Life with Tim

Published on Feb 6, 2017


Life with Tim 61

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Give me some good news, Dr. Kent," Master Jose said.

Dr. Kent pulled up a chair beside Jose bed, "Let's talk about your progress, Jose. You were in the hospital two weeks and now rehab for three weeks. You have progressed significantly. The work you have expended in the exercises are showing splendid results. Your upper-body strength and your general motor skills are improving daily."

"And?" Master Jose asked as he grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"Your latest CAT Scan and MRI tests show you are healing perfectly," Dr. Kent explained. "We said from the beginning the knife penetrated and damaged the spinal cord. This damage as caused a loss of sensation and motor function. In your case, Jose, unless we attempt to correct the damage through surgery, you will probably never walk again."

"Not exactly the news I was looking for, Dr. Kent," Jose replied. "Tell me about this surgery."

"It is not a complicated surgery," Dr. Kent began. "It is performed microscopically which reduces the risks."

"What are the risks?" I asked.

"The surgery doesn't require anesthesia," Dr. Kent continued. "You will be given a local injection. So the risks of complications due to anesthesia are eliminated. I must caution you, however, Jose, it might not work."

"Then I would be in this fucking chair the rest of my life," Master Jose replied as he grasped my hand tighter. "What else could go wrong?"

"A remote possibility of nicking another nerve system," Dr. Kent added. "You could be paralyzed totally. The odds of this happening is remote, but it does exist."

"When can the surgery be performed?" Master Jose asked.

"We can schedule the surgery within a week," Dr. Kent replied. "I want you and your family to discuss this before I schedule any surgery."

"I will not sit here and let the world pass me by," Master Jose replied. "I have no other options. Schedule the surgery."

Chapter 61: Moving on to New Heights

I sleepily opened my eyes to see Master Jose on his side, head resting on an upturned arm, smiling, and his eyes sparkling.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are, Steven?" Master Jose asked.

"You've mentioned it once or twice," I replied in a groggy voice. "You, on the other hand, are the beautiful one, Master. Your skin is perfect. Your eyes sparkle when you are happy. And your body... absolutely breathtaking."

Master Jose scooted closer and lowered his head to the pillow. He pulled me closer to him. "I love you, Steven. I love you more than I have loved anyone. You are the perfect lover."

He kissed me softly and rolled us so I was on my back and Master Jose was on top of me. He kissed me again only this time with more passion and energy.

"Yes, Master," I hissed between kisses. "Take me, Master. Please take me."

Master Jose stopped kissing me and raised his muscular upper body off me. "How do you want to be taken, Steven. As your lover? As your Master? Or as a random trick you picked up in the alley behind a bar?"

"All three, Master," I hissed back at him. "First, as my lover. Second, as my Master. Third, as a random trick I picked up in the alley behind the bar."

"We can repeat for the next several days until we get it perfectly choreographed," Master Jose whispered.

"We will be busy for the rest of our lives, then," I replied.

Master Jose lowered his body to rest on mine. His lips touched mine as he began to take me as his lover.

His kisses moved from soft and gently to filled with passion to intense with lust. As he kissed me, Master Jose rubbed his massive hard cock against my hard cock. I held onto Master Jose like I wanted to pull him inside me. Our energy passed from one to the other. Back and forth. Sparks seemed to fly.

"I need you in me, Master," I hissed. "I will explode unless I feel your beautiful big dick inside me. Please, Master. Please take me. Make me yours."

Master Jose pulled back. He raised his body and sat back on his own legs and fumbled for the lube. His eyes never left mine as he slathered his dick with lube.

Master Jose tossed the lube onto the bed beside us. He lifted my legs over his shoulders and leaned forward to align his dick with my hungry asshole. When his dick touched the outside of my hole, I felt sparks, and I nearly blew a load just from feeling the touch of my Master's dick with my asshole.

"Yes, Master...," I hissed as Master Jose pushed his dick into my ass. I almost came again when I felt Master Jose's pubic hairs rub against my hairless balls.

Master Jose began to move his dick inside me. Slowly. Gently. He kissed me again. I whimpered, "More, Master. Please more."

Master Jose continued to kiss me. I reached out and put my hands on my Master's firm ass cheeks.

His thrusts, still gentle, moved further in and further out with each stroke. Master Jose's eyes caught mine. We suddenly became one. One body inside another body to form a unit. "I love you, Steven."

"I love you, too, Master," I hissed.

"I love you, too, Steven," Master Jose said as we still locked our eyes together. "I'm almost there, Steven. Let's do this together."

"Yes, Master," I hissed as my balls tightened and my dick hardened even more.

"Now, Steven," Master Jose hissed. "Now."

"Ahhhhh," I moaned as I unloaded just as I felt Master Jose's come flood my ass.

"Shit," Master Jose roared. ""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Jose lowered his body on top of mine. I slide my legs from his shoulders to around his waist. We lay silently as we recovered from a massive orgasm.

"You, Steven, are habit forming," Master Jose finally whispered to me. Our sweat covered bodies molded perfectly with the other.

We heard a knock and the door as it opened. "Jesus, Jose," Connor added. "Why is your dick always in my dad's ass?"

"Because I love your dad's ass," Master Jose said without losing eye contact with me.

"Why are you two here?" I asked as I continued to look into Master Jose's eyes.

"Today is our first training session, Dad," Theo explained. "We didn't want you to forget."

Connor crawled onto the bed on my left side and Theo on my right side. They were both naked.

"Your nicely muscled, permanently tanned, smooth body, Jose, is a nice contrast to Dad's silky white, muscled, smooth body," Connor added. "Dad's tattoos add a heightened sense of masculine lust."

"Don't you guys have someplace you need to be?" I asked.

"Not really, Dad," Theo replied. "We thought we should bond with our Dad and his lover."

"We've had enough bonding time this morning," I said. "Why don't the two of you do something useful?"

"We are, Dad," Connor explained. "We're going to stoke one off while we lay next to our naked Dad and his lover."

"No you are not," I said with my voice raising.

"You have to admit, Steven," Master Jose added. "It is sort of hot having two young studs lying naked beside us as they stroke their cocks."

"Whose side are you on, Master?" I asked.

"It won't take us long, Dad," Theo replied. "We were in the hallway watching the two of you make love. So, we're pretty much at the explosion point."

"Out!" I screamed.

"You really know how to ruin a moment, Dad," Connor replied. "Come on, Theo. Let's go finish what we started."

"See you this afternoon, Dad," Theo added as they left the room.

"They are incorrigible," I added.

"I still think it would be hot to watch them beat off," Master Jose said with a smile. "I want to suggest we have another round of love making because my dick is still hard, and your dick is still hard. But I heard your stomach growl. We need nourishment."

"We can't go anywhere with your dick still in my ass," I said also with a smile. "Are you sure we can't do this again before we eat. I promise to be quick."

"You are a very convincing slave boy," Master Jose said as he began kissing me again. I felt his dick begin to move inside me.

I put my arms around Master Jose's neck. "I could stay like this forever, Master."

"Me, too," Master Jose replied as he ramped up the energy level of this thrusts in and out of me.

Master Jose paused kissing me, "I'm pounding your ass this time, boy!"

"Oh! God yes!" I hissed as Master Jose slowly picked up speed. "Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah...," I moaned as Master Jose pounded my ass. The sound of his skin slapping against mine made my dick harder.

Master Jose's sweat dripped off his rock hard muscled body. I could smell the lust in the air. I could see the lust in Master Jose's eyes. I could feel the lust of the powerful thrusts in and out of my ass. "Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah...," I continued to moan as Master Jose drove his dick inside me. Over and over and over and over and over again. Skin slapping against skin.

"Come with me, Steven!" Master Jose exclaimed.

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as I unloaded my come all over our naked bodies. Master Jose unloaded into my ass. The first volley of his come started seconds after my first eruption.

Master Jose collapsed on top of me again. "Boy," Master Jose said as he caught his breath. "You are one hell of a good fuck!"

"You are just now noticing how good Steven is in bed, Jose?" Tim added as he walked into the room.

"No, Tim," Master Jose replied. "I knew how good Steven is in bed the first time we were together. Now, I just like to remind him from time-to-time. What can we do for you this fine morning, Tim?"

"I am on my way downstairs to have breakfast with Master Grant and Master David," Tim explained. "I saw the two of you going at it, and I was fascinated with what I believe is one hot scene."

"Thank you, Tim," Master Jose replied. "Steven and I are happy we could share our love making with you."

"I need to run," Tim replied. "I hope you two will take a shower. The smell of sex could potentially turn breakfast into an orgy! See you soon!"

"Thank you for your advice, Tim," I replied as he left the room.

"So, Steven," Master Jose began. "Shower together or not?"

"Together," I replied. "I like washing my Master's body."

Thirty minutes later, Master Jose and I took our seats at the breakfast table. Master Jose put on a pair of his tightest, worn, threadbare jeans and an equally tight tank top. I of course was naked. Master Grant looked dashing in his grey suit, and Master David sat shirtless with a pair of skimpy gym shorts.

"We will have Harvey fumigate your room while you supervise Connor and Theo's lessons, Steven," Master David added.

"Thank you for being so considerate, Master David," I replied. "It is so not like you!"

"Watch it, slave boy!" Master David added as he pointed his fork at me. "Don't mess with me or I'll convene an emergency meeting of the security council in Hassin so we can publicly punish you for your sins."

"But, I'm the King," I replied.

"King, shming," Master David said.

Just then Connor and Theo walked into the breakfast room.

"Holy shit!" Master Grant exclaimed.

Connor and Theo had duplicate outfits on: tight black leather pants, full body harness from chain links, motorcycle jacket slung over the right shoulder, and knee high black lace up leather boots. One had on a chrome arm band on the left arm. The other the same style of band on the right arm. Both had red, black, and grey handkerchiefs in their left rear pocket.

"Whose credit card did you use?" I asked.

"Ours, of course," Connor replied.

"Who is the primary account holder?" I asked.

"You, of course, Dad," Theo replied. "We thought you'd like the look we've created. The outfits should add a sense of realism and a heightened sexual energy level."

"Oh, dear God!" I exclaimed. "Tim, help me here."

"Steven," Tim began. "Somehow you managed to get yourself into this position. So, I am not going to be a party to getting you out. Besides, you three will have a terrific time."

I looked around the room. Every want was smiling a smug little smile. They were all reveling in my pain.

"I'm doomed," I whispered.

"I helped them pick out the outfits," Master Jose said as his smile became a bit bigger. "I told your friend Carl at Male Hide to pull out all of the stops. So, this is the result. They look terrific, don't you think so, Steven?"

"Yes, they do look hot," I agreed. "But they are my sons. Sons and fathers shouldn't be doing what they are planning to do to me this afternoon."

"It will be an exceedingly wonderful bonding situation, Steven," Master Grant replied. "You and your sons will never forget the experiences you are about to explore over the next several weeks. It's heartwarming to see."

"Grant is right, boy," Master David said. "You will never forget this training session with these two fine young men."

"You will be broken in by the time I go through this training," Bashir added.

"Why aren't you dressed, Aiden?" I asked. "Aren't you involved in the training this afternoon?"

"Yes," Aiden replied. "I just haven't changed yet. Mine is very similar except I have a removable cod piece."

"Besides, Steven," Master Jose continued. "Your dick seems to be telling everyone you, too, are very, very excited about the possibilities for this afternoon."

"Stand up, boy," Master Grant ordered. "Let us see the evidence."

I stood. So did my dick. Straight up. Hard. Dripping. I sat back down.


"Can't we talk about his, Master?" I pleaded as Master Jose led me, naked, to the playroom before the lesson began.

"We've talked. There is nothing else to say," Master Jose said as he clipped the handcuffs on my wrists with my hands behind my back.

"Master, please," I pleaded again. "This makes me very, very uneasy."

"I have a valium the doctors gave me while I was in rehab," Master Jose replied. "It might calm your nerves."

"No," I replied. "I am not teaching my sons to use drugs."

"Okay," Master Jose replied. "They are waiting for you, boy. Let's go."

I calmly followed Master Jose down the stairs to the play room. I stood totally naked with only the handcuffs behind my back. My dick was hard as a rock.

Connor, Theo, and Aiden stood just inside the playroom. `God, they were gorgeous,' I thought to myself. My dick seemed to get even harder. Donny stood behind the boys.

"Okay, boys," Master Jose said. "He's all yours for the next several hours. Here is the key for the handcuffs. Don't lose it. It's the only one I have. Have fun!"

Jose turned and left the playroom. I stood starring at Connor, Theo, and Aiden.

Connor stepped forward in front of me. "The three of us bought this for you, boy," Connor explained as he showed me the collar. "We will put this on you when we take possession of you, boy. We will take it off when we give you back to your Master. We are taking turns collaring you. I'm the oldest. Theo is next by one minute. Finally, Aiden is two months younger."

Connor held up the collar and affixed it around my neck. When it locked, I repeated my pledge. "Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others. I am yours."

Connor snapped on a leash and pulled me toward him. "Kiss me," Master Connor said as he pulled me to his lips. As our lips met, Connor's tongue slipped into my mouth. I melted. I responded. I totally forgot this hot young stud who had his tongue in my mouth was my adopted son. Suddenly, Connor pulled away.

"What do you think, boy?" Connor asked.

"More please, Master," I pleaded. "Please more."

Connor pulled me to him again and began to kiss me. I felt another set of hands on my body. One set caressed my back while the other set landed on my ass cheeks.

"You are a beautiful boy," Theo whispered into my ear. "So strong. So muscular."

"Beautiful ass," Adrian whispered. "Hard. It feels so good."

The other two Masters took turns kissing me.

"Enough," Master Connor finally said. "We need to get down to business. On your knees, boy. Assume the position."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I dropped to my knees. The handcuffs were still in place.

"Unlock the cuffs, Theo," Master Connor said. "I want our boy to have the use of his hands."

Theo fumbled through his pockets. "What the hell did I do with the keys?"

"Here they are, Theo," Master Adrian said as he picked up the keys from a table and tossed them to Theo.

Theo unlocked the handcuffs.

"We've decided to practice some of the knots Donny has been teaching us," Master Connor explained.

"Don't worry, boy," Master Theo added. "It is something simple so we can't make any serious mistakes."

"Donny has told us always to start with simple until we have mastered a technique before moving forward," Adrian continued. "He told us a funny story about an inexperienced Dom who couldn't remember how to get the sub out of restraints. The sub got really embarrassed when all of his office employees returned to work on Monday morning and found their boss tied up in his office. He was naked, too. Isn't the story hilarious?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I continued looking down at Master Connor's feet. "Hilarious."

Connor snapped my leash onto the collar. "On all fours, boy," Connor ordered. "Follow me."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled behind Connor to a chair in the middle of the room. "Sit on the chair, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I heeded Master Connors instructions.

"Theo, secure the boy's hands," Connor gave instructions. "Adrian, secure his ankles."

Master Theo began to bind my hands behind my back and onto the back of the chair. Master Adrian concentrated on binding my ankles to the bottom of the chair legs. Master Connor retrieved a ball gag from the table beside the chair.

"All three of us wanted you to wear this ball gag in the beginning," Master Connor explained. "Donny suggested we use the gag as a show of power. We are in control now, boy. We are in control. We will do whatever we want to your body."

Connor slipped on the ball gag and secured it. He added a blindfold.

Theo began working his miracle with the rope from my shoulders down. Adrian worked from my ankles up. Connor began working to bind my... hard cock.

"Make it longer, Master Theo," Donny suggested. "It will easier to accomplish the nipple torture if you make this one longer."

"Yours needs to be a little tighter, Master Connor," Donny added.

"Perfect, Master Adrian," Donn continued. "Just don't cut off his circulation."

I waited while my three captors finished installing to rope on my body.

"Perfect, Masters! Absolutely perfect," Donny exclaimed. "Let me take a few phots of this so you can recall this momentous event."

"Now, boy," Connor began after the photos were taken. "The fun is about to begin. Donny has shown us some interesting techniques we are eager to practice. Adrian will begin."

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time," Adrian quietly said as he began to play with my nipples. "And, the three of us are over 17 now. We can do whatever we want without fear of you going to jail. Isn't this exciting, boy?"

I nodded my head yes.

"We've been told your nipples are wired to you dick," Adrian continued. "We are excited about finding out first hand."

Adrian dug his nails into my nipples. I screamed into the ball gag.

"Good boy," Adrian congratulated me. He removed his hands from my nipples. I heard the jingle of a small chain. Adrian began to work my nipples with one hand. I felt a metal clamp bite down on my left nipple. I screamed into ball gag. He installed the second one on my right nipple. "Now it is Theo's turn."

"You look so good all tied up with all of the rope. Tit clamps on your nipples," Theo began. He tightened the left clamp.

I again screamed into the ball gag.

Theo grabbed the right clamp and tightened it.

I screamed into the ball gag again.

I felt Theo connect another chain to the clamps. He pulled it tight and then connected the opposite end of the chain to my Prince Albert in my dick.

"You're up, Connor," Theo said to his brother.

"So, boy," Connor took over. "You need to see what I will be doing to your body next, boy."

Connor took off the blindfold.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Connor asked.

I nodded yes.

"Good," Connor continued. "Do you know what's on your balls, boy?"

I nodded yes.

"Donny helped us with the ball press," Connor explained.

Connor picked up the press in one hand. He began turning the handle which closed the press. Each turn pressed my balls harder and harder. I screamed into the ball gag with every turn. Finally, he stopped.

"We have something special before we conclude today's training session," Connor continued. Connor, Theo, and Adrian began to strip. When they were naked, each on grabbed their dick and began stroking.

Connor pulled off the ball gag and straddled my lap facing me. He started kissing me as the three of them stroked their hard-teenage dicks. All three were uncut. All three were huge.

They kept stroking and stroking and stroking. They took turns sitting on my lap and kissing me.

I knew all three were getting ready to blow a load. Their breathing became labored.

"Come now," Connor exclaimed.

All three boys began to unload all over my chest, stomach, face, and hair.

Connor took off the ball press and removed the soft rope from my dick.

"Adrian wants to do something special for you, boy," Connor said.

Adrian knelt in front of me, grabbed my dick, and shoved it into his mouth.

"Oh! God!" I hissed as Adrian sucked on my dick. I couldn't hold it very long and I began to shoot my load into Adrian's mouth.


"So, how was the training session?" Master Grant asked as we settled in for cocktails. "You smelled like cum when you came upstairs. All of you smelled like cum."

"We had an excellent time, didn't we, Dad?" Connor asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I hate to admit this, but I had a wonderful time."

"Why do you hate to admit you had a good time?" Master David asked.

"Master David," I added. "They are my sons. I had sexual encounters with my sons. I believe they call it incest."

"Technically, Steven," David explained. "It is not incest because they are your adopted sons. Besides, you had sex with Connor and Theo before they were your sons and before they were seventeen. So, don't cross me or I could have you arrested."

"Dad's a good kisser, too," Adrian added.

"And Adrian gives an excellent blow job," I replied. "I do not want the news of these training sessions to go beyond these walls."

"We won't tell anyone as long as you don't tell anyone your husband wants to have sex with a horse," Master Grant added.

"Can we watch?" Theo asked.

"Theo," Tim replied. "I am not going to have sex with a horse. Just because Master Grant and Master David are hung like a horse doesn't make me want to have sex with a horse."

"Can we watch you have sex with Uncle Grant and Uncle David, Dad?" Connor asked. "We watched Uncle Jose and Dad have sex this morning. Right before you watched them go at it for a second time."

"No," Tim replied.

"Why not, boy?" Master Grant asked. "Your sons deserve to know just how much of a slut you really are."

"I'm not a slut!" Tim exclaimed.

"If Master Grant or I say you are a slut, then you are a slut," Master David added. "So, yes, Connor. Your Dad is a slut, and you can watch us sometime. Would you rather see us fuck, fist, or piss on your Dad?"

"All three," Theo said excitedly.

"Could we piss on him, too?" Adrian asked.

"Sure," Master Grant replied. "And Tim. Do not say a thing. You cannot object. You are our slave boy, remember?"

"Yes," Sir," Tim replied. "I could never forget I am your slutty slave boy. It's who I am."

"Tell them about your book, Tim," Master David suggested.

"Ah! Yes. My book," Tim began. "It officially releases one month from today."

"He'll be on a month-long book signing tour after it releases," Master Grant added. "David and I will accompany him. He wants to do some research about his next book on our travels."

"You'll be gone a whole month, Dad?" JJ asked.

"It appears I will not have much time to come home," Tim replied. "Steven, you and I need to talk about this later. We have some decisions to make."

"Any time," I said as I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice. "You must be excited to have your first book finally on the book shelves. I know how excited you were when you started writing. You should be proud of yourself, Tim. Congratulations."

"You know firsthand my excitement was actually nervousness," Tim added. "You helped me so much, Steven. You held my hand and gave me encouragement every step of the way. In some ways, I owe all of this to you. You pushed me headfirst into writing. You never let me get sidetracked."

I saw Master Grant and Master David whispering something.

"You know what, guys," Tim exclaimed. "I did this all wrong. Steven, I should have told you about the release and the book tour first. Master Grant, Master David, I want Steven to go with me on the book signing tour. He is my husband. He helped me do this. It isn't fair to leave him at home. Besides, I want my husband to share this moment with me."

"Tim," I began. "You don't need to change your plans. Go with Master Grant and Master David."

"You don't want to be with me?" Tim asked.

"Of course, I want to be with you," I replied. "But you made plans with Master Grant and Master David."

"Tim," Master David began.

"Shut the fuck up, David," Tim screamed. "Steven. Don't get all dominant with me. You will be coming with me on the book signing tour. If you don't agree, I will string your slave boy ass up in the front lawn and offer free samples to the neighborhood."

"It's settled then," Master Jose added. "Tim and Steven will do the book signing tour together. The rest of us will take care of the boys."

"We'll keep you company, Uncle Jose," Connor replied.


"Are you pissed our Masters decided to lock us up tonight?" Tim asked.

"Nope," I replied. "I think you look damn good with a metal encased cock."

"You look hot, too," Tim replied. "Where did Master Jose get a black metal chastity device?"

"He had it made for me," I explained. "It is part of the leather pants, shirt, and hood he found. No crotch and very, very tight."

"Stop!" Tim said as he crawled into bed. "How did it really go with Connor, Theo, and Adrian?"

I paused before I answered. "Tim, I felt... I felt... I felt really excited to be with them. Connor, Theo, and Adrian kiss like there is not tomorrow. And Adrian gives a fabulous blow job. I'm not certain if he is just a natural or he has had practice."

"So you had a good time?" Tim asked.

"Yes," I replied. "As sick as it may seem, our encounter today blew my mind away."

"Master Jose has a video of the whole afternoon," Tim added. "He wants to preview it tomorrow before we go to the party at the studio. He said he wants to celebrate. What is he celebrating?"

"I don't know," I replied. "He's kept it a secret from everyone. He won't talk about it. I've even tried abstaining from sex until he told me. It didn't work. I just can't say no to him."

"He loves you a lot, you know," Tim said out of the blue. "You love him a lot too. The way the two of you interact tells a story. A really wonderful story."

"I hope I can say this without hurting your feelings, Tim," I began. "We do love each other more than I thought possible in a Master/slave relationship. He, like you, is my world. I couldn't move on with life if I lost either one of you. You were the first person I really loved. Master Jose is the second."

"And I understand from our watercooler talk, Master Jose wants to rent you to other men," Tim added. "Why?"

"Because he knows I need to serve men," I replied. "I would do it for free, but I would be overwhelmed. It is part of me. Just the thought of being with someone who pays for my body makes me want to perform at my absolute best. I have grown while being rented. I have grown as a man, as a lover, as a sub, and as a human being. This is the way I am wired. Maybe you should convince Master Grant and Master David to rent you to other men."

"You've got to be kidding, right?" Tim asked.

"Nope," I replied. "Once you are rented a few times, your whole outlook changes. I couldn't have been with Connor, Theo, and Adrian if it were not for my experience as a rent boy."

"I saw Connor and Theo talking animatedly with Master Grant and Master David earlier today after your session," Tim added. "I hope they are not plotting to use me as a training venue."

"I know this sounds creepy, but do it if they ask," I continued. "Accept the challenge. It was an amazing experience for me."

"Speaking of an amazing experience," Tim said. "Why don't we just cuddle and kiss? We can skip the talk."

"Deal," I replied as I pulled Tim closer to me.


Bondoc and Angel sat at the kitchen island sipping coffee when Tim and I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello, men," I greeted the two naked hunks.

"Good morning," Bondoc replied. "You two seem to be in a good mood."

"Despite being locked up," Angel added.

"Sleeping with Steven always puts me in a good mood," Tim replied as I retrieved two mugs and filled them with coffee.

"I haven't had a chance to talk with you recently," I said. "How are you doing?"

"We are fine, boy," Master Bondoc replied. "We were hoping to speak with you, boy Steven, about something when you have time."

"Now?" I asked.

"Sure," Angel replied. "We would appreciate your time as well, boy Tim."

"I'm all ears until my Masters put me to work," Tim said with a smile.

"What is on your mind?" I asked.

"We want to do something useful with our time," Angel explained. "We want to be part of a project or a cause."

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"We have considered writing profiles of immigrants in this country and photograph them," Bondoc explained. "Then publish a book of the profiles. We want it to be inspirational and about gay immigrants."

"Excellent idea," Tim replied. "How did you think of this?"

"I have an online degree from Southern New Hampshire University in Journalism," Angel added. "Bondoc has studied photography from a photographer who came to Hassin often. So the idea just came to us. A vision if you will."

"We should connect Bondoc and Angel with Callum at the foundation," I said to Tim.

"Or with Dennis at the venture capital firm," I added. "Maybe we could ask Dennis and Callum to join us for cocktails and dinner some night. We could talk about the possibilities before drinks."

"Good idea, Steven," Tim replied.

"I see good things coming from you two very handsome studs," I said to Bondoc and Angel. "Anything else we can help you with?"

"Your ass," Bondoc said with a smile.

"You have a couple of hours before I need you, Steven," Master Jose replied. "Bondoc and Angel deserve a turn with your ass, boy. Make them happy, boy."

"Yes, Master," I said before I turned to Bondoc and Angel. "Lead the way, Masters."


"Before you slip into your new clothes, I will oil your body," Master Jose explained. "This oil will make your body shimmer in the lights and almost glow in a darkened room. Get on your stomach on the massage table, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I said as positioned myself face down on the massage table.

Master Jose began applying the oil on my shoulders.

"I warmed the oil," Master Jose said as he applied more oil.

"Your hands feel amazing on my skin, Master," I replied.

"Now, I get the pleasure of applying this to one of my favorite parts of your body, Steven," Master Jose whispered as he began to apply the oil to my body. He spent a huge amount of time massaging the oil into the crack of my ass and around my asshole.

"You need a little of the oil inside, Steven," Master Jose said as he stuck a finger into my ass. He worked his way down my left leg. And then up my right leg.

"Turn over, boy," Master Jose ordered.

I flipped on my back, and starred into Master Jose's eyes. "I see lust pouring out of you, Master. Almost like it is oozing out of your pours. It is sexy as hell, Master."

"I haven't touched your body all day, boy," Master Jose explained. "So, yes, I am certain you see lust coming out of my eyes."

"I like lust, Master," I whispered. "Especially your lust."

"This will be a special night for us, boy," Master Jose whispered as he began to massage the oil to the front side of my body. He paid particular attention when he oiled my cock.

"Fuck you feel good, Master," I moaned. "So, so good!"

I almost came when he pulled my foreskin back and began to oil the head of my dick.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I moaned again.

He moved on to my over-sized balls.

"Shit!" I hissed as Master Jose squeezed them tightly. "I love you Master. And I love what you do to me."

"Good," Master Jose replied. "You will also love the evening I have planned as well."

Master Jose released my balls and climbed on top of me. Naked skin to naked skin. "Kiss me, please Master."

"Mmmmm," I moaned.

Master Jose paused kissing me. "We have one other item of business before we get dressed," Master Jose said as he climbed off me. He picked up the black metal chastity device from a nearby table. "Somehow, we need to get this on you, boy. Any suggestions?"

"No," I replied.

"I have a solution," Master Jose said as he picked up a bag of cold packs. "This will do the trick."

"Shit!" I exclaimed as the cold touched my dick and balls.

Master Jose left the cold pack on my dick and ball as he moved to the other side of the room. When he returned, he carried a large, black butt plug. He pulled the cold packs off my now limp dick and quickly installed the chastity device.

"Now, boy, I need you to bend over the massage table," Master Jose explained.

"Yes, Sir," I said as I hoped off the table and positioned myself as Master Jose wanted.

"This is a very special butt plug, Steven," Master Jose continued. "You will find out why later on tonight while we are at the event at the studio."

"Ahhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Jose shoved the butt plug into my ass.

Master Jose watched as I stuffed myself into the extremely tight leather pants.

"Perfect!" Master Jose gushed as he stepped back to have a better look. "Turn around, boy. I want to see your ass."

"Yes, Sir," I said as turned to face away from Master Jose.

"You, my dear boy, are so, so beautiful," Master Jose said as he moved closer to me and turned me so I faced him. He moved his hands slowly over my chest. My dick strained at the chastity device. His touch felt so erotic.

"I want to look at us in the mirror, boy," Master Jose said after we finished dressing. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the full-length mirror. "What do you think, boy?"

"It is amazing," I replied. "You look absolutely amazing, Master."

"What about you, boy?" Master Jose asked. "What do you think about how you look tonight?"

"I... I think... I think I look more relaxed than I have been in ages," I explained. "I don't understand why?"

"It's the way your skin glows, boy," Master Jose replied. "The oil makes your skin glow. You look as you can take on the entire world now, boy. And you can. I will be by your side as you do it. I had a premonition while I laid in intensive care after the incident. I didn't know what it meant until a few days ago. Then I knew. Not only will you make men happy as a rent boy, but also you will make the world happy. The world will be a better place because of you, Steven. I don't know how, but you will. Shall we join the others, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Sir?"

"Yes, boy?" Master Jose asked.

"I love you Master," I said.

"I love you too, boy," Master Jose said as he pressed his lips to mine for a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. If my dick could break through the metal enclosure, it would shatter into a million pieces.

Master Jose took my hand and led me downstairs to join the others.

"Steven," Tim exclaimed as we walked into the living room. "You look fabulous! If you were a light, you could light up the entire city."

"Thank you, Tim," I replied. "Master Jose worked his magic. You're pretty hot yourself."

"Thanks," Tim replied. "I am looking forward to the permanent hair removal. Jarred, the body wax dude, worked on my body for about ninety minutes. I almost decked him when he pulled off the last hairs on my balls."

"Holy shit!" Master David exclaimed as Angel and Bondoc joined us. "You two are amazing."

"Thank you, Master David," Bondoc replied. "We owe a debt of gratitude to boy Steven and Master Jose. They helped choose our attire for tonight."

Both wore tight leather pants with a bulging cod piece. They also wore chrome chain link harnesses. Bondoc and Angel obviously had oiled their bodies. Their massive muscles bulged at every movement.

"Come on and join us boy," Bondoc said as Garrison entered the living room. Angel clipped a leash around Garrison's collar and handed the leash to Bondoc.

"So, rent boy," Garrison said to me. "You won't be the only slave boy to grab the attention of the guests at the studio, thanks to Bondoc and Angel."

"Jesus Christ!" Connor exclaimed as he, Theo, and Adrian joined us. "Is a leather convention in town?"

"Yea," Theo added. "Too bad we can't join you."

"You will have something to look forward to in about four years," Tim said to Connor, Theo, and Adrian.

"Four years is a long time," Adrian said.

"Not really, kiddo," Master David said. "Just think about us making a statement tonight. Four black muscle dudes. One Asian dude. Two white boys. And one Hispanic gentleman. Diversity!"

"Don't forget our security detail," Master Grant added. "Join us, guys."

Robert Hamilton and Gregory Andrews, our security detail, stepped into the living room. Both men were six-foot four, and built of pure muscle. They wore extremely distressed, extremely tight jeans and a leather vest without shirts. Robert was of Egyptian heritage. Gregory Moroccan.

"Thank you for asking us to join you gentlemen," Gregory said. "I haven't been to a leather bar since my husband and I got married almost three years ago."

"If you plan on any display involving boy Steven, boy Tim, and boy Garrison, please let us know in advance," Robert added. "And please don't try to walk home with one of your boys naked. The Chicago Police Department isn't ready for naked men on the sidewalk yet."

"Thank you for the warning, Robert," Master Grant replied. "We will keep you informed. David and I haven't decided on boy Tim's performance tonight. All I know is we are definitely looking forward to tonight's activities."

"The car is ready anytime you are," Robert added.

"Then, let's go have a great time," Master Jose suggested.

We drew a fairly large crowd of onlookers as we pulled up in front of the bar in our extra-large black SUV. Even more people watched as ten leather dudes piled out of the car and into the bar.

Heads definitely turned as Bondoc and Angel walked through the door of the studio. The sound died down to a rumble instead of a roar and the crowd parted as we all walked to the bar to retrieve drinks.

Once we had beers, our group proceeded to the back out of the way.

"Tasty crowd!" Master David said as we walked into the back bar. It was a sea of leather men. Some vaguely familiar, most not.

"Steven! Tim!" I heard a voice over the crowd. I turned toward the voice.

"Willy!" I yelled as Willy made his way through the crowd. He grabbed me into a hug and then Tim.

"How are you dudes?" Willy asked. "I haven't seen you in ages. What's new?"

"Do you remember Grant and David?" Tim asked.

"Of course," Willy replied. "Great men."

"They are now my Masters," Tim explained.

"Oh!" Willy replied. "You look terrific so you must enjoy being a sub."

"I'm a slave boy, not a sub," Tim replied. "Master Grant and Master David have made it extremely clear I am their slave boy."

"I hear you have another Master, Steven," Willy turned the discussion toward me.

"Yes," I replied as I put my arm around Master Jose. "This is Master Jose. Master, this is Willy. He's a cop at the CPD."

"I believe we have met somewhere along the way," Willy added.

"I would like you to meet two others in our family," I said as I motioned for Bondoc and Angel to join us. "Willy, these two joined our family recently. This is Bondoc and Angel. They are both from Hassin."

Willy starred at both. His mouth slightly ajar. "Wow!" Willy finally managed to say. "I might be convinced to become a bottom slave boy for these two."

"No, you wouldn't," Callum added as he joined us. He carried two beers. "He's mine, but we do have some friends who could definitely be interested. I'm Callum, by the way."

"I'm Bondoc, and he is Angel," Bondoc said. "You are a beautiful man, Callum! Your husband is very lucky."

"Thanks," Callum replied. "I'm the lucky one."

"So, what's on the agenda?" Willy asked. "I know you haven't come out of hiding just to be social."

"Jose is celebrating," Master Grant replied.

"Celebrating what, Jose?" Willy asked.

"You'll know in a few moments," Master Jose replied. "I like to keep people in suspense."

"Or suspended," Tim added."

"That too," Master Jose said with a smile.

Other men started showing up to join our group. "Steven," Tim said. "I'd like you to meet John Buba Jenkins. You probably remember him from my coming out party. He was a house guest until Sunday evening. Master Buba, this is my husband, Steven, and his master, Master Jose."

"I know Jose very well. I'm delighted to meet you, Steven," Master Buba said after the introductions. "Tim told me a great deal about you, Steven. You both make a handsome couple. It is so inspiring to see two men who love one another give themselves so freely to others."

"Thank you, Master Buba," I replied as my eyes locked onto Master Buba's bulging crotch. "I understand from my husband, you are an inspirational man."

"I wouldn't really say inspirational," Master Buba replied. "I just happen to be an African-American dude with a big dick who likes to fuck white boys."

"Why white boys?" I asked.

"Power," Master Buba replied. "It gives me a sense of power. I especially like muscled white boys with tattoos and a proclivity for the BDSM lifestyle. And I like my white boys hairless. Does this information give you any ideas, white boy?"

"Yes, Master Buba," I replied. "It gives me many, many exciting ideas, Master."

"Good," Master Buba added as he put his huge hand on my metal encased dick. "I also like big balls on my white boys."

"So, boy," Master Buba said to me while Jose talked to some other people at the event. "I understand from your Master and your husband you are quite the slave boy."

"I try, Sir," I replied. "Master Jose brings out the best of me."

"I understand you are up for rent sometime in the not so distant future," Master Buba added. "I am seriously considering being one of your clients. You and Jose met while you were working. He must have been pleased with your services."

"We had known each other through some charity work," I explained. "But, yes, we got our start as Master and slave when he rented me one evening."

"The prince rented you as well," Master Buba said. "I know the prince's proclivities can be intense. We've worked together a few times. He's an interesting man."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "He's a very interesting man."

"Tyron works for you," Master Buba said as he shifted his gaze to Tyron and Bertrand. "He looks like he is a superb stallion."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Has his brother Bertran had your ass yet?" Master Buba asked.

"No," I replied. "No he hasn't. We just met tonight for the first time."

"He'll have you before long," Master Buba said. "It's in the cards. I can see it. All of the cards are aligned. You're a Capricorn."

"Yes," I replied. "How did you know?"

"I can see it," Master Buba replied. "I can see a lot of things others can't. My grandmother said I had a gift. I was born knowing."

"What else can you see, Sir?" I asked.

"You like big black dick," Master Buba added. "I can see it in your face. You've been ogling my crotch. It's big. Just ask your husband. He likes big black dick, too. Of course, you already knew he likes big black and big Asian dick."

"Yes," I replied. "He likes almost any color of dick. Especially if it is big."

"Your husband is a slut," Master Buba continued. "Your husband is addicted. The night I had him he was being passed around a room full of big dicked men."

"He is definitely addicted to dick," I replied with a smile.

"You can take a lot of pain," Master Buba said. "You like your back marked with whips and floggers. You like dick and fists in your ass. You like to be tied up. You like to get pissed on and in. I know this because I see it in your face. It comes to me. One revelation after another. I'm going to have your ass tonight."

"I perform for any man my Master gives me to," I explained. "It's who I am."

"Your good at pleasing men," Master Buba added. "Do you like my body, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"What about my body do you like, boy," Master Buba asked. "Be specific and descriptive."

"Your body is beautiful, Sir," I began. "Your massive chest muscles ripple when you move. Your big arms look strong. I like a man with strong arms. If he has strong arms, he can deliver very, very painful blows to my body with a whip. Your hairless upper body excites me. I can almost feel you on top of me. Battering my ass with your big, black, uncut dick. Your naked body dripping sweat onto my naked, hairless body. I can almost smell the scent of sex, lust, and submission. How big is it, Sir? Your dick I mean?"

"Fourteen plus inches," Master Buba replied. "Thick. Hard. Uncut."

"I see the two of you are getting to know one another," Master Jose said as he returned. "John will be spending a lot of time with us in the next few months. Right, John?"

"Yes, Jose," Master Buba replied. "We will be spending lots of time together. We will all enjoy our work together."

I saw Jake and Miguel take the stage in the front of the room. "Gentlemen! Welcome to our celebration party. We invited you here for three reasons. First, we want to thank you for your support during the last few years. Miguel and I fulfilled our life-long dream of making porn movies. Second, we want to announce we are selling Blue Dungeon films. We need a rest. We want to travel. We've found a boy we want to be with. We will introduce you to him when he has moved to Chicago. Third, I want to introduce you to Blue Dungeon's new owners. Jose Vargas, John Jenkins, Babak Majeed, and Hasid Majeed. Gentlemen. It is your stage now."

Master Jose, Master Buba, Master Babak, and Hasid took the stage. Jake handed the mic to Master Jose.

"Thank you for joining us for this celebration of the wonderful work Jake and Miguel have accomplished. We, as the new owners, are proud to assume ownership of Blue Dungeon. We promise to uphold the high standards Jake and Miguel has established to make this one of the most prolific BDSM studio in the country—if not the world. Enough talk. This is a celebration! Thank you!" Master Jose replied.

I must have been standing with my mouth ajar as I listened to Master Jose make his announcement.

"Are you surprised, Steven?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Pleasantly surprised. "You've been working on this for months, haven't you, Master?"

"Yes, boy," Master Jose replied as he pulled me in for a kiss. "I decided I needed an outlet of my own to keep me busy. I loved following you around the venture capital business, but I believe I can make contributions to Blue Dungeon Studios. John, Babak, Hasid, and I plan to forge ahead. We will enjoy our journey. So will you, boy."

"How so, Master?" I asked.

"It will be apparent after this evening turns into morning," Master Jose replied. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, Steven."

"Will your new venture with your partners affect the time we spend together?" I asked.

"On the contrary," Master Jose replied. "We will spend more time together, I suspect."

"I know how stressful running a business can be, Master," I replied. "If you find you need my help, please ask."

"Thank you, Steven," Master Jose replied as he pulled me into his arms. "I love you, Steven. I love you more than anything."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I kissed Master Jose. "I love you, too. Let me help you be happy forever, Master. I will always be at your side."

"Do you want to congratulate my new business partners, Steven?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I would."

Master Jose took my hand and we joined the other owners who were speaking with Tyron and his brother Bertrand. Buckley stood beside Hasid.

"I want to congratulate all of you on your acquisition of Blue Dungeon," I said to the group.

"Thank you, Steven," Prince Babak replied as he flicked my nipple. "We kept a tight watch on your Master, Steven. He came close to spoiling the surprise for you a few times. Now we have no more need for secrecy."

"I told Steven he would understand his involvement with our studio as the evening unfolds," Master Jose explained.

"And you have been speaking with John," Hasid added. "We are all one big happy family."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "We chatted."

"I believe my brother has had the privilege of using your body, boy," Hasid said. "I hope to get my turn sometime soon. I understand you are an excellent BDSM bottom boy. I hope you are as good as your reputation suggests."

"I try to give everyone my very, very best, Sir," I replied.

"Don't be confused by his low-key manner," Prince Babak said to his brother. "Steven gives men something I have never experienced before. Some men in the life talk about total submission. Steven gives total submission. Amazing to see. Even more amazing to experience. Don't forget our week in the desert this summer. We will enjoy ourselves. I made plans. Lots of plans."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I am looking forward to our week together, Sir."

"Tyron and Bertrand also have agreed to help with the studio," Master Jose explained to me.

"What will the two of you do for the studio," I asked Tyron.

"Acting," Tyron replied. "Jose knows how well you and I react to one another. He suggested the idea. We immediately agreed."

"I am eager to use your ass, boy," Bertrand added. "My brother explained your relationship. Very exciting."

"I hope I don't disappoint you, Sir," I said to Bertrand.

"We'll do it over and over again until we get it right, boy," Bertrand replied. "Tryon taught me everything I know about a man's body and how to appropriately use it."

Bondoc, Angel, and Garrison joined our conversation. "Have you told Steven the good news, Jose?" Bondoc asked.

"Part of it," Master Jose replied. "Bondoc, Angel, and, of course, Garrison joined our cast as of tonight. Garrison will step out of his sub role and into a more aggressive character. You will enjoy performing with everyone."

"And you, Sir?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Master Jose replied. "The series we planned will be subtitled `Rent Boy.'"

"I look forward to working with all of you," I replied.

"Steven," Master Jose said. "Strip."

"What?" I asked. I didn't think I heard him correctly.

"Strip," Master Jose repeated with a louder voice.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I began taking off my leather pants. When I finished, Master Jose took them and tossed them into a corner.

"How long will you have the boy locked up, Jose?" Prince Babak asked.

"I haven't decided," Master Jose replied. "I might need to unlock him later tonight if someone wants to torture his cock and balls. This is the remote for the butt plug, John. Have fun with it."

"I am honored, Jose," Master Buba replied. He pressed one of the buttons on the plug.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as a bolt of electricity surged through my body.

Master Buba pressed another button. The plug began vibrating and undulating in my ass. My dick immediately inflated against the metal enclosure.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as another bolt of electricity struck. This one seemed to stimulate my prostate gland. The plug continued to vibrate and undulate.

"Let's put him on the stage, Jose," Master Buba suggested. "We can pass the remote around to our guests."

"Excellent idea," Master Jose replied. "I should unlock him. It will be more interesting for our guests to see how his dick reacts to the plug."

Master Jose quickly unlocked me and led me to the stage. "Gentlemen," Master Jose began. "To continue our celebration, I am putting my boy on display. He is wearing a rather intricate butt plug. It is controlled from a remote control. Please use it and pass it on to someone else. Have fun."

Master Jose left the stage. A total stranger took the remote. The stranger pressed a button on the remote. The butt plug flooded my body with a constant electrical shock. It stimulated my prostate so greatly I immediately shot a load in front of everyone at the event.

The remote finally landed in Tim's possession. He moved to the front of the stage.

"So, hubby," Tim said loudly enough for the crowd to hear. "I may be a slutty slave boy following in your footsteps, but, right now, I am having a little fun."

He pressed the button initiating the blast of electricity which coursed throughout my entire body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

Tim pressed another button. The butt plug increased the frequency and power of the vibration and undulation.

Tim pressed yet another button which triggered the constant electrical shock.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as I came yet another time.

"This is fucking fun!" Tim responded as he handed the remote to his Master. "Give it a try, Master Grant."

Master Grant took the remote. He looked me directly in the eyes. I saw power, rage, lust, and merciless energy in his halfcocked smile and blazing eyes.

He pressed the button which caused another constant electrical shock.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned again as I shot another load.

After I shot three more loads, Master Jose took the remote from Master Grant. He shut the butt plug off. Now it just filled my ass.

"Stay where you are, boy," Master Jose ordered as he climbed onto the stage. Master Buba joined him. "Many of you probably remember the first film Steven did for Blue Dungeon. Boy Garrison hung him from his balls and left him for close to thirty minutes dangling from a chain attached to his balls. Tonight, we will reenact the scene. This time, I am pleased to allow John Buba Jenkins to hang Steven from his balls. John?"

"Thank you, Jose," Master Buba said. "This is quite an honor for me."

Master Buba pressed a switch on the master control panel. A chain and pulley lowered from the ceiling. He deftly affixed an extremely large parachute around my balls. Master Buba tightened the parachute before he attached the chain connected to the pulley system.

"Lay on the floor, boy," Master Buba ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I positioned myself on my back.

Master Buba, again at the master control panel pushed another button to begin raising me by my balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the pully raised me almost off the floor.

"Ready, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Make me hurt, Master. Please make me hurt."

Master Buba pushed the button to continue raising off the floor.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I dangled from the chain about five feet off the floor.

"Do you want me to leave you here for a while, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Sir," I managed to squeak out. "Please, Master. Please leave me here."

Master Buba turned and left the stage. I hung suspended in the air for what seemed to be infinity. The pain in my balls became almost unbearable.

I totally lost track of time. The ache in my balls prevented me from thinking about anything else.

I finally realized Master Buba had lowered my body to the floor.

"So, boy," Master Buba said to me once I laid flat on the floor. He began to remove the ball parachute from my aching balls. "I hope you enjoyed yourself just as much as our guests. You handled yourself very well. I'm impressed."

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered. "I do what I do best. Serve men."

Master Buba helped me up as Master Jose joined us. "You stirred up a lot of interest among our guests. You will be in constant demand. I am proud of you, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"We are taking you home, boy," Master Jose replied as he pulled my hands behind me and fastened the handcuffs around my wrists. "Well, not exactly to our home. Your new Master Buba invited us to spend the evening at his home."

"Who is we, Sir," I weakly asked.

"You, Buba, and myself," Master Jose replied. "We have also asked Wayne to join us," Master Jose replied.

"Wayne?" I asked. "Who's Wayne?"

"I'll introduce you," Master Jose replied as he turned to get Wayne's attention. "Wayne. Could you please join us? I want to introduce you to Steven."

An absolutely stunning blond haired muscled hunk walked our way. His tanned body showed off his muscles, bright blue eyes, and clothes. He wore short leather shorts, a leather vest, and arm bands with black lace up boots. He stood at least six-foot two-inches.

"Steven," Master Jose began the introduction. "This is Wayne. Grant and David introduced us. Wayne, this is my boy Steven."

"Nice to meet you, Steven," Wayne said as he offered his hand to me. He had a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you, as well, Wayne," I said. "I believe you know my husband, Tim, and his Masters Grant and David."

"Yes," Wayne replied. "I had the honor of meeting them. You husband seems to be addicted to cock. Am I correct?"

"Yes," I replied. "Especially big, uncut black and Asian dick. You?"

"I'm just learning," Wayne replied. "I don't really know what I am into yet. I haven't experienced enough of the life yet."

"Tim tells me you are a quick learner, Wayne," I added. "Master Jose and Master Buba are excellent teachers."

"I'm excited," Wayne replied.

"It is time we move our party to Buba's home," Master Jose replied.

I looked around for my pants.

"Master," I whispered. "My clothes?"

"You won't need them, Steven," Master Jose replied. "We can pick them up later."

I followed Master Jose to the exit of the building. We stepped out into the night. We were almost blinded by the light shining on the front entrance. I paused. I was the only naked person in the sea of black leather and denim.

"Don't worry, Steven," Master Jose said as he pushed me to the front of the crowd waiting for vehicles. "Robert will accompany us in the car when it arrives. Gregory will accompany the others."

"Hey, stud," a heavy guy without a shirt positioned himself in front of me. He turned to Master Jose. "May I?"

"Of course," Master Jose replied.

The big guy reached out and pulled and kneaded my nipples. His left hand finally moved to my hard cock and extremely sore balls. He put his right hand on my balls as well and squeezed as hard as he could.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. Much of the waiting crowd turned to see what the screaming was about.

"Ah!" Master Jose spoke up. "I see our car is here."

Master Jose fastened the leash to my collar and led me to the car. Master Buba followed with Wayne beside him.

We were only about a block from Master Buba's home when the car stopped.

"Steven," Master Jose spoke up. "You will walk from here to Buba's home we will wait for you outside the front door."

"Naked?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Jose replied as he unhooked the leash and opened the door. "We will see you in a few moments."

I walked as quickly as I could in bare feet to Master Buba's home. Several cars passed as I walked naked. By this time, my dick was hard and standing straight up.

A few passengers in two of the cars, yelled at me about how much I cost for the night. I didn't pause or respond. I walked.

As I walked to the front doors, Master Jose and Master Buba greeted me.

"I trust the walk invigorated you, boy," Master Buba said as he attached a leash to my collar.

"Since we are in Buba's home, I have given him complete control of you," Master Jose added. "I will teach Wayne a few basics of bondage."

"Thank you, Master," I replied.

Master Buba led me downstairs. When he opened the door of his playroom, I was absolutely astounded.

"Do you like the room, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"It is amazing, Master," I replied as I looked around the room.

Three slings, two bondage tables, and a host of other gleaming pieces of equipment.

"I will put you in the middle of the room," Master Buba explained. "We will move you around as the evening progresses."

We stopped in the middle of the room. A bright white flood light outlined the area in a circle. Master Buba removed the leash and the handcuffs. He removed the butt plug.

He fastened padded restrains to my wrists and to my ankles.

"I believe you will enjoy this first position immensely," Master Buba explained as he placed a metal rod from my left wrist restraint to the right one. He slid the bar open wider so my arms were stretched as far as they could be. He attached the rod to a pulley system and pulled it up to remove any slack in the restraints. He attached another bar between my legs and extended it as far as he could. He secured my ankle restraints to an eye bolt jutting from the floor. One on each side. He removed the slack in the chains connecting my ankle restraints.

"There," Master Buba said as he surveyed his handiwork. "It is time to begin our quiet little evening at home, boy."

I faced the entryway. Master Jose led Wayne, by now naked, to the other side of the room. Master Jose chose an area with lots of rope and chains nearby.

Master Buba rejoined me as I hung in the middle of the room. "Since your friend Wayne doesn't have your experience, Jose will put him into bondage. In the meantime, I will begin with you."

Master Buba had removed the cod pieces from their leather pants. His massive dick made mine harden even more. His balls almost matched the size of mine. Not only did he have no upper body hair, his crotch and cock and balls were shaved.

"You like what you see, don't you, boy?" Master Buba hissed at me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I watched his semi-hard dick grow. It looked longer than fourteen inches.

"Where do you want us to put our dicks, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Anywhere you want, Sir," I replied.

"Good boy," Master Buba replied. "Before we decide about dicks, I want to test your pain threshold. I am told you can take a lot from a Master. I will find out quickly."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

Master Buba strolled to the wall of whips and selected one. The flogger he chose looked ominous.

Master Buba took his place behind me. His hands touched my back. I immediately wanted to come. His hands were soft, yet they felt very powerful.

"You have been on Spirit Journeys before, so I won't need to describe it to you," Master Buba said to me. "This Spirit Journey will be very special for you, boy. You will never, ever forget this moment. I know. I see it. I see it in your back."

Master Buba began circling my body and stopped in front of me. "I can see it in your face, your eyes, your mind. Yes, boy, I can see your mind. Fear. Rage. Lust. Desire. You see power in me. I take over a boy's mind and make him feel my power without even touching him. You, however, will definitely be touched. When I am in your mind, you want more of everything I give you. Just think and I will react, boy. When we come back from our Spirit Journey, we will forever be connected in some way. Are you ready, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I am ready for you to take me on a Spirit Journey. I will follow you wherever you take me. I will follow you freely. On my own volition. I am ready, Master."

"Good boy," Master Buba said as he took his place behind me.

I heard the flogger sing through the air. It was getting louder and louder. Closer and closer.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in pain as the first lash hit my back.

I felt Master Buba enter my mind. Only one lash, and he is inside my mind. Taking me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again.

Again and again. Master Buba hit me hard with the flogger. I felt the power of his stroke. It felt like I was being pushed way beyond where my restraints would allow me. Again and again. And then it stopped. Master Buba stopped. I felt his hands on my back. His touch felt healing. He pulled the pain out of me and replaced it by Master Buba energy. I saw him for the first time as the man he really was. He embodied power, lust, rage, fire, and love. All in one man's flesh.

"See, boy," Master Buba whispered to me as he stood in front of me. "We went away together. But, we are not done yet, boy. Tonight, we will go on more journeys. Many more journeys. Trust me boy. Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I trust you with my life, Sir."

"I sometimes have that effect on boys," Master Buba said with a smile. "Do you want more, boy?"

"Yes, please, Sir," I whispered. "Please."

"I will change to another whip," Master Buba calmly said to me. He returned with a new whip in his hand. "Do you know what this is, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "It's a bullwhip."

"Have you been bullwhipped before, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Do you want me to use this bullwhip on you, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, please, Master," I replied.

Master Buba stood in front of me with the bullwhip in his hand. With his free hand, he lifted my chin and kissed me. Passion raced through my body. I felt Master's energy level build inside me. He was in me. In my mind. In my heart. In my dick. He was everywhere within me.

He pulled away. "Ready for another Spirit Journey, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I relaxed into the chains giving him my body and my mind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the bullwhip met my skin for the first time.

Master Buba paused for a moment before he unleashed a not-stop, rapid-fire round of hard hitting blows to my back. Leather meeting flesh. Over and over and over.

The pace of the whipping intensified. I didn't even have time to scream between lashes.

"More," I screamed.

Master Buba intensified the torture. Faster. Harder. Pain.

I heard Master Buba whisper in my head. `Relax. Let me take you further. Relax. Relax.'

I relaxed to allow Master Buba to take me further on our Spirit Journey.

Without warning, my dick erupted with a rope after rope of come. I almost passed out. The intensity of my orgasm left be almost lifeless as I let all of my body relax into the restrains.

Master Buba moved in front of me. "I told you I would take you on a Journey unlike no other you have experienced. Am I correct, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I continued to hang lifelessly in the restraints.

I heard applause. Master Jose and Wayne stood watching Master Buba and me perform.

"You were amazing, boy," Master Jose said to me. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, Master," I replied.

Master Buba and Master Jose removed me from the restraints. They helped me to a stool beside the bar.

"You need a drink, boy," Master Buba said. "Beer? Vodka? Scotch? Anything. Name it, and I have it."

"Beer, please, Sir," I replied.

Wayne stood beside me as I sipped my beer, "You were amazing, Steven. How did you get through the whipping?"

"Put all of your trust in the man who is whipping you," I replied. "Master and I were one during most of the whipping session. It was a give and take of energy. It is an amazing feeling."

"How long have you known John?" Wayne asked.

"We just met tonight," I replied.

"But you said you trusted him," Wayne said with a confused look on his face. "How could you trust a man you have just met?"

"I knew I could trust him the moment I laid eyes on him," I replied. "You just know."

"Have you finished your beer, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Buba said. "You have more entertaining to do, boy. Jose, Wayne, and I want a turn in your ass. Even Wayne will fuck you tonight, boy."

Master Buba attached the leash to my collar again and led me to the saw horse. "This will be the best position for you," Master Buba explained. "Your back is very red."

Master Buba positioned me on the saw horse so my ass was in the best position. Master Buba stood in front of my head while he slipped out of his leather pants. His dick hard. Rock hard.

"Comments, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"Looks bigger than fourteen inches," I replied. I was mesmerized by Master Buba's massive dick.

"I said fourteen plus inches, boy," Master Buba explained. "I haven't measured it lately, but my doctor said it is a little over fifteen inches. Seven inches in circumference. You will like the way my dick feels in your ass.

Master Buba silently took his place at my ass. My skin tingled as Master Buba coated my ass with lube. I almost shot a load when the tip of his dick pushed just inside my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I moaned as he slid his huge cock into my ass.


Sometime Sunday afternoon, I woke up. I recognized the room. Master Jose and I shared the room. I reached behind me hoping to find Master Jose. Except it wasn't Master Jose. I turn around and saw Master Buba watching me.

"You are beautiful when you sleep," Master Buba said. "Jose went to check on the others."

"Who are the others?" I asked.

"Bondoc, Angel, Garrison, Tyron, and Bertrand," Master Buba explained. "Jose and I slept with you. Do you remember last night and this morning?"

"I think so," I replied. "You whipped me, and we went on a Spirit Journey together. And, I believe Master Jose and you secured me on the sawhorse. You, Master Jose, and Wayne took turns fucking me. I don't remember anything else."

"I fucked you a second time before we took you home," Master Buba replied. "I like to fuck you, boy. You have a magical ass. Do you remember me fucking you?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I will always remember you fucking me."

"Good," Master Buba replied. "I will fuck you again. Right now. I want to look at your face this time."

Master Buba rolled on top of me and began kissing me. I kissed back. After several minutes of kissing, Master Buba leaned back on his legs and line his massive dick with my asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master Buba shoved his entire fifteen inch, uncut, black, dick into my ass in one quick stroke.

"Did I hurt you, boy?" Master Buba asked.

"No, Master," I replied. "Please fuck me now. Hard. Rough. Please, Master. Please."

I didn't beg anymore. Master Buba, without missing a beat, began his rapid-fire barrage on my ass. The bed bucked as Master Buba moved his huge dick in and out of me. All the way in. All the way out. Over and over and over.

"Feel it, boy?" Master Buba hissed as he continued to pound my ass.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Buba continued his rampage. His sweat dripped from his body onto mine. The room smelled of sweat and sex.

I felt Master Buba's body tense. I heard his moan.

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Buba moaned as his cum coated the inside of my ass. He collapsed on top of me until our breathing returned to normal.

I heard a rustle in the room, and then Tim sat on the side of the bed.

"Jesus, Steven," Tim said with a smile. "You were acting like this was the first time you were fucked. I know Master Buba is good, but, really Steven, you've spent half of your life on you back in bed with someone's dick in your ass."

"Your just jealous Master Buba wasn't fucking you," I replied with a smile.

"The day isn't over yet," Tim replied. "Master Jose asked me to tell you two to get your asses downstairs so we can eat. We are famished."

"We'll take a shower and be right down," I replied.

"Nope, Master Jose was very specific," Tim added. "No shower. No clothes for either of you."

"The Master has spoken," Master Buba said as he slid out of bed and offered his hand to help me out of bed.

Master Buba put one arm around my shoulders, and his other over Tim's shoulders. We padded downstairs to meet the crew for breakfast.

As we walked into the breakfast room, the others were gathered with coffee in their hands.

"Turn around, Dad," Connor said. "I want to see your back."

I turned around.

"Holy shit!" Connor exclaimed. "You must be one hell of a Master, Uncle Buba. Can you teach me your flogging technique."

"Dad was right, Uncle Buba," JJ said. "You're hung like a horse!"

"JJ!" Tim bellowed. "Don't embarrass our guests."

"I wouldn't be embarrassed with his piece of meat," JJ continued.

"It this really good?" Tim whispered into my ear. "Our sons are naked at breakfast with eleven naked men."

"To paraphrase Connor and Theo, if you've got it flaunt it," I explained.

To be continued.

This is my 61st posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 62

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