Life Happens

By Tsc Stories

Published on Sep 25, 2023


"Things that seem to Remain"


I felt the slam of the phone he really wasn't going to let this go and if I was him I wouldn't either I couldn't sleep. The next day school seem to drag out math first period English second, history third and then it was lunch Georgie Walked me to lunch "hi babe" she kissed me I didn't kiss her back "are you okay" she asked "I'm fine " I said . Sitting there at lunch was boring it consisted of georgie and her friends talking about clothes and makeup and my friends talking about which girl they wanted I looked over two tables away and saw Evan and Zach laughing talking it up. I got up and walked over to them "Zander come sit" Evan said I sat down sitting next to Zach facing Evan " what's so funny" I asked " the VMA's Kanye totally dissed Taylor it was hilarious" Evan started laughing "that was just wrong ,kanye needs help" I said Zach got up "I should go to the library start my report on American civil war how awesome" he said sarcastically he got up and then left "he really does not want to be around me" I said " Dude you stole his girl come on Zander that was so wrong and you want him to except it , if I was him I don't think I would be as calm about all this as he is he still cares he just doesn't want to" I stood up and looked in the direction Zach went "I'll catch you later Ev " I said then left out I went headed for the library.


I was looking on the shelves for the book I needed but couldn't find it I got a step latter and climbed up I found it on the fifth shelf I grabbed the book and lost my balance. I feel back but didn't hit the floor someone caught me I looked up and Zander was holding me " are you okay" he asked I jumped out of his arms "I'm fine" I said he smiled I smiled back " I should go" I said I turned to walk away but he grabbed me "please Zach I need you" he said his eyes were all teary " Zander is something going on " I asked " I keep on thinking about that day it haunts me your the only one who knows" he said I hugged him he held on tight "Zan I miss Donnie too, he was our friend and what happened was tragic it's no ones fault" he cried I cried then sat him down "look Zander" I touched his face whipping the tears from his eyes we looked at each other I moved close so did he our lips touched then our tongues I grabbed him pulling him close he ran his hands trough my hair I was getting hard and from the looks of it he was as well I pulled away " what are we doing" I asked we both had the same look on our face a look of horror "I don't know" he said "we didn't do anything okay" I said I must have gulped a few times " yeah it was nothing" he looked nervous was all this just sexual frustration that been subconsciously in my mind , maybe this had nothing to do with Georgie Or him betraying me. That kiss was wow I never felt anything like it but I can't be gay I mean if I see a guy that's attractive I notice but come on you know when someone is good looking no matter if they are of the same sex or opposite but it was nothing else I never thought about guys naked or anything but that kiss scared me because I wanted more.


When school was over I got in my car and drove away my heart was beating rapidly I just wanted to go home I got there and drove my car in the driveway Georgie was sitting on the step in front of my house I got out and walked up to her she stood and I kissed her our tongues entwine with one another it wasn't doing anything for me "let's go fool around" I suggested we got upstairs and basically ripped our clothes off and did the dirty deed. During sex it didn't feel fantastic it was okay I got off but that kiss with Zach did something to me I wasn't gay at least I didn't think I was "what's on your mind " Georgie asked "nothing" I said maybe to quickly she got up " what are you doing" I asked "until the Zander I know comes back you can forget about our afterschool activities" she looked angry she left out Great I pissed off my girl .

The next day at school I for once focused on my studies It started to pour down rain my last class was gym, I had on a white tee that gripped my chest nicely showing off my well defined body and grey sweat pants and zach came in with basketball shorts on and a wife beater he looked good ... What am I saying "dodge ball today" Mr. draper said "okay the two team captains will be Zach Knowles and Zander Tyler will be captain 2" we both picked our teams and avoided eye contact with each other we played the game and it was down to me and Zach one hit I threw the ball at him and I miss he threw it back at me and he missed then out of no where I got the desire to make extend my lips in a kissing pose then I made the kissing sound LOL he looked shocked I threw the ball at him it hit him and I won he turned red with embarrassment the bell rung and he jetted out the gym . Ten minutes later I got dressed and since Georgie was keeping her distance I was going home alone .

(okay so I do have parents if your wondering but they are never home I'll usually see them randomly or on holidays my dad is a successful lawyer who services in almost every state he works for the rich and my mom who is my rock is a writer she is on her national book tour) I walked out the front door of the school and Zach was standing there he looked up at me "I'm sorry but I had to win" he shook his head with a grin "it's just like you to do something like that" we laughed "it's like nothing has changed " I said he half smiled "yeah" he said "it sure knows how to rain in saddleriver" I said "gotta love new jersey" he said he put on his hood and started walking "your walking" I screamed " yeah my car is in the shop" he screamed back I ran to him " hey I'll give you a ride" he didn't protest we walked to my Benz and got in " sweet car" he said to me " thanks" I said I turned on music and started driving he was searching his pockets "shit" he said " what" I asked " I forgot my keys at home my dad and Mikey went to new York to take care of my grandma they won't be back until tomorrow" he said " don't sweat it you can stay at my house" I said It was quite " maybe I can break a window and get in " he said , that made me sad that he would want to break a window in his house then be near me " no your staying with me" I said we drove to my house I drove my car in the driveway and we got out and went inside.


I stood there not wanting to touch anything Zander looked at me "you can go to my room and get out of those wet clothes look in my top draw get a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt " thanks" I said " you don't have to thank me" I went upstairs to his room I started to undress I kicked off my sneakers took my shirt off then my pants and boxers I looked around his room this Is a nice room I thought " so what do you want to do " Zander came in I turned around he starred at me with his mouth open "I'm sorry" he said I laughed then went over to his draw and put on some dry clothes he sat next to me then looked at me my heart started pounding we looked at each other I stood up "you have a nice room" I said " you've seen it before" he replied "yeah" it was quite he stood up then walked closer "you painted it a different color "I said as I walked to his desk he walked over to me again " you have a new computer " I said nervously he grabbed me and kissed me I tried to push him off but it was no use I let him it felt so good we both moaned in each other mouth I grabbed the back of his head pressing him into me hard we were moving while kissing my back crashed onto the wall was this happening I was getting hard so was he I pushed him back his lips parted from mine "what are we doing" I said in frustration "I don't know and I don't care when we kiss it's something I never experienced before a spark or something" he said I felt it too but he is a guy should I play it safe? I'm sick if playing safe I pulled him closer and kissed him then unbuckled his belt then unbuttoned his jeans they fell to his ankles " how come I never seen how beautiful you are" he said I must have blushed he smiled " beautiful? No one has ever said that to me" I said " no guy has ever dropped my pants and made me hard like this " he said "yeah me too" I did something I never thought I would do I slipped my hand on his boxers and stroked his cock

I never felt anyone else cock but my own I was nervous I started jerking him he threw his head back he slipped his hand in my pants and grabbed my hard cock " dude your huge" he said I have an 8 in boner his was a 7.5 inch he pulled down the sweat pants and got on his knees he licked my head my knees buckled " oh wow" was all I could say I stopped him and he stood I got on my knees and did the same to him but I started sucking him like I was a porn star his meat was Sliding in and out of my mouth hitting the back of my throat " fuck baby that feels good " was all he said I took my hand and was jerking him whole I sucked him off " ohhh man fuck" I could feel his balls tightening that can only mean one thing he was going to blow his load I couldn't stop "zach I'm gonna cum" I didn't stop " oh man" he came in my mouth I swallowed all of it , it tasted strange sweet but salty I sucked his head his knees buckled I looked down I came on my own without even touching myself " oh man I never had a b.j like that Georgie don't even" he stopped himself " Zach I shouldn't have said that he hugged me I hugged him back "your amazing" he said he then took off my shirt both of us were naked he pulled his covers back " come" we got under the covers together and wrapped our arms around each other and snuggled together " this is kind of exciting" I said " yeah I know your a guy and I don't care" we laughed and we kept rubbing noses together then our lips meet then our tongue.


Damn Zach was great and I will be sure to return the favor as I Laid there I looked at the ceiling as I always do and thought Zach head rolled on my chest and I held him close then of hit me , looking back on our history we were inseparable if one wasn't present then the other felt it tremendously there was always something there we would find ways to touch each other with him it was hand and hand contact or sometimes when he was sleep I would put my lips on his and thought how great it was but as we got older people began forming there sexuality and if you were a guy and weren't into girls you would he a social outcast so Zach and I found girlfriends and our little touching stopped we were still the best of friends but neither one of us wanted to be seen as gay.

Friday came and the team got ready for the game Zander and I would make glances at one another on the school bus Georgie being a cheerleader was on the bus she sat next to him a surge of jealously flowed through my body Evan saw me starring " dude you really need to find another girlfriend" be spoke snapping me out of my jealous trance " yeah" was all I said we got to the other school field I hated when we are the visitors the game was intended and we are the best we pulled right through it and won it felt good in the locker room we all felt like warriors who just won a battle " okay party at my house" Zander announce we all showered changed got on the bus and went home.

People showed up at my house instantly I blasted the music Georgie walked up to me "okay baby I'm talking to you again" she gave me a kiss I kissed her back when we separated I saw Zach he wasn't looking at us or anything he was surrounded by his friends they were drinking beers laughing " enjoy yourself" I said she walked over to her friends I made my way to Zach he saw me and met me half way "I need to talk to you in my room it's important" I said he nodded then went upstairs I looked around to make sure no one was looking and followed.

when I went in my room he was sitting on my bed I closed the door and ran to him tackling him we started making out " come on you just kissed Georgie" he said " I rather kiss you" I said with a grin he smiled " looking down at him he was a gorgeous specimen. I grind into him thrusting my hips pushing my groin into his he let out a moan his mouth opened I stuck my tongue in it he sucked on my tongue all this felt so erotic to me then there was a knock on my door " baby what are you doing " I heard Georgie voice we jumped up " I need to hide" he said I suggested under the bed he slid under there I opened the door " I'm just laying Down let's get back to the party" I said " no" she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room she closed and locked the door she stared undressing " I'm not in the mood " I said " then why is your cock so hard" she grinned at me " she unbuckled my belt and slid my jeans down " stop Georgie" I said she took my hard cock and bent down and put it in her mouth she started sucking me off I closed my eyes it felt so good she stopped and pushed me on the bed she took a condom out by top draw and put it on my cock she then got on top of me and guided my cock In her I gasped at the sensation I felt we fucked and I came she then got dressed and walked out so did I.

I totally got lost in sex that I forgot about Zach under the bed about fifteen minutes later i had drunken five beers and Evan asked where Zach went and I remembered he went under the bed I rushed back upstairs and looked under the bed he was gone . I sat on my bed nothing was making since it felt as if I cheated on Zach with Georgie ,I didn't but I did have sex with my Girlfriend his ex girlfriend right in front of him, or on top of him.

To be continued....


i hope you guys like the story e-mail me at and let me know what you think ....

Next: Chapter 3

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