Life with Tim

Published on Jan 13, 2017


Life with Tim 60

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Let me see if I have the facts correct," Tim began. "You somehow learned Bondoc and Angel were to be deported to Gambia—which I somehow suspect might not welcome gay people. Then, you bought them from their Master and adopted them. What are your plans for these to extremely good looking men?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I couldn't let them be sent back to Gambia. They would have been executed."

Tim put his arms around me and pulled me close. "This is one of the reasons I love you so much. Now, let's have a drink."

As we entered the living room, Connor and Theo. accosted me "Dad!" Connor exclaimed. "We're glad you are back! We missed your charming wit and energetic conversational style."

"What's wrong, Connor?" I asked with squinty eyes.

"Nothing is wrong, Dad," Theo replied. "We're just glad you are home."

"Bullshit, guys," I said. "What is it you need from me?"

"We need to talk to you about something," Connor added. "We can talk later after you have time to relax and enjoy the company of the family."

"Okay," I replied. "Somehow, I believe I can hold my enthusiasm until later."

"Thanks, Dad," Theo added as the four of us joined the others in the living room.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I whispered to Tim.

"No idea," Tim whispered back.

"Nice to see you, Steven," Master Jose said as Tim and I entered the room followed by Connor and Theo. He hugged and kissed me. "I am eager to hear about your experiences with the Prince."

"There is a lot to tell, Sir," I replied.

Chapter 60: Return from Hassin

"So, Dad," Connor said as he and Theo joined me at the kitchen island. Theo poured them both coffee and settled in.

"What may I assist you with?" I said to Connor and Theo. I wasn't entirely certain I wanted to hear their ideas.

"Well, Dad," Theo began. "Connor, Adrian, JJ, and I have had several discussions while you were gone."

"Why aren't they here?" I asked.

"They thought we should keep the meeting limited to a small number of participants," Connor replied.

"What was the topic of your discussion?" I asked.

"Learning the ropes of becoming an S&M top," Theo replied.

I almost spit out my last sip of coffee.

"From what I remember before you were our sons, you were quite skilled already," I replied.

"We were just following the lead of another inexperienced top," Connor added.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked.

"No," Theo added. "We need your advice."

"I believe we could find an experienced instructor, but you will also need an experienced S&M bottom," I suggested.

"We thought about the possibilities of finding an experienced S&M bottom," Connor explained.

"And?" I asked.

"Who is more experienced as an S&M bottom than you, Dad?" Theo added.

"Not going to happen," I replied. "I am your father. Legally, I can't touch you because you are underage. All of you are underage."

"Do you know of someone who might be willing to be our practice bottom?" Connor asked.

"I would really need to think this through," I replied. "Who do you want to be your teacher?"

"Uncle Donny," Theo explained.

"Do you know if he wants to be your teacher?" I asked.

"He's already said yes," Connor replied.

"I'll consider your thoughts," I replied. "You need to remember, I haven't said yes to the teaching project. I will need to talk with Tim and Donny before we give you our decision."

"Thanks, Dad," Theo replied. "We know you have our best interests at heart, Dad. We trust you to do the right thing, Dad."

"Shut the fuck up or you will not be let out of your room until you are 39!" I said as I hugged both Connor and Theo.

"At least, Dad still has his sense of humor," Connor said to Theo as they left the room.

Tim walked into the kitchen as Connor the Theo left. "How did your discussion with the dynamic duo go?"

"They have no shame!" I said with a smile. "When I tell you about what they want, you will probably go ballistic. Just stay calm."

"I am all ears," Tim replied. "You know I don't have a judgmental bone in my body."

"Yea, right!" I respond. "It seems our four older sons, Connor, Theo, Adrian, and JJ want to learn to be S&M tops."

"Oh jeez!" Tim exclaimed. "So how are they playing us to get what they want?"

"I will explain," I replied as I poured a cup of coffee for Tim. "They discussed this with Donny. They want him to be their instructor. I believe he would be perfect; however, they need an experienced S&M bottom."

"And, they suggested you," Tim added.

"Yup," I continued. "I told them it is not going to happen."

"Can Donny get in trouble if someone found out he was teaching the boys how to demean, humiliate, torture, and denigrate a bottom boy?" Tim asked.

"It would be a question for David," I replied. "But, I would think if he is just showing a technique and not actually touching the boys, it would be acceptable. We can ask David."

"As me what?" David said as he and Grant stepped into the kitchen.

I explained Connor and Theo's request.

"If Donny doesn't touch the boys, he isn't taking advantage of them," David replied. "But, it would be helpful if someone were in the room to witness how they react to one another. If you were their S&M bottom, you would be a terrific witness."

"You've got to be kidding!" I said to David. "Couldn't I get arrested?"

"Technically, no," David replied. "They are torturing and humiliating you. Not the other way around."

"Why do I feel the word technically is not a good sign?" I asked.

"Let's consider our options," David continued. "If the chosen S&M bottom were underage, Donny couldn't show the boys necessary techniques. The boys could practice on an underage S&M bottom. Or, they could practice on you. You are not touching them. They are touching you. I think it would be hot to watch!"

"I believe I need to seek other council," I replied.

"What?" David exclaimed. "You don't trust me?"

"No," I replied. "You are listening to your dick when dispensing this particular piece of legal advice."

"We could all watch to make certain you and Donny don't touch the boys," Grant suggested. "I think it would be hot to watch Connor, Theo, Adrian, and JJ work on their dad! My dick is stirring already."

"We could film it so we have legal proof the boys were not subjected to any perverted activities," Tim proposed.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side," I almost screamed at Tim.

"Oh! I am on your side, sweetie," Tim replied. "I'm always on your side. Besides, I think it would be hot to watch our boys work over their father."

"Not to change the subject, but I thought we might want to discuss your trip to Hassin," Grant said to change the subject. "I was most interested how you came home with two slave boys who happened to be tops. How did this happen?"

"It has something to do with the culture of the country," I began. "Visitors to the country, usually wealthy men who own slaves, bring their property to Hassin for training and to learn the power of Spirit Journeys. Bondoc and Angel were imported to Hassin to help in the transformation of the slaves into vessels who help others achieve their own Spirit Journeys. They were selected for their remarkable bodies and other endowments. They instantly bring the slave boys into full submission primarily by their perceived power over the slave boy. They are considered Power Slaves because they need to be naked to show the magnitude of their power and beauty. Only slaves in Hassin are naked at all times."

"How did these cultural traditions come to be?" Master David asked.

"Master Ajmal, as King of Hassin, developed the rituals and protocols when he bought the country," I explained. "People of Hassin were poor and downtrodden until Master Ajmal, King of Hassin bought the country. The economy is driven by tourism."

"How did Ajmal become King of Hassin?" Tim asked.

"The elders of the country were so impressed with the compassion Master Ajmal showed to his compatriots, they named him King," I explained. "Of course, it didn't hurt owned the country. I understand they are planning on naming a new King in the next several months."

"How does one become a candidate for King?" Jose asked.

"Do good deeds for the country and its citizens," I explained. "If the elders recognize those deeds, you are automatically named a candidate for King."

"Why did you not know Ajmal was King of Hassin when you and he visited Hassin the first time?" Garrison asked.

"I was not privy to the cultural laws governing the King's visit to his country," I explained.


Jose and I stepped into the venture capital firm offices. Tyron slumped in his chair and stared blankly at the wall across the room.

"Something wrong, Tyron?" I asked.

Tyron went from dejected to the happy Tyron who normally greeted us.

"Good morning, boss," Tyron exclaimed. "It is good to have you back with us! We've all missed you!"

"Does this mean you are eager to resume your afternoon activities with your boss?" Jose asked.

"Of course not," Tyron replied. "I'm just happy Steven is back safely and soundly."

"Thank you, Tyron," I replied. "I am happy to be back in the office. I'll see you at 1:30 this afternoon. We can discuss your job duties during our meeting."

"Thank you, Steven," Tyron said with a huge smile on his face and lust in his eyes. "I look forward to our discussion."

"I'll bet you do," Master Jose said as we continued to my makeshift office in the conference room.

We settled into the conference table with coffee. Dennis waltz through the door of the conference room with Buckley right behind him.

"Steven!" Dennis exclaimed. "Good to see you back. How was Hasan?"

"Excellent," I replied. "Anything earth shattering happen while I was away?"

"Nothing earth shattering," Dennis replied. "But, later today, I would like some of your time to discuss some new projects."

"Let me know when you want to talk," I replied as Dennis left the room. "So, Buckley! How have you been while I was away?"

"Excellent," Buckley replied. "I've seen Hasid several times while you were away. Nice guy."

"Has he been good to you?" I asked.

"Better than good," Buckley replied. "He told me about the conversation he had with his brother. Thank you for looking out for me. He has been the sweetest man I have ever been involved with. I know he wants more. I want to give him more. He understands I need to take this slowly. He has been patient with me."

"I'm happy for you, Buckley," I replied. "You deserve a man who treats you well. If he is anything like his brother, he is very good at what he does."

"Better than good, Steven," Buckley replied. "Now, we have decided you need a new office. So, if you will follow me, I will give you a preview."

We followed Buckley down the hall and past Dennis's office. Buckley opened the door.

"Wow!" I exclaimed as we stepped into the newly renovated office space.

The light-filled office faced the courtyard in the back of the building. French doors opened to a patio with chairs nestled around a low table. The office shimmered from the sunlight and highlighted the chrome and glass furniture. The chairs around the desk were black leather and chrome. Two black leather sofas facing one another on the left of the desk formed a conversation area.

"I'm impressed, Buckley," I replied.

"Thank you," Buckley replied. "You also have a private bathroom with a shower—just in case you need to wash off something sticky. The door on the left leads to a conference room you share with Dennis. The door on the right is an office for Jose to use when he needs a quiet workspace. Any questions?"

"How did you manage all of this?" I asked.

"I worked with Tyron on the design," Buckley began. "I picked out the furniture. Dennis signed the checks."

"Good work," I replied. "Thanks. I appreciate this. The conference room was getting a little boring."

"Besides," Master Jose added. "I can fuck you while you are bent over your desk and no one will need to know... Unless we want an audience."

"Kinky," Buckley adds. "Speaking of kinky. Do you have any inside information about how kinky Hasid can be?"

"If he is anything like his brother, which I am told he is by reliable sources, he will be an extremely kinky top man," I replied. "Do you want him to be kinky... eventually?"

"Yes," Buckle smiled. "I think I am almost ready to try. Hasid told me we would start slowly. I'm not certain I want to start slowly, but I will follow his lead."

"Just do as you are told, Buckley," I replied. "And enjoy the journey."

"I will," Buckley replied as he left the office.

"So, Steven, what do you think of your new digs?" Master Jose asked.

"Fucking nice!" I replied. "It didn't need to be this nice."

"You are the senior partner in this organization," Master Jose replied. "You need to act the part."

"I suppose," I agreed. "Do I really want to be the senior partner of the firm?"

"Why do you ask, Steven?" Master Jose asked with concern in his voice.

"I quit my job at eSquare so I could devote my time to my passion," I explained. "My passion serving men. I'm not certain I want to be involved full-time with this."

"No one said you had to be involved full-time," Master Jose replied. "Sometimes I think this is your passion. You are helping others in the LGBTQ community achieve their dreams. Isn't this one of your passions?"

"Yes," I replied. "But, Dennis can handle all of this. I only started to be involved here again after Marcus's accident. I may be ready to cede my responsibilities to Dennis and get on with my other passion."

"International rescue of LGBTQ people who have their civil rights exploited?" Jose asked with a smile.

"Okay," I replied. "So I have three passions. Venture capital. Rescue missions. Serving men. Not in the order stated."

"Your priority would be what?" Master Jose asked.

"Serving you," I responded as Master Jose pulled me close to him. "You're making my dick hard, Sir."

"Good," Master Jose said as his lips met mine. "I've missed you, Steven. I've missed you so much I am laying you over your new desk and I am going to fuck your brains out. How does this make you feel, Steven?"

"Horny," I replied. "Ready. Take me, Sir! Please take me!"

"Strip," Master Jose ordered.

I backed away from Master Jose and lost the suit coat, tie, shirt, shoes, sox, and, finally, pants. I stood naked in front of my Master. Dick popped out of my pants as the waist cleared it.

"Undress me," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I began removing Master Jose's clothes. Suit coat, tie, shirt, shoes, sox, and pants. His dick stood proudly at attention. He wore a chrome cock ring.

"Suck it, boy," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I said as I dropped to my knees and quickly pulled his dick into my mouth. I forced my Master's big dick down my throat. I began to work his dick in and out of my mouth. Licking the slot where precum lingered. I lost myself in pleasing my Master until he pulled me up. He pulled me close and kissed me with the passion of a man raging with lust.

"Bend over the desk, boy," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I moved to the end of the desk and bent over—my ass perfectly aligned with Master Jose's big dick.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Jose's dick began its journey inside me. "Oh yes, Master! Make me feel it, Master. I am yours."

He took my ass like a raging stallion missing the attention he craved. Lust fueled passion. He continued pounding my ass. Master Jose put his whole body into his efforts. He pounded my ass over and over and over and over and over.

We heard a knock on the door. Master Jose didn't stop fucking me while he almost screamed at the person on the other side of the door. "Come in."

Master Jose kept up his attack on my ass. He didn't pause or take note of our intruder. Finally, Master Jose bellowed, "I'm cumming, asswipe! A ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...hhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Jose collapsed on top of me. His sweat coated body almost stuck to my naked skin. He finally spoke, "Shit, Steven! I have missed your ass."

"I've missed your dick, Master," I replied.

We turned to look at our visitor. "Hello, Dad," Connor said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Master Jose kept his dick in my ass.

"We thought we should drop by and see your new office," Theo replied. "Nicely done. Buckley should be an interior designer."


"You what?" I almost screamed into the phone. Mr. Simple from Hassin had called to give me news. "How in the fuck did the Advisors pick me as King of Hassin? And, why?"

"Very simple, Sir," Mr. Simple replied. "You rescued those two helpless men from probable death by execution. And, the Advisors knew you were one of the last men to serve Ajmal. And, you are one of the owners of the county. So, it was natural for them to appoint you King."

"I can't be King of Hassin," I screamed again. "I don't know anything about being a King. I refuse to be King of Hassin."

"I am sorry, Sir," Mr. Simple replied. "The Advisors have made their selection. You have no choice but to become King. Now, when can you be here for your Coronation?"

"Mr. Simple," I began.

"Please call me Landeski, Your Highness," Mr. Simple suggested.

"Do NOT CALL ME YOUR HIGHNESS!" I screamed into the phone. I became aware this conversation was drawing a crowd. Tim, Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, and Master Garrison had taken seats at the nearby breakfast table.

"Is there something we could help you with, Steven," Master Jose asked.

"Landeski called me to tell me the Advisors picked a new King," I explained to the group who had assembled in the kitchen.

"I assume by your side of the conversation, they have chosen you, Steven," Tim added.

"Yes," I replied as I switched the call to speakerphone. "They want to make me King of Hassin."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Landeski interrupted. "You ARE King of Hassin. The Advisors have spoken. There is no turning back the clock, I am afraid. The Advisors are infallible."

"Does this mean Tim is Queen?" Master Grant asked with a smile.

"Is Tim married to His Highness?" Landeski asked.

"Yes," Tim replied. "I am married to Steven."

"Then you are a Prince—unless you want to be a Queen," Landeski continued.

"Prince is fine with me," Tim replied. "Imagine. I'm a Prince. Who woulda thunk?"

"Tim, I am not going to be a King, so you can't be a Prince," I shouted at my husband.

"Steven, please remain calm," Tim replied. "You and I need to discuss this before you make a decision. Frankly, I think it would be a hoot to run a country. We could tweet about it! And, just think Master Grant could be Secretary of Media. Master David could be Attorney General, Master Jose could be Secretary of State. Donny could be Secretary of Education. Garrison could be... he could be... he could be... Secretary of Environmental Protection."

"Tim, it ain't gonna happen," I said to Tim.

"I'll get the paperwork started for your Cabinet picks," Landeski added. "It's only a formality. They will have business cards within a week. Can I send them to you? You're the only one I have an address for."

"Sure. You can send them to me," I said calmly until I finally realized what Landeski said. "WAIT! I am not King. I do not have a Cabinet."

"Yes, you do, Your Highness," Landeski replied. "You can let me know when you will be here for your Coronation. You should plan on at least a week. You will have a pre-Coronation meeting with the Advisors. You will address the country prior to your Coronation. You will attend the Coronation event at the Palace in the morning. You and your guests will have lunch in the Palace dining room before watching the parade. After the parade, you will have dinner with the Advisors and your Cabinet before you attend the Coronation ball—which is black tie. I will get back with you about other arrangements. In the meantime, have a great day, Your Highness."

I heard the phone click.

"He fucking hung up on me," I screamed. "He can't hang up on me! I am the fucking King after all. Shit! What am I saying?"

"So, Your Highness," Master David began. "We will need to do something about the way we address you and you address us, Your Highness. I don't think referring to you as boy is in keeping with your title as King."

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Ramesh yelled as he made his way down the stairs in a bolt of energy and motion. "Dad! They picked you as King. The Advisors picked you has King. It's all over the news outlets in Hassin. Everyone is celebrating your ascent to the throne."

"What are the news outlets in Hassin?" I asked.

"TVH," Ramesh replied. "It is the only media allowed in Hassin. It is run by the government. I watch it over the internet so I know what is going on in Hassin. Does this make me a Prince?"

"I have no idea at this point, Ramesh," I said as I buried my head in my hands.

"Look on the bright side, Your Highness," Master Jose began. "Suddenly, you are the head of state of a country. Think about the influence on the mission you have undertaken with the civil rights of gay men and women throughout the world."

"Master Jose," I said softly and gently. "If you weren't my Master, I would tie you down and pour a vat of honey over your body. I would then release a swarm of bees to feast on your naked body. However, you are my Master. All I can do is hope you will not call me Your Highness. I prefer boy or Steven."

"This is fucking exciting!" Garrison replied. "Just think of the fun we can have running a country."

"I will abdicate," I exclaimed. "I will turn my Kingdom over to Tim. I don't want to be King."

"May I make a suggestion here?" Master David asked.

"Why the fuck not? Everyone else has. What?" I calmly said.

"You could officially become King," Master David began. "You remain King until we get our black hole figured out. Then, we can make whatever changes we need to the black hole to make it a regular profit center. Then, you can resign."

"David has made a very good suggestion," Master Jose replied. "You could be King for a month or two... a year or two tops."

"I wonder if the King and his Prince get an expense account," Tim exclaimed.

"Or the use of a private jet," Garrison added.

"How many bedrooms does the Palace have?" Master Grant asked.

"I have no idea," I replied. "Why don't you call Landenski Simple. I'm certain he knows the answers about all your questions. Expense accounts. Bedrooms in the Palace. Use of a private jet... Life seemed so simple just minutes ago. Then, Landenski Simple called and ruined my life. Can we go back in time? I won't answer the phone this time around."


"This is a pretty cool plane, isn't it, Your Highness?" Master Grant began our conversation. Much to my chagrin, we were on our way to Hassin for my Coronation. I had no choice. Master Jose ordered me to become King.

"This thing is bigger than some peoples' houses," I replied. "Who in Hassin fucking thought of buying a 787 as Hassin's equivalent to Airforce One."

"I believe King Ajmal Hassin ordered this jet when Boing first announced the availability of the 787," Ramesh replied. "I saw the story on TVH."

"I wonder if Steven will be required to wear a crown to state functions," Tim asked. I looked at him with squinty eyes. "I was just trying to clarify your new role as King. Don't get mad, Steven. You know how things just pop in and out of my mind."

"I am all too aware of how things pop in and out of your mind," I replied. I shook the ice in my empty glass. "I need another drink."

"Here you are, Your Highness," Gerald said to me as he handed me a new drink and took the old glass.

"Who do you work for, Gerald?" I asked.

"I work for Hassin Airlines, Your Highness," Gerald replied. "Hassin Airlines is owned by the country of Hassin."

"Does this mean we own Hassin Airlines because we own the country of Hassin?" David asked.

"Yes," Gerald explained. "I am not a law advocate, so I cannot be 100 percent certain."

"Thank you, Gerald," I replied. "Not to worry. I'm certain we will understand all of this after I become King. I assume we will be told what we can do and what we can't do."

"I believe, if I understand the arrangement in Hassin," Master David explained. "You are the King. You make the rules and laws. If you see something you don't like, change it."

"What if I make you disappear, Master David?" I asked.

"Technically, you could order me to disappear," Master David answered. "However, physically, without banning me from the country, you can't."

"How do I ban someone from the country?" I asked as I glared at Master David.

"You would need to ask the Supreme Court Justice, Prince Herman Venda," Master David replied. "He is not only the only Supreme Court Justice, he is your personal attorney when it comes to matters of State."

"This is getting more interesting as time goes on," Garrison added. "Just think of the possibilities!"

"Gentlemen," the pilot announced over the PA system. "We will be landing at Hassin International Airport momentarily. Please take your seats, fasten your seat belt, and stow your tables in an upright position. I really wanted to say `Fasten your seat belts. This is going to be a bumpy ride.' Gerald and I like to watch old movies after a night of kinky sex, right, Gerald?"

"Yes, Sir," Gerald replied on the PA system.

Once we landed, the attendant in charge escorted us to the private Royal waiting room.

"This just gets weirder and weirder as time goes on," I whisper to Tim. "Maybe we should sell the country to the President-elect. He would feel right at home here."

"At least we know we have a safe haven if things in the US go astray," Tim replied.

"I never thought of the safe haven opportunity," I replied. "Maybe this isn't so bad after all. We could invite all displaced gay people from the US to seek asylum in Hassin."

"Good evening, Your Highness," a tall Hispanic dude said. He paused long enough for me to realize he had a body to admire. Muscles everywhere. They were extremely prominent in his tight fitting white dress shirt. He wore the collar open. He shaved his head and had a slight scruff on his face.

"I am Jerry," the six-foot tall, muscle dude said. "I am your personal assistant, Your Highness. If you and your Cabinet members would follow me, I will escort you to the car which will take you to the Palace."

"Thank you, Jerry," I replied as he opened the door of the supersized SUV.

"Okay," Tim said. "Maybe I should have been a Queen instead of a Prince."

"Both titles carry equal prestige," Jerry explained. "I personally believe you are more Princely than Queenly."

"Thank you, Jerry," Tim replied.

"Your assistant, Sir," Jerry said to Tim, "will meet us at the Palace. His name is Ronald. I believe you and he will get along swimmingly."

Tim and I looked at one another and tried not to laugh.

We pulled in front of a huge wrought iron gate. The door swung open and we drove into the gated area of the Palace.

"The grounds are beautiful," I said.

We continued up the driveway until I spotted the Palace. "Holy moly, Andy! This is beautiful!"

"The King had the Palace built about five years ago," Jerry explained. "It will be you home while you are in Hassin. We still have the older Palace for overflow crowds or state functions."

The limo pulled in front of the Palace. Jerry immediately exited the car to open the door for me. Another man opened the door for Tim. He stood about five eight, muscles bulged and pulled the fabric of his shirt and pants.

"I'm Ronald," the man said to Tim. "I am your personal assistant. Welcome to Hassin."

"Thank you, Ronald," Tim replied. "Do you work out much?"

Ronald smiled as the others gathered around us. "I would be happy to show you where and how I work out."

"I think I'm going to like being a Prince," Tim replied without looking away from Ronald's massive body.

The Palace stood on a slight hill overlooking the ocean. The sun beat down on the gleaming white exterior. As we went inside, all of us gasp.

"Holy shit!" Garrison exclaimed.

The wall in front of us consisted of glass with a sweeping view of the water.

"This is the main living area," Jerry explained. "You and your family, King Steven, live in the wing on the left. Your guests live in the guest wing on the right. One other point of business before we continue. You, King Steven and Prince Tim, will need to be naked at all times unless you are performing state functions because you are slaves. And, you, Secretary of Environmental Protection have been labeled a Power Slave. You, Bondoc, and Angel will also be naked unless you are in the role of Secretary. So, gentlemen, strip!"

The five of us quickly disrobed. I hadn't noticed until we were finished undressing both Jerry and Ronald had lost their clothing.

"Holy shit!" Tim gasp. Ronald's perfectly muscled body with a slight scruff on his face and shaved head caught all our attention. His still soft uncut dick looked massive even in a soft state.

Jerry's body glistened in the light. His muscles seemed to pop as he moved. My attention went immediately to his 12-inch rock hard, uncut dick.

"I understand we could arrange a public flogging," Master Jose said.

"Of course," Jerry replied. "All of the Cabinet members have the power to demand a public flogging of anyone who is a slave."

"It is settled then," Master Grant suggested. "Tomorrow afternoon. Pubic flogging. Me and David will work on Tim. Jose and Garrison will work on Steven. Then, we will turn Tim over to Ronald and Steven to Jerry. They will finish the flogging ritual."

"I want to suggest a daily flogging while we are in Hassin," Master Jose suggested.

"Perfect," Master David said. His eyes filled with lust.

I whispered to Tim, "Why did we not see this coming?"

"Steven," Tim whispered back. "Your dick is hard and dripping precum. You are just as aroused as the others."

"I know," I replied. "Isn't it great being a King?"

"Jerry," Connor spoke up. "I have two questions. One, are we considered a Prince?"

"Until you are 21, your official titles will be Duke," Jerry replied. "After you are 21, you may choose to be called Prince or keep your title of Duke."


"Terrific," Connor replied. "Second question. What is the legal age of consent to have sex in Hassin?"

"We don't have one," Jerry replied. "As long as sex is consensual, any one may participate in any sexual act they deem appropriate."

"Don't get any ideas, boys," I added. "I am not entering into any sexual practices with you, boys. So, it couldn't be consensual."

"Actually, King Steven," Jerry continued. "You are a slave. So, if your Master gives your sons permission to have sex with their father, you have no choice."

"You wouldn't, would you Master?" I asked.

"I will give the boys my decision tomorrow morning," Master Jose replied.

"Oh jeez!" I said quietly.


"You look good in your King clothes, Steven?" Tim said to me as we dressed for the Coronation.

"I'm not certain I would call this getup King clothes," I replied.

Jerry had given me the official outfit for a King who is a slave boy as well. Gold, skin tight spandex briefs which left nothing to the imagination. A head covering which trailed down my back in Egyptian style. Also, the head covering was gold with black trim. Black leather lace up boots. Black leather armbands around my upper biceps. Did I mention no shirt? No, of course not.

Tim's was like mine, except his briefs and head covering were black and red.

Oh! I forgot to mention the gold studded nipple rings replaced my usual silver ones.

"We've both worn nothing in public, so this should be easy," Tim replied.

"We'll see," I replied.

We went into the living area to meet the others. Each of the Cabinet members wore black leather pants, black boots, and a black leather harness. Our sons, except the four youngest, dressed like the Cabinet members.

They all stood and said, Your Highness I unison.

"Sit the fuck down," I ordered. "Master David, Master Garrison. As king, I order you to find our black hole and turn it into a nice shiny monument within the week or I will demote you to clean our bathrooms."

"Got it, King Steven," Master David replied. "We will do our best. I don't, however, believe we can resolve all of the issues with the black hole, but we will come close."

"Maybe I will just have you beheaded," I added with a smile.

"If you behead my husband, I will castrate you, King Boy," Master Grant replied.

"Yes, Mr. Secretary," I replied. "I will take your advice under consideration."

Jerry and Ronald arrived in the living area. "Your Highness! You fill out your king clothing rather well!" Jerry exclaimed.

They were both dressed in extremely faded jeans with well-worn crotches. They were also shirtless with a bow tie attached to a separate white color. The rest of the shirts were missing. They also had white French cuffs around their wrists.

"As do the two of you," I replied as my dick began to harden.


I woke up in a strange room. Beeps from some electronic equipment surrounded me. Finally, I realized I was in a hospital room when a nurse stood beside my bed.

"Your awake," the nurse said.

"Yes," I replied. "Where the hell am I?"

"Northwestern Hospital," the nurse replied. "My name is Jerry."

Tim hurried to my side. He looked like he had slept in his clothes.

"Thank God, Steven," Tim said as he took my hand. "You had me very, very worried. You've been in a coma for three days."

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"We can talk about why you are here in a moment," Jerry said. "I need to take your vital signs before your doctor arrives."

I looked warily at Tim. Something wasn't right.

"Hello, Steven," a doctor in his late thirties bounded into the room. "I'm Doctor Kent. I have been watching you since your arrival here. Now, let's give you and examination."

The doctor poked, prodded, and pushed on several places of my body.

"It looks as though your body is beginning to heal," Dr. Kent explained. "You obviously still have tender spots, but I believe you will recover nicely. Given a few more days of observation, I believe we can send you home in the capable hands of your husband. Your husband hasn't left your room since you arrived. Tell him to get some rest. He won't be any good for you if he is tired and cranky. Would you like me to stay, Tim?"

"Yes, please," Tim said as he held my hand. "Do you remember anything before you arrived here?"

"No," I replied. "I remember Master Jose and I were in the car on our way somewhere. I don't know when, and I don't remember where we were going."

"Okay," Tim began. "Based upon eye witness accounts, you and Jose were in the car driving to the VC office. You saw two men in their late forties chasing a younger man in his early twenties. You and Jose followed them into an alley where the older men grabbed the younger one and started beating on him. You and Jose stepped into the fight and you pulled the two men away from the younger one. You both took some blows from the older men before you could pull the younger one to safety. One man hit you the face a few times with his fist, and when you collapsed on the sidewalk, he stomped on your legs. Jose, took some blows also to the face, but the man he was fighting off stabbed him."

"Is Master Jose... is he... is he okay?" I asked.

"He's in intensive care, Steven," Tim said as he squeezed my hand tighter. "He was stabbed in the back. The doctors believe he will pull through."

"Can I see him?" I asked. "The younger man?"

"He is being released from the hospital later today," Dr. Kent replied. "The other two men are in custody and are facing attempted murder charges and assault charges. The one who stabbed Jose was the boy's father. The other was his uncle. They had just learned he was gay. The police reacted quickly when two patrol officers followed you and Jose into the alley."

"The poor boy!" I replied. "Does he need help?"

"I don't know," Tim replied. "I visited him a couple of times. He seems like a very nice person, but I think he is just fucking scared how he will survive."

"We will help, you know?" I added.

"I knew you would want to help," Tim added. "It is why I love you so much. You want to help everyone in sight. We need to focus on getting you and Jose better."

I thought for a moment. I remembered. "Jose was the first to jump out of the car to follow the three men. I was behind him by a few seconds. Jose just couldn't passively stand and watch. It is not in his makeup. I remember it all now. The hate filled words coming out of the older men's mouths. I am very proud I joined him. I saw him do what others would not. He knew he was in danger. It didn't matter to him."

We heard a knock at the door. "I'm sorry for interrupting," the guy said. "I heard your explanation of the fight. I am so, so sorry your friend getting stabbed trying to help me. My fucking father and uncle are nuts. From what I heard, you friend must be an amazing man."

"Michael, this is my husband Steven," Tim said. "Steven, this is Michael, the man you saved."

"Thank you for stopping to see me," I replied. "Jose is an amazing man. He was hurt doing what he does every day of his life: helping others. Please don't feel guilty, Michael. It is not your fault. Hate is at fault here. Do you have someplace to live?"

"No," Michael replied. "I will find someplace."

"You can stay with us," Tim added.

"I can't stay with you," Michael replied. "You friend is in intensive care because of me."

"You can and you WILL stay with us," I added. "Tim and I are very stubborn. You will not win."

"He means what he said, Michael," Tim replied. "You should save yourself time and just say yes."

"Yes," Michael replied. He smiled slightly for the first time he stepped through the door.

"I'll take you home in about thirty minutes," Tim said to Michael.

Michael waked to the side of the bed and put his hand on mine. "Thank you for what you and your friend did for me. I thought I was dead before you two showed up. I owe you my life."

"You don't owe anyone anything," I replied. "I will see you at home in a few days."

"Thank you," Michael replied.

As Michael walked out the door, Tim sat on my bed and held my hand. "So, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Does this mean I'm not King?" I asked.

"What?" Tim asked. "I'm not certain where this is leading, but you can't get out of being a King just because you saved someone from getting killed. We need to talk about you being King."

"You know what?" Tim asked

"What?" I asked.

"You'll always be my King," Tim said as he kissed me good bye.

"And, you will always be my Prince," I added. "Tim!"

"Yes," Tim said as he turned back to me.

"Can we go to Provincetown for a while?" I asked. "Just you, me, Jose, and the boys."

"How long?" Tim asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "The rest of our lives?"

"We can see what happens," Tim said with a smile. "We will probably find Provincetown in the winter a little quiet for us."

"Thanks," I said as Tim turned to leave.


The hospital released me two days after I recovered from the comma. They sent what seemed like hundreds of things I can't do and hundreds more I need to do. I was hobbling around because my leg muscles were still sore, but I got better every day.

Tim and I were sitting at the kitchen island drinking coffee. The doctors recommended I not drink coffee or alcohol. Not going to happen.

"Tim," I said after a silence while we both read the news on our tablets. "We should go see Jose again. He must be lonely."

"No he's not, Dad," Theo said as they swooped into the kitchen in search of food. "Connor and I just saw him. He even laughed at my bad jokes. He did say he missed you, though. No pressure. Just thought you'd like to know."

"Thanks, guys," I said as they left the kitchen with food. Mounds of food. "Our grocery bill must be huge."

"Yea," Tim replied. "I'm glad I don't know how much money for a week we spend to feed five teenagers."


The doctors moved Jose out of the intensive care unit and onto a moderate care unit. Tim and I waited while the doctor and his team was examining Jose's progress.

Dr. Kent stepped out of the room, "I believe Jose wants you included in the discussion of his injuries."

Tim and I silently followed Dr. Kent into Jose's room. I stepped to his bedside and kissed him. "You look much better without all of those wires."

"I feel better without all of those wires," Master Jose replied. "This is liberation day."

Tim also leaned down and kiss Jose, "No bleeping machines, either."

"Fortunately," Jose replied.

I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Our findings leads to almost complete recovery," Dr. Kent began. "The results will not be overnight. Your recovery, Jose, will take work on your part. Some of the physical therapy we are recommending will be painful at first, but you need to take this seriously, and you must follow the directions your physical therapist gives you to the letter. You have injuries to your back, so part of your recovery will include working on the back muscles to bring them back into shape so they can do their work. You are still experiencing numbness in your lower body. In all likely hood, you lower body functions will never be as they were prior to your attack. Any questions so far?"

"Will I eventually be able to walk again?" Jose asked. He seemed nervous.

"We need to study your progress in physical therapy," Dr. Kent replied. "It will take time, but, at this point, we believe you will walk again."

I grabbed his hand as I saw his skin color fade. "What do you mean `at this point, we believe you will walk again'?"

"We face a possibility your motor functions will not improve enough to allow you to walk normally," Dr. Kent replied.

"What are the odds?" Jose aske quietly.

"Fifty fifty," Dr. Kent replied.

"I am not trying to be outrageous, but will I be able to get and keep an erection?" Jose asked.

"We have discussed your erectile issues," Dr. Kent replied. "We have found no physical links to getting and keeping an erection. Mental health issues may affect your ability to function normally."

"I think Steven will have his work cut out for him over the next few months," Tim replied with a smile on his face. Jose also laughed.

"I believe he will be up for the challenge," Jose replied. "But if I can't walk, how can I be intimate?"

"I have a few ideas," I replied. I put my hand on his crotch. "Things seem to be working now."

"Don't start something you can't finish," Master Jose replied.

"Who says I can't finish?" I whisper.

"A..., guys," Tim said. "We have a doctor in the house."

"Sorry," I replied.

"Not to worry," Dr. Kent replied. "I would be more worried if everyone in the room were stoic. You need to focus on your recovery. Nothing else should matter right now. If you have business interests which need attention, you might want to appoint someone to act as an aid."

"I already have someone," Master Jose replied. "Between Steven and our business manager, David, things are under control."

"Good," Dr. Kent continued. "Your physical therapist will be in to speak with you about the program he will administer. He is one of the best for injuries such as yours, Jose. I am confident you will enjoy working with him. Now, I must move on. In the meantime, if you have any more questions, please have your nurse contact me. I will be back tomorrow morning to check on your progress."

"I only hope the physical therapist is cute," Jose replied after Dr. Kent left.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You will always be high on my list," Jose said as the door opened and a six-foot tall muscled blond stud walked into the room.

"Good afternoon, Jose," the sex god said. "I'm Kevin, your physical therapist."

"Ah...," Jose stammered. "Hello... These two gentlemen are my family, Steven Caden-Caldwell and Tim Caden-Caldwell."

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen," Kevin replied.

Tim still starred at the sex God with his mouth ajar.

"Tim, why don't we get some coffee while Kevin and Jose talk," I suggested.

"Please stay, Steven," Jose replied.

"You probably do need to know how Jose's therapy will be structured," Kevin added. "Especially since the two of you are family."

"Okay," I replied. "Then we will stay, right Tim?"

Tim still gazed at Keven.

"Tim?" I said again.

"Oh! Right," Tim replied. "Of course we will stay. Do you work out much, Kevin?"

"I try," Kevin replied with a smile. "Now, let's talk about your therapy, Jose."

Kevin outlined Jose's therapy. I was exhausted listening to the plan.

"I know this sounds difficult for you at this point, Jose," Keven summarized. "But, the work you and I put into this will be rewarding for you in the long run. Now, tell me how these two fit into your life."

"Tim and Steven are married," Jose replied. "And, Steven is my... my... slave."

"Interesting!" Kevin replied. "I am going out on a limb here, but, Steven, you look very, very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"I'm not certain," I replied. "If I had met you somewhere, I certainly would have remembered you."

"He's a porn star," Tim added. "Maybe you saw him hanging from his balls in a film."

"Ah! Yes!" Kevin replied. "Now I remember! My boy and I saw you on a film with a black guy. Hot, hot film."

"The black guy would have been Garrison," Jose confirmed. "He's also... family."

Tim still had Kevin locked into his gaze.

"Boy, huh?" Tim added. "Will we have an opportunity to see you naked, Kevin?"

"Tim!" I admonished my husband.

"Sorry," Tim apologized. "This just pop out of my mouth. Steven has said I am without filters."

"My boy and you will get along famously, Tim," Kevin replied. "How do you fit into the family, Tim?"

"I'm Steven's husband and Grant and David's boy," Tim replied.

"Grant and David?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," Tim replied. "My downfall is big black and Asian dick. Grant is black. David is Asian. Both have big dicks. Are you hung, Kevin?"

"Oh! Jeez!" I sigh.

"I asked only because Steven and Jose are into big black dicks, Garrison, and blonds," Tim added. "You're blond. What's your boy like?"

Kevin pulled out his phone and found a photo of him and his boy. He showed it to Tim first.

"Holy shit!" Tim hissed.

Kevin handed his phone to me.

"Oh my!" I whispered as I handed the phone to Jose.

"You will make it easy to get through the therapy, Kevin," Jose said.

Kevin and his boy stood side-by-side. Kevin's arm wrapped around the other man's shoulders. They were naked with hard dicks. Kevin looked to have at least a 12-inch cut dick. Kevin's boy stood as tall as Kevin with a hugely muscled, black skinned body. He also sported a huge uncut dick which must be at least 12-inches long.

"My boy's name is Laz," Kevin added. "Laz is short for Lazarus. His mother is a bible person."

"I'll worship at his feet if you want," Tim replied.

"I will be back tomorrow about this time to begin your therapy, Jose," Kevin explained. "Having friends around during therapy can be a beneficial."

"We will be here," I replied. "At least I will be here. Tim may be hanging by his balls this time tomorrow.""

Once Kevin and left, Tim decided to go home to work on his book. "I will leave you here to chat with Jose. I need to finish reviewing the last few scenes of the movie script. I am certain you two will entertain yourselves."

"Thanks for everything, Tim," Jose replied. "I meant what I said when I told Kevin you were my family. You both are very special to me. I love you, Tim."

Tim stood beside Jose's bed and leaned down to kiss him. It was not a kiss on the lips. It was a full tongue engaged kiss.

"There is more waiting if you are a good boy, Jose," Tim replied. "And, I love you too. I'll see you later, Steven."

"Bye, Tim," I said as he kissed me.

"Love you, Steven," Tim said after his tongue was out of my mouth. "Jose looks as though he might need a little loving. I suspect the door locks."

"Go!" I said in response.

We watched Tim close the door behind him.

"So, what do you think of Kevin?" I asked.

"If I were at a bar or after hours party, I would have stripped naked and kissed his boots," Jose replied.

"You, too, huh?" I said. "He is gorgeous. His boy is a lucky man."

"Yup," Jose replied. "Speaking of lucky man. Do you think you could be convinced to lay naked with me?"

"Yes, he could," Jonathan said as he stepped through the doorway. Jonathan is Jose's nurse. "After I give Jose his bath, I will make certain you are not disturbed. Let's get you cleaned up so you can have fun with your man."

Jonathan quickly went to work. Jose fixed his eyes on mine. I took his hand in mine as Jonathan pulled the sheet down. Jose's naked body made my dick hard.

"I'm taking the catheter out, Jose," Jonathan explained. "You should feel better with it out."

"Thank you, Jonathan," Jose replied.

As Jonathan wrapped up the bath, he washed Jose's dick which already had grown to full length.

"I see somethings work extremely well," Jonathan replied as he pulled the blanket back on top of Jose. He paused at the door. "The door will lock behind me. When you are finished, you probably should unlock the door. Have fun!"

"What are you waiting for, boy?" Jose asked. "I need you naked lying next to me. Now!"

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I quickly shucked my clothes.

I pulled the sheet back and gently spooned against Jose's backside. "I love you, Master."

"I love you, too, boy," Master Jose replied.

I reached around Master Jose's midsection and grabbed his hard dick. "It seems some things never change, right, Master."

"You always excite me, Steven," Master Jose replied. "What do you intend to do with my dick?"

"I have three thoughts on the matter," I began. "I could keep playing with it in my hand. I could put it in my mouth. I could sit on it. Which option do you like best, Master?"

"I am inclined to favor you sitting on it, and riding it like the cowboy I know you are, boy," Master Jose replied.

I positioned my ass over Master Jose's throbbing dick. I leaned down to kiss Master Jose. Then I impaled his dick into my ass with one swift movement.

"Fuck, boy!" Master Jose hissed as his eyes closed.

I began to ride Master Jose hard. I bounced up and down on my Master's dick with all of the energy I could muster. My hard dick flopped in the air. My sweat dripped down my face and off my body onto Master Jose.

"Ahhh! Shit, boy! Fuck! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Once Master Jose had shot his last rope of cum in my ass, I leaned down and kissed him. Slowly, sensually, passionately.

"How... do you... feel... now..., Master?" I whimpered between kisses.

"Perfect," Master Jose hissed. "We will do this again and again and again until we get it even more perfect."

"How many more times do you think?" I asked.

"By the time 24 hours have passed, I think we will have mastered the technique," Master Jose said with a smile. "However, I suspect we will be invaded shortly by the kinky nurse."

"You mean I need to remove your dick from my ass?" I asked.

"Yes, Steven," Master Jose replied.

Once I dressed and the covers were pulled over Master Jose's naked body, I unlocked the door. Jonathan bounded into the room a few minutes later.

"I hope you had enough time to take care of things," Jonathan replied.

"Yes," I replied. "Maybe next time you would want to join us."

"As much as I would love to join you, the hospital frowns upon nurses pleasuring their patients" Jonathan replied.

"Even if the patient wasn't pleasuring the patient, but rather the nurse," I replied.

"I will take the matter up with the ethics committee tomorrow," Jonathan responded. "However, there is a fat chance in hell while I am on duty."

"What about off duty?" Master Jose replied. "When I am released from here, I will expect you to join us for a party at the house."

"I believe we might want to try," Jonathan replied. "Just to let you know, Steven, my husband and I watch your movies over and over and over."

"Which is your favorite?" I asked.

"You in the sling with 10 others who eventually stick their fists up your ass," Jonathan replied. "Then for good measure they fuck you. The black guy with a massive dick is our favorite to watch."

"The black guy with the massive dick is Master Jake," I continued. "He and his husband, Master Miguel, own the production company. I had to audition several times before I got the part."

"Can my husband come with me," Jonathan asked.

"Yes," Master Jose and I said in unison.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, Steven," Tim said as we were waiting for Master Jose's return from physical therapy. Master Jose was three weeks into the rehab. "How do you think Jose is doing with the rehab?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I know he is pissed this is not instantaneous. Master Jose wants to walk again. If it doesn't happen soon, I see depression setting in."

"Surely he hasn't lost hope," Tim added. "Depression doesn't fit Jose's personality."

"Let's hope not," I replied. "We can't let him get depressed. He is my rock. Just like you are, Tim."

"We always manage to get past the rough spots," Tim added. "We always stick together. You and me. Master Grant and Master David. Garrison and Jose. Even the boys."

"Side by side," I replied.

"The star has arrived!" I said and Kevin wheeled Master Jose into the room from the rehab session.

"Johnathan will be in to get you cleaned up to meet with Dr. Kent in a few moments," Kevin added. "I will be back when you talk with Dr. Kent. He's all yours, Johnathan."

"Thanks," Johnathan replied to Kevin. "We will have fun today, Jose. I get to put my hands all over your body, and you will lay there and enjoy."

"Sounds like a plan," Master Jose replied. "We need to find a private duty masseuse. These massages are habit forming."

"Kevin's boyfriend Laz is a terrific masseuse," Johnathan explained. "He makes house calls."

"Does he get naked to give Jose the massage?" Tim asked.

"I am certain you can work out the details," Johnathan replied.

While Johnathan gave Master Jose his massage, Tim and I found coffee.

"Kevin and Johnathan keep Jose happy, don't you think, Steven?" Tim asked.

"And I don't?" I asked in rebuke.

"I didn't say you didn't keep him happy," Tim replied. "Kevin and Johnathan add a little extra to Jose's outlook on rehab. I hope this discussion goes the way Jose wants it to go."

"Me, too," I added. "He so much wants to walk again. Every time I see him return from a workout with Kevin, he seems down. So unlike Master Jose."

Johnathan stepped out of Master Jose's room. "He's all yours, guys."

"Thank you, Johnathan," I said as Tim and I hurried into the room.

Master Jose sat in a chair beside his bed. He had jeans and a polo on. He wasn't smiling, however.

"This visit from the doctor needs to end with good news," Master Jose said. "I am sick of him telling me I am doing as good as can be expected. I want to fucking walk again. I have been in this rehabilitation place for three weeks. I want to go home."

Dr. Kent and Kevin entered the room. "Good morning men!"

"Give me some good news, Dr. Kent," Master Jose said.

Dr. Kent pulled up a chair beside Jose bed, "Let's talk about your progress, Jose. You were in the hospital two weeks and now rehab for three weeks. You have progressed significantly. The work you have expended in the exercises are showing splendid results. Your upper-body strength and your general motor skills are improving daily."

"And?" Master Jose asked as he grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"Your latest CAT Scan and MRI tests show you are healing perfectly," Dr. Kent explained. "We said from the beginning the knife penetrated and damaged the spinal cord. This damage as caused a loss of sensation and motor function. In your case, Jose, unless we attempt to correct the damage through surgery, you will probably never walk again."

"Not exactly the news I was looking for, Dr. Kent," Jose replied. "Tell me about this surgery."

"It is not a complicated surgery," Dr. Kent began. "It is performed microscopically which reduces the risks."

"What are the risks?" I asked.

"The surgery doesn't require anesthesia," Dr. Kent continued. "You will be given a local injection. So the risks of complications due to anesthesia are eliminated. I must caution you, however, Jose, it might not work."

"Then I would be in this fucking chair the rest of my life," Master Jose replied as he grasped my hand tighter. "What else could go wrong?"

"A remote possibility of nicking another nerve system," Dr. Kent added. "You could be paralyzed totally. The odds of this happening is remote, but it does exist."

"When can the surgery be performed?" Master Jose asked.

"We can schedule the surgery within a week," Dr. Kent replied. "I want you and your family to discuss this before I schedule any surgery."

"I will not sit here and let the world pass me by," Master Jose replied. "I have no other options. Schedule the surgery."

To be continued.

This is my 60th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 61

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