Life With the Pirates

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 16, 2002


This is the second chapter to my story of being the cabin boy to a bunch of pirates. The story is completely fictional.

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Life With The Pirates - 2

I woke up to a sharp pain in my ass and quickly realized that I was on the cot with the Captain. I guess he woke up with a hard on and decided to relieve it in my asshole. He had already forced most of his cock inside me and was not letting up on forcing the rest in. I spread my legs to give him more access, but to also try and relieve some of the pain. The move worked and as his cock became slippery the pain was completely leaving. I had made up my mind to just relax and let him have his way when my cock decided it wanted some attention also.

The Captain had hit the right spot in my ass as my cock was jerking and shooting into the cot. The Captain felt my orgasm as it went through my body and started fucking me harder. He was very close to cumming and my cock was building up to another one. When the Captain started cumming my cock decided it was time to cum again also.

The Captain collapsed on my back and was breathing hard as he tried to catch his breath. After a few minutes he raised up and told me that after breakfast I was to go with the cook and help him in the galley with washing dishes, preparing food, and of course submitting to the attention of the men. He also told me that the men had been told that if any of them hurt me that they would have to submit to twice the pain they caused me.

The cook entered about that time with a tray of food for the Captain and me. He winked at me as he sat the tray down on the small table next to the bed. The Captain informed the cook that I would be helping him out in the galley after I was finished with my meal. The cook left the room and the Captain and I started in on the food. The Captain sat back as he watched me finish off most of the food. He got up and proceeded to dress and then left the room.

I finished off all the food on the tray and took the small piece of cloth and wrapped it around myself. I picked up the tray and dishes and headed out the door to find the galley. When I got to the deck I asked the first man I came to where the galley was. He pointed and told me how to get there as he reached down and squeezed my ass cheeks. I jumped at the sudden attention but didn't openly complain, as I wanted to.

As I entered the galley there was a couple of other men in the galley along with the cook. One was drinking what I assumed was coffee while the other one had the cook leaned over a table as he rammed his cock into his ass. The cook looked back at me and smiled to let me know that everything was all right. He had told me earlier that the crew often used him in this way, I just assumed that they did it in their hammocks or cots.

The man fucking him gave a loud grunt as he deposited his load of cum deep in the cook's ass. The man stood up pushed his cock back in his pants and left the room. As the second man passed me he leaned over and said he might be back for his but he was getting a little tired of the cook.

The cook straitened up his clothes and took the tray from me. He showed me where the dish washing was done and then proceeded to tell me where everything was located. He sat down with a cup of coffee and offered me some. As we sat there he filled me in on the normal routine of the galley and told me to always be sure that there was plenty of coffee at the ready. He told me the men who were not on duty would occasionally drift into the galley and want a little sexual satisfaction.

He also let me know that it would not be wise to turn any of them down no matter how filthy they seemed. He showed me where he kept a bucket of soap and water so I could wash off any man that I wanted to. He said that they normally would accept the cleaning as it sometimes got them even more excited.

About that time the big man walked into the galley and grunted at the cook. The cook moved back to the table and dropped his pants. The big man pulled his cock out and with one good thrust buried his cock all the way in the cook's ass. The cook had a strained look on his face, as it was apparent that the forceful entry was painful. As I watched his face relaxed as the big man started pounding into the cook's ass.

The table was being forced across the room as the big man rammed into the cook. I watched as the cook started pushing back against the big man just as he came deep in the cook's asshole. The big man stood up and replaced his cock in his pants and looked over at me. He told me that maybe next time he would fuck me. He left the room as I walked over to the cook to see if he needed any help. He waited a few seconds and then stood up and started replacing his clothes.

As we went about the tasks in the galley I asked him if he got any pleasure out of what the men did to him. He said that the contact with the men helped but there was no sexual pleasure for him during the act. He said that when he finally realized that the men were just having some sexual pleasure and that it was really not a personal attack on him, he could deal with it. He said that in the beginning he kept thinking that the men were fucking him just to get at him, but then realized that they were just fucking and who it was really didn't matter to them. He said that the sooner I was able to realize that it was not an attack on me but really just a way to let out their sexual pressure, that the easier it would be for me to deal with it. He also said that I was lucky in that I could have some sexual release of my own.

Just as we were finishing our discussion one of the crew walked in and started looking at me in such a way that the cook and I both knew he was not there for the coffee. He kept looking toward the corner of the room where the bucket of soap and water was kept. The cook leaned over and told me that the man wanted me to take him to the corner where I could wash him if I thought it was necessary.

I moved to the corner of the galley and was followed closely by the crewman. As I we got to the corner the man dropped his pants and presented his cock and balls to me. They didn't appear to be dirty but it was apparent that the man wanted me to wash him off. I took the rag and after wetting the man down gathered the soap and started lathering up the man's cock and balls. As I applied the soap I noticed that the man's cock began to swell and he pushed it at me.

I rinsed the man's balls and cock off and became aware of the pre cum that had started running down the shaft. Without even thinking about it I slipped the cock in my mouth and started swirling my tongue around the head of his cock. He gasped and then let out a moan as he grabbed my shoulders and steadied himself. I swallowed deeply as his cock entered my throat and I started bobbing up and down on his cock. He didn't last but a few seconds as he started shooting cum.

When he was through he pulled me off of his cock and stood me up and thanked me for the pleasure. He then told me that he was not always able to get his cock hard and was very appreciative of my service. He said that maybe next time he could do something for me and that I could call him Jake. He straitened up his clothing and left the galley.

The cook told me that Jake had been in the galley a few times for sex but had only been able to perform once with him. He said that Jake was not your real mean pirate and at times really didn't belong with the rest of them.

The door to the galley opened again and this time three men entered and walked over to me. They started rubbing their hands all over my chest, back and ass. They motioned for me to move to the corner of the room as one of them grabbed my wrap and pulled it off. The cook grabbed a jar and handed it to one of the men. He took it and pushed his hand inside and then started rubbing the oil in the crack of my ass.

They picked me up and lay me on my back on the table. The man with the oil was really working my asshole over as he pushed several fingers inside me. They spread my legs and pulled my ass to the edge of the table. One of the men moved in between my legs and slowly pushed his cock into my asshole. There was no pain just a little pressure as his cock entered. He started pumping rather fast as I assumed he was really excited. He grunted a few times before he started cumming inside me.

As soon as he pulled out one of the other men took his place. This man's cock was not any bigger but was several inches longer. As he pushed it all the way in my cock jumped to attention and the men noticed as one of them reached out and started pulling on my cock. He got into a fast rhythm that kept the pleasure flowing through my balls and cock. After a few seconds my cock started shooting cum into the air. This must have been too much for the man fucking me as he yelled out as his cock erupted inside me.

He stayed inside me for a few seconds as he gasped for air. When he pulled out the third man moved in between my legs and as I looked down at him I noticed that his cock was not as long as the one before him. It was very thick and I knew I was in for some pain, especially if he decided to get forceful about it. He moved his cock up to my asshole and to my relief he slowly rubbed the head around in the oil and cum that was dripping out of my asshole. He placed the head against the hole and slowly started to apply pressure. I could feel my asshole stretch but was not sure if it would stretch enough.

Just when I thought I was going to be torn apart the head popped in and the man grunted as he felt the heat and muscles of my asshole grab his cock. He started slowly pushing and pulling until the entire cock was inside. One of the other men poured some of the oil on my asshole and the man's cock. As he continued to pump the oil worked its way in and he was able to move faster and faster. He really started pumping at me as my cock again rose to the occasion. This time no one touched my cock as it shot into the air. The last man was taking longer than the first two, but I noticed that a couple of times when I thought he was going to cum he would slow down for a second and then continue.

He finally couldn't hold back anymore as he grabbed my hips and thrust into me. There was so much force that if he had not been holding onto me I would have been knocked off of the table. The force of the man's cum was greater than the other men as I felt the warmth spreading throughout my asshole. I grabbed him around the shoulders and thrust my ass toward his cock. We fell back against the table as he slowly pulled his cock out of my asshole. The other men reached into the bucket of water and grabbed the rag and wiped my ass clean of cum and oil. One of them handed me my little wrap as they left.

The cook came over to me to enquire about my physical well being and helped me get my wrap back on. I had a little trouble at first as my legs felt a little weak and wanted to buckle underneath me. He helped me get my wrap on and then told me to sit down until I recovered my strength. He told me that the three men I was just with were usually nice and the only time he had known any of them to get rough was when one of them had been with some of the other crew.

The cook also informed me that I probably wouldn't have any more visitors until after the noonday meal, he said that was a rule the Captain had about his cabin boys. We got up and I helped the cook finish the meal for the crew. I helped him serve the meal to the men as they came in. All of the crew did not eat at the same time. The men who were not on duty came and ate first, and as soon as they had finished their places were cleaned up. The men left and within a few minutes the men who had been on duty came in to eat.

I noticed that all the men who had visited me earlier were off duty when they came to me, but were now on duty. The men started in on their meal but before they were finished I caught glances of the men as they checked out my body. Once or twice while I was leaning over to serve one of the men, I felt a hand or two on my ass and once the hand slipped underneath my ass and squeezed my balls.

I tried to keep my composure and didn't react to the groping. When the men were all most all finished, they started pushing their plates to the middle of the table and looked at the cook and me. One of the tougher looking men turned around sideways in his chair and pulled his cock out. He told the cook that his cock needed to be fed into the cook's mouth. The cook didn't protest as he placed the dishes he had in be barrel of water and then wiped his hands off and moved over to the other man.

The cook dropped down in his knees and sucked the man's cock down his throat. As I leaned over to take the last of the dishes off of the table, one of the men pulled at my wrap which caused it to all but fall off. He then pushed me face down on the table as I felt his finger forcefully enter my asshole. I immediately spread my ass trying to ease the pain. I guess he thought I was wanting more as he pushed two and then three fingers into me.

The other men got up from their seats and all but one came closer to me. One of the men left the room but the other four moved in where they could at least get a hand on my body. I felt the warm oil that one of them had gotten from the shelf and was applying to my ass. When his fingers left my asshole I could feel the head of a cock as it was being forced inside me. The man wasted no time as he started ramming into me as fast as he could. I could hear the slapping sounds as the other men had pulled their cocks out and were jerking off. The man in my asshole had lost his control and was filling my asshole full of cum.

The other men took turns at my asshole while the cook continued to suck on the other man's cock. When the last man had cum in my asshole I noticed that the cook was getting a mouth and throat full of cum from the man he was servicing. When the man was spent he stood up shook his cock back in his pants and left the room. The cook moved in behind my limp body as he grabbed a cloth and cleaned me up.

We started in on cleaning up the dishes and half way getting ready for the evening meal. The cook told me that after a week or so on the sea, we would only have to serve two meals a day and that he would keep some fruit and things available for those who needed a snack during the day. He was filling me in on all the things that would change as we stayed out to sea, when the man that had left earlier came back in.

He wanted to know if it was all right for him to get a little service from the new cabin boy. The cook looked at me and winked as he motioned for me to move to the corner of the room where I had been earlier. The man and I moved to the corner and I noticed that the cook followed for a little ways and then pulled a curtain across the little pathway. This allowed the man and me some privacy. This really got my mind speeding around trying to figure out what this man wanted that required some privacy.

I reached to take off the wrap but the man grabbed my hands and pulled them away. He then slipped his hands underneath the wrap and slowly pulled it away. As the wrap fell to the floor the man dropped to his knees and to my surprise he sucked my cock into his mouth. If took a few seconds before my cock started responding to his mouth. As my cock grew to its full length and girth, the man started bobbing his head up and down as he also started moaning with pleasure.

I was really enjoying the man's mouth and didn't notice that I had reached down and was pulling his head into me. I started thrusting right along with his bobbing and was too far-gone to do anything other than cum in the man's mouth. When I started cumming I was expecting the man to pull away. He just forced my cock as far down his throat as he could as I emptied my balls into him. My cock had stopped shooting and I was waiting for the man to pull off, but he only started to suck ever so softly as he forced my cock to get hard again.

The next thing he did really surprised me as he stood up and removed his pants and then moved over to the table and sat down. He rolled over on his back and presented his ass to me. He told me he wanted me to fuck him hard and fast. I noticed that he had all ready applied some oil to his asshole and my cock slid in with no resistance. I started pumping in and out as fast as I could. The table legs were making noise on the wood floor as it skidded. The cook told us to be careful that we didn't break anything.

I was about ready to cum when the man dropped his legs, which caused my cock to be pushed out of his asshole. He then spread his legs and told me he wanted me to suck his cock. I glanced down to see what looked like nothing but the head of a cock. The head of his cock was about three inches across but when I looked closer I could only find about an inch of shaft. I dropped down and was able to take all of his cock into my mouth as he grabbed the back of my head and started pumping into my mouth. His cock was so short that it didn't even reach the back of my mouth.

He was thrusting his hips faster and faster at my mouth when all of a sudden I felt his cum as it splattered against the back of my mouth. He must have shot six or seven times before he lifted his legs and told me to fuck him again. I didn't have to be told twice as I forced my cock in with one thrust. He grunted when I entered him, but I noticed that his cock had started growing again as I pumped into him. The sight of his cock head inflating was too much to watch as I started cumming deep in this asshole. He wrapped his legs around my lower back as much as he could as he tried to pull me even deeper inside him.

He held me there for a few seconds before he relaxed his legs and told me to slowly pull my cock out. As I did I watched his face as a warm smile crossed it. When I was all the way out he reached down and sucked my cock back into his mouth. He was not sucking hard on it, but was slowly cleaning my cock with his tongue while it was in his mouth. He finally dropped my cock from his mouth and started putting his clothes back on as I replaced my wrap. He thanked me, pushed the curtain back, and left the room.

The cook looked at me and said he bet I was not expecting that. I looked back at him and just grinned as I moved over to help him. We finished up the work in the galley and the cook had the evening meal ready in no time. There were no more visitors for me and only one very old man for the cook. He told me that the old man only visited him about once a month and he liked to keep his visits private as possible. The cook then let me know that he got most of his action after he returned to his hammock at night. He said that some nights he had as many as ten men leave deposits in his ass. He said I would be able to tell the next morning in the way that he walked around.

Next: Chapter 3

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