Life with Tim

Published on Nov 20, 2016


Life with Tim 59

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


Master Grant slipped the collar around Tim's neck. Master David fastened it and locked it.

"Suck my dick, boy," Master Grant ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied as he hurriedly fished Master Grant's already partially hard dick out of his jeans. Tim began sucking with passion. His lust showed through his energy he expended to please his new Master.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh..." Master Grant bellowed after several minutes of sucking.

Tim pulled off Master Grant's cock. "Thank you, Sir," Tim replied.

"Stand up and bend over, boy. It is time to get your ass fucked, boy," Master David replied.

"Yes, Master," Tim said as he obeyed his Masters orders.

Master David didn't bother with lube or any preparation of Tim's ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tim moaned as Master David shoved his monster dick into Tim's ass.

"Why don't we get a drink, boys," Master Jose said. "Unless you want to watch your husband get fucked by his new Master."

"No, Sir," I replied. "A drink would be terrific!"

I retrieved the Coronas from the bartender and handed one to Master Jose and Master Garrison.

"Here is to Tim's new life," Master Jose added as we clinked bottles.

"Jose!" I heard a voice from the crowd say. We turned in the direction of the voice. I almost dropped my beer when I saw the man as he took his position next to us.

Chapter 59: The Party Goes Forward

"Babak!" Jose exclaimed. "It is good to see you!"

"Thank you for the invitation, Jose," Babak replied. "Steven, you are looking incredibly good this evening. I hear you are celebrating your husband's liberation."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I was still not believing who stood before me. "I didn't know I would be seeing you here tonight, but welcome! Sir, this is Master Jose's other boy, Garrison. Garrison, this is Prince Babak Majeed."

Garrison, transfixed on the Prince's appearance, stood with his mouth ajar. "You are tall!" Garrison finally said.

The Prince was, indeed, tall. He stood 6' 4" tall and had jet black hair. He wore chaps with extremely tight, extremely distressed jeans underneath. The fabric, worn and thin, outlined his massive uncut dick perfectly. His chain link harness outlined his well-developed chest. He had perfectly groomed chest hair. His former shaggy black mop of hair had been turned into a well-coiffed head of beautiful black hair. His brown eyes shimmered in the dim light of the playroom.

"You are beautiful, Garrison," Babak replied. "And well-hung."

"Thank you, Sir," Garrison finally replied as his dick began to harden. "You are too... beautiful, I mean."

"Thank you, boy," the prince replied. "Steven, your new Master tells me you are getting back into the rent boy business after the unfortunate accident with Ajmal and his husband, Marcus. I take it you are trying to put your life back together. If I can be of any help with your recover, I would be happy to assist."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as I realized my dick stood straight up. "I appreciate your offer of assistance. May I get you a drink, Sir?"

"Corona, please," the prince replied. "I may not drink in my country, but, when I am in the US, I do what the locals do. It is also most likely why I am rarely in my country!"

When I returned with the prince's beer, he began to tease my nipples. "These are a thing of beauty, Steven. Jose is a very, very lucky Master."

Tyron and Buckley joined us. Tyron wore tight black leather pants. His dick formed a perfect bulge in his tight pants. His bare upper body rippled when he moved. Buckley dressed more conservatively—well-worn jeans and a tight tank top. `He must be working out more,' I thought to myself.

"I see your husband is having a terrific time tonight," Tyron said. "He seems to be taking dick like a well-worn whore... No offense, Steven. He's found his calling!"

"He's always had the calling," I replied. "Only recently has he accepted his inner pig. I accepted mine several years ago."

Buckley joined Garrison. They stood mesmerized by the prince's stunning body.

"Don't stare, Buckley," Master Jose added. "Buckley, Tyron, this is Prince Babak Majeed. Babak, this is Tyron and Buckley. They both work with Steven at his venture capital business. Babak and I recently joined forces to provide some very interesting topics to challenge our mental and physical stamina. I told the Prince, Tyron, you are a study in energy and mental and physical stamina. We hope we can include you in some of our plans."

"Thank you, Sir," Tyron replied. "I look forward to learning of you plans. I believe I would also enjoy helping you implement them."

"Tyron is the son of the former King of Spain," Master Jose explained.

"Now I remember where we met," the prince exclaimed. "You and your brother attended a charity event in New York with your mother! She seemed very determined."

"Determined would be an understatement," Tyron replied with a smile. "She doesn't like any man who won't flirt with her."

"Ah!" the prince replied. "Now I understand her odd behavior at the event. And, I agree with you. `Determined' may not be the proper word to describe her."

"Does ruthless come to mind?" Tyron asked with a smile.

"Are you in the line to become King?" Buckley ask.

"No," the prince replied. "We don't have a kingdom any more. We are mere citizens of Iran. We still, in our area of Iran, keep the lineage up-to-date. Maybe one day we will again form a kingdom. But, for now, I just enjoy myself."

"What do you do for a living?" Buckley asked.

"I collect money from my family's oil business," the prince replied with the hint of a smile. "It's meager work, but it pays the bills."

"Steven," Master Jose interjected. "Why don't you take Babak over to meet you husband? Tim is, after all, the guest of honor tonight."

Master Jose handed the prince my leash.

"Lead the way, boy," the prince suggested.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. We walked in Tim's direction. He was in the sling with a big black guy with a huge dick. The dick moved in and out of Tim's ass. By the look on his face, Tim was enjoying his time with the man.

"So, this is your husband, Tim," the prince said. "Very beautiful man. You are lucky to have him in your life. Are you agreeable to his transition to a slave boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "It is something he wanted. I wouldn't stand in his way. He deserves to be happy."

"He certainly looks happy now," the prince said as he put his hand on my bare ass. When I felt the prince's, hand grope my ass the black man exploded in Tim's ass.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" the man bellowed as his cum filled my husband's ass.

"So, boy," Master Grant said as he joined the prince and me. "Nice sight, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Master Grant turned to the prince, "We haven't had the pleasure of meeting. I am Grant, one of the boy's Masters."

"I am Prince Babak Majeed," the prince replied. "I am pleased to meet you. I recognized you from some of your excellent work with CNN. Steven brought me here so I could meet his husband and your slave boy. But, I believe he may be busy."

"Not at all," Master Grant replied. "David, the boy's other Master, is preparing to remove the boy from the sling so he can have a break. Why don't we join David and the boy?"

"Judging from your dick, boy," Master Grant said to Tim as David helped Tim out of the sling. "You enjoyed yourself."

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied with a smile on his face. "As you well know, I am addicted to black and Asian dick, Sir!"

"Tim," I said after Master Grant nodded to me to introduce the prince. "I would like you to meet someone. Sir, this is my husband and Master David and Master Grant's slave boy, Tim. Tim, this is Prince Babak Majeed. We met a few months ago."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, boy," the prince replied. "You husband spoke glowingly about you the last time we met."

"Thank you," Tim replied. He looked the prince in the eyes. "The pleasure is all mine, Sir. I don't remember Steven telling me about someone as handsome as you. I would have remembered."

"I can't discuss certain people, Tim," I said. "It is a privacy issue, remember?"

"Ah, yes," Tim replied. He still looked directly into the prince's haunting brown eyes. Tim and the prince returned each other's gaze with lust in their eyes. "Privacy issue. Of course, silly me."

Tim's dick, which had started to soften, grew to fully erect state.

Master Grant and Master David both saw the lust in the prince's eyes as well as Tim's eyes. Master Grant and Master David smiled at one another.

"Why don't we grab a beer while the boy is resting?" Master Grant suggested.

"We would enjoy sharing a drink with the three of you, wouldn't we, boy?" the prince replied.

"Of course, Sir," I replied.

We moved to the bar where Master David retrieved drinks for us.

"To your coming out event, Tim," Master David said as we clinked bottles.

"Here, here," we all said in unison.

"What brings you to Chicago, Sir?" Tim asked.

"Business," the prince replied. "I will be in Chicago for several weeks while I straighten out some business issues with one of my companies. I hope to spend time with Jose and Steven as well."

"We should have you join us for dinner some evening," Master Grant suggested. "We have an excellent chef."

"I would be delighted to join you," the prince replied. "Perhaps we should rejoin Jose and Garrison. We wouldn't want them to think we abandon them."

We excused ourselves and made our way to where Master Jose, Garrison, Tyron, and Buckley stood.

"Did you enjoy meeting Tim?" Master Jose asked.

"He's a delightful person," the prince replied. "He seems to have an energy about him. Something makes him so authentic."

"Tim authentic?" Garrison asked. "I've never heard him described as authentic."

"Ah!" the prince exclaimed. "My brother is here. Hasid! Over here."

The prince's brother stood the same 6' 4" tall. He also had an extremely muscular body. You could tell they were brothers.

"Hasid," the prince began the introductions. "This in Jose, Steven, Garrison, Tyron, and Buckley. Guys, please meet my brother, Hasid."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen," Hasid replied. "My brother spoke very highly of you, Steven. Now, I can put a face to the person. And, Babak was right. You are very a handsome man, Steven. Very handsome, indeed."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"I decided to visit Chicago while my brother is here," Hasid explained. "So, while he is working, I am out playing tourist. This is a wonderful city. And, I am grateful for the invitation to your husband's party, Steven. I hope to meet him while we are here tonight."

"We will find him before the evening is over," I replied. "He will be delighted to meet you, too."

Hasid dressed more conservatively than his brother. His tight Levi's hugged his lower body. The black tank top highlighted his black hair and bulging biceps. He did have black and red handkerchiefs in his left rear pocket.

"Do you share business interests with your brother, Hasid?" Master Jose asked.

"No," Hasid replied. "He's the business person in the family. I am more of the artistic type. I have an art history degree. So, I keep busy teaching courses at Mohammed V University, in Rabat whenever I am in Morocco. Right now, I am on sabbatical this year. I am trying to develop further ties to American Universities. I am hoping I can wiggle my way into a professorship."

"He does share some of my proclivities, however," the prince replied as he looked directly into my eyes. I saw the lust in HIS eyes just as I saw the lust in his and Tim's eyes. "I believe we understand one another, don't we, Steven?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "We understand one another perfectly."

"Good," the prince said. "Now, Jose, could I ask you a favor and let me dance with Steven?"

"Of course," Master Jose replied. He was smiling, too!

`Why is everyone fucking smiling at everyone?' I asked myself.

"So, Steven," the prince began as he ushered me onto the small dance floor. "I hope you didn't mind me asking your Master if I could dance with you."

"No, Sir," I replied. "I am glad you did."

The prince pulled me tightly to his muscular body. He began kissing me. His hands rested on my ass cheeks. I felt sparks fly. I thought I was about to explode, but Master Babak released me from our kiss.

"I think both of us are a little overexcited tonight," Master Babak said. "I have missed your spirit and your energy, Steven. Ever since the night we were together, I have been plotting to have you again. My brother will more than likely want to rent you as well. Would you like to be with him?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Together?"

"Possibly," Master Babak replied. "I will speak with him. We would have a wonderful time, I am certain."

"Have you and your brother had sex before?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Babak replied. "We have shared subs on more than one occasion. I would like to have your husband as well. Do you believe it is possible?"

"Anything is possible," I replied. "If you speak with Master Jose, he might arrange something with Master Grant and Master David."

"Would you want my brother involved if we had you and your husband?" Master Babak asked.

"No, Sir," I replied. "I am being selfish. I want you to be with Tim and me. No one else. You. Tim. Me."

"Then, I will arrange it," Master Babak replied. "I want to see the two of you work together to please me. You will both want me again. I am hoping this will be a regular outing for the three of us. At first, I wanted only you. Then, I saw your husband being fucked by this maniac black man with an insanely huge dick. And, when he stood before me, I knew I wanted him as well. And, I usually get what I want."

"Yes, Sir," I whispered as he rubbed his hands over my nipples and down to the cheeks of my ass. "I am hoping you will get exactly what you want, Sir."

"Now, let's take you back to your Master," Master Babak suggested. "I don't want him to think I have stolen you!"

As Master Babak led me back to Master Jose, he put his left-hand palm against my right ass cheek. I felt the sparks flow.

"There you are, gentlemen," Master Jose said as we approached. "I hope you are a good dance."

"We did, Jose," Master Babak replied. "Very good!"

Buckley and Hasid were slightly out of hearing range, but they were talking rather animatedly between them.

"I believe someone has caught my brother's eye," Master Babak whispered in my ear.

"Buckley is coming out of a bad relationship," I whispered back. "I don't want him to get hurt again. It would be his undoing."

"I will speak with Hasid," Master Babak replied. "Hasid can be an extremely gentle lover if he needs to be. I will ask him to be extra gentle if anything does progress beyond talking."

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered back. "Buckley is someone important to me as is Tyron. But Tyron can take care of himself. Buckley is a little tender right now."

"Are you as protective of all of your friends?" Master Babak asked.

"I try to protect all of my friends if they need protecting," I replied. "Eventually almost all of us need a little protection. Even if it is an empathetic ear."

The prince walked over to his brother. He pulled Hasid aside.

"Is Babak trying to play protector for Buckley?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"I assume you had something to do with the prince talking with his brother," Master Jose continued. He was smiling. He also put his hand on my ass cheeks. I felt sparks again. This time with my lover/Master.

"I just mentioned Buckley was a little tender now," I replied.

"You are a good slave boy, Steven," Master Jose added as he cupped my balls in his free hand. "I am going to have fun with these tonight. I had thought about asking Babak to come home and play with us, but we both decided we wanted a longer time to thoroughly work on your body. I hope you are not disappointed, boy."

"No, Sir," I replied. "Making you happy and satisfied is my life's work, Sir. You will never disappoint me, Sir."

Buckley moved beside me, and he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "How do you think Hasid would react if I asked him to come home with me?"

"He would proudly accept," I replied. "And I believe he is a lot like his brother. So, I am not worried he would hurt you."

"What if I wanted him to get kinky with me?" Buckley asked with a smirk on his face.

"He would enjoy himself," I said. "But, I don't want you to put yourself in a position you will regret later."

"I'll be careful, Dad," Buckley said with a smile and a peck on the cheek. He returned to his position near Hasid.

I rejoined Master Jose and Master Babak.

"I warned my brother to be gentle on Buckley," Master Babak replied. "He promised he wouldn't do anything to stir up any bad memories. Hasid is somewhat like you, Steven. He is very protective. He is a terrific top, too."

"You don't need to sell me, Master," I replied. "I will do what I am told. I will serve whom I am told. I will be the best slave boy I can be."

"And your best is damn good, too, boy," Master Babak said. "While you were speaking with Buckley, your Master and I had a conversation about you, Steven. I will let him explain the details, but I am certain you will have a wonderful time. I should circulate and not dominate your time."

"I don't mind domination, Sir," I replied.

"I know," Master Babak replied. "Have fun tonight with your Master, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I said as Master Babak kissed me. I watched him walk away.

"Nice man, Steven," Master Jose said. "He seems quite taken with you. Of course, I am not surprised. A lot of men appear to be quite taken with you. Giles told me your services are in demand."

"Is he as hot as he appears, Steven?" Garrison asked.

"Yes," I replied as I followed Master Jose and Garrison out of the playroom.

As we entered the bedroom Garrison and I shared with Master Jose, I was hard as a rock as was Garrison.

"I have plans for us tonight," Master Jose explained as he put his hands around Garrison and me. "I hope we never lose our energy and passion with each other.

"I need my clothes taken off, boys," Master Jose said to Garrison and me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I kneeled in front of Master Jose while I began unbuttoning Master Jose's leather pants. I slowly pulled down his skin-tight leather pants. When his rock-hard dick popped out of his pants, I quickly began sucking on it.

"Such an eager boy tonight," Master Jose said. "You can come back to my dick after you have my pants off, boy!"

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stopped sucking his dick and pulled the pants off.

"Get up, Steven," Master Jose demanded.

"Yes, Sir," I said as I stood. Garrison stood behind Master Jose. I stood in front of him. Both Garrison and I pulled to get closer to Master Jose. I began kissing Master Jose. Garrison began using his dick to caress Master Jose's ass crack. He also began nibbling on Master Jose's ear lobes.

"I am getting very needy at the moment," Garrison whispered.

"What... can we... do to... help... you?" I asked between kisses to Master Jose.

"Kiss me," Garrison replied.

Master Jose turned to face Garrison. He pulled Garrison close and began kissing him.


On Monday after Tim's gathering, Tim and I had time to finally sit down and talk. We were sitting at the kitchen island having coffee and a snack.

"I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to discuss Saturday night," I said. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Let's put it this way, Steven," Tim began. "I had an epiphany while the black dude was fucking my brains out. I have decided I love dick. Big black and big Asian dick are high on my priority list. Of course, the dick I most want in me all the time is yours. I was hoping we could have a little time this evening to explore my new-found interest in dick."

"I believe I could manage to carve out some time from my busy schedule to help with your research," I replied. "And, by the way, where did this big, black guy come from? I haven't seen him around."

"Master Grant found him," Tim replied. "He was a houseguest until Sunday afternoon. His name is—and this is for real—John Buba Jenkins. Buba was his mother's maiden name. Everyone calls him Buba. Of course, I called him Master Buba. Has a ring to it, don't you think?"

"Yes," I replied. "It does. Will he become a fixture in the lives of Master Grant, Master David, and you?"

"Too early to tell," I replied. "Master Grant knew him from New York. Master Buba recently moved here for work. He's a real estate developer. His firm is expanding into the Chicago market. He might be of assistance to Tyron and his brother. I told him about the brothers. He was interested in meeting them."

"Terrific," I replied. "How is Buba in bed?"

"Master Buba is one terrific fuck," Tim replied. "His dick is slightly bigger than Master Grant and Master David's dick. He has the energy of a nuclear bomb only he lasts longer than any man I have been fucked by. Yesterday morning, he spent three hours in my ass. He kept edging himself. Needless to say, I was in heaven."

"What did Master Grant and Master David do while Buba fucked you?" I asked.

"They managed to snare a twenty-two-year-old muscle bottom who was at the gathering on Saturday," Tim replied. "His name is Wayne. You will probably be seeing Wayne around here from time-to-time. I believe you would like him."

"The more the merrier," I replied.

"Tell me more about the prince," Tim suggested.

"He's Persian," I explained. "He is indeed a prince, but he and his family do not have a kingdom any longer. They keep using the titles. But, unless a miracle happens, he will not be King."

"Too bad," Tim replied. "He is incredibly handsome."

"He is, indeed," I replied.

"What is his interest in you?" Tim asked.

"He wants to be with me again," I replied. "He and Master Jose are in discussions about the two of them using me. And, then, the prince made it exceedingly clear he wants to be with you and me. The three of us. For a weekend, at least. But, he wants to rent you and me. He, I believe, sees the rental arrangement a form of power. He buys. He takes. No questions asked."

"What turns the prince on while he is renting us/you/me?" Tim asked.

"I only have 24 hours of first-hand experience with the prince," I explained. "You felt him when he looked at you, didn't you?"

"Yes," Tim replied. "It felt like he was entering my mind. He took over completely."

"He does," I replied. "I found myself doing whatever he wanted me to do without even telling me what to do. It was an amazing feeling. I even felt him taking over my mind while we were together at your gathering."

"He was," Master Jose said as he walked into the kitchen. "Babak and I discussed you and him earlier this morning. He was taken with you before last night. He is even more taken with you after last night. And, he's not asking to borrow you, Steven. He wants to rent you. Regularly. Long weekends. He's agreed to pay a premium for you, Steven."

"How much of a premium?" Tim asked.

"Twice the normal fee," Master Jose replied. "So, for a long weekend, he will pay $60 thousand for your services."

"Holy shit!" Tim exclaimed. "How much is this prince worth?"

"His family owns one of the largest private reserves of oil in the world," Master Jose replied. "He and his brother Hasid are the family now his parents are diseased. They could own some countries."

"Master Ajmal owned a country," I replied with a smile. "I guess we own it now. We should all go for a visit."

"Where are we going?" Master David asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hasan," I replied. "The country we own."

"Oh! Yea! Silly me!" Master David replied. "How could I forget the country we own."

"Back to the prince, Master Jose," Tim added.

"Yes," Master Jose continued. "The prince and his brother are extremely well off."

"And quite enticing to boy Tim and boy Steven," Master David added. "I saw the way he looked at both of you. And the way you looked at him. Obvious, boys. You were very, very obvious."

"He also wants to rent Tim and Steven," Master Jose replied. "Then, he wants to rent Steven. Then, he wants to rent Tim. Then, the prince and his brother want to rent Steven. Do you see the dollars flowing here?"

"Yes," Master David replied. "At this rate, we could buy another jet."

"The thought had crossed my mind, David," Master Jose replied. "Especially since the prince and his brother will pay double the normal fee for a three-day period."

"Oh! My!" Master David exclaimed. "Maybe we need two more jets."

"One additional jet should suffice," Master Jose replied. "We already have the smaller one."

"Are you sure you weren't a business major, Jose?" Master David asked.

"Nope," Master Jose replied.

"What about Buba?" Master David asked.

"What about Buba?" Master Jose asked.

"He wants to rent Steven," Master David replied.

"Can he afford the rental price?" Master Jose asked.

"He says he can," Master David replied. "Frankly, I would pay to see him take Steven! He has a big fucking dick!"

"You didn't pay to see him take my ass, Master," Tim protested. He had his signature squinty eyes.

"I didn't need to pay to see him take you, boy," Master David continued. "Remember? You are my slave boy."

"Got it," Tim replied.

"You should check with Jake and Miguel," Master Jose replied. "Maybe they would put Steven and Buba in a film together. Think of the possibilities."

"So, to summarize," Tim began. "The prince wants to rent Steven for $60 grand for three days. The prince and his brother want to rent Steven and me for $120 grand also for a three-day weekend. The prince and his brother want to rent Steven for $60 grand. Buba wants to rent Steven. Master David, I believe you need to order another jet."


"Thank you for joining me this morning," Master David said to the group. Tim, Master Grant, Master Jose, Garrison, and I were summoned to an early afternoon meeting in Master David's office. "I have finally found a potential lead to our black hole in the trust. But, I want to warn you. I still have no clue about the reason Ajmal created this practically invisible entity. What I do know is this is a legal entity formed in Hassin—the country we own."

"Didn't Ajmal need to file a description of this entity to form it?" Master Jose asked.

"No," Master David continued. "Ajmal owned the country. He also created the laws of the country. So, he could do anything he wanted to do. So, now you know everything I know."

"What does this mean in terms of our position with the IRS and the FBI?" I asked.

"Only time will tell," Master David replied. "We need on the ground resources to determine our position with the black hole entity."

"As in visit?" I asked.

"Yes," Master David replied. "Any volunteers?"

"I am under the gun to finish the book," Tim replied. "Otherwise, I would volunteer to go with you, Master."

Everyone looked at me.

"No!" I replied. "I wouldn't know what to look for."

"Garrison would," Master David replied.

"Then, it is settled," Master Jose added. "Steven and Garrison will go to Hassin to find our black hole."

"But the people of Hassin know I am a slave boy," I countered. "I will need to be naked while I am in the country. It could be distracting."

"They have no idea who Garrison is," Master David replied. "He will be your Master during your stay in Hassin."

"Jeez!" I replied.

"Don't you want to be my boy, Steven?" Garrison asked.

"I would love to be your boy, Garrison," I explained. "I have commitments and responsibilities here."

"What if your clients were to meet you in Hassin?" Master Jose asked.

"You can't expect them to fly to Hassin after they spend thousands of dollars to have my body," I pleaded.

"Steven," Tim spoke up. "If they can afford your fee, I believe they could afford a plane ticket. Besides, it could be a selling point for your clients. They could do whatever they want to you on a public stage and not worry about being arrested."

"Thank you for your support, Tim," I replied.

"It's not like you need to fly to Hassin today," Master David continued. "We didn't know about our black hole until a few weeks ago. It hasn't bit us in the ass, so you could schedule your visit when you aren't booked with clients."

"Starting after this coming weekend, you have a free week, Steven," Master Jose replied. "You could go then. You and Garrison can fly back and forth until you have the matter resolved."

"So, it is settled," "Master Grant joined the conversation. "Garrison and Steven will be going to Hassin on Monday morning. When is Steven's next appointment, Jose?"

"He has the entire week free," Master Jose replied. "Pack lightly, boys. I don't believe you will need many changes of clothing."


"So, Steven," Chad the flight attendant said to me. "It seems you need to shed some clothing."

"I need to what?" I asked.

"Strip," Chad explained. "Your Master asked me to make certain you arrive at our destination naked. You will not have any clothing during your entire stay in Hassin. Naked. Stark naked. Stark raving naked. I can hang you clothing in the closet so they will not wrinkle."

I looked at Garrison.

"What the fuck are you waiting for, boy?" Garrison asked. "Chad is the number three person on this airplane. He is in charge when the pilot and copilot are in the cockpit. So, if Chad tells you to strip, you strip. Off with the fucking clothes, boy!"

"Yes, Sir," I mumble. "You like being my Master, don't you?"

"Absolutely, boy!" Garrison replied. "It is in my genes."

"As in Levi or DNA?" Chad asked.

"Both," Garrison replied.

I stripped and handed Chad my clothes for safe keeping.

"Now," Chad said after he had stored my clothes in a closet in the bedroom. "What can I get you boys? Coffee, tea, vodka?"

"Vodka," I replied. "I believe I will need it."

"Same," Garrison replied. "I need to be buzzed before I fuck my slave boy."

"Can I watch?" Chad asked.

"Buy the movie," Garrison replied.

"Does it include Steven hanging by his balls?" Chad asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Garrison replied. "Probably. In the city square. Huge crowds. God I'm getting hornier by the second."

Garrison and I nodded off after we had our second vodka. I woke up to find Garrison standing naked in front of me. His dick stood up straight.

"Get your fucking mouth on my dick, boy," Garrison demanded.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I dropped to my knees in front of Garrison's massive cock.

I slide Garrison's cock into my mouth, tongued it, and, then, shoved it down my throat.

"God he's good!" Chad exclaimed as he moved through the cabin.

"He's better than good," Garrison hissed.

I continued to work Garrison's dick. Chad stepped next to us and began playing with Garrison's nipples.

"Ooohhh fuck!" Garrison said as I continued to slide Garrison's dick in and out of my mouth and throat.

"I couldn't resist these," Chad said to Garrison as I worked on his dick.

"Then, don't," Garrison hissed as he began face fucking me. He held my head in place while he rammed his dick in and out of my throat. "Oh! Fuck!" Garrison moaned as his dick erupted with cum shooting down my throat.

Garrison pulled his still hard dick out of my ass after he had recovered. "Shit, Steven!" Garrison said as he pulled me in for a kiss. "You are one very fine cocksucker!"

"Thank you, Garrison," I said. "I'm glad I was available to help you through a critical period in our travel schedule."

"We will be landing shortly, gentlemen," Chad explained as he made his way to the service area of the plane. "Please prepare for landing."

"So, Steven," Garrison said as we took our seats. "What can I expect once we arrive in Hassin?"

"You will be treated like a God because you are my Master and a black muscle stud," I explained. "I on the other hand will be given none of the privileges you will receive. I am certain I will be punished in the public square more than once. I will be available for your use whenever you see fit. On the other hand, you might find some tasty men who will give you their body for a small fee."

"As long as I have you around, boy," Garrison began. "I won't think about paying for sex. If anything, they should be paying me!"

"A little conceited, Garrison?" I asked.

"Me?" Garrison said in mock horror.

The plane dropped from the sky and landed perfectly in Hassin.

Chad walked through the cabin one last time before our driver met us. "Garrison, I believe you should put on some clothes. Steven, of course, will not."

"Thank you for the advice, Chad," Garrison replied. "Boy! Get my clothes from the bedroom."

"Yes, Master," I said as I left to retrieve Garrisons clothes he shed before I sucked him off.

"Here you are, Master," I said to Garrison as I handed him his clothes. I assumed the position and waited until Garrison finished dressing.

"Let's get started, Steven," Garrison replied as he clipped my leash onto my collar.

I recognized our driver from the previous trip. "Welcome gentlemen," the man said as he stepped up to greet us in the terminal. "I am Clyde, your driver."

"Good morning, Clyde," Garrison said as he tugged on the leash signaling me to follow behind him as he accompanied Clyde to the car. "I'm Garrison, and this, I am sure you remember, is Steven."

"Of course, I remember Steven," Clyde replied. "Who could forget Steven? Everyone had their own Steven stories to tell."

"Everyone?" Garrison asked.

"Well, everyone who had the pleasure of fucking him," Clyde replied. "Which is just about every free man in town."

"I see," Garrison said with a smile on his face.

Clyde quickly drove us to the center of the only town in Hassin.

"Here we are, gentlemen," Clyde said as he exited the car and opened Master Garrison's door. "Master Garrison, this is your personal assistant Pierce. He will be available to you 24 hours of every day you are visiting our lovely country."

Pierce caught Garrison's eye. He looked menacing. The muscular 6-foot-tall ebony man stood naked in front of Garrison.

"Welcome to our country, Sir," Pierce explained. "We are honored to have you as our guest. I will show you to your room. While we make you comfortable in your suite of rooms, Gar will take slave Steven into the exam room for his physical. Steven will not need to undergo the complete battery of tests because he has visited us before. The exam is necessary to find any recent changes in his abilities. It should only take a couple of hours."

Gar turned out not to be a little man. He was tall—probably at least six-feet-tall. His hairy, overweight body did nothing to excite me. Although, I knew he wasn't trying to excite me but to excite himself. It seemed to be working as the bulge in his tight-fitting shorts began to expand.

"So kind of you to forgo the complete battery of tests," Garrison said as he smiled at me. "I am certain he will pass with flying colors."

As Pierce led Garrison to his suite of rooms, Gar grabbed my collar, clipped a leash on it, and tugged at the leash to summon me to the exam room.

We entered a brightly lit room. A sling hung in the center of the room. A St. Andrews Cross occupied the wall behind the sling.

"We are not giving you the full battery of tests, so we decided to use the small exam room," Gar explained. I detected a hint of a German accent.

Gar led me to the sling and pushed me backward into it. I watched as he undid his shorts and slipped them off. He stepped into a pair of black boots instead of the sandals he wore earlier. His dick began to harden. It kept growing and growing and growing.

"Holy shit!" I gasped as Gar began to stroke his monster uncut dick.

"It is 39 millimeters long and 15 mm in circumference—or about 15 inches by about 6 inches," Gar explained. "I do not fuck gently. I understand you like it rough, right, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I was a little concerned Gar might have a heart attack if he became too excited.

"I also do not use lube," Gar continued. "Using lube hinders the energy flow."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I have heard about the unpleasant side effects of using lube. One of my clients doesn't use lube. So, I am familiar with the concept."

"Good!" Gar growled.

He took his position between my legs. Gar put my legs in restraints to hold my legs in the perfect fucking position.

I felt his massive dick against my asshole.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as Gar's huge dick rammed all the way into my ass. I felt his pubic hairs rub against my balls.

Gar kept pounding. I kept moaning until, after several minutes of nonstop fucking, the big man roared with the pleasure of a massive orgasm. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Gar slumped over my body as he recovered. His cum flooded my ass.

"Now, boy," Gar said as he slipped his giant dick out of my ass. "I will return you to your Master. We have sessions scheduled every day while you are with us. I need to make certain you are still in the best of physical health."

"Yes, Sir," I said as Gar helped me out of the sling.

"Perhaps tomorrow, I can enjoy your big balls," Gar said with a smirk on his face.

Gar dressed quickly, reconnected the leash, and led me to Master Garrison in the suite of rooms he occupied.

"Thank you for returning him, Gar," Master Garrison replied. "How did the exam go?"

"The boy is in top physical condition now, Sir," Gar explained. "I will know more after our session tomorrow."

"Very pleased to hear it, Gar," Master Garrison replied. "We look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sir," Gar said as he left us in the suite.

"So, boy," a naked Garrison said as he reclined on the overstuffed chaise lounge. He sipped Champagne from an expensive looking crystal flute. "How was the exam?"

"Extremely thorough," I said as I glared at Garrison. "Aren't you planning on asking me if I would like to join you, Master?"

"How gauche on my part, Steven," Garrison said as he motioned for me to join him in the chaise lounge. Garrison reached over, grabbed a second flute, and poured a healthy about of Champagne into the flute. "I have been told this is the best champagne available in this country."

I took a sip. "Very tasty, Garrison. Did you miss me while I endured the exam from hell?"

"Of course, I missed you, Steven," Garrison replied. "Pierce has one really fine ass."

"It figures," I replied. "I get fucked by an overweight man with a dick the size of a baseball bat. You get a hot piece of ass."

"These are the roles we are destine to play for the next week," Garrison continued. "Now, what would you like to do for fun, Steven? We could stroll down Main Street and watch the public flogging of two slaves. We could stay in and fuck and drink. We could go to the public square and fuck and drink. Which would be your choice?"

"Stay in and fuck and drink," I replied. "I think I would like to switch from the Champagne to a vodka on the rocks. Gar did a number on my ass. Two hours of getting fucked by an overweight man with a 15-inch-long dick can take its toll. He has a fucking lot of energy for a big man."

"I promise to go easy on your ass tonight, Steven," Garrison hissed as he pulled me towards him. We began to kiss. Not just any kiss, but an insanely passionate one. Garrison's kisses made my senses kick into overdrive. "Have I ever told you I love you, Steven?"

"Yes," I replied. "I believe we were in New York on one of our rent-boy jaunts. Have I ever told you I love you, Garrison?"

"Yes," Garrison replied. "It was also right before I said I loved you."

"What do you want from me tonight, Garrison?" I asked.

"I am going to fuck your ass until my dick is about ready to fall off," Garrison explained. "I will try something I have wanted to try for a long time. I intend to edge my way into one of the most intensive orgasms I've ever had. But, before we start this marathon fuck session, I think we both need a vodka on the rocks and something to eat."

"Why don't we just drink our dinner?" I asked.

Garrison reached for the telephone and punched a button.

"Room service," the voice on the other end of the phone said. "This is Ron. What can I bring you, Sir?"

"Ron," Garrison began. "We want to switch from this yummy champagne to vodka on the rocks. So, could you please bring your finest bottle of vodka, two rocks glasses, and a cheese tray with some fruit as well."

"Yes, Sir," Ron replied. "Anything else, Sir?"

"No," Garrison responded. "We are all set!"

"Please give me about five minutes, Sir," Ron said as he and Garrison ended the call.

"Now, Steven," Garrison continued. "While we wait on Ron to arrive, I need my dick sucked. Do not stop when Ron is in the room. I believe you might like to nibble on something more than the cheese and fruit tray."

"Yes, Sir," I said as I slid Garrison's rock hard dick down my throat.

"Am I interrupting, Sir?" Ron asked.

"No, Ron," Garrison replied. "Put the cart in the bedroom. When you come back, I would like Steven to taste you, Ron. I suspect your big, Hispanic, uncut dick will taste very good for Steven. He is a connoisseur of dick. I believe from the look of the bulge in your jeans, yours must be absolutely first rate. Drop you pants, Ron, and get naked. We want to see you in all your glory, Ron. We want to see you big, Hispanic, uncut cock, Ron. Steven is preparing to make you a happy man, Ron. Let's see your big dick, Ron."

Ron stood silently and in amazement about what he was seeing and hearing. But, he quickly shed his shirt and jeans after Garrison said, `Let's see your big dick, Ron.' He wore nothing else. His dick bounced to full mast once he pushed his jeans beyond his crotch.

"Jesus!" I muttered as I stopped sucking to watch Ron shuck his clothes. His Hispanic, uncut dick loomed large in my mind as well as my vision.

Ron stood naked in front of us. He topped 6 feet tall and had a muscled smooth body, obviously saved. His perfectly muscled chest and arms highlighted his massive dick. Stubble started springing from his head and chin. A slight mustache grew on his face.

I've never in my life wanted a dick like I wanted Ron's. I salivated over his 13-inch-long, uncut dick.

"What would you like Steven to do, Ron?" Garrison asked.

"I want him to suck my dick," Ron began. Lust began to fill his eyes as he spoke. "I want to piss in his mouth. I want to cum in his mouth. I want to fuck his ass."

"Take him, Ron," Garrison ordered. "Take him and make him yours, Ron. Make Steven perform like he has never performed before, Ron."

A partial smile turned into a lust filled smirk.

"Get over here, boy," Ron demanded. "I need to piss."

"Yes, Sir," I exclaimed as I left Garrison reclined on the chaise lounge.

I dropped to my knees in front of my prize. I could smell the sex radiating from Ron's well-muscled body. I slowly took Ron's dick into my mouth and waited for his gift.

"I hope you like piss, boy," Ron hissed "I have a lot to give. "

"Thank you, Sir," I moaned just before his stream started.

It started as a trickle and mushroomed into a steady stream. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. Ron's warm piss continued. I kept swallowing. Finally, his stream of piss began to slow. When it stopped, Ron pulled his still hard dick out of my mouth and shook it in my face. A few drops of his piss landed on my face.

"Ron," Garrison said. "You may fuck the boy now. Steven will be busy over the next 24 h hours. I can tell he wants your dick your dick buried in his ass, Ron. So, take him and make him yours, Ron. Take him. Give him the ride of his life, Ron."

Ron grabbed me by the collar and pulled me to my feet. He looked down at me and met my eyes. His eyes seemed to burn a whole through my head and land squarely in my mind.

"Listen, boy, fucking is my favorite hobby," Ron explained. "And, when I fuck a boy, I take a long time. I hope you have the stamina, boy. If not, I will fuck the life out of you. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Ron pushed me towards a table. "Bend over, boy," Ron growled as he took a bottle of lube from Garrison.

As he applied the lube on his dick with one hand, he began to finger my hole with the other hand. His hand moved away to be replaced with his dick.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I moaned as his dick rammed into my ass with one swift push.

"Nice fucking ass, boy," Ron exclaimed. "You are one lucky dude to have this ass whenever you want it."

"Yes, I am, Ron," Garrison replied. "You're welcome to help me use the boy's ass, Ron. I like the boy to be well used, Ron. What is your schedule like for the next 24 hours, Ron?"

"It is your call, Sir," Ron replied as he paused with his dick fully embedded in my ass. "I am here to serve you, Sir, and you alone. So, my time is your time, Sir!"

"Very good, Ron," Garrison replied. "Tell me, Ron. Are all of the men here in Hassin huge dicked men?"

"We need to be at least 10 inches long to work here," Ron explained.

"And, who made the determination of 10 inches or longer?" Garrison asked.

"The founder of our country, Sir," King Ajmal Hassin. "We have been waiting for the coming of the next King since King Hassin passed away."

"Do you know when this new King will appear?" Garrison asked.

"Our Advisors, who oversee day-to-day operations of Hassin, have told us it is imminent," Ron explained. "Now, Sir, if you don't have any other questions, I would like to fuck the boy."

"Of course, Ron," Garrison said. "I'm sorry I was holding you up. My apologies, Ron. I want to see a show here, Ron. Give me a show."

The words were still on Garrison's tongue when Ron began his barrage of my ass. I grabbed the edge of the table to keep me from catapulting off the table on Ron's powerful stab with his dick into my ass.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned.

I repeatedly moaned with each inward stab. "Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh...!"

"Harder, Ron," Garrison ordered. "Fuck him harder!"

Ron fucked me harder. So hard in fact the table began moving on his inward thrusts. He kept pounding. I kept moaning. "Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh...!"

I felt Ron's sweat drip onto my body. He was sweating profusely. I felt Ron's body stiffen, and I felt his cum explode from his dick into my ass.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" Ron bellowed. "Haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaa... haaaa... haaaa...!" Ron gave a grunt with each rope of cum shooting out of his dick.

Ron's sweat covered body rested on top of me. His dick still firmly embedded in my ass. His breathing began to slow, and he lifted his body.

"Did you like fucking the boy, Ron?" Garrison asked.

"Yes, Sir," Ron replied when he could finally speak.

"Would you like to have more of his ass, Ron?" Garrison asked.

"Yes, Sir," Ron replied.

"Good, Ron," Garrison added. "For the moment, I believe you can have time to rest and recuperate until later this evening. I have a few items I need to discuss with Steven. So, if you will excuse us, I look forward to seeing you in about three hours."

"Thank you, Sir," Ron replied. "I am looking forward to seeing you, Sir. Thank you."

Ron grabbed his clothes and retreated out the door.

"Well," Garrison said. "Ron worked out well, I think. How do you feel about Ron, boy?"

"Ron has a lot of energy," I replied as I removed myself from the table.

"Oh! Steven!" Garrison exclaimed. "You have cum leaking out of your ass."

"I can remove it if you'd like, Sir," I said.

"No," Garrison continued. "It won't be necessary."

"Come over here, Steven, and sit with me," Garrison said as he patted the seat of the chaise lounge.

As I sat down next to Garrison he surprised me by grabbing me and pulling me on top of him. He initiated a kiss. I melted into Garrison's passion. After a few minutes, Garrison pulled away from the kiss and looked at me in the eye.

"I enjoyed watching Ron fuck you, Steven," Garrison added. "Now, it is my turn. I want you in bed. First though, we need a drink."


"So, Ron," Garrison said after we had eaten breakfast. The three of us were sitting naked and smelling of cum, sweat, and piss. "Where does one go to retrieve information about a business entity which was formed some years ago?"

"What kind of business entity?" Ron asked.

"We are not certain," Garrison replied. "It was set up by King Ajmal Hassin several years ago."

"Ah!" Ron began to explain. "You need to visit the Office of Official Kingdom Business. You should ask for Landeski Simple. He is the Director of Records for the Office of Official Kingdom Business. He can retrieve the file from the Records Vault located on the Palace grounds."

"There is a Palace?" Garrison asked.

"Of course," Ron replied. "It's where King Hassin resided when he was in the country. The last time, he stayed in the tourist zone instead of the Palace grounds."

"I see," Garrison responded. "Can Steven visit the Office of Official Kingdom Business since he is a slave?"

"Of course," Ron replied. "If he is with you, he can go anywhere in the country."

"Good," Garrison added. "Now, if you will excuse us, Ron. We need to shower and dress... Well, I will dress. Will you be available tonight?"

"Yes, Sir," Ron replied.

"We will expect you for cocktails and dinner, Ron," Garrison explained. "Cocktails start at 7 pm. Expect to spend the night again, Ron. I have plans for you. You will, I suspect, enjoy yourself very, very much tonight."

"I will see you at 7 tonight, Sir," Ron added. "If you need anything before cocktails, please contact me at the service office."

"Thank you, Ron," Garrison replied. "You have been most helpful."

"How is your ass today, Steven?" Garrison asked.

"Well used," I replied.

"Good," Garrison added. "By the time we leave here, I believe your ass will give the world new meaning to the term, `a well-used ass.'"

Garrison fucked me while we showered. We finally left for our visit to the Office of Official Kingdom Business.

We walked into the Office of Official Kingdom Business to discover half of the men who worked at the office naked. The other half wore tight black shorts and a white tank top—nothing else.

Garrison strode into the office with an air of power. He walked to the information desk and explained to the naked man behind the desk, "We are here to see Landeski Simple."

"Do you have an appointment?" the man asked.

"Yes," Garrison replied. "My personal assistant at the resort made the appointment for us. Garrison and Steven."

"One moment, please," the man picked up the phone and pressed buttons. "Mr. Simple. I have Garrison and Steven here to see you... Yes... I will escort them to your office, Sir."

"I am Arnold," the man said. "I will escort you to Mr. Simple's office."

"Thank you, Arnold," Garrison said as we followed Arnold to Mr. Simple's office.

Garrison and I both starred at the back of Arnold's well-developed body. I felt my dick beginning to harden.

Arnold paused and opened the door to Mr. Simple's office. He held the door open as we entered. Another naked man stood from behind his desk. "I'm John. I am Mr. Simple's assistant. Please follow me."

Mr. Simple stood to greet us. He was dressed in tight leather pants and a tight leather shirt.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," Mr. Simple greeted us. "I understand you are looking for information about a business entity King Hassin set up several years ago."

"Yes," Garrison replied. "We represent the Trust which is now in charge of King Hassin's estate."

"Very good, gentlemen," Mr. Simple said as Garrison handed Mr. Simple the sketchy description of our black hole. "Ah! I believe I can have the file here tomorrow from the Records Vault. Is this acceptable?"

"Of course," Garrison replied. "We plan to stay in Hassin until Sunday afternoon."

"Perfect," I replied. "Perhaps you would like to join some of us for a party at the Palace Pool on

"Of course, we would like to join you," Garrison replied. "How should we dress?"

"I wouldn't worry too much about dressing," Mr. Simple replied. "I believe the other guests will be most impressed with your bodies."

We arranged to meet Mr. Simple at his office the following afternoon.


"Gentlemen," Mr. Simple greeted us. "I have retrieved the file of the business entity you investigating. It appears King Hassin established this business entity as a vehicle to provide collateral for a line of credit."

"Line of credit for what?" Garrison asked.

"It is not exactly specified as to the purpose of the line of credit," Mr. Simple replied. "It has significant assets from our records."

"How much is significant?" Garrison asked.

"The business entity underwent an audit last year," Mr. Simple replied. "It's worth is approximately $10 billion."

"Holy shit!" Garrison and I exclaimed in unison.

"What amount has someone or something, whoever or whatever it may be, received in terms of credit?" Garrison asked.

"From what I can tell, nothing," Mr. Simple replied. "But, I really don't know why the money is sitting where it is."

"Where is it sitting?" Garrison asked.

"Bank of Hassin," Mr. Simple replied.

"And where is the Bank of Hassin located?" Garrison asked.

"Across the street," Mr. Simple replied. "However, it only opens once a week from 10 am until 12 pm."

"Why?" Garrison asked.

"King Ajmal Hassin was its only customer," Mr. Simple replied. "

"You will probably find more information if you contact the bank which offered the line of credit. I will give you the contact information as soon as I receive it from the Office of Contact Information. Ah! Here it is now!"

Another naked man walked into Mr. Simple's and handed him the file. Simple's

"Thank you, Bradly," Mr. Simple responded as he returned his attention to Garrison and me. "


Garrison and I walked down the street towards a restaurant some had recommended.

"Steven!" I heard a voice in the distance.

I stopped and turned to see the voice belonged to my Master I served when I visited Hassin with Master Marcus and Master Ajmal.

"Hello," Master said to Garrison. "I am Bondo, a power Master here. I was Steven's power slave when he was here with his other Masters. This is my friend and fellow power slave. His name is Angel."

Master Bondo and Angel shook Garrison's hand.

"What brings you to Hassin?" Bondo asked Garrison.

"A business matter," Garrison replied.

"Pity," Angel replied. "Bondo and I had a wonderful experience with Steven. Bondo and I speak often about him."

"We will be leaving Hassin in a few months," Bondo said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We will be 19," Bondo continued. "We are no longer adequate slaves to work on our guests."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back to Gambia," Angel replied. "We face prison. We are scared. We will probably die at the hands of the militia."

"Why?" I asked.

"We are homosexual," Bondo explained. "It is the reason we fled to Hassin."

"Can't you go to some other country?" I asked.

"We have no money," Angel replied. "It costs money to go to another country. If we had money, we could buy ourselves from our Master."

"Consider yourselves bought," I replied. "You will come to America with us."

"How can we get them into the country?" Garrison asked.

"Adopt them," I replied. "Just like I did with Ramesh."

"Okay," Garrison said softly. "How much do each of you cost?"

"In US money, about $10 thousand," Bando said wistfully.

"Where is your Master now?" I asked.

"His office is next to the Bank of Hassin," Angel replied.

I quickly called David.

"Master," I said into the phone. "I need a favor from you."

"Name it," David replied.

"I need about $50 thousand in cash," I said into the phone. "This is a humanitarian issue. I can explain when Garrison and I return."

"I will wire it to the Bank of Hassin," David replied.

"I don't have an account at the Bank of Hassin," I added.

"Yes you do," David replied. "You and Garrison both have an account at the Bank of Hassin. I opened them when I learned of your plans to find more information on our black hole. I'm just curious, but why do you need $50 thousand."

"We are buying two slaves," I replied

"As Tim would say, `Of course. Buying a slave. Silly me,'" David replied. "The money will be there within an hour."

"I will let you know how this works out," I said. "Garrison will explain our situation with the black hole."

"Okay," David replied. "I assume buying two slaves take precedence over finding the black hole."

"Yes, it does," I replied with a smile as I ended the call.

"How did you get cell service in Hassin?" Garrison asked.

"King Hassin had it wired," I explained. "The signals here are relayed to the US."

Bondoc pointed to a one-story brick building next the Bank of Hassin. "Our Master works there."

"Okay," Garrison began. "How are your negotiating skills Steven?"

"I used to be," I replied. "I'm a little rusty."

"I am certain you will rise to the occasion," Garrison replied.

We stepped through the door to find Bondoc and Angels Master sitting at a desk. He was startled to see visitors, especially visitors accompanied by his slaves.

"What may I do for you, gentlemen?" the man said as he stood. He was wearing an outfit like Mr. Simple's. His six-foot frame filled his leather pants and leather shirt quite nicely. "I am Gee, by the way. I hope you haven't had a problem with my boys."

"Oh, no," I replied. "On the contrary, we just wanted to speak with you about Bondoc and Angel. We might be willing to buy them from you if we can agree on a price."

"I have them listed on the Slave Broker website for about one month," Gee explained. "I listed them for $15 thousand each.

"Your price seems somewhat high, Gee," I replied. "What is your best offer? We will pay in cash."

"How does a slave boy think he can buy a slave?" Gee asked.

"My Master said so," I replied nodding to Garrison.

"I see," Gee continued. "What will you do with two slaves?"

"We haven't decided yet," I replied. "My Master is considering his options."

"I'll tell you what I am willing to take for these two," Gee continue. "$10 thousand each and a night with you, boy."

"We have a deal, then," Garrison replied. "We will go next door and withdraw the money. We will return and sign the bill of sale. Once all the paperwork has been processed, I will leave Steven here to please you. But, I must warn you, if you re return Steven with any damage to his body, I will hunt you down and break every fucking bone in your fucking body. Do you understand, Gee?"

"I understand completely," Gee replied. "My goal is to enjoy the boy's ass and mouth."

"How big is your dick, Gee?" Garrison asked.

"A little over twelve-inches," Gee replied. "Isn't it, Angel?"

"Yes, Sir," Angel replied.

We signed the documents making the sale official. Garrison handed the bag containing the $20 thousand to Gee.

"We will see you tomorrow morning, boy," Garrison said as Bondoc, Angel, and he retreated through the door.

"I promise we will have a wonderful time together," Gee began. "One of your first duties will be to drink my piss and then suck me off."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I assumed the position and waited while Gee stripped.

When he pulled off his leather shirt, I gasp at the sight of his extremely muscular chest and arms. Much of his right arm is covered in tattoos which emphasized his huge biceps. He removed his shoes and then his leather pants.

I was quite surprised at Master Gee's dick. It looked to be huge even when soft.

"I told your master I was twelve-inches long," Gee explained. "I am—when soft. I believe you will be impressed when it is hard."

"I will be impressed with anything you do, Master," I replied. "You have a beautiful body, Sir."

"Thank you, boy," Master Gee responded. "Now, it is time to show me what you can do, boy! I need to piss really, really badly!"

"Yes, Sir," I said as I sunk to my knees in front of Master Gee's giant cock.

I took the monster cock into my mouth and waited for Master Gee's piss to begin flowing. It started as a slow trickle. A steady stream. A gushing rush of piss filled my mouth as I swallowed as quickly as possible. I didn't miss a drop.

Master Gee pulled is dick out of my mouth and slammed it across my face. It had begun to harden and grow. He started to stroke his dick to facilitate getting fully hard.

"So, what do you have to say about my dick, now, boy?" Master Gee asked.

"It is beyond beautiful, Sir," I replied. My own dick stirred as I contemplated have his huge cock in my ass.

"I am happy you approve," Master Gee said to me. "Lick my dick and balls, boy. Don't forget to clean under my foreskin."

"Yes, Sir," as I dove in to use my tongue to heighten Master Gee's erotic mood.

His cock, balls, and crotch were shaved. I continued for several minutes until Master Gee spoke again, "I believe we need to move our festivities to the playroom in the back."

"Yes, Master," I agreed.

"Crawl, boy," Master Gee directed me.

"Yes, Master," I responded as I dropped to all fours and began to follow Master Gee.

Master Gee flicked on the lights. His playroom definitely fit his plans for me while we are together.

The room had a sling, a saw horse, an exam chair which would be perfect in an OBGYN's exam room, and in the corner, he had a fucking machine. I noticed several of the dildos were the same size as Master Gee's dick or bigger.

"I am putting you on the sawhorse," Master Gee explained. "I love fucking a boy when he is tied to an immobile object. Just the sight of a boy tethered to a saw horse gets my dick hard."

Master Gee moved in front of the saw horse. I crawled behind him.

"Stand up, boy," Master Gee ordered.

I stood.

"Bend over the saw horse, boy," Master Gee continued with his instructions.

I bent over the saw horse. Master Gee lifted my legs onto the leg rest. He tied my wrists to the front of the saw horse. My ass aligned in a perfect position to take Master Gee's monster cock.

"Nice sight, boy," Master Gee said to me as he flicked on a monitor in front of my head. My ass prominently took up most of the screen. "This is a scene of beauty, boy. This, in my opinion, is the greatest gift I can give you. I will give you my dick. Later, I will give you my cum. My dick and cum will give you new insights into serving men, boy. Mark my word, you will learn a very valuable lesson."

I heard Master Gee slathering lube on his extra big, uncut dick. I gasp slightly when his dick brushed against my asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as he slammed his huge dick into my ass in one quick stroke.

Master Gee immediately put all his energy, all his physical power, and all his mind into taking my ass and claiming it as his.

I moaned with each inward thrust. His power overwhelmed me. His energy brought me into my mind as I concentrated on Master Gee's dick. He went on and on and on with no letup of speed or power. He owned me.

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" he bellowed as I felt his cum fill my body.

Master Gee didn't pull out. He stood with his dick still solidly impaled in my ass.

He finally spoke, "Your ass should be mine. I would use it often. You like my dick, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.


"So, how was your evening with Gee?" Garrison asked as I entered our suite of rooms.

"Eventful," I replied. "The man had either his dick, his arm, or his fucking machine in my ass for the entire time I was with him. Needless to say, I will need a respite from being fucked for a few hours. How was your evening?"

"Eventful," Garrison replied. "Bondoc and Angel are quite the slave boys, aren't they?"

"Yes," I replied. "They do have a way of making men happy."

"Have you told Tim you are bringing two sons home with you?" Garrison asked.

"Not yet," I replied. "I have considered my options. I think I will just surprise him."

"As you walk through the door, yell, `Surprise!'" Garrison added with a smile.

"The bigger question is what we do with them once they are in the US," I continued. "We have enough horny men living with us as it is. Adding another two would be a challenge."

"Good question," Garrison replied. "Do they have any interests beyond sex?"

"We should ask them," I added. "Where are they?"

"They went to the barracks to collect their belongings and tell their fellow slave boys they will be undertaking a new journey," Garrison explained. "They are excited about going to the US with us."

"I'm certain they are," I continued. "Bondoc and Angel will certainly stand out in a crowd. I am still in awe by their bodies. They are a work of art in many ways."

"We could ask Jake and Miguel if they have a role for them in an upcoming film," Garrison suggested. "They would certainly fill up the screen. Did they ever fuck you, Steven?"

"Yes," I explained. "Several times. I was also bullwhipped by both of them in separate events."

"And?" Garrison asked.

"I hope I can convince them of a repeat performance," I said. "Even the thought of them bullwhipping me makes my dick hard."

"The thought of watching them bullwhip you makes mine hard, too," Garrison added. "Maybe we should do something about our hard dicks, boy."

"Such as?" I asked.

"Sixty-nine," Garrison replied. "I would suggest I fuck you, but I understand your need to give your ass some time off."

"Thank you for your understanding, Garrison," I said as I crawled in bed with him. "How about a kiss before?"

"Good idea," Garrison replied as he pulled me on top of him. "I love your body, Steven. I love it more than I love you."

"You can't," I replied. "Me and my body are one in the same."

"I know, but your body makes me feel good," Garrison said. "Your mind just entertains me.t

"We're back," Bondoc said at the top of his lungs.

"In the bedroom," Garrison replied.

"Sorry," Angel said as he and Bondoc walked into the bedroom. "Are we interrupting something?"

"No," Garrison replied. "Steven and I were just laying down for a nap."

"After we finished blowing each other," I added.

"May we help?" Bondoc asked.

"What did you have in mind?" Garrison asked.

"We would enjoy giving you a blowjob," Angel answered. "Or you could fuck us. What would give you the most pleasure, Masters?"

"Give us a blowjob while we kiss," Garrison replied. "Shit! I just thought of something really, really hot!"

"Why do I think I will be involved with some form of public display?" I asked.

"You are," Garrison replied. "A revival of good times of the past. Bondoc and Angel could whip you in the public square and then fuck you. Don't you think it would be hot, Steven?"

"Not today," I replied.

"Maybe tomorrow evening," Garrison added.

"Are you helping?" I asked Garrison.

"Having a third would definitely give the event some depth," Garrison responded. "What do you guys want?"

"One of us should bullwhip his back while the other flogs the front of his body," Angel suggested. "You can be the first to fuck him."

"Excellent plan, Angel," Garrison replied. "Don't you believe this is an excellent plan, Steven?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

"No," Garrison responded. "You do not have a choice."

"I thought so," I replied. "Can I ask Angel to fuck me?"

"Yes, but I thought your ass is too used," Garrison responded.

"I will make an exception," I explained. "Just looking at Angel's hard dick makes me want him. I need him in me. Otherwise, I might explode."


"We don't want you exploding, Steven," Garrison said. "Someone would need to clean up the mess."

"Angel," I said as I pulled him on the bed. "I need you Angel. I need you to fuck me. I need it, Angel. I need to feel your big, uncut, black dick rip my ass apart, Angel. Please."

Angel rolled on top of me and kissed me. "Can I make love to you, Steven?"

"Yes," I said quietly. "Please make love to me."

His big brown eyes glistened in our dimly lit bedroom. I pulled him down so I could kiss him. I brushed my mouth over his. I felt my whole body tingle when our lips met, and we began to gently, yet passionately, kiss one another.

Angel lifted his body from mine. He pushed my legs wide apart and put my ankles over his shoulders. He leaned in. His dick brushed against my asshole. My body shuddered. His gaze caught mine.

I suddenly realized every inch Angel's huge dick stuffed my ass.

"You feel wonderful inside me, Angel," I whispered. "I could do this forever."

"Good," Angel whispered back. Our eyes locked as he began to slowly massage the inside of my ass with his monster cock.

My soul moved out of my body. I saw a beautiful sight. My massive black, muscled man—my lover—moved slowly pulling out and then back in. His muscles were rippling with every move. Even the slightest move was an awesome sight.

I seemed to move beyond the space we occupied. I saw Tim. Master Grant's perfect body moved with grace and passion as he made love to my husband. Their eyes were locked on one another.

"I love you, Tim," Master Grant whispered.

"I love you, too, Master," Tim whispered.

"When I am making love to you, Tim," Master Grant whispered back. "My name is Grant."

"Thank you, Grant," Tim replied in a soft voice as Grant leaned down to kiss him.

"Oh! Fuck!" Angel screamed bringing me back to my body. His body shuddered above mine as his massive orgasm filled my ass with his cum. Angel lowered his body onto mine as he recovered. His sweat mixed with mine. His eyes found mine again. "I shouldn't say this, Steven, but I love you."

"I love you, too, Angel," I whispered.

My sweaty lover Angel lowered his body to rest on top of mine while he caught his breath. His dick remained inside me. Finally, he could speak, "You give me inspiration."

"You just gave me a whole lot more than inspiration, Angel," I whispered as I put my fingers to his lips. He moved so we could look at one another. "You are so beautiful, Angel. You make me feel happy and safe."

"I don't want to let you go, Steven," Angel whispered. "But, Garrison and Bondoc retired to the living room after Garrison shot his load into Bondoc. You don't remember him shouting, do you, Steven?"

"No," I replied.

"You were on a journey, weren't you?" Angel asked. "Where did you go?"

"I saw my husband Tim with his Master Grant," I explained. "Master Grant was making love to Tim. He said, `I love you' to Tim. Tim said, `I love you too' to Master Grant. At first, I didn't know if either of his Masters and Tim had connected and built feelings for one another. Apparently, they have."

"Are you sad, Steven?" Angel asked.

"No," I replied. "Quite the opposite. I am happy. Happy Tim has found something I have also found. I was in love with Master Ajmal and Master Marcus. I loved them differently than I love Tim. Now they are gone. It made a huge hole in my heart. I am beginning to plug the hole. I love my Master Jose. I love Garrison. I love you. I love Bondoc. But, I love Tim, not more, but differently. Does this make sense to you Angel?"

"Yes," Angel replied. "I loved a man once before in my country. He was taken from me by my government. He was killed in a firing squad because he was homosexual and he protested about our civil rights. He was arrested, tried in a court of hate spewing judges, and sentenced to die in front of a firing squad. I know what the hole in your heart feels like. I was there. In some ways, I am still there. If I could, I would purge hate from the planet. But, I don't know how. I wish I did."

"Angel," I began. "If you feel strongly about ridding the world of hate—especially hatred of homosexual around the world—like your country, please join me. I have pledged to myself, to my dead Masters Ajmal and Marcus, to my sons, to my husband, to my Masters, to my friends to do what I can to purge hate. Do you want to join me Angel?"

"Yes," Angel replied. "I will follow your lead, Steven. I am not an educated person. My lover, Grayden, had a Masters in political science from Harvard. I learned much from him. I will be by your side, Steven, in memory of Grayden."

"You are a sweet man, Angel," I said as he kissed me before he pulled his still hard dick out of my ass. "When I saw you the first time in the Public Square, I stood in awe of your body. Now, I know you have much more to give. I will proudly stand beside you. I will protect you if you need protecting. I will give you words of kindness when you need them."

"Steven," I heard Garrison say after he stepped into the bedroom. "Angel will not need protecting."

Angel stepped onto the floor and pulled me out of bed with him. Angel put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. "Don't forget, Steven, I will be beside you."

"Why aren't hid dick still in your ass, Steven?" Garrison replied.

"We needed a break," Angel replied.


Garrison and I arrived back home on Sunday evening around 6 pm. I was just in time for cocktail hour with the rest of the family.

Tim practically jumped into my arms when I walked through the door.

"God! Steven," Tim exclaimed. "I missed you."

I held him close and kissed him. "I missed you, too! More than ever before." I suggested.

Tim stepped back. He looked into my eyes. "Something is different, Steven. What has happened?"

"Remember the movie How Stella Got Her Groove Back," I asked.

"It's an old movie, right?" Tim asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I got mine back too."

"I didn't know you were missing your groove," Tim added.

"Neither did I," I continued. "I met a man, and he took me on a Spirit Journey. We found my groove."

"Why don't you explain your Spirit Journey to the family while we have cocktails," Tim suggested. "Personally, I am parched."

"Sure," I replied. "I'm a little parched, as well. But, I have two men I want you to meet. "

Bondoc and Angel stepped into the entry hall.

"Tim, I'd like you to meet Bondoc and Angel," I said. "Bondoc and Angel, this is my husband Tim."

"It's nice to meet you," Tim greeted our guests. "Welcome to our home. Now, Steven, will you please tell me how these two extremely handsome men happen to be in Chicago and in our home?"

"Ah...," I stammered. "I knew them from my first visit to Hassin. Remember the two men who were my keepers? These are they. Bondoc and Angel faced deportation to Gambia because they were too old to serve as keepers. So, Garrison and I bought them from their Master. I adopted them so they would be allowed in this country."

"Let me see if I have the facts correct," Tim began. "You somehow learned Bondoc and Angel were to be deported to Gambia—which I somehow suspect might not welcome gay people. Then, you bought them from their Master and adopted them. What are your plans for these to extremely good looking men?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I couldn't let them be sent back to Gambia. They would have been executed."

Tim put his arms around me and pulled me close. "This is one of the reasons I love you so much. Now, let's have a drink."

As we entered the living room, Connor and Theo. accosted me "Dad!" Connor exclaimed. "We're glad you are back! We missed your charming wit and energetic conversational style."

"What's wrong, Connor?" I asked with squinty eyes.

"Nothing is wrong, Dad," Theo replied. "We're just glad you are home."

"Bullshit, guys," I said. "What is it you need from me?"

"We need to talk to you about something," Connor added. "We can talk later after you have time to relax and enjoy the company of the family."

"Okay," I replied. "Somehow, I believe I can hold my enthusiasm until later."

"Thanks, Dad," Theo added as the four of us joined the others in the living room.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I whispered to Tim.

"No idea," Tim whispered back.

"Nice to see you, Steven," Master Jose said as Tim and I entered the room followed by Connor and Theo. He hugged and kissed me. "I am eager to hear about your experiences with the Prince."

"There is a lot to tell, Sir," I replied.

This is my 59th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 60

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