Life Happens

By Tsc Stories

Published on Sep 27, 2023


"What to do when you are confused"


Zander confused me I was straight I liked girls then we kissed then we fooled around but he got heartless on me and sleep with Georgie knowing full well I was under the bed , it feels like I'm back to square one again.

The next day I didn't want to go anywhere I just decided To do my laundry to keep My mind off of him and everything else I put my clothes in and I picked up my last jeans a paper fell out it said Danielle and then a number " the girl from the pizza place" I said out loud I smiled " she would be a nice distraction I started my load( laundry that is) then pulled out my cell I dialed her number it started to ring no one answered I decided to hang up as soon as. I was she answered " hello" she said " hi Danielle this is Zach Knowles" her voiced perked up " Zach I , I was wondering when you would call" she replied " I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time " I spoke confidently " would I ever, so when do you want to go out" she asked " how about tonight" I grinned " that's kind of short noticed but okay pick me up around six" she said we talked a little bit longer then I hung up .

my clothes finished I threw them in the dryer and went and got ready I took a shower brushed my teeth put on my ck cologne blow dried my hair ironed my clothes put them on a aeropostale button up blue and white shirt with light blue faded jeans and I put on my new sneakers I looked in the mirror " I'm so sexy" ha ha I was ready made sure I had my wallet and keys and went to pick my girl up I got in my range rover And went to pick her up

her house was the size of a mansion I knocked on the door she opens it and came out " you look beautiful" I said she smiled " thank you" she said she had on a short black leather jacket and dark blue jeans with knee high leather boots she looked hot we got in and went to our destination a nice restaurant call breeze point it wasn't stuffy where we had to get dressed up but it was nice we were seated and handed a menu by the waiter he walked away " everything looks so good she said " order anything you want" I smiled at her she smiled back she ended up ordering stake dinner so did I , we learned a lot about each other her parents are very well off and the reason she works at the pizzeria is so she can learned work ethics according to her father we were having a good time until Zander and His parents showed up I guess they were back in town he spotted me and looked at Danielle then back at me I stopped looking at him and luckily we were done the waiter came over with the bill I paid it and left a tip then we left I looked back he mouthed the words I'm sorry to me I then walked out the restaurant

I dropped her back to her house " I had a great time" I said " you want to have sex " she asked while grinning I was caught off guard " no ones home" I took the key out and we went inside and upstairs to her room we started kissing we fell on her bed we got undressed and she said she doesn't give head so we went straight into having sex we screwed for like an hour straight then I came in my condom we Laid there naked " your awesome" she said I got up to get dressed " I have to get home" I said I kissed her then finished getting dressed then left.

I'm straight I convinced myself but why did I need convincing as I pulled up to my driveway I saw Zander standing there what the he'll was be doing here I cut the car off and got out " what are you doing here" I asked " you were on a date " he asked " yeah what is it to you" I said rudely " nothing I just wanted to say sorry for everything" he seemed sincere but I didn't care " you don't have to apologize you couldn't resist her same thing with me and Danielle we just had a great time" his whole demeanor changed " oh , um yeah again I'm sorry" he put his head down he looked hurt but why he walked to his car I felt like I shouldn't have said that he got in and drove away " I went inside and wanted to forget any of this ever happened.

Sunday flew by then it was school things went back to normal Zander stayed away from me I didn't look at him but I wanted to. two weeks went by I had gone on four dates with Danielle all ending with sex we just decided she was my girlfriend after school I walked outside she was standing there waiting for me I smiled when approaching he and kissed her " what are you doing here" I asked " my school got out early I thought I surprise you" she said Evan and the crew came out as we kissed Zander put his head down as if was in shame I'd something I heard him tell Georgie he had to go he left I introduced the crew to her she was a hit but my mind went to Zander my phone rung I answered " hello " I said " can you meet me at my place" it was Zander " I can't" I said " please" he was begging " okay" I gave in I walked over to Danielle " I have to go my dad needs me" I said "oh okay go then , by friend drove me here she's on the car over there waiting for me" she said I kissed her and left.

I drove to Zander house got out and let myself in I went to his room He was sitting at his computer desk his back turned to me " what do you want" He turned around and as crying " I want you" he said I bent down and wiped his tears away I kissed him " that's why you slept with Georgie when I. Was under your bed " I forgot you were there I was drunk" he said " that just shows you don't care" I said " I do care too much I want to be with you I want all of you" he said I wanted him too " oh god I want you too " I kissed him Again I took his sneakers off then his socks I kissed his feet then sucked on his toes he moan " that feels great" I did it to his other foot I lift his shirt and kissed and sucked his stomach it was hard his abs felt so good on my tongue he stopped me " baby I owe you" I blushed " baby!" I said sounding surprised "yeah baby" he stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up he walked me over to his bed and pushed me I fell back he put his face in the crook of my neck kissing and sucking on it he felt so good "you like that" he said his warm breath gave me chills he got on his knees and pulled my jeans off I was going commando today he put by cock in his mouth and started sucking me off it felt so good he licked around by head in a swirling motion I wants to cum right there his mouth ft like butter I could feel the back of his throat he Was taking me like a pro he then stilled and reached in draw for a condom he opened it and put it on me " what are you doing I asked " I want you in me" he said I got extremely nervous " are you sure" I asked " yeah he took out it and lubed my dick then he took off all his clothes and Lubed his ass he Laid on his back I got up and stuck a finger in his ass he moaned I started going in and out then I did two fingers his ass was warm it felt good on my fingers and the lube helped to loosen it up I took my fingers out and positions by self to enter him I pressed tied on his hole I pushed it passed " ouch" he said I stopped then proceeded sliding in him his feet were resting on my shoulders it felt so good his hot ass tight around by cock and his ass muscles tightening around it I started pumping in and out of his ass " god Zach this shit hurt" I was in heaven pumping in and out of him "awwww shit" he said I kept on fucking him he then had a sexy look in his eye I could tell he was enjoying it " get it" he said I felt myself reaching his prostate " oh fuck yeah" he said faintly I pulled out he Laid on his stomach I got on top of him sticking my dick back into his ass I grabbed both sides of him and fucked him good thrusting in and out of him " oh yes " we both said in synced I felt my balls tightening." fuck my tight ass" he screamed I buried my face in the back of his head his hair was all in my face this sensation was too good to be true " I'm about to cum I pulled out of him and rolled the condom off I jerked my cock and cum squirted everywhere his whole back was drenched I grabbed a towel and wiped his back we collapsed In bed " so it's official we had sex" I said " and my ass will be sore for a week" we both laughed.

There was a connection that I think was always there I just think we suppressed it growing up but I didn't want to suppress it anymore I knew what I wanted and it was Zander all of him as I'm sure he will want to experience being in me as I did him.....

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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