Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Aug 9, 1999


Life Saver Part 9 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, or Carson Daly is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part nine. I haven't got much response from anyone but, those who do respond to me have been great comments. I suppose I can continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school starting in one week and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. So if you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers! Now I sent in 5 questions from my story so you better be reading up...even if you have just started.....They are really easy! IF YOU DONT HAVE ICQ GET IT....for the game show and so we can talk in real time!!!!

If you didn't read the results of the 2nd bi-annual BSB-NSYNC awards I didn't win anything but, that is ok. I know I have a lot of faithful readers and people like Keith keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH KEITH..... If you don't know Keith his is an author and his story is really good so if you want to read it is called...'Keith and Brian'. Now...all of my reader I want ya'll to participate in the game show so please get ICQ so you can play and talk to me! I have ICQ too! I will be helping JM on the game show on Friday so I hope to see you then and GOOD LUCK!!!!

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Chapter 16

"As a surprise to our MTV viewers we have a special guest on our show. Their video has been number one for 3 straight weeks and again today they have the number one video on TRL. Ladies and Gentleman.....the BACKSTREET BOYS!!!", Carson announced as the 5 young men walk on to the stage.

"What's up Carson!", Kevin said as they shook hands.

"Sup?!", AJ said fixing his hat.

"Hey Carson!", Nick said with glee and a smile.

"Hey guyz! How has the millennium tour been going?", Carson asked while staring at Nick.

"It's been going pretty good. We have a great cast, director, and band along with us and it makes life a lot easier.", Kevin explained.

"Yeah, I bet it does. Well, your video 'I Want it That Way' is being retired today and it is at #1 so we are going to let some fans up here and watch your video one last time and afterwards you guys are gonna play a couple of songs for us and all the fans outside is that right?", Carson asked.

"Yep!", Howie stated with a smile.

"Ok folks, it's BSB with 'I Want it That Way' at #1 on TRL....", Carson said as the video began to play.

The video was played all the way through as the live audience sat and watched the video with the BSB. The girls screamed and cried as they sang along....quite out of tune. I turned to look at Brian who was leaning on one of the video monitors staring outside.

"I wonder what he is thinking about", I thought.

" #1 for the last time as they are retired....when we come back the guys are gonna give us a small performance and we'll close another day of TRL...", Carson said as the music faded in and out.

The band and the guys were asked to set up for the performance and we did it in record time....only because we had 2 minutes to do so. The band set up our stage and got our instruments ready to play our two songs. The boys got set on there stools and stuck smiles on their faces while Carson was dealing with the mass of girls who had entered the studio.

"Welcome back to this edition of TRL. We have the BSB on with us as we retired there video and now they are going to perform some of their songs old and new. Ladies and Gentleman the Backstreet Boys!!!!", Carson announced once again as we started 'Everybody'.

We played the noted to perfection as Brian, Nick, Howie, Kevin, and AJ danced and sang their way through 'Everybody' for probably the 200th time. As the song was completed the 100 or so girls and guys in the studio were screaming to the top of their lungs and it was pretty crazy. The applause subsided as I began 'I Want it That Way'.

Brian stood up from his stool and sang with the most emotion I had ever seen him sing with. He turned around to face me and after his solo was done he mouthed I love you. I started to smile but, I knew I couldn't or I would mess up the entire song. Nick stood up for his solo and sang directly to Carson as he was trying to hide behind some girls. Carson blushed and vowed to get Nick back for what he was doing to him. The rest of the song went by beautifully and we were given another enormous applause. I took a bow and went over to mingle with the rest of the band as we commented on another performance done.

Carson wrapped up the show and happily got the girls escorted back outside. I walked over to where the guys were standing and leaned my head on Brian's shoulder.

"Hey....what's up sweetie.", Brian said as he put his arm around me.

"Nothin. I am just really tired. We don't have to leave to go somewhere else tonight do we?", I asked fearing the truth.

"Naw...we are here for a couple of days. Then we go to Lexington to visit my family.", Brian said breaking the news.

"Oh that's good....Hold on! What did you just say?", I asked hoping I didn't hear what I thought I heard.

"We are going to Lexington to see visit my and Kevin's family but, that's still not for a couple of days.", Brian stated thinking nothing of it.

"Whoa, whoa whoa, me and you are going to visit your family? Um, Brian do they know about you let alone me and you?", I asked with concern.

"No but, they will know.", Brian said moving back to his conversation with the guys.

"Well, I don't think I should go?"

"Why not?!?!", Brian said quite angered now.

"I am not gonna deal with your parent's when they blow a gasket!", I said leaving the conversation at that.

"Robert, it is going to be ok. They will understand, they have to.", Brian said in hope of a positive reaction to the touchy subject.

"Well, 9 times out of 10 people don't react to favorably to news like this and I don't want to lose you!", I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Robert...I don't know what to say except we will cross that bridge when we get there.", Brian said ending our heated conversation.

"What are we doing tonight chicos?", Howie said in a thick latino accent.

"I am going out with Carson to dinner and then we are probably going to hang out!", Nick bragged happily with Carson walking towards us.

"Hey Carson....", Nick said as he embraced Carson for the first time ever.

"Hey you! You looked pretty good today singing up there.", Carson said as Nick blushed.

"Well, so did you Carson....", Nick said seductively. "Come on guys let's go back to the hotel! I want to show Carson my room!"

"Oh know what that means!", Brian joked.

"Shutup...I would never do something like that on the first night!", Nick mischievously.

"Brian...can we go? Please.", I said tugging on his shirt.

"Why Robert...I wanna hang out here til all of the guys go. We are gonna decide what we are going to do tonight and then we will go back ok?", Brian said not considering my idea.

"That's fine...I am going and you can stay here. I will be in our room when you are done chatting.", I said as I stormed out the door and back to the hotel room.

"He is such a baby sometimes!", Brian complained loudly.

"What did you do to him Brian?", Kevin asked disappointed.

"I didn't do shit! He wanted me to go to the hotel with him and I don't want to go just yet.", Brian complained his case.

"Why don't you want to go to the hotel with your boyfriend?", Nick asked in amazement.

" don't know why I didn't go with him. I just wanted to see what our plans our I guess.", Brian said with his head hanging low.

"Brian, are all going back to the hotel anyway. We could have told you what we are doing tonight besides... I think Robert wants to have a talk with you.", Nick informed him.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, apparently you told him about where we are going in a couple of days. I know he is upset about that and you two guys seem to be drifting apart. It's like you were fine until after the last song was over. What is wrong with you Brian?", Nick said out loud.

"Maybe I just realized somethin and it got to me ok?", Brian said feeling the guilt of his actions.

"Look, we are all going back to the hotel and chillin' for a little while. You better fix what is bothering you before we go out or I think something bad is gonna happen. And if Robert means as much to you as you say he does then I think it is worth it to sit down and talk with him. Let's go guys!", Kevin said as he rounded everyone up including Carson.

The guys got into the limo and drove the block to the hotel in secrecy. Nick escorted Carson to his room and quickly but quietly shut his door. Howie went into his room and continued to think about his selfishness his friends relationships. Kevin went into his room and thought about everything that had happened in this long day. Brian walked down the hall quietly and knocked on the door to the room I was in.

"Hello?", Brian called as he got know answer. He turned the knob to see if it was unlocked and found that it was. Brian slowly entered the room and looked around to find me sleeping on the bed. Brain walked over to the side of the bed and knelt by the bed.

"I love you Robert....", he whispered as he kissed me on the forehead. The kiss quickly woke me up from my light nap and I slowly opened my eyes to find Brian looking at me.

"So what is the plan for tonight?", I asked sleepily.

"I don't know yet but, I think I am just gonna stay here with you so we can talk."

"What do we need to talk about?", I asked curiously.

"Everything.", Brian notified me.

"That's a lot to talk about!", I joked.

"Well, I realized that we need to talk about some things, not bad but, we need to talk about them.", Brian said as he laid next to me on the bed.

"Do you want to tell the guys that we won't be going out tonight?", I asked quietly.

"Yeah, hold on ok?", Brian said as he picked up the phone. "Hey dude! This is Brian. Count me and Rob out of tonight's plans. We are gonna stay here for tonight. Thanks thought! bye."

"What next?", I asked uncertain.

"Well it is 4:45. I say we take a nap and then order some dinner and talk.", Brian suggested.

"Sounds good to me!", I agreed.

"Cool, now let me help you with those clothes.", Brian insisted as he pulled my slacks off and I took my tommy shirt off.

"You look pretty good with just boxers on!", Brian flirted.

"Whatever you say man....", I said not believing his comments were sincere.

" are too self-conscious. To me you are the most beautiful thing in this world. I love you so much Robbie!", Brian cooed as he began to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, you love me enough to come with me to the hotel when I ask you to!", I said to myself. I closed my eyes and felt myself falling asleep once again. I only hoped that we would have time to talk later.

Carson followed Nick into his room as Nick turned the lights on and revealed his trashed suite. Nick blushed as he saw Carson's amazement at how sloppy Nick keeps his hotel room.

"What is so amazing?", Nick asked giggling.

"This room looking like a pig-stye is what is so amazing!", Carson laughed as he sat on Nick's bed nervously.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?", Nick asked as he turned the tv on.

"Well, I thought we were going out to eat somewhere.....", Carson reminded Nick of their pre-made plans.

"Oh yeah...well what do you want to do until then?", Nick asked Carson deviously.

"I dunno...just hang out I guess.", Carson said to his new found friend.

"Cool...well the tv is yours I gotta go take a piss. Don't leave me now aight?", Nick pleaded with a cute grin.

"Don't worry...I won't go anywhere!", Carson said as he winked in Nick's direction. Nick quickly ran into the bathroom and lifted the seat to the stall. Nick was excited about Carson being in his room yet he was nervous too because he was with someone he had never met. Nick finished his bathroom duties and walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.

"Hey!", Nick surprise Carson.

"Hey....just watchin some tv here...wanna come over and join me?", Carson asked with an angel's face.

"Uhuh...", Nick said as if he were a 4y/o being asked if he wanted some ice-cream.

"Well, come over here there is plenty of room on your bed!!", Carson invited as Nick ran over to his bed and laid down on his stomach next to Carson.

"What do you wanna watch Nickie?", Carson asked as he caught Nick staring at him. "Earth to Nick....Wake up!!!!!", Carson said as he waved his hand in front of Nick's face.

"Huhh...oh...what did you say?", Nick asked politely.

"What do you want to watch?", Carson asked a second time.

"Oh....I guess MTV is fine...", Nick said as he continued to stare at Carson. Carson turned the television to MTV and started to watch SayWhat Kareoke....which had been recorded earlier in the summer. Carson laughed as the contestants stuttered through the lyrics of well-known songs while Nick was still looking at Carson deeply. Carson turned around to look at Nick and for a second time caught him staring.

"What.....?", Carson asked now giving full attention to Nick.

"Nothin.", Nick said smiling.

"Really...I find that hard to believe Nick Carter...", Carson said with a smile.

"I am just out of it I guess...I am sorry for staring at you.", Nick apologized quickly.

"It's ok's ok.", Carson whispered as he caressed Nick's cheek.

"Can...ummm....can kiss you?", Nick asked nervously as Carson shook his head slighty.

Nick moved closer and closer as his lips lightly touched Carson's and his first kiss with a guy had been initiated. Nick slowly kissed Carson with care and love. Carson was enjoying everything he was getting and he opened his mouth for Nick's tongue to enter. Nick took this as a gesture of love and abliged with Carson's need for his taste. Nick slowly inched his tongue into Carson's mouth and let Carson play with his tongue as Nick pleasured every moment that he was having with Carson. Carson gave his tongue to Nick and let him take it whole-heartedly. Nick and Carson both new that the kiss had run its course and both ended the kiss gently. Nick opened his eyes and stared into the man he had just kissed eyes. The look was all that needed to be said and the two shared a silent moment together.

"Wow...that was pretty great.", Nick broke the silence.

"Yeah, it was wasn't it.", Carson agreed.

"Carson, will you be my boyfriend?", Nick asked nervously.

"Yes...I would love to be your boyfriend Nick....", Carson said without hesistation. Nick smiled and began his first relationship with Carson Daly.

"BLIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!! BLIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!", the phone was ringing Kevin's room.

"Hello???", Kevin answered.

" Robert Jacobs there?", the woman asked.

"Umm...yeah he is in the next room this is Kevin Richardson...may I ask whom is calling?", Kevin asked politely.

"This is Kari Jacobs..I need to talk to my son.", she said sternly.

"Ok.....let me go get him.", Kevin said as he put the phone down and went to Brian's room.

"Hello?....Robert....your mom is on the phone! Hello???", Kevin called from outside.

"What do you want Kevin?", Brian asked annoyed as he answered the door.

"Robert's mom is on the phone and she wants to talk with him.", Kevin informed Brian.

"Well, he is asleep Kevin. I don't want to wake him.", Brian complained.

"His mom is on the phone and if you want him to stay on this tour you better wake him up ok?", Kevin said and left the room. Brian walked over to the bed and tried to wake Robert up.

"Robert...wake up...your mom is on the phone!", Brian tried. Then he thought of the easiest way to wake Rob up. Brian leaned down and kissed him on the lips and as soon as Brian left his lips Robert woke up.

"Robbie...your mom is on the phone in Kevin's room.", Brian informed me. I quickly got up from the bed and ran to the phone in Kevin's room.


"Robert...we need to talk."

"Ok mom...what's wrong?", I asked concerned.

"Who is this Brian person?", my mom asked with suspicion.

"Brian Litrell is one of the guys of the BSB.", I said happily.

"Oh that it?", she asked as if she thought otherwise.

"Yeah...", I said confidently.

"Well, your friend Brandon tells me that you have something of a relationship with this Brian fellow....", Kari said with hatred.

"Oh my god...", I said with my voice trailing off.

"Is there something you aren't telling me son?", She said with hurt in her voice.

" Oh my god..", I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Son are you gay?", Kari said bluntly.

"Mom...I'm sorry!", I pleaded.

" are a fucking queer!! God Robert...I had so much dreamed in you. I wanted a grandchild....I wanted to plan your could you?", Kari cried immensely.

"Mom....Im....sor..sorry...I didn't mean to be gay.", I apologized over myself bawling. Brian stared at me as I broke down over the phone....he knew that I needed someone but, he also knew I needed to deal with this by myself.

" know I will always love you...I just will have to learn how to handle this....God son...I am so dissappointed in you....I am going to tell your father and I will call you back when I calm down....Goodbye son!", Kari said as she hung up the phone.

I hung the phone up slowly and started to shake at the shock of now being "out" to my parents. I was scared of losing everything. I fell onto my knees and started to scream in anger in sadness and in pain. Kevin's room was soon filled with Nick, Brian, Carson, Howie, and AJ. Brian kneeled down next to me and put his arm around me so I could lean my head on his shoulder.

"Oh My God....Oh My God....Oh My God....", I sobbed as Brian comforted me.

"What happened?", Nick whispered to Kevin. No one had heard or even guessed what had happened only Brian had an idea but, still he was in the dark. Thirty minutes after the phone called had ended I had controlled my emotions somewhat and the guys had gathered around a table to hear what I had to say.

"So...babe...what happened?", Brian asked sincerely still continuing to comfort me.

"Umm...Brandon....called my mom.....and umm...told her about me and Brian...and she knows I am gay...and she kind of went off on me. She is going to tell my father and call me back when she calms down.", I said still sobbing.

The group had been frozen in their seats with the short explanation I had given them. Nick got up from his seat and came over to hug me. As I was hugged, the tears began to flow again....I couldn't control my anger....and my depression. My parents were going to disown parents hated me. "Rob...its have us. We all love you very much.", I pulled away from Nick's hug and laid my head on the tables. Brian had gotten up and walked over to the wall where he had started to cry also. Brian became violent and started to punch the wall and cuss on Brandon's name. I ran over to Brian and tried to calm him down.

"Robert...I am going to kill Brandon...if it is the last thing I do that boy is dead meat!!!!", Brian yelled as he fell to the ground and started to cry in guilt.

"What are we going to do Kevin?", AJ asked wiping his tears away.

"I don't AJ...I don't know man but, this sucks and we can't this happen to Robert or Brian. All I know is I need to find Brandon and whip his ass!", Kevin said in anger.

I slowly walked to my room with my head down and walked over to the bed where I fell and started to cry again...this time enraged at myself. I tossed and turned in the bed as I screamed and cried out at the world. I had fallen in love with my life saver and now it has ruined my life.

I heard the door open and didn't notice anyone walk in. I closed my eyes and continued to cry. Suddenly, I felt hands on my back rubbing me trying to comfort me and stop my pain. I turned around and saw Brian laying next to me with tears in his eyes.

"Im sorry.", Brian said as he sniffled and caressed my cheek.

"It's is all my fault. I just want to die right now!", I said crying even harder.

"Baby, I don't want you to die. I love you to much to lose you. If you die then I am going to die to!", Brian said as he started to cringe at the thought.

"I don't want you to die Brian..."

"Then take back what you said! Please baby!", Brian begged.

"I don't want to die....I love you so much Brian..", I whispered as I almost passed out from emotional exhaustion. It was only 6:30 and I hadn't talked to Brian about what I wanted and needed to talk about...but, I had just been through a lot. I passed out on the bed and fell into a deep sleep with Brian watching my every breath.

"Well doesn't that just ruin our evening.", Carson said sadly.

"Yeah, it does. I am sorry dude, I didn't mean for this to happen. We can still go out if you want to though.", Nick said hopefully.

"Are you sure? look kind of upset right now.", Carson said as he put his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's just that I was thinking about how it will be when my parent's find out that I am gay. I don't want to go through what Robert is going through. It would kill me and whoever I was going out with also. I don't want to hurt you Carson no matter what.", Nick said as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Nick, don't worry about stuff like that. I will always protect you and I will never let anyone hurt you like that. Nick I....I love you.", Carson stated as Nick froze in shock.

"What did you say?", Nick asked not believing his ears.

"I love you Nick", Carson said again with a twinkle in his eye. A smile began to grow on Nick's face as he embraced Carson in a hug. Nick and Carson had formed a love affair and nothing was going to tear them apart.

"Come on baby...let's go to a club or somethin!", Carson insisted.

"Ok, let me go get cleaned up and get some nice clothes on and we can go.", Nick said as he went to the bathroom.

Carson walked to the mirror and checked himself to make sure he was presentable.

"Well bud this is gonna be a long night!", Carson said to himself. "You better treat him right.", Carson reminded himself.

Nick entered his room looking better than he had all day long. The tears had been wiped away, a smile had been permanatly painted on his face, and he had some sharp looking clothes on.

"WOW, look great Nickie!", Carson said in aghast from Nick's handsomness.

"Yeah, well when I try hard enough I can look pretty good.", Nick boasted as he grabbed Carson's hand and lead him to the elevator.

"I feel so stupid dressed like this Nick.", Carson said a little red in the face.

"Don't worry about it look beautiful!", Nick said as he gave him a kiss on the lips. The elevator reached the lobby and a limo had been waiting the entire time for the two young men. Carson opened the door for his boyfriend and they both entered the limo happier than ever.

"So where are we going baby?", Carson asked deviously.

"I dunno...Driver can you take us to a hot club?", Nick asked the driver.

"Will do sir....", the driver replied as the tinted window rolled up and left the two young men in privacy.

"Just me and you now!", Nick giggled.

"I what does that exactly mean?", Carson said with a smile on his face.

"I dunno...I gusss it means we can have some fun.", Nick whispered as his hand had slid to Carson's pants.

" does that mean I can kiss you?"

"Uhuh....", Nick mumbled as he moved his mouth closer to Carson's. Carson leaned towards Nick and gently rubbed his lips against Nick's Nick moved in closer and Carson abliged by sucking on Nick's wet lips. Nick's hand began to unzip Carson's slacks and explore throughout his pants.

"Baby we can't do this here...Mmmmm...Nickie stop....please?", Carson moaned as Nick caressed his hardening cock.

"When do you want to do it then?", Nick asked with an attitude.

"I dunno...", Carson said confused as he began to kiss Nick erotically. Carson spread his legs and allowed Nick to put his hand in his boxers. Nick began to slowly jack Carson off in the back of the limo while Carson sucked on his neck.

"Don't give me a hickey babe..."Nick warned Carson.

"Ok...don't.....don't go to fa...far on me ok?", Carson stuttered as Nick began to jack Carson off harder.

"Ok...I won't...I think the car stopped.", Nick said as he quickly buttoned Carson's jeans and wiped the slobber off of his neck.

"We have arrived sir...what time shall you be outside for me to pick you up sir?", the driver asked at attention.

"Can you just wait in the parking lot and we will be out when we are fully partied out.", Nick informed the driver.

"Yes sir!", the driver complied as he closed the door and drove off to wait.

"Shall we?", Carson asked grabbing Nick's hand and walking towards the club the driver had selected. Carson and Nick went to the front of the line and made their presence known so they could get into the club without hesitation. Nick and Carson went inside and went directly to the bar where they ordered jello shots.

"Wanna play a game?", Nick asked smiling.

"Sure...what do you have in mind?", Carson asked over the loud music.

"Ok, you take a jello shot and split it between one person....kind of like a kiss kind of thing.", Nick explained.

"Ummm...what about all of these people in here?", Carson asked nervously.

"This is a gay bar if you haven't noticed dudie!", Nick said pointing to all of the gay couples making out.

"Oh...hehehe well I guess we can give it a shot...give me a jello shot!", Carson yelled as he put one in his mouth and proceeded to kiss Nick and give him a taste of the drink. Carson gave Nick half of the shot and continued the kiss for a long time drawing much attention from the bar.

"Are you gonna let him breathe or are we gonna have to do CPR?", the bartender asked laughing.

"Wow, that was fun! Wanna play again?", Nick asked devishly.

"Uhuh....!", Carson agreed as he hand Nick the shot this time. Nick and Carson continued to play the "jello shot" game until they were considerably drunk.

"Baby, you wanna go dance???", Nick asked slurring every word.

"Uhuh...", Carson said as he wrapped his arms around Nick's waist and began to grind with him on the way to the dance floor. As soon as they hit the dance floor Carson and Nick were making out again....Nick's hands moved into Carson's pants and began to massage Carson's erection.

"Oh...fuck baby...I love you Nickie!!!", Carson said as he laid his head on Nick's shoulder.

"I love you too Carson..."Nick moaned as he began a kissing frenzy with Carson. The crowd began to swarm the couple kissing and everyone began to kiss. Stray people began to kiss other people and Nick was pulled off of Carson and people started to kiss the separated couple....

"Get off of me!!!", Carson and Nick yelled simataneosly. The guys started moving away and started dancing again as a man stepped in front of Nick and started to kiss him deeply.

"Get off of me!!!!", Nick yelled as he hand before.

"I love you Nick!", the man said as he continued to suck on his neck.

"Carson....????", Nick asked as he tried to identify the man. As the man stopped suckin on Nick's face and looked into his eye's Nick stood in fear, amazement, and confusion.


Next: Chapter 10

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