Life with Tim

Published on Jul 17, 2016


Life With Tim Chapter 45

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"So, rent boy," Garrison said as we settled into our first class seats on Saturday. We were on the plane to Berlin. "What did you think of London?"

"It was amazing," I replied. "Four tricks. Master Jay. Master Darren. Master Bert. Master Trevon. Master Joe. Master Stanley. And, last but not least, Master Garrison. I should be exhausted, but I am only feeling energized. It was an amazing week."

"What was your favorite part of our time in London?" Garrison asked.

"I will never forget any of our time in London," I began. "All of the men are incredible, and I would gladly spend more time with any of them. Even Master Jay. I will say, however, my favorite part of our time in London was being with you, Garrison. You are terrific in bed, but the best part of you and me is here."

I put one hand on Garrison's chest above his heart and one hand on my chest above my heart.

"We have connected," I continued. "We have sealed our love for one another. What about you?"

"I am even more in love with you now than I was two hours ago," Garrison replied softly. I could see tears in his eyes. "I never realized I could care so much about another human being as I care for you. Love you. Always will. I know you have Tim and the boys. You have AJ as your Master. I hope you can find a time and a place for us."

"I WILL find a time and a place for you, my love," I said. "Many times and places. I guarantee you will be part of me until the day we both die."

"Sweet man," Garrison replied. "I don't know how I wound up loving you, but I do. Want to know about the men in Berlin?"

Chapter 45: Berlin

"Where will we be staying in Berlin?" I asked.

"Ah!" Garrison exclaimed. "Yesterday, AJ told me about a few changes to the week's schedule. You will only have three tricks this week. However, they are twelve-hour sessions instead of the usual six. We will be staying at Gerhardt's slave training barracks. The men will come to you. When you are not occupied with rent boy business, we will both be working with Gerhardt. We will begin our slave training. Once we arrive at Gerhardt's place, we will not see one another for the entire week."

"I won't see you for a week!" I exclaimed rather loudly.

"Yup," Garrison replied. "This will be a big adjustment for me and you. But, isolation is apparently a big part of the slave training we will undergo."

"Then, you need to fuck me in the bathroom at the airport before we go to Gerhardt's place," I suggested.

"I thought of the idea of fucking at the airport as well, but there is a problem with the idea," Garrison relied with a smile on his face. "The butt plugs we are both wearing are also tracking devices. Not only would AJ know where we were, he would know I took the butt plug out of your ass. We would be toast."

"Your dick feels too good in me," I replied. "So I don't want either one of us to be toast."

"Good decision, rent boy," Garrison replied. "Now. About the men you will be seeing. They are all friends of AJ's and Gerhardt's. Three men with three special talents. The first is Maximilian. Blond, blue eyes, hairless body except his crotch, muscle stud. His specialty is long term bondage coupled with torture. The second is Konrad. He sounds like a remake of Maximilian, but his specialty is whipping and ass play. The third and final trick is Johann. According to AJ, he is a stallion. Jet black hair. Hairy body. He's about 6' 5" tall. I have no other information on him except he is hung like a horse. Hence the term `stallion.' Johan is a master of bondage and temporary piercing. Think needles in your balls."

"Why are these twelve-hour sessions?" I asked.

"AJ wanted to give them some incentive," Garrison replied. "Besides, Gerhardt suggested it would further enhance your limited slave training time."

"Master Ajmal has thought of everything, it seems," I replied. "I will miss you, lover boy."

"Same with me, lover boy," Garrison said. "We will survive. We always do. And, we will always love each other. I know it for a fact. You are firmly engrained in my mind as my precious lover. The man who makes my heart sing."

Garrison leaned over and kissed me.

We continued to talk about nothing until our flight touched down in Berlin.

Garrison and I were in line waiting to be cleared through customs. Garrison was ready to collect our luggage.

"What do you mean I need to pass inspection before being allowed into the country?" I asked the agent.

"Your papers are not entirely in order," the agent replied in English, but with a heavy accent. "It seems you have a tourist Visa and not one to allow you to work here. You will need to answer some questions. Please follow me."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I followed the agent to the screening room.

"Mr. Caldwell," the first agent said to me. "This is Mr. Kraus. He will be interviewing you. Please have a seat while I brief him on the issue you have."

I took a seat at the side of Mr. Kraus's desk while the first agent and Mr. Krause went to a more private part of the office. They kept stealing glances at me while they discussed my situation.

Finally, Mr. Krauss returned to his desk and took his seat facing me. "So, Mr. Caldwell. We found a discrepancy in your visa situation. Normally, you visit this country with a work visa. Your current visa is a tourist visa. May I ask why?"

"This time I am a tourist," I replied. "I am staying with friends."

"I see the address you will be staying at is the address of Gerhardt Swenson. Is this correct?" Mr. Kraus asked.

"Yes," I replied. "He is a friend of a friend. Mr. Swenson generously asked me to stay with him."

"So, what will you be doing while you are in Berlin?" Mr. Krauss asked.

"Seeing the city," I replied.

"I see," Mr. Krauss said. "So, you don't know what Mr. Swenson does for a living?"

"No, Sir," I said. I didn't like the way the conversation was going.

"I believe we can rectify this situation quickly if you agree to an additional security screening," Mr. Kraus suggested.

"And, what will this extra security screening consist of?" I asked.

"It should be a simple frisking unless frisking warrants additional screening," Mr. Krauss replied.

"Worst case scenario?" I asked.

"Strip search and cavity search," Mr. Krauss explained. "It is the only way, really, you will be allowed to enter the country."

"Then, let's do it!" I replied with enthusiasm. I needed to sound like a team player with nothing to hide.

"This way, please, Mt. Caldwell," Mr. Krauss said as he stood.

I followed Mr. Krauss to another room. Mr. Krauss introduced me to two other men.

"Mr. Caldwell, this is Mr. Hauss and Mr. Klein. They will be assisting me with you search.... We need to have witnesses to our search for it to be considered appropriate," Mr. Krauss explained. "We also brought your luggage in so we can screen it, too."

'I am so fucked,' I thought to myself. 'How do I explain my luggage consists of leather clothing and sex toys?'

"Please remove your shirt, Mr. Caldwell," Mr. Krauss suggested.

As I pulled off my shirt, I heard Mr. Krauss and his cohorts gasp.

"My, my, Mr. Caldwell. You have a well sculpted physique," Mr. Hauss added. "We are all fans of well-muscled, heavily tattooed, and beautifully pierced men."

"Thank you, Mr. Hauss," I replied. 'I am so, so fucked.' I thought.

"It might be easier if you also took off the rest of your clothing," Mr. Klein suggested.

"Of course," I replied. 'These are fucking perverts trying to cop a look--or maybe feel--at my body.' I thought to myself.

I stripped. Completely. No underwear. Butt plug in my butt. Chastity device. All I needed was a pair of tit clamps hanging from my nipples. I would have been all set.

The three investigators gasp as my pants came off.

"Oh my!" Mr. Krauss whispered. "You certainly have a unique body, Mr. Caldwell. I can see why you will be visiting Gerhardt Swenson. I am certain he will help you transition to your desired lifestyle."

"So, you know what Mr. Swenson does professionally at his compound?" I asked.

"Of course," Mr. Krauss replied. "We see the results of his work often. We have a special bond with Mr. Swenson's trainees."

"I see," I replied. I decided to let this go where ever the men with me decided to take it. `I am a slave, after all. This will excite Tim to no end,' I thought.

"Mr. Klein," Mr. Krauss said. "I believe it is your turn to go first."

"Thank you, Mr. Krauss," Mr. Klein replied. "Most thoughtful of you."

I watched as Mr. Klein began to strip. First his shirt. Next his shoes and sock. His pants came down. No underwear. His magnificent cock stood at attention.

Mr. Klein stood almost six feet tall with golden blond hair cut in a fashionable style replete with spikes in the front. His body also made me rock hard instantly inside the plastic chastity device. His muscular chest with a slight smattering of blond hair and bulging arms completed the package. But, my dick stirred because he was also blessed with an 8-inch uncut dick and low hanging shaved balls.

Mr. Klein stood in front of me. Naked. German. Immigration employee.

"Please open your mouth Mr. Caldwell," Mr. Klein ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I opened my mouth.

Mr. Klein peered inside my mouth using a pencil sized flashlight.

"Everything seems acceptable with your mouth, Mr. Caldwell," Mr. Klein explained. "Now, if you would please bend over the table behind you."

I moved to the table and bent over as instructed. I spread my legs shoulder width apart.

"We will need to take this out," Mr. Klein said to his colleagues. "I believe it is one of Mr. Swenson's tracking device butt plugs."

Mr. Klein pulled the butt plug out of my ass.

"You've had this in your asshole since you left London?" Mr. Klein asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Before I examine your asshole, boy," Mr. Klein continued. "I need your explicit permission to carefully examine your asshole. Otherwise, you will not be permitted to enter the country."

"You may examine my asshole, Mr. Klein," I replied.

"Excellent!" Mr. Klein replied as he began to slather his fingers, hand, and arm with lubricant which looked a great deal like Crisco. "If you feel any discomfort during the examination, please let me know.

He put his hand on my asshole. Then he began to push it into me.

"Ahh!" I gasp as his hand passed through my sphincter muscle.

Mr. Klein kept pushing.

"I believe, gentlemen, Mr. Caldwell is clean," Mr. Klein replied as he began to pull his hand out of my ass.

"Ahh!" I gasp again as his hand passed through my sphincter muscle on its way out of my ass.

Mr. Klein wiped off his hand and arm with a hand towel. He put lube on his dick and lined it up with my asshole.

"This will be the ultimate test," Mr. Klein explained to his colleagues.

One quick shove and he was balls deep in my asshole.

"His ass is perfect, gentlemen," Mr. Klein replied. "You both will love it immensely."

After a two-hour security examination including three loads of cum, I had my signed paperwork to enter the country in my hands. I was still standing naked in the exam room with three naked custom officers.

"We need to keep your clothes as evidence, Mr. Caldwell," Mr. Hauss explained. "You may wear these while you pass through the airport. Your bag will be waiting for you outside customs."

Mr. Hauss handed me a pair of skimpy gym shorts. No shirt. No shoes. Just skimpy gym shorts.

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"Please remember, Mr. Caldwell," Mr. Klein continued. "You will be required to pass through customs extra security screening each time you visit our beloved country. I hope we will see you soon. You are free to leave."

I pulled the gym shorts on and stuffed my cock inside as best I could. It was obvious I had a semi-hard dick and big balls. It was also extremely obvious I was going commando.

As I passed through the airport, everyone looked at me like I was a freak. I was stopped six times by armed security guards who needed to see my papers. I finally saw Garrison in the baggage claim area.

"Rent boy!" Garrison shouted over the crowd. "What the fuck took you so long? And what the fuck happened to your clothes?"

"Extra security screening," I replied. "Can we please get the fuck out of here before I get arrested for indecent exposure?"

Garrison and I retrieved our luggage. We left the airport and waited for Gerhardt's driver to pick us up.

I turned to see a handsome muscle stud walking toward us. "You two must be Garrison and Steven. AJ's slave boys."

"We are definitely Garrison, me, and Steven, him," Garrison replied. "And you are?"


"Wolfgang," the stud replied. "I will take you to Gerhardt's slave training quarters. Please follow me. I see you had the privilege of going through the extra security screening, Steven."

"Yes," I replied

We followed Wolfgang to a black BMW Series 7 Sedan. He opened the back door for us to enter. Meanwhile, he stowed our luggage in the trunk.

Once we were settled, Wolfgang turned to face us from the driver's seat. "Oh! I forgot. Get naked."

"Here?" Garrison asked.

"Yes, here," Wolfgang replied. "Quickly. We don't want to keep Gerhardt waiting. I am certain you, Steven, will be naked in record time."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I began shedding my skimpy gym shorts. Garrison did the same.

"Very good," Wolfgang said as he turned around and started the car. He drove off.

"Phase three of adventure one," Garrison said as he patted my naked thigh. We were both sitting naked in the back seat. We both sported erections.

"No talking!" Wolfgang demanded. "You are not to speak until given permission."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

We drove in silence for about an hour. The city turned into country. Finally, Wolfgang pressed a button from the driver's seat and a large iron gate opened. Wolfgang continued down the driveway. We turned a corner. The house was huge. But, we couldn't speak until given permission.

When Wolfgang stopped the car, two men dressed in a rubber, one-piece jump suit met us beside the car. One on either side. They opened the door. "Follow us," the man who was my escort to the house demanded.

We followed the two men to the back of the house and were led down an outside stairway into a dark space. When my leader opened the huge wooden door, we stepped into the room.

"This is the dungeon where you will be staying for the next seven days," my leader explained as he picked up a plastic chastity device. Garrison's leader did the same.

"You will wear these at all times unless Master decides he wants to use your dick to torture," my leader explained as he began to secure the device around my dick.

Once Garrison's and my dick were properly restrained, Garrison's leader spoke as he picked up a huge butt plug. My leader also retrieved a butt plug from the table. "You will also wear these at all times unless Master decides he wants to use your ass. Or, more likely, some other man wants to use your ass. Master will be down shortly. He will give you additional instructions."

Both Garrison and I stood naked with a chastity device covering our straining dicks and a butt plug in our asses. Each handler put our wrists behind our backs and handcuffed them. Finally, the leaders installed ball gags on us.

We stood naked with our dicks encased in plastic, butt plugs in our asses, ball gags in our mouth, and we were handcuffed with our hands behind our backs. The two men left. We stood silently. We turned to face one another. Garrison shed a tear. `I want to help him through this,' I thought. `I love this man.'

Several minutes rolled by until Master appeared from another door opposite the one we used to enter the dungeon.

"Welcome to my slave training program," Master Gerhardt said as he inspected us. "AJ was right. You both are beautiful."

Master Gerhardt placed his hands on my shoulder and began to caress every part of me. He did the same to Garrison.

"Let me explain a few rules," Master Gerhardt began. "You are not to speak unless another Master gives you permission. You will experience several Masters over the course of the next two years. You will be with Masters whose specialties will astound you. The aim of this program is, obviously, to make you better slaves. You will learn to experience great pain with dignity. You will learn to please any man who has custody of your body. You will learn to FULLY SUBMIT to the men you serve. You will learn not to question any Master who is in possession of your body. We will begin your training by taking you to your cells where you will live until the next phase of your training. I am certain, boy Steven, you understand there will be three men who are paying to use your body. These same men, boy Garrison, will use your body. They have worked out a deal with AJ to make this a learning experience not only for boy Steven, but also for you, boy Garrison."

Both of our `leaders' stepped into the room.

"Hans, please stop forward," Master Gerhardt ordered.

Hans stepped forward. He was the man who was my leader.

"Hans, once I am finished here, please take the boy to his cell and make certain his is properly restrained," Master Gerhardt explained.

"Gus, please step forward," Master Gerhardt ordered.

Gus stepped forward. He was the man who was Garrison's leader.

"Gus, Hans, please take the boys to their respective cells," Master Gerhardt ordered.

"Yes, Master," Hans and Gus replied in unison as Master Gerhardt left the room.

Hans and Gus secured collars around our necks and added leashes. Gus led Garrison in one direction. Hans led me in another direction.

I was escorted to my cell which consisted of a cot, a toilet, and a bathroom sink. One light lit the area. The walls were solid concrete. The door was a heavy wooden one.

Hans silently secured restraints to my ankles and my wrist before he fastened the restraints to four chains which were securely attached to anchors in the concrete wall.

"I will bring you food and water as needed," Hans explained. "You will have two hours with me in the gym. Otherwise, you will be alone here in your cell. When the men come to use your body, I will take you to the torture chamber and prepare you for their arrival. I will ask you this once and only once. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Sir," I replied.

"Very good, boy," Hans said as he walked out of the cell and closed the solid wooden door behind him and locked it.

Loneliness quickly filled my thoughts and heart. `I love my Tim. I love my sons. I love Garrison and David, too. But, I am born to be a slave. Serving men. I will serve men for the rest of my life.'

Loneliness quickly left my thoughts and heart. `I am a slave to powerful men. I want to make men happy. I want to make Master Ajmal happy. I want to make my rent boy clients happy. I am happy and fulfilled being a slave.'

I kept thinking of the men in my life until I heard keys giggling in the lock. Master Hans stepped through the now open door. I was instantly blinded by the light in the other room.

"On your feet, boy," Master Hans barked. The sound of his voice broke the peaceful tranquility which had surrounded me.

I jumped to my feet and stood at attention. I awaited further instructions.

Master Hans released the chains from my restraints, but he left the restraints on my ankles and wrists.

"Follow me, boy," Master Hans instructed.

I followed Master Hans silently until he reached another massive wooden door and opened it. A gym. An extremely well-appointed gym.

"First, you will do cardio training on the treadmill," Master Hans instructed as he motioned for me to step onto the treadmill. "You will do one hour of intensive, random running. You cannot stop the machine. Only I or Master Gerhardt can stop of change the pace of your workout. We can change the machine remotely from our phones if we see you are not exerting yourself adequately."

Master Hans set the machine and left. The workout began slowly and ramped up gradually until I was running like a sprinter would run a short race. Then, the pace slowed for a short time and then increased again. The randomness of the workout continued for the entire hour I was on the treadmill.

"Okay, boy," Master Hans said as he returned and pressed the stop button on his phone. The machine gradually coasted to a stop. "Follow me, boy."

I followed Master Hans to the free-weight section of the gym.

"Master Gerhardt has designed a special workout for your time here," Master Hans replied. "Your body will be more muscular and more fit when you leave here in seven days. It will be drastically noticeable because you will be eating specially prepared meals to assist in developing your body even further."

It started with exercises for my chest. Then my arms. Then my ass. Then my legs. Two hours after I started with the weights Master Hans led me back to my cell.

Master Hans reattached the chains to my restraints.

"I will return with your next meal," Master Hans said as he turned and closed the door behind him.

I sat motionless for several minutes. My body hurt. My arms hurt. The muscles in my chest and ass hurt. My legs hurt. I don't remember ever working out with such a strenuous training program.

I heard the keys giggle in the lock again. The door opened. Master Hans stepped into my cell pushing a cart.

"This is your meal," Master Hans explained. "It includes about 8,000 calories. You will need the calories to perform your workout. Once you eat your meal, I will be back to take you to the showers so I can clean you before your first guest arrives."

Master Hans turned and left my cell. He pulled the massive wooden door shut behind him. I ate. I thought of Garrison somewhere in the slave training compound. My dick started to harden in its plastic enclosure. I ate to keep my mind off my lover.

Once I finished my meal, I pushed the table away and stretched out on my cot. I must have fallen asleep because I heard keys giggle in the lock again.

Hans opened the door of my cell and stepped into it.

"Follow me, slave boy," Master Hans explained as he removed the restraints from my wrists and ankles. "I will take you to the cleaning room where I will prepare your body for your guest."

I followed Master Hans to a nearby wooden door. When the door opened, Master Hans led me into the prep room.

Master Hans, without speaking, removed the chastity device, the butt plug, and my collar. He led me to the giant shower.

"Bend over, boy," Master Hans ordered.

He picked up a douche hose and adjusted the water temperature before he shoved it in my ass. It took several minutes and several fill, rinse, release cycles until he seemed happy with the results. He turned on the shower and shoved me under the spray.

The cold water took my breath away at first. As Master Hans soaped and cleaned my body, I became numb from the cold. Master Hans took extra time cleaning my cock and balls and my ass. When the shower turned off, Master Hans dried my body with a fresh towel.

"This will make your body look good," Master Hans said as he began rubbing oil on my body to make it glisten.

"Follow me, boy," Master Hans instructed as we left the cleaning room. I followed him down the hallway and into a chamber filled with slings, restraints, bondage tables, saw horses, and crosses. The walls were lined with a massive collection of whips, rope, and other sex toys.

Master Hans brought my hands behind my back and handcuffed them together. He nudged my legs shoulder width apart.

"Look down, boy," Master Hans instructed. "Do not move until your guest tells you to move. Do not flinch. Do not gasp. Do not look at the man who will be your Master for the next twelve hours.

I stood silently as Master Hans left the playroom and shut the door behind him. All of the lights in the room went black. A single spotlight shining down at me began to shed the only light in the room. I was drenched in light. Bright stage lighting. I was on display.

I stood silently as Master Hans directed. I looked down at the floor. I waited.

The door opened and closed.

A voice from behind me broke the silence of the room. "I will be your Master for the next twelve hours, boy," Master Maximilian explained in his German accented English. "You will call me `Master Max,' `Master,' or `Sir.' If you call me anything else, I will slap you and then I add 10 lashes to your back. These next twelve hours will be a great deal of fun... for me... not for you. You will suffer. It makes me happy to have a slave boy in my possession who is suffering from pain I inflict upon him."

Master Max walked into the spot light. I almost gasp until I caught myself. He was naked. Master Max was just as Garrison explained. Short cropped blond hair. Smooth muscular chest. Trimmed blond hair around his dick. Shaved cock and balls. His uncut cock looked big even without an erection. His arms and legs were like tree trunks. His blue eyes sparkled.

"So, boy," Master Max continued. "I hope you like what you see, but I really don't care what you like. I will put this on you boy, and then you will recite the words your Master taught you to say when another man collars you and makes you his possession."

Master Max fastened the collar around my neck and stood back.

"Master," I recited my pledge. "I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others! I am yours!"

"Good boy," Master Max replied. "Now, we will begin our time together."

Master Max connected my leash to my collar. He led me to the middle of the room. A complicated pulley system loomed overhead.

Master Max installed restraints on my ankles and wrists. He then fastened a large leather belt around my waist. Then, he added a leather belt around my upper chest and just under my armpits. His next move added a hood to my head. He added another set of restraints to the lower portion of my thighs, just above the knee.

Master Max continued to work. Chains were attached to each restraint and the belt around my waist. He also added a chain to the metal eyelet attached to the top of the hood.

Master Max attached a leather ball parachute to my balls.

"I had your handler take measurements of your balls," Master Max explained. "I wanted this to fit perfectly, and it does."

He added another chain to the eyelet of the ball parachute.

He added a leather cock ring with sharp chrome studs on the inside of the cock ring. Master Max pulled the leather piece which tightened the cock ring securely to the base of the cock.

`Oh! Fuck!' I thought. `Shit!'

"Very good, boy," Master Max said as he stood back to view his partially created work. "You almost screamed when I tightened the cock ring around the base of your cock, didn't you, boy."

I nodded my head yes. My cock started to grow which made the cock ring even tighter.

"Now," Master Max began. "We will get started with the important work since I have the preliminary items taken care of."

He picked up an electronic control box from the table nearby.

"This pulley system in a one-of-a-kind electro-mechanical marvel," Master Max explained. "I control the motion of all the pulleys in the system. I helped Gerhardt design it. I am certain, as an electronics whiz, you will understand how magnificent this really is."

Master Max touched on button on the control box. My arms began to lift over my head. He paused the lift when my arms were almost fully extended.

Master Max picked up a sliding aluminum bar and attached it to the restraints on my wrists. He extended the bar until he couldn't spread my arms any further. He attached another similar bar to my ankles and extended the bar to force my feet wide apart.

"You will be in restraints here for most of my time with you," Master Max explained. "I will position you in several poses which will suit my mood at the time. Right now, I am in the mood to use your ass, boy. I love slave boy asses, and yours is especially intriguing."

Master Max again picked up the control box and pressed another button. The pulley system began to lift my legs off the floor. Another pulley began to lift me by the strap across my chest.

I now hung from the pulleys in a prone position. Face up. Ass down. Dick straining in the chastity device.

"I am happy your Master Gerhardt put you in chastity," Master Max explained. "Slave boys, I believe, should always be kept in chastity unless their Master wants to torture the boy's dick. A slave should never be allowed to cum. Ever."

He continued to push buttons on the control box. My legs were pulled tightly to my chest leaving my plastic covered dick and my ass boldly exposed.

Master Max positioned himself between my legs. I watched as his dick grew to an amazing size. My eyes were like saucers.

"If you could, I am certain you would ask me how big my dick really is," Master Max said. An evil grin spread across his face. Lust filled his eyes. "I am a meager ten inches long. I have been complimented by many men by my prowess while I am fucking slave boy ass. I can last several hours. You will, I am certain, enjoy every minute with my dick in your slave boy ass... You are probably wondering why I know your slave boy ass is sloppy. I know it is sloppy because your Master Ajmal told me about the men who have used you these past few weeks. All of those men. All of those big, hard, dicks made your ass sloppy. By the time I am finished with you, your ass will be the sloppiest it has ever been... I am going to claim your ass as mine, slave boy. Mine. Until my time is up, your ass will be mine and mine alone."

Master Max reached for the lube on a nearby table and began to spread copious amounts on his now rock hard, ten-inch, uncut dick. My dick strained in the plastic surrounding it.

Before me entered me, Master Max pushed another button on the control box. A huge video monitor came to life on the ceiling above me. On the screen, the image of Master Max standing between my legs, stroking his already hard dick. My ass was prominently displayed at the center of the screen.

"I am sure you are wondering where the camera is located," Master Max explained. "Let's just say for the record, it is hidden. From the moment your plane landed in Berlin, you have been on camera. At the gate. Your trip through customs and the extra security screening you endured. You ride home with Wolfgang. Your entrance to the compound. The shower. The gym. Your cell. Yes, you will be filmed even when you take a shit. The video is streamed live to your Master Ajmal. Your time here is, as we speak, being retransmitted to the members of the video company your Masters Jake and Miguel own. Ten thousand men are watching you live from Berlin."

Master Max stopped talking and stroking his dick. He aligned his dick with my asshole. And pushed inside me. One stroke. Fast. Powerful. Moaned into the ball gag.

He fucked me with such power and speed, I literally swung through the air as I lay thoroughly immobile. I looked into Master Max's eyes and face. I saw the lust. I saw the power. I saw the rage. I became his release of his lust. The release of his power. And, most importantly, his rage.

I watched silently as he took my ass and owned it. I didn't give it. Master Max took it. My mind raced. I saw my feeling of self-worth slip. I was a slave. I was a doormat. I was a receptacle for whatever Master Mas wanted inside me. I gave up thinking. I relaxed into Master Max's plundering of my asshole. I gave up reacting to Master Max's attack. I floated into my new real world. Giving myself to men. Making men happy. Using my body to give men what they wanted to take. My slave boy ass available for anyone to take. Whenever they wanted to take it. I was no longer a man, I finally realized. I am a slave boy.

I snapped back into reality as Master Max began to breathe heavily. His body tensed. His eyes closed. Sweat dripped off his muscular body. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" He screamed as I felt my ass fill with Master Max's precious cum. I was his.

We both stayed in position. Silent. No movement for several minutes.

"Your Master Ajmal could not have been more accurate," Master Max finally said in a hushed voice. "You have a well-used, sloppy, slave boy ass. We've been at this for two hours, boy. You make me feel like I could run a marathon in record time. But, don't worry. We still have ten hours left together. I am going to enjoy a beer, boy. Here is some water for you."

Master Max pulled a bottle suspended from the ceiling to my mouth.

"Suck on the nipple to get water," Master Max explained. "I will be with you shortly."

Master Max turned and walked away from me. I heard the cap of a beer being pried off. I gazed at the screen above me. Naked. Helpless. Vulnerable. I was humiliated as video subscribers across the world watched as I hung naked, bound, used in the restraints.

I heard Master Max talking with someone. "Yes, Jake. I believe the boy is a fine example of a good slave. He just needs more humbling training. I believe he is extremely capable of serving men on a full-time basis."

Master Max paused. After a moment, he again resumed speaking. "Terrific news, Jake. I am certain you will make a fortune on this boy's training sessions. How is the other slave fairing in the ratings?"

Again, Master Max paused. "His ratings will go up, I am certain, once the boy has undergone excruciatingly demanding training here with Gerhardt."

Another pause. "I will look at the video feed. It sounds like he is getting the training he needs. I will talk to you after my session with the boy and we can work out an arrangement."

Master Max returned to his former position between my legs. He took another gulp of his beer. "I talked to boy Garrison's Master Jake. Your ratings are higher than expected. Close to ten thousand men are watching you at any given time. The other slave's ratings are okay. Jake suggested we watch some of the session happening in another room."

Master Max pushed another button on the control box. The image on the screen changed. Garrison slumped against the restraints holding him on the St. Andrews Cross. Another man stood behind Garrison. He held a bullwhip. The camera switched to a close-up of Garrison's face. He winced in pain. The sound of the bullwhip landing on Garrison's back. Garrison grimaced when the whip hit his back. The camera panned out to reveal all of Garrison's front side. Naked. Nipple clamps. Weights on his balls swinging through the air when the bull whip landed on Garrison's back. Dick hanging limply between his legs.

"The boy is with Konrad," Master Max replied. "Konrad will be your next guest. Boy Garrison is lucky to have Konrad teaching him discipline. The boy looks broken. Humiliated. He is learning his trade from a Master of Masters."

I shed tears watching Garrison suffer. I wanted to take his place. To take the punishment Master Konrad gave to my lover, Garrison. I would do anything to protect him.

The whip landed against Garrisons back multiple times in quick succession. ""Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Garrison moan with every strike of the whip across his back.

I saw Garrison's body go limp.

"I think the boy just passed out," Master Max replied as he switched the video back to our room.

Master Max attached a smaller chain to the chain of the tit clamps I wore and the ball parachute. Master Max tightened the tit clamps so they cut into my nipples.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" I screamed into the ball gag.

Master Max pressed two other buttons on the control box. The chain attached to the ball parachute pulled tighter and tighter until I felt as though I would pass out from the pain.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I screamed again into the ball gag as the connection pulled my body up by the balls until the other restraints were dangling limply from the ceiling.

"The next part of your session with me will give me great pleasure," Master Max explained. "You, on the other hand, will feel great pain. Of course, a good slave lives to endure great pain. So, enjoy."

He walked to the wall behind me and returned with a wooden paddle. "Your Master Ajmal very specifically asked me to help you endure as much pain as possible. I am delighted to help him out. See this paddle, boy?"

I nodded yes.

"This paddle has tiny stud-like objects drilled into the paddle," Master Max continued his explanation. "You will enjoy the sensation of this hitting your skin covering your ass cheeks. And, I am removing your ball gag. I want to hear your screams."

Master Max removed my ball gag and repositioned himself so he had maximum access to my ass cheeks. I watched the video monitor as Master Max brought the paddle back and then slammed it onto my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in pain. The camera changed to a close-up view of my ass. Ten thousand men watched Master Max slam the paddle into my ass. They, they saw the bright red pattern develop on my right ass cheek.

Master Max paused. Without warning, Master Max began delivering blow after blow painful blow.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed with every slap of the paddle. Just as quickly as he started the extreme paddling of my ass.

I looked at the video while I recovered from the pain Master Max inflicted on my ass. Both ass cheeks bright red.

Our session continued with only short breaks. Master Max put his arm up my ass. When we became bored with fisting me with one arm, he used both of his arms. I thought he would split my body into.

The bull whip to my back side put me over the edge. I felt broken. Humiliated in front of ten thousand plus men watching the video feed. I was too far gone to speak when Master Max remove me from the restraints, took off the ball parachute, tit clamps, and chastity device. He removed his collar from my neck. He left my broken body standing limp in the center of the room.


"So, rent boy," Garrison said as we settled in for the plane ride back to Chicago. We had not spoken of our joint training session. "How was your week?"

"Exhausting," I replied. "Yours?"

"Same," Garrison replied. "Do you feel any different?"

"Yea," I replied. "It is hard to explain, but I do feel differently than I did before we arrived in Berlin. And, we are both going home with bigger balls. How does having bigger balls make you feel, Garrison?"

"Like I could take on the world," Garrison replied with a smile on his face. "I can't wait to stick my big, black, slave boy dick in your ass and fill it with my cum. I understand when we cum it will be massive."

"Trust me, Garrison," I explained. "The orgasms you have after having your balls enlarged is mind blowing to say the least."

"What was the worst experience you had while in training?" Garrison asked.

"Watching you getting whipped by Master Konrad," I said as I looked Garrison in the eye and picked up his hand and clutched it in my next to my heart. "I wanted to trade places with you. I didn't want you to hurt. You don't deserve to hurt, Garrison. I love you too much to see you hurt. You?"

"Not being with you," Garrison said. "I realized this week I am so fucking in love with you I could almost burst. I don't want to be without you, Steven. My heart breaks when I don't have you close to me. Even if you are in the same room, I feel better."

"I am going to ask Tim to speak with Master Ajmal about releasing me from our Master/slave relationship," I whispered to Garrison. "I still want to be a slave. I still want to be a rent boy. I still want to go to slave training in Berlin. But, I want you to be not only my lover, but also my Master."

"How do you think AJ will react to this proposal?" Garrison asked.

"Tim is an excellent sales person," I said to Garrison as we both smiled. "He is very persistent in getting the results he wants. It is good we have him on our side."

"So, rent boy," Garrison replied. "Are you telling me we don't want to piss of Tim, and we need him on our side?"

"Have you ever known Tim to not get what he wants?" I asked.

"No," Garrison said. We continued our conversation. Garrison's hand rarely left mine.

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This is my 44th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Next: Chapter 46

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