Life with Tim

Published on Jul 21, 2016


Life With Tim Chapter 46

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"What was the worst experience you had while in training?" Garrison asked.

"Watching you getting whipped by Master Konrad," I said as I looked Garrison in the eye and picked up his hand and clutched it in my next to my heart. "I wanted to trade places with you. I didn't want you to hurt. You don't deserve to hurt, Garrison. I love you too much to see you hurt. You?"

"Not being with you," Garrison said. "I realized this week I am so fucking in love with you I could almost burst. I don't want to be without you, Steven. My heart breaks when I don't have you close to me. Even if you are just in the same room, I feel better."

"I am going to ask Tim to speak with Master Ajmal about releasing me from our /slave relationship," I whispered to Garrison. "I still want to be a slave. I still want to be a rent boy. I still want to go to slave training in Berlin. But, I want you to be not only my lover, but also my Master."

"How do you think AJ will react to this proposal?" Garrison asked.

"Tim is an excellent sales person," I said to Garrison as we both smiled. "He is very persistent in getting the results he wants. It is good we have him on our side."

"So, rent boy," Garrison replied. "Are you telling me we don't want to piss of Tim, and we need him on our side?"

"Have you ever known Tim to not get what he wants?" I asked.

"No," Garrison said. We continued our conversation. Garrison's hand rarely left mine.

Chapter 46: Home Coming

Tim and David volunteered to meet Garrison and me at the airport.

"Steven!" I heard Tim yell my name from across the baggage claim area. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"God! I have missed you, Steven," Tim said as he held onto me for dear life. "I will not allow you to be away this long ever again. I need you. David needs you. The boys need you."

"I have missed all of you, too, Tim," I replied. "I can't be away from you and the boys and David this long. It will break me."

I looked over to see Garrison and David talking to each other. They were both smiling. Life is good.

"We will work on this issue later once we settle into our lives," Tim replied as David and Garrison walked in our direction.

I released my husband from our hug and turned my attention to David. "You survived!" I said to David as I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"Yup," David replied. "I have been busy. Tim is a lot of work when he doesn't have the proper diversions."

"You just figured it out?" I said to David before I kissed him. "Thank you for making Tim happy during my absence."

"My dick is about ready to fall off, but it was fun taking care of Tim for you," David said with a smile.

"Enough of this bullshit," Tim said as he took charge of the situation. He grabbed my hand and led us outside where Lenard parked, "Let's go home so we get you reacquainted with our sons. After you properly bond with them, I am taking you three to our bedroom. We will get naked. We will make love to each other. Then, we will go to sleep and do it all over again tomorrow."

Garrison stood looking at Tim. His mouth was open as if to say something. The words, however, didn't come.

"Yes, Garrison," Tim added. "I want you with us. You are part of our family. You are my husband's boyfriend, aren't you?"

Garrison still stood still with his mouth open.

"Aren't you his husband's boyfriend, Garrison?" I asked.

"Well, yea," Garrison said. "But..."

"No butts unless it has someone's dick in it," David said. "Garrison. This is Tim you are talking to. He will win. He always wins. Get used to being Steven's boyfriend. Let's go. I'm horny."

I took Garrison's hand. David took Tim's hand. We went outside to meet Lenard who was waiting in the car for us.

Garrison and I grabbed the back row of seats. David and Tim were in the second row.

"What do I tell Master Jake and Master Miguel?" Garrison asked.

"They already know you are staying with us until further notice, stud," Tim replied.

"You have been busy, Tim," I said.

"You know me, Steven, I'm a planner," Tim confidently informed us.

"Plotter," David added

"Planner," Tim countered.

"Plotter," I said.

"Who cares what we call it?" Tim threatened. "I got the job done, didn't I."

"What about AJ?" Garrison asked.

"AJ will not be a problem with our family," Tim announced. "It's my new philosophy. We don't have problems. We run away from problems when we encounter them."

"Sounds like the ostrich you were talking about the other day," David added. "Head buried in the sand."

"Marcus and I had a conversation with AJ about a week ago," Tim explained. "Miraculously, he is beginning to see things MY way."

"Besides, Christopher is AJ's new cause," David announced.

"It is funny you should mention Christopher, David," Tim began. "Marcus used some choice words in connection with Christopher during our conversation with AJ."

"What were Marcus's choice words?" Garrison asked.

"'Home wrecking, self-centered, narcissistic bastard' were his exact words," Tim replied.

"I would have liked to hear this conversation," Garrison said.

"It definitely ended on a rather heated note," Tim said as we pulled into the driveway of the house.

"Let's go say hello to the boys," Tim suggested as we dropped our bags in the hallway.

I picked up a smiling and kicking Omar immediately as I stepped into their room.

"Such a big boy!" I said to him. "And you stink, kiddo."

"Same with Kathem," Tim announced.

"I will change them if you want," I suggested.

"We should do it together," Tim suggested. "Can you hand me the wipes, Garrison. You will need to know how to use one if you are to be a proper part of this fucked up little family we have here."

Garrison smiled at me as he picked up the wipes and handed them to Tim. "A new learning experience," Garrison whispered as he passed by Omar and me.

"Get used to it Garrison," I whispered back.

Once the four of us cleaned up after Omar and Kathem, Tim decided to explain the rest of the day's activities. "We should start our homecoming celebration early because we have a lot of ground to cover. We can go downstairs and have a drink while we discuss our new lives together."

Garrison held Kathem. David held Omar.

"They can join us if you don't mind," I suggested.

We took the boys downstairs with us and settled them on the living room floor on their favorite blanket. Harvey arrived with our drinks.

"These are your usual drinks," Harvey said. "I can change them to something else if you are in a mood for yourself."

"We are fine, Harvey," I said. "The drinks are fine. The boys are fine. Everything is fine."

"Fasten your seat belts, Twinkle Toes," Harvey said to me with a smile as he left the room.

"Speaking of family," I began. "Where are Marcus, Master Ajmal, and their boys?"

"AJ had business in New York he needed to deal with," Tim replied. "Marcus thought it would be good to give us some space while we figure out our lives. So, he went with AJ. They will be home in a couple of days."

"And Christopher?" Garrison asked. "Where is loveable little Christopher these days?"

"Christopher is trying to decide what he wants to do with the rest of his life," David replied. "Tim and I had a long talk with him a few days ago. He apparently thought he was going to weasel his way into AJ's life and take over. Tim so calmly explained it wouldn't happen anytime within Christopher's lifetime. I believe Christopher went into shock and hasn't been seen since we talked with him."

"You know what, Tim," Garrison began. "Some people might take your banter the wrong way. Sometimes you sound like an airhead, but when you want something, BOOM! It happens and people pay attention to you."

"Thank you for the compliment, Garrison," Tim said as he smiled at me and turned his attention back to Garrison. "It was a compliment, wasn't it Garrison?"

"Yes, TIMMY," Garrison replied. "It was definitely a compliment."

"Now, we need to discuss a few minor details," Tim moved the conversation into a different direction. "David and I had a lot of time together this last month because of your travel schedule, Steven. And, we are well aware of your relationship with Garrison. So, my question is simple but definitely open to discussion. Sleeping arrangements?"

"Your thoughts, Tim and David?" I asked.

"David and I have given this a lot of thought," Tim began. "But, we want your reaction as well, Steven and Garrison."

"Go for it, Tim," Garrison said softly.

"We believe it would be good if we all slept in the same bed in the same room most nights," Tim suggested. He looked at Garrison and me to gage our reaction. Neither one of us reacted. "Of course, from time-to-time we, David and I or Steven and I or Garrison and I or any other combination we can imagine, might want some privacy. Do we have date night? Do we just go off and do our thing? Do we have a group meeting? Your thoughts."

"You all know Garrison and I have gotten very close over the last four weeks," I began. "During our time in New York, Garrison told me he loved me and I told Garrison I loved him. None of us are prudes. I have known David longer than any other man in our inner circle. We've all seen one another naked. I vote for group bed and date night on occasion. But, I can safely say I will not mind making love to Garrison, Tim, or David while the others are present. I will not mind to watch, either. Garrison?"

"Ditto," Garrison said.

"Tim," I asked.

"Great idea, Steven," Tim replied. "David?"

"I'm in," David replied. "Can we get naked now?"

The four of us stripped naked in a flash. Garrison, Tim, and I didn't have on underwear. David had boxers. We threw our clothes in a pile in the corner.

"I think Omar and Kathem think we are fucking nuts," Garrison said.

"They like to suck on Steven's nipples," Tim said. "Yea! We are one, big, fucked up, happy family! And, Garrison, congratulations on your balls. They fit you nicely."

"Thank you, Tim," Garrison replied.

"Steven," David said. "I almost forgot to tell you about Willy. He wants to stop by tomorrow morning to speak with you about someone."

"John Trainer?" I asked.

"Yes," David replied. "He seemed to think it was important. So, I told him you should be here tomorrow morning. He will call you before he comes over."

"Thanks, David," I replied. "How about another drink?"

"How about a bottle of champagne?" Tim suggested. "Harvey just happens to have four in the fridge chilling."

"Four?" Garrison asked. "As in one bottle apiece?"

"Yup," Tim replied. "Four. One bottle apiece."

"I have one more question," Garrison spoke up. "Do we select a sleeping partner to permanently bond with or do we rotate?"

"Rotate," Tim replied. "We all want to bond with each other. I know I keep saying one last question, but things keep popping into my mind. Steven, how do you feel about the rent boy business? Do you want to continue?"

I looked at Tim. I looked at Garrison. I looked at David. I looked at my two sons. Then, I responded.

"I want to be a part of your life, Tim, David, Garrison," I begin. "I want to be wholly vested in the upbringing of our sons. I want to make love with all of you. I want you all to make love to me. However, during the last four weeks, I have been gratifyingly fulfilled. I serve men. I am a submissive person who takes power when necessary to protect and comfort the ones I love. I hope all of you can see me as your lover, but also as a sex slave to other men. I don't care if it is for money or if I am given to a man or men. Serving men—even strangers—completes me. So does loving all of you. Am I rambling, or am I making sense?"

Silence from my lovers shatters my confidence. I wait for the response.

"Steven," Tim began. "I knew from the beginning you were inclined to be a bottom—and more so to be a subservient slave boy. In some ways, I hate this particular trait in your makeup. It took you away from us for four fucking long weeks. In another way, Steven, I love you for it. I trust you with my life and the life of our sons implicitly. It makes you the loving, caring, warm, emotional, empathetic human being you are. You belong to the three of us just as much as you do to the men you serve. I can't in good faith try to take away your service to other men. It is you just like it is you who is my husband, my lover, my best friend. I love you and I always will love you. So, Steven, I understand how you feel and will support you in whatever you decide you need to do to make yourself whole. You aren't rambling. You are just my husband whom I love dearly."

Garrison and David wiped away tears from their cheeks. Mine just fell.

"I was also wondering, Tim, if you could talk with Master Ajmal and ask him to release me from servitude," I said quietly.

"Why?" Tim asked. "I will do anything you ask, Steven, but why do you want to be released from AJ's control?"

"This may sound strange," I began. "But, I want Garrison not only as my lover, but also as my Master. I want to also continue as Master Ajmal's rent boy, but I want you, Tim, and you, Garrison, and you, David, to control the location, frequency, and the vetting process of my rental."

"I will speak with AJ when an appropriate time comes along," Tim replied. "But, let me be the one to figure out the proper place and time. In the meantime, go with the flow, but don't commit to anything long-term."

I stood and walked to my Tim. My beautiful husband, Tim. I pulled him onto a hug. Naked. We were both naked. Standing skin to skin in a room filled with our lovers... with our partners... with our best friends.

"Thank you, Tim," I finally managed to say. "You have given me life, Tim. Life with you. Life with our sons. Life with David. Life with Garrison. Thank you for giving me life. Now, can we get another drink?"

Tim kissed me. Tim patted my ass cheeks with his two hands. "Harvey! We need drinks out here!"

"Right away, TIMMY," Harvey replied from the kitchen.

Tim and I pulled away. I returned to my seat with Garrison. Tim returned to his seat with David.

"You know, rent boy," Garrison added. "You have this uncanny ability to make my dick hard."

"Is this a compliment?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup," Garrison replied as he gave me a kiss on the lips. Not just any kiss. It was a kiss of passion. I returned the kiss with passion.

"We will all have Steven's ass later tonight," David said to the group.

"I want Steven IN me, too," Tim said softly.

"Me, too," Garrison agreed.

"Ditto," David said.

"It appears you have a long night shaping up ahead of you," Harvey said as he brought in an open bottle of champagne and four champagne flutes. "Enjoy!"

Harvey left the room.

We continued talking and laughing. We shared out thoughts and bared our souls. We were family.


"Hello, Willy," I said as I opened the door and greeted our friend. "Come in and enjoy the silence with me. The others are still asleep."

"Others?" Willy asked as he followed me into the kitchen where Harvey had coffee and pastries waiting.

"Others," I repeated. "Tim, David, and Garrison. My men."

"Trust me, I want to hear all about `your men,'" Willy said. He added the air quotes. "But, first, I need to clear the air with the John Trainer situation."

"What situation has the weasel stirred up now?" I asked.

"He and his lovely wife are out on bail in connection with the stealing of their son's trust fund money. They are both awaiting trial," Willy explained. "And, the esteemed John Trainer has somehow found out about the relationship between Christopher Trainer and AJ."

"Opps," I replied. "This doesn't sound good. Please tell me we are not in danger at the moment."

"I would suggest you talk with your security guy, Lenard, to review your security protocols," Willy replied. "In the meantime, I have assigned a detail to supervise the surveillance of your house until you can get additional security in place. Where is AJ, Marcus, and the boys?"

"AJ took his family to New York where he is taking care of some business," I said to Willy.

"Do you want me to talk with them?" Willy asked.

"I will give AJ a call once we are finished," I replied. "How large of a threat do you think John Trainer is in terms of my family?"

"I can't give you a lot of detail because this in an ongoing police investigation," Willy replied. "However, I would recommend you take every precaution to avoid contact with Mr. Trainer until he is found."

"Found?" I asked.

"He disappeared a few days ago," Willy explained. "He disappeared with several million dollars in cash. He has made some rather sadistic remarks about AJ, his son, and AJ's proclivities. And, we have no idea where he is or what he is planning."

"Oh!" I replied. I picked up my phone from the kitchen island and dialed Lenard's number. "Lenard, this is Steven. I need to talk with you about some urgent security improvements. Do you have a moment to talk with me and a friend from the Chicago Police Department?"

"Sure thing," Lenard replied. "I will be at your place in a few moments. Is the alarm turned on?"

"No," I replied as I immediately walked to the control center and turned it on. "It is now."

"I will see you in about 15 minutes," Lenard said as we disconnected the phone.

"So while we are waiting for Lenard, please tell me more about `your men,'" Willy suggested. Air quotes again.

"Life just keeps getting better," I began my explanation of `my men.' "Tim, David, Garrison, and I are now a unit."

"A unit?" Willy asked. He looked confused.

"Lovers," I replied. I gave Willy time for the information to sink in. "Tim, David, Garrison, and I are lovers. Tim is still my husband. I often refer to Garrison as Master Garrison or boyfriend. I have been in love with David since we first met almost 6 years ago. We just didn't say it to each other."

"Where does this leave you in terms of a relationship with AJ?" Willy asked.

"As far as I know, Master Ajmal is still my Master," I explained. "I am still his rent boy."

"You know, Steven, if this were anyone other than you and Tim, I would have difficulty wrapping myself around this information," Willy explained. "However, I also don't know of anyone else who so willingly gives blow jobs to cops in dark allies in Provincetown."

"I was being punished, remember," I added. "You know... For being naked in public. Walking down Commercial Street in Provincetown stark naked with only my collar and leash on."

"Yea," Willy said. "I was there, remember?"

"How could I forget," I replied.

After Willy left and Lenard briefed, I went back upstairs and crawled into beg again with my men. I wrapped Tim in my arms and pulled him close. He snuggled into me without waking up. I fell asleep almost immediately. Warm. Safe. Loved.


"Master!" I said into the phone. "I am sorry to interrupt you while you are in New York on business. However, something has come up here."

"Good to hear from you, Steven," Master Ajmal replied. "I trust you, Tim, David, and Garrison worked out the details of you living situation."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "We did."

"Good," Master Ajmal replied. "Marcus and I will be returning to Chicago tomorrow afternoon. What's happening in Chicago which warranted your call?"

"Willy was here to talk with me this morning," I began my explanation. "It seems John Trainer, out on bail while awaiting a trial, has discovered your relationship with his son. John Trainer has disappeared with several million dollars in cash and is nowhere to be found. He is considered a threat to you, me, Tim, David, Garrison, and Marcus. Lenard has increased our security presence here, but you and Marcus need to be extra cautious until you are home with us."

"I will add to our security here in the city until we return home," Master Ajmal replied. "We will be taking the jet home, so security at the airport should not be a concern."

"Good," I replied. "Again, Sir, I am sorry to bother you. But, I knew you needed to be apprised of the events taking place here in Chicago."

"Yes, boy," Master Ajmal replied. "I am grateful for the information. I will see you when we return tomorrow. I hope you and I can have some time together. I've missed you, boy. More than you know."

"I've missed you, too, Master," I replied. After a few good byes we ended the call.

"So what's up, Steven?" Tim asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned in to Tim's chest. Back to front.

"Willy stopped by the house this morning," I explained. I continued to describe the situation with John Trainer.

"Why can't that homophobic bastard just go the fuck away?" Tim hissed.

"What homophobic bastard?" Garrison asked.

"John Trainer," I replied as I felt Garrison wrap his arms around both me and Tim.

"Fuck face's father?" Garrison asked.

"Yup," Tim replied. "One in the same. Fuck face's homophobic bastard of a father."

"No wonder you are a good writer, Tim," David said as he joined the group. "Such a descriptive way of explaining the details in your life."

"You know, Steven, we have some unfinished business in the bedroom," David suggested. "You have three men who want your dick in them again. Can you handle it, Steven, or does one of us need to fill in for you?"

"I can handle one or two, but not three," I replied. "I'm a slave boy, remember. I don't fuck. I get fucked."

"But, Steven, it is your duty, as my husband, to make love to me," Tim began. "It is also your duty to make love to your boyfriend Garrison. You can make love to David after you make love to me and Garrison and we take turns on your sloppy ass again. How do you rank my planning skills now?"

"Plotting skills," I replied.

"Don't fuck with me, slave boy," Tim replied. "I need your big dick in me and I need it now. You have no choice or I will put you in chastity for the rest of your slave boy life."

"You play hard to get, Tim," David said as he started to play with my nipples. "But, Steven will make love to me before this day is over. I guarantee it."

"You are making my dick hard, David," I hissed.

"Exactly, Steven," David hissed back as he dropped to his knees and swallowed my dick. Tim and Garrison let go of their hold on me. Tim also dropped to his knees and stuck his tongue in my ass.

"I think you would all be more comfortable in bed," Harvey quietly said as he entered the kitchen. "You have a husband to fuck, Steven. You'd better get your asses upstairs and begin. I need my kitchen back, and I don't want to clean the cum off the floors before I can use it."

We went upstairs to the bedroom. Tim positioned himself on his back. His legs lifted and spread. He wanted me. I wanted him. David positioned himself beside Tim. He also lifted and spread his legs. Garrison took his place between David's legs. I took my place between Tim's legs. The outside world disappeared. This was my world. Tim, David, Garrison, Omar, Kathem.

I grabbed the lube from the night stand and began to apply it to my extra hard dick. I managed to add some to Tim's ass. I passed the lube to Garrison.

"I am so ready for this, Steven," Tim whimpered.

"Me, too, husband," I replied as I leaned in to kiss Tim on the lips. Tongue. Lips. Passion. Fire.

Tim began to fondle the rings in my nipples. Pulling. Kneading. Stretching.

"Bigger rings..., Steven," Tim whispered as I continued to kiss him. "You need... bigger rings... in your... nipples. But, you need to stick your dick in me now. Otherwise, I will explode."

"I'm... on it...," I whispered to Tim while I lined up my dick with Tim's waiting asshole. "I love... you!"

"I love... you... to," Tim replied as I eased my dick into Tim's hole. "Shit, Steven... You feel so good in me...! More... I need more...!"

I began to ease my dick in and out of my husband's ass. It was heaven. Looking into Tim's eyes. Making love to him. Feeling him give me his body. Feeling his energy encircling me... us. Feeling his power give me what I needed to make me whole and to make our love grow.

"You are an amazing man, Tim," I whispered as I continued to move my dick slowly in and out of Tim's ass.

Tim put his arms around my back and pulled me closer. He guided my head so our lips could meet. We kissed. Playing with our lips and our tongues as my dick slowly moved in and out of my husband's ass. Tim's mouth felt on fire with love and passion. No lust. Love and passion. It was like a dance. Tim's body moving to capture my dick—the dick he loves. My body moving to gain entrance to the man I loved. Sharing. Sharing our bodies.

"Shit, Tim," I whispered. "I'm going to cum, baby! I am going to fucking cum in you. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Once I stopped convulsing from my massive orgasm, I rested my body on top of Tim's.

"I think we have an audience, Steven," Tim whispered into my ear.

I looked to my left. Garrison's dick remained impaled in David's ass. Both were looking at Tim and me.

"Beautiful," Garrison hissed. "You two making love... Just beautiful."

"One of the most erotic moments I have experienced," David whispered. "The two of you making love. You are an amazing couple."

"You're not done yet, Steven," Tim whispered. "I need a repeat performance."

"Now?" I asked.

"Yup, now," Tim replied. I leaned down to kiss him again. I started moving my dick in and out of my husband's ass.

Garrison followed my lead and began moving his dick in and out of David's ass. They kissed. They held each other. Lips. Tongue. Dick. Ass. Tender. Warm. Loving.

Tim and I back to our other world as I began to slowly massage Tim's insides with my hard, hard dick. We seemed to float. Making love. Floating in the clouds. Kissing. Touching. Lips. Tongue. Dick. Ass. Making love.

"Shit, Steven," Tim hissed. "I'm going to cum. Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

I leaned down and kissed Tim once he recovered from his orgasm. Our lips touched lightly. Then tightly as he opened his mouth and welcomed my tongue inside him.

"What did I do to deserve you, Tim," I whispered.

"You loved me back," Tim whispered.

We noticed we were in bed alone.

"Where did Garrison and David go?" I asked.

"When did they go?" Tim asked.

"We're here, guys," Garrison and David stood in the doorway. Still naked, but holding Omar and Kathem. "They woke up. You were busy. These two can really shit a lot for such small boys."

Garrison and David climbed back on the bed still holding Omar and Kathem.

"Just think what these two will speak about when they have `Show and Tell' in school," David said. "Their fathers lying naked. One father's dick still in the other father's ass after a two-hour lovemaking session. You also smell of sex."

"I haven't finished with my husband yet," I replied. "Well, maybe I have for the time being. We've been at this for two hours?"

"Yup," David replied. "Plus an extra twenty minutes."

"You are NOT done yet, Steven," Tim hissed. "Get your big dick moving again."

"We will feed your sons while you finish," David suggested. "Do we need to be dressed?"

"Tonight's dinner conversation," Tim replied. "Go. I need another round of my husband's cum in my ass before I begin my day."

After I came in Tim's ass one last time, he and I journeyed downstairs to visit with our men.

"It's about time," David replied as we entered the kitchen. "And, just for the record, you two smell."


"Tim," Master Ajmal asked as he entered the kitchen after his return from New York with the boys and Marcus. "May I borrow Steven for the afternoon? We need to discuss a few items."

"Sure," Tim replied. "I need him back by the time dinner is served. You might want to also consider sticking your big Master dick into his sloppy slave boy ass. He hasn't had it for a while. And, you don't want him to forget his Master's dick."

"I will take your recommendations to heart, Tim," Master Ajmal said with a smile. "We will be downstairs in the playroom if you need us."

Master Ajmal led me downstairs to the playroom. He located my collar on a table and secured it around my neck.

"Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others! I am yours!"

"I mostly do want to talk with you, boy," Master Ajmal began our discussion. "However, when Tim suggested I stick my dick in your ass, I thought he had a great idea. We will get to the fucking part later. Something for both of us to look forward to doing."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I stood before Master Ajmal. Naked. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands behind my back. Gazing at the floor.

"Let's sit at the bar and relax," Master Ajmal said as he led me to the bar. "Would you like a vodka or a beer?"

"Vodka, please, Master," I replied. "May I get you a drink, Sir?"

"Vodka on the rocks," Master Ajmal said as I hurried behind the bar to make the drinks. "I have only heard good things from you clients. Most want to rent you again. Bashir and Jason. Grant. Jay. Darren. More men are interested in you in Chicago. San Francisco. Sydney. Singapore. How did you feel when you were rented to other men, boy?"

I sat Master Ajmal's drink in front of him. I sat next to Master Ajmal. I paused slightly before I answered. "I was living my dream, Master. I served men. I was controlled. I was powerless. I responded to the demands of the men I served. No questions asked. I gave myself to these men. All of the men. The older men. The younger men. The muscular men. The overweight men. Cut. Uncut. Black. White. Hispanic. Asian. I served them all with pride in what I was. A whore. A prostitute. A rent boy. I was making these men happy."

I paused. Master Ajmal looked into my eyes. "So you liked my brother?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "He reminded me of you. Your looks. Your manners. Your way of doing things."

"We are alike in many ways, boy," Master Ajmal replied. He paused again. "Do you want to continue with this project, boy? Please know you can say yes or no without ramifications. But, once you make your decision, you will not be allowed to alter your course."

"I want to Master, but I need to have a discussion with Tim before I give you my final decision," I replied.

"I am happy you and Tim will consider continuing the rental business," Master Ajmal replied. "Do you still want to be my slave?"

"I... I don't... I don't understand, Master," I replied.

"Simple," Master Ajmal explained further. "Do you want to continue with our relationship as a Master and slave. Or, do you want something else from me? Again, this is a decision you and Tim must make together. If you say yes, I will brand you during our commitment ceremony. If you say no, I still want to be part of your life as a friend."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "May I ask what you want, Master?"

"Of course, boy," Master Ajmal explained. "I want you to continue to be my slave. I want to continue the rental business. However, I promise I will not have schedules as hectic as the last time. I also want you to know there will be others."

"You mean other slaves," I whispered to Master Ajmal.

"Yes, boy," Master Ajmal replied. "Christopher will definitely be part of the mix. There is also another boy I am considering. You haven't met him yet."

"Will they be rented as well?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "Once they are ready, they, too, will be rented. Christopher and you will be on display publicly. He will be your Master. I will be his. You will obey him when you are in our service. You will be as naked as possible when in our service. I am giving Christopher to Brad to train him in whipping techniques. Christopher will be in charge of your punishment. How does this revelation make you feel, boy?"

"My dick is hard, Master," I quietly replied. "So, it makes me excited to be moving on to new experiences with you and Master Christopher. Thank you, Sir."

"Now, bend over the bondage table, boy," Master Ajmal demanded. "I am going to take Tim's suggested and fuck your slave boy ass."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as I bent over the bondage table. Ass up to make my ass more accessible to Master Ajmal. He applied copious amounts of lube to his raging hard dick, aligned the tip with my asshole, and forced himself inside me.

"Ahhhh!" I whimpered as Master Ajmal claimed my ass.

"Shit I've missed your ass, boy!" Master Ajmal hissed and he began pummeling my ass. His dick slamming into me. Then pulling out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

"I live... for you... dick... inside... my ass..., Master," I hissed as Master Ajmal continued to give me the life forces of his magnificent dick. His energy flowed. It surrounded my body and lifted me to new heights. Tim and David making love. I saw Tim and David making love as Master Ajmal pounded my ass. Tim moaning in pleasure and David slowly and smoothly massaged Tim's eager asshole.

"I'm cumming, boy!" Master Ajmal yelled. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

I returned to my body as I felt Master Ajmal's cum flood my asshole. He rested his chest on my back

"Your ass is the best, boy," Master Ajmal said during pants as he tried to recover from his magical release.

"Thank you, Sir," I whisper to Master Ajmal. "You complete me, Sir."

"Let me return you to your husband," Master Ajmal said. "I promised you would be returned before dinner. We will plan to spend time alone, boy. You and me."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I would like to spend time with you, Master. And, Master Christopher, too. But, Sir, may I ask you another question?"

"Of course," Master Ajmal replied.

"What about Garrison and me, Sir?" I asked.

"I have thought about him and you several times while you were away," Master Ajmal replied. "I know you care for him deeply. Do you want him to be part of our Master/slave relationship or part of the relationship you have with Tim and David."

"Tim and David, I believe," I replied. "I like when Garrison is controlling, but I want him more as a lover than a Master, Sir. At least, I think so. May I have an opportunity to discuss this situation with Garrison and Tim?"

"Of course," Master Ajmal replied. "Even if you and your mates decide you want Garrison as your lover, we could bring Garrison in from time to time on a temporary basis if you and he would like."

"I will talk with Garrison, Tim, and David," I replied as we entered the kitchen from the playroom.

"Is that cum I see dripping from your ass, Steven," Tim said as he and David also returned to the kitchen. Tim stuck his finger in my ass and then into his mouth. "Yup. Master cum."

"Probably a similar kind of body fluid which is seeping out of your ass, Tim," David explained.

"Oh! So it is!" Tim replied. "Will you be having dinner with us AJ?"

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "Marcus and I are eager to regain the festive atmosphere always present when you are involved, Tim."

"Was your comment a compliment or a criticism, AJ?" Tim asked.

"Compliment, or course," Master Ajmal replied.

"Why don't you come up and shower with us, Steven," Tim suggested.

"Sure," I replied and followed Tim and David upstairs.

"You came to visit us a few moments ago, didn't you, Steven?" Tim asked as he turned on the water for the shower and adjusted the temperature.

"Yes," I said. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something between you."

"It wasn't a problem this time, Steven," Tim explained. "David knew we were being watched. So, he added a little kick to his performance. I'm actually glad you joined us. David tends to last longer in my ass if he knows someone is watching. I have even thought of installing cameras in the bedroom and stream our lovemaking sessions through Jake and Miguel's website."

"Would we get royalties?" David asked with a huge smile on his face as he stepped into the shower.

"We should get double the royalties with your big dick fucking my perfect muscular ass," Tim continued as he also stepped into the shower. "Steven, please get in the shower with us. I have plans for YOUR ass."

I stepped into the shower with Tim and David. Tim turned me around so his dick lined up with my ass. Tim claimed my ass. I was his. He power fucked me. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

"I'm cumming, Steven!" Tim hissed as he began to unload in my ass.

As the three of us dried ourselves, I began the discussion I needed to have with Tim. "Master Ajmal and I talked today about my situation with him."

"And?" Tim asked.

"Master Ajmal wanted to know if I was interested in continuing with the rental business," I replied. "He also told me about some of the changes he wants to make in terms of our Master and slave relationship."

"Such as?" Tim asked.

"Master Ajmal wants to add more slaves to his group," I explained. "Christopher would be one of them."

"Christopher?" Tim asked. He seemed to be either confused or mad. "You mean home wrecking, self-centered, narcissistic bastard Christopher?"

"Yes," I replied.

"And you would be okay with this new arrangement?" Tim asked.

"I told Master Ajmal I would need to think about it," I replied. "What do you think, Tim, David?"

"I would recommend staying away from the relationship if Christopher is to be part of it," David replied. "He doesn't seem stable to me."

"Has AJ gone completely nuts?" Tim asked. "This is, in my opinion, ludicrous! Christopher has tried to weasel into AJ and Marcus's life. I don't want him anywhere near me and my kids. And, I really don't want him near my husband."

"I would be subservient to Christopher," I added.

"Let me get this straight, rent boy," Tim exploded. "AJ will have not one, but two slaves. One is my husband who is a kind, considerate, warm, loving, responsible, and socially aware person. The other is the exact opposite of my husband. And AJ is giving a dominant role to the opposite. I do not like this, Steven. You will, I am certain, regret getting involved with Christopher."

"But, Tim, you have to admit it might be kinda hot to be the sub to a much younger slave boy," I explained.

"Steven," Tim continued. "I understand it might be `kinda hot,' but I do not believe you will be happy in the long term. And, wait until Marcus hears about this little bit of news. He will be absolutely shit faced!"

"Did I miss something?" Garrison asked as he joined Tim, David, and me.

"Steven was just explaining AJ's hair brained scheme to have both Steven and—are you ready for this—Christopher as his slaves. AND, CHRISTOPHER WILL BE THE DOM TO STEVEN!" Tim responded to Garrison

"You mean home wrecking, self-centered, narcissistic bastard Christopher?" Garrison asked.

"The very Christopher," Tim replied.

"I think it could be kinda hot if it were anyone else but Christopher," Garrison explained. "But, from what little I know about the dude, he seems to be sort of light in the loafers... And I don't mean acting gay. I mean a few bricks short of a load. Marcus is okay with this development?"

"I doubt it very much," Tim replied. "The last time I saw Marcus talk about Christopher there was real, powerful venom in Marcus's voice. This should be great dinner conversation for tonight."

"I can see there is a lot of opposition to me having Christopher as a Master," I said. "Then we also have the issue of John Trainer."

"What issue are we talking about which includes John Trainer?" David asked.

"He's out on bail, but he has turned up missing," I explained. "He also has several million dollars in cash with him. He has apparently heard about the relationship his son has with Master Ajmal. Lenard has upped our security levels here until further notice. I planned to tell you about all of this at dinner tonight."

"Holy shit," Tim exclaimed. "This just gets worse. I don't know about you dudes, but I need a fucking drink!"

"Grab a twin, Garrison," I said. "We need to get them in play mode so they won't notice their fathers and their father's Master arguing."

"And, Garrison," Tim diverted his attention to Garrison. "Take your fucking clothes off. You look better naked."

"Yes, Massa," Garrison replied as he lost his shirt and his jeans in one quick swoop.

A naked Garrison followed me into the twin's room and picked up Omar. I took Kathem. We headed downstairs to fight our battle.

Garrison and I put Omar and Kathem on their blanket on the floor of the living room. We also added several of their toys they were fond of playing with.

Harvey arrived with everyone's usual just as Marcus and Master Ajmal arrived in the living room.

"So, Marcus," Tim began. "How was your day?"

"Good," Marcus began. "I have two new projects I want to speak with you about tomorrow if you have time, Steven. The business part of the proposals I understand. I'm not sure about the technology though."

"I'm free tomorrow," I replied. "Should I come down to the office tomorrow mid-morning?"

"Perfect," Marcus replied. "How was your day, Tim?"

"It was good until Steven ruined it for me," Tim explained. At least he was smiling. "I think Steven needs to share some of his very, very important news about the increase in security you might notice around here."

"Is something wrong, Steven?" Marcus asked.

"There is a potential situation developing," I began. "Willy dropped by this morning with some information for me. John Trainer, who is out on bail awaiting trial, has disappeared with a few million dollars in cash on his person. Willy also mentioned Mr. Trainer's knowledge of his son's relationship with Master Ajmal."

"Relationship with Christopher?" Marcus asked Master Ajmal. I could see fire coming out of his eyes. "I thought we had settled the `relationship' issue involving Christopher, AJ."

"I haven't really made any final decisions regarding me and Christopher, Marcus," Master Ajmal said to Marcus. "I will be happy to discuss it with you in further detail at a later time if you like, Marcus."

"AJ," Marcus began. "I believe when we last discussed the issue with Christopher you were well aware of my disapproval of any of us getting involved with the home wrecking, self-centered, narcissistic bastard. Things on my part have not changed, so I do not believe you can have any other final decision except not to get involved with Christopher Trainer, especially when his nutcase father could be just around the corner waiting to strike. We have two sons now, AJ! We are responsible for two one-year-old boys. This isn't a game you can play anymore, AJ. This is real life. Our life—yours, mine, and the boys. The only thing I want to hear coming out of your mouth, AJ, is your decision to keep Christopher out of this house and out of any contact with you. This is not something we need to discuss further."

It was like watching a bad tennis match. Garrison, Tim, David, and I all looked from Marcus to Master Ajmal.

"Marcus," Master Ajmal began as calmly as he could. "I believe you and I can have this discussion tomorrow afternoon, somewhere away from the house. It will be better for all parties if we end this particular discussion until tomorrow afternoon."

"Fine," Marcus replied. "I will pick you up here at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon and we can go to the coffee shop we like."

"Wonderful idea, Marcus," Master Ajmal agreed. "Is there anything else you would like to tell us about, Steven?"

"I think we've pretty much covered everything until you and Marcus work out your perceived differences," I replied. "Don't you think so, Tim?"

"Ever the diplomat, Steven," Tim added as he smiled back at me. "I do believe you are right. We will wait until AJ and Marcus come to a decision regarding Christopher Trainer. I for one believe I need another drink."

"Here you go," Harvey explained as he carried a tray of drinks. Once he had them distributed, he left as suddenly appeared.

"Harvey is amazing," Garrison said. "It's like he knows what you want before you know what you want."

"Scary, but true, Garrison," Tim replied. "It will drive you absolutely crazy until you realize you cannot win with Harvey. He will do what he wants when he wants and he will make you think it is what you actually want and when you want it."

"I can't wait to read your first book, Tim," Garrison said. "I love your prose even when you are pissed at the world, you somehow make everything seem calm and relaxed."

"Thank you, Garrison," Tim replied. "I will tell my agent to quote you if you don't mind. It could be a good bio item."


I arrived at the venture capital office around 10:30 am the day after we witnessed the blowout regarding Master Ajmal's relationship with Christopher Trainer.

"So, Marcus," I said as I stepped into his office. "How is the happy couple today?"

"I will reserve judgement until I talk with AJ this afternoon," Marcus replied. "I may need to put David on retainer if my ass wipe of a husband continues with his interest in one blond twink who will remain unnamed for this conversation."

"I believe you will have the full support of Tim and several of the others in our family," I replied. "This may sound strange, but I was sort of looking forward to being a sub to Master Ajmal's new slave who shall remain unnamed for this conversation."

"Thank you, Steven," Marcus replied. "You may be a piece of shit slave boy, but I love you, Steven. You are the one who has made my life with Aj and the boys possible. Without you, it never would have happened. You know I love you and Tim?"

"Yes, Marcus," I replied. "I know you love us. You love Master Ajmal, too. I know this may seem strange to you because you are not a slave or a sub. You are a very strong and loving person. But, I am a sub—a slave to Master Ajmal. I have seen him in his most sadistic self. I have also seen him in his most loving, caring, warm, emotional, and loving self. I love him just as much as I love Tim. Different reasons, but I do love Master Ajmal. I love you, too, Marcus, for sharing your husband with me and sharing my husband. Does this make sense to you?"

"Yes," Marcus replied. "However, there is no way I will allow someone as evil as Christopher into our lives. You may think I am crazy or jealous, but I am very sane and very certain Christopher poses a danger to our great life with you and Tim, David, Garrison, our sons, and AJ. I will not have him in our lives!"

"By the way, Marcus," I continued. "I love it when you call my husband Timmy. It drives him up the wall."

"I know," Marcus replied with a smile. "What do you thing he would do if I always referred to him as Timmy?"

"He would get over it, Marcus," I replied. "Now, business. Let's talk about business."


"So, Garrison," I said to my boyfriend when I arrive home after the meeting with Marcus. "Have you ever considered exploring the playroom downstairs? I don't believe you are as familiar with it as you might like to be."

"Are you making a pass at me, rent boy?" Garrison asked as I wrapped my arms around his naked body.

"Yes," I replied. "So, do you want to explore the playroom or do you want to just explore my body?"

"Both," Garrison replied as his dick grew to its fully erect size. He also started to fondle my nipples. "You need bigger rings in these."

"Tim said the same thing," I replied.

"Great minds think alike, rent boy," Garrison said as he moved his hands to my dick. "Tim and I need to have a discussion about your body, Steven. More piercings. More ink. More muscle. More balls."

"What would you recommend?" I asked.

"Piercings in your stomach, scrotum, bigger nipple rings, another nose ring, tongue, many, many more," Garrison explained. "Bigger chest. Bigger arms. Bigger ass. Bigger legs. Bigger balls. Bigger dick. Your back covered in ink. Your ass covered in ink. Your dick covered in ink. This time, I want to be the guy who shoves a needle into your balls to make them bigger. In the meantime, I want to put my dick in your ass, rent boy. I am horny. You are making me even hornier. Playroom. Now, rent boy! Move it!"

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I followed Garrison down the stairs to the playroom.

When we arrived downstairs, Garrison led me to a corner of the playroom. Something new stood in the corner. Covered with a drop cloth made of heavy canvas.

"This is a gift from me to you, rent boy," Garrison explained with an evil smile appearing across his face. His eyes squinted. "Guess what it is, rent boy."

"No idea," I replied as Garrison had one hand on my hard dick and was stroking it. His other hand alternated between each nipple. Pulling. Squeezing. Stretching.

Garrison pulled his hands away from my body. I wanted them back. He pulled the canvas off the piece standing in the corner of the playroom.

"So?" Garrison asked as I starred at the item.

"Fucking machine," I whispered. "You bought me a fucking machine? Why? Your dick is an excellent fucking machine. You can go for hours in my ass. Why do you need a fucking machine?"

"Get used to it, rent boy," a voice from the opposite dark corner added.

I turned in the direction of the voice. David stepped into the light of the room.

"We decided you needed this," David explained. "We are going to put you on the fucking machine. Turn it to random play. Set the timer for infinity. Then, I am going to fuck Garrison. Then, Garrison is going to fuck me. Then, we will take you off the fucking machine and give you to your husband Tim. He wants your ass sloppy. Of course, you knew he liked your sloppy, slave boy, rent boy ass. Let the fun begin!"

Garrison took my bicep in his hands and pulled me toward the fucking machine.

"We had this especially designed for us," Garrison explained. "We have exact duplicates of Tim's dick, David's dick, my dick, Jake's dick, Miguel's dick, and James's dick. It automatically changes dicks. The fucking machine is a modern miracle. Just for you, rent boy."

"Thank you, Sirs," I replied.

"Get on the machine on your stomach, rent boy," Garrison ordered.

I positioned myself on my stomach. The machine was a lot like a saw horse but with more adjustable parts. I was bent over the machine. My dick, hard and oozing pre-cum, dropped into a crevice of the machine. Ass up. Face down. David and Garrison secured my ankles at the base of the machine. Legs secured. David and Garrison secured my wrists to the machine. Arms secured. They tightened a strap around my waist to hold me steady. Lube on my ass.

Garrison aligned the first dick, it happened to be a duplicate of Tim's, with my asshole.

"Do we need to put a gag on rent boy so we aren't disturbed when you are making love to me, Garrison?" David asked.

"Nope," Garrison replied. "I for one like to hear noises when I am making love to a hot stud like you, David."

"Random play?" David asked.

"Perfect," Garrison responded.

Then, it started. Slowly at first. Gently moving into me inch by inch. In. Out. In. Out. Slowly. In. Out. In. Out. It felt so, so, so good. Just like it did with Tim making love to me. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

The machine withdrew the duplicated of Tim's dick. I felt a larger one touch the outside of my asshole. The machine lunged forward stuffing the huge dick into my ass with one swift, powerful stroke. `James,' I thought. It felt like a battering ram hammering at my asshole In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Harder. Faster. The machine power fucked me just like James would.

I lost track of time as the machine continued to excite me with the dicks of the men I loved. It was like having David, Tim, Garrison, Master Jake, Master Miguel, and James taking turns fucking my ass. My slave boy, sloppy ass. Over and over. I knew each dick as it went in. I knew each thrust was meant for me. The machine performed for me. It acted like the men I love.

"Okay, men," I heard Tim say as he came downstairs to the playroom. "You disappeared down here two hours ago. I want my husband back. I hope you have fucked each other senselessly. I would have loved to join you, but I just finished a two-hour telephone conversation with my agent. So, I am ready for my husband to show me how much he loves me."

"Tim," Garrison said softly. "I know now why you love this David person I have my dick in. He is one hot motherfucker."

"I know," Tim said sweetly. "We do, however, need to work on your vocabulary, Garrison. If you are going to be my husband's handler, you will need to learn some basic vocabulary skills. David is not a hot motherfucker. He is one hot piece of ass. Understand, Garrison?"

"Yes, Sir," Garrison said. "Can I use his ass just a little longer, Tim?"

"Please, Tim," David pleaded. "I love his big dick."

"Yea," Tim replied. "You can have my lover's ass for a while longer. But, I need help getting my husband out of this fucking machine."


Tim, David, Garrison, and I were sitting in the living room having a drink before dinner. Our boys and Marcus and Master Ajmal's boys were on the floor playing on their blanket.

"Shouldn't AJ and Marcus be home by now?" Tim asked. "Marcus picked AJ up at 2:30. So, either Marcus is pouting until he gets his way or AJ is threatening to withhold sex until Marcus agrees to let Christopher be AJ's slave."

"Maybe they are having make up sex somewhere in a dark alley," I suggested.

"We are not in Provincetown, and you are the one who was naked," Tim replied. "And the cop that made you do sexual favors so you wouldn't be arrested is now working in Chicago."

Tim's phone rang, "Speak of the devil. It's Marcus. Hello, Marcus. Are you still speaking to AJ?"

"Yes, Tim," Marcus replied after Tim put his phone on speakerphone. "We reached an agreement to agree about disagreeing. Steven will need to speak to AJ about his decision, but AJ and I have decided he and Steven will decide on the role—if any—Christopher will have. However, Christopher will not be allowed to set foot in this house—EVER. How do you feel about this?"

"I will speak with Steven before he speaks with AJ, but I am leaning toward letting them make the final decision as long as Steven and I have a way to terminate the agreement. And, as far as I am concerned, Christopher has signed his walking papers," Tim said without pausing to take a breath.

"I like the new balls you have grown, Tim," Marcus replied. "As a matter of fact, I believe you and I need to think about REALLY growing a pair of VERY BIG AND POWERFUL balls."

"Big Balls R Us," Tim added. "Hot damn! We are going to grow a pair of big, powerful balls. Do you think one of us could become president of this country?"

"If a stupid billionaire real estate developer can run for President, I don't know why we couldn't," Marcus replied. "The Tim and Marcus team. Then, after the first eight years, we could start with the Marcus and David team."

"We will talk about our Presidential campaign after we have the AJ and Christopher situation taken care of," Tim suggested. "Please give our best to AJ. We have the boys playing in the living room before dinner."

"Good because AJ and I decided to go out to dinner tonight, if you don't mind," Marcus replied.

"Not a problem," Tim said. "We have things under control. Enjoy dinner."

"Thanks, Timmy," Marcus replied. "We will be home by 10 to look in on the boys."

"So, there you have it!" David added. "AJ and Marcus are not divorcing. Steven and AJ will decide about Christopher. And, Tim, you get veto power over the Steven and AJ and Christopher."

"This will be fun, won't it Steven?" Tim began. "I will finally have a say in how you and AJ interact! Amazing!"

"I can't wait, Tim," I say softly. "I know you have my best interest at heart, Tim. However, there is something about you not controlling one part of my life makes a lot of sense."

"Are you saying I am controlling, Steven?" Tim asked.

I knew what not to say. "Of course not, Tim," I replied. "Especially now you have David, Marcus, AND Garrison to keep you company while I am away."

"So, Steven," Tim continued. "Let me get this straight, rent boy. And, before you say I don't have a straight bone in my bod, I want you to know I could be straight. However, I like dick. And, yes, I will always crave David, Garrison, and Marcus's dicks. I will always make time for your big dick in me and mine in you."

"Same here, Tim," I replied. "I can't wait to see how things work out with AJ and Christopher."

"And the rent boy business," Garrison added. "Steven, AJ, and I can plan a modified rental travel schedule. New York, San Francisco, Chicago, London, and Sydney."

"I understand from AJ you have some possibility of repeat business, Steven," David said. "Are you happy about this development?"

"Yes," I replied. "Master Bashir and Master Jason are one. Another is Master Grant. Both are in New York. Master Darren in London."

"Bashir is AJ's brother, right?" David asked. "Anything like AJ?"

"Physically a duplicate. Sexually a duplicate. Master Jason is a bonus."

"Mr. CNN is Steven's favorite, though," Garrison added.

"Garrison!" I admonished him for being so irresponsible.

"Mr. CNN?" Tim asked. "Who the fuck is Mr. CNN, Steven?"

"Can't say, Tim," I said before I realize who I was talking to.

"Listen, rent boy," Tim began. "Don't forget to whom you are talking. I will give AJ permission to cut off your balls if you ever talk to me again like you just did. Who is Mr. CNN?"

"Thanks, Garrison," I began. "I will give you a hint. Think hot, black, shaved head, CNN political commentator. The one you have the hots for."

"Grant?" Tim asked. "You and my soon to be boyfriend?"

"You can't have another boyfriend, Tim," David added.

"Next time you see him, rent boy," Tim announced. "Tell him I want to meet him for a drink or he will never rent you again, Steven."

"You can join me at my next appointment with him," I replied. "Two for the price of one. I'm certain he would be amenable to it."

"How sadistic was he?" Tim asked. "I am not interested, but I just want to know how sadistic is he?"

"Better than some," I replied. "He said, the night I was first with him, he wanted to be an ass man."

"And?" Tim asked.

"He fucked me. He fisted me. He fucked me again," I replied.

"And, it took six hours to complete three simple acts," Garrison added. "You do the math."

My phone began ringing. "This is Steven," I said into the phone.

"Steven, this is Willy," Willy said as I turned the phone on speaker. "Are you and Tim and AJ and Marcus at home?"

"Tim and I are home," I replied. "AJ and Marcus went out to dinner at Yoshi's. Why?"

"We have some chatter about John Trainer being on the lookout for AJ, Marcus, Tim, and you. Please call AJ and Marcus and tell them not to leave the restaurant. Tell Lenard to go to lock down at your house," Willy spit out quickly. "I am on my way to Yoshi's. Tell AJ and Marcus I will be there in 10 minutes."

"Yes, Sir," I replied out of habit as I ended the call. "Shit! I need to get Lenard here."

I dialed Lenard. He answered on the first ring. "What's wrong, Steven?"

"We had a call from Willy with the Chicago PD," I explained. "John Trainer might be on the go. Willy suggested we lock down the house."

"Consider it done," Lenard replied. "Do not open the door until we are in the house with you."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Next, I called AJ, "What is it, boy?"

"Master," I said. "I received a call from Willy. He suspects Mr. Trainer is on the move. We are all in danger. The house will be in lock down shortly. Willy is on his way to the restaurant. Do not leave until he is there."

"Thank you, boy," Master Ajmal replied. I heard the worry in his voice. "Keep everyone safe, please!"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Lenard arrived as I ended the call with Master Ajmal, "Stay away from the front windows until the security shutters are in place. This is Zack," Lenard explained. "He is part of our undercover security detail."

"Security shutters? Undercover security detail?" Tim replied with squinty eyes as he looked in my direction.

"I had the security shutters installed shortly after you hired me," Lenard explained. "Zack was one of the first of the undercover security detail I hired. Another is Brian who has been tailing AJ and Marcus today. He is at the restaurant waiting for Willy. The restaurant is closed until the CPD have retrieved Brian, AJ, and Marcus at my request."

Zack flipped on the big screen television in the living room. When it came to life, we were stunned to say the least. The screen was divided into six panels. Four of the panels displayed a section of the outside of the house.

"Security shutters are in place, Sir," Zack announced.

Another two panels rotated between rooms. When our Master Bedroom first appeared on the screen, Tim gasp.

"You put cameras in our bedroom?" Tim almost screamed.

"We only monitor the upstairs when the house is on lockdown. Same with the playroom," Lenard replied. "I do need to admit I watched Steven and the fucking machine earlier. I believe I could really enjoy your ass, Steven, after several hours on the fucking machine."

"When this nightmare passes, Lenard," Tim replied. "I will give you, Zack, Brian, and any security personnel we have working for us Steven's ass for as long as you want it. Just make certain we are all safe. Especially the boys."

"See, Zack, I told you we would have unnamed perks not written into our contract," Lenard replied as he smiled at Zack. Zack and Lenard looked at me with lust in his eyes. "We only have two other undercover security personnel, Howard and Shon Key."

My phone rang again. It was Willy, "Steven. I have AJ and Marcus in a secured vehicle. We are on our way to the house. Could I speak with Lenard?"

"Certainly," I said as I handed the phone to Lenard.

"Yes, Willy," Lenard answered the phone.

"Lenard, we have a couple of uniformed men posted at the front and back entrances of the house," Willy explained. "I have AJ and Marcus with me in a police cruiser in the middle of a motorcade to your location. We will be at the house in a few moments. The street in front of the house is barricaded as is the one in the back."

We heard the police sirens blaring down the street. Shortly after the sirens stopped, Willy and another officer ushered Master Ajmal and Marcus into the house.

"Holy shit!" Marcus replied as he rushed to the blanket and picked up his sons. "I am so fucking happy to be home, boys!"

Master Ajmal stood just inside the door. He was speechless and trembling. I quickly moved in front of him, and he immediately pulled me into a hug.

"I am so glad to be back here, Steven," Master Ajmal said as he gripped me tighter. He released me from his man hug and turned to the group. "I am so sorry to have put you through all of this. My fucking desire to connect with a slave boy who has a nut case father needs to be reviewed after we are finished with this. In the meantime, please know I am so, so sorry to put you through this."

"Listen, AJ," Tim said as he pulled Master Ajmal into a hug. "No one knew John Trainer would go totally off the deep end. I know he is an asshole, but none of us knew he was a nut case asshole. It is not your fault. Shit! It's not even Christopher's fault. Marcus, also when this nightmare is over, you and I need to talk about your sadist husband, my masochist husband, and Christopher Trainer. Deal?"

"Deal," Marcus replied as he stood near Tim and Master. "Now, AJ, hold your sons. They need us. We need them. We need each other. Can the four of us go to bed and cuddle?"

Master Ajmal took his boys, kissed his husband on the lips, and went upstairs with Marcus.

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This is my 46th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Next: Chapter 47

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