Life With the Pirates

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Aug 7, 2002


This is the 7th chapter to my fantasy of real pirates and what could have happened with a young man who is captured or saved however you look at it.

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Life With The Pirates 7

The Captain said that we would only be at the port for one more day. The sailors who had been on duty were cleaning up to take their leave before we set off again. I was wanting to see what the night life was like also but the cook had warned me about the men around the port. I finally got up enough nerve to go to some of the saloons with a few of the men from the ship. I told the cook that they said they would look after me and make sure I made it back to the ship by morning.

The cook knew he was fighting a loosing battle so he said I had better go but to be careful. I left the ship with four sailors and we went into the first saloon we came to. One of the sailors bought a round of some kind of drink, which we finished off in quick time. There were a few other pirates around drinking as well. We stayed there for a few minutes when one of the men said it was too quiet, so we headed out the door.

The next couple of saloons were about the same as the first and we were starting to feel the affects of the drinks. When we made it to the next tavern all the men with me except one were barely able to stand up. He bought another round of drinks and we sat down. The man who was able to walk strait sat down beside me and was rubbing his hand along my thigh. The others downed their drinks and within a couple of minutes they started passing out.

The mean looking man behind the bar came over when the last of the three men passed out. I was thinking he was coming to get the men but he actually came and stood beside my chair. The pirate next to me and the bartender grabbed me underneath my arms and took me to a room past the bar. I was not so drunk that I didn't know what was happening to me but was too far gone to do anything about it. They closed the door and instantly started pulling my clothes off.

When they had me completely naked that started hooking me up in some kind of harness. It forced my knees to be pulled up against my chest and held them there. Another strap was placed around my forehead and when they tied it up, it held my head up. Other straps were attached to my arms that held me in place. When they had finished the bartender moved to my face and removed his pants. He held his cock up at my mouth as I felt a hard slap on my ass.

When I opened my mouth to scream it was filled with the man's cock. He pushed it all the way down my throat and I felt myself trying to gasp for air. He started pumping in and out of my throat and would then relax to allow me some air. When he had gotten my throat broken in and excepting his cock I felt the pressure of the other man's cock as he rammed it in my asshole. The pain was sharp because the man had not used any type of oil. I tried to scream but the man's cock in my throat wouldn't allow it.

The two of them fucked my face and ass until each had cum. When they stopped I was a sweaty ball hanging there with cum running out of my ass and dripping off of my chin. I figured they were through with me and would let me loose but they just left the room.

I must have been hanging there for about half an hour because I could feel where the cum had dried on my balls. My mouth was a little sore but felt all right, my asshole had managed to close up and felt as if it was back to normal. I was almost asleep when I heard the door open. The loud talking of apparently many sailors brought me back and the drinks I had earlier had all but worn off.

I heard one of the men tell the rest that they had to pay before they were allowed to do anything. I heard the jingle of coins as there was a lot of moving around. I noticed the striped shirt that was almost stretched to the point of tearing, as if got closer and closer to my face. The man grabbed my head and forced it underneath the his belly as he pushed his cock at me. He was not very long at all maybe five inches, but it was so thick that my jaws were being stretched to the point that I thought my mouth was going to tear.

I tasted urine as I got a strong smell of wine. When I opened my eyes I could see large spots where he had dropped wine on his shirt. He was thrusting his large hips forward as he started moaning. His cock was rubbing against my tongue and the back of my mouth. He was so thick that I could hardly move my tongue. My head felt as if he was pushing it inside him as his belly and thighs engulfed it. I got the faint taste of pre-cum when he pulled his cock almost all the way out.

I had just gotten use to his cock when I felt someone else forcing another one in my asshole. The initial thrust was painful but I apparently had enough old cum inside to coat the cock. The next thrust was almost pleasurable as I felt my cock start to grow. The two men were timing there actions so that they both filled my ass and mouth full at the same time, and then pulled out together. Someone reached down and pulled my cock a couple of times. It was only seconds before my cock started blasting onto the floor.

One of the pirates made a comment about how my asshole was sucking on his cock. This must have been enough since I felt the man's hot cum spreading throughout my asshole. Just as the cock was being pulled out of me the other one was flooding my mouth. Some of the cum was pushing out the sides of my mouth as I tried to swallow. The man kept his cock in my mouth as it jerk a couple of more times and then started getting soft.

Before the man pulled his cock out of my mouth I felt another one running up my ass. This one was not as large as the one before, but the man behind it was rapidly ramming it in me. He didn't last but a few seconds and actually sprayed most of his cum on my back when his cock slipped out while he was cumming,

Another cock was forced in my mouth and at first I thought it wouldn't be much of a problem as it was not very thick. He started pushing it into my mouth and I was able to wrap my tongue around it but was soon surprised when it kept going past my tongue and down my throat. I opened my eyes to see another four inches waiting to enter my mouth. I took a quick gulp as he forced the rest of it down my throat.

I heard him mumble something as he started fucking my throat. He was rapidly thrusting his cock in and out of my throat and I has swallowing to keep from gagging. It must have been doing something to his cock as he keep moaning and thrusting. He rammed his pubic hair into my nose real hard as I felt his cock swell a little and then squirt down my throat. He thrust about four more times and then held his cock in my throat as I felt it soften and slowly slide back up my throat. Was funny feeling it slowly move back up into my mouth while the man just stood there.

Didn't have but a few seconds to think about it as some man grabbed each side of my ass and told the rest to watch as he would show them how to fuck a boy's pussy. As he started pressing into me I could tell it was not going to be easy for me. The man pushed a couple of times and grunted as he tried to force the head in. He made one last thrust as the head of his cock stretched my asshole to the point that I thought it was going to rip open. I wanted to scream but the pain was so intense that all I could do was open my mouth. It was like when you get hit in the stomach or get your balls hit and you lose all the air out of your lungs.

While my mouth was open one of the other men filled it with his cock as he bounced my nose off of his pubic region. I didn't have time to think about the cock in my mouth as I was trying to deal with the one that was spreading my asshole open. He had now managed to push more of the shaft into me and the initial pain was subsiding. He kept pumping as he inched even more of it in. I finally felt his thighs as they slapped against my ass. His cock had really gotten my cock started as I felt it harden and then erupt every time he pushed his cock in. My body was tensing up each time my cock emptied itself on the floor. The man was really moaning as my ass tried to stop his cock form moving.

The man grabbed my hips and ground himself into me as hard as he could. When his cock erupted it was almost like getting hit in the balls. The force of him cumming and his cock being rammed into me caused my body to draw up as if I had been hit.

The cock in my mouth had shot once or twice before I even realized. I finally swallowed to keep from choking. I was able to keep most of the cum from spilling out of my mouth as both cocks were removed from me. Someone forced a wine bottle in my mouth and told me to take a good drink which I willingly did. The wine washed the taste of the cum from my mouth and throat.

For the next few hours I must have serviced 50 men or more, and some of them more than once. After a while I was glad the man with the huge cock had gone so early. Most of the cocks that used my asshole was no problem for me at all, as a matter of fact my asshole got so loose and slippery that sometimes I had to really concentrate on my ass to tell if anyone was there. My mouth and throat was not so lucky as I had to pay attention with the bigger cocks to keep from gagging.

The constant stream of men had slowed down and my whole body was aching from being tied up in the sling. I finally asked one of the men who had put me there if they would let me out so I could stretch. They agreed and when they let me out they knew there was no chance of me running because it took several minutes before I could even stand. As I walked around I could feel the many deposits of cum running out of my ass and down my legs.

While I walking around I heard the voice of the man with the huge cock. He walked in and said he wanted another piece of my ass before he shipped out. The two men looked at me as I moved toward the sling. Before they placed me back in it the big man said he wanted me strapped in on my back. They did as they placed a strap under my back that held my shoulders and head up and then strapped my legs in. They were able to spread my legs apart and pull them back toward my shoulders.

The huge man who was well over six feet tall and probably 300 pounds took his clothes off which was something the rest of he men hadn't done. He moved in leaned forward as he pressed his massive body on top of mine. He said he was testing the rigging. He stood back up as he grabbed his cock and waved it at me. His cock was about 12 inches long and was about as large as his massive wrist. He grinned at me as he moved it to my asshole and pushed. I felt the pressure against me but the pain that I was expecting didn't come. The head of his cock popped through the muscle around my asshole and slowly started sliding in. He made some comment about he liked it when he didn't have to fight it so much to get it in.

He slid his cock back and forth a few times and then stopped. He leaned over me and forced it in until I felt his pubic hair rubbing against my balls. He let his body cover me as he reached underneath my arm pits and curled his arms around the back of my shoulders. He had a firm grip on my shoulders as he started pumping his hips into me. My cock had hardened and was being rubbed by his hairy belly as he pumped into my ass.

He was hitting my prostate with each stroke as he pulled me into him each time he thrust into me. He was watching my face as he continued to fuck me. He must have noticed I was getting close to cumming as he thrust a couple of times real hard. My cock instantly sprayed between our stomachs. He had me right where he wanted me as he was making me cum about every three thrust.

As I was taking a breathe I looked up at his grinning face. He was really enjoying the feel of the power he had as he was able to make me cum anytime he wanted. He released my shoulders and stood back up while making sure his cock never missed a stroke. He started spreading my cum all over my stomach and chest. He wrapped an arm around each leg as he thrust into my ass even harder. I could tell by the expression on his face he was about to blow. I squeezed my ass as much as possible and heard him groan just as I felt the cum spreading around inside me.

He leaned in on me for a few minutes until his breathing was about normal. He stood up and pulled his cock out of my ass real quick. I heard the rush of cum and ass juices as it splattered on the floor beneath me. He dressed without saying anything and left the room. The two men that had been with me all night moved up next to me and each took liberties with my mouth. When they had cum they released me from the straps and let me get my legs back underneath me. They handed me a bottle of wine and told me to drink up. I was so exhausted that the wine tasted great even though it probably was the cheapest they could find.

We left the saloon and walked around for about an hour. One of the men pinched my ass and asked if it was feeling better now. I told him it was working back into shape, and probably would be back to normal in a few days as long as I didn't run into the big guy again. They both laughed and handed me another bottle of wine. Before I finished it I was beginning to feel the alcohol. The next thing I remember is waking up on board of the ship in the galley with the cook telling me to go find somewhere else to sleep it off.

When I moved I heard the jiggle of coins in my pocket as so did the cook. He didn't say anything but grinned. He told me he had a good idea of what had happened and where the money came from. He asked me if I felt all right as I gingerly moved away from the table. I moved about feeling my sore ass right along with my jaws. The cook said he was pretty sure he had smelled cum on me mixed in with some cheep wine. He told me to move to the wash area and see if I could get rid of the smell.

I pulled the makeshift curtain as I stripped and started washing my body, being sure to clean my ass several times. I was able to push several fingers in my asshole with ease and was really amazed at how open it felt. I had just stepped out of the little wash tub when I heard a voice that caused my asshole to twitch and my cock to jump to attention. When I looked around the curtain I almost shot my load right then as I was looking at the large sailor from the night before.

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