Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jun 15, 1999


Life Saver Part 3 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing.

All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories.

I just got back from a week choir tour up the east coast and into Canada. It was totally awesome. I haven't been able to write much so I am sorry for the wait. Hopefully the next parts will come out timely. But no promises. Thanks for all for the great responses. Please keep emailing me. I will try to get back to all of you that have questions. Until next time I love you all and stay cool. Oh by the way my b-day is Thursday. Well, SEE YAS!!!!


Chapter 8:

After everything that happened I was quite calm and composed when I woke up. However, I did feel different. I didn't feel like I was ugly anymore and I really didn't care that I was gay. I had always hated being gay because of all the ridicule I hear about that is taken by gay men that are "out" as they say. I had always stayed in my shell and told no one except my gay friends that I was in fact gay. The way I felt now, I would scream to the world that I was gay just so I could be with Brian. However, I didn't want Brian to know that. I wanted Brian to think I had SOME standards. I didn't want him to think I was some easy 18 y/o that wanted him just because he could kiss good or looked good. I wanted to build a relationship with him nice and slow. I know it sounds corny but, I really want to be his friend before being his boyfriend. So, I began my day normal. And how do all guys start their day off normal? Come on! You know! By JACKING OFF!!!! DUH!!!!

I went into the bathroom as not to wake Andy up. I didn't want him in on my solo fun. I pulled my pants down and got some lotion from the cabinet.

I rubbed it onto m hard dick and started sliding my hand up and down. I thought about what happened with me and Brian the night before. The kiss and how he slid his tongue deep in my mouth and how he let me return the favor. Then, I fantasized about going even further with Brian and sucking and licking his entire body while he squeezed my ass. I let out some moans and thought nothing of it. I went back to my fantasy and was cumming when I heard a loud bang.

"Robert!?! Are you in there? What are you doing man? What are you moaning about are you throwin' up or something?", Andy asked perturbed.

"No no I am alright. I just had a little problem in my pants that I am cleaning up. If you know what I mean.", I said with a small laugh. "Damn you Rob! I swear you can't keep your hands off your cock for 24 hours man! You need help ya know!", Andy said while going back to his bed.

"Well, look who's talking! At least I don't wack off every 5 min like you!", I said walking out of the bathroom.

"Shutup, it is 9 o'clock and you have NEVER been up this early! Go back to sleep ok! I'll wake you up if your so-called man calls.", Andy said with a look of anger on his face.

"Fine then I'll go to sleep! BYE!", I said spitting him.

"Yeah Rob you ain't goin no where! Geez.. . . .", Andy said while drifting off to sleep.

"Whatever", I said dozing back into a soft sleep.

I woke up with a big bang and looked up. Andy had gotten u bunch of pans and was banging them together.

"You know you would sleep through a hurricane, unless there were pots and pans flying around your head.", Andy said with a smirk on his face.

"Shutup!", I screamed while stuffing my head under a pillow.

"Well, I guess I will tell Brian to call back later then.", Andy said knowing I would kill him if he hung up the phone.

I ran over to the phone and cleared my throat before I spoke.

"Hello?", I said in excitement.

"Hey cutie, What are you up to?", Brian replied

"Ohhh, Nothing much I just woke up."

"Damn man you sleep a whole bunch! Dude you know it is two o'clock right?"

"WHAT!!!! It is two o'clock?!?"

"No, it is 2:01", Brian said with a laugh.

"Shutup goober!", I yelled back laughing.

"Well, I can just call back later if you are gonna be like that!", Brian said knowing I didn't want him to.

"No Brian, Im sorry. It is just I woke up early this morning and Andy told me to go back to sleep and that he would wake me up. And he just now woke me up so I am kinda cranky.", I said hoping Brian would understand.

"Ahhh, I see, well me and the guys are goin to six flags in about an hour and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?", Brian asked.

"I would love to go with Bri! I don't think I have anything planned. . . .oh shit. I promised my friend that I would meet him today and he is a good friend of mine.", I said very depressed.

"Who is this friend?", Brian asked out of curiosity.

"You remember that guy I met in the bathroom, well I didn't meet him I knew him from AOL and we always wanted to meet. I'm sorry Bri but, I promised him I would meet him tonight.", I said while tears filled my eyes.

"Well, if he wants he can come to but one question Is he gay?", Brian asked with even more curiosity.

"Well, he is bi but, he likes guys more.", I said trying to answer the question to my best ability.

"Well, you said he was cute the other night so let me ask do I have any competition because I will compete for you if I have to.", Brian said with love in his voice.

"Bri, I like you and everything but, I don't see how we could be together in a relationship with your occupation and everything. I mean wouldn't it screw the entire thing up. Realistically here, I don't see how I could convince my parents who don't know I am gay and go off around the world and country with you.", I said giving him the honest truth.

"You now Rob I was thinking about the same thing and I think I have a plan. You are staying here for a week right?", Brian asked.


"Well, at the end of the week if things happen right then maybe there will be a way for us to stay together.", Brian said while giggling a little.

I hadn't know Brian for two days and he had already grown on me. I mean I was in love with him before I even met him but, now I was building a relationship. I knew one thing though. I couldn't make a relationship out of just fucking when we see each other. I knew that if I was going to be in a relationship with Brian that I had to make it clear that we wouldn't be apart for more than a week. I mean even I couldn't figure out a plan to have that happen but, I trusted Brian and I knew he had to have a good plan.

"Right, well are you gonna pick me up or do I need to ya'll down there?", I asked Brian.

"We'll come pick you up and then if you can call your friend for us then we will go pick him up to.", Brian answered.

"No, that won't be necessary. Brandon has a car and he lives in Atlanta so I don't think that he would want to ride in another car since he has his own. But, thanks Bri for offering. Well, I better call Brandon and ask him if he wants to go. Andy can come too right?", I asked.

"Yeah, Andy can come too.", Brian said giggling again.

"Boy, I am gonna get you in the car! You know you laugh way to much with nothing to laugh about. You must cry when you actually have something to laugh about.", I said mocking Brian.

"Whatever man, I could take your scrawny behind down in a heartbeat!", Brian spitting back at me.

"Ouch! That one hurt. Well, I just realized I can't go anymore.", I said trying to be serious as possible.

"Why!?!", Brian said with fear in his voice.

"Because me and Andy need to fuck!", I said struggling not to laugh.

"You are kidding right?", Brian said with anger in his voice now.

"Umm, no we did it last night and we need to do it again.", I said crying from holding in my laughter.

"Ok, well it was nice knowing you. Bye Robert.", Brian said while hanging up the phone.

"What? He couldn't have thought I was being serious! Dammit Robert why are you so stupid?", I said screaming at myself.

Dliiiiiiinnnnnnggggg, Dliiiiinnnnnggggg, Dliiiiiinnnngggg. The phone was ringing.

"WHAT!", I screamed into the phone.

"Gotcha!", Brian said laughing into the phone.

"I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! Damn you, ok you win. You know you are really good at scaring the shit out of me. I mean just now I was on my knees trying to beg you to understand I was joking. And then, last night when you kissed me. That really scared the shit out of me.", I said out of breath.

"So you didn't like the kiss?"

"No, I loved the kiss it was the best kiss I have ever had. It was just I would have never imagined that I would ever kiss my idol. It was a dream come true Brian. And I could never be more happier in my life!", I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Awww, Robbie don't cry. You are one of my best friends now and I hope for you to soon be my boyfriend. I really enjoyed the kiss last night too. And it was the best kiss I have had in a long time. Before Andy woke you up he told me a lot of stuff about you. He said you had very low self-esteem and that sometimes you wanted to kill yourself from being ridiculed every day about how skinny you are and how smart you are. Rob, right now, with the way I am starting to feel about you, if you killed yourself I would be devastated. I know what you are going through. I used to be skinny too. Andy from what you ate last night I would say that it isn't your fault you are skinny it is probably inyour gene's. Look Rob, I am so happy right now with you and I want to be your friend for ever. Robert, I am Brian Thomas Litrell of the Backstreet Boy's and. . . I . . .. . I love you Robert."

"What did you say?", I asked astonished.

"Robert, I love you.", Brian reassured me.

"Wow, well, I love you to Brian."


"Yeah, Really!"

"Well, you better call Brandon and ask him about the sixflags deal and get ready to go. We'll pick you up around 300 ok? You better sit next to me on the ride there. See you in a bit Robert. Bye."

"Bye." I answered as I hung up the phone.

Brian was at our hotel at 3 just like he said he would be. I called Brandon and he was ecstatic about going to six flags with me and my new found friends. One thing I didn't tell him was that Brian was gay and that we were forming a relationship. The ride to Six Flags was a rowdy one finding Brian tickling me almost the entire way. I wanted to kiss Brian so bad but, every time I got the guts up to kiss him he would turn away or every one would be looking. I mean I didn't want to embarrass him. We got to Six Flags at 330 and I began to look for Brandon. He told me he was gonna drive his jeep so it was really easy to spot him. I yelled over to him and he came over to our little posse. We all walked over to the gate and then Brian told me what was up.

"Guess what baby.", Brian whispered to me.

"What?", I asked.

"We have the entire park to ourselves!", Brian said with a smirk.

"You are kidding! That is toooo awesome dude! I want to get on the batman ride 800 times!", I said excited.

"I don't know about that Robbie. I am scared of heights and I really couldn't stand being up that high.", Brian said sadly.

"Oh I forgot. Well, I don't want to go on the roller coasters if you don't get on them.", I said with pure love.

"Don't worry about it dude. I want you to have fun ok?"

"Ok, but promise me you will have fun too.", I demanded.

"As long as I am with you I will have fun", Brian said with a smile.

We walked through the gates and the first thing we rode was the log ride. Brian, Nick, Brandon and I got on one log While the rest of the guys and Andy got on another. I felt kinda bad about leaving Andy alone with the rest of the BSB but, I knew he was enjoying himself(if ya know what I mean). I was in the front so I would have to get soaked. Brian was laughing at me the whole way through the fast water ride because he knew what was going to happen at the end. Brian put his arms around me to hold on because he was kind of scared going up the last hill. We finally reached the peak of the hill and went down the water flume. The water got all of us soaked and kind of pissed off Nick. It was funny cuz his hair was all a mess. I would have never in my wildest dreams thought that I would ever be friends with Nick and I would have never thought I would be laughing at him. I looked back at Brandon and he was trailing pretty far behind the group.

"Hey Brandon, what's wrong with you?", I asked.

"Nothin man I am just thinking.", Brandon responded.

"Well, I wish you would think a little closer to me. You know you are one of my friends too."

"Yeah, well, you look busy up there with what's his name. Brian is it?"

"Yeah Brian is one of my friends now. Cool, huh?"

"Yeah, I am so happy for you.", Brandon said sarcastically

"Hey, hey, hey, what did I do?", I asked.

"I wanted to take you somewhere nice and spend time with you and talk with you ALONE and I didn't know that you would ignore me hear and slobber all over Brian who is str8 anyway. I can't believe he let's you do that stuff to him. He is obviously blind. All you want to do is get in his pants. Robert open your eyes. Brian isn't gay and I am ok. I like you and he doesn't So let's get out of here and go somewhere alone.", Brandon yelled.

"Brandon are you blind. I wasn't going to tell you but, Brian is in fact gay and he and I are seeing each other. Do you know what that means? Me and Brian are dating ok? I can't believe how low you have sunk. You have insulted me and all of what I stand for. I told you from the first day we met online that I am not out to get into someone's pants. What is wrong with you? I can't believe I held your friendship so important to me.", I screamed back.

"Then why the fuck did you lead me on. You don't remember all those times you said you loved me online. All of those times that you said you wanted to go out with me. You never really knew that I wanted to go out with you because you thought I was ignoring you. Well guess what I wasn't. The night I saw you in the bathroom I immediately wanted to go out with you. All you are doing is living out some sick fantasy with a guy that is gonna be leaving to go find another guy at his next tour stop. You are just another person in his little fucking game. I'd get out of the game before you lose. I'm leaving Robert. When the game is over call me. You know my number." Brandon said while walking off.

I walked back to Brian's side silently. My head was towards the ground and I was thinking over what Brandon had said. I mean everything he said made since. I didn't make the first move on Brian and Brian is always a kidder. And besides Brian is leaving and there is no way that we are going to be able to stay together. Maybe I am just a game to him. I didn't talk to Brian until he took me off to a corner and basically slapped me in the face.

"What is wrong with you Robert?", Brian asked with his blue eyes tearing through mine.

"Nothing.", I responded with no emotion.

"Bullshit. Ever since you came back to walk with me and Brandon has left you have totally ignored me. I want to know what is wrong with you. What did Brandon way to you.", Brian asked staring deeply at me.

"Brian, Brandon just opened my eyes to what I am to you.", I said with a tear in my eye. "I am just part of your game that you play. When you leave this weekend you are just going to forget about me and go to your next victim in your next tour stop. How could I have been so blind. I mean why would a guy like you want a guy like me for anything but sex. I mean a butt is a butt in the dark right? All that sweat talk about how beautiful I am to you was all Bullshit. I can't believe I fell for it. Thank god I didn't have sex with you. Because then you would have won. I guess we can call this a tie. Bye Brian now I can tell everyone what an asshole you are and now I can find some one that is worth admiring. Come on Andy let's go!"

Brian grabbed my arm and stopped me from going. His eyes were filled with tears and I didn't know what to think. Brian let go of my arm and just hugged me. When he did that all of my tears came gushing out and I just stood there bawling away in Brian's arms.

"Robert, I don't know how much more wrong you could get. I would never do that to anyone and especially not to you. Everything I have said to you has been from the bottom of my heart and if you want to believe what Brandon told you then I guess you can but, I just want you to know that that isn't the kind of person I am and I hope you will stick with me. You remember me having an idea for you to stay with us right?", Brian asked.


"Well, what I was thinking was that I ask my management to offer you a job with us or something like that. I don't know. Can you do anything special?", Brian asked smiling as he wiped his tears away.

"Well, I can play the trumpet.", I said wiping my tears away as well.

"What did you say?", Kevin broke in. "Did you say you can play the trumpet?", Kevin asked.

"Yeah I have played it for 8 years.", I said wondering what the big deal was.

"Well, our management is looking for a trumpet player for our concert's and maybe you are the man for the job. What do you say?", Kevin asked smiling.

"Sure, why not. What do I have to do to try out?"

"Probably a little improv and some sight reading but, if you can do any of those I am sure you will be a shoe in.", Kevin said happily.

"Well, I would have to ask my parents because I am suppose to go to college and I would have to miss some college.", I said doubting my parents would give me a chance.

"Well, if we need to we can get management to call them and tell them how much money you will be making if you get the job and tell them how it is a chance in a life time opportunity.", Brian said happy at my chances.

"Ok, I will call them tonight and talk to them about it and then tomorrow if need be your manager can call them after I make the audition.", I said confidently in my talents.

"That's my Robbie!", Brian said with a smile on your face.

"You are such a goober you know!", I said punching him in the side.

That night I called my parent's and told them about my job offer and surprisingly they said yes. My parents were extremely excited for me and they back me fully the only thing that was on their mind was how did I get this job offer and how long I was going to be away. I couldn't tell them about me and Brian because after all they didn't know I was gay and that would totally destroy my life if they found out. They were also worried about my college education but, after I told them how much money I would be making doing something I love their worries were eased. I called Brian after I was off of the phone with my parents and told him the good news. It hadn't hit me yet that I would be spending a long time with the BSB. I went to sleep thinking about how great life was and how lucky I was. I was forming a relationship with Brian Litrell, my idol, I was getting the job of my life, and I would be on tour with the BSB. How much better could life get. I fell asleep reflecting on the past events of the week. This was heaven on Earth!

Chapter 9

The rest of the week went fast and Friday came around quickly. On Friday a lot was going to happen in my life. I would be opening a new chapter of my life and it would be a big change. I would be saying good-bye to my friends, I would be traveling all of the United States, I wouldn't see my parents for months, and I would be forming my first gay relationship. I was very confused and scared about where my life was heading. I mean if me and Brian ever broke up what would happen to me? Would I have to find a new job? There were so many unanswered questions floating around that I lost track of time. Finally, Andy woke me out of the daze to tell me that we had to go to the airport to pick up the stuff that my parents sent me for the tour. I popped out of my day dream and followed Andy outside to his car. The car ride was silent and Andy noticed that something was bothering me. We reached the airport and I sat down by myself while Andy went to go get my things.

"Rob!?!?. . . .", Andy called. "Yo! Robbie wake up man! What has gotten into you? Why are you acting so strange today?

I still gave no response.

"Robert, WAKE UP!!!!", Andy said screaming in my face.

"Wha. . . What? ? What do you want Andy", I asked annoyed.

"Well dude, you are totally buggin out on me here and ignoring everything I say. What happened to you buddy?", Andy asked with concern.

"Nothing", I responded.

"Yeah, right! I know you well enough to know when something is wrong with you and you are NEVER this quiet you know?"

"Andy, look, I just have a lot on my mind right now and I need some peace and quiet to think about it. My life is going to change forever tommorow and I am just thinking about something's."

"You aren't having second thoughts are you dude?", Andy asked.

"No, no, I am not having second thoughts. I am just scared about the future. I just wish Brian was here so I could talk to him. I bet he would have the answers.", I said depressed.

"You really like him don't you.", Andy stated.

"Yeah, I do. It is weird how easily I am falling in love with him. I am so glad God gave me the chance to meet him and work with him and form a relationship with him. I am so glad to have a friend like you too dude. Andy, you will always be my bud ok? I am gonna miss you.", I said while hugging him.

"Hey man, you aren't leaving until tomorrow. We still have a while to hang out! I will tell you what. Let's go out to a club and dance the night away. Just think of it as a going away present! What do ya say?", Andy said with a smile.

"Really, no way!?! That is awesome! I would love to go dude!" I answered.

"Cool man. Well let's get back to the hotel and get ready. We both are kind of raunchy if ya know what I mean.", Andy said with a laugh.

We went back to the hotel and got ready to go to the club. I put on some of my best clothes and put on my favorite cologne, which happens to be Brian's favorite cologne. I actually looked pretty damn good for a change. I was proud of myself and I couldn't wait to get to the club. I was gonna have FUN!!!!

Andy and I got to the club around 8:30 and found ourselves a table. Andy order me some beer because I couldn't order it myself. No for some strange reason the beer actually didn't taste that bad. So, I had another, and another, and another. By the time it was 9:30 I was buzzin. Andy pulled me up from my seat and pushed me onto the dance floor. I was quite mad because I can't dance and I didn't want to make a fool out of myself.

"What the hell are you doing", I said giggling.

"Just havin a little fun! Come on dude let's dance!", Andy said pulling me further.

"Ok, Ok, but, I ain't dancin forever so laugh at me while you can!"

"Whatever! Come on asshole!", Andy yelled.

Andy and I got onto the dance floor and danced up a sweat. I didn't notice it but we were actually bumpin and grinding and making fools out of ourselves. We didn't notice but, everyone in the place was looking at us dancing. Finally, the music stopped and we went back to our seats.

"Dude, that was so much fun!", I stated.

"I know man! We need to do this sometime again.", Andy said while getting us some more drinks.

"Andy?", I asked.


"I love you man!", I said smiling.

"I know Rob but you can't have my bud lite!", Andy said while chuggin his beer down.

"No man, I really do love you. You are one of my best friends. I am gonna miss you.", I said while hugging him.

"Awwww, dude I am gonna miss you too. Just remember we DO have a telephone at our house."

"Yeah I know. I think this beer is getting to me. I don't feel so good.", I said while laying my head down on the table. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I looked up. It was....

"Br. . . Bri. . . Brian? What are you doin here?", I asked drunkenly.

"Well I am of age to be here. I think the question should be what are you doing here?", Brian asked annoyed.

"I decided to take Robbie out for a going away party. I mean after all I won't see him in a while and I figured that I would take him here and show him a good time. I didn't mean to get him this drunk. I guess I lost track of how much he had to drink. I am really sorry Brian.", Andy said apologizing for me.

"Well, as long as he doesn't make it a habit.", Brian said smiling. "Scoot over you cute little alcoholic you."

I scooted over and let Brian sit next to me. I could barely stay awake and I think Brian noticed how not into the conversation I was. I think I fell asleep a couple of times but, at this point I didn't care. I was drunk out of my mind and nothing could change that.

"Rob, are you ok you don't look so good.", Nick said while he walked up to our table.

"Oh, you are here too Nick?", I asked.

"Yeah, we are all here Kevin, Howie, and AJ are getting drinks. I see you have had one too many", Nick said laughing.

"No, he had about 10 ten too many.", Brian corrected Nick.

"Well, no matter how many he had he looks horrible. He needs to get back to the hotel and go to sleep before we have to leave tommorow.", Nick stated.

"Yeah, we were just about to go dude. Tell the guys I said hey and that they are welcome to call anytime. We will see you tomorrow or at least Rob will. See you guys laterz!", Andy said while helping me up and out of the club.

Brian pulled Andy over to the side and talked to him.

"Make sure he gets his sleep and please make sure ya'll get home safe.

Oh, and when he wakes up. Tell him that I miss him and I love him.", Brian said.

"Ok, but, you are going to see him in the morning.", Andy answered back.

"I know, but you can never say it enough ya know?", Brian said while smiling.

"Yeah I guess. Well, I will see ya'll in the morning. Don't party too hard!", Andy kidded.

"Nawww, don't worry about us. We are big boyz!", brian laughed.

"See ya!", Andy called.


Andy carried me outside and waved for a taxi. I was falling in and out of sleep because my stomach hurt so bad. By the time we got back to the hotel I was out cold. Andy carried me up to the room and slid my clothes off. He carried me to my bed and laid me down. I was completely exhausted and on top of that drunk out of my mind. I turned onto my side and snuggled up to my pillow. Tommorow my life was going to change forever. Hopefully, for the better.


Next: Chapter 4

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