Life Expedition

Published on Jun 24, 2022


Life Expedition Chapter 1


This story contains exsplicit sexual scenes between minors (ages 14-17). This story is a about two boys exploring their friendship and their feelings for each other. While this story will contain a lot of sex scenes, it wont be purely based around sex, so if pure sex is what you're looking for then you’re in the wrong place. This Story is complete fiction and does not represent any real live events.

Please don't read this story if you’re bellow 18 years of age.

Note: I am not a native English speaker, so I deeply apologize for any mistakes you find while reading this story.

Chapters that contain sexual scenes will have this symbol: “<!!!>” next to the chapter name.

This Chapter will be quite small since it’s the first story I'm writing for nifty and I want to see how its going to go. Future chapters will be bigger.

If you have any suggestions or comments please email me at Thank you!!



Hey there, before I go ahead and tell you about my life the last few years I'm going to introduce myself, my name is Stan I’m 5’6 with black hair and brown eyes. Our story starts when the 7th grade started. I was just 12 and a half years old. I remember I was late, it was a cold morning and I had forgotten to turn on my alarm clock, so when my mom woke me up I ran to my school as fast as I could, I was very afraid not to get yelled at by the teachers. Thankfully that didn’t happen.

When I walked in the classroom the first kid I saw was my future best friend, the person that I’d fall in love with. He was sitting there next to his best friend. Ill be honest I didn't like him at first, he looked hostile towards me, and for someone that was getting bullied in the previous grades this was terrifying. Nether the less that day went ahead kind of well, and in the next couple of weeks I’d develop a lot of amazing friendships with some wonderful kids.

Fast forward to the middle of the school year I stated to hang out with Max, “The Hostile Guy” or “My soon to be best friend”. I discovered that he was a wonderful kid and very soon we were seating at the same desk together, having fun, laughing and annoying our teachers, what I dint know however was that this relationship was something that would later become what I still believe was and is one of the best friendships I’d ever had.

That school year ended very well, although I remember I was super scared about the final exams, but then again that was the only thing I was scared and anxious about back then. I wasn't really a good student, in fact I was a bad student, I still regret that, but even though I sucked at school as I would later realize grade 7 and later 8 were my highest points in my school carrier, friendship wise at least.

The summer that followed was kind of simple, not a lot of things happened, it went by fast though and without even realizing it I was back in the school yard. I remember being anxious because I didn't have anyone to sit with, and I was walking all alone trying to thing of someone to ask to sit with me, but I didn't have to for long, because very soon I approached Max and asked him if he wanted to sit with me, to which he happily said yes to.

{Chapter 1: A New Beginning**}**

Shortly after the school year started my feelings for him started to develop extremely fast, and while our friendship was being rebuild it just felt like it wasn’t enough. I was eager to talk to him about the way I felt, but I was afraid that I would damage our relationship. So I chose not to talk to him, and burry these feelings, pretend that they weren’t there in the first place, however It was putting an immense amount of pressure on me, and it wasn’t long until I finally couldn’t keep it inside me anymore.

I remember when I first told him about the way I felt, I woke up that morning feeling weird, like the day was abnormal, he wasn’t in a good mood that day, so while we were texting I was trying to make him laugh. It didn’t go very well and we were soon having an argument. He probably realized that something was wrong because he asked me “What’s wrong” to which I tried to avoid replying to, however when he kept insisting to I tell him, I finally did. I revealed months of feelings in a couple of seconds. I had to turn of my phone and lie on my bed cause it really felt like I was going to have a heart attract.

While I was listening to the notifications of his replies I couldn't help it but wonder, had I just completely killed our friendship? What if he refused to talk to me after that. I had to force myself to pick up the phone and see what he sent me. However nothing count have prepared me for what I was about to read. He went ahead and told me that he feels the same way. He told me that walking away was one of the hardest thing he’d done, and that he always wanted to tell me but couldn’t find the courage to do so.

I was in disbelief. I kept staring at the screen, reading what he had just said again and again, analyzing every single letter and trying to figure out a way to reply. I eventually decided to invite him over to talk about it. Thankfully my parents were out of town at the time so it made my life easier. He accepted the invitation and and after we said goodnight I went to sleep.

The next day I jumped from the bed and I cleaned my room and took a bath, I wanted everything to be perfect. Afterwards I sat down and relaxed while waiting for my friend. My heart nearly stopped when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and slowly opened it. On the other side was my friend, shyly looking at me. We stared at each other for at least 5 minutes before I heard by friend say “So, can I come in?” I quickly nodded and we were soon in my room.

-<You can sit on my bed if you want, you don’t have to be standing up.> I said while trying to be as calm and neutral as I could. He slowly walked towards my bed and sat down. <Want to drink anything?> I asked him.

-<No thanks, I’m all good> he said and looked at the floor. I slowly walked towards my friend and sat next him.

-<Look max, you’re honestly everything for me at the moment> I honestly said while looking at him. <I really like you, and I don’t know what to do cause I’ve never felt this way for no one>

-<I feel the same way Stan, I just don’t know what to do and what to say>

For the next couple of minutes we sat and looked at the wall that was in front of us, until I heard max speak.

-<Stan, do you want to take our friendship to the next level? Cause I do, I love you and I feel like I'm ready to take that step, however I need to know that you are too>, I wasn't sure what he meant so I slowly turned my head and looked at him and asked him what he meant. He replied my slowly leaning towards me and kissing me. It was one of the best things I’ve ever felt, these 10 seconds were the best seconds of my life.

When he pulled back, I leaned forward and kissed him back, in an attempt to reply to his previous question without any words. We stated to deeply kiss, he then placed his hand on my face and I felt safe. He then pushed me on my back and he was soon on top of me. He aligned his body with mine, and since he had the same height with me I could feel our cocks pressing and rubbing together while we were kissing. He stated going lower and lower, he moved to my neck and sucked on it. He was soon above my pants he placed his hand on the waist band of my pants and underwear and looked at me for permission, which I happily granted. I then felt my pants being pulled down.

{End of Chapter 1: A New Beginning**}**

Notes: The next chapter will contain a lot of sexual scenes between the two friends (Ages 14).

If you have any questions or suggestions or spotted a mistake please email me at:

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