Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Sep 14, 1999


Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, or Carson Daly is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part twelve. I've been getting some good comments from my readers and it is great to know that I have some fans out there. I am going to continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school NOW IN SESSION! and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. As all of you know it has taken a couple of weeks to get this part out...actually longer than that so if you are reading this story please send your comments for encouragement....I need all I can get! If you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? A few people have told me they don't like AJ being gay. Does anyone else feel this way? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers!

If you didn't read the results of the 2nd bi-annual BSB-NSYNC awards I didn't win anything but, that is ok. I know I have a lot of faithful readers and people like Keith keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH KEITH..... If you don't know Keith his is an author and his story is really good so if you want to read it is called...'Keith and Brian'. Now...all of my reader.

As I have been writing I have lost track of time and I don't know what day it is in my story and I am a lazy man....SO, I am offering an early edition of the next part of Life Saver for the person who tells me accurately what day the story is currently in Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday....and I mean ACCURATE.....So, whoever emails me first with the correct day will get an early edition of Life Saver Part 11.

Well, the above paragraph only two people responded and one person was right but, he didn't want an early edition of the next part of my story. So now that I have the answer I am still holding the question open. Whoever can tell me what day the story is on you will receive an early edition of Life Saver Part 12.

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok ????...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Also if you think the story is boring because of the lack of sex tell me that also! Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

********NEW MESSAGE: Hurricane Floyd is expected to hit just North of where I live. I live in Savannah so if you want to know where that is just look on a map! I won't be writing for a while. My house my get destroyed and I might not be writing for a REALLY LONG TIME. If you read my story send me your email address so I can email all of you when I get back online to write. I hope my house is ok through the storm and I pray for all of those who are being hit by the Hurricane other than me! I tried to get this part out before I evacuate. It is 2:40 on Tuesday and we are leaving my house at 5! Anyways...I still want you to comment about this part! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

*****New Message 2: I asked people about the weekly question thing and people said it was stupid and they said that the only reason to do something like that is if people aren't reading my story. If people aren't reading my story I am sorry that you don't like it. I will continue the weekly newsletter though so If you want to get it please email me with your comments or just your email address!

Think about me in the storm!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Life Saver Part 12 Written by:

The sun arose on the Wednesday that the boys would be leaving from New York. The city that never slept was busy at work already for the new day. Busy men and women walked through the streets of Manhattan on their way to work while visitors slept in their beds in the skyscraper hotels. It was 6:30 in the morning early for any 18 y/o to be awake and considering this I wasn't awake. It was the start of the second day after my parents found out I was gay and it was also the day I would be meeting Brian's parents. I had spent the majority of the night thinking about how to act and what to say when I met my boyfriend's parents. Being a fan of the BSB I knew a great deal of information about Brian's family so I felt I was half-way home but, being info smart and real-life smart are two different things.

Brian woke up first this day and noticed that I was still asleep. He smiled and closed his eyes while he gently stroked my head. I stirred lightly in my sleep and a smile was drawn unconsciously on my face. Brian kissed my forehead and slowly stepped out of the warm bed that we had been in the entire night. Brian went outside on the balcony and took in a deep breathe of the New England air.

"Well, in a couple of hours mom will be meeting my baby....I just hope she loves him like she loves me...", Brian whispered out as he looked out over the city. Brian came back inside the room and put a robe on over his bare body and went down the hall to grab a New York Times newspaper. Brian quickly ran back down the hall and closed the door behind him. Brian got back in the bed with me and turned the lamp next to the bed on and began to read the news throughout the paper.

It was around 8:30 that I finally woke up from my slumber. I found myself alone in the bed and I quickly noticed that everyone had gathered in our room and was eating breakfast. I shot up from my bed and stared at them in amazement.

"HEY YOU!!! You sleep hard dude! We tried to wake you up 5 times to tell you breakfast was here but, you wouldn't wake up....!", Kevin said smiling wide awake.

"Huhhhh???!?!? Why did ya'll have to eat in here! I am so tired!!!", I said slamming my head on the pillow laughing.

"Awww....da baby is tired after a long heated night with Bri-Bri!", AJ joked meanly.

"Shutup AJ! As a matter of fact we didn't even think about doing that last night!", Brian fought in our honor.

"Whatever dudes..well I had a great time at dinner see ya'll on the plane!", AJ said as he slammed his silverware down and stomped out of the room. Howie followed AJ's lead and followed him out of the room with his nose up in disgust. Nick knew what was wrong with AJ and but, he was with Carson and couldn't change that. Nick put his head down on the table and laid quiet while the others chatted about other happening in their stay at New York.

I finally had enough of sleeping so I tore the covers off me and sat down at the table as the guys busted out laughing at me.

"What is so funny?", I asked not knowing what they were laughing at.

" can you stand up for a second?", Brian asked me as he grabbed a blanket. I stood up and Brian quickly wrapped it around me and pushed me to the bathroom.

"What was that for?", I asked stunned. Brian unwrapped the blanket and then I realized what was wrong. I had forgotten that Brian took my boxers off the night before and I didn't even notice it when I stood up from the bed.

"It's ok though baby...You got me kind of horny!" Brian said smiling.

"That doesn't suprise me for some reason!", I said giggling.

"Well put these boxers on and get some breakfast before we have to start packing ok?", Brian said as he handed me the boxers he had grabbed from outside. Brian opened the door and I walked out to a table full of friends staring at me laughing. My face quickly turned read and I couldn't hold in my laughter for long.

"OK GUYS!!! I forgot that I didn't have any boxers on! I am guilty! Period. Dot. THE END AIGHT!!!", I said laughing hysterically.

"Naw, I will always remember that one!", Nick said cheering up quickly.

"You better not! I thought you would remember mine better than his!", Carson joked.

"Always yours baby! You know I was just playing!", Nick said comforting his boyfriend.

"I love you....", Carson whispered as he stole a quick kiss from Nick. I smiled at the love shown between the two boys...they seemed liked kids having their first real love. Brian put a plate in front of me and pulled his chair next to mine and put his arm around me. He began to pick up my food and feed me like a baby.

"Ok eat da bacon...come on! You can do it! It's a plane! It's a plane! VROOOMMM VROOOOOMM....", Brian said in a fake baby' voice as he guiding the bacon into my mouth.

"Oh my gosh! That is so sick you two!", Kevin said laughing in disgust.

"No it isn't! My baby needs some I am giving his daily dose of it!", Brian said as he kissed my cheek while I chewed on the tasty bacon.

"OK, anyway....we need to be at the airport at 2:00 to catch the plane at is a private flight so once we get on you guys can do pretty much anything 'cept fuck in front of everyone! So get packed soon and just be ready before 1:00 so we can leave and get to the airport on time. I am gonna go pack myself....see you guys in the lobby!" Kevin said as he exited out room and headed to his room.

"Well, us two lovebirds are goin' to our room to get ready....ya'll come over to our room and we can hang out.....See you later Frick....", Nick called as he and Carson headed out of the room.

"Just us now...", I sighed as I finished my meal and put it on the carrying cart.

"I like it that way baby!", Brian said smoothly as he kissed my cheek helped me up from the chair.

"Well, let's get packed so we don't have to do it later ok?", I suggested.

"Sure!", Brian said cheerfully. Brian and I took turns in the shower as we both packed all of our stuff and cleaned up the room we had used the past couple of days. I had mentally prepared myself for the days ahead meeting Brian's parents and Brian telling his parents about me. I had already taken a shower and packed for the day when my phone rang.

"Hello...?", I answered.

"Robert? Is this Robert?", the voice asked.

"Yeah, the one the only I guess!", I giggled out.

"Hello son.", the voice answered back.

"MOM?!?!", I asked in disbelief.

"The one the only as you would say!", my mom joked back. "I called to apologize about what happened when I called last.", my mom confessed.

"Oh...well...I am sorry for being gay mom...really. I just can't help myself and I have fallen in love with the perfect person and he loves me for would die if you knew who my boyfriend is mommy..."

"Who is this young man?", my mom asked curiously.

"You know that song 'I Want it That Way'?"

"Yes...I love that song!", my mom replied.

"Well, you know I am in the band that sings that song...and all and my boyfriend is one of the singers in the band.", I said calmly.

"Which one?!?!", my mom asked ecstatically.

"Brian know the shorter one with brownish blondish hair that you say looks the best.", I explained.

"YOU GO OUT WITH HIM!!!!!!!", my mom screamed on the phone.

"Umm...well yeah me and him are boyfriends mom....I love him and he loves me."

"You are kidding me son! That boy is FINE! You are such a lucky dog!", my mom said jealously.

"Mom, calm down! You know you have dad right!", I said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, well I am not happy about this gay thing Robert and your father is very upset with you. We are sorry for what we said on the phone to you though. It will take a while for us to get used to you", my mom stuttered.

" am gay."

"Yeah...that. I love you son ok? Will you come to see us sometime soon and bring your ummm.....bring Brian with you.", my mom suggested warily.

"Sure mom! I would love....We will come down when we get a chance to....and mom....I love you too!", I said with a tear in my eye.

"Ok good and I will talk to you soon! Kevin, I think is his name gave me his cell- number so I will be in touch....I love you son...", my mom said as she hung up.

"I love you too!", I whispered as I hung up the phone and began to cry in happiness. Brian stepped out of the bathroom and saw me crying and ran over to me quickly.

"What's wrong baby???? What happened?", Brian asked concerned.

" mom just called and apologized and she said she loves me and she wants to meet you.", I said smiling as Brian hugged me tight.

"That's great baby!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!", Brian screamed loudly as he lifted me up and kissed me gently on the lips.

The rest of the time flew by and before we knew it we were at the airport getting ready to board the plane. We put our luggage on the cargo-belt and waited for the plane to get ready to lift off. We all gathered together around the terminal and chatted as we patiently waited. Howie and AJ had segregated themselves away from the rest of the group and had engaged in their own conversation giving the rest of us wicked stares. A flight attendant announced that the plane was ready to board and we all went on the plane ready to get to Kentucky. Brian and I were the first to get on the plane and we sat down and saved Carson and Nick seat right across from us. Howie and AJ picked the seats farthest away from us so they could continue there "private" conversation. Carson just shook his head and looked outside the window as Carson sat down next to him and put his arm around him.

"What is up with Nick, AJ, and Howie?", I asked Brian quietly.

"I really don't know babe...but, it doesn't look good. I don't know what to do about it Robert....I really want to help but, if I get into something then I may not be able to get out. It isn't worth it...", Brian said happily.

"You're right....well are you ready to tell your parents?", I asked cautiously. Brian paused for a second then spoke his mind.

"I don't know Robert....I hope they will take it all right....I can take anything they send my way but, I just don't them to hurt you. That's all I am scared of really..."

"Well, I am gonna be optimistic and we will cross that bridge when we get there...", I said as I kissed Brian gently on his neck as the plane was taking off. The plane was off the ground and we were on our way to Brian's hometown. Nick was still off in lala land and hadn't said a word since the he had sat down on the plane. Brian had engaged Carson in a game of Mortal Kombat 3 on N64 and I was left in the seat reading over my music for the next performance. I looked up from my music and saw Nick still staring out the window as if he were in deep thought. I put my music down and scooted over to where Nick was sitting.

"What's wrong Nick?", I asked softly.

"Nothin...I am just tired.", Nick said without emotion.

"Right....well I think something is wrong and you would feel better if you would tell someone.", I said putting my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Robert...there is nothing you can do alright...just make Brian happy and I will be fine.", Nick snapped at me.

"Does this have to do with Carson?", I asked curiously.


"Well, I bet it has something to do with AJ.", I guessed as Nick sat up str8 as if I had hit a soft spot.

"Tell me Nick....", I whispered.

"I can't....I can't tell anyone...I won't hurt!", Nick cried as tears began to form in his eyes.

"I won't tell anyone....I promised you....You can tell me Nickie!", I said as I hug the crying Nick. Nick leaned on my shoulder and began to cry harder as his feelings were being wringed out. I had no idea what was going on and I really wanted to help my new found friend.

"Shhh....Nick...calm down....what's wrong dude..."

"AJ....I...I thought...that me and Carson.....wouldn' I....kissed...AJ and told...him that I would be....his boyfriend....when left New York...and when I found out Ca...Carson was coming...I couldn't say now to him...I...I love Carson, Robert....I love him so much!", Nick cried out as I stroked his blonde hair and let him lay down on me.

"Let me get this straight....AJ is gay....and something happened between you and him where you found this out and you found out he liked you?", I asked to clear things up.

"Exactly...and now he hates me because I dropped him!", Nick cried louder.

"Nick.....he doesn't hate you......he is one of your best friends...I know just need to calm down and concentrate on your relationship with Carson. Ignore AJ for awhile and you wil be fine....and if you aren't then AJ will deal with me!", I said trying to cheer Nick up.

"Ok..but, AJ can fight ya know!", Nick giggled.

"He hasn't seen this skinny white boy fight though!", I said laughing harder.

"Yeah...yeah..I bet...Well, anyways...all this emotional stuff has made me tired.", Nick whined as he yawned.

"Me too! I am gonna go over and talk to Brian....are you gonna be alright?", I asked concerned.

"Yeah Rob! Thanks for your help buddy!", Nick said smiling.

"No problem Nickie! Anything for my Blonde Bastard!", I said joking.

"AWWW!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!", Nick said laughing heavily. I walked away from Nick and went over to the tv where Carson, Kevin, and Brian were having a Mortal Kombat tournament and Brian was kicking ass.

"Ok, I don't see the point in all of this! You guys know you can't beat me so why do you even try guys?", Brian boasted his greatness. I sat down next to Brian and kissed him on the cheek. This diverted his attention away from the game and allowed Kevin to do a fatality on him. As soon as Brian had bounced back into reality the match was over and he had lost.

"I WIN!!!! HAHAHA! BRIAN SUCKS!!!!!", Kevin kiddnig his younger cousin.

"Shutup man! There is always a first time for everything. Besides, I got distracted by my baby!", Brian said smiling in my direction.

"I can leave if you want....", I said acting as if I was hurt.

"Nooooooo....It really was a joke sweetie. I never meant for it to be a mean comment!", Brian whined as he threw himself on top of me and pulled his lips within inches of mine.

"Brian..umm...I know you are having a great time hear but, you are....KILLING ME!!!", I said straining for air. Brian hurriedly jumped off of me and looked at me concerned.

"GOTCHA!!!!", I said as I grinned and crawled over to the baffled Brian. "You are so cute when you are scared or mad do you know that?", I asked smiling entirely.

"Well you look cute all the time!", Brian flattered me.

"Yeah, yeah, babe...", I said smiling pleased. "So when do we get there!"

"Still got an hour bro!", Kevin yelled as he was beating Carson at the game

"I feel like I have been on this plane forever Brian."

"Well, what do you want to do to help pass time?", Brian asked slyly.

"I would like to sleep but, if you don't feel like sleeping thats fine.", I said smiling innocently.

"I'll lay down with you....", Brian replied lovingly.

"Cool....let's go to the couch over there.", I said as I helped Brian off of the floor. I walked over to the couch by the TV and saw that AJ and Howie were still chatting with each other. I wanted to go somewhere else but, Brian quickly jumped on the couch and opened his arms for me to lay down. I felt very uncomfortable being around Howie and AJ and I got stares as I laid down on the couch next to Brian.

Brian wrapped his arms around me and began to kiss my neck with gentleness. I just closed my eyes and tried to forget about the two men that I knew were talking about Nick. Brian stopped kissing my neck closed his eyes as he tried to go to sleep.

"I love you Robert.", Brian whispered.

"I love you to baby...", I whispered back as I fell asleep on the couch with my boyfriend.

"Look at them two....I think it is so cute Howie!", AJ told Howie as he smiled at me and Brian.

"I think it is sickening! Robert is just using Brian to get popularity! Did you have a change a heart or something? If you remember AJ, Robert is the one that is stopping you from going out with Carson!", Howie said digging into his friends emotions.

"Howie, its not like it is Robert' fault! I mean it is more Carson' fault than anyone's. Robert didn't know I liked Nick so he had no way of knowing not to hook Nick and Carson up. I am sorry Howie but, Robert is a good guy and I would hate to hurt Brian and Robert....look at them...", AJ said as he dreamed of what his relationship with Nick could be like.

"Whatever dude....I know what Robert is up to and it isn't good!", Howie complained as he stomped off to sit by himself. AJ stood up and walked over to where me and Brian had fallen asleep.

"I will never hurt you Brian....", Aj whispered as he trailed off to another part of the plane.

The plane landed at seven and we all piled out of the plane ready to have fun or something but, sit on our asses. Everyone had all decided to crash at Brian's house for the night. We arrived at Brian's house and knocked on the door.

"Brian! Welcome home sweetie! I missed you!", Jackie Litrell said smiling at her son and all of his friends. Jackie greeted everyone in the house and then popped a question that made me very uneasy.

"So tell me! Who is this nice-looking young man!", Jackie said with a laugh.

"Ummm.....this is my umm....", I looked at Brian as he stuttered to tell his mother who I was.

"This is our newest band member. He is an awesome trumpet player and he is a really cool guy!", Nick said saving Brian's ass.

"Well! Welcome to the Litrell house.....??? What's your name?", Jackie asked curiously.

"It's Robert Mrs. Litrell...", I said nervously.

"Call me Jackie! And nice to meet you Robert!", Jackie said as she embraced me in a hug.

"Yes maam..I mean ok Jackie.", I replied more nervously.

"And who is this good-looking man behind you Nick?", Jackie asked as she pointed out Carson.

"Oh! This is my boyfriend....Carson Daly...from TRL.", Nick said happily. My and Carson's mouth dropped open as we heard Nick tell Jackie that he had a boyfriend so openly.

"So you found yourself a boyfriend finally!", Jackie said as she hug Nick with a bear hug.

"Yep Jackie! I found me a good one finally!", Nick said as he returned the hug.

"Well guys, I am sure you are hungry so I fixed ya'lls favorite! McDonalds!", Jackie said as she laughed and pulled out all the food that she had bought earlier. We all sat around the table and downed a couple of burgers as we talked about miscellaneous things.

"I suppose you are wondering why I took Nick's announcement so nicely?", Jackie asked Carson.

"Well, um, I was kind of wondering that.", Carson said nervously.

"I have known Nick is gay forever now. Ever since he became friends with Brian I knew and it has just been something I have grown accustomed to. I mean Nick is a friend of Brian's and I wouldn't be mean to him because I know that would hurt him so I have dealt with it as best I could and I still love Nick as a son. I am just glad Brian isn't gay! I would just die if I found out he is gay but, I don't have to worry about that because he isn't!", Jackie said as she laughed hilariously and everyone else stopped in silence. I put my food down and excused myself from the table as I ran outside the front door and began to cry in anguish.

"Where did Robert go?", Jackie asked clueless.

"I don't know but, I am gonna go find him. Let's go guys!", Kevin said as he motioned for everyone except Brian to leave the room. Once the room was empty Brian put his head on the table and began to cry.

"Brian what's wrong sweetie?", Jackie asked her child that was in deep pain.

"Mom, you are gonna die when I tell you this..."

"What son....", Jackie pushed her son to tell him. Just as Brian opened his mouth his father walked down the stairs with a smile on his face seeing his son had come home.

"Hello son! Welcome home!", Harold said as he embraced his son in a hug. Brian didn't return the hug and just sat back down in the chair and covered his eyes once again to cry.

"What were you going to tell me Brian?", Jackie asked curiously.

"Well for one mom, I am....I am gay.", Brian said biting the bullet.

"YOUR WHAT!!!!!", Harold and Jackie exploded together.

"I am gay...just like Nick. I am gay and Robert isn't just a band member he is also my boyfriend.", Brian said as he explained everything.

"You are a fucking fag!", Harold screamed at Brian.

"No! I am not! Dad, please understand, you took Nick being gay fine and he isn't even related to you. Why can't you take your own son being gay?", Brian asked as tears formed in your eyes.

"Because I didn't raise my son to be gay you FAG!", Harold yelled as he slapped Brian. "Where is your little bitch boyfriend so I can kick his ass back to wherever his faggot self came from!", Harold asked enraged.

"You don't touch him dad! I love him and you will regret it if you lay a finger on him I swear!", Brian screamed at his father.

"What did you say?", Harold asked in shock.

"I love him dad, I love Robert.", Brian said as he cried helplessly in front of his parents. Harold looked at Jackie and knew he had done wrong to his son. Harold would have never guessed that his son would fall in love this early in life and with a guy but, he had also never heard his some so full of emotion. Jackie walked over to Brian and hugged him as he let out his tears.

"I love you Brian. I am sorry I snapped at you baby.", Jackie whispered as she comforted her son.

"It's ok mom. I am just worried about Robert right now. He ran out and the reason is because you said you would die if you knew I was gay. He didn't want ya'll to freak out and I bet he thinks it is his fault.", Brian confessed.

"Well, I am not dead yet. This Robert kid is really nice to you. How long have you known him?", Jackie asked curiously.

"Mom, I will tell you everything later. I need to find Robert. I will be back later!", Brian said as he left the table and went looking for me. Brian walked out the front door of his house and walked around outside and saw me sitting in the swing by the little creek in his yard. Brian slowly walked over to where I was sitting and watched me.

"Hey....", Brian whispered and got no answer. "I have some good news baby....", Brian tried to get me to speak.

"What could that be? You didn't tell them did you?", I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I did tell them...", Brian said as he sat down next to me.

"What did they say?", I asked scared of the answer.

"They screamed at me for a while and then....", Brian's voice trailed.

"Then what????", I asked nervously.

"They realized that I was in love for the first time in my life and they were happy for me. I am sorry for scaring you and everything Robert.", Brian whispered as he rubbed my back and invited me to lie down on his lap. I smiled to myself and obliged Brian's silent request. I leaned back onto Brian and closed my eyes in simple bliss. I had been crying ever since I ran out of the dinner room. Brian gently kissed my nose and rubbed my head as I fell asleep in his lap. Brian picked me up and carried me into the house as everyone else sitting around the tv talking about old times. Brian carried me into his room and set me down on the bed. He slowly took my pants off and my shirt and pulled the covers over my bare body.

"I will come to bed a little later...I need to explain some things to my parents. They have a lot of questions. I love you Robert....see you in a little while...", Brian whispered as he kissed me on the forehead and slipped out of the room.

Brian walked into the living room and the room went silent. He knew that he had a lot of questions to answer from his parents. Brian just sat down and listened as the questions began.

"So, what do you know about this Robert fellow?", Harold began.

"Dad, can we refer to Robert as my boyfriend?", Brian asked annoyed.

"Umm...sure. What do you know about your....boyfriend.", Harold stuttered out.

"Well, he just got out of highschool and he was going to go to UGA but, he went to one of our concerts and we decided to take him on tour with us as a band member. He is 18y/o and a great person except he doesn't have any self-esteem.", Brian explained.

"Well, what is his family like and do they know about your boyfriend status?", Jackie asked curious.

"Yes, his parents know and they reacted the same way that ya'll did and it really upset Robert. They called him this morning and apologized and told him that they love him no matter what and that it will take some getting used to but, they know that he has found someone special.", Brian answered his mother' question.

"How long have you known him and how long have ya'll been boyfriends?", his mother asked again.

"We have known him since last Friday and we have been boyfriends since last Saturday.", Brian explained.

"Well what do you guys think of Robert?", Harold asked the other guys.

"Robert is the coolest guy in the world. He is nice and he is the one that hooked me and Carson up actually!", Nick explained as Carson nodded his head in agreement. "You should see how much Robert and Brian love each other and how cute they are together. They are a great couple and it would be a shame if they broke up!", Nick added.

"I look at Robert as a cousin or a brother. I had bad thoughts about Brian and him hooking up at first but, I have come to see that they are perfect for each other and I would back them up in anything they did. They have had some trouble with a guy named Brandon and I think I have taken care of him for them!", Kevin stated as he smiled at Brian and Brian mouthed the words thank you.

"I think Brian and Robert are a good couple and should stay together as long as they can.",AJ said as he smiled bittersweetly.

"I personally think Robert is using Brian and us for our fame and he is just trying to get into Brian' pants!", Howie commented as everyone stared at him in hatred.

"NO WAY!", everyone said in unison.

"You asked me what I thought so I told you! I am goin to sleep bye guys!", Howie whined as he walked up the stairs towards one of the guest rooms. Jackie and Harold sat in silence and just stared at each other.

"Have you and Robert had sex yet?", Jackie asked curiously.

"That is none your business momma!", Brian snapped.

"Yes it is son!", Harold disaggreed.

"Mr. Litrell I would have to agree with Brian here. He is 24 y/o and he can make his own decisions about sex and what not.", Carson voiced his opinion.

"That's right and this conversation is over! Goodnight mom! Goodnight dad! Goodnight ya'll.", Brian said as he stormed out the room and walked up the stairs to the room that he would be sleeping in. Brian slowly opened the door and walked into the room where I had been sleeping for about 45 mintues now. Brian stripped down to his boxers and got into the bed and closed his eyes to think about everything that had happened.

I slowly awoke and noticed that Brian had joined me in the bed. He looked really stressed out so I cuddled with him to let him know I cared. I began to kiss his ribs and let him know that I was awake to talk if he wanted to.

"Everything is ok Robert....I took care of it.", Brian said as he turned on his side away from me.

"If everything was ok then you wouldn't be upset like this.", I said as I pulled him back on his back.

"It is just I wanted every one to support me and you and there are some people who don't and it just makes me mad. I guess I will just have to get over it!", Brian whined as he turned back on his side.

"I guess you don't want to cuddle tonight?", I asked sarcastically.

"I am not in the mood right now baby. I love you though. Good night Robert.", Brian said as he thought deeply over the events of the day.

"Whatever Brian...", I complained as I turned on to my side away from him and fell back asleep annoyed at how the day had ended.

Next: Chapter 13

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