Life on Their Own

By Scott Davis

Published on May 17, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story follows two of the characters in Mr. Shepherd series. You can find the other stories here on Nifty.

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Thomas and Lucas showed Ryan the house and took him to the old office which had been made into a bedroom. They kept it very basic and figured they would allow Ryan to decide on how it was decorated. Ryan couldn't believe how clean everything was. He opened the closet and then the drawers of his dresser. He found a couple pairs of shorts and t-shirts. Lucas said they weren't sure of his size, so just bought a couple items, but they could all go shopping and pick out some new things.

Thomas asked if Lucas would like to get cleaned up for dinner. He nodded and Lucas said he would show him the attached bathroom. Ryan couldn't believe he had his own bathroom. Lucas asked if he had any questions. Ryan shook his head and then leaned in and hugged Lucas. Lucas hugged back and told Ryan he was beyond happy he was joining their family. Lucas excused himself and told Ryan to come to the kitchen when he was ready.

Lucas came up behind Thomas and wrapped his arms around him. Thank you! This fills that void I have been feeling. Thomas got a devilish grin. I can fill another void. He turned and pressed his growing member into Lucas and kissed him deeply. Their kiss was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They both were startled a bit and especially when they saw a nearly naked Ryan standing there wrapped in a towel. He was blushing as he said he couldn't figure out how the shower worked. Lucas turned and smiled at Thomas. Be right back. Thomas quickly turned back to the counter to avoid Ryan noticing his very obvious bulge. Lucas walked Ryan back to the bathroom and showed him how all the levers worked. The shower was a bit over the top, but Lucas and Thomas enjoyed using it! Ryan thanked him and then stood there awkwardly until Lucas realized he needed to leave Ryan to do his business.

Lucas returned to the kitchen and found Thomas setting the table. Thomas made a show of adjusting his bulge and told Lucas he would need to finish what he started. Lucas walked over and gave Thomas a kiss on the cheek. Promise. He said.

Ryan came into the kitchen freshly showered. His hair was still wet but he looked much better, especially in his new shorts and shirt. He seemed to stand taller and was proud of how he looked. They all sat and had dinner and discussed school and made plans for the weekend. The conversation died a bit until Ryan blurted out. Do you guys have a lot of sex? Lucas and Thomas both choked on their food. A friend of mine said gay guys always have a lot of sex. I just wondered if that was true. Lucas was blushing this time. Thomas wiped his mouth and said that he couldn't speak for all gay guys, but he and Lucas kept each other happy in that way. But, your friend shouldn't make statements about all gay guys or all anyone. Everyone is different in what they want. Ryan accepted Thomas' answer. They went back to eating. Thomas and Lucas could see the wheels turning in Ryan's head. Finally Ryan stated. I think I want to have a lot of sex. Thomas and Lucas froze and then slowly looked at each other.

After dinner Ryan helped clean up the table and do the dishes. The trio had fun chatting about topics other than sex. Ryan talked about being on the swim team and said he had already had a couple colleges talk with him about scholarships. He looked out at the lake and said he would love to be able to swim across the lake! Thomas and Lucas said they would help him with the boat so he would be safe. Ryan looked back at them and asked if they had ever considered getting a jet ski. Lucas smiled and said that sounded like a great idea! Thomas nodded and said they could add that to their shopping trip the next day. Ryan was shocked and asked if they were serious. Thomas said that they had actually been talking about it and have some in mind. But maybe now they would need to get three instead of two. Ryan teared up a bit and ran over to hug the men again.

The evening progressed and it was time for bed. They asked if Ryan needed anything and he shook his head. He was about to close the door to his bedroom and he stopped. He turned around and told Thomas and Lucas that it was ok if they had sex tonight. Lucas chuckled and told Ryan thank you, but to not worry about their sex lives. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and closed his door. Thomas took Lucas by the hand. You heard the boy. Lucas smiled and the two closed their bedroom door.

The next day Ryan was up early and waiting for Thomas and Lucas to emerge from their bedroom. He wasn't sure what to do. He finally heard their door open and quickly jumped out of his bed and opened his door. He acted as if he just woke up, but was wide awake when he saw Lucas walking down the hall naked. Ryan gasped a bit. Lucas turned and realized he had just followed his normal routine and forgot about Ryan. Guess they would need to move the coffee maker into the bedroom! He covered his junk and apologized to Ryan. Ryan acted cool and said it was no problem, we're all guys. Lucas agreed, but said he probably shouldn't be exposing himself to a minor. He quickly ran back into his bedroom. Ryan heard Thomas laughing loudly a second later.

Thomas and Lucas both came out of their bedroom dressed and met Ryan in the kitchen. Ryan was sitting at the table and watched as his new dads made breakfast and coffee. They moved together. Ryan could see the rhythm flow between them. Thomas handed Ryan a glass of orange juice. Ryan thanked him and asked if they had sex last night. Thomas' head dropped. Lucas spoke up. How about we take conversations about our sex lives off the table and replace them with it with some cereal. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk.

Lucas asked where Ryan would like to go shopping. Ryan shrugged his shoulders. Thomas asked if he had a style of clothing in mind. Ryan shrugged his shoulders. Lucas asked if he liked a certain brand of clothing, again, Ryan shrugged his shoulders. Thomas and Lucas looked at each other. Lucas sat next to Ryan. Have you ever shopped for clothes? Ryan dropped his head. Lucas reached out and rubbed his back. Thomas spoke up and said that he has nothing to worry about. One thing these gay men can do is shop! Lucas felt Ryan chuckle. Lucas followed up with so get your gay butt in gear so we can get you suited up. Ryan laughed out loud and ran down the hall to get ready.

They jumped in the convertible and Lucas grabbed Thomas' hand as he was putting the top down. Thomas turned and frowned and rubbed his crotch. Thomas would have to learn to keep his cock in now that they had a new passenger. They shopped for a few hours and Ryan had quite a selection of new clothes. They stopped for lunch and Lucas said their next stop would be to pick out some jet skis. Ryan's face was glowing. He quickly finished his lunch and said he was ready to go. Thomas and Lucas were only about half way done with their lunch, but understood his excitement so paid their bill and headed out.

The showroom had several varieties of jet skis. Thomas and Lucas already knew the ones they wanted, but Ryan had no idea. The salesman was a friend of Thomas and Lucas and showed Ryan a couple that he thought he would like. Ryan thought the salesman was cute and was actually flirting with him. The salesman was obviously flattered and flirted back. Thomas and Lucas both shook their heads. Ryan finally chose a Yamaha WaveRunner and the salesman said he would add it to the delivery for the other units and they would arrive the following weekend.

The rest of the day was spent downtown Dallas and they found a few unique clothing stores. One store was called the Buffalo Exchange. It was a used clothing store, but had some very high end clothing for discounted prices. All three men found several items to purchase. Ryan stepped out of the dressing room in a pair of white and aqua board shorts that matched the colors of his wave runner. Thomas and Lucas had to pause as the shorts accentuated parts of Ryan that they should not be focused. The young clerk on the other hand had no issue staring at Ryan and even commented that if Ryan didn't buy them he was a fool as the shorts looked incredible on him. Ryan turned beet red and turned and went back to the changing room.

Ryan changed and the men went to pay for their items. The clerk kept looking at Ryan and Ryan at him. Lucas grabbed Thomas by the arm and said he wanted to check out the sunglasses before they left. Thomas looked confused and said they had plenty of sunglasses. Lucas gave him a stare and pulled him away from the two boys. Lucas nodded his head towards Ryan and Thomas saw the two boys engaged in a very flirtatious conversation. Thomas felt a protective surge but Lucas squeezed his hand and said our little boy is growing up! Ryan took a piece of paper from the clerk and said his goodbye. He turned and when he saw Thomas and Lucas staring he blushed and walked out the door. Thomas gave the clerk a fatherly stare but Lucas just smiled and pulled Thomas from the store.

When the top was going down Lucas mentioned the clerk seemed nice. Ryan said his name was Tyler, but goes by Ty. He wants me. Thomas and Lucas both turned quickly around. What? Ryan said. He told me that. He gave me his number and said he wanted to hook up after seeing my package in the board shorts. Both men were speechless. Ice cream! Lucas said. We need some ice cream. Thomas put the car in gear and they were off.

By the time they got home and unloaded all their new purchases it was time for dinner. Thomas suggested they head to the restaurant and check in. Ryan nodded excitedly and ran out to the boat. When Thomas and Lucas finally caught up Thomas handed Ryan the keys. You're going to let me drive your boat? Ryan asked. Thomas smiled. Our boat. Thomas showed him how to get everything going and then helped him pull away from the dock. He pointed Ryan in the direction of the restaurant and told him to look out for other boats. He explained some of the rules of the lake and then sat down next to Lucas and the two let Ryan chauffeur them across the lake. Thomas stepped up to help park the boat in the slip and the trio went into the restaurant.

During dinner Lucas gave Thomas the eye and nodded towards Ryan. Thomas wasn't excited about it but asked Ryan what he thought about Tyler hitting on him. Ryan shrugged his shoulders. Would you want to hook up with him? Ryan shrugged his shoulders. Thomas looked at Lucas and they both smiled. Ryan, are you a virgin? Ryan's head dropped. Both men put their hand on his back and told him that he should be proud of that, not embarrassed. But, when he was ready it should be with someone special not just some random horny guy. Thomas went on to say that you'll really want to know and trust the guy. It will make it more special and memorable. Lucas added. Don't be in a rush, it will all happen soon enough. Ryan raised his head. He nodded his head. I just can't wait to get a blow job! It sounded like you really enjoyed the one you were getting this morning. He said as the server was picking up their plates. The server froze and Thomas and Lucas dropped their heads.

Thomas suggested a leisurely cruise back to the house. As Ryan drove Lucas mentioned that Erik would be picking Ryan up for school Monday morning. Technically we are not in your district, so Erik will be driving you, if that's ok. Ryan shrugged. Thomas and Lucas had picked up on the "shrug". It seemed whenever Ryan didn't know about something or was afraid to ask something, which was rare, he shrugged his shoulders. Would you rather one of us drive you to school? Ryan shrugged. Lucas smiled. Would you rather drive yourself to school? Ryan smiles. Lucas asked if he had his drivers license and Ryan shook his head. Well, Lucas went on, that would be the first step. Let us look into that and then we can discuss you driving. Ryan got a look on his face. The convertible? Thomas snapped his head between Ryan and Lucas. Lucas laughed. We will save that conversation for another time.

When they finally made it back to the house Ryan said he wanted to try on his new clothes. He came out and modeled them and true to form would make comments about how a certain pair of pants made his bulge look huge or his ass stand out. Thomas and Lucas poured themselves a couple drinks and just shook their heads. They both couldn't deny that Ryan looked good and knew that they were going to be in for a lot of new experiences with Ryan and his hormones. The last outfit was a pair of sweats and tank. Ryan said this was the most comfortable outfit he had ever worn and loved how it felt on his dick as he moved his hips back and forth. Thomas and Lucas couldn't help but notice the appendage moving back and forth. Both finished their drinks and poured another.

Sunday was busy. They took Ryan to the restaurant and put him to work in the kitchen. He did dishes and prepped food. Thomas and Lucas were really impressed with Ryan and even though it had only been a couple days they felt a strong bond between them. Lucas noticed one of the kitchen staff took a liking to Ryan. Jimmy was a 17 year old that worked at the restaurant through his school, but they hired him to work weekends as he did such a great job. The two boys definitely hit it off. The day was long but Ryan enjoyed it. Thomas suggested they get Ryan home as he would have the first day of school the next day. Ryan thanked the kitchen staff and asked if he could get a part time job at the restaurant. Thomas and Lucas nodded and said he could definitely help them out. Ryan went over and knuckle punched Jimmy and Thomas noticed the look between the two. He looked at Lucas who shrugged his shoulders with a sly grin.

Erik showed up early the next day and helped himself to a cup of coffee as Thomas and Lucas sat at the table. Ryan came out in a new outfit and Erik gave an approving nod. Erik asked how things were going and Ryan told him all about the weekend. He talked about the new clothes and working at the restaurant and how loud Thomas and Lucas were when they had sex, and that he got a Wave Runner. Erik was shocked at the list of items, but found it humorous that the wave runner seemed like it had more of an impact than the loudness of Thomas and Lucas' sex life. Erik looked over at Thomas and Lucas who both looked down at their phones and took a drink of their coffee. Erik laughed and as he walked out the door with Ryan asked him to tell him more about the wave runner.

Thomas and Lucas were alone. Had it really only been just over 48 hours since Ryan came into their lives? Lucas looked up at Thomas across from his cup of coffee. Thomas winked and they both took off down the hallway dropping clothes along the way. If Ryan thought they were loud when he was in the house, he would be shocked with their sounds when he was away. Thomas' ass was well used and he enjoyed feeling the warmth of the shower flow down his backside and run through the crack of his ass. Lucas joined him and the two enjoyed a leisurely shower and walking around their house naked until they needed to head to work.

Erik dropped Ryan off at the restaurant where Ryan explained that everyone loved his new clothes and how he caught several guys staring at his package. Erik looked at Thomas and shook his head. Erik said he needed to head out and as he left Jimmy was walking in. Ryan saw him and waved at him. Thomas noticed Jimmy's eyes drop to Ryan's bulge but quickly snapped back and waved at Ryan. Jimmy went to the kitchen and Ryan commented, see, my bulge looks huge! Thomas didn't react. He just turned and walked away.

Ryan finished his homework and asked if he could work in the kitchen some more. Thomas agreed and Ryan got right to work prepping food. Thomas noticed this was the station closest to Jimmy. After the dinner rush they all sat down and had dinner. Ryan asked if he could work at the restaurant after school like Jimmy. Thomas and Lucas agreed as long as it didn't interfere with his school work and swimming. Ryan was excited and said he promised to keep up with school and stuff.

Ryan mentioned he did have a swim meet the next weekend. Thomas and Lucas said they couldn't wait to watch him compete. Ryan cocked his head and asked. You'd come watch? Lucas replied, of course! Ryan looked a bit taken back. No one has ever come to watch me swim before. My parents were always too busy. Thomas and Lucas felt their hearts drop. Lucas said that they wouldn't miss any of his meets and would be his biggest fans! Ryan glowed. He was so excited.

The rest of the week went quickly. Thomas and Lucas learned to expect blunt comments from Ryan and had stopped being surprised when he commented on their sex life or his package. Which was the topic of conversation when he showed up in the living room wearing his speedo. This definitely made his package look big. It was obvious Ryan shaved his pubes and that he was quite endowed. Ryan explained how the swim meet would go and where they should sit. He said his coach wanted to talk to them and a scout was going to be at this meet from SMU. Thomas and Lucas laughed at his excitement, but were excited to see him swim.

The first heat was over quickly and then it was time for Ryan. Thomas and Lucas were about to burst out of their skin with anticipation. The heat started and Ryan took an immediate lead. They heard a mom make a comment about how fast Ryan was. Ryan finished way ahead of everyone and seemed pleased with his time. Ryan came over with the coach and introduced Thomas and Lucas. They shook hands and the coach introduced himself as Jason Cole and was very happy to meet them. Another man approached and the coach introduced Lee Stanley as the scout from SMU. Lee said he had been very impressed with Ryan and would definitely love it if Ryan would consider SMU after he graduates. Ryan nodded and told Lee to make him an offer! Lee laughed and said it would be coming soon. Jason told Ryan to get ready for his next heat and then thanked Lee for coming before he headed back to his team. Lee turned and shook hands with Thomas and Lucas. He said that Ryan stood a good chance of a full ride scholarship to SMU, but needed to keep that under wraps for the time being. He explained he was headed to another meet and would be talking to them soon.

After the final heat, which Ryan won, Thomas suggested a celebratory lunch. Ryan asked if they could go to Billy's. The guys agreed and Ryan seemed overly excited. When Ryan left to shower and change Lucas pointed out that Jimmy was working today. Thomas chuckled a bit. Ryan showed up with wet hair and his swim bag over his shoulder. The convertible helped dry his hair and gave him a nice wind blown look. When they arrived Jimmy was sitting at the bar with a soda in front of him. Ryan beamed when he saw him. Ryan walked over and said something to him and then came back and asked if Jimmy could join them for lunch. Both men took a deep breath and nodded. The conversation between them was great. Jimmy was very mature and Thomas and Lucas liked how he interacted with Ryan and even gave him a disapproving look when he said something inappropriate. It was obvious Ryan liked Jimmy and Jimmy liked Ryan.

Ryan asked if they could go for a ride on the lake and if Jimmy could go. Thomas reminded Ryan that they were expecting a delivery today. Ryan's eyes opened wide and explained to Jimmy he was about to get a wave runner. Ryan asked if they could get home so they would be there when it arrived. They finished their lunch and as their boat pulled next to the dock a delivery truck was pulling in with their new lake toys. Ryan leaped off the boat and pulled Jimmy with him. He pointed out his and told Jimmy it was big enough for two and asked would he like to ride with him. The wave runner was barely in the water before the two boys took off.

After the other two were unloaded Thomas and Lucas took off and went in search of Ryan and Jimmy. They found them speeding across the lake and doing 360's. Ryan saw them and the three sped across the lake together. The smiles on all their faces said it all. When they finally returned home they all collapsed in the yard. Ryan exclaimed that that was so exciting he had a hard on the entire time. Jimmy scolded Ryan, but laughed also. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the wave runners. Thomas let Jimmy use his and he rode with Lucas. At one point he whispered in Lucas' ear. Can you tell how excited I am riding with you? Lucas shook his head but turned and kissed Thomas. Ryan saw this and smiled.

When the sun started to set they all came back in and tied off the wave runners. Thomas asked if Jimmy needed to get home. He said he should text his dad but he didn't really have a curfew. Jimmy got a reply from his dad saying he would pick him up around 10:00 and Jimmy asked for the address to send to his dad. Lucas and Thomas told the boys to relax and they would get food around for dinner. Ryan and Jimmy really seemed to click. After dinner it was almost time for Jimmy to get picked up. Lucas and Thomas cleared the table and left the two boys alone on the patio but spied on them from the kitchen. They watched as the boys talked and noticed Ryan drop his head and shrug his shoulders. They weren't sure what Jimmy had asked, but knew Ryan was nervous about something. Thomas laughed a bit then shouted. Would you two kiss already! Ryan's head snapped up and both boys turned and looked in the house. Thomas and Lucas ducked back into the kitchen.

A horn honked and Thomas and Lucas met Jimmy's dad, Jim Sr. He thanked them for allowing Jimmy to hang with them for the day and asked if he was still working hard. Lucas said he wished he could clone Jimmy. He is one of their best employees! Jimmy smiled and blushed a bit. They said good night and Ryan brushed against Lucas. They watched Jimmy pull away and then Thomas turned to Ryan. So??? Ryan smiled and turned to walk in the house. Lucas and Thomas quickly followed. They found Ryan searching through the fridge. So??? Thomas said again. Ryan stood and smiled. We kissed. And? Thomas pressed. Ryan finally caved. It was AWESOME! I felt it in my toes! I tried to grab his ass, but he pushed my hand away. Feeling his tongue....WHOA! Lucas yelled. You kissed. We get it.

Ryan grabbed a water and said he was going to bed. Thomas and Lucas smiled. They loved seeing Ryan in such a good mood. They made a quick drink and then headed for bed. They heard noise coming from Ryan's room. Lucas stopped but then pulled Thomas away and into their bedroom. Lucas laughed. He was masturbating! From the sounds of it Jimmy was the main focus. Thomas busted out laughing and the only way Lucas was able to quiet him down was to push him down on the bed and start kissing him, which led to sucking him, which led to fucking him. That night there were three orgasms in the house.

Sunday Jimmy came back over to the house. The boys spent several hours on the lake. The lake was busy but they found an area to pull the wave runners to the shore. They sat next to each other and Ryan leaned into Jimmy. Jimmy turned and pulled Ryan in for a kiss. It was deep wet and passionate. Ryan felt his dick grow and reached for Jimmy's crotch. He felt hardness before Jimmy stopped his hand. Ryan pulled away. Jimmy smiled. I don't want our first time to be a quickie. Jimmy squeezed Ryan's hand on his hard cock. I obviously want you, but I want it to be amazing. Ryan loved the feel of his cock in his hand and that he wanted their first time to be special too.

Ryan jumped up and Jimmy laughed at the bulge in his shorts. You may want to consider a looser pair of shorts. Ryan grabbed it. Yeah, this thing gets in the way a lot! Jimmy and his erection stood and embraced Ryan. The two kissed and rubbed their members together. A boat went by and they heard several whistles and catcalls. The boys waved and then jumped on their wave runners and took off across the lake.

When they arrived back at the house Thomas and Lucas were relaxing by the pool after a busy day at the restaurant. They said dinner was in the kitchen and they could help themselves. The boys fixed their plates and joined Thomas and Lucas. They talked about the next swim meet and Ryan asked if Jimmy would like to come. Jimmy said he would love to attend. Thomas and Lucas asked Jimmy how his senior year was going. He said he loved his classes and teachers and going the non-traditional route through the career and tech school was the best choice for him. He has loved learning culinary skills and he said there is no shortage of work here in Texas. He has already had 5 companies ask him to come work for them. Thomas and Lucas frowned. Well, consider it 6 companies that would like you to work for them. Jimmy was flattered.

It was getting late and Jimmy said he had an early day. Ryan walked him to his car and the two kissed good night. Thomas and Lucas had snuck around the corner of the house and watched the kiss. It was sweet. When Ryan returns to the pool Thomas and Lucas notice the bulge in Ryan's shorts and the perma-grin on his face. Ryan fell on a lounge chair and sighed. I want him to be my first! Thomas and Lucas looked at each other. Lucas spoke up. Ryan, we are so happy you have found someone special. We want you to know you can ask us anything if you have questions about sex. Ryan looked at them. Ok, so should I swallow or have him cum on me? I have never tasted my own cum, should I? I have a pretty big dick, how do I fit it in his ass? Who's top or bottom? What position is best for fucking? Should I be verbal like you two? What's it like to eat ass? I Googled some of these and have watched porn, but I'm afraid of looking like I don't know what I'm doing.

Thomas and Lucas took deep breaths. How about we sleep on this and we can discuss all of this tomorrow? Ryan smiled and said he understood, but right now he needed to jack off! Jimmy has had me hard all day and my balls are aching! Grabbing himself to accentuate that he was erect and then was off to his bedroom. Thomas and Lucas fell back on their lounge chairs.

Next: Chapter 5

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