Life with Tim

Published on Aug 28, 2016


Life with Tim 55

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Before you go," Giles began. "I want to thank you for taking the boys in. I will miss them terribly. Over the years, I have grown to love them just like their father did. I am dreading the good bye session when I leave."

"Once you take care of your family in Paris, please understand we would welcome you back in our home," I added. "And, we know the boys feel the same way about you."

"Thank you, Steven," Giles said as he shed a tear. "I do need to explain one other item before you offer me residence. AJ and I were lovers. Even after he met the two of you, he would fly in for the day, spend time with the boys, and, then, spend time with me. I hope this bit of news doesn't offend you."

"I thought as much," I replied. "And, no, it doesn't offend us. I see it in your face and eyes when you talk about Master Ajmal. You loved him. He loved you. He was a good man. Don't forget him. Live on for him. He would want you to do it for his memory."

"Thank you, Steven and Tim," Giles replied. "I will be out after I finish unpacking some things."

"Whenever you are ready, Giles," Tim said as we turned and left Giles's room.

"AJ will never stop surprising us, Steven," Tim said. "Get used to it."

Chapter 55: Settling In

It had been about an hour since Tim and I had left Giles to unpack. We were only 30 minutes away from cocktail time. I stood in front of Giles' guest room door. I hesitated for a moment, and then knocked.

"Come in," Giles replied.

"Sorry to bother you, but...," I began. Giles was laying on the bed without a shirt. His chest and arms were magnificent! Then I saw a tear on Giles' cheek. "Is it something you would like to talk about, Giles?"

"I don't want to bother you, Steven," Giles replied.

"No bother," I said. "It's what friends are for. What is it?"

"Today has been a culmination of the past few months," Giles began. "When I first heard the news about AJ and Marcus, I couldn't react. I had the boys to think about. I needed to protect them. I haven't been able to grieve. The boys lost their dad. I lost my lover. I am leaving the boys in your care. I may never see them again."

"Nonsense, Giles," I interrupted. "Tim meant every word he said. When you are finished in Paris, come live with us."

"I don't want to be a third wheel," Giles replied.

"Trust me, you won't be a third wheel," I said. "The boys would like to have you in their lives again, Giles. I am certain of it."

"You are the only one I can tell about this, Steven, but I am normally a top—a dom," Giles continued. "With AJ, I was a bottom—a sub. He was the only man in my life who has made love to me, fucked me, fisted me, and a bevy of other things. I won't do it for anyone else either. I wanted to bottom for him—to be his sub. I needed the relationship with AJ to make me grow into a real man. But, when AJ met you and Tim, I knew it was over between us. I had planned on ending our relationship. I need to be a dom again."

"Let's go have a drink with the others," I suggested. "It will be good to be with other people. I felt similar when AJ and Marcus pasted away. I was in a funk and I couldn't get Master Ajmal and Master Marcus out of my head. I saw them everywhere. I almost went totally nuts. I am moving forward thanks to Tim, the boys, Master Grant, Master David, Master Jose, and Garrison. You need to move forward as well, Giles. Do you want to join us in the living room?"

"Thank you, Steven," Giles said as he wiped the last tear from his cheek. "You are right, I need to put things behind me and move on. I know AJ would want it for me—and for you!"

Giles grabbed a clean shirt out of his bag, pulled it over his head, and accompanied me into the living room.

I took a seat next to Master Jose. Giles sat beside me. Master Grant and Tim sat together with Master Grant's arm resting on Tim's shoulder. Master David and Garrison also sat together. I caught a glimpse from Garrison. He looked curious.

"So, Giles," Master Grant began. "What are your plans before you head to Paris?"

"Get the boys settled here," Giles explained. "I have a flight scheduled to Paris a week from this Monday. Hopefully, I won't get in your way."

"Not at all, Giles," Tim replied. "You are welcome to stay as long as you like."

"Thank you, Tim," Giles replied.

"You look familiar, Giles," Master Grant said. "Have we met before? Maybe socially?"

"Yes, we have," Giles explained. "AJ and I were both tops. So, he and I would go to the all-male BDSM club in the East Village and play with willing bottom boys. I saw you there a couple of times. You always seemed to draw a crowd of onlookers."

"It's all coming back to me now," Master Grant effused. "You, AJ, and I worked on this one bottom boy several times. What was his name?"

"Buckley," Giles replied.

I almost spit out my drink. "Buckley?"

"Yes," Giles said. "Nice looking guy. About 5-foot 9-inches tall. Light brown hair. Nicely toned body. Big brown eyes. And a huge fucking dick with an ass to make any man's dick stir. I haven't seen him around for a while. I think he said he was moving to Chicago."

"I believe the Buckley you are referring to is our office manager at the venture capital firm. He was from New York."

"Why don't we all go to the firm on Monday?" Tim suggested. "It will be Dennis's first day. We can all be there under the guise we are celebrating Dennis's first day. I will be watching Buckley's reaction to the arrival of Master Grant and Master Giles. I want to see Buckley's balls turn blue. Opps...! Slip of the tongue!"

"Nothing is a slip of the tongue with you, Tim," Garrison suggested. "What Tim says is what Tim means, right, boy?"

"Yes, Garrison," I replied. "The shit which comes out of Tim's mouth are his real thoughts. He is unfiltered."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence, Steven," Tim added. "You won't be disappointed."

The others disappeared into the dining room leaving Master Jose, Master Giles, and me still sitting on the sofa.

"Giles," Master Jose began. "Steven's Master in training, Master Robert was supposed to join us tonight, but he had a family matter come up and he had to postpone. Would you like to join us in the playroom this evening after dinner?"

"Yes...," Master Giles replied. "I believe I would like to join you. I don't have anything appropriate to wear, though."

"Naked is fine," Master Jose replied. "We can all be naked."

"I'd love to join you, then," Master Giles said as he looked me over. This time, however, he was looking at a slave boy piece of meat instead of a friend. Lust exploded in his eyes.

"Let's go have dinner," Master Jose said as we followed him into the dining room.

"Giles," Adrian began after we had our dinner in front of us. "Connor and Theo offered to show me around the neighborhood this afternoon after the DCFS caseworker is finished tomorrow."

"Terrific," Giles replied. "And, JJ?"

"Ramesh is showing me the school where we will both attend next fall," JJ enthused.

"Good," Giles enthused. "Sounds like you are back into your groove again."

"I'm thinking the same way," JJ said.

"You will like it here," Theo added. "Our dads are great as is our Uncles Grant, Jose, David, and Garrison."

"We are all people drawn together by Tim and Steven," David added. "They are our glue holding the family together."

"We do it together, Master David," I replied. "We wouldn't be sitting here enjoying ourselves if it weren't for the support you four gave us the last few months. You gave Tim and me the gift to fight for our happiness. So, if it there is any glue around here it is Master Grant, Master David, and Master Garrison."

"Question, Steven," JJ spoke up. "Why does everyone except you refer to David, Grand, and Garrison with their first names and you use Master in front of their names?"

"It means, JJ," Giles spoke up. "Steven is a servant to the household. Tim and Garrison are above Steven in terms of power. Grant, David, and Jose are the masters, or most powerful in the family."

"Cool," JJ responded. "Does it mean you don't fuck the others, Steven?"

"JJ!" Giles exclaimed. "Too personal!"

"Let me explain," Connor began. "It is our understanding Dad S is only allowed to fuck someone if he is ordered to do it my one of his Masters. Right, Dad?"

"Yes," I replied. "But, remember what your other dad said when Ramesh talked about going public with the private lives of our family?"

"If we said the wrong thing to the wrong people, we would never leave this house ever again," Connor replied.

"And, did you believe Dad T when he said it?" I asked.

"Yea," Connor continued. "He gave the three of us `the look.' Which means we would be screwed for the rest of our lives if we talk too much."

"I think you understand Dad T perfectly, then," I added for effect.

"Dad S is usually naked when his is in the house," Theo added information to Connor's explanation. "He can't wear clothes in the house except when we have the potential to have an incident, especially with DCFS."

"Read you loud and clear, Theo," Adrian said.

We continued with conversation during dinner. Adrian and JJ had questions for us all. We bonded.

Everyone had left the table except Master Jose, Master Giles, and I.

"I am going to miss all of you and the love which fills this house when I leave for Paris," Master Giles whispered. "I know, too, the boys will be safe, loved, and nurtured by all of you."

"Let me tell you a story, Giles," Master Jose said quietly. "I have known Steven for several years now. We have served on various charity boards and helped organize massive fundraising events. I had to good fortune to run into Steven one night, and he took me on my very first Spirit Journey. I was in the depths of depression. Steven lifted me out of it. He has the gift. He has the power to help others to find a path to their own Spirit Journey. Use his power and take your own Spirit Journey, Giles."

"Funny you should bring up the subject of taking a Spirit Journey," Master Giles said softly. "Can you really take me on my Spirit Journey?"

"Yes," I replied.

"How?" Master Giles asked.

"Make love to me," I whispered. "Make love to me and I will guide you on your own Spirit Journey."

"Where?" Master Giles asked.

"In our playroom. In our bedroom. In your room. Anywhere you want to make love to me," I explained.

"In the playroom," Master Giles suggested.

I took the hands of my Masters and they led me downstairs. We stood facing each other in a small circle. Master Giles pulled me close to him and kissed me. I felt and explosion of energy as our lips met. Master Jose joined us in a three-way kiss. His energy joined ours. We were melting together into one.

I began removing my clothes. Shirt. Shoes. Pants. I stood naked in front of my Masters. I reached out to Master Jose and removed his shirt. Then, Master Giles shirt. Shoes. Pants. They were naked before me. Two massive muscular men.

Master Giles took my breath away when I removed his shirt and finally his pants. His hard dick popped to attention when his pants slipped off.

"Take him, Giles," Master Jose said quietly to Master Giles. "Take him and let him show you your Spirit Journey."

Master Giles took my hand and led me to the bed in the center of the room. He helped me onto the bed. Me on my back. Legs outstretched to welcome him.

Jolts of electricity seemed to burst through my body when Master Giles's body finally touched mine. His hard dick to my hard dick. He rested his massively muscled body on top of me and looked into his eyes. I saw sadness. I saw pain. I also saw a man who wanted to love again. A man who wanted to be needed again. I also saw lust and power.

He began to kiss me. Slowly at first. The slow kisses turned more passionate.

"Take me, Master," I whispered. "Take me and make me yours. I will show you path to your own Spirit Journey."

Master Giles smile and looked into my eyes again. The sadness and pain were leaving and being replaced by love, lust, and power.

Master Giles raised his body with his powerful, muscular arms. I felt the tip of his uncut dick brush my asshole.

"Oh! God! Yes, take me, Master. Please take me," I begged.

I felt his dick slowly entering me. Slowly. Smoothly. Gently. We made eye contact and never lost it.

"Yes, Master," I begged. "Take me. Please take me, Master."

He kissed me as he bottomed out in my ass. Trimmed pubic hairs brushing my hairless balls. His big balls resting against my ass. He slowly began to massage my ass with his dick. We continued to look into one another's eyes. I felt us leaving together. Into the forest. We were on our Spirit Journey together.

`You two are beautiful together,' I heard Spirit Master say to us. `I am watching two beautiful men together. Let Steven lead you, Giles. He will show you the path through the forest and your Spirit Journey. Remember. Enjoy. Don't lose one another. Love each other.'

"Oh Shit!" Master Giles exclaimed as I felt the energy build up I my Master's hard dick. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

I felt his cum splatter against the walls of my ass. Master Giles slowly lowered his body on top of mine and leaned in to kiss me.

"Did it happen to you, boy?" Master Giles asked.

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "We went on your first Spirit Journey."

"I feel as though I might love you, Steven," Master Giles whispered.

"I do already," I whispered.

"I do to," Master Giles whispered.

"Where is Master Jose?" I asked. I called out. "Master?"

"He left a note," Master Giles whispered. "There. On the wall."

`Boy, Giles,' Master Jose wrote. `You are beautiful together. I am going to my condo tonight. When you are finished with the DCFS tomorrow, call me. You are two amazing men. Master Jose.'

"Do you think he is unhappy with us?" Master Giles asked.

"No," I replied. "If he were unhappy with us, I would be on the whipping post faster than you can say ouch!"

"Point well taken," Master Giles said. "You are a beautiful man, Steven."

"Thank you," I said quietly. "You are an amazing man, Master Giles."

"Somehow, Steven," Master Giles said. "Being with you tonight was the culmination of my previous life. We bonded. We are united. We are one. I hope you don't take this wrong, Steven. I think of you as a brother in some ways. As a lover in some ways. As a slave in some ways."

"I felt it, too," I replied. "Master, will you whip me?"

"Now?" Master Giles asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Please, Master. Please whip me. I need to feel your power, Master. Please."

"You don't even know me and you are asking me to whip you," Master

Giles protested.

"I do know you, Master Giles. I know you won't do anything I don't want you to do to me. I trust you," I said. "Please Master! Please whip me, Master."

Master Giles rubbed his thumb over my lips.

"Okay," Master Giles whispered. "I will whip you."

Master Giles slipped off the bed and stood naked beside me. He offered his hand to help me up. I took it and stood beside Master Giles. He pulled me in tight to his naked body and kissed me.

"You really want this, don't you, Steven?" Master Giles asked.

"Yes, Master," I said. "I really want this."

Master Giles released me and led me to the St. Andrews Cross.

"I am always partial to the St. Andrews Cross," Master Giles said.

We stopped talking altogether. Master Giles worked methodically to restrain me to the cross. He retrieved a whip from the wall of whips and stood in front of me.

"This is a gift from me to you," Master Giles explained. "I love giving gifts someone really, really wants. I hope I have a chance to give you even more gifts in the future. Whatever you want. Ask. Just please ask."

"Thank you. I will, Master," I replied.

He kissed me before he took position behind me. The cameras came on. The screen in front of me had two views. One camera focused on Master Giles as he prepared to whip me. The other my back. Both cameras were displayed on the monitor. One on the right. One on the left. I closed my eyes.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as the first blow landed on my back. Then another. "Ahhhhhhh!" Then another. "Ahhhhhhh!" Then another. "Ahhhhhhh!" The time between blows lessened. The power of the blows increased. Finally, they were one after another. "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh...!"

`Give him what he wants, Steven,' I heard my Spirit Master voice. `Scream boy! Scream!'

"Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhh...!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The last blow landed on my back.

Master Giles stood in front of me. Sweat poured off his body. He looked at peace. He leaned in and kissed me.

"This was amazing, Steven," Master Giles whispered. He gave me another kiss. "You are a miracle."

"No," I replied as I limply hung from the restraints. "I'm just a slave boy who has gone on a Spirit Journey with my Master Giles."


"Where is Jose?" Tim asked as Master Giles and I sat at the Sunday brunch table

"He thought Master Giles and I needed some time together," I explained. "He said he was going back to his condo until the DCFS caseworker is finished."

"Is everything okay, Steven?" Tim asked. "You look worried."

"I'm not worried, Master Tim," I replied.

"Cut the Master shit, Steven," Tim almost screamed. "You are my fucking husband. What the fuck is wrong, Steven?"

"I am so screwed," I replied. "Can we talk somewhere privately, Tim?"

"No," Tim replied. "This is family. Spill, Steven, or I will personally bull whip you!"

"I have this problem," I tried to explain. "Master Jose invited Master Giles to be with us last night. Things sort of got out of hand when Master Jose suggested to Master Giles we go on a Spirit Journey. We did. We discovered some things we weren't prepared to discover."

"What did you discover, Steven," Tim asked. "And, cut the Master shit until we clear this up."

"Giles and I... We discovered... We discovered we love one another... Like brothers, I mean... Because..., well, because we went on a Spirit Journey last night...," I finally spit out what I was trying to say.

The room was silent for a moment.

"Like brothers, huh?" Tim asked. "Why is there whip marks on your back, Steven. Did your brother decided to punish you?"

"No," I replied. "I asked him to whip me... Actually, I begged him to whip me. It brought us closer. You know me, Tim. I am a sucker. I will beg any hot man with a whip in his hand to work on me.

"Where does this leave Jose, Steven?" Tim asked.

"He wants me to call him after we are finished with DCFS this afternoon. I think he needed time to himself. He, too, is on a Spirit Journey. Maybe getting involved with me was too soon after his divorce. I hope he still wants me, Tim. I would be lost without him. I know we have only been in this relationship for a short time, but I do love him. Not like a brother, but as a Master and a lover."

"Jose wanted us to get closer," Master Giles began. "He wanted us to go on a Spirit Journey. I saw the love for Steven in his eyes when he asked me to take Steven and make love to him. He knows what he did was as much for him as it was for Steven and me."

"Thank you for your kind words, Giles," Master Jose startled everyone in the room. He stood in the doorway of the dining room dressed in a tight-fitting shirt and equally tight—and distressed—jeans. He walked around the table and stood beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder. "I would be lost without you, too, Steven. And, it is not too soon for me. And, I don't think it is too soon for you either, Steven. And, I love you. As your Master and as your lover. You are always welcome Giles to be with Steven and me whether to make love or to make my slave boy realize why he is a sub."

By the time Master Jose finished, his other hand rested on Giles shoulder.


"I'm glad the DCFS visit is over," Tim replied. "Welcome to the family Adrian and JJ. You are sort of stuck with all of us for the time being at least. Longer we believe."

"Thank you," Adrian replied. "It already feels like family and home here."

"You two are very special to all of us," I said. "We are thrilled you are here with us."

The boys all headed upstairs to do whatever they will be doing this afternoon.

"Now, let's plan a festive evening," Master Grant suggested. "Our slave boys need to go downstairs and get ready. We want you PERFECTLY clean."

"Once you are cleaned, line up near the entrance of the playroom. Face inward. Do NOT look anywhere but down to the floor," Master David added.

"Do not say a word to anyone unless you are given permission by one of your Masters," Master Jose said.

"Strip," Master Giles ordered.

The three of us were naked in record time.

"Go!" Master Robert said as he joined the group of Masters.

Tim, Garrison, and I hurried down the stairs. We cleaned each other, which resulted in three very hard dicks. We dried and stood as instructed.

We heard the Masters begin to come downstairs. The door to the playroom squeaked as it opened.

I felt leather clad hands touch my ass cheeks. First tips of the hands. Then palm of the hands. Then a slap of the hand against my ass. Then another. Then another. The gloved hand kept slapping my ass. Another pair of hands reach around my back and found my nipples. Pulling. Needing. Twisting.

As the hands continue to work on my nipples, I feel a hard, hard dick against my asshole. I felt sparks of energy and it grazed my hole.

The dick into my ass. Fast. Powerful. One swift thrust and I felt his balls slap against mine. I recognized the dick. Master Grant's dick. Master Grant pushed me to the side of the bondage table and forced me to bend at the hips. Then the rampage began.

He began pounding away as my ass. His big dich pulling all of the way out and then slammed back in. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

Tim was in my mind. He was occupying my thoughts as this massive dick shoved in and out of my ass. `I've finally found myself, Steven. This is the real me.'

`Have a good journey, Tim. I love you, but you need to explore yourself more.'

Then my thoughts were pulled back to the massive dick pounding away at my ass. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Master Grant screamed. "I'm cumming boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh. ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Grant rested his body on top of mine. His breathing recovered so he could speak. "Just as I remembered it. Your ass. My dick. Perfect!"

Master Grant pulled out of me and led me to the sawhorse. Once he had me strapped in, he left.

Another pair of hands caressed my ass. Another dick grazed my asshole. Another pulse of energy passed through my body.

The dick push at my asshole and finally broke through. It didn't stop in until I felt balls slap my balls.

"Oh God!" I moaned. "Yes, Master Robert! Fuck me! Fuck me hard."

"I'm just getting started, boy!" Master Robert hissed back. "This is my ass, boy! Mine! I own it now! Take it, boy! Take it!"

The pounding began. Hard, fast, powerful stab into my ass. Quick retreated. Hard, fast, powerful stab into my ass. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I felt powerless as a 20-year-old college student pounded my ass with his giant, hard, 13-inch dick. I wanted more. I needed more. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. I began thinking every time Master Robert shoved his big dig in my ass. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick.

I lost track of how many times Master Robert shoved his big dick in and then pulled it out.

`Good boy,' I heard my Spirit Master whisper to me. `Let him take you. Let him own you. Let him control you. He needs you just as much as you need him. Give into him, boy. Surrender completely. Give him your power. Let him take it and use it to fulfill his lust bursting rage.'

I let go of my power, and I let the man with his big dick in my ass take full control of my thoughts, my emotions, my energy. I felt I floated upward into the night sky. Flying. Effortlessly flying to new depths of my being. Seeing a new world around me. Seeing a world of servitude. Seeing a world of peace and tranquility as I serve men. Give men my body. Let men use my body. Beg men to take my body. Beg men use my body.


"I'm cumming, boy!" Master Robert bellowed. "Take it, boy! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Robert lowered his spent body on top of me. His breathing was heavy. His body was coated with sweat. His muscles in his arms rippled.

"I have been so looking forward to using your ass again, boy," Master Robert whispered after he recovered. "I feel liberated. I will have your ass often from now on, boy. It will be mine and your Master Jose's ass. We will give it to whomever we want. We will use it whenever we want. You will beg for our dicks in your ass, boy. My dick in your ass makes you a better slave boy! YOU ARE MINE."

Master Robert pulled out of my ass. I felt cum dripping from my well used ass. I felt another set of hands on my ass. Big hands. Another hard dick rubbed against my asshole and lingered a few moments before the man with the big dick shoved it inside me. He plunged his big dick into my ass with one powerful, almost violent swift stroke.

"You like my big dick, don't you boy?" Master Giles whispered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I love our big dick, Sir."

"Good, because it will be mine for a long time," Master Giles replied. "This is the way I like to fuck. Hard. Rough. Lasting. Me filled with my rage. You filled with my fury."

When the last word came out of Master Giles's mouth, I understood his fury was indeed hard, rough, lasting. His lust over took him as he took me. He took ownership of me and my ass. I gave it to him. I wanted to please him. I needed to please him. I wanted to feel his lust. I wanted to feel his power. I wanted to feel his rage.

Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned ever time his dick shove into my ass. Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

I drifted upward. I felt I was soaring over the sawhorse. I watched Master Giles's muscles ripple as he power fucked me. His head turned upward. His eyes closed. He was in his own space and time. His sweat dripped off his body. His body glistened through the sweat covered body. `Give him your body, Steven,' I heard I heard my Spirit Master say to me. `He needs your ass, your body, your mind, your soul, your spirit, your energy, your power. Give it to him, boy! Give it to him. You will both be happy if he takes you. Controls you. Humiliates you. Dominates you. Give yourself to him, boy.'

"Take my Master cum, boy! Take it!" Master Giles screamed. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Giles stood with his hands resting on my lower back to steady himself.

"Was your Spirit Master with us, boy?" Master Giles asked.


"Yes, Master," I replied. "He said you needed my ass, my body, my mind, my sole, my spirit, my energy, and my power. He said I should give it to you. I will give it to you if you ask."

"How does it make you feel? How does it make you feel to hear your Master Ajmal tell you to give your mind, soul, spirit, energy, power to me?"

"Content, Sir," I whispered to him.

"Good," Master Giles said as he slipped his dick out of my ass.

"So, boy," Master David said to me. "It's been a long time since I had your ass. I've been playing with Tim and Garrison so much; I have forgotten what your ass is really like. I plan on getting reacquainted with your ass now. What do you say to your Master David, boy?"

"Fuck me, Sir!" I begged. "Please fuck me! I need to feel your big dick in me. Please, Master! Please!"

"Gladly, boy," Master David said as he moved to my exposed ass and prepared himself to take me.

I felt his dick at my asshole. He shoved it in. All 13-inches of dick up my ass in less than 10 seconds.

"Ahhhh! Yes, Master! Yes!" I hissed as I felt Master David begin to take my ass and make it his.

Hard. Fast. Powerful stabs into my ass. Pumping. Pumping. Pumping. Pumping.

I moaned with every stab, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I continued to moan with every stab of Master David's dick. I wanted him in me. I needed him in me! I need dick! Dick! Dick! Dick!

Master David's body began to tense. His stabs into my ass grew in intensity until he started to blow his load in my ass.

Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master David rested.

"I am going to have another go at your husband's ass, boy," Master David said as he pulled out of my ass. "I am so, so eager to fuck him. I've already done it twice. Your husband is a really good fuck, but I know you haven't had it in a while. I suspect you won't for some time. Grant as plans for the boy which doesn't include you!"

"Four down," Master Jose quietly said to me as he fingered my ass. "Three to go. And, I just fucked your husband Tim. He has a mighty fine ass, boy. Mighty fine."

Master Jose lined his dick up with my asshole and shoved it into me. He paused when his dick had totally disappeared in my ass. "I like your ass, too, boy. I'm a lucky man to be sleeping with two men who have very good and very willing asses."

Master Jose leaned down and kissed the back of my neck. My nipples hardened. My dick hardened against the metal of the sawhorse. Master Jose's power exploded into me as he began to plunder my ass. He took my ass with the vengeance of a lust crazed man.

"Noooooooo! I can't take it. Noooooo!" I heard Tim scream. "Noooooooo!"

`Concentrate on Master Jose,' I said to myself. I moaned with every stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Master Jose pulled his dick out of me and then shoved it back in. Once quick stroke, it was in balls deep.

He pulled out and shove it back in. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again."

I lost track of everything. Where is was. How long Master Jose fucked me. Until I heard him scream.

"I'm cumming boy!" Master Jose screamed.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Jose rested his body on top of mine. Once his breathing had recovered, he whispered in my ear. "Your husband Tim was going to be the next man to fuck you tonight, but he just took Grant and Giles fists up his ass at the same time. He's a little under the weather now. Another time, perhaps. You, Robby, and I will be staying down here in the playroom tonight. We don't want to disturb you husband and Grants sleep."

"Yes, Master," I replied as he pulled his dick out of my ass.

"Hey, boy," I heard Master Garrison say to me. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing okay," I whispered. "How's Tim?"

"He is freaked out by the pain of having two fists up his ass," Master Garrison responded. "And he's not finished yet. Master Grant needs to fuck him."

"What have I done?" I whisper to Garrison.

"You've given Tim a chance to discover who he is or who he is not," Garrison explained. "What you've done for your husband is a true, self-less, and heartwarming gift. Now, boy, I am going to fuck your slave boy ass."


On Monday morning, Master Jose, Master Robert, and I ascended the stairs from the playroom. Tim sat naked and alone at the kitchen island sipping coffee. I walked Master Robert to the door so he could leave to get ready for class. Master Jose went upstairs to get ready to accompany me to the venture capital firm. I sat beside Tim for a moment.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Yes, Steven, I am okay," Tim replied in a soft voice. "I am more than okay, actually. I hope I didn't scare you last night. After the initial shock of realizing I had two very large fists up my ass, I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. I have never felt so much in tuned with my body as I did with two arms inside me. I felt myself almost ripping apart but it was the most euphoric experience I have had in my life. Sex with you is tops, but last night was almost as fulfilling as sex with you. Thanks for letting me experiment."

"So, are you a confirmed sub now?" I asked.

"I'm pretty certain," Tim replied. "I will never be able to do what you do. You are a full-time sub. I need to revert to the other Tim to get some writing done."

"I need to get ready to go into the office to greet Dennis," I replied. "Are you going?"

"Yup," Tim relied. "I just need to put on some clothes. I have already taken a shower. Master Grant and Master Giles are coming as well. I can't wait to see Buckley's face when they walk through the door."

"I hope he doesn't shit his pants," I said with a smile. "It wouldn't be good for Dennis's first day to be around the office manager all day if he is smelling like he needs his diaper changed."

"Go!" Tim said to me as he leaned in to kiss me. "We both need to hustle."

Yes, dear," I replied.

After I was dressed, I met the group in the living room. We all loaded into the SUV for our drive to the venture capital office.

"The employees will think the FBI is raiding the place with seven men dressed in suits arriving exactly at opening time," said to the guys as we stepped into the reception area. Buckley and Tyron were having a friendly conversation. When Buckley saw Master Grant and Master Giles, he dropped his coffee mug. The ceramic mug shattered dousing leg Buckley's slacks.

I walked to Buckley. He was frozen in place as I approached him. His eyes were glued to Master Grant and Master Giles.

"It's not polite to star, Buckley," I said to him.

"B... but... but... but I know those two," Buckley stammered.

"Why don't you greet them properly if you know them," I suggested.


"May I speak with you, Steven," Tim asked when we met in the kitchen before cocktails.

"Will you excuse me, Master?" I asked

"Of course, boy," Master Jose replied as he went into the living room and I stayed with Tim at the kitchen island.

"Naked becomes you, Steven," Tim said with a smile and a kiss.

"Thank you," I replied. "What's up?"

"Master Grant needs to go to New York for some meetings," Tim began. "He wants me to go with him. We would arrive next Saturday and return on the Sunday the week following his meetings."

"I am sure you will have a great time," I said. "Why do I think you have more to tell me?"

"He wants to take me to an S&M club," Tim explained. "I would be naked in the club. He wants to publicly whip me and fist me."

"It beats getting pissed on," I said.

"So, you don't mind?" Tim asked.

"Do you want me to mind?" I asked. "Are you trying to get out of being publicly whipped and fisted?"

"The thought had crossed my mind," Tim replied. "You are my only out. Otherwise, Master Grant will order me to perform naked in a club with hundreds of people watching."

"If you want me object, I will," I said with a smile. "Tell Master Grant I am thinking about it. Meanwhile, you need to give it consideration. You enjoyed getting pissed on at the bar in London. You were naked then. My recommendation is to accept Master Grant's offer."

"I had this sinking feeling you would tell me to accept," Tim said with a smile and kiss on the lips.

We joined the others for cocktails.

"Giles and I are excited, Steven," Master Grant said as Tim and I found seats. Me beside Master Jose and Tim beside Master Grant. "We are meeting Buckley for coffee on Thursday. We wanted to talk with him about his proclivities."

"I am certain he will be receptive to almost anything you suggest to him," I replied. "He's a good guy."

"In other words, we shouldn't harm him or scare him away," Master Giles added.

"If he quits working for us, I will be the one going after YOU with a whip," I said with a smile.

"And I will give him permission to do so," Master Jose said.

"Got it," Master Grant said with a smile. "Did Tim talk to you about our plans for New York?"

"Yes," I replied. "I'm thinking it over."

"Giles will be going with us," Master Grant said. "He will fly to Paris from New York on Monday. It's a pity he can't stay for the week and the next weekend.

"Another time," Master Giles added.

Master Grant smiled at me and I smiled back. Subtle he isn't.

"If I remember correctly, your playroom would be perfect for your activities," I suggested.

"Yes, but I believe in should be a public venue to help the boy develop acceptable attitude for a slave boy," Master Grant further explained. "I am thinking, however, about getting you in my playroom for another session. Only this time, I won't be paying."

"I would be delighted. But I need to ask. Why do you think Tim needs to change his attitude?" I asked Master Grant. "He did take yours and Master Giles's fists last night."

"He protested at first," Master Grant replied. "But he was securely restrained in the sling. He had no options. He NEEDS an attitude adjustment. He should be punished, but I will wait to see how the boy performs in New York."

"So, Tim," I said as I shifted my attention from Master Grant to Tim. "It looks like you will be naked in a public setting."

"Thank you for the quick answer," Tim said. He wasn't smiling.

"It's a pity you won't be here next Saturday evening," Master Jose explained. "Steven, Robby, and I will be attending a Hellfire event. So, Tim won't be the only naked slave next weekend."

"It's contagious," Tim said with a smile.

Harvey appeared in the doorway of the living room. "Dinner is served." Harvey disappeared from the doorway.


"So, boy," Master Jose said shortly after Lenard took Master Grant, Master Giles, and Tim to the airport. "Robby will be here at 1 pm this afternoon. We will be leaving for the Hellfire party at 9 pm. We will have some together time this afternoon to bond."

"I am looking forward to getting to know Master Robert better, Master," I said. "Sometimes I feel he is troubled by something. Maybe his family. I just have this feeling."

"Your `feelings' are fairly accurate from what I understand," Master Jose added.

"I hope I am wrong about this one," I said. "The kid has gone through a whole lot more than most 20-year-old guys."

"Dad," Connor said as he and Theo joined us in the kitchen. "We wanted to know if it would be okay to have our cars moved here."

"Sure," I replied. "Are you certain you want the cars your parents gave you?"

"No, but we have no choice if we want wheels," Theo added.

"I will need to speak with your other dad, but I might arrange for you each to have a car other than the ones your parents gave you," I explained. "I can take you to the BMW dealership sometime this week if you want."

"You want to buy us a BMW?" Connor asked in disbelief.

"Sure," I replied. "Why not?"

"They are expensive," Theo said.

"It would not be a problem, guys," I explained. "We can give your cars to a charity. You will not only get new cars. You will help an organization which needs help."

"Cool!" Connor replied as he hugged me. "You are a really cool dad!

"And you look really good naked," Theo said as he hugged me.

"They are really good kids," Master Jose said as they left the kitchen.

"Yea," I said with pride in my voice. "Tim and I lucked out with all of our kids. All eight of them."

The doorbell rang. Harvey ushered Master Robert into the kitchen.

"Thank God for the weekend!" Master Robert said after he planted a kiss on Master Jose's lips.

He stood in front of me and began playing with my nipples. "I missed these this week, boy. I want to give these a nice workout this afternoon to get you ready for tonight. I am really, really excited about going to Hellfire tonight. I hope you are, too, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I am excited about going as well. I haven't been to a Hellfire party in a long, long time."

"We will be attending almost all of their events in the future," Master Jose explained. "Next month I have offered Steven's body as entertainment for the entire club. You will be the main attraction and passed from one Master to another. They will do whatever they want to do to your body. >From the reaction of your dick, you are looking forward to this, aren't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Thank you for offering me as entertainment. I will make you proud of me, Sir."

Master Robert continued to play with my nipples. The twisting and pulling and pinching increased in intensity.

"By the way, how did Giles and Grant fare with Buckley?" Master Robert asked as he continued to play with my nipples.

"Master Grant and Master Giles were extremely impressed with Buckley," I replied.

"How many other people who work at your firm are slave boys?" Master Robert asked as he clamped my nipple with his thumb and index finger. They ate into my nipples.

"Ahhh!" I winced. "I don't really know. It wasn't on the t on the list of interview questions."

"What about dominant top men?" Master Robert asked as he continued to pull and twist my nipples.

"I only know of one," I explained. "His name is Tyron. He is the receptionist."

"Maybe you could sponsor an employee group fest in the playroom downstairs," Master Robert suggested.

"I will... Ouch!" replied as Master Robert pinched my nipple with his thumb and index finger again. I continued, "I will think about your suggestion."

"You like this, don't you boy," Master Robert said to me.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Robert continued. "Jose. How would you like to go downstairs and play with the boy's nipples?"

"Why don't you two get started," Master Jose explained. "I have a few phone calls I need to make."

"Come on, boy," Master Robert said as he attached a leash to my collar and led me to the playroom.

He led me to the center of the room and began placing restrains on my wrists and ankles. He quickly had me spread eagle.

"I've been practicing," Master Robert said. "I used Tim as a stand-in. He has a really nice body. He has a wicked sense of humor and a terrific ass. It's tighter than yours. Actually, whose ass isn't tighter than yours? I don't believe I have mentioned this, but you are really a big slut, boy! Don't get me wrong. I like you being a slut. It gives me inspiration. I bought some new toys for our time together, boy. I decided I needed new props if this is to be a successful show."

Master Robert pulled out a leather bag from his pocket of this black leather motorcycle jacket. He emptied the contents on the table. He picked up two nasty looking clamps. I knew they were destine to find a place on my nipples.

"So, boy," Master Robert said as he held up the clamps. "I thought these would be perfect on your nipples. I believe they will fit perfectly around the nipple rings you have in place. I want to talk with your Masters Jose and Tim about making your nipples bigger so we can put more clamps on them. Longer and fatter. For now, though, we will work with what we have."

The stainless steel clamp consisted of twin metal bars held together by two adjustable threaded shafts. The shafts had two fly nuts on the top.

He put one clamp back on the table and began to pull at my right nipple. He put the clamp around my nipple and pulled it so my tit ring was on one side of the clamp and my chest on the other. Master Robert began tightening the clamp with the fly nuts. First the right one. Then, the left one. He alternated back and forth until he was certain the clamp couldn't fall off.

"The beauty of these clamps, boy, is they have an eyelet to allow me to attach weights to each clamp," Master Robert explained.

He put the second clamp on my left nipple.

"How do they feel, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Very good, Sir," I replied.

"I'm so glad you like my new toys," Master Robert continued. "I believe these need to be a little tighter."

Master Robert turned the first fly nut on the left clamp one complete turn.

"Ahhhhhhhhggggg," I moaned as the bars bit into my nipple as well as flattened it.

Master Robert tightened the second fly nut on the clamp.

"Ahhhhhhhhggggg," I moaned again.

He adjusted the right clamp. I reacted as I did with the first clamp.

Master Robert picked up another item from the table. It was a steel chastity device.

"Your Master Jose and I have decided you will be wearing this until further notice," Master Robert said. "We have also decided you will wear this until we decide to take it off. You probably will have this on until you are sent on another rent boy expedition. I believe your first appointment is two months from now. Your Master Jose suggested this because your husband wanted you to fuck him. He let you—knowing full well it will probably be the last time you will be allowed to fuck your husband. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Robert began to stuff my semi-hard dick into the cold metal device. Once it locked around the base of my cock and balls, Master Robert stood back to admire his work.

"How does it feel, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Tight, Sir," I replied.

"Good," Master Robert continued. "We wanted this to be metal so you would be stopped and searched at airport security when we begin our trip in a few weeks."

I looked confused.

"You didn't know?" Master Robert asked.

"No, Sir," I replied.

"Your Master and I are taking you on a trip," Master Robert explained. "We are certain you will enjoy our time away from the stress of everyday life."

Master Robert picked up another metal ring.

"This, my dear boy, is a ball stretcher," Master Robert explained. "Your Master Jose had it especially made for you. You will also be wearing this for the next several months. We believe you will enjoy wearing it. You will, won't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

Master Robert began to install the ball stretcher. He pulled my balls away from my body and slipped one of the semi-circles behind my balls. He placed the other semi-circle on the front of my balls. The cold metal encircled my balls as Master Robert locked the two semi-circles together with a small padlock.

"There!" Master Robert said as he stepped back to admire his work. "Perfect! You look so good in your new uniform, boy. The men at the Hellfire event will be so thrilled. I am certain you will be busy all night."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"I am going to find your Master Jose," Master Robert said. "He will so enjoy seeing you all dressed up for tonight's activities."

Master Robert went upstairs while I stood restrained in the middle of the playroom. All of the lights were off except for the spotlight from the ceiling. It was perfectly placed to light up my body. Nothing else was visible in the room.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs to the playroom. The door squeaked open. I couldn't see who entered.

"So, boy," a voice said. "We were told you looked really good today. And, you do look really good."

"Thank you, Master David," I replied.

"Good enough to fuck," Master Garrison added.

"I was thinking the same thing," Master David agreed. "Why don't you go first, boy?"

"Thank you, Sir," Master Garrison replied. "I would be honored to be first in line to fuck him this afternoon."

"I am certain we will have enough time," Master David said. "Jose told me they would be unavailable for two to three hours while they entertain a guest."

"Outstanding, Sir," Garrison replied. "I have a suggestion, Sir. The boy's ball stretcher cries out for some weights, don't you think, Sir?"

"Yup," Master David replied. "Twenty pounds should be just what the boy needs."

Master Garrison retrieved a twenty-pound weight from the cabinet beside me. He handed it to Master David.

Master David took the weight and stood in front of me. "You will love this, boy!"

Master David bent down and affixed the weight to the ball stretcher. He dropped the weight.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I moaned.

"Good boy," Master David said to me as he pulled on the tit clamps. "These tit clamps are some of the most creative I've seen. I believe they too could use some weights. Garrison, could you please hand me two ten-pound weights?"

"Yes, Sir," Master Garrison replied as he removed two weights from the cabinet. "Here you are Master. May I help with the right clamp?"

"Of course, boy," Master David said. "We can drop them together."

Master David and Master Garrison worked quickly to attach the weights to the tit clamps.

"Now!" David said as he and Garrison both released the weights.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned.

"Perfect!" Master David said as he and Master Garrison surveyed their work. "This should help the boy with our next activity. Take him, Garrison. Use fuck face's ass like you own it!"

"Yes, Master," Master Garrison said as he moved behind me. I felt his dick brush my asshole.

"You know, Garrison," Master David said in almost a whisper. "We haven't heard the boy beg or grovel yet. Wouldn't you like to hear the boy beg for you to fuck him?"

"Absolutely," Master Garrison replied as he moved in front of me. He and Master David stood starring into my eyes.

"Beg, boy!" Master David said. "Beg Master Garrison to fuck you, boy. Now!"

"Please, Master Garrison. Please fuck me. Please. Please. Please fuck me, Master Garrison. I need your big dick in me! Please fuck me!" I begged.

"Pathetic!" Master David said as he spit into my face. "Fuck the slut, Garrison."

"Yes, Master," Master Garrison said as he took his position behind me. "I will enjoy fucking this pathetic excuse for a fucking slave boy!"

Master Garrison shove all of his 13-inch, unlubed dick into my ass with one powerful stroke. I felt like my insides would rip apart.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Garrison's.

"Shit, slave boy," Master Garrison hissed. "You ass feels so good around my dick. Get ready for the ride of the century, boy!"

Master Garrison turned on his lust driven power fuck mode. As he started banging my ass, my body move with Master Garrison's motions. The weights hanging from my balls and tits began to swing back and forth also.

"Oh...! Yes..., Master... Fuck me... Harder... Please... harder..., Master...! Harder, please!" I pleaded.

Master Garrison ramped up his attack almost 10 fold. The weights on my balls and tits began to rock back and forth. Master Garrison kept up the insane pace of attacking my ass with his huge dick. The feeling of Garrison's big dick slipping in and out of my ass at breakneck speed drove me to a lust crazed thought. I didn't want Master Garrison to stop.

"Yes... Master... Yes... Don't stop... Fuck me... Fuck me..." I moaned between stabs of his dick into my ass.

Master Garrison slowed his pace slightly to respond. "Every day of your life if you want it!"

"I want it, Sir," I pleaded.

"Good, boy," Master Garrison whispered as he kissed the back of my neck.

He started bucking his dick in and out of me again. He didn't last long this time around. I squeezed my ass muscles a couple of times and Master Garrison blew his load into my ass.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" moaned with every rope of cum splattered the walls of my ass.

After a few moments to catch his breath, Master Garrison whispered, "Damn..., rent boy... You have... one fine... ass...!"

Master Garrison pulled his big dick out of my ass. He stood in front of me. His dick still standing straight up. He kissed me. "Thanks rent boy."

Master David took Master Garrison's place behind me. I felt his dick rub against my asshole. My body shuddered with the touch. Then, Master David's big dick pushed balls deep into my ass. No talking. No waiting. He began to pound my ass. His lust crazed energy blew my mind. I felt like I had made it to heaven.

"Don't stop...!" I begged. "Please don't stop, Master!"

He didn't stop. He kept his original pace. Slamming is dick into my ass and pulling his dick out of my ass. Over and over and over. Nonstop. Over and over and over and over and over.

Master Garrison moved in front of me and began to kiss me while his Master slammed his dick into me and pulled it completely out.

Kisses. Master Garrison's kisses. His kisses heightened the feeling of having Master David plowing my ass. More kisses. More cock stabbing. More kisses. More cock. More kisses. More cock.

"Shit!" Master David hissed. "I'm cumming, boy. Take my Master cum in your slave boy ass. Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... Shit!"

Master David held my waist to help steady himself until he had recovered enough to move.

"You are a piece of work, slave boy!" Master David said. "A fucking slut. A prostitute. But, you are one really good fuck, slave boy."

"I'll bet you like watching your sons jerk off in front of you, boy," Master Garrison said. "Well, did you?"

"Yes, Master," I said quietly. "I am ashamed to say I did."

"Nothing to be ashamed of, boy," Master Jose said as he and Master Robert entered the room. They were followed by another naked man.

"Fuck!" I hissed. "Buckley?"

"Hello, Steven," Buckley said. "Your Masters have been showing me a really good time. And, when they told me you were tied up in the playroom, I had to come down and say hello. You look really good naked, Steven!"

"Call him boy, Buckley," Master Jose corrected Buckley.

"I'm sorry, Master," Buckle said. "You look really good naked, boy."

"I just had a really wonderful idea," Master Jose said. "At work, call him boy. You and Tyron. The boy should refer to you as Sir, Master, or Master Buckley. Let me know if he slips up."

"Certainly, Sir," Master Buckley replied. "You mentioned I might get to fuck the boy. What I would really like to do is whip him. I've never whipped anyone before. I may need a lesson."

"Let's pick out a whip first," Master Jose suggested as he grabbed Buckley's hand and led him to the wall of whips. I heard Master Jose explain the whip selection. Master Buckley returned with a light weight flogger. Master Jose whispered something in Master Buckley's ear. Master Buckley's face lit up.

"See this flogger, boy?" Master Buckley asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"How do you think this whip will feel when it slams against your skin?" Master Buckley asked.

"It will hurt, Master," I replied.

"How much do you want it to hurt, boy?" Master Buckley asked.

"I want to feel it, Master," I said. "I want you to hurt me. Make me feel the pain. Make me feel your power. Take me, Master. Hurt me!"

"Fucking outstanding," Buckley exclaimed. "I'm going to fucking flog my fucking boss!"

"Let me demonstrate the proper technique," Master Jose suggested. "Draw the flogger and swing in using the motion of your body to add to the experience."

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned as Master Jose demonstrated his technique.

"Now, you try it, Buckley," Master Jose said.

I waited. The first blow from Buckley did not arrive quickly.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned as Buckley delivered his first blow.

"Count, boy," Master Jose ordered.

"One. Thank you, Sir," I exclaimed.

"Ahhhhh! Two. Thank you, Sir."

"Ahhhhh! Three. Thank you, Sir."

"Ahhhhh! Four. Thank you, Sir."

"Ahhhhh! Five. Thank you, Sir."

Buckley continued as he delivered several blows to my back and I continued to count...

"Ahhhhh! Fifty. Thank you, Sir."

Buckley moved in front of me. "I hope you enjoyed the flogging, boy," Master Buckley explained. "I am beginning to think I might be open to be a top. This experience invigorated me. How do you feel now, boy?"

"My back hurts like hell, and I feel humiliated and demeaned because one of my fucking employees has just whipped me," I replied.

"Good boy," Master Buckley replied.

"Why don't the four of us go upstairs to our bedroom and rest?" Master Jose asked. "We need a nap, I believe."


I stood naked in front of Master Jose and Master Robert—except for the metal chastity device and ball stretcher.

"I so wanted to leave the nipple clamps on the boy," Master Robert explained. "But, the boy's nipples were turning blue."

"We might want to fine a pair of clamps we can leave on for several days," Master Jose added. "I have something in mind."

"You will wear this to the clubhouse," Master Robert said as he held up a pair of gym shorts and a leather jacket. "You will wear these boots on your feet. No socks."

"Thank you, Master Robert," I said as I took the gym shorts and slipped them on. They were fairly tight and showed a huge bulge in my crotch from the ball stretcher and chastity device. I slipped on the leather jacket. I sat on a nearby chair and pulled the boots on. I assumed the position in front of Master Jose and Master Robert. Master Robert attached a leash to my collar.

"Let's go, boy," Master Robert said as he and Master Jose led me down the stairs and out into the cold evening. When we finally reached the car parked in front of the house, we had a crowd watching the parade.

We arrived at the Hellfire clubhouse. Master Robert led me inside to the changing area.

"Strip, boy," Master Robert ordered.

I pulled off the boots, slipped off the leather jacket, and dropped the gym shorts to my feet and stepped out of them. I picked up the clothes and put them in a locker. Master Jose locked the padlock.

Master Robert picked up my leash and led me into the main playroom. When we walked through the doorway, a spot line flashed on and almost blinded me. Master Robert led me to the center of the room. The spotlight followed.

When we reached the center of the room, Master Robert removed the leash from my collar while Master Jose handcuffed my hands behind my back.

"Get on the platform, boy," Master Robert ordered.

I climbed onto the platform and assumed the position facing the crowd. A spotlight from the ceiling bathed me in a pure white glow. The rest of the room seemed dark.

"Welcome to our monthly Hellfire event," a voice on the sound system said. "The members of Hellfire welcome all who are guests of ours. We are extremely pleased to feature Master Jose and Master Robert's slave boy, Steven. He will be on display for the first hour. After he finishes his platform duties, Master Jose and Master Robert will entertain us with their slave as an object of their whims. Depending on their mood, Master Jose and Master Robert may agree to let some of you share Steven's body. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your evening.

I stood motionless until I heard a familiar voice, "Hello, boss." It was Dennis. "Jose invited some of us from work to see you perform tonight. Buckley, Tyron, and Harold are here with me. We thought it would be fun to share this momentous evening with you. Once you are off the platform, I understand we four will have an opportunity to share some of your time here."

I didn't break my stance. I stood in silence. `I am so fucking screwed,' I thought. `Why did he want to invite my employees? Ah! Yea, I get it. Humiliation, domination, and control.'

I stood motionless for a fairly long time—realistically it seemed like a long time—when I heard another voice.

"Hello, boy," the voice said.

`Shit, Leon, my old boss,' I thought. `This is getting worse every minute.'

"Your Master Jose invited me and some of your friends to see the show tonight," Leon explained. "Joseph, Kenneth, Willy, Callum, James, Brad, Jake, Miguel. There may be more as the evening wears on, but these are the ones here at this point in the evening. Good luck and break a leg."

Master Robert helped me from the raised platform. He did not remove the handcuffs. Master Robert reattached the leash and led me to another larger platform near the back of the clubhouse. The three of us climbed the stairs to the platform.

"This will be fun," Master Jose said in a quiet voice as he and Master Robert put restraints on my ankles. They tightened the chains attached to the restrains to pull my legs apart in a spread eagle position. Master Robert removed the handcuffs so they could put restraints on my wrists. They, too, were pulled to spread my arms fully outstretched.

Master Jose pulled out a flogger from his bag. He handed the flogger to Master Robert. He pulled another whip out of his bag.

Master Robert stepped in front of me. "Boy," Master Robert said. "Do you recognize this, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "It's the flogger you used on my body a few days ago, Sir."

Master Robert moved behind me. The first blow of the flogger landed perfectly in the center of my upper back.


"Ahhhh!" I moaned as the blow hit sending pain shooting through my body.

Master Robert quickly landed another blow across my ass cheeks.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned.

The blows started to land on my back faster and faster.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh..." I moaned with every blow...

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Robert stopped. I expected another round could follow at any time.

Master Robert walked in front of me and the crowd applauded. "Good boy!" Master Robert said. "Your other Master will finish the whipping demonstration. Or, at least our part of the demonstration."

Master Jose stood in front of me. He showed me the whip he would be using on me.

"Tell me what this is, boy," Master Jose ordered.

"Bull whip, Sir," I replied softly.

"Louder, boy, so the rest of the club can hear you," Master Jose said.

"A BULL WHIP, SIR!" I repeated in a fairly loud voice so the club patrons could hear.

Master Jose move behind me. I relaxed into the restrains as I waited for the first blow to hit.

I heard the whip wiz through the air. I felt it strike my back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned.

The whipping continued with blow after blow after blow striking my back. At some point the sting of the whip sent shocks of pain shooting through my body.

""Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Ahhh...!"

After several more blows, I must have passed out. I regain my composure as Master Jose stood in front of me.

"Very good, boy," Master Jose said. "I have a surprise for you, boy. Someone else will take a turn with a whip."

I watched in horror as Buckley took the stage. He stood in front of me. He had the flogger he used on me earlier in the day in his hand.

"So, boy," Buckley said to me. "I get to flog my boss in a public venue! This is just fucking outstanding."

I didn't respond.

Master Buckley moved behind me. I waited.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I groaned as the first blow hit my upper back.

I groaned at every blow. Master Buckley worked his way from my upper back down. He covered my ass with the whip. Lower to my thighs. Then my calves. He circled to my left side and delivered several blows before he moved to my front. He started at my chest. He worked his way down, delivering several to my balls. He moved to the other side. Finally, he was pounding my back side again. An extremely powerful blow hit the middle of my back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I groaned as the blows stopped.

Buckley left the stage. Master Robert and Master Jose removed the restrain and led me to the bar area and sat me on a stool.

"I'm very proud of you, boy," Master Jose said. "I hadn't planned on bull whipping you for so long, but I could tell you wanted more and more. I stopped when I did because I thought you needed a rest. Would you like a beer?"

"Yes, please, Sir," I said quietly.

Master Robert handed me the beer.

"Thank you, Sir," I said to Master Robert.

Dennis joined us in the bar area and sat beside me. My dick stirred and strained the metal encasing it. "So, boss," Dennis began. "You performed like a champ. I'm not surprised, but you seemed to be enjoying yourself while you were getting whipped. And, I understand from Buckley, this is the second time today Buckley whipped you. Tyron, Harold, and I have been promised a piece of your ass tonight. Tyron told me your ass is so FUCKING good. I can't wait."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as I took another sip from my beer. "I look forward to serving all of you."

"Are you and Robby planning to brand Steven's ass, Jose?" Dennis asked.

"At some point we will add our brands as well as Grant," Master Jose replied. "We won't be branding him, however, until Giles returns from Paris."

"I hope I will be invited to watch," Dennis said. I saw the lust in his eyes.

"Of course," Master Jose replied. "We should invite all of your employees."

"I will be certain to let everyone know," Dennis replied and then turned his attention to me. "Joe told me about your time in London. I had a hard dick the entire day when I thought about you getting pissed on by hundreds of me. So fucking hot!"

"I didn't know you were into S&M, Sir," I said to Dennis.

"I haven't had much experience, but I want to pursue my interest in being a Master," Dennis explained. "Ever since I met you and Tim, I have had serious thoughts about how to expand my horizons. Tyron said he would help me learn about being a Master, but we are missing someone to practice on."

"Use the boy, here," Master Jose added. "You can't ask for a slave boy better than this piece of slave meat."

"Thank you, Jose," Dennis replied. "We will, I am certain, take you up on your offer. I should contact Jake and Miguel about using their studio for educational purposes."

"It's time, Jose," Master Robert said after he returned to the bar area. "But, before we move into the next phase of the night, I need to piss. Why don't we take the boy to the bathtub and invite everyone to piss on him?"

"Let's go," Master Jose replied. "You and I should be first, Robby. We can ask Dennis, Tyron, Harold, and Buckley to join us. Hell maybe everyone in the clubhouse tonight. Come on, boy, we have work to do."

Master Robert led me to the bathtub and helped me in. Once I was in place, Master Jose and Master Robert stood at the end of the bathtub. They both fished their dicks out of their pants and pointed them toward me. Master Robert started pissing first. Then, Master Jose release his stream of warm, yellow liquid.

"More, Sir," I begged as Master Jose finished pissing on my head and chest.

Dennis, Tyron, Harrold, and Buckley stood on either side of the bathtub.

"This is so fucking hot," Tyron said. "We are going to piss on our fucking boss!"

The four men released their stream of piss almost simultaneously. Dennis and Tyron pissed on my head, chest, stomach and crotch. Buckley and Harrold pissed on my legs and crotch. Buckley managed to somehow piss on my face while I had my mouth open.

"More, Sir," I begged as my four employees stuffed their cocks into their pants.

Leon, Joseph, Kenneth, Willy, Callum, James, Brad, Jake, Miguel all took turns, in groups of four, pissing on me.

"More, Sir," I begged my Master Jose again.

"A line has formed with about 50 members and guests," Master Jose explained. "They all want to piss on you, boy. It seems you have sparked a lot of interest."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

After the 50 members and guests pissed on me, Master Robert helped me up, "Stand there and dry off, boy. We don't want to drip piss all over the floor of the clubhouse."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I stood in the middle of the bathtub waiting to dry off.

After a few minutes Master Jose and Master Robert retrieved me from the bathtub and led me to the sling.

"You will notice the big screen television on the wall," Master Jose explained. "We will beam your activities in the sling throughout the clubhouse. We have several monitors throughout the facility. You will also see your image and of the man using your ass."

Master Robert and Master Jose positioned me in the sling and restrained my wrists the frame of the sling.

Once they were finished, another voice blared out of the sound system, "You may want to watch, or even participate, in our next public event. Master Jose and Master Robert has secured their slave boy Steven in the sling. You are all welcome to use him as you see fit. Have a good evening."

"So, boy, it looks like you will be here for a long time," Master Jose explained. "Judging from past experiences, you will be here for a long, long time. Give these guys what they want, boy—your ass. We will see you when you are finished."

"Thank you, Master," I said. Tyron was the first in line to use my ass.

Tyron stood in front of me. He began to finer my asshole. "I always figured you had fabulous ass, boss man. This is really a very special time for me, boss man. You've had my dick in you. Now, you are going to have my fist. I'll bet you are getting hard underneath all of the metal surrounding your dick. Yea! We will have a great time, you and me, boss man."

Tyron pulled up the stool and sat near my asshole. He grabbed the Crisco off the side table and began putting it on his big, muscular arms. From his hand to his elbow to his shoulder.

"I understand from your Master, boss man, you can take fist up to the shoulder," Tyron said with lust in his voice. Lust filled his eyes as well. "Are you ready to have my arm in you up to my shoulder, boss man?"

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Beg, boy. Beg," Tyron said.

"Sir, please shove your arm into me. Please, Sir! I need your big arm in my ass, Sir. Please! Please, Master!"

"Good boy," Tyron said as he put his fingers over my asshole.

Tyron pushed his hand slowly into my ass.

"Ahhhhhh!" I hissed as his knuckle passed through my sphincter muscle.

Tyron kept pushing his arm into me. He paused when it was nearly up to his elbow.

"I will need your ass a lot from now on," Tyron said. "Your Master Jose said I could have your slave boy ass whenever I wanted as long as you weren't otherwise engaged. So, you will be seeing a lot of me—and it won't always be in the office."

Tyron resumed pushing his arm into my ass. His elbow disappeared first. His bulging bicep began to disappear.

He flexed his bicep in my ass.

"Oh! Yes, Master," I hissed. "Your arm feels so good inside my ass, Master!"

"My arm also likes your ass, boy," Master Tyron replied. "You called me Master, boy. From now on, boy, I want you to address me as Sir, Master, or Master Tyron. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master!" I replied as I felt Master Tyron's arm pull slightly out of me.

"Don't worry, boy, I am not done here," Master Tyron said as he looked directly into my eyes.

I saw lust in his eyes. Power in his eyes. Energy in his eyes.

"I am yours, Master," I said. "Please take me, Master."

"Oh yea, boy!" Tyron said. "I am going take you on the ride of the century, boy. You will never forget this night for as long as you are around, boy!"

When hid bicep pulled out of my ass, he shoved it back into me in a powerful, swift stab. He continued. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. Pulling out. Pushing in. I saw his elbow emerge. One stab, and his arm disappeared into my ass again up to the bicep. After several more stabs from the elbow back into me. He began to pull out of me entirely. When his hand emerged from my ass, I suddenly felt empty.

Man after man after man after man fisted me.

"Come on, boy," Master Tyron said as he began unfastening the arm restraints. "Your Masters took Buckley home so they could play with him. It is noon. I will take you to your house. They promised I could have your ass again later this afternoon."

This is my 55th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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