Life Happens

By Tsc Stories

Published on Oct 8, 2023


Previously on life happens

"hi Danielle this is Zach Knowles" her voice perked up "Zach I was wondering when you would call" ..." I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" I spoke confidently " would I ever" ----------------- I looked back and he mouthed the words I'm sorry to me I then walked out the restaurant ----------------- " you want to have sex" she asked while grinning I was caught off guard ----------------- " what do you want" I said " I want you" he said I bent down and wiped his tears away ....." oh god I want you too" I kissed him again. -----------------

"More then just friends"

(Zach Knowles)

Evan was updating his profile on my computer he seem to do this often "so you and Zander are chummy lately" he said with a Grin " dude chummy? are you serious who says chummy" I spoke while laughing

"I'm glad you two have things hashed out " he went back to his MySpace

" so anybody special in your life" I Said, quickly giving his MySpace a closer look he quickly said no getting off of the topic. Could Evan be? Now there was only one way to find out. Since being with Zander I guess I got bolder in my sexual innuendo's I walked over to him and pulled his head up making him look me in the eyes I leaned down and kissed him it was like he was frozen then he kissed me back I quickly back away

"oh my god Evan your gay" I said it felt like several minutes passed before he spoke but he had a look of mortification on his face

"No I'm not!" he hissed he didn't look at me he just kind of sat there playing with his thumbs

" you kissed me back; look it's okay I've been with a guy" those words caught his interest he looked up at me with a look I couldn't identify it was almost a cautioned grin "really who?" he asked " I can't say but I enjoyed it" I smiled he smiled back "it was Zander wasn't it?" he said I didn't say anything "was he any good" Evan laughed " I'm not saying a word" I walked over to him and I started poking him he laughed " come on I'm your friend tell me" he demanding in his fits of laughter.

(Zander Tyler)

I found myself a little more infatuated with Zach, besides his stellar good looks he had a brain , his life wasn't just sports he actually like to read and in this day and age not a lot of teenagers were into books if you catch my drift. Things with Georgie were okay but the height of my days was when I could sneak away and be with Zach, apart of me think she knew I was pulling away a bit. I think I was having some sort of a dilemma I wanted Zach in the worst way possible but I liked what Georgie could do for me, the whole "IT" couple factor, one of the star athletes at school with the head cheerleader. But now my mind had been drifting and thinking about me and Zach as an actual couple how would people perceive us, would people hate us , love us , would we have superstar couple status because we both were the top athletes at our school or would we fall to the bottom of the social latter nothing was clear to me I couldn't make any major decisions until I knee for certain how things would play out and who's to say Zach even wanted a relationship with me (ahhhhhh) this was all so infuriating.

I just got out of science and saw Zach he and Evan were talking near Zach's locker, God I wanted to kiss him but couldn't

" hey guys" I gave both them handshakes Evan looked at me funny , my mind started to go on overload why was he looking at me that way did Zach tell him about us .

" what?" I asked "oh nothing" he chuckled Zach elbowed him to make him stop but it didn't work

"you told him didn't you" I accused Zach looked at me plainly "I didn't tell him anything" he said .

"I just guessed " Evan smiled then continued "he didn't say or hinted at anything I just figured it out" I must had turned a ghostly white they both took notice of this "chillax it's all good, us gay guys have to stick together" Evan grinned " Evan I'm not..." before I could finish Georgie walked over to us.

"boys what are you up too, hope nothing too devious" she smiled while saying this she put her arms around my waist and clung to me, I saw Zach nose flare up he had a "he's mine" look on his face Evan this time elbowed him and he forced a smile "we were just talking" I said "baby I want to come over after school just you me and the bed" to tell the truth when Georgie said things like that it shocks me she is so pretty and has a angelic way about her but she is far from that. Evan was looking at Zach and Zach was looking at me "yeah sure" I kissed her Zach shook his head in disbelief she noticed

"zach! seriously I know you still want me but you have to get over it , your hot stop pining over me and get someone else your going all psycho and what not" Zach turned red with anger "you know what, I'm going to leave before I say something I regret" he turned and stormed down the hall Evan followed "why did you do that" I asked "he needs to get over me" she said nonchalantly the bell went off "I got to go see you after school" she smiled "no you won't I'm not really up for hanging out after school" I said "oh um are you sick or something" I laughed " let me rephrase that I'm not Really up for hanging out with you after school" I walked away not looking back, she needed time to thank about what she had done, my tolerance for her was starting to fade.

(Zach Knowles)

I got home and slammed the door Mikey came out of the family room and stared at me "what are you looking at" I said angry

"someones in a bad mood" he states the obvious "yeah, I'm mad what is it to you" I said he put up his hands in defense "sorry bro, dont take your frustrations out on me" we heard a car horn "that's Blake and his mom she's come to pick me up dad knows" he ran and got his backpack and hugged me then ran out ,great I don't even have my little brother to vent to I went in the kitchen "spaghetti night" I said out loud to my self I put the noodles in a pot so it could start boiling, I took out some ground beef seasoned it and started cooking about a half hour later there was a knock on the kitchen door I opened it and Zander was standing there

"I'm sorry about Georgie" he made a puppy dog face that was just way too cute I grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house then closed the door .

"what smells so good" he asked

"it's just me tonight so it's spaghetti night as you can tell Spaghetti is my favorite" I said he kissed me and it felt so natural so right

"mind if I stay" he asked

"yeah I do I have a guy I just met coming over" he looked disappointed

"oh, um well I should go" he looked down at his sneakers he looked so freaken adorable when he look hurt I kissed him

"I'm just joking, gullible much" he pressed his body hard against mine as a sign of relief I slipped my hand in the back pocket of his jeans pushing his groin into mine he started kissing my neck his hot breath on my neck made me get hard pretty quick.

"Zach your so sexy I could eat spaghetti off of you that's how much you turn me on" Zander said with conviction

"what?" I burst out laughing "easy cowboy we can't my dad's hours varies, some days he is home at four some days it's two in the morning" he seem disappointed.

"okay but I can only dream" he said with a smile he then continued "So about Danielle, you still seeing her"he said nonchalantly

"kind of why?" I looked for him to continue and he did

"I think you should end it with her" he came right out and said it he searched my eyes to see what I was thinking

"I like her she is cool but I think your right, but if I have to then so do you with Georgie" I folded my arms he touched my face gliding his fingers over of like it was art or something and said "deal".

Before dinner I thought I end things with her right away I called Danielle and ended it she didn't make a big deal she just said be happy which I think was mature . After that we ate dinner it was pretty romantic we lit a few scented candles Zander feed me I feed him. Looking across at him he made my body react in a way it hadn't before I was starting to fall I just hope it wasn't ass over hill. We both washed the dishes and watched about a hour of TV but when it was time for him to go we must have made out for an half and hour our lips started to feel virtually numb "I'm going to end it tomorrow I promise" he gave me one peck on the check and left out .


The next couple of days Zander and I hadn't gotten to see much of each other we had projects and test but we saw each other Friday at practice. Practice was brutal and I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Zander and see how things went with him breaking it off with Georgie. my feet were hurting my hand was bruised I just wanted to get home and soak in the tub. In the locker room I noticed Zander didn't come near me but why would he no one was to know about us I striped naked from my dirty football uniform and walked to the shower stalls a Jason Everett and a few of the guys whistled I laughed "shut up you guys" they laughed I let the warm water flow on my body it felt so good I think it felt better then sex at that moment my eyes rolled back as I took the soap bar and lathered my body up the dirt getting caught in the Suds then I let the water rinse all of it away I turned the water off and walked back to my locker and dried off. the locker room was clearing out only me and Zander was there he walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips "I want you so bad right now" he said " I'm so not up to it, so did you break it off with Georgie" I asked "no not yet but I will I promise, so how about you spend the night with me we don't have to have sex. We can just lay together" he said stroking my dark hair I smiled "that sounds great" I said we both got dressed and walked out I called my dad and told him I was stating over at Zanders he said it was alright I followed him to his house we went inside he turned on the lights "let's order a pie" he said "I'm craving pizza dude" he laughed at my hunger then ordered a large pie with a 2 liter sprite when it came we pigged out on i think three slices each then called It a night we both went to his room and started to undress. I was now in my boxers and he was in his briefs we got in the bed and snuggled up together I laid my head on his chest he started massaging my body he really got the sore parts "thank you , man that feels so good" I said "your welcome" he kissed me .

I could feel it tomorrow was going to be a good day....

(To be continued)

Hi guys thanks for the Great comments keep them coming , and I thought I would add the "previously"at the beginning as if it was a TV series I like it. I think I'll keep it at the beginning recapping from the last part.

Next: Chapter 5

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