Life of Leisure

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Aug 30, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Life of Leisure" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay" which is available for the Kindle on Amazon.

This is Part 2 of "Life of Leisure". I will post some more stories on Nifty, especially if people tell me they want to read more.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at:

My Amazon author page is:

Life of Leisure - Part 2 - A Smooth Guy!

When he got back to the flat where his family was staying, he got undressed and took a shower, to wash the wonderful smell of sex with Stephen off him. His mother didn't know about his sex life, but he thought his stepfather suspected what he was getting up to! Nevertheless it wouldn't do to sit down at the table smelling of semen and sweat!

While he was showering he started thinking about Simon. He imagined what he looked like without his clothes on and Mick's penis quickly thickened and grew. He restrained himself from masturbating, he wanted to save himself for tomorrow!

At tea, his parents said they were going back to Scotland the next day for a few days. Mick asked if he could stay in the flat rather than go back with them, because he'd arranged to meet a friend tomorrow. His mum said that would be ok, "So long as you are good!" His stepfather just quietly gave him a quizzical look.

Later that night in bed, Mick couldn't stop thinking about Simon. He only had a single cotton sheet covering him and he looked down at the huge tent-pole effect that his penis was making. This guy, Simon was really getting to him! Hoping that his self-restraint would pay off tomorrow, he rolled over and went to sleep.

He saw his parents off at nine in the morning, his mother giving him a wet, sloppy kiss after worrying and fussing over him for half an hour. Mick thought she believed he was still a kid. His stepfather shook his hand and gave him a knowing wink! That guy was something else!

He quickly got himself ready for the Leisure Centre putting on his tan slacks and black T-shirt. He wanted to look good for Simon. His mind was still racing with thoughts about him, what would he do if Simon didn't want him?

By ten o'clock he was nervously entering the leisure centre. Simon was in reception as if he was waiting for him. He came over to Mick and warmly shook his hand. He said, "I've worked out a programme for you, but look, I finish work at four, why not come back then. We can both go to the gym then and I can help you start your programme!"

This sounded encouraging, but Mick was disappointed, four o'clock seemed such a long way off! Simon said, "The gym is usually empty at that time, so we should have the place to ourselves" and his eyes dropped down to the front of Mick's trousers.

This sounded very encouraging! So Mick gave him his sexiest smile and realised that Simon still had hold of his hand. Suddenly Mick felt embarrassed again. Shit! This guy really knocked him sideways! Mick mumbled that he would be back at four and hastily left reception.

As he walked away from the Centre he noticed his heart was still pounding. He wanted Simon more than he had ever wanted a guy before. He couldn't get this man out of his head!

He drifted around the town centre and wandered into his favourite clothes shop. While he was looking at the jeans that they had, he idly noticed an assistant he'd never seen before. He looked like he was only 18 like him and he was very cute. Normally he would make a move on someone like that, but he couldn't summon up any interest in the idea.

The assistant asked if he would like to try a pair on and Mick let him show the way to the corridor with the changing cubicles, even though he knew exactly where they were. The young guy hovered outside Mick's cubicle while he tried them on. The top of the door was low enough for you to look out of and Mick noticed the guy kept glancing at him.

The jeans he tried on were ok, but he didn't really like them, so he started to take them off again. Just as they were down round his ankles the assistant pushed the door open, saying, "Do they fit you Sir?" The guy looked straight at the bulge in the front of Mick's briefs and gave a little gasp.

Mick wasn't interested. He said "No!" and closed the door. He got his own slacks back on and left. He handed the jeans back to the assistant who looked at him longingly. Mick gave him a kind smile, said "Thanks!" and left the shop.

The town on a summer Friday morning was dead! Why had his stepfather been transferred here when Edinburgh was so exciting? He couldn't wait until next year when he could go to college and live his own life.

He drifted into a café and ordered an Espresso. He sat down at a table in the window and looked out at the boring scene. Then a guy sat down opposite him. After a few seconds he felt the man's foot touching the inside of his right foot. A few seconds later the guy moved his leg towards Mick so that his calf rubbed against the inside of Mick's calf.

Mick got up and left without drinking his coffee. The day was quite hot now and Mick killed another hour wandering around the shopping centre. He noticed one chap was following him. Normally he would have slipped into the Gents toilet to let the guy check him out, but not today!

He went to his favourite pizza place and had a quiet meal. At last he was left alone which suited him fine. He wandered past the Cinema and noticed that they were showing "Sebastianne". Ah well, it was a way to pass the time until 4 o'clock!

The film had just started. As soon as he sat down in the dark cinema he realised that Friday afternoon to watch a film like this was not a good idea! There were single guys everywhere and as soon as the first erection under the bedclothes was shown on the film, there was much shuffling and readjusting of leg position going on.

A guy sat down next to Mick and cautiously moved his knee against Mick's knee. Mick got up and moved further along the row of seats.

Later, while the two guys on the screen were rolling around naked together in the water another chap came and sat on the other side of Mick. His hand was on Mick's thigh almost straight away. Mick let him feel his leg. This was his favourite scene in the movie as the two men rolled about, so he was feeling turned on.

The guy reached up to Mick's crotch and was rubbing his cock through his trousers. He had a good touch and Mick let him play with him until the scene finished. Then he got up and left the cinema without looking back.

Normally he would have let that guy get inside his trousers, but he just didn't have the inclination today. But he had a problem. His cock had made the front of his briefs soggy. He wanted to look perfect for Simon and didn't want to run the risk of him seeing his briefs with dried pre-cum on them.

He went into Marks & Spencer's and bought a pair of tiny briefs. The woman assistant gave him a sexy smile as she took his money and looked at what he was buying. God! Opportunities were everywhere today! But would he get the opportunity he actually wanted?

He ducked into the Public Toilet and in the cubicle he took his stained briefs off. He put the new pair on. They were quite nice red ones but they were tiny, much smaller than the ones he usually wore. They barely covered him! He put the dirty ones in his bag with his towel, shorts, vest and trunks and got out of the loos quickly before he attracted any more moths to the flame!

It was heading towards 4 o'clock and so he set off back to the Centre. Once again his heart was pounding as he approached the place.

He entered reception and the girl handed him a note. It was from Simon and said, "Wait here until 4 o'clock" So he did!

Exactly on four o'clock Simon came into reception still wearing his Leisure Centre shirt and shorts. He walked quickly over to Mick, shook his hand again and said "Hi!" His grip was firm but gentle, Mick thought to himself that this guy was probably very good at sex!

Simon took Mick to his locker and got out his sports-bag. Then they went off to the gym. Mick was feeling very nervous, but couldn't wait to show his body off to this guy.

There was someone else in the gym! Mick's heart sank. But Simon wasn't fazed. He went up to the man and said, "Mr Jones, your wife rang, asking you to pick the kids up from playschool, she's late and they will be waiting"

Mr Jones quickly started to get changed. While they were waiting, Simon took a piece of paper out of his bag and went over the exercise programme he had worked out for Mick. Mick was a little disappointed; maybe this guy really was only interested in helping him get fit!

After Mr Jones left, Simon said, "Good now we have the place to ourselves, I've told reception to tell people the gym is closed for maintenance! Mind you, Mr Jones is going to be cross when he finds out the kids don't need picking up!" Then he went over and locked the gym door. This was definitely more promising! Alone with Simon and locked in together!

"Let's get changed" Simon said and he started to take his gym clothes out of his bag. Mick's heart was practically leaping into his mouth as he took his own things out of his bag.

Simon took off his T-shirt. Holding his arms above his head, he paused with the shirt over his face and Mick had the chance to take in the view! Simon had the most wonderful smooth chest and his armpits had fine golden hair in them. Mick wanted to bury his face in the lovely fur, but he hesitated, because he still didn't feel he'd received the green light from Simon yet.

He had a finely developed chest, not huge muscles, but strong and firm. Now it was Mick's turn. He slowly took off his black T-shirt giving Simon plenty of time to look at him. This was developing into a tit-for-tat striptease and Mick was glad he'd changed his stained briefs.

As he put his shirt down he looked back at Simon who had been watching him. Now was the moment of truth! Up until now everything Simon had done could have been innocent - probably wasn't, but could have been. The excitement of the moment was almost too much for Mick. He held his breath as he looked down at Simon's shorts. There was an impressive bulge that looked bigger than before!

Simon's hands went down to the waistband and without looking at Mick, he slipped his fingers under his shorts and pulled them down his legs. His cock and balls were held in a jockstrap, but as he lifted each leg up to slip his shorts off, Mick had a good chance to see his huge balls dangling between his legs held in their white pouch.

Simon stood up straight and for the first time Mick got a chance to see the outline of Simon's dick. It was huge, about the same size as his own, and looked nice and thick. Simon didn't have an erection but his flaccid cock looked great in his jockstrap. He turned his back on Mick to put his shorts in his bag. Simon had a very smooth arse and framed like that in his jockstrap, it was all Mick could do to stop himself from leaping across there and grabbing those milky smooth cheeks!

Simon turned round and his green/brown eyes looked straight into Mick's eyes. Mick slowly undid the zip on his trousers; he was enjoying this slow strip! He undid the top button and let his slacks drop down to the floor. His cock was still retained in his tiny red briefs. It was starting to thicken slightly but still lay down in front of his balls making a huge bulge. Simon's eyes went straight to his groin area and he said "We'll concentrate on your leg muscles first and then we'll take care of that muscle!"

This was the green light Mick had been waiting for! And he flashed his pearly white teeth at Simon in a laugh of relief! Mick realised that this man had always fancied him, but was enjoying the thrill of the chase. He had hoped Simon would teach him a few new things and this first lesson was that you didn't need to rush into sex like he had done yesterday in the shower with Stephen, but could take your time and enjoy the build-up and expectation.

Mick relaxed and straight away his cock started to inflate, pointing straight out against his thin red briefs. They were still standing over four feet apart and Simon was going to make this last! Without moving towards Mick, he slipped out of his jockstrap to show him his lovely cock. It was hanging down about 5 inches long, and best of all, it was circumcised! On either side hung the nicest pair of balls Mick had ever seen! They were huge and shaved smooth! Above his slowly growing cock Simon had a nice thatch of blond pubic hair.

They both just stood looking at each other's bodies as Simon's prick grew and grew! Eventually it was pointing upwards and looked to be at least eight inches! And with a huge red knob end!

"Are you going to take those pants off before you split them?" Simon said and Mick looked down to see his cock was now pushing so hard against the front that the material was so stretched you could see his pink flesh through them! He whipped them off and his erect cock bounced upwards hitting his belly with a slap before bobbing up and down and settling into an upright angle.

"Very nice!" said Simon, "but there's plenty of time for that. Put your vest and pants on and let's get down to some work." They both put their gym clothes on. Simon was really going to make this last. They were like a couple of birds carrying out an elaborate mating display, except they were definitely both cocks!

Mick had selected a white singlet with a neckline that plunged low to show his chest almost down to his nipples. His white shorts were bigger than usual because he had wanted to make sure any growth could be contained. Now he wished he'd picked his shortest ones so that his hard prick would be pointing out of the bottom of the left leg! In these he could easily contain it. He slipped his hand inside and pulled it upwards so that it was rubbing against the waistband. Nevertheless his shorts were tight and the outline of his cock could clearly be seen.

He looked across to Simon who had put a pair of running shorts on. He wasn't wearing a vest, so Mick was going to be able to look at his chest all the time!

Simon put him on the leg weights and showed him which weights he should put on the apparatus then he got him lifting the weights with his feet. Mick worked away like a good pupil, he wanted to be a good boy for this man!

His hard-on went down while he worked away but Simon's cock continued to stiffly push out his running shorts. Simon was obviously enjoying watching his young pupil workout! Every now and then he touched parts of Mick's body as he put him on different pieces of apparatus and showed him how to use them for the best effect.

After about 20 Minutes, Mick's skin was glistening with sweat and his chest was heaving up and down so that his nipples were rising up above the neckline of his vest.

"Let's cool you down now," Simon said. By now Mick was willing to do whatever his teacher told him to do. Simon picked up a black leather covered table and carried it through to the shower room placing it near a sink. He told Mick to take his clothes off and lie face down so he could give him a massage.

Mick was still panting and obediently did what he was told. He discarded his vest and shorts and padded into the shower area. He climbed onto the table. The leather felt cool and sticky against his sweaty chest, groin and legs.

Simon gently placed both his hands on his glistening shoulders and softly rubbed Mick's shoulders and neck, then he moved his circular motions down over his shoulder blades and down to either side of his chest. His hands then moved up to his armpits. Mick moved his arms out to the side so that Simon's hands could get right up into his sweaty armpits and Simon kept his hands there while his fingers made small circular motions in the hair in each armpit.

Simon's motions then wandered down each arm and back up again. His strong hands returned to Mick's back and drifted from his spine to the sides of his torso. His light touches gradually increased in strength until eventually his fingers were probing deep into his flesh! By now Mick was completely relaxed and his cock pressed hard into the leather was starting to grow again, in reaction to Simon's expert touch.

Simon's hands moved down Mick's back until his palms were rubbing against the top of his shiny buttocks while his fingers were pressing in to the base of his spine. Slowly his hands were placed on either cheek and he made firm circular motions with the whole of each hand so that each buttock was pressed and squeezed around in opposite directions.

This caused the whole of Mick's body to rock about on the table. His half-erect penis was being squirmed around between his belly and the leather. Mick was disappointed as Simon's hands moved off his arse and down each leg one at a time. But his touch was good. He pressed the flesh of each thigh firmly up and down his leg and Mick could feel the muscles in his legs relaxing after their exertion.

Finally Simon worked on each of his calves and feet. His damp warm hands felt great as they slithered over the smooth hairless skin on the back of his calves. He spent longer than Mick expected on his feet. But his little circular motions had a surprisingly relaxing effect.

Mick was feeling drowsy and his cock had shrunk, when Simon turned on the tap in the sink. Mick didn't look at what he was doing, he felt so comfortable and drowsy and he trusted the man completely. He could hear a squishing noise and then he felt a lovely cool wet sensation on his back. Simon was using a very soft sponge full of lather and he was gently washing Mick. The coolness after the heat generated in his muscles from the massage felt great and woke him from his drowsiness.

Slowly and carefully Simon washed his back, arms, bottom and legs. He lovingly washed every inch of him with the suds flowing off his back and down the table. His ministrations with the sponge moved back up his smooth legs and as the sponge met the bottom of his arse, Simon pressed it firmly up between his cheeks. A jet of warm soapy water shot up Mick's arsehole and Mick's dick started to thicken up rapidly. He murmured with pleasure. Yes Simon could certainly teach him a thing or two!

Neither of them had said anything during all this time, so it was quite a shock when Simon's voice softly said. "Turn over" Mick immediately did what he was told and turned over onto his back. He watched Simon's face as Simon looked down at his 7-inch half-soft/half-hard penis, which was lying against his belly with lumpy veins standing up on it. His penis head was peeking out of the tip of his foreskin ready to come out to attention when Simon wanted it.

"You are a big boy, aren't you!" said Simon. Mick felt great and he enjoyed stretching his wet body out so that Simon could look at it. He saw Simon take in the view of his chest, arms, and legs all smooth and hairless. But Simon's gaze lingered once again on his dick resting in its hairy nest on his groin.

Mick put his arms behind his head so that the muscles on his arms and chest showed up to their best and Simon could look at the boy's armpits as he continued to admire his firm young body. Mick wanted this handsome man to take him now and his cock started to rise upwards as he felt it was time to surrender his manhood to him.

But Simon showed him that the ecstasy of anticipation could be stretched out even longer. He started to carefully spread more suds over his arms and neck. Then he spread the foam down over his chest, where he pressed more firmly with the soft sponge. Mick was lying in a pool of suds and his body slipped around against the wet leather as Simon pressed on his chest. There were occasional squelching noises as water and suds squished between his skin and the leather.

Down the sponge went, gently over his cock and down each leg. Then back up it came and Simon gently pressed it against his scrotum as suds oozed out around his balls and between his legs. Then Simon ran the sponge up the underside of Mick's penis around his foreskin, which was now stretched tightly over his knob and back down the upper side of his cock.

Mick looked towards Simon's cotton running shorts, which were now splashed with water. The wet areas clung to Simon's skin in pink/grey patches and his dick was still proudly pointing straight out and straining at the front of his shorts. Simon moved closer as once again he massaged Mick's belly with the sponge. Mick moved his arm over to the edge of the table and Simon started to rub his own cock against Mick's arm, the white material getting wetter and sliding against Mick's smooth arm.

He moved the sponge up to his chest and rubbed it against each of his stiff nipples while his right hand reached down and wrapped around Mick's penis. Mick sighed as the strong hand slid up and down his shaft and his foreskin slid easily back revealing his glistening knob end which, now freed from its restraint, stretched upwards as his cock extended to its full 8.5 inches. Meanwhile Simon continued to rub his own manhood against Mick's arm. Mick couldn't reach Simon's cock with his hand, but Simon was plying Mick's body like an expert.

Simon reached over to the sink, pressing his cock against Mick's arm and got a jug of water. He poured the warm water down Mick's shaft to wash the suds off. He quickly put the jug down and worked his hand up and down his cock a few more times.

The man's hand moved to the base of Mick's shaft and moved down to gently stroke his balls. Still further his hand explored, as Mick opened his legs slightly and Simon's finger slipped easily into his arsehole. He pulled it out slightly and pushed a second finger in to join it. As he rotated his fingers around inside him Mick just lay there and moaned!

Then Simon moved his head down to Mick's love stick and rolled his tongue around the end of his knob. His juicy warm soft tongue felt great against the tender flesh, while his fingers were still working away up his arse. His tongue darted all over the end of his penis, then he lifted his head off his cock and slowly pulled out his fingers.

"Come on lets wash these suds off" He said as he helped Mick of the table and feeling a little weak-kneed Mick went over to the shower with Simon guiding him from behind with his arms on either side of his waist.

Mick stepped into the shower and Simon turned it on stepping into it behind him. The warm water cascaded around them and with his arms resting on the shower wall Mick felt Simon's firm body press up tightly against his back and arse. Then Simon moved away and he heard his sodden shorts hit the base of the shower with a thwack.

Simon quickly moved back, pressing his body more roughly against him. Mick could feel Simon's rock hard penis pressed hard against his arse, reaching up to the base of his spine. Simon's hands wrapped around Mick and his fingers roughly rubbed against his chest, While Mick just leant forward against the shower wall.

Simon grabbed each of Mick's nipples between his fingers and squeezed them. Mick felt him move his groin away from his arse bend his knees slightly and push his knob between Mick's legs. His eight inches powerfully pushed between his legs and when Mick looked down he could see Simon's knob end poking out between the front of his legs underneath his own balls.

Now at last was Mick's chance to get his hands on this guy's fantastic cock! He pressed his legs together to hold Simon in place and reached down and massaged the man's knob with his balls. Simon's face was pressed near Mick's ear and he heard him grunt "Urgh! Can you take my meat inside you?"

"Yes!" breathed Mick, "Fuck me now!"

Mick let go of Simon's cock and bent forward, resting his hands on his knees and pointing his arse straight at Simon. Simon got hold of his own cock and rubbed it around the boy's wet hole. With one push, his knob was inside him, the boy yielding without any resistance. "Mmm!" moaned Mick as Simon pushed deeper into him.

Holding himself there Simon reached round for Mick's throbbing cock, taking it in his right hand. The lad was strong and seemed to have no difficulty supporting them as Simon started to move his cock backwards and forwards inside his delightful hole.

With his free hand Simon stroked the boy's back and as his excitement built his strokes turned to slaps. They were both grunting like animals now and gazing down at the young lad's broad shoulders and his own groin slapping against his smooth cheeks Simon wanked the lad's massive cock furiously.

Simon came with a thunderous climax, splashing into Mick's warm arse and Mick screamed as his own cock shot great dollops of spunk onto the wet floor of the shower.

Simon lay across the boy's back for ages as they both panted furiously and the shower continued to pound down on Simon. His cock eventually dropped out of Mick and Mick stood up and turned round to face this fantastic man. He looked deep into his eyes and kissed him gently on the lips. "That was the best it has ever, ever been!" whispered Mick and kissed him again.

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