Life with Tim

Published on Aug 11, 2016


Life with Tim 52

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"We connected when you were fucking me earlier," I replied. "Did you feel it as well?"

"Yes, boy," Master Jay replied. "I definitely felt it. I love connections made through my Spirit Journey. One of the reasons I agreed to rent you, boy, is your photo on the website. I felt the connection the moment I saw you naked. I also love the movies you have done so far. I hope there are more."

"There will be, Sir," I replied. "Good ones, I think."

"How did you go from a high powered executive at eSqaure, a prominent figure in city politics, an extremely discerning contributor to several charities to a rent boy?" Master Jay asked.

"Luck," I responded. "Pure luck. I met my husband in Provincetown. I met Master Ajmal in Provincetown after my husband and I bought the house there. My husband Tim, boyfriend at the time, reconnected with a previous boyfriend in Provincetown. My husband's ex-boyfriend is now the husband of my Master Ajmal. Master Marcus and Master Ajmal share ownership of me. My husband recently became involved with another man, David. They are lovers now. And, my husband and David connected with a former rent boy client at the commitment ceremony between Master Ajmal, Master Marcus, and me. My husband is toying with a Master/slave relationship with this man as his slave. My husband's boyfriend is a love interest of my husband's Master. But, I have always, in my mind, been a slave boy who liked to be controlled. Doing what I do now makes me very, very happy."

"You move between your power roles and your slave boy rolls very seamlessly, Steven," Master Jay replied. "I know it is early, but would you like to share my bed with me for a few hours? I have been standing for a long time now. I need to take off the prostheses. Will you have problems with your Master in bed with you without legs?"

"Not at all, Sir," I replied. "Provided, of course, you will fuck me several times."

"It's a given, boy," Master Jay replied with a smile. "When I start, I don't like to stop."

Chapter 52: New to the Family

"Are you excited?" Garrison asked as Omar and Kathem slept in their carriers on the kitchen island.

"About?" I asked as I took another sip of coffee to ease myself awake.

"The day?" Garrison asked excitedly.

"What's today other than Saturday?" I asked.

"We get to meet someone who, according to Master Marcus, might be considered part of the family," Garrison explained.

"Today?" I asked. "I thought it was next weekend."

"Nope," Garrison corrected me. "Today. Definitely today."

"Any clues as to whom it may be?" I asked.

"Nope," Garrison replied. "Master Marcus did not give me any hints whatsoever. I don't even know if the person will be a top or a bottom. My hunch is a sub, but we will just need to wait and see how things progress."

"You will both like him," Master Marcus said as he joined us in the kitchen with Ali and Ahmed in their carriers.

"How should we dress?" Garrison asked.

"You should be naked except your collars," Master Marcus said to Garrison and me.

"Sounds like a fun plan," Garrison replied with a smile on his face. "Will I be Steven's master tonight or your slave?"

"Neither," Master Marcus said. "You will quickly catch on to the roll you will play when we meet our guest for the evening. Your job for today, Garrison, will be to accompany Steven to the gym, go out to lunch, and take him to our bedroom and fuck him and fist him until his sloppy ass is even sloppier."

"Will do, Master!" Garrison eagerly replied. "Okay, slave boy! Take your kids upstairs so Jim can take care of them. Then, join me in the dressing room so we can get dressed. Got it, slave boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I said as I grabbed Omar and Kathem's carriers and headed upstairs. Garrison followed.

When I entered the dressing room, Garrison continued rummaging through the drawer.

"Ah Ha!" Garrison said as he held up his find. "This will be perfect for our gym outing, slave boy."

Garrison had his favorite pair of my gym shorts in his hand. The shorts barely covered my balls when walking down the street. And, since I now have an almost constant semi-hard dick, passersby will have an extra show to watch that my tattooed, pierced, muscled, hairless body.

"Whatever you say, Sir," I replied as I took the shorts from him. "It is cold out, you know?"

"Put these on until we get to the gym," Garrison said as he tossed me a pair of ragged looking sweat pants and my leather jacket to go over my tank top. "I long for summer to be here again. I am planning on suggesting you bring no clothes when we go to Florida."

"You wouldn't?" I asked.

"Yup," Garrison replied. He was smiling widely. "Let's go to the gym, slave boy!"

"So, slave boy," Garrison began as we walked to the gym. "Today is shaping up to be a really, really enjoyable one, huh, slave boy?"

"Yup," I replied. "I talked to Master Grant on the phone two days ago. He called me for some advice. I told him the details of our trip to our favorite bar in London. He's taking Tim there tonight. I can't wait to hear how he reacts to it."

"Will he be pissed on?" Garrison asked.

"Yup," I replied with a smile. "He will be pissed he was pissed on if things go as I suspect.

"I have a question for you, Garrison," I continued.

"Shoot," Garrison replied.

"How would you feel if your husband was becoming Master Grant's slave boy when in reality you wanted to be Master Grant's slave boy?" I asked.

"Since I don't have a husband," Garrison began, "it would be hard to judge. But..., I think I would be inclined to go after Master Grant and let the balls drop wherever they drop. How badly do you want Master Grant as your Master and what would you do with your other two Masters?"

"It was just a thought," I said as I smiled at Garrison as we walked through the gym doors.

Garrison and I stashed our sweats into the locker and headed to the treadmill.

"Steven," a voice called out.

"Jose!" I said as I turned in the voice's direction. "Nice to see you again!"

"You, too," Jose said as he noticed Garrison.

"This is my boyfriend, Garrison Turner," I said to Jose. "Garrison, this is Jose Vargas."

"Jose," Garrison said as the two shook hands. "It's nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from Steven."

"And, I have heard a lot about you as well, Garrison," Jose responded. "How's Tim?"

"He's in London with some friends," I replied. "Extra-long weekend. Garrison and I are taking care of the kids while he is away."

"Did his Master go with him?" Jose asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes," I began. I smiled broadly. "His lover David also went as did his two temporary Masters."

"I know you said it was complicated, Steven," Jose said. "So, I won't require a detailed explanation. May I join you gentlemen on the treadmill?"

"Of course," I said as we each climbed on a machine. I turned on my music as did Garrison and Jose.

We continued our workout with Jose joining us. Once we were finished, we hit the showers. Jose almost lost his breakfast when he saw Garrison's semi-hard dick.

"Don't worry, Jose," I said. "Garrison has a license to carry a concealed weapon."

"Won't be a problem with me, Steven," Jose replied. "I'm a top, remember?"

"I do indeed remember, Jose," I said. "And a damn good one, too."

"Why don't you join us at the bar tonight?" Garrison asked Jose.

"I'm not much for bars," Jose replied. "I'm trying to keep a low profile until everything with the divorce and business are taken care of. Otherwise, I would love to join you. Maybe later."

"Another time, then," Garrison said. "You have Steven's number, correct?"

"Yes," Jose replied. "I have it from our previous work on some charities. I'll be sure to call you. And, I would still like to have a drink with you and your husband... And, Garrison, David, and whoever your husband's Master is."

"Great!" I said as Jose dashed out of the gym.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me the guy was absolutely fucking gorgeous?" Garrison asked.

"I thought I did," I replied with a smile.

"You said he was good looking and had a nice body," Garrison continued as he dug out our clothes we were wearing to lunch. "I almost threw him on the floor and fucked him. I couldn't control myself for a moment!"

Garrison handed me the clothes he had for our lunch date. "I picked these because the crotch in jeans shows everything so vividly!"

"Pervert!" I said as I pulled on the jeans. And, Garrison was absolutely fucking correct. The crotch left little to the imagination. "Where are you taking me for lunch?"

"Melrose, of course," Garrison replied. "I pre-ordered your 6,000 calorie meal."

"Thank you for looking out for me, Garrison," I said as we headed out the door.

Once we were seated, Garrison became quiet, which is really unusual for Garrison.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I was thinking about you and me," Garrison replied. "We get along, right?"

"Of course we get along, shit head," I said as I pointed my fork at him. "I love you for Christ sake. Why would you ask if we get along?""

"I just want to make sure I don't do something stupid and ruin a perfectly good relationship with my boyfriend," Garrison said with a smile. "I have a habit of screwing up relationships. It's something in my genes—not my Levi jeans—my genes as it bio shit."

"I'll let you know if you do something stupid, Garrison," I replied. "You do know I love you. I will always love you. Forever. I don't believe you could do anything so stupid it would change my mind about loving you."

"You and Tim will always love each other and your kids," Garrison replied. "I envy your relationship with Tim in a way, but I know you will always be together as husbands and fathers to your children. I will never have a chance to have a husband and kids."

"Why would you say you will never have a chance to have a husband and kids'?" I asked.

"Steven," Garrison tried to explain. "I am in love with you. You are married. I don't want to be married just to be married. So, if you can't be my husband, I want to be your lover... always."

"Thank you, Garrison," I said as I leaned over the table and kissed my lover. "We will make our relationship special somehow. We will need to be creative."

"Thank you, Steven," Garrison added. "Is Tim really going to get pissed on tonight?"

"According to Master Grant, yes," I replied. "Tim will be practically naked at the bar. And, with Master Ajmal's assistance, Master Grant, Tim, David, Master Joseph, and Master Kenneth will be attending a very, very special after hour's party where Tim will be the dessert."

"And, Tim doesn't know this?" Garrison asked.

"Nope," I said as I looked into Garrison's eyes. "Neither does David. Master Joseph and Master Kenneth are, however, aware of the agenda for his evening out and about."

"Timmy will be so fucking pissed," Garrison said. He was looking into my eyes. "You look ready to be fucked, boyfriend!"

"I am so ready to be fucked, boyfriend," I replied as I dropped $100 on the table for a $40 check and we hurried out of the restaurant.

Once we were in the door of the house, we shed clothing up the stairway. I pulled the comforter and sheet down. I climbed into the center of the bed and lay on my back.

Garrison crawled between my legs and stroked his 13-inch already hard, uncut black dick.

"Steven," Garrison said softly as he leaned in to kiss me. "I am going to make love to you first. Then, I am going to power fuck your slave boy ass before I shove my fist in your asshole. How does all of this sound to you, lover boy?"

"Stick your dick in me now, Garrison," I almost hissed. "Stick it in now! Otherwise, my dick will fucking explode!"

As Garrison slowly moved his dick inside me, he whispered. "This is what I live for, Steven. My dick in your ass."


Garrison and I were standing naked in the dressing room when Master Ajmal and Master Marcus joined us. We assumed the position and awaited our orders.

Master Ajmal exuded power. He dressed in tight leather pants and a full body harness which exposed his muscled, hairy chest and his six-pack abs. I was instantly hard.

Master Marcus dressed similarly, except his tight pants were rubber and his full body harness was made with chains instead of leather like Master Ajmal's was. He, too, looked the part of Master to two slaves.

"Tonight someone very special will join us here in about 30 minutes," Master Ajmal explained. "We will have cocktails before we go out to the Cell Block."

"So, boys, do you have anything to say?" Master Marcus asked.

"Will I be restrained again?" I asked.

"No, boy," Master Marcus replied. "We will not be restraining you tonight. We may be sadists, but we don't want to cause any negative mental health damage to our property."

"Thank you, Sir," Garrison and I said together.

"Let's start the evening with a cocktail while we await our guest," Master Ajmal suggested as he attached my leash to the permanent collar he and Master Marcus installed on my neck.

Harvey had our drinks ready once we slipped into the living room.

"So, boy," Master Ajmal began as we sipped our drinks. "Tell me about Jay Lee Dong. How did the time go for you?"

"Master," I began. "The man is an amazing hunk of flesh, muscle, and intelligence. He knew me from the work I did on behalf of the Mayor's committee on the LGBT community. It's funny because I can't remember him working with us."

"He worked for the Mayor for a few years after he returned from the service and after his rehab," Master Ajmal replied. "He was part of the Mayor's effort to improve the quality of life of the service men and women in Chicago."

"You're right!" I exclaimed. "The Mayor and he joined me in the Gay Pride Parade when they named me Grand Marshall three years ago. He and the Mayor walked the entire parade route. He wore shorts. How could I fucking forget him?"

"He has had a major transformation since three years ago," Master Ajmal explained. "He was a beaten man back then after his accident in the service. He transformed his body and mind into what you saw earlier. An amazing story. I am going to suggest to Tim he write a book based on Jay's Spirit Journey."

"It would be awesome," I said. "He's amazing. He's handsome. He's... He's..."

"He's got a big dick," Garrison answered for me.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Harvey answered.

When Harvey led our guest into the living room, my mouth dropped. `Holy shit!' I thought.

"Hello, Robby," Master Marcus said as he hugged our guest. "Thank you for joining us."

"Thank you for asking me," Master Robert said as he was released from the hug. "Good to see you again, AJ... Hello, Steven, Garrison. Are you surprised to see me, Steven?"

"Ah...," I stammered. "Sort of. I wasn't expecting such a wonderful surprise, Master Robert."

"We've taken a special interest in Robby's transition from a boy to a man," Master Marcus said. "We've become quite fond of him."

I couldn't move. Master Robert's 5-foot 10-inch muscular body made my dick ache. As he slipped of his black leather motorcycle coat off, his leather harness strained against his super muscular chest. His bulging biceps immediately caught my eye. His blond hair and sky blue eyes popped into my mind and sealed it into my brain. This man-boy suddenly became my epitome of a Master.

"And, boys," Master Ajmal said to Garrison and me. "He is definitely NOT slave material. So, you don't need to fear being replaced. You might, however, find him occupying our bed more often than not. I am certain you two won't mind."

"No, Sir," Garrison and I said in unison.

"Just to clarify, Steven," Master Robert began. "I don't usually get fucked. I have been fucked probably twice in my entire life—until I met AJ and Marcus. We have all shared our asses and our dicks with each other. I have been promised a turn at both of your asses AFTER we go to the bar."

"I didn't think you were old enough to get into the Cell Block," I said.

"I'm not," Master Robert said. "But, AJ managed to get me the appropriate ID so I can go to the bar."

"And, we have decided, Steven," Master Marcus began. "You will be under the supervision of Robby—or Master Robert to you—tonight. Garrison will also be collared as Robby's slave tonight."

"Thank you, Sir," Garrison replied.

"Do you want to collar the boys?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Of course," Master Robert said has he took a leather collar from his black leather motorcycle jacket.

I assumed the position in front of Master Robert as he stood.

"This will be a very special night for me, boy," Master Robert said before he slipped the collar on me. "I hope it will be special for you as well."

Once Master Robert had secured the collar on me, I recited my vows.

"Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others! I am yours!"

"Good boy," Master Robert said as he fondled my balls and rock hard dick. He put my hand on his crotch. "Feel it, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"What do you feel?" Master Robert asked.

"Your hard dick, Sir," I replied.

"What else do you feel, boy? Please be specific," Master Robert said.

"I feel your power in your hard dick, Sir," I began. "I feel your energy. I feel your rage. I feel your lust, Sir."

"Good boy," Master Robert said as he kissed by forehead.

Garrison and Master Robert performed the same ritual.

"Since the boys will be naked tonight, Lenard will be driving us," Master Ajmal explained. "You two will be on display for the entire evening... On platforms in the back room... Naked... In the position..."

"You will also take these," Master Marcus said as he held two blue pills in his hand. "Go ahead, boys. Take them."

"Yes, Sir," Garrison and I said in unison.

"Tonight will be so cool," Master Robert said. "I've wanted to go to Cell Block ever since I started school at Northwestern."

"As Steven's Master tonight, Robby," Master Ajmal added. "You control Steven. No one else. Not me. Not Marcus. Only you. However, please use Garrison as you see fit. He switches roles between slave and Master flawlessly."

"Cool!" Master Robert replied. "May I have one of those blue pills, Marcus?"

"Of course," Master Marcus replied as he handed one pill to Master Robert. "AJ?"

"I think I might like to have one, too," Master Ajmal said. "Provided, of course, you will be taking one as well."

"Sure," Master Marcus said as he handed Master Ajmal a blue pill. He also took one for himself.

"I believe we should go to the bar now," Master Ajmal said after he and Master Marcus downed their blue pill.

Lenard appeared in the living room—almost Harvey-like. "The car is out front. I have arranged to park it in the back of the bar after I let you off in front."

Garrison's and my jaw dropped when we saw Lenard. He sported black leather pants which displayed his package nicely and boots. He also had on a black leather motorcycle jacket left open in the front.

"Just to let you know, Steven and Garrison," Lenard explained. "This is not new to me. I am not usually interested in leather men, but ever since I started working here my interest has heightened."

"Very good," Master Ajmal said as Master Robert attached his leash to my collar and Garrison's collar.

Garrison and I were led outside to the freezing cold of December. Several people gathered to watch the parade of four men dressed in leather leading their naked slaves to the car.

"Oh, Robby," Master Ajmal said once we were seated in the SUV. "Steven's husband, Tim, is in London with his Master and some friends. He won't be back here until one week from Monday. He was also collared and naked in a London leather bar. After getting pissed on by several hundred men, he made a welcome addition to the entertainment at the private party they are attending. He will be fucked, fisted, and flogged. And, in the crowning event of the evening, Steven's husband will get bull whipped by his Master. I thought you might use this information for planning purposes tonight."

"Thank you for the information," Robby replied. "It might be beneficial. How does it make you feel to hear your husband has been pissed on by several hundred men, Steven?"

"Proud," I replied. "Proud he is on his journey."

"I've heard your husband has become quite the slave boy and is very interested in Grant," Master Robert said. "What will you do if he decides he wants to be Grant's permanent slave boy?"

"I won't stand in his way, Sir," I replied.

When we arrived at the bar, there were several people in line waiting to get into the bar. Everyone turned to our party of five when we disembarked from the car.

I watched Master Robert's back side as I followed him to the door. His close cropped blond hair and his 5-foot 10-inch frame added to the vision of his ass muscles flexing as he walked. His jeans were so tight I watched every muscle in his ass and legs ripple. He left his black leather motorcycle jacket in the car. He only wore a black leather harness, so his muscular back, his gym worked biceps stood out as a piece of art in human form.

"Our entertainment for the evening has arrived, boys," Sam the bouncer announced to the waiting crowd. "God AJ! The boys are looking really good tonight."

"Thank you, Sam," Master Ajmal replied. "I'd like you to meet the boy's Master for tonight. Sam, this is Robby. Robby, this fine looking stud is Sam the bouncer."

"Nice to meet you, Robby," Sam said as he took in the hunk in front of him. "Very nice to meet you, as a matter of fact."

"It's my pleasure, Sam," Master Robert replied as Sam kept Master Robert's hand in his for longer than usual.

"I will need to see your ID," Sam said after he released Robby's hand.

"Yes, Sir," Master Robby said as he dug out his fake license and handed it to Sam.

"Very good, Robby," Sam said. "Welcome to the Cell Block!"

"Thank you, Sir," Master Robert said with a smile as he turned his attention to me. "Come on, boy! It's time for your show."

Master Robert followed Master Ajmal, Master Marcus. Slave boy Garrison also followed our Master Robert.

Master Ajmal strode to the bar and ordered beers for the five of us. We stood in the front bar for a few moments before going to the back bar where Garrison and I would be on display.

"Steven!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Jose Vargas. "I decided to take Garrison up on his offer to join you tonight. This is a first for me, and you are part of my decision to come and be with all of you. I am glad I did. You look terrific!"

"I'm happy you could join us," Master Marcus replied. "How do you know Steven?"

"Ah...," Jose stammered. "We worked on several charity events in the past."

"So, part of Steven's past life is catching up with him," Master Marcus said with a smile. "Why don't you introduce us, Steven?

"Master Jose," I began. "This is my Master Ajmal. My Master Marcus. My Master Robert. And, of course, you've met slave boy Garrison."

Everyone exchanged greetings.

"Steven and Garrison belong to Robby for the weekend," Master Ajmal added. "Of course, I am certain Robby will be willing to share if you care to join him. Now, it's time to put these two on display."

Sam's voice came over the speaker system, "Welcome to the Cell Block. We have special entertainment tonight in the back room. Garrison and Steven who are Master Amal and Master Marcus's slave boys are both on loan to a hot young stud. His name is Robby if you are a Dom. Master Robert if you are a sub. You can watch. You can fondle. You can ask his Master for special favors if you want. Have a good night."

Master Robert led me through the crowded front bar to the rear leather only bar. The crowds parted and made room for our journey. Most of the men close to us fondled my dick and ass. A couple of them grabbed my nipples. One swatted my ass with his leather gloved hand.

"You're a pretty popular slave boy tonight, Steven," Master Jose said as he stood next to Master Robert before I ascended to the platform.

"Wait until later," Master Robert said to Master Jose.

"How exciting for you!" Master Jose said to Master Robert.

"Maybe you, too, if you play your cards right," Master Robert said to Master Jose.

"I don't believe it will be possible to share your excitement tonight," Master Jose replied with a smile.

"Steven," Master Robert ordered. "Say good bye to your hot friend here. Then, get your naked ass up on the platform so everyone can see you."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as Master Robert took off my leash.

"We can talk after this weekend," I said as I hugged Master Jose good bye. "I looks like I am a little busy right now."

"I am going to enjoy the show, Steven," Master Jose said with a smile. Master Jose slapped my naked ass before I climbed the five stairs to the platform.

"Assume the position, boy!" Master Robert ordered. "And, don't fucking move unless I tell you to move. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stood in the position slaves should stand when in the presence of his Master. Hands behind the back. Feet shoulder width apart. Looking downward.

I caught a glimpse of Garrison on the opposite side of the room as Master Robert had now positioned him on his platform. He stood motionless in the position as ordered. Garrison and I both had dicks standing straight up.

Through the corner of my eye, I saw Willy, Callum, and some of Willy's police department friends as well as my former boss, Leon. Several people were crowded about Master Barron and Master Kendal. Master Jose joined the conversation with Willy and Callum's group.

"So, boy," Master Robert said over the roar of the crowd. "I have a few friends here who need to piss. I told them you would be happy to take care of them. Don't disappoint me, boy."

"I won't disappoint you, Sir," I replied as the first guy hoisted his way onto the platform.

I dropped to my knees. When the guy had fished his cock out of his jeans, he stepped toward me so I could take his cock into my mouth. I waited until the stream began to trickle out. It turned into a gusher in a very few moments. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed until the guy stopped pissing. He pulled his dick from my mouth and shook it to make certain I didn't waste any.

"Thanks, boy," the guy said as he left the platform.

`Shit,' I thought to myself as I saw the next guy step onto the platform. My old boss, Leon, began to take his dick out of his jeans.

"So, boy," Leon said once his meaty dick was out of his jeans. "My star executive is about ready to drink my piss. I can't wait to tell a few of the guys at eSquare."

"Yes, Sir," I said before I put his dick into my mouth and waited. When the stream did come it flowed quickly and freely. I swallowed it all. All of my former boss's piss.

More men with more piss followed.

Master Robert stood with a few people I didn't know. They were chatting amicably. Every so often one or all of them would look my way and smile.

Master Robert moved beside the platform. "Boy," Master Robert explained. "The guys over there want to see you beat off. I don't want you to cum, but I want you to work yourself into a frenzy. A long-term edging display. Play with your nipples. Stick your finger in your ass. Do it just like you would if you were home alone and had no one to play with. Do it, boy! Now!"

"Yes, Sir," I said as I began stroking my hard dick. I used my free hand to play with my nipples. I alternated from left to right. After several minutes of beating off, I had a crowd gathered around to watch.

Finally, Master Robert climbed onto the platform to join me. I assumed I had completed my required hour of edging in front of hundreds of lust crazed men. "So, boy," Master Robert hissed. "I'm going to take you over to the corner and have you meet some more of my friends. They wanted to fuck you, but I told them you could only give them a blow job. I knew you wouldn't mind giving 10 or 12 of my friends a blow job. Right, boy?"

"I would be honored to suck them off, Master," I replied.

"They might also need to piss," Master Robert added. "Do you see the scope of tonight's activities? Your husband had hundreds of men piss all over him, and now you are taking men's piss and cum in your mouth. You are both fucking pigs."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as Master Robert led me to a fairly dark corner of the room.

"Guys," Master Robert said to the group of guys huddling around me. "This is my slave, and I told him you wanted a blow job. Also, if you need to piss, he would be happy to relieve you. I'll be back to get him in about two hours."

Master Robert left me with a group of guys who by now had their dicks out of their pants.


Lenard dropped us off in front of the house after we left the bar. Even though it was 1 am, there was still a crowd waiting to get a glimpse of my naked body.

Once we were inside, Harvey brought a round of drinks to us as we settled in the living room.

"I thought we should all have a drink and relax before we go downstairs," Master Ajmal explained.

"What was your favorite activity tonight, Robby?" Master Marcus asked.

"Watching Steven give blow jobs and drink the piss of about 10 guys in the corner of the bar," Master Robert explained. "I liked seeing him on his knees of a dirty bar floor begging the men to let him suck them off. He really is addicted to dick."

"I like watching him edge for an hour," Master Marcus said. "Excellent decision on your part, Robby. I like your creativity. You also handle Steven very, very well."

"I hope we get to see more of Robby's creativity tonight," Master Ajmal said. "I want Steven to grovel more. Like a good slave boy does."

"I do have a few activities in mind for tonight," Master Robert explained. "But first, I need to fuck the boy! I have been looking forward to getting a piece of his ass ever since we agreed to go out tonight."

"Soon, Robby," Master Marcus said with a smile. "I definitely want a piece of Garrison's ass tonight. I want to practice my fisting techniques tonight also. So, boy Garrison, it looks like your ass will be as sloppy as Steven's by the time the night is over."

"You'd need to drive a Mac truck into my ass to get it as loose as rent boy's," Garrison replied. "But, you can all have a piece of my ass if you want to try."

"Excellent, Garrison," Master Ajmal said. "Marcus has another surprise for you as well."

"I like surprises," Master Garrison. "Especially when they are from Master Marcus."

"Flattery will get you everywhere with your two Masters, boy," Master Ajmal replied. "We should get started with the festivities."

"I believe we Masters need to part with some of our clothing," Master Marcus suggested. "Boy Garrison. Take off my boots and then my pants."

"Yes, Sir," Garrison said as he knelt in front of Master Marcus.

"Boy Steven," Master Robert barked. "My boots and pants. Off! Now!"

"Yes, Sir," I said as I began removing Master Robert's boots. After I had Master Robert's boots off, I stood so I could unbutton his pants. I desperately wanted this moment to happen since the night began. I tugged at the waist band of Master Robert's jeans his big dick slapped at this bare stomach.

"You like it, don't you, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Tell me something else about my big Master dick, boy," Master Robert hissed.

"Will you please fuck me with your big dick, Master," I begged. "Please, Master. I want your big dick in my ass so I can please you, Sir."

"Soon enough, boy," Master Robert said to me as he reconnected my leash to his collar around my neck. "Soon enough."

I followed Master Robert downstairs. I also felt a quiver shoot through my body as I watched Master Robert's tight, muscled ass while he walked.

"Are you looking at my ass, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Do you like what you see, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"You'll never get to put your dick in my ass, boy," Master Robert said. "My ass is not for slave boys like you."

"Yes, Master," I replied as we arrived at the door of the playroom.

"Where would you like to put your slave boy?" Master Ajmal asked.

I watched Master Robert survey the entire playroom. His face lit up when he found the sawhorse.

"Sawhorse," Master Robert said in an extremely definitive voice. "I want the boy on the sawhorse."

"I think I see fire in your eyes, Robby," Master Ajmal said to Master Robert. "We will get along fine, I think."

"Garrison gets the sling," Master Marcus announced. His hard dick bounced as he moved.

"Are you going to fuck me, Master?" Garrison said with passion in his voice. "I want you in me. Your dick and your arm. Please Master! Please!"

"You really do want this, don't you Garrison?" Master Marcus asked.

"Yes, Master," Garrison replied. "I need your dick and your arm. All three Masters. In me, please!"

"You will need to do something for me, though," Master Marcus roared.

"Yes, Master," Garrison groveled. "Anything you want, Master! I'll do anything you want."

"Good boy," Master Marcus replied. "Now, into the sling, boy!"

As Master Marcus put Garrison into the sling, Master Robert and Master Ajmal secured me to the sawhorse.

"Look at the boy's ass just waiting to be used," Master Robert hissed. "And, the brands! God I love this shit."

"Anything else you will need, Robby?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Trust me when I say this is perfect, AJ" Master Robert answered. "You can check in with me in a couple of hours if you would like, but don't put yourself out if you are involved with something else, such as Garrison's ass. Ever since I had the opportunity to use the slave boy's ass with Baron, I have anticipated having him to myself."

"Enjoy!" Master Ajmal replied as he joined Marcus near the sling.

Master Robert moved from the end of the sawhorse with my ass raised to the end where he and Master Ajmal had secured my head. "So, boy, you are about to become a reality to the dreams I have had about controlling your ass, your body, your bodily functions, and, most importantly, your mind. This is going to blow your mind, boy!"

I became suddenly aware of Master Robert massaging my asshole with his leather gloved hand. "Feels good, doesn't it boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I need you in me, Master. I need your dick to complete me."

"Good boy," Master Robert said in a hushed voice. "Some men say my dick is too big for them to handle. How do you feel about my dick, boy?"

"I love your dick, Sir," I replied. "Your dick is perfect. Thirteen inches of tanned perfect cock with two tanned perfect balls to match."

"So, you like my tan, boy?" Master Robert asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "It reminds me of how perfect your body is, Master."

"Thank you, boy," Master Robert said. "I am focused on taking your ass, boy. Once I am finished with you tonight, I will own your body just like AJ and Marcus own your body."

"Yes, Sir," I loudly enough for the entire room to hear me. I needed to make a public statement. "Take me, Master. Please take me. Own me. Show me your power, Master. I want to be your powerless slave boy, Master."

Master Robert stopped talking and began preparing. I felt lube applied to my ass. Cold. Then, the touch of Master's dick at my asshole. I felt the fire in Master's body. The lust. The power. And, I was powerless except I had a burning need to please my new Master.

Master Robert began to push his huge dick into my very willing ass.

"Oh! God! Yes!" I moaned as I felt Master Robert's balls touching my ass.

"Now, boy, you remember what it is like having my dick in your ass," Master Robert said.

"Yes, Sir," I said. "I want more, Sir. Over and over and over and over. I need your dick in me, Master."

Oh, you will get my dick over and over and over in your asshole, boy," Master Robert replied. "Over... and... over... and... over... Over... and... over... and... over... Over... and... over... and... over..."

For each time Master Robert said the word "over" he plunged his dick deep into my asshole. On the "and" words he pulled his dick completely out of me.

"Over and over and over and over...," Master Robert continued.

I felt my Spirit Master enter my body, too. He occupied my mind while Master Robert occupied my ass.

`Boy,' my Spirit Master explained. `I am here to help you with a transition. You are moving into a new phase of your life. One filled with even more experiences to service men. Powerful men. Energetic men. Lust-filled men. Your new Master will help you with your journey further into the role you have chosen. Slavery. Service to other men. Service to the world. You will understand more about your expected journey as time passes. Now, just enjoy your new Master.'

`Yes, Spirit Master,' I answered in my mind. My Spirit Master didn't leave my brain. I felt his power in my dick. My aching balls swelling with the desire to spill my seed. `But, I don't deserve to cum. I am a slave boy. I serve my Masters. Right now, I serve my new Master, Master Robert,' I said to my Spirit Master.

`You will cum, boy,' Spirit Master replied. `Now!'

Suddenly my dick exploded. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

"Yes, boy!" Master Robert howled. "Take it, boy! Take it! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Robert's body dropped on top of mine. His sweat mingled with my sweat. His cum filled my ass. My Spirit Master showed me the way to my future happiness. I felt Master Robert's energy he had placed in my ass. My insides glowed from happiness. But, his lust again filled my dick with life. Hard, hard dick resting on the hard surface of the sawhorse.

Finally, Master Robert began to stir on top of me. "Wow!" Master Roberts whispered to me. "Mind blowing! Absolutely mind blowing."

Master Robert kissed the back of my neck before his dick began moving inside me again.

After three more orgasms, Master Robert decided he finally had enough fucking for a few minutes.

"Now, I am going to take you with my hand... Well, more like my arm... I understand from Marcus you are very, very good at taking arms up your ass... Shoulder deep up your ass...," Master Robert hissed as he pulled his spent dick out of my ass.

"Oh! Yes! Master, yes," I moaned as his dick slipped completely out of my ass.

Master Robert moved a stool and a cart next to my ass. He took a seat on the stool. He turned on the video camera Master Ajmal and Master Marcus installed a few days ago. The camera streamed to a video monitor in front of my head. I could see my Master almost as clearly as a porn film projected an image of men owning men. I could see exactly how I was being owned.

"I thought you would like to see how far up I am able to get my arm into your slave boy ass," Master Robert explained. "I hope you are comfortable because I am going to be at this for a very long time. Actually, I really don't care if you are comfortable. I'm comfortable."

Master Robert began to apply generous amounts of Crisco to his hand, forearm, and upper arm. My dick stirred as I watched him rub the Crisco onto his bulging bicep.

Master Robert began the process of pushing his fist into my ass.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned as his knuckles pushed through my sphincter muscle.

"Such a good ass, boy!" Master Robert hissed.

I moaned again as Master Robert's elbow pushed into my ass. Master Robert pause for a moment before he began to slide his arm slightly out of me before slamming it further into me.

"Yes, Master!" I moaned loudly. "Take me! Own me! I am yours!"

I felt the power of Master Robert's arm in my ass. The raw power of a 20-year-old, tanned muscle stud. His lust for my body, however, fueled my deep desire to take Master Robert on journeys of complete satisfaction.

"Look, boy," Master Robert said. His voice pulled me out of my mind and into the present.

"Oh! God! Yes!" I moaned at I saw his arm stuffed into my ass. His armpit hair brushed against my ass.

He began working my ass with his muscular arm. He pulled it slightly out and then quickly back in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In.

Each time he pulled his arm back. He moved further down his arm. I saw his bicep appear. Then, back in one quick stab into my ass.

"Fuck yes!" I moaned.

Master Robert seemed encourage by my moaning. He continued. And, continued... and continued... and continued... The middle of his forearm appeared. Bang! Back in my ass.

"Oh! Shit!" I moaned.

Master Robert rested a moment before gradually removing his arm. His bicep. His elbow. His forearm. His hand.

I heard applause.

"Nice work, Robby!" Master Marcus said as he hugged my new Master.

"Yea, Robby," Master Ajmal said as he too hugged Master Robert. "You did a marvelous job of fisting the boy. Our practice sessions, I think, helped a lot."

"It's amazing to watch Steven take an entire arm," Garrison said as Master Marcus pulled Garrison into a hug.

"I want another go with the boy's ass before we stop tonight," Master Robert said.

"Why don't we get the boy off the sawhorse and have a drink before we continued?" Master Ajmal suggested. "Garrison, get Steven unrestrained and then bring him to the bar."

"Yes, Sir," Garrison replied as he moved to where my legs were tied onto the sawhorse. Once I felt my legs free, Garrison silently worked on my wrists. Garrison helped me off the sawhorse and led me to the bar.

"Thank you, Garrison," Master Ajmal said. "Sit boys. Have a drink. Relax."

"Yes, Sirs," Garrison and I said in unison.

"We have something to tell you, boys," Master Marcus began. "Ever since AJ and I were married, we had many conversations about adding to our family. First it was Ali and Ahmed. Then, I began co-Mastering you with AJ. For our next addition, we want to add another Master. Robby and AJ and I are discussing taking Robby in as another Master. We want to ask Robby to be our next addition to our family. Robby?"

"You know I would be I would be honored to join your family," Master Robert said to Master Marcus and Master Ajmal. "As I told you when we were talking last week, I have been lusting after Steven's ass ever since I first met him. He is incredible. I am eager to use Garrison as well. And, I know the two of you will show me how to be a true Master. I'm also, I must admit, falling in love with you both, AJ and Marcus. You are very, very special men. Men whom I would be proud to step into your family."

"We are pleased to have you aboard, Robby," Master Ajmal said as he lifted Master Robby's chin and kissed him on the lips. Tender kisses turned into passionate kisses. Master Ajmal pulled away unwillingly from Master Robert's lips. "We have more to experience tonight. We can kiss and make love after we are done here. Shall we continue."

"I have an idea, AJ," Master Robert said. "Why don't we tie the two slave boys together. Facing one another. We can whip them both at the same time."

"Let's do it," Master Marcus replied. "Why don't you and AJ flog them? After you two are finished, you can join me, Robby, in bull whipping our slaves."

"You are going to bull whip me, Master?" Garrison asked incredulously.

"Of course, Garrison," Master Marcus replied. "I have waited a long time for this. I believe with the help of Robby—Master Robert to you—we can break your spirit. We will make you a better slave. Our slave, Garrison, AJ's, Robby's, and mine. We own your muscular black ass, remember? You signed a contract just like Steven did. Face it, Garrison, you will be a perfect slave when we are finished with you."

"Yes, Sir," Garrison said. When he looked at me, I saw fear in his eyes.

"Bull whip me instead," I offered. "Twice as long. All night. Just don't do it to Garrison. Please, Master, please."

"Not this time, boy," Master Marcus replied. "Garrison needs to be bull whipped."


"Turn around, boy," Master Marcus said as he came downstairs to the kitchen where Master Robert, Garrison, and I sipped coffee. "I want to see your back."

I stood and turned my back to Master Marcus so he could see the pattern of his handy work he performed last night.

"Nice!" Master Marcus said as he surveyed the damage he and Master Robert did with the bull whip. "Now you, Garrison."

Garrison stood and turned his back to Master Marcus.

"Nice," Master Marcus said. "Although I can see where we didn't do as much damage to Garrison's back as Steven's."

"It is something we can work on in the future, Marcus," Master Robert said with excitement in his voice and excitement in his dick as it began to grow.

Master Ajmal joined us.

"We were just admiring our work on Steven and Garrison's back," Master Marcus explained. "Robby and I need to pay more attention to Garrison next time. His back is not as marked as Steven's."

Master Marcus moved in front of Master Robert. He pulled Master Robert into a hug which turned into light kisses, which turned into a passionate display. Both were eager for one another.

"Before you two get carried away," Master Ajmal began with a smile. "We need to get you squared away here with us. How do you want to handle moving in with us?"

"I could move a few of my clothes here," Master Robert said. "I don't believe I am ready to give up my condo completely. What would I do if the two of you got tired of the `snot nosed boy'?"

"Trust me, Robby," Master Marcus replied. "We will not get tired of you. And, you are more than a college twink to us. You are a beautiful man who is becoming another Master for our slaves."

"If you think we are rushing, just tell us and we will back off," Master Ajmal said.

"What do your slave boys and Steven's husband and Steven's husband's lover think about me becoming part of the family?" Master Robert asked.

"Steven's husband, Tim, and Tim's lover, David, have nothing to do with Steven except to agree or disagree with our suggestions for body modifications," Master Ajmal replied. "Tim and David are not part of our decision making process about who we have in our bed. Also, our boys, Steven and Garrison, are slaves. We make the decision... Not them. Marcus, why don't you take Robby upstairs and show him how much we really do love him. I will be up when I am finished. I need to attend to a few slave ownership duties with these two."

Master Ajmal pointed to Garrison and me.

"Ready, Robby?" Master Marcus asked.

"For you, I will always be ready," Master Robert replied.

Master Marcus and Master Robert left the kitchen hand in hand.

Once they were gone, Master Ajmal began his discussion with Garrison and me.

"Steven, I am disappointed in your performance last night," Master Ajmal explained.

"Disappointed in my performance, Master," I said in disbelief. "I don't understand."

"You came last night while your Master Robert was fucking you," Master Ajmal replied. "We don't want you to cum. Ever! If I have to, I will castrate you, boy, but Marcus and I do not want you to cum."

"I'm sorry, Master," I said quietly. "I didn't have any control over it. My Spirit Master came into my mind while Master Robert used my ass. He told me to cum. When he said `now,' I came. I'm sorry. I will need to speak with my Spirit Master and discuss this issue with him, Sir."

"I will speak with him for you," Master Ajmal said. "I'm certain we can reach a compromise. Now, you, Garrison, you disrespected your Master Marcus last night. I will not tolerate this behavior. When your Master tells you he will bull whip you, he will bull whip you. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," Garrison replied.

"For your punishment, boy, we will bull whip Steven. Later today, your Master Robert and Master Marcus will bull whip him. Master Robert will give you 100 lashes. Master Marcus will give you another 100 lashes. Garrison, you will be tied and gagged and will watch every blow to Steven's back. You will wish you hadn't been disrespectful to your Master Marcus. I will add the last 100 lashes."

I looked at Master Ajmal with fear in my eyes.

"Something wrong, Steven?" Master Ajmal asked.

"I have never been bull whipped that many times in my life, Sir," I replied. "I might die."

"You won't die, boy," Master Ajmal replied. "We won't let it happen. I can safely say, however, you will not be laying on your back for a few days. Now, Garrison, take Steven downstairs and fuck him."

"Yes, Sir," Garrison replied.

"Get him ready to be fisted by the three of us," Master Ajmal. "Before Steven gets whipped, we will fist him. Maybe Marcus and Robby can stick both of their arms up your ass, Steven."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as Master Ajmal left the room.I

"I'm sorry, Steven," Garrison said in an almost whisper.

"Nothing to be sorry about, Garrison," I said as I pulled him into a hug and started kissing him. "It's what I do, Garrison. I take your punishment. I am happy it will happen to me and not you. I hate to see you in pain. How was last night, by the way?"

"Way cool, Steven," Garrison said excitedly.

"As Tim would say, Garrison, `Give me details! I need details!' So, Garrison, give me the details so I can keep the bullwhipping session off my mind," I begged.

"Why don't we go downstairs," Garrison said. "I'll explain it once I have you in the sling."

"Let's go," I replied as I followed Garrison downstairs.

Garrison talked while he properly restrained me in the sling.

"Master Marcus was the first to fuck me," Garrison began his explanation. "He came in me twice before Master Ajmal got his turn. Then, it was the fists. Master Marcus fisted me. Master Ajmal fisted me. And, just for good measure, Master Marcus and Master Ajmal put both of their arms in my ass at the same time."

"Sounds like an exciting night," I said as Garrison began stroking his big, hard, uncut, black dick.

"I'm not finished, rent boy," Garrison added. "Master Marcus surprised the living hell out of me. He asked me to fuck him. So, I fucked Master Marcus. It took me almost an hour. When I shot my load in his ass, he shot one all over both of us."

"You actually fucked Master Marcus?" I asked.

"Yup," Garrison replied. "Just like I am going to fuck you. And, don't worry, rent boy, I've got several loads in me."

Garrison shot his fifth and final load in my ass when Master Ajmal, Master Marcus, and Master Robert returned to the playroom. They were naked and sported very hard dicks.

"So, boy," Master Marcus said to me. "I hope Garrison has your ass prepared for us. Of course, if he hasn't, we will just need to punish you more."

"And, because Robby wants to learn how to bull whip you, Master Marcus and he will bring you down here every evening and practice," Master Ajmal explained. "I am certain you will enjoy your time with your Masters Robert and Marcus. Let's begin."

Master Robby sat on the stool near my ass. "You'd better get used to this, slave boy," Master Robert said as he greased up his arm. "This is my most favorite activities... Well, next to fucking."


Garrison and I sat at the breakfast nook in the back solarium on Monday—the day Tim and his travel companions arrive home from London. Master Ajmal and Master Marcus were visiting Master Marcus's family just outside of Boston. They returned yesterday evening exhausted. Master Robert had entertained Garrison and me Friday through Sunday afternoon.

"You miss Tim, don't you?" Garrison ask as we drank coffee and read the newspaper on our tables.

"Of course I miss Tim!" I replied. "He's my husband. I'm supposed to miss my husband."

"I heard a `but' in your voice, Steven," Garrison said. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Uncertainty," I replied. "Uncertainty is running around my head like a cross country team."

"Uncertainty about what, Steven?" Garrison asked.

"Tim and me," I replied. "I love the little shit, but I had to have a Master. Tim had to have a lover to keep him occupied while I pleased my Master. Now he has a Master and his lover who will probably marry someday. Then, there is me and my fucked up life. I have two Masters. I have a lover. I have two twin boys and a 13-year-old son. I get rented to other men for $10 thousand to $30 thousand each session. And, now it looks as though I have a third Master, a 20-year-old college student. Oh! I forgot! I'm a porn star, too."

"I see your dilemma," Garrison said in response to my rant. "But, I know in my heart, you and Tim will always love one another. You may not have sex with Tim the way you did when you first met. He has obligations to his Master and his lover. He also has obligations to YOU, Steven. You are married. No one can take away your love for one another. There, I've said it."

"Thank you, Garrison, for your support," I said as I leaned over and kissed him. "Let me add one other item to the mix. Garrison, you know I love you. Sometimes I think of you as my soul mate brother. Sometimes I think of you as Master Garrison. Sometimes I think of you as my handler in the rent boy business. I always think of you as my lover first. Always will."

"Thank you, Steven," Garrison said quietly. "I love you, too—in exactly the same ways, except I think of you as my slave boy or my rent boy. The day I met you was a gift. I was going down the tubes emotionally. The night I met you at the Cell Block when I was visiting Chicago will always be a monumental moment for me. You and I had some of the best sex when you took me home with you. Then, you somehow managed to introduce me to Jake and Miguel. If you hadn't come into my life at the very moment you did, I would probably be lying in the streets with a needle in my arm. You save my life, Steven."

We were both crying when Garrison finished. I wiped his tears off his cheeks. He did the same for me.

"We are sorry for spying on you," Master Ajmal said. Master Marcus stood silently by his husband's side. "We never knew about your connection to one another."

"We always knew you both had a special bond," Master Marcus replied. "You should celebrate your lives together somehow."

"I see another commitment ceremony on the horizon," Master Ajmal replied. "Marcus and I are going to lunch this afternoon. After lunch I have a meeting with a developer. We will be home in time for cocktails."

"And, I will be discussing potential proposals," Marcus added. "Before you go pick up Tim and his travel companions, I would recommend you go upstairs and fuck like bunnies for a few hours. And, Steven..., you can fuck Garrison and cum in his ass if you want."

"Thank you, Sirs," Garrison and I said in unison.

"Let's do what our Masters have ordered, lover boy," I said to Garrison as I wrapped his muscular body in my arms and kissed him.


Garrison and I drove to the airport to pick up Tim and his travel companions on Monday afternoon. I spotted Tim and David waiting for their bags along with Master Grant.

"Tim!" I called out to get his attention.

He ran in my direction and I thought for sure he would land in my arms.

"It is so good to finally see you, Steven!" Tim said as he planted a quick kiss to my lips.

"Did you have a good flight?" I asked.

"Yea," Tim replied. "Chad, Donald, and Jimmy were terrific as usual. I want to hear all about your weekend, but I want to get home and have a drink."

"Isn't it a little early to have drinks?" I asked.

"Not in London," Tim said with a smile. "We feel like it is almost 7 pm in London. Cocktail time."

"So, Tim," Garrison said as Tim grabbed Garrison into a hug. "How was your trip?"

"It was good," Tim said rather coolly.

"Is something wrong, Tim?" I asked.

"Nope," Tim replied. I could tell he had something important on his mind.

We greeted the other arrives after everyone had retrieved his luggage. We were off to the car.

As we walked through the corridor to the exit, Garrison pulled me away from the group as we continued to walk. "Have you noticed Grant is not hovering over Tim like usual?"

"It did seem he was a little distant," I replied. "We will learn more once we have several cocktails in them."

"Good idea," Garrison replied.

We loaded the SUV with seven men and almost as many bags. Fortunately, the traffic was light. We made it home in less than 35 minutes.

Harvey began delivering cocktails the moment we stepped into the door. Once we were all properly naked, we sat down in the living room to catch up with each other.

"Tell us about London," Garrison suggested.

No one answered until Tim began to explain their trip.

London was great!" Tim effused. "Staying at AJ's house definitely added to the atmosphere. We ate at some really nice places. We went to the National Gallery. We went to a bar. We had a great time."

"Something is missing, Tim," Garrison said. "The sex. The men. The bar. As you sometimes say, Tim. `Detail. Give us details, slave boy!'"

"Oh, yea," Tim continued. "The sex... I have never experienced anything like our time in London and New York. Master Grant, David and I shared the bedroom belonging to AJ. I can't even tell you how many times I have been fucked on this trip. Master Grant and David, as you well know, Steven, are like the energizer bunnies. They don't have an off switch."

As I looked at Tim, I smiled. `I am so proud of you, Tim,' I wanted to say, but I held it until Tim was finished.

Tim smiled back. "I am now very, very familiar with the bar where Master Joseph and Master Garrison took you, Steven. I also wound up naked... in the back room... in the bathtub... where a two- or three-hundred men... pissed on me... during the evening."

"Did you like getting pissed on, Tim?" I asked. "Also, how did it make you feel?"

"Did I like getting pissed on is a tough question," Tim explained. "I think I am better equipped to answer the last one. I was humiliated. I was demeaned. I felt used. I felt abandon... Until I looked up from the bathtub to see my Master's big, black, uncut dick pointing straight at my head. David stood beside him also with his big, uncut, Asian dick a pointing at my head. When their piss started landing on my face and open mouth, it all hit me with a giant thud. This is my life from now on. I am Master Grant's slave boy, Steven. And, it feels wonderful."

I didn't react to the news. I sat looking at Tim. I was still smiling. I felt like a truck hit me.

"I want to hear about the party after the bar," Garrison suggested.

"I'll let Master Grant tell you about the party," Tim said as he moved between a naked David and a naked Master Grant.

"We were joined by three of AJ's friends," Master Grant explained. "Fielder, who is about 5-feet 10-inches tall, has a body of a gym rate, because he is a gym rat. Fielder's special pastime is flogging and caning. Leo, who is a little over six-feet tall, hair everywhere and a little overweight, but still a stunning man who has a dick at least as big as Garrison's—which, I might add, looks really good like it is now, hard as a rock—is keenly interested in cock and ball torture, nipple torture, and long-term bondage. Lastly, we have Evan. Evan is a huge, black, muscled dude who makes me look like a piss ant. His dick reminds me of your friend, Baron. Evan is an equal opportunity sadist. He will try anything a boy has a fantasy about. Tim took his big, black, uncut dick up his ass several times before Evan fisted him. We were in the playroom from about 2 am until about 2 pm the next day. They left with the exception of Leo. He stayed behind to fulfill another of Tim's fantasies—long-term bondage. From about 4 pm on Sunday until 4 pm on Tuesday. Leo put about 100 boxes of Saran wrap on his entire body. He cut out a hole for Tim's ass, nipples, and cock and balls. Leo had a ball torturing Tim's cock and balls as well as his nipples."

"So, Steven," Tim said to me. "What do you think of my coming out party?"

"I am jealous you had time with Leo," I said. "He sounds like my kind of Master. Honestly, though, Tim, I am still very proud of you for holding up through all of this. What was your favorite part?"

"You know I like nothing better than getting fucked," Tim said. "Outside of the fucking, I think the most invigorating activity is when Master Grant bull whipped me."

"He's gotten very good at it, too," Master Grant added.

"Any other news you want to share with us, Tim, David, Master Grant?" I asked.

"Grant has asked me to marry him," David responded. "I said yes. We haven't set a date yet."

"Congratulations, guys!" I said as I raced to hug and kiss David and then Master Grant.

Garrison also congratulated Master Grant and David.

"There is something else we want to ask you, Steven," David began. "Tim has already agreed, but we would like you two to be our best men."

"But, there is a catch," Master Grant added. "You will be our naked, slave boy best men. From the time we have the rehearsal dinner until we leave for our honeymoon... Naked."

"Naked as in totally undressed in front of your guests?" I asked.

"Yup," Master Grant replied.

"I'm game. Tim are you ready to be naked in front of several guests?" I asked Tim.

"Of course," Tim replied. "It's only natural to be naked in front of guests if your Master is getting married and wants his slave boy in the wedding party."

"I see your point," I said with a smile.

"Now, Steven and Garrison," Master Grant said. "Do you have something to share with us?"

"Yes," I said. "I finished with clients on Friday. Garrison and I went to the gym on Saturday morning. Master Marcus told Garrison to fuck me after we returned from the gym because he wanted my ass sloppy for a guest whom we had no idea until he arrived who it would be. When he arrived, we were both surprised to see him."

"Who, Steven?" Tim said. "Who is the surprise guest?"

"Master Robert," I replied. "You, Master Grant, and David must remember Master Robert."

"Shit!" David exclaimed. "He was one smoking hot dude. Why Robby?"

"Master Ajmal and Master Marcus are thinking he might be a good candidate as an addition to our family," I added.

"Shit! If I had known he was interested in sharing Master duty, I would have asked him," Master Grant replied. "Sometimes this one wears me out."

He was referring to Tim.

"Steven, I need to ask you something," Master Grant began. "How will you feel about me becoming Tim's Master?"

"I couldn't have picked a better Master for my husband," I began. "I see the excitement in Tim's eyes I haven't see for a long, long time. Tim and I will need to work out the details, however."

"Tim has some other news he wants to share with you," David began. "Especially with Steven."

"Steven, I've decided I want to carry forward with my attempt to become a masochist slave boy. I almost feel embarrassed to tell you this, Steven, but you have shared your sex life with me, so I feel it is only fitting I share mine with you. But, I don't believe I am cut out for a full-time slave role at this point in my life. I need to work into it. Hell, I may never work into it. Master Grant and David told me I needed some breaking in before I will become a full-time slave," Tim explained. He paused for a moment before continuing. "I will still be your husband, Steven. Our marriage is a priority. Our three sons are a priority. You are my priority, and I am yours. And, we will need to add an extra master bedroom somewhere in this house for Master Grant and David."

"Your moving to Chicago, Master?" I asked.

"I can do my job from anywhere," Master Grant said. "I will have to fly to New York occasionally, but I will be working from Chicago most of the time."

"Excellent news!" I enthused.

My phone began chirping. I put it on the coffee table as we sat to have drinks. "What's up, Willy?" I asked as I turned on the speaker phone.

"Steven," Willy said with a very shaky voice. "Are you and Tim home?"

"Yes," I replied. "Tim and his friends just returned from London. We are all in the living room. Is something wrong?"

"I'll be at your house in about five minutes or less," Willy said. "Have Lenard boost the security around the house. Don't go anywhere."

"Okay," I said as we ended the call. I immediately called Lenard. "Lenard! Willy from the CPD is on his way to the house. He suggested we move the security level for the house up a notch."

"What's going on, Steven," Tim asked.

"We will know when Willy tells us," I replied.

Everyone was silent as we waited for Willy. When the doorbell rang, Tim and I rushed to open the door. Lenard beat us to it. Lenard cautiously opened the door and let Willy and another police officer into the house.

"Guys, this is John," Willy said. "I already warned him you would be naked. I need to talk to Steven and Tim. Maybe at the kitchen island."

We ushered Willy into the kitchen. Willy, Tim, and I sat with Willy between us.

"What's happened, Willy?" I asked.

"AJ was driving Marcus back to the office after lunch," Willy began. "When they got in the car and started it, the car blew up. They didn't make it, guys. I am so, so sorry to tell you this. It is part of the job I hate."

"Who would blow up their car?" Tim asked.

"We have a lead is all I can say at the moment," Willy said. "However, if this turns out to be related to the John Trainer incident, we could have a potential security problem."

"Shit Garrison and David! We need to tell them," I exclaimed. I pushed the intercom button, "Garrison, David, could you join us in the kitchen?"

Garrison and David raced into the kitchen. David looked worried. "Something is wrong with AJ and Marcus?" was all he asked.

He sat on the stool next to me. Tears started streaming down my face. "Willy just told us. AJ and Marcus were killed when their car exploded."

"Oh! Dear God!" Garrison replied as he leaned for me to hold him.

"The boys," David said. "I have AJ and Marcus's legal papers. We will need them."

"This whole fucked up mess makes us fathers of five," Tim replied to me. "Are you okay, Steven?"

"No," I whispered. "We need to be strong to get through this. We should tell the others. Bashir! We need to tell Bashir! And, Marcus's family."

"Let me grab their legal papers," David said. "They each listed emergency contact numbers."

"We should let everyone know what is going on here," I said. "Tim?"

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This is my 52nd posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Chad, Donald, and Jimmy.

Next: Chapter 53

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