Life with Tim

Published on Sep 23, 2016


Life with Tim 57

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


Master Jose turned to face our guests. "I have had several requests for our next activity. So, please enjoy yourselves as the boy jerks off."

As Master Jose stepped off the platform, our guests applauded.

"Get to it, slave boy!" Master Stanley yelled.

I stood on the stage. Motionless. I was about to jerk off in front of my staff and my friends. I started playing with my dick in front of the crowd of guests. I was hard after about 30 second because I hadn't gotten off for a long time.

"Nipples, Steven," a voice I associated with Master Tyron. "Play with your nipples, boy."

I took Master Tyron's advice and began playing with my own nipples.

"Don't cum too quickly, boy," Master Jose yelled from across the room. "You need to last for at least an hour. Otherwise, your Master Livingston will add 50 more lashes to your punishment."

I began edging at the moment Master Jose said 50 more lashes. `I am actually enjoying this,' I thought to myself. `I am a prostitute, porn star, and slave boy jacking off live in front of a room full of people I know. How fucking perfect is this?'

"Your time's up, boy," I heard Master Jose from somewhere in the crowd.

Almost immediately, I shot my load all over the floor. One spurt even landed on a guest who stood at the edge of the platform.

Chapter 57: Homecoming

Tim and Master Grant arrived at the house at 4 pm on Monday. I greeted them as I walked through the kitchen to the entry hall. I was naked except for my collar.

"How was your trip?" I asked.

"Good," Tim replied. "However, I will insist next time Master Grant wants to take me to New York we take our plane. Even flying in first class is a pain in the ass."

Tim dropped his bag and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you, Steven. We both missed our men."

"I missed you, too, Sir," I replied. "I am certain, however, you had an excellent time."

"Yup," Tim replied. "I learned a lot about myself this week."

"I can't wait to hear all about your time in New York," I replied as Tim released me from his hug.

"You need to get naked, boy," Master Grant ordered.

"Yes, Master," Tim replied as he pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them.

"You've probably heard Tim is locked up," Master Grant added. "It suits him. Locked up."

"It looks good on you, Sir," I added. "How does it feel?"

"Interesting you should ask the question about how I feel being locked up," Tim began. I knew we were in for a long discussion of the pros and cons of being locked up. "I have been in this thing for a week now. I am slowly getting used to how this works. My dick in this metal enclosure. It often strains at the metal so hard, I think the metal will explode. It has taught me a real lesson. I can't make my life-decisions with my dick. I need to make them with my mind. Being locked up has been very motivating for me. While Master Grant was off working, I sat at a coffee shop around the corner. I spent every afternoon there writing. I broke my writer's block and moved forward with three almost complete chapters. I need to revisit them, but for the most part, they are some of my best chapters. I may need to go back and rewrite some of the others."

"Great news, Sir!" I added.

"I told you before, Steven, I couldn't be a full time slave like you are," Tim continued. "I need to leave slave mode and enter Tim mode in order for me to write. But, Steven, one of the most interesting things about being locked up, I can be in Tim mode and still be in slave mode."

"Tell your husband how you felt about being in the clubs and about the gathering we had," Master Grant suggested.

"Yea," Tim began. "About the clubs and the gathering. Life never ceases to amaze me, Steven. You of all people know I am amazed at almost everything. The first Saturday night I was scared shitless. Once we arrived at the club, I stripped naked. Master Grant attached the leash to my collar and he led me around the club. As you can well imagine, Master Grant's very presence meant everyone was looking at us as we passed through the club. Master Grant showed me all of the various rooms. Then, he let me choose which one I wanted to try. I decided I wanted Master Grant to fist me. So, we went to the room with several slings, and Master Grant helped me into the sling. Somewhere along the way, a couple of Master Grant's friends showed up. They wound up fisting me after Master Grant's performance. Their names were Master Clyde and Master Bruce. You remember Master Bruce, right, Steven?"

"How could I forget?" I replied and let Tim tell the rest of his story.

"So, here I am laying naked on a sling with my ass exposed," Tim continued. "And this big, black arm snaked its way into my ass."

"I only made it just beyond the elbow," Master Grant added. "We will need to practice before he takes it much further. Tell your husband the rest of the time you spent in the sling, boy."

"After Master Grant fisted me, Master Clyde and Master Bruce both had a turn in my ass," Tim continued. "What I didn't know, however, there were two camera's monitoring the activity. The first was aimed at my face and the second one aimed at my ass and whichever arm I took. The whole fucking place saw me getting fisted by three hot, hot men. Master Grant, Master Clyde, and Master Bruce then took me to the bondage table. They proceeded to spend the next few hours electrocuting me, covering my body in clothes pins, dripping hot candle was on me, and then ripping off the clothes pins. I also endured several moments with tit clamps attached to my nipples. I know I have seen you while clothes pins are ripped off your body, but now I understand. I understand why you take the pain. Why you want more. It is, in a way, invigorating. I want more, too, Steven."

"Now, you might want to tell your husband about being locked up, and how I want to proceed with ownership of you, boy," Master Grant replied.

"Ookaaay!" Tim began.

I knew there was something Tim doesn't want to tell me.

"Master Grant told me, in order for us to continue in the Master/slave relationship, he insists I be locked up for at least a year," Tim quietly said.

"I believe we will both be locked up, Tim," I replied.

"But, I won't be able to make love to you, Steven," Tim said. "You're my fucking husband."

"Tim, let's look on the bright side," I began. "We will both be living in the same house. We will, I assume, occasionally share a bed together. Just because we can't fuck one another doesn't mean we can't make love to each other. Spirit Journey, Tim. Think Spirit Journey."

"Spirit Journey," Tim repeated. "I will keep it in mind."

"You're leaving out an important detail, boy," Master Grant said.

At this point, I am assuming Tim has gotten himself into something and he wishes he hadn't.

"Well, Steven," Tim began in is I fucked up voice. "I sort of committed to having Master Grant and Master David co-Master me. Which would mean I would spend a fair amount of my time with Master Grant and Master David. You and I will have private time, but, obviously now I am locked up, we will not be making love to each other for a while. I hope you are not mad, Steven."

"Well, Tim," I began. "I am somewhat disappointed you didn't speak with me before you made your decision. However, you have made a commitment to Master Grant and Master David. I am a firm believer in keeping your commitments. When and where did you make this commitment?"

"Master Grant took me out to this really, really nice Italian restaurant on the Upper East side," Tim continued. "We had been talking about how our relationship would evolve. I guess I was thinking with my dick instead of my head."

"We will work things out, Sir," I said. "Actually, our Masters will work things out, and we will abide by their decision. If you are taking this Master/slave relationship serious, you will begin to understand you do NOT have anything to do with a decision about whom you will be sleeping with, who will use your body, where your body will be used, and how your body will be used."

"I get it now," Master Tim replied. "I am getting used to the role my Masters will play in my life. In a way, all of those decisions I used to fret about will be out of my mind."

"I assume you are aware, Sir, I will be back in the rent boy business next month," I explained.

"Cut the Master and Sir shit, Steven," Tim exclaimed. "I am your husband not your Master."

"I can't, Sir," I replied. "Master Jose wants me to address ever male person in my life as Sir, Master, or Master Tim."

"I will go along with it for a little while until I can have a discussion with Jose," Tim replied.

"You will not have a conversation with Jose, boy," Master Grant replied. "You have nothing to say about whether Steven calls you Tim, Timmy, Master, Sir, or Master Tim."

"Thank you for qualifying this for me, Sir," Tim replied.

"For the next three months, I will be traveling one week every month. So, you will have plenty of time to spend with your Master Grant and Master David. The only other item your Masters and my Master will need to agree, you and I will have complete control over how our kids live their lives and any other major decision involving them. The kids come first. Otherwise, I will take them and move somewhere else."

"I actually have a question regarding your rent boy business," Tim began. "I am assuming I still have veto power regarding the clients who will be using your body, Steven. And, I am assuming also I still decide on specific body modifications before they happen."

"No," Master Grant replied. "David and I will make those decisions for you. Your only decisions you will be part of is your writing and your kids. For one year, we make all of your decisions, Tim. And, I mean all of them. What you wear. What you eat. What you do. Where you will go. I will repeat this, Tim, you will make absolutely no decisions about your life from now on except your writing and your kids. Have I made myself clear, Tim?"

"Yes, Master," Tim replied. "I understand perfectly. May I have some private moments with Steven, please?"

"No," Master Grant replied. "Unless David or I tell you otherwise, you and Steven will be together to do whatever you want to do from Sunday at 6 pm through Friday at 6 pm. You may speak in private from Sunday evening until Friday evening. Otherwise, you will need either Master David, Master Jose, or me with you. And, we have decided we will need you tonight. After tonight, you are free to accompany Steven to bed."

"Thank you, Master," Tim replied. "Steven, since this will be our alone time until tomorrow, I wanted you to know I love you. You are part of me. I am part of you. I hope my decision about my relationship with Master Grant and Master David will not get in the way of our long-term relationship."

"It will not get in the way of our relationship, Sir," I said. "You can rest assured I will always be with you, if not physically, but in spirit. Take your own Spirit Journey, Sir. You will be glad you did. Now, I believe my Master wants to fuck me before dinner."

I stood and left for the bedroom I share with Master Jose.

Master Jose was sitting on the sofa in our bedroom reading his table. He still had his Calvin Klein low rise briefs on. His body made me almost drool. "So, boy, have you and Tim finished your discussion?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I take it you were not pleased with the results of the conversation," Master Jose said after he put his tablet on the coffee table in front of him.

"It is a lot to take in, Master," I replied. "Would you fuck me, Master? I need to be fucked so I can move on. Will you please fuck me, Sir?"

"Yes, boy," Master Jose replied as he stood and walked toward me. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. I felt his dick harden. "Take off my underwear and suck on my dick."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I kneeled in front of my Master's erection showing prominently in his briefs.

I pulled the underwear down and his big, hard, uncut cock slapped his six pack abs. I helped Master Jose step out of his underwear and eagerly began to suck it. I worked on Master Jose's uncut dick as if my life depended on it. In a way, it did.

"Shit, Steven," Master Jose hissed. "You are one mighty fine cock sucker, boy! Awe yes! Boy! Suck your Master's dick. Suck it! Make me feel good, boy! Suck it."

His voice gave me new energy and I increased the tempo. When I pushed his dick down my throat, I felt his body tighten.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Jose stood silently with his hands on my shoulders for support until he recovered. He pulled me up and close to him. We kissed.

"I'm sorry I came so quickly and I didn't get to fuck you, boy," Master Jose said as he paused kissing me. "I promise I will make it up to you tonight."

"I love sucking your dick, Master," I replied. "I get to taste you. I like the taste. I can never get enough."

"Let's sit and talk for a moment about you and Tim," Master Jose replied as we settled on the sofa. "Tell me what is bothering you, boy."

"Tim serves Master Grant and Master David from now on," I replied. "He and I will have private time from Sunday evening at 6 pm until Friday at 6 pm. No weekends until Tim has completed his one year of service to his Masters. I feel betrayed because he made this decision without me. We never talked about his service. I am not angry. I just feel betrayed and wished he and I could have discussed his situation before he agreed to it."

"Steven," Master Jose replied. "This is Jose talking, not Master Jose. Tim loves you with all of his heart. You can tell by the way he looks at you and when you interact. You function as a unit. I guarantee you will never grow apart. Things may be different than before, but it is not the end of the world as you two know it. I knew Grant and David's plans included some tough times for you and Tim. I should have warned you, but I didn't feel it was my place to interfere with your relationship with Tim."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "You always make me feel better."

"I need to tell you about something else, Steven," Master Jose said. "Giles brother passed away early this morning. Giles called me this afternoon. He will spend time with his brother's family before he returns to our lives. He will probably be here within a couple of weeks."

"We need to attend the funeral," I replied. "Tim and I need to be there along with our boys. Do you want to join us?"

"Yes," Master Jose replied. "What about Grant, David, and Garrison?"

"They are, of course, welcome to accompany us. However, we will have nine boys and three adults. I am not certain all of us will fit into the plane," I replied.

"Good," Master Jose replied. "We will tell the others at our cocktail hour—which is just now beginning. Put this on, boy."

"You want me to wear a jock strap?" I asked. "I thought you wanted me naked."

"I do, but David and I talked about how your five teenage boys are reacting to your enslavement," Master Jose advised me.

"No, Master," I replied. "My place by your side is naked, Sir."

"Good boy," Master Jose said as he stood and offered me his hand as we went downstairs. We found seats opposite Master David and Master Grant.

"Steven," Tim said from his place between Master Grant and Master David. "Connor and Theo have a question to ask you."

"Ask away," I said as I sat between Master Jose and Master Garrison.

"Theo and I have thought about a project we would like to do, but it might involve money," Connor explained. "What would our chances of getting funding from your venture capital firm?"

"It depends on what your business might include," I replied. "In one minute or less, tell me everything you believe I need to know."

"It's an app which would tell people, at a party for instance, if some other person at the same gathering has similar interests. It helps your meet the person," Theo said in one breath.

"You're good at this, Master Theo," I replied. "You only took about thirty seconds. How far along are you with details about the project?"

"Thinking stage," Connor replied. "We know the technology we would need. The sales and management area of the project could be troublesome for us."

"We hired Mas... you Uncle Joseph to help our new businesses move forward in the most expedient manner," I explained.

"What do we need to have your group look at the project?" Theo asked.

"Business plan," I replied. "I can help you write one if you like. I won't write it, but I will give you advice about it."

"You have a terrific teacher," Tim said. "Your dad puts a finger on something and it makes money. Usually bundles of money."

"When can we work on the business plan?" Connor asked.

"I'm free all day tomorrow," I replied.

"You are working on your project with Tyron at 1:30," Garrison added.

"Oh! Yea... Project... Tyron...," I muttered. "Tomorrow evening?"

"Terrific!" Theo and Connor replied in unison.

"What were you reading this afternoon, Ramesh?" David asked. "You seemed engrossed in whatever it was."

"It was a Ph.D. thesis on using Gar-Bingham data analysis to realign big data assumptions to achieve a higher level of enhancements to standard artificial intelligence," Ramesh replied. "It is an interesting theory, but I believe Jessup Herring, the Ph.D. candidate who wrote it, made a few incorrect assumptions. I found some loop holes in his hypothesis, but it is still and interesting paper."

I looked around the room. Most mouths were open in awe of Ramesh's statement.

Finally, David asked, "Where did you find the thesis? And, are you sure you are not 31 instead of 13?"

"I will be 14 next January. I found the thesis in Dad's library," Ramesh replied. "He's a friend of Dad's. Dad is mentioned in the dedication of the book."

"So, does Jessup have first-hand experience with you and your naked body, Steven?" Tim asked.

"Yes," I replied. I elected not to explain further.

"You seem bothered by something tonight, Steven," Master David said.

"Could you please tell them, Master?" I asked.

"Giles called me from Paris shortly before Grant and Tim arrived home," Master Jose explained. "Giles brother passed away early this morning. The funeral will be held on Friday. Steven and I will be attending the service. Hopefully, you can find it appropriate to have Tim accompany us, Grant. You are all welcome to come with us, but we would be a plane full."

"Ah!" Master David interrupted. "The new Gulfstream arrived last Friday. The crew inspected the plane today with the factory representatives. The plane can have its maiden voyage when we leave for Paris. The new plane will allow us all to go if you, Steven and Tim, think it will be appropriate for us to attend the service."

"I think Giles would appreciate all of us being at the service," I suggested. "Tim?"

"Of course," Tim replied. "Is this why Adrian and JJ are not with us this evening?"

"Yes," I replied. "They wanted some time alone with each other. They knew Giles' brother personally. He visited New York often and would stay at Master Ajmal's house."

"We could stay in AJ's house in Paris or we could get accommodations at a hotel somewhere," David suggested. "Steven?"

"The Ritz in Paris is nice," I replied. "I'm sorry if I am not eager to see some of AJ's other homes, but I am just not ready."

"I can look for something less expensive," David volunteered.

"Master David," I began my explanation. "We are flying to Paris from Chicago in our brand new Gulfstream jet. I believe you can reserve whatever rooms we need at the Ritz and put it on the AmEx card. Just keep the price below $20 thousand a night for all of the rooms."

"Yea," David apologized. "I sometimes forget who I am working for. Two rooms for six adults. One room for the five boys."

"Try to get the DE Gaul two-bedroom suite on the sixth floor," I suggested. "It connects to a smaller two-bedroom suite. You might need to go above the limit I just gave you, but use your own judgement."

"Slave boy," Master Grant began. "How the fuck do you know so much about the suites at the Ritz in Paris?"

"We used to stay there when we were on business with eSquare," I replied. "I've been there probably 20 times over the last five years."

"Don't forget who you are talking to, Master," Tim said. "Steven has more frequent flyer miles than most airlines. He may be a slave boy now, but he was a very active traveler when he was working."


"Good morning, Sir," I said to Master Tyron as Master Jose and I arrived at the office the morning after Master Tim and Master Grant returned from New York.

"Good morning to you, too, boy," Master Tyron replied. "You seem to be perky this morning. I assume you had a pleasant night."

"Yes, indeed," I explained. "Tim and Master Grant returned home from New York yesterday evening."

"So, the two of you fucked like bunnies," Master Tyron said with a smile.

"Nope," I replied. "Master Tim and I are both locked up."

"That sucks!" Master Tyron said.

"Yes, I did," I replied.

"The boy gave us all blow jobs before dinner," Master Jose explained. "Grant, David, Garrison, and me. Obviously, Tim couldn't get a blow job."

"I can certainly attest to the boy's prowess at giving blow jobs," Tyron said with a smile. "Are we still on for our 1:30 project meeting, boss man?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Master Tyron," I said with a smile. "How is the issue with Buckley and his ex-boyfriend developing?"

"I haven't heard about any new details," Master Tyron said with a smile. He made my dick twitch inside the metal enclosure. "But, Willy is in your office waiting to speak with you. Ah... Does Willy have a boyfriend?"

"Yes," I replied.

When we arrived at my makeshift office, Willy sat at the conference table with a mug of coffee in his hand.

"Willy!" I said. "Tell me some good news."

"The good news is we found Buckley's ex-boyfriend trying to leave the country early this morning," Willy explained. "He is in custody and is awaiting arraignment. Is Buckley in? I need to explain a few items to him."

"Let me check," I said as I picked up the phone and called Buckley's office. "Buckley! Could you step into my office for a moment? Willy stopped in to talk with you."

"I'll be right there," Buckley replied.

Two seconds later he walked through my office door.

"Please tell me you caught the bastard," Buckley said as he took a seat next to Willy.

"We did," Willy replied. "He was trying to leave the country early this morning. A TSA spotted him from the alerts we sent out. We will be charging him in your case. The big one though is first degree murder. He will be put away for a long, long time."

"Who was the dead guy?" Buckley asked.

"Your ex's boyfriend. The one who replaced you," Willy explained. "He somehow lured him to your apartment, attacked him, tied him to the bed, and tortured him. Then, he slit his throat."

"Shit!" Buckley replied. "It could have been me!"

"We've got him," Willy replied. "You are safe. He will be locked away for a long, long time, Buckley."

"Where am I going to live?" Buckley asked. "Everything I owned has been destroyed. I have no clothes. I have no furniture. I have no television or any of that shit."

"We have an extra apartment in the building behind our house," I suggested. "It is connected to our house through the covered walkways. You will be safe. Don't worry about the physical stuff. Just get over this trauma. Okay Buckley?"

"Thanks, Steven," Buckley replied as he got up to leave. "I have work to do."

"Buckley is wound up tight," I said. "I hope he doesn't break."

"Give this to Buckley when you think the time is right," Willy said as he handed me a business card. "Dr. Green specializes in counseling abuse victims. He will need help to get through this."

"Thank you, Willy," I said. "I will see he gets the card. I will also encourage him to see Dr. Green."

"I will keep Buckley posted on the proceedings," Willy said. "In the meantime, I hope you and Tyron have a terrific meeting this afternoon!"

Thank you, Willy," I said. "I will make the best of the situation."

"I'll bet!" Willy said with a smile as he left my office.

"Why do I have this feeling this will be a busy day?" I asked.

"You have a 1:30 pm appointment with your project team," Master Jose said. "You have an office manager who is on the brink of depression. You have a husband who is transitioning into being a slave boy. And, you have Garrison and me who want a piece of your ass before the day is over."

"Got it, Master!" I replied.

"Have I told you today how amazing I think you are, Steven?" Master Jose asked.

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "Have I shown you how amazing you are today, Master?"

"Yes," Master Jose relied. "My dick... Your ass... In the shower..."

"Oh! Yea!" I said with a smile. "Do you want to help me get ready for my project meeting with Tyron this afternoon?"

"Depends on how much help you will need," Master Jose replied.

"I need a big, uncut, Hispanic dick to suck," I explained as I sat on Master Jose's lap and kissed him.

"You are on," Master Jose replied.

Master Jose and I carefully slithered into the back office. Master Jose locked the door.

"You need to be naked, boy," Master Jose ordered. "I only let naked slave boys suck my big, uncut Hispanic dick!"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I began to almost rip off my clothes. Once I was naked I kneeled in front of Master Jose's crotch.

"You need to work to get my dick in your mouth, boy," Master Jose said.

I reached up and released Master Jose's belt and unbuttoned the button. I slowly pulled the zipper down. It was waiting inside the fabric of Master Jose's suit pants. My prize. Master Jose's perfect 8-inch, uncut, Hispanic dick standing at attention. I marveled at his shaved crotch, cock, and balls. His perfect all over tan and his well-developed stomach made my dick strain against the metal enclosure.

Master Jose had unbuttoned his shirt while I was getting his pants out of the way. When he threw the shirt across a chair, he treated me to another amazing sight. His naked muscular chest glistening in the light from the window across the room.

Master Jose pulled me up so I faced him. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. Slowly at first. Lips brushing each other. Tongue. Passion built. My hands caressed his perfect flawless skin.

"What did I do to deserve you, Steven," Master Jose hissed as he paused kissing me momentarily.

"We found each other on our Spirit Journey, Master," I hissed back as I lowered myself to kiss Master Jose's dick.

"Fuuuucccckkkk!" Master Jose hissed as I pushed his dick into my mouth.

I pushed my tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around the tip. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed my Master's dick. I took a deep breath and forced Master Jose's dick down my throat and moved my head so he was fucking my throat. I continued sucking his cock, kissing and licking his beautiful hairless balls. I felt as though I was on fire. The energy in the room seemed explosive. I took his dick down my throat and felt it erupt.

""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Jose moaned as he unloaded into my mouth.

The taste of his cum pushed me over the edge and I busted a load in the metal enclosure.

Once we both recovered, Master Jose and I dressed and headed back to my office. Tim, Master David, and Master Grant were seated at the conference table waiting for us to return.

"Smells like sex to me, right Master?" Tim asked.

"Yup," Master David replied.

"No wonder you two are so eager to go to the office every day," Tim said.

"Since you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing, the three of us are taking the two of you out to lunch," Master Grant suggested.

"Thank you, Sir," I said in my best grateful slave boy voice. "We would be delighted to join you."

"We decided to start lunch early because we knew you wouldn't want to be late for your project meeting with Tyron," Tim added.

"Thank you for being so thoughtful, Sir," I replied.

As we were walking to the Thai place down the street, Master Grant explained their surprise lunch visit. "I was talking with David this morning, and we broached the subject of body modifications for Tim. We thought it would be a useful conversation if the three of us talked over lunch because you, Jose, have veto power over permanent body modifications for your slave boy's husband."

"I would be delighted to listen to your plans," Master Jose replied.

After we were seated, we continued our talk. "We want to start slowly," Master Grant began. "Our boy has agreed to our ownership for one year. After one-year, he may elect to opt out of the agreement of ownership. So, we plan to modify the boy's body with very few permanent modifications."

"Seems reasonable to me," Master Jose picked up the conversation. "What would you like to see happen?"

"Piercings first," Master David explained. "Nipples. Scrotum. PA. Ears. Just these to begin with. We will wait until we can visit your boy's artists in Provincetown."

"We also want to add a few small tattoos," Master Grant continued. "A band at the top of each if the boy's biceps. We also propose to eliminate all of the boy's body hair from the neck down. We would be willing to stop the treatment before it becomes permanent unless you, Jose, agree to continue it."

"It sounds reasonable to me," Master Jose agreed. "Tim, you look somewhat nervous. Why?"

"I'm not nervous, Sir," Tim replied. "This is somewhat hard for me to verbalize, but I don't want to make nonpermanent modifications to my body. It's like everyone thinks I will bail on this agreement with Master Grant and Master David. What do I need to do to make everyone understand I want to go forward with this relationship with my Masters? I don't want to stop the hair removal process until it is permanent. I don't want to start slowly with tattoos on my body. I want to do what my Masters want when they want it. I hope this doesn't bother you, Steven, but this is what I want."

"Boy?" Master Jose asked.

"Tim, this is your relationship not mine," I replied as I smiled. "Frankly Masters, I agree with Tim's argument. I can read him like a book. This is what he wants. He wants to give himself to the two of you. So, I hope I am not offending you, Masters, but you should take him full on or terminate the relationship."

"David, Grant," Master Jose continued. "I have said in the past, Steven understands Tim better than any of us. And, somehow, I believe Tim truly does want to be totally committed to a life as your slave. So, my suggestion is to take him and make him what you want. But, do so with this understanding: you two cannot decide later this is not what you want. If I see any inkling of your wavering commitment, or if I feel you are undermining Tim and Steven's relationship with one another and their family, I am allowed to step and, if necessary, remove the boy into my custody. Agreed?"

Masters Grant and David looked at one another. David spoke for the two of them, "We agree, Jose. We will take full custody of the boy. We also believe either Steven or Tim should be available for the decision making regarding their boys. We will need to coordinate our travel schedules."

"David and I have also decided to take control of Tim's personal financial assets until the one-year probationary period has elapsed," Master Grant explained. "He will not have any control, unless we specifically give it to him, of his cash account. No debit cards. No credit cards. No cash. He can continue working on projects with the Caden-Caldwell Family Foundation."

"We will give him a debit card and credit card in case he needs to purchase something for the boys," Master David added. "We will monitor it every day."

"This is a big step, Tim," Master Jose explained. "Are you ready for Grant and David to control your finances?

"Please take it," Tim replied. "I want to be free of financial obligations so I can concentrate on my writing, being a father to our boys, husband to Steven, and being the best slave boy I can be."

"May I also inquire as to your intentions involving Garrison?" Master Jose asked.

"We haven't made any decision about Garrison," Master David replied. "Why?"

"I would like to buy him," Master Jose replied. "Same terms I agreed to with Steven. Ten-thousand dollars donated to a charity of your choice."

"We will consider your offer, Jose," Master Grant replied. "We will let you know by the end of the week."

"Thank you," Master Jose replied. "Now, we need to get the boy back to the office for his project meeting with Tyron. Would you like to watch? It is a splendid show, trust me. Tyron plays well to an audience."

"We'd love to join you," Master David added as he put down his AmEx card to pay for the lunch tab.

Once we were in the backroom, Master Jose gave the order, "Strip, boy!"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my sock, and took off my shirt. I quickly unbuckled my belt, and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and let them drop to the floor.

"Assume the position, boy," Master Jose replied. I stood facing away from the doorway, hands behind my back, legs shoulder width apart, and looking down at the floor.

I heard the knob jiggle and the door squeaked open.

"My, my!" Tyron said as he entered the room. "It looks like you and I have an audience today, boy! You know how I get when I have an audience."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Tell the others, boy," Tyron suggested. "They probably don't know how I get when I have an audience to watch me fuck a slave boy."

"He gets powerful, unstoppable, rough," I said so the group could hear me. I continued to gaze down at the floor.

"Very good, boy," Tyron continued. "You know what I want before I get started taking your asshole, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You want your ass cleaned, Sir."

"Then, I suggested you get to it, boy," Tyron said. "We don't want to disappoint our audience."

I turned and dropped to my knees as Tyron turn his back on me and leaned over to expose his asshole. I dove in and started licking every inch of his crack and asshole. I began sticking my tongue in his asshole and kept moving it around to make my man feel hot and horny. After several minutes of me eating his ass, Tyron decided he was ready to fuck.

"Bend over the desk, boy," Tyron ordered. "I am going to claim your slave ass. It will be mine until I am ready to give it back.

I bent over the desk with my ass pushed back to give Tyron access to it. I felt his big, hard dick touch my asshole. Tyron grabbed my hips to steady himself before he slammed his big dick into my asshole.

"Ahhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt Tyron's 13-inch cock rip into my asshole with amazing speed and force.

Tyron immediately turned into a major power fucker. He began slamming into my ass with his big hard dick and shoving it back in the same speed and force as he did the first time. As he shoved inside me his balls slapped against mine.

Tyron kept pounding my ass over and over and over and over again. In and out. In and out. In and out.

As my ass was beginning to wear out, Tyron picked up steam and banged his dick into me and pulled it all of the way out and back in. Over and over and over and over.

"Fuuuucccckkkk!" Tyron bellowed as I felt his cum smash against the inside of my ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Tyron laid his sweaty covered body on top of mine and tried to breathe normally. When he recovered, he whispered to me, "Tomorrow. Same time. Same place. Same ass. Same dick. Be here."

"Yes, Sir," I whispered back as Tyron pulled his still hard dick out of my well-used ass.

Tyron took my hand and helped me stand up. "Thanks, boss man," he said as he leaned in to give me a quick kiss. "You make coming to work very gratifying, boss man."

"Thank you, Master," I said as I joined my family on the sidelines.

"So, Steven," Tim began. "Great show! Between your Masters Garrison, Jose, and Tyron, it looks like you will be pretty busy. It's probably a good thing I am locked up. Otherwise, you would need to put out for me."

"I wouldn't mind, Tim," I replied as I started to retrieve my clothes.

"You wouldn't mind if the Chicago Bears all had a turn on your ass, Steven," Tim replied.

"Could you arrange for a visit from the team?" I asked. "We could have a pre-game party or something."

"Boys," Master Grant said. "I think we should be on our way. Steven needs to get dressed."


Master Giles' brother's funeral was scheduled for Friday. We postponed Tim's coming out party so we could spend a little time in Paris after the funeral. We also wanted to help Master Giles with coming to grips with his loss.

Six adults, four infants, and five teenagers boarded the new Gulfstream G650 on Thursday morning. It was amazing. Sleek. Shiny. Comfortable. And fast.

Donald, the pilot, and Jimmy, the copilot, greeted us as we stepped aboard.

"Welcome to your new airplane," Donald said to Tim and me. "This is an amazing plane. You will find the ride to Paris today to be quiet, comfortable, and fast. We will be flying at nearly at the speed of sound, at Mach 0.90. Now, if you will excuse Jimmy and me, we will get this bird ready for takeoff. Chad will take care of you until we are on the ground in Paris."

"It's great to see you, Tim and Steven!" Chad effused. "I believe the last time we were all together was for AJ and Marcus's services. I still miss them. I'm certain the two of you do, too."

"We do miss them," I replied. "I am also certain we always will. This is an amazing plane!"

"Dad," Connor said as he returned from his self-guided tour. "Is this really your plane?"

"No," I replied. "It is our plane. Technically, it is owned by the holding company who operates this plane and the older one, a Gulfstream G450. The trust, which you are part of, owns the holding company. So, all of us own the airplane."

"How much does one of these things cost?" Theo asked.

"A fair amount of money," I replied.

"In other words, you won't tell us," Connor suggested.

"No," I replied.

"Can we tell everyone we own a plane?" Theo asked.

"You could, but I wouldn't recommend it," I replied. "Do you know why?"

"If we did, people would think we were arrogant assholes," Connor added.

"Bingo!" I replied.

"Dad," Ramesh said as he joined Connor, Theo, and me. "There is a bed in the back of the plane. Why is there a bed on a plane?"

"It is something your Dad T wanted," I replied.

"Why?" Ramesh asked.

"So he and Dad S could go into the bedroom and play," Connor explained.

"Oh! Of course," Ramesh replied. "Silly me!"

"Guys! For those who don't know me, I'm Chad. I am the flight attendant for this merry band of men," Chad announced over the PA system. "According to Donald and Jimmy, we will be taking off shortly. As we begin our flight, I would ask everyone..."

Chad completed his preflight instructions.

Once the seat belt sign turned off, Master Grant and Master David sat across from Tim and me.

"We have a question for the two of you," Master Grant began. "Well, it is not really a question. It is more like a statement. When you will be in Provincetown this summer, is there a place we could rent?"

"You will have a house full with just you and the boys," Master David continued.

"The house next door to us," I replied.

"Do you know how much it would cost to rent the house?" Master Grant asked.

"It is really not for rent," I replied.

"Then, why did you mention it?" Master David asked.

"We won't rent it, but you can have it for the summer," I replied.

"You have two houses in Provincetown?" Master Grant asked.

"We bought it last summer," I replied. "We had the houses connected with a common outdoor entertaining area. We haven't seen the outside improvements yet, but it will be completed by the end of this month."

"How big is this second house?" Master Grant asked.

"Four bedrooms, five bathrooms, formal and casual living areas, dining area, open gourmet kitchen, a one-bedroom apartment over the three car garage," I explained. "About 5,000 square feet. It's approximately 1,000 square feet smaller than the first house."

"Where do you get all of this money to burn through?" Master Grant asked.

"Master David didn't tell you?" I asked as I looked at David.

"I didn't want to betray your privacy," Master David replied.

"This is Steven talking and not slave boy Steven, David," I began. "You are getting married to Grant. Don't keep secrets from your future husband."

"All I do is run it," Master David said.

"Maybe," I replied. "Tim and I have a thought about getting you and Grant involved in the trust you manage."

"How involved?" Master David asked.

"Partners in every way," I explained.

"How?" Master David asked. "The only way you can add someone to benefit from the trust is if they are your adopted kids."

"Yes, son," I replied with a smile. "I am told it can work. Besides, I know a judge in family court who will assist in this process."

"You are kidding, aren't you, Steven?" Master Grant asked.

"Nope," Tim answered. "Steven and I have discussed this several times. We want to go forward with this. I would adopt the two of you. Steven would adopt Jose and Garrison."

"Master Giles is already part of the trust," I added.

"I hate to ask, but how elaborate is this trust?" Master Grant asked. "You are going to a lot of effort to get us involved."

"Tell him, Master David," I suggested.

"Ah... It is about...," Master David stammered. "It depends on the day. But, it is about $50 billion."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Master Grant replied. "Why do you want to include me? David I could see, but me?"

"You and my husband will be intimate for at least the next year," I replied. "You will be making decisions for my slave husband. And, I assume you and Master David love my husband Tim, or you wouldn't be turning him into a slave boy. We want to include Master Jose and Master Garrison for the same reason. We want everyone to be on an equal footing."

"So, Dad," Master Garrison said. "Can you raise my allowance?"

I threw a pillow at him.

We talked until we landed in Paris. The six-hour flight was flawless. Fast. Comfortable. Entertaining. Chad was at his best.

We were met by a limo driver... Well, two limo drivers.

"Good afternoon," a man in a black suit said as we exited the terminal. "I am George and this is Carl. We will be your drivers while you are in Paris."

"You look familiar," I said to George. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Carl and I drove you and your colleagues from eSquare whenever you were in Paris," George replied.

"Now I remember," I replied. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!"

"How is your friend Joe?" Carl asked. He was smiling broadly.

"Master Joseph is fine, Master Carl," I replied. I introduced everyone in the group to George and Carl.

Masters Tim, David, and Grant were in one SUV with Omar, Kathem, JJ, and Adrian. Masters Jose, Garrison, Connor, Theo, and Ramesh were in the other SUV. Master Garrison carried Ali and Ahmed in their carriers.

As Tim was about to climb into the SUV containing Master Grant and Master David, he asked the question I knew was coming, "How well do you know Carl and George, Steven?"

I leaned in and quietly answered my husband, "Intimately. I have had most of their body parts in either my mouth or my ass. You will find them to be stunning men."

"Why am I not surprised?" Tim said under his breath as he stepped into the SUV.

When we arrived at the Ritz, we were met by a contingent of staff who assisted with our arrival.

"Mr. Caldwell," I heard a voice with a French lilt call my name. It was Henri, the general manager of the Ritz.

"Henri!" I said with an outstretched hand. "Good to see you again."

"It has been way too long since you have been a guest here," Henri said as he pulled me in for a hug. "We have your accommodations ready for you, Sir. If you and your group will follow me, I will show you to your rooms."

"Thank you, Henri," I said as we all followed Henri to the elevator and then into the suite.

"I trust you will find the accommodations to be to your liking, Mr. Caldwell," Henri replied. "The two guest suites, as you know, Mr. Caldwell, are on each end of this suite. The connecting suite is through the door on the left. We took the liberty of ordering some snacks for you to enjoy while you get settled. If there is anything you need, please let me know. Here is my private cell phone number if you need to reach me."

Henri handed me a business card with his contact information on it.

"Thank you Henri," I said as I accompanied him to the door. "I am certain we will adapt quite nicely to the surroundings."

"So, this is what $20 grand a night will get you in Paris?" Master David said as he looked around the suite. "I had expected over done furnishings. This is amazingly decorated."

"This is one of the suites with very contemporary furnishings," I explained. "There are other suites and rooms which are, as you said, Master, overdone and heavy."

"You need to be naked, Steven," Master Jose replied.

"Yes, Master," I said as I began to shed my clothing.

Once I was completely naked, I assumed the position in front of Master Jose. "Very good, boy. Garrison, why don't you join the boy and me in the bedroom. I, for one, get horny when I fly."

I followed Master Jose and Master Garrison into the bedroom suite on the right side of the massive living area.

"Before we begin, Garrison," Master Jose explained. "I have something to tell you. I have purchased your ass from Grant and David. The terms are the same as for Steven. I will donate $10 thousand to a charity of choice.''

"You bought my ass?" Master Garrison asked. "For $10 thousand? Holy shit! Either you must be an extremely horny dude, or you like throwing your money around."

"The former," Master Jose replied. "I will explain in further detail later. Right now, I want to be on the bed naked with my two boys."

"Take off our clothes, boy," Master Jose ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I kneeled down to take off Master Jose's shoes. I slipped them off, and crawled to Garrison and slipped off his shoes.

I stood and unbutton Master Garrison's shirt and slipped it off. Garrison's magnificent chest and v-shaped six-pack abs made my dick stir. If I had not been ordered to remove all of my Masters' clothing, I would have licked his entire body clean.

I turned my attention to Master Jose. I looked into his eyes while I unbuttoned his shirt. His piercing brown eyes glittered with energy. Master Jose's shirt dropped to the floor. His perfectly shaped muscular chest and his tanned smooth body made my dick strained even more against the metal covering my dick.

As I lowered myself in front of Master Jose, I let my hands softly touch his perfect and abs as I made my way to the buttons and zipper. I began to gently pull my Master's pants down. His dick slapped against his abs as the pants cleared his rock hard 8-inch uncut dick. Master Jose did not have a tan line. I shuddered as his pants cleared his massively muscled legs.

"Not yet, boy," Master Jose said as he saw me eyeing his prefect dick. "You have business to attend to. Get Garrison naked, boy."

"Yes, Master," I said as I almost flew to kneel in front of Garrison. As Garrison stepped out of his pants, I let my hand linger on Master Garrison's recently shave crotch and hairless, shaved cock and balls.

I stood and assumed the position. Hands behind my back. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Looking down at my Masters' feet.

"Henri gave me this note," Master Jose said. "He personally supervised the installation of the restraints at the head and foot of the bed. Tell me, boy, how is Henri in bed?"

"Magnificent, Sir," I replied.

"I understand he is into bondage," Master Jose replied.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"He told me to ask you about the deserted warehouse," Master Jose said. "Well?"

"Master Henri and his husband forced me into their black BMW 750 as I left one of my appointments not too far from the hotel. It was Friday evening," I explained. "They ripped all of my clothes off me, tied me up, and stuffed me into the trunk. They drove for several minutes. When we stopped, they opened the car trunk and led me naked into an abandon warehouse. It was dark and damp. They worked all weekend on various restraints. Then, near the end of the weekend, they invited 20 of their closest friends in to fuck me."

"Sounds fucking hot!" Master Garrison said.

"We should invite Henri over to the US sometime to play with us," Master Jose added. "Or, maybe before we leave Paris. You'd like to play with Henri again, wouldn't you boy?"

"Yes, Master," I said as I tried to adjust the metal enclosure which held my dick securely as it tried to grow.

"Your dick is uncomfortable, isn't it, boy?" Master Jose asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Jose added. "Let's get the boy in restraints. The ones at the head of the bed will do nicely, I believe."

Master Jose and Master Garrison worked together to restrain my wrists to the bed. They spread my arms as wide as they could before locking the restrains.

"I don't' know about you, Garrison, but my ass needs cleaning," Master Jose said. As he climbed on top of me and turned his ass to my face. "Clean, boy!"

"Yes, Master," I said as I dove in to lick my Masters ass. I began to run my tongue over Master Jose's asshole. I suddenly shoved my tongue inside Master Jose's ass.

"Ah! Shit! Steven! More! Fuck!" Master Jose hissed.

I worked my tongue in and out of my Master's ass.

Master Jose pulled away from my mouth. He turned so he was facing me. "God! You made me even hornier, boy."

Master Jose positioned his dick at my asshole. He didn't push in as I expected. He leaned in and kissed me. Slowly. Passionate. Warmly. Lovingly.

He pulled his lips away from mine and looked into my eyes.

"What do you see, boy?" Master Jose asked.

"Energy. Lust. Passion. Love," I whispered.

"Good boy," Master Jose said as he pushed his hard uncut dick into my ass. As Master Jose began working my ass with his dick, I felt a hand on my nipples.

"You are going to make me cum, Master Garrison," I hissed.

"I won't let you cum, boy," Master Garrison replied.

"Garrison," Master Jose whispered as he continued to work his dick in and out of my ass. "Fuck me, Garrison. Stick your big, slave boy dick in my ass. Now, Garrison! Now!"

"Yes, Master," Master Garrison replied as he left my nipples and moved behind Master Jose. "I wanted this since the first day I saw you, Master."

"Me, too, Garrison," Master Jose whispered as Master Garrison put copious amounts of lube on this 13-inch uncut black dick.

"Make me feel it, Garrison," Master Jose hissed. "Make me feel your big dick in my asshole!"

"Yes, Master," Master Garrison quietly replied as he shoved his massive dick into Master Jose's ass.

"Ah! Yes, Garrison! Yes!" Master Jose roared as he lowered his body on top of mine and began to follow the rhythm Garrison set. I felt Master Jose's dick push inside me as Master Garrison stabbed his dick in to Master Jose's ass. Master Jose's dick pulled slightly out as Master Garrison pulled back. It felt like a perfect machine working together to give ourselves pleasure.

Master Jose moaned as Garrison stabbed into him. Master Jose leaned in and brushed his lips on mine. My mouth opened to allow access to Master Jose's tongue.

"Here it comes, Master," Garrison bellowed. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Garrison moaned as he unloaded into Master Jose practically virgin ass.

Master Garrison collapsed on top of Master Jose's body.

"This was amazing," Master Jose hissed. "I have only been fucked by two people. My cousin when I was 16, and a trick I picked up in a bar. I only have one thing to say to you both. I want more of this. I hope you both do as well."

"I haven't taken my dick out of your ass yet, Master," Master Garrison replied. "Are you saying you want a second round right now?"

"I do, but I suspect the others will send out a search party if we go for round two," Master Jose replied.

Master Jose leaned in to kiss me. "God! You make me happy, Steven," Master Jose said to me and then resumed kissing me.

"Ditto, Sir," I said.


We arrived at the church where the service for Master Giles brother would be held. When Master Giles saw us, he immediately pulled Adrian and JJ into a hug. Then, one-by-one we were hugged as well.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate you coming all of the way here," Master Giles said to the group. "I was also wondering if you might have space for me on the return flight."

"Of course," I replied. "It is one of the advantages of having a plane of our own."

"I loved my brother," Master Giles continued. "The rest of my family drives me fucking nuts! Besides, I need to go to New York and pack up some of my things."

"You are welcome to join us for the flight home," I replied. "We can drop you in New York if you like."

"I need to introduce you to the rest of the gang," Master Giles explained as he led us to the area where his family were waiting. "Just ignore any outrageous comments they may make. They are totally unfiltered."

Master Giles introduced everyone including Master Ajmal's sons. He ended with me, "Nina, Lathrop, Sidney, this is Steven Caden-Caldwell. Steven, these are my siblings, Nina, Lathrop, and Sidney."

"Are you the Steven Caldwell who works for eSquare?" Nina asked.

"I did work for eSquare until last Spring," I said. "Why do you ask?"

"My ex-husband works for eSquare," Nina explained. "His name is Jason Grimard. He talked about you incessantly."

"Of course," I said. "Jason and I worked on several projects together. Please say hello for me. I haven't talked with Jason since I left."

"I will tell him I met you when I see him at our next court date," Nina replied. "The bastard never makes his alimony payments on time. So, I see him often."

"Please give him my best," I said as Giles led me to his two brothers. I whispered to Master Giles, "Jason Grimard is one of the slutiest subs in Paris."

"It is nice to meet you, gentlemen," I said as I extended my hand. "I am very sorry about your loss."

Sidney and I shook hands. Lathrop backed away. I changed the subject, "What is it you to gentlemen do for a living here in Paris?"

"I'm a nurse in a hospital not far from where I live," Sidney explained. "Lathrop is a firefighter. My sister Nina is a professional bride. Jason was her fourth husband in about as many years."

"So you're a faggot like my brother," Lathrop said.

"Lathrop!" Giles stopped his brother from going any further. "Do not say that word around me!"

Lathrop crossed the room to talk with some other guys.

"I'm sorry about Lathrop," Sidney said. "He's not exactly a friend of gay men. I actually though after the death of our brother Jon, Lathrop would have settled down. But, I can see it is not going to happen."

"I've heard worse," I replied.

"And, before you ask, I am bisexual," Sidney replied. "Someday I will meet the right person and settle down. It may be man. It may be a woman. Anyway, I see some people I need to talk with. It's nice to meet you, Steven."

"You, too, Sidney," I said as I watched him cross the room.

"Now you understand why I need to get the fuck out of here!" Master Giles

The service was beautiful. Master Giles eulogized his beloved brother beautifully. During the lunch reception following the service, Giles sat with us.

"Thank you for coming all this way," Master Giles finally said. "I am grateful for your positive energy and loyalty. I knew I could get through the service and my eulogy when I found out all of you were coming. And, Steven, from the time my bother passed away I have been thinking about something you told me. You said, `We all figure out why we were put on this earth. Sometimes it is later in life. Sometimes in the beginning.' I think at the very moment I finished my bothers eulogy, I understood why I was put on this earth. I don't even know how I can describe my life's work except to say I want to eliminate hate in this world. I want to do what you are doing, Steven. I want to work to help the LGBTQ community live without hate in their lives. Steven, you are commencing on a journey to help people in foreign countries. I want to start in the US. I want to rid the world of haters like my brother Lathrop by showing the world we are people—kind, caring, and loving people—who deserve a life without hate. I know it sounds a little lofty, but I want to turn my energy loose on getting rid of hate."

"We will help, Master," I replied. "Tell us what you need. We will be right along beside you."

"Thank you," Master Giles said to the group.

"Where are you staying, Giles?" Master Grant asked.

"I am staying with my brother Sidney," Master Giles replied. "I need to get out of his hair. His place isn't big to begin with. He has two dogs, two cats, and a huge fish tank full of fish. It is hard to find a place to breath."

"You can stay with us at the Ritz, Master," I said.

"Yes, Giles," JJ pleaded. "It would be great to have you with us."

"You can't turn the boys down, can you Master Giles?" I asked.

"Alright," Master Giles replied. "I will be at the hotel right after I say good bye to the family and get my things together."

"Will you be able to have dinner with us?" I asked. "We are going to Georges at 7 tonight."

"I'd love to join you," Master Giles replied. "Now I need to circulate before I get castigated for not visiting with all of our guests."

"So, Steven," Tim said as soon as Master Giles was out of earshot. "It seems you have made quite an impression on Giles. Is there anything we should be aware of in terms of how well you get along with Giles?"

"No," I replied. "Nothing really comes to mind. We went on a Spirit Journey together, but nothing more."

After the reception, we went back to the suite to rest before dinner. Before we settled in, Master Jose pulled me away from the group. "Steven," Master Jose said. "I need to speak with you about something. Our room 5 minutes."

"I'll be there in five," I replied as I hung my suit coat on the back of a chair. I kept looking at the clock. When five minutes had passed, I slipped into our bedroom. "Is something wrong, Master?"

"No," Master Jose said with a huge smile across his face. "I believe I have some very interesting information."

"Oh," I replied. "About what?"

"You, me, Garrison, and Giles," Master Jose replied.

"And?" I asked.

"I had the most interesting conversation with Giles brother Sidney," Master Jose explained. "He and Giles have had some very serious conversations while their brother was ill. He said Giles was very fond of you, Steven. Do you follow me, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I believe you, too, have a fondness for Giles," Master Jose continued. "Am I correct?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Jose said with a smile. "We have a little time before we need to get ready for dinner. I am really, really horny. I am really, really looking forward to seeing you and me naked on the bed. I am really, really looking forward to fucking you."

"Thank you, Master," I said as I began almost ripping my shirt off, kicking off my shoes, dropping my pants, and removing my socks. I stood before my Master naked with my cock straining against the metal restricting my dick as it tried to grow.

Master Jose also stood naked. We faced one another. Master Jose kissed me. He pulled back.

"I am unlocking you, Steven," Master Jose said. "I have plans for your dick. I have thought about this ever since I rented you. You will be fucking me. On this bed. In this room. You are sticking your slave boy dick in my Master ass."

Master Jose unlocked the metal covering my dick and let it fall to the floor. I was hard almost before the metal dropped to the floor.

Master Jose took my hand in his and led me to the bed. He positioned himself in the middle of the bed on his back. He held out his arms and pulled back his legs. He took my breath away. His gorgeous, muscled body shimmered in the afternoon sun light filtering through the window.

"Come to me, Steven," Master Jose whispered. "I need you to fuck me, boy. This is something I have wanted for a long time. I now have the courage to ask."

"Why courage?" I asked.

"Slave boys usually don't fuck their Masters," Master Jose explained. "I finally realized today I make the rules. If I want my slave boy to fuck me, he will fuck me. Understand, boy?"

I smiled down at Master Jose's beautiful face and leaned down to kiss him. After a very passionate make out session, Master Jose whispered into my ear, "Now, Steven. I need it now."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I picked up a tube of lube beside us on the bed. I slathered my dick with lube. "Fingers, Master?"

"No, boy," Master Jose replied. "Your dick. Now."

I leaned into Master Jose's perfect asshole. I kissed his perfect lips. Before I knew I had started, I realized I was balls deep in Master Jose's very willing ass.

"You are perfect, Master," I hiss as my hairless balls hit my Master's hairless ass. "You have a perfect body, a perfect dick, a perfect mind, a perfect smile, and, now I know, you have a perfect ass! God! I love you, Master!"

"I love you too, Steven," Master Jose whispered to me. "Take me with you, Steven."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I will lead you on a Spirit Journey, Master. You, me, together."

I felt Master Jose's energy meld with mine as we rose into the sky in search of our Spirit Journey. We went higher and higher. Looking down we saw the others: Master Garrison, Master Tim, Master Grant, Master David, and the boys. We were happy. Master Giles kissed me softly. Master Jose and Master Giles shared kisses as did Master Giles and Master Garrison. We were together. We were happy. We were in love.

As we returned to our physical bodies, I felt my dick explode in Master Jose's ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as my dick unleashed a massive load of cum in my Master Jose's perfect ass.

"Shit! Here it comes, boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Jose bellowed as his dick erupted leaving us both a sticky mess.

I lowered myself on top of Master Jose. When I could finally speak, I asked, "Did you feel it, Master?"

"Yes, Steven," Master Jose whispered. "I felt you and me looking down and seeing us, our family, together. Sharing happy moments. Sharing love and tender kisses. I love you, Steven."

"I love you, too, Master," I replied. "Thank you for making me happy again."

"Thank you for making me happy for the first time in my life," Master Jose replied.

"I plan on making you happy every day for the rest of your life, Master," I said.

"Unfortunately, I believe we will need to stop this happy loves fest and join the others for dinner!" Master Jose replied. "Back to reality!"

Master Jose and I showered quickly. We pulled on clothes suitable for going out to dinner with the family and met the others in the living room.

"It is nice the two of you could join us for the rest of the evening's festivities," Master Tim said to Master Jose and I. "You look different, Steven. Like a cloud has lifted. What gives?"

"Nothing much, Master Tim," I answered.

"Wait!" Master Tim almost shouted. "Your crotch. Your dick is showing in your crotch. Are you unlocked, Steven?"

"Ahm...," I stammered. "Yes, Master Tim."

"What happened to the year?" Master Tim asked Master Jose.

"I changed my mind," Master Jose replied.

"It's not going to happen, Tim," Master Grant said. "I'm not changing my mind."

Tim started to say something and then thought better of it.

"Steven can make love to you now, Tim," Master Jose replied. "Well, not now because I have plans for him as I am certain Grant and David have plans for you."

"Oh! Yes," Master Tim replied with his why me pouty expression. "I suppose he can sometime after I take care of my Masters."

Master Jose turned his attention to Master Giles. "Have you made your break from your family, Giles?"

"Yes," Master Giles replied. He looked a little sad. "Other than Sidney, I probably won't see them again."

Master Jose nudged me. He indicated I should go to Master Giles.

"Master Giles," I began. "I hope one day you will consider all of us your family."

"I already do, Steven," Master Giles replied with a kiss on my forehead. "I already do."

We went out to dinner with the boys. George's is an upscale, family friendly restaurant. The boys had a great time as did all of the adults. Master Giles seemed happier as the evening wore on.

We arrive home a little before 9 pm. The boys were having a festive time talking among themselves and even included the little ones who were smiling, kicking, and jabbering.

Master Jose and Master Giles were talking among themselves as Master Tim, Master Garrison, Master Grant, Master David, and I laughed about the evening.

"When Tim finally realized we were about to buy a house costing more than 1 million, he almost lost his lunch," I said. "Since then, he has come to grips with spending large amounts of money. Hence the jet."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Master Giles smiling at me. "May I have a word with you, Steven?"

"Of course," I said as I followed Master Giles to a corner of the room.

Once we were seated away from the group, Master Giles began, "Steven, I will be blunt because I don't know how else to approach this. And, before I am blunt, I want to preface my remarks by saying I never want to get between you and Tim, you and Jose, you and Garrison, and you and your boys... Since the first day I met you, I knew I had strong feelings about you. I sensed you might have the same strong feelings about me. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Master," I replied very softly. "I think it has something to do with our relationships with Master Ajmal. We seemed to connect the very first time we were intimate."

"My connection with you and my feelings toward you became even stronger as today wore on," Master Giles replied. "I talked briefly with Jose about our feelings. He suggested I speak with you about an incident which happened this afternoon. Can you tell me about the incident?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Master Jose and I were making love to one another. We went on a Spirit Journey together. You were part of the journey. The three of us were together. Actually, the four of us were together. You, Master Jose, Master Garrison, and me. Standing naked before the rest of our family. Kissing. Laughing. Feeling. Loving."

"I was there," Master Giles said softly. "I didn't know what it was when I first had the feeling of being more connected to you. Now, I do. Tonight, I hope I can make love to you again, Steven. Will you?"

"Yes, he will," Master Jose replied as he leaned in to kiss me.

I leaned in to kiss him. "Master, may I have a moment with Tim?"

"Of course," Master Giles replied.

I walked over to Tim and tapped him on the shoulder. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Do you have time for us to be together tomorrow? I want us to get naked and play with each other's body."

"I will make time, Steven," Tim replied with a smile.

"Thank you," I said.

I rejoined my men, and we went to our bedroom.

Master Garrison stood in front of Master Jose. I stood in front of Master Giles. Almost in unison Garrison and I began removing our clothing. When we were naked, we assumed the position in front of our Masters.

I began with Master Giles' shirt. I slipped it off him after I finished unbuttoning it. Master Giles pulled me in close to him. My naked body rubbing against his naked chest. The mere sight of his warm, smooth, muscular chest made my dick instantly hard. The dark black scruff on Master Giles face brushed against my lips. His lips settled on mine and his tongue found his way inside my mouth. I shuddered as his hand found my ass cheeks and began slowly caressing my ass.

"I think you have a few more clothes to attend to, Steven," Master Giles whispered.

I slid to my knees to help Master Giles out of his shoes. I looked at Master Giles' bulge in his pants getting bigger.

I pulled off each shoe. Raised myself on my knees and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. As I slid his pants down his perfect 10-inch uncut dick stood proudly. His shaved balls hung low. Master Giles pulled me to my feet and put his arms around me. Our dicks touched. It seemed like sparks flew as our energy melted into one.

"I've wanted to touch you ever since I boarded a plane to New York with your husband and his Master," Master Giles explained as he paused kissing me. "I jerked off thinking about you every day I was in Paris. I couldn't get you out of my mind."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I thought about you as well."

"What would make you happy right now, Steven?" Master Giles asked.

"I am happy," I replied. "Touching you makes me happy."

"I am happy, too, Steven," Master Giles said as his face turned from a loving, kind, and gentle look to one of lust, power, and rage. "I want your ass. And, I am taking your ass and giving you the fucking you've wanted since I stepped through the door to this suite."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Master Giles and I turned toward the bed. Master Jose lay on top of Master Garrison, and was kissing him.

"I'm not going to kiss you, boy," Master Giles said. "I will be showing you a side of me you haven't seen before. And, this is the real me. This is the me I put away in a closet for AJ. AJ isn't here anymore. I'm not in the closet anymore. On the bed, face down."

"Yes, Master," I said as I positioned myself next to Garrison and Master Jose.

Master Giles adjusted my ass to give him better access. I felt his hard, uncut dick rub against my asshole. I felt Master Giles pull his dick away. I heard the sound of squeezing the lube bottle. Then, the sound of Master Giles slathering his dick with lube. I felt his dick caress my asshole again. But, he didn't pull away. He slammed his dick into me with the power and force of a man taking what he wanted and has longed for a lengthy time.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I gasp as I felt Master Giles 10-inch dick force its way inside me. His balls slapped at mine with an incredible force.

"You like it rough, don't you, boy?" Master Giles hissed.

"Yes, Sir," I whimpered back. "Give it to me, Master! Give me what I need, Sir. Fuck me hard! Please, Sir! Fuck me hard!"

The words were not out of my mouth 2 seconds and he began to pulverize my ass with his big, uncut dick. Master Giles's big dick popped as it slipped out of my ass, and his balls slapped against mine as his big dick pushed back into my ass. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

Every time his dick went in, I moaned "Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah...!"

I felt Master Giles body tense as the sweat dripped from his body onto mine. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm fucking cumming boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Giles bellowed as I felt his Master cum coat the inside of my ass.

Master Giles lowered his body on top of mine to rest and recover. When his breathing returned to normal, we heard Garrison say, "Jesus, Giles! Does the boy still have an ass left?!"

Master Giles chuckled before he replied, "I haven't had an ass since I left Chicago. So, yea! I was a little ready. And, his ass is just perfect!"


I startled awake with movement behind me. When I opened my eyes, Jose laid in front of me. Master Giles spooned with Master Jose. The sun poured through the windows.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Garrison decided to fuck you in his sleep," Master Jose whispered.

"I'm not asleep," Master Garrison whispered back.

"No one is asleep anymore," Master Giles added.

Someone knocked on our bedroom door.

"Jesus!" I heard Connor say. "This room wreaks of sex!"

"Uncle Garrison," Theo added. "Get your dick out of my dad's ass."

"Why?" Master Garrison replied.

"Breakfast is ready," Ramesh added. "What are four naked men doing in bed?"

"Doing what you wished you were doing, Sir," I replied. "We'll be out momentarily."

"I've already had your ass, Dad," Ramesh said before the three musketeers left.

"Ramesh was kidding, right?" Master Giles asked.

"No," I replied. "He's not kidding. I was with Master Ajmal in Hassin. The incident took place before I adopted him."

"Makes perfect sense to me," Master Garrison added. "So did Connor and Theo if memory serves me correctly."

"Again, before Tim and I adopted them," I explained. "As they say in Sin City, the family who fucks together stays together."

"Master Jose," Master Garrison began. "Can I fuck the boy later today?"

"It depends on how long Steven and Tim are together this afternoon," Master Jose said as he kissed me.

Garrison pulled his still hard dick out of my ass. Master Giles and Master Jose rolled out of bed just as Garrison pulled me up.

The other three pulled on gym shorts before we headed out to breakfast.

"Holy shit!" I said as I surveyed the room. A table of breakfast foods stood near the dining room table. Two extremely handsome, bare chested men served coffee, orange juice, and mimosas. "This must be from Henri."

"Yup," Tim replied. "I suspect he wants to get into your pants, Steven... Opps... You don't wear any!"

"It's convenient," JJ added. "You don't need to get undressed before you have sex."

"Very observant, Sir," I said to JJ as we passed by his seat at the table. I tussled his hair before we loaded up our plates.

"Coffee, juice, mimosa?" One of the bare chested waiters asked.

"Coffee will be fine, Bruno," I replied.

"Bruno?" Tim asked. "How did you know his name? You just got here."

"Ah... We have spent some time together with Henri," I explained. "Right, Bruno?"

"Yes, boy," Bruno replied. "I hope to get you in a sling before you leave Paris."

"I do too, Bruno," I replied before I explained to the others.

"Bruno has a reputation in Paris for being creative when he has someone in a sling. Fists, dicks, toys, to name just a few items," Master Giles explained. "Bruno always stayed with us when he visited New York. Of course, I felt compelled to accompany him to our favorite S&M club."

"Have any of you come to the realization there aren't six degrees separating anyone in this fucked up group?" Tim asked.

"People into the S&M scene in New York are all very, very close to one another," Master Grant suggested. "Remember the blonde dude we took turns fisting the last time you were in New York, Bruno?"

"Yes," Bruno replied. "I took him home with me and fucked him until dusk the next day. I thought my dick would fall off."

"I am beginning to realize my future husband is sluttier than previously thought," Master David said to the group.

"The hot blonde was my ex-brother-in-law," Master Giles added. "He visited us in New York. He could live at the club."

We continued to talk until the two bare chested men took the cart and utensils out with them.

"So, Tim," I said. "Do you have permission to take a walk with me?"

"Masters?" Tim asked Master Grant and Master David.

"We can spare your ass for a couple of hours," Master Grant replied. "David?"

"Of course," Master David replied. "You will be punished when you return, but we won't stand in your way."

"Thank you, Masters," Tim said as he stood.

"I believe I will need to put on some clothing," I replied as I hurried into our bedroom and slipped on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. I found my sneakers and rejoined Tim in the living room.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yup," Tim replied with a smile. Once we were out of the room, Tim asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Down the hall," I replied. "Henri gave us a special room."

"How special?" Tim asked.

"Look for yourself," I said as I used the card to open the door.

"Holy shit!" Tim replied as he looked around the room.

The room was special. A king bed sat against a wall facing the outside wall of windows. A set of French doors opened to a rooftop, private patio. Henri also left us a bottle of Champaign with two flutes and a selection of cheeses and fruits.

"Drink?" I asked Tim as I pulled off his shirt.

"Sure," Tim replied as he pulled my shirt off and then pulled me to him for a kiss. Between kisses, he paused. "What if... we decide... not to... leave... this... room?"

"We will be punished," I replied.

"Promise?" Tim asked as I reached down and unbuttoned Tim's shorts. I pulled them open and they dropped to the floor.

"You're unlocked!" I said in surprise.

"Master David unlocked me," Tim replied. "Don't tell Master Grant. It is a surprise gift from Master David to you and me."

"Then, one of us needs to get into bed while the other one of us climbs on top," I suggested.

"Good," Tim replied. "I want you fuck me. Fuck me and make me feel like I'm being used by an extra horny trick I picked up in the back allies of Paris."

"In that case, I'm grateful Henri gave us this suite," I replied as I walked to the night stand. I opened the drawer and pulled out two sets of handcuffs. "On your back, boy! Just so you understand, Tim, this room is soundproof. No one will hear anything as you scream when I unload in your ass."

"Yes, Master," Tim said as he positioned himself on the middle of the bed.

I grabbed one of Tim's wrists and quickly locked the handcuffs around his left wrist. I attached the other cuff to the bed. I did the same to his right wrist. I climbed on top of Tim and looked into his eyes. He starred back.

"What do you see, boy?" I asked.

"Lust. Power. Rage," Tim replied.

"What were you expecting to see, boy?" I asked.

"I am not certain what I expected to see, Steven, but what I want to see is exactly what I do see," Tim explained. "Lust. Power. Rage. Fuck me, Steven. Fuck me hard!"

I crawled on top of my husband, put his feet on my chest, and lined up my hard dick with his asshole. I shoved into Tim in one quick powerful thrust.

"Oh! Shit! Yes, Steven! Fuck me, please fuck me!" Tim bellowed.

I began to move my dick in and out of my husband's well-used asshole.

"Someone has been having fun, boy!" I hissed. "Your slave boy ass is fucking sloppy. Just like I like it."

No more chatter. I began to pound Tim's ass in a frenzied power fuck. I pulled my dick out of his ass and then shoved it back in until I felt my balls slap against Tim's hard muscular ass. I built up the frenzy to a manic level. It wasn't Tim, my husband I was fucking, it was some mindless one-night stand. I was pleasuring myself and I didn't care how the man underneath me felt.

I suddenly realized I was ready to shoot my load in a man's ass. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm fucking cumming boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I groaned as rope after rope of cum spewed out of my still hard dick and into my husband's ass.

I lowered myself on Tim's body and tried to regain a normal rhythm of breathing. "Fuck you are good, Tim! I might turn into a Master if we do this too often."

"You can fuck me like you just did anytime you want, Steven," Tim replied as he smiled at me.

I leaned down and kissed him. I raised my body up on my arms, "I am going to do something else while you are handcuffed to the bed, boy! I am sitting on your dick and riding your cock until you spew your slave boy cum in my ass. Can you handle it, boy?"

"Yes, Master," Tim replied. "It only took you an hour to fuck me. I don't believe I will last as long."

"Then, we will just do it over and over and over again until we get it right, boy!" I whispered as I pulled my dick out of Tim's ass and moved over Tim's stomach. I lined up Tim's dick with my asshole and sat on his rock-hard-dick. "Ahhh! Shit yes, boy! Your dick feels so good in me."

I immediately began bouncing up and down on Tim's dick. Faster and faster. I braced myself on Tim's chest and even manage to grab his nipples. Squeeze and pull. Tim began to moan.

Sweat poured off me and onto Tim's naked body. I almost couldn't catch my breath. And, Tim popped over the edge.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm fucking cumming, Steven! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Tim moaned as his cum spewed into my ass.

I left his dick in my ass and leaned down to kiss him.

"So, what would you like to do now?" I whispered as I paused kissing my husband.

"Repeat," Tim said.

"Same way?" I asked.

"You here," Tim replied. "Me there."


The week after we returned from Paris, I was due to give a victim's impact statement. We had a large contingent at the sentencing hearing of Mrs. Trainer and Connor and Theo's parents.

"Mr. Caden-Caldwell," the judge said to the people in the courtroom. "I understand you would like to make a victim's impact statement."

"Yes, your honor," I replied as I stood. "Thank you for allowing me to express to the jury the emotional turmoil these three people sitting here in front of me unleashed upon my family. My husband, Timothy Caden-Caldwell, and I had a very special bond with the two victims, Ajmal and Marcus. They were family. They integrally enmeshed in our lives on a day-to-day basis. They were also our business partners. Marcus led our venture capital firm, Caden, Claldwell, Hassin, and Peabody. Ajmal became our defacto real estate consultant and partner."

As I stood before the people in the courtroom, I suddenly felt paralyzed. "I realized a few second earlier, this will be the first time I will have articulated my thoughts to anyone outside the family when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack. The agony. The heart ache. The loneliness. I've never explained the horror we have endured until now. The whole reality has started to sink in. I will never see Ajmal's energetic eyes again or Marcus's brilliant smile. This realization will haunt me for the rest of my life."

"But, Ajmal and Marcus were more than business partners," I continued. "They were the fathers of twin boys rescued from an orphanage in Iraq. Tim and I are the fathers of another set of twin boys rescued from the same orphanage the same day. Ajmal also had two adopted sons, Adrian and JJ, who are 13 and 16 years old. Ali and Ahmed, Adrian and JJ are now fatherless boys. This is what happened when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack."

"Ajmal and Marcus were more than fathers, though," I moved forward with my talk. It was a strain. "They were leaders in the LGBT community. They left many, many projects without two very compassionate and energetic volunteers unfinished. Providing gay homeless youth with housing after they were kicked out by their parents for being gay. Providing educational opportunities to underprivileged gay men and women who wanted a college education but lacked resources. Providing help to rescue LGBT men and women from tyrannical civil rights abuses. This is what happened when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack."

"Ajmal and Marcus were more than fathers, business partners, and philanthropists. They were sons and siblings of very loving families," I added. "Both sets of parents lost a lifetime of happiness because their sons were loving, caring, giving men. Both sets of siblings lost a unique bond with their brothers. Family was everything to Ajmal and Marcus. This is what happened when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack."

"Other people suffered when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack," I continued. I felt tears running down my face. "Two sixteen-year-old twin boys, Connor and Theo, were left homeless when their parents were arrested for the senseless attack on Marcus and Ajmal. The boys' parents planned on kicking them out of the house because, guess what, they were gay. These two fine young men lost their father and mother and a place to live. In a way, these two boys were lucky. They found a path out of an abusive alcohol-fueled, religion-gone-bad home situation and into a loving and caring family. And, Tim and I are grateful to have them as part of our family. One which doesn't hate. One which encourages creativity. One which encourages looking out for others."

"Our families will never forget these two men. Every day of my life, at every turn I take, I see—and I do mean see—them standing before me. Giving me advice. Giving me a helping hand when I am down or uncertain about certain situations. I smile when I see them. I laugh at their jokes. I melt at their touch. I always will. This is what happened when Ajmal and Marcus lost their lives in a senseless attack."

I decided I needed to say something else.

"I will never hear Master Ajmal and Master Marcus's laugh and voice again," I said as I attempted to force back the tears. I paused hoping to finish the statement. "I will never feel their touch again. Nor will I experience way they looked at me—with pure intensity and love."

I thought to myself but didn't articulate it to the courtroom. `I will never feel their dicks fit so perfectly inside me.'

"I will miss the way they made me feel content and loved." I added. I pushed forward even with tears streaming down my face.

"As a gay, masochist man, I love pain. I can endure extreme pain. Today, for the first time in my life, reading this statement about two men I dearly love, I feel a whole new dimension of pain. A pain which hurts beyond anything I have endured. This pain suffocates. This pain crushes from the inside, leaving a gaping hole and tears streaming down my face. For the first time in my life, I felt my heart break..., and now I need to begin picking up the pieces. Thank you Ajmal and Marcus. I will always love you."

"Thank you," I said as I took my seat with tears streaming down my face. When I sat down beside Tim, he took my hand and kissed it.

"I believe we need to take a 15-minute break," the Judge said.

This is my 57th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Chad, Donald, and Jimmyy

Next: Chapter 58

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