Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Nov 14, 1999


Life Saver Part 15 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, Carson Daly, Justin Timberlake, or Joshua Chasez is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Preface: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Author's Note:

This is part 15 of my story. If you are just starting to read my story I would like to extended my warm I love ya's to you and I hope you continue to read my story. I am sorry for the lateness of this part. I got a job at Chick-Fil-A and I have NO time to write...or type as the case may be. I hope that the next part comes out timely but, there are no promises because my time is limited and I have to be in the mood to write.

As you can guess, I have added Justin and JC from NSYNC into the story. Please tell me what you think about his addition and if you think I should go ahead and add the rest of the guys from NSYNC....this is important information I need from you guys cuz I am re-plotting the rest of the story.

For those of you that read Brian and Justin know that he critiqued someone's story and busted them out. Someone thought that it was unfair to tear apart someone's story so they busted out JM's story. I talked to JM about it and he got mad at me because I just told him that it was kind of wrong to tear a story apart in front of all the author's peers and readers. So JM wrote a little letter in his last segment about him not thinking he has an ego and not thinking he is the best writer at nifty. The fact of the matter is is that JM does have an Ego and he does think he is the best writer at nifty. Now, I consider him the best writer at nifty because he has some great skills ,but I also think that he has no write to embarrass a writer's style or his story. JM could have done it in a much nicer way then cut the author down and insult his integrity. When I talked to JM about this I talked to him nicely and he got defensive for some ungodly reason and if you read his last segment he got very defensive. Obviously, JM has no problem with insulting other people ,but when it comes down to people insulting him...(which I wasn't, I was telling him it would be cool if he wasn't so mean the guy he reviewed) JM can't take the if he is gonna give it out he should be prepared to take it.....That's all I am going to say.

I am sorry for this part being so all of my readers I love you guys and your comments are welcome! Also, I have lost all the email addresses of my readers. If you would if you are reading my story please send me an email with your email address so I can email you about upincoming news on my story!


*****I have changed my story to 3rd person because it is a ***** HECK of a lot easier to write in third person


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

The sun rose from the East as the birds awoke from their slumber and the night slowly crept westward. The dew dried from the Kentucky bluegrass and another day began. As the sun rose on Kentucky it was also rising in Atlanta where one person who could ruin the lives of two people sat thinking of a way to get what he wanted.

Brandon sat in his computer chair twisting back and forth as he pondered over his options for revenge. Kevin's phone call had set a chain of events in Brandon's life that ruined his reputation forgiving him to start his life over. Brandon's parents were embarrassed of their son being gay so they cut him off and stopped speaking with him until he apologized. Brandon came out to his friends and they all abandoned him. All in less than a weeks time Brandon's life had crumble in his hands.

"Kevin, Kevin, Kevin....what shall I do to you Kevin?" Brandon pondered outloud.

"You ruined my about I ruin yours? You love Brian so much that you will ruin my life to protect him....HA! We'll see how close you are to Brian! We will see!", Brandon fumed as he looked at a ticket in his hand......

Justin's eyes opened slowly to find himself in the arms of his bestfriend and now his boyfriend. Justin reached towards JC's chest and traced the outlines of his hard muscles. Justin smiled as JC squired at the tickling sensation. Justin moved closer and gently sucked on JC's nipple. Justin breathed in fastly to harden the nip and then he sucked on it ever so softly. JC squirmed more at this sensation and finally opened his eyes to see his friend sucking on his body.

"Justin what are you doing?", JC asked awkwardly.

"Just sucking on you baby..", Justin answered with a quick grin going back to work.

"Baby? Since when did you call me baby?", JC asked confused.

"You don't remember last night?", Justin asked hurt.

"Yeah I do ,but I don't remember saying that we were boyfriends.", JC stated.

"But, you....kissed me.", Justin stated as sat up straight in the bed.

"Yeah, I didn't think kissing meant that we are boyfriends though...anyways....I am gonna go take a shower and uh I would suggest you take a cold one cuz you kinda got morning wood!", JC laughed as he jumped out of the bed and ran quickly to the bathroom to take a shower. Justin jumped out of the bed and ran after his friend sticking his arm in the door just before JC closed it.

"Wait a second Josh....our kiss was not just a buddy kiss or a friendship kiss. That kiss meant something to me and I know it meant something to you. Now I know I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend and you didn't ask me ,but I thought the feelings were mutual and we were going to become a couple.", Justin voiced his opinion.

"Well...we...well....I do like you Justin. You are my best friend and I don't want to hurt you...."

"Josh...I love you and I want to be your boyfriend....will you be my boyfriend?", Justin asked the man standing before him.

" you sure you want to do this?", JC asked buying himself time. Justin inched closer to JC and spoke. "I am as sure as I will ever be and as I ever want to be....Josh...will you please go out with me?", Justin pleaded leaning towards JC's quivering lips.

"Please JC....", Justin whispered as his lips rubbed up against JC's. Justin kissed JC gently and let the kiss sink in as he slowly pulled away. JC opened his eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be your boy....", JC said as he smiled and pulled Justin into a bear hug. Justin returned the hug as he began to cry from happiness.

Carson awoke with Nick's arms wrapped around him laying on the couch of the Litrell's home. Carson smiled and gently got out from under the tight grasp of Nick. Nick and Carson had stayed up the entire night before because Nick finally told Carson about the entire fiasco and relationship with AJ. Carson felt intimidated by AJ because he had known Nick longer and had a stronger bond with Nick than he did ,but waking up in Nick's arms reassured him that he was the one in Nick's life that made him happy and that Nick loved him. Carson marched upstairs to one of the guest rooms in the house and grabbed some clothes out of Nick's drawer that Nick had at Brian's house. Carson walked back downstairs to find that Nick was no where to be found. Carson walked to the kitchen to find all the lights off and then he went back to the living room. Carson then turned around to see a tall man standing before him smiling.

"You looking for me?", Nick asked grinning.

"Uhuh...I was scared you had left me here by myself.", Carson explained.

"Now why would I do that?", Nick asked lovingly.

"I dunno..I just figure you have better things...and people to do", Carson went low with his comments.

"Dammit...why do we have to start this all over again Carson? I do not love AJ ok! You are the only man that I will ever love and I mean that ok?", Nick pleaded as he heard footsteps walked behind him. Carson knew exactly who is was and took it to his advantage.

"Come on baby....kiss me..", Carson suggested.

"K...", Nick replied as he leaned in and began a long and passionate kiss. Carson pushed Nick up against the wall so that the man could see exactly what the two lovers were doing. Carson stuck his hands down Nick's boxers and began to grope Nick's cock.

"Baby, I don't think we should do this right now I mean...what is Mrs. Litrell walks in...", Nick moaned out as he continued to make out with Carson.

"Mmmmhmmm...but....I love!", Carson moaned back carrying the kiss further. The man in the kitchen looked on in disgust. He was in agony over what he was witnessing because the man that he loved so dearly was making out with another guy. Once the man sitting in the room had taken enough he had to say something...

"You are an asshole have know consideration for my feelings and I hope Nick will see that and break up with your hairy ass! No good son of a bitch CUNT!", AJ screamed as he stomped out of the kitchen and went back to his room.

"You think he would have respect for a couple that's in love...", Carson said as he tried to make AJ seem in the wrong.

"Yeah...a little respect...", Nick softly agreed thinking over Carson's words.

Robert stayed up all night watching Brian to make sure he didn't get in worse condition. Robert was still filled with guilt because he thought that the entire accident was his fault. It was 745 in the morning and Robert had been awake about 24 hours. The lack of sleep had affected Robert more than he thought and his inhibitions were becoming weak.

"Rob?", Brian called out.

"You awake baby?", Robert yawned out.

"No you are just hearing my voice. I am talking in my sleep ,but I can control everything I say!", Brian joked.

"Oh...yeah...ok I love you too goodnight.", Robert yawned out again as his head hit the pillow and he drifted off to sleep.

"Robert?....Rob?.....ROBERT!!!!!", Brian screamed out waking Robert up.


"Will you take the gauze off of my eyes...I want to see if I can see now.", Brian requested.

"Are you sure?", Robert yawned again.

"Uhuh....I am positive..."

" we go.", Robert stated as he began to unwrap the gauze from Brian's eyes and wipe the fluid that had be sitting on Brian's eyes.

"Ok Bri, open your eyes slowly because if you can see you don't want to ruin your eyes again from the bright light...remember you have been seeing black for a while now.", Rob reminded Brian.

" you hold my hand while I try?", Brian asked nervously.

"Of course...Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am just nervous...and excited.", Brian announced.

"Ok is my hand...are you ready?", Robert asked as he held Brian's hand in his own.

"I am ready as I will ever be.", Brian stated. Brian squeezed Robert's hand tightly and then began to slowly open his eyes. Once Brian's eyes were fully open tears began to stream down his face.

"Sweetie....don't worry....your sight will come back. I promise you!"

"I know it will...because...I can see you again....I love you Robert!", Brian said as he embraced me letting out the rest of his tears.

"Oh my god Brian....You can see again! That's GREAT!!!!", Robert yelled in happiness.

"I love you...I am so sorry I got you and me into this mess...I am such and asshole Rob."

"It's ok baby....It's not your's all my fault. I should have apologized and let you know that I was going to forgive you....I am so stupid."

"No Robert...It's definantly not your are the reason why I got through this and you are the reason why I had the strength to say no to JC. If you hadn't been here and if you weren't my boyfriend I don't know how I could say know to JC....I really loved him and I know that he would probably hurt me again ,but I have you and I will never ever need anyone else!", Brian cried.

"Together forever?", Robert asked.

"Forever.....", Brian whispered as he gently kissed Robert on the lips.

Lunch time arrived and found all of the guys sitting in Brian's room eating fast food. Everyone was glad to see that Brian got his sight back and they were also glad that Brian and Robert had found their love again and were rebuilding it. AJ sat on the other side of the room from Nick and Carson and Howie and Kevin sat next to each other watching MTV.

"Aren't you suppose to be working while we are on tour Carson?" Kevin asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, but maybe if you made some news I could report it!", Carson shot back. "Besides if MTV isn't complaining I am not gonna do shit except spend time with my babe!" Nick just sat quietly and smiled, he was still thinking over the words that AJ had spoken so harshly and he watched AJ across the room shaking his head in disgust.

"So Kevin....where do we go next on tour?", Brian asked curiously.

"Well, management is coming to the hospital for a meeting. They are going to have a press conference and talk to us about our next tour dates and stops. They should be here in a couple of minutes.", Kevin explained. Just as Kevin finished his sentence the door opened and in walked 3 men with suits and ties on, obviously the head guys of BSB.

"Well well well....if it isn't my favorite three guys! Larry, Curly, and Moe!", Nick joked as he punched the shortest one in the arm.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah....well if it isn't our 5 favorite boys!", he returned the favor.

"It's good to see you are doing well Brian...we were worrying about you." , the middle one said. Brian nodded his head in thanks and took my hand in to his.

"Well, shall we get started gentlemen?", one of the businessmen asked rhetorically.

"The first thing on our agenda may be disheartening to some so bear with us. We have come to know that the cause of Brian's injury was by the trumpet player and ex-boyfriend of Brian's Robert Jacob's. We lost close to half a million in sales at this homecoming surprise concert and I am sorry to say that we are going to have to let Robert go and as of now you Mr. Jacob's are fired", the biggest man said without emotion.

"WHAT!!!???", the 6 men excluding Robert said in unison.

"It is only for the good of the Backstreet Boys and for the good of Brian. I am sure you agree with me that we cannot afford another accident like this."

"Who the fuck told you that it was Robert's fault that I got hurt?", Brian demanded to know.

"The person has asked to remain anonymous...", the man was cut off by Howie.

"I told them that it was Robert's fault you got hurt....I was so mad at him ,but then I saw how much he really loved you and how much he meant to you and I understood why he loves you so much. I didn't mean for Rob to get fired...if there is anyways that you can repeal the firing...Please do it! I beg you guys...I can't live knowing that I hurt one of my best friends and his boyfriend. Oh and by the way...they never broke up they are still boyfriends!", Howie confessed. The room went silent with confusion and the shortest man began to speak.

"I guess that we can throw away the pink slip ,but I don't know why. I mean it is still Robert's fault is it not?"

"Rob would never....I mean never intentionally do anything to hurt Brian..I can vouch for that and I know each and every one of us will agree.", Kevin stated.

"Well, since Brian is the one who got hurt it is up to him.", the taller one stated.

"What do you think I am going to decide? Oh and Howie...I will deal with you later!", Brian pointed madly at his old friend. As the older men fought over the future of Robert in the band no one noticed that Robert had walked out of the room and gone back to Brian's house. The boys continued to converse about the next tour dates and finally a news conference was given to announce Brian's condition and the new tour schedule.

"I'm Carson Daly and here is your MTV news update at 50 past the hour......Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys sustained major injuries at his homecoming surprise performance at Rupp Arena last night. Pyrotechnics went off as the 24 y/o was bombarded with fireworks leaving him with burns, a mild concussion, and blind.....this morning Brian has gained back his sight and is feeling better....doctors expect him to be in the hospital one more day for observation and then he will have a couple days of break before the tour starts up again. And MTV will be there every step of the way! join us again at 50 past the hour for more MTV news!", Carson said into the camera as he smiled and did his duty for the day. Carson was debriefed and headed for Kevin's car to drive home. AJ stayed with Brian to wait for him to be released from the hospital. Carson lied to the MTV viewers so Brian could get out of the hospital relatively easy and not have to worry about it the next day.

Dr. Reynolds entered Brian's room with a smile on his round face. "Well Mr. seem to have made a great recovery. You still have the concussion so I don't want any vigorous activity for a couple of days....make sure that you put this ointment on those burns and keep the lightly wrapped. As for you eyes the rods and cones seem to have made a full recovery and you are cleared to go home."

"ALL RIGHT!" Brian jumped for joy.

"Here are your clothes and I hope to not see you in here again.....for anything serious. Goodbye Mr. Litrell. Oh and don't forget the mandatory wheelchair exit!", Dr. Reynolds reminded Brian. AJ grabbed the wheelchair helped Brian up off the bed and into his clothes. Brian sat down on the wheel chair and began to wheel himself out. AJ wheeled the chair around to the blocked off employees parking lot and opened the doors to Brian's beamer.

"Ok Rok...I am driving you home!", AJ explained.

"Bone...I swear if you even touch my car the wrong way I am going to chop of your dick ok?", Brian warned his friend smiling.

"OK ROK....WHATEVER YOU SAY!", AJ said sarcastically.

"Just drive bastard I want to see Robert and tell him he isn't fired!"

AJ sped through the streets of Lexington and finally pulled up in the driveway of Brian's house. It was 8 oclock at night and the entire house had ordered 6 pizzas for the 9 of them. AJ ran over to the other side of the door and helped Brian out of the car. Brian and AJ walked in the door simultaneously to a loud cheer. Brian smiled and tears began to well up in his eyes once again. Jackie ran up to her son and hug him with her might. Harold followed suit and hugged Brian as happily as his mother did.

"Where is Rob?", Brian asked smiling.

"He is upstairs I think sweetie....He came home with a sad face and just went upstairs. He has been up there since he got home.", Jackie informed Brian.

"Will, someone help me up the stairs?", Brian asked feverishly.

"I will cuz....", Kevin gestured.

"Thanks are a lifesaver..." Kevin followed close behind Brian as he walked slowly up the steps. Brian was weasy and wobbly but with a little help from Kevin he made it up the stairs with ease. Kevin hugged Brian and smiled.

"Be gentle with him...I talked with him and he is a little on edge and extremely afraid right now. Go talk to your Rob cuz...he needs you.", Kevin suggested as he urged on his cousin and friend. Brian pushed open the door to his room and found Robert curled up on his bed sleeping soundly. Brian walked towards the bed and crawled closer to Robert. As Brian reached Robert's back he wrapped his arms around him and began to rock him back and forth.

"Brian?", Robert asked in fear as he woke up startled.


"Are you home for good?"


"Mmmm... I am so tired....I stayed up all last night watching you."

"Really...that was nice of you to do that. We have a couple of days of R&R and then we go back on tour...."

"Yeah....we as in you guys minus me.", Robert stated sadly.

"Nope...they didn't fire you baby...we knocked so since into them...It wasn't your fault Rob."

"Yeah...I should have been fired. They are right...I hurt you and I hurt the Backstreet Boys."

" are a Backstreet Boy...why would you hurt one of your own on purpose?"

"Brian...I am not a Backstreet Boy."

"Yes you just aren't a are an integral part of the Backstreet Boys."

"I never really thought of it that way.", Robert considered.

"Anyway...let's forget about that whole thing and work on me and you.", Brian proposed.


"What's bothering you?", Brian asked sincerely.

"Just home-sick....I miss all of my friends and my family and stuff."

"Well maybe since we get a couple of days off we can go visit them?", Brian suggested.

" are not supposed to go anywhere but stay here and you are definantly not getting on a plane or car or train and going to my home to get all excited! HELLL NO!", Robert laughed.

"Well, maybe when we get a long break from tour when I am better we can go?"

"Sure...sounds cool with me!", Robert agreed.

"Well baby....I hate to cut our time together short but, the guys ordered some pizza for supper you wanna go eat?"

"OH YEAH!!! PIZZZAAAAAA!!!!", Robert bellowed out.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Uhuh.", Robert nodded his head.

" me up?", Brian asked.

"Sure....", Robert pulled Brian off the bed and as Brian stood up he their eyes met one another.

"What...??", Robert asked while smiling.

"Nothin...just....nevermind.", Brian giggled as he kissed Robert's nose and led him downstairs. Robert helped Brian down the stairs and then fixed a plate for both him and Brian. Everyone was seated in the living room watching tv and spending time together. Robert sat down on the floor using the couch as a back rest and Brian sat in between Robert's legs using Robert as a backrest.

"You comfortable?", Robert asked laughing.

"Very....", Brian giggled and mouthed the words I love you. Robert smiled and handed Brian a piece of Peperonni pizza. Brian gobbled it up and ate more along with Robert and the rest of the the time everyone was done 6 x-large pizzas had been devoured. Brian and Robert were tired from eating and the long day so they headed to bed as the others went out.

Robert helped Brian up the stairs and into the room. Brian sat on the edge of the bed as Robert unbuttoned Brian's shirt and pants. Brian slid off his shirt and lifted his pants so Robert could take them off. Robert took his shirt and pants off and slid in the bed under the warm covers ready to go back to sleep. Brian cuddled up close to Robert and wrapped his strong arms around the younger boy.

"I love you Robert...this is our new beginning...our new life together."

"I love you too..." Robert drifted off back to sleep with thoughts of Brian in his mind as Brian thought of ways to truly make Robert happy again. Brian could tell there was something else bothering Robert ,but he couldn't put his finger on it.

It was 630pm during the day in Lexington and Brandon sat in the airport waiting for someone. Someone that he hadn't see in a long time. Brandon had a million things going through his mind while he waited for his friend. He had major plans for his friend and he couldn't wait to see her and discuss his plans in further detail.

Brandon looked at his watch and saw that is was getting closer and closer to seven.

"The plane was suppose to land at 6:45! Where the hell is it?", Brandon asked himself outloud.

"Flight 975 from San Francisco has landed at gate C....", Brandon heard over the loud speaker.

"There it is!", Brandon announced gleefully as he gathered his things and walked over to the gate to greet who his friend. Brandon hadn't see this girl in ages yet he considered her as his best and only friend left. The passengers from the play exited and greeted their families and friend and then a girl about Brandon's age walked out of the gate with a carry on bag and a smile. Brandon motioned over to her and she ran over to him giving him a hug.

"Brandon! I haven't seen you in forever! I am so glad to see you sweetie!", the woman said hugging Brandon wit hall her might.

"Yeah Jennifer, I missed you too.", Brandon returned happily hugging her back.

"Well, Brandon I was thinking of some stuff on the plane ride here and I have some great ideas to add to your plan.", Jennifer stated as she and Brandon walked towards the luggage rack. Jennifer picked up her two large suitcases and walked followed Brandon towards his rental car.

Brandon opened the passenger door for Jennifer and he sped off to the hotel he had carefully selected.

"So when did you say they are going to be at the club?", Jennifer asked curiously.

"Umm...the manager told me they are usually there around 8 so you have an hour to get ready. Is that enough?", Brandon asked hopefully.

"Plenty enough......boy is Kevin going to be surprised to see me.", Jennifer said as she smiled.

"Yeah well just remember you are doing this to get back at him and to help me get the guy who I love ok? So don't fall back in love with Kevin ok....the object is to get him to fall in love with you and then break his and Robert's heart by getting Brian drunk and fucking his faggot ass!", Brandon bellowed out.

"Oh believe me...all I wanna do is break that asshole's heart. After what Kevin did to me and then did to you I could care less if he dies of a heart attack.", Jennifer agreed.

"In good time good time we will get what we want the most."

"I can't wait!", Jennifer giggled as she wrapped her arms around Brandon and grinned happily.

Kevin, AJ, Howie, Nick, and Carson all arrived at the club and immediately got in. Their celebrity status easily gained them access into the hottest bars in the world in less the a second. Nick and Carson went straight to the dance floor and AJ and Howie went to the bar. Kevin grabbed a table and sat by himself as he drank a Margarita and thought about his life over all. Kevin thought back to his last love...his last girlfriend....Jenny. Kevin still loved Jenny ,but his touring schedule could not allow him to see Jenny much because she had a full-time job in the medical field. Jenny had blamed Kevin for their break-up saying that touring wasn't a full time job and that every time he had free time he should spend it with her. Jenny came up with ludicrous acts of cheating and having sex with singers and movie stars and then Kevin finally broke up with her after a year of being a couple. It took a whole month for Kevin to get partially over Jenny and now she was in his back memory banks...waiting to be brought up.

Kevin looked up from his drink and stared out on the dance floor. From the other side of the club he saw a familiar looking woman staring at him. The woman walked closer and then Kevin finally realized who it was. Jenny. Kevin ran out of his seat over to Jennifer and embraced her with all his might.

"Jenny...I haven't see you in a long time!", Kevin said as he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Yes Kevin, it has been a long's taken me a long time to realize that you were right and I was wrong. I wanted to apologize to you for accusing you of cheating on me and making all those stupid lies up. I am so stupid for doing that Kevin...I loved you so much I just didn't want to lose you.", Jennifer cried fakely as she knew she was getting to Kevin's heart.

"No no no Jenny, don't isn't your fault. I should have spent more time with you. I still love you Jenny I am so sorry baby.", Kevin sobbed out as he hugged her even tighter.

"Do you think there is anyway we can start this over right?", Kenny pleaded.

"Of course Jenny...I have been waiting for 6 months to hear you say that.....I love you so much Jenny.", Kevin cried out again.

"I love you to Kev.", Jennifer sobbed fakely as they hugged in the middle of the bar.

AJ and Howie sat at the bar with drinks in their hand watching as Carson and Nick danced the night away together. Howie looked on in disgust and AJ looked on in disbelief.

"What does he have that I don't?", AJ asked curiously.

"You are asking the wrong person gotta ask blondie over there.", Howie said as he took another sip out of his glass.

"Well, Nick is so damn hard to talk to. He never wants to listen to anything I say. He won't even sit down and talk to me about life or anything. It's like he has shut me off as a friend and a partner. I can't live not talking to one of my best friends.", AJ stated solemnly.

"Does he know how much you care about him as a friend?", Howie asked.

"I suppose he does. This morning he and Carson deliberately made out in front of me to make me mad. Doesn't that just show the love!", AJ whined.

"I think Carson needs a wake up call myself. He isn't going to mess up a friendship just cuz he wants to fuck blondie over there."

"If Nick really loves Carson I want him to be happy ,but if he doesn't love Carson then he needs to leave him. Nick is too young to be hurt at this age.", AJ stated.

"I totally agree man. We need to sit and have a talk with him...seriously.", Howie suggested.

"Yep. We'll do it tomorrow.", AJ planned outloud as he looked on at Nick.

*To be Continued

Next: Chapter 16

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