Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Aug 4, 1999


Life Saver Part 8 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, or Carson Daly is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part eight. I haven't got much response from anyone but, those who do respond to me have been great comments. I suppose I can continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school starting in two weeks and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. So if you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers and hopefully I got some votes....and if ya voted for me I thank you even more. Now I sent in 5 questions from my story so you better be reading up...even if you have just started.....They are really easy! IF YOU DONT HAVE ICQ GET IT....for the game show and so we can talk in real time!!!!

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Chapter 15

The sun shined threw the balcony window and lit up the room that I had lost my virginity in hours ago. Now, I had to ask myself if it was truly the right time and the right place. It felt like the right time at the time but, what if we break up the tomorrow. Thoughts of guilt filled my mind as I rolled over on my side and began to question my actions. I didn't know why I had chosen last night as my "time" to use my virginity. I had just gotten out of high school and the first person I get in a serious relationship I fuck. I couldn't believe that I was so stupid to let myself lose my virginity. I looked at the clock and was surprised at how early it was.

"8:30???? Damn it is early!", I said as I felt a hand touch my bare skin.

"Good Morning...", Brian whispered as he continued to touch me.

"Mmm, baby, um....can we talk for a little while...", I said closing my eyes enjoying the feelings I was receiving.

"Yeah, what's up baby?", Brian asked as I turned to look at him.

"You know I am fresh out of high school right?", I asked as Brian nodded his head. "Well, you took my virginity away and I am wondering now if it was the right time and the right place.", I said as Brian looked at me in shock.

"Why do you say that?", Brian asked as if he were hurt.

"Well, I mean what if we break up a week from now or what if we break up today. I mean I don't want that to happen right after we shared something like this with each other. I can't tell you how much I adore you and you really make me feel special but, you took my virginity last night and I am scared what might happen in the future. I am sorry if I have upset you but, this is really bothering me."

"Robbie, I know what it feels like for this to happen. I was having the same thoughts last night. All I can say is that I would never do that to you and I hope you would never do that to me. I love you more than you will ever know and I will always love you no matter what..."

"How do you always know what I want to hear?", I said smiling in disbelief.

"Well, I guess I just like you like that."

"Whatever...I am kind of hungry. Do you wanna order room service or go out somewhere?"

"Well, I would like to get some room service so we dont have to go anywhere.", Brian answered while picking up the phone. "What do you want sweetie?"

"Can I have bacon, eggs, toast, and sausage links?", I asked licking my lips.

"Rob this is New York!", Brian said laughing as I frowned. "You know you can have anything you want!"

"Oh shaddup! Do you think I can take a shower before the food gets here?", I pondered out loud.

"Probably, just hurry up and don't jack off!", Brian joked.

"Well, maybe if you weren't here I wouldn't but, since you are you know I am gonna have to 24/7!", I said playfully hitting his ass.

"Oh no you don't! You are gonna get it now!", he said as he threw me on the bed and started tickling me.

"STOP! You bastard! PLEASEEEEE!!!! Come on dude!", I begged.

"Nope...not until you say those magic words!", Brian repeated

"I Love you OK! Just stop and let me go please.....", I said getting angry now.

"Ok, ok, what's wrong with you. I was just playin with you baby.", Brian apologized.

"Yeah well I don't like the way you play!", I screamed as I slammed the bathroom door in his face.

I turned the shower water on hot and jumped in trying to forget what had just happened.

"Brian just needs to learn to let me go when I say so", I said to myself. "If he would have just stopped I wouldn't have screamed at him."

I let my body soak up the water and just relaxed in the nice and hot shower. The next time I looked at my watch it was 9:30. I had been in the shower for almost 45 minutes. I stood up and turned the water off. I dried myself of and put on some clothes that I had brought from my house. I brushed my teeth and hair and stepped out into the room where my breakfast was waiting for me. I walked up to the table where my food was and began to eat my southern style breakfast. As I finished up the eggs I felt a cool breeze touch the back of my neck and I turned around to see the balcony door open. I stood up from my chair and walked over to see if anyone was out on the balcony. As I peered outside I saw Brian in a chair with his eyes closed. I walked over to where Brian was sitting and kneeled down so my chin was resting on his lap.

I stared up at Brian and watched him relax in his chair. He looked extremely stressed out and overly tired. I began to rub his leg as he continued to rest in the New York morning. I couldn't let Brian be uncomfortable while he slept so I stood up and picked Brian up into my arms. I slowly walked Brian into the room and laid him down on the bed.

Brian curled up into a ball as I let him down. He was so cute while he was asleep. Even more so than when he is awake.

"You know Brian you are one heavy mother fucker.", I said jokingly to my resting lover.

"I hope you didn't think I was really mad at you. I was just letting off some steam. I really hate it when I ask people to do something and they don't do it. I should have told you that before hand I guess.", I said without any answer from him. "Well, I guess you are having fun sleeping. I love you Brian. I am gonna go talk to Nick for a little while. If you need something just look for me.", I said as I stood up from the bed where he was sleeping and walked out of the room.

I walked over to where Nick's room was and knocked on the door. I waited 5 minutes and to no avail no one came to the door. I then knocked on the door again and finally a sleepy Nick answered the door.

"Hey, um I didn't mean to wake you but, I thought we could talk or something.", I said feeling very awkward.

"That's ok bud....we can talk. Come on in and sit down.", Nick said as he escorted me into his room that was trashed. "So what is on your mind?", Nick asked while falling on the bed again.

"Nothin...just bored.", I answered.

"Really? So you would leave Brian to come and talk to me? Yeah right!"

"Well, he is asleep and I don't feel like falling back to sleep and I need to talk to you about something anyways."

"And what might that something be?", Nick asked curiously.

"Ummm, I am gonna do you a favor but, I don't know if you want me to do it.", I said deviously.

"And what kind of favor do you have in mind?"

"Well it is more of a surprise. Just let me know one thing. How much do you like Carson?"

"I would totally melt in his arms. He is so fine Robert. I just wish he were gay and didn't do out with that Love girl. Anyways, I would die to go out with him. Not that that will ever happen but, I would love to go out with him."

"Ok, that's all I needed to know. Thank you for your time and you can go back to sleep", I said as I ran out of the room in a flash.

I walked back to my room and went in slowly as to not disturb Brian. Brian hadn't stirred since I left 10 minutes ago. He was still curled up in his cute little ball. I went over to the bed and pulled the covers over him and kissed hi on the forehead while I went outside to look at NYC. I had never been to New York City. It was the biggest city I have ever seen in my life. I could never imagine this many buildings in one place. And there was NO grass! I peered around the corner of the hotel and I saw MTV studios and then a thought came to my mind.

I went back inside the room and grabbed my wallet and me ID for being in the Backstreet Boy band. I walked over to Brian and made sure he was still sleeping.

"I'm going to the MTV studios ok? Don't worry about me. I love you babe.", I whispered into his ear with a kiss.

I walked out of the room and went towards the elevator to go to the lobby. The elevator got to my floor and took me down to the Lobby floor. I got out of the elevator and went out of our hotel on the way to MTV studios. I walked across the street and down a block and walked right through the front doors of MTV studios. As I walked in I saw a women sitting behind a desk that was taller than she was.

"Hi sir, may I help you?", the women asked politely.

"Umm...I suppose. Is Carson Daly here yet?"

"Why yes he is but, who are you?", the lady asked with a hint of arrogance.

"I am the new trumpet player for the BSB Band and I would like to talk to Carson for a little bit if you don't mind.", I said with a smile on my face.

"Well, his office is down the hall turn right and then left and he should be in the room on the left.", the woman said defeated.

"Thankyou!", I called as I started my trek to Carson's office.

I followed the woman's directions and got to the office that she said Carson would be in. I knocked on the door and got no answer so I walked in. The room was quite dark with the lights off and in the corner I could see a man staring at a computer screen. I walked over to where the man was sitting and got close enough to see what he was staring at. The man was staring at pictures of the BSB and he was jacking off. I was extremely surprised by this so I ran over to the light and turned it on to the surprise of the guy sitting in the chair.

"Ohh...shit!", the man yelled while he quickly pulled up his pants and turned the computer off. "What the fuck are you doing in here?", the man called.

"Are you Carson Daly?", I said quite confused by what I had caught him doing.

"Yeah! And who the fuck are you! Who told you you could come in here?", Carson said infuriated,

"The lady up at the front said I could come talk to you. My name is Robert Jacobs, I am the newest edition of the BSB band. I just wanted to talk to you about something if that was ok. I see you are busy masturbating to the computer. What kind of pics did you have there", I asked knowing full and well who he was looking at.

"Oh, well, um, I was just looking at some girls on the internet. Yeah, and you just bust in here and catch me with my pants down, literally.", Carson said quite agitated.

"I could have sworn you were looking at picture of the BSB. I mean there is nothing wrong with that but, I would have never thought you were gay!", I said spilling the beans for him.

"Well, I guess there is no reason in lying. Yes, I was looking at pictures of BSB and yes I am gay! Now go and tell the whole world and ruin my life!", Carson said as a tear ran down his eye.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa dude I didn't mean to upset you. I just was gonna ask you an important question to help out one of my friends.", I said to ease Carson's fears.

"Who is this friend of yours?", Carson asked sarcastically.

"Have you ever heard of this guy named Nick Carter?", I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, he is a BSB! Duh! He is fine too but don't tell him I said that. He would tell the whole world for sure. I could never have a BSB or anything good like that.", Carson said loosening up a little more.

"Well, I know a guy who has a huge crush on you. He looks exactly like Nick Carter. Do you want to talk with him?", I asked hoping Carson would fall for my trick.

"No, I think I will pass. I can always wait for my time with someone of that caliber. For now I will just be little ol' me!", he said with his cute grin. Well, I need to be getting ready so I guess I will see you at the concert tonight ok?", Carson said obviously trying to get me to leave.

"Well, what if I said that Nick Carter is the guy that has a big crush on you?"

As I finished the last word of my sentence Carson's mouth was all the way open. He had frozen in disbelief and couldn't move.

"Well, I better get going or Brian is gonna start worrying about me.", I said hoping Carson would pick up on where I was going.

"OHHH MY GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!", Carson said as he began to jump around the room. Carson ran over to me and picked me up and started to swing me in the air.

"Carson....Carson....Let me down.... LET ME THE FUCK DOWN CARSON!!!", I finally said screaming at him.

"I'm sorry. I am just caught up in the moment. So Nick likes me? How much? When did he start this? Is he gay? Are any of the other guys gay?", Carson said firing all the questions he had for me at once.

"Ok! Wait dude! All I came over here was to see if you were interested in Nick. I will go back over to our hotel and talk to him and see what's gonna go down. Nick is gay as from what I know. I know he likes you very much and he would love to go out with you. As for any of the other guys being gay.....Brian is my boyfriend...."

"NO....FUCKIN.....WAY!!!! He would be the last person on earth that I would think is gay!", Carson yelled.

"Shhhhhh....people can hear you! Anways, let me get back to my hotel before Bri wakes up and I will talk to Nick ok?", I said trying to end our conversation.

"Ok, just make sure you tell Nick that I like him a lot.", Carson said as he gave me a gentle hug. "Thanks for telling me this Robert. I am so glad you told me!"

"Thanks I guess....just stay cool and I will see you tonight ok?"

"Ok Robert take care and tell Nick to call me before TRL starts.", Carson pleaded.

"We'll see! BYE!!!!", I said as I walked back to the front door and back to our hotel.

I went directly to the elevator and went to Brian's room to see if he had awakened. As I walked past Kevin's room I noticed that everyone was sitting around watching tv so I decided to join them. I tip-toed my way over to where Nick was sitting and whispered into his ear what I had just done.

"Guess what I just did!"

"I have no clue but, why are you whispering?", Nick said giggling.

"Cuz I know when you find out you are gonna scream."

"Oh, well what did you just do little man?", Nick said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, since you think I am so little I won't tell you what Carson said to me!", I blatted out so he could hear me loud and clear.

"YOU TALKED TO CARSON!!!!", Nick yelled.

"No.....yeah.....maybe....I dunno", I said with a confused voice and a smile.

"Tell me please!!!!!", Nick begged.

"Ok, Carson is gay dude...and he asked me to give you his number and for you to call him before we go on TRL.", I said as quietly as possible. "Now be gentle on my ears when you scream."

Nick walked out of Kevin's room and went to his room. A minute later and I heard a loud screaming sound come from the next room. All of the guys along with me ran to see why Nick was screaming although I already knew.

"Dude, What's wrong Nick!", AJ asked as Nick ran up to him and hugged him.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!! YESSSSS WOOOOHOOOOOOO AHHHHHHH!!! Thank you Robert! Thankyou!!!!!", Nick screamed as he laid a big kiss on my lips.

"Uh, is there something going on between you and Rob we need to know about Nickie?", Brian asked with jealousy.

" mean..", Nick stuttered.

"What he is trying to say is I just did him a favor and he is kind of.....happy!", I informed them.

"What exactly did you do babe?", Brian asked with curiosity.

"I talked to Carson....a little.", I said with a smile.

"You are kidding me Robert! No you did not talk to Carson about Nick. Tell me you didn't PLEASE!", Brian begged.

"Brian, Carson is gay ok? He likes Nick and they are gonna talk on the phone later. All is well in the life of the BSB.", I said kissing Brain on the cheek.

"Wow, well I would never have thought it. Does he know about me and you?"

"Yeah, I hope you aren't mad that I told him. The reason I found out he was gay is because I kind of walked in on him jacking off and looking at pictures of none other than the BSB."

"Oh God! Carson Daly was getting of to pictures of me!", Howie complained in disgust.

"I know isn't it sickening. I mean the thought of getting off to anything that looks like you is a terrible thought in itself!", Nick teased back.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up ok Nick!", Howie said as he stomped out.

"Whoa! What is bothering him!", Brian curiously asked.

"I think I have an idea. Why don't you guys go get some lunch while I talk to Howie and calm him down.", Kevin volunteered.

"Are you sure Kevin?", AJ asked politely.

"Yeah, I just ate breakfast anyways. Ya'll have fun and don't forget TRL today!", Kevin reminded us as he walked to Howie's room.

"Well where do you guys wanna go?", Nick said with his goofy smile still big on his face.

"I don't want to go anywhere! Can we just stay here until we go on TRL?", Brian asked in a tired voice.

"I don't have a problem with that babe. Look's like us two are out of the plan's Nick I am sorry but, I am sure you want to call Carson right now anyways!"

"Yeah, I am really nervous about calling him though", Nick confessed.

"Nick, don't worry about it just go with the flow. From what he said he really likes you a lot so unless he doesn't like your voice then you are in great shape. Just be yourself man and calm down. He is just Carson Daly...and in love with you!", I said building his confidence.

"Thanks Robert...for everything.", Nick said as he embraced me with a hug.

"Don't worry about it. Everything is cool with me. Now I got to be goin' Brian looks lonely over there.", I said getting out of Nick's bear hug.

"Yeah, he does....take care of him Robbie. I gotta take care of my business now. I will see you later dude! Bye Robbie! , Nick said as he closed his door.

I turned to where Brian was standing and saw him with his head towards the ground and his arms crossed as if he was in deep thought. I walked over to him and imitated his exact look. Once Brian saw I was imitating him he moved away and walked into the room and shut the door.

"Ouch! What is up his butt?", I said to myself as I knocked on the door to be let into our room. Once I found out that I wasn't getting anywhere I knocked on the door with more force and demanded to be let in.

"Ok, just shutup and come in...", Brian said as he opened the door.

I stopped in my track and stared into his eyes and could feel the pain he was feeling at this moment.

"Brian....what's wrong?", I asked as I stood closer to him and let the door shut. He just turned away from me and walked over to the bed and laid down on it. I followed him and laid next to him watching his every move.

"You got a problem?", Brian asked with spite.

" boyfriend and I are fighting and I want to know what is bugging him.", I said sarcastically.

"Well maybe if you paid more attention you would know what is wrong with your boyfriend!", Brian said as he rolled over on his side to face away from me.

"Pay more attention? What are you talking about? I have never ignored you!", I said not knowing what I had done wrong.

"No Robert.....Do you know what we did last night? We had sex.....I took your virginity and you were my first. Now I would like to spend the most amount of time with you in the morning....whether it be sleeping or not and you are busy trying to hook Nick and Carson up! Ok, now what do you think is wrong here!", Brian said in a completely serious voice.

I let the words sink in and then I realized the mistake I had made. I stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom where I began to cry. I didn't know why I was so emotional but, I knew that I had done something wrong and I didn't know how to fix it. I was just trying to help out a new friend and I had forgotten about my life....My life saver. Would I be so forgetful if our relationship went any further? I wasn't experienced enough to know how a perfect relationship goes but, I should have known to spend time with him after we shared a part of each other together. Once I had gathered myself I got up and walked back into the room with my head hung to the floor. I found Brian standing in front of me. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was still in pain. I quickly turned my head towards the ground and walked further into the room. I was stopped by the arms of Brian wrapping around me in a sweet and gentle hug.

"Im sorry Brian...", I said as I began to cry again in guilt.

"It's ok...I know you are new to this. I am too but, we can learn together. I should have known that you didn't have much experience with things like this. I am sorry for lashing out but, I just felt like you were drifting away.", Brian said as he continued to comfort me.

"It's my fault Bri. I should have known that we needed time after something like that. I just thought you didn't want to spend time with me because you were so tired so I went to Nick's room and go the idea of going to talk to Carson. I really thought I was gonna get back before you were awake. I guess I shouldn't have assumed that.", I said still weeping in guilt.

"Baby, its ok! We can spend time together right now. It is only 12 we don't have to be at TRL until 245..and since they didn't tell the crowd about our appearance there won't be many people there. We are just gonna be there for the show and we might do a couple of songs on the air. The whole band will be there so it won't be to a recording. Anyways, let's watch some TV before we get to the hard part of life....hehehe", Brian said as his blue eyes lit up.

"That's cool...just put on something that I can fall asleep to cuz I am so tired from all of the cryin!", I joked.

"Yeah well, I think we can manage that! Will you do me the favor?", Brian asked as he held his hand out for me to grab.

"Of course!", I said with a happy grin.

Brian grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. I laid on the bed on my side and Brian got behind me and wrapped his arms around me as he turned on the TV. Brian flipped the channel's til we got to MTV. Brian nestled his head into my neck and began to gently kiss me.

"I love you Robert...", Brian whispered into my ear.

"I love you too."

I closed eyes and enjoyed my time with Brian. I was glad that he had forgiven me and I was completely happy.

"I wonder what is up with Howie", I thought to myself.

"Howie!!!! Let me in dude!", Kevin called from outside Howie's room.

"What do you want Kevin! I don't want to talk to you or anybody! Just leave me the hell alone ok!", Howie yelled back.

"Let me in Howie or else bro!", Kevin said in a demanding voice.

"OK!!!!", Howie complained but gave in.

"Howie what the hell is bugging you?", Kevin asked.

"Nothing ok. I just want to be alone!", Howie said as he walked away from Kevin.

"Oh really, well I think it is the total opposite.", Kevin gave his opinion.

"What are you talking about?", Howie whined.

"I think you are jealous of Brian getting so close with Robert and you are jealous of Nick and Carson's possible relationship. I think you want a relationship and if you can't have one then no one can have one.", Kevin further stated his opinion.

"Oh yeah, I want some guy with me to suck my dick!", Howie said with anger.

" are such a baby sometimes. You know what I mean when I say you need somebody. You need to calm the fuck down and stop making everyone's lives miserable because you are in need of a girl. It's like you expect that you should have someone in your life before Brian and Nick. I am gonna leave you alone but you need to think about what you are doing and how you are acting!", Kevin said leaving the conversation and going back to his room.

"You know...Kevin has a point. I guess I really am acting like a baby. I need to go apologize to Nick but, he is probably talking to Carson right now. Oh well, I am hungry as a bitch. Come on tummy let's go eat!", Howie said to himself.

" um Carson there?", Nick said into the phone.

"Yes, this is he.", Carson said back.

" hi!"

"Hi, who is this?", Carson said nervously.

"This is Nick."

"Nick who?"

"Nick Carter?!?!", Nick said with fear.

"WHOA!!! I am sorry dude. I didn't think you were gonna call me. What's up man?", Carson said loosening up the mood.

"Nothin....just thought I would call you. Robert told me some stuff and told me you wanted me to call you.", Nick said shyly.

"Yeah...good ol' Robert. So I guess you know I am gay.", Carson said softly.

" you can just say it like that?"

"Yeah, I mean it doesn't bother me. So uh.....Robert tells me you have a crush on someone that works here."

"Yeah...well some guy that happens to be a VJ for them.",Nick said smiling.

"Oh really?", Carson said with a giggle.

"Uhuh, and uh Robert tells me you have a crush on one of the guys of the BSB who happens to have blonde hair.", Nick said giggling back.

"Yeah...well I don't deny it. So who is your crush on?", Carson asked knowing the answer.

" first!", Nick insisted.

"No...I asked you first.", Carson fought back.

"But....come on Carson!", Nick whined.

"Ok...I have a crush on you Nick Carter.", Carson spilled the beans.

"Really? Well I have a crush on you Carson Daly.", Nick said as he smiled from ear to ear.

"Hmm...well I guess that means that we like each other then.", Carson said stuttering out his words.

"Yeah I guess it what are we gonna do about it?", Nick asked sensually.

"Well, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?", Carson asked hoping for a yes.

"I would love to I need to pick you up or anything?"

"Well, I was thinking that after TRL I could come over to the hotel and we could hang out and then go out to dinner together instead of one of us picking each other up....easier that way I think.", Carson said hoping his idea would be accepted.

"Sounds good to I need to get ready for the show and all. I will see you later Carson. ok?"

"Ok Nick....see you tonight or at 330...hehehe. Bye sexy!", Carson said as he hung up the phone.

"OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!", Nick and Carson yelled in unison as they hung up from each other.

Nick got in the shower and got ready to go on TV live with his new found 'friend'. Nick was trying to look his best for Carson and put on his best clothes and put on his favorite cologne. He looked in the mirror and made sure he was lookin his best. By the time Nick was ready it was 230 and time to start heading to MTV studios.

Brian, Nick, Howie, Kevin, AJ, me, and the rest of the BSB band piled into two limo's and drove the block to the MTV studios. We all got out as fast as we could and went up the stairs to the TRL stage. Brian stood by my side as we were talked to by the producer. We were to start warming up at 3:45 so we could be on for a surprise performance....which it wasn't as surprise since we new about it but, for the fans it was a surprise.

After we were told what to do and how it was to be done we selected two songs to do for the concert....We picked 'Everybody' and 'I Want it That Way' to play at our "surprise" concert. Brian pulled me into the photo booth and started to flirt with me.

"Come on baby....Let's take some pictures!", Brian insisted.

"Ok, but no nasty pictures!", I said making sure he knew I didn't want any nakedness.

Brian closed the curtain and got the picture button in his hand. We put our head together and smiled ad Brian took the picture. Then Brian kissed my cheek and took and picture.

"Hey...can you turn your head for a minute", Brian asked politely.

As I turned my head Brian moved in to kiss me. Our lips met gently and Brian started to take pictures again. Our kiss got further and further as Brian continued to take pictures. Finally, we stopped the kiss and popped out of the machine. Brian wrapped his hands around me as we waited for the pics to be developed.

The picture popped out and Brian and I started to look at them....

"Brian...we look so much in love.", I commented.

"We are...", Brian said as he kissed me again.

"Excuse me...ya'll need to watch out what ya'll do in here....this is a branch of the media!", Kevin kindly reminded us.

"Yeah yeah, go tell Carson that and tell him not to fuck Nick until they actually are going out...", Brian spitted back.

"Whatever...just watch yourselves.", Kevin said as he walked away.

"Come on baby...let's go sit down and watch Carson do the show.", Brian suggested.

"Alright but, I need to warm up in like 20 minutes....I can't be blowing out them nasty notes!", I said giggling.

Brian and I walked to the stage and saw Carson VJing himself through TRL once again....I had never actually noticed how much different a guy looks with and without me I prefer the real thing but, Carson looked pretty good with his tv make-up. After watching TRL for 20minutes I went to where the band was practicing and started to warm up....

"Ok guys...let's just play through the two songs and we can stop til we go on tv.", Tim instructed his instrumentalist.

We all played through the songs without a flaw and we stopped playing until we were on live....Less than a hour before my second performance with my life saver....

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 9

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