Life with Tim

Published on Feb 21, 2016


Life With Tim Chapter 39

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2015 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"Thank you, Ms. Franklin," Mr. Purdy replied. "We will contact you if we need any further assistance from you."

"Thank you, Mr. Purdy, Mr. Trainer," Ms. Franklin replied as she turned and left the office.

Captain Miller pulled out his phone and stepped out of the office.

"I think we are going to enjoy the next few hours here at Northern Trust," I suggested. "Perhaps we should ask Tim, Marcus, and Master Ajmal to join us."

Captain Miller returned to the office. "Daniel, a warrant for John Trainer's arrest in being processed as we speak. I am stationing these three officers outside Mr. Trainer's office to make certain he does not leave the bank."

Chapter 39: Other Excitement

Late Friday evening, we were sitting in the living room having drinks after Mr. Trainer had been arrested. Daniel Kim joined us. Lenard Marx, our new security guard, was also in the room.

"So, what happens to my father now?" Christopher asked.

"He is in custody right now," Daniel Kim explained. "Your mother or some other flunky who works for your father will probably bail him out before the night is over. I'm only hoping the officers put him in the holding cell with some homeless people and drunks."

"It would certainly give John Trainer an inkling about life on the other side of the silver spoon," I said. "I would like to be a fly on the wall."

"What's the next step in getting the other trust back into Christopher's hands?" Master Ajmal asked.

"We will go to court and request a court order to return the money held in the new accounts in the Cayman Islands into new accounts at Northern Trust," Daniel explained. "Of course, we might consider a deal to drop the charges if John Trainer agrees to transfer the money back into an account held in Christopher's name. Getting the funds into Christopher's control will take some time. Once the money is returned to Northern Trust, I would recommend putting the money in another institution and out of reach of John Trainer."

"Lenard," Master Ajmal said to our security expert. "If we decided we needed round the clock security here, what would you recommend?"

"I would need to review your daily activities and the security of this house," Lenard explained.

"Maybe Lenard should talk with our architect who is designing this compound," Marcus suggested.

"I'd hate to make the place where we live a fortress," Tim added. "Is round the clock security really necessary?"

"I believe it might if you and Steven go through with your idea about fighting LGBT rights around the world," Master Ajmal replied. "And we will have kids living here shortly."

"Why don't we just get a dog and an alarm system?" Tim suggested. "However, I would like to change the subject. Daniel, I have been thinking of your big dick all day. Being a superhero is not as much fun as being in bed with you. So, when do we have some fun?"

"Now would be fine with me," Daniel replied.

"Before you stick Mr. Kim's dick in your ass, Tim," Master Ajmal spoke up. "I think we have a few more things to discuss."

"Spoil sport," Tim whined.

"First off, Steven," Master Ajmal explained. "You have way too many clothes on. Strip!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I stood and began to take off my shirt. Next it was my shoes and socks. As I loosened my belt and started to drop my pants, my hard dick slapped against my stomach. I stepped out of my slacks and turned to Master Ajmal. My hands were behind my back. My legs spread shoulder length apart. I was looking down at the floor.

"Just as I thought," Master Ajmal continued. "Tim, I believe we need to arrange for another injection on Steven's balls. It's been almost a month since his last one. I believe I would like to have his balls even bigger. What do you think, Tim?"

"The next size up would be cool," Tim said as he looks at my body from head to toe and back to my cock and balls. "Besides, I miss hearing him scream when the needle goes into his balls."

"Then, Tim," Master Ajmal added. "Call your friend tomorrow and set it up. This one should be private. Of course, Mr. Kim and Lenard will probably need to be with us."

"I certain would like to be with you," Daniel Kim replied. "Lenard?"

"I'm the body guard," Lenard replied. "However, I do remember when I did more than guard Steven's body. So, yea. I'll be there for certain."

"So, Steven," Master Ajmal continued. "What do you think of our plans, boy?"

"Thank you for including me in your plans, Master," I replied as I continued looking at the floor.

"Good boy," Master Ajmal said as he stood and started circling my naked body. "I was also thinking we might need to add some more ink to Steven's body. What do you think, Tim?"

"The thought crossed my mind," Tim replied. "What did you have in mind, AJ?"

"From the back of the band around the boy's neck," Master Ajmal explained. "Up to about the middle of his bald head. Almost like flames."

"How about serpents?" Tim asked. "Colorful serpents. Red. Yellow. Green. At least three serpents. I saw a dude at the gym the other day. He had almost like beads on his dick. Would they have been metal implants?"

"Possibly," Master Ajmal said as he stopped circling and starred at my dick. "How many did you have in mind, Tim?"

"Several," Tim replied. "I think I would like several. I suspect it would feel really good when Steven put his dick up my ass if he had several beads on his dick shaft."

"It seems you will need to talk to Jerome about the beads and serpents, Tim," Master Ajmal suggested.

"While he is here," Tim continued. "Why don't we add larger tit rings?"

"How big?" Master Ajmal asked as he fondled the medium sized tit rings in my nipples.

"As big as possible," Tim replied. "Maybe we should ask Dr. Garmin about making Steven's nipples longer and more pronounced. Do you think it would be possible?"

"I understand he has done some very exciting work with nipple augmentation," Master Ajmal explained. "We could probably double the size of the rings regardless of Dr. Garmin's nipple augmentation work. The extra weight will pull down on the nipples. Steven will need to do some more work at the gym to keep his chest from sagging, however. I also thought we might consider another binge on gym work to make the boy's muscles even larger. What do you think, Tim?"

"Fine with me," Tim replied.

"Now," Master Ajmal said as he again circled my naked body. "I believe everyone would enjoy watching you jack off, boy."

"Yes, SIR!" I said.

"Middle of the room, boy, so everyone can get a good view," Master Ajmal ordered. "Take it slowly. I want you to last for at least an hour. I think it might be hot if Daniel fucked Tim while the boy jerks off. Do you mind fucking Tim in public, Daniel?"

"Shit no!" Daniel said excitedly. "I love an audience. Are you okay with this, Tim?"

"Daniel," Tim began as he began to strip. "Get naked and get your big dick in my ass. Now!"

Tim leaned over and grabbed onto the back of a chair. Daniel pumped his already hard dick a few times before someone threw him some lube. With a little lube on Tim's ass and Daniel's dick, Daniel lined his dick up with Tim's ass and pushed further into Tim until he was balls deep in my husband.

I grabbed my dick and started stroking. I was fascinated with Daniel's powerful thrusts in and out of Tim's ass. I watched Daniel's hard, muscular ass tighten with every inward thrust and relax as he withdrew his big dick.

"Remember, boy," Master Ajmal demanded. "An hour or I am going to take you downstairs and give you a beating you will remember for a long, long time!"

"Yes, SIR!" I screamed as I continued stroking my dick. I looked over at Lenard. He began to stroke his big security guard dick with his hand. I lost myself in watching Lenard's big balls slap against his hand.

Master Ajmal began to circle my body again as I continued stroking my dick. I alternately looked at Lenard and then at Daniel and Tim. I saw the leather paddle in Master Ajmal's hand. I heard the air separate as the paddle landed across my ass.

"Ahhh...!" I screamed in pain.

I saw Christopher stand up and remove his clothes. His dick was also hard. He walked slowly toward Master Ajmal and me. Christopher took his place in front of me. He looked directly into my eyes. He smirked. A smile spread across his face and then he slapped me. He continued slapping me. First with the palm of his hand and then, on the return swing, with the back of his hand. With every slap Christopher delivered to my face, Master Ajmal delivered a blow with the paddle to my ass. I kept stroking.

Christopher suddenly stopped slapping me after several minutes. Master Ajmal delivered a few additional blows to my ass before he, too, stopped his assault on my body. Christopher and Master Ajmal changed places. Master Ajmal was smiling. It was, I learned through experience, his vindictive smile. I felt something touch my ass. I kept stroking my dick. Daniel kept pummeling Tim's ass. Lenard kept stroking his big dick. Marcus moved in front of Lenard. He turned his back to Lenard and somehow managed to impale himself on Lenard's dick. Marcus closed his eyes and began fucking himself with Leonard's dick.

"Shit yes," Marcus screamed as Lenard put his hands around Marcus's waist and started madly riding Marcus's ass. Marcus's balls swung back and forth and Lenard pounded away on Marcus's muscled white ass.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Daniel screamed as he unloaded into Tim's ass.

Christopher began to pound my ass as I continued to stroke my dick. I was almost ready to cum all over the floor when Master Ajmal punched me in the stomach with his fist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed and tried to continue to stroke my dick as Christopher picked up the pace as he ravaged my ass, and Master Ajmal delivered another punch.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again in pain.

"Don't cum yet, boy," Master Ajmal hissed at me. "You have five more minutes before your hour is up."

Just as I was almost ready to cum again, Master Ajmal added a third and final punch to my stomach.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again.

I felt Christopher's body tense as he began screaming as the cum shot from his dick into my ass, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

When I heard Lenard scream with pleasure as he unloaded in Marcus's ass, Master Ajmal pulled my hand away from my dick.

"I am going to take the boy down to the playroom and put him on the saw horse," Master Ajmal explained to the group. "The boy will be there for the rest of the night if any of you would like to take a turn on his ass. He needs a good fucking tonight, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I whimper. "Thank you, SIR!"


The next day before breakfast, Tim arrived in the playroom to remove me from the sawhorse. As he removed the restraints holding me motionless, he described our day.

"I told Daniel he is not leaving until I have had enough of his dick in my ass," Tim explained. "He might be living with us permanently. God, Steven! The cum is just pouring out of your ass. I know Daniel fucked you a couple of times as did Lenard. Who else?"

"I don't know exactly, but I vaguely remember Christopher, Master Ajmal, Marcus, and you," I explained. "Somehow, I believe I remember Master Jake and Master Miguel were here for a while. Willy also stopped by unless I am imagining the events of the night."

"Jake, Miguel, and Willy are upstairs having coffee with Harvey," Tim said. "I think Harvey may have had his dick in your ass. He's still in his harness and boots... nothing else."

"Master Jake and Master Miguel finished with me for the fourth time a few moments ago," I whispered. "I slept with Master Jake's dick in my ass."

"Just think about last night's activities as getting into the fucking contest you will be having in a few weeks," Tim smirked.

"How was Daniel?" I asked.

"Between Daniel and Lenard," Tim said. "My ass is well used. Not like yours, but almost. I have reconsidered having Lenard as our permanent security chief. I don't believe either one of us can live without his help. Now, let's go upstairs. I'm starving."

"After breakfast, could I interest you in a nap, Tim?" I asked.

"Yup," Tim replied. "I'd like to take a nap with you. I will wait until later before I attack Daniel and Lenard again."

As Tim and I entered the kitchen, Daniel and Lenard were coming down the steps to join Master Jake, Master Miguel, Willy, and Tim and me. Seven naked men in our kitchen. `This is home sweet home,' I thought to myself. It wasn't long before Master Ajmal, Marcus, and Christopher joined us.

"Breakfast will be served in the dining room," Harvey said to the group. He was still dressed in a black leather harness and nothing else.

After we were seated with mounds of food on our plates, Daniel explained the other events of last night. "Christopher, your father did post bail. However, the judge recommended he not come near you or tamper with the attempt to get your money back from the Cayman Island or his ass will be back in jail until the trial is finished."

"I believe I would not be a happy camper if he even showed his face within miles of where I am," Christopher replied. "I don't want to sound like I am holding a grudge, but the man is a fucking homophobic asshole. I think, Steven, I would help fund your effort to get him locked away if you decide to take on issues for the LGBT community."

"I believe we have a common interest, Christopher," I replied. "Your father and I have been fighting over gay rights issues for years. I am taking this on as a personal mission. I am awaiting a return phone call from the mayor. I don't believe he will like what your father did to you."

"If the mayor doesn't like what my father did to me, will he fire my father from some of the committees he works on?" Christopher asked.

"Probably," I replied. "If I get my way, it will be done quite publicly."

"And, my mother will be embarrassed, too?" Christopher asked as his smile grew bigger.

"Yup," I answered. "I believe she may also be relieved of her duties on the boards of the Chicago Symphony and the Art Institute. They both have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to gay rights infringement issues."

"Did you know she was recently appointed to the Chicago Arts Council?" Christopher asked.

"I must have missed the announcement of her appointment," I replied. "I'll put the Chicago Arts Council on my to-do-list."

"Thank you, Steven," Christopher added.

"Who don't you know in the city, Steven?" Marcus asked.

"I am certain there are lots of people in the city I don't know, Marcus," I explained.

"As Steven imparts his plan on outing Christopher's father as a homophobic asshole, I am beginning to see the need for full-time security," Tim quietly explained. "Why did this not come up before?"

"I was a very visible employee of a major Chicago-based company," I replied. "I had to keep my work outing homophobic assholes somewhat private. I no longer need to keep my deeds private. And, I believe the move toward more openness will give me a great deal of pleasure and fulfillment."

"Now we know Steven's post-retirement goals, we can move forward with the work we need to do to fulfill our family needs. We are scheduled to meet with Lance and Livingston about the compound this afternoon," Marcus reminded us. "They have a complete set of tentative plans for us to review. This should be a fun afternoon."

"You mean I can't have Daniel's dick in my ass until after we meet with Lance and Livingston?" Tim asked.

"I'm certain he won't mind, Tim," I said. "Right Daniel?"

"I have somethings I need to catch up on anyway," Daniel replied. "So, I will be patient... for a while."

"Can you join us, Lenard?" I asked.

"Absolutely," Lenard replied.

"All of us need to have a discussion about your contract, Lenard," I added. "Provided you would be interested in working with us."

"Steven," Lenard began. "I had forgotten how much fun being around you could be. So, yes, I am interested."

"We might need to rethink the fourth building used only as a playroom," I added. "We will need a place to house our security team. Also, Lenard, has anyone told you about the security system we have at the house in Provincetown?"

"No," Lenard replied.

"Harvey can brief you on its functions," I added.

"I hope to have a similar one installed on the property here," I explained. "It will make your job much easier, Lenard."

"Thank you for thinking of me, Steven," Lenard replied.

"Will you also be available to help with employee background checks?" Master Ajmal asked.

"I assume you mean extremely diligent background checks?" Lenard asked.

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "Extremely diligent and complete."

"Then, yes, I will help with background checks," Lenard agreed. "We also need to discuss transportation, schedules, and staff levels. Do you have a budget in mind?"

"Tell us what you think we need and how much it will cost," Master Ajmal replied. "We will make decisions after we know the impact of security."

"Unless you need Tim and me for the rest of the conversation, we have some private business to take care of," I said to the group.

"We can manage," Master Ajmal replied. He was smiling.

Tim and I made our way upstairs.

"I love being around the group," Tim said as we entered our bedroom. "But, I love being away from the group as well. How would you like to proceed with our nap?"

"Why don't we start by taking a nice, long shower?" I asked.

Tim wrapped his arms around me. I did the same. We pulled one another close.

"God," Tim began. "I love your hairless, muscled body, Steven. I may be a slut for big dicks like Daniels, but I would give it all up if you and I could move to an island and just ignore everything around us."

"I know," I added. "I love just holding you. Your body is pretty amazing, too."

"I've thought of going hairless from the neck down," Tim confided.

"Why?" I asked. "I like you just the way you are."

"Less work," Tim replied. "No more trimming this and shaving that. Do you think I can really make a career out of writing novels?"

"Yup," I replied.

"I thought about doing a couple of men-on-men porn novels," Tim confessed. "But, I am more likely to do the one about my friend."

"It goes along with our thoughts on working on gay rights issues," I added.

"I need to find an agent and a publisher," Tim said.

"If necessary, we will buy one or both," I said. "Ready for a shower?"

"Yup," Tim replied. "As long as you stick your big dick in my butt, I'm ready."


Tim and I arrived at the meeting with our architects as they were disrobing in front of our group.

"Making yourselves at home, I see," Tim said.

"Yup," Lance replied as he threw his boxer briefs around the knock off of the statue of David. Lance pulled out his iPad and connected it to the television on the wall.

The first slide consisted of a photo of the four buildings which were to become our Chicago compound.

"The key to this renovation is making it as unobtrusive to the neighborhood as possible," Lance began. "We also assumed you want to have access from one building to another without going outside. So, here is the plan."

Lance moved the PowerPoint presentation to the next slid, "We will put the parking underground. We will have enough space for 24 to 30 vehicles in one continuous facility for maximum flexibility. For security reasons we should limit ourselves to one or two entrances. I would suggest putting the entrance off Buckingham to minimize the impact of the more upscale Roscoe Street. So, the Roscoe neighbors will see very little of the parking facility. Do you have questions so far?"

"Is drainage an issue?" Master Ajmal asked.

"No," Lance replied. "The elevation of the garage floor will be above the depth of the storm sewer. We will have a pump system in case of a major runoff. But, we don't feel it will be an issue. Now for the fun stuff...

After two hours, Lance and Livingston finished their presentation for the renovation of the four properties.

"Your ideas are amazing," I said to Lance and Livingston. "Don't you agree?"

"Absolutely," Master Ajmal continued. "I like the concept of a center connector pavilion which is above ground and conveniently connected to the back of all four buildings. Also, we appreciate the family concept of the two properties on Roscoe Street. The four of us, and any children we might wind up with, are both together as well as separated when we need privacy or alone time."

"I saw Steven's eyes light up when you were describing the Roscoe property next to our current house," Tim explained. "The first floor totally devoted to an entertaining area and the commercial grade kitchen and dining area on the second floor an amazing concept."

"How many guest rooms would be on the third floor of the entertainment wing?" Marcus asked.

"One where the current living room is located, similar to the current Master Suite in Tim and Steven's house, one in the current dining room, one in the current kitchen, and three along the side. So, you would have six guest suites on the third floor," Livingston explained.

"Not to make this a major sticking point, but where did you plan to add a playroom?" I asked.

"Good point," Lance continued. "The garden level of the entertainment wing has 10 feet from the floor to the planned finished ceiling. So, you would have about 3,000 square feet of space. We could carve out more if you wanted to eliminate a few spaces in the parking area."

"You mentioned housing the mechanical in the common structure above the parking level," I began. "Won't this be an annoyance for the neighbors?"

"No," Lance explained. "We are putting in an eco-friendly heating and air conditioning system as well as other support functions such as hot water, telephone, cable, compound security, and auxiliary communication portals. The compound will also have backup generators in case of a power failure. The generators would be house in a soundproof room with ventilation into an underground chamber connected to a pollution scrubber. The heating and air conditioning both run quietly and with little power consumption. A lot of the power for the HVAC system will be generated via photo cells on the roof of the building you originally slated for a playroom. It is the only building in the compound without a rooftop deck."

"How much will all of this cost us?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Right around $5 million," Lance replied.

Tim didn't fall face-first on the floor, so I was pleased.


Master Ajmal, Marcus, Tim, and I bordered Master Ajmal's private jet to London and then onto Saudi Arabia. Master Ajmal, Lenard, and I would cross into Iraq accompanied by significant security and return with our human payload.

Once we were in the air, Tim began to get worried. "Are you certain you have enough security to keep all of you safe, AJ?"

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "You need not worry, Tim. We will all be safe. We will return with the four boys in a matter of hours."

"Then, why are we not going?" Tim asked.

"Fewer numbers are easier to guard," Master Ajmal replied.

"Boris's boyfriend and friends can't come to the US on this visit, correct?" Marcus asked.

"Not unless we encounter a miracle," Master Ajmal replied.

"Too bad," Marcus continued. "Boris really hoped he and his boyfriend would be reunited."

"Hopefully soon," Master Ajmal added.

"I can't believe we will soon be fathers to four one-year-old boys," Tim said. "It gets a little scary thinking about everything we will need to be responsible for."

"As far as I know, you can't break a kid easily," I explained. "So, I think we will do okay. Besides, we can always ask for recommendations."

"Boris is excited about being the boys' nanny," Master Ajmal replied. "He took care of his four younger brothers from the time he was 10 until he was thrown into prison for being gay."

"When are we getting the bigger plane?" Tim asked.

"We should have it for our trip to Florida in January," Marcus replied. "Isn't this one big enough for you, Timmy?"

"I'd really like a bedroom," Tim replied. "Steven and I have some cuddling to do. And, Marcus, DON'T CALL ME TIMMY!"

"I won't mind if you want to get naked and cuddle with your husband," Chad, the flight attendant, suggested. "As a matter of fact, I won't mind if you want to have sex with each other. I have been working on Ajmal's private jets for several years now. I've seen him fist a guy on board. I've seen him whip a guy on board. I've seen him fuck a guy on board. I hope you don't mind telling your family, Ajmal."

"Nope," Master Ajmal said with a smile. "Marcus, why don't we take off our clothes and join Tim and Steven in some serious cuddling. You can take your clothes off, too, Chad. You always enjoyed beating off watching me have sex."

"Tempting offer, Ajmal," Chad replied. "But, I have some flight duties I need to take care of at the moment. Maybe later."

"Have it your way, Chad," Master Ajmal replied. "Please tell Jimmy and Donald we will be busy for a few hours. When do we arrive in London?"

"Three more hours," Chad replied. "You have plenty of time."

Master Ajmal stood and began taking off his clothes.

"Let me help with those, AJ," Marcus said as he pulled Master Ajmal's polo out of his jeans and over his head.

"One for you," Master Ajmal said. "And, one for me."

Master Ajmal pulled Marcus's shirt out of his jeans and unbuttoned the front of the shirt. Tim and I decided to join the disrobing dance.

Once Tim and I were naked, I pulled him close to me.

"So, Tim," I began as I started to kiss my naked husband. "We can accomplish a lot of things even without a bedroom."

"Steven," Tim said as he moved us toward the sofa on the side of the plane. "I will need you on your back with your legs over my shoulders in order to accomplish our next magic trick."

"Will this involve you sticking your dick into my butt?" I asked.

"It is only part of my plan," Tim replied. "The second phase will involve me sitting on your big uncut dick and riding it like a cowboy. For some reason, the talk of being fathers has gotten me really, really horny."

"Only the talk of being fathers?" I asked as I took my place on my back and pulled Tim close to me. I put my legs on Tim's shoulders and pulled him down so I could kiss him. "I've been thinking about you being hairless from the neck down."

"And?" Tim asked.

"I like the idea," I explained. "Will you want... Dr. Garmin... to fuck you... after each... session?"

"I'd rather... watch him... fuck you," Tim replied between kisses. "Ink... I will... need ink."

"And," I hissed. "Jerome will... fuck you?"

"Definitely," Tim hissed back.

"Don't you think... it is about time... you fuck me?" I asked. "I need... your dick... in my... butt!"

"Definitely," Tim hissed back as he pulled away from kissing me and slathered his dick with lube. We looked one another in the eyes as Tim concentrated on lining his dick up with my asshole. He leaned in to kiss me and then started pushing his dick deeper and deeper into my ass.

"Ah fuck yes!" I hissed. I reached up and began to flick Tim's nipples one at a time with my fingers.

"You are going to make me cum, Steven," Tim hissed.

"Then you will just need to start all over," I added. "You will be in my ass for a long time. Your dick belongs right where it is now."

It wasn't long before time was screaming as he unloaded into my ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Tim lowered his body on top of mine to rest for a moment. When he was able to talk again, he added, "We will need to do this over and over again until we get it right."

"I demand perfection," I hissed.

We continued to practice until Chad interrupted us. "Gentlemen, we are 60 minutes away from Heathrow. I believe you will need to clean up before I serve you dinner. I don't believe cum pairs well with the pasta dish we are serving tonight."

Once the four of us were cleaned up and dressed, Chad began serving dinner.

During dinner service, Chad began to explain the procedure to be followed for the next leg of our flight to Saudi Arabia. "Once we have landed at Heathrow, the other flight crew will board the plane, and we will take off shortly after they have completed their preflight checklist."

"Other flight crew?" I asked.

"They are a Saudi flight crew," Master Ajmal explained. "It is beneficial to have a Saudi flight crew when flying into the country. And, yes, before you ask, they are a gay, Saudi flight crew."

"How long is this part of the flight?" I asked.

"Six plus hours," Master Ajmal replied.

"When was the last time you are back in Iraq, AJ?" Tim asked.

"About a month before I met all of you," Master Ajmal replied. "I would like to say it will be good to be back, but it will not be. When I go back to Baghdad, it reminds me why I don't return often."

"Master," I asked. "What will we be doing about our commitment ceremony?"

"I think we should still have the ceremony," Master Ajmal replied. "We will need to postpone our trip for a while, however. What are your thoughts, boy?"

"I agree with you, Master," I replied. "As long as I am marked as yours, I will be a happy slave boy."

"Besides, we will be in Fort Lauderdale shortly after the holidays," Master Ajmal added as he scrunched closer to me. "By then, my mark on your ass will be healed enough for me to show it off."

"Please prepare for take-off in about ten minutes," Chad announced over the PA system.

Jimmy and Donald joined us in the cabin, "So, Ajmal maybe we will actually get to see a show on this leg of the flight."

"You might," Master Ajmal said with a huge smile across his face. "I was going to keep this a surprise, but, once we are at cruising altitude, I am going to put you in the sling in the back of the cabin. I didn't think you would mind, right, boy?"

"I am here to serve, SIR!" I replied.

"I'm not going to bother with the collar," Master Ajmal replied. "I also promised Jimmy and Donald a turn at your ass. Chad, too, if he wants it. They will probably want to fuck you. I, on the other hand, am going to fist you before I give them your ass and after I give them your ass. What do you say, boy?"

"Sir! Thank you, SIR!" I replied.

Master Ajmal pulled me in for a kiss. As we taxied down the runway and lifted off, Master Ajmal began to remove my shirt. "My slave boy is getting even better looking every time I see him. Jerome will join us in Florida shortly after we arrive. He will be at our house for about four weeks. Leo and Dean are coming down around mid-January to begin Marcus and Tim's hair removal treatment and your ball injections. I have also hired a training for your workouts and meal planning. He will also be responsible for Marcus, Tim, and my workouts as well. By the time we get back to Chicago in April, I believe your body will be even more stunning than it is already. Of course, I am looking forward to our weekly walks home from the bar. Willy will alert all of the police officers to be on the lookout for us. He may even know some police officers in Fort Lauderdale."

We heard a ding. Then a very deep male voice with a hint of an accent made an announcement, "This is your pilot Hydar. My colleague, Justin, and I hope you have a wonderful flight. We have reached our cruising altitude, and you are free to move about the cabin. However, if you are in your seat, we recommend you keep your seat belt fastened in case we encounter turbulence. Thank you and enjoy our flight."

"Boy?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Yes, Master?" I responded.

"I believe you have clothing to remove," Master Ajmal explained. "As of now, you are my slave boy until we land. Slave boys are supposed to be naked."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I stood and began removing my clothing. When I was naked, I stood in front of Master Ajmal with my feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back, and looking at the floor.

"Good boy," Master Amjal

"So, Jimmy, Donald," Master Ajmal began. "What do you think of my boy's body?"

"Very nice," Jimmy replied. "He looks like a great fuck!"

"He is," Marcus added.

"His balls are huge," Donald exclaimed.

"They will be bigger in a couple of weeks," Tim explained. "Ball injections the week before his commitment ceremony to AJ. I'm certain AJ wouldn't mind if you wanted to fondle them. Right, AJ?"

"Sure," Master Ajmal replied as he pushed me in front of Donald. "But in fifteen minutes I want the boy in the sling so I can fist him."

"God these are nice," Donald said as he took each of my balls in each hand.

"They like to be squeezed, too," Tim added. "The harder the better."

Donald squeezed both balls as he pulled them downward.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I whimpered.

"Nice," Donald replied as he also cupped each hand around each of my ass cheeks. "Go make your Master happy, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I moved in front of Master Ajmal. Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back, eyes directed to the floor.

"Good boy," Master Ajmal said as he stood in front of me. He began kneading each nipple between his thumb and index finger of each hand. Gentle at first. Harder with each squeeze.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I whimpered again.

"I think it is time, boy," Master Ajmal explained. "I haven't had my fist in your ass in several days. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are, too."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Thank you, Master."

Master Ajmal grabbed me by my very erect dick and led me to the sling Chad had finished installing in the back of the cabin. He helped me into the sling and began to restrain my ankles. Then he put my wrists into restraints.

Master Ajmal pulled up a fisting chair and began to spread copious amounts of Crisco on his arm. "Please notice, boy, I am not using a glove. I want to feel the inside of your ass. I want to feel your ass muscles contract around my fist and arm. I want YOU to feel it as well."

"Yes, Master," I whimpered as he lined his fist up with my ass. "Make me feel you, Master! Make me feel your power. Take me. I am yours!"

Master Ajmal began taking what belonged to him. His hand began to disappear into my waiting asshole. When his knuckles pushed beyond my sphincter muscle I whimpered in ecstasy.

"You like my fist in you. Don't you boy?" Master Ajmal cooed.

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "Very much, Master. Take me."

Master Ajmal continued to push his fist and arm further and further into my asshole. We kept looking into each other's eyes. I couldn't look away. My eyes were glued to his in some phenomenal exchange of pleasure.

"Look at my arm, boy," Master Ajmal whispered.

I looked at Master Ajmal's arm submerged into my asshole. His elbow was inside me. His arm was almost in the middle of his bicep.

"What do you say, boy?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "I am yours, Master. I feel your energy. I feel your power. I feel your mind. You want to go further, don't you, Master?"

"Yes, boy," Master Ajmal replied.

"Do it, Master," I almost screamed. "Do it. Push your arm all of the way inside my ass! Please, Master! Take me! I'm yours!"

Master Ajmal continued to work his arm in and out of my ass. At one point, I thought he was going to stop.

"Please don't stop, Master!" I screamed. "Please, please don't stop."

Master Ajmal picked up the pace of attacking my ass with his arm.

Suddenly my dick erupted. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

"I think he liked it," Tim announced.

I suddenly realized I had been in another world with my Master. As Master Ajmal's arm pulled out of my ass, I lay in the sling like a limp dishcloth.

"Are you okay, boy?" Master Ajmal asked as he came around the sling to give me a kiss.

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "More than okay, Master. More than okay."

"Good," Master Ajmal replied as ke gave me another kiss. "Are you ready for Jimmy?"

"I am ready for anything as long as you are by my side, Master," I whispered. I looked from my Master's eyes to see Jimmy standing naked. His dick was rock hard. His muscled body shimmered in the dimly lit cabin. "Yes, Master. I want to make Jimmy happy."

Jimmy wasted no time as he slathered lube on his rock hard 8-inch dick. He didn't speak as he lined his dick up with my well used asshole. With the strength and force of the muscled man he was he pushed his dick quickly into my ass.

"Ahhh fuck, AJ," Jimmy exclaimed. "What an ass!"

Jimmy didn't hold back. He was immediately pounding my ass with a force which pushed the sling back and forth with the rhythm of his thrusts. He began sweating as he ramped up the pace of him fucking me.

With every inward stab of Jimmy's dick I exclaimed in ecstasy, "Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah..."

Jimmy kept pummeling my ass for what seemed to be an eternity until he screamed, "I'm cumming you fucking whore...! I'm cumming...! Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Once I felt the last volley of Jimmy's cum coat my ass, he collapsed on top of me as stayed as he rested while his breathing returned to normal. "Damn! Your boy has a good ass, AJ!"

"Let me know when you want to use it again," Master Ajmal replied.

Once Jimmy was out of my ass and standing again, Donald took his place.

"Yes, boy," Donald has a nice big dick for you. "Tell the nice man how you feel about his big dick, boy."

"Fuck me, SIR!" I exclaimed. "Fuck me hard with your big dick, SIR! Make me feel it, SIR! Please, SIR! Make me feel it!"

By this time Donald was in the process of coating his huge uncut dick with lube. "Your Master has promised I won't be disappointed by your ass, boy! If it is as good as he says it is, I am going to take your ass out in trade instead of a paycheck!"

Donald lined his big, fat, 12-inch, baseball bat-sized uncut dick with my asshole, and, just like Jimmy, shoved his dick in my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I exclaimed as Jimmy bottomed out in my ass.

Jimmy immediately began to pummel my ass with his huge tool. Tim took his place on one side of me and Marcus stood on the opposite side. Tim and Marcus began to flick my nipples and twist them. Thirty minutes after Jimmy first shoved his dick in me and Tim and Marcus started playing with my nipples, I, again, shot another load without even touching my dick. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Jimmy reacted by shooting his load into my ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

It didn't take Master Ajmal long before he had his fist in my ass again. When the accouchement from the pilots about our impending descent into Riyadh, we had already cleaned up and had the sling removed.

As we were getting off the plane and heading toward the limo, I whispered to Master Ajmal. "Chad and Lenard were the only ones who didn't get something from the last leg of our trip."

"They both had a piece of Tim's ass," Master Ajmal whispered to me. "It is why he looks so peaceful!"

"Are the four of us going to be in the same bed tonight?" I asked.

"No," Master Ajmal replied. "I will be with Tim and Marcus. You will be with Hydar and Justin. I promised them they could have fun with you tonight. Tomorrow night we will be together. Hydar and Justin are very proper Saudi gentlemen. When they torture you, you will have a gag on so the rest of the hotel can't hear you screaming."


When Hydar, Justin, and I were cleaned up after the night's festivities, we made our way into the common parlor of the suite.

"Good morning, gentlemen, boy," Master Ajmal greeted us. "I trust you had a remarkable evening."

"Yes, AJ," Hydar replied. "Justin and I have a wonderful time. Your boy is an excellent masochist."

"From the looks of the marks on Steven's body, you two are excellent sadists," Marcus replied.

"Maybe we will get an opportunity to demonstrate sometime," Justin replied. He was smiling broadly. "How was your evening?"

"Excellent," Marcus continued. "Tim's ass is a little sore this morning, but he is happy. Right, Timmy?"

"Very happy," Tim replied. "A little tired, but very happy. I didn't realize it took so much energy to satisfy six very horny men. So, I may be a little tired, but very, very happy."

"I realized last night my boyfriend is a slut," Marcus added. "Did you know he was a slut, Steven?"

"He exhibits those qualities from time-to-time," I said with a smile as I kissed my husband, my husband's boyfriend, and my Master. "It is why I love him so much. He has so much to give to the world."

"Watch it, slave boy!" Tim replied. "And, Marcus, DO NOT CALL ME TIMMY!"

"Now, if I may change the subject," Master Ajmal added. "I thought it would be a nice diversion if we were to take a tour of Riyadh. This is an interesting city. It will also be good to forget about our jet lag and tomorrow's rather hectic day. The tour guide will be here at 1 pm. Any questions?"

"AJ," Tim began. "Do you have any plans for Steven's body tonight?"

"Nope," Master Ajmal replied. "He's all yours."

"Good," Tim said as I slide beside him on the empty chair. "We will have some bonding time before we become fathers. Won't it be nice, Steven?"

"Yes, Timmy," I replied with a smile as I gave my husband another peck on the cheek.


The next day turned out to be an early one. Master Ajmal and I said good bye to Tim and Marcus on the helicopter pad on top of the hotel. Lenard, Hydar, and Justin waited patiently in the AgustaWestland AW139 15 passenger helicopter.

"Don't do anything foolish, AJ," Marcus warned his husband as they hugged and kissed before we left. "I want you and the boys back here safely!"

"I promise I won't do anything foolish," Master Ajmal replied.

"Be careful, sweetie," Tim said. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Tim," I said as I gave him one last kiss before we boarded the helicopter.

Once Master Ajmal and I were fastened into our seats, the giant engines roared to life. Hydar gave us instructions. "Under no circumstances are you to unfasten your seat belt. We will be landing just outside Riyadh to pick up three additional security people. Do not be nervous. They will be heavily armed in military uniforms. Once we are inside Iraq, we will be flying at a fairly low altitude. Once we arrive in Bagdad, you will be transported to the orphanage and back to the helipad with our heavily armed security personnel. The entire round trip will take approximately five hours. Any questions?"

Master Ajmal and I shook our heads no. And, we were off.

Once we picked up our armed security force, we flew nonstop into Bagdad and landed on top of a "secured" building. Master Ajmal, Lenard, and I were ushered downstairs to an awaiting limo.

"The car is equipped with some of the same safety equipment as the President's limo," Lenard explained.

We were accompanied by two of the armed security force. The third stayed with Hydar and Justin and the helicopter.

As we sped through the streets of Bagdad, Master Ajmal warned me, "It is better not to look outside. This used to be a beautiful city. It makes me somewhat sick to my stomach to look at it now."

"And, people live here," I whispered.

"If you call it living," Master Ajmal replied.

We sat in silence for the rest of the 20-minute trip. We pulled into a courtyard of a stately old building.

"This is the orphanage," Master Ajmal said. "Fortunately, this has been spared most of the destruction the rest of the city has undergone."

We were met by three women in black full body burkas. We were ushered into the entryway before Master Ajmal began to talk with the three women. Two other burka clad women soon arrived with four one-year old boys. They were in car carriers.

The two women removed one boy at a time and handed him to Master Ajmal. Master Ajmal in turn handed me the first two boys. He kept holding the other two.

"Hello, guys," I whispered to the two little ones I was holding. They both smiled at me and both, at the same time, clung to my neck. One of the boys began playing with my nose.

One of the women said something to Master Ajmal. He repeated her comment, "She said, `It looks like someone likes his new daddy.'"

"Do the boys understand English?" I asked.

"Yes," one of the women replied. "When we found out to American families were adopting the boys, we spoke to them only in English. So, they do understand some comments. Kathem , this is your new daddy."

"Da da?" Kathem repeated with some need of correction.

"Yes, Kathem ," I replied.

"Omar, this is your new daddy, too," the lady added.

"Da da?" Omar asked.

"Yes, Omar," I replied. Both boys tightened their grip on me.

The lady turned to the two boys Master Ajmal held, "Ali, this is your new daddy."

"Daaadeee?" Ali asked.

"Yes, Ali," Master Ajmal replied. "I'm your new daddy. And, I am your brother's new daddy. What's his name?"

"Ahmed," Hadis replied.

"Hello, Ahmed," Master Ajmal said to his new son. Ali put his arms around Master Ajmal's neck. It was obvious he wasn't letting go.

"Boys," the lady said to all four boys. We need to put you back in the carriers.

"No, da da," Kathem almost screamed as he held on tighter.

"I am not leaving you Omar, Kathem ," I whispered. "We need to put you back in your carriers so we can take you home."

"No leave?" Kathem asked.

"No leave," I responded. Both boys seemed to relax.

Finally, all four boys realized we were not leaving them with the women in burkas, but were taking them with us.

"Here are the boys' papers," one of the first three women said as she handed Master Ajmal and me an envelope. "They explain the boys' history. You may wish to explain all of this when they are older. Or, you might not. Whatever you do, please, please take good care of them and show them the love and attention they deserve. They have not had much happiness in their short lives."

"We promise we will do everything in our power to make certain they know they are loved," I explained. "Because, we will love them."

"Yes," Master Ajmal agreed. "Steven is right. We will show them all of the love in the world. And, hopefully, we can shield them from the hurtful and harmful elements of the world."

"Thank you, AJ," the oldest of the women said. "Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you."

"You still have my contact information," Master Ajmal said. "Please promise me to get in touch with me if you need help in the future."

"Have you been able to help Sanji and his friends?" the woman asked.

"Not yet," Master Ajmal replied. "Why?"

"Wait here," the older woman said. After a few minutes, she returned and handed Master Ajmal a piece of paper. "They are here at a secured safe house. I have arranged to have them released into your custody. They are awaiting your arrival. If not this trip, possibly another."

"Is it safe?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Get the boys to safety and then return here," the older woman replied. "When can you return?"

"Tomorrow," Master Ajmal replied.

"I will let them know you will be coming tomorrow," the older woman said. "About the same time?"

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "I will be alone when I return tomorrow."

I looked worried.

"I will be alright, Steven," Master Ajmal said. "I owe this to Boris. Let's get these four home."

We said good bye to the women in burkas and returned to the safety of the limo.

I sat with Kathem and Omar in their carriers on either side of me. Ali and Ahmed were in their carriers on either side of Master Ajmal. As we sped through the streets of Bagdad, our new charges cooed and kicked. I think they were happy. Finally, the helicopter landed on the roof of the hotel. Marcus and Tim were on the side of the helipad waiting for us to get off the helicopter.

Master Ajmal and I carried the four carriers off the helicopter. I smiled at Tim, "Meet your new sons, Kathem and Omar."

I set the carriers down and Tim and I both removed one of the boys.

"Boys," I said. "This is your daddy Tim."

"Da da im," Kathem said as he clung to Tim's neck. Tim took Omar in the other arm.

"Dad im," Omar said as he, too clung to Tim's neck.

"You guys are so cute!" Tim whispered to the boys. He had a tear on his cheek.

"I think one or both of them need changing," I said. "Opps! We don't have anything to change them into."

"Yes we do," Tim replied. "Marcus and I went shopping with one of the security people from the hotel. We also bought a few other items."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Four travel cribs," Tim replied. "We didn't buy any clothes because we didn't know how big they would be."

"Let's go inside," Master Ajmal suggested. "It will be getting cool out here on the roof."

Once we were inside the hotel suite, Tim and I changed Kathem and Omar while Marcus and Ajmal changed Ali and Ahmed. Jimmy, Dustin, and Chad waited calmly for us to return with the new arrivals. After the introduction, the boys seemed to be tired after their trip.

"I decided you might need some help," Chad began. "So, I brought along some food items and some formula for one-year-old babies. I asked my sister for advice about kids this age. I brought tons of stuff until you have time to really go shopping."

"Harvey and Boris are getting two nurseries ready for the boys," Tim explained. "In the meantime, Chad, we all appreciate your thoughtfulness."

"It was my pleasure," Chad replied. "I think you four will be terrific parents. And, the boys will be so lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Chad," Master Ajmal said. "I have some other news. My contact at the orphanage has arranged for Boris's friends to return with us. I need to go back to Bagdad tomorrow and return with the four of them."

"Is this a safe trip, AJ?" Marcus asked.

"It will be safe," Haydar explained. "We will pick up the same security forces we had today. And, I have arranged for the same limo driver to take AJ to the guys' safe house."

"You shouldn't worry about me, Marcus," Master Ajmal explained. "We will have significant protection."

"AJ," Marcus began. "We have two one-year-old boys now. You are going off to round up three asylum seekers to transport to the US. I will worry when I want to worry, and I want to worry."

"What if I went with him, Marcus?" I asked.

"Then, we will be worrying twice as much," Tim explained. "Can't someone else do this?"

"No," Master Ajmal replied. "I need to be there in person. If you came, Steven, which I appreciate the offer to help, I would be worrying about you, too. I need to be somewhat nimble to pull this off without a lot of hassles."

"Promise me you will be home at a certain time without any bodily injuries," Marcus continued. "If you are late or injured, I will personally hang you naked in the center of Provincetown by your fucking balls. Do you understand me, AJ?"

"All too clearly, Marcus," Master Ajmal said with a smile. "All too clearly."

I hope you liked the direction that `Life With Tim' is taking. I've heard from many people and would like to hear from even more.

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9 Round Creek Road

Ali Ahmed

Omar Kathem

Next: Chapter 40

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