

"Don't worry, Master," I added. "I can handle a Master by myself. I'm a rent boy, remember?"

"I want to meet him before I consent to letting him use you, Steven," Master Joshua replied.

"Another major player on the London scene is Lord Tig Barrington," Randal continued. "Ajmal and he also were friends. He is another Master. Again Ajmal and Lord Barrington teamed with each other to work on certain boys. Lord Barrington has several boys in his own stable."

"Will he need a piece of my ass, too?" I asked.

"Probably," Randal replied. "A famous porn star always fetches much interest from those in power. And you were Ajmal's boy."

"Who isn't lined up to use Steven's ass?" Master Joshua asked.

"Lord Barrington's brother, Cal," Randal replied. "He's a confirmed boy. He's somewhat like Steven. Shrewd business person by day. Willing slave boy by night. You will meet other players tomorrow evening. Mr. Mendal, Lord Tig Barrington, and Lord Cal Barrington will introduce you to the most important men in the BDSM world in London."

"I only have one question," I said.

"Yes?" Randal asked.

"Who the hell in their right mind would name their son Tig?" I asked.

"Funny you should ask," Randal continued. "Tig and Cal's parents were committed to a mental institution when the boys were six and five. An Uncle raised the boys. The Uncle may be at Mr. Mendal's gathering."

"Did the Uncle know Master Ajmal?" I asked.

"Probably, but I am not certain," Randal replied.


"Are you ready to meet the press?" Master Joshua asked.

"As ready as I will ever be," I replied. "Why the fuck am I meeting these people again?"

"To discuss your upcoming movie," Master Joshua replied.

"What upcoming movie?" I asked.

"The one you will star in when we get home," Master Joshua explained.

"What will this movie be about?" I asked.

"Your journey to truly find yourself," Master Joshua replied.

"I didn't know I was lost!" I exclaimed.

"You're still discovering yourself," Master Joshua replied. "The plot line revolves around our time together when you and I were in New York. We went to the S&M club, remember?"

"How can I forget," I replied. "You and this other dude worked me over for what seemed like an eternity."

"It was only about eighteen hours," Master Joshua added. "His name was Blain."

"Whatever happened to Master Blain?" I asked.

"He married a stock broker," Master Joshua explained. "Blain's a house husband now. His husband doesn't know about Blain's life as a Master."

"How long have they been married?" I asked.

"A couple of years," Master Joshua explained. "They have a house on the Upper East Side. They also have two kids."

"As I recall," I began. "Master Blain new several people the night we were at the club. Wasn't there another guy who joined us?"

"Yup," Master Joshua continued. "Remember his dick?"

"Of course," I replied. "Bigger than the Empire State Building—or so it seemed at the time."

"We had a rather large audience when he took your ass," Master Joshua reminded me. "Hence the movie plot."

"Who plays the big dicked guy?" I asked.

"Your Master Buba," Master Joshua replied.

"I wish he were here to help me through the media meeting," I said.

"I'll be beside you," Master Joshua replied. "We're married, after all."

"Thank you, Master," I said. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. Black leather lace up briefs and black leather lace up boots. I looked as though I was a prostitute going out to meet a trick. Wait! I am a prostitute. "I feel a little self-conscious with this outfit."

"You look magnificent, boy," Master Joshua replied. "We won't have time to change before we meet Durgan Mendal and his guests."

"Oh," I added. "Makes sense."

"Let's go," Master Joshua suggested. "The car is outside waiting for us."

"Why is it when I am out with you in public, I always feel like I am on display?" I asked.

"Because you are," Master Joshua said with a smile. He also added a kiss before we went outside to the waiting car.

As we slipped into the back seat of the car, Master Joshua put his hand on my naked thigh. Sparks flew. I noticed several people, mostly men, hovering nearby after we stepped into the car.

"Who are all those people, Master?" I asked.

"Your fans," Master Joshua explained. "The location of the Ajmal's house leaked out and was posted on Blue Dungeon Studio's website."

"Why did the studio post it on their website?" I asked. "Wouldn't they want the location secret?"

"It was Buba and Jose's idea," Master Joshua explained. "It was a press move. It set up our cover."

"Of course," I said. "Silly me! How could I not understand what a great publicity move this is?"

We pulled in front of a glass covered high rise on the south end of Central Park.

"We are holding the press event in Blue Dungeon's new London office," Master Joshua replied. "Sixty ninth floor."

"Blue Dungeon has a London office?" I asked. "Why?"

"Buba needed to get rid of some cash," Master Joshua replied. "So, he rented this office. I believe he has a ten-year lease. I'm told it's a very nice office."

"I'm done asking questions," I said as the driver opened the passenger door. "I don't really need to know all of the details in case I am captured by an enemy of Master Buba's."

"Good idea," Master Joshua replied. He put his hand on my thigh before we left the car. "The less you know the better you will be in the long run."

A crowd gathered in the lobby of the building as we waited for the elevator to take us to the sixty ninth floor.

"May I have your autograph, Steven?" I heard. When I turned toward the man with the voice, I saw an extremely attractive blond man in tight jeans, a t-shirt, and a collar. His boots looked like mirrors. "I'm a big fan of your films."

Another person I didn't recognize appeared with a photo of me and a pen. He handed both the photo and the pen to me.

"The fan's name is Clyde," the person explained.

I took the photo, signed it, and handed it to Clyde.

"Thank you, Clyde," I said. "I'm flattered you like my films."

We were whisked into the elevator.

"I'm your personal assistant while you are at these media events, Steven," the man with the photo and pen explained. "I'm Roland."

"Nice to meet you, Roland," I said and turned to Master Joshua. "What about Randal?"

"Roland is your personal assistant while you are doing work for the studio," Master Joshua explained. "Randal is your personal assistant while you're not working for the studio. Randal should already be in the office."

"I see," I replied. "If I call you Randal by mistake, Roland, please don't hold it against me."

"Not a problem, boy," Roland replied. "You can call me anything you want, boy, especially when I fuck you."

"You are part of the perks Blue Dungeon Studio offered Roland when he was hired," Master Joshua explained. "Part of his benefit package."

As we stepped off the elevator, we were greeted by a horde of press people. Some had still cameras. Some had video cameras. Some had no camera but held microphones. Roland herded us through the sea of people and into a private waiting room.

"The first thirty minutes will be a photo op," Roland explained. "You won't be asked questions. Merely play the audience. Do a couple of trips up and down the runway. Stop occasionally and strike a pose. Just be yourself. We have a relatively small crowd this afternoon. Probably only about one hundred people."

"Only one hundred people," I repeated. "I am walking up and down the aisle with one hundred people watching my almost naked body while photographers take my picture. Such fun!"

As Roland began to lead me to the stage, Master Joshua looked at me with a toothy, shit eating grin.

"Break a leg, boy." Master Joshua said. "Do a good job, and I'll fuck you before we go to the party."

"Thank you, Master," I whispered to Master Joshua.

Master Joshua's statement gave my dick some life.

"Oh!" Roland said as we paused before he pushed me onto the stage. "At some point, take off your jock. Some of the folks want footage of you naked."

`Fuck,' I thought to myself. `I get to debut my partially tattooed dick to a crowd of one hundred. I'll be hard in two seconds.'

As I stepped out into the lights, I saw a sea of people.

"Let's welcome Steven Caldwell the star of Blue Dungeon Studios newest movie The Club," a male voice said over the sound system.

`Here goes,' I thought to myself.

I started posing like I'd seen in some of the fashion runway shoots. I walked down the run way the first time catching an eye of several really hot reporter guys along the way.

`This is so fucking ridiculous,' I thought to myself. `I wonder if Master Tim had anything to do with this fucking situation.'

At the end of the runway, I paused. The camera's kept flashing everywhere I looked.

`Enough of this shit,' I thought to myself and began my trip off the runway.

When I turned to face the crowd again, I realized the hall held more than one hundred people.

`I will murder Masters Tim, Jose, and Buba,' I thought to myself again.

I decided to make the most of the situation and pulled off my jock strap. I dropped the it on the stage, did a few more poses before I sauntered down the runway again. This time naked. By the time I made it half way down the runway, my dick started to harden. At the end of the runway, I had a blazing hard dick.

"Stroke it!" I heard some guy yell from the audience.

`Why the fuck not?' I said to myself. `I do it in front of a camera. Why not do it in front of a live audience.'

I suddenly felt the tension drain from my body as I began to stroke my dick in front of all of these anonymous people.

`Shit yes!' I said to myself. `Let's get this show on the road.'

I stood at the end of the runway as I stroked my dick with one hand. I alternated the other hand between tweaking my nipples and fondling my balls. The camera lights flashed like a strobe machine at a dance club. I heard cheers, whistles, and calls for me to fuck myself. I couldn't do that so I did the closest thing I could. I stuck my free finger into my ass.

A round of applause ensued. A guest hopped onto the stage and began kneading my nipples. It didn't take me long before I shot my load on the floor of the runway. Another round of applause erupted while I recovered from my orgasm.

I suddenly felt proud to be naked on the stage in front of a group of media people.


"You did a terrific job with the media," Master Joshua said as we were back in the car heading toward the party.

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I began my journey to find myself on the stage this afternoon. I owned the audience. I finally realized on the stage I loved the attention."

"You are a natural showman, Steven," Master Joshua explained. "You played the audience with your magnificent body, your soul, and your enthusiasm. Keep it up and you could be President of the United States."

"I'll skip the President job," I said. "I might consider slave-boy-in-chief. Or porn-star-in-chief."

"Or lover-in-chief," Master Joshua added. "You're mine, at least until we return home. Let's go strut stuff at the gathering tonight. I want you on stage. I will be window dressing."

"You'll never be window dressing to me," I added. I wanted to grab Master Joshua and sit on his dick. I was instantly hard. "You give me confidence and courage."

"You are the most confident slave boy I have known," Master Joshua said. "Most people don't think of a slave boy who is in control. You are always in control. But you make everyone around you think they are in control."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as we pulled up to a magnificent town house on the Upper East Side.

The driver opened our door. Master Joshua climbed out of the car first. I followed. His hand. My hand. Together. As we walked up the brick sidewalk to the front door, I added, "Your touch excites me, Master."

"We're a team, Steven," Master Joshua said as the front door opened to welcome us into the house.

"Welcome, gentlemen," a man dressed in a white leather outfit. It was just like Master Joshua's only in white. "I will show you to the gathering."

We followed the gentleman dressed in white leather into a large room in the back of the house. It turned out not to be large room, but huge play space. A bar occupied one corner with men in jockstraps serving drinks. A raised platform occupied the opposite end of the room.

"Good evening, gentlemen," a man said. "I'm Durgan Mendal, your host for this evening. Joshua, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. And, Steven, you are magnificent. I thought the Blue Dungeon website took liberties with their description of you. But, I can see now they only spoke the truth."

"Thank you for inviting us," Master Joshua replied as the two shook hands.

"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine," Master Durgan replied as he leered at my almost naked body. Durgan "On your knees and assume the position, boy," Master Joshua ordered.

I assumed the position on my knees in front of our host as suggested by Randal before the event.

"Very obedient boy you have Joshua," Master Durgan added as he circled me as he inspected Master Joshua's property.

"He's well-trained," Master Joshua replied.

"At ease, boy," Master Durgan said once he finished his inspection.

"Yes, Master," I replied. Master Medal helped me stand.

"I cried when I heard the news about AJ's passing," Master Durgan explained. "I fondly remember my times with AJ. He was very creative when using a boy. Of course, Steven, you had first-hand experience with his creativity."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "His accident devastated me and my family. I still hear his voice in my head. Always calming and nurturing."

A waiter in a black leather jock strap and black lace up boots arrived with a tray. "A vodka on the rocks for Master Joshua and another for the boy," the waiter said as he handed us our drinks.

"Thank you, boy," Master Joshua said to the waiter.

"Yes, thank you, Master," I said to our waiter.

The waiter turned and left our group.

"I want to introduce you to two other men,

Master Durgan signaled to an extremely attractive man who walked confidently to where we were standing.

"Lord Barrington," I'd like to introduce you to our guests of honor tonight. "First, Joshua Johnson-Reynolds. Joshua, this is Lord Tig Barrington. You will want to talk with him, Joshua. He's very influential in London's BDSM community as well as a successful author. And this is Steven, Lord Barrington."

"My, my, my," Master Barrington said as he looked me over. "You are a lucky man, Joshua, to have such a fine boy."

"Thank you, Lord Barrington," Master Joshua responded. "I am indeed very lucky."

"Please call me Tig, Joshua," Master Barrington suggested. "Steven, you may address me as Master Tig, Master, or Sir."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I am honored to meet you."

I could hardly take my eyes off Master Tig, He's taller than Master Joshua with a huge chest which stretched his leather shirt. The bulge in his crotch made me want to get down on my knees and suck his dick.

"Tig," Master Durgan said to the group. "I need to attend to some details. So, please entertain Master Joshua and his boy."

"My pleasure," Master Tig said to us. "I've heard so much about you, Steven."

Master Tig almost salivated as he looked over my body from head to toe. Then, toe to head.

"Where in the city do you live, Tig?" Master Joshua asked.

"Not far from here," Master Tig explained. "Just a few blocks north. I'm also two blocks south of AJ's house. Oh! I'm sorry. How are you coping without AJ, Steven?"

"I am living my life to the fullest," I explained. "Master Ajmal and Master Marcus would want me to get on with my life. Master Ajmal's voice still rattles around in my head. He gives me great advice."

"You would make AJ very proud, boy," Master Tig added. "AJ's death left a tragic hole in the hearts of his friends."

"So you knew Master Ajmal well?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," Master Tig replied. "We were inseparable while he was in London. He talked glowingly of you, boy. You were the only boy he really loved."

"Thank you, Master Tig," I replied. "It means a great deal to me to hear your comments."

"Ah!" Master Tig interrupted. "My brother Cal. I need to introduce you. Cal! Cal! Could you please join us for a moment?"

"Hello, bro," Master Cal said to Master Tig as they shared a hug. "You must be our guests of honor, Joshua and Steven. I am so very pleased to meet you."

As we continued to talk among ourselves, Master Durgan circulated around the room. His voice over the sound system broke our conversation.

"Gentlemen," Master Medal began. "I trust you are enjoying yourselves this evening. I would like Joshua and his boy Steven to join me here on the stage."

An applause through the crowd signaled our unexpected public introduction. Master Joshua and I slowly made our way through the crowd to the platform. Master Durgan continued once we were on the platform.

"Joshua and Steven are our guests here in London during the next few weeks," Master Durgan began. "First, I want to introduce Joshua Johnson-Reynolds, boy Steven's Master. Also, I want to thank Joshua for brining Steven to us in London. We eagerly await Steven's newest film from Blue Dungeon Studios."

A round of applause filled the room.

"On your knees and assume the position, boy," Master Joshua ordered.

I didn't expect the order, but I quickly did as my Master ordered. I knelt on my knees with my legs spread wide, my hands behind my back, and looked down at Master Joshua's boots. My back faced the audience.

Master Durgan continued. "Later this evening Steven and his Master will entertain us with their playroom prowess. In the meantime, please make certain greet our guests. We want them to feel welcome in our community."

Another round of applause erupted from the men watching.

Master Joshua found my leash and attached it to my collar. "Get on all fours and follow me, boy."

"Yes, Master," I said as I obeyed Master Joshua's orders.

Master Joshua led me down the stairs of the platform and into the sea of men.

Master Joshua stopped when a circle of men asked him to join them.

"Lick my boots, boy," Master Joshua ordered as he accepted a drink from another jock strap clothed waiter.

"Yes, Master," I replied. I eagerly moved closer to Master Joshua's feet and began licking his boots.

"I understand the boy is for rent," one of the men says. "I've heard from people who have used him he is well worth the fee."

"Yes," Master Joshua replied. "He's definitely for rent. I happen to have his handler's contact information. Contact Garrison and he will gladly schedule a session with you."

"I know firsthand, Conrad," a familiar voice added. "He's an excellent whore. One of the best."

"Thank you for the reference, Darren," Master Conrad replied. "I will make a call to his handler first thing tomorrow morning."

"So, Darren," Master Joshua began. "You've had the boy before?"

"Yes," Master Darren replied. "He's an amazing fuck. I have the boy scheduled for another appointment in January. It seems the boy is busy."

"He is well booked," Master Joshua replied. "Boy, please stand and greet Master Darren."

I stopped licking Master Joshua's boots and stood.

"Nice to see you again, boy," Master Darren said. "I heard you would be here tonight. Tig and Cal told me you would be the guest of honor this evening. You look amazing, boy. Absolutely amazing."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I looked down at Master Darren's boots. My legs were spread shoulder width apart with my hands behind my back. "You look amazing, too, Master."

"Thank you, boy," Master Darren replied. "I believe some of us will be joining you for brunch tomorrow. Very exciting time for you both. I won't keep you. I know you have lots of people to speak with."

Master Joshua and I watched as Master Darren faded into the crowd.

"What's he like?" Master Joshua asked.

"He's a terrific Master," I replied. I didn't explain further.

"More information, boy," Master Joshua said with a smile. "I need to know what he is really like. I might have plans for us."

"Master Darren enjoys a number of activities," I replied. "He fucked me. I sucked him. He pissed in me. I licked his arm pits. He whipped me. He tortured me. He fisted me. He's an especially well rounded Master."

"So, he's good at what he does?" Master Joshua asked.

"Definitely, Master," I replied as another waiter appeared with two more vodka on the rocks.

"Thank you, boy," Master Joshua said as he took two drinks from the tray and handed one to me.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Thank you."

The waiter turned and began serving others.

"It seems you have another admirer on his way to speak with us," Master Joshua said as he looked over my shoulder.

I turned to look. Master Stanley strode toward us.

"It's good to see you again, boy," Master Stanley said as he joined us. He turned to Master Joshua. "You must be his Master Joshua. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine as well," Master Joshua said. His eyes roamed Master Stanley's body.

Master Stanley's six-foot two-inch muscular frame stretched the leather shirt and pants. He looked as though the seams would pop open at any time. He still had his shaved, smooth head.

"Before you ask, boy," Master Stanley said to me. "I am in London because our host invited me. I couldn't resist an opportunity to party with you, boy. I'm eager to see how the next few weeks unfold."

Master Stanley turned to Master Joshua. "I understand from our host you know Steven from several years ago."

"Yes," Master Joshua replied. "Our friendship started about ten years ago. We drifted apart, but recently we've reconnected. And it turned out to be an amazing reunion. We're closer now than ever."

"Do your husbands get in the way of your reuniting?" Master Stanley asked. "I know Tim."

"No," Master Joshua began to answer. "My husband Derrick is also my boy. He's currently in Provincetown with Tim and Steven's other Masters Jose and Buba. Of course, you know Tim entertains his two Masters with the energy of a five-year-old."

"Why aren't the two of you in Provincetown instead of London?" Master Stanley asked.

"We're here on some business and to meet some of the folks involved in the BDSM scene here in London," Master Joshua replied. "So far, it has been more of the latter than the former."

"Splendid," Master Stanley added. "I saw Bashir earlier tonight. He's looking forward to seeing the two of you later. I am eager to see the entertainment for tonight. I understand it will be a remarkable show."

"I heard interesting comments about the show," Master Joshua replied. "It sounds very stimulating."

As Master Stanley left us to speak with other people in the crowd, I turned to Master Joshua, "I have this feeling you might have volunteered my services as part of the entertainment for tonight."

"Why would I volunteer your services?" Master Joshua asked.

"Because you are a sadist," I replied.

"Well... I may have mentioned your name in passing," Master Joshua replied with his best sadist smirk.

"What am I expected to do?" I asked.

"From what I understand, Darren is in charge of your performance," Master Joshua replied. "So, I'm not certain of the expectations the group has."

"In other words, I'm in for a long night," I replied. "Master Darren has almost as much energy as you."

"Good," Master Joshua replied.

"What will you be doing while I am entertaining everyone?" I asked.

"I have been asked to give a demonstration," Master Joshua replied.

"What kind of demonstration?" I asked.

"A fisting demonstration," Master Joshua replied.

"And which masochist will you fist?" I asked.

"Darren and I will double fist you," Master Joshua replied with his sadist smirk still quite obvious.

"Anything else I need to know?" I asked.

"No," Master Joshua replied. "We don't want to ruin the spontaneity of the moment."

"How will you be dressed?" I asked.

"Like I am now," Master Joshua replied. "How else would I dress?"

"So, you aren't fucking me after you fist me?" I asked.

"No," Master Joshua replied. "Darren will be the one fucking you."

"All thirteen inches of fat, uncut, black dick with big, low hanging shaved balls," I replied. "You're making my dick hard."

"Good," Master Joshua replied as he retrieved two drinks from a waiter. "We need to relax before the show."

"When does the show begin?" I asked as I sipped my drink.

"About thirty minutes," Master Joshua replied as he began playing with my nipples. "I need to get you ready."

Master Joshua set his drink down on a nearby table. Both hands on my nipples. Pulling. Kneading. Twisting. Then he felt my crotch through the leather jockstrap.

"Yea," Master Joshua said as he leaned in to kiss me. "Nice and hard... Big balls... Nice ass... You make torturing you easy, boy."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as we continued to kiss. "It's the company I am keeping these days. Always eager for you."

"Wait until I get you home," Master Joshua said between kisses. "Both of us naked. Both of us hard. Both of us hot and horny. All night. You and me. Together. No one else. Just you and me."

"Keep this up and I will blow a load before the entertainment begins," I cautioned Master Joshua.

Master Joshua put his hands between my skin and the inside of my jock strap. Suddenly the jock strap dropped to my ankles.

"Perfect," Master Joshua whispered as he continued kissing me and as I stepped out of the jock strap. "I love it when you're naked. I like the feel of your skin."

"Stop," I hissed. "I am already hard. I am close to blowing a load."

"Nothing wrong with you blowing a load," Master Joshua hissed. "It might be fun watching you cum all over the floor. I would make you lick it up, of course."

"Master, you're pushing me to the brink," I hissed as Master Joshua continued kissing me and began stroking my dick.

Finally, I couldn't hold it back any more. I became extremely vocal as I shot my load on the floor in front of me. "Shit! Master! I'm cumming! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

The crowd erupted into an applause.

Once the crowds had returned to their conversations with others, Master Darren approached Master Joshua and me.

"Good show, boy," Master Darren said. "You and your Master Joshua make a beautiful team. It appears as though you are almost one with the other. Not two men together as a couple, but as a unit."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I do feel we are connected in many, many ways, right, Master?"

"Absolutely," Master Joshua replied. "Since the first time we were together. We are good together even after all the time we were separated."

"Are you ready for our time together, boy?" Master Darren asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I am always ready to be with you."

"Even though it is in front of all these people?" Master Darren asked with a smile.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Especially in front of all these people

Master Joshua clipped my leash on my collar and handed it to Master Darren.

"This is a perfect reunion for us, boy," Master Darren said as he led me to the platform.

"I'm sorry, Master," I replied. "What do you mean?"

"This is a perfect place to use you again," Master Darren replied. "I will use you in public, but no one will care if I severely hurt you. I have no filters tonight unlike our time together before. Your Master Ajmal would not allow me to do anything to permanently damage you. Not the case tonight."

"Master Joshua will care," I replied.

"He will not be available until his time to double fist you," Master Darren added. "He's busy at the moment."

I looked out at the audience. I didn't see Master Joshua anywhere.

A large metal device hung from the ceiling as well as another of similar construction sat on the floor in the middle of the room.

"I had this made especially for you, Steven," Master Darren explained as we stood in front of the device. "The bar on the top has three holes. One for each arm, and one for your neck. It is similar to a stockade. The bar on the bottom has two holes. One for each ankle. I hope you like it, boy. I will guarantee I will use this at least twice a year when I use you."

Master Darren made quick work of installing the device. My legs were spread wide apart. Master Darren fastened my wrists and neck in the device. He used a pulley from the ceiling to stretch me to the max.

A flood light suddenly switched on. It bathed me in a perfect circle of light.

Master Darren stood in front of me. He held a flogger.

"Do you remember this flogger from the last time we were together?" Master Darren asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "The flogger's leather strips are laced with studs shaped like a tack."

"Very good memory, boy," Master Darren replied before he disappeared from my view.

I heard the whip slice through the air. I screamed when it made contact with my skin.


Master Darren didn't stop. He began pummeling my back with the flogger. Over and over. The flogger slapped my back. I screamed with each lash. The flogger sent incredible pain surging through my body. It felt like hundreds of needles landed on my back each time Master Darren brought the flogger in contact with my skin. I screamed every time.

Suddenly Master Darren stopped pounding me with the tack laden flogger. Just as suddenly, he appeared in front of me.

"Good job, boy," Master Darren said. He still held the flogger in his hands. Master Darren leaned in and kissed me.

I felt bolts of energy pass through my body as his lips touched mine. My stiff dick hardened even more.

Master Darren pulled away from me after several moments.

"Do you want me to stop, boy?" Master Darren asked in his deliciously sexy French accent.

"No, Master," I replied. "Please don't stop. Please."

I frankly couldn't discern if I meant `Don't stop kissing me' or `Don't stop whipping me.' Master Darren disappeared from my view and quickly showed me what he thought I meant as the blow of a different whip contacted the skin on my back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the whip—which felt like a bull whip—collided with my back.

"Count, boy," Master Darren bellowed from behind me.

"One. Thank you, Sir,"

"Two. Thank you, Sir."

"Three. Thank you, Sir..."

"Fifty. Thank you, Sir!"

It stopped. The whip stopped hitting my back. I didn't remember anything until I saw both Master Joshua and Master Darren's arms in my ass up to their elbows.


My eyes fluttered open. Master Joshua rested on his side beside me with his head propped up by his left arm. He smiled and looked me into my eyes.

"Good morning, Steven," Master Joshua said in a soothingly sexy voice. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I always sleep well when I am with you, Master."

"You know all of the right things to say, boy," Master Joshua said as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My dick surged from partially erect to fully erect.

"You make it easy, Master," I replied.

"How do you feel this morning?" Master Joshua asked.

"Alive," I replied. "I feel renewed energy this morning. My back is a little tender, and I'm certain I will walk funny for a few hours. The energy is from you, Master. Whenever you touch me, kiss me, or make love to me, you send me to new heights of bliss."

"Good," Master Joshua replied. "I've touched you. I've kissed you. Now, I need to make love to you."

Master Joshua gently rolled on top of me. His lips just inches apart from mine. I felt his hard dick rub against mine. I nearly came as he started kissing me again.

"I shouldn't feel the way I do right now," Master Joshua whispered and then resumed kissing me.

"Why?" I whispered between kisses.

"I'm in love with you," Master Joshua answered between kisses. "Not as a friend... Not as a sex toy... But as a lover... I'm in trouble..."

"Then, I'm in... just as much... trouble," I whispered back.

Master Joshua stopped talking and looked into my eyes. He didn't look away as he moved down slightly. He hoisted my legs onto his shoulders and positioned his dick at my asshole. His dick brushed my waiting hole.

"Oooooooo," I whimpered.

Master Joshua's dick slowly made its way inside me. His trimmed pubic hairs caressing my balls announced he totally filled my ass with his life-giving dick.

"Ooooooooooo," I whimpered again.

"Yea," Master Joshua whispered back as he began to slowly massage my asshole with his dick. "I love you, too."

As Master Joshua made love to me, I could feel myself take his hand in mine and float up into the sky. We both looked at the sights before us. An amazing new world seemed to blossom instantly in front of us. We were at peace with one another. We were melting into one mind, one body, and one soul.

"Shiiiiit," I moaned as I felt my dick erupt and shoot copious amounts of cum onto my stomach and chest.

I opened my eyes after cumming to see Master Joshua smiling at me. He continued massaging my ass with his dick.

"Has anyone said you look sexy when you cum?" Master Joshua asked.

"No," I replied.

"Well, you are," Master Joshua responded as he began to kiss me again as he continued to move his hard dick in my ass.

"Can we do this all day?" I asked.

"Probably not, but we can give it a good try," Master Joshua replied. "We'll just need to practice and practice and practice."

"I like practicing," I replied as Master Joshua resumed kissing me while he slowly made love to me.

We continued to practice. After I shot my third load, Master Joshua got his turn.

"I'm cumming, baby," Master Joshua bellowed. "Shit! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Joshua lowered his sweaty body on top of mine.

"We fit together nicely," Master Joshua finally said.

"Yes, we do," I responded.

"Do you want to skip brunch with our newly found friends?" Master Joshua asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Somehow, I don't believe you will allow us to skip brunch."

"Nope," Master Joshua said as he kissed me. "We should hit the shower unless you want to smell like sex and sweat."

"I wouldn't mind smelling like sex and sweat, but I somehow believe our hosts want a fresher smell," I added. "Can we shower together?"

"Of course," Master Joshua responded. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Once we were showered, Master Joshua handed me my clothes: a well-worn jock strap, a pair of black sox, and black lace up boots.

"Does someone in the group have a jock strap fetish?" I asked.

"We can pose the question to those who attend the brunch," Master Joshua replied.

I had my outfit on in a few seconds. Master Joshua took somewhat longer

"I believe the car is waiting out front," Master Joshua said after he finished dressing. "It's a short ride, I believe."

Master Joshua and I arrived at the brunch at Master Tig's home. The others had already assembled.

The group consisted of Master Tig, of course, and his brother Cal. Cal stood naked, tethered to another man with Cal's leash in his hand. They were talking with some of the other men. Master Durgan, Master Conrad, Master Darren, and Master Stanley. Master Ajmal's brother Bashir also mingled with the guests. Three others were men we hadn't met.

Master Joshua had on distressed jeans, a tight tank top, and black lace up boots.

"Welcome to my home," Master Tig said as his butler presented us to the group. "I hope you both enjoyed yourselves last night."

"Very much so," Master Joshua replied. "The evening went well. We met a number of very interesting people."

"You will meet three more men," Master Tig explained. "Follow me and I will introduce you."

We followed Master Tig to an area where three men congregated in the middle of the room.

"Gentlemen," Master Tig began his introductions. "I want to introduce you to our guests of honor, Joshua Johnson-Reynolds and his boy Steven. This is Donald Greybar, Noel Vargas, and Micha Vanderwald."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Master Joshua replied. "Steven is actually the guest of honor. I just follow him around.?"

"If you get tired of following, I'd certainly be willing to fill in," Master Micha replied. Micha's blond, neatly combed, close cropped hair helped accentuate his dark olive skin. He's about six feet tall. Beautiful blue eyes with a massive chest, massive biceps, and possibly a massive dick if the bulge in his jeans were any indication.

"I understand, Steven, you are Blue Dungeon's most recognizable star at the moment," Master Noel added. "I have seen all your movies and am looking forward to seeing you in the new one, The Club, I believe." Noel's dark, almost jet black hair hung haphazardly and almost covered his eyes. His beautiful green eyes. `Why does everyone here look like an extremely well-hung body builder?' I asked myself.

"My favorite is your first one I believe," Master Donald added. "The one this hot black guy hung you by the balls. I thought the two of you had an extremely close bond in the film. I suspect it is not just in the film, but rather you two are close in real life." Donald stood shorter than anyone in the room. But his small size did nothing to take away from his absolutely gorgeous brown eyes and close crop brown hair. His body builder body stretched his tank top to the breaking point.

"Yes," I replied. "Garrison and I are close. We've shared some exciting and not so exciting experiences. I'd trust Garrison with my life."

"I envy your experiences, Steven," Master Cal explained. "Oh! This is my current Master Boris."

"Why do you say current Master, Cal? I thought Boris claimed you permanently. Now, before brunch begins," Master Tig said. "Durgan wants us all to have a discussion. So, why doesn't everyone get comfortable."

Once we had all settled in one place, Master Durgan began.

"Joshua, Steven," Master Durgan began. "All of us in this room were very, very close to Ajmal. He was more than a friend to us. He was our trusted confidante. As you said of your friend Garrison, we would trust him with our lives. We also suspect you came to London not only to promote Steven's film, but also to meet some of the players in the BDSM world in London and to understand one of Ajmal's finest creation."

"What creation do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you have discovered Ajmal's money transferring network," Master Durgan said as he paused for our response.

"We have dubbed it the black hole," Master Joshua added.

Everyone in the room snickered at Master Joshua's revelation. "An apt name for this network. How can we help you with this pesky problem?"

"Explain it to us," Master Joshua replied. "If we know what it really is, we should be able to figure out what to do with it."

"Good," Master Durgan rpelied. "We will let Noel explain the `black hole,' and it's function."

"Do you have any idea what the black hole might be?" Noel asked.

"We suspect it hides money or launders money," I replied. "Are we close?"

"Yes," Noel replied. "It is both. Ajmal referred to the network as a worldwide money network. It is also registered in Hassin. The law there permits operation of a money safe and money transfer operation. Ajmal bought the country so he would have a legal basis to build the network. The network also holds vast amounts of cash stashed away out of the purview of other legal entities. Some of the money in the network belongs to everyone in this room. When Ajmal created this network, he entrusted each of us with a piece of information which, when put together, will form the basis to understand the network and how to control it."

"How much money are we talking about here?" Master Joshua asked.

"We don't know exactly, but it is somewhere in the vicinity of 5 trillion. Plus or minus a trillion," Master Noel continued. "Once the network is in your control, you will have the tools to measure the money in the system and control it."

"What are we supposed to do with the network when we have it under control?" I asked.

"Keep it running, stop it, or just let it run," Master Noel replied. "We will all suffer some major tax burdens if it stops running."

"The owners of the network also get a fee for keeping it running," Master Donald added. "One-half percent each year. So, if you keep it running, your income from the network will be around twenty-five billion dollars."

I looked at Master Joshua. He looked at me.

"It looks like we have another business on our hands," I said to Master Joshua.

"It appears we do," Master Joshua replied.

Master Darren spoke up. "We have also decided our fee for providing you with information to control the network... will be the use of Steven's body. Twenty-four hours each. Two times a year. You can come to us or we can come to you. Cal, on the other hand, wants you, Joshua, to be his Master for twenty-four hours. You can substitute another Master after your first session. Your Master Buba comes to mind, Steven. Also, before you leave we all get to fuck you as a down payment for your other services"

"How long will this arrangement last?" Master Joshua asked.

"Forever," Master Darren replied. "It will last forever or until we decided to stop the relationship."

"What if we renege?" Master Joshua asked.

"We'll be forced to terminate your family members," Master Tig replied. "One by one."

"We will need to confer with the other trustees," Master Joshua responded. "When do you want us to begin paying your fee?"

"We want the down payment before you leave London," Master Bashir replied. "

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

"No," Master Conrad replied. "You really don't have a choice, Steven. We are very powerful people here. If you decide not to work with us, the network will eventually crash. The world's economy will go with it."

"Okay, Steven," Master Joshua said. "We have a phone call to make."

"No, Master," I replied. "We don't have a phone call to make. I offer my services in exchange for information about the network. If the information you provide us does not allow us to control the network, we keep the network and all of the money in it. But, if you hurt—or even ruffle a hair—one of my family member I will hunt you down one-by-one."

All of the men in the room looked at one another. Each nodded in succession around the table.

"It's settled then," Master Tig replied. "I believe our brunch is ready."

We sat in the dining room. The waiters brought the first course.

"Joshua," Master Micha began. "How did you and Steven meet?"

"Steven and I connected at the Cell Block in Chicago about ten years ago," Master Joshua replied. "We quickly became involved. We had our separate living quarters but weekends brought us together. Unfortunately, I had to move to New York when I merged my operation with another forensic accounting firm. We lost track for a few years. We've both enjoyed reconnecting."

"I understand you both favored play dates in public," Maseter Stanley added. "I know first-hand, Steven still enjoys a public play date. Don't you, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, Tig," Master Stanley continued. "We should put Steven in your bathtub downstairs before he and Joshua leave us for the day. You'd like to be in Tig's bathtub. Wouldn't you, Steven?"

I looked at Master Joshua. He smiled.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I would like to be in your service, Masters."

"I understand from watching last night's show, Joshua," Master Cal began. "You've been known to put both of your arms up Steven's ass during a public event."

"It's happened before, yes," Master Joshua replied.

"We look forward to watching," Master Cal said before he resumed eating.

"Do you have experience being a BDSM bottom, Joshua?" Master Micha asked.

"Only once," Master Joshua replied.

"Did you enjoy it?" Master Micha continued.

"Somewhat," Master Joshua said. "I prefer to be the one in control."

"What would it take to get you to bottom for me, Joshua?" Micha asked. He smiled as though he were plotting his next move.

"What are you offering?" Master Joshua asked.

"A bet," Master Micha continued.

"What kind of bet?" Master Joshua asked.

"I bet I will have you begging for me to stop within twenty-four hours," Master Micha replied. "If I win, you will be my bottom for the rest of your stay here. If you win, I'll be your bottom for the rest of your stay here."

"You're on," Master Joshua replied.

"And we film our time together," Master Micha added.

"Sure," Master Joshua replied. "On one condition."

"What's your condition?" Master Micha asked.

"The film will be given to Blue Dungeon Studios for editing into a feature length movie," Master Joshua replied. "If I win the bet, we will film another twenty-four-hour segment of me using you."

"Deal," Master Micha replied.

"I won't be the only porn star in the family anymore," I said to Master Joshua with a smile.

To be continued.

This is my 66th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 67

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