Life With the Pirates

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 20, 2002


This is the 6th chapter in my story of pirates.

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Life With The Pirates 6

I woke to the rolling of the ship and realized that we had set sail while I was sleeping. I climbed out of bed and put my wrap on as I headed to the galley. When I got there the cook asked if I had slept well. He handed me a plate of food and told me that the captain had told them to let me sleep for as long as I wanted. He then told me to take the pot of boiling water and pour in the large tub so I could take a bath.

I poured the water into the tub and slowly slid down into the warm inviting water. I used the soap the cook had provided and lathered my self up and then soaked in the water. While I was soaking one of the crew came into the galley and was wanting some service from the cook. He took him in the corner of the room and in a few seconds I could hear the moaning of the man as the cook was doing a jog on him.

While they were still behind the curtain I removed myself from the tub, dried off and put on the clean wrap that the cook had laid out for me. Just as I was finishing up the cook returned to where I was and checking the food he had cooking. I watched as he reached up on a shelf and pulled a bottle of wine down and took a large gulp. He told me that he had been able to restock his supple of wine while we had been at the island.

I moved up beside him and helped him finish the midday meal. I helped place the food on the table and it was all ready when the first men entered the room. They all seemed to be in a little down in the dumps. I looked at the cook and he said it was from all the drinking they had done the last couple of days. He told me that give them another day and they would be back to normal.

We sailed for a few days when most of the men came down with some type of sickness that left them weak and constantly sick at their stomachs. There were only a few of us that did not get sick, the Captain, cook, Old Joe, myself and about three other men. Since we were sailing it didn't take as many men to keep the ship going. The sails had been set and it only required someone to control the stirring.

Since the men were more concerned about their health than anything else, there was little call for sex. Even the Captain was concerned about the health of the men. He made sure that the men had plenty of fruit to eat while they were sick and the cook kept a fresh pot of soup at all times. After about three days from the time the first men became sick they started getting better. The Captain waited a few more days until almost everyone had completely recovered when he put into port at one of the small islands. While we were there every part of the ship was scrubbed with boiling water and soap.

We must have stayed there for a week while all the work was done. The men were given shore leave. There were very few people on the island and the men were able to relax and recover from the illness that had gone through the crew. I was enjoying the days on the beach with the sun and cool water of the ocean. I had noticed that the men had started visiting the cook more and knew it was only a matter of time before they would be after me again. What I didn't know until a few days later was that the Captain had put me off limits to everyone on the ship.

The cook told me that the Captain had told the crew that they were to leave me alone. He said he didn't want to wear me out, that I was valuable to them as long as I has healthy and clean. The cook said that the Captain would not be able to stay away from me but it was all right since I was sure to be free of the usual diseases that some to the men came down with.

We had resumed our voyage and I noticed that all the men appeared well tanned and a lot healthier than they had when I had first seen them. I guess the fresh fruit and water had helped the men. I also noticed that the men were looking a lot more at me when I would pass them. One time all the crew was called to the deck, as the Captain had to be judge against one of the crewmen who was accused of raping one of the younger crewmen.

I asked the Cook what usually happened in this situation and he told me the punishment ranged from death to having parts of the body cut off. He said he wasn't sure what the Captain would do but was sure he would use it to his advantage. We stood and listened, as the young crewman had to give all the details of his rape.

He said that he had been sleeping in his hammock when the other man grabbed him and tied him up. He had then pulled his pants down and drove his cock deep in his ass. The young crewman said he was scared that the man had torn his asshole open because there was so much blood.

The Cook had taken a look at the young crewman and told the Captain that he was all right that there was no bad damage to the young man.

The Captain listened to the man's story and thought for a few minutes before he had the man who had attacked the younger crewman brought before the crew. He looked around and noticed as well as the Cook and myself that the only men who didn't have a hard-on was the attacker and the victim.

As I watched the accused man brought before us I noticed he had been stripped of all his clothes except a wrap that was around his waist and covered his crotch and ass. He was between 40 and 50 years of age and had strong looking muscles along with a big round belly that was the result of many years of drinking. The man had his arms tied behind him as he was pushed to the front to face us.

The Captain looked around at the men and said that since this man had decided to take his pleasure from the young crewman that he thought it was only right that the crew should take their pleasures from him. He was told that he would be placed in a room next to the galley where he would be tied to a table in such a way that no man would have any problem using his asshole as a whore's pussy. He was also to willingly give his mouth to any man that wanted it.

The Captain said that the man had to supply this service for one full week or until the ship stop at the next port. He then asked the man if he was willing to serve his punishment or would he liked to be thrown overboard. The man thought for a second and said he would take so whatever the Captain thought he should.

The Captain had the man carried away and then told the crew that they were free to visit the man as many times as they wanted as long as it was while they were not on duty. He then informed the men that they were not allowed to physically hurt the man in a way that could cause injury. The men understood what the Captain was talking about as they all started chatting about when they would visit the man.

As the Cook and I returned to the galley, we heard the muffled screams of the man as apparently the men who had taken him into the room were taking their pleasures out on him. The Cook told me that the Captain had been real smart in that he had supplied the men with a sex toy so that they could relieve the pressures building up in the men. He also told me that it would help keep me safer for the remainder of the voyage.

The next few days were uneventful, as the men would visit the other man instead of the cook or me. Several times I was sent to clean the man up and carry him some food. The first few times he was somewhat a mess but after I gave him a bath from the bucket of water and soap, he didn't look too bad for what he had been through. By the third day he actually was taking his punishment rather easy. I guess he had been stretched enough that the other men were not painful anymore. He even offered himself to me but I was in no mood at the time. I had noticed that the cook had made sure he had more than enough to eat and drink. I figured the Captain had told him to do that since no one did anything without the Captain's permission.

On the sixth day I heard the cry of "land ho!" , as the cook and I were preparing the midday meal. We ran out of the galley to get a glimpse of the land just as the rest of the crew came running to the front of the ship to get a look.

We could see in the far off distance the outlines of some mountains and trees. As we went back to the galley the cook told me that it would still be four hours before we reached the land. The men all got busy cleaning themselves and the ship up. They knew that if the ship was not spotless that the Captain would not let them go ashore.

By the time we reached port the ship looked almost new and all the crewmembers were dressed in clean clothes. The Captain said that those men who were not on duty could go ashore but to go in-groups of three. He said that he had lost several men at this port to other ships. They had been kidnapped and carried off to other ships. The men knew what he was talking about and knew they had to be extra careful while visiting the pubs.

I looked at the cook and noticed he hadn't cleaned up and was wondering why he was not going ashore. He said that he would be going to get supplies the next day but he never went ashore on the first day when they stopped at this port. He said that the first day off the ship was all ways the wildest, and that was when most of the men were lost. He said that the pubs always gave the sailors more to drink than they could hold and were constantly looking for the unfortunate ones who got drunk and passed out. He then let me know that I would not be leaving the ship today either.

The next morning the cook came to get me to help him go ashore to get the supplies for the galley. He said that I was to stay close to him and to be sure and wear a lot of baggy clothing. He said we were going to get the supplies while most of the men in the little community were sleeping off all the wine and whiskey they had consumed during the night.

We entered an old run down building that served as a store for the ships. When we entered the cook pounded on the counter as a man yelled out that he was on his way. An old man stumbled into the room while wiping the sleep from his face. He started to mumble something about it being so early but when he saw the cook he stopped and asked what he needed. The cook handed the man a list of the things the ship needed as the old man moved behind the counter.

The man started taking items off of the shelves behind him and then slowly marked each item off as he placed it on the counter. There were about ten different items on the counter when the old man said he would have to go Joe to help us get the rest of the items. He left the room but soon returned with Joe.

Joe was a very large man. He had no hair except for a long ponytail about two feet long that grew from a two-inch patch on the top of his head. Other than that he had no more hair on the top of his head. He had a big thick mustache that hung down below his chin on the ends even though it was trimmed around his mouth. The man had huge arms and chest muscles that were not covered by any clothing. He wore baggy pants that were fastened around his waist with some type of wrap.

Joe stood well over six feet five inches and appeared to have almost black eyes. He had a dark tan and appeared to have no body hair other than that on his head. I was not able to tell how old the man was because his skin was tight and smooth on his whole body.

The older man told Joe what he needed to get from the back of the store and he walked off not saying a thing. A few minutes later he retuned with his arms full and placed the items on the counter. The cook looked the items over and handed the man some coins for the items. He then asked when the fresh fruit would be delivered to the ship. The old man though for a few seconds and looked back at the list. He finally said that it could be delivered right now, but would take Joe about three trips to get it all.

The cook said that would be fine and I noticed that Joe continued to look at me as we gathered the items on the counter. The man spoke to Joe and he moved to the back and returned with a couple crates that was filled with different types of fruit. He followed us as we left the store and headed to the ship.

We put the items in the galley and when Joe placed the crates down he turned to leave when the cook told him that I could help him if he would be sure to watch out for me. Joe just nodded his head as I followed back off the ship and to the store. Once or twice Joe had grabbed me and pulled me to the other side of him as we passed a few of the men who had managed to stir.

We entered the store and Joe moved to the back of the store and handed me a couple small crates as he grabbed a couple more of the larger crates. I noticed that Joe looked around and when he didn't see the old man he grabbed a couple of smaller crates as well. We headed out of the store and toward the ship. A couple of times Joe grunted when a few of the rough looking sailors got to close to me. The sailors moved aside and let us pass. We stacked the crates just inside the galley and Joe turned to go back. I started to follow when Joe put his hand on my shoulder and motioned for me to stay.

Joe left and I returned to help the cook put the supplies away. The cook informed me that Joe was unable to speak and had worked for the store for as long as he could remember. He told me that Joe had been taken from some island many years ago and had been treated cruelly until he managed to escape from the ship he was on and had stayed at the store ever since. The cook also said that the ship that had taken Joe had stopped there a few times but every time it had some to the crewmembers had been found later in the ocean. The ship had stopped coming to this area.

We had finished putting the items we had carried from the store away and was about to move the crates of fruit when Joe returned. He had several other crates of fruit along with a large bag and some other items. He looked at the cook and made some motion with his hands that I didn't understand. The cook looked at him and said he would have to go ask the Captain. When the cook returned he told Joe to follow him and told me to start storing the crates of fruit.

The cook returned to let me know that Joe would be leaving with us. He had agreed to work as part of the crew for his passage. He told me that Joe would be sailing with us but at some time he would choose to leave the ship. He said that he and the Captain didn't know where Joe wanted to go and neither did Joe, but he was searching for his home island. The cook told me that Joe would be helping out wherever he would be needed so I might see him anywhere on the ship.

Joe entered the galley and picked up some of the things he had brought with him and the cook pointed to the back. Joe carried his belongings to the corner of the galley and placed them in a neat stack. He then returned and placed a small crate on the table and pointed at me. The cook looked in the crate and noticed several items that Joe had collected over the years. Some of them were valuable and some weren't. He had a lot of jewelry that he had acquired over the years. The cook looked up at Joe and as he spoke to me he continued to watch Joe to make sure he was saying what Joe wanted him to.

Joe said, "I believe that Joe here wants to get closer to you, and you are free to accept something from his personal stash."

I looked at the cook hoping that he would tell me what to do. The cook said he thought that Joe was gently enough that he wouldn't hurt me and there were some very valuable items to choose from. I thought for a few seconds and the more I looked at Joe the more aroused I became. I finally agreed and asked the cook when Joe wanted to get with me. The cook told me that he figured the best time would be right now since most of the men were either asleep or off the ship.

I headed to the corner of the room where we could pull the curtain and have some privacy. The cook motioned for Joe to follow me. Joe passed me as I pulled the curtain and he just stood there waiting for me to do something. I was hoping he would start the action but since he wasn't, I reached out and started undoing his wrap that held his pants up. He did nothing to stop me so I continued to undress him. When his pants fell to the floor I was staring right at his cock and balls. The most apparent thing about his cock was the many scars that I could see. It was apparent to me that he had been tortured at some point in life.

I reached out and started to fondle his cock and was relieved that it started growing. His cock was not the largest I had seen but was about eight inches and very thick. Once his cock was fully erect the scars were not as noticeable unless you really looked for them. His balls were huge and hung well below his cock. I picked them up in one hand as I moved my mouth toward the head of his cock. As his cock entered my mouth I could feel Joe's body tense up and then relax as his cock went deeper and deeper down my throat.

I had a little trouble at first because of the thickness of his cock but after a few seconds was able to keep in moving in and out of my throat without gagging. Joe had started rubbing the back of my head and I could tell he was having a hard time keeping himself from thrusting his cock into my mouth. I knew when I felt his balls pulling up toward his shaft that he was ready to cum. I bobbed my head faster on his shaft and he lost control as he grabbed my head and rammed his cock as deep as he could in my throat. He started bucking as his cum blasted in the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could but was not able to swallow all of his cum as leaked out the sides of my mouth.

He shot six or seven times before his cock started to soften. I continued to suck his cock as I milked the last of his cum out. He released my head and I think he was waiting for me to release his cock. He stood there looking down at me as I started removing my clothes and continuing to suck on his cock. His cock had not gone completely soft and had started to expand again. Joe started slowly pumping his cock in and out of my mouth as he was getting excited again.

I moved away from his cock and turned around. I grabbed Joe's hands and placed them on ass cheeks. At first he acted as if he didn't know what to do, he finally started squeezing my cheeks as he rubbed my cheeks against each other. I leaned forward which allowed him more access at my rear end. I noticed his thumbs were getting closer and closer to the crack of my asshole as he massaged my ass.

I handed him a container of oil and he took it but looked puzzled as if he didn't know what I wanted him to do with it. I then pointed to the top of the crack of my ass and he got the idea. He poured a little just above the crack and I could feel it slowly run down over my asshole and past it to my balls. He slowly rubbed the cheeks of my ass up and down spreading the oil all over the crack of my ass. I was beginning to wonder if he had ever fucked anyone before by the way he was acting.

I figured if I didn't initiate the action he might never get the idea. I spread my legs even further apart and when I felt his thumb slip into the crack of my ass I pushed my asshole against it. He first pulled away and then put his thumb back against my asshole. When I pushed the next time his thumb entered my asshole as I moaned showing Joe that I enjoyed his thumb there. Joe started moving his thumb in and out and I could tell he was enjoying the play too.

I reached around and grabbed his cock and placed it against my asshole. He hesitated for a second or two but then grabbed his cock and started pushing at my asshole. When the head of his cock entered my asshole I tensed up from the pain and he acted as though he was going to pull it out. I told him not to stop and he shifted his weight so that he was again applying pressure against his cock. I started pumping against him as his cock slowly entered me.

Joe would start to pump against me but then stop as I guess he was afraid of hurting me. I finally stopped and his natural instinct took over as he grabbed my hips and started thrusting into me. His cock was so thick that he rubbed against my prostate every time he moved. I started moaning as my cock started jerking with each thrust. Joe noticed and picked up the pace of his thrust. When I came my ass tightened up around his cock and he slowed down until my ass relaxed again. He started pumping into me harder and faster and again I came.

I finally relaxed enough for him to continue at his own pace and I noticed just before he started cumming inside me that he started pumping faster and with shorter strokes. I could feel his cock as it erupted inside me. He pumped several times before he slowed down and leaned against my ass. When he slowly pulled his cock out of my asshole I could feel the cum running down onto my balls and thighs.

When he was completely out I stood up and handed him a rag to clean himself up as I used another to clean the cum up that was running down my legs. When I looked back at him his smooth body was covered with sweat and all his muscles appeared to be hard as rocks. He was breathing a little harder than normal but there was a big grin on his face. He reached out and patted my ass as he turned to leave the galley.

Next: Chapter 7

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