Life with Tim

Published on Mar 2, 2017


Life with Tim 63

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


Masters Connor, Theo, and Adrian walked into the room.

Master Connor made a bee-line to Master Jay's seat. "You must be Jay. Great to meet you. I assume you put our dad in his place during your time together. He's become a little too power hungry. He needs to be put in his place, right boy?"

"Yes, Master Connor," I replied. "Master Jay did an excellent job of putting me in my place. Master Jay, these are my sons, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian. And, before you ask why I call them Master, I will explain later."

"I will eagerly await your explanation, boy," Master Jay responded with a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, guys. Steven has told me wonderful things about the three of you. You're lucky boys to have him as your father."

"Yea," Master Theo replied. "He and Dad Tim are both terrific parents."

"We've learned a lot from Dad S," Master Adrian replied with a smirk on his face.

"I should be leaving," Master Jay said to the group.

"I asked Master Jay to join us for cocktails and dinner on Saturday," I explained to the group.

"Excellent," Tim responded. "Maybe you could arrive a little early so we can talk. I am eager to hear your story. So, 5 pm talk, 6 pm cocktails, and 8 pm dinner."

"Thank you," Master Jay said as he stood up to leave. "I enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to Saturday evening."

"I'll walk Master Jay to the door," I said to the group.

I took Master Jay's hand as we moved to the entry hall.

At the door, Master Jay put his arms around me and kissed me. My dick grew to full length just by his touch.

"Thank you, Steven," Master Jay said. "I eagerly await our next time together."

"Thank you, Master," I responded. "I am so happy to have the opportunity to serve you, Master. I, too, am looking forward to many more visits with you."

"I'll see you on Saturday, boy," Master Jay said as he kissed me one last time before he closed the door behind him.

Chapter 63: Slave Tour... I Mean Book Tour

"So, Steven," Tim said to me after I took my seat on the floor in front of Master Jose and Master Buba. "Master Jay seems like a very nice person, and he's built, too. Didn't you say he had eleven inches of uncut meat?"

"Yes," I replied. "Eleven inches."

"You also seem very happy this afternoon," Tim continued. "You and Master Jay must have had an extremely successful visit. What did you like best about your time together?"

"I'll give you the blow-by-blow details later, Tim," I replied. "We don't want to bore the others."

"No fucking way, boy," Master David countered. "We haven't been sitting here to have small talk with your hunky Marine Corp Captain. Details."

"You owe it to the family, boy," Master Jose added. "Details in sequence."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Master Jay likes to start a session by fucking his bottom. This time, however, he wanted me to fuck him, which I did. Then, I rode his massive dick like a rodeo rider..."

"Right before we left to bring me home, Master Jay fisted me," I continued my explanation. "He fisted me for a long time... A very long time... I felt disappointed when he took his arm out of my ass. It felt good to have his arm in me all of the way to his shoulder. I quickly got over my disappointment when it became apparent he was preparing to put both of his arms up my ass. So my ass probably feels like you could drive a Mac truck through it."

"That's it?" Tim asked.

"I was only with him twenty-four hours," I countered.

"I was being factitious, Steven," Tim added. "I would have been a blob of rubber on the floor if I had experienced everything you did in a twenty-four-hour period."

"You seemed very close to your client, Steven," Master Jose replied. "Will he need to become another family member?"

"No, Sir," I replied. "But he is a very, very nice man. He's sexually very demanding, but it was a pleasure to serve him. He might be lonely."

"I'm giving him a friends and family rate in the future," Master Jose said with a smile. "He already booked additional sessions with you, boy."

"Steven, you should give your new boyfriend a gift certificate for your services," Tim replied.

"He's not my new boyfriend, Tim," I replied.

"Is there something you want to say, Wayne," Tim said. "Your dick, I think, is trying to tell a story."

"He is very handsome and very formidable," Wayne explained. "I would not be experienced enough to be with him, however."

"We could put you on an intense training program," Master Grant added. "David and I would offer our services. Jose? Buba?"

"Of course," Master Jose said. "We would love to help you become more experienced."

"We could help, too," Master Adrian added.

"Then it is decided," Master David spoke up. "While Tim, Steven, and Garrison are on their month-long book tour, we will work diligently to bring your talent up to levels consistent with a demanding Master like Jay."

"I couldn't interrupt you lives," Wayne replied. "Besides, I need to go to work."

"What is it you do professionally, Wayne?" I asked.

"I'm a paralegal at a small law firm downtown," Wayne replied.

"Wayne," Master David began. "It just occurred to me I could use a paralegal for my practice. Especially handling the business of the trust. How much to do you make at your current place of employment?"

"About thirty-thousand," Wayne replied.

"I will offer you fifty-thousand plus the standard benefits, including a flexible work week," Master David replied.

"And you could live here," I added. "I'm certain Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, and Master Buba would like the company while the three of us are on Tim's book tour. You could save on rent."

"For a slave boy, you are very creative, Steven," Master Grant said with a huge grin on his face. "Tell your employers an emergency has come up and you need to go out of town very quickly."

"But, I'd be lying," Wayne objected.

"Buba and I could take you to our rural retreat in Michigan. You would be out of town and getting the training you want," Master Jose added. "So, it is official. Wayne will start his training on Monday afternoon."

"I can't just drop everything and learn how to be a better slave boy," Wayne countered.

"You have no choice, Wayne," Master Theo continued. "You are a slave boy. You don't make decisions. Your Masters do. All four of your Masters. Seven if you include Connor, Adrian, and me."


"So what exactly will my duties be on the book tour?" Garrison asked as we fastened our seat belts for takeoff.

"You will be my assistant," Tim explained. "Make certain the travel arrangements have been properly made. You will also keep me on schedule. You are my eyes and ears on the ground so to speak."

"What about the slave boy on your left, Tim?" Garrison asked.

"He will be eye candy while the book signing is underway," Tim replied. "And Steven and I are both locked up. You will be our sexual release engine. Your dick will get a lot of use on this tour."

"I can start now if you want," Garrison added.

"The bedroom in the back is very comfortable, Garrison," Chad suggested. "This is only a two-hour flight, so you need to either be fast or ask the pilot to circle the airport."

"We can wait until we get to the hotel room, Chad," Tim replied. "We don't want you to change the sheets for such a short amount of time."

"Very thoughtful of you, Tim," Chad said with a smile.

"Garrison," I began. "Here is the tablet for the travel arrangements. Everything is stored in the cloud so you can access it from any computer. This seems more convenient. If you want, Garrison, I can give you a blow job right here in the main cabin."

Garrison quickly push his pants down to his ankles. He wore no underwear. I dropped to my knees in front of him and put his big cock into my mouth.

"Chad," Tim said as he and our flight attendant watched me a Garrison. "If I am not mistaken, you have a very hard dick which needs attention. Drop your pants and sit."

"Yes, boss," Chad replied as he dropped his pants and Tim eagerly swallowed Chad's cock.

"Fuck, boss," Chad hissed as Tim continued to suck on Chad's big dick. "You are one fine cocksucker."

"I've had lots of practice," Tim hissed back as he momentarily took Chad's dick out of his mouth. "Master Grant and Master David get blowjobs every morning. Also, after lunch. And after dinner. And before they both fuck me when we retire for the night."

"We can switch sometime, Chad," Garrison said in a hushed voice. "Steven and Tim are both excellent cocksuckers. They have different techniques. You need to experience both."

"I believe I will enjoy this tour," Chad said as he showed signs of an imminent release.

"Shit, boy!" Chad bellowed as he began to deposit his load of cum in Tim's mouth.

"I'm right behind you, fly boy!" Garrison added as he filled my mouth with copious amounts of cum.


"Nice room," Tim said as we entered our hotel suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel across from Central Park. "This makes all of my hard work worthwhile.

"You did good, Timmy," Garrison said. "Two bathrooms. Look at this fucking shower. We are going to be clean, clean, clean."

"Jez!" Tim added. "He's already planning shower sex!"

"What do you expect from Garrison?" I asked.

"Okay, slave boys," Garrison began. "You were not privy to my conversation with Grant, David, Jose, and Buba. Slave boys, rules of the house apply to rules of the hotel suite. You must be naked when in this suite for any length of time. You are to call me Master, Master Garrison, or Sir. I am your Master-in-waiting for this tour. Also, I have the keys used to lock and unlock both of you. I, on the other hand, am instructed not to use it unless we are faced with an emergency situation. So, slave boys. Get fucking naked."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I quickly disrobed.

"Yes, Master," Tim added as he, too, shucked his clothing.

We both assumed the position in front of Master Garrison.

"Shit! This is going to be so, so much fun!" Garrison enthused. "You boys are so fucked!"

"You're such a considerate Master, Master Garrison," Tim added. "We need to be in a cab at 10 am tomorrow. I will be an exceedingly willing slave boy to a point. I need sleep so I can perform. With this said, what can we do for you, Master Garrison?"

"It is 3 pm," Master Garrison began. "We have a few hours before cocktails and dinner. I suggest we go to the hotel gym and get you boys pumped."

"Works for me," I replied. "Tim?"

"Let's do it, Master," Tim replied. "We can't go naked, though."

"Of course not," Master Garrison replied. "I may be a tough task master, but I am not stupid. We can't have our bestselling author and his rent boy husband arrested on indecency charges. Gym shorts. T-shirt. Shoes. Skip the jock or underwear. I want those slave boy balls flapping in the wind."

"Yes, Master Garrison," I replied as the three of us began digging out our gym clothes. "I suspect our regular Masters sent a workout schedule with you. Correct?"

"Excellent assumption, rent boy," Master Garrison replied. "Today is arms, chest, and abs."

"What do you think of ordering dinner in the room?" Tim asked. "This is a nice place to relax. We should have bought vodka."

"Never fear," Master Garrison added. "I never travel without my Grey Goose."

"Were you a boy scout, Garrison?" I asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact," Garrison replied. "Are we ready to pump iron?"

"Yes," Tim and I replied in unison.

"Great gym!" Master Garrison exclaimed as we checked in with the gym attendant.

"Great gym attendant," Tim whispered to me.

"I agree," I whispered back. "Master Garrison is going to strike. Just watch."

"So, Marvin," Master Garrison said to the gym attendant after he read the gym assistant's name tag. "How long have you worked here?"

"About two years," Marvin replied as he checked out Garrison's body. "I am a personal trainer here."

"Marvin, I'd like you to meet my friends who are traveling with me," Garrison continued as he sat on the side of Marvin's desk. "This is Tim and Steven Caden-Caldwell. Tim released his first book and I am accompanying him and his husband on Tim's book tour."

"An author," Marvin said to Tim. "I've never met an author before. You and Steven look familiar. Were you on television or in a movie?"

"Steven and I appeared in a few porn films for Blue Dungeon Studios," Garrison replied.

"That's it! You hung Steven by the balls!" Marvin almost screamed. Fortunately, they gym was empty.

"The name of the movie was Break My Balls," Garrison explained. "Have you seen any of the other Blue Dungeon Studios movies?"

"I watch them all the time," Marvin replied. "I'm looking forward to watching the one about the leather master training his sub. I forget the name of the film."

"Training Session," I added. "The name of the movie is Training Session. I was the sub in the movie. Master Miguel was my master in the film. Tall Hispanic man. Built like a brick shithouse. Hung like a horse."

"Are you a sub in real life, Steven?" Marvin asked.

"I'm a slave boy, Marvin," I replied. "My two Masters own me. Tim has two Masters as well. Are you a Dom or a Sub, Marvin?"

"Master," Marvin replied.

"What time do you get off work, Marvin?" Master Garrison asked.

"Around 8 pm," Marvin replied. "Why?"

"Visit us in our room after work sometime, Marvin," Garrison suggested. "We didn't bring any toys, but we can improvise."

"I have a gym bag full of toys," Marvin explained. "I could bring them if you like."

"Perfect, Marvin," Garrison continued. "We have an early morning, but we'd certainly be interested in having some fun with you. We'll be here at the Ritz all week. Will we see you tonight, Marvin?"

"Absolutely," Marvin replied. "No later than 8:30."

"Perfect, Marvin," Garrison added. "Here is my contact number. We're in the Royal Suite on the twenty-second floor."

"I'm looking forward to working with the three of you," Marvin said as another guest entered the gym.

Garrison smiled as we picked up a towel on the way to the weight room.

"You haven't lost your touch, Garrison," Tim said with a huge grin on his face.

"Yea," Master Garrison replied in his best John Wayne voice. "And I don't take no shit from no slave boy, neither."

We worked almost two hours on the weights before Master Garrison ended our training session.

"You did good, slave boys," Master Garrison said on our way back to our room. "And we have a new friend to play with us tonight. Which one of you slave boys wants Marvin?"

"You choose, Master Garrison," I replied.

"You can have him tonight, Tim," Master Garrison replied. "Hopefully, Marvin will return another evening. Steven can have him the second visit."

As we entered the suite we saw an array of snacks, champagne, wine, beer, liquor. I picked up the note with my name on it. It was from Master Babak and Master Hassid.

I read the note to Tim and Master Garrison, "Steven, Tim, and Garrison! We wanted the three of you to enjoy yourselves tonight at your pre-book tour celebration. Enjoy the treats. We eagerly await your return. Have fun and a successful book tour! Babak and Hassid. PS In case you need assistance in New York, Derrick Dugan, the manager of the Ritz, is a dear, dear friend of ours. Don't hesitate to contact him. I already told him you were staying at his hotel for the week. He is a good person to know."

"We need to appropriately thank them," Tim replied. "Any ideas, Steven?"

"Offer them your services?" I suggested.

"What about your services?" Tim asked.

"They've had me, remember," I added. "You, Tim, would be new meat."

"Is Hassid as good as Babak?" Tim asked.

"Both equal," I replied. "Different techniques, but they are both exceedingly talented sadists."

"We need showers so we can begin this celebration," Master Garrison said. "Everyone naked and in the shower. Now!"

"Yes, Master," Tim and I said in unison.

We stripped naked and the three of us climbed into the shower.

"Master Garrison, you could kill someone with your dick," Tim exclaimed.

"It won't hurt you, Tim," Master Garrison replied. "It likes its balls licked."

Tim dropped to his knees and began licking Master Garrison's balls.

"Steven! Ass. Now!" Master Garrison bellowed.

I dropped to my knees and dove into Master Garrison's ass. The smell of Master Garrison's sweaty ass made my dick strain against its metal enclosure.

"Shit you guys are good!" Master Garrison exclaimed. "So, so fucking good! More tongue, Steven. Yea! That's it, boy. Tim. Stand up and bend over, boy."

"Yes, Master," Tim replied as he stood and bent over with his ass ready for Master Garrison's dick.

"Beautiful ass, boy," Master Garrison hissed as he slapped Tim's ass with his hand. "I might get used to this ass and need it from time-to-time. I always need new ass to fuck, boy!"

"Aaaaahhhh!" Tim moaned as Master Garrison rammed his big cock into Tim's ass.

"Nipples, Steven," Master Garrison exclaimed.

Yes, Master," I said as I found Master Garrison's sensitive nipples and began to knead, twist, and pinch them. I spent a lot of time kneading, twisting, and pinching. A LOT of time. We were turning wrinkly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Master Garrison bellowed. "I'm coming in your mouth, boy. Take. Take it all. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

We huddled together. Garrison's dick inside Tim. Garrison's arms around Tim. My arms around both men.

"Steven," Tim finally imparted some of his unique wisdom. "I now know why you love this man's dick in you. Garrison, you and Master Buba have a lot in common. Energy. You can fuck me anytime you want, Master."

"You have a nice ass, boy," Garrison continued. "During this tour, I will sample both of your asses over and over again to determine the best ass. I will publish my findings on Blue Dungeon Studio's blog."

"You think of everything, Garrison," I whispered. "We seem to be turning wrinkly from all of the water. We need to end this shower. Otherwise, Marvin will be disappointed."

"And we can't disappoint Marvin," Tim added.

"We're slave boys, Tim," I continued. "We can't afford to disappoint our Masters."

Garrison removed his dick from Tim's ass. I shut off the water.

"I need a drink," Garrison said after we finished drying off. "Let's go, boys. We need sustenance before we greet Master Marvin."

We ordered from room service, ate, and had the remnants of dinner removed by 8 pm. Garrison slipped on a chrome cock ring and my favorite, tight, threadbare jeans and nothing else. Walking sex.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Master Garrison asked me.

"Definitely," I replied.

"Good," Master Garrison continued. "Marvin gets to choose which one of you he works on first. He's our guest."

Tim sat next to me on the huge sofa in the living room area. "I'm thrilled we are doing this book tour together, Steven. I couldn't do this without you. Having Garrison with us is a bonus. A good bonus. A bonus you and I will enjoy." He kissed me until the doorbell rang.

"Assume the position, slave boys," Garrison ordered as he moved to open the door of the suite. "Marvin! You're looking mighty good!"

"So are you, Garrison," Marvin said as Garrison hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"Our boys are ready for us," Master Garrison explained as the moved in front of us. "Take your pick. You will have the other one on a subsequent visit."

Tim and I gasp when Master Marvin stood in front of us. He had tight, form fitting jeans which highlighted his huge bulge at the crotch. A white t-shirt stretch over his well-developed, muscled chest and arms.

"I'll take Tim," Master Marvin said with authority in his voice. He no longer sounded like the muscle boy gym attendant. I heard power and lust in his voice.

Tim stepped toward Master Marven. Master Marven opened his gym bag and pulled out a leather collar. He put it around Tim's neck.

"Master," Tim recited his pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others. I am yours."

"Excellent, boy," Master Marvin said to his boy, Tim. "I hope you like it rough, boy."

"Anything to please you, Master," Tim replied.

Garrison picked up his collar for me, slipped it around my neck, and locked it in place.

"Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others. I am yours."

"Very good, boy," Master Garrison hissed as he stared into my eyes. Fire roared in his eyes and his crotch bulge grew.

"Take me, Master," I pleaded. "Make me yours!"

"Trust me, boy, I will take all of you tonight," Master Garrison growled. "Then, I will spit you out and take you again and again until I am sated."

"Yes, Sir," I said. "I am ready to give you my body. Hurt me, Master. Hurt me, please!"

"I always like to start with a boy with my dick in his ass," Master Marvin said to Master Garrison. "It shows the boy I am in control, and I will take what I want from him."

"My philosophy exactly," Master Garrison said without look away from my eyes.

"Look me in the eyes, boy," Master Garrison began.

I gazed into Master Garrison's wonderfully familiar brown, brilliant eyes.

"Don't look away, boy," Master Garrison continued.

I concentrated on Master Garrison's beautiful eyes.

"Yes, boy. Look into my eyes. See my eyes. See inside me. See my eyes," Master Garrison softly whispered.

I felt light and peaceful.

"Look. Look into my eyes. Yes. You are looking into my eyes. See the peace surround you. See the vastness of your being. You are one with me as you look into my eyes."

I heard a noise and I found myself looking into Master Garrison's eyes. Not wanting to look away.

"I learn quickly, boy," Master Garrison explained. "How do you feel, boy?"

"Like I did with Master Hassid, Sir," I replied. "Peaceful. Safe. Powerless. Unlimited lust of your body. One with you, my Master."

"Excellent, boy," Master Garrison said to me. He turned to Master Marvin. "Where should we begin. Face down on the bed or bent over the dining room table."

"Table," Master Marvin replied. "Take off my clothes, boy."

"Yes Master," Tim said as he quickly began to undress his new Master.

"Mine, boy," Master Garrison said. "Now!"

I, too, quickly reacted and began removing Garrison's jeans. As I pulled them down his legs, Master Garrison's big dick popped out and immediately began to grown to is full length. Thirteen inches of thick, uncut, black dick.

Master Garrison and I heard Tim gasp and turned towards them.

Oh..., my... God!" I exclaimed.

Marvin stood like a God in front of Tim. His perfectly muscled body formed the perfect silhouette to highlight his huge dick. His six-foot three-inch frame towered over Tim's five-foot eleven inches.

"How big is your dick?"

"Fourteen inches long," Master Marvin replied. "Eight inches around."

Tim dropped to his knees in front of Master Marin's huge dick.

"So, you want this?" Master Marvin asked.

"Yes, Master," Tim replied. "Where do you want to put it, Sir?"

"Your ass, boy," Master Marvin said. "But, first, you need to suck it, boy. Down your slave boy throat."

"Yes, Master," Tim replied. "Thank you, Master."

Tim paused for a moment and then swallowed Master Marvin's dick.

"Shit you are good, boy," Master Marvin exclaimed as he began moving with Tim's rhythm.

Garrison and I watched the exchange of lust. Tim pursued Master Marvin's dick as though his life depended on it.

"Get up boy," Master Marvin said as he pulled his dick out of Tim's mouth.

Tim stood in front of Master Marvin. Saliva dripped from Tim's face.

"Bend over the table, boy," Master Marvin ordered.

"Yes, Master," Tim said as he moved to the dining room table and kicked a chair out of his way.

As Tim bent over the table with his legs spread wide, Master Marvin began to stroke his saliva coated dick with his hand. Tim whimpered as he felt Master Marvin's dick brush his asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tim bellowed as Master Marvin pushed his big dick into Tim's upturned asshole in on swift stroke.

"Do you want me to stop, boy?" Master Marvin asked.

"No, Master," Tim pleaded. "Don't stop. Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

"Just to let you know, boy," Master Marvin added. "I wasn't going to stop even if you wanted me to. Your ass is now my ass, boy."

Master Marvin looked over and Garrison and me, "Come closer, boy. Get behind me and play with my nipples.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I hurried to my place behind Master Marvin. I took one nipple in each hand. I pulled, kneaded, and twisted Master Marvin's huge nipples.

Master Marvin gasp a couple of times. Finally, he began to plow Tim's ass. The big cock slammed into Tim's ass and retreated just as quickly. I saw the power of Master Marvin's body as he put all of his muscled body into the task of battering Tim's ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" Tim moaned every time Master Marvin's dick slammed into him. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

Over and over and over again. Same power behind each thrust. Same energy. Same ownership. Same lust. Over and over and over again.

Master Marvin began lifting Tim slightly off the table top with every inward thrust. Sweat dripped off his body. I saw Marvin's body tense right before he shot his load into Tim's ass. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Marvin almost collapsed on top of Tim and rested as he recovered. Tim also stayed in position.

"Damn good ass, boy!" Master Marvin exclaimed.

"Damn good dick, Master," Tim return appreciation. "I hope you aren't done."

"Nope," Master Marvin replied. "Now, it's your turn, Garrison. Are you ready to seed your boy's ass?"

"Damn straight," Master Garrison added. "Bend over the table beside your husband, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied and excitedly took my place beside Tim.

"Your husband's performance made me really, really horny, boy," Master Garrison growled. "Get ready."

Garrison immediately shoved his dick into my ass. No lube. No saliva. Nothing but skin.

"Oh God! Yes!" I moaned as I felt Garrisons dick slam into me. His balls slapped mine.

Garrison began pummeling my ass with the drive of a madman. Harder. Harder. Harder. Faster. Faster. Faster. I began channeling Garrison's energy. I felt connected to him in every way possible. He lived in my mind. He lived in my body. `You are doing good, boy,' I heard Master Ajmal's voice. `Garrison and you were always good together. His big dick. Your sloppy ass. He loves you. You love him. Give him what he wants, boy. He wants to live in your body. Let him in, boy. Just let him in.'

Just as quickly as Master Ajmal's voice left, Master Garrison's body tensed. "Ahhhhhhh! Fuck boy! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Garrison lowered his body onto mine. "God, boy! You get better every time I fuck you."

"We need to practice more then, Master," I replied.

I looked in Tim's direction and found him standing with Master Marvin. They were kissing.

Master Garrison became more frisky shortly after his breathing returned to normal.

"I'm rolling you on your back, boy," Master Garrison said. "I'm not taking my dick out of your ass, either."

Somehow using major acrobatic movements, I rested on my back. My legs on Mater Garrison's shoulders. He leaned down and brushed my lips with his. My body tingled with passion. My dick flared with lust. Power and energy from my Master overtook my mind. Master Garrison's dick stirred in my ass.

"Again, please," I pleaded.

"Don't worry, rent boy!" Master Garrison said between kisses. "My dick will be in your ass for a long, long time."

"You can leave your dick in my ass as long as you want, Master," I replied. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Steven," Tim said to me. His head turned to mine. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied.

"Kiss him," Master Marvin ordered.

"Yes, Master," Tim said as he closed in on my lips and began kissing me. My dick stretched against the metal of the chastity device.

"Get ready for round two, boy," Master Marvin said to Tim.

"Thank you, Master," Tim replied. "I am yours."

"Yes, boy," Master Marvin added. "Your ass is mine until I give it to some other man. I may keep you."

Master Marvin suddenly burst into a pounding machine. He put his whole body into raging Tim's tight ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" Tim moaned every time Master Marvin's dick slammed into him. Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

Garrison began to pump my ass again. I lost touch with the sounds of rough riding beside me and concentrated on Master Garrison. His eyes almost blinded me. They were so alive with lust, power, energy, and passion. I put my arms around Garrison's neck and pulled him to me and kissed him.

"I love you, Master," I whispered.

"I love you, too, boy," Master Garrison replied.

Master Garrison increased the tempo and force of his bombardment of my ass.

"More, Master," I hissed.

Master Garrison cranked up his efforts a notch or two.

`Steven,' I heard a familiar voice call name. `It's me, Steven. Your Master Ajmal. Give him your whole body and mind, boy. Let him take you higher and higher and higher. Enjoy!'

Then he was gone. Master Garrison's voice replace Master Ajmal's. `Come with me. Let's take this journey to the next level, Steven.'

`Yes, Master,' I whispered back. `I'm with you Master. I'm with you all the way.'

My dick suddenly erupted.

"Ahhhhhhh! Fuck! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned with every spurt of my cum which landed on the dining room table and in my chastity enclosure.

"We did it, boy!" Master Garrison screamed as I felt his body tense and felt his cum fill my ass for the second time. "Ahhhhhhh! Fuck boy! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

My sweaty lover lowered his body on top of mine. Eventually, he spoke, "Did you feel what I just felt?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "We are connected once again. Forever brothers."

"Yea," Master Garrison said as he kissed me. "Forever brothers. This brother isn't giving your rent boy ass a break just yet."

Sometime about midnight. Master Garrison and Master Marvin agreed to break for a rest.

"We need to keep out dicks in our boys while we sleep, Marvin," Master Garrison suggested.

"I like how you think, Garrison," Master Marvin suggested.


"I can barely walk, Steven," Tim said as he, Garrison, and I walked to Tim's first signing event. "Marvin is a stud. His dick ranks right up there with Master Grant and Master David's arm in my ass for several hours."

"You should write another book, Tim," Master Garrison suggested. "You could call it Amazing Dicks: A First Hand Experience of a Slave Boy."

"I like it," Tim replied. "I could drive across the country in search of the perfect dick."

"You'd be doing this for the rest of your life, Tim," I replied. "You will want ever dick the country so you can make an informed decision."

"You're probably right," Tim added. "I think Master Grant and Master David would be proud of my performance last night."

"You should offer to do a repeat performance," Master Garrison suggested. "We could convince Marvin to run away from his job and we could take him to Chicago. He could be a stud. We could rent him to masochists. He could also be a great one to play a stud Master in one of Blue Dungeon Studios films."

"I'll relay your suggestion to Master Jose and Master Buba," I replied. "Your idea has merit. He could be Tim's playmate when he's not booked."

"Don't forget, Steven, you will belong to Master Marvin tonight," Tim said with a smile as we neared the venue for the book signing.

"I'm excited," I replied. My dick strained in the metal enclosure.

"Mr. Caden-Caldwell," a voice called out to Tim. "I'm Benjamin Cloud, the Manager of Fireside Books. I am so pleased you made this your first stop on your tour. We've had trouble keeping them on the shelves ever since it released on Friday."

"I'm happy to hear they are selling," Tim said. "It is also nice to meet you Mr. Cloud. This is my husband Steven Caden-Caldwell and our executive assistant, Garrison Holms."

"I will escort you to the guest waiting area," Mr. Cloud explained. "You can relax until the event begins in about 30 minutes. We are expecting a very large crowd."

"Thank you, Mr. Cloud," Tim said as Mr. Cloud left us in the guest waiting room. "A very large crowd? I'm doomed."

"You'll do fine, Tim," I tried to calm him. "You wrote the book, so you know it better than anyone else. Just be yourself. Ah... Not the slave boy self. Be the author self."

"Got it, rent boy," Tim said with a smile. "You can sit with me and hold my hand."

"I somehow don't believe your publishers would be happy," I replied. "You'll do a terrific job."


"Master Garrison," I said as I sat down next to him after we had finished Tim's book signing events for the day. Tim and I were naked, as usual. Master Garrison slipped on his well-worn jeans from the previous night. Nothing else—just jeans. "I have been thinking about your idea for Master Marvin. I'm really drawn to the potential. I need to speak with Masters Jose, Buba, Babak, and Hassid about the possibilities of hiring him. I see a great deal of talent and potential in Master Marvin."

"See, rent boy," Master Garrison responded. "I give you an idea off the top of my head, and you run with it. You could be one of the leading serial entrepreneurs of the BDSM community."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I am too involved with being the best slave boy, rent boy, and porn star. I am just making suggestions."

"Every empire needs an idea man," Master Garrison replied. "You're the idea man in the quest to form a perfect BDSM brand. You're a slave boy, rent boy, porn star, and idea consultant. You could even be the first US Senator to represent the BDSM lifestyle in Congress!"

"I don't want to be a US Senator, Master," I replied. "I prefer pursuing my current life and obligations to my family, my husband, my Masters, and my friends. I am not, nor ever will be, a politician."

"Steven," Tim said as he walked into the room. "You would be a great politician, but I am not ready to share my husband with the US Senate. Now, I mentioned our time with Master Marvin with Master Grant and Master David when I spoke with them on the phone a few moments ago. They want to get a session of Master Marvin and me on video. I said I would speak with you and Master Marvin. Can we do a video? Obviously, Steven, you will be on the menu for Master Marvin tonight. My Masters also have had discussions with Masters Jose, Buba, Babak, and Hassid about putting me in a film. Maybe with Master Marvin. I'm not certain I want to be a porn star. I would, I think, rather be a writer."

"If you perform on camera like you did last night, you would be an excellent porn star, Tim," I added. "I also need to remind you, Tim, you may not have the final decision making power. Master Grant and Master David will TELL you what they want. If they want you to be a porn star, you will be a porn star."

"I see your point, Steven," Tim replied. "It might be kind of fun. You really think I could be a good porn star, Steven?"

"I know it," I replied. "When you see a naked man like Master Marvin, you immediately respond to him. You need dick to survive, Tim."

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get the door, boys," Master Garrison said. "Assume the position on your knees. Do not move or speak unless you are given permission by me or Master Marvin."

"Yes, Master," Tim and I said in unison. We both dropped to our knees and assumed the position. Hands behind our backs. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Looking down at the floor. Tim and I both sported incredibly hard dicks.

"You are looking good, Marvin," Master Garrison said as he invited Master Marvin into the suite. "If I wasn't in Master mode, I'd drop to my knees and beg to suck you dick. But, I am in Master mode. We will make good use the other two. Steven is yours for the night, Marvin. I hope we can get creative tonight. You like being creative?"

"Love being creative," Master Marvin said with his booming Master voice. "I have thought of nothing else since I left you this morning, other than being creative with my slave boy. So, I have ideas running about in my head. I also brought a few extra toys with me."

Master Marvin's huge leather clad feet became part of my vision as he stood before me. "Stand up, boy," Master Marvin ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stood and assumed the position once again. Master Marvin looked powerful. His leather pants with a removable cod piece fit his body perfectly. Under his black leather motorcycle jacket, his bare chest made my dick almost explode. I could see my reflection in his mirrored sun glasses.

Master Marvin held my collar in his hands. "As I take possession of you, I want you to ponder how I might use you while you are mine. Think pain. Think big dick. Think arms. Tonight, I will determine if you are worth the fee your Masters charge for renting you. If you are, I know a lot of people in this country who would enjoy your company. I might be in line to earn some healthy commissions."

Master Marvin slipped my collar around my neck and locked it into place.

"Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others. I am yours. Take me. Use me. Hurt me. Shove your big dick and arms in me, Master. Please Master. Please."

Master Garrison and Tim repeated the collaring.

"Is the room ready for us, Garrison?" Master Marvin asked.

"It sure is," Master Garrison replied.

Master Marvin clipped my leash to my collar. I followed Master Marvin. Tim followed Master Garrison. Garrison slid his key card through a lock near the entry hall. I hadn't noticed the door before.

I gasp as we entered a well-lit play room. Garrison explained the room. "Your Masters Babak and Hassid pulled some strings with the manager so we could stay in this suite. This is the only suite in the hotel with a playroom attached. We will certainly enjoy ourselves tonight. As luck has it, tomorrow Tim has only two book events. One at 4 pm, and the other at 8 pm. So, boys, this might be a long night for the two of you. And Steven, while we are enjoying Tim's book events, you will be entertaining the others. Where do you want to take the boys ass, Marvin?"

Master Marvin surveyed the room. Taking in every piece of BDSM equipment.

"Saw horse," Master Marvin replied.

"I will take Tim's ass on the sling," Master Garrison said.

Master Marvin led me by the leash to the saw horse, and immediately began to secure my body. Once he secured me to the saw horse, Master Marvin explained his plans for the evening.

"Your pretty little slave boy ass will be mine for several hours," Master Marvin explained. "It will be well used. I also need to discover how you react to other stimuli, such as whips, bondage, torture, mind play, and other control techniques. My first act to pleasure myself will be fucking your sloppy slave boy ass. Last night, Tim sucked my dick. His saliva served as lube. You won't be sucking my dick for several hours. I don't use lube. It deadens the sensations I enjoy feeling."

Master Marvin aligned his monster dick with my asshole. I almost came when his dick touched my asshole for the first time.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the pain of forced entry jolted my whole body.

"Congratulations, boy," Master Marvin said quietly. "Many of the boys I use pass out when I shove my un-lubed dick inside them. How does it feel now, boy?"

"Full," I replied.

"Does it hurt anymore?"


"Good. After I fuck you for a few hours, you won't feel the pain. You'll just feel the sensation of my dick taking your ass."

"Yes, Sir."

Master Marvin suddenly became powerful fucking machine. He put his whole body into destroying my sloppy ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time Master Marvin's dick crashed into me. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

The sensation of Master Marvin's huge dick moving in and out of my ass made me feel light headed and I felt an overwhelming sense of lust crazed energy. I couldn't hold back.

"More, Master," I pleaded. "Please more."

Master Marvin did what I thought was impossible and began hammering my ass with more powerful and faster strokes.

Master Marvin suddenly burst into a pounding machine. He put his whole body into ravaging my sloppy ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time Master Marvin's dick slammed into me. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

`Good boy,' I heard Master Hassid say to me. `You are doing a remarkable job of satisfying this man, boy. This is what you live for, isn't it?"

"Yes, Master," I bellowed at the top of my lungs.

Master Marvin again increased the intensity of his thrusts.

`I see wonderful things happening, boy,' Master Hassid whispered. `You are moving along on a new Journey. One you will travel by yourself but always with someone at your side. It could be Master Ajmal, it could be Master Marcus, it could be Master Jose, it could be Master Buba. It could be Master Babak. Or, it could be me or even your husband Tim. And we can't forget your boys, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian. This is only beginning. This is your Spiritual Awakening. Don't be afraid. You will make a wonderful life for yourself and your family. I hope you will consider me and Master Babak as your family. Go, boy! Enjoy!' "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time Master Marvin's dick slammed into me. His shaved crotch brought goose bumps to my body as it rubbed against my ass. His balls hurtled onto mine. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Fuck!" I moaned as I felt my dick exploded. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned with every spurt of my cum which landed on the saw horse and in my chastity enclosure.

"We made it, boy! We made it to the other side and back." Master Marvin bellowed as I felt his body tense and felt his cum fill my ass. "Ahhhhhhh! Fuck boy! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

My recovery from one of the most powerful orgasm in my life brought an extreme sense of empowerment and, at the same time, a peace. The Peace settled over me, and I relaxed.

Master Marvin had rested his sweaty body on top of mine. I felt the safety of my Master's mammoth body.

"Who is Master Hassid, boy?" Master Marvin asked. "I heard him talking with you. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but it felt soothing."

"Master Hassid recently came into my life through another Master," I explained. Master Hassid is a younger brother to Master Babak. He is also my Master."

"You have a lot of Masters, boy," Master Marvin declared. "Why so many?"

"It is a long story," I replied. "It will take up valuable time, and I will explain later. I want to experience you in as many situations as you can fit in. I want to please you, Sir. It is who I am. I please men."

"I am eager to whip you, boy," Master Marvin explained as he began to loosen the restraints which held me on the saw horse.

Master Marvin helped me off the saw horse, and I followed him to the next station. We stopped in front of the St. Andrews cross. He made quick work of connecting my wrists and ankles to the cross. Master Marvin crossed the room and returned with a heavy flogger.

"I use this flogger on a boy before I use other whips, riding crops, and canes," Master Marvin explained. "This flogger is heavier than most and delivers significant impact. Many Sadists do not use a heavier flogger because it required extreme exertion. I, on the other hand, am exhilarated by the sound of the flogger hitting the skin as well as the moans and wails emanating from the boy. It seems your husband and Master Garrison are eager to watch our session. Welcome."

Master Marvin touched my back and turned away. When he took his position to whip me, I noticed his image in the mirror in front of me.

I watched Master Marvin raise the whip.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as intense pain pumped through my body. The lashes were separated for a short time during the first portion of the whipping session.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time the flogger contacted my back. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

Master Marvin paused and stepped toward me. He put his hand on my back.

"Your back feels hot, boy," Master Marvin explained. "It is beginning to redden perfectly, don't you think so, Tim?"

Tim came closer. "It does feel hot," Tim began. "I like the way the marks cross in the middle and fanout further away from the middle. How many lashes have you given the boy?"

"Thirty," Master Marvin answered. "I will complete the flogging in sets of thirty."

Tim retreated to his audience position near Master Garrison. Master Marvin returned to his original position to deliver additional lashes. I watched Master Marvin in the mirror as he pulled the whip back, and then release the whip.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as the flogger connected with my back. He continued.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time the flogger contacted my back. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

Master Marvin continued the flogging in sets of thirty. Three more followed the second session.

"Now your back is perfect, boy," Master Marvin said as he put his hands on my back.

"It is perfect, Master Marvin," Tim said as he inspected the marks on my by. "And to think you only needed 150 lashes to make this so perfect."

"Thank you, boy," Master Marvin responded to Tim. "Do you want to put this cream on your husband's back, boy. Maybe you and he can bond."

"Thank you, Master," Tim replied. "I would love to put this on my husband's back."

When Tim began applying the cream to my red hot back, it felt soothing.

"I love it when you touch my back, Tim," I whispered.

"I'm glad I can do it for you, Steven," Tim continued. "I almost came while Master Marvin flogged you. I have never been so turned on by a whipping scene. Knowing my husband was taking the blows made it even more erotic."

"Thank you for helping with the cream, boy," Master Marvin said as he began to release me from the restraints. "I'm certain your husband feels better now, right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Thank you."

"I will fuck you again," Master Marvin explained. "Then we can get some rest. Tomorrow will be a big day for you, boy."


"No, Steven," Tim explained. "You will not be with us for the today's events. You have another commitment. Master Marvin will make sure you are at the right place at the right time. And don't ask questions. It has already been decided. Now, kiss me good bye, Steven.

I pulled Tim close and kissed him. I held the hug, "I will miss you today, Tim," I added. "I love you. I know today will be a success for you."

"I love you, too, Steven," Tim replied. "I know you are probably confused about today, but you will not regret we've changed the plans today."

"Today's schedule is grueling," Master Garrison explained. It was Friday. The New York phase of the tour officially ends tomorrow evening. "Tim will not be finished until about 10 pm tonight. Tomorrow's schedule is just as hectic. It ends with a cocktail reception in one of the halls downstairs in the lobby. Then, we can rest on the plane as we head for Honolulu. Have a good day, Steven!"

"You, too, Master Garrison," I replied. "Please take good care of Tim."

Master Garrison left the suite. I stood naked with Master Marvin at my side. He, too, stood naked in the living room. His dick began to grow.

"This will be an exciting day, boy," Master Marvin replied. "We need to get clean. Once you are clean, I will prepare you for the day's activities."

Finally, after a two-hour fuck and a shower, Master Marvin began to prepare me. First, he removed the chastity device. He installed vacuum receptacles on my nipples and on my dick. The vacuum pump. My nipples significantly grew. My dick also looked fuller and longer in its flaccid state.

"Take this, boy," Master Marvin said as he held a blue pill in his hand.

"Master, I don't need the pill," I said looking down to my already hard dick.

"I said, take this pill, boy," Master Marvin replied. "Now!"

"Yes, Master," I replied as Master Marvin handed me the blue pill and a bottle of water.

"Good boy."

I watched Master Marvin put on a tailored, slim fit suit. The black suit framed a blue button down shirt, open at the neck. He slipped on the suit pants without bothering to slip on underwear. He slipped on black loafers without socks. He looked magnificent.

"Put these on, boy," Master Marvin said as he handed me a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops. The jeans strained as I pulled up the zipper, and the t-shirt barely fit over my chest and biceps.

"Follow me, boy. One step behind me."

"Yes, Master."

We stepped into the hallway as the door to the suit closed behind us. The elevator, after picking us up on the twenty-second floor stopped frequently. Several men, dressed similarly to Master Marvin, joined us in the elevator on our way to the lobby. When we stopped, we were accompanied by about fifteen men.

I followed Master Marvin, keeping one step behind him. We entered a meeting room. Amazingly, the room decor seemed sparse for us a grand hotel.

"Strip, boy," Master Marvin ordered.

"Yes, Sir."

I tugged my t-shirt over my head and pulled my jeans off. My flip flops went flying into a corner.

"Good boy," Master Marvin said as he reached for my hard dick. "This looks good on you, boy. You need to take a pill every day. Your dick and your balls are a major asset for you even though you don't get to use them in a normal way."

Master Marvin led me to the center of the room. He pulled out a small black box from his suit coat. He pressed one of the buttons. A panel in the ceiling opened and a bar lowered from the ceiling.

Master Marvin grabbed my left arm and connected it, via the restraints on the bar, to the bar. Next my right arm. Another button on the black box and restraints raised from the floor below. My left ankle. My right ankle. Now fully spread eagle and immobilized.

The room began filling with men. All in suits. Some young. Others more mature. All sport obviously superb bodies.

"Hello, boy," a man said as he positioned himself in front of me. "I'm Derrick Dugan, general manager of the Ritz. Your Masters Babak and Hassid suggested I introduced myself before the festivities get underway. You are everything they said you would be. Muscled. Tattooed. Hung. Hairless. Beautiful."

Mr. Dugan reached out of grabbed both of my nipples in his hands. He proceeded to pull, pinched, and knead them.

"Good boy," Mr. Dugan said as he disappeared into the growing crowd. I tried not look directly at anyone.

"Master!" I almost shrieked. "Why are you here, Master?"

"For the launch of Blue Dungeon Studio and Members Only Escort Service," Master Jose replied. "We took the opportunity to piggy back our launch of your brand to Tim's book events. This is the first. Others in Honolulu, San Francisco, LA, Miami, and Chicago will play out in a similar fashion. Your other Masters are here, too."

Master Buba, Master Babak, and Master Hassid joined Master Jose. They all dressed in black suits.

"Shall we get started?" Master Jose said to my other Masters.

"Absolutely," Master Buba said as he patted my ass.

Master Jose and the others stood on the raised platform on one end of the room.

"Welcome to our first launch event of Blue Dragon Studios and Our Members Only Escort Service," Master Jose began. "We invited all of you to share this momentous occasion with us. The boy restrained in the middle of the room is our brand leader. Boy Steven will become the face of our organization and is the original actor and escort for our organization. As others are added, we will feature similar events."

Master Jose handed Master Buba the microphone.

"Today we are screening the first film since the four of us assumed ownership of the studio," Master Buba continued. "The film we screen today demonstrates another innovation the studio will incorporate in future films. This is a totally unscripted, unplanned, off the cuff film. It is edited only to eliminate downtime scenes. It is rather long. If you don't have a chance to watch it in its entirety today, you can stream it from our website. It features boy Steven and a new Master for our studio, Master Marvin. Thank you."

Master Babak took the microphone. "Thank you all for joining us today. Most of you know who I am because of our long-time connection with the BDSM community in New York. Please mingle among yourselves and also introduce yourselves to my partners Jose Vargas, John `Buba' Jenkins, and my brother Hassid."

Master Jose and Master Buba visited me as I hung in the middle of the room.

"So, boy," Master Jose began. "This came as a surprise, didn't it, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "But why?"

"We wanted the film and the event to highlight the spontaneity of our team and its offerings," Master Buba explained.

"You will be pleased with the results of the film, we are certain," Master Jose continued. "Your Master Marvin is a natural in front of the camera. We will feature you and your Master in several films. We have also received inquiries about renting both you and Master Marven for large groups. You and Marvin would be the center of the entertainment. We are all excited about the possibilities. Your husband Tim also looks good on camera with Master Marvin. We captured an excellent film involving them."

"You filmed Tim?" I almost shouted. "Without his permission?"

"His Masters Grant and David agreed with our plans," Master Buba explained. "We may decide to feature both you and your husband in a joint film with your Master Garrison and Master Marvin in the lead roles. Exciting, don't you think, boy?"

"Yes," I replied. "Exciting."

"We will move on to mingle with our guests," Master Jose said. "You will personally meet many of them before the event is over. Don't worry, none of them will use you at this event. Although Master Marvin will use you in a demonstration during the event."

Master Jose and Master Buba disappeared into the crowd.

"Hello, boy," Mr. Dugan said as he tweaked my nipples. "You are an excellent specimen, boy. I watched a segment of your new film. I was very impressed. You and Marvin did an excellent job of showcasing our dungeon and its potential."

"I am happy to be of assistance," I replied.

"I am certain you are," Mr. Dugan replied. "Please call me Master Derrick, Master, or Sir. I wouldn't want my fellow Sadists think I am turning soft on boys I use. And I will use you, boy. Very soon. Enjoy!"

After Master Derrick left me, a group of three men huddled around me. They each wore a tailored grey suit and a white silk shirt with the top three buttons unbuttoned. Each one began touching and handling a body part.

One stepped behind me. "Master Marvin did an outstanding job of marking your back, boy. You are a very lucky boy to have such a talented Master."

"And your balls are indisputably the best I have seen on a boy," another man said as he fondled by balls and stroked my already rock hard cock.

"Your hairless, muscular, tattooed body titillates my senses," the third man said as he pressed his hands on my chest and worked his way to my six-pack abs. "So, so fine."

The three men walked away to mingle with the other guests.

Master Hassid stepped before me.

"You look so inviting just hanging here in the middle of a crowded room," Master Hassid began. "Everyone plans to rent you. You will be busy. And this is only the first launch event."

"Thank you for the encouragement, Master," I replied.

"You are welcome, boy," Master Hassid continued. "Master Marvin will be accompanying you, Tim, and Garrison on the rest of your tour. Also, I hope you enjoyed out little talk while I visited your mind while Master Marvin fucked you. I believe I felt you relax. This is a new talent; one you will use to please all of your Masters."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I did appreciate your encouragement."


"So, Steven," Tim said as he and Master Garrison stood beside me in the private playroom off our suite in the Ritz. "I see you are enjoying the fruits of a very productive day. Your Master beamed some highlights of the event to Master Garrison and me while we were taking a break from the book events. I'll bet you are extremely excited about your new career options. And, I am impressed you can take both of Master Marvin's arms up to his bicep. Your ass must feel very full right now."

"We've practiced all evening, Sir," I explained in a quiet voice. I couldn't concentrate on speaking while I had two gigantic arms in my ass.

"Would the two of you enjoy using the boy's ass?" Master Marvin asked. "I have had the pleasure of working on him almost all day."

"I'm in," Master Garrison replied. "Tim?"

"I'm locked up, remember?" Tim replied.

"We can take care of the problem with this key," Master Garrison replied as he pulled a key out of his suit pocket. "Drop you pants, boy."

Tim unbuttoned his suit pants. His pants fell to his ankles. No underwear. Master Garrison unlocked and removed the chastity device. Tim quickly shed his jacket, shirt, shoes, and pants.

Master Marvin removed his two arms from my ass while Garrison unlocked Tim.

"Boy," Tim said. "It appears from your potential increase in your client base coupled with you high priority porn star work, my time with you will be limited. I am also told I will be serving my Masters on an almost constant basis. So I am taking your ass tonight, Steven. Enjoy!"

Tim lined up his dick with my asshole and shoved it in up to his balls with one swift thrust.

"Another item of business, boy," Tim said while his dick stayed deep in me. "From now on, you will call me Master Tim, Master, or Sir just like every other man in this world. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I understand completely, Master."

"Good," Tim huffed as he began his attack on my ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time Master Tim shoved his extra hard dick into my ass. His sweat dripped onto my body as he built his fucking into a powerful, almost desperate attack on my ass. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

`You're making your husband happy, boy,' I heard Master Hassid in my mind say to me. `Tim will be happier now. He can serve his own Masters without worrying about his husband. Don't worry, Steven, Tim still loves you like he always has. You are meant for each other. This is your life now, Steven. Take it and own it. You will do good things for the world. How do I know? I see into your mind. You are destined for success. Make Tim happy, Steven. You and he deserves to be happy.'

Master Hassid disappeared from my mind. Tim slowed to a more normal love making pace. He leaned down and kissed me. "I love you, Steven. I always will. I like what Master Hassid said to you, Steven. You WILL do good things for the world. I can feel it, too."

Tim continued his leisurely pace until his body tensed. "Shit! Steven! Here it comes! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

He rested his body on top of mine. "I still can't get enough of your ass, Steven," Tim finally whispered. "I am so lucky to have met you in Provincetown. You are my knight in shining armor."

"Enough husbandly talk, boys," Master Garrison bellowed. "I need to get my rocks off!"


"Thank God this book tour is finally over," an exhausted Tim said as he collapsed into the airplane seat. "This is even worse than writing the damn book. If I had to answer one more question about the main character's mental state when I first met him, I would throw up all over the questioner. And, of course, we spent the last week in freaking Miami. I have never seen more bugs in my life. The whole state should be screened in."

"No wonder you are a writer, boy," Master Marvin replied. "Great imagery."

"Thank you, Master," Tim replied. "Are you excited about your new work?"

"Yes," Master Marvin replied. "I am excited to be working more with Steven and you, boy. We will all enjoy ourselves even if some consider it work."

"I am still in shock Master Grant and Master David decided I will also be a porn star," Tim added. "I hope I don't lose focus for my writing. But, hey, I get to be naked with some really, really top notch Masters. What could be better?"

"Be a rent boy," Master Garrison added. "It would complete you, Tim."

"We will see how the porn industry treats me," Tim replied. "Steven is a natural porn star and rent boy. I'm not certain I am in the right frame of mind at this point in my life. I am, after all, just getting used to being a slave boy to two very, very hot Masters."

"Why are you staring at your husband, Steven?" Master Garrison asked. "I see lust in your eyes."

"Would you blame me?" I asked.

"Nope," Master Garrison replied. "The bedroom is empty. This may be your last time for a few months you will have to be together."

"Come on, Steven," Tim replied. "Let's go make some memories."

We made it into the bedroom before we attacked one another.

"I love you, Steven," Tim said to me as he ripped my clothes off. I did the same for Tim. "Every time we make love, I love you more and more. If we don't see one another as much as we want, I want you to remember I will always be with you in Spirit."

"Ditto," I said. "Top or bottom. You choose."

"Top," Tim replied. "I have been thinking about sticking my dick in your ass for the last three days. On your back, lover boy!"

I slide onto the bed and positioned myself on my back. Tim crawled from the foot of the bed to between my legs. He rested his body on top of mine and began to kiss me. Slow and seductive ramped up to lusty and ready.

"Don't use lube, Tim," I pleaded. "Master Marvin is right. Fucking without lube is more sensual."

Tim put my legs on his shoulders and pressed his dick on the outside of my asshole. My body tingled at his touch.

"Fuck! Yes!" I hissed as Tim went balls deep into my ass. "You feel amazing, Tim."

"So do you, lover boy," Tim hissed back. "Get ready. It's going to be a bumpy ride."

Tim didn't hold back. His eyes blazed with lust. His muscles in his body rippled with every movement. I put my hands on his ass so I could feel his ass muscles move. I found his whole and began stroking it.

"Shit, Steven," Tim hissed. "You will make me cum if you keep up what you are doing now."

"Isn't coming the point?" I asked.

"Yes," Tim replied. "But not so fast. I want to enjoy this with you, Steven. This is heaven for me."

I stuck my finger into Tim's asshole.

"If you don't get your goddamn fingers out of my ass, I will sit on your face and make you rim me," he added.

"Wouldn't bother me," I said.

"I want my dick in your ass—not your tongue in mine, rent boy," Tim hissed. "Let me just do my goddamn job here!"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Tim continued to slowly make love to me until he started to tense. "I'm gonna shoot, Steven! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

He leaned down to kiss me before his body rested on top of mine.

"Shit, Steven," Tim hissed. "You get better every time we do this."

"Practice makes perfect," I replied as I kissed Tim back and wrapped my arms around him.

Finally, Tim and I walked out of the bedroom smiling.

"I hope it was worth all the effort," Master Garrison said with a smile. "The plane rocked and rolled as you two went at it."

"You're just jealous, Master Garrison," Tim replied.

"We will be landing at the executive terminal in approximately 30 minutes," Donald the pilot announced.

"Are you excited about your new living situation, Master Marvin," I asked.

"Yes, boy," Master Marvin replied. "I am eager to meet your family as well as my new employers. It is an exciting moment for me. My family never had a lot of financial freedom. Truthfully, we were dirt poor. Growing up in the middle of Nebraska and being poor does not allow someone an expedient path out of poverty. I am grateful to still be alive. A poor gay kid does not usually fare well in the middle of Nebraska."

"Steven has been involved with helping people in the LGBTQ community who struggle to survive," Tim added. "If you want to become involved in a cause, he can point you in the right direction. You can meet a lot of interesting people if you get involved."

"Great idea, boy," Master Marvin said to Tim. "I will appreciate any help you can give me, Steven."

"We'll talk about what you might be interested in," I replied.

"Please return your tray tables to their upright and locked position," Chad said as he moved through the cabin.

"We don't have tray tables, Chad," Garrison pointed out.

"Oh! Right!" Chad replied. "Silly me. I thought for a moment I was back working commercial flights. It is my worst nightmare to wake up screaming because some arrogant asshole in first class doesn't like his baked potato. Remind me to tell you my baked potato story. I should send you love birds home with the cum stained sheets I will find in the bedroom."

"Sit down and be quiet, Chad," Jimmy the copilot said of the PA system. "We are about to land this bird."

We collected our personal belongings and exited the plane into the terminal. George waited calmly near the exit of the terminal.

"Welcome home, gentlemen!" George said to the group. "It looks like we have one more than you left with."

"Master Marvin, this gentleman is George, our security expert and our driver," I said to Master Marvin. "George, this I our new family member Master Marvin. Master Marvin will be staying with us."

"Nice to meet you, Master Marvin," George said. "Welcome to our band of totally perverted gay men."

"Speak for yourself, George," Master Garrison replied. "I am not perverted! I am merely very thorough about my sex life."

"The staff loaded your luggage in the SUV," George added. "Let's go fight traffic."


"How are things on the home front," Tim asked.

"I believe Connor, Theo, and Adrian should go first," Master Jose replied. "They have made exciting progress in their training."

I looked at Master Connor. Then Master Theo. Finally, Master Adrian. They had their Cheshire cat face on. I knew we were in big, big trouble.

"So, Masters," I began. "Tell us about your exiting progress."

"You would be so proud of us, boy," Master Connor began. "Wayne has filled in nicely for you. He really put his heart and soul into making our training experience an enlightened one."

"Did they hurt you, Wayne?" I asked fearing the worst.

"No," Wayne replied. "I believe I learned as much if not more from them as they learned using me. They helped me grow as a masochist."

"Uncle Grant, Uncle David, Uncle Jose, and Uncle Buba also played an important role in teaching Wayne and giving him his newly found confidence," Master Theo added. "We all agree Wayne is a natural masochist."

"I'm happy the boys and their Uncles were so eager to help you grow wings and fly," I said to the Wayne. I really wanted to know how many times Wayne had been double fisted by Master Grant and Master David. "So, tell me how these training sessions were so successful."

"It would be easier to show you tomorrow, boy," Master Adrian said. "Our experience almost transcends words."

"How often did they whip you, Wayne?" I asked.

"At least once a day," Wayne replied. "They are very, very good at whipping. Master Adrian wanted to practice with the bull whip, but Uncle Donny wouldn't let them until you were home."

"How unfortunate," I replied. "Anything else you would like to share with your fathers?"

"Uncle Donny believes we are ready to learn fisting," Master Connor replied. "He didn't think Wayne could handle all three of us fisting him during one session."

"This is the reason Uncle Donny wanted to wait until you were home, Dad," Master Theo said to me.

"Translated: Uncle Donny believes I will handle all three of you fisting me during one session," I added.

"Bingo, Dad," Master Adrian replied. "You catch on quickly, Dad."

"Any other news?" Tim asked.

"Hung and Jacob moved into the house two weeks ago," Master David replied. "They are happy as shit. They have borrowed our play room a couple of times."

"Don't you mean used our playroom, Master David?" I asked.

"Yes," Master David added.

"Don't tell me you filmed them?" I said.

"Of course," Master David replied. "We couldn't just let them use our play room without proof."

"Proof of what?" I asked.

"Proof there were no accidents," Master David replied.

"David wanted to film them because he was afraid Hung and Jacob would sue us if anything went wrong," Master Jose replied. "And I am happy to say, after we reviewed all of the footage, we didn't find any grounds for a law suit."

"How good are Hung and Jacob when using our playroom?" I asked.

"Let's just say they were exceedingly enthusiastic," Master Grant replied. "They could do their own prime time television show."

"So you beat off watching Hung and Jacob go at it in our playroom?" I asked.

"Of course not, Steven," Master David added. "Do you think we are perverts? We took turns fucking Wayne."

"You know, Tim," I said to my husband. "They were horny bastards when we left. They were horny bastards while we are away. And I have no doubt they are horny bastards as we speak."

"Let's put it this way, Steven," Master Buba explained. "You and Tim are in for an extended play session tonight. We all cleared our calendars for tomorrow. So we have all night, all day, and all night."

"How did the book events go, Dad?" Ramesh asked.

"Funny you should ask, Ramesh," Tim said with a smile. "They were profitable and enjoyable. However, this is not for the faint of heart. Besides, I missed all of you studs."

"So did I," I added.

"We'll make it up to you tomorrow, Dads," Master Adrian suggested. "We will have a father and sons bonding session."

After lively dinner conversation, Master Jose, Master Buba, and I excused ourselves. Once we were inside the bedroom suite I shared with them, they both pulled me in for a group hug.

"We missed you, boy," Master Jose finally said after our lips parted.

"I missed you, too, Masters," I said before Master Buba began kissing me.

Master Buba put my hand on his crotch. "See what you do to me, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You both do the same to me."

Master Buba pushed me backward until my legs hit the side of the bed.

"On you back, boy," Master Buba ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I positioned myself on the bed.

Master Buba and Master Jose were both removing their clothing. Shirts. Shoes. Sox. Jeans.

Master Buba's fourteen-inches plus dick stood straight up as did Master Jose's eight-inch dick. I had the urge to suck one and get fucked by the other. I couldn't move because they hadn't told me to move.

"We have waited to have you in our bed for so, so long, Steven," Master Jose began. "We are eager to play with you tonight. Before we do, we'd like to explain something. You've probably noticed your balls are shrinking. We will fix your balls next weekend. We've also decided we will be tattooing your cock and balls. It will be a painful experience, but we know you can endure the pain. We will film both scenes. The action will, most likely, find its way into a movie. We shoot your first movie with Master Marvin at our Michigan farm retreat in three weeks."

"We've received several requests for your services," Master Buba replied. "The events in New York, San Francisco, and LA generated an extremely good response. Of course, we still have the event in Chicago in two weeks. Your work schedule becomes very complex. With all of the details behind us, we are ready to be with you, Steven. We need your full cooperation during the next week. We have been without your services for too long. You won't see much of your husband and sons. Just us. Your Masters Jose and Buba."

Master Jose climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between my legs. Master Buba moved to the head of the bed. He secured my left wrist to the headboard. Then, my right wrist.

Master Buba moved to Master Jose's side and pulled him in for a kiss. A long, slow, passionate kiss. Master Buba pulled away from Master Jose and attached restraints to my ankles. One by one Master Buba secured each leg to the headboard—literally folding my legs to connect with my upper body.

"Perfect," Master Jose murmured as he lubed his cock. "Your ass, Steven, is beyond comparison. Fine. Oh so fine."

His hard dick touched my asshole.

"Oooohhh!" I moaned as bolts of lightning seemed to burst into the room.

Master Jose pushed his dick inside me. I felt his shaved crotch rub against my balls.

"Fuck me, Master!" I hissed "Please fuck me. Take me. Please."

Master Jose started slowly and gently. He built up the pace until he was banging my ass and shaking the bed every time he drove his cock into my ass.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!" I moaned every time Master Jose shoved his extra hard dick into my ass. His sweat dripped onto my body as he built his pace into an act of pure, unmitigated lust. His eyes blazed with energy as he pounded my ass. Over and over and over and over again. "Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!"

Master Buba stretched out beside me—stroking his huge, black, uncut dick. He became my god as he began whispering into my ear.

"Yes, Steven," Master Buba whispered. "You are a piece of fine, slave boy meat. You make your Master Jose and I proud to own you. Your body, your mind. Everything. We own you. You will be even more famous than you are now. You will be paraded naked through every BDSM event we sponsor. Your life will be naked servitude. Your body will be a vessel for satisfying men. As a porn star. As a rent boy. As a piece of property. We own you, boy. Make us proud of you. We know you have it in you to be the best slave boy ever."

"Thank you, Master," I whispered back to Master Buba.

"Likes it...," Master Jose hissed between stabs at my ass with his hard dick. "Dick hard... He likes... to be... owned."

"Shit!" Master Jose moaned as I felt his body tense. His sweat poured off his muscular body. "I'm gonna shoot, boy! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Jose rested his sweaty, rock hard body on top of mine as he tried to recover. "Fine, fine ass, boy! I am glad it is mine and Buba's."

"Thank you, Master," I replied.

Master Jose pulled his still hard dick out of my ass and rolled to my side. Master Jose on one side. Master Buba on the other.

"You need to be punished, boy," Master Buba began.

"For what, Master?" I asked.

"You don't need to know why, boy," Master Buba explained. "You just need to know you will be punished. We decide when and where to punish you. Any time and any place we want. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I understand."

I looked at Master Jose who was smiling. I looked back at Master Buba. He was smiling, too.

"What?" I asked.

"I have decided you will wait for me to fuck you, boy," Master Buba explained.

"How long?" I asked.

"How long do you think is appropriate?" Master Buba asked.

"Thirty seconds, Sir," I replied. "Please, Sir. Please fuck me."

"Okay," Master Buba replied. He moved to my asshole and paused while he stroked his big, uncut dick.

I licked my lips. Master Jose found Master Buba's dick and applied lube. Master Jose kissed Master Buba.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere again for a month," Master Buba replied. "You are habit forming, Steven, and I don't like breaking habits."

Master Buba leaned down and kissed me. I watched Master Buba's huge, muscled body take position at my ass. His eyes met mine and locked together.

"Awwww!" I moaned as Master Buba's big dick touched my asshole.

"Awwww! Yes! Master ! Yes!" I whimpered as Master Buba forced his big dick into my ass. All fourteen plus inches of beer can sized dick. His shave crotch rubbed against my hairless balls. I whimpered again.

Master Buba began massaging the inside of my ass with his dick. Slightly out. All of the way in.

"Awwwwww!" I whimpered again as he bottomed out in my ass.

"Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" "Awwwww!" Awwwww!" I kept moaning as my Master Buba slowly continued to massage the inside of my asshole.

"Follow me, boy," Master Buba whispered to me. "Just relax and follow me... Relax... Relax... Relax... Relax... Relax... We are going on a Journey, Steven. You and me."

My eyes kept bonded to Master Buba's eyes. The steady motion of Master Buba's big cock in and out of me sent peaceful waves through my body. `So, boy,' I heard Master Buba say in my mind. `It is just you and me. Our Journey melds our minds to form one. You. Me. Together as one. Fly with me.'

"I'm with you, Master," I replied. "Take me. Make me yours, Master. Please make me yours."

`I want to share something with you, boy,' Master Buba said. Again in my mind. `We have connections. Not only to one another, but also to many others on Spirit Journeys. We connect instantly. We know. You will see, Steven. Eventually, you will see what I see. Have patience, Steven. It will come. I promise you it will come.'

"Shit, Steven," Master Buba howled. "I'm coming! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh..."

Master Buba lowered his body on top of mine to rest. His weight smothered me, but I felt safe. Safe and loved.

"I can't get over how you make me feel, Steven," Master Buba finally said. "Jose and I are lucky to have you in our lives, Steven. You are our gift."

"We have some unfinished business, Buba," Master Jose added as he and Master Buba removed the restraints from my ankles.

Master Buba straddled my midsection and worked my nipples.

"Oh! Shit!" I hissed as Master Jose palmed my dick and began stroking. "Feels so good."

It didn't take long before I shot a load all over Master Buba's back.


Master Jose, Master Buba, and I made our way downstairs. Less than twenty-four hours ago, Tim, Master Garrison, Master Marvin, and I were in Miami. Now, Tim sat naked between Master Grant and Master David. My Masters and I took our seats. I sat between Master Jose and Master Buba. Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian clumped together in the middle of the table. JJ and Ramesh were opposite their older brothers.

"How did it go last night, Dad?" Master Theo asked.

"It was a nice reunion with my Masters," I replied. "You?"

"We had a good time, right Connor?" Master Theo to Master Connor.

"Sure did," Master Connor replied. "Wayne and Garrison joined us for a short time."

"And?" I asked.

"Jeez, Dad," Master Connor continued. "Isn't anything private in this house?"

"Only share what you want to share," Tim suggested. "Your Dad and I will heed the same advice."

"That sucks," Master Adrian replied and turned his attention to Tim. "How did things go with you, Dad?"

"We had a memorable evening," Tim replied.

"It's good to have our boy back," Master David replied. "He learned a lot on his book tour."

"Like what, Dad?" Master Theo asked.

"I'll not share the events which led to Master David's comment," Tim replied.

"He's learned he cannot be without our big dicks and fists in his ass for any long period," Master Grant added. "David and I also learned something about ourselves during our boy's absence. We are addicted to his ass. We couldn't keep our dicks or our fists out of our boy last night. The evening became a marathon event."

"Thank you for sharing your ideas with my teenage sons," Tim added.

"We won't be seeing you at a therapy session for your addiction any time in the soon, right Uncle Grant?" Master Adrian asked.

"No," Master Grant replied. "We will not be in recovery. We like our addiction. Our boy likes our addiction, don't you, boy?"

"No, Master," Tim said. "I love your addiction."

"Since we have your addiction under control," Master Connor continued. "When do we start our session to help us find the gift, Uncle Buba?"

"We can start the sessions right after you return from school this afternoon," Master Buba suggested. "Your Uncles Grant, David, and Jose will be joining us. Your Uncles Bondoc, Angel, and Marvin already have the gift."

"Cool," Master Theo added. "What should we wear and where will we hold our training sessions?"

"Meet us on the fourth floor," Master Buba replied. "Wear nothing. You need to be naked you enter the room."

"I didn't know we had a fourth floor," Tim said.

"It was the old attic," Master Jose responded. "While you were away on your book tour, we cleared it out and had it renovated. It will be a terrific space for our sessions."

"How do the sessions work?" I asked. "We have two bottoms and eight tops."

"Nine tops," Master Buba explained. "Hassid agreed to join us. He and I will lead the group into a new world. As you know, Steven, Hassid wants to share some of his techniques which differ slightly from mine. Hassid and I will lead the first round. Grant, David, and Jose pair with Tim. Connor, Theo, and Adrian pair with Steven."

Master Grant put his napkin on the table. "We need to take care of some outstanding issues with our boy. So, if you will excuse us, we will begin our work day."

"Will you put your dicks or your fists in Dad's ass?" Master Connor asked.

"Both," Master David replied as he, Master Grant, and Tim stood and left.

"We also have work to do," Master Jose added. "Please excuse us while we head downstairs."

"To the playroom?" Master Adrian asked.

"Of course," Master Buba replied as he and Master Jose stood. Master Jose put a leash on my collar. At the tug of the leash, I followed my Masters downstairs.

"On your knees, boy, and assume the position," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes, Master," I said as I dropped to my knees. Legs spread shoulder width apart, hands behind my back, looking at the floor in front of me.

"Your Master Jose and I have decided we will explore new avenues in our sessions with you, boy," Master Buba explained as we entered the playroom. "We want to take our sexual energy to new heights. You, boy, will play a key role in our exploration of our desires and fantasies. You will enjoy our experiences."

"Do you have any questions, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"No, Sirs," I replied.

"Good," Master Jose replied. "Follow me on your hands and knees, boy."

I crawled behind Master Jose until we stopped in the center of the playroom.

"While you were away we had a new suspension system installed," Master Jose explained. "We will get many, many hours of enjoyment from this. Stand up, boy."

I stood, but kept my hands behind my back. Master Jose and Master Buba wrapped a leather strap around my waist and buckled it in the back. They added another strap right under my arm pits. They quickly added restraints on each wrist and then on each thigh right above the knee.

Master Buba connected my wrist restraints to a bar hanging from the suspension system. They made adjustments until my arms were spread as far as they could.

Next Master Buba lifted my left leg and connected to the leather strap under my arms. Master Jose connected my right leg. I hung from my wrists with my legs pulled tightly to my chest. They added another restraint on my ankles and connected them via a short chain to the leather strap around my waist. I hung like a cocoon.

"The boy is enjoying this," Master Buba said as he took my hard dick in his hand.

"Ready?" Master Jose asked.

"Definitely," Master Buba replied as the chain connected to the leather strap around my waist tightened and began to pull my midsection higher. It stopped when my body was horizontal to the parallel to the floor.

"Perfect position," Master Jose said to Master Buba.

"He needs this," Master Buba said as he held up the mouth gag. He installed the device. My mouth was propped open. "Don't worry, boy. You will be more and more comfortable as the time goes by. We need a break, Jose. Let's go take a nap."

"Do I get to put my dick in your ass or yours in mine?" Master Jose asked with a smile.

"Maybe both," Master Buba replied. "Maybe both."

Master Jose and Master Buba disappeared up the stairs.

I hung in the middle of the playroom. Mouth held open by the mouth gag. Legs pinned to my chest. Dick hard and ready to explode. Ass perched high and ready to use. Time past slowly. I almost fell asleep. I heard someone coming downstairs. I face away from the door. I couldn't see who joined me in the room. The overhead flood light which illuminated and area with my body in the center. I couldn't see outside of the area lit by the flood light.

"Hello, boy," a voice said. I immediately knew it was my friend Hung. "You look mighty fine, boy. Perfectly restrained with your ass sticking out at a perfect level to get fucked. Jacob, strip and then take off my clothes."

"Yes, Master," Jacob replied. He stood naked in front of his master and began to undress him.

"Good, boy," Master Hung said to his boy. "Go play with the boy's nipples."

"Yes, Master," Jacob replied as he moved closer so he could fondle my nipples.

"The other day I said I couldn't fuck you because Jacob was with your husband upstairs," Hung explained. "Now, Jacob is standing here with me. So I am here to give you my welcome home fuck. It has been a long time since I've had your ass, boy. I so looked forward to this moment. This is the moment I take your ass and own it. I'm feel exhilarated knowing I am taking your sloppy slave boy ass. You know how I am when I get started. Do you remember the times I fucked you in the past?"

I nodded yes.

"You remember, I hope, I like to take a boy's ass with a lot of energy and a lot of power," Master Hung explained. "I like it rough. You do, too. Don't you, boy?"

I nodded yes again.

"I'm not rushing into your ass at the drop of a hat," Master Hung continued. "I see great potential here. I'll be right back, boy. Jacob, keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Master," Jacob replied as his thumbnail pinched my left nipple.

Master Hung returned with a short crop.

"I like your big, hairless balls, boy," Master Hung continued. "Your dick amazes me as well."

Master Hung stepped back. He brought the crop to my balls and rubbed them. When the first crack hit my balls, I tried to scream out in pain. Nothing happened.

Master Hung began applying a series of blows to my balls and then my hard dick. My balls hurt. My dick hurt. Finally, Master Hung stopped. He threw the crop on the floor next to him, grabbed the lube from a nearby table, and spread copious amounts on his dick.

"As I take your ass, boy," Master Hung began, "I want you to remember some of the fun we used to have together. Remember the party your Master threw for your birthday one year. Your ass became the night's entertainment. Almost twenty guys took turns fucking you. I had your ass three times. You couldn't walk the next day, remember?"

I nodded yes.

Master Hung finished applying the lube and move closer to my asshole. "Watch my eyes, boy."

My body tingled with massive waves of lust floating through me like a train moving through a tunnel. I locked my eyes on his. His on mine. Master Hung started pounding my ass. His big dick moving quickly and powerfully in and out of my ass. After only a few strokes in and out of my ass, his energy level increased. The power behind his thrusts amplified. His lust filled my body. More. I wanted more. Faster. Harder. Rougher. More. More. More.

Master Hung showed no sign of slowing or stopping his fight to take my ass. Forcibly take my ass. It went on and on. I had no sense of how long Master Hung had been fucking me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Hung bellowed. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

His cum coated the inside of my ass. I felt the power of each eruption. Master Hung stood silently as his breathing normalized. "You still have one unbelievable ass, boy! Incredible. I saw stars. You?"

I nodded yes.

Someone entered the playroom. "I see you have taken what you wanted. It only took you two-hours. Did you get what you came for?" Master Buba asked.

"I did indeed," Master Hung replied. "Steven's ass is just as good as it was a few years ago. Maybe even better. I hope it is not the last time I can have it."

"You will have plenty of opportunity in the future, Hung," Master Buba continued. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to get the boy ready for some private time with Jose and me."

Master Hung and his boy Jacob retreated upstairs.

Master Buba carefully removed me from the suspension system. He helped me to a stool beside the bar.

"Let's have a drink before we go upstairs," Master Buba suggested. "Jose is on a conference call. He should be finished shortly."

Master Buba handed me a beer. He took one for himself.

"Hung seems like a powerfully intense Master," Master Buba said. "I trust you enjoyed yourself as much as Hung."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "And, yes, powerfully intense describes Master Hung perfectly."

"He has a big dick for a man who is only five-ten," Master Buba added. "He and his boy Jacob will make an excellent addition to the family. We need to discuss a few items with the others during our cocktail hour. Let's go upstairs and join Jose in our bedroom."

"Yes, Master,"


The doorbell rang as everyone had settled in the living room for cocktail hour. I heard Harvey at the front door. Then he arrived escorting out guest.

"Lance! Livingston!" I bellowed as Lance Chiola, my architect friend from my past, and Livingston, also an architect. We grabbed each other in a massive hug session. "Finally! You know most of the people here... Well not really."

I looked around the room. "You remember Tim. Of course you know Master David from your work together. This is Master Grant. He and Master David are Tim's Masters. The two on the opposite side of the room are my Masters, Master Jose and Master Buba. The two who look alike are our sons, Master Connor and Master Theo. Master Adrian. JJ and Ramesh are on the opposite is of the room, and also are our sons. The hunk sitting beside our sons is Master Garrison. The naked guy beside Master Garrison is Wayne. Guys, this stud in Lance Chiola, our architect, and his partner, also our architect, Livingston."

Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian exchanged glances.

"Forget it, guys," I said to the three. "Lance is a top. Hot BDSM top. Livingston is his boy. Do not touch without his Master's approval."

"Got it, boy," Master Adrian replied.

"Strip Livingston," Lance said to his boy. "House rule. Slave boys need to be naked."

"Yes, Master," Livingston said as he shed his clothing.

"Holy shit! Livingston! How often do you work out?" Tim asked as he dreuled over Livingston's body.

"Master has me on an expanded workout schedule," Livingston replied. "Six days each week. Two hours each day. Six am comes early, but we enjoy working out together."

Master David began explaining our next decision to our family. "As all of you know, AJ bought the entire block between Broadway to Halsted and Roscoe to Melrose. I am also certain you have noticed our home here seems smaller and smaller as we add people to our family. We could spread our family out into the other buildings which are part of our complex. However, Lance and Livingston created an astonishing plan to connect all six buildings into one massive house. I will let Lance and Livingston explain."

The big screen television dropped from the ceiling, and Lance began to explain his plan. His computer-generated images showed the details.

"The first two buildings, this one we are in and the one to the west, were connected by walkways on all three floors," Lance began. "We will add the third building on Roscoe, owned by Hung and Jacob, with similar connecting walkways. We will expand the first, second, and third floors of this building and the one behind us on Buckingham. These two buildings will essentially become one. So, each floor will occupy about ten thousand square feet. On the second and third floors, we create five master suites, each with at least one private bath, at twenty-five hundred square each. The kitchen will move into the building on Buckingham. We will divide the remainder of the first floor into dining sections and a massive great room."

"Why do we need all of this space?" Tim asked.

"More comfortable," Master Grant replied. "Sometime it seems as we are living in a sardine can. Besides, we will need more space for entertaining."

"Why do we need space for entertaining?" I asked.

"I am launching my own news network," Master Grant replied. "It will be based in Chicago. We've already have financing from various sources."

"Our venture capital operation?" I asked.

"No," Master Grant added. "I've managed to gather a group of people who believe a new cable news station will lend a voice to some non-mainstream causes in our community. We have significant money behind us."

"Congratulations, Master," I said to Master Grant.

"Does this mean I will be seeing you less often?" Tim asked. He seemed worried.

"In the beginning, maybe," Master Grant replied as he pulled Tim close to him and kissed him on the forehead. "I have some very energetic and seasoned staff already on board with the project. So, other than during the day, I intend to be a responsible Master to our slave boy. I won't let the project come between us, Tim. I love you and David too much to reduce my contact with the two of you. You two will always be my priority."

"We've already begun the design for the studio renovation," Lance added.

"Maybe Steven could be the first slave boy to appear as a network anchor for a BDSM show," Tim added.

"I have enough to do right now, Tim," I replied. "I am a full-time slave to my two demanding Masters, a porn star, and a rent boy. So, a network anchor is not in the cards right now."


"Today becomes a milestone for us," Master Buba began our first session to learn how to uncover our inner gift of sexual freedom. "We will learn meditation and other techniques to develop our power to use the gift. Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian will work with boy Steven during our sessions. Master Grant, Master David, and Master Jose will work with boy Tim. Master Hassid and I will supervise your meditation sessions as well as the more intimate physical aspects of our training."

"The meditation position helps drive the focus of your mind to your meditation partner," Master Hassid continued. "While one of you Masters connect through meditation to your boy, the other two meditate on the interaction of the active Master and the boy. Try to feel their connection. Help your partners connect. Give them encouragement through your minds. Your connections will become stronger and stronger until the four of you act as one."

"People who meditate successfully relax into themselves," Master Buba added. "Breathe deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. Slowly. Relax into yourselves. Backs must remain straight. Legs crossed. Hands rest on your knees. Thumb and index finger meet to form a circle. Concentrate on you cock and balls with your mind open and receptive to the thoughts of others. Now form a union with one Master and one boy."

Master Connor and I were first to be partnered.

"Both knees toughing your partner's knees," Master Buba continued. Feel the connection. Feel the energy flowing. Feel your minds connect. Feel the sexual energy surrounding the two of you. Active partners open your eyes and focus on the eyes of your partner. Concentrate. Feel the sexual energy pass between your eyes. See the lust in your partner's eyes. Feel your partner's lust merge with your lust. His sexual energy merge with your sexual energy. Master Connor, Master Grant. With your eyes still open and locked onto your boy, lean in and kiss your partner. Sensual kiss. Tongue. Feel the sexual energy. Look again in your partner's eyes. Feel the lust. See the lust. Act upon the lust."

Master Connor helped me to my back. His body on top of mine. More kisses. My legs pushed to Master Connor's shoulders. I couldn't say no to my son. I wanted him. Our lust and sexual energy connected making us one with each other. He craved me sexually. I craved him.

"Aaaawwwweee!" I moaned as Master Connor's hard dick touched my asshole.

"Do you feel it, boy?" Master Connor whispered.

"Yes, Master," I whispered back.

As I felt Master Connor's dick enter me, I felt hands on my body. Master Theo's hands and Master Adrian's hands. Their gentle touch on Master Connor's body and my body provided a connection. One between the four of us. The connection became powerful, sensual. Our combined sexual energy seems to overwhelm us all.

"I feel you love for me, Dad," Master Theo whispered. "Feel mine?"

"Yes, Master," I whisper. "You, too, Master Adrian."

"This is unbelievable," Master Adrian hissed. I saw Master Adrian and Master Theo grab their rock-hard dicks. They began stroking. They became lost in our sexual energy.

Master Connor's body tensed. I pulled him in to kiss him. I felt his dick explode in my ass.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Connor rested on top of me. Our heart beats punctuating the almost silence of the room.

Master Theo took Master Connor's place. Then Master Adrian. The four of us huddled together on the floor. Our bodies soaked in the powerful sexual energy and made us feel as one.

The silence gave way to whispered talk. I love you exchanged between the four of us. The powerful sexual energy remained. Covering us like the warmth of a blanket over our naked bodies.

"Where did Hassid and Buba go?" Master Theo asked.

"They left to give us time to embrace our newly found sexual energy," I said. "I felt him and Master Hassid's bodies leave the room. They left us to experience our new bond. How does this make the three of you feel?"

"Incredibly happy, Dad," Master Adrian replied.

"I agree, Addie," Master Connor added. "I made love to you, Dad. It made me realize how wonderfully giving you are. You took us all in. You gave us flight.

"I wonder if there is more exploration of the gift?" Master Theo asked.

I felt Master Buba and Master Hassid's presence in the room.

"You have only just begun," Master Buba whispered to the room.

"You will have a life-time to find all of the powers of the gift," Master Hassid added. "Don't let it go. Embrace it."

"All eight of you will find a bond between you," Master Buba declared. "You are joined forever. Enjoy your journey to find the gift."

"When do we have our next session, Uncle Buba?" Master Connor asked.

"When do you want to have it?" Master Buba asked.

"Now," Tim replied.

"Then, now it will be," Master Hassid replied. "I will join you boys and your father Tim. Buba will join Grant, David, and Jose as they bond with Steven. Shall we begin.


"Steven," Tim began as we sat at the kitchen island sipping coffee the morning after our first two training sessions to fine the gift. "How do you think the sessions will impact our relationship with our sons?"

"I don't really know," I admitted. "I hope we made the right decision."

"You made the right decision, Dad," Master Connor said as he kissed me on the lips and also his other Dad. The other two did the same.

"I couldn't believe how close I felt to the two of you," Master Theo explained. "I feel even closer to you now."

"And, no, Dads," Master Adrian. "We will not sleep with you every night. Just every other night."

"We both have other obligations, boys," Tim added. "But we can't go back now. I for one don't want to go back. I feel more at peace with myself more than ever before. And don't believe for a moment we will not discipline you whenever we feel you need it."

"Sometimes," Master Connor began. "I want both of you to take my pants off and spank me with a paddle. Other times, I want to turn you over my knee. It's a tossup."

"I can't believe what I just heard," Master Theo added. "My macho twin brother want to become a masochist."

"Our Dads wouldn't spank us, would you Dads?" Master Adrian asked.

"In a flash!" Tim responded. "In a flash. Now go. You have classes to attend."

"See you this afternoon, Dads," the three said in unison as they left for school.

"Was sex between you, Master Grant, and Master David as good as it was between me, Master Jose, and Master Buba?" I asked.

"It was pretty damn hot," Tim replied.

"Steven," Master Grant said as he and Master David arrive in the kitchen. "Your Masters want to see you upstairs. And, Tim, we will take you downstairs to the playroom. I don't believe we will accomplish much but have mad, passionate sex for the rest of today. I'm certain neither of you will be disappointed."

"Nope," I said as I slipped off the stool and headed upstairs.

"Thank you, boy, for joining us again," Master Jose said as I walked into the bedroom we shared.

"We can't seem to get you out of our minds," Master Buba added.

"I feel the same way, Masters," I replied.

"Then, you won't mind giving us your ass again this morning," Master Jose said.

"I never have a problem giving you anything you want, Masters," I added.

"Scoot between us, boy," Master Buba suggested. "We have something to propose to you before we use your ass again."

"We want to take you on a trip," Master Jose began to explain. "We want to take you to our ranch in Montana."

"You have a ranch in Montana?" I asked.

"We just bought it," Master Buba replied. "While you were with Tim and Garrison on Tim's book tour. It is not a huge ranch. We only have about one thousand acres. We manage to convince the previous manager and his husbands to stay on with us."

"Husbands? As in more than one husband," I asked.

"One official marriage," Master Jose replied. "The other two were church weddings but not civilly recognized."

"When would you like to take this trip," I asked.

"After we return from Provincetown for the summer," Master Buba added. "Probably the last half of November. We have arranged for Babak and Hassid to return you to us in Montana. They tell us October and November is an excellent time to be in their country."

"Long time to be away from Tim and the boys," I said. "But my place is by your side."

"Good," Master Jose replied. "Master Grant, Master David, and Tim will spend the month of October in Provincetown because the house in Chicago won't be ready until November. Master Grant and Master David will also spend the month of February in the South of France with Tim. They will spend their time in the house AJ bought."

"I am curious," I finally said to my Masters. "Why in the fuck did you buy a ranch?"

"I always wanted to be a rancher," Master Jose said with a smile. "This ranch happens to be equipped with a five-star playroom and four hunky ranch hands. The four ranch hands are looking forward to time with your ass."

"Now, onto more important matters," Master Buba said as he retrieved the handcuffs attached to the headboard. After he locked my wrists in place, Master Buba continued. "This turns out to be one of our favorite positions with you, boy. The sense of power over you while you are handcuffed to the bed is incredible... almost overwhelming... but we will enjoy being overwhelmed."


"You won't need to take a shower before dinner, boy," Master Jose explained. "Yes, you smell of sweat, cum, and piss. But you will not take a shower."

Master Buba helped me out of bed. With only a two-hour break for lunch and other duties, we had spent all day in bed. My ass felt well used.

"Let's put these on you, boy," Master Buba said as he took my hands and attached handcuffs to them. "Bend over, boy."

I bent over the bed. I felt cold metal on my ass.

"Awwww!" I moaned as Master Jose shoved a giant chrome butt plug in my ass.

Master Buba attached my leash to the collar and I followed Master Buba and Master Jose downstairs. Master Buba took seats on the sofa.

"On the floor, boy," Master Jose ordered. "Assume the kneeling position."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I bent at the knees with legs spread should width apart. I looked at the floor in front of me.

"Something excites you, boy," Master Grant suggested. "You dick is amazing when you are excited. Why are you so excited, boy?"

I didn't answer.

"Go ahead, boy," Master Buba said. "Answer the questions posed to you, boy."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I am excited to be with Master Buba and Master Jose while they attempt to humiliate me in front of the entire family."

"Lance and Livingston will be here shortly to join the family for dinner," Master David added. "Won't it be fun watching Steven be humiliated with friends and family watching."

"He smells, too," Master Connor said. "Don't you ever shower, Dad?"

"I wasn't allowed to shower," I replied. "My Masters wanted me to smell of sweat, cum, and piss."

"They were successful," Master Theo added. "You need to be punished for smelling like a pig, Dad."

"We'll let you three boys punish your father after dinner," Master Buba replied. "The punishment will be administered in public view."

"Cool," Master Adrian added. "We'll need to be extra shrewd."

"This is what we have unleashed, Steven," Tim said with a smile. "We have three extra cunning boys as our sons."

"Who have fucked both fathers," Master Grant added.

"Did we hear the boys fucked both of their fathers?" Lance asked as he and Livingston were escorted into the living room.

"Yesterday afternoon," Master Buba replied. "We were searching for their inner gift. We were successful. Watching these boys make love to their fathers was an outstanding and gratifying moment."

"Do you call your sons Master, Steven, because they have power over you?" Lance asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I am their slave along with Master Jose and Master Buba."

"I would really enjoy watching them punish you, Steven," Lance said.

"Tonight. After dinner," Master Adrian explained. "We love an audience, don't we, Dad?"

"Yes, of course. We love an audience," I replied.

"It's never bothered you before, Steven," Lance began. "I remember when your Dad stood naked in the middle of Folsom Street at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. This big dude, about six-six pulled what little clothes Steven had off, tied him to a lamp post, and whipped the shit out of him."

"You were naked on a public San Francisco street?" Master Theo asked. "Don't you have any moral compass at all?"

"Can you tell us more stories, Uncle Lance?" Master Adrian asked.

"I have lots and lots and lots of stories," Master Lance replied.

"Not to be out done by some of the Hellfire party stories," Master Hung said as he and Jacob joined the group. "Your Dad's behavior was downright obscene."

"He was also arrested when his Master Ajmal made him walk home from the bars naked," Tim added. "He had to give half of the Provincetown police department blow jobs before the summer ended. Actually it was all of the Provincetown police department except one. She didn't have the appropriate equipment."

"Will you be getting arrested this summer, Dad?" Master Connor asked.

"I haven't made plans," I replied. "It will be up to my Masters."

"Get any ideas, Uncle Buba?" Master Theo asked.

"Lots," Master Buba said as he gave me his `you are in deep shit trouble, boy.'

Harvey appeared, "Dinner is served."

We gathered at the dinner table. Our conversation continued while we ate.

"Tell us, Tim," Master Lance turned the conversation from me to my husband. "How has the transformation from cocky author to cocky slave boy?"

"You think I am a cocky slave boy?" Tim asked. "I'm hurt!"

"Answer his question, boy," Master Grant said to Tim.

"I believe I am transitioning into a proper slave boy," Tim replied. "It hasn't all been easy. It took me several trials before I adjusted to being whipped. I've never really had a problem with dick and fists in my ass. On the other hand, I have totally fallen in love with the bondage table. And, I am looking forward to my introduction to long-term bondage. Master Grant and Master David have promised me we will explore bondage. Any other questions?"

"How are you with piss and scat?" Master Hung asked.

"Piss, yes," Tim replied. "Scat, no. Neither of my Masters are interested in scat anyway."

"You will probably experience giving the Provincetown police department blow jobs as well, Tim," Master David suggested.

"As long as you post bail," Tim replied. "I'll take care of the police department. You take care of the bail money."

"We might need to borrow it from the trust," Master David replied. "You would be in jail no longer than three or four days."

If looks could kill Master David would be dead meat as far as Tim was concerned.

As we finished dinner, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Adrian seemed to be plotting among themselves.

"If you will excuse us for a moment, the three of us need to resolve an issue. This should not take long," Master Connor said to the group as he and the other two left.

"I suspect they will return with some terrifying plan and dressed for the festivities," I said.


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had several meaningful visions while I wrote this one. I am also excited to asked readers if there is any fetishes, scenes, or events you would like to see happen to Steven, Tim, and Wayne.

Before you ask, Master Marvin seemed to appear as character involved in an impromptu meeting. However, it is apparent, after the launch parties for Blue Dragon Studios, the owners of Blue Dragon did some planning to make Marvin's appearance appear as an impromptu happening which really was a plot hatched by Jose, Buba, Babak, and Hassid. More fun in the Blue Dragon Studios space.

Wayne. Wayne slowly finds his direction with the help of Grant, David, Jose, Buba, Connor, Theo, and Adrian. How far can he go?

Will Uncle Hung and Uncle Lance tell another story about Steven's sordid history before meeting Tim. Connor, Theo, and Adrian seem to be excited about their father's past. Maybe too excited. We will see.

And I hope these chapters do not contain obvious spelling and grammar errors. I have an editor who works on the three other stories. But I don't have one for this story anymore. So, please bear with me until I find an editor.

Don't forget to write.


To be continued.

This is my 63rd posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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