Life with Tim

Published on Mar 14, 2017


Life with Tim 64

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


We gathered at the dinner table. Our conversation continued while we ate.

"Tell us, Tim," Master Lance turned the conversation from me to my husband. "How has the transformation from cocky author to cocky slave boy been?"

"You think I am a cocky slave boy?" Master Tim asked. "I'm hurt!"

"Answer his question, boy," Master Grant said to Master Tim.

"I believe I am transitioning into a proper slave boy," Master Tim replied. "It hasn't all been easy. It took me several trials before I adjusted to being whipped. I've never really had a problem with dick and fists in my ass. On the other hand, I have totally fallen in love with the bondage table. And, I am looking forward to my introduction to long-term bondage. Master Grant and Master David have promised me we will explore bondage. Any other questions?"

"How are you with piss and scat?" Master Hung asked.

"Piss, yes," Master Tim replied. "Scat, no. Neither of my Masters are interested in scat anyway."

"You will probably experience giving the Provincetown police department blow jobs as well, Tim," Master David suggested.

"As long as you post bail," Master Tim replied. "I'll take care of the police department. You take care of the bail money."

If looks could kill Master David would be dead meat as far as Master Tim was concerned.

As we finished dinner, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian seemed to be plotting among themselves.

"If you will excuse us for a moment, the three of us need to resolve an issue. This should not take long," Master Connor said to the group as he and the other two left.

"I suspect they will return with some terrifying plan and dressed for the festivities," I said.

Chapter 64: On With the Show

"Holy shit!" Master David exclaimed. "This place is gorgeous. Why does the walk way extend to the house over there."

Our family arrived at the house in Provincetown. Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, Master Buba, Master Tim, and me. The boys were flying out in a few days after school is over.

"So we can move freely between houses," I explained.

"You own both houses?" Master Jose asked. "You always referred to it as our house in Provincetown. There are two. One. Two."

"It was a simple choice," Master Tim began. "We bought this one and spent last summer here. While we were here, the second house went on the market. The second house shares a view of our pool and patio. We spend a great deal of master time out here naked. We had only one option; we bought the second house. Livingston did a marvelous job of connecting them, don't you think?"

"You have a plan for our room arrangements, Tim?" Master Grant asked.

"Steven and I created your room assignments," Master Tim replied. "We have five Master Suites in the first house. Steven, the boys, and I will occupy the first house, except when we are providing for our Masters. The boys' caretakers will share the two-bedroom apartment on the garden level. Everyone else, including Steven and I while in service to our Masters, will share the second house. We have eight separate suites in the second house. Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, and Master Buba should select the suite which suits them."

"We've only occupied two suites of the second house," Master David began. "Who else will be arriving?"

"Master Garrison and Wayne will be in one," I explained. "Master Marvin and his guest of the evening will share another. Of course, Master Babak and Master Hassid will each need one. The other two will be used by guests who are here for a few days or a few weeks. If we have an overflow crowd or have specific entertainment needs, we also have Master Ajmal's house in the center of town. Any questions?"

"Why didn't you just buy the entire town?" Master Grant asked.

"It would ruin the spontaneity and charm of the town," I explained. "Oh! Our security team occupies a smaller house down the pathway over there. The compound is secured. Don't ask how. I don't even know. The security team made necessary changes over the winter."

"Last year, no one bothered with swimming trunks at the pool," Master Tim added. "I assume the trend will continue this year. Connor, Theo, Adrian, JJ, and Bashir will be in the no suit mode. Of course, there may be a special occasion where we revert to trunks."

We made our way into the house. Harvey's pre-summer team did their normal excellent job of making everything wonderful and hassle free.

"The best views belong to the two suites which occupy the fourth floor," I added. "Elevator or stairs?"

"Stairs," Master Buba suggested. "We can look as we head upstairs."

"Before we find our accommodations, we have two slave boys who need to be naked. Now!" Master Buba ordered.

Master Tim and I quickly removed our clothing and left a pile of discarded clothing at the bottom of the stairs.

Tim and I led the group upstairs.

"Before we get too settled, I want a piece of my slave boy's ass," Master Grant suggested.

"I thought the same thing as I watched Steven's muscles in his ass flex as he walked up the stairs," Master Buba said as he put his hands on my ass and squeezed.

"The view is stupendous," Master Jose said as we entered the first suite on the fourth floor.

"Both suites are mirror images of the other," I further explained.

"I'm sorry, but we have to run," Master Grant said as he took Master Tim's hand and led him to the second suite. Master David followed quickly behind.

"Boy," Master Buba said. "We will have a terrific time in Provincetown this summer. Take our clothes off. Then, on your back on the bed."

"Yes, Master," I said as I began removing my Masters' clothes. Shirt. Shoes. Jeans. All done. I positioned myself on the bed as directed.

"This has become our favorite position," Master Jose said as he took his place beside me. Handcuffs in hand, he connected my left wrist to the headboard. Master Buba handcuffed my right wrist as he slid beside me.

Master Jose and Master Buba kept kissing me. One then the other. Two hands landed on my nipples and began twisting, kneading, and pulling. A thumb nail pushed into my nipples occasionally. I almost came when it happened at the same time.

"Beautiful boy," Master Buba whispered.

"I can't wait to see his cock and balls tattooed," Master Jose replied. "We have designed a special tattoo for you, boy. When you see it, you will understand its significance."

"It's time," Master Buba whispered.

Master Jose slipped from my side. He positioned himself between my legs. When he lifted my legs to his shoulders, my body tingled with anticipation.

Master Jose added lube to his hard dick before he positioned himself over my asshole.

"Aaaaaah! Yes," I moaned when his dick touched my awaiting asshole.

"I love you, Steven," Master Jose whispered. Our eyes connected. I couldn't speak. I just looked into his eyes. I saw his deep love and devotion to me and Master Buba.

As I felt Master Jose's hard, uncut dick creep into my asshole, he leaned down and kissed me. Then he kissed Master Buba who lay next to me. My two men made me happy.

"I never get enough of you, Steven," Master Jose whispered to me again as he began to massage my ass with his rock-hard dick.

"Aaaaaah!" I moaned again.

"You like this, don't you boy?" Master Jose whispered.

"Yes!" I moaned in response.

"Connect with your Master, Steven," Master Buba whispered. "Let him get inside you. Inside your mind. Relax. Enjoy. Love. Relax. Just relax. Focus on your Master. He wants to get inside you. Let him. Let him get inside you. Let him inside your mind. Relax. Love him. Feel the love he has for you. Relax. Relax. Relax. Relax."

My mind seemed like a jumble of emotions. All good. Happy. Relaxed Loved. Safe. I saw the words Master Jose had in his mind through his eyes. `I love you.' He smiled. He saw mine. `I love you, too.'

"Aaaaaah!" I moaned again as Master Jose's dick began an intense exercise in stimulating my prostate.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as my dick exploded. Rope after rope of cum splattered my chest, stomach, and even my face.

"Here it comes, boy," Master Jose said to me as his face's expression changed from happy to intensely satisfied.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

As Master Jose's cum flooded my ass, I thought of nothing beyond the man inside me. Filling me with his love. Filling me with his devotion.

Master Jose rested on top of me for a few moments. "It is the sea air," Master Buba said to the two of us. "Makes everything better."

Master Jose removed his still hard dick from my ass and rolled onto his back beside me.

"Do you want to rest, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"No," I whispered. "I need you, Master. Please."

Master Buba said nothing. He only smiled his brightest smile. His huge muscled body began to take its place between my legs. I marveled at the beauty of him. Shaved head. Hairless upper body rippling with bulging muscles in his chest, arms, and six-pack stomach. His tree trunk legs brushed against my ass sending chills throughout my body. He was the most sensual muscle man I have known. His bright smile and brilliant eyes told a story to me. I belonged to him. I belonged to Master Jose. My Masters own me completely.

Massive amounts of energy pulsed through my body as his huge black, uncut cock brushed against the crack of my ass.

"Aaaaaah!" I moaned. "Take me, Master. Make me yours."

"Trust me, Steven, I plan on making you mine... Ours," Master Buba whispered as he kissed me. "Ours."

"Yeeeees!" I hissed as I felt Master Buba's big dick slowly enter my body. "Don't stop... Oh God, please don't stop."

"Don't worry, boy," Master Buba whispered back. "I'm in this for a life-time. Relax. Relax. Enjoy the ride. Go with me, boy. Go with me. Relax. Relax. Feel me inside you, boy. Feel me inside your body. Inside your mind. Feel our energy, boy. Feel it. Own it. Take it. Relax. Relax. Let me in."

I looked into Master Buba's eyes. I was jolted by what I saw.

"Relax. Relax," Master Buba continued.

His voice soothed me. I felt safe. Loved. Home.

"Oh shit!" I moaned. I looked up at Master Buba smiling at me. He, just like Master Jose, hit my prostate in the most erotic and sensual feeling I've had.

"Aaaaaah!" I moaned again as Master Buba's dick began stimulating my prostate.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as my dick exploded. Cum landed everywhere.

"We did it, boy," Master Buba whispered into my ear. "We climbed the mountain. We're back again. We can climb the mountain over and over and over again.

"Here it comes, boy," Master Buba said to me as the lust in his eyes turn bright like a fire.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Buba rested on his outstretched arms as his sweat dripped off his body on to mine.

"Do you think it is the sea air now, Buba?" Master Jose said with a smile.

"No," Master Buba replied. "This doesn't need sea air. Just the three men in this room. Us. A unit. Together."

Master Buba lowered his body on top of mine. "You are beginning to recognize the gift, aren't you, boy?"

"Yes," I replied. "I don't know what it means, but I see it. It will be ours—the three of us will share whatever is out there waiting for us."

Jose's stomach growled. "We need to feed our partner, Steven. Let's take a shower so we don't smell."

Once we were clean, Master Buba stood by the door of the bedroom. "Naked?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Naked. The three of us. Naked."

"You boys look happy," Master Grant said as he looked up from his lunch. "You should be. It only took you three hours."

"We don't like to rush things," Master Buba replied. "Your boy looks happy, too."

"He made us all happy," Master David replied. "And we're ready for more happy making."

"Were you always this obsessed with sex, David?" Master Jose asked.

"Not always," Master David replied. "It started around the time I turned twelve. It keeps getting bigger and bigger every day. Of course, Tim's ass helps keep us motivated."

"Speaking of asses," I began. "We need to talk about our summer plans other than being in Provincetown. George in security wants to have a flexible list of events we might attend, places we might visit, and guests we may invite over and above the family."

"Why did you put my ass in the same category of security?" Master Tim asked.

"It was a super transition, don't you think, Master Timmy?" I asked.

"Don't talk to me with your current tone of voice, rent boy," Master Tim demanded. "Remember who I am."

"An asshole," Master David suggested.

"Back to our security plans," I continued. "Make a list of things you might want to do, places you might want to see, and people you might want to invite."

"We also need to tell the house who everyone is," Master Tim added. "I almost forgot that part."

"Tell the house who everyone is?" Master Grant asked. "How do you tell a house anything?"

"Under normal circumstances, houses really don't know—and really don't care—who you are," I began to explain. "This particular house has sensors on all entry points into the house. You press your hand on the sensor, and the house knows it is safe to let you in. We can also restrict a person's access to parts of the house. The playroom is one of those. We had this same system installed in Chicago. But we never went forward with the initiation phase. Partly because of an accident we don't mention."

"Why all of this security for a summer home?" Master David asked.

"It came with the house," I replied. "All of the Provincetown Police Department have access to this house because of some previous incidents on the streets of Provincetown."

"They are all really nice looking police officers," Master Tim added.

"How do you tell the house we are supposed to be here?" Master Buba asked.

"Create a profile and add your handprint," I replied. "I can add people, and so can Harvey. Master Tim has access to add people, but he hates technology."

"Make certain you give our Masters access to the playroom, Steven," Master Tim added. "We wouldn't want to offend them. They might punish us."

"But, Master Tim, you like to be punished," I replied. "Right Master Grant?"

"Indeed he does," Master Grant replied with a slight smile. An idea had formed.

"Sirs," Harvey interrupted our discussion. "Sorry to bother you. Are you having dinner in or out this evening?"

"Masters?" I asked.

"Out would be fun," Master Buba replied. "We can familiarize ourselves with the town."

"Where?" Master Jose asked.

"Harvey, could you call Frank at the Red Inn?" I asked. "Our regular table at our regular time."

"Consider it done," Harvey replied as he left.

"You will love the Red Inn," Master Tim explained. "It is casual yet friendly and warm. The people are wonderful. The food is out of this world. It is our regular place to go out to dinner if we go out."

"I did invite Master Tyron, Master Bertrand, and Buckley to join us the week after Memorial Day for a couple of weeks," I added. "I hope you don't mind. I felt I owed them a nice respite in Provincetown. I already told Garrison about their visit. Master Garrison is the reservations guy.

"I really enjoyed talking with Tyron and his brother," Master Grant said. "Interesting men. Interesting background, too. Are they really Princes?"

"Yes," I replied. "Our security did a screening for us. And they are indeed Princes."

"And Tyron can fuck like a nuclear rabbit," Master Jose added. "I saw it first hand, right boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied with a smile.

"He and his brother will star in one of our productions in the future," Master Buba explained. "Marvin and the brothers would make excellent studs to rent. We will take everything one step at a time."

"Speaking of studs, Steven," Master Jose said. "You need to join Buba and me in the bedroom for a discussion about our plans."

Master Jose and Master Buba stood. I moved between them. My dick grew. Master Jose's dick grew. Master Buba's dick grew. We left our lunch partners still sitting at the table.


The second wave of our family arrived three days before Memorial Day weekend. We greeted them at the fast ferry from Boston—with three SUVs.

The first off the boat were Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian. They were followed by JJ and Ramesh. The care givers for the boys, Zen and Rica, pushed the two strollers with two twins on board off the boat. Garrison and Wayne were the last.

"Dads!" Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian screamed in unison as they raced beside Master Tim and me. They took turns hugging us.

"This is cool, Dads," JJ said as he hugged us.

"I'm impressed," Ramesh added.

"It was hard to restrain your boys, rent boy," Master Garrison added. "But Wayne and I managed to keep them in one piece."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I hugged Master Garrison.

"I was afraid they would put a collar around me and order me to strip," Wayne said with a smile. He also added a hug.

Once we herded the group into the SUVs, we rumbled down Commercial Street to our house.

"Holy fuck!" Master Connor exclaimed as we exited the vehicle. "This is ours? View of the water? This mammoth house? Wow!"

"What did you expect Connor?" Master Theo said. "Dads were involved. But it is beyond my expectations."

We finally had the boys settled in their respective rooms. Then, it was pool time.

"We'll go downstairs and enjoy the pool for a few hours," I explained. "Be careful. No pushing anyone in the pool. No running on the pool deck. It can get slippery. I can also tell by the way you are looking at me you want to know what to wear. It is your option to wear or not to wear suits. You can be naked if you want. Don't forget to put sunscreen EVERYWHERE. Onward!"

"You can join us, Zen, Rica," Master Tim said to the two newly hired guys. "We can put the boys in their strollers in the shade."

"Do we need to be naked?" Rica asked.

"Your choice," I replied. "Everyone else will be naked, but it is totally your choice."

Zen and Rica looked at each other. Zen's smile turned huge. Rica followed. We knew the answer. Naked it will be.

"We will be down with the boys in a few moments," Zen explained. "We need to put some things in their proper places."

"See you in a few moments, guys," Master Tim said as he and I retreated to the pool.

"Wonderful sight," Master Tim said as we stepped out of the house and onto the patio. We looked over the outdoor area. "Our family. Together. Having a good time."

"Naked," I added. "It's a nice feeling to have all of them here."

Master Tim and I stepped out of our shorts and joined the group. I sat with Master Jose and Master Buba. Master Tim with Master Grant and Master David.

"Your sons, Steven, are walking adds for sex," Master Buba said as I sat down. "Connor and Theo are model material."

"I don't believe they will choose modeling as a career," I added. "They have both talked about med school. Pediatrics. Adrian wants to consider the law as a potential career. All three could get into any college they choose. The three of them are excellent students. All top grades in all classes. Every year. Master Conner and Master Theo even made top honors while their world fell apart around them."

"Do think Connor and Theo will find boyfriends?" Master Jose asked.

"They are very, very close to one another," I replied. "They look at each other and communicate. I'm not certain how their lives will play out, but it will be a blast watching them grow and take on the world around them."

"Spoken like a dedicated, proud father, Steven," Master Buba added. "In some ways, I'm envious of your and Tim's relationship with all your boys."

"You two and Master Grant and Master David are also their role models," I continued. "They love you, too. We are all family. We all can be proud of our kids."

"Buba wants to know who is your favorite Provincetown police officer," Master Jose said as he put a hand on my thigh.

"They are all my favorite," I replied. "You'll understand my remark once you meet them. I miss having Willy here. He was the first Provincetown police officer I encountered."

"Harvey sent each of the PPD officers an announcement about your arrival," Master Buba added. "He thought they would enjoy knowing you are back."

"Masters, I appreciate all of your thoughtful gestures, but I do need to be respectful of other people," I responded. "The boys are here. We don't want to give them the wrong idea about their fathers."

"Wrong idea about what, Dad?" Master Theo asked as he sat on the foot of my lounge chair.

"Public nudity," Master Jose replied.

"Don't worry, Dad," Master Theo said with a smile. "We won't have any problem when the Provincetown Police Department officers arrest you for being naked on a public street. You'd do anything to get a hunky police officer's dick in your mouth."

"God will punish you for not respecting your father, Master Theo," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a lot of respect for you, Dad," Master Theo said as he inched closer and closer to me. "Lots of respect."

He kissed me. I kissed back.

"Stop it, Master," I finally said. "We shouldn't be kissing like this in a public space."

"Don't tell me what to do, Dad," Master Theo said after he added one more kiss. "Otherwise, I will need to punish you."

With a smile, Master Theo scooted off the lounge chair and rejoined his brothers in the pool.

"I've created a monster—actually three monsters," I said to no one in particular.

"Don't pretend to be bothered by Theo kissing you," Master Jose said. "We know you love it. Just look at your dick."

"Oh shit!" I hissed as I looked down at my hard dick.

The attention deflected from me to the two naked men entering the pool area with strollers containing our four infants. Zen and Rica both took our breath away. They were both immigrants from India. We managed to acquire H1B Visas for them after they graduated from college. Zen stood six-two. His well-muscled body glistened in the sun. His spiked black hair made a delightful contrast to his bright blue eyes. Rica also caught my attention. He stood a few inches shorter. Probably six-foot even. He too looked as though he was a Greek god with Indian features. His almost emerald green eyes sparkled. Their most noticeably remarkable feature held my eyes—huge uncut dicks. Huge even in the flaccid state.

"Don't lick your lips, Steven," Master Buba added. "Otherwise, you might be doing time bent over a table with your ass in the air."

"I'll do the time," I replied.


"You seem a little nervous, Steven," Master Jose said as Master Jose, Master Buba, and I walked down Commercial Street to visit Jerome, the tattoo artist. I had a tight red tank top, extra tight cutoffs, and flip flops. The outline of my cock and balls in my cutoffs left nothing to the imagination.

"I'm apprehensive about Jerome sticking needles in my dick," I replied.

"Jerome is a professional," Master Buba replied. "He did a remarkable job on your other tattoos. Nothing to be afraid of. But, it is your decision."

"You would let me decide whether or not to have my cock and balls tattooed?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Jose replied.

"I hear a `but' in your voice, Master," I said to Master Jose.

"But, you will risk our wrath during your next punishment session," Master Buba added. "What's your decision, boy?"

"What kind of punishment?" I asked.

"It's happened, Buba!" Master Jose interrupted. "He loves our punishment whether it is floggers, whips, bull whips, canes, or paddles! We no longer have punishment as a learning tool."

"We need to be more creative, Jose," Master Buba replied. "We could lock him in his cell for a week. No contact with anyone. Not you. Not me. Not Tim. Not Connor, Theo, or Adrian. Not Grant. Not David. No one but the little old lady who delivers his meals."

"Excellent idea, Buba," Master Jose replied. "I'm sorry I didn't think of long-term imprisonment for punishment."

"Masters," I replied. "Please tattoo my cock and balls. Please Masters. Please."

"We knew you would agree to our point of view," Master Buba replied. "Consider it done."

We walked into Jerome's shop. Jerome immediately grabbed me and hugged. "You're back! Finally! You're back!" Jerome cheered.

"Jerome," I said as Master Jose and Master Buba joined us. "These are my Masters. Master Jose. Master Buba. Masters, this is Jerome, my favorite tattoo artist."

"We've heard a great deal about you, Jerome," Master Jose said as Jerome pulled Master Jose into a hug.

"You know, Steven's Master Jose, you would look even more amazing with a little ink on your gorgeous body," Jerome said as he released Master Jose from his powerful hug.

He grabbed Buba and engulfed him in a hug. "Damn, Master Buba, Steven got lucky with you two studs."

"Thank you, Jerome," Master Buba replied. "We're the lucky ones."

"I agree," Jerome replied. "I had his ass every time I added ink. It was part of my tip. He is one good fuck!"

"Jerome doesn't come with a filter, Masters," I said with a smile.

"Listen, slave boy," Jerome replied. "I may not have filters, but everyone around me has no surprises. I am who I am. Period. If you don't like who I am, the customers are free to look elsewhere."

"Steven's body is your best advertisement," Master Jose replied. "Your ink job generated a lot of interest on my part. We decided adding ink to his cock and balls will make him more saleable as a porn star and a rent boy."

"Do you mind if we film this and use it in an upcoming movie?" Master Buba asked. "You would get residuals."

"I don't care about the money," Jerome replied. "As long as you mention my name and my shop's phone number, I will be happy as a pig in shit."

"Consider it done," Master Jose replied. "Where do we go from here?"

"Drop your shorts, slave boy," Jerome commanded. "I need to see what I have to work with."

Jerome palmed my cock and began to stroke it. "This thing grows on you, so to speak, slave boy."

After he had thoroughly inspected my cock and balls, Jerome reached over the counter and retrieved his tablet. "When we first talked about this, I made some sketches of ink you might want to consider. If the colors don't do it for you, but the figure does, we can change the ink to the color of your choice."

Master Buba and Master Jose flipped through the sketch on the tablet.

"This! This is it!" Master Buba exclaimed. "What do you think, Jose?

"Excellent choice," Master Jose agreed.

"I thought you might like this one," Jerome explained. "I made this sketch knowing when Steven blows a load it will look fabulous coming out of the dragon's mouth which is the end of the foreskin. The legs of the dragon become 3D objects on his over-sized balls."

"Genius," Master Buba replied. "You are an absolute genius!"

"Now, about my fee," Jerome added. "I believe I explained I take part of my fee out of Steven's ass. The more ass I get; the less I charge. This will probably take at least six sessions but maybe ten. One fuck for every session plus $1 thousand each session."

"Do you take American Express?" Master Jose asked.

"Of course," Jerome replied. "Any merchant of any character takes American Express."

"Put $10 thousand on my American Express card, Jerome," Master Jose offered. "If you need more time, we will pay more. If you finish before ten sessions, keep the change."

"I like the way you think, Steven's Master Jose," Jerome replied. "We'll get along just fine. Do you want to film the fucking as well as the tattooing?"

"Sure," Master Buba replied. "It's nice to have a little realism with porn. It adds a nice dimension."

"I won't charge a consultation and design fee if I can have his ass now," Jerome said with a smile.

"Go for it, Jerome," Master Jose said as he slipped his American Express card into his wallet.

"Bend over, slave boy," Jerome said as he slung his shorts across the room. He motioned for me to bend over the tattoo bench.

As Jerome slicked his dick with lube, he continued the conversation with Master Jose and Master Buba. "One last item, the slave boy will need to stay hard for two days after each session. I recommend a Viagra prescription."

"Consider it done," Master Buba replied.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Jerome shoved his big, hard dick into my ass.


"So Steven," Master Tim began as we had cocktails on the patio beside the pool. "How did your session with Jerome go this afternoon?"

"Very well, Master Tim, thank you," I replied.

"How many times did Jerome fuck you in exchange for the payment of his consultation fee?" Master Tim continued.

"Three," I replied. "He's like the energizer bunny."

"You should be used to the energizer bunny by now, Steven," Master Tim said with a smile. "If I remember correctly, one of your Masters ranks among some of the best energizer bunnies."

"Do we get to watch?" Master Theo asked.

"We can show you the video," Master Jose replied. "It might be best if you were not on the set of Blue Dragon Studio. I don't believe watching a live screening of a porn film will be good in your college application essay."

"We already wrote ours," Master Adrian replied. "We're hoping to get accepted at the same college."

"Which ones are you applying for?" Master Grant asked.

"Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, and Northwestern," Master Connor replied. "We did early acceptance applications. We should know sometime in January of next year."

"They were exceptional essays," Master Tim replied. "I only read them. Perfect grammar, spelling, and attention grabbing details."

"What about the University of Chicago?" I asked.

"Too stuffy," Master Connor added.

"And Harvard isn't?" Master Tim asked. "I have my BA from Harvard, remember?"

"How many years ago?" Master Theo asked.

Master Tim looked at Theo. Daggers should be coming out of his eyes, "Theo, I graduated about ten years ago."

"Things change in ten years, Dad," Master Adrian continued.

"Suit yourself," Master Tim said as he turned his attention to Master Grant. "Master, how is your news network coming along?"

"Swimmingly," Master Grant replied. "I should take you to the building we are renovating. Nice basement. I suspect it would be perfect for a scene in a dungeon."

"Really?" Master Tim exclaimed. "I might enjoy seeing the space. I love to see renovation projects in process. I might also give you some advice on the dungeon."

"You are taking me, right?" Master David asked.

"Sure," Master Grant replied.

"When will this dungeon be usable?" Master Adrian asked.

Master Grant looked Master Adrian in the eyes. His smile beamed. "I'm not certain, but you should plan on joining us for a return trip."

"Excellent!" Master Adrian replied. "The three of us would enjoy working with our Dad Tim. We could have a bonding experience."

"You are a cruel Master, Master Grant," Master Tim said with pouty lips.

"I'll show you how cruel I can really be later tonight," Master Grant growled.

"Promise?" Master Tim asked.

"Yup," Master Grant replied.

"Twice," Master David added.

"Tim will see Doctor Garmond tomorrow about the hair removal," Master Grant explained. "We are excited to take this step. I know Tim is looking forward to the experience."

Master Tim squirmed in his seat. "I thought maybe we could delay the hair appointment."

"Why?" Master Grant asked. "You were totally looking forward to it yesterday."

"What if I look horrible hairless?" Master Tim asked.

"You won't," Master David replied. "With your body, you will be the envy of every gym rat in this city."

"Yea, Dad," Master Connor added. "Just think about being hairless with an all-over tan. You'd look so, so sexy."

"Sexy is the last thing I thought I would hear from one of my kids," Master Tim replied. "Sexy, huh?"

"Yup," Master Theo added. "Very sexy, Dad."

"If you really hate it, you can go back to having hair, unless you go the entire year," I added.

"If his Masters Grant and David allow it, he can go back to having hair," Master Buba added.

"Minor detail, right, Masters?" Tim asked.

Master Grant and Master David said nothing and just looked Master Tim in the eye.

"Okay, okay. I'll be fucking hairless," Master Tim acquiesced. "Discussion ended."

Master Garrison and a naked Wayne finally joined us.

"Sorry we are late," Master Garrison said to the group. "We were having a discussion about us."

"Us?" I asked.

"Yea," Master Garrison sheepishly said to the group. "I've grown very fond of Wayne over the course of the last few weeks."

"And I feel the same way about Master Garrison," Wayne added. "I hope I'm not disappointing any of you."

"Why would we be disappointed," I said. "It will be good to see Master Garrison with a boyfriend.

"Good for the two of you," Master Grant added. "You two became almost inseparable. You complement each other."

"I agree," Master Jose replied. "You make a very handsome couple. What do we do about our Master/slave contract, Garrison?"

"I don't know," Master Garrison said as he looked down at the coffee table.

"Why don't I rip up the contract and make you a free man, Garrison?" Master Jose suggested. "I am not about to come between a budding relationship."

"Thank you, Master," Master Garrison said as a smile crossed his face.

We continued our chat through dinner. No one mentioned Jerome, the dungeon, or Master Tim's upcoming punishment. We breezed through dinner. Everyone seemed to be focused on what might happen after dinner. Harvey appeared to remove finished plates, and left us to talk about our upcoming summer.

"It's time for the three of us to retire to the bedroom," Master Buba said to the others. "We'll see all of you tomorrow morning."

"Connor, Adrian, and I will discuss your punishment tomorrow," Master Theo added. "By the time morning rolls around, we will have crafted our plans. Good night, Dad."

"Good night, boys," I said. "This sounds like a scene from the Walton's television show.

"Think large family," Master Tim added. "Just like us."

"Good night, boys!" I repeated.

"Good night, Dad," Master Connor, Master Theo, Master Adrian, JJ, and Ramesh said in unison.

Once we were in our room and undressed, Master Jose pulled Master Buba in for a long, sexy kiss.

"We have a boy to play with Jose," Master Buba said with a huge "We don't want him to get lonely."

"Of course we don't want the boy to be lonely, Buba," Master Jose said as they both turned their attention to me. "Are you feeling lonely, boy?"

"No, Master," I replied. "I am never lonely if I am in your presence, Masters."

"Good," Master Buba added as he stepped in front of me. "I generally want to watch your facial expressions when I fuck you. Tonight, Jose and I have decided to do something a little different with you."

Master Jose moved in front of me. He held two sets of handcuffs in his hands. He slipped on onto my left wrist and locked it. He slipped the other on my right wrist.

"Face down on the bed, boy," Master Buba ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I moved face down on the bed.

Master Jose and Master Buba each took a handcuff, pulled my arms as wide apart as they could. They snapped the other end of the handcuffs to the headboard.

They moved to the foot of the bed, and put both of my ankles in restraints already attached to the foot of the bed. They pulled my legs wide apart and attached the restrains to a chain. They pulled the chain tight which left my legs spread eagle.

"He has such a beautiful ass," Master Jose added.

"Just as nice on the inside as it is on the outside," Master Buba continued. "You first?"

"No, it's your turn to be first," Master Jose said. "I want to feel his sloppy ass after you finish."

"Terrific," Master Buba said as moved between my legs. "He needs something in his mouth, Jose. We don't want his screaming to cause the police to show."

"I have the perfect gag," Master Jose replied as he moved from the bed. When he came back, he had a jock in his hand. "You will love this, boy, your other master and I deposited a load of cum on it then we pissed on it. Open wide, boy."

I opened my mouth and Master Jose shoved the piss and cum stained jock into my mouth.

"Now we are ready, boy," Master Buba said as he put lube on my asshole.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned into the gag. The lube felt cold.

Master Buba slowly pushed his gigantic dick into my ass. Inch by inch. I moaned again into the jock strap.

"Yes, boy," Master Buba whispered as his balls covered mine. "A mighty fine ass, boy. And it will be mine until I am ready to let your other Master have it."

My own dick bulged between my stomach and the bedsheets. Master Jose stroked my back as Master Buba built up a steady rhythm.

`I love Master's big dick,' I thought to myself. The movement of his dick in and out, felt like his dick and my ass were meant to be a unit.

Now it wasn't my voice I heard. It was Master Buba's, "Let's go, boy. Let me lead you on a special Journey. Let me take you higher and higher into the Spirit World. Feel your mind leave your body, Steven. Feel the power your mind and my mind have when we are together, boy. You. Me. Together. Relax, boy. Just relax. Relax. Relax. Relax. Feel the power, boy. Yea, feel the power. Take the power, boy. Take it. Own it."

A crazy picture floated into my mind. Master Tim, naked, Master Grant, and Master David in suit coats. They were waving. When I waved back, they turned and walked away.

"Yes, boy," Master Buba brought me back to his soothing voice. "We are going higher and higher into the world. Come back to this place, boy, when you need answers. It is always here. You can always get here. Just shut your eyes, boy. Just shut your eyes and believe. Believe you can come here. Here to our special place to help you through any crisis or celebratory phase of your life. Come here to get your answers."

I heard Master Buba's breathing get louder and faster. I suddenly realized Master Buba pounded my ass with such force that the bed moved. It shook.

"Ahhh... ahh... AHH... AHHHHH... AHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I felt his cum coat the inside of me. Deep within me his cum filled my ass. Master Buba's cum felt warm. Master Buba's cum made me feel warm. I felt Master Buba's body rest on mine. Master Buba made me feel warm. `A circle.' I thought.

"You were magnificent, boy," Master Buba whispered into my ear. "You made the Journey possible. You have the Power now. You, you alone, led the Journey we just shared. You brought us to the special place. You have the gift."

Master Jose pulled the piss and cum stained jockstrap out of my mouth.

"Do you want to say something, boy?" Master Jose asked.

"I feel different, Masters," I replied. "I don't know what feeling different means, but I know I feel different than before we went on this Journey. Why?"

"You were given the gift on this Journey, boy," Master Buba explained. "You don't know what having the gift means yet. Give it time. You will understand. You will understand the gift. You will understand how to use the gift. Only use it to bring good to the world, boy. You will eventually know what to give; where to give it; and to whom you give it. Thank you, boy, for letting me help you find the gift."

"Thank you for helping me find the gift, Master," I whispered.

"Are you ready to make your other Master happy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "My life will be devoted to making my two Masters happy."

"Thank you, boy," Master Buba whispered as he began pulling his huge dick out of my ass.


"Steven," Master Tim said at the breakfast bar as he slipped some fruit and pastry on his plate. "You look very rested."

"I am, Master Tim," I replied. "It's time to face the day and make the most out of it."

"Have you taken up philosophy?" Master Tim asked.

"No," I replied. "Not even close. It just came to me in a vision."

As I fixed coffee for Master Buba, Master Jose, and me, I felt big arms wrap around my waist.

"You just used the gift," Master Buba replied. "You will understand later."

I left the coffee on a tray and turned around. I faced Master Buba. He leaned down and kissed me.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned in delight.

"We need to have a repeat of last night," Master Buba whispered into my ear. "Your other Master's dick is hard. We have both been hard ever since we saw your pretty ass walk out the door. And when we followed you downstairs, we watched as your ass muscles twitched as you walked. We watched your leg muscles undulate and your back muscles. Don't plan on anything after breakfast."

"Of course, Master," I replied. My hard dick rubbed against Master Buba's jeans. My body shuddered with expectation. The three of us filled plates and sat at the table. Master Grant and Master David joined us wearing polos and shorts.

"What's the occasion, Grant, David," Master Jose asked.

"We are taking Tim to his appointment with Dr. Garmond," Master Grant explained.

"You convinced him," Master Buba said. "You must be excited."

"We are excited," Master Grant replied. "We used some rather compelling arguments to bring him around to our point of view. Boy scouts are always prepared."

"You were a boy scout?" Master Tim asked.

"Yes," Master Grant replied. "You?"

"No," Master Tim replied. "I wasn't the camping type. I took piano lessons instead of going to camp."

"You should play something for us, Dad," Master Connor suggested.

"Minor problem," Master Tim replied. "We don't have a piano."

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Dad," Master Theo added.

"Cut with the clichés, Theo," Master Tim suggested. "Clichés obscure your message. You don't want to obscure your message, do you?"

"Heaven forbid I would obscure my message," Master Theo teased.

Master Buba leaned into my ear and whispered, "You should buy him a piano. Great idea, Steven."

"How do you know I was thinking of buying a piano?" I asked.

"The gift," Master Buba whispered as added a huge grin on his face.

"Oh," I replied. "The gift."

"Master Tim is still unsure of the treatments," I whispered to Master Buba.

"Help him, Steven," Master Buba suggested. "Be one with him. Help him. Relax, Steven. You can do this."

I looked directly at Master Tim. Our eyes met. I didn't see nervousness. I saw terror. I continued to concentrate on Master Tim's eyes. `It's okay, Master Tim. Don't be afraid. You can do this. You can start treatments. You can do this, Master Tim. It's okay. I love you.' I thought as I looked directly into Master Tim's eyes.

A smile took over Master Tim's face. I saw the terror drift away. He was calm.

"It's okay, Steven," Master Tim said to me. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," I replied.

"Thanks for what?" Master David asked.

"Steven's help," Master Tim replied. He still wore his smile.

"His help?" Master David asked.

"His reassurance the treatments will be worth the effort," Master Tim replied.

Master David and Master Grant immediately looked me in the eyes.

"Thank you, Steven," Master Grant said. "We will consider asking for your help in the future. How did you know he was unsure?"

"He wasn't unsure," I replied. "He was terrified. There is a fundamental difference between the two states of mind. How did I know? Look into Master Tim's eyes. They tell a story. Trust me. Read his eyes."

Master Grant and Master David looked at one another. Then me. Then Master Tim. They both smiled.

"Since all of the world's problems were solved this morning, we will be taking a walk down Commercial Street. Anyone want to join us?" Master Jose asked.

"Would you mind if Connor, Adrian and I join you, Uncle Jose?" Master Theo asked.

"We'd love to have you," Master Jose replied.

"Wear something sexy, Masters," I said to the boys.

"Like what?" Master Adrian asked.

"Tight shorts which show your assets and a tight tank top. Add flip-flops and sunglasses," I suggested.

"Are you trying to pimp out our boys, Steven," Master Tim asked.

"Nope," I replied. "I want them to know what they are up against when they venture out in the gay culture. At least we are close by if they need assistance."

"I should never doubt you, Steven," Master Tim replied. "Do what your Dad wants you to do, boys. You are about to experience Provincetown at its best—or worst depending on your point of view."

"Thanks, Dad," Master Adrian said as they ran upstairs to change.

"Heaven help us," I said as I turned to Master Buba and Master Jose.

"Let's get you dressed, boy," Master Jose suggested.

Once I dressed, we met the boys downstairs.

"Holy shit, Dad," Master Adrian. "Wow! You are one hot slave boy!"

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "You three have captured the essence of gay sexual inappropriateness, which is perfect for Provincetown."

"You should be a writer, Dad," Master Connor added. "Such great imagery."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "Shall we hit the streets?"

We walked from our house down Bradford Street in the beginning of our trip. When we hit Commercial, the canvas changed.

Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian walked beside me. "Dad, there are all of these gay men on the street. They keep looking at us," Master Theo quietly said. "Is this real?"

"Only in Provincetown," I replied. "Wait until leather week explodes on Provincetown. But, yes, this is real—for Provincetown."

We continued walking. The streets became busier with people wandering the streets and dropping into the shops lining Commercial.

"Dad," Master Adrian dropped from the front of the pack to my side. "Did you see the photos in the gallery over there?"

"I saw them, yes," I replied. "I know the photographer. We can go inside and look."

"I'd love to," Master Adrian replied. "Hey, guys. Do you want to come with Dad and me to see the photos in the gallery?"

We had been in the gallery looking at the photos when I heard my name, "Steven Caldwell!"

I turned and recognized the man with the voice, "Donato! I didn't know you were in town."

As Donato gave me his typical bear hug, the boys moved to my side.

"Donato, these three are my sons, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian," I said as Master Jose and Master Buba joined us. "These two are my Master Jose and Master Buba. Guys, this is my dear friend Donato. He's the photographer."

"I am honored to meet Steven's family," Donato added as everyone shook hands. "Steven allowed me to use him as my first model. He gave my career as a photographer a big jumpstart."

"Do you have any of those photos here?" Master Buba asked.

"Only one," Donato replied as he led us to the photo.

"I had forgotten about this one," I said as I looked at the photo. "This was in GQ."

The black and white photo showed me naked, half-hard, standing spread eagle in restraints in the middle of a vast dark space. The only light was a flood light which illuminated the area where I stood in the restraints. I looked at the camera in a half-blank gaze. My eyes were very prominent. Sweat dripped off my forehead.

"Amazing," Master Connor said. "It's like you are looking at everyone in the room."

"What else do you see?" Donato asked.

"It's almost as if he were smirking at the audience," Master Theo added.

"You look defeated, but proud, Dad," Master Adrian continued.

"Very good, Adrian," Donato replied. "Your Dad is the only man I have photographed who can give me the looks I want at the time I want them. He can change from one person to another in a split second."

"Do you have other photos of Steven?" Master Jose asked.

"Not physically," Donato replied. "But I have digitized all of the photos I took of Steven. Do you want to see them?"

"Absolutely," Master Buba replied.

Donato grabbed a remote and a giant screen television came to life. With a few more taps of the remote the slide show began.

"These are some of the best I did for my first gallery show in Chicago almost ten years ago," Donato explained. "These images made my career. More accurately, Steven made my career."

"You were hot when you were younger, Dad," Master Connor added. "You're hot now, but these make you look so sinister. Sexy. Appealing. Desirable."

"Thank you, Master," I said as Master Connor put his hand on my bare shoulder. My body tingled at the sensation. "I didn't do anything but follow orders. Donato is a good Master in that way. I always managed to do what he wanted me to do."

"I presume, since your Dad calls you three Master, you, too, are interested in the BDSM lifestyle," Donato asked more as a question then a statement.

"Yes," Master Theo replied. "Dad, Uncle Jose, Uncle Buba, and Uncle Donny are teaching us."

"Excellent," Donato continued. "You have the best teacher."

"Were you two ever involved?" Master Adrian asked.

"Don't put Donato in an awkward position, Master Adrian," I said as he put his hand on my other shoulder. Bingo. More tingles.

"Maybe it's you who doesn't want to be in an awkward position, Steven," Master Buba said with a smile across his face.

"I don't mind," Donato replied. "In fact, if your relationship is anything like I think it might be, Steven really doesn't have a choice, do you, Steven?"

"No, Dad. You really don't have a choice, do you?" Master Theo replied. "Uncle Donato, tell us more about you and Dad."

"Maybe we should let Donato mingle with his other potential customers," Master Jose said. "Would you like to join us for dinner tonight, Donato. You can meet the rest of our family and share some of your recollections."

"I would be delighted, Jose," Donato replied. "Absolutely delighted."

Master Buba handed Donato a card with our contact information and address. "Cocktails at 6:30. Dinner at 8:00."

"I look forward to seeing you later," Donato said as he turned to answer questions from a potential client.

As we continued down Commercial Street the boy eyes darted from one man to another. "I love this place, Dad," Master Connor said to me. "It blows the mind. Everyone hanging out—not really caring about who doesn't approve."

"Provincetown draws its quaint attitude from those who visit," I said. "You leave a little bit here every time you visit. It makes you want to come back to reclaim yourself. Did you know your Dad and I met here?"

"Really?" Master Connor exclaimed.

"Yup," I replied. "In May before the season began. We met at the A-House. He saw me from across the room at the same time I saw him. I knew he would be special for me from the moment we exchanged eye contact from across the room."

"I've never known anyone like the two of you," Master Connor continued. "You can tell you love each other just by the way one of you lights up when the other walks into a room. You have something special, don't you, Dad?"

"Absolutely," I replied as Master Connor put this hand on my shoulder. More tingles.

"Can I ask you something, Dad?" Master Connor asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Ask away."

"Theo and I are really close because we are twins," Master Connor began. "I love him sometimes not like a brother but as a lover. Am I weird?"

"No, Master Connor," I replied. "You're anything but weird. I've known other sets of twins who have conflicted feelings about the siblings. How does Theo feel about this?"

"I don't know," Master Connor replied. "Theo and I haven't talked about this yet."

"Talk about what, Con?" Master Theo asked.

"Guys," I began. "Why don't we find a bench and have a talk?"

"Cool," Master Theo said. "Is something bothering you, Con?"

"Not bothering me," Master Conner replied. "More like confusing me."

"We want to have a talk," I said to Master Jose, Master Buba, and Master Adrian. "We'll catch up with you."

"How about there?" Master Theo said as he pointed to an empty bench.

"Perfect," I replied. I put my arms around Master Conner and Master Theo's shoulders as we walked to the bench.

"Do you want to go first, Conner?" I asked.

"Sure," Connor began. "Theo, I talked with Dad about some of my feelings... for you. Sometimes I think of you more as a lover than a twin brother. Does this scare you?"

"I've never thought about it before, Con," Theo replied. "Do you have your eye on a boyfriend?"

"No," Connor replied. "You?"

"Not until today," Theo replied. He was smiling. "Until I saw all of these gay men in one place, I never even thought about a boyfriend. Does it bother you we do more with each other than most brothers?"

"Just the opposite," Connor replied. "Sometimes, I love you like a brother. Sometimes, I love you like a boyfriend. The dichotomy confuses me."

"May I ask a question?" I asked.

"Sure, Dad," Theo replied.

"You don't need to answer this if you don't want to, but have you two been involved in anal sex with each other?"

"Yes," Theo replied. "Not a lot, though."

"Both of us are tops, Dad," Connor added with a smile. "And we know you know we are tops."

"I am well aware where your sexual tendencies land," I agreed. "How would either one of you react if your brother told you he had a boyfriend, or he was considering someone in particular?"

"Honestly, I really don't know because I have no milestones for a boyfriend between us," Connor replied first. "But I don't ever want to hurt your feelings, Theo."

"Maybe we could share a boyfriend," Theo said with a smile. "But, yes, I believe I might not be happy. But I can't hold you back, Con. You and I shared everything for the last seventeen years. I'm not certain I could have a life separate from you."

"Do you think this is a sick conversation to be having, Dad?" Connor asked me. "This is incest, you know."

"Do I think this is a sick conversation to be having?" I repeated Connor's question. "No. You two need to sort this out. This conversation is necessary for the two of you to be happy. So I don't think this is a sick conversation. I think it's healthy. How do both of you feel about exploring your concerns?"

"You're right, Dad, we need to talk about his," Theo replied.

"I agree," Connor added. "Maybe we should catch up with the others. We can talk about this when we get back to the house."

"Okay," Theo replied as he and Connor started to move off the bench.

"Boys, I am extremely proud of you," I explained. "You're approaching this in a very honest and truthful manner. Keep the discussions friendly. You can work through this. You don't need to make a decision now. I'm also touched you were able to come to me and talk about this. It means a lot to me that you trust me with your feelings between you."

"Dad," Connor said as he hugged me. "You are the best Dad a kid could have."

"I agree, Dad," Theo replied as he hugged me. "Thanks for talking with us."

"Always," I replied. I had to fight back the tears.

Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian seemed to contract the "too many men to look at syndrome." We headed home.

Master Tim had papers spread out on the dining room table.

"Is this a rewrite?" I asked.

"No," Master Tim replied. "This is a try to nail the characters before I start writing book number two."

"Good for you," I said as I pulled off my clothes and sat opposite a naked Master Tim.

"How was your walk with the sex gods?" Master Tim asked with a smile.

"Interesting," I replied. "We made it all of the way to the first gallery. Adrian spotted a series of naked, scantily clothed men. I knew the photographer from a long time ago, so he gave us the grand tour and showed the boys some of his earlier work he digitized. We invited him to have dinner with us. I hope you don't mind. The boys seemed to be interested in his career."

"I believe I already know the answer to this next question," Master Tim began. "Were you one of his models early on in his career?"

"Yes," I replied. "He had the photo of me which was on the cover of GQ."

"You were on the cover of GQ magazine?" Master Tim asked. "Naked?"

"Yes, and yes," I replied. "It was a very tastefully made photograph."

"Jez!" Master Tim said. "Why didn't you tell me you were on the cover of GQ magazine?"

"I forgot," I replied. Master Tim didn't look as though he bought my lapse of memory. "Then we continued on our way to the Town Hall. Master Connor slipped to my side and asked me a few questions."

"About the photo?" Master Tim asked.

"No," I replied. "He needed advice on his feelings for his twin brother and potential boyfriends."

"Does he have a boyfriend?" Master Tim asked.

"No," I replied. "His question stemmed from his statement he sometimes loves Master Theo not like a brother all of the time, but more like a lover."

Master Tim sat and looked at me. It was maybe a thirty second pause. "You're shitting me!"

"Nope," I replied and proceeded to tell Master Tim about our conversation.

"I am glad it was you instead of me," Master Tim finally replied. "How did you respond?"

I explained our discussion in detail.

"You gave them excellent advice," Master Tim responded. "I hope they come to an amicable agreement. It sounds like they may be a couple for the rest of their lives. Maybe they can find a joint boyfriend. One who's a sub."

"Maybe we shouldn't tell them," I added.

"Tell who what?" Master Connor asked. He was followed by Master Theo.

"You two," Master Tim explained. "Your father and I were discussing your conversation this afternoon. I hope you don't mind he told me."

"Of course not, Dad," Master Theo replied. "We expected you and he would discuss what we said."

"I told your father one option would be for you to find a joint boyfriend who is a sub," Master Tim explained.

"Dad!" Master Connor said. "Great idea! Don't you think so, Theo?"

"I like the idea," Master Theo replied. "Great potential. We'll definitely discuss it further."


We sat outside by the pool for evening cocktails. Our dinner guest had not arrived.

"How was your first experience with the Provincetown crowds?" Master Grant asked.

"I was blown away by all of the hot men around," Master Connor replied.

"We saw an exhibit in a gallery downtown which featured photographs of men in various stages of undress," Master Adrian began. "Dad knew the photographer. He's the one who is joining us for dinner."

Master Theo took over the conversation, "He had some photos of Dad from about ten years ago. They were outstanding!"

Harvey appeared with Donato by his side. "Enjoy," Harvey said as he turned and disappeared into the house.

"Guys, this is Donato, my photographer friend," I began. "From left to right: Master Tim, my husband. Master Grant, Master Tim's Master. Master David, also Master Tim's Master. You've met Master Connor, Master Theo, Master Adrian. Master Jose, my Master. Master Buba, also my Master. The two younger ones are Ramesh and JJ. Master Garrison and his boy Wayne haven't arrived yet."

"Nice to meet all of you," Donato said to the group as Harvey handed him a cocktail. "I have something for you, Steven. It's really for all of you."

I took the large, brown paper wrapped object and pulled the paper off. "Oh my! Thank you, Donato. Thank you for thinking of us."

I turned the photo of me which hung in the gallery this afternoon.

"Jesus, Steven," Master Tim exclaimed. "It's beautiful. No, wait. You're beautiful. Amazing. Thank you, Donato."

"You're welcome, Tim," Donato said to Master Tim. "This photo put me on the road to being a professional photographer. I owe everything to Steven. This photo appeared in GQ several years ago."

"Uncle Donato has stories to tell about Dad," Master Theo said to the group. "Don't you, Uncle Donato?"

"Many, many stories," Donato replied. "Later."

"I can't wait to hear them ALL!" Master Tim exclaimed as he looked at me with his `don't fuck with me' look. "I'm always learning secrets of my husband's past life practically everywhere we go."

"I'm certain you have enjoyed all the stories," Donato replied with a smile.

Donato settled near me and Master Jose and Master Buba.

"How is the gallery working out?" Master David asked.

"Business has been slow, but profitable," Donato replied. "I expect traffic will pick up as the season gets underway. Most of my work that I sold has been on the slides I showed you at the store. I've been taking orders for them. One Dude bought ten. He's putting them into a new house he's building here. I'll introduce you to him. He seems to be a very formidable business person."

"What's his name?" Master Grant asked.

"Willard Hunt. He's from New York," Donato replied.

"Willard Hunt as in the dude who owns Lynches Willard Hunt?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes," Donato replied. "Do you know him?

"Yes," Master Grant replied. "He and I have worked together."

"As in news story work?" Master David asked.

"No," Master Grant replied. "As a BDSM Master at the Dungeon. One of the city's premier public bondage clubs. We've shared boys in the past."

"What is Willard like as a Master," Master Tim asked.

"Intense," Master Grant replied. "Very intense. Like the way I get intense sometimes."

"I can't wait to meet him," Master Tim replied with a smile.

"I know you and he will get along just fine, Timmy," Master Grant replied. "Soon. You will meet him soon."

"Why don't you tell us what Mr. Willard Hunt is like, Master Grant?" I asked.

"Curious, rent boy?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"You'd like him, too, boy," Master Grant said to me. He looked directly into my eyes. "He's 35 and very sexy. Tall. Muscles everywhere. Shiny black hair on his muscled chest with a treasure trail disappearing into the waist band of his perfectly filled jeans. His straight, black, slightly long hair sometimes hangs down over his lust-filled hauntingly blue eyes. Do you think you might like to be his boy for a night?"

"Yes, he would," Master Jose replied.

"I'll bet he would," Master Grant replied. "I'll bet you will blow a load the first time he touches you."

"Something tells me you are in planning mode," Master David said to Master Grant.

"From the moment Donato mentioned his name," Master Grant said. He was still looking directly at me. I returned the gaze.

"Who else is as intense as you and Mr. Hunt?" Master Tim asked.

Master Grant took his eyes off me momentarily as he looked at Master Buba, "Buba is as intense as Will and me." His eyes met mine again.

"From the looks of your dick, slave boy, you want us. Don't you, boy?" Master Grant asked me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"You will have an opportunity soon, boy," Master Grant replied and looked at David.

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"And what will I do while you three are out cavorting with Mr. Electrifying?" Master Tim asked.

"Slave boy," Master David replied. "You will be under my supervision along with an extra Master. Someone who has been waiting for an opportunity to beat some sense into your perverted little head. Jose, do you have anyone who comes to mind?"

"I believe I have said over and over again: someone should beat some sense into Tim's perverted little head. Besides, he will look good on his knees begging us for our dicks in his ass, right, Tim?" Master Jose replied.

"Ah..., do I have a choice?" Master Tim asked.

"No," Master David replied.

"Do you have many other photos of Dad, Uncle Donato?" JJ asked.

"Many," Donato replied. "I have many photos of your father in all sorts of dress or undress. All highly erotic. All very mysterious. Your Dad and I worked well together. I set the scene, and he takes it from there. He should have become a model. No one, at least none I have worked with, can come close to your Dad's special gift in front of the camera. The one I gave to your family is my favorite. Other people like different scenes. One of the most popular is your father bound bent over a table. One very big dicked Master is about to shove his cock up your Dad's ass. Four other men are in the foreground and background stroking their huge dicks and waiting for their turn at your Dad's ass."

"Does his ability to work well in front of a camera influence his work with other Masters?" Master Adrian asked.

"I would say absolutely, yes," Master Donato replied. "He slips perfectly from in front of a camera to in front of a big burly Master. Seamlessly. Or the other way around from in front of a big burly Master to in front of a camera. Perfectly. Seamlessly. Perfectly."

"Bondoc has spoken about becoming a photographer, haven't you, Master?" I said to Bondoc.

"Yes, boy," Bondoc replied. "I studied under Emilio Lazaro when he was visiting with his boys in Hassin."

"Ah! Emilio," Master Donato replied. "Excellent photographer. He and I have done similar work. He is usually more commercial than me. I tend toward the artistic. Emilio tends toward the money. And he's made lots and lots of it. Bundles. Perhaps you and me, Bondoc, could work together while we are in Provincetown. I would love to see some of your work."

"I would need a subject," Master Bondoc replied.

"I know a perfect subject we could share for an afternoon or maybe even longer," Master Donato said as he turned his lust filled eyes toward me.

"It seems, Jose, Steven will be busy," Master Buba said to Master Jose. "Do we need to find an extra boy to play with in his absence?" Master Buba asked.

"I could loan you Wayne," Master Garrison replied. "I will be a little busy with Marvin the next few weeks."

"Excellent," Master Jose replied.

"The family that plays together stays together," Master Tim added.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Master Jose began. "Babak and Hassid have made arrangements for the three of you to visit their country. It will happen after we return from Provincetown. You will be gone between two and six weeks, depending on various external circumstances. Babak and Hassid will explain your journey in more detail once they arrive. You will have an amazing opportunity to discover that area from two excellent tour guides."

"Why can't they decide how long before they leave?" Master Tim asked. "It seems like a very wide window."

"It has something to do with the decision of the elders within their community," Master Jose replied. "They can only make certain decisions after they see and talk to the boy. It is an honor for him to be considered for this opportunity to see the inner sanctums of their people."

"Sounds weird to me," Master Tim added.

"It will work out for the best, Tim," Master Jose replied.


"So, Steven, we had a lot of announcements yesterday during cocktail hour," Master Tim said the morning after our agenda laden cocktail hour. We were enjoying coffee in the kitchen while the others were enjoying the pool.

"It seems you and I will be busy," I said to Master Tim.

"Have you heard from Connor and Theo about their dilemma?" Master Tim asked.

"No," I replied. "You?"

"Nope," Master Tim replied.

"Maybe it was a phase, and Master Connor and Master Theo will continue with their lives without a second thought to our conversation."

"Not on your life, Dad," Master Connor said as he and Theo scrunched between Master Tim and me. "We've decided to play the field until we are out of college."

"So you two will be dating other guys, correct?" Master Tim asked.

"Not exactly, Dad," Master Theo began to understand. "We will continue to be twin brothers with benefits through college. We will experiment with various subs. If we find one we like, we will see how he works out. If not, we continue to interview possible subservient boyfriends. Great plan, don't you think, Dads?"

"Except you will be using the ones you cast aside," I replied. "Not exactly a nice thing to do to a person still in college."

"We came to the same conclusion, Dads," Master Connor replied. "In our revised plan, Theo and I would ask a potential boyfriend out on a date. If we clicked, we move forward. But we're not certain how many guys would be willing to date twin brothers and eventually have sex with both of us and have both of us have sex with each other."

"Isn't your last statement a run-on sentence?" Master Tim asked.

"We're randomizing our thoughts, Dad," Master Theo reported. "We will go back and clean up the grammar later."

"Do you have any possibilities?" I asked.

"We have decided we will wait until we are in college before we stalk potential boyfriends," Master Connor added.

"Great choice," Master Tim and I said in unison.

"We've decided to take each other to the senior prom," Master Connor continued.

"Settles one problem," I replied. "How will your classmates view your decision to take your twin brother to the prom?"

"During a discussion at school about who we were taking to the Prom, Misha Baloch asked who we were taking," Master Theo added. "We said we didn't know. Misha suggested we go with each other. She said we are considered a couple, anyway. So guess what? We're taking each other."

"I hate to break up this family moment," Master David said to us as he stuck his head into the kitchen, "Steven, I need your technical expertise so we can make an informed decision about a matter."

"Sure," I said as I stood to follow Master David. "We can continue this discussion at another time. At least the two of you are not making any sudden, rash decisions anytime soon."

"See you, Steven," Master Tim added. "If I am not mistaken `sudden, rash decisions' is a redundant expression. Either it is `sudden' or it is `rash.'"

"Thank you, oh great wordsmith, Sir," I replied as I followed David to his office. "What can I help you with Master David?"

"First of all, slave boy, when we are alone in this room and talking business, please call me David," Master David replied. "It makes me a little nervous when you call me Master, and I am about to tell you something about your financial net worth which could blow your mind."

"Are we in trouble yet?" I asked.

"I have no fucking clue, but it seems the black hole we have discovered was aptly named," Master David began his explanation. "This is a hypothesis based on the data Garrison, Wayne, and I have collected over the last few weeks. It appears this black hole is sucking in money from unknown sources scattered across the globe. Practically every civilized country in the world has an outflow of cash into the black hole. It disappears. At first we thought it was connected to the bank we own in Hassin, but the money is not going into the bank we own in Hassin. Also, when I say sucking in money, I mean major, major amounts of money."

"Are we in trouble here?" I asked. "Is it possibly something illegal?"

"Don't know yet," Master David replied.

"These are electronic transfers?" I asked.

"Yes," Master David replied.

"They need an identifier for both the source and the destination," I explained. "It is a standard system used through-out the world. Although I remember hearing of outposts in several countries who have their own wire transfer network. I have no idea where its network controls exist. I have no idea who might be behind this network. Or even why. We don't have a `who,' `what,' `where,' `when,' `why,' or `how.'"

"Can you help me find one or more of the `who,' `what,' `where,' `when,' `why,' or `how'?"

"Give me the information you have," I replied. "We had a forensic accountant on retainer at eSquare when some idiot implicated us in a major foreign issue. Let me see if he is available."

"Go to it, rent boy," David replied. "Now you are back to slave boy, boy."

Master David handed me a file of information.

As I left Master David's office, I had a sneaky suspicion we might be in big shit trouble. I padded naked into the first floor sitting room and pulled out my phone.

"Coats, Johnson-Reynolds, and Winthrop. How may I direct your call?" the operator asked.

"Could I please speak to Joshua Johnson-Reynolds?" I replied.

"May I ask who is calling, please?" the operator replied.

"Steven Caden-Caldwell," I replied.

"One moment, please," the operator said as music on hold began playing.

"Steven!" Joshua replied. "Where are you hiding these days?"

"Not really hiding, Master," I began. "My husband, our sons, and I are in Provincetown for the summer. We needed a break. How is married life treating you and Derick?"

"It's been a wonderful six months," Joshua replied. "We are looking for a house somewhere in Chicago—preferably Lakeview."

"We might have a house, or at least a three-flat you could convert to a house, available on Roscoe or Buckingham between Broadway and Halsted," I replied. "I could have our trust manager take a look at what might be available if you want."

"Why do you have real estate other than your house?" Josh asked.

"We own the entire block," I replied.

"If it weren't you, I would need to ask how you happen to own the entire block of prime real estate," Josh said. "But I am talking to you, so I really don't want to know."

"I will explain when we meet in person," I replied. "It is an easier discussion face-to-face. I called on a business-related matter."

"Okay," Josh said as his voice obviously changed to forensic accounting mode. "Please explain."

"I am one of six people who inherited a massive trust," I began. "The trust assets are mostly real estate and some fairly large business organizations. We have one vexing issue which we can't seem to explain. We thought you might help. We could put you on retainer or whatever you want."

"We will work out the financial details later," Josh replied. "I do have some time to look into the matter. I would probably assign the case to one of my senior investigators once I understand the scope of this matter. When do you want to meet?"

"Would you and Derick be free this weekend to stay with us?" I asked. "The other people involved in the trust will also be with us."

"Sure," Josh replied. "Time? Place?"

"We will send a plane for you," I explained. "You can land at Logan, and we will arrange a helicopter to transport you to Provincetown. We will have time to talk without fear of inebriation getting in our way. Then, we will let inebriation do its miracles."

"Sounds like a plan," Josh replied. "I do have one question for you, Steven. Are you and your husband into the lifestyle?"

"Yes," I replied. "But it is not simple to explain."

"Nothing about you is simple to explain," Josh replied.

"Let me try," I began. "Master Tim and I each have two Masters. We have nine sons. Both sets of Masters live with Master Tim, the boys, and me. One big happy family."

"For you, Steven, it all sounds very, very normal," Josh said with a snicker. "Derick and I have an interesting relationship. Sometimes, Derick and I are slave and Master respectively. At other times, we are very emotionally connected people who love one another."

"Depending on what mood you are in, house rules demand naked slaves," I replied. "Naked is optional for guest slaves."

"Not for Derick," Josh replied. "I'm looking forward to working with you again, Steven. It will be a bonus if we connect socially, too."

"Same here," I replied. "It will be good to see you again."

"We can revisit old times," Josh said. "I suspect your husband will be eager to learn more about your past, boy."

"Sounds perfect," I replied. "You can stay longer if you like. Not only will Master Tim want to hear the stories, three of my sons, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian will also be pumping you for information."

"I'll see what Derick has scheduled," I replied. "Perhaps we can stay. I hope so."

"See you soon, Master," I replied.

"It will be good to see you again, boy," Master Josh replied as we ended the call.

"So, your forensic accounting friend is a former Master, huh, Steven?" Master David asked as he sat next to me on the sofa.

"Yup," I replied. "We weren't in a Master/slave relationship. It was Master/slave with benefits."

"You really are a slut, Steven," Master David continued.

"Yes," I replied. "Once a slut, always a slut."

"Spoken like a true slut," Master David added with a hint of lust in his voice and eyes. "My boy is on a conference call with his publishers. Your Masters are conferring with someone about some project they want to begin. Grant is in Boston taping an interview. So, boy, it looks like you need to follow me to our room so you can give me the relief I need. This dick just won't go down by itself."

"We don't really need to waste time going upstairs, Master," I hissed as I scooted closer and leaned in to kiss him.

"I like sluts like you, boy," Master David added as I pulled his t-shirt over his head. "Of course, you already knew my proclivities."

By the time Master David finished speaking, I had his shorts pulled down and he stepped out of them.

Master David pushed my head down to his nipple. I immediately began to tongue his very, very sensitive nipples.

"Awwww! Shit, boy," David moaned. "Yea. Suck it. Suck it good, boy."

I sucked and sucked and sucked. Master David moved my head to his other nipple. I sucked and sucked and sucked.

Master David pushed me further down his body. I paused and licked his six-pack abs before I landed on the tip of Master David's massive thirteen-inch uncut dick.

"You like big Asian dick, don't you boy?" Master David hissed again.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I swallowed his dick. When my nose hit his pubic hair I almost came.

Finally, Master David pulled me up hugged me and kissed me.

"Now, boy," Master David said. "I want your sloppy slave boy ass. Bend over the desk. The only lube you will get is your saliva, boy."

"Yes, Master," I groveled as I bent over the desk. "Please, Master. Please take my ass. Please, Master. Please."

Master David practically made a running start and speared my ass with his massive dick.

"Ohhhhhh! Yes!" I hissed.


"So, Steven," Master Tim began as we sat around the pool having cocktails. "Tell us more about this forensic accountant friend of yours, Joshua Johnson-Reynolds, I believe is his name. Exactly how—and how well—do you know him?"

"Master Joshua and I worked on a project for eSquare," I began. "We worked on it for more than a month. We grew very close and shared some of the same interests. We became friends."

"Why haven't we met him before?" Master Tim asked.

"He's in New York now," I replied. "He has a massive practice there. Master Joshua is one of the country's best forensic accountants."

"How friendly were you and Josh the forensic accountant?" Master Tim asked.

"We would spend time together fairly often," I replied. "Then, about three years ago, he had an opportunity to join this practice as a partner in New York. We lost touch."

"What did you tell me when I fucked your ass this afternoon, boy?" Master David asked.

"He has a big dick," I replied.

"What did you compare his dick with, boy?" Master David asked.

"Yours, Master," I replied. "I said it was the size of yours only a little fatter."

"Where did you tell me he put his big, fatter-than-my-dick, dick?" Master David asked.

"In my ass," I replied.

"How often did he put his big, fatter-than-my-dick, dick in your ass?" Master David asked.

"Several times a week, Sir," I replied.

"So, Steven, were you and Josh just friends with benefits?" Master Tim asked.

"Not exactly," I replied.

"Boyfriends?" Master Tim asked.

"More than boyfriends," I replied. "He became my Master until he moved to New York."

"Master Jose, Master Buba," Master Tim turned his attention to my Masters. "If I am not mistaken, Steven needs to be punished for not telling me about his past with this Joshua person. Do you agree?"

"Absolutely, Tim," Master Jose replied.

"We will make certain he is sufficiently punished after we finish dinner tonight," Master Buba explained. "We added a new toy for the boy's punishment regimen. You are all invited to watch."

"We'll be busy," Master Grant replied. "Thanks for offering."

"Can we watch, Uncle Buba," Master Adrian asked.

"Sure," Master Buba replied.

"What about us?" JJ asked pointing to Ramesh and himself.

"Tim, Steven?" Master Buba asked.

"Sure," Master Tim replied. "No touching, though. Only looking. If you touch your Dad, I will cut your hands or your dicks off. Understand?"

"Yes, Dad," Ramesh replied. "We understand. We promise we won't touch Dad."

"Are you sure this is good, Master Tim?" I asked.

"Why not?" Master Tim asked. "Ramesh fucked you in Hassin before you adopted him. So, I don't think it would be a big deal. And, since JJ would be the only one not watching, he would be hurt. So, yes, they both can watch."

"Master Tim..." I began to disapprove.

"I already told them they could watch," Master Tim replied. "So, they can watch."

"Yes, Master," I replied with squinty eyes.

"Dinner is served," Harvey announced.

Once we were all settled with our meal in front of us, the three musketeers took center stage again.

"Is Buckley coming with Hassid, Dad?" Master Adrien asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"We were just curious," Master Connor added. "We've heard Buckley and Hassid have become an item."

"From whom?" I asked.

"Tyron," Master Theo replied.

I raised my left eye brow. "You were talking with Tyron?"

"Yes," Master Adrian answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"We are doing research for a term paper for our summer extra credit in History," Master Theo explained. "We've selected our topic. It is `Gay Men Who Are Illegitimate Sons of Royalty.'"

"What makes you think your paper will be accepted?" I asked.

"It already has been," Master Connor replied. "Our History advisor already approved it before school ended. He rather liked our topic. He's eager to see a draft."

"So you are doing a paper using Tyron as your data source?" I asked.

"He's only one of our subjects," Master Connor proudly explained. "Tyron put us in touch with three more. One from France. One from Morocco. And one from Vietnam. They are all alive and well in Chicago. They have a support group. These were the only ones willing to be interviewed."

"Miraculously, they all consider themselves BDSM tops," Master Adrian added. "Did you know Tyron leans in the direction of BDSM, Dad?"

"I have never experienced anything which would have led me to the conclusion his interest in BDSM runs in his family genealogy," I replied.

"Tyron's father is a well-known Sadist," Master Connor further explained. "He preferred women as subs. However, he had been known to shift gears if the right guy came along. Maybe we could discuss the pros and cons of being switch hitters."

"Your paper should be absolutely fascinating, guys," Master Tim finally said. "I'll be happy to review it before you submit it."

"Thanks, Dad," Master Adrian agreed. "You are always so supportive. Dad S could learn a few things about parenting from you."

"Connor, Theo, Adrian," I began. "After you finish dinner, I want you to go to your room and do not come out until you are thirty-five. Understand?"

"Yes, Dad," the three musketeers replied in unison.

"Steven, tell us about your appointment with Jerome," Master Grant suggested.

"I am not privy to the details Jerome and Master Jose and Master Buba have discussed," I replied. "I will know when it is over."

"Steven will begin the tattooing of his dick tomorrow afternoon," Master Jose replied. "This Saturday evening, Dr. Garmond will be injecting the boy's balls. Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian have agreed to observe the procedure up close. We hope they can be trained to keep up the injections while we are in Provincetown. Steven will need more frequent doses to give us the results we want. He is becoming resistant to the drug currently used. Dr. Garmond has suggested we switch to a different drug. It will be more painful, but it will offer superior results. We are also considering dick enlargement, but we need to finish the tattoo sessions before we move on to the dick enlargement."

"How much larger?" Master David asked.

"Two to three inches," Master Jose replied. "The biggest increase will be in circumference. We can do this procedure once a year until we generate the desired results. Buba and I hope to get his dick to around fifteen-inches in length."

"I want to be the first one he fucks when it reaches fifteen inches," Master Tim added. "I am his husband, after all."

"You will have the opportunity to use it first, Tim," Master Buba promised. "Provided we all get to watch."

"Sure," Master Tim replied. "The more the merrier."

"Clichés, Dad," Master Connor corrected Master Tim.

"Thank you for bringing my cliché faux pas to my attention," Master Tim replied. "I will be a better person because of your kind gesture."

"You're welcome, Dad," Master Connor replied.

"Can we take a dune buggy ride sometime?" JJ asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Who wants to go?"

Everyone raised their hand.

"I see from the response we need to book the entire fleet," I said. "I'll ask Harvey to check when the fleet will be available."

Harvey cleared the plates and returned with dessert. After he finished distributing his creation, Harvey disappeared again.

I slowly savored one of Harvey's excellent desserts.

"Speed it up, Dad," Master Theo suggested. "You are the entertainment tonight."

"I am enjoying Harvey's masterpiece," I replied.

"Yea, Dad," Master Adrian continued. "We need to be entertained."

"Okay, okay," I gave in. "Your entertainment is ready."

Master Buba stood. "Assume the position, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied and assumed the position. Hands behind my back. Legs shoulder width apart.

"Good boy," Master Buba said as he attached my leash to my collar and handed the leash to Master Jose.

I followed Master Jose down the stairs to the playroom. I watched Master Jose's ass undulate underneath his tight jeans. He led me into the playroom and into the center. Master Jose and Master Buba attached my wrists to the overhead restraint system.

"Tonight we have something special for you. A new toy chosen with you in mind," Master Buba said as he handed Master Jose a set of tubes used on the vacuum pump system.

"These are very special vacuum tubes, boy," Master Jose explained. "The inside of the tubes are not smooth like normal tubes. They are coated with a crystal-like substance. When your dick and nipples begin to grow, you will feel the pressure dig into your cock and nipples."

Master Jose and Master Buba secured the tubes on my nipples and my cock. Master Jose started the vacuum pump.

"Do you feel the crystals?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "It feels tingly."

"Good," Master Jose said as he added more vacuum.

"It is starting to dig into the skin of my cock," I replied as the vacuum pump pulled the pressure down and evened off.

"Good," Master Jose replied as he added even more vacuum.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck!" I moaned as the feeling transformed itself into pain.

"Does it hurt, boy?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Which hurts more, your cock or your tits?" Master Jose asked.

"Cock," I hissed.

Master Jose added even more vacuum.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as the pain intensified.

Master Jose stood in front of me. "How do you like our new toy, boy?"

"Like it, Sir," I quietly answered.

Master Buba took Master Jose's place in front of me. He held up some type of bag.

"Do you know what this is, boy?" Master Buba sked.

"No, Sir," I replied.

"It's a rubber, inflatable butt plug," Master Buba explained. "You like big things in your ass, don't you boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"You will think you'll explode before we finish," Master Buba said. I could see the power and lust exploding from his eyes. "Do you want this in your ass, boy?"

"Yes, Master. Please," I pleaded.

Master Buba took his place behind me. I felt the cold rubber at my asshole. Master Buba pushed the deflated butt plug into my ass.

Master Buba returned to his position in front of me. "This, boy, is the remote for the inflatable butt plug in your ass. With the push of a button, the butt plug will inflate. Every time I press this button it will inflate even more. You will be begging me to stop, boy. But I won't stop. You know I won't stop, don't you, boy, until I am ready to stop?

"Yes, Master," I replied as I watched Master Buba press the first button.

The butt plug inflated to the size of a medium butt plug.

"You like the butt plug, don't you boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

He pressed the second button which increased the size of the butt plug. He pressed it again. And again. And again. And again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt the plug expand even further.

"What does it feel like?" Master Buba asked. "Does it feel like a big dick. A fist. Two fists?"

"A fist, Sir," I replied.

Master Buba pressed the button again. Three times.

"What does it feel like now, boy?"

"Two fists," I replied, barely able to make a sound.

"Good," Master Buba said.

Master Buba pressed the button another three times.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned.

"I won't ask how it feels now, boy," Master Buba replied.

"Garrison, Connor, Theo, Adrian," Master Jose said to the spectators. "Please join us for the next round of fun."

Master Garrison, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian moved in front of me. They were facing Master Jose who had his back to me.

"Please pick one of these," Master Jose replied. "Make your decision carefully. You will be asked to demonstrate your choice of instrument on our naked boy. Use it to inflict maximum pain."

My four tormentors each picked an instrument. Master Jose stepped aside.

Master Garrison stepped forward. He held up his choice.

"This is no ordinary ball parachute, boy," Master Garrison explained. "See inside the parachute. These little metal pins are sharp. They will cut through your skin. When I add each weight, you will suffer more and more. Not only by the weight, but by these pins further ripping at your ball sac."

Master Garrison kneeled in front of me. He pulled my balls down so he could slip the piece of leather around my balls. I immediately felt the pins poking into my skin.

Master Garrison picked up a five pound weight. He connected the weight to the chain of the ball parachute and let it drop.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the weight pulled the pins further into my skin.

Master Garrison picked up another five-pound weight and repeated the process.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again.

Master Garrison stood. He moved close to me and kissed me.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned in delight.

Master Garrison stepped away. Master Connor took his place.

"Dad told me you were ticklish, boy," Master Connor said as he held his feather in front of me. "You look terrified, boy. Why?"

"Tickling. Don' like," I hissed barely able to speak from the pain in my cock and tits from the vacuum tubes and from the weights dangling from my balls.

"Good," Master Connor replied as he held the feather in front of my face. He moved the feather under my arm pits.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I whimpered as the feather moved around the surface of my arm pits.

"I like this feather, boy," Master Connor hissed into my ear. "This could turn out to be my favorite toy when I need to punish you."

He continued to stimulate me with the feather. Under each armpit several times. He moved up and down each of my sides. Then, Master Connor grabbed my balls in the parachute with the weights and began tickling my balls.

Master Connor paused and conferred with Master Jose. Master Jose's face lit up with a huge smile.

Master Connor returned with an adjustable table. He adjusted the height to coincide with my knees. Master Jose and Master Buba released my ankles from the restraints. One by one Master Buba and Master Jose maneuvered my legs so I was kneeling on the table top. Master Jose pulled my legs apart so I was again spread eagle on my knees. Master Jose and Master Buba added restraints around my calves just below the knees.

"This will be so much fun, Dad," Master Connor said as he stood in front of me. He held up two new feathers, slightly larger than the first.

I felt the feathers touch the soles of my feet. I immediately jumped out of my skin. "Noooooooo," I moaned.

"Yes, Dad," Master Connor replied. "Yes, indeed. This will be so, so much fun."

Master Connor took his place behind me. He started with my left armpit and worked his way down my left side, up my right side, and finished with my right armpit.

"Ohhhhhh!" I whimpered. The feeling of being overcome by a feather further caused my cock to grow even larger. The crystals cut deeper into my skin. I watched in slow motion as Master Jose increased the vacuum. "Ahhhhhhhh! Shit!" I bellowed as the pain hit me like a rock.

Master Connor moved in front of me again. "This next phase will be the game changer, Dad. I'm just prepping you for my two brothers. Hang on, Dad. I'll enjoy myself. So, make the best of the situation."

Master Connor returned to his position behind me.

"Ohhhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt the feather's tip contact the sole of my foot. He continued tickling my feet, which were extra sensitive to tickling. Finally, it ended. Master Connor stood in front of me and kissed me. I felt Master Connor's lips brush mine. My whole body tingled. He continued kissing me. My dick got harder and harder.

"Thanks, Dad," Master Connor replied. "I love being with you. You make me feel needed. Powerful. Lucky to have a Dad like you."

Master Connor walked away. Master Theo stood before me.

"I picked this because I remember seeing Uncle Jose use this on you," Master Theo explained. "Uncle Jose said this is a special wheel. Its tips have been coated with a Teflon type of coating. The coating allows the tips to dig deeper into your skin without piercing it. You will feel the tips more than you would on a normal wheel."

Master Theo moved close to me and brought his lips to mine. I felt as though my body would explode with desire and lust for Master Theo.

"You like kissing me, don't you, Dad," Master Theo said. "I can tell. You kiss back. I give you my tongue, and you return the favor. Watching your body react to my kisses makes me very, very horny. I want you so bad, Dad. I want to be with you."

Master Theo backed slightly away from me. He brought the wheel to my armpits and began to move the wheel in random swipes across my arm pit.

It felt so erotic. It made my whole body shiver. Master Theo continued moving the wheel over my body. Armpits. Chest. Stomach. Balls. Back. Ass cheeks. Legs. Then, it was the soles of my feet.

"Oh! God! Yes!" I screamed.

Master Theo continued with the soles of my feet. Pressing harder and harder on the wheel which made the pins go deeper and deeper. And then he stopped.

"I had the best time, Dad," Master Theo whispered into my ear as he moved his head next to mine. His tongue licked my ear lobes. Right then left. Master Theo moved back slightly and looked into my eyes. I saw the dancing energy of Master Theo's eyes grow more brilliant each second I looked into his eyes. The kiss. Master Theo kissed me. His touch made my dick twitch against the crystals inside the vacuum tubes connected to my dick and nipples.

Master Theo backed away. Master Adrian took his place.

"See this riding crop, Dad," Master Theo began. "When I saw this, I knew it was meant for you and me. Every time this riding crop hits your skin, think about us. Think about the energy we have shared. Think about the lust pulsing through our bodies. Think about the possibilities of growing our energy and lust to new heights. Higher and higher. We will reach a pinnacle. But, we won't stop there. We will continue. Higher and higher.

Master Adrian stepped back. I closed my eyes as the first slap of the riding crop smashed across the skin on my armpits. Both armpits. Side. Chest. Stomach. Balls. Back. Ass cheeks. Thighs. Calves. Feet. He took great care to cover the soles of my feet. Not once. Not twice. Three times.

Master Adrian pulled away from me and moved in front. He brushed his lips across mine before he attacked me with his passionate, lust-filled kisses.

"It's time, Dad," Master Adrian said as he pulled back from kissing me. He pulled off his shorts and gave me a lust filled smile punctuated by his blazing eyes.

Master Connor and Master Theo joined Master Adrian. All three naked. All three hard. All three stroking.

"Now we will give you something of ourselves, Dad," Master Theo explained.

JJ and Ramesh joined their brothers. Both naked. Both hard. Both stroking.

Master Connor stepped in front of me and whispered into my ear. "How does watching your five sons jerk off in front of you, Dad?"

"Proud," I replied.

"Do you think we are hot and sexy, Dad?" Master Connor added.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Very hot. Very sexy."

"What do you think of our younger brothers, Dad?" Master Connor continued.

"Beautiful, Master," I replied. My dick strained against the vacuum tube.

I stood mesmerized by my sons. Strong, Virile. Strong. Tall. Hung.

"Are we close, guys?" Master Adrian asked his brothers.

"Yes!" the others said in unison.

The all circled around me. Close by. I could feel the heat of their body. I could hear their labored breathing. I could smell the scent of sex.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" all five of them moaned as they covered my body in their cum. Chest. Stomach. Crotch. The cum dripped off my body.

One by one, each of my sons stepped in front of me and kissed me.


To be continued.

This is my 64th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 65

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