Life of Leisure

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Aug 7, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Life of Leisure"is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay" which is available on Amazon.

Part 2 will follow on Nifty, especially if people tell me they want to read more.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at:

Life of Leisure - Part 1 - Fun in the Shower!

That Saturday night, after the first time Mick had sucked me and I had sucked him, we stayed awake into the early hours of the morning while Mick told me of his sexual adventures with both guys and girls.

Although he was only 19 he had been sexually active since he was 13, so he had a lot of experience. I listened amazed, as he told me of one sexual conquest after another. All the time he lay naked beside me, and as he remembered things that had happened to him, his cock kept stiffening.

He told me that when he was 18 his family had lived in Essex for almost a year. While he was there, he had started going to a fitness gym at the local Leisure Centre.

Looking at Mick's firm, supple body, I could see how working out a bit had helped him! He said that the gym had the usual collection of ugly muscle freaks, hairy old men and other assorted guys. He had hoped to meet some young guys his age and maybe get off with somebody. But there was nobody his age around whenever he went there.

He tried going at different times of the day, but had no luck in meeting anyone he fancied. He had spotted this blond guy who worked there but he wasn't always in the gym and they'd never had a chance to talk, he always seemed too busy with other things. But he looked good with his blond hair and tight shorts, so he decided he would try to get to know him.

One day, at the Leisure Centre he was drinking a cup of coffee in the caf , when the blond guy came in and got a drink. Mick got a chance to get a good look at him while he waited for his drink. He was just less than six feet tall with brown/blond hair. He had a strong looking back, and looked fit. His legs were tanned and covered in soft blond hairs.

As he shifted his weight from the left leg to the right, his right hand arse cheek stuck out and Mick wanted to get his hands on that lovely round bulging muscle!

The guy got his drink and turned to walk back towards Mick and was just about to go past him out of the door. He looked at Mick with mild interest and Mick decided that he better take his chance now or else this cool looking guy would be out of the door!

Knowing Mick as I did, I knew that as soon as he gave that appealing smile and flashed those pearly white teeth, nobody could resist him! He was so likeable and personable that everybody took to him. Even straight guys liked him - he was always "one of the boys".

So Mick quickly said, "Hi! Do you work here?" and smiled at the guy in shorts. The guy stopped and smiled back and said, "Yeah, I've seen you here a few times haven't I?"

Mick said he came nearly every day to try to keep fit. The guy said his name was Simon and that he'd keep an eye out for him in the pool and the gym. Then he smiled and walked off. Mick looked over his shoulder and watched him walk out of the caf . Simon had a nice round arse - his shorts left little to the imagination! Mick had checked out the impressive bulge in the front of his shorts while Simon had stood in front of him!

Next day Mick eagerly went to the Centre hoping to see Simon. He guessed he was about 25 or 26 years old. Apart from when he was 13, he had never been to bed with an older guy before. He had always gone with guys his own age, but he hoped Simon would be interested in him and that he could learn from an older man like Simon.

Mick didn't even know if Simon was gay, although he believed that almost any guy would have sex with another if it were offered to them. He thought that having their cock felt or sucked would turn on any guy, and so far his experiences had confirmed that fact!

So he went to the Centre, certain that he would be able to win Simon over with his charms - so long as he could actually get to spend some time with him! He booked himself in for a session in the gym and a swim. He liked to loosen up in the pool after a workout.

He went to the gym and changed into his vest and shorts. Today he was wearing his dark blue singlet and tiny white running shorts with a blue trim. His shorts were just long enough to hide his cock, which hung down quite low when it was flaccid. His balls were quite big and heavy too, but so long as he didn't get too excited, his shorts just about kept him decent!

He wanted to look his best in case he saw Simon. He knew he looked good in these gym clothes and just gave himself a final check over in the changing room before he went into the gym. He made sure his cock was hanging down to the left of his shorts where it was most comfortable and where there was a little room for his cock to stretch downwards.

Some guys wore jock straps, but Mick liked to hang free! Satisfied that he was ready to make the right impression on Simon, he went into the gym. Simon wasn't there! There were just a couple of ugly, sweaty guys, on the apparatus.

After a few minutes loosening up, Mick heard the door open. He looked over his shoulder and it was Simon! He was wearing the same sort of T-shirt and shorts as yesterday and gave Mick a smile and said "Hi!"

Simon walked over to Mick and he started looking Mick up and down as if he was appraising him for his fitness. While he fiddled with the settings on a piece of equipment, Mick got another chance to check out Simon's bulge. Even though Simon was wearing standard Leisure Centre shorts, they didn't disguise the fact that Simon obviously had a full "lunch-box"!

Then without saying anything else, Simon suddenly turned and went out of the gym calling back "See yer" over his shoulder as he left. In a way Mick was relieved that he went, as his cock had started to grow and was stretching down the leg of his shorts. If Simon had stayed any longer it would have been poking out of the bottom of his shorts!

It was obvious that Simon turned him on and Mick set about some serious exercising to get this lovely man out of his head!

After about an hour in the gym, Mick went to the changing room and took his singlet and shorts off. He quickly had a cool shower. He was all-alone and enjoyed the feel of the strong jets of water pounding his body. He put his tracksuit on and went round to the swimming pool.

In the pool changing room he noticed a couple of guys towelling themselves off and checking each other out. Mick liked this sort of thing. He loved to flirt. So he slowly took the top of his tracksuit off, stretching his strong arms upwards so the two guys could get a good look at his chest and armpits. Neither guy was good looking and he didn't fancy either of them, but he loved to show his body off to guys and watch their reaction.

When he put his top down he looked across to them and they were both looking at him, but pretended not to be. One guy had his trunks off and was busily rubbing his lower portion with his towel as if it was going to take a lot of effort to get himself dry. The other guy still had his trunks on and was drying his arms and chest.

Now came the part where Mick knew he could blow them both away! He had nothing on under his tracksuit trousers and already his penis was growing stiff. Mick turned his back on them and slowly took down his trousers. Bending over to pull the trousers over his feet, he stuck his bare arse out so that they could both get a good look.

Then he slowly turned round folding up his trousers that were hanging down in front of him. As he folded them up he revealed his semi-erect cock to them. It was about seven inches long and hanging down at a forty five degree angle to his legs.

Both guys had stopped pretending to dry themselves and were staring open-mouthed at the display he was giving them! He looked defiantly in the eyes of them both, and they both started to busy themselves with their towels again while making furtive glances in his direction.

Mick knew that guys didn't really know how to handle such blatant uninhibited behaviour. The gay ones could never believe their luck and the straight ones used to try and out-macho him. Mick knew he didn't behave in a gay way and guys always thought he was straight. So they would start strutting about too, in order to show that they weren't inhibited. It was a great way to see some cocks!

Anyway these two guys were deeply unattractive, so having created an effect, Mick quickly put his trunks on and headed for the pool. As he left the changing room, both guys were naked and still towelling themselves as if it was going to take a lot more work to get dry!

He idly wondered if they would get together or whether they would go their separate ways and wank off later, thinking about their exciting day at the pool! But he didn't really care, all he wanted was to press his body against Simon's gorgeous torso!

His cock was still stiff and he decided he had better do something about it before coming out of the men's changing room. So he padded into the showers and ran the cool water down his front until "Percy" settled down!

His trunks were blue. He liked blue because he thought it went well against his bronzed skin. His skin was fair, but it went a great golden colour in the sun. He had hardly any hair on his arms, just a few almost white ones on his lower arms. His chest was hairless with just a few blond hairs in a line from his belly button down below his trunks.

Unusually for a young man, he had almost no hair on his thighs, just one or two thin ones on his inner thighs, then a few darker blond ones on his calves. He knew he looked great, and admired himself as the water splashed down his body.

His trunks were good ones. Very skimpy at the back, they only just covered his bum, which was nice and round but not too big. But they were quite full at the front, which was just as well as he had a big penis, even when not erect. He'd measured his cock once when it was completely slack and it hung down a full five inches. When he had an erection it measured eight and a half inches. He wasn't circumcised, but those men who were cut fascinated him.

Once his cock was back to normal, he reached inside his trunks and placed it in front of his balls, so that he made an impressive, but respectable, bulge. He knew there was enough stretch in the material of his trunks to take up any small increase in size so long as it stayed hanging fairly loosely in front of his testicles. The problem was if it grew upwards, because then his trunks held it firmly against his flat belly, showing every contour of his prick. That didn't matter in front of guys or girls if he was flirting, but it could be embarrassing in front of toddlers and grannies!

Anyway he was ok now, so he turned the shower off and stepped through into the pool area. There were only half a dozen people in the pool. He looked around, but couldn't see Simon. He walked down to the deep end and dived in. He was a strong swimmer and his arms and chest were quite powerful. When he surfaced he broke into a butterfly stroke and did about half a length.

He got out of the pool and walked around along the bottom end where there were a couple of lads splashing each other in the shallow end. He walked back to where he'd dived in, so that he made sure Simon was not there. And he dived in again thinking this was not going to be his lucky day.

He did a lazy backstroke down towards the shallow end and stood up to look around him. Then he saw Simon watching him through the glass window. He had to stop himself from making a fool of himself by giving an enthusiastic wave or something equally stupid!

Here was Mick, Mr Cool himself, feeling like a silly schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher. He felt cross that this guy, who he didn't even know, was getting to him like this. He turned away without acknowledging him and started to swim towards the deep end. But half way down he couldn't prevent himself from looking round. Simon was now walking down the side of the pool to where the girl attendant was sitting.

She got up and Simon replaced her in the chair. Mick started to swim backstroke back down the pool and looked over to Simon as he passed. Simon was watching him intently as Mick swam by. Mick gave him a little smile and Simon raised his hand in greeting.

Mick did a few lengths and every time he looked over to Simon, he was watching him. Mick got out at the deep end and adjusted his trunks, which had ridden up over his arse a little. Then he walked down the poolside to Simon. He smiled his smile at Simon and gave him his best "come and get me" look.

Simon smiled back and said what a good swimmer he was. He said he'd been checking him out in the gym and that he needed to develop his leg muscles a little bit. Simon said, "I can work out an exercise programme for you if you like"

Mick said he'd be back again tomorrow and Simon said he'd work it out at home and bring it in to the gym for him. Simon seemed to be looking at the front of Mick's trunks whenever he got the chance, but Mick wasn't quite sure. After a few more smiles Mick left for the changing room.

It was strange, with most guys, Mick knew straight away if they fancied him, but with this man he just wasn't sure. He knew he fancied Simon like mad but Simon was more sophisticated and worldly wise than Mick's usual friends and he couldn't tell for certain where he was at.

Without taking any notice of his surroundings in the changing room, Mick took his trunks off and went into the shower. There was another guy in the showers who Mick hadn't noticed, Mick stepped into the shower next to him and turned it on. The water was fairly hot and felt good.

He started to check out the other guy. He was about 22 and had his back to him. His body was firm, and he had brown hair. Then the other guy turned towards him with shampoo running down his chest. The guy looked straight at Mick's cock and once again Mick was on familiar territory! The size of his cock always got this reaction from guys. They were always fascinated or envious or else they wanted to show they could compete with his.

Mick flashed him his sexiest smile and the guy smiled back. In no time at all they were turning towards and away from each other so that they could each get a good look at the other's body.

The guy was quite good-looking and not hairy. His cock was average size and circumcised. How circumcised penises fascinated Mick! He couldn't get over how they looked ready for sex even when they weren't! The man had a finely chiselled, manly face with pale blue eyes that melted you when they looked at you and despite a smooth close shave his beard growth showed under his skin. Mick shaved and had a reasonable beard growth for an 18-year-old, but because his hair was blond it didn't show up after he shaved. This was a man he definitely wanted to get hold of!

However Mick knew it was one thing to display to each other like this and quite another to have sex together. He knew straight guys liked to preen themselves in front of him, but he had learned he had to work quite hard to get one to let him wank or suck them. He asked if he could borrow his shampoo and as the guy handed it to him their hands briefly touched. Mick quickly worked lather into his hair.

The other guy was washing the shampoo out of his hair now and he would be out of the shower soon. Partly because he was confused and disorientated over Simon, Mick decided to get firmly into familiar territory with this guy and give him the full display. He faced the guy and started to rub lather all over his own chest. He piled more and more from his hair into his hands and onto his chest. Then he made circular motions down around his stomach. Finally he pushed the lather into the pubic hair on his groin and then he spread the lather over his growing cock.

He glanced, shyly now, at the man next to him who was still washing himself down and saw that the chap was peeking at his cock while pretending not to be. Mick knew that this combination of blatant flirting and shyness was a real winner with guys, because it made it ok for them to peek back. Yes, Mick knew how to manipulate guys all right, even at such a young age!

Mick now had a full erection and he worked his foreskin back to reveal his knob end. He looked across at the guy's penis which was starting to grow a little bit and he knew now was the moment to make his move. He reached across with his right hand and touched the guy's cock.

The man was a little shocked and looked over his shoulder to make sure nobody could see them. But he didn't move away. Mick was now moving his hand over the guy's cock while still wanking his own and he then curled his fingers around the growing member. He now started to masturbate him as well as himself. Suddenly the guy said, "Not here" and pulled away. He switched off his shower and stepped away.

Mick quickly rinsed the shampoo off and followed him to the changing area. They didn't say anything while they quickly dried and got dressed even though there was nobody else in the changing area and Mick wondered if he had lost his chance. But he felt sure he hadn't. The guy was obviously turned on by what he did but was shy about it in such a public area.

When they were dressed the guy clearly felt more comfortable and said his name was Stephen. He offered to buy Mick a coffee.

While they were drinking coffee they sat in a quiet corner and Mick, sitting opposite Stephen, positioned himself so that his knee was touching the inside of Stephen's thigh. Stephen said he was married, but had always wondered what guys did together and what it would be like. He suggested that they go to his house as his wife was at work. So they quickly drank the coffee and left.

As they went out through the door, Simon was standing there. Mick wondered if he had seen him flirting with Stephen. But Simon simply said that he would have that programme ready for tomorrow for him.

It was only five minutes? walk to Stephen's house and they went in and straight upstairs to his bedroom. It had a double bed and the room had obvious feminine touches. Mick asked Stephen if he had a happy sex life with his wife and he said he did, but maybe there was something lacking. Mick decided to be cheeky and said "Maybe I can liven things up for both of you?"

Stephen looked at him quizzically and said "Maybe!"

"So what do guys do together then?" he asked and Mick said they could do more of what they were doing in the shower. "That would be nice" Stephen said, "You've got a great looking dick! Can I feel it?"

Mick moved towards him and slid down Stephen's zip while Stephen undid his. In no time they were standing in the nude facing each other with their pricks pointing towards each other. Mick said. "Now what was I doing in the shower? ? "And reached forward to grab Stephen's cock. He slid his hand up and down his penis, which was about 6 inches long while Stephen tentatively reached out for Mick's 8 inches.

As soon as he made contact Stephen seemed to know exactly what to do and soon was masturbating Mick. He pulled the foreskin back and Mick grew another half inch or more. Stephen seemed to be enjoying the feel of Mick's cock in his hand.

Mick moved a little closer so that their knob ends rubbed together and Stephen sighed. Then while still holding his cock, Mick moved his free hand round and onto Stephen's arse. While gently rubbing his arse cheeks and moving Stephen's penis about so that it rubbed against the end of his own he moved his face forward and Stephen?s lips parted to meet his kiss.

As Mick's tongue probed into Stephen's mouth, they both let go of their cocks and wrapped their arms around each other in a passionate embrace. Stephen was a good kisser and Mick started to melt under the action of his mouth. Their cocks were rammed against each other and Mick could feel his own starting to drip and ooze moisture.

He started rubbing his penis against Stephen's. They were both pressed up against their bellies and their juices were mixing together in a wonderful sticky slime. Slowly Mick moved his hands down to Stephens bum and while still kissing each other, Stephen's hands moved down to Mick's arse. He seemed to be copying whatever Mick was doing. Mick gathered one cheek in each hand. They were firm and strong, then he lifted Stephen slightly - Mick was quite strong for an 18-year-old lad and walked him over to the double bed.

Stephen fell onto the bed and Mick looked down past his own erect cock to the naked body lying there for him. Stephen looked up at the huge cock hovering over him and then looked into Mick's face. Stephen's blue eyes looked at him with complete surrender and Mick knew this beautiful man was his!

He fell onto his naked flesh, kissed his neck, his shoulders and Adam's apple. Stephen started moaning as once again their penises made contact with each other. Mick's caresses moved down Stephen's chest as his body slid down the man's torso, until he was sucking Stephen's left nipple. His own cock was now rubbing against the dry bedclothes but there was still plenty of moisture on his knob.

Slowly, slowly he moved his mouth down Stephen's body, licking his chest and stomach. Stephen put his hands on Mick's head and urged him downwards. Now his cock was pushing up against Mick's chin as Mick buried his face in Stephen's pubic hair and smelt the odour coming from the man's penis.

Then he looked down at the dick that was straining up at him and wrapped his lips around the naked head. He sank his mouth down onto the eager cock. Stephen gave a great roar as the boy devoured his member.

Mick knew this guy wouldn't last long and he thought he'd give it a try to see if the man would do the same for him. So far he had copied everything that he had done!

He eased up off his cock so that only the head was in his mouth and he started flicking it around his mouth with his tongue. At the same time he swung himself around until he was alongside Stephen's body and then lifted one of his smooth legs over Stephen's face and knelt on either side of his face.

Stephen looked up at the boy's enormous cock hanging in front of his face with the huge balls dangling down in front of his eyes. Meanwhile this wanton boy was still flicking his cock around his mouth like a football! Stephen knew what to do and placed one hand on each of Mick's buttocks and pulled the boy down towards him. Mick slid his legs down either side of his head until he was lying on top of Stephen's face.

Stephen's tongue eagerly licked at the huge glistening head, it felt slippery and tasted salty. He couldn't get it into his mouth properly as it was pointing down towards his chin. But Mick knew what to do. He slid further up Stephen's body, while still keeping his cock in his mouth and moved his head so that he could still swallow his length.

Now with Mick's balls hanging in front of his eyes Stephen opened his mouth as Mick pressed himself into it. Stephen let his lips tightly run down the length of Mick's shaft for several inches until his knob touched against the roof of his mouth. Then he played his tongue over the top-side of his shaft. It felt fantastic and Mick was now doing things with Stephen's cock that Stephen couldn't even imagine!

Stephen was moaning uncontrollably and couldn't last much longer, but Mick was good. He quickly started a rocking motion with his pelvis and Stephen held on to Mick's arse as it heaved up and down and Mick's huge cock thrust into him. God it felt good to feel this boy's buttocks as they tensed and relaxed! Stephen moved one hand down onto Mick's smooth thigh as it rocked backwards and forwards. He knew he was being mouth fucked by an expert here!

Mick's cock slid up and down in Stephen's mouth while Mick's mouth and tongue were fluttering all over his own cock!

At that moment Stephen was carried away by the magnificence of it all and he let out a great groan as he shot his sperm into the boy's mouth. But Mick had timed it well and while he was still swallowing Stephen's first shot, he himself came with a powerful spurt. His cock came out of Stephen's mouth. 'Oh well, not bad for the first time he thought!' as he squirmed his cock into the soft cool pillow and took Stephen's second, third and fourth spasms deep into his mouth and down his throat.

Stephen was still moaning and groaning and his cock carried on twitching as it shrank away and finally came out of Mick's mouth.

After about five minutes of panting silence, Mick realised he was still lying on top of the man whose head was the only part not covered by him. Stephen was stroking his left buttock with his one free hand while he was gently rubbing his face against the side of his right buttock.

This guy had turned out all right! A lucky encounter in the shower! But he thought he better get off him now before he crushed him. He lifted himself off Stephen and the air felt cold against his chest and groin. He turned himself around and cuddled up against the man's firm body, making sure he didn't put his head down on the soggy part of the pillow.

"You better clean this pillow-case, or else it will take some explaining away!" he said.

"I'll just tell her I wanked off into the pillow!" Stephen replied. "It will turn her on!"

Stephen explained how sex with his wife had gone stale and how Mick was right when he said he could liven things up for both of them. Stephen said he had always wanted to watch another guy fuck his wife and that they could have a great threesome! Mick's cock started to thicken at the prospect. He'd not had a male and female at the same time yet.

Stephen said he would chat up his wife about it and asked Mick to phone him at work tomorrow to see if it could be set up. He gave him his work number and patted Mick on the bottom before they both got dressed.

Mick went home thinking about Simon, Stephen and his wife. Life was certainly starting to look interesting in Essex!

Next: Chapter 2

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