Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jun 28, 1999


Life Saver Part 4 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! I know I had bad tense shifting and stuff but, I hope you will give me a chance. The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well, folks, here is the next part. I am so sorry for it's lateness. I had a great b-day on the 17th and I look forward to the BSB awards. Although I might not get any votes. Well, hopefully I can get the next part out soon. I am REALLY REALLY busy. PLEASE email me if you are reading this and tell me what you think. And hopefully some author's will nominate me and ya'll can vote for me. For the ICQ users I just downloaded it for the fan forum thing and my ICQ # is 42396480 Please email me and all. See you guys laterz Love ya!


Chapter 10

I woke up with a killer headache and slobber all over my face. Brian said that I had to be at the airport by 3:30. The next tour stop was in Washington D.C. so we were flying. I took a long hot shower to wake me up. While I was sitting in the shower I thought about everything that happened to me during the week. I had gotten the chance to go to a BSB concert and meet my idol, Brian. I found out that Brian was gay and I was asked out on a date by Brian. I formed a friendship with all the guys and I found a dream job of my that would let me travel with my new friends and my favorite guy in the world. I also had the chance of actually forming a solid and loving relationship with Brian. How could anything be better than that? There was only one thing that really bothered me. I would be leaving all of my friends and family. I wouldn't get to see them for a long time and I felt kind of guilty leaving them high and dry. Andy was happy for me but, what about all of my other friends? How would they react to me not being around. I didn't have many friends in the first place but, the ones I did have meant the world to me. I got out of the shower very confused as to where my life was going and if I had made the right decision because if I mess this up with Brian then my life would come crushing down on me.

I dried myself off and brushed my hair, teeth, and shaved. I put on my clothes and packed up all of my stuff. It was about 11:30 when I was finally settled and ready to actually go. I looked over at Andy and he was smiling.

"Well dude, this is it! Only a couple of more hours!", Andy stated.

"Yeah, well I am gonna miss you", I said while pulling him into an embrace.

"I know dude but, you always will be able to call me and all of your friends."

"Oh, that reminds me. I need to call my parents before I leave on the plane.", I said while grabbing the phone.

I called my house and my mom answered the phone.

"Hello", she said.

"Hey mom! It is me Robert."

"Oh, hi dear. How is everything going? You are leaving today right?"

"Yeah, today is the day.", I said smiling.

"You excited?"

"I really just have mixed emotions right now. I am very scared about losing friends that I will be leaving. And what if I get fired?", I said unhappily.

"Son, don't worry about that. You have good friends and they wouldn't turn their back on you. And I just know you won't get fired. Playing music is your passion and you are way to good to get fired.", she said proud of me.

"You really think so mom?"

"I know so! But I also know something else. You need to call your friends and tell them your plans for everything and tell them you won't be seeing them for awhile."

"Ok, I think I can manage that. Well, tell dad I said hey and I will call you every week like you asked. I love you.", I said with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too. Have fun dear! Bye.", my mom said.

"Bye", I answered as I hung up the phone.

I walked over to Andy and we went downstairs to the lobby to eat lunch. By the time we were threw it was 1:00 and we need to head to the car so I could get to the Airport on time. I didn't think that they would leave without me but, you can never be to sure. I went back upstairs to get my bag's and all the stuff that my parent's sent me. Andy grabbed my trumpet and other things I needed to play in the concert's such as the music that went with their songs. On the plane I would have to start practicing their songs because the next day was their concert and I would be playing. We loaded up the car and Andy drove me to Hartsfield Airport. I got my things out of the trunk waited for Andy to find a place to park and come back. We went down the people mover and found the private gate. I showed the guard my pass given to me by the management and loaded my bags on the bag mover to go out to the plane. I walked my way over to the entrance to the plane and saw Brian sitting around with all the guys obviously talking about something. I walked my way over to where they were sitting and made my presence known.

"uhmhmmm", I said as I was clearing my throat.

All the guys looked up and cleared a place for me and Andy to sit. It was 3:00 and we were waiting for everything to be set so we could board the plane.

"So, what were you guy's talking about. I am sorry I broke up ya'lls conversation.", I said smiling.

"Well, we were talking about how great you are at playing the trumpet and how cool you are as a person if you REALLY wanted to know.", Brian said while smiling.

"Well you know 'I Want It That Way'", I said grinning.

"Oh really? Well let's go to the bathroom to see how you really want it!", Brian said smiling from ear to ear.

"You know you are such a horndog Bri. You need to start thinking with your heart more than your dick or you want ever see mine anytime soon!", I said chastizing Brian.

"Ohhhh someone is getting fistey!", Aj yelled.

"You better watch out B-rok or you will be a virgin for a while!", Nick teased.

I shot an evil stare at Nick and he got the message.

"Anyways, I think they want us to board the plane now.", I announced walking towards the gate.

"Come on guy's we got to be in D.C. by 7 to check out the sound system for the concert.", Kevin said in his fatherly voice.

I gave Andy a good-bye hug with tears in my eyes. I said good-bye to Andy and the life I was leaving behind. I walked threw the gate to the plane and started a new life over......With Brian and the BSB.

Chapter 11

I took my seat next to Brian and pulled out the music for the BSB concert. I didn't have much time to practice since the concert was at 7:30 the next day. I have confidence in myself and I was sure I could learn it. The first song I pulled out was 'I Want It That Way' which was my favorite song out of all of them because I guess it was played the most on the radio. If the other's were played more then I might like them more. I looked over the song and I didn't see any hard spot's so I pulled out my trumpet and went threw it without playing. I was suprised at how easy it was. I could tell I was drawing attention to myself when I looked up.

"Um, hi. Sorry I am making so much noise but, I want to learn the music so I am not sight-reading it tomorow.", I said explaining myself.

All of the guys were around my staring in awe. I felt really stupid so I asked them what they were amazed.

"Well, we have never had any one in our band that has ever actually practiced by themselves. Usually they are either sticking to themselves jacking off or getting drunk of their asses. It is really cool that you actually care what we sound like musically as well as lyrically.", Brian explained. "Sometimes we will have to do a new song just to be different and the band really sucks at it. It is kind of embarrasing but, it is so cool you practicing.", Brian said smiling.

"Just a good habit I have. I can't stand sucking so I have to practice. Besides I would feel bad about yall sounding bad so I HAVE to sound good.", I said in response.

The guys despersed throughout the bus and I put my trumpet up for the time being. I was extremely tired so I pulled a pillow out of the overhead compartment and laid my seat back.

"Hey Robbie, you can lay down on me if you want I don't care.", Brian said hoping I would comply.

"Are you sure. I may be skinny but, people say I have a hard head. AND NO I am not referring to my dick.", I said laughing.

"Hehehehe, I didn't say anything.", Brian said while moving the Bible he was reading.

I layed down on Brian and I tried my best to fall asleep but, I couldn't stop staring at Brian's beautiful eyes. Brian started to stare at me and then he kissed me on the forehead.

"Robbie, I love you.", Brian whispered.

"I love you too Brian.", I answered back smiling.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep lying on Brian.

I awoke to everyone tumbling out their stuff out of the overhead compartments. I found myself out of the arms of Brian. I stood up and brushed myself off. I got my stuff together and headed out of the plane. As I was walking up to the front I felt to arms grab me around the waste.

"Hey baby!", Brian screamed.

"Dammit dude, you scared me!", I said out of breath. "but, it was a good surprise."

"Well, you are looking fucking hot right now! Not to mention when you sleep!", Brian said grinning.

"Brian, you are horny 24/7 aren't you?", I asked annoyed.

"yeah. but who isn't", he responded.

"Look Brian, I have known you for a week now and sex the first week isn't my idea of a great relationship. You are fine as hell, as a matter of

fact you are the best looking guy on this earth and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to get you in a bed naked right now but, if you have sex right away it totally ruins the relationship. Sex needs to be special not just to get off. Ok?", I said with all of my heart.

"You know what babe you are right! I want sex with you to be so special because I Love you more than anything in this world. Thank you babe for helping me realize what is right.", Brian said while kissing me on the lips.

I was overcome with emotion and I turned the kiss into a lot more than just a kiss. I dropped my things and kissed Brian deeper and deeper. Brian opened his mouth and let me feel his tongue for the first time since we kissed that first time. Only this time it was different. I felt fire in this kiss. I was falling in love with someone that I looked up to. The perfect person in my eyes. I opened my mouth ever so slightly and let Brian taste my mouth. Brian roamed my mouth with his tongue and his hands found their way down to my ass. I pulled away from Brian and started sucking on his neck while Brian squeezed my ass.

"Robbie, we need to stop and get off the plane", Brian moaned out

"We do? I didn't notice", I said as I continued sucking on his neck.

Brian pushed me off of him and grabbed his things and left. I was kind of disappointed but I realized what I had just done. I felt so stupid. I couldn't believe I did that to Brian. I walked off the plane with my head down and didn't notice that Brian was waiting for me right outside the plane's door.

"Hey babe, where are you goin?", Brian said with his killer smile.

"I am goin to the MCI center where we are performing tomorrow. Where are you going?", I said in a mean tone.

"Whoa babe! What is wrong? Wait, you don't think I was mad at you for what happened in the plane do you?", Brian asked sincerely but got know answer. "

Robbie, the reason I left was because if we didn't stop soon I was gonna have to rip your clothes and we don't have time to do that and you remember our talk earlier right?", Brian said laughing.

"Brian, you always find some way to make me smile you know?"

"Well, I am fine not to mention in love with some guy named Robert!", Brian said again with his killer smile.

"Dammit Brian! You are so damn cute!", I said giggling.

"I know I know. Come on babe let's go set up for tomorrow.", Brian said while putting his arm around me

Brian, me, Nick, AJ, Kevin, and Howie piled into the limo and were about to pull away when the manager came and knocked on the window.

"Umm, guys, Robert can't ride with you because he isn't a BSB. He has to ride on the bus with the band.", he said scared.

"WHAT! Why not!", Brian screamed.

"Well, why should he? It isn't like he is goin out with one of you.", the manager said reluctantly.

"Well, as a matter of fact. . . ", Brian said before I cut him off.

"That's cool I can do that.", I said unhappily.

"But, but,. . . ", Brian stuttered.

"But nothing I am going on the bus I will see you soon.", I said while getting out.

"Bye", Brian said pissed.

I walked over to the BSB bus and got in with the other musicians. All of them were playing cards and already knew each other. I felt really scared when someone ran up to me.

"Hey dude, you are the new trumpet player right?", the man said.

"Yeah I guess you could say that.", I replied.

"Coolio dude. We have never had a trumpet player it is gonna be the bomb!", the man said again.

"I suppose", I said solemnly

"Well, my name is Tim. I am the director of the band and I play percussion. You are pretty young to be in a band aren't ya?", Tim asked.

"Well, yeah I guess. You wouldn't believe how I got this position in the band.", I said happy to talk to my new friend.

"Really? So how did you get this job?", he asked

"Well, I won a contest to get backstage passes to see the BSB in Atlanta. I went to the concert and met them and I became pretty good friends with them and they didn't want me to leave.", I said before he interrupted me.

"Umm, kid, do you know that Brian is umm gay?", he said as if I had no idea.

"Well, I didn't want to say anything but, yeah I do and that is kind of why I am here. You see I am gay also and um well, me and Brian became attached and didn't want to leave each other so he found a way to get me on the tour and here I am playing the trumpet.", I said confidently.

"Wow, that is so cool dude.", Tim replied.

"Yeah, I think so."

"So, why are you riding on this bus with us and not with Brian and the guys?", Tim asked.

"Well, I was at first but, management got me out of the limo for personal reasons. You know if the media sees anyone besides the BSB and security get out then they will be wondering things. If you know what I mean. ", I said.

"Yeah I guess you are right. Brian is lucky to have you. You are a really cool guy. He has had a couple of Boyfriend's on this tour but, all they wanted him for was sex and well Brian didn't take to well to that. I guess you could say he saw right through them. I think it is cool you two found each other.", Tim said smiling.

"Yeah, me too. Well look, we are here!", I said while pointing to the MCI center.

"Coolness! Come on guys we are here get off of your asses!!!!", Tim yelled while grabbing his stuff to go inside.

I grabbed my trumpet and found my way over to the boy's limo. All of the guys came out except Brian. I walked over to Nick and asked him what was up.

"Well, he is kind of upset about how he has to hide you. I mean it was only a car ride. Oh well though. He is in the limo if you wanted to go pull him out for us!", Nick said while laughin.

"Yeah, I will go get him."

I walked up to the door and peered in. I saw Brian sitting down staring outside of the other window.

"Sooooo, you lookin at some girl over there?", I asked while sliding myself in the car.

"Yeah right! Just. . . . . thinkin'.", Brian said.

"I do that a lot."

"Don't worry about the riding thing. I needed to ride on the bus to meet the band and not be strangers ya know?", I said comforting him.

"Yeah. But I don't like being away from you. Next time on the way to the hotel YOU are riding with US. GOT IT?", Brian said while tickling me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....ST....STOPPPPPPP. Pleaseeeeeee! Brian", I said while laughin my brains out.

"Say I love you!!!!", Brian said while tickling me even more.

"I love you!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! Come on stop!!! I love you OK!!!!", I said yelling.


"Yeah dummy", I said while kissing him.

"I see well I love you more skinny!", Brian said giggling.

"HEYYY!", I screamed.

"Hi. How are you?", Brian played.

"Whatever. Let's go ok. We are as I would say......Late."

Brian and I walked to the building and went back to where we would call backstage was. I had never known how tough a concert was to put on. We had to set up all of the instruments and elevators and fireworks. It was really hard work. While we were there Iworked on the rest of the songs so I could play them pretty good the next day. I was tired of all the traveling and I was HUNGRY!!!!!!

Brian, me, Nick, and Kevin all went to Mcdonald's to eat supper. I ordered 2 20 piece chicken mcnugget's and 2 fries and a large coke. Brian looked over at me in amazement.

"Damn boy!!!!! How can you eat so much!?!", Brian asked.

"Well I told you I was hungry!"

"Yeah but, you are so skinny I thought you ate nothin.", Brian responded.

"You know if you don't eat anything you will die right!", I said laughing.

"Yeah, but,....",Brian got cut off.

"But what?", I asked.


"Whatever you say babe!", I yelled. "So what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?", I asked.

"Well, Me and Nick are rooming together and AJ and Howie are rooming together but, Brian doesn't have a roomie.", Kevin said with a smile.

"Oh, well, I think we can fix that.", I said with a huge grin.

"How would we do that, may I ask?", Brian questioned

"Maybe we could room together!", I said playing dumb.

"I dunno, maybe but, I know that I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you.", Brian said sexually.

"OH, Really, well maybe I should just leave you and your hand to yourself tonight?", I said playing with Brian's mind.

"No, no that's ok I wouldn't want you to be all alone tonight."

"Oh really? You are so sweet babe!", I said making Brian feel good.

"Well folks we better get on to the hotel. We gots a show at 7:30 tomorrow.", Kevin said in his fatherly reminding voice.

"Good, cause I get to see Robert naked when we get there!", Brian boasted.

"Watch it B-rok or you won't see nothin!", I chastised him.

"But, but, but,", Brian stuttered.

"Nope not even my butt", I further chastised him.

Brian looked at Nick with his puppy dog face for comfort. Nick went over to him and tickled him with all of his might. They looked cute tickling and wrestling each other in McDonald's but, Kevin quickly reminded them it wouldn't look cute in the newspaper.

I walked over to where Brian was laying on the floor and I helped him up. He dusted himself off and walked out of the door to the limo waiting outside. Brian, Kevin, Me, and Nick all huddled up and had a drink before we got the hotel. Kevin and Nick walked out while me and Brian lagged behind.

"Brian, what's wrong?", I asked while stopping him in the lobby.

"Nothin, I am just dandy!"

"Right, well if it is about the rooming with you thing I hope you know I was only joking. ok? I am sorry thought baby.", I said with sympathy.

"Robbie, I am alright ok. I wish you would quit worrying about me and worry about yourself.", Brian said frustrated.

"Dude, if I live not worrying about you then there is a problem. Listen Brian, I love you ok and if anything happened to you it would kill me."

"Sometimes it seems like you are the only one who cares 24/7.", Brian responded.

"Oh Brian you KNOW that is Bullshit. Every single guy in the BSB loves you like you are their brother. Fuck man...Kevin is your cousin. You think he doesn't care about you all the time. Brian when someone doesn't seem to be caring about you it doesn't mean they don't ......I know 4 guys not counting me that love you so much. Aj, Nick, Howie, and Kevin love you more than I could ever love you and you should cherish that. Ok?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I am sorry Rob. For bringing you my problems and not thinking that you cared. I just I am just so lucky to have you.", Brian said while breaking down into a sob.

"Hey, Brian don't cry on me now! Let's go up to the room ok?"

"Ok", he said while wiping his tears from his eyes.

We walked towards the elevator with our hands interlocked. We got a couple of stares from people but, no one noticed who I was walking with. We went up to the floorthat had the suites on them and went to our room. I put in the card key and opened the door with Brian following me close behind. I turned on the light and told Brian to sit on the bed while I changed into my night clothes. I took of my khaki shorts and my shirt. I turned around to see Brian with a big goofy smile on his face.

"WHAT!!!???!!", I asked.

"Nothin...It is just I have never seen yo uwith your shirt off and since you are so skinny I would have never thought how nice your chest would be and is. You have a great could just use some meat on your bones.", Brian said not wiping the smile off his face.

I had tears in my eyes and I didn't know what to say.

"Brian, that is the nicest thing any one has told me in a while. How come you are so sweet to me?", I asked still crying from happiness a little.

"Robert, in case you havent realized you are my boyfriend!",

"Oh, don't remind me! I know that silly. It is just all too unbelievable.", I said astonished.

"Sit down babe!", Brian ordered.

"Yes sir!", I said while sitting next to Brian.

"Robbie, are you uncomfortable sleeping with me tonight? You really don't have to."

"No, no, I will be ok. I just need to calm down. I think it has just hit that you and I go out and that we are together. It is just too perfect!", I said smiling.

"Yeah, it is perfect isn't it.", Brian agreed. "Hey, um, Rob. Do you um...mind if I kiss you.", He said with his crystal blue eyes.

"No I don't mind", I said while smiling.


Brian turned to me and slowly moved his head forward. I close my eyes as he did and waited for his lips to touch mine. Finally, his touched my lips and I felt the fire that was there on the plane. I opened my mouth a little for Brian to be able to stick his tongue in my mouth but, he didn't. I laid on the bed and he realeased the kiss, only for a little while. He went over to the lights and turned them down. Brian took of his shirt and his pants so all he had on was his boxers like me. Brian's body was gorgeous. I had only dreamed of what it would be like to see his boy without clothes on but, I would never had dreamed it to be so perfect. I laid down on the bed with my head resting on a pillow. Brian went to the other side of the bed and laid on his side. I turned on my side so I was facing Brian and we stared into each other's eyes.

"You know Robert. I am so lucky to have you. All of the other guys I have been with wanted me for my body and not for me. Not for the real Brian Litrell. The never saw my true and unselfish love.", he said with pure love.

"Am I seeing the real Brian Litrell?", I asked reluctantly.

"Of course!", Brian said surprised at my question.

I turned onto my back and closed my eyes. Before I knew it Brian was kissing me again only this time it was much more passionate. I opened my mouth to let him suck my tongue and he did so with extreme gentleness. Everytime we breathed we would say I love you to each other. Tears were forming in my eyes from pure happiness. Brian hadsaved my life. If I had never met Brian I would be in Athens with no one to show my love to. I would be a robot. Going to classes at college, eating, and sleeping. Brian really was a Life Saver. Brian caressed my head while he was kissing me and then his hand moved further and further down my body. Before I knew it Brian was stroking my cock and I didn't notice but, it was hard as a rock. I began to moan out of pleasure and I started to feel very weird.

"What is it baby?", Brian asked concerned.

"Nothin, I just feel weird. I have never done this before with another guy.", I said while catching my breath.

"Do you want to stop?", he asked with further care.

"No, we don't have to. I didn't say I didn't like it I just said I was inexperienced. I am kind of scared that I won't do something's right.", I said scared of Brian's reaction.

"How much do you know about me and the other guys I have dated?", Brian asked.

"Well. . . . Nothing really. I just know you pick them up at your tour stops and it never really works out.", I said wondering where this was going.

"Robert, you may not now this but, the furthest I have ever gone with anyone is kissing. So, we are both on level ground here.", Brian said reluctantly.

"Really? Wow, I would think out of all the guys you wouldn't be a virgin. No offense or anything. I mean you are the best-looking and you are available.", I said regretting it.

"Not available anymore sweetie!", Brian said while starting to suck on my neck.



"I love you."

"I love you too sweetie."

Brian continued sucking on my neck and I didn't want a hickey for the concert so I stopped him. Brian started sucking on my nipples and biting them I was in pure bliss with all of these feelings. It was like a fantasy world, except it was all real.

"Robbie, can I ummm suck your cock?", Brian said a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, but it is only 6.5", is that ok?", I asked embarrassed of my size.

"Robert, size doesn't matter to me and that is average dude. I am only about 7.5", Brian said comforting me.

"Well, I hope you don't plan on dry fucking me cuz my ass is T-I-G-H-T!", I said laughing.

"ANYWAY!!", Brian said giggling.

Brian slowly licked his way down my chest and on to my stomach. My cock was sticking str8 through my pee hole in my boxers but, Brian pulled them off anyway. Brian started by sucking the head of my cock and licking the pee hole.

"Mmmm.....Baby it feels so good"

He then licked up and down my shaft to my balls.

"Baby, yeah, suck my balls!!! OH YEAH!!", I screamed.

Brian continued his quest to make ma come by deep throating me. I was over come by pleasure and grabbed Brian's head and rubbed my hands through his hair. Brian was so beautiful down there. He had never done this before and I could tell he was nervous. I wish I could tell him how good it feels and what a great job he is doing.

"Fuck baby, I am about to blow."

"Can I swallow it?"

"Do you want to?"

"Hell yes!"

"Ok, I guess."

Brian squeezed my dick hard with his lips while he went up and down on my cock faster and faster. All of a sudden I felt my cock get real hard and finally. . . . .


"I had never cummed that much in my life.", I said to Brian who was covered with my cum.

"Well, I kind of guessed that one. You cummed a hell of a lot!", Brian said laughing.

"I am sorry baby! I am about to pass out. That felt soooo good. Are you SURE you never have done that before?", I asked while closing my eyes.


"Well, I don't know what to say. Thank you I guess.", I said while falling in and out of sleep.

"Ummm, baby, what are we gonna do about my dick?", Brian said looking at his hard-on.

"Oh shit, I am sorry. I forgot. I am such and idiot. Brian you are gonna hate me but, I am tooooo tired to suck, fuck, or whatever.", I said feeling really guilty.

"Don't worry about it cutie!", Brian said relieving me of guilt.


"Because I cummed while watching you get off. I am just hard again.", Brian said while laughing. "Oh by the way, you taste SO FUCKIN GOOD!!!"

"Thanks, I guess."

" Let's go to sleep babe. It is late and we got a big day tomorrow.", Brian said lazily.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly.", I said agreeing.

I got under the covers while Brian went to go clean up. Brian put on some silk boxers and turned out the lights. Brian got in bed next to me and I cuddled up next to him laying on his chest. I couldn't believe what I had just done with my idol. Brian certainly was my life saver. I hope I never lost him.



"I love you"

"I love you too baby.", Brian said while kissing my head. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight", I said while falling asleep in the arms of my babe.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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