Life Imitating Art mm

By john doe

Published on Apr 1, 2000



This is my first attempt at writing a gay story. Comments/constructive criticism welcomed. The events and the film mentioned are fiction but the characters aren't.

Life Imitating Art

My best friend Ian had a saying: "Life does imitate art." this was true in certain cases. i came to agree with him.

me and Ian's favorite activity on weekends was to sleepover at each other's house and watch TV. we'd rent a movie or two then channel surf until we fell asleep. this weekend was supposed to be no different from any other. but browsing through the TV guide made this night suddenly change into significance.

Wensday i was browsing throught late-nigh friday when a movie had the summary of 2 men meet and have affairs. suddenly, the thought of two men kissing made my dick instanly fully erect. i had never had this sort of reaction to the thought of a guy and a girl having sex. not since i was 12 anyway. the guide also said the film was reviewed on another page. the reviewer said it was a really good movie, 3 hrs long with many explicit sex-scenes. and noted that the two main actors were in real life lovers, he said this added authenticity to the sex scenes. this made me go into overdrive. i pulled my pants down and jacked off. i wanted men, my pace was frantic. images went through my mind. suddenly an image was Ian. my pace increased, his round face, his blue eyes, his firm upper body. i came like i had never before, 4 loads of cum out of my dick. i also did something i had never done before. i tasted my own cum and gathered it all, imaginging it was Ian's and i savoured its taste.

probably because of the incredible orgasm i had, i never doubted nor rejected my sudden change in sexual orientation. i needed only to be reminded of that incredible orgasm and any doubt about being gay "Was wrong" were quickly chased out of my mind. i jacked off many other times that night abour guys, not just Ian but i remembered Zaak from Saved By The Bell, the guy from 3rd Rock, Leo Dicaprio... But Ian and Leo dominated my sexual fantascies.

i saw Ian the next day and i knew there was no doubt of my attraction for him. i couldn't wait 'till friday when i would see that movie with Ian and... the sleepover this week was at my place (we usually alernated each week) so i planned on recording this movie so i could see it over and over again, regardless of what Ian thought.

Friday came, i jacked off about Ian and Leo Dicap many times again. the day started like any other (since my discovery anyway). Ian and i hung out. went home on the same bus. walked to the movie rental place, rented "Revenge Of The Radioactive Zombies" and "Pain Of The Flesh eaters" Ian wanted another one but i told him there was a really cool movie on late-night. he seemed disapointed, "no channel surfing man?" he said, "where's the fun in that?" "the fun's in watching the movie and not missing anything by channel surfing." i replied, looking at him, trying to be stern but we both started cracking up. "your house, your play, man," he said.

so we settled ourselves on the fold-out bed and put on the movies. we both commented on the gory-ness and chessiness of all these movies, but we all loved theses kind of movies anyway. the last movie ended, 20 minutes before the start of the gay movie. i set my timer to record it and went back on the fold-out. he had the remote so we channel surfed for 15 minutes then Ian took off his shirt, complaining it was too hot. he usually took off his shirt when 1 am rolled around. i copied him. to me it gave a sense of initmacy. he looked aboslutely sexy bare chested and wearing only a pair of shorts. i leaned on my back and was basically behind him. i could see the clock itching towards that magic hour when the movie would start, a combination of Ian bare chested and the movie within minutes of starting my made penis erect slightly. If Ian were to look down he could see a small buldge in my shorts. i wanted him to look down on my penis and see it was erect for him.

i still had no plan for Ian. i didn't know what to do. especially when Ian would see this was a gay fuck movie. i wouldn't know how Ian would react either. i figuered there was three posibilties, he would accept me and my feelings and return them and of course that would make us lovers, he would accept me and all but we would remain friends only and the last and most frightening, he would reject me and maybe start telling people about me. i didn't want that.

the sound of the VCR starting to tape shook me. but Ian was still surfing. "Yo Ian, its starting man!" i said, very excited. he changed to the right channel. "you really wanna see this don't ya?" he said. the credits began rolling, my anxiousness increased (as did my erection). When the credits stopped my anxiousness was at its height.

the movie started off slow, but Ian didn't complain for some reason. we met the 2 main men of the movie (very handsome and sexy, almost rivaling Ian. Peter a blonde, and Joshua a brown haired) and were obviously unhappy with their married life. they were co-workers and freinds. so they went to a bar and started talking about their married lives and how much they hated it and unsatisfied sexually they were. the scene then cut to the two of them walking down a residential street, still talking about the same shit. they walked to the front porch of Peter's house. Peter was about to go inside when he turned around. these two men looked at each other for a few moments. my dick was fully erect in anticipation of seeing these two beauities kiss. the staring stopped, the two men closed the distance in between themselves and they frenched slowly and deeply. my hands reached for my cock. the kissing was very passionate lasted for almost a minute, the scene faded into a commercial.

i was suddenly reminded of Ian. "Ian?" i asked. he didn't move. i sat up and he turned his head to face me. our eyes met and suddenly it was like in the movie. i could see desire in his eyes. "oh Ian," i muttered and closed the distance between us. our lips met and our mouths opened instantly. our kiss was slow and deep. our tongues probed our mouths deeply. my hands wrapped aorund his waist and pulled him closer to me. our bare chests pressing against each other. the heat began to rise and our kiss became more and more passionate. we started pushing little moans as our kiss was very, very passionate. out of curiosity, i felt for his groin. his penis was very erect, it was probably bigger than mine. i felt one of his hands at my groin area. our kiss continued to escalate in passion. i felt like i was a different person.

suddenly we just stopped and turned to the TV screen and the commercials ended. it was very wierd how we both stopped at the same time the movie started again. we cuddled up to each other, holding each other.

back to the movie. well, Peter and Joshua met the next day at work and talked (quietly) about kissing each other the night before. both said they had never felt such exhilaration. they both agreed they should further pursue their relationship. they booked a hotel room for the weekend and lied to their wives saying they were on business trips.

the movie flashed ahead to the weekend and a hotel room. Joshua and Peter were passionately kissing. they were fondling each other through and under their clothing and started to strip. their bodies were beautiful and sexy, firm but not overly muscular, the perfect combination. they began to take off their clothes. both of our bodies quivered in anticipation. our attention was to their dicks. Joshua had a monster, maybe 8 inches long, not very wide, i closed my eyes and pictured my mouth on his dick. i reopened my eyes and saw Peter's dick. shorter but thicker, 6 long maybe 2.5 thick.

Joshua laid down on his back and told Peter to do him. Peter started kissing and licking Joshua's nipples. Peters hands went to Joshua's balls and played with them softly, as means of teasing more than arrousal, the other hand was at Joshua's face, carresing it and occasionaly Joshua would shower it with kisses.

my hand slipped inside Ian's shorts and held his long cock. 7 inches at least i thought. i felt Ian's warm hand slip inside my shorts and do the same.

onscreen Peter licked and kissed his way down Joshua's chest and abdomen. his hand left Joshua's groin area and fondled his nipples. the camera zoomed in on Joshua's groin area. Peter's tongue stuck out and ginerly and fleetingly licked Josh's dick from every side and angle. kissing the tip, he kissed his way down the penis. Josh's moans of passion were heard loudly and sincerly. Josh' dick slid inside Peter's mouth. Peter began to bob his head up and down in a fucking motion. Josh matched his hips to that rhythm.

this is where we both lost control. we turned away from the TV screen and started to make out deeply and passionately. with both hands i pulled his shorts down and Ian did the same. we threw our shorts and away. i began to rub my naked body against his while we necked furiously. we touched our bodies everywhere, our hard nipples, our chests, dicks, asses, everything.

i wanted so dearly to make him cum so i started to kiss and lick his neck. i moved down to his hard nipples. kissing, licking and sucking them. Ian was moaning in pleasure and stroking my hair. i slowly moved down his upper body, not one inch of his sking wasn't licked or kissed or sucked. his moans were now very loud by the time i reached his beautiful cock. i kissed the tip and licked the precum from it. i kissed his shaft from every side and angle, Ian's moans were agonized. i further kissed and licked his balls before engulfing them in my mouth and sucking them. we looked into each other's eyes before i started to lick his dick shaft. up and down my tongue went. his body started to tremble. i engulfed his dick in my mouth and started to pump on it, like in the movie. Ian matched my rythm quickly. it grew faster and faster until Ian yelled "I'M COMMMINNNNGGG!!" his cum filled my mouth. it tasted wonderful and i instinctively swallowed it, not wanting one drop to leave my mouth. none of it did.

"where's my cum?" he asked me. "swallowed all of it." i said with pride. "all of it?" he asked me again. i nodded smilling, i crawled up so my face was even with his. "beginner's luck." he said. "we'll see." i said and we both melted into another deep kiss.

he pushed me on my back. his hands ran softly over my body. he slipped away from our kiss and started to lick my neck. i moaned deeply and wrapped my arms around his body so he wouldn't go far. he continued, kissing and licking me to my hard nipples. i continued to moan deeply and i started to stroke his bald head. he surprised me by bitting my nipple. i groaned. "Sorry, man." Ian said, "don't be," i managed to say, "i like it. do it harder!" he bit my nipple, squeezing it until i felt he was gonna eat it. i moaned and groaned loudly all in pleasure. he bit one nipple while pinching the other one. i was in near ecstasy and he hadn't even touched my cock yet! by the time Ian decided to move on, my nips were heavily swollen. Ian gazed at my cock, observing it like a scientist looking at some science experiment. then he acted, sticking out his tongue he licked my cock. i moaned loudly. its indescribabable what i felt. he throughly licked and kissed the tip of my circomzised cock. then it slid in his mouth and he began to suck it. i could feel myself rising to an orgasm. his hands reached my nipples and pinched them. i began to bang my hips in anticipation of my cum. Ian bobbed his head in sync with me. "Iannn!!!" i screamed as i came in his mouth. i looked down and could see small traces of my cum exiting from the corners of Ian's mouth. after finishing cumming i pulled Ian's face towards mine. i licked the cum from the corners of his mouth and my tongue went into his mouth. we engaged in another kiss, this one slower. i slowly explored his mouth, savouring the taste of my own cum as much as i savoured his.

then we returned our attention from the TV. they were back at work and talking about this and that. then they turned to their relationship. they wanted to plan another nightly excursion. only this time none of them couldn't wait until the weekend. they decided on that night, with Peter booking a cheap hotel room. the scene flashed ahead to 4 PM, both Peter and Joshua left calls to their wives saying they'd be working late.

it flashed to scenes of both wives listening to the messages. both got a suspicious look in their eye and Josh's wife phoned Peter's. they were surprised to find out they had the same suspicions. then Josh's wife (Audrey) phoned work to see if her husband was there. he wasn't of course then phoned Marie (Peter's wife). "something's goning on." Marie said, "i wonder what it is."

the scene flashed quickly to a hotel room, already naked Joshua was licking Peter's asshole. the camera was almost IN the action. Peter was moaning loudly. my cock began to regain its hardness, i reached over and knew it was the same with Ian. Josh was licking Peter's asshole for a long time, i started to finger Ian's asshole. Ian sucked on my ear in response. Josh stopped licking Peter's asshole and lined up his cock with his asshole. we both started in awe at the screen as Josh's cock was slamming into Peter's asshole, they were both grunting and moaning loudly. i could see Peter was at first in pain then his expressions became of pure pleasure. Josh grinded his cock in Peter's asshole, Peter grinded in counterpoint, matching his rhythm with his lover's. The camera was right in on it, you could see the cock slide into the anus. you saw the sperm ejaculating from Josh's cock and Peter's as well.

After watching this incredibly hot fuck scene Ian and I were both hard again. we were really horny and excited. we couldn't make up our minds who would be fucked first so we did a paper-cissor-rock thing. Ian drew cissor and i rock. i placed myself at his ass and started licking in between his butt cheeks. i soon found what i was looking for and concentrated on lubricating Ian's anus. Ian was moaning loudly. with my free hand i very slowly stroked his cock and his moans deepened. i would occasinoaly shoot a glance towards the screen, i could see that roles were reversed, Josh was getting fucked. After a few minutes my instincts told me he was ready.

I lined up my cock with his asshole and thrust forward. Ian screamed loudly and told me to slow down. I slowly and delicately thrust my cock into his ass. With each little thrust his muscles gave more and more way and thus more deeply i slid into him. He grunted loudly with each downstroke of mine. I moaned loudly as my cock submerged itself into his ass. An incredible feeling beyond description! As his ass got more and more used to my cock i began to speed up my thrusts gradually. Within minutes Ian was matching my rhythm and i was fucking him with great speed and intensity. We were both groaning and moaning. I lost all track of time. Suddenly his ass muscles tightened around my cock, trapping it. That pushed me over the edge. I came at the same time as he did. Our shattering orgasm was simulataneous, Ian was shaking wildly, i was riding him like a wild bull.

And then it was over. We both laid down, myself still in him as my cock slowly re shrunk. I kissed the nape of his neck and licked his ears as we watched the final scene in the movie. The wives by now had found out and divorced them, leaving Josh and Peter available for marriage. "That's a good idea don't you think?" i asked Ian. "What?" "Getting married." "Yes." he said, very sincere. I pulled out from him, went into his arms and melted in a passionate kiss.

That movie inspired a great many things. Our sex. Our love. Our eventual marriage. To this day it is our favorite movie. Yes, Life does imitate art.

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