Life with Tim

Published on Jul 16, 2016


Life With Tim Chapter 44

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


“Hello, Garrison. I just talked to the boy’s last trick,” Master Ajmal said. “How bad is the damage to the boy’s body?”

“Heavily marked, Sir,” Garrison replied. “I will put some of Boris’s cream on the marks after we talk, Sir.”

“Good,” Master Ajmal replied. “Boris’s cream will work wonders. How long do you think it will be until the boy can be used again?”

“At least a few days,” Garrison replied. “Why?”

“Just curious,” Master Ajmal replied. “When are you leaving for London?”

“The boy wants to stay in New York until Wednesday,” Garrison replied.

“Good,” Master Ajmal began to explain his questioning. “Bashir and Jason want to use the boy before you leave for London. Daniel would like to us him as well, but I managed to put him off until you return from Germany. And, then, there is Grant. Grant wants the boy for a weekend as well. I have added another week to your travel schedule. News of the boy’s availability has spread throughout the city it seems. I don’t believe you will have the downtime you originally expected. I am getting a lot of interest in San Francisco and Chicago. The reviews on my website have been phenomenal.”

“Can the boy handle all of this without a break,” Garrison asked.

“He will handle it or he will be castrated,” Master Ajmal replied. “Go put the cream on the boy’s body. Call me if you need more. I can ship it overnight.”

“Thank you, AJ,” Garrison said into the phone before he hung up.

Garrison flung his phone onto the sofa. “The man is a lunatic! Can you handle all of this? If one man has done this to your body, how can you do this nonstop?”

“I can handle it, Garrison,” I whispered. “I have to handle it. If I don’t or break down in the middle of Master Ajmal’s launch of renting my body, I will have no balls. I like my balls.”

“So do I, rent boy,” Garrison said as he began to apply the cream to my body. “As a matter of fact, I want those balls in my mouth shortly after I finish putting the cream on your body.”

“My balls are yours to do what you want,” I whispered to Garrison as the cream began to sooth the pain of my body.

Chapter 44: London Tour

Garrison and I sat in the first class section on our flight to London. We were both sipping vodka on the rocks. It was Wednesday afternoon before my first appointment in London on Friday.

“So, tell me, rent boy,” Garrison began. “Who is better in bed? AJ or his brother Bashir?”

“I couldn’t choose which is better,” I explained. “They are both beautiful men—physically and emotionally. I have no REAL choice but to choose Master Ajmal. He is my Master after all. I belong to him. I am just rented to his brother, Bashir.”

“And, Jason,” Garrison continued. “How is he in bed?”

“Let me explain how I perceive Jason,” I continued. “Jason and Bashir react as a unit. They are one. They are almost glued to one another when they are together. Bashir is more energetic and creative when he is with Jason. Jason is… Jason is beyond words. I connect with both Bashir and Jason. But, Jason reminds me of Tim in some ways. Curious. Accepting. Proud.”

“Hmmm,” Garrison replied. “So, you still think of Tim even though you are in the midst of being a prostitute?”

“Yup,” I agreed. “I love him. He is the center of my universe.”

“Until you met AJ,” Garrison added.

“Yes,” I replied. “Until I met AJ. He changed my world. Even though I haven’t seen Master Ajmal for days, I still look forward to being with him again when this phase is completed. Master Ajmal is my sexual being. Tim is my worldly world. Being Master Ajmal’s slave boy though is more of a spiritual journey than a sexual one. Master Ajmal, in a way, is my God. Being his slave is my heaven on earth. I must say, however, you have also changed my life. I love our time together whether in bed or exploring or just quietly being with you. You are a rock in my life, Garrison.”

“You should write a book, Steven,” Garrison suggested. “It would be on the New York Times Best Seller List for weeks and weeks.”

“Yea, right,” I smirk. “Who would read it? Not many people are interested in a sex slave’s opinions.”

“I beg to differ with you,” Garrison said. “You have men who pay AJ $10,000 for six hours of time with you. All across the globe. Men. You. Sex. Book. Dollars.”

“I don’t need the money,” I replied. “Maybe I do need to write a book. You and I could write the book, Garrison. We could bond.”

“About the only bonding I want to do with you is to get my dick in your well-used ass when we get to AJ’s house in London,” Garrison said with a smile.

“Anything you want,” I replied with a smile. “I’m all yours until I have my first appointment on Friday.”

“Too bad you couldn’t convince Ken to come to London with us,” Garrison said.

“Just as well,” I replied. “Once Friday rolls around I will be on a whirl wind tour of men’s bodies. What do you know about these men?”

“Nothing much,” Garrison replied as he picked up his iPad. “It appears all of the men know Ajmal. Surprise, right! The first one, Jay, lives not far from AJ in London. According to AJ he is about 5’9” tall with a gym body. He’s Armenian. Heavily into ass play and torture—think water boarding. The second guy, Darren, is similar to Jay, except he is black. Also and ass play enthusiast. The final two, Bert and Trevon, are a couple. Trevon goes both sub and Dom. He will be a Dom with you. I don’t know much about either of them except, as you might well imagine, know AJ very well. All of the appointments will be in AJ’s playroom. They come to you. You have about two hours between appointments to get yourself together for the next. Questions?”

“How old are these Doms?” I asked.

“All I know is they are all about the same age as AJ,” Garrison explained. “By the way, how old is AJ?”

“Two years older than me,” I replied. “He’s 34.”

“An old fart,” Garrison said.

“May I get you another drink?” Our flight attendant asked. I noticed his name was Jay.

“Yes, please,” Garrison replied.

“His name is Jay,” I whisper to Garrison.

Garrison pulls out his iPad again. “He’s the right height. He looks pretty buff. He could be Arminian. Nah! A flight attendant couldn’t afford your ass.”

“You’re probably correct,” I whisper back.

Jay placed our drinks on our tables in front of us. “May I get you anything else, gentlemen?”

“Not at the moment, Jay,” I replied. “Thank you.”

“Ahm…,” Jay stammered and then asked me. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

“I don’t think so, Jay,” I replied. “My name is Steven Caldwell. I used to work for eSquare in Chicago.”

“Oh! Okay,” Jay replied as he disappeared to help other first class passengers.

“I wouldn’t mind if he was my Jay on Friday,” I replied. “What will you do while I am busy?”

“Explore,” Garrison replied. “Maybe find some ass to fuck. After all, I will be in slave training with you for seven whole days. We will both be in a chastity device the whole time we are with Gerhardt. Master Jake is hopping Gerhardt will eliminate some of my, as he put it, ‘overactive assertiveness when it comes to sex with men.’”

“Good way to describe my horny pig,” I replied. “Who are the men in Berlin?”

“I don’t have their information yet,” Garrison replied. “AJ will send it to me while we are in slave training. I do know, however, all of the Berlin men have massive torture fetishes. Wednesday evening we fly to Berlin on Thursday for our slave training.”

“My ass suddenly feels exhausted,” I whispered to Garrison.

“And, I have been ordered, on your days off, to fuck or fist you at least two times a day,” Garrison added. “I’m thinking your ass might need four times a day to keep in loosened up.”

“You can have my ass anytime you want it, Garrison,” I replied. “You keep me motivated.”

“Good boy!” Garrison replied as we both tuned on our music.

We found our bags and a limo driver waited outside baggage claim to take us to Master Ajmal’s house. Boris was waiting for us when we arrived.

“Welcome to London!” Boris greeted us. “I have coffee and pastries for you in case you are hungry. I will take your bags upstairs to your room. I will return to get anything else you might need. And, you both need to get naked. Master’s orders.”

“Thank you, Boris,” I said as he picked up the bags and headed upstairs.

Garrison and I both stripped and put our clothes on a chair near the entrance.

“Home sweet home,” Garrison said as he looked around the room. His dick began to swell.

I stood in front of Garrison and pulled his naked body close to mine. I initiated a kiss. Garrison followed. We held each other tightly as we both feel the increase in the size of the other’s dick.

“You taste good, Steven,” Garrison replied as he paused momentarily. “You feel… nice…, too. Smooth…, hairless…, muscled body…. Big dick…. Tight ass…. All of my… favorite things… in a… man. Don’t quote me… on this… but… I think… I am… falling… in love… with you.”

I pause in mid-kiss. We tightly hold on to one another. Skin to skin. Hard dick to hard dick. Chest to chest. “What brought this on, Garrison?”

“It just hit me all of a sudden,” Garrison softly replied. “I’m not trying to freak you out, but you know I often say things which pop into my mind without overthinking my decision to speak out. Does my revelation freak you out?”

“No,” I replied. “I just haven’t said it out loud, but I am pretty certain I am in love with you, too.”

“Want to get married, rent boy?” Garrison asked.

“It would be polygamy,” I whisper to Garrison.

“It could get sticky, couldn’t it?” Garrison said as he brushed his lips across mine. “I still want to pound your fucking rent boy ass and not make love to it. Maybe later. But, I so like pounding your ass.”

“My favorite, too,” I replied. “Should we go upstairs and do something about this situation?”

“Yes,” Garrison replied. Garrison and I both dash to the elevator. I press the button for the fifth floor, then I grab Garrison around the waist and pull him to me. I nibble at Garrison's upper lip before I kiss him again. The elevator arrived on the fifth floor and we step into Master Ajmal's master bedroom.

Garrison breaks our kiss, takes my hand in his, and leads me beside the bed.

"Not only am I going to take your ass as my prize for expressing my undying love for you, I will give you my ass. I want you in me, Steven," Garrison said to me as he pulled me close to him. "I don't care if you are a rent boy! You will be my rent boy!"

"Want does it make you?" I asked before I fondled his big balls.

"Rent boy's boyfriend," Garrison said as he put his hands on my ass cheeks and pulled me closer.

"So, boyfriend. Don't waste time. I need to be fucked. And I need it now!" I hissed.

Garrison pushed me backwards until the back of my legs met the bed.

As Garrison guided me onto the bed, he leaned closer and kissed me again.

 No more words passed our lips. Kisses. Fondling. Groping. Garrison raised himself off my body and slid downward until he was between my legs.

"Do I need to do anything to get your rent boy ass ready for my big cock?" Garrison asked.

"Lube dick and shove it in," I groveled.

Garrison applied lube to his rock hard, 13 inch, uncut, black dick. He lined up his dick with my asshole, leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips, and forced his way into me. On swift push. Balls deep.

"Oh! God yes!" I hissed.

Garrison immediately began to pump his dick in and out of my asshole. I pull Garrison's head closer to me and landed a kiss on his very full kissable lips. Tongue. Heavy breathing. Sweat. Hard bodies. Touching. His dick and my ass giving us pleasure. Sharing our bodies. Sharing our energy. Time lost. Unable to breath. Dick. More dick. Ass. More ass.

"Shit rent boy!" Garrison hissed. "I'm cumming! Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh...!"

Garrison's hot, sweaty collapsed onto mine. He stayed still until he recovered.

"Steven!" Garrison finally whispered to me without raising his head from my chest. "You have the best ass I have ever experienced. AJ and Tim are both stupid idiots to send you away. You are by far the best human being in your house."

"I appreciate the sentiments, Garrison, but I think my husband, my husband’s lover, and my Master are nice human beings as well," I whispered back.

Garrison moved up my body and kissed me. "I need you in me now. Make love to me, Steven!"


Jay left very specific instructions regarding his arrival. He wanted me naked. Restrained in the middle of the room. Weights on my balls. Butt plug in my ass. Tit clamps on my nipples. It took Garrison almost an hour to get me ready.

"You are all set, rent boy,” Garrison said when he had finished his work. "You have another 20 minutes until your new owner is here to claim you. Do you want me to keep you company?"

"Not necessary, Garrison," I replied. "Get going. You need the time to begin exploring. Go. Have fun."

"Okay, babe," Garrison agreed. "I will see you in a few hours."

Garrison kissed me before he left.

I waited. Restrained in the middle of the playroom. Weights hanging from my balls. Tit clamps on my nipples. Butt plug in my ass. Silence filled the air. As I waited for my next trick to show up, I began to think about my life.

I was successful. I had a handsome husband. I had a big house. I had power. I could buy and sell anything and everything I wanted to.

But, I missed being a slave. Being controlled by another man. Being used by another man. Giving men pleasure. I've gone full circle.

Now, I have what I always knew I wanted. I am another man's slave. I am being controlled by another man. I am being used by another man. I am giving other men pleasure. This I my calling. I heard the door to the playroom squeak.

"Hello, boy," the man said behind me. He stood in the darkness of the room. "I have been anticipating this moment for weeks. Your Master promised me I would enjoy you. And, from the looks of your muscular, hairless body, I will indeed enjoy my time with you."

"I aim to please you, Sir," I replied.

"Good boy," the man replied before he took position in front of me.

It was Jay the flight attendant.

"Surprised a flight attendant can afford to rent you, boy?" Jay hissed.

"Nothing surprises me anymore, Sir," I replied.

"I have known your Master for about five years," Master Jay explained. "We belong to some of the same clubs here in London. So, your Master knows what I like. He has watched me play with boys from time to time. So, when your Master offered me your services, I knew I would enjoy my time with you."

Master Jay began circling my body. He touched my nipples. He touched my stomach. He touched my ass cheeks. He touched my balls. He touched my dick. He touched my foreskin.

“Very pleasing presentation, boy,” Master Jay quietly said. “Your Master told me you were not only his slave boy, but you are another man’s husband.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied.

“Your Master also told me your husband is having a difficult time with you being a prostitute,” Master Jay replied. “Although, I understand why a man would not want his husband to be a prostitute.”

“Exactly, Sir,” I replied.

Master Jay retrieved a gym bag from where he entered the room and brought it nearer me.

“I believe it is time to start having fun, boy,” Master Jay replied as he dug through the bag. He pulled out two items. “DO you know what this is, boy?”

“A studded cock ring, Sir,” I whisper.

“Very good, boy,” Master Jay continued.

Master Jay moved in front of me and pulled on my hard dick. He wrapped the leather and metal cock ring around the base of my dick. He pulled the end threaded through the faster and quickly tugged at it to tighten the cock ring.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I screamed as the stud dug into the skin of my dick.

“You like the studded cock ring, don’t you boy?” Master Jay asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I hissed through the pain. “Thank you, Sir,”

“I brought a few items with me tonight from my collection of whips. I have a flogger. I have a riding crop. I have a cat-o-nine-tails. I have a cane—one actually used in Singapore at a public caning. I also have a bull whip. I will be using all of them on your body, boy,” Master Jay explained. “Do you want a hit of poppers, boy?”

“No, thank you, Sir,” I replied. “If you are making the effort to whip me, I want to feel it. I want to feel all of the pain. Hurt me, Master. Please, please, hurt me.”

He spent the next two hours whipping me. I spent those same two hours screaming. I was screaming non-stop for two solid hours.

Master Jay paused and moved close to my back. He reached out with the tips of his fingers and touched the whip marks.

“Your body is beautiful now, boy,” Master Jay explained. “I believe we should rest for a few moments.”

Master Jay began to remove the restrains holding me in the center of the room. He left the weights on my balls, studded cock ring, the tit clamps, and the butt plug. Once I was freed, he led me to the bar and motioned to a seat. I sat. Gently I sat even though my ass burned with the heat of the whipping. He offered me a beer from the fridge.

We both took a swig from our beer.

Master Jay began to speak, “You did very well, boy. I enjoyed your screaming very, very much. We will work on your front side next. In the meantime, let’s enjoy our beers and get to know one another. I should go first, I believe. I am really a flight attendant. I do it because I like to meet people and travel. My grandfather was an investment banker in New York. He made a lot of money which he invested well in real estate. So, when he passed away about 4 years ago, the control of my trust went to me. Hence I am able to afford a town house in this section of London and a boy like you occasionally. I thought I owed you an explanation. Now, please tell me why you elected to become a slave instead of a wealthy dot com entrepreneur with a husband, a house in Chicago, and a house in Provincetown.”

“I hope I can do this quickly so as not to waste your valuable time,” I begin. “After I moved to Chicago, I discovered an extremely vibrant BDSM scene. At first, I dabbled. Then, I met a man who was an expert Dom and Master. I was with him for five years. I was hooked. Even though I was successful in my career, I discovered I had the makeup of a slave. Then, my Master and I split because he wanted a full-time slave boy and I still wanted to pursue my career. My career won. Then, I met my husband Tim. We bought a house in Chicago and one in Provincetown. I resigned my position at eSquare. A venture capital venture and a gay oriented charity transpired. Tim and I tried to connect with my former Master. Unfortunately, he got caught stealing several thousands of dollars from Tim and me to cover gambling debt and committed suicide. Then, our first summer in the house in Provincetown, I met Master Ajmal. The rest is history. I am back to being a slave. Someone who makes men happy—especially men who enjoy working over a slave.”

“Interesting story,” Master Jay replied. “Judging from your performance so far, I believe you made an excellent choice. One other item, though. And, you do not need to answer this question if you don’t want to do so. What about the power and wealth you accumulated throughout your career?”

“It is still there. Tim, Tim’s new lover David, Master Ajmal’s husband Marcus, and Master Ajmal control the day-to-day dealings of the wealth and assets. If I need to reconnect with some of my contacts for some particular reason, I feel comfortable doing so. But, I must stress. I have no real wealth. I have no real power. I have no real social presence. I am a slave. I make men happy. It will be my life’s work.”

“Very good, boy,” Master Jay said. “I believe we should get back to making me happy, boy.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. I still had the weights pulling on my balls, the tit clamps on my nipples, the butt plug in my ass, and the studded cock ring around the base of my cock.

Master Jay took my leash and led me to the bondage table. He helped me onto the table and eased me into position. When he finished restraining me, he stood to enjoy the sight of his good work.

“I only hope you enjoy this next phase as much as I know I will enjoy working on your body,” Master Jay explained. He positioned his bag near the bondage table. He pulled a small leather bag from his larger bag. He opened the bag and removed an electro shock machine. “This is the portable version. I have a much larger and much more powerful one installed in my playroom. Perhaps the next time I see you, you can visit me at my house.”

“Yes, Sir,” I reply. “I want to please you, Sir.”

“Good boy,” Master Jay said as he untangled the sensors and began connecting them to the box. He placed the electrodes on my skin in strategic places: Nipples, balls, dick, arm pits, fingers, legs, toes. “I will turn this on random play while I prepare for your other surprises.”

Master Jay turned on the electro shock machine. At first only short, gentle pulses began to stimulate my body. The pluses began to get stronger and last longer. Then stronger again and much longer.”

“Ahhhhhhh! Oooooooooh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” I began screaming as the pulses were extremely powerful and extremely long lasting. I endured several more minutes of extremely painful shocks until Master Jay was ready to implement the next torture. The electro shock machine calmed to nothing.

“This is one of my favorite activities,” Master Jay said as he began placing metal clothes pins on my body after he removed the electrodes. My arm pits, nipples, along my sides from my arm pits to my waist, stomach, dick, balls, feet, legs, crotch. After he had all of the clothes pins on my body, Master Jay clipped an electrical wire to each of the clothes pins. “You have one thousand clothes pins on your body. Isn’t this a beautiful sight? Your hairless, muscular body covered with clothespins. Beautiful. Just beautiful.”

Master Jay wasn’t finished. He retrieved several white candles from his bag. He lit one at a time and allowed the hot, melting wax drip on my body. Several drops around the base of each clothes pin. Master Jay worked quickly. The hot wax stung as it landed on my skin. I managed not to scream.

“In case you have lost track of time, you have been on this table for two hours,” Master Jay explained. “I will leave you here when my time with you is up. I hope someone finds you.”

Master Jay pulls out another container from his bag. “These needles are sterile,” Master Jay explained. “They are usually reserved for body piercing. And, I am going to pierce your body. I am not, however, replacing the needle with a piercing.”

He opened a sterile needle. He wore surgical gloves. Master Jay gently pulled one of the clothes pins attached to my nipple. He threaded the needle through a small hole in the clamp of the clothes pin through my nipple and out the other side. Two in each nipple. Two in the foreskin of my dick. Ten on my scrotum. Two in each earlobe. Four in my stomach.

Master Jay returns to the electro shock controller. “I will turn it to random play.”

Soon the shocks began. They built to a crescendo. Each more powerful than the last. Finally, I was screaming as each jolt shocked my body. With the current flowing through the metal clothes pins, the shocks were more painful than when the electrodes were on my body. It stopped.

I took a deep breath to regain my composure. Master Jay began to remove the needles puncturing my skin in strategic places. I felt no pain as they were removed.

Once Master Jay finished removing all of the needles, he paused before continuing. “This is the final scene of our evening together, boy. We have about thirty minutes left. It will take me about 30 minutes to finish. When I am done, I will leave you here to be discovered. It will not surprise me if you pass out from the pain, but we will see, won’t we, boy.”

He disconnected the wires from the electro shock controller. He selected one and tugged gently on the wire connected to a section of the clothes pins. “This will be so, so much fun! Enjoy!”

Master Jay didn’t tug at the wire this time. In one fast yank, the wire pulled at least 100 clothespins, secured to my body with candle wax, loose from their moorings.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed as the clothes pins under my right arm pit and down my right side pulled away from my skin.

Master Jay pulled off more clothes pins. Ten tugs in all. The worst was the one on my foreskin, the shaft of my dick, and my balls.

I didn’t pass out. Almost but not quite.

“I look forward to another visit with you, boy,” Master Jay said as he picked up his bag and left through the playroom door.


“You need to have a discussion with AJ, Steven,” Garrison insisted. “This fucking Jay dude nearly ripped off your skin. It is one thing to inflict pain upon a rent boy, but to nearly rip his skin off his body is unspeakable.”

“I can’t complain, Garrison,” I replied as Garrison added Boris’s lotion to my injured skin. “This is my life. I deserve this. I want this. It is who I am. No more no less. I would be castrated if I complained.”

“He wouldn’t be able to rent you if he castrated you,” Garrison added.

“Yes he would, Garrison,” I countered. “Master Ed and I encountered a eunuch. He had been castrated. He was being whipped and tortured. He may have not felt sexually excited, but he was a damn good slave boy. It would probably be a turn on for some of these guys.”

“Can I at least ask AJ if he can put limits into the agreement with the men who rent you?” Garrison asked.

“No,” I replied. “Please understand, Garrison. Tonight’s torture session was probably the most sexually gratifying than any other I have encountered.”

“You are one sick motherfucker, rent boy,” Garrison replied. “We need to get you cleaned up for the next session.”

Just as he had suggested getting me cleaned up, Garrison’s phone began to ring.

“It’s AJ,” Garrison said. “Hello, Sir! What can I do for you tonight?”

Garrison had put his phone on speaker. “I just talked with Jay. He told me what happened with the boy tonight. He told me he went too far. I have moved the boy’s other appointments to another time. I am cancelling your slave training. You will remain in London all next week to make up for the rescheduling. You will start slave training during the same week Steven will be seeing clients. I think I was too aggressive in scheduling these sessions.”

“I am glad you said that, AJ,” Garrison said into the phone. “I am concerned about the session Steven just finished. He could have been permanently disfigured.”

“Please don’t put restrictions on the clients,” I pleaded. “This is my life. I want to give these men what they want.”

“I will consider both of your points of view,” Master Ajmal replied. “In the meantime, relax and enjoy some downtime. I will send your revised schedule when I have it worked out.”

“Thank you, Master,” I said.

“Yes, thank you, Sir,” Garrison replied.

Garrison ended the call. “So, rent boy, what do you want to do with your new found free time?” Garrison asked.

“I need to have your big dick inside me, Garrison,” I pleaded. “Please.”

He held out his hand as he helped me off the bondage table after he removed the studded cock ring, the tit clamps, the ball weights, and the butt plug. We went upstairs to our bedroom. Garrison pulled off the comforter and pulled back the sheets. He moved to the middle of the bed and patted the bed beside him. I crawled next to him. We both sat facing one another. Our legs were crossed Indian style. Garrison pulled my hands into his.

“So, rent boy,” Garrison began. “I am glad AJ came to his senses. You would be dead if you continued with the other three of these sadists. AJ needs to schedule more diversity with your sessions. Every one of these assholes were into torture. Not good.”

“He will be more careful in the future, Garrison,” I added. “This is a learning experience for all of us.”

Garrison’s phone began to ring. “This is a red letter day! It’s Tim.”

I shook my head no. He ignored me. “Hello, Tim! What can I do for you?” Garrison greeted my husband and turned his phone to speaker.

“Garrison!” Tim almost shouted into the phone. “How is Steven? AJ told me he had a rough time with a client session. Is he okay?”

“He is sitting on the bed next to me,” Garrison began. “We are both naked and I am about to fuck Steven silly. He came close to some real problems with his asshole. AJ needs to take steps to prevent people from going phsyco with Steven. He may be a masochist slave boy, but he doesn’t deserve to be permanently injured or worse, dead.”

“May I talk with him, Garrison?” Tim asked.

“Nope,” Garrison replied. “AJ’s orders. No communication with his husband.”

“Okay,” Tim said not stopping with Garrison’s revelation. “I will accept AJ’s decision. You know I love you, Steven!”

“I know you love me, Tim,” I replied. “Just like I love you! How are David and the boys?”

“David is good,” Tim replied. “We are sitting in the kitchen. I am going to drag him into the bedroom shortly and sit on his dick. The boys are growing like weeds. Anything else you want to know?”

“Nope,” I replied. “You have given me a pretty good picture of life in Chicago, Tim.”

“Good luck,” Garrison replied. “Now, I think I need to end this call. I have a hard dick waiting to fuck Steven and Steven is sitting here playing with his dick. Get the picture, Tim?”

“Loud and clear, Garrison,” Tim said. “Please tell Steven I love him.”

“Will do, Timmy!” Garrison said as he ended the phone call.

“Right now my only concern is to get my boyfriend’s dick into my ass. And, I want it to happen now!” I said as I leaned in to kiss Garrison.

“You are one push bottom, rent boy!” Garrison replied as he pulled me closer to him. “I think you being a push bottom is what makes me love you so much! And, Steven, no matter what happens with you and Tim, I will always be here for you as a friend if nothing else. I want to be your lover, but if you can only find room for me to be your friend, count me in.”

“Same here, babe,” I said as I reach over and grab my boyfriend’s dick. I slide down and put his hard dick in my mouth. “This is mine!”

Garrison reaches around and grabs my ass. He manages to find my asshole and slip in two fingers.

“You are getting me excited, boyfriend,” I whisper to Garrison.

“Isn’t getting you excited what any good boyfriend would do before he fucks your rent boy ass?” Garrison asked.

“Yup,” I said as my lips and his met. Tongues met. Hands around Garrisons neck. Pulling him closer. Me sitting on my boyfriend’s lap. Positioning myself so my boyfriend’s dick is pressing against my asshole after my boyfriend’s fingers slipped out.

“Pushy bottom for a boyfriend has advantages,” Garrison hissed. “Sit on it, rent boy. Make your boyfriend happy!”

“Yes, Sir,” I said. I didn’t wait for lube. I didn’t wait for further instructions. I sat on my boyfriend’s dick. I impaled myself in one swift push downward. Once I felt Garrison’s trimmed pubic hairs against my hairless, swollen balls I kissed my boyfriend. “Your dick is mine now!”

“Your ass is mine, rent boy,” Garrison hissed as he began to roll me over so I am on my back. Once he finished, Garrison began his attack on my asshole.

“Oh shit, yes! Oh shit, yes!” I hissed as Garrison began ramming my asshole with his beautiful big, black uncut dick.

Garrison leaned down and kissed me. “You like my dick in your asshole, don’t you, rent boy?” Garrison hissed.

“No,” I hissed back. “I love it! I need it! Your dick completes me, boyfriend.”

After several minutes into our fuck fest, Garrison’s sweat started to drip on my body. Then, his sweat began to pour onto my hairless, muscled body. I put my arms around Garrison’s neck and pull him down to me so I can kiss him. Our tongues exploded into each other’s mouths. Garrison pulled away from our kiss and speeded the pace of fucking me until he finally hissed. “Get ready… for my… cum…, rent boy! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!”

As I felt Garrison’s cum fill my ass with spurt after spurt, I couldn’t contain myself. I unloaded onto my sweaty body and covered Garrison’s stomach with my own cum. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

As Garrison collapsed onto my cum stained body, I put my arms around him and held on for dear life.

Garrison stayed motionless on top of me as he recovered. Both Garrison and I fell asleep. His dick still inside me. My cum sticking us together.

I suddenly woke up as Garrison shifted his body. He was still on top of me. His dick, hard again, still rested inside my asshole.

“Welcome to the world, rent boy,” Garrison whispered to me. “I think we needed a rest.”

“How long was our rest?” I whispered back.

Garrison raised his head and looked over to the night stand. “Three hours.”

We kissed. We caressed each other’s body. We stayed silent. “I want to show off my new boyfriend to the city of London,” Garrison finally whispered. “Let’s shower. Let’s get dressed. Let’s go out and see our new world.”

“Are you going to fuck me again before we go out?” I asked.

“No,” Garrison said as he planted one last kiss on my lips. “You will wait. You are too eager to get fucked, rent boy. I need to teach you self-control.”

“How can someone who has no self-control teach someone else about self-control?” I asked.

“I will teach you a lot of things, rent boy,” Garrison added. “Including self-control whether you think I am capable or not. It doesn’t matter. Let’s get moving, rent boy.”

Garrison slipped his still hard dick out of my asshole.

“Can’t we go out with your dick in me?” I whined.

“I will replace it with something else while we are in the shower,” Garrison said with a smile.

During our shower together, Garrison replaced his dick with a butt plug.

“This is an engagement butt plug, rent boy,” Garrison said with a smile. “You are mine.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I kissed Garrison on the lips.

“Don’t start, rent boy,” Garrison hissed. “We both need some fresh air.”

“Spoil sport,” I whined again as Garrison shut off the water.

Once we were dressed, Garrison and I left Master Ajmal’s house and wondered the streets. Garrison grabbed my hand once we had cleared the house by a block. We continued on our way to wherever we were going. Hand in hand.

“This place looks interesting,” Garrison said as we stopped in front of a sex toy store to look at the window display.

“We have at least one of everything in here at home in the playroom,” I explained.

“I will pay more attention to the items in the playroom,” Garrison said as he led me down the street. He didn’t let go of my hand until we arrived at our destination. “I found this while I explored during your outing with Jay.”

Garrison led me inside the small coffee shop. We selected a table near the window. Our waiter arrived.

“What may I get you, gentlemen?” The tall, tattooed, muscle stud asked. He wore a tank top stretched across his chest. His nipples poked through the fabric of the shirt. His biceps bulged obscenely. His distressed jeans pulled tightly across his obviously muscled ass. His dick and balls were prominently displayed.

“You?” Garrison asked. I wanted to slink under the table.

“You will need to ask my husband if I am on the menu,” our stud waiter explained. He called out over his shoulder, “Am I on the menu today, hon?”

“Not today,” a husky voice replied from the back of the shop.

“Okay,” Garrison continued. “Then, we will have two coffees and one of your luscious croissants.”

“Coming right up,” our waiter said as he turned to retrieve our order.

“Sometimes you are an impossible boyfriend,” I said to Garrison.

“What? You didn’t like the packaging?” Garrison asked.

“I love the packaging, but I am not ready to share you with anyone right now,” I said as I leaned in to give Garrison a peck on the lips.

“I will accept your demand right now,” Garrison said with a smile. “But, we will not be monogamous until your Master stops renting your ass to any Tom, Dick, or Harry.”

“Is this going to be a problem?” I asked.

“Nope,” Garrison replied. “I knew what I was getting myself into when I told you I loved you. It is not going to change. I actually think it is hot to have a rent boy for a boyfriend. I have something in this life other people are willing to pay big time to use it.”

“I am happy to hear it, boyfriend,” I replied. “One last thought…. How do you think Master Ajmal will react to me having a boyfriend?”

“Don’t know,” Garrison replied. “We will take this one step at a time. Until we know differently, rent boy, you are MY boyfriend.”

“Thank you for being so caring,” I said.

“It’s not caring, rent boy,” Garrison replied. “It’s loving…. Loving my dick in your rent boy ass. I have my priorities straight.”

“You can’t be straight, Garrison,” I said with a smile. “You don’t have a straight bone in your body.”

“Here are your coffees and croissant,” the stud waiter said as he put our coffees and food on the table. “I am Kashmir. If you need anything else, just flag me down.”

“Are you related to the mountains in India?” Garrison asked. “The ones near Tibet?”

“No,” Kashmir replied. “My husband started to calld me Kashmir because of a certain body part. So, I am called Kashmir. I am really Jason, but he wants me to be known as Kashmir. And, I decided if it made him happy, I am happy. Are you two married?”

“Not yet,” Garrison replied. “Boyfriends. I can’t marry my boyfriend because his current husband won’t give him up.”

“What brings you to London?” Kashmir asked.

“Business,” Garrison replied. “Steven’s Master rents his ass to some high roller clients. I’m officially his handler.”

“Let me get this accurately filed away,” Kashmir summarized. “Steven’s husband is refusing to let him marry you. Steven has a Master who rents his ass to the highest bidder. You two are boyfriends. Any other relationships I should know about?”

“I have two Masters,” Garrison replied. “Master Jake and Master Miguel.”

“My husband and his new lover are taking care of our sons while I am out of town working as a hooker,” I explained.

“Hon!” Kashir shouted to the back room again. “You need to hear this shit. You thought our relationship was unusual.”


“Garrison here,” Garrison said into the phone.

“Master Jake!” Garrison almost screamed into the phone as he turned it on speaker phone.

“How are you doing in London, boy?” Master Jake asked.

“Good,” Garrison replied. “Steven is keeping me busy.”

“I talked with AJ this morning,” Master Jake explained. “How is Steven feeling?”

“He’s good, Sir,” Garrison replied. “He’s recovered. And, we are just taking it easy until Tuesday when he starts seeing clients again. Only one each day.”

“Miguel and I are happy to hear the good news,” Master Jake added. “We were worried about Steven when we first heard of the incident. Also, I have other news. AJ has agreed to lend us Steven for another movie. His fans are eager to see more of him. We believe you and he should make the movie together. After speaking with AJ, we’ve decided to start shooting after you and Steven return from Berlin.”

“And, what will this movie be about?” Garrison asked.

“General ass play with a little whipping and mummification thrown in,” Master Jake replied. “We might wind up with two movies. AJ and Miguel have been planning the shooting.”

“Sounds like fun,” Garrison said.

“So, you and Steven are getting along really well from what we hear,” Master Jake continued.

“Wh… what do you mean? Getting along really well?” Garrison spit out.

“You and he have become boyfriends, right?” Master Jake asked. “We don’t mind, Garrison. Miguel and I are very happy for the two of you. I hope it works out for both of you and you are happy.”

“I’ve never been happier,” Garrison admitted.

“Me, too,” I said.

“Good,” Master Jake replied. “Go out and celebrate. You two deserve to have a good time together.”

"So, you heard the man, rent boy," Garrison replied. “Take me out and show me a good time. Somewhere nice…. Well, not too nice. Something casual nice. Something nice as in expensive.”

“I don’t have any money,” I replied.

“I have the AmEx card,” Garrison said. “AJ said it hand no limits as to what I could charge.”

“Then, name the place,” I replied. “I will make reservations. Or, tell me what you want to eat, and I will make it.”

“But I don’t want you to work for our celebration,” Garrison said.

“I love to cook, remember?” I argued. “Besides, we wouldn’t need to get dressed.”

“Out,” Garrison decided. “I want to go out and show off my boyfriend.”

“Then what?” I asked.

“I will bring you home, strip you naked, and make love to you,” Garrison explained.

“Okay,” I said. “Provided you strip me naked, and make love to me before we go out.”

“Not after?” Garrison asked.

“Both,” I replied as I kissed Garrison. “You are such a sexy man, boyfriend. You are MY sexy man.”

“You need bigger balls,” Garrison changed the subject.

“What brought out the bigger balls conversation?” I asked.

“I was just admiring my boyfriend’s balls, and I decided they could be a little bigger,” Garrison explained. “Besides, I want to hear my boyfriend scream when he gets the injections.”

“Can you make the decision on your own or do you need Master Ajmal’s permission?” I asked.

“I don’t think he would mind,” Garrison replied. “Would you like bigger balls?”

“Only if my boyfriend wants them bigger,” I replied as I took Garrison’s hand in mine and led him beside the bed. I pulled Garrison tightly to my body and licked his lips. He nibbled on my tongue before we both gave in and began to kiss. “Make… love… to… me…, Garrison…. Please… make… love… to… me!”

Garrison pulled me onto the bed on top of him. He rolled us over so he was on top. We didn’t stop kissing.

“You are going to make me explode,” I hissed.

“No exploding until I have properly made love to you,” Garrison hissed back. “I might even put you in chastity until you meet your next client.”

“Four days?” I asked.

“You said you would do anything I asked you to do,” Garrison said.

“I will as long as we make love ever hour on the hour for the next four days,” I replied.

“I never totally understood the term push bottom until I met you, rent boy,” Garrison added. “But, if those are your demands, I will be forced to accept your terms. Every hour on the hour, huh? Then we won’t stop making love for two days. My dick in your beautiful ass for two days.


Tuesday finally rolled around. Darren would be my first client after the asshole Jay screwed up my body. Garrison made certain I was properly cleaned—both inside and out. I stood naked with my legs spread shoulder width apart. Hands behind my back. Gazing down at the floor. Waiting for my next Master. My back to the door of the playroom.

I heard the door open and shut.

“So, boy,” Darren said while he stood behind me. “I like what I see.”

Darren touched my ass. I felt his presence. Big. Dominant. Masculine. Hard.

“A nice white boy ass,” Darren hissed. “I like white boy ass. It makes my blood sizzle.”

Darren stuck a finger in my ass. I still looked forward. Away from Darren.

“Well-used ass,” Darren hissed. “I like a well-used ass. Makes my job easier.”

I stood silently while Darren continued to finger my ass. Still I looked forward—away from Darren.

“Turn around, boy,” Darren ordered with sternness in his voice.

I turned around to face Darren. I gasp.

Darren…. About as tall as I was…. Muscular…. Tank top tightly enclosed Darren’s massive chest…. Arms bulged…. Outline of his dick looked promising in his tight jeans…. Shaved head…. Not an English accent…. More French…. Beautiful….

“So, boy,” Darren began. “What do you think so far?”

“Beautiful,” I whispered. “You are beautiful. Strong. Powerful. Lust filled. Assertive. Masculine.”

“Thank you, boy,” Darren whispered back. “Nice dick and balls. Nice chest. Nice ass. Nice tattoos. Nice piercings. Nice muscles. It is hard to believe you are a sex slave. You should be a Master. You look the part. But, I am NOT complaining. I am going to enjoy your body. I will make it mine. I will take what I want. Leave the rest for strangers. If nothing else, you will remember me always.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I whispered back.

“Take off my clothes,” Darren ordered.

I pulled his t-shirt over his head. I looked longingly at his muscular chest and full nipples.

“I like them played with,” Darren said. “Later you can have them. I still have clothes on you need to remove, boy.”

“Yes, Sir,” I whispered as I unbuttoned his extremely tight and extremely distress 501’s. No underwear. I kneeled down and began untying Darren’s boots. I pulled one off and then worked on the other. Shoeless. I pulled off his socks. Beautiful feet. I wanted to lick them. Suck on his toes. I stood and pulled down his jeans below his dick and ass. His rock hard, big—size of Master Miguel’s big dick—black, uncut dick slapped his perfectly muscled abs. “Beautiful.”

I pulled Darren’s jeans down and he stepped out of them. His balls hung like giant soccer balls.

“Do you like what you see, boy?” Darren asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I whispered. “More than like. I want to taste every part of your body. I want you in me. In my mouth. In my ass. Anywhere you want.”

“Good boy,” Darren replied as he reached for a collar on the table next to the entrance. He put it on me.

“Master,” I responded without thinking. “I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others! I am yours!”

“Good boy,” Master Darren replied. “AJ said I would not be disappointed. What do you say, boy?”

“I will not disappoint you, Master,” I replied. “I will do anything to make you happy, Sir. Anything.”

“Do you like vodka, boy?” Master Darren asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied.

“Good,” Master Darren replied. “Go make us both a double vodka on the rocks.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I hurried to the bar, filled two glasses with ice, and pour double shots of vodka into the glasses. I returned to face Master Darren and handed him his drink.

“Here’s to us, boy!” Master Darren said as he held up the glass.

We clinked glasses. Master Darren downed the vodka. I did the same. Master Darren handed me his empty glass.

“Put it on the bar until we take a break,” Master Darren ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I took his glass and placed both on the top of the bar. I returned to face Master Darren.

“I understand you had a bit of a problem earlier and wasn’t able to keep our original appointment,” Master Darren said.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied also in a whisper. “I am sorry if I caused your any inconvenience.”

“No inconvenience,” Master Darren replied. “At least I have a well-rested slave boy to serve me tonight.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied.

“I am eager to stick my dick in your well-used ass,” Master Darren said. “Before I do stick my dick in your ass, I need to piss. I need to have my asshole cleaned. I need to have my armpits cleaned. And, I need to have my nipples cleaned. Understand, boy?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied.

“On your knees, boy,” Master Darren ordered. “You have some piss—no, make it a lot of piss—to drink.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I dropped to my knees and waited until Master Darren held his semi-hard dick in his hands.

“Take it, boy,” Master Darren ordered. “Don’t spill a drop. Drink it all. If you spill any of your Master’s piss—my piss—you will be in grave trouble, boy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I gulped Master Darren’s dick into my mouth.

Almost immediately, Master Darren unleashed a massive stream of piss. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. Unbelievable amounts of piss I swallowed.

“Good boy,” Master Darren replied as he pulled his dick from my mouth. “Lick my balls, boy!”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied and immediately had my tongue on his big, swollen balls.

“Do you like those?” Master Darren asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I hungrily licked Master Darren’s big balls.

“I think we see the same doctor for our balls,” Master Darren replied. “Same injections. Although, I understand you do it in public and without pain killers. I want to see you get your injections next time.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I continued to worship Master Darren’s big balls.

“I am ready now, boy,” Master Darren explained. “Bend over the bondage table. I will take you there. Your ass will be mine.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I stood, walked to the bondage table, and bent over it. Offering my ass to Master Darren.

Master Darren took his position behind me. He fingered my asshole before he lifted his massive, hard, black cock so the tip rubbed against my asshole. He didn’t put on any lube. He pushed against my asshole. Then, Master Darren took me. Took my ass. He owned my ass.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck!” I moaned as the pain of Master Darren’s unlubed dick entering my asshole seared through my body.

“Does it hurt, boy?” Master Darren asked after his balls slapped against mine.

“Yes, Sir,” I hissed.

“Good,” Master Darren replied.

It began. Master Darren dry-fucked my asshole. Massive, powerful stabs into me. Completely out. Another massive, powerful stab into me. Master Darren continued. The pain left me to be replaced my mind boggling ecstasy. I was his. Master Darren took my ass. He owned my ass. He used my ass. I was his.

The fucking continued. I have no idea how long Master Darren had been fucking me. His energy and power overtook me. I succumbed to the intensity of his dick using my ass. I leaned into Master Darren with every stab he took at my ass. I wanted him. I needed him. I needed to make Master Darren happy. I needed to make him feel good. I needed to make him want my ass.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Darren screamed as he unloaded rope after rope of cum into my asshole. I had been taken, claimed. I wanted more.

Master Darren rested with his chest on my back. His head rested near mine. His breathing recovered. Master Darren still rested calmly on top of me.

“You are amazing, boy,” Master Darren finally whispered. “And, I am just starting. I can’t believe I fucked you for over an hour. We have four more to go.”

Master Darren lifted his body off mine and pulled his still hard dick out of my ass. He lifted me to a standing position and turned me to face him. Master Darren cuffed my chin in his hands and lifted so I looked directly into his eyes. He leaned in further and kissed my lips. The tender kiss became a passionate kiss. I responded. He became more passionate.

“Bed,” Master Darren said as he gestured to the water bed in the corner of the playroom. He led me to the bed and lowered me along with him. I lay on my back. Master Darren on top of me. His naked, muscled body on top of my naked, muscled, hairless body.

Master Darren launched another series of kisses. More passionate than before. His hip grinding his erection into mine. Our dicks met. Our mouths met. We were one. Kissing. Grinding. Naked body to naked body. Skin to skin. Naked. Master Darren taking me. Marking me as his. Me surrendering totally.

“So, boy,” Master Darren said as he pulled on his jeans when our six-hour session ended. “I enjoyed our time together. I hope you did, too.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. “I definitely enjoyed our time together.”

“The first fuck was mind blowing,” Master Darren said. “The last fuck was even more mind blowing. The fisting and the other ass play was… well… mind blowing. I will see what I can do about scheduling another appointment with you, slave boy!”

“Thank you, Sir,” I replied as I walked Master Darren to the door of the playroom. “It was a pleasure serving you, Sir. I hope to see you again, Master.”

“Oh! You will DEFINITELY see me again,” Master Darren replied as he kissed me one last time and left.

I turned and pressed the button on the elevator. I pressed five and rode the lift to Master Ajmal’s master bedroom suite. I heard sound coming from the bedroom and went off to explore.

“Hello, Garrison,” I said as he was humping a white boy’s ass. “I see you’ve found a playmate.”

Garrison paused and turned to me. “Can’t talk now, rent boy. I’m on a mission. Take a shower and wait for me in the parlor.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I headed into the shower.

Once I was finished showering, I went through the bedroom to get to the parlor. Garrison continued to fuck his white boy’s ass.

I settled on the sofa and picked up my iPad to check e-mails. The first one caught my eye. It was from Willy.

“Steven,” it began. “I heard you are doing great things in New York and now London. I am certain you will be very, very successful. I spoke with Tim a few hours ago. I met him while he and David were having lunch at the Melrose Restaurant. Tim suggested I speak with you about an issue I have encountered in Chicago. It relates to my job. What do you know about John Trainer? My ‘issue’ involves him. Thanks, Steven, I look forward to hearing from you when you have an opportunity. Willy.”

‘My! My!’ I thought to myself. ‘John Trainer is still haunting me even though I am in London working as a sex slave. God! How does life get any better than this?’

I typed my reply, “Willy! Good to hear from you. And, yes, I do know John Trainer. I have nothing good to say about him, so we should talk on the phone or in person. But, please, please be careful. Call me when you have a moment. I will explain more when I hear from you. Love, Steven.”

“Hey, rent boy,” a naked Garrison said as he stepped into the parlor off Master Ajmal’s Master bedroom. “How’s tricks?”

“I should ask you the same question,” I replied.

“Ah! So you noticed Joe?” Garrison replied. “He’s from Chicago, actually. He’s visiting London. He told me he knows you. I met him at the coffee shop. He’s a good fuck, rent boy. Not as good as you, but still good. He’s in the shower.”

“I can’t wait to meet him,” I replied.

“So, how was Darren?” Garrison asked.

“To use his words, ‘mind blowing,’” I replied. “His dick reminded me of Master Miguel’s. He’s into power fucking. He is a terrific fuck!”

Garrison’s friend walked into the parlor. He was also naked.

“Steven!” Joe effused as he saw me sitting naked on the sofa. “Garrison told me you and he were traveling together! Unbelievable!”

“Hello, Joe,” I said as I stood to hug him. My dick began to grow at the sight of this naked, muscular man. “What the hell brings you to London?”

“Work, actually,” Joe replied. “Just making money. Did you know Leon left eSquare?”

“I knew he planned to do something other than eSquare,” I replied. “Tell me now, how did Garrison do in bed? I always thought you were a top feeder.”

“I am normally,” Joe replied. “But tonight we both did some switch hitting. Keeps life interesting. But to answer your real question, Garrison is one good fucking sex partner. I loved his ass and I loved his dick in mine. How are you doing these days, Steven? Are you here on business?”

“Steven’s a rent boy now,” Garrison explained. “Men pay him to bottom for him. And, Steven has built a reputation as being very flexible and creative when it comes to entertaining men.”

“You’re a prostitute?” Joe asked.

“One way of describing it, yes,” I admitted. “The whole situation is more than a little complicated. I have a husband. I have a master. I have two sons. My husband has a new lover who you know very well. And, I am enjoying the work I am doing.”

“Don’t get any ideas, sweetie pie,” Garrison said to Joe. “If you are still working at eSquare, you can’t afford Steven’s services.”

“Garrison!” I admonished my handler. “Joe may not be able to afford to pay me for my services, but I might be willing to donate my time. Providing, of course, Joe is interested in using my ass again.”

“I’m always interested in using your ass, Steven,” Joe replied. “I always have been interested it your ass and I always will be interested in your ass. Remember our last business trip together, Steven?”

“Yup,” I replied. “Right before Tim came to Chicago to live with me. In San Francisco. Interesting evening.”

“Three evenings,” Joe added.

“Yea,” I replied. “I guess you are right. It was three evenings. I didn’t really know what time of day it was until we were on our way home. I was just way too busy.”

“Explain, rent boy,” Garrison suggested.

“I’ll let Joe explain,” I replied.

“It was a simple plan which got sort of out of hand,” Joe began to explain. “I left Steven tied to the bed in the hotel. I went to a leather bar on Fulsome Street. Picked up a guy and brought him back to the hotel. He fucked me. Then, he fucked Steven. The guy and I left Steven tied to the bed and went back to the bar. We met a few people. I took the first one back to the hotel with me. He fucked Steven senseless. Then, I received a phone call from the first guy. He had another trick lined up for Steven’s ass. It continued. Three days. Men, men, and men dropping by the hotel for Steven’s ass. I lost count after a while. I managed to fuck a few of them while they waited for the guy in front of them to finish fucking Steven. All in all, we had a great three days. Leon was pissed when we got home four days later than we intended.”

“Steven is free until tomorrow at 5 pm,” Garrison explained. “Do you want to fuck him?”

“No,” Joe replied. “I want to fist him. Whip him. Torture him. Humiliate him. Do we have time to do all of this?”

“Yes,” Garrison responded. “Yes, indeed. Steven belongs to you and me, Joe, until 5 pm tomorrow. I think we can accomplish a lot of your goals by then. I want to start at the end and work our way forward. Humiliation. We still have time tonight. It’s only 1 am. I know the perfect place to take him and humiliate him. We are going to Backstreet. You and I, Joe, will be in full leather and wear hoods so people won’t recognize us. Steven will be shirtless with his black leather chaps with nothing on underneath and black lace up boots. He won’t have on a hood. He will also be collared and in handcuffs. Locked down behind his back. Tit clamps. Butt plug. Chastity device. Anything else, Joe?”

“Ball gag,” Joe replied. “Steven needs to have a ball gag on. It prevents him from making any stupid statements, such as ‘Yes, Master.’ What will we wear?”

“Leather pants,” Garrison replied. “AJ keeps several in his closet in case he has an unexpected guest he wants to dress in leather. I’m certain we can find some leather pants to fit you. No shirt. Leather vest. The boots you had on when I met you will be perfect.

“This is turning out to be an outstanding visit to London,” Joe replied.

“Stand up, boy!” Master Garrison ordered as he picked up my collar from the coffee table in the parlor.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I moved in front of Garrison and assumed the position. Hands behind my back. Legs shoulder width apart. Gazing downward at Master Garrison’s feet.

Once Master Garrison secured my collar around my neck, he stood back and waited for my reply.

“Master,” I responded. “I give you my mind, my body, and my soul, Master. I will forsake all others! I am yours! Take me, Master Garrison. Take me. Own me. Hurt me. Humiliate me. Please Master!”

“Very good, boy,” Master Garrison replied. He stood back slightly before he spit in my face. “You are going to be one fucked up person by the time your Master Joe and I are finished with you, ass wipe.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Come on, boy,” Master Garrison said to me as he secured my leash to my collar. “We need to get you dressed appropriately.”

Master Garrison led me into the bedroom and Master Joe followed behind us. When we were in the middle of the bedroom. Master Garrison dropped my leash and disappeared into the dressing room. When he returned, he had a pair of my tightest chaps and my mid-calf lace-up black leather boots.

“Master Joe,” Master Garrison said with authority. “Please get me the boy’s chastity device and the largest butt plug. Both are in the upper right hand drawer of the dresser. You will also find a pair of tit clamps on the top of the dresser. We will need those as well.”

“Gladly,” Master Joe replied as he moved to get the chastity device and the butt plug.

“Put these on, boy,” Master Garrison ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I took the chaps offered by Master Garrison.

I squeezed myself into the chaps and zipped up each inseam zipper. They surrounded my naked body tightly. The black leather stretched over my leg muscles. The back nicely surrounded my naked ass.

“Bend over,” Master Garrison ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I turned my back to Master Garrison and leaned over so my ass was available for Master Garrison.

Master Garrison positioned the unlubed butt plug at my asshole. “I hope this hurts, you mother fucker!” Master Garrison said.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” I exclaimed as Master Garrison pushed the extra-large butt plug into my well-used asshole. I felt pain shooting throughout my entire body.

“Stand up and turn around, boy,” Master Garrison ordered.

I did not speak because the pain was overwhelming. I merely stood at attention and turned to face Master Garrison.

“It is good your dick is not hard right now,” Master Garrison said as he took the chastity device from Master Joe.

Once my dick was encased in the hard plastic, it started to swell.

“Just in time, boy,” Master Garrison replied as he began to kneed my nipples with is hands.

I was instantly almost hard. My dick, locked in the plastic enclosure, painfully rested inside the device.

“Now these, boy,” Master Garrison said as he took the nipple clamps from Master Joe.

“I just bought these today, boy,” Master Garrison began to explain. “I found them in a sex shop around the corner. I knew I had to get these for you the moment I saw them.”

Master Garrison held one of the clamps with one hand and stretched my nipple with the other. He released the first clamp.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!” I screamed as the clamp ripped through the skin on my nipple.

“So you like the clamp, don’t you, boy?” Master Garrison asked.

“Y… Y… Yes… S… S… Sir,” I stammer through the pain of the first nipple clamp biting into my nipple.

“Oh! Look Joe!” Master Garrison said as his face broke into a smile. “The boy is having a pain tolerance moment. I believe this might be a first!”

Master Garrison stretched my other nipple and secured the second clamp.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!” I screamed as the second nipple clamp engaged.

Master Garrison turned to Master Joe. “Come here, buttercup,” Master Garrison whispered as he took Joe’s naked body and pulled him in tightly to him. Skin to skin. Dick to dick. Eye to eye. Nose to nose. Close. Lips to lips. Both sets of lips parted to let the other ins They kissed. Slowly at first. Then, with passion.

Master Garrison broke the kiss. “I believe we will have time for this later. Now, we have a humiliation to attend.”

“This should be fucking fun!” Master Joe replied. Joe reached for Garrison’s hand before they went into the bedroom to change.

When they returned, they wore tight, tight leather pants, a form fitting leather, sleeveless shirt, black leather lace-up boots, and a black leather hood to hide the possibility of recognition. They were both magnificent looking.

“Are you ready for your journey, boy?” Master Joe asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied softly. The pain in my nipples was still intense.

“Good,” Master Garrison replied. “Our Uber ride is waiting outside.”

Master Garrison picked up my leash and connected it to his belt loop. I followed both Masters outside the waiting Uber ride.

“What have we here?” the driver asked.

“Slave humiliation night at Backstreet,” Master Garrison said to the driver. “You are welcome to join us.”

“Thanks, but my husband would kill me if I don’t get home soon,” the driver replied. “I will say the three of you are very interestingly dressed to say the least. It causes a stir in my crotch.”

During our ride to Backstreet, Master Joe and Master Garrison continued the conversation with the Uber driver. It mostly centered around humiliating me tonight.

The drive left us off three blocks from the bar. Master Joe decided it would be good practice for me to walk down the street with my ass hanging out and my dick shoved in a piece of plastic.

“This will be a great adventure,” Master Garrison said as we began our walk to the bar.

Once Master Garrison paid the entrance fee with the AmEx card, Master Garrison led me to the bar to order drinks. “Two beers,” Master Garrison said to the bartender.

“Coming right up,” the bartender said to Garrison. “What is your plans for your boy tonight?”

“Humiliation,” Master Garrison replied. “The boy’s other Master, Joe here, used to work with the boy at a hot telecommunications company in Chicago. Rent boy was CPO. His Master Joe was a salesman with the firm. Now, the boy is a rent boy, high end BDSM bottom slave boy. His Master Joe and I, I’m Garrison by the way, want to put the boy in his place.”

“Does he need to be pissed on?” the bartender asked.

“I think someone pissing on the boy is more than just a little appropriate, don’t you, Joe?” Master Garrison asked.

“Absolutely,” Master Joe responded. “I think he needs to drink some piss, too.”

“You can put him in part of our interactive section of the bar in the back room,” the bartender explained. “Tonight is a unique experience. Several Masters will put their slaves in the back room for others to use. You can put him in the bathtub and encourage others to use him as a piss slave. I can make an announcement over the pa system we have a boy and an open invitation for everyone to piss on him. I will guarantee most of the bar will gladly help you guys out with your piss slave.”

“Our lucky night,” Master Garrison replied. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“The beers are on the house for you both as long as the boy remains in use,” the bartended said with a smile.

“Come on, boy,” Master Joe said as he took possession of my leash and quickly led us all into the back room. Master Joe quickly located the bathtub and helped me inside.

“Gentlemen,” I heard the bartender announce over the PA system. “Two fine American Masters have put their slave boy, Steven Caldwell who is formerly the CPO at eSquare, in the bathtub. He is ready to be pissed on for the rest of the night. So, hurry to the back room and give them a hand with humiliating their boy. You might also want to asked them about the going rate for their rent boy slave. From what I understand, if you can afford the fee, you won’t be disappointed.”

Several men eagerly assembled around the bathtub where I lay on my back with my legs spread so my exposed ass, balls, and plastic covered dick

“So, you fucking faggot piece of shit,” the first man growls as he fished his uncut dick out of his jeans. He pointed his dick at my face and let his stream of warm piss go. He was shooting his piss near my mouth. I opened my mouth so I could swallow some of this piss. As his massive stream trickled to a stop, he shook his dick in my face and began to stuff his big dick back into his jean. “I’ll be back, boy,” the man said as he turned to leave.

He stopped in front of Master Garrison and Master Joe, “How much does he costs?”

“He’s a bargain at $10,000 for six hours,” Master Garrison said as he handed the man a business card. “Call the number on the card to schedule a session.”

Two other men, one on each side of the bathtub took their places as they each unzipped their jeans and fished out their dicks. The man on my left was tall, meaty, and hairy. When I saw his huge uncut soft cock, I almost moan at the beautiful sight. The man on my right was also fairly tall. This man, however, was extremely muscular with a shaved head and smooth, hairless, muscular chest framed by the black leather vest. His arms bulged with muscles. When his dick left his pants I moaned, “Sir! Please, Sir. Please give me your piss. I need your piss. Piss on me. Give me life.”

Both men began to piss at the same time. One started at my face and worked his way down to my crotch. The other started at my crotch and worked his way up to my face. When they finished, each man stuffed his dick back into his pants. The man with the muscles and smooth chest strode to speak with Master Garrison and Master Joe. I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation.

“How much would it take to put my dick into the boy’s ass?” he asked Master Garrison and Master Joe as three other men lined up to piss on me.

“How big are you when you are hard?” Master Garrison asked.

“About 36 cm, bloke,” the man replied. “That’s about 15 inches.”

“Why don’t you hang around us and you can come home with us,” Master Joe suggested as he turned to Master Garrison. “Is it okay to bring this stud home with us?”

“More than okay,” Master Garrison replied. “I’m Garrison. This is Joe. Joe used to work with Steven. We just wanted to bring the boy out tonight to humiliate him a little. Our plan seems to be turning out as a success. What would you like to do besides fuck the boy tonight?”

“Probably fuck the two of you,” the man replied. “I’m Stanley. I also would like a chance to help you out with the humiliation of the boy. I also like fisting, whipping, and bondage. Does any of this excite you?”

“Stanley,” Garrison began. “All of this excites me as well as Joe. So, I believe the three of us will be having some fun with the slave boy. Let’s get a drink and let these men piss on our boy some more. We’ll be back to take you home, boy.”

Master Garrison, Master Joe, and Stanley left to get beers. Other men lined up to piss on me. The bathtub obviously did not drain well. The piss began to almost cover my chest when Master Garrison, Master Joe, and Stanley showed up again.

“I think it is time to take the boy home,” Master Garrison replied. “Get up and stand there so you can dry off, boy. We don’t want your piss stained body to get the seat of the Uber ride wet.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I stood in the bathtub and waited for further instructions.

We stood outside the bar and the Uber ride arrived. Master Garrison approached the driver. “So we don’t smell up the interior of your car, we can put the boy in the trunk.”

“Sure,” the cute blond driver said as he got out of the car and opened the trunk. “It will be a little tight, but I am certain he will enjoy the ride.”

As the Uber driver bounced back to the hotel, I bounced as well. My hard dick stretched at the plastic enclosing it. I began to feel a little uncomfortable with every bump he hit. Finally, the car stopped and the trunk opened.

“Come on, boy,” Master Garrison said. “We want to give Stanley here as much time as possible to enjoy your body.”

“Yes, Master Garrison,” I said as Master Garrison took my leash and handed it to Stanley.

When we were finally in the room, Master Garrison, Master Joe, and Stanley began to get naked. As each item exposed more and more skin, the kisses the three shared became more and more passionate. Finally, all three were naked. I stood and marveled at the three naked men in front of me.

Master Garrison makes by blood boil and my cock harden. Whether he is fucking me or I am fucking him, we bond and move together as a unit.

 I always enjoyed Master Joe’s body. Touching me. Fucking me. Kissing me. Whipping me. Fisting me.

And, Stanley. Six feet tall with a body of sheer muscled. As his dick hardened, mine strained at the plastic enclosing it. I watched as Master Garrison began playing with Stanley’s nipples. Stanley’s dick reacted. It almost exploded to its full 15 inch length. His foreskin covered the tip but, once hard, the tip was clearly visible even though he was uncut. And, it was fat. Baseball bat sized fat.

“Get undressed, boy,” Master Garrison ordered.

I slipped off my boots and socks. I unzipped the chaps and let them fall to the floor.

“Do we want to fuck the boy while he smells of piss or do we want him to shower?” Master Joe asked.

“I like him smelly, but I think we would have a better time if he cleaned his body,” Master Garrison replied. “We don’t want him to permanently make the whole room smell.”

“Go shower, boy,” Master Garrison ordered. “When you are finished come back in here and get on the bed. On your back. We will decided in which order we will fuck you.”

I quickly moved into the bathroom to clean my body from all of the piss. I returned to the bedroom after I showered and dried myself. Master Garrison, Master Joe, and Stanley still stood in a tight circle kissing and fondling one another.

“Will I hurt the boy if I fuck him first,” Stanley asked.

Garrison smiled broadly—almost a hearty laugh, “I think you will find the boy has had enough men fucking his ass he will never be too tight for any man—even your big, fat fifteen inch baseball bat of a dick. He might be screaming, but he will be screaming for more…. Trust me on this. So, since you are our guest of honor, you can have the boy’s ass first. Don’t even try to be gentle. Take him. Take him fast. Claim him. If I like the way you take his ass, I will invite both you and Joe over to play with the boy ever evening. He gets off work at 11 pm. He doesn’t have another trick until 5 pm the next day. We will be very, very busy, and very, very happy.”

“Thank you, Garrison,” Stanley replied. “I believe I will take you up on your offer. Especially if it means I can have your two asses every night before the boy gets off work.”

“Deal,” Master Garrison replied. He, Master Joe, and Stanley huddled and did a three fist bump. “Right Joe?”

“Yup,” Master Joe replied. “I can’t wait to see you claim the boy’s ass, Stanley.”

Stanley moved to the side of the bed and crawled between my legs. “Can you take me dry?” Stanley asked as he put my legs on his shoulders and pushed them to my chest. My ass was clearly in line to take Stanley’s cock.

“Yes, Master Stanley,” I replied. “Please, Sir.” I begged. “Please take me. Claim my ass, Master. Make me feel your power. Make me feel your big dick rip at the inside of my ass.”

“Gladly, boy,” Master Stanley said as he lined his baseball bat sized dick up with my asshole.

I took several deep breaths. Then, I was his. One powerful, swift stroke of his dick and the entire length of Master Stanley’s dick filled my ass.

“Oh fuck! Oh God, yes! Yes, Master! Fuck me. Take me. Make me feel your power, Sir. Make me feel it!” I hissed as Master Stanley kept his dick totally immersed in my ass. He watched me react to his dick in me. His sadistic smile made me connect with his eyes. His lust filled eyes gave me strength. I knew he would own my body before he finished with me. I wanted him more than any man I have ever had.

Stanley leaned down and kissed my lips. Softly. He kissed me a second time. Passionately. Then, I was his. His dick began to plow in and out of my body. I hissed in pleasure when he shoved his dick into me. I breathed in as he pulled his dick out. Hiss when his dick went back in. Breath. Hiss. Breath. Hiss. Breath. On and on. Hiss. Breath. Hiss. Breath.

“Do you want me to cum in you or do you want me to fuck you some more, boy?” Stanley asked as he paused momentarily.

“Make it last, Sir,” I hissed. “Please make it last.”

He did. I looked to my left. I hadn’t noticed Master Garrison and Master Joe. Master Joe fucked Master Garrison.

We continued to fuck throughout the night. I had one of the three men in me constantly. The other two took turns fucking each other. Five rounds. Master Stanley. Master Garrison. Master Joe. Three men. Five rounds.

“We need to get the boy ready for his next trick,” Master Garrison said after Master Joe came in my asshole for the fifth time.  Cum dripped from my ass. “This one is a couple. The boy gets to serve two Masters. Then he will come back to us for us to use him again. We will have six hours to plan our next attack on the boy’s senses. Boy, take a shower. Clean your ass. Your next trick will want your ass clean. Go!”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I went to the bathroom to shower and clean my ass. When I finished, I returned to the bedroom.

Master Garrison was on his knees sucking Master Stanley’s cock. Master Joe was on his knees rimming Master Stanley’s ass. Master Stanley stood sandwiched between Master Garrison and Master Joe. Master Stanley’s eyes were closed as he enjoyed the passionate work the other two men lavished upon his body.

“We have company, men,” Master Stanley whispered to his men.

Master Garrison and Master Joe stopped pleasuring Master Stanley.

“Do you want to accompany me and the boy while I get him in position for his next trick?” Master Garrison asked.

Both agreed to follow Master Garrison. When we arrived in the playroom and Master Garrison turned on the lights, Master Stanley gasp.

“Holy shit!” Master Stanley gasp. “This is fucking amazing!”

“The boy’s next tricks want the boy waiting on the sawhorse with a hood, blindfold, and ball gag,” Master Garrison explained to Master Joe and Master Stanley.

Master Stanley began installing the hood, blindfold, and ball gag while Master Garrison and Master Joe secured my wrists and ankles to the saw horse.

When they were complete, Master Garrison spoke to me. “Your tricks will be here in approximately 30 minutes. Your Master Ajmal wants you to contemplate your willingness to be sold to another Master if he, Marcus, and Tim cannot come to an agreement about how you will be used in the future. The two men who will be using you are two men who have offered your Master Ajmal a substantial sum to buy you.”

Master Garrison turned to Master Joe and Master Stanley. “We will go enjoy ourselves while we wait for the boy to serve us later. I am actually hungry. We can go to the coffee shop I love so much.”

I waited for my next Master Bert and Master Trevon to arrive. ‘Master Ajmal is planning to sell me!’ I thought. ‘Tim will not agree to the terms of Master Ajmal selling me to men who live in London. I don’t want to live in London. I want to live in Chicago with Tim, my sons, and the others. Please don’t sell me, Master! Please!’

I heard the playroom door open and close. I felt two hands caress. Another pair of hands caressed my naked back.

“He is beautiful, Trevon,” one of the men—it had to be Master Bert—said to the other.

“More than beautiful, Bert,” Master Trevon replied. “The flawless, hairless skin. The tattoos and piercings. The muscles. He is what a God must look like.”

“We shall begin with our plan,” Master Bert suggested. “Please hand me the lube.”

I heard the lube bottle open. Then, I felt hands spreading my asshole. Master Bert added lube to my asshole before I felt the tip of his dick brush against my waiting hole. It felt big.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed into the ball gag as the huge dick ripped into my asshole. I felt as though I was on fire. Burning. Pain. Massive pain as the huge dick filled my asshole. I felt I had been stretched further than I had ever been stretched before.

I felt breath near my ear. “Are you okay, boy?” Master Bert asked. “I know I am bigger than most men, but your Master assured me you could easily take all of my huge dick in your asshole. So, please tell me you are okay, boy.”

Someone popped the ball gag out of my mouth.

“Yes, Sir,” I whisper. “I am okay. I just need a moment to adjust to you big dick.”

“Take your time, boy,” Master Bert replied.

I took deep breathes to relax. I adjusted to Master Bert’s huge dick. “I want you, Sir.” I finally hissed. “I want you to take me, Sir. Please claim my ass.”

Master Bert began to slowly move his dick in and out of my ass. The pain returned. I let my mind drift to the big dick in my ass. The dick which pushed my limits. ‘Dick. I need big dick. I want big dick. I need to feel this man’s big dick,’ I thought. My body stopped feeling the pain. My body began to feel the absolutely fantastic pleasure of this man’s huge dick. ‘I was born to serve. Born to worship big dick.’

“Fuck me, Master,” I hissed. “Fuck me hard, please Master. Make me feel your power.”

Master Bert picked up the pace. With every stab into my ass, the next was faster and more powerful. He was banging my ass with great speed and great power. My ass relaxed completely to accept the pleasure this powerful man feed from his big dick into my well-used ass. I was moaning in pleasure. I drifted into my thoughts. I felt Master Bert’s energy, his power over take me until we were one. We formed a union. His mind. I was in his mind. He was in mine. I was his.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I heard Master Bert scream as he unloaded his ropes and ropes of cum into my ass. He filled me. All of my bloated ass, filled with Master Bert’s dick and Master Bert’s cum. He collapsed on top of me as he recovered. I lay silent, relishing Master Bert’s muscular body on top of mine.

As Master Bert rested on top of me, I felt another hard dick rubbing the cheeks of my face.

“This will be in your ass next, boy,” Master Trevon said. “While my husband is resting with his dick in your ass, suck it. Suck my big dick.”

I opened my mouth and felt Master Trevon’s huge dick begin to slip into my mouth. It kept slowly filling my mouth. I felt the head of Master Trevon’s dick hit the back of my throat. I instinctively relaxed my throat muscles. One push later, Master Trevon’s huge dick slipped down my throat. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I just let Master Trevon’s dick slip further and further down my throat.

Both dicks simultaneously slipped out of my body. Master Trevon’s dick from my mouth. Master Bert’s dick from my ass. I was empty. Naked. Bound. Empty.

I felt fingers caress my asshole.

“You will soon be mine, boy,” Master Trevon hissed. “My dick is shorter than my husband’s. However, mine is slightly fatter. Do you have something you want to tell me, boy?”

“Yes, Sir,” I hissed back. “I want your dick in me. I want to feel you big dick take my ass. Claim me. Take me. Force me.”

“Good boy,” Master Trevon said. “Once I am in you, boy, I will take my time marking you as mine. You will beg your Master to let us use you. You will become addicted to my dick and my husband’s dick. You will soon be ours. Owned. Rented. Abused. You will have no life but as a slave boy. Our slave boy. You will serve us. You will server other men. You will be nothing but a sex slave for the rest of your life. When you are no longer capable of being used, we will castrate you. We will cut off your dick. We will tattoo your forehead with our names for the world to see.”

Master Trevon stopped speaking. I felt his huge dick rub against my asshole.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed as Master Trevon shoved us dick into my ass. His balls slapped against mine.

Master Trevon immediately began to pound my ass with his big dick. My insides felt as though they were being sucked out as he removed his dick from my body and then slammed it back into my asshole. Each time I felt his balls slap mine. Each time I felt my insides react to the intruder inside me.


“So, rent boy,” Garrison said as we settled into our first class seats on Saturday. We were on the plane to Berlin. “What did you think of London?”

“It was amazing,” I replied. “Four tricks. Master Jay. Master Darren. Master Bert. Master Trevon. Then, I had the pleasure of serving other, nonpaying men. Master Joe. Master Stanley. And, last but not least, Master Garrison. I should be exhausted, but I am only feeling energized. It was an amazing week.”

“What was your favorite part of our time in London?” Garrison asked.

“I will never forget any of our time in London,” I began. “All of the men are incredible, and I would gladly spend more time with any of them. Even Master Jay. I will say, however, my favorite part of our time in London was being with you, Garrison. You are terrific in bed, but the best part of you and me is here.”

I put one hand on Garrison’s chest above his heart and one hand on my chest above my heart.

“We have connected,” I continued. “We have sealed our love for one another. What about you?”

“I am even more in love with you now than I was two hours ago,” Garrison replied softly. I could see tears in his eyes. “I never realized I could care so much about another human being as I care for you. Love you. Always will. I know you have Tim and the boys. You have AJ as your Master. I hope you can find a time and a place for us.”

“I WILL find a time and a place for you, my love,” I said. “Many times and places. I guarantee you will be part of me until the day we both die.”

“Sweet man,” Garrison replied. “I don’t know how I wound up loving you, but I do. Want to know about the men in Berlin?”

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Next: Chapter 45

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