Life With the Pirates

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 14, 2002


This is a completely fictional story that is set in the days of pirates on the open seas. It is what could have and may have happened on a pirate ship to a young man who was saved from an island only to become the sexual servant of a crew of cut throats.

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Life With The Pirates

My story began as I was traveling by boat to our summer home on the islands. The trip normally took about a week but we ran into some bad weather and our ship was blown off course and for a few extra days we drifted around not sure where we were. Finally we spotted a ship approaching us and were celebrating being found until we saw the skull and crossbones on the flag they were flying. The Captain of our ship order all the children below deck as his men prepared to fight.

The pirate ship started blasting our ship as we returned a few volleys but it didn't seem to slow them down. Our ship was hit broadside and quickly started taking on water. Everyone below started scrabbling for the ladders to get back to the deck of the ship. When I reached topside a cannon ball blasted through the deck of the ship and I was thrown overboard. I was able to find a large enough piece of wood that would keep me afloat as I drifted away from the sinking ship and the pirates.

I could here the screams of the ships crew along with the screams of some of the children and women who were unfortunate enough to be alive when the pirates found them. They were being slaughtered so there would be no witnesses to the crime. I closed my eyes and just hoped they would not find me.

I must have dozed off while I was floating about but was awakened by the sound of water splashing against something. When I raised my head I noticed the tall cliffs of the shoreline that the waves were splashing against. At first I was very excited that I had found land, but it was short lived when I noticed how hard the waves were hitting against the stone cliffs. I started paddling parallel to the cliffs hoping to find a place I could safely go ashore. I was lucky to find an opening between a couple of boulders that allowed me to drift into a small sandy beach.

The beach could not have been more than ten yards wide with jutting boulders on either side. The sand led up into the thick overgrowth of trees and vines, but I was too tired to see where they led. I pulled myself upon the sand and took a long nap. When I awoke it was almost dark. I found a little nook in the boulders and decided to try and build a fire. I was able to gather some wood without straying very far. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would but I was able to get a fire going and where I was located the light from it couldn't be seen unless you were standing next to it.

I created a rack so that I could hang my clothes up and let them dry. I was glad it was warm and the boulders kept the cool sea breeze from reaching me. Even though I was protected from the wind I was getting chilled standing by the fire completely naked. As soon as some of my clothes were dry I started putting them back on. I curled up beside the fire and spent the night in restful sleep.

The next morning I awoke with the pain of an empty stomach. I knew I had to go into the forest to try and find some fresh water and maybe something to eat. Finding the water was a lot easier than I figured. I followed a small ditch that led back up into the hills and at the top was a large fresh water pond. I drank until my stomach hurt before I started looking for something to eat.

I found a few banana trees but the fruit was not ripe yet. The coconuts must have been green also since I was not able to knock any of them down. As I was throwing at some coconuts I heard a voice behind me asking who gave me the right to try and get his coconuts.

When I turned around I gasped as I was looking at your typical pirate. He had dirty long hair, a bushy mustache, loose fitting shirt and pants and a long sword in his right hand. He stood about six feet tall and had a normal build except for the round gut that was half exposed from the open shirt. I had heard what pirates looked like but this was the first time I had actually seen one.

I froze in my steps as he walked around and pushed at different parts of my body with the tip of his sword. He just grunted a few times as he drug his sword across my chest, back and then my ass. He walked right up to my face and I could smell the stale wine on his breast. He wanted to know if there was anybody else on the island with me and how I had gotten there.

I was so scared that I told him everything that had happened. He seemed to loose some of his rough edge when he found out that I was alone. He told me to do just as he said and I might be allowed to live. He headed me off on a path that I had not seen when I arrived in the area. After a few minutes I could hear the sounds of other men talking and laughing. When we came to the top of a hill I was able to see several men that I assumed to be pirates, loading some barrels of water onto their ship.

The man behind me ordered me to continue on to the ship and then told me to head to the back of the ship and enter the room located there. As I entered the room he shut the door behind me and told me that someone would be there in a little while with some food.

I only had to wait a few minutes when an older grumpy man opened the door and handed me some bread and some cold meat. It didn't look very good but at the time it tasted as good as any I have ever had. I finished off all the bread and meat and located some wine to help wash it down. Being eighteen years old I had drank wine before but very little. The wine was a lot stronger than any I had tasted and in a few minutes my head was spinning.

I lay back on the cot and was almost asleep when the man that had found me came into the room. He looked at the empty bottle and me and grunted as he started opening up his pants. I sat up trying to figure out what was going on. He moved in close to me and grabbed my hand. He pushed it inside his pants and I felt his cock and balls as he pushed my hand up and down.

The wine was really working on me now and instead of feeling upset about feeling the man's cock I grabbed it and loved the feeling of it swelling in my hand. He started calling me boy and telling me to jerk on his cock. I guess he called me boy because as I was growing up I was sick a lot and I was very small for my age. I had not grown like the other children because of my sickness until I reached puberty. Even though I had started growing I still was about a foot shorter than most boys my age.

The man's cock had now grown to about eight inches and I was really fascinated by the foreskin that I was pulling over the head of the cock and then pushing back down the shaft. I noticed a drop of pre cum on the head of the pirate's cock. Without even realizing what I was doing I reached out and licked the pre cum off of the cock. The pirate moaned and watched to see what I was going to do next.

I had never even held another man's cock but the soft yet hard feeling of his cock was really getting me turned on. I wanted to suck the cock into my mouth but for some unknown reason I couldn't force myself to do it. The pirate must have known what I was thinking as he pushed his cock inside my mouth and just let it sit on my tongue. For a second I didn't do anything, then I swallowed which pulled his cock head to the back of my mouth.

This sent something through the pirate as he grabbed my head and pushed his cock down my throat. I gagged a little but he wouldn't let me go as I continued to swallow trying to dislodge his cock from my throat. He finally pulled his cock out of my throat, but not out of his mouth. He let me catch my breath and then forced it back down my throat. I could tell he was about to cum and didn't know how I was going to get his cock out of my mouth. There was no way I was going to let him cum in my mouth.

He pulled his cock out of my throat but left the head of his cock resting on my tongue. He grabbed his shaft and started jerking at it real fast. I started to pull off of his cock but he told me not to move. I obeyed as I felt his hot cum hit the back of my mouth and then slide down my throat. He must have shot at least seven times before his cock went limp.

He had me clean his cock with my tongue as he told me that I had better learn to love to suck cock and eat cum. He let me know that we had left the little island and would be at sea for a month or two. The only way I would be allowed to live was if I learned to service him and the men on the ship. He said that later on he would show me some of the other things I would have to learn to do with my body. He said that if anybody wanted to know, I was his cabin boy. This would protect me from being openly raped by the crew.

He grabbed his soft cock and pushed it back into his baggy pants and left the room. I slipped back on the cot and started crying realizing the situation I was now in. The old man who had brought me the food returned and started retrieving the few dishes I had used. He noticed me crying and walked over to me and said he knew what I was feeling but if I had any hope of living I should do just as I was told.

He then lifted his shirt and pulled his pants down and showed me his soft cock. It was about six inches long and not much bigger than my largest finger. As he pulled it away from his body I noticed that he had no balls, only an ugly scar where they once were. He informed me that they had been cut off by a pirate when he was a much younger man when he refused to suck the man's cock. He then let me know that the crew frequently visited his hammock and he would willingly let them fuck his ass or suck them off.

He said that I needed to decide if I wanted to live or die for a little shame. He grinned at me as he fixed his clothes and said besides if you are one of the lucky ones you will probably enjoy it and actually go looking for the crewmembers.

I thought of what he had said and as I remembered sucking the man's cock my cock was getting hard. I decided that all those dreams that I had been having about having sex with men were more than dreams. At that moment I realized that I all ready wanted men to fuck me and let me suck their cocks. Several times while growing up I had almost offered to suck another boys cock, and now I understood why I had those feelings.

I asked the man who I assumed was the cook on the ship, if I could go outside the cabin. He told me that it was all right but to stay on the deck so that the Captain could see him at all times. As the cook left I followed him outside and was a little surprised that it was almost dark as the ship glided across the water even though there was very little wind to fill the sails.

I looked around and was taking notices of all the different men that I could see. There were ten or fifteen men who had no particular characteristic about them. There were a few that were fat and a little on the feminine side. Then there was the really big man that stood at the wheel and guided the ship. He had to be well over six feet tall and wore only some kind of wrap around his waist. His muscles were large and appeared to be cut out of stone. The sight of this man made my cock jump and start to grow.

The captain motioned for me to come to him, which was right beside this large man. When I stood beside him he told me to take my clothes off. I was a little embarrassed but didn't refuse him. He took all of my clothes and tossed them over the side of the ship. He handed me a piece of cloth and showed my how to wrap my cock and balls up in it and then wrap it around my waist and up the crack of my ass. When he was through the only part of my body that was covered was my balls and cock and part of the crack of my ass. He told me that as long as he was his cabin boy that was all I needed to ware. He then had me walk slowly down one side of the ship and up the other so that all the crewmen could get a look at me.

I could hear the comments of the crew as I got close to them. It was apparent that they couldn't wait until they were allowed to have their way with me. When I got back to the Captain he told me to go back into his cabin and wait for him.

I only had to wait for a few minutes as the Captain moved in and lighted a couple of lanterns. He proceeded to remove his clothes and told me to stand up and take off my little wrap. As I stood there waiting for him to tell me what to do next, he put his hand into a jar and started rubbing some kind of oil on my back and down on my ass. As his hands slid down the crack of my ass he told me to spread my legs. When I did this he pushed a finger up my asshole which made me scream out in pain.

He pulled his finger out and this time forced two inside me. The pain was still as great, but he was showing no mercy as he continued to ram his fingers in and out of me. After a few minutes of this he told me to lie down on the cot and stick my ass up in the air at him. I did as was told and felt his cock as he placed it at the entrance of my asshole. I grabbed a hold of the cot waiting for what I knew was about to come. When he pushed his cock in, the pain was worse than the fingers he had used earlier. However the pain started subsiding as he pushed and pulled his cock in and out of my asshole.

I heard him grunt as his cock went all the way inside me. I felt him reach around and grab my hard cock as he let out a little laughter. He told me it looked like I was enjoying being fucked from the feel of my cock. He started increasing his pumping and to my surprise my cock started shooting cum. I had no idea that a man fucking me would cause me to cum. The Captain felt my asshole grab his cock as I went through my orgasm. This caused him to start fucking me faster and harder as he was building to an orgasm. When he started cumming I could feel the hot cum as it spread throughout my asshole. He thrust several times until his cock started going soft.

I turned around and asked him how soon it would be before he could do it again. He laughed at me and then yelled out a name. A few seconds later the large man I had seen earlier entered the room asking the Captain what he needed.

The Captain told him that he had just finished fucking the new cabin boy, but the boy was not satisfied and he wanted to know if he could help the boy out. The big man just grinned as he slowly unwrapped himself. I gasped as I noticed that his cock was as big as the Captain's but he wasn't even close to being hard. I jumped down off of the cot and grabbed his cock with both hands as I licked it and watched it get hard. It must have been fourteen inches long and almost as thick as my wrist. I couldn't even get the head of it in my mouth and I tried several times.

The man and the Captain carried me back to the cot as the Captain reached into the jar again and collected some more of the oil. As I lay on my back the big man pulled my legs up as the Captain applied the oil to my asshole. He then started pushing his fingers inside my asshole one at a time. After a while he had all four of his fingers inside me and part of his hand. I couldn't believe that I was not feeling any pain, just a stuffed feeling.

The Captain pulled his hand out and said that the boy was as ready as he possible could be. The big man moved his dick to the entrance of my asshole as he got ready to thrust it into me. I felt the pressure as he started pushing the head of his cock into my asshole. After a few seconds I was beginning to think that my asshole would be ripped open at any second. All at once the man's cock head popped into my ass and the forceful pressure disappeared. The man's cock started to go deeper and deeper with each thrust he made. When he finally got all of his cock inside me he stopped and rested for a few seconds as he caught his breath.

The Captain moved himself around on the bed to where he could feed his cock in my mouth. As I let him slide his cock in my mouth and down my throat, the big man started a slow fuck of my ass. The longer it went the longer his strokes got and the harder he was slamming back into me. I started cumming and after about every tenth stroke of his cock I was shooting cum onto the cot. When I would cum I would stop sucking on the Captain's cock, but as soon as I did I would suck at him fast and furious.

I felt the big man grab my hips and knew that he was near cumming just as the Captain shot his load down my throat. While I was making sure that I swallowed all of the Captain's cum; the big man started exploding inside me and when I felt the hot cum spreading inside me I went through another orgasm. The big man collapsed on top of me and when he caught his breath he quickly pulled his cock out of me, which caused a stream of cum to pour out of my asshole. He slapped me on the ass and started to wrap himself back up and then left.

The Captain pushed me over to one side of the cot as he lay down and we both went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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