Life, Interrupted

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 14, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"Marsha, have you seen Luke?" I asked my wife as I walked by her.

Marsha looked up from her flower bed. "He and Perry went into the house an hour or so ago." she pointed with her pruning shears. "They said they had some studying to do."

"Well, I need some help in the garage." I said as I went into the house. "They can finish studying when the garage is clean." Man has a right to ask his son to help out when he's needed. Maybe Luke could get his pal Perry to pitch in and help. That would make the job go even faster. Twenty minutes with a third person helping, easy, and then Luke and Perry could go back to studying and I could plop on the couch and watch television with some hope of being allowed to stay there the remainder of the day.

The house was empty, Sally and Amy had gone to visit friends, and my wife insisted on staying outdoors most of the day Saturday. Me, with the summer barely getting started, I had my yard chores to chew up the day well into the afternoon.

I heard Luke and Perry before I saw them. Luke's door wouldn't shut right, and I had promised to get around to fixing it soon as I could get my wood-planer back from the Josephs down the street, who had borrowed the damned thing two months ago.

I heard them first, liquid syllables of young male passion. Nothing else sounds quite like that.

"Mmm-mmmh-mmm!" that was my son's voice.

"Mm-mmm! Mh! Mh! Mh!" And that was Perry.

A man shouldn't spy on his children. They deserve their privacy. But I didn't feel the least qualm of conscience in what I did next, which was to softly slip up and carefully nudge the door open. It was already ajar, it didn't make a squeak as it slid to a crack maybe an inch or two wide.

Inside, on my son's bed, he and Perry were on it in the classic 69 position, their nude bodies glistening with the sweat borne partly of their exertions this morning as they had been out skateboarding, and the exertions now of their bodies which moved with such fluid grace on the boards now moving in fluid motions as their heads bobbed at each other's groin. My son's face was visible from between Perry's legs, for Perry had lifted one up to rest the foot's sole flat on the bed, forming a triangle which framed Luke's face, and if Luke's eyes had opened, I would have been discovered, but Luke's eyes were shut, his face the epitome of bliss, as his soft, young, succulent lips slid up and down Perry's rather majestic dong. Perry was a long, lanky youth, a few weeks older than my own son's eighteen years as of last February, and I shuddered as I saw how the length of Perry's body, the rather visible neck, let Perry move upon Luke's prick in a way that must have sent my son's stockier cock all the way down into that elongated throat! The thought of how that must feel, my son was rightfully ecstatic in it, he must be coated from glans to base in Perry's saliva, the entire shaft must be feeling the velvety lips as they roamed up and down upon the silken-sheathed shaft of my son's rod, that must be sending such magnificent waves of delight into my son's freshly nubile body. I felt myself inhabiting my son's body so I could be the one on that bed, feeling that young lust in full bloom, writhing in the two-headed, double-backed beast that needed nobody but itself for eternal happiness.

They shifted, and I flinched, but they moved only so that Perry could get atop Luke, and now I could see as Perry's mouth nursed Luke's dick, the flashing light caught in the moisture that clung to it like the sea-foam had figleafed Aphrodite as she was born from the ocean waves.

Their young muscles gleamed with a light that emanated partly from within, they were in the very prime of their sexual energy, and I gazed upon them, wishing so much, so very much, that I were eighteen once again, not twice that age and more as I was now, that I could be eighteen once again, when my own desires had spilled out of my body and into that of my best friend. How easily the curtain of the years parted, how clearly the memories returned, their sharpness softened by the years and all that had come between.

It had been a summer day much like this, when I had returned home with my friend Bill and found instead of my mother and father, a note that they had received a call and gone to visit my grandmother in the hospital. My grandmother was ill frequently at that time, and the visits were more a form than a necessity, so they went and I knew they would return in a few hours.

For me, all it meant was that I had to fish a meal for myself out of the refrigerator or from the pantry, and be ready to stay alone in my house. Well, not quite alone. For Bill was with me.

Bill was dark of hair and firm of body and his eyes could cut through to your very soul. He knew me, he knew all of me, every secret I had shared with him in the depths of my heart.

It was summer, and this was in the years before cable TV gave you more than the three networks to watch, and the networks had on only reruns, and it had been a poor season to start with. The sexual revolution was barely begun, and television was dipping in one cautious toe now and then to test the waters.

A comedy about two men who were trying to seduce two girls, and one scene, they ended up in bed with each other, in the dark, and kissing each other, it took them a few seconds to realize that their partner in the bed was, shall we say, ill-equipped to take what the other was extending. The realization had come when one of them had (I supposed from the dialogue, the screen remained dark) grasped the cock of the other and there had been shrieks of shock and dismay. Bill and I were laughing and the two girls the television guys had tried to seduce had come in and thus trapped them in bed (they wanted to seduce these girls but were afraid to appear naked before them!) by their presence, and it was a small bed.

The girls decided that the guys should just stay in this bed together the rest of the night "to teach them a lesson." That was the end of the show, the two guys looking at each other with mutual loathing and disgust, both bare to the waist in the same bed, bodies up against each other.

"I bet he has that guy's dick next to his ass." Bill opined from the closing scene as the two settled in to sleep as best they could. "And both of them naked. Jeez, how could they sleep with that, they'd slap each other with their dicks every time they moved!"

"I guess they'd have to get used to it." I haw-hawed. "Do you think you could?"

"Get used to a guy's dick against my ass?" Bill declaimed. "Hell, no! Could you?"

"Maybe." I admitted. "I shared a bed with my little brother until Dad built the extra bedroom onto this house. Fred was a snuggler, he would plaster himself up against me. Of course, we slept in our underwear, but I guess I felt his dick against my butt more than once."

"Didn't it freak you out?" Bill wanted to know.

"Naw!" I said. "We were only eight and six years old back then. I didn't know no better."

"Did Fred ever hunch against you?" Bill asked. "My older brother Eric would, in his sleep, he'd get over against me and press up against me and move like he was a rabbit. Grossed me out."

"Your older brother dry-humped you at night?" I smirked, Bill and I shared secrets and always kept them...but making fun of them while we were alone was okay! "Man, that's just gay, totally gay!" Gay was a new word then in its meaning of homosexual, people still also used it to mean happy. A guy like me would use it to show he was "hip" and knew all the current buzz-words.

"Yeah." Bill said. "I don't think he was asleep all the times he done it, neither."

"Really?" I said, getting more serious now. "Bill, you should have told your parents on him. Did you?"

"Well, I started pushing for my own bed pretty hard. And elbowing him when he got up against me, asleep or not. I didn't have to do anything else, he got the idea."

"Geez, having your brother come onto you like that. Do you think Eric is gay?"

"Maybe." Bill shrugged. "He took off to college and we don't hear a lot from him."

I had to ask the next question. "So what was it like, lying in bed and him hunching away at you."

"It felt kind of...funny." Bill said. "I got this funny tingling in my stomach and in my dick. Like, maybe, kind of, my body was saying, hey, go for it."

"But you didn't." I asked.

"No." Bill said. "He was my brother. That's just sick. You do it with someone, it shouldn't be your own brother. It should be like, maybe, your best friend."

"Yeah." I agreed. It took me a handful of seconds to process all his last comments had meant. When it did, I looked over at Bill, to see him looking at me. His mouth open, kind of hungry. His eyes boring into my soul as they had since my early childhood. I knew then what he meant about that tingle. It was burning my stomach up! And my dick was throbbing, really, actually pulsing and jerking in my pants.

"Really?" I asked Bill, softly as a mouse.

"Yeah." Bill nodded, his voice gentle as a flower petal falling on our face in a meadow.

I gathered my courage, took a deep breath, said, "I guess you should. I mean, if you want to, you know, find out about it. What's it like, that is."

"You mean, do it with your best friend?" Bill asked.

"Yeah." I nodded like one of those dumb dogs that you put in your car's back window, the head on a hook loose in the body, so it bobs up and down madly at every lurch of the automobile.

Bill took his own deep breath. "Matthew?"

"Yes?" I was out of breath myself, I needed every molecule of oxygen I could get to stay conscious, or I would fall into...some other place. Not unconscious, but out of control.

"You wanna?"

I didn't have to ask what he meant. "Yeah." I said. "I wanna."

Had it been anyone else but Bill, I would have turned them down long before. But this man knew my very heart, my every emotion. Why shouldn't he know my body, too?

I practically melted into his arms. My kisses with girls had been awkward things, filled with colliding noses, and dry lips and smears of lipstick on my tongue, that sort of thing. But was like he was a part of me.

My clothes flew from my body at his touch. It was like the buttons released themselves, the pants unzipped in the wake of his trailing fingers, and his own clothes were similarly obliging in my fumbles at them. In no time, we were nude on the couch, both of us, our bodies shouting for joy as we let our hands roam over each other, I gasped loudly as Bill's hand caught my prong and shrieked, like some silly girl, as his fingers gripped me and throbbed up and down my shaft, I nearly came right then, like some clumsy puppy, but Bill didn't let me.

"Lie down on the couch." he panted to me. "Lie down and I'll lie on top and we can...we can taste each other."

Taste? A universe of ecstasy lay in that word. We knew about sucking cocks, or at least the term, but it was like my body knew just what to do. Once my lips enclosed his glans, my tongue bathed it with my spit, and Bill doing the same told me the galaxy of glee that won for him, as it did for me.

From there, it was no time before we were blithely working each other's dongs, milking each other up and down, and I could envision no greater happiness than to do this forever, to spend my life with Bill on top of me, his dong buried in my mouth and down my throat, where it fit so, oh so very, well! I hear about people choking on a cock, but I had no trouble with Bill that way though I was a complete virgin. I could hold him deep within me any time I wanted, I found myself keeping him down me longer and longer, even with my movements I didn't want to release more than half of him, and Bill, God bless him, he was the same for me. I was waist deep in delight, I was mired in the quicksand of lust, I was sinking and I didn't want to stop sinking, I wanted to submerge entirely and lose myself in Bill, as he in me, until our very souls kissed!

My climax was like all the fireworks in the world exploding at one time. There's usually one time in every fireworks display where they do that, try to scare you with the enormity of the explosions, shake your world. My orgasm was like that, I roared around Bill's pud with my joy, I burst upwards into him and it wasn't a small couple of jets like it was when I jerked myself, this was more like I was pouring my insides upwards into Bill, and it flowed out deep and wide and wet and Bill was drenched in it, and he let out a loud moan himself, and his cock gushed down into me.

I wanted to drink it all, I did, I truly did! But I couldn't, there was too much of it and it came too fast, I gurgled and sprayed and dribbled Bill's jizz all over and around my face, and it bled onto the couch and it soaked my chin and it was everything and more that I thought it would be! This was what I wanted, would always want, to share my life with someone this much, this deeply, over and over again!

And into that paradise of male rapture slithered the snakes of my Hell. At that time, when our passions hadn't quite finished draining, when we were still nude and stunned and blasted flat from our ejaculations, then it was that my mother and father came into the room, my grandmother had been released before they got there and was already back home, so they had turned around themselves and come back to their home and their son who was to be waiting there for them in some serene, sexless manner, and they found me like that, naked and my cock in Bill's mouth and Bill's in mine, our spunk coating both our faces.

And my mother shrieked in raw terror! And then...I don't like to think about then.

I shook myself, my son and his friend/lover were still in their joy of connubial bliss, they still had much time to go before they would reach their peak. I quietly reached out and I was going to close the door, I was, close it as softly as I had come and slink away and never let on that I had seen a thing.

But it was then that my son saw my face at the crack in the door, and he yelped! "Umph, uh! Gah!" That got Perry's cock from out of his mouth and he said then an intelligent word, "Dad!"

"Aw, jeez!" Perry groaned as he and Luke jerked about, looking for their clothes, looking for concealment.

I left them like this, went downstairs and sat in my couch before the television, it not turned on. And waited.

Perry slipped out the back door, to go out the front, he would have walked past me. Then after a few hesitant moments, I heard Luke at the entrance to the hall, his timid face peered around at me.

"Come on in, son." I said to him.

Luke did, bashful as a virgin bride on her honeymoon night.

"Come on in. It's all right."

Luke sat on the chair like he would had it been the electric chair and lacking ten minutes until midnight.

"Dad, about what you saw."

"I know what I saw." I said. "And it's all right."


"I know Perry's your best friend." I went on. "And you love him. Don't you?"

Luke blushed, nodded. "Yeah, Dad."

"Then it's all right." I said. "I'm happy for you. Never be afraid of being in love, Luke, no matter who it is."


I thought of my own life, the miserable guilt-ridden years that had led me to marrying Marsha (a wonderful woman, don't get me wrong), led me to our children, to this life. Everything you were supposed to want...and none of it what I wanted.

"Really, son." I said. "I love you just the way you are."

Luke sprang over and into my arms and I hugged him fiercely. "I love you, too, Dad!"

"And I love you, too, Son." I said and gently pushed him back to forearm's length from me. "Now, why don't you go find Perry and bring him back."


"Really." I smiled at Luke. "I came in here to get the two of you to help me clean out the garage." I paused. "When you're ready to, that is. I know I interrupted you two."

And Luke raced off to find Perry. Yes, I thought as I saw him running, that was the way a man in love runs after his true love. The way that I, miserable coward that I was, had let Bill be taken away from me. And kept away from me for nearly twenty-four years.

As for me, I had some serious thinking to do. After this long hiatus, it was time for me to return to the life I had started out to live, and been interrupted from, so many lonely years ago.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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