Life with Tim

Published on Nov 2, 2016


Life With Tim Chapter 58

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Our families will never forget these two men. I certainly won't. Every day of my life, at every turn I take, I see—and I do mean see—them standing before me. Giving me advice. Giving me a helping hand when I am down or uncertain about certain situations. I smile when I see them. I laugh at their jokes. I melt at their touch. I always will. This is what happened when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack."

I decided I needed to say something else.

"As a masochist, I love pain. I can endure extreme pain. Today, for the first time in my life, reading this statement, I feel a whole new dimension of pain. A pain which hurt beyond anything I have endured. This pain suffocates. It crushed me from the inside leaving a gaping hole and tears streaming on my face. For the first time in my life, I felt my heart break..., and now I need to begin picking up the pieces."

"Thank you," I said as I took my seat with tears streaming down my face. When I sat down beside Tim, he took my hand and kissed it.

"I believe we need to take a 15-minute break," the Judge said.

Chapter 58: The Path

"So, Steven," Tim began after we were alone in the living room after I read the victim's impact statement in court. "You've not said a word since you sat down in the court room. Is there something I can do to make things better?"

"The part about my heart breaking in the statement hit me broadsided when I read it," I began. "But, I don't know how to pick up the pieces."

"Let's' go upstairs, crawl into bed, and cuddle," Tim replied. "We won't need to talk unless you want to tell me something. Okay? Let me help you get through this."

"Okay," I said as Tim led me up the stairs.

We took off our suites and hung them in the closet. Tim took my hand and we slowly walked to the bed and slid under the sheets.

"This feels so good, Tim," I whispered. "I am so lucky to have found you at the A-House. You mean the world to me, Tim. You always will."

"I'm the lucky one," Tim whispered back. "I would probably still be in Boston searching for Mr. Right in all of the wrong places. Remember, Steven, I am here for you. If your heart breaks I want to know about it so I can help pick up the pieces."

"Thank you," I whispered. "What do I do now? I can't sleep because I don't want Marcus and AJ rattling around in my head."

Tim didn't say anything. He held me. Someone knocked at the door.

"Come in," I said.

Our five beautiful teenage boys entered. They were still in their suites.

"If we are interrupting something, we can come back later," Connor said.

"You are not interrupting," I said as I looked at Tim and then our sons. "What's up?"

"We just want you to know, Dad, we are here to help you pick up the pieces," Theo explained. "We don't want you to hurt anymore."

"Thank you," I replied.

"We brought Ali, Ahmed, Omar, and Kathem with us," Adrian explained. "We thought having the family surrounding you might help, Dad. I hope you don't mind?"

Tim looked at me and smiled. Tears ran down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them nor did I want to.

"Boys," Tim began. "Normally, I wouldn't suggest this, but I believe we need to take your dad on another Spirit Journey. Just you guys and me. Get naked and crawl into bed with us. And, there will be no sex. Just cuddling."

Connor, Theo, Ramesh, and Adrian put the twins' carriers beside the bed. In a flurry of hands and feet, they were naked. The boys removed the twins from their carriers. Connor handed Omar and Kathem to me. Adrian handed Ali and Ahmed to Tim. They crawled under the sheets. We all cried.

We must have fell asleep until Omar, Kathem, Ali, and Ahmed began to cry in unison.

"I think the four little guys need changing and a bottle," I said. "So, if you will excuse us, boys, we have babies to change."

"We'll do it, Dad," Connor said as he, Theo, and Ramesh took the boys from our arms. "Adrian and JJ want to talk with you."

Once the others had left the four of us, Adrian explained the need to speak with us. "Dads, we know you both loved our Dad and Marcus a lot. We know Dad was into S&M. He explained it to us. He thought we were old enough to know. What was Dad like when he was with you?"

"He could be the kindest man in the world when he wanted to be—which was most of the time," I explained. "He could... he could also... he could also be the most dominant top I have ever had the pleasure of serving. He was a gift. Not only to me, but the whole world."

"How does a person learn to be an S&M top?" JJ asked.

"Why do you ask?" I asked.

"We loved Dad, too," Adrian replied. "We want to be like him—to honor him. We want to be the gentle person you spoke of. I believe we can figure out how to be gentle, kind, and loving just being around the two of you. We also want to learn the other side. The darker side."

"Hmm," I stammered. "I've never been asked this particular question, so I really don't know how to answer it properly. But, I will give it a try. First of all, being a master is not only about power and control, but it also means staying attached—mentally—with submissive person. You may get off on the power and control of a person, but you also need to respect your partner's needs and expectations. You, as the Master, must develop a relationship outside of the Master/slave relationship so you can understand how much the other person is mentally able to take. Does any of my babbling make sense?"

"Yes," JJ replied. "It makes perfect sense, Dad. A Master is powerful and in control of the sub, but watching the sub for signs when to stop."

"Very good!" I replied.

"One other thing, Dad," Adrian continued. "Can you take JJ and me on a Spirit Journey?"

"Yes," I replied. "We can talk about a Spirit Journey another time."

"Thanks, Dad," JJ replied. "When you said we could talk to you about anything, we weren't certain it would be okay talking with you about us becoming Masters."

"We meant ANYTHING," Tim replied. "Now, boys. Get your naked asses out of this bed. Your Dad and I have somethings to discuss."

"If they weren't our sons," I said after the boys closed the door behind them. "I would probably be in bed and on my back begging them to fuck me. But, it's not in the cards."

"You can tell AJ had a huge influence on them," Tim said. "They are both extremely polite and sensitive young men. Now, Steven, do you want me to fuck the heart ache out of you or do you want to talk?"

"I want you to fuck me, Tim," I replied. "Please. I need to feel you inside me."

"Good!" Tim said as he rolled on top of me. "How do you want this fuck to turn out?"

"Trick from a dark alley in Paris," I hissed. "Rape me, Tim. Rape me."

"I can't rape the willing," Tim said with an evil smirk overtaking Tim's face. "But, I can give you a rough ride if it is what you want."

"Yes, Sir," I pleaded. "Fuck me hard, Sir. Fuck me so I feel you power. Fuck me as you takeover my mind. Please, Sir! Fuck me!"

Tim didn't say another word. He fished the wrist restraints at the head of the bed. He attached my wrists to the restraints. He leaned over to night stand and pulled out a hood.

"This will be so, so much fun," Tim hissed as he pulled the hood in place and tightened it. He snapped on the blind fold, and inserted the ball gag in my mouth. He pushed between my legs and rubbed his rock hard dick across my asshole.

I moaned into the ball gag as Tim shoved his dick into my asshole without stopping. I felt almost complete again. Tim completes me.

Tim's energy level hit the ceiling. He began to pummel my ass with his dick. He pulled out and then slammed back into my ass. Over and over and over and over and over and over. I felt almost spiritual. The sweat dripping off his body onto mine made me feel as though I was being baptized by the holy spirit of cock! Tim's cock. I wanted to scream harder, but I couldn't because of the ball gage. The next second, Tim picked up the pace and forcefulness as though he heard me.

I shot my load at the same time as Tim. He bellowed as each rope of cum filled my ass, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Tim slumped on top of me until he could speak. "Shit, Steven! This was the best fuck of my entire life."

"Mine, too," I replied.

Tim and I must have dozed off. When I woke up, I was still connected to the restraints. The hood, blindfold, and ball gag remained, too.

"Hello, boy," a voice whispered. "I've been watching you sleep. I've been admiring your body. Your muscles. Your tattoos. Your piercings. Your hairless body glistening in the afternoon sunlight. Very nice, boy."

At this point, I knew it was Master Grant. I could tell by his touch. His smell. His energy.

"Tim said you needed company," Master Grant continued. "We all will be keeping you company, Steven. Me. David. Garrison. Jose. Tim. We are all taking you somewhere to heal. One by one. Step by step. You want this, don't you, boy?"

I nodded yes as my body further reacted to Master Grant's touch.

Master Grant slowly moved his body so he was between my legs. I felt his big, hard, uncut, black dick rub against my asshole. He positioned my legs on his muscular chest. Master Grant took off the blindfold.

"I wanted to look into your eyes, Steven," Master Grant whispered as he unsnapped the ball gag. "You need this, don't you, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I replied softly. Master Grant's eyes pierced through mine. I felt him looking inside my brain.

"I see a lot of hurt, boy," Master Grant replied. "We are trying to make your hurt go away. One by one. Step by step."

"Ahhhhhhh! Yes!" I hissed as I felt Master Grant's big, black, uncut dick begin its journey into my ass.

I felt Master Grant's pubic hair stubble graze my hairless balls. Master Grant leaned down and kissed me. Slowly. Gently. He kissed me over and over until he began to massage the inside of my ass with his rock hard dick.

"You feel so good, Steven," Master Grant whispered as he pulled away from his kiss. "Do you want me to go slowly? Fast? Gently? Rough?"

"Slowly, gently," I murmured. "Then fast and rough."

"My pleasure," Master Grant whispered as he continued his slow and deliberate pace. "Come with me, Steven. Let's go on a Spirit Journey together."

"Oh! Yes!" I said softly but with an urgency in my voice. "You dick feels so good inside me, Master."

"We fit together well, don't we, boy?" Master Grant said as he continued to massage my ass.

"Yes, Master," I agreed. "Take me with you, Master! Please take me with you."

"Gladly," Master Gran added. "Feel it, boy? Feel us going on our journey?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I felt Master Grant and me leaving on our journey. We both soared above our bodies. I watched as Master Grant's hard ass muscles twitched with every movement he make. His biceps bulged. His chest glistened with a light coating of sweat.

Then, I saw them. Master Ajmal and Master Marcus. I saw them smiling at me. I saw them walking toward me. They were naked. Their beautiful muscled bodies. I felt Master Ajmal's touch. His hand on my chest. His dick. His hard dick. He leaned between my legs and pushed his rock hard dick into me. As he continued to massage the inside of my ass, I suddenly felt ready to cum.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I roared as my cum spattered my body and... Master Grant's.

"My contractions in my ass sent Master Grant into a powerful orgasm of his own, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Grant slowly lowered his sweat drenched body onto mine.

"I believe I may have competition in the form of your Spirit Journey characters," Master Grant finally said as he leaned down to kiss me. "If we do it one more time, you might have a three way with AJ and Marcus."

"It seemed so real," I whispered.

"It probably was real... In your mind, it was very real," Master Grant replied.

"I saw it in your face, Steven," Tim said.

"You watched?" I asked.

"Yup," Tim replied. "I watched. You complement each other. My Master's big, black, uncut dick up my husband's muscular and hungry ass."

"May I have his ass again," Master Grant asked Tim.

"You are my Master," Tim said with a smile. "You will take anything you want away from me at the drop of a bullwhip. So, yea! You can have my husband's ass again. As long as I get to watch."

"Please," Master Grant replied. "It makes me hornier when I have an audience."

"Good," Tim said to Master Grant. "Only this time, Master, I hope you fuck him like he is a two-bit whore you hired from some asshole."

"He's more than a two-bit whore, Tim," Master Grant replied. "I paid $10 thousand to have his ass for six hours. But, if you insist, boy, I will fuck him like there is no tomorrow if it will make you happy, boy."

"It will make me very happy, Master," Tim replied as he stretched his naked body on the bed beside me. "Only this time, I want to feel the bed rock. Fuck him hard. Fuck him long."

Tim leaned into me and began to kiss me. He found my nipples and continued kissing me.

Master Grant raised his body and prepared to fuck me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Grant's 13 inch black cock disappeared into my ass. Tim kept kissing me as Master Grant began taking my ass and making it his.

"Let's both take Steven on a Spirit Journey, Tim," Master Grant moaned. "Together."

"I'm on it, Master," Tim said as he smothered me with kisses.


I sat in my office the two days after I read the victim's impact statement to the court. Master Jose busied himself with last minute details of a charity benefit he helped organize. I heard a knock at my door. I looked up to see Tyron. Except it wasn't the normally jovial Tyron. He looked sad and troubled.

"Tyron!" I said. "How may I help you?"

"May I speak with you for a few moments in private?" Tyron asked.

"Of course," I replied. "Come and sit down. Close the door if you like."

"Thank you, Steven," Tyron said as he closed the door and took a seat opposite me.

"Something is bothering you, isn't it, Sir?" I asked as I looked into his eyes. I didn't like what I saw. "You aren't your usual bubbly self."

"I am at a crossroad in my life, and I don't know which way to go," Tyron replied. "First of all, I love working here... And, not just because I get your ass from time-to-time. The friends in my life work here. I am grateful for the comradery in this office. Working here has kept me from losing my mind."

Tyron paused and took a deep breath. "Here goes... I am the illegitimate son of Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias... Or, Juan Carlos, Former King of Spain."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "I've never known a son of a king! This is a problem, why?"

"I receive a monthly stipend from the King," Tyron explained. "So does my younger brother. He is 23. I am 26. We have the same mother and father. My egotistical, vindictive mother is standing in my brother's way. He wants to come here and go to school for his MBA at Northwestern. Just like I did right before I went to work here. She insists he remain in Spain to take care of her in her later years."

"You have an MBA from Northwestern?" I asked in disbelief. "Why are you our receptionist and not a member of our consulting staff?"

"When I applied for the job of receptionist, I left off the part about my MBA," Tyron explained. "I thought it would be problematic since I had no real job experience. As a matter of fact, this is the first job of my entire life."

"I understand you and your brother have a strained relationship with your mother, but I am not really seeing a problem here," I explained my position. "I know your brother wants to leave his mother's reign on his life, but he is 23. He should be able to do whatever he wants."

"Yes, he should be able to do whatever he wants," Tyron continued. "Our mother knows Bertrand is gay. She hates gay people because she can't flirt with them. She is threatening to stop the stipend Bertrand receives every month. She does not know I am gay. When she finds out, both Bertrand and I will be penniless."

"What is your undergraduate degree?" I asked.

"Architecture from the University of Barcelona," Tyron replied. "Why?"

"Just curious," I replied. "What is your goal with your undergrad degree and MBA?"

"Real estate development," Tyron replied. "I was hoping to talk with AJ sometime about how to start a real estate development business. But, now I can't. Plus, I don't have the money to start a business."

"Let me think about this development you've brought to me," I replied. "We might need to work on this slowly, but I have some thoughts I need to discuss with Dennis, Tim, and David."

"Thanks, boss man!" Tyron said as he stood to leave.

"You are very welcome, Master," I replied with a smile. "Are we still on for our 1:30 meeting today?"

"You damn well better show up, boss man," Tyron said with a huge smile. "Otherwise, I will tell your Master Jose you have been a bad, bad boy."


"We're home," I bellowed as we walked into the house from the garage entrance.

"Just in time to celebrate," Tim said as he hurried into the kitchen where Master Jose and I were unloading our work.

"What are we celebrating, Tim?" I asked.

"Well, I have some good news, and I have some bad news," Tim replied. "My agent called about 30 minutes ago with the good news. A studio in LA has offered to make a movie out of my book which isn't even finished."

"Congratulations, Tim!" I said as I pulled him into a hug and planted a kiss on his lips. "Tell us about the movie. Who's offered to make the movie?"

"Xavier Dolan as director in conjunction with Lionsgate," Tim explained. "Needless to say, I am pumped."

"What is the bad news?" I asked.

"I need to finish the book—as in post haste," Tim explained. "Not only am I in shackles as a gay slave boy in training, I will also be tied to my laptop to finish the book. Another piece of bad news is I will be required to be in Hollywood when they shoot the film. We may have some remote scenes, too."

"We will work something out, Tim," I replied. "Just concentrate of finishing your book."

"How was your day, Master Jose?" Tim asked.

"Mine seemed boring compared to yours and Steven's," Master Jose replied. "I worked on details for our charity benefit next month. You should ask you husband how his day began and ended."

"So, Steven, I am asking," Tim began. He was smiling. "How was your day?"

"It began with a visit with Tyron," I replied. "And, before you ask, we did not get naked. It was a very serious conversation."

"Tell me about Tyron," Tim said as he sat on a bar stool at the kitchen island. "Aren't you supposed to be naked?"

"Oh! Yea!" I replied. "Give me a moment."

I began to quickly undress and put my suit coat and pants over a chair.

I sat down between Tim and Master Jose after I stripped.

"Tyron is the illegitimate son of Juan Carlos who is the former King of Spain," I explained.

"You're shitting me?" Tim exclaimed.

"Nope," I replied. "He has a brother, Bertrand, who is the illegitimate son of the king and Tyron's mother. Tyron also has an undergrad degree in Architecture from the University of Barcelona and an MBA from Northwestern."

"And he is the receptionist?" Tim asked.

"Yup," I replied. I then explained the dilemma and drama Tyron outlined.

"So, what do you have in mind to help your stud muffin at the office?" Tim asked with a smile.

"I am not completely certain," I said. "I am thinking this through. But, I can see some connection with the VC firm and Tyron and Bertrand."

"Will you have some time to spend with me tomorrow?" Tim asked. "We need to discuss a few items."

"Should I be worried?" I asked.

"No, silly," Tim replied. "We just need to discuss some household issues. Nothing earth shattering, but essential."

Master Grant, Master David, and Garrison joined us in the kitchen.

"It's cocktail time, boys," "David said. "After a day like today, I could use a drink or four."

"Bad day, Master?" I asked.

"No," Master David replied. "I'm just trying to figure a few things out. When I do, you will be the first to know what's going on. In the meantime, I want to forget all of the information swirling around in my head."

"For our entertainment tonight," Tim began. "Steven has some Tyron stories to tell us."

"He fucked you twice?" Master Grant asked.

"Nope," I replied. I continued telling the group about Tyron's revelations this morning as well as his aspirations to develop real estate projects.

"One would need a great deal of money to develop real estate," Master David said. "I don't believe you would have much left of your VC money if you go after a real estate development project. "

"I thought more like the VC firm could help with startup costs," I relied. "Could the trust make a loan to Tyron and his brother?"

"I don't see why not," Master David replied. "We own a bank in Switzerland. It has considerable assets. It also doesn't have a lot of activity on its books. So, I am thinking AJ probably bought a bank to park some of his money."

"We own a fucking bank?" Tim asked.

"Yes," Master David replied. "We own a fucking bank. Watch your mouth, boy. Otherwise, you will need to be punished."

"Thank you for the warning, Master," Tim replied. He was smirking.


Tim and I gathered in his office. Papers were everywhere.

"It looks like you might be rewriting something," I said as I surveyed the chaos in the room.

"Yup," Tim said. "I'm almost through with the rewrite. Then I need to finish the last two chapters."

"Wonderful!" I said.

"I have an idea, and I wanted to explain it to you. I need to know what you think of my off the wall idea. We now have nine kids. We need a bedroom for one set of twins. Another bedroom for the second set of twins. A third bedroom for the third set of twins. And yet a fourth and fifth bedrooms for two brothers and Ramesh," Tim explained. "It will be tight unless we move the others to the third floor. We can repurpose the television room and the bar area. Master Grant and Master David as well as Master Jose and Garrison could take over the third floor. What do you think of my idea?"

"It could work," I explained. "I have thought about adding onto the back of the house. Perhaps a nice quiet television room connected to the kitchen on the first floor. On the second and third floor, we could add two more bedrooms with private baths or a sitting area. We could also make what is now the bar area and television room on the second floor into bedrooms. We would also isolate the two bedrooms upstairs from the boys. For privacy from curious minds."

"I like your idea," Tim replied. "How much bigger can we make this place?"

"We own the building next door," I explained. "We could build another structure this size on the lot and connect the buildings together on each floor with walkways."

"It could be cool, but I don't think I want to make this property much bigger," Tim said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Yes, I want to take you upstairs and fuck you," Tim said with a smile.

"Let's go," I said.

When we reached the top of the stairs, Tim grabbed my arms and fastened handcuffs on my wrists behind my back.

Tim walked around in front of me. He snapped a leash onto my collar and led me to our bedroom. "Until I am finished with you this afternoon, you are a trick I just picked up in the alley," Tim growled.

He led me into our bedroom and pushed me onto the bed. As I lay on the bed on my back, Tim wrestled the handcuffs off one wrist and fasted it to the post on the head of the bed. He took another pair of handcuffs and restrained my other arm.

"Open your mouth, boy," Tim hissed. "I am fucking your throat."

Tim turned his dick stood erect at my mouth and his mouth to my crotch. Tim lowered his dick into my mouth. When it hit my throat, I felt Tim pull out. Then, back in all of the way in. His hairless balls slapped against my nose. He turned into a mad man taking my mouth. He fuck my face. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

Suddenly he stopped. He pulled his dick out of my mouth. He turned so he could look at my face. "You liked getting face fucked, didn't you, boy?" Tim asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Good," Tim replied. "Now I am going to fuck your ass, boy. Don't get any ideas. I plan on making this last for a long, long time. I have been doing some research for another book. Edging techniques when fucking. I will test them out. We will probably need to devote a few hours each day to see if I have the right techniques."

Tim's dick began its descent into my asshole. Slowly. Pushing in.

"Ahhhh! Yes!" I hissed.

Tim began to slowly massage my ass with his dick. His pace became rhythmic. My eyes didn't move away from Tim's. He paused occasionally and leaned in to kiss me. Then, he reestablished his rhythm. I finally saw his eyes sparkle. I felt like we were drifting off into space. Looking down. Seeing our lives. Seeing our boys grow older. Seeing our love between us grow stronger. Seeing our Masters happy and smiling.

As we returned to our bodies, Tim picked up a faster rhythm. I felt his body tense, "Fuck! I'm cumming! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Tim sweaty body collapsed on top of my body. His dick still in my ass.

"I don't know about you, but I believe I had one of the most enjoyable fucks with my husband," Tim replied. "I love your body. I love your ass. I love your dick. I love you.


"We need to talk about some issues we face as a family," Master David explained as we all sat in the living room nursing our first cocktail of the day. "I believe we will all benefit, but we want you to know we are sincere about our slave boys."

Master David smiled and Master Grant took over, "David, Jose, and I have had an extensive talk specifically about the three of you: Tim, Steven, and Garrison. Jose, your turn."

"I offered to buy Garrison on the same terms I acquired Steven," Master Jose replied. "Ten thousand dollars donated to a charity of David and Grant's choice. And, David and Grant have accepted my offer, so, as of tonight, you are my slave boy."

"Really?" Garrison asked.

"Really," Master Jose said with a smile.

"You bought me for $10 thousand?" Garrison asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Master Jose replied. "And you are stuck with me because Grant and David have a no return policy."

"Do I still get to be Steven's handler?" Garrison asked.

"Probably," Master Jose replied. "Once Giles returns, we can go over our options. But, I believe you and Steven would make excellent rent boy operatives."

"Thank you, Master," Garrison replied.

"The other topic we wanted to broach is about our living arrangements," Master Grant explained. "I want you to listen very carefully to my comments. All three of us are very unwavering about our ownership of Tim, Steven, and Garrison. However, Tim and Steven do have kids to take care of, and they are husbands. We will be flexible about `sleeping arrangements' during most of the week. Generally, plan on being with your husband during the week—Sunday night through Friday at 6 pm. Generally, Steven and Tim, you will be spending most weekends in a strict ownership position."

"We want you to know this decision evolved over the course of several weeks of living in the company of our new family. Tim and Steven, you have a very special bond between you. Everyone want you to be successful professionally, personally, and emotionally. If we were bastards and tried to take control of your body 24/7, you would be destroyed as parents as well as slave boys. You need to be emotionally happy to be in a successful S&M relationship," Master Jose explained.

"So, from 6 pm on Friday until 6 pm on Sunday, we must be in slave mode," I summarized. "Am I correct?"

"Yes," Master Jose said with a smile. "Unless we have a particular need. Then, of course, all bets are off!"

"I believe you, Sirs, have a remarkable plan," Tim replied. "Which leads us to an item Steven and I hope you will consider—this is mostly because we have nine kids to care for."

"Sell us," Master David replied.

"We have a possible solution to some of our housing issues," I began. "We would like to concentrate the kids and our bedroom—if we get to use it—on the second floor. Masters Grant, David, and Jose will have quarters on the third floor. The entire floor would be yours to do whatever you want with it."

"I like the idea," Master David said. "We wouldn't need to worry about the kids listening to their dads' scream as they are getting whipped."

"Only you would consider screaming dads in our living arrangement plans," Master Grant said with a smile. "I'm in."

"Me, too," Master Jose replied. "Garrison and I will get to know one another while Tim and Steven are in husband mode."

"So, if I may summarize," Tim began. "Steven and I will, for the most part unless one of our Masters is horny, get to spend the night together from Sunday at 6 pm until Friday at 6 pm. Then, we will turn into pumpkins! Oh! Wait! Wrong fairytale! We will turn into slave boys."

"I believe you have a grasp on our plans," Master Grant replied.


Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, Garrison, Tim, and I met in the living room on Thursday morning before any of us began work.

"I asked you to join me this morning because Garrison has uncovered a black hole in the trust structure," Master David explained. "We are not certain how this will play out, but we seem to have discovered a business entity which, for no reason we know, has no employees, no customers, and a huge amount of assets. We can't explain this yet, but we didn't want to keep you in the dark and spring some bad news on you later in our discovery process. If anyone has an idea what might be behind this venture, Garrison and I will be most delighted to discuss it with you. In the meantime, Garrison and I will continue digging until we find what we are looking for."

"Could this be a holding company?" I asked.

"It is possible, but most holding companies have employees and customers," David explained.

"You are not saying this is an illegal operation are you?" Master Grant asked.

"I am saying I don't know what it is," Master David replied.

I picked up my phone and found the person I was looking for. "Master David, I believe you might want to speak with Wade Martin. He is an excellent resource. He is a forensic accountant. We used his services to dig up information on our competitors at eSquare. We used him many times. He has never been wrong. I just e-mailed his contact information to you. He prefers to work through e-mail. He will break his rule if it is important or serious. If we don't know how the entity is designed to function, can it be a problem if it just exists?"

"If we can't describe it to an IRS agent or the FBI, it can be considered a problem," Master David replied.

"How many years has this entity appeared in the organization of the Trust?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Master David replied.

"Is this black hole counted in the valuation of the trust's assets?" I asked.

"I don't believe so, but there are so many cells of businesses involved in the trust," Master David explained. "It is really hard to keep the valuation current."

"I think, Master David, you could use some help in keeping track of the trust," I explained. "If you and Garrison could separate the individual businesses into groups of like industries, we could have a manager for each group. They would report to you. I think you will avoid going nuts if we take this approach. I would hate to visit you in a mental hospital."

"Garrison and I will get right on it," Master David replied. "At first, I thought managing the trust would be a snap. Now, I realize it is bigger than all of us put together."

"You have access to all of the files from the creation of the trust through the present, am I not correct?" I asked.

"Yes," Master David replied.

"Then we search for the first instance of the black hole appearing for the first time," I explained. "Ramesh! He read the paper about a big data application. This is certainly a big data project with several instances for point of entry into the black hole. May I asked Ramesh to help with this?"

"None of us have any idea of what you just said, but we agree to let you and Ramesh do whatever you said," Master David added.

"I have a meeting with Adam Long to discuss how Tyron might get into the real estate development business," I said. "We have a lunch meeting today. I will turn Ramesh loose after I return. I should probably be back by 2 this afternoon."

"Why does his name sound familiar?" Master Jose asked.

"He is on the board of the Northwestern Memorial Foundation," I replied. "You may have run into him when we were at one of the many charity events. We were involved in the Mayor's committee for the LGBTQ community."


"Mr. Long!" I said as I joined Adam at our table. "Good to see you again."

"Likewise, Steven," Adam said. "I understand you are now the property of Jose Vargas. Excellent match, if you asked me. I always admired Jose's energy level... Not to mention his perfect body!"

"He is a remarkably handsome man," I replied. "I have suggested he look for a job modelling. But, I believe he is happy spending his family's money."

"I suspected as much," Adam added. "He seems to have suddenly morphed into the person he wanted to be instead of the person his family wanted him to be. He looks happier than I have ever seen him in the past."

"I do whatever I can to make him happy," I said with a smile.

"What is it you wanted to discuss?" Adam asked.

"I have an employee at the venture capital firm who has an architectural degree from a university in Madrid and an MBA from Northwestern. He has a younger brother who has a structural engineering degree also from a university in Madrid, and he is interested in pursuing an MBA from Northwestern. They both want to get into the real estate development business. I immediately thought of you and your firm," I explained.

"How do you see my involvement with the brothers?" Adam asked.

"Spend a little time with them," I replied. "I believe they understand the business, but are a little hesitant to jump right into the process."

"I would be happy to speak with them," Adam replied. "I believe he would have a difficult time getting financing without some experience behind him. I would offer to help him with a small starter project. As a matter of fact, I have been asked to redevelop a small parcel in a northwest section of the city. I could turn it over to your friend, and supervise from a distance. None of our project teams are interested in taking on such a small project."

"Very generous offer, Adam," I replied.

"Tell me, Steven, is your friend one of us?" Adam asked.

"Yes," I replied with a smile. "And, before you ask, he has a phenomenal body! And he is the illegitimate son of Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias. The long form version of Juan Carlos, the former King of Spain."

"Leave it to you, Steven, to find a son of a King," Adam said with a smile.

"He's a top, too!" I replied.

"Really," Adam replied. "This is getting better and better."

"I thought you might find this opportunity fascinating," I added. "I will speak with him tomorrow. We can arrange a time to meet."

"Perfect," Adam responded. "How is your son of a king in bed?"

"Perfect," I replied.


Tim and I decided to take a break from his book writing and my venture capital work. We hit our favorite Starbucks on Thursday afternoon before Tim's coming out party.

"Are you ready for your coming out party Saturday, Tim?" I asked as we settled at a table with drinks in hand.

"I think so," I replied. "I will let you how I will feel about the next one after this one is over."

"You'll do fine," I replied.

"I am looking forward to it," Tim added. "This will tell me if I am capable of being someone's slave boy."

"Are you having second thoughts about belonging to Master Grant and Master David?" I asked.

"No," Tim replied. "I have no problem of being owned by Master Grant and Master David. It is the thought of being handed from one person to another person."

"Once you go through it, you will understand how the rush of adrenalin will make you feel. You'll want more," I explained. "I suspect you won't want it to end. Power is part of a public display scenario. Don't tell the Masters in our group, but one of the affects you feel is your power and control over those who are supposed to be in powerful and in control."

"Can I quote you on your last statement?" Tim asked with a smile.

"Fuck no!" I replied. "It would ruin my reputation! My advice to you is to give the man who is in control everything you think he may possibly want from you. Scream when you think it will push him over the edge. Moan. Beg for more. Beg for him to stop. I will be with you, Tim. Every step of the way. Remember, I am your Spirit Master now. We will be together during this first experience. We will be together every time you want us to be together. Understand?"

"Yes," Tim replied. "I'm sort of sorry I suggested going out for coffee. If we had been home, I probably would have thrown you in bed and fucked the energy out of you."

"You need to save your energy," I replied. "Besides, I have plans for you later this evening."

"I have another question for you, Steven," Tim began. "I have been thinking about Provincetown. Will you be okay if we are there this summer?"

"If you mean will I be okay there this summer even though Master Ajmal and Master Marcus are not there," I said trying to stall so I could decide. "I'm frankly not certain, but I want to try. They might be in my head occasionally, but I will be distracted by the boys and by our friends.

"And if for some reason you decide you can't handle the memories, we will come home," Tim added.

"Tim," I began. "I need to get on with living. You and I need a break from all of the shit we have been through. I want to spend time with the boys going to the beach, walking through the dunes, enjoying the people in town. We need to be with them more than we need to be with our Masters."

"Are you giving up on being a slave boy?" Tim asked. He looked concerned. "This is what you have always wanted."

"I thought this is what I always wanted," I replied. "I am now somewhat uncertain. Maybe it is time you and I grow up and take our responsibilities to our family seriously. But, I don't want to disappoint Master Jose. I am certain you also don't want to disappoint Master Grant and Master David. What do we do, Tim?"

"Do you think we are selfish to continue this?" Tim asked. "I have thought long and hard about what I am doing in my life. Partly because I have gone on a major journey with my book. It has taken a lot out of me just to relive some of the experiences. Just today as I was closing up my laptop, I thought about what I am doing with Master Grant and Master David. Maybe I used them. Maybe I used them so I wouldn't need to face the pain of what happened to my friend. I am so fucking confused, Steven."

"Don't forget, I have commitments to clients," I replied. "And, you know how I feel about commitments."

"Yup," Tim replied. "I do. Let's take this one step at a time. I planned a one-year commitment. I'm going to keep my commitment with Master Grant and Master David. Maybe we can take a break this summer. I know one thing I will never give up, and the one thing is you."

I leaned over and kissed him. "Same here."

"I'm hearing the tinkle of ice cubes in cocktail glasses," Tim said. "And, I am parched."

We strolled back to the house without saying anything. When we were inside, we heard voices in the living room.

"Listen, jackass," a woman's voice bellowed. "I am not a happy camper. I am the laughing stock of the city thanks to you and your... your... your..."

"Lifestyle?" Jose replied.

"How about your deviant sexual proclivities?" the woman, obviously Jose's ex-wife, screamed.

"There is nothing deviant about my sexual proclivities," Jose said in a bold, but subdued voice.

"And, what about your little boy toy you are shacking up with?" the woman shouted. "He's a tramp after your money. Don't you understand? Men like him are after other men's money. Once he gets his hands on your money, you will wake up with a dear John letter taped to your pillow."

"I somehow don't think he is after my money, Jessica," Jose said calmly. "Steven has more money than I do. He has more money than some countries. As a matter of fact, he owns a country."

"Steven?" Jessica asked. "Steven who?"

"Steven Caden-Caldwell," Jose replied.

"You've got to be fucking kidding!" Jessica bellowed.

I grabbed Tim's hand and we walked into the living room. "He's not kidding, Jessica," I said.

Jessica turned around. "You...! You...! You bastard! I knew you were trouble the first time I met you. And, could you please tell me who this other fairy is?"

"Jessica," I said. "I would to introduce you to my husband, Tim Caden-Caldwell. Tim, this is Jose's ex-wife, Jessica Vargas."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Vargas," Tim said politely.

"You three make a fine set of fagots!" Jessica said to the three of us before she turned her attention to Jose. "And YOU! You will be hearing from my attorney. The settlement just moved into limbo. He will let you know where to meet to renegotiate our terms of separations."

"It's already been finalized," Jose said quietly. "There is nothing to renegotiate. Good day, Jessica. I will show you to the door."

Jose left with a huffing ex-wife as he pulled her to the front door. "I hope it will be under better circumstances the next time we meet."

Jose slammed the door and rejoined us in the living room.

Jose returned to the living room almost simultaneously as Master Grant, Master David, and Master Garrison. Harvey appeared with our drinks.

"I'm sorry you had to hear it all," Jose said. "She always was over emotional. This time she went over the top."

I walked over to Jose. "Do you want to talk?"

"No," Jose replied. "Well, I want to talk, but NOT about her."

"I believe we can arrange to talk about a more likeable subject," Tim suggested. "How about those Cubs?"


"So, boy," Master Jose said as we stepped into the shower together. "We will have a wonderful time tonight. I have plans for you, Garrison, and me. You and Garrison will be with me the entire evening. I hope you don't mind being a spectator this evening."

"I won't mind, Sir," I replied. "It will be a nice change of pace."

We continued with our shower. I cleaned Master Jose's body. He cleaned mine. We rinsed off. Jose pulled me toward him. Naked body to naked body. His hard cock. My hard cock. His lips on mine.

"This feels good," Master Jose whispered between kisses. "More than good."

"Yea," I whimper.

As our tongues' played sword fight, Master Jose grabbed my nipples in this hand and squeezed.

"Oh yeaaaaa!" I moaned as he sent bolts of electricity though my nipples and out of my dick into his dick.

"Steven," Jose whispered.

"Yes, Master," I whispered back.

"I want you," Master Jose moaned.

"Take me," I replied.

"No," Master Jose whispered. "I want you inside me, Steven. I need it now, boy. Please fuck me, boy!"

Master Jose turned and braced himself on the shower wall. I stuck my hard dick just outside his asshole.

"Tell me when, Sir," I whispered.

"Now!" Master Jose pleaded. "Fuck me now!"

I steadied myself and pushed.

"Ahhh! Yes," Master Jose moaned.

I started slowly pushing my dick into my Master's ass. Pulling my dick out of my Master's ass. I built up a rhythm. Master Jose matched the rhythm I set. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out...

I kept pounding. Pounding my Master's tight, beautiful ass.

Suddenly Master Jose's dick exploded. Cum spattered on the shower wall. I erupted immediately after my Master.

While we both recovered, I pulled Master Jose next to my body. His back to my front. My dick remained inside his ass. I was still hard as a rock even after I had a massive orgasm in my Master's ass.

"I've never liked to be fucked, Steven," Master Jose said to me. "Only one other person has had his dick in me. My cousin, about two years older than I liked to fuck. He was bigger than me. He took me whenever he wanted me."

"I'm sorry, Master," I replied.

"Don't be sorry," Master Jose replied. "I love your dick in me. I want you and Garrison to fuck me tonight. One after another. I also want to get you and Garrison larger PAs. Fuck me again, Steven. Fuck me hard."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I began massaging the inside of my Master's ass with my hard, hard dick.

By the time I came the second time in my Master Jose's ass, we both looked wrinkled.

"As much as I don't want to let you go, Steven, I believe we need to get out of the shower," Master Jose whispered. My dick was hard and still in Master Jose's ass.

"Can't we just turn off the water?" I asked. "I like holding you, Master."

"I like it too," Master Jose replied. "But, reality sets in, Steven. We need to begin our preparations for tonight. I have a surprise for you later in the evening. You will enjoy the surprise almost as much as Garrison and I will enjoy it."

"Thank you, Master," I said as I dried Master Jose's perfectly muscled body.

"Now, let's get dressed," Master Jose said as we stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Garrison lay naked on the bed.

"It's about time you two took a break," Garrison replied. "I've beat off three times listening to you two fuck. The least you could have done is to ask me to join you."

"I'm sorry, Garrison," Master Jose replied. "You should have joined us. We had room in the shower, didn't we, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I believe Garrison needs a blow job, boy," Master Jose added. "You can service him while I plan my wardrobe for tonight."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as I slid onto the bed between Garrisons legs. I began licking Garrison's big, black, hairless balls.

"Get my ass before you get my dick, boy," Garrison ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I dove down to stick my tongue in Garrison's ass. I worked his asshole furiously with my tongue.

"Now my dick, boy," Garrison ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied before I shoved Garrison's rock hard, black, uncut dick down my throat.

"Fuck! Yes, boy! Work my dick, boy," Garrison hissed. "Shit, boy! Oh, yea!"

I continued to suck on Garrison's big dick. I would work it in my mouth with my lips and tongue and then shove his dick down my throat.

"You should be done by now, Steven," Master Jose said as he came back into the bedroom.

"Want it to last," I hiss between shoving Garrison's dick down my throat.

"Ah! Shit!" Garrison screamed. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed.

"God! You are one mighty fine cocksucker, Steven!" Garrison exclaimed after he had recovered.

"Any time, Garrison!" I replied.

"Now, boys," Master Jose began. "We will have fun tonight. I want you both to wear these."

Master Jose held up two pair of leather chaps. "You will have nothing on underneath. You will have no shoes or no shirts. You are going to be two beautiful men showing all of their glory to the guests of Tim's coming out party."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I took the chaps from Master Jose. Garrison did the same.

"I had these especially made for the two of you," Master Jose explained as I tried to zip up the chaps. "You will need help, I expect. They are supposed to be skin tight."

Once we were zipped into the chaps, Master Jose stood in front of us.

"I have something else for you both," Master Jose said as he handed Garrison and me a small box.

Garrison and I opened the boxes at the same time.

"It's a PA," Garrison exclaimed. "It's bigger than the one I have in now."

"It will go into the same hole," Master Jose explained. "It will be tight at first, but the skin will stretch. I can't wait to have you in my ass with this PA."

"We could try it now," Garrison said.

"We have a party to attend," Master Jose replied. "We will have something to look forward to later tonight."

Master Jose took the PA from me, removed my old one, and began to slide the larger PA through the hole in my penis.

"Ahhh," I moan as the bigger PA slipped into place.

"It is supposed to be extremely sensitive for the first few days," Master Jose said as he slipped Garrison's new PA into place.

"Jeez!" Garrison gasped. "This thing is making me extremely horny!"

"Good," Master Jose replied.

"Now, I think we need to go downstairs and see how our flat mates are doing on this auspicious evening!" Master Jose explained.

"My, my!" Master Grant said as we entered the living room. "I see someone has new leather gear. You boys look very good. Very good!"

"Their PA's are bigger, too," Master Jose explained. "This should be a very interesting night."

"David and Tim should be down shortly," Master Grant explained as he grinned from ear to ear. "They had to finish a project they started earlier."

"I only hope the project turns out better than anticipated," I replied.

"So, Steven," Master Grant said to me. "Are you ready for Tim's coming out party?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "It will be a great event for everyone, I am certain. Are you?"

"You know me by now, Steven," Master Grant replied. "I remember our first time together. Little did I know then your husband would become my lover and my slave boy. Bur, I am still interested in renting you again sometime. I want you to know I paid for your body, and I will take what I paid for."

"Sounds hot to me!" Master Jose replied. "When I rented Steven, I wanted it to be a power trip for me! And, it was an incredible power trip. Now, I own the rent boy!"

"Did you know David and I will have your husband begin the hair removal process while you are away, Steven?" Master Grant asked.

I looked at Master Jose with concern. "No, I didn't know."

"I gave them permission, boy," Master Jose said. "Remember, you don't make decisions based on your life and Tim's life except where your kids are concerned."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"We will also begin the tattooing process, Steven," Master Grant said with a smile. "Once we see how he looks hairless, we will decide on the appropriate tattoos. And, then, of course, we will make some decisions about the piercings we want him to have. Nothing as extensive as your, Steven."

"I am certain he will be very handsome looking no matter what you decide," I added.

"Ah!" Master Grant exclaimed. "Here is our boy now!"

I turned to look at Tim. He was completely hairless.

"We had the boy's body waxed," David explained. "Don't you think he looks terrific, Steven?"

"Tim always looks terrific," I replied as I caught a glimpse of Tim's smirk on his face.

"I couldn't let you be the only naked, hairless slave boy at this event tonight, Steven!" Tim exclaimed.

"No," I relied. "I suppose not. Tim has never been one to shy away from competition. Remember the blond we had a three-way with before you moved to Chicago?"

"How could I forget," Tim replied. "Xavier was a hot blond, muscled dude. Every time he fucked Steven, I would fuck Steven. Every time Xavier put his fist up Steven's ass, I did the same. We had one mighty fine time that night."

"I believe it ran into Sunday and Monday," I added.

"Whores," David replied with a huge smile across his face.

"Speaking of whores," Master Grant continued. "I understand, Jose, you will be offering Steven's body to one of our guests tonight."

"Yes," Master Jose replied. "It's a surprise guest. Steven will be overjoyed, I am certain."

"We should probably go downstairs to the playroom and join our guests," Master David suggested. "Jose, you can take your boys in first."

"Thank you, David," Master Jose accepted the offer. He attached the leashes to our collars. "This way, boys! We have people to greet!"

As we walked through sound proof doors to the playroom, we began to hear the bass of the music. When we were through the last sound proof doors, we were attacked by the sound of mood setting, hard driving music. Almost 100 guests filled the room.

The crowd roared as Master Jose led Garrison and me into the room. Our guests began groping me. My dick. My balls. My ass. My nipples. Hands all over my body. We pushed through the final crowd to the bar.

Master Jose retrieved three Corona's. He handed one to Garrison and one to me.

"Here's to Tim's coming out party!" Master Jose said as we clinked glasses.

"I hope he knows what he is doing," Garrison added. "He looked a little nervous when he realized we were leaving him for his grand entrance."

The music stopped. The lights went down. The guests separated. The spot light came up. It caught Tim, Master David, and Master Grant. Tim looked humbled as he began his journey into slavery.

"He looks good," I said to Garrison and Master Jose.

"Good enough to eat," Garrison added. "When did he start working out? His body is fucking magnificent!"

"He and I go to the gym every morning at 6 am," I explained. "We've been working out five days a week ever since he made his pledge to Master Grant and Master David."

"It shows," Master Jose said. "Maybe I should have asked Tim to be my slave as well as the two of you."

"Master Grant and Master David will probably be willing to share," I replied. "Maybe during the time Master Grant rents me again."

"Food for thought, Steven," Master Jose responded.

Tim, Master Grant, and Master David climbed onto a riser so the crowd could see them better.

Master Grant began, "We are honored to have you as our guests for our boy's coming out party as we have called it. Boy Tim will be taking his vows to serve David and me. Tim will be joining the ranks of slave boys in this household. On your knees, boy."

Tim assume the position on his knees with his legs spread shoulder width apart, his hands behind his back, and looking at the floor where is new Masters stood.

After Master Grant and Master David recited their vows to keep Tim safe, as he gave his body to both men.

Master David picked up a collar.

"This collar is a symbol of your service to us, boy," Master David said. "You will obey our every command. You will give your body freely for us to use as we see fit. You will make no decisions about your life from now on, boy."

Master David handed the collar to Master Grant, "You have agreed to give your Masters full control of your life. Your financial life. Your social life. Your professional life. Do you agree to the terms we have outlined, boy?"

"Yes, Masters," Tim replied. "I am yours. I freely give my body to you for your pleasure. I freely give my mind to you. I will think what you want me to think. I will make no decisions about my life."

Master Grant slipped the collar around Tim's neck. Master David fastened it and locked it.

"Suck my dick, boy," Master Grant ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied as he hurriedly fished Master Grant's already partially hard dick out of his jeans. Tim began sucking with passion. His lust showed through his energy he expended to please his new Master.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...,." Master Grant bellowed after several minutes of sucking.

Tim pulled off Master Grant's cock. "Thank you Sir," Tim replied.

"Stand up and bend over, boy, I will fuck you," Master David replied.

"Yes, Master," Tim said as he obeyed his Masters orders.

Master David didn't bother with lube or any preparation of Tim's ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tim moaned as Master David shoved his monster dick into Tim's ass.

"Why don't we get a drink, boys," Master Jose said. "Unless you want to watch your husband get fucked by his new Master."

"No, Sir," I replied. "A drink would be terrific!"

I retrieved the Coronas from the bartender and handed one to Master Jose and Master Garrison.

"Here is to Tim's new life," Master Jose added as we clinked bottles.

"Jose!" I heard a voice from the crowd say. We turned in the direction of the voice. I almost dropped my beer when I saw the man as he took his position next to us.

This is my 58th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 59

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