Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Sep 4, 1999


Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, or Carson Daly is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part eleven. I've been getting some good comments from my readers and it is great to know that I have some fans out there. I am going to continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school NOW IN SESSION! and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. As all of you know it has taken a couple of weeks to get this part out...actually longer than that so if you are reading this story please send your comments for encouragement....I need all I can get! If you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? A few people have told me they don't like AJ being gay. Does anyone else feel this way? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers!

If you didn't read the results of the 2nd bi-annual BSB-NSYNC awards I didn't win anything but, that is ok. I know I have a lot of faithful readers and people like Keith keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH KEITH..... If you don't know Keith his is an author and his story is really good so if you want to read it is called...'Keith and Brian'. Now...all of my reader.

As I have been writing I have lost track of time and I don't know what day it is in my story and I am a lazy man....SO, I am offering an early edition of the next part of Life Saver for the person who tells me accurately what day the story is currently in Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday....and I mean ACCURATE.....So, whoever emails me first with the correct day will get an early edition of Life Saver Part 11.

Well, the above paragraph only two people responded and one person was right but, he didn't want an early edition of the next part of my story. So now that I have the answer I am still holding the question open. Whoever can tell me what day the story is on you will receive an early edition of Life Saver Part 12.

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok THIS PART DOES HAVE SEX IN IT SO PLEASE TELL ME IF I DID OK IN IT????...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Also if you think the story is boring because of the lack of sex tell me that also! Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Life Saver Part 11 Written by:

Brian pulled away from the kiss that had made everything alright once again. I felt so safe in his arms and I knew that I wouldn't be hurt by anything for a long time. I closed my eyes for a second and felt Brian jump on the other side of the bed and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh, so you don't feel like looking at me?", I asked sarcastically.

"Naw baby! I just wanted to hold you....but, I don't have to if you don't want me to."

"I was just playing with you Brian.", I said laughing.

"NO DUH!!!!!", Brian yelled in a deep voice as I elbowed him in the side.

I let go of the subject and relaxed in his arms. I felt so safe there in his warm and loving arms. I had never known what that felt like until then. I was so worried about my parent's reacting to me being gay that I never realized that there was one person that truly loved me, like Brian does. Brian grabbed the remote control and flipped through the channels as I rested in his grasp. I held his hand while he stroked my hair and kissed me gently. I felt like I was special for the first time in a long time. Brian made me feel special and to me that is all that mattered.

Brian sat up from the bed and laid his head on my chest. I looked down and could see his blue eyes staring up at me and his cute smile was shining brightly in my direction.

"Where do you wanna go today?", Brian asked while kissing me stomach.

"I dunno....", I said enjoying the feelings I was receiving.

"Well, do you wanna go see a movie...or do you wanna go see a Broadway play....or do you wanna go sight-seeing.....It's up to you Rob."

"I'd like to go see a movie but, I don't want to be there with a lot of people.", I stated.

"That's cool....which movie do you wanna go see?", Brian asked scooting his face closer to mine.

"I don't care....Anything that let's me sit next to you is good!", I said giggling.

"Good answer.....", Brian agreed as he moved closer to me and rubbed his lips against mine with a gentle kiss.

" should just rent a movie...and watch it here.", I suggested having other activities in mind.

"Naw...I wanna take you out tonight. It is my present to you and I know the perfect movie to go to!", Brian proclaimed as he kissed me on the nose sweetly.

"And what movie is that baby?", I asked flirting entirely.

"I dunno!!!!!", Brian said laughing whole-heartedly.

" better not be a porno!"

"It's have me for that!", Brian exclaimed proudly.

"Funny....real funny!", I said laughing while I punched him.

"Bastard!!!!!", Brian yelled as he began a tickling frenzy.

"Brian!!!! BRIAN!!!!!! STOPPP!!!!! STOPPP PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!!"

"Ok...ok...stop yelling and I will....", Brian said while stopping at my request. I rolled on top of him and tried to catch my breathe.

"What is it with you and touching me all the time!", I asked sarcastically.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist are!"

"Mmmhmmm......I love you...", I said softly while looking into his eyes and kissing him lightly. Light enough to say I love you again....and again....and until death do we part....forever.

"Come on baby....let's go get some lunch....!", Brian said as he popped up from the bed and fixed his clothes.

"All right...hold on....let me go get my wallet and we can go.", I said as I ran to my bag and grabbed my wallet. My parents had loaded me with cash and for every performance I got a good sum of money...if you wanted to call it that, so I was in pretty good shape....and Brian would always help me out too if I needed him.

"Aight babe...let's go eat!", I said as I followed Brian out the door with my arms wrapped around his waist. We walked towards the elevator and found Nick walking out of AJ's room. He had a stupid grin on his face and looked out of it.

"Hey Nickie!", Brian greeted happily.

"Hey you, I guess you cheered Rob up pretty good.", Nick commented as he saw me in complete bliss.

"Yeah, well as long as I have Brain I will be fine. So where is Carson?", I asked curiously.

"He went to work...I just needed to talk to AJ about something real quick and he went ahead and left."

"Oh....well you didn't go with him? You know we have a day off today.", Brian reminded him.

"Brian, I am old enough to use my time how I want to...If I don't want to spend all of my time with Carson then I won't ok!", Nick yelled towards Brian as tears filled his eyes. Brian stood in awe of what Nick had said. Nick ran to his room and slammed the door behind him.

"Uh....what just happened here?", I asked completely astonished.

"I don't know babe but, something is going on and it doesn't feel right. Anyway, today is for me and let's go!", Brain stated happily as he pulled me along and led me downstairs to the lobby. We walked out of the hotel and called a taxi cab. Brian had on a blue Kentucky cap and sunglasses to hide his high profile. We entered the taxi cab and told him to take us to a nice place to eat lunch. The driver took us to an Italian restaurant and gladly accepted the tip that Brian had given him. Brian held the door open for me as we walked inside to the Maitre D'. The man looked extremely stuck up and denied our request for a seat.

"Excuse me sir but, do you know who I am?", Brian asked in an annoyed tone.

"I could care less who you are! This restaurant is not for you!", the man said in a thick Italian accent.

"Excuse me but, have you ever heard of the Backstreet Boy's?", Brian asked fuming.

"Your point sir!?!", the man said angrily.

"I am Brian Litrell!", Brian said as he took his glasses and hat off to let the man recognize him. Once the Maitre D' realized that he was in the presence of a Backstreet Boy he conceded his mistake and seated us promptly.

"I hate to use my fame to get things but, that was totally ridiculous!", Brian complained.

"Don't worry about it Brian! Just forget it and let's have a nice lunch!", I said as I patted him on the shoulder. The man seated us in a private booth and we waited for our waitress to serve us. A young girl came to our booth and luckily didn't recognize Brian as a famous singer. She minded her business and served us well. I had ordered the house spaghetti while Brian order the pasta with Alfreedo sauce. We sat staring at each other while we were waiting for our food. It felt so good to be with him. I felt like I belonged and I knew that I was loved even though I wasn't doing anything.

"So, what movie are you taking me to?", I asked curiously.

"A porno.....", Brian said with a straight face.

" it a straight porno?", I asked playing along.

"Yeah, of course...I don't like to see cock and ass!!!!", Brian said with a straight face again.

"Oh really....", I asked with a frown.

"Unless it is yours of course!", Brian said laughing now.

"That's what I thought!", I giggled as I leaned across the table and gave him a quick kiss. As I leaned back from the kiss I saw the waitress coming towards us with our food. She gave us a weird stare and left our food at our table with a smile.

"Do you think she saw us kiss?", Brian asked worried.

"Naw, I think we were just acting really weird and she was wondering why.", I comforted him.

"Oh....well, what ever you say!", Brian agreed lightly as he dug his fork into his pasta and ate like a mad man. We finished our lunch and talked for a little while about what we had been through so far. What we had shared together and what we had done together. Then a Brian brought up something that made me very uncomfortable.

"Do you remember me telling you that we are goin to visit my family?."

"Yeah...", I said warily.

"Well, we are going tomorrow and I plan on telling them about us being boyfriends.", Brian said cautiously. I sat staring through the window in silence as Brian waited for my reaction. I gathered my emotions and looked at the awaiting Brian.

"I.....I....can't lose you Brian and there is a chance that I might lose you if you tell your parents. Especially since I am going to be there. She might throw me out of your house, she might shoot me, she might beat me up for all I know. You are her child and I don't want her to react like my mom reacted. I still don't know if my parents will ever forgive me and I don't want to see you go through that. I love you so much and I can't lose you....ever."

"Rob, my mom won't be so harsh. I think she will understand that I am totally in love with you and no one else. If she doesn't like it I have 4 friends to back me up and I know that she will love me always. If she doesn't like it than to bad! If she kicks you out I will go with you and if she dares to hurt you then....well....nevermind."

"Brian, I have a bad feeling about this! I don't like it at all!", I said voicing my opinion.

"Don't worry about it sweetie.... I won't leave you....I promise...Come on, Let's go back to the hotel and watch some tv before we go to the movies...", Brian suggested as he helped me up from the seat and we walked out of the restaurant. We grabbed a taxi and rode back to the hotel. I felt like swimming so I ran up and grabbed my and Brian's bathing suits. I went into the locker room to change into my bathing suit while Brian asked if the hotel could make it a private pool for a couple of hours. I walked out of the locker room and saw Brian walking towards me already in his trunks.

"It is all ours babe....We have the pool just for the BSB as long as we want it!", Brian informed me with a smile on his face.

"Well, in that case.....", I moved wrapped my hand around Brian's waist and began to kiss him ever so gently. I rubbed up and down his bare chest and continued to kiss him. I could tell that Brian was really in need of love right now because he was so pationate. He seemed as if he was completely drained and needed a refill. I titled my head and let Brian slip his tongue into my mouth with care. He was so gentle as he put his hands around my waist and rocked gently back and forth as we kissed longer and longer. I slowly pulled back from Brian and looked into his needing face.

"What's wrong Brian?"

"Nothing, I just....I love you Robert..."

"I love you too!", I said as I walked around Brian and grabbed his waist. I slowly pushed him towards the water and quickly I pushed him in as he screamed in laughter.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!", Brian screamed playfully.

"Hehehehe, well I thought you needed to get wet and keep that boner you got under control.", I said laughing.

"Um...why don't you look down slick!", Brian said smiling and swimming towards me. I looked down and saw my dick fully hard and making a mountain in my swim suit.

"THAT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!", I said laughing.

"Well why don't you get in the water with me baby?", Brian said as he grabbed my leg and dragged me in the water with him.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!", I screamed loudly.

"I know but, you love this bastard!", Brian boastfully stated.

"That's right!", I whispered as I held on to the side and began another kiss with Brian. I pulled away quickly and pulled him over to where the little sitting area of the pool was and began the kiss again. I slowly kissed Brian's lips with gentleness and allowed his tongue to enter my mouth graciously. I moved my head to Brian's boner and began to massage it ever so gently. Brian moaned lightly as I gently jacked him off through his shorts. My tongue wrapped around Brian's and we gently rubbed them together with kindness. I released the kiss as Brian spread his legs further and allowed me to sit between them. I laid back on his chest and closed my eyes.

"I love you Brian...", I said panting.

"I love you more...", Brian said kissing my forehead.

"Awwww....look at the two love birds!", Kevin said surprising me and Brian.

"Why do you always have to ruin everything Kevin?", Brian asked annoyed.

"I just wanted to spend time with my favorite cousin in the whole world!", Kevin said sarcastically.

"Yeah I bet you did!", Brian sarcastically responded. I looked back at Brian and saw the anger in his eyes turned. I could tell he was getting very upset with Kevin and I knew that I had to calm him down some how. I reached for his hands and pulled him out of the Jacuzzi. Brian smiled at this and went along with where I was taking him. I pulled him along to the other side of the pool and leaned on the side.

"And why did we come over here?", Brian asked curiously.

"You needed to calm down and I didn't want to kiss you in front of Kevin."

"Oh! So does that me we are about to kiss?", Brian asked devilishly.

"Uhuh...", I nodded my head and smiled.

"Well....I really want to kiss you right now soooo.....", Brian's word were hushed by my lips. I gently kissed Brian with more passion than ever. I felt a need to give him that feeling of love. He seemed to be drained of emotion and I just wanted to let him know that I love him more than anything. The kiss grew longer and longer and before Brian or I knew it; Kevin, Nick, and Howie were watching us. Brian opened his eyes and realized that we had drawn a big crowd and ended the kiss.

"Brian!!!!", I whined as Brian pointed behind me. I saw the three guys staring at us in awe and I immediately became red in the face.

"Ummm...we are sorry to umm...interrupt you Brian but, ummm we just got the message that we umm....kind of have to do a concert while we are at your parents house.", Howie stuttered out still in shock.

"What do you mean?", Brian asked confused.

"Well, we are doing a concert at the Rupp Arena Friday and then we have the rest of the week off until Monday. Then we hit the road again.", Kevin explained humbly.

"And who the hell made this schedule?", Brian asked fuming.

"Don't ask me Brian. You know we are on tour and wherever management says to play we play!", Kevin shot back at the irate Brian.

"Whatever, come on Robert lets go to the room and get ready to go out for tonight."

"Ummm....ok, Bye guys!", I said as Brian dragged me out of the pool and pulled me along to his room. I kept my mouth shut as not to disturb Brian in his state of mind. I have never seen him this mad before. We reached our floor of the hotel and Brian pulled me to our room at an incredible pace. I opened the door for Brian and he pushed past me and jumped into the shower without saying a word.

"What is wrong know?", I pondered over and over in my mind. I couldn't imagine anything making Brian this mad. I knocked on the bathroom door and to no avail I didn't get an answer. I decided to let him be and grovel by himself. I plopped myself down on the bed and turned on the television to MTV. TRL had just gotten to the number one song and to no doubt in my mind the #1 video was the BSB with 'Larger than Life'. Before they played the video a news flash was set to Carson.

"Ok folks, as you all know MTV is a sponsor for the Backstreet Boys Millennium tour in America. Well the tour is half way over and we still have a long way to go. We have an MTV VJ with them on tour to get the lowdown and behind the scenes action of their tour. Well, Ananda was on the first half of the tour and now I will be going on the second half of the tour with BSB. So that means that I won't be hosting TRL but, we will have special guest hosts through-out the entire time I am gone. So don't miss me too much girls!", Carson said flirting with the camera.

"Wow, Carson pulled it off! He is gonna be on tour with us! I wonder if Nick is watching this.", I said excitedly.

"One more announcement before we go to the video: A special performance by the Backstreet Boys will be given at Rupp Arena Friday night at 8pm. So girls, get your tickets because they just went on sale and they are probably already gone.!", Carson joked again. "And with no further audei, the #1 video in the country by your votes, BSB with 'Larger than Life'."

After the video came on I began to realize why Brian was so upset about the concert at Rupp arena. Brian didn't want to have all of the attention while he was at home. Now every girl within 200 miles of his house would know where he is and when he is at home. He would have no privacy and he probably wouldn't get a chance to be alone with me let alone himself.

I finished pondering of the situation as Brian stepped out of the shower with a slight grin on his face. I smiled and patted the bed asking him to sit next to me.

"Feel better?", I asked putting my arm around his shoulder.


"That's good!...Brian, I know why you are upset about the concert and I don't want you to worry about it ok?"

"How could you know why I am upset?", Brian asked doubtfully.

"Well, considering you live in Kentucky and Rupp Arena is at the University of Kentucky I would think that you wouldn't get any privacy for a while and I think you wanted to have privacy and rest while you are at home. But that is just my opinion."

"Pretty close Robert....Pretty close. Well, do you want to take a shower we go out tonight?", Brian asked kissing me on the cheek.

"Yeah, I need to get this chlorine out of my hair. You wanna leave around 5:30?"

"Sure, that gives us about an hour to get ready so go ahead and take your shower while I get some nice clothes ready for me and you.", Brian said as he kissed my forehead and I walked into the bathroom and took my shower.

Carson left MTV studios and walked over to the hotel where his boyfriend was staying. He didn't know if Nick had heard the message that he was going to be coming on the tour with them but, either way he wanted to see the look of Nick's face. Carson go to the BSB floor and found all the guys in Kevin's room discussing the concert on Friday. He walked over to Nick and kneeled down beside him.

"Hey...", Carson whispered.

"Hey! What are you doing here?", Nick asked surprised.

"Well I wanted to say good-bye to you before you leave tomorrow....I am gonna miss you so much!", Carson said with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile. AJ and I overheard the conversation and I looked with a smile as AJ was getting red in the eyes from anger.

"I am gonna miss you too Carson....ummm...there is just one thing."

"What is that sweetie?", Carson asked smiling.

"Well, I don't think I can be your boyfriend anymore since we won't be together. I'm sorry Carson but, I can do a long-distance relationship.", Nick said with a tear running down his cheek. AJ smiled happily and got back into the guys conversation of the concert.

"Well, what if I said that I am coming on the tour with you?", Carson said with a smile.

"What did you say?", Nick asked not believing his ears.

"I am coming on the tour with you guys as the MTV correspondent for the second half of your tour!", Carson informed Nick. Nick covered his mouth in astonishment and stood up and screamed in happiness. Carson stood up and hugged his estactic boyfriend while I smiled in happiness. Nick kissed Carson feverishly as the guys began to look over and wonder what all of the commotion was about. AJ looked at Nick with hurt eyes and mouthed the word WHY?.

Nick stared at AJ and began to stutter out what was going on. " going on tour with us and that means we can still be boyfriends!", Nick said happily. AJ ran out of the room and went into his room slamming the door.

"That is great Nickie!", Brian said as he ran over to him and hugged his friend. "Welcome to the BSB family bro!", Brian continued as he hugged Carson and gave them the look of approval.

"Is it just me or did anyone else notice that AJ just stormed out of the room?", Howie asked concerned.

"Umm....I noticed and I know why but, I can't deal with it right now. Howie will you please talk to him and tell him to tell you what is wrong?", Nick pleaded.

"Sure..I guess.", Howie warily agreed as he exited the room and went to AJ's.

"Well, I am sorry to break up all of the happiness but, me and rob are goin' out on the town tonight so ADIOS!", Brian said laughing and walked with me hand in hand to the limo.

The limo pulled up to the movie theater as Brian and I were escorted into the movie theater for free.

"So, what movie are we going to see tonight?", I asked curiously.

"You'll see...", Brian said grinning as I followed him to the theater room. There were few people in the theater and it was quite cold. Brian lead me to the seats he wanted to be in and we sat down next to each other. I was confused as to what movie we were seeing but, I really didn't care because I was with Brian. Brian reached for my hand and gently grabbed and held it in his lap. He looked into my eyes as if he were about to kiss me and just stared at me. His eyes were even beautiful in the darkness of the theater. Brian put his arm around my and invited me to lean on his shoulder and cuddle with him.

"Brian, this is a public theater! What if people see us?", I said nervously.

"Let them see us! I love you more than anything in the world and I could really care less.", Brian stated matter-of-factly. I conceded and let Brian wrap his arm around me and I was actually comfortable and completely happy. The lights in the theater dimmed even further and the began. We went through the previews and finally the movie began. I saw the title and smiled in glee.

"Shakespeare in Love?", I asked smiling.

"Well, I wish it said 'Brian in Love with Robert' but, this is as close as I could come!", Brian said kissing me on the forehead.

"I love you Brian..."

"I love you too Robert."

I leaned forward and kissed Brian gently on the lips. I was careful not to be loud or sloppy but, just gentle and sweet. Brian returned the kiss heavier and began to bring the kiss to another level. I quickly ended the kiss once I realized it and stared into his needing eyes.

"Brian I know you want to but, I don't want to ruin your life by you getting caught kissing me. I don't think it is worth the risk so I think we need to just keep it at a little kissing. I don't need mouth-to mouth resuscitation ok?", I said giggling. Brian just nodded and move in to begin another kiss. I accepted it and kissed him on and of for the rest of the movie. The movie ended after about 2 and a half hours and we were both thoroughly interested in each other by that time. Brian had selected another restaurant to eat at and we got into the limo left.

Howie was in AJ's room while AJ was crying his eyes out on his shoulder. AJ had just told the entire story to Howie and had rallied Howie onto his side. Howie could understand and relate to what AJ was going through and realized what Nick had done was not right.

"AJ, calm down ok? You don't need someone to lead you on like Nick did to you!", Howie muttered trying to comfort AJ.

"Howie, you don't understand how much I am in love with Nick. I have had fantasies about him ever since I met him when we were starting out. And now that I found out he is gay too I can't have him because someone beat me to the chase!", AJ cried out.

"Well, Robert is the one that hooked them two up. It seems like everything has gone downhill since that kid join us on the tour!", Howie said in anger.

"I didn't even think of that! If Robert hadn't been on this tour no of this shit would have ever happened and I could have Nick right now!", AJ said with hatred.

"You need to be mad with Robert not Nick!", Howie further inspired AJ.

"Your right! I hate that mother fucker!", AJ yelled.

"Don't worry AJ. We'll get him back!", Howie said deviously.

It was 8:30 when we arrived at the restaurant and got our reserved seats. For dinner I ordered an all- American hamburger with extra French fries while Brian ordered his favorite, three orders of macaroni and cheese. We sat and talked as we waited for our food to arrive.

"Well, I really enjoyed that movie. Especially that part where that guy was talking and there was something in my mouth but, I do not exactly remember what but, I know it was something that I like being there!", I said grinning at Brian.

"Well, I liked that part where we were holding hands and cuddling. I felt so close to you and I felt like I have known you forever. It was the greatest feeling in the world.", Brian said as he kissed my cheek and smiled in my direction. The food arrived and we ate smiling the entire time. Dinner went great and we got back to the hotel around 1030. Brian escorted me to our room and we went inside. I locked the door and turned on the light. I was pretty tired and I wanted to lay in the bed so I striped to my boxers and got under the covers. I turned on the tv as Brian took his clothes of and to my surprise he took all of his clothes off. Brian walked over to the bed and climbed over me. He pulled the covers up and cuddled next to me wrapping his arms around me. I felt his hands grabbing my boxers and shortly after that Brian threw my boxers on to the floor and snuggled up closer to me. I turned off the lamp next to the bed and watched MTV. Today had been a great day for me. I grew so close to Brian that I felt like his brother yet, I loved him more than any brother could love his family. I closed my eyes and felt Brian kiss my neck and then he whispered "I love You Robert..."

Carson walked over to where Nick was sitting and bent down on his knees. He put his head between Nick's legs and innocently stared at Nick. Nick looked down at his lover and smiled. Nick could feel his dick getting bigger and bigger in his silky shorts. Carson grabbed Nick's shorts and slowly pulled them down to reveal Nick's boxers and hardening cock. Nick closed his eyes and took in the sensations he was receiving. Carson moved his left hand over Nick's boxers while his other hand went up and down Nick's chest. Nick removed his shirt and revealed his hard pecs and abs. Nick was now fully hard and ready to see his boyfriend's body. Nick stood up from the chair and walked over to the bed with his boxers still on. Carson followed in hot pursuit still fully clothed. Carson took his shirt off and uncovered his slightly hairy chest and his hard and round pec muscles. Carson bent down and began to tease Nick's cock with his mouth through the boxers.

"Ohh....Carson...fuck! I want you so bad baby.", Nick moaned lowly as Carson unzipped his pants and let loose his raging boner in his boxers. Carson slowly pulled off his boxers and let Nick see for the first time his 8" cock dripping pre-cum. Carson grabbed Nick's boxers and released Nick's 7" hard-on. Carson climbed onto Nick's body and began to lightly kiss Nick. Carson let Nick taste his wet mouth and envelope his tongue while Carson massaged up and down Nick's hard body. Carson turned around and gently laid his cock on Nick's face and grabbed Nick's cock in his hand and began to tease Nick's cock head. Nick did the same on the other end and could taste Carson's pre-cum dribbling out of the hole in his cock. Carson began to lick up and down on Nick's cock and soon began to go with a jacking off motion with his mouth on Nick's cock. Carson could feel Nick's hot mouth around his hard, throbbing cock and could feel his cum going further and further up his cock to the awaiting mouth of his lover. Carson moaned in ecstasy and could feel that he was about to cum a hot load into Nick's mouth.

"I'm about to cum....Nick...oh fuck!!! YESS....YESS...Oh shit! I....Lo..LOve you Nick! Oh fuck!", Carson yelled as streams of hot thick cum poured into the mouth of Nick as Nick swallowed every but of his man's jizz. The taste of cum sent Nick off as he began to cum also.

"Oh fuck!!!! CARSON....I am about to cum!!! OH SHIT!!!!! YESSSSS....OH fuck yeah!!! YEAH!!!! Take it baby!!!....I love you.....>CARSON!!! OH YEAH!!!!!", Nick moaned as he sent stream after stream into Carson's awaiting mouth. Carson sucked up the last drops of cum and turned around to look into his lover's eyes.

"Did you like that?", Carson asked panting.

"Yeah...did you?", Nick returned.

"That was that best oral sex I have ever had or done for that matter.....I love you Nick!", Carson said as he grabbed Nick's neck and kissed it gently. Nick turned on the fan in the room and got under the covers with his boyfriend and fell asleep in complete bliss after his first sexual experience with Carson.

Next: Chapter 12

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