By moc.loa@31ohsyT

Published on Jul 5, 2005



Disclaimer: All rights reserved. You may not sell or post to another site or copy without the permission of the Author. The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story may contain graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

A special thanks to my loving partner for helping me edit this story along with his love and support.


By Tysho Copyright July, 2005

It has been a little over two years now since I lost the love of my life. His name was Adam. He was 38 years old, and he died in an auto accident. His car was hit by a drunk driver, on a stormy night as he was coming home from work. The two of us had been together for about five years. Not only were we partners in the romantic sense, but I was assistant to the president of his company, who coincidentally was Adam. The two of us worked in an investment company, which Adam owned. The company consisted of investing in property, fixing it up, and then reselling the property. I helped with the office work and setting up the interiors of the building models for each of the properties that were invested in.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Wesley. I am 30 years old, average looking; but if you told that to Adam, you would definitely have a major fight on your hands, because according to him I was the sexiest thing on the face of the earth. I have a slim build and am completely smooth, except where it counts. My body is one of those bodies that even when I work out I still have little to no muscle tone. I can never seem to get pumped up. Even for the amount of food I eat -- it just seems to disappear. I can eat and eat, then it disappears into thin air. I am only about 5'8", so I am not really tall either.

Now Adam on the other hand was a Greek god. He was over 6 feet tall, muscles all over body you could die for. If you still can't figure out what my Adam looks like, watch the movie Troy. He reminds me of the character Hector in the movie. Since Adam's death, I would watch that movie and just cry nonstop; those two were almost identical. Adam was like one of those little boys wrapped up in a big man's body. His child-like qualities would just send shivers up my spine. Even when he was trying to be serious, he would continue to act like a five-year-old boy. No one could resist him. I think that was how he was able to get ahead in his profession. People just loved dealing with him.

Adam was my protector. The day we met, the two of us were at a mutual friend's house for a party. Her name was Marina. Adam had sold Marina the building that she owns now. Their chemistry made the two of them friends instantly. On that particular night of the party, I had gotten totally drunk. I was in one of those moods where everything in life was like the end of the world. I had lost my boyfriend at the time, and I was working in a job that really didn't pay much at all. So the easiest solution for me was just to drink and drink and drink. Since I am so thin to begin with, it didn't take long for the alcohol to take its effect on me. Two drinks and I would be swaying like there was no tomorrow.

There were quite a few guests at this party, including Adam, Marina, Jason, and me. Marina, Jason and I had been close friends since high school. The three of us were inseparable. We were like the three musketeers. At the party, I never even noticed Adam was there. I was too busy drinking and helping Marina with being the hostess. Making sure the food was well stocked, picking up the garbage, trying to make the guests feel more at home, that was my job. By the end of the evening, I had done my part in cleaning up, and most of the other guests gone except Adam and Jason. It was getting late, and I was ready to call it a night and go home.

"Where do you think your going?" asked Marina.

"I am going home," I replied in a slurred voice.

"You can't drive in that condition. Why don't you leave your car here and let Adam drive you home. Then Jason and I can drop off your car at your house tomorrow. The two of us can take your car and mine, because after that we are going shopping."

"Listen, Marina, I can drive, and I don't even know Adam."

After I had said my last word, Adam grabbed hold of me and reached into my pants and grabbed my car keys from my pocket and tossed them to Marina, who stuck the keys in her bra. She knew very well that I wouldn't even think of getting my keys if they were stashed there. Something about women's breasts would make me cringe.

"All right, you got me. I will have Adam take me home. Are you happy now?"

So off we went in Adam's Volvo. As were driving on the expressway I realized that my house keys were with my car keys in Marina's bra.

"Uh, Adam, I think that we have a problem."

"What's that, Wes?"

"My house keys are in Marina's bra, and we've gone quite a ways to turn back."

"Well, I don't live too far from you why don't you crash at my house for the night. I promise to be the perfect gentlemen," Adam chuckled.

"That's fine, if it is no imposition," I replied.

It was still about a fifteen-minute drive. The alcohol then began to consume me. I passed out. I don't remember what happened from that point on. All I know is that I woke up the next morning wearing nothing but boxers, in bed with a man I hardly knew. Adam was still fast asleep. When I realized where I was, I slowly lifted up the covers to see. There was Adam stark naked next to me. I totally freaked and jumped out of bed quickly. As I jumped out of bed I must have wakened up Adam.

"Good morning, sunshine," said Adam.

There I stood in my boxers, which had smiley faces all over them.

"Where am I?

For some reason, I became consumed with emotions and began crying. Not knowing where I was and the fact that I had gotten drunk and that my life really sucked. Adam then jumped out of bed in all of his glory as I dropped to my knees and began wallowing in my tears. Adam wrapped his big muscular arms around me and held me as I began crying.

"It's ok, baby. You are at my house. You left your keys at Marina's," explained Adam. "What's wrong, Wes?"

"My life sucks!" I began to bawl.

"Don't cry, Wes. It will all get better, I promise you that."

There the two of us sat on the floor. Adam had his arms and legs wrapped around my body as he began kissing the top of my head trying to console me. Then I felt that Adam's hard cock, which was a thick eight inches in length, pressed up against my back. I turned around and looked down and then looked up into his big brown eyes, and he smiled at me.

"He likes Mr. Smiley," as the two of us broke out in laughter.

The two of us sat on the floor for a while as we tried to regain our composure. After that Adam picked me up and placed me on the bed. The two of us then lay on the bed as Adam spooned me. For the first time in my life I felt safe and secure, with Adam's arms wrapped around me. After about fifteen minutes I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke, I noticed that the bed was empty. I sat up trying to fully wake up from my deep slumber. Adam then walked into the room with a tray full of food and coffee.

"Good morning again, sunshine. Marina dropped off your car at your house and then dropped off your keys with me. So you should be all set."

"Thanks Adam, I really appreciate it."

"Why don't you eat some breakfast, then you can take a shower. You might feel better after a full stomach and you get freshened up."

As I was eating the two of us began to get better acquainted. I had told Adam how my boyfriend had cheated on me and left me for a younger guy. Twenty-four years old to be exact. I also explained how my job really sucked and my life was just falling apart. I also apologized for being a nuisance, for being drunk, then bawling like a baby and laying all of my problems on his shoulders. Adam was great. He just sat there and listened to me rant and rave.

"Well, Wes, it looks like you have a lot on your plate right now. I know that things will get better for you."

"How do you know that," I asked.

"Well, first of all, how would you like to come and work for me? I am in desperate need of an assistant."

"You're just saying that because you feel sorry for me," I replied.

"No, I am not. I need someone to help me out. I can't seem to keep up with all of my paperwork and also I am looking for someone to do some interior design work for the models of each of our properties. Besides, you look like someone who has good taste. I think that you would be perfect for the job."

Well, that was the turning point. I took the job Adam offered me. It took me two weeks to get his office in order. He was right. He definitely needed someone to help him out. For six months I immersed myself in work, starting at eight in the morning and working until eight at night or sometimes even later. It was a way for me to escape all of my personal problems. As long as I kept busy, I knew that there wouldn't be time to even think. Marina and Adam would try to do things with me on the weekends. If it weren't for those weekends, I would just be at work, too. It allowed me to get to know Adam a little better; when Marina couldn't accompany us, then it was just Adam and I. I seemed to enjoy Adam's company but I was still hesitant because was afraid of getting hurt again.

Then one day, it was a Thursday morning, I got a phone call from Marina. She said that it was very important and that she needed to see me. She asked me what time I would be home from work. I said that I would probably be home about eight in the evening. We both agreed that we would meet at my house and I told her that if she got to my home before I did to just let herself in, since we both had keys to each others homes. I thought it was kind of strange for her to call in such a tirade, insisting that we get together at my house. But I kind of overlooked it, which was probably a result of still not being myself.

By five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone had left for the day, including Adam. I continued working until about 7:30 in the evening, alone. As I pulled into the driveway of my apartment complex, I could see a dim light coming from a window of my apartment. I figured that Marina had on my small lamp in the living room. I then went up to my apartment. As I unlocked the door, I called out for Marina.

"Marina, are you there?"

But there was no answer. I closed the door behind me and took off my jacket. I could see that my living room had candles lit. As I proceeded down the hallway to the dining room, I saw that my dining room table was set up for two people with candles lit, too. I really didn't know what to make of this, so I continued into the kitchen. There standing near the stove was Adam. I was startled.

"What are you doing here, and who let you into my house?" I inquired.

"I got the keys to your house from Marina. I told her that I wanted to fix you a romantic dinner for two," replied Adam.

By that time I was in shock, not knowing exactly what was going on. Then it finally sank into my thick head that Adam was making a romantic dinner for two.

"Am I dreaming? Did you say a romantic dinner for two?"

"Yes, a romantic dinner for you and me," replied Adam.

"Adam, I don't mean to sound ungrateful and I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but did you say a romantic dinner for the two of us?"

"Yes, I did, Wes. We have been spending the last six months getting to know one another plus working together. I think that we make a good team. I think it's time that you get on with your life and begin a new one with me, if you'll have me."

I stood there in total awe. My mouth was hanging open. That must have been a great picture. Me with my mouth open and my eyes popping out of my head in total shock. On top of it here was this handsome man making me a romantic dinner. My ex-lover never did that for me. I was always the one doing the romancing. It had always been a one-sided relationship. Maybe that's why he left. As I continued standing there, like something out of cartoon, Adam walked up to me and wrapped his big arms around my thin little body. All of a sudden Niagara Falls began to fall from my eyes.

"It's ok, Little One. I promised you that things would be better. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Until death do us part."

"I just don't understand. Why do you love me? You're the one who is drop-dead gorgeous, a god I might add. You can have anyone you want. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life with me? I am messed up in the head and not attractive whatsoever."

"Wesley, I love you for you. You are everything I want in a man. You're handsome and I enjoy your company. You are always on my mind. I can't picture my life without you. We're good for one another. You are my god, my Neptune."

As I listened to Adam and heard that I was his god, his Neptune, I sat there and thought. Neptune, the god of the sea, and here I was with oceans pouring from my eyes. All of a sudden I got his joke and began to laugh.

"That's not funny," I said as the two of us began to laugh at my expense.

"Well, Wes, I made you smile. See how beautiful you are when you smile."

Adam proceeded to kiss me on the lips. His kiss began to send shivers up and down my spine. That particular kiss had warmth, tenderness, and love behind it. The emotions and passion behind his kiss told me that his love for me was truly genuine. The two of us continued kissing passionately until we were interrupted by the timer, letting us know that dinner was ready.

"Dinner is ready."

The two of ate our meal. It was a meal fit for a king. I couldn't believe how much trouble Adam had gone through to make this evening very special for me. He even made dessert. After dinner, the two of us went into my living room. I couldn't believe the living room. It was filled with candles everywhere, along with soft music playing.

"I hope you don't mind, Wes. Oh, by the way, there is one other thing I have to tell you, the two of us are off from work until Monday. I don't want to hear any excuses. This weekend is going to be just for the two of us. That's an order, seeing as I am your boss -- hehehe"

"Ok, I guess. Is there anything else you want to tell me, boss?"

"Yes, but not right now. Wait here for a minute while I draw us a bath."

Adam then disappeared into the bathroom and began to fill the tub. I waited a few moments, but my curiosity got the best of me, so I went to check out what he was doing. When I reached the bathroom, again all the lights were out except candles everywhere. Adam must have of heard me behind him; he turned around after checking the temperature of the bath water. I also noticed that he put in some bubble bath.

Next, he walked toward me and began removing my tie and unbuttoning my shirt. While he was doing this, he began kissing me. Very slowly and gently Adam proceeded to kiss me all over my neck and face. He reached lower he began unbuckling the belt to my slacks and opening them up. They slid down to my feet. I stepped out of my slacks and then began lifting up his sweater, exposing that muscular hairy chest of his. The two of us began kissing one another passionately. As the two of us continued our kisses, I unbuckled Adam's belt and opened up his jeans so they began to slide down to his feet.

He then stepped out of his jeans and then dropped down to his knees to remove my shoes and socks. I hadn't noticed earlier that he was already barefoot. After he had finished, he stood up.

"You are so beautiful, Wesley."

After the tub was full and Adam turned off the water, he reached for my hand and led me to the bathtub. Guiding me, he stepped into the water and sat down, after which I followed his lead. Next he wrapped his arms around my torso, to give me the signal to lean back against his masculine body. We sat there for a while and talked a little as he soaped up a sponge and proceeded to wash my work-beaten body. It was wonderful. I felt safe, secure, and most of all loved. It had been a long time since I'd felt this way for someone. Yes, don't get me wrong, I was in love with my ex, but somehow this was totally different. It was like being in love and wanted for the very first time in my life. The excitement and intimacy were rattling through all of my senses. I was in heaven.

After we had finished, the two of us got out of the tub. We dried off and then he wrapped me in a towel after wrapping his towel around his waist. Adam then lifted me up into his arms and carried me to my bedroom. Once again, there were tons of candles illuminating the room. I couldn't believe it. As he carried me into my room, I noticed an overnight bag, which I knew was his, and on my night stand was lubricant. He had definitely gone all out to plan this night, not leaving out any details. Everything was carefully planned. He laid me down on the bed and then removed both our towels and then climbed into bed, snuggling up next to me. Once again we were lying in the infamous position from the first night I stayed at his house, spoon fashion.

As we lay in bed, Adam was kissing the back of my head and neck, all over. Minutes later his kisses began to travel down my back. There I was lying on my side groaning in ecstatic pleasure as he continued to kiss every inch of my body. Next he turned me on my back and continued his kissing on the front side of my body, making sure that he never missed any inch of my body. I was in heaven. When I tried to reciprocate, Adam placed his finger on my lips.

"This is my turn to show you how much I love you."

After a while, Adam began to lick and suck on each of my nipples, taking special care to show me pure pleasure before traveling downwards to my hard and dripping cock. Next, he began sucking my hard and aching cock down his throat. I was definitely being pampered. No one had ever down this to me, to actually take the time and devote himself to giving me total pleasure. After bringing me the brink of orgasm time after time, Adam then turned me over on my stomach. He then reached under my stomach to raise my hips, so that I was on all fours. Next, he spread the cheeks of my ass, exposing my sacred entrance, as he began licking and teasing my hole. Adam seemed to be totally in tune to my body. He knew exactly how to bring me to that edge and then stop, driving me totally out of my mind in pure pleasure. Between the grunts and groans, I managed to get a few words out.

"Adam, you've got to stop this, you are driving me crazy."

"Little One, I just want to show you just how much I love you."

I don't know where on earth he got this pet name for me "Little One." It wasn't that I was actually little down there. In fact I was at least 7.5 inches and quite thick, but I think he got that name because I was skinny and short. At least I am hoping for that. I somehow managed to stop him from doing what he was doing. I was able to catch my breath as I turned around.

"Adam, do your really love me? Are you absolutely sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Or, until death do us part."

"Yes, Wesley. You are the one for me. This is definitely not a one-night stand."

After taking a few minutes and thinking of what was actually being said between the two of us, I too, somehow felt the same way. Adam was always there to comfort me when I needed it. He always managed to make me feel like that special person in one's life. The way he took time to plan a special evening for just me, to make me happy, his warmth and caring, I guess that I felt the same way he did.

"Adam, I feel the same way, but do me a favor," I asked as Adam looked at me confused.

"What's that, Little One?"

"I want you inside of me, to consummate our relationship."

"Are you sure that you want this?"

"Well, it seems that you planned for this to happen," I said as I turned my head and focused my eyes onto the night stand.

"Well, I am guilty. I suppose that I was hoping that it would happen."

"Then I want you to do it, and Mr. Smiley wants you to," I said with a smile on my face.

I then reached over to the night stand and grabbed the lubricant and then lay on my back, spreading my legs to receive this man I loved. I too wanted to show him just how much I was willing to love and commit to him. Adam then moved closer between my legs. I had squirted some of the lubricant into my hands and began stroking his hard shaft. As I was lubricating his cock, Adam leaned over and began kissing me. His tongue began to explore mine with love and tenderness. When he was just about ready, I squeezed some of the lubricant into Adam's hand. Then he began to rub the lubricant over my hole as he occasionally began to slide a finger into my hole, making sure that I was well lubricated to receive him.

When I was ready, I guided Adam's cock to my hole. Very slowly he began to slide forward. Because of the length and thickness of his hard cock, and Adam didn't want to hurt me, he eased his cock in inch by inch. He would add an inch and then stop until eventually I could feel his pubic hair against my butt. He then waited there until I was used to it as he began to slide in and out.

"Oh, God, Wes, you feel so good," as his thrust began to increase.

As Adam was fucking me, my own cock was hard as a rock. The way his cock would slide in and out of me, just enough to rub against my prostate, kept me hard. Each lunge of his cock would pleasure my own cock without any help from hands whatsoever. I was definitely in heaven. Not only was there physical pleasure, but our emotional bond just sent me over the edge. Never in my life had I ever felt so totally fulfilled, both emotionally and physically.

Adam continued fucking me until he finally sent me over the edge, and my cock shot its load all over my stomach and chest. My climax began sending Adam over the edge to his own climax. He soon began following suit and shot his load deep inside of me. After he had finished his climax he collapsed on top of me. I then wrapped my legs and arms around his exhausted body. The two of us began kissing. As we were in the middle of our kissing session, tears began rolling down my eyes. Our lovemaking had consumed my emotions, too. I had finally experienced what it is to be totally fulfilled.

"Oh, God, I love you, Wes," Adam said as the two of us began to fall into a deep slumber.

From that point on was the beginning of beautiful and meaningful relationship. Adam must have had that whole weekend planned, because the next morning when I got out of the shower and dressed, I found Jason and Marina sitting in the living room of my apartment dressed in total grunge. Adam was in sweats and gym shoes too.

"What's up guys, why are you here?"

"We've come here to help you pack and move into Adam's home," replied Jason.

"What are you talking about, I'm not moving," as I looked at Adam questioningly.

"That was my other plan for the weekend. I want you to come and live with me. All of the arrangements are set. I want us to be together forever," responded Adam.

I stood there in complete shock. Once again I had that dumb look on my face. My mind began thinking again. The wheels were turning at high speed in my brain.

"Wesley, will you quit thinking and let's get started packing and get you out of here," Marina demanded.

So without any fight from me, due to the shock I was in, the four of us packed all of the belongings in my apartment and moved everything into Adam's four-bedroom house. We were able to put my bedroom furniture into one of the bedrooms in the house and my living room furniture into another bedroom, which made into a study/entertainment room. The rest of my furniture was put in storage, which Jason took charge of. By Saturday evening I was moved into Adam's house. To this day, I can't believe how fast we got everything done.

This was the beginning of our wonderful relationship with each other. The two of us were the happiest people on the earth. We never got tired of one another. Our lives seemed to compliment one another. For instance, if Adam had to work late, I would go home and fix dinner for the two of us, or if things were switched he would go home before me and fix dinner. Another example was that I was the serious one and he was the kid. There was always room for seriousness and playtime. There was always balance. Don't get me wrong, we had our separate lives too. Each of us had our own separate interests. Adam was always interested in sports, and I did volunteer work on the side.

And then came that infamous day when I lost my love. The two of us had been busy at work. Adam had some last-minute details to finish up on a job he was working on. He had insisted that I go home and fix us both dinner, but being my usual hard-headed self, I wanted to stay and help him get out of there.

"Wes, I will only be another hour and a half longer, that will give you time to fix us some dinner."

"Are you sure? Why can't we finish this work together and get out of here sooner?"

"Please, Wes, just go and I will meet you home."

After much debating I had agreed to go home and fix us dinner. Once I got home it began storming really bad. The rain was just crashing down. I really didn't think too much of it, so I began fixing dinner. Two hours later, I was wondering what was taking Adam so long. I tried to call him at work, but all I got was his voice mail. Next I tried his cell phone with no luck. I figured that it was due to the weather that I couldn't make a connection. Another hour had passed and still no Adam, until our doorbell rang. There standing in the rain was Marina.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Come on we need to go somewhere, it's urgent," replied Marina.

"But I am in the middle of cooking Adam and me dinner."

Marina then walked into the kitchen and turned off the oven and stove. After which she went to my closet and grabbed my jacket before grabbing my arm and trying to drag me out the door. I stopped her from trying to pull me outside.

"Marina, what in the hell is going on?"

"I'll explain later, but right now we have to get to the hospital." Marina grabbed me and pulled me outside.

I was totally confused. I had no idea what was going on. When we entered the hospital, she stopped.

"Wes, I want you to sit down."

Listening to her, I sat down, still confused as to what was going on.

"Wes, what I have to tell you now is going to be really difficult. I was watching the news. On the news they reported that there was a major car accident. It involved an SUV and a Volvo."

"So what Marina, many people drive an SUV or a Volvo, but what does that have to do with us being here in the hospital?"

"The Volvo was Adam's car. It seems that he was hit by a drunk driver."

"Marina, you're lying, how can it be Adam's car."

"Wesley, they showed a videotape of the scene of the accident. They showed the two vehicles. The Volvo was Adam's car. I then called the hospital where the news said that the two victims were and the hospital confirmed it. Adam was involved in that accident."

I felt numb. Marina then led me to the nurse's station and asked for where Adam was located. The nurse told us that Adam was in surgery and that we were to go upstairs and wait in the waiting room; she would notify the surgeon and then the surgeon would be in to see us after he was finished.

The two of us went to the surgical waiting room two floors up. No tears came out. I couldn't speak any words. I was totally stunned. We waited in the waiting room for another two hours. Then a doctor in surgical scrubs came walking down the corridor until he spotted us, moving towards us as the two of us stood up.

"Excuse me, but are you here for Adam Weston?" asked the doctor.

"Yes, we are. My name is Marina, and this is Adam's partner, Wesley," replied Marina.

"My name is Dr. Orland."

The three of us shook hands with one another. I was still stunned to speak out of pure shock, so Marina did all of the talking.

"So, Doctor, how is Adam doing?"

"I'm afraid that I have some very bad news. Adam did not survive the surgery, I'm afraid," replied the doctor.

All of a sudden my legs gave out on me and I passed out. When I awoke, I was lying in a hospital bed in one of those hospital gowns. Both Marina and Jason were sitting at my bedside.

"Where am I?"

When I turned around there sat Jason and Marina. There were tears running down her eyes. Jason had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. He then got up and walked over to my bed. All of a sudden it all came back to me. Adam was killed in a car accident. He was hit by a drunken driver. I had lost the man that I loved so much. Then tears began pouring out of my eyes.

"Adam's dead," I said.

"I'm so sorry, Wes," replied Jason.

"How long have I been out?"

"You've been out almost a day now," Jason replied.

"Get me my clothes, we need to get out of here."

"Wes, why don't we see what the doctor says," said Marina.

"Please, get me my clothes, I want to get out of here and go home. I have a lot of things to do."

The three of us left the hospital, against the attending physician's better judgment. I spent the day making the funeral arrangements. The funeral was small, since Adam had no family. He was an only child and because he was gay, most of his extended family didn't want anything to do with him. In spite of that, quite a few people attended the funeral -- his friends, of which he had quite a few, and his employees. Both Jason and Marina were a big help, especially Marina. She evidently knew who Adam's lawyer was and knew exactly what Adam had wanted. That was one thing Adam and I had never discussed. Business, he always took care of that. Anything legal or financial.

That was kind of our mutual agreement, since he was far more knowledgeable about those types of things. Oh, don't get me wrong, I had my own separate checking account, but when it came to business involving the two of us, he handled those things.

After the funeral and when every one had left the house after the reception, Marina and Jason escorted a man over to where I was sitting on the couch.

"Wes, this is Adam's attorney, Ryan Jacobs, and Ryan, this is Adam's partner, Wesley," Marina said.

"Wesley, it is pleasure to meet you. I am so sorry for your loss," Ryan said as we shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you too. What can I do for you?"

"Well, since Adam's death I have been dealing with Marina. I think that it is important that you and I sit down and discuss Adam's will."

"I really don't feel up to it right now, can't it wait?"

"Wes, I know that this is a difficult time right now, but I think we should really discuss this right now."

"Oh, all right."

"First off, Adam left all of his assets to you, like the house, the business, and also all of the money in various accounts."

"His business, are you sure about that? I don't know anything about his business. I am just his assistant. All I do is paperwork and decorate the building models."

"There is one stipulation, that his vice president can run the business and get forty percent of the income the business receives; the rest will all be yours. You don't even have to work."

"Well, I really like my job, especially decorating the building models. Can I still continue doing that?"

"I don't see why not. I will oversee all of the business decisions with the vice president and advise your accordingly, if that is all right with you."

"That is fine. So, that is all settled."

"I just need you to sign these documents, so that your signature is recognized on all of his assets, including his bank accounts."

So I signed all of the necessary documents. I really didn't care anymore. My life had been totally shattered. My Adam was gone forever. His love always gave me strength to continue with my life. He always made life enjoyable. He also always had confidence in me. What was I going to do now? Even with all of his money, it didn't really matter anymore.

"Uh, Wes, there is also one other thing."

"What's that, Ryan."

"Well, according to Marina, it seems that Adam had asked her to pick up a gift that was purchased for you. She has it here with her now. I just want you to prepare you for it. Also, enclosed with the gift is a letter from Adam."

Marina then handed me a small black box with a red ribbon wrapped around it, along with an envelope, which said "Little One". I removed the ribbon and opened the box, and inside was a gold diamond wedding band. I took the ring out of the box, and inside the ring was an inscription: "Eternally Yours." Emotions began to overcome me as I began crying. Ryan took the ring from my hand and placed it on my left ring finger. Then he guided me to the sofa and the two of us sat down; he then placed his arm around my shoulder to try to comfort me.

"Well, aren't you going to read the letter?" Marina inquired.

"Not right now, I will do it later, in private. Right now I need to lie down."

I then got up and went upstairs to my bedroom. As I came into the room I grabbed Adam's sweatshirt which was lying on a rocking chair in my bedroom, and then proceeded to lie down on the bed. The sweatshirt's aroma was Adam's scent mixed with a light fragrance of Calvin Klein's Eternity. As my eyes got heavier I held the sweatshirt and letter as I cried myself to sleep.

About four hours later I awoke. I then went to the den to get myself a drink. I could still hear Marina and Jason clearing up downstairs from the reception. I poured myself a tall glass of scotch and then went back into my room. Once again after placing the glass of Scotch on the night stand, I opened the letter and began to read it.

My Dearest Little One,

I hope that you like the ring. This ring is just to symbolize the love I have for you and a symbol that I will always be with you even if we are not physically together. I will always be eternally yours. You have brought so much joy into my life that words can never explain it. The way you look, feel, and smell, just sends my senses into overload. There is never a moment that I stop thinking of you.

You are the love of my life. You have made me the happiest man alive. I want to thank you for that, for the opportunity of sharing our lives together.

Wes, I am definitely the luckiest man alive, to have someone as sexy and lovable as you. I always look forward to ending my day lying next to you and holding you in my arms. I sure hope that you feel as strongly as I do. I know that when you first moved in with me, I was a little pushy, but I hope that it was well worth it. I can remember that night we had our first date. Eating dinner by candlelight, looking into your warm and loving green eyes. How the light made your face glow right in front of my eyes. Soaking in the tub, and lying there holding the man I love so much, then ending that most glorious night of my life by making love to you, was definitely my dream come true. You, Wesley, are my one true love.

I love you with all my heart.

Eternally, Adam

After reading the letter I began crying. I felt so empty and alone. That continued for the next year. I began drinking every chance I got. Just to escape the pain I was feeling, the emptiness. All that existed in my life was working and drinking. Thank God my drinking had no effect on the business. I guess that I turned out to be one of those functioning alcoholics. It's kind of ironic that Adam was killed by a drunk driver and here I was drinking my pain away. It wasn't until a year had passed since Adam's death that Jason stopped over on a Friday night. Both Marina and Jason knew that I was drinking heavily. Marina tried to get me to stop but that was no use.

That Friday night Jason stopped over at my house. It was about nine o'clock in the evening. After I let him in, he went on a cleaning rampage, grabbing all the alcohol along with the empty bottles and throwing them all out. He then went to his car and brought in three large suitcases.

"What are you doing, Jason?"

"I am moving in with you for a while. I will take the spare bedroom."

"I don't want you living here."

"You know, Wes, I lost one of my closest friend to alcohol, and I am not about to lose another one. That closest friend was your lover, your partner. Adam. And I am sure that Adam would not want you to be in this condition. You are going to get sober even if you don't want to."

So Jason lived with me for over a month. Though I was mad at him for what he was doing, he was right. I guess you could say that I owe Jason my life. I managed to get sober and get my life back in order.

Now one thing that Adam and I had planned before he died was the idea of adopting a child. The two of us wanted a little boy who we could share our love with and take care of. When Adam was alive the two of us had completed an application to be put on a list to adopt a child. Marina was a social worker and she handled all of the paper work.

It was now two years since Adam had died. I had once again become a responsible member of society. One day at work I got a phone call from Marina, while I was at work.

"Hey, Wes, this is Marina, I got some great news."

"What is it?"

"Remember that adoption application you and Adam filled out three years ago?"

"Yeah, what about it, nothing came from it. Why?"

"Well, we have a little boy who is five years old. His name is Jake. He is the cutest little thing. I want you to meet him. We are trying to find him a home, permanent one. He lost both of his parents in a car accident."

"When do you want me to meet him, Marina?"

"Would it be ok if I bring over to your house for dinner tonight?"

"That would be great. I am about to leave now. I can whip up something quick. Does he like grilled hamburgers?"

"That would be great. We'll see you at seven," replied Marina.

It was a little after seven when Marina and the little boy pulled into my driveway. The two of them came to the front door.

"Wes, I want you to meet Jake. Jake, I want you to meet Wes."

"It's nice to meet you, Jake."

"Hi," Jake said shyly.

The three of us had hamburgers and French fries for dinner. Jake was the cutest little kid. He was kind of small for his age. He had light brown hair and a smile that could melt anyone. After dinner the three of us had ice cream sundaes. Jake had a smile from ear to ear. He told us that this was one of his favorite meals.

After we were through eating, the three of us watched cartoons on television. During a commercial, Jake climbed up into my lap.

"Are you going to be my new daddy?"

"Well, if that is what you want, we could probably look into me becoming your new daddy."

Jake sat in my lap thinking about it and then leaned his head against my chest and sighed with a big smile on his face.

"I think that is what I want. I want you to become my new daddy. I really had fun tonight. We had hamburgers, which are my favorite, then we had hot fudge sundaes and most of all we were able to watch cartoons. My real daddy never watched cartoons with me before, he was always too busy."

Finally, after all the commercials were through, the cartoon resumed. Jake continued to sit comfortably in my lap with his head against my chest. His eyelids began to get heavy, just before he fell fast asleep. Marina and I just looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, it looks like you may have a permanent resident."

"Yeah, I guess so. He is a terrific kid. Marina, why don't you go ahead and proceed with the adoption."

"I am so happy for both of you. I will get Ryan to help me with the adoption proceedings, maybe he can speed things up."

Three weeks had later Ryan notified me that the adoption was almost finalized. Jake would be moving in with me in about a week. So I had to hurry up and turn one of the spare bedrooms into a little boy's room. With the help of Ryan, Marina, and Jason, we managed to redo one of the spare bedrooms. We repainted it and refurnished it in record time. Everything was set for Jake's arrival.

The day before Jake's arrival, Ryan, Jason and I took off from work. We decided to go toy shopping. Since my home didn't have any toys for a five-year-old, we thought it would be best to furnish the house with things that would entertain a little boy. I kind of went overboard. I bought Jake a computer with tons of computer games, stuffed animals, cars, and a swing set for the back yard.

Both Jason and Ryan were totally amused and were laughing at me at my expense.

"Are you sure all of this stuff is for Jake, or is it actually for you, you greedy little boy?" Ryan laughed.

"Come on, guys, it's not that bad. Besides, a little kid needs all this stuff. These toys are all educational," I replied in my own defense.

"Yeah, like the swing set and bicycle," laughed Jason.

The next morning, Marina, Jason, Ryan, and I were in court as the judge ruled in my favor to finalize the adoption of Jake. Jake came running into my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck, never letting go.

"I am so glad that you are my new daddy," cried Jake, as he held on to me for dear life and laid his head on my shoulder.

When we got home, Jake's eyes nearly popped out of his head as we showed him his bedroom full of toys. After that he looked through the sliding glass door leading to the back yard, where there was a swing set all set up.

"Are all of these things for me?"

"You got it, squirt," I replied.

"Come on, little boys, lunch is ready. Let's hurry up and eat lunch so we can go clothes shopping," ordered Marina.

All five of us went to the mall and purchased clothes for little Jake. Once again I was becoming obsessed, buying almost anything and everything. By the end of the day we were all worn out. It had been a full day. Thank God it was Friday. At least we had the weekend to recoup. After I put Jake to bed, we adults had some time to catch our breath. My life from now on would be totally different. I had a little boy to raise now. I would be constantly on the go.

"Hey, guys, I just want to thank you for all of your help. Especially you, Jason, because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten sober and then none of this would be possible," I announced, as tears came running down my eyes.

"Wesley, you deserve to be happy, and it wasn't me that got you sober, it was you. All I did was give you a little shove," replied Jason.

We all called it a night and everyone left. I got ready for bed. I was so exhausted from running around like a madman all week. But you know something, Jake was definitely worth it. It felt so good to lie in my bed. I still wasn't ready to fall asleep, so I began reading a book. As I was reading, Jake came into my room with a big teddy bear in his arms.

"Daddy, can I come and sleep with you?"

"Sure, Little One, come and climb in."

"Little One', I am not little, I am five years old."

"Well, Jake, there used to be someone in my life, who I was very close to, who used to call me Little One."

"But Daddy, you're not little. You're bigger than me. How can you be called Little One?"

"Well, Jake I guess the name `Little One' was a special name for me because I was someone special in his life, just like you are to me, and that's why I am calling you Little One, because you are and will always be my special Little One."

"I like that."

Jake cuddled closer to me, placing his arm and head on my chest as he drifted off into a deep sleep. I reached over and turned off the light as the two of us fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning I woke up with Jake shaking me awake.

"Daddy, are you up?"

Oh God, I thought to myself. I turned and looked at the alarm clock. It said that it was seven o'clock in the morning, on a Saturday morning. I closed my eyes again. All of a sudden I felt my eyelid being pried open, with Jake's face looking at me about four inches from my own.

"Daddy, are you awake?"

"Yes, Jake, I am awake now. You can let go of my eyelids now," I said as the two of us giggled.

After he let go of my eyelids, I grabbled him and began tickling him for a couple of minutes. Then I wrapped my arms around him and give him a big hug and kiss.

"I love you, Little One"

"I love you too, Daddy."

"So what do you want to do today, Jake?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, Jake, have you ever had a puppy?"

"A puppy?" His eyes were about to pop out of his little head.

"Yeah, have you ever had a puppy?"

"No, we never had a puppy. Are you going to get me one?"

"Yeah, why don't get showered and changed, then have breakfast, and then we can go puppy shopping."

"Cool, Dad, you're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"No, I promise we can go and get you a puppy."

While we were eating breakfast, the phone rang.

"Can I get that?" asked Jake.

"Sure, Jake, it's your home too."

Jake ran to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello, this is Jake, who's this? Dad, it's for you, it's Jason."

I got the phone from Jake.

"Hey, Jason, what's up?

"Hi, Wes, I just wanted to see how things went last night and to see what your plans are today," replied Jason.

"Well, Jake and I decided to go puppy shopping. I think that Jake needs a little buddy, don't you?"

"Wes, are you trying to spoil that kid?"

"Why Jason, whatever gave you that idea. I would never do such a thing," as the two of us laughed over the phone.

"Yeah, right, do you mind if I join you two?"

"Sure, the more the merrier, what time can you get here?

"I should be at your house in about fifteen minutes."

"Cool, we'll see you then, bye."

"Ok. Bye."

After I hung up the phone with Jason, Jake looked up at me with a smile as he was eating his cereal. As I placed my dishes in the sink, his eyes would follow my every movement.

"He likes you," Jake giggled.

"What do you mean by that? Of course he likes me, he's one of my best friends," I replied.

"No, Dad, I mean he likes you. As in he wants to be your boyfriend."

"Jake, what would give you that idea? You're crazy," as I ruffled up his hair.

"Dad, he really wants to be your boyfriend. Like, when we went shopping, Jason always followed you wherever you went. He is always watching what you are doing. It's like he always wants to be around you. Dad, he makes goo-goo eyes at you."

"Goo-goo eyes, ok, that's enough. Hurry up and finish your cereal so we can go and find you a puppy."

Jake finished up his cereal, chuckling between bites. I couldn't believe what this kid was saying. How could he be so observant? He just moved in yesterday. Besides that, Jason and I were best friends. How could Jason be my boy friends? I don't even know where this kid gets these ideas. Does he even know what he is saying?

Jason finally arrived and off we went on our puppy expedition. Jason drove. He knew a farm where we could find a puppy for Jake. When we arrived at our destination, the three of us were greeted by a middle aged woman.

"Hi, Emily" said Jason. "I'd like to introduce you to Wesley, and the little guy is Jake."

"Hello, Wesley, and welcome, Jake. I am glad that you all could come and visit."

"Where are the puppies?" Jake belted out.

"They are in the barn, since it is a nice day. Would you like to go and see?" responded Emily as she pointed to the barn.

Jake was so exited that he ran ahead of us to the barn, with the three of us following behind him. In the barn, there were a bunch of puppies laying in a mound of hay. Jake ran up to the puppies, and when they heard him they all woke and ran over to greet him. There must have been about ten puppies. As the puppies intercepted him, they began jumping on him until he fell into the mound of hay after being tackled by the puppies. The puppies began licking him all over his face as they climbed on top of him.

The three of us watched Jake play with the puppies. There was one little guy in particular that took to Jake. He seemed to be the runt of the litter. Jake seemed taken with him too. Right away Jake wrapped his arms around the little guy, holding on for dear life.

"Dad, can we have this one?"

"Is that the one you want?"

"Yeah, he's another `Little One' like me."

"Ok, Jake, you can have him."

"Look, Dad, he likes me. He keeps kissing me," yelled Jake.

"So what are you going to name him, Jake?" asked Emily.

"I think that I will name him Gizmo," answered Jake.

So Jake got himself up with Gizmo wrapped in his arms. Emily and I took care of the business part of the deal. Then off we went on our way home. We stopped at a pet store on our way to buy the necessary items for Gizmo's new arrival. When we finished with the shopping, Gizmo and Jake were pooped out. By the time we arrived home both of them were sound asleep.

"Here, Jason, why don't you carry Gizmo in, and I'll get Jake."

I took Jake into his room and removed his jacket and shoes and tucked him into his bed for a nap. Jason followed me, carrying in Gizmo. We tucked the two of them under the covers. They looked so cute together. Gizmo had his head on the same pillow as Jake did. Both of them looked contented. As Jason and I sat on Jake's bed watching the two of them sleep, Jason placed his arm around my shoulder. Jake stirred groggily.

"I told you, Dad, Jason really likes you," Jake said between yawns.

The two of us turned beet red from embarrassment. Then we got up and left the bedroom and closed the door slightly as we made our way into the living room.

"Wes, what did Jake mean by that I really like you?" asked Jason.

"Well, after I hung up the phone with you this morning. Jake got the notion that you really liked me."

"Well, of course I like you. That's because we're best friends."

"No, Jason, you don't understand. Jake said that you really liked me, like in wanting to be my boyfriend."

Jason and I stood in the living room. All of a sudden it hit him. Jason turned red again with embarrassment. I just stood there and looked at him in total amazement and shock.

"Wes, you have a very observant little boy on your hands."

"You mean he wasn't make this up?" as I looked in shock.

"I thought that I was hiding it well. Where did he get these ideas?" asked Jason.

"Jake mentioned that he noticed how you followed me all around the mall yesterday, never taking your eyes off me. Then he said it seemed that you always wanted to be around me."

After I said my last word I began to bust on out laughing. I started laughing so hard that Jason looked at me with concern.

"What's so funny, Wes?"

After a few moments of trying to compose myself, I said, "Then Jake said that you were making goo-goo eyes at me."

"Goo-goo eyes? I guess that you have a very intelligent son there. And I hate to say it but he is right. I have always had a thing for you ever since Marina first introduced us. I just never had the courage to say it. And here it takes a five-year-old little boy to blow my cover," Jason moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. Next, he kissed me on the lips.

As we were kissing, we could hear the little patter of tiny feet walking into the living room. We turned around and looked to see Jake coming into the living room carrying Gizmo in his arms.

"Are you going to be my second daddy, Jason?" Jake blurted out.

The two of us almost choked at what Jake had said. Then we busted out laughing. After which Jason unwrapped his arms from around me and walked over to Jake, then picked up Jake and Gizmo in his arms and brought them closer to us.

"Well, Jake, that will depend on your Daddy, whether or not he will have me," replied Jason.

"I think that you would make me a great second daddy. I like you a lot, Jason. Then we can be one happy family."

"Ok, you guys," I said, "enough of this talk. Jake, why don't you let us discuss this later. I think maybe we should get some dinner started and also feed Gizmo dinner, too. Why don't you wait in the family room and watch some television until dinner is ready. You can take Gizmo with you."

After Jake went off to the family room to watch television, Jason and I went into the kitchen to fix us dinner. I made some spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. As I was cooking, Jason set up the table.

"So, what do you think?"

"What do I think about what?" I replied.

"About us being a couple. We've definitely got Jake's approval."

"Are you sure this is what you want, Jason?"

Jason then walked over behind me and wrapped his arms around me as he began kissing my neck. It had been a long time since I was intimate with anyone else. The last person was Adam. I don't know if I could handle losing another person in my life. True, Jason and I have been friends for years. He was definitely attractive, loving, and caring.

"I am definitely sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I've dreamed of this moment."

"Jason, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Why haven't you said anything sooner?"

"I guess that I was afraid of being rejected. Maybe you could call it being shy. But after living with you for over month after Adam died, I realized that I did love you. I was just waiting for the perfect time to mention it to you, but Jake beat me to it."

"So this is what you really want?"

"Yes, Wes, I never wanted anything more."

"Can we discuss this some more later?"

"We certainly can. Take all the time you need. I've waited this long, a little while longer won't make any difference."

Dinner was finally ready. I went to call Jake for dinner. Gizmo and Jake were cuddled together on the floor, watching cartoons.

"Hey, Little One, dinner is ready."

"Ok, Dad."

The three of us had our meal. After all the dishes were cleared up, we gave Jake a bath and got him ready for bed. Jason and I tucked Gizmo and Jake into bed and said our goodnights. We then went into the living room to relax.

"Jason, would you like to spend the night, seeing that it's quite late?" I asked.

"That would be great, thanks for asking. I can sleep in the guest room."

"No, Jason, if you don't mind, you can sleep with me tonight."

"Wesley, are you sure about this? I don't want to rush you."

"Jason, we'll take things slow. I don't see any harm in you sleeping in my bed. Why don't we call it a night and get ready for bed."

Jason and I went into my room. We took off our clothes, with Jason in boxer briefs and me in my boxer shorts. The two of us got into bed and began holding one another and kissing. During our kissing session, we were interrupted by Jake, who was carrying Gizmo.

"Dad, can Gizmo and I sleep with you guys tonight?"

I looked at Jason as we began to chuckle. Jake gave us a frown with those puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, hop in, sport," Jason initiated.

With a big smile from ear to ear, Jake climbed into bed, with Gizmo in his arms, between the two of us. Jason and I bust out laughing. Jake was so innocent, yet not. I think he knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to get the three of us -- no, correction, the four of us -- to become one big happy family. He definitely knew how to make himself feel at home.

"You see Little One," Jake explained to Gizmo, "you and I both belong to a family now. All four of us are one big happy family. Isn't that right Dad?"

"Yes, Jake, we are one big happy family. Just the four of us," I replied.

"Are you sure about this, Wes?"

"I'm sure."

With that Jason leaned over and kissed me passionately on the lips. Finally, after a few years of trying to adjust and move on with my life after Adam's death, my new life was now beginning. I had found someone again who loved and cared for me. With special thanks to Jake's intervention.

It was a month later when Jason and I decided that he should move into the house. After many long discussions, the two of us felt that it was the right thing to do. We had been dating for about a month, and since we'd known one another since high school, we felt that we could speed up things. I don't know who was more excited about Jason's moving in with us, Jake or I. I think that Jake was a little more excited. Once again he felt like he was a part of a family.

At my job, I had taken Ryan's advice and let the vice president of the company run things for me. I continued doing the paper work and decorating our models as I had done before, but now I could at least do it from home. Since Jake was still young and going to school, I was needed more at home. So I was able to arrange my work schedule around my home life.

Then one day, after I had brought Jake home from school and was giving him his afternoon snack of milk and cookies, Jake came up with this bright idea.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Jake, what's up?"

"Well, when two people love one another, aren't they supposed to get married like my mom and dad were?"

"Well, I suppose so, why do you ask?

"Because, don't you love Jason like my mommy used to love my daddy?"

"Yes, Jake, I love Jason very much, just like your mommy loved your daddy. Why do you ask?"

"Well, aren't you supposed to buy Jason a ring and then the two of you get married and then go on a honeymoon?" Jake said shyly.

"You know, sport, that may not be a bad idea. I am glad that you thought of it. How do you suppose we do this? Do you have any ideas?" I asked.

"Well, since tomorrow I have a half day at school, we could go and look for a ring for Jason. Then you and Jason could go away on a honeymoon."

"But who will take care of you and Gizmo?"

"Aunty Marina could stay here and take care of Gizmo and me while the two of you are gone."

"So, Jake, are you going to help me pick out a ring for Jason?"

"Yeah, Dad, that would be cool. I never picked out a ring before."

"Well, son, neither have I, but we'll have to keep this a secret from Jason. The two of us will surprise him."

I was totally shocked at Jake's openness and acceptance of my relationship with Jason. I think that this marriage thing was Jake's way to make sure that his family would be permanently set. So before Jason came home from work, Jake and I got busy making plans for the honeymoon. We went on the internet looking at possible places to go. I knew that Jason had been quite busy at work, so I knew that our honeymoon could only be for a long weekend.

"So, Jake, where do you think Jason and I should go for our honeymoon?"

"How about Niagara Falls?"

"Well, since Jason is so busy at work, I think we should go somewhere closer. What do you think of a cabin in the country?"

"Yeah, Dad, that would be so cool."

So I decided to take Jason to a cabin that I had recently purchased as a family getaway. He had no idea that I had bought the property. I kind of wanted it to be a surprise. I also called Jason's boss and explained the situation and asked if it was ok for Jason to take off of work for a four-day weekend. Then I called Marina to ask if she could watch Jake and Gizmo. Marina was so excited for the two of us and said she would love to.

"Wes, when did you decide that you wanted to marry Jason?" asked Marina, who was totally shocked.

"Well, in all honesty it was Jake's idea. He's the one who suggested it. So tomorrow the two of us are going to get Jason a ring."

"Ok, but how are you going to pop the question?"

"Maybe Jake and I can make Jason a special dinner and surprise him tomorrow night."

"That's a great idea, Wes. I am so happy for the two of you. And I'll take off work the same time you and Jason leave, so I can be with Gizmo and Jake."

"Thanks a lot for your help, Marina. I really appreciate it."

The plan was set. Now all we had to do was get the ring tomorrow and make the special dinner for Jason. Everything was moving into high gear. So I filled in Jake on our plans.

"Jake, this is going to be the plan for tomorrow. After school we'll go and get Jason's ring, then we'll come home and make him a special dinner. When he gets home from work I want you to meet him at the door with a blindfold. You have to make Jason put on the blindfold before he comes into the dinning room, then we can surprise him."

"Dad, this is going to be so much fun. It's like a mystery." Jake started giggling.

"Now listen, Jake, we have to keep this a secret until tomorrow."

"You can count on me, Dad."

So Jake and I spent the rest of the day with Jason, not mentioning a thing about our surprise for tomorrow. The next day, Jake went off to school and Jason went off to work. At noon I went to pick up Jake from school. Then we were off to the jewelry store. Jake turned out to be a big help in picking out the ring. We picked out a diamond wedding band for Jason and had an inscription put inside the ring that said "love forever." After we finished getting the ring, we ran to the grocery to buy the things for our special evening.

Jake and I came home and got busy cooking. After we finished fixing dinner, the two of us got showered and dressed. Jake insisted that he wear his suit at dinner this evening, which I agreed to, Jake looked so handsome. After he finished dressing, Jake waited at the window with Gizmo, keeping an eye out for Jason's arrival.

"Dad, Jason is coming!" yelled Jake.

"Ok, Jake, you know what to do."

When Jason got to the front door, he was greeted by Gizmo and Jake.

"Hey, bud, what's up? Why are you all dressed up?" ask Jason looked kind of curiously.

"Jason, Dad says you have to put this on," said Jake, holding the blindfold.

"What for, Jake?"

"I can't tell you, but you have to put this on before you come into the house."

"Ok, why don't you help me with it," agreed Jason, still curious.

Jason got down on his knees so that Jake could tie the blindfold on him, making sure that Jason couldn't see a thing. Next, Jake grabbed Jason's hand and practically dragged him into the dining room.

"Jason, sit over here and let me take that thing off your eyes," demanded Jake.

Jason sat down on a dining room chair and then lowered his head so Jake could remove his blindfold. When the blindfold was removed, Jason looked up and saw the dining room table set with two candles lit and the dining room glowing with more candles.

"Hey, what's this all about?" asked Jason.

"Well, it's kind of a marriage proposal," I began to explain as I sat down.

"A marriage proposal?" replied Jason, still curious about what was happening.

"Yeah, uuuuhm."

"Dad, you're not doing it right. Get on your knee like this, like in the movie Cinderella," Jake got on one knee on the floor to show me.

So, I got off my chair and got down on one knee as Jake had instructed.

"Yes, a marriage proposal. I want you to marry me, -- actually, it's kind of an elopement. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together." I pulled a small black box out of my coat pocket and handed it to Jason.

Jason, who seemed confused and shocked, looked down at Jake and me, both down on one knee on each side of him, and then at the small black box in his hand. He opened up the box and saw the diamond wedding band. He took the ring out of the box and read the inscription, "love forever." Then I took the ring from his hand and placed it on his left ring finger. All of a sudden tears began rolling down Jason's cheeks.

"What's the matter, why are you crying? You don't like the ring I helped pick out with my dad?" asked Jake.

"No, Jake, I am crying because I am the happiest man alive," explained Jason as he continued crying.

"But, Jason, that's no reason to cry, you should be happy."

"I am happy, you silly boy." Jason reached over and picked up Jake and gave him a big hug and kiss.

"Yes, Wesley, I will marry you."

At that moment, Jake began cheering in total joy. Gizmo accompanied him in all of the festivities.

"Now I have two daddies and now we are one big family and Dad has another surprise for you, Jason," yelled Jake.

"He does, what is your dad up to?" Jason turned around and looked at me.

"Why don't you tell him, Jake."

"Aunt Marina is going to take care of Gizmo and me while you and dad go away for a long weekend. The two of you are going on a honeymoon."

Jason turned and looked at me as his smile faded.

"I can't do that, Wes, you know how busy I am at work."

Then Jake jumped in and said, "Dad called your boss so you could take some time off work. Your boss said that it was ok."

"You're kidding me?"

"No, Jake's right. I called your boss yesterday and explained the circumstances. He said that you could have next Friday and Monday off. So the two of us are going away to a cabin in the woods, just you, me, and nature, for four days."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope, we leave next Friday morning, just you and me. Now we'd better start eating before dinner gets any colder."

On Friday morning, Marina arrived bright and early. In fact she got to the house before any of us were even awake. The three of us woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, along with the aroma of fresh brewed coffee. Jake and Gizmo came running into our room to wake up Jason and me.

"Dad, wake up! Aunt Marina is downstairs cooking breakfast, she made pancakes and bacon. Can't you smell it? Hurry up!"

"Ok, we'll be downstairs in a minute," I said Jake ran downstairs to get some breakfast.

I then shook Jason, who was sound asleep. All he did was groan. He really wasn't a morning person. I shook him again, and still no reaction. Then I turned around and spooned Jason. I then slid my hand under the covers and began stroking his cock as I began nibbling on his neck and ears.

"Come on, sleeping beauty, time to get up. Marina is downstairs making breakfast. Besides that, you don't want to sleep your honeymoon away, do you?"

Jason just continued groaning as I continued my nibbling and stroking. I still had gotten little reaction. Then I thought of a way. So I yelled for Jake to come into the bedroom.

"Hey Jake, I need your help! Jason won't get up!"

Jake came running into the bedroom. "What's up, Dad?"

"I need you to help me wake up Jason."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Help me tickle Jason awake."

Jake looked at me with a devilish grin on his face. He then jumped on top of Jason as the two of us began tickling Jason awake.

"Alright, you win! I'm up!" screamed Jason in a fit of laughter.

"Mission accomplished, Little One. Give me a high five! You did a great, job Little One!"

So we all ate our breakfast, and then Jason and I got ready to leave for our trip. Everything has been packed the night before. Jake had helped me packing everything in Jason's SUV.

"Well, I think that we are all set to go. Now Jake, I want you to behave and listen to Aunt Marina. I want you to promise me that you'll do what she tells you."

"Ah, ok, Dad. I'll be good. I am going to miss the two of you."

"I'm going to miss you too, Little One. We should be back on Monday before dinner. Maybe all of us can order a pizza and then we can make ice cream sundaes for dessert."

"Ah, great!" replied Jake.

"Besides Jake, we have a lot of things to do this weekend. There is a kid's amusement park that we are going to check out later this afternoon," added Marina.

So we said our goodbyes with hugs and kisses. Then we were off, alone for the first time since Jason and I had been together. I drove Jason's SUV to the cabin, since I knew where we were heading. It was about a two-hour drive to the cabin. Jason slept all the way there; he was really exhausted from working a lot of hours. As I was driving, I would turn to look at him, Jason seemed so peaceful, and he also a smile on his face, which told me that this was something he really needed. I am so glad that Jake suggested doing this.

On the drive I had a lot of time to reflect. I couldn't believe that having known each other so long, neither one of us had had the guts to approach the other about dating. I had no idea that he had been in love with me. As I continued thinking, I couldn't imagine the pain I must have put him through when Adam and I were together as a couple. There was sadness in my heart for him. Yet Jason had never said a word, he was always happy and supportive of me. He even helped when I needed it. He helped deal with my drinking problem, he helped Adam and me move in together. He was always there for me for just about everything.

Well, I guess one can't dwell on the past. At least we were finally together now. That's what counted, and we would have a long weekend to ourselves, our honeymoon. When we arrived at the cabin, Jason was still asleep. It was kind of a difficult decision whether to wake him from his deep slumber. But I really didn't want to waste our time sleeping away the weekend, so I proceeded to shake him awake.

"Jason. Jason, wake up. We're here."

"We are?" Jason said groggily, as he tried to get focused.

"Come on, baby, we can go into the cabin. You'll have all weekend to relax."

Jason finally got up. The two of us grabbed some things to take into the cabin. Jason was the first to enter. When he walked into the cabin, he totally lit up. A big smile came across his face. We put down the things we were carrying. I then walked behind him and put my arms around him.

"So, what do you think?"

"This is totally awesome. Where did you find this place to rent?"

"Actually, we are not renting this place for the weekend."

"We aren't?"

"No, we actually own this place, plus ten acres."

"You're kidding me. When did you buy this? Did you and Adam purchase this property?"

"No, actually I bought it about six months ago. I figured that since you have been working so hard, you and I needed a place to get away every now and then. This was the big project that I was working on. I had an extension put on the cabin to make two extra bedrooms, plus I put in an enclosed Jacuzzi, along with decorating. I hope that you like it."

"I do like it. Now, do I get the grand tour?"

"Why certainly, my prince, your wish is my command."

So I took Jason on the grand tour of the cabin. I showed him the kitchen, the bathroom, the Jacuzzi, the study, Jake's bedroom, and finally the master bedroom, which had a private bathroom.

"I can't believe that you did all this work behind my back."

"Well, I wanted to surprise you and Jake. I wanted this to be our family getaway place. Do you like it?"

"Like it, I love it. Jake will definitely be surprised, too."

"Well, Jake made the perfect opportunity to spring this on you. That little guy has some pretty big ideas."

We stood in the master bedroom as we admired my handiwork. While Jason was looking around the room, I was looking at Jason. He was 6 foot 3 inches tall and probably weighed about 200 pounds, a very big man. His build would be very intimidating if you saw him for the first time. Maybe that was why I never approached him in the first place. Even though we've know each other for years, I would have never thought he would have any interest in me. If any one he would be interested in, it would be someone close to his own stature. He always maintained his physique, another one of those Greek god types. Jason looked to be one of these rough and rugged types, but his personality was totally the opposite. Jason was always very loving, caring, and most of all gentle. He wouldn't even hurt a fly.

I walked up behind Jason and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him back to me. As I held him, I began kissing and nibbling at his neck. Jason began to groan in pleasure as I continued. Then I reached around him and lifted his sweatshirt over his head and then dropped it to the floor. After I got his sweatshirt off I began playing with his nipples, getting them nice and hard. Then my hands began to move downwards to unbuckle his belt. Next I unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them to the ground.

The two of us then walked toward the bed. I motioned for Jason to lie down on his stomach. Since Jason and I had been together, we had never had the opportunity to totally give ourselves to one another. Yes, we had the occasional masturbation and blow jobs, but that was the extent of our lovemaking. Time and circumstance just didn't permit us to go any further. So I wanted to make this time extra special for the two of us, mainly for Jason.

I lay on top of Jason, kissing and nibbling on his neck. Underneath me Jason began squirming in shear pleasure. After a few minutes of working on his neck, I began my journey downwards. With my tongue I began to trail a path down his back, with a few interruptions to kiss his back all over. After about fifteen minutes of working on his back I came to his gorgeous round ass. I took the time to kiss each cheek of his ass. As I continued my foreplay, Jason continued to squirm even more. I could also notice a little bit of awkwardness in his movement as I reached his perfect butt.

Very slowly I separated the cheeks of his ass. I stood there for a few moments to take in the beautiful sight before me. I had never realized just how good looking Jason really was. After parting his cheeks, with my tongue I licked the whole length of his crack. Jason jerked in total shock. I don't think that ever in his life anyone had paid as close attention to his butt as I did. Following my initial lick, I proceeded to take it one step further and began licking his hole. That got Jason squirming even more in pure ecstasy. It became even more of a turn-on for me, watching him writhe in pure pleasure. I continued this for a while, running my tongue on the outside of the ring. Then, finally going even further, I began tongue-fucking him. I continued doing this for quite some time, until Jason could take it no longer. He pulled me up into his big strong arms and began kissing me passionately.

"That was totally awesome, Wes. I've never had that done before. Where did you learn how to do that?"

"It just comes natural, I guess."

We continued kissing one another, playing tongue hockey. Then I proceeded to move downward once again. First, I started sucking on his left nipple, then his right one. Moving down lower, I took his huge cock into my mouth. Jason began sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. His cock tasted so sweet. After a few minutes of Jason fucking my mouth, I began to lick up and down his shave for while, before I began running and sucking his balls. Every inch of his taste sent major shock waves throughout my body. I later returned to his cock, but before I started sucking him again I and raised his legs to expose that beautiful hole of his. Taking my wet fingers, I slid one of them inside and began fucking right before I started sucking him. The combination of both stimuli sent him almost through the ceiling. I would bring him right to the brink of orgasm and then stop until he could catch his breath.

I continued to do this for quite some time, until once again, when he couldn't take it any more, he pulled me up into his arms and proceeded to kissing me passionately. Between the pure physical please I was giving my loved one and our mutual heightened emotion of making love to one another, made this experience one the two of us would never forget.

After we kissed for a while, I stopped him.

"Jason, I want you inside of me."

Hearing my request, Jason began undressing me, taking his time to remove each article of clothing I was wearing as we continued kissing. Once I was totally naked, Jason very gently laid me down on my back. He raised my legs up to my shoulders and began licking my hole, making sure that it would be ready for his entry. Jason alternated between licking my hole and finger fucking me, getting me to the point where I was begging him to fuck me. I assume that one good turn deserves another, as he would bring me just close enough to cumming and then stop.

"Please, Jason, please fuck me."

"Are you sure about this, Wes?"

"Yes, I've never been as sure as I am now."

Jason went over to the night stand and got the lubricant. Once he returned he began spreading the lubricant on the outside of my hole, getting it nice and lubricated. After my hole was lubricated on the outside, he put some more lubricant on his finger and began finger fucking me again. After finger fucking me for a while with one finger, he then added a second until I got accustomed to it. Finally, he added a third finger. Jason wanted to make sure that I was well loosened up in order to handle his size. Jason's cock was about nine inches long and very thick. His cock was even bigger than Adam's. I had never in my life experienced a cock so huge.

After I was ready, he placed the head of his cock in my waiting hole and then slowly began to push forward. The head of his huge cock began to enter inside of me. Once Jason got the head of his cock inside me, he stopped to allow me to get used to the size of his cock. There was quite a bit of pain, but I wanted him inside of me so badly that I signaled him to continue. Very slowly, inch by inch he was entering me. Jason took special attention to watch my eyes, making sure that he wouldn't hurt me. Every time he saw me grimace in pain, he would stop until I was ready to continue. Once his cock was fully inside of me, he stopped and we began kissing passionately. I could feel his pubic hair at my entryway as we were kissing. Jason had filled me up, not only with his huge cock, but with his love.

When I was ready to continue, Jason slowly began pulling outwards and sliding inwards. Slowly, he began fucking my hole. As he was fucking me, Jason grabbed both of my nipples and began playing with them, as we began to kiss even more passionately. I was in heaven -- the combination of Jason kissing me and playing with my hard nipples and also the way the head of his cock would rub against my prostate began to fill my body with sensations and emotions that I had never experience in my life.

Jason began to quicken the pace, which was beginning to send me over the edge. As his hard cock continued to slide in and out of me, my emotions began to get the best of me, and tears began rolling down my eyes. I felt so loved and so completed by our lovemaking. The pace began to get faster and faster, until all of a sudden my hard cock began shooting loads and loads of cum all over my stomach and chest. During my climax, Jason speeded up his pace even more until eventually he began shooting his load deep inside my body. After his own climax, Jason collapsed on top of me. After the two of us regained our composure, we resumed our kissing.

"That was totally awesome, Wes. I never knew that lovemaking could be so great. I think that it is so great because I was making love to you. I finally have gotten my wish" Tears began rolling out of my big giant's eyes.

"I love you, Jason."

"I love you more than you can ever imagine," replied an exhausted Jason.

Our honeymoon continued like that for the next couple of days. We spent part of the time making passionate love to one another. During that time Jason and I switched roles, with me fucking him. Like me, Jason experienced overwhelming sensations of pleasure, mixed with the emotions of mutual love.

Some of the other things we did were taking leisurely walks, soaking in the Jacuzzi and romantic candlelit dinners. After the two of us would finish cleaning up after dinner we would build a fire and sit cuddled together on the sofa, in front of the fireplace. It was definitely a dream come true for the two of us, as we enjoyed just being with each another.

Our trip finally came to an end. We headed back home. The two of us didn't get much rest that weekend, but we were definitely re-energized. Jason did the driving this time. During our drive home, we stopped off for a little while to have a romantic picnic. After we had finished eating, the two of us spent about an hour or so, lying in each others arms and admiring the beauty of the great outdoors. After we were finished, it was back on the road again for another couple of hours. When we pulled into our driveway, we were greeted by a very happy little boy and Marina, who was carrying Gizmo in her arms. Once we got out of the car, Jake came running towards us, making sure that he had got a hug and kiss from both Jason and me.

"Daddies, I'm so glad that you are both home," yelled Jake.

Jason and I looked at one another in total confusion.

"Jake, what do you mean by Daddies?" asked Jason.

"Well, both of you are my daddies, aren't you? Or don't you both want to be my daddies?" Jake looked at us with a questioning, sad little face.

"Yes, Jake we are both your daddies," I insisted.

All of a sudden a big smile came over that little boy's face. Jake then grabbed the two of us and wrapped one arm around Jason and the other around me, pulling the three of together into a family hug.

"I'm the luckiest boy on the block. I have two daddies!" yelled Jake.

So the three of us were one big happy family. I think that in reality, each one of us had gotten his wish. We each had turned something bad into something good, which we had found in our love for one another.

We eventually took Jake to see the cabin. He was very excited, as he now had a second bedroom all to himself, filled with toys and entertainment, that a young boy could appreciate.

As the old saying goes, even in spite of the worst scenario, life does go on.

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