Life Happens

By Tsc Stories

Published on Jan 22, 2023



"I'm, sorry Zach but I cant give you what you want" Zander said I stood there feeling betrayed he made me break up with a girl I could have been with, promising me something he knew he couldn't give me. I turned "Zach please wait , I cant lose you" I felt angry and confused I started walking " Zach wait" I turned he was walking towards me I ran I was sad, hurt angry all sorts of things . I got home "Zach I need your" he stopped and looked at me "Son what's wrong" he asked "nothing dad" I said my voice was cracking "Zach!" he grabbed me by my shoulder "what's going on" he asked I broke down "dad I'm confused about a lot of stuff right now" I said "he looked at me puzzled "what are you confused about" he asked I put my head down " I don't think you really want to know" I said sadly he lifted my head "there's nothing you can tell me to make me hate you Zach, you and your brother are my life" he said , bu but I didn't want to tell him anything.

(The Next day)

Fuck Zander that was my initial response to him , I let him in just so he could hurt me all over again, but this time , I just had to move on the dance was coming up and I was on the football team , I had to forget about him , once and for all . As I made my way from homeroom I ran into this girl name Kerri , she bumped into me I grabbed her so she wouldn't fall "thank you" she said with a smile "no problem, so this dance tonight thing you want to go with me" I asked she looked happy as hell "of course I would " she hugged me I hugged her back , she wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me and told me to call her .I turned and Evan was standing there looking at me .

"So you and Kerri" he asked he looked somewhat disappointed

"don't give me that look Evan" I said

"whatever, I have class" he said and walked away , what the hell was his deal

I got to class and Georgie and Zander were laughing he kissed her , I acted as if I didn't see them at all I sat down

"class we have a new student , his name is Paul, he is from staten Island ," paul came in he was your typical Guido. He scanned the room, and he looked at me , I guess because I was the only one who had an empty seat he sat next to me

"yo I'm Paul" we shook hands

"Zach" I said

"call me Paulie I hate Paul, It sound so white" he said I laughed to myself

"so your from Staten Island? I got a cousin from there Vinny costanzo, he goes to Tottenville high school

"oh I know vinny, he's a real chill dude" Paulie said "it's a small world, so you got a girlfriend" he asked that question came from left field

"no, single , I got options" I said he laughed we did the handshake that most guys in the street do I noticed Georgie and Zander looking over at me and paulie, I decided to not look over at them

"so you into football there might be a spot on the team for you" I said

"naw, I'm not into football, I use to be but I just go to the gym to keep in shape" he said I shook my head in agreement

" so do you have a girlfriend" I asked

"I did but she was bitchen about me movin like I had a choice or something, Females are complicated sometimes" he said

"tell me about it , before my last girlfriend I had another girlfriend she fucked my best friend, we were close me and my best friend but he did it anyway" I said

"damn that's fucked up , how did you get over it" he asked

" I don't think about it but it's hard because they are over there" I said he looked over , at Zander and Georgie they were copying the board

"oh man , I would have knocked his teeth out dude" Paulie said

:yeah well , It is what it is" I said , then started writing my notes , I kept taking glimpses at paulie he was indeed hot , he was tanned, has geled hair that stuck up on his head, his body was rock hard I could tell through his shirt , no not again I thought , stop thinking about guys I told myself ************************************** After class I met up with Evan he was in the computer room

" what are you doing " I asked sitting down next to him

"trying to find a movie to see the day of the dance" he said

"what? Your not going" I asked

"no , I don't have a date" he said sadly

"Evan come on , come with me and Kerri , I will make it a threesome thing" I smiled he didn't

"she is your date I doubt she will want you to share your time with me" he said

"Evan you're my best friend, your important to me " I said he smiled

"thanks but I don't think so, I guess I'll see Avatar" he said clicking to see the time

"How about after the dance we find you a date" I said

"what?" he questioned

"yeah we are going to find you a guy" I said he looked skeptical

"how?" he asked

" I don't know but I will be like will smith in hitch, I am going to find your match" I replied he smiled

"I kind of like that idea , with my help we can screen all the guys and find the right one.

****************************************************************************************** The Dance It was a regular dance I hate coming to these things they should have been left behind in the 1950's Kerri was on my arm and she was annoying I saw Zander and Georgie dancing , I just looked at zander he was acting like nothing ever happened between us. It was sad really but im not crying over spill milk im going to forget just like him

I danced with Kerri , and actually had a good time , she wanted something else from me but she wasn't going to get it . I went to the bathroom to pee I walked over to the urinal and did my business then I went over to the sink and washed my hand I put a little water in my hair and splashed some on my face . When I looked up Zander came in he looked at me

"hey" he said I was rubbing my hair looking in the mirror to make sure nothing was on my face

"hey" I said back as if nothing was bothering me

" so , how have you been" He asked I smiled

"I've been fine , thanks and you" I said

" I cant complain" he said

"cool, I got to get back out there" I said walking passed him

"look , I hope we can still be friends" he said i turned to face him

"we technically weren't friends again, we just were fucking , but hay" I said laughing he looked sad

"I am sorry Zach, more then you will ever know" zander put his hand on my shoulder I moved it away

"have a good time with Georgie" I replied then left out the bathroom, I was so done with him.

****************************************************************************************** (The next day)

Paulie came over we wanted to hang out together

"nice house" he said we went up to my room I sat on my bed

"Dude , do you always look good ,when you come out the house" I asked

"of course, I got that Italian stallion image to maintain" I laughed so did he

"so" he said I turned and looked at him

" so what?" I asked he got up

"um, I might be over analyzing things but I think something about you and I want to confirm it" he said I had no idea what the hell he was talking about

"I really don't know what your talking about" I said he walked over to me and kissed me I pulled back

"um Paulie " he looked terrified

":your not ,oh man , I should go" he said I grabbed his hand

"wait are you?" I asked

" I mean I like pussy, but I've been thinking about guys lately , how it would feel to be with one" he said "

"you want to try " I asked he looked at me , he was wearing blue contacts today they looked real on him

"um, yeah" he said I pushed him on my bed he lifted himself up by his elbows I lifted up his shirt and kissed his stomach he moaned I moved up to his nipples and started sucking on them "oh man , that feels good" he said , I pulled off his shirt and took of mine "damn your ripped he said "you need a tan, your too pale" he said I started sucking on his neck " Shut up , and lets fuck " I said

I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans I pulled them down to his ankles his briefs were tented I grabbed his cock and squeezed it then jerked him "man that feels good" I pulled his briefs down. And he had a fat cock about eight inches with a big mushroom head. I bent down and licked the head "fuck dude" he said I smiled and put the whole head in my mouth I started swirling my tongue around it he was moaning like crazy I then slid down his pole until I felt it reach the back of my throat I gagged a little but relaxed a bit so my mouth could adjust then I started going up and down on his rod he put his hand on the back of my head and thrusted into my mouth I began to rub his balls I felt them moving his eyes were half closed in pleasure "your better then my ex" he said I started using my hand and mouth to jerk him "fuck I'm gonna cum" he said I could taste his pre-cum, it was salty but okay I sucked harder "fuck I'm cumming" I took his prick out of my mouth and stroked him fast he came all over my face and hands even some in my hair .

"fuck that was awesome" he said I wiped up his cum and kissed him he was a great kisser he flipped me over on my back and got on top of me "I'm glad I came to saddle river" he said .

"so am I " .

"now it's my turn" he said with a grin on his face

To be continued ...

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