Life Changes

By Paul R

Published on Jan 7, 1999


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Chapter 3

I kept cumming that night until I finally passed out from all the ecstasy that I was having.

As the sun started coming up, Ms. S. arose. She walked into the living room and seen that I was still sitting there, tied to the chair. She walked over to me and gently raised my head. My eyes slowly came open, letting her know that I was alright, and just exhausted.

She reached down between my legs and ripped the taped away from my bald pussy, making my eyes come open instantly and catching the scream in my throat. The pain was exquisite, and thoroughly woke me up. She then released the clamps on my now swollen nipples, sending more pains shooting through my body, and allowing the blood to return to them. The vibrator started slowly easing out of my still dripping pussy, and she went into the kitchen, leaving me tied and gagged.

She returned and untied my legs, allowing the blood to return to circulating through them as well. She then reached up and took off the gag, allowing me to close my mouth and start working the sore muscles there. I felt like I had been ran through the wringer, and aches filled my body with every pulse of my heart. She then uncuffed me, and allowed me to bring my hands up to the front of me. It felt good to be released, and I slowly started remembering the multitude of orgasms that I had during the night.

"Well, I hope that you had as much fun as you may have thought it would be young lady," Ms. S. said to me.

She then handed me a little pill. "You need to start taking these every day. We do not need you pregnant, and who knows, you may get promiscuous as time goes on."

I just sat there trying to gather my thoughts and get rid of the pain that wracked through my body.

"Go on up and get all cleaned up, take a shower and I will get you out some clothes for today." She told me.

I slowly got up, suddenly remembering the 6" heels that I had on my feet. I sat right back down, trying to get my mind and my legs to cooperate with one another. I tried again, and the vibrator slowly started slipping out of me. I grabbed it, and Ms. S. said, "Take that with you and put it into your purse after you have it all cleaned up."

I headed for the toilet, staggering on the 6' heels and feeling every joint and muscle in my body working against me.

I took off the garter belt and the hose, and tossed them into the corner, then sat on the toilet seat and removed the butt plug. It was a little painful coming out, and was covered with shit, but I tossed it into the sink and started the water running in the shower. I washed off the butt plug and the vibrator, and laid them on the counter, and eased my aching body into the shower.

The water pounding on my tortured tits sent pain and agony wreaking through my body, but as it pounded on them, they started feeling the gentle massage of the water. I lathered up and washed everything, and then found there was a razor there and gently shaved the nubs from my legs and pussy, and ending with my under arms, put the razor back into the holder.

I got out and found the towel, and quickly realized that I needed to take it easy on my very sensitive and raw tits. I had came enough during the night that the rubbing did not excite my pussy like it did the day before, but it still let me know that it would handle about anything at this moment. I seen some powder on the counter and put the fragrant smelling talc all over my body. Then put the towel into the hamper and picked up my hose and garter belt and headed back for my room.

Ms. S. was sitting on the bed, and had laid out some clothes for me. There was a pair of pantyhose, and a little red tube top made out of lycra, and a matching red mini skirt also made out of lycra. "Put the butt plug into your ass and then hurry and get dressed. We have some shopping to do and it will soon be time to get something to eat." She told me as she roe up off the bed and headed for her bedroom.

I went back into the bathroom and got the butt plug, and not seeing any lubricant, padded down the hall into the living room and got my purse. I went back to my room and applied some lube to the butt plug and squatted down and slowly slid the monstrous thing into my bowels. It had hurt last night, but with my asshole already hurting, it was even worse this morning. I finally got it into me, and then sat on the edge of the bed and slid the pantyhose up my legs and snuggled the crotch against my pussy. I put on the tube top, which just barely covered my tits, and then slid on the mini skirt. I then sat at the mirror with my ass remembering that the butt plug was there and dried my hair and tried to apply my make up the best that I could. Ms. S. came in and with a bit of laugh said, "You have a lot to learn young lady." And came over to me and helped me apply the make up. My first lesson in the art of "War Paint", and it sort of excited me.

She then reached up and started messing with my ears, making the new piercings really sting, and slid out the studs. These were replaced with metal hoops and added to the pain in my ears as they pulled my lobes down with a little of their weight. She then went over to the closet and picked out a pair of 5" heels handing them to me. "Put these on, and tighten the straps, get your purse and let's go."

"Yes Ms. S." I said as I put the tall high heels onto my still aching feet.

As I stood up, the calves of my legs ached with the plight that the high heels did to them. I noticed that the skirt just barely went below my crotch, maybe two to three inches and the tube top showed my nipples through it. I felt like I was still naked with nothing more than a pair of panty hose on, but figured that I ought to be glad that I at least was able to have that much covering my bare pussy.

I wobbled out the door of the bedroom and followed Ms. S. down the hall, and into the living room, feeling the movement of the butt plug at every step that I took. I could tell that this was going to be a different type of day than I had ever known before, and just hoped that I made it through it all.

We went into the garage and got into the car, and the door opened. "Raise your skirt and put your hand down to your pussy young lady", Ms. S. said, "I don't want you to feel like you are being ignored."

I pulled the skirt up and got my hand down and slowly rubbed my pussy, feeling the difference with the hose covering it. She backed the car out into the daylight and headed down the road. We had traveled for about 20 minutes and my crotch was starting to get quite moist when she pulled into a tattoo and piercing studio. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"I want you to have all the piercings that you should have so pull down your skirt and let's go", she answered.

I got out of the car and followed her into the studio. As we got in, she told me, "Stay here, I will be right back."

She went over to the man and spoke something to him that I could not hear. He came over and said, "So you are Stephanie and are ready for a couple of piercings ehh?"

Panic filled my heart, for I was stunned, thinking for the worse. I was not sure that I would want my pussy pierced or even my tits, but then I decided that I had to follow Ms. S.'s commands, so I dryly answered "Yes, I guess so."

"Okay, come on in here. Your friend says that you are timid and that you want your belly button pierced and then you want one through your nose and one through your tongue. Is that all for today?" He stated.

"Yes," I stammered, glad that I was not getting anything that was in the private parts, but unsure about these as well.

He motioned me to sit, and pulled a seat over by my side. He then pulled out a few rings, and a barbell set. He rubbed some ointment onto my belly button, and said "This will cleanse the area and also numb it. It can a little painful on this one."

"Okay," I replied, starting to shake a little.

He then started working on my nose and I found out he put a fairly large ring through there, which hurt quite bad, and then a smaller ring through my belly button. I ended up with a bar bell through my tongue that felt like an enormous weight, and made it hard for me to talk. But just as he finished, he reached over and pinched my nipples that were sticking up through my top, smiling "I tried but just couldn't resist." He said to me, winking.

I got out and Ms. S. gleamed at me in satisfaction. I felt somewhat humiliated, and just knew there was some reason for these, but did not know what fate had in store for me.

"Sort of hard to talk isn't it?" Ms. S. questioned to me.


"Well you will get used to it, and I know some of my friends will really love it as well." She said as she reached towards me and pulled me with her out the door. I knew then why my tongue was pierced.

As we got outside, she said, "You look simply marvelous, and you find your new piercings will be quite exhilarating as well."

We got into the car, and Ms. S. said, "You know the routine, get that skirt up, and that hand busy."

I did as commanded and we headed down the street. Ms. S. pulled into the mall, and parked. "Come on, get your skirt in order and let's go and get a few things."

My feet were aching and the new piercings were starting to hurt as well. I could not get my mind off the butt plug that seemed to want to move around at every step that I took as we headed for the mall entrance. Once inside, we headed for "Victoria's Secret", and started looking all around. "Do you have any hose," Ms. S. asked the saleswoman.

We got to the hose section, and Ms. S. picked out a dozen pair of crotchless ones, and then we went over to the sports wear section, where she picked out some tights and a couple more body suits, and a few tube tops, all made out of lycra. She paid for them, and commanded me to follow her.

We went to a shoe store next, "Sit and try not to reveal too much young lady."

"We need to see what you have in high heels," she told the salesman that came up to greet us.

"And what size?" he asked.

I responded with my full tongue, "Sheven a"

"With what, a 4" heel or less?" he asked looking at me.

"The higher the better, preferably a 6" if you have them." Ms. S. replied.

He scurried away as I nervously let my tongue roam around my mouth and fidgeting with the belly button ring.

He returned with several boxes, all with 6" heels. He squatted down in front of me, and with the short skirt, and my legs together, there was still enough room for him to see up my skirt towards my damp pussy. He took my calf into his hand and raised my foot up, taking the 5" heel off my foot, and then slowly massaged my foot a little. He then picked up one of the new shoes and slipped it onto my foot, then doing the same for the other, I got up and strutted across the floor, wobbling just a little, but actually doing pretty good. I felt the butt plug in my ass, as it moved around, with the shoes making it a little worse than the 5" heels I had came into the store wearing. My calves tightened a little, and I knew that I was a long ways from being used to heels, but I also knew that Ms. S. wanted to be sure that I would wear them.

"How do they feel?" the salesman asked.

"Noth to badth," I tried to reply with my tongue not really wanting to move right inside of my mouth.

"Oh, those accent your legs so well," Ms. S. stated. "And they keep your little ass nice and tight."

I blushed, and felt a rush through my body as the salesman eyed my shapely legs.

I tried on several other pair, and ended up with eight new pair, all

with straps that went around my ankles, in various colors and all were 6" heeled.

The salesman put the shoes into a bag as Ms. S. paid for them, and we headed for the door. I was still trying to get used to the 5" heels, but knew by the amount of shoes that we had bought I would soon be wearing only 6" heels.

We headed for an Italian restaurant, and went on in, taking a seat in the front of the place.

"I will order for you, so go on into the toilet and relieve yourself, and then slide the dildo in your purse into that steamy pussy of yours."

"Buth Ms. Sth." I tried to stammer.

"No buts young lady, get to the toilet and do as I say or there will be hell to pay. Understand?"

"Yesth Mamm."

I reluctantly headed for the toilet and got into the stall. Peed, and reached into my purse and pulled the 8" dildo out, then put it into my mouth to give it a little lubrication so I would be able to get inside of me. I sort of got carried away, letting one hand roam down to my pussy, allowing a couple of fingers to slide into my quickly moistening pussy, and worked the dildo in and out of my mouth. I then lowered the big rubber cock down to my waiting pussy and slowly let it enter into me, feeling the head of it enter into my canal and then slowly working it back and forth as it entered into me and stretched the walls of my eager twat. I was starting to get carried away when I heard the door and then my heart raced, for the words of Ms. S. filled my mind about how I was not to have an orgasm without permission. I knew that I had probably been gone too long, so I plunged the rubber cock all the way into myself, letting out a small gasp as it reached the hilt and hit something deep inside of me. I then stood, and almost passed out from the ecstasy that swept through me, and grasped the waist band of my hose and pulled them up. I then straightened my skirt, and stepped out of the stall with my purse in hand. I washed my hands and headed back to the table.

"Did we have some trouble?" Ms. S. asked.

"Nothe Mamm. Just a little tight is all."

She smiled, saying, "I hope that you did not get too excited and do something that you will regret."

"Nothe Mamm. I remembered."

"Good, now sit down, your lunch will be here very soon. Raise your skirt up shen you sit so you won't make a wet spot in the back of it. I know that you are surely getting excited by now."

I sat feeling the cool fabric of the chair onto my hose covered ass, and only had to wait for a little while. A waiter brought our lunch, a salad for me without any dressing, and a plate of spaghetti for herself. There was also a basket of bread sticks and some butter. A couple glasses of water complimented the meal.

We ate in silence, the chair pushing the butt plug deep into my ass, and the dildo rubbing the thin area separating my bowels from my pussy. My pussy just got all the wetter, and as it did so, my mind was having a real rough time trying to keep the items forced out of my mind. All I could do was sit and try not to move, butt that became harder and harder the more excited that I got.

When we got done, Ms. S. paid the waiter and got up, saying, "Let's get to going, grab your bags and purse."

I arose, and slipped my feet back into my heels.

"Why aren't those on your feet?" Ms. S. angrily voiced.

"My feethe are hurthing, and I wasth thrying to relax them thome."

"You are not to take your shoes off. We will just have to take care of that. Come on young lady."

I picked up my stuff and followed her out into the passage of the mall. I was so loaded down, and the constant movement of the butt plug and the dildo was about to drive me insane. My pussy got real wet and by the time that I reached the exit of the mall I could feel the juices trying to run down my thighs. We got to the car and I put the bags into the trunk.

Ms. S. tossed a towel to me saying, "Put this under you and sit on it and pull up your skirt. I don't want you leaking anything onto my seats. And you remember what to do, play with that dildo that is into your cunt until we get to Jimmy's."

I wondered what 'Jimmy's' was, and where it was, but I was afraid to ask. I sat in the car and let my hand start rubbing my pussy and the big rubber dildo that was inside of me. I quickly felt the waves of excitement that coursed through my pussy and up through my body. I tried to concentrate on other things, but the constant movement that my hand provided to my cunt was overwhelming, and I knew that I was going to end up in trouble.

I kept getting hotter and hotter, starting to gasp and then a little mewl came out of my mouth. I then heard Ms. S. say, "Don't you dare come young lady. I told you to keep yourself from orgasming."

I slowed down my hand some, and worked even harder at concentrating on something besides my aching pussy, but was still afraid that I would inadvertently come. I was getting really close to the edge when we drove into a driveway. I decided that I must be getting ready to be raped, and panic filled me. It excited me, but I was still afraid of getting raped, and had no idea who would be doing the raping. All types of things ran through my mind, and so I was trembling when I heard Ms. S. say, "Come on young lady, it is time to get you fitted with some play clothes."

"Whath. Pthlay clothes?"

"Yes, it is time for your fitting, so come here and get your new shoes out of the trunk."

I stepped around the back and picked up the sacks with the shoes in them.

"Since you do not want to keep those on, then we will just have to fix them so that you will."

"Buth Mamm." I stammered.

"No, buts young lady, you will learn or you will pay the consequences.

We walked up the steps and she knocked on the door. A man of about 45 answered the door, and smiled as he seen Ms. S. "Well, good to see you Sam," he said to her.

"I have another little job for you Jim, this young lady needs to be fitted with some of your special play clothes."

"Oh," he answered, "do you know what you are wanting?"

As we walked through the door Ms. S. answered, "Oh yes, she will need a couple of the leather waist cinchers with the dildo holders, and a complete strap set. A couple of those wrist restraints that you make so well, and then I want you to put some 'D' rings on these shoes so she won't be so apt to take them off."

"No problem, in fact I think that since she is so small, I may have the cinchers, and if you have about 30 minutes I can get the 'D' rings installed on the shoes."

"That would be great Jim." Then she turned to me saying, "Take off your skirt Stephanie, so Jimmy can get you all measured, and the top too, he may want to see just what you have upstairs."

"Do you have any nipple clamps with the chains on them Jim?" Ms. S. asked.

"Sure, I always keep some of them on hand," Jim said as he rummaged through some items on the shelf and tossed a set of nipple clamps with a chain connecting them to Ms. S.

I was slowly taking off my top when Ms. S. stepped over to me, and smiled. She reached up and pinched both of my nipples, and I winced. She then put one of the nipple clamps on my nipple, then the other, bringing a few tears to well up in my eyes. Damn, they really seemed to hurt, and I thought that I was going to go insane when she put them onto my tits.

"Now those look good on you," Jimmy said to me with a wink of his eye.

"Go ahead and get that skirt off before you make a wet spot on it," Ms. S. told me.

I slipped my skirt down and over my thighs, wincing as I felt the butt plug and dildo shift inside of me when I bent over slightly. I stood back up, feeling the flushness in my face at standing in front of a perfect stranger with nothing more than a pair of pantyhose on, and a dildo base shoved against my pussy.

"It looks as though you are keeping her all wet and excited there Sam," Jimmy said, pointing towards my pussy.

I looked down and saw the glistening of my pussy juices hanging onto the crotch of my pantyhose.

"She stays wet, so I gave her something to try to plug that hole today. I figured that it would help her learn to keep her mind and hands occupied," Ms. S. said with a snicker.

Jimmy walked over to me, reaching up and pinching down on one of my already hurting nipples, making me yelp in pain. Then he laughed and reached down and rubbed the dildo that was imbedded into my cunt. He then raised his hand up and smelt it, "Mmmmm, sure does smell awfully sweet there Sam. I would gladly break her in for you."

"Now Jimmy, you can see that she has both her holes filled right now, and there just isn't any room down there. But maybe after you get her measured she can let you test out her mouth."

Jimmy reached around me and measured my waist, then my chest, and my thighs, allowing his hands to gently brush all parts of me, getting me so worked up I thought I was going to die. He then went into the back room, returning with a couple of waist cinchers, "I thought that I had a couple of these babies back there. They may be a little tight on the last notch, but as her waist gets in shape, they will work out great. How many plugs do you want for these?"

"Give us three butt plugs of various sizes, and three dildos in different lengths and breadths. Do you still have them that are about 12" long and really big around?" Ms. S. stated.

My mind went wild-- 12 inches? I would never be able to handle that! I could just barely handle the 8" one that was in my pussy now, and it was pressed firmly against the back of my cunt. A 12" one would rip me apart!

"Sure do," answered Jimmy, "Now, let's try this on for size. Turn around Stephanie."

I turned around and felt Jimmy sling the waist cincher around my waist. He started tugging on the buckles behind me, making it hard for me to breath. I gasped a little, and then he was done. "Keep working it past the first notch, and before you know it she will have a very tiny waist, and will always stand up straight." He then walked in front of me and put a strap to the front of the cincher, then went back around to the back and reached between my legs. I felt him pull the strap through a buckle then jerk it up between my legs. I screamed as I felt the butt plug and dildo get crammed deeper inside of me. I saw stars, and gasped a couple of times. "Looks like we hit a nerve Sam."

"Oh, she will get used to it, gives us a few of those small padlocks as well Jimmy." Ms. S. said, "And we might as well let her keep that on while you fix her shoes."

"Now young lady, show Jimmy how well you can suck cock. I am sure that you could use the practice, especially with that new piercing on your tongue."

"Buth Mamm, I thcan harthdly breathe."

"You will learn Stephanie, and will soon find out that life is not a

'free ride'", Ms. S. firmly stated.

I looked at Jimmy and let my eyes wander down to his crotch. I could see that he was quickly getting larger and larger.

"Get a rubber out of your purse, and get him taken cared of so we won't be here all day," Ms. S. spoke out.

I got my purse and pulled out one of the condoms, then walked meekly over to Jimmy. I squatted down in front of him feeling the dildo and butt plug press even harder into me and almost losing my balance and probably would have if he had not grabbed onto my hair. I then reached up and found his zipper.

"This is going to be really nice," Jimmy said.

I pulled down his zipper, and reached inside of his jeans, feeling his quickly hardening dick.

"Go ahead and unbuckle my belt and pull my jeans down bitch," he commanded to me.

I loosened his belt and worked the button for his jeans open, and let them slip down to his knees. His cock jumped up in front of me, all 9" of it, and it had a really big bulbous head. I reached up and took it into my hand, realizing that I could just barely get my tiny hand around his shaft, and held onto it for a moment. I then reached down for the condom, hearing him say, "Is this the first dick you have sucked bitch? You are going to have to get it slick before you can get that rubber on it."

I got the rubber package open, and then took his cock into my hand again, and leaned closer to him, smelling the mustiness of his body. I let my mouth get closer, and then kissed the head of that dick, and then let my tongue slip between my lips and find the head, giving it a light lick. I then let more of the head slip into my mouth, and let my tongue find the slit of his cock. It had a salty taste, and so I let more of it into my mouth. I was trying to be careful, but really did not know how to do this either.

I felt him as he grabbed my hair, and said, "Lick the sides of it, and get me warmed up. I want to feel your tongue all the way down it, all the way down to my balls."

I started licking the sides, and then started remembering what I used to like in the way of a blow job when I was a man. I got into the swing of things and started getting his cock all primed and ready, letting the piercing on my tongue rub against the soft flesh of his cock. Then I went down towards his nuts with my tongue, and taking them in my hand, lifted them so that I could let them slip into my now waiting mouth.

His musty smell got stronger and stronger down there as I got into sucking on his nut sack, and then I heard him sort of moan. I then returned back up to the head of the cock, and let the head slip past my lips, easing it slowly into my mouth. I could feel my own juices starting to flow as I worked on Jimmy's dick.

I took his cock out of my mouth and then slipped the condom over the head of it, slowly rolling it down the length of his shaft. Then I kissed the head once again, and heard him speak out, "It just isn't the same with a glove on, but she is your girl Sam." I kept kissing his engorged cock, and slowly let my mouth start taking him into those depths.

As more of his dick slid into my mouth, I felt my lips getting stretched, making me remember how sore they were this morning. I kept slowly letting his cock enter my mouth, rubbing the piercing on my tongue against the head, and then the bottom side of his fuck pole.

He still had my hair in his hand, and I felt his dick on the back of my throat, and I tried to work it farther in. I gagged a couple of times, making him jump, but then I got past that point and kept working him farther into my throat.

I was almost up to his balls when he started getting into the swing of things, and started pulling my hair back and forth, forcing himself into my mouth, slapping my chin with his nuts. My throat started contracting at the feeling of his cock sliding against the tender flesh of my throat.

I was getting wetter and wetter, and found myself allowing my free hand to slip down to my pussy, rubbing the strap that was holding the rubber cock deep inside of me. I was quickly getting close to an extreme height of ecstasy myself when I let the thoughts that I currently had all three of my holes filled, and had my first real dick inside of my mouth. I was definitely a full blown woman now.

Jimmy kept getting rougher and rougher, yanking on my scalp, forcing my mouth to move faster and faster down his thick shaft. I felt his cock shove down my throat, as I was reaching higher and higher levels within myself, and then I felt his cock start to spasm. He pulled my head down tight against his crotch as a flood of sperm started coming out, filling the rubber, and I felt the mushiness against the back of my throat. I only wished that I could feel his come flowing into my mouth, and down deep into my throat.

He was gasping, holding my face hard against his crotch, making me breath out of my nose, and feeling his cock deep in my mouth as it started to relax. "If her cunt is as tight as her mouth Sam, she is going to be one hell of a fuck." I heard him say to Ms. S. Then I felt his cock start shrinking and he released his grip on my hair, allowing me to slip off of his cock.

"Go ahead and slide that rubber off Jimmy's dick, and don't let any of it spill. I want you to tie off the rubber so none of it will leak out and put it into your purse." Ms. S. commanded.

I didn't know what I was going to do with a condom full of sperm, but I figured that I would find out soon enough. Right now I was so hot down in my crotch I could have fried up bacon. I knew I needed some relief, but it did not sound like I was going to get any anytime soon.

I took the rubber off Jimmy's cock, and tied the opening in a knot. Then I let my lips down to his dick and slipped the soft little fellow inside of my mouth, savoring the taste of his salty come. I cleaned him up with my tongue, and then stood, and put the cum filled rubber into my purse.

"I will get those shoes taken cared of right now," Jimmy told Ms. S.

"Take those off that you have on Stephanie, so that he can fix them as well."

I did so, and handed them to Jimmy, who had his jeans pulled back up and took the shoes from me.

We waited for a little while, hearing the sound of a machine in the back room, and then Jimmy returned, handing me three boxes of shoes, plus the ones I had taken off.

"Put on a pair of the new ones Stephanie, and then get your skirt back on." Ms. S. stated.

"Buth whath abouth the Thinther?" I tried to ask.

"Just slide your skirt up and leave it on. We are going home after this, so we do not need for you to take it off. It and those nipple clamps will keep you occupied on our trip to the house."

I slid the skirt up, trying not to bend over too much due to the pressure being created by the two plugs inside of me. She then handed me the tube top, saying, "Leave those clamps on those pretty tits of yours and get this on."

I shuddered as I slipped the tube top over my head and pulled it down across my chest. The tight little top pressing against my tortured nipples was almost unbearable, and with the two plugs moving as I squirmed, I thought I was going to die before I got out of this predicament.

I then squatted down and slipped the high heels onto my feet, squirming around and making everything inside of move around a whole lot. I was just about in tears. Then Ms. S. squatted down and hooked the padlocks through the shoes, making it impossible for me to be able to get the heels off without cutting the straps. I was trapped, being padlocked into the cincher, and having the heels padlocked to my feet. I was at her mercy, and she knew that very well. Jimmy came out bringing the rest of the shoes, and Ms. S. paid him, then turned to me saying, "Take all these out to the car, and I will be out shortly."

I left and put the shoes into the back seat, along with the other cincher, and the sack with the various dildos in it. I then climbed into the front seat, sitting on the towel, and pulling my skirt up. I let my hand go down to my already soaked pussy, feeling the wet strap pushing the dildo deep inside of me, and slowly started rubbing it, allowing each stroke to send wave after wave of electrifying energy from my pussy throughout my body.

It was not too long before Ms. S. came out of the building, carrying a sack that she put into the back seat. I dared not ask what it was, but deep inside of me I feared the worse. She then got into the car, saying, "I see that you are starting to learn the routine. That is good. Perhaps you are learning after all."

"Yesth, Mamm."

"And so, did you enjoy getting your mouth full of Jimmy's cock?"

"Yesth Mamm, thankth you thvery musth." I tried to answer.

"That piercing must be swollen, that is probably why you are having a little trouble talking. I would imagine that it will be better tomorrow."

"Ith ith pretty thore Mamm."

"Well, just sit back, and keep your hand moving. We will be home before too long young lady."

We cruised on to the house, and when we pulled into the garage, Ms. S. had me take all my things into the house, and into my bedroom. I was starting to feel pretty tired, and could really use a nap. After I got everything put up, Ms. S. came in with a sack, saying, "Put all of your old shoes in here. You have graduated to the 6" heels, and that will be all you will wear until a later date. You can save your tennis shoes for the gym, and the one pair of 5", but that is all."

I looked at her with sad eyes, but took the bag, and started putting all of my shoes except the 9 pair that now had 'D' rings on them, 8 6", and the one 5". The two plugs kept reminding me of the turmoil that my two holes were in, and I could feel the pressure of needing to go to the bathroom. When I turned around, she had been in my purse and was holding the rubber with Jimmy's cum in it. I handed the bag, now with all my shoes in there to Ms. S., and then stood in front of her. I finally mustered the courage to say, "Mamm, I needth tho go tho the bathroom."

"Well, let me get the key and get you out of your new play clothes, and then you can go potty. You really need to get an enema and a bath as well. We are going out tonight, and so you need to be all cleaned up. Take off your skirt and top, and I will be right back."

She left and then returned, as I was gingerly taking off my top. I then let the skirt slide down my legs. She reached down in front of me, unlocking the cincher, and then the shoes. She ordered me to turn around, and then loosened the strap that went between my legs, getting rid of some of the pressure of the two plugs, and then started loosening the buckles in the back. I could breath again, and it was really relaxing to be able to not feel squished into the tight cincher. She then reached up and took the nipple clamps off my very tender tits, making them burn as the blood returned to my abused nipples.

"There. Now off with you. Be sure to clean up your rubber friends. I think your cunt and asshole has been abused enough for right now, so put them into your purse. And remember not to masturbate. I don't want you cumming unless I tell you it is alright. I will lay you out some clothes for tonight, so after you are dressed and get your hair fixed, come and get me and I will help you with your make up." She told me.

I went and released my rubber friends, and relieved myself. Gave myself an enema, and got all showered and shaved again. After drying myself, I gently dried my now very sore ass, tits and pussy and padded into my room.

Laying out in the bed was a pair of the crotchless pantyhose we had bought earlier, and a white loose fitting short sleeveless blouse. The skirt was black and also loose, with a lot of pleats, and very short. She had also laid out a pair of black 6" heels, which I knew would soon be locked onto my feet.

I put on the clothes, and dried my hair, trying to arrange it the best that I could. Then put on my heels and walked out into the house looking for Ms. S. When I found her, she was in the kitchen washing her hands.

"You thold me that you thould help me with my make upth Mamm."

"Yes, I will be right up." Looking down at my feet, she added, "I am glad to see that you have your shoes on. You really are learning."

"Thankth you Mamm." And staggered back towards my room.

I went into the toilet and got my two rubber friends, taking them to my room and putting them into my purse. Then Ms. S. came in, and started showing me how to apply the make up, taking care to make it look quite professional. She then locked the high heels onto my feet, and then had me stand up, and picking up the nipple clamps, said "Okay, I let your holes off the hook, so pull up your blouse and let's get these babies onto those tits of yours."

I felt the tears start welling up in my eyes at the thought of having my already very sore nipples clamped again. But I went ahead and lifted up the loose blouse, and Ms. S. pinched each nipple, then put the torturing clamps on them. I winced with pain, and had to fight hard to hold back the tears until the pain started subsiding some. Then lowered my blouse. "That looks very sweet, what with the chain hanging down below the blouse like that," she said to me.

I looked down and seen that the chain was very clearly visible, and that it really did look interesting, but also made me look like a slut in heat. I had no idea what was in store for me tonight, but apparently I was going to always look like her slutty slave.

Before too long, we took off out the door, and headed out for the night. I had my skirt up and tried to keep my mind off of my tortured breasts by slipping a finger into my cunt and getting it all juiced up. I was starting to enjoy doing this, and realized that I was wet a lot of the time. After about 15 minutes, we wheeled into a parking lot of what looked like a night spot, and parked. "Well, let's get something to eat."

We got out, and I soon found out that this was a place to get something to eat and where the younger crowd came for an enjoyable evening. Ms. S. chose a booth, and ordered spaghetti, bread sticks and a couple of diet cokes. "This ought to keep you going for the evening. We don't want you to pass out from lack of food."

The pizza came, and I reached for a piece. "I want you to raise up your skirt, and dip your bread into your pussy before eating it. Be careful, and don't get any on your skirt for we are going to be here for a while.

I reluctantly took a piece of the bread and lowered it down to my pussy, and slipped it in, feeling the coarseness of the exterior of the bread against my tender inner pussy walls. I took a bite of the spaghetti, and Ms. S. said, "Swap out the piece in your puss with another. Then go ahead and start eating it." I did, and found that I was enjoying tasting my own juices, and that there was apparently worse things that could happen to me.

After we got done eating, Ms. S. said, "It is time for you to find out about your true self. I will be at the bar, and in two hours I want you to have two of the rubbers in your purse filled with cum. I don't care how you do it, but keep in mind you have just started your pills, so your only protection is the rubber. You may cum, if you want or if you have the opportunity, you have permission. Do you understand?"

"Yeth Mamm, buth how do I get to that pointh? I hathe nether thried to pick upth a guy."

"You will figure it out, look out there, there are plenty of guys that can hardly wait to get a hold of you. They are all young, and have a lot of raging hormones."

"Othay, I will thry Mamm."

She got up and headed for the bar, leaving me at the booth. I sort of felt a lot of butterflies in my stomach, and had to pee. I headed for the toilet, and then got my pussy all cleaned up from eating the bread. I got out and headed for a good looking guy that was playing the pin ball machine. "Hello, how are you doing?" I asked trying to keep my tongue under control.

He looked at me, letting the ball he was playing fall down the chute and back into the machine. He looked at my piercing in my nose, and I felt myself start to blush. He then let his eyes move down to the chain that hung below the blouse, knowing what it was. "Hey, I haven't seen you around here." He said to me.

"I had noticed you, and thought that maybe you would like to dance."

"I don't dance," he said, "But I would like to get to know you a little better."

I knew then that this was going to be a little easier than I had anticipated, but the butterflies were still swarming around in my stomach.

"Then how about taking a little walk, and chathing," I asked meekly.

We headed out the door, and started talking a little, his hand slipping around my lower waist and putting his hand on the cheek of my ass. We walked out into the lot, and then I steered him to an area that was not so well lit. I then stopped by a car, and turned toward him. He was pretty tall, but I reached up and touched his face. He responded and lowered his face down, and I stretched upward and kissed him lightly.

He figured out what was going on, and so we kissed deeply, allowing our tongues to intertwine, and his hand moving up under my blouse and to my very sensitive tits. Waves of erotic sensations swept through my body, making my pussy moist, and making me want him badly.

This continued on for quite a while, then I got enough nerve up to reach down and feel his crotch, and feeling the huge bulge that he had hidden there. He rapidly got stiffer in his pants, and I fumbled around for the zipper as he cupped my breasts and started massaging them. He then let his other hand slide down my front, and as I reached inside his pants and through his shorts, finding his cock, he rubbed my leg just below the hem of my skirt.

As I fumbled with his cock, trying to be gentle in getting it out of his pants, he started working his hand up my leg, pulling the hem of my skirt, and moving closer to my honey hole. I was getting hotter and hotter, and my pussy was quickly getting slick with juices. I finally got his cock out, and he then made it to the edge of my pussy, playing with the edge of the crotch of my open hose. I shuddered as his fingers found my flesh and I let my hand wrap around his cock. We continued kissing, and he kept up the massaging of my aching breasts, pinching down occasionally on the clamps there.

I jumped and broke the kiss, gasping as his fingers found my moist clit, sending an electrifying jolt through my body, making it spasm. I squeezed his cock, and then gently pushed him away, not wanting to come too quickly, and reached into my purse and pulled out a condom. I then looked into his eyes, and started squatting down, balancing myself on the 6" heels. He realized what I was going to do, and I broke the eye contact to look down at his cock, and took it back into my hand. I had to have that beautiful thing in my mouth, and so I kissed the head of it gently, and then rubbed my tongue over the slit, tasting the pre-cum that had started seeping out of it. I continued to kiss it and then started using my tongue on the sides. He put his hand on my head, and I gave the musty smelling cock and kiss, and then allowed it to enter slowly into my mouth, trying to savor the moment.

I kept slowly working on him until I felt his cock hit the back of my throat, and then in one stroke, allowed him into my throat, and felt my lips hit the hilt of his dick. He gasped, and moaned. I was surprised that I did not gag, and so I started stroking him with my mouth, and felt his cock get more engorged, and excited.

I did not want to lose his cum, for I had no idea what Ms. S. would do if I did not come back with two rubbers of cum, so I released his cock, and then put the rubber onto his cock. I then stood up and looking at him, said, "I want to feel you in my cunt. Fuck me, I need your cock."

He lowered his face to mine and planted his lips onto mine. I spread my legs, and pulled up the hem of my skirt as I drug him closer to me, and leaned up against the car behind me. I reached over to his cock, and took it in my hand and guided it towards my steaming cunt. I rubbed the head against my slick gash, up and down, and then felt the head of his cock enter into my depths. I sucked harder onto his mouth, releasing my grip from his cock, and put my hands onto his hips. He followed suit, and his hands went to my hips, pushing his cock into me.

I felt my very wet cunt stretch as he entered into me, making me break away from his lips and gasping with relief. I was swept up in the passion, and pulled his hips toward me, forcing his cock all the way into my pussy, savoring the feeling of having the first real dick into my hole. He started a slow fucking motion, and I started humping into him as his pistoning cock started increasing the desires deep within my soul. The sensations were overwhelming and I was quickly getting ready to erupt, feeling his cock plunging deeper and deeper inside of me. I started mewling and gasping, and grabbed him across his back, forcing my tits into his chest.

"Oh baby, fuck me, mmmm, AHHHHH," I quietly gasped as he started driving into me harder.

I felt an orgasm starting it's way up from my cunt, "OHHHH Yeth, OHHHHHH," I gasped louder.

He continued his assault into my cunt, fucking me harder and harder.

I screamed as I felt the waves of an orgasm sweep up suddenly from the depths of my cunt, making me grasp his back hard, and spreading my legs wider I shoved him as far as I could into my aching cunt, massaging his cock with my cunt muscles as I came, and came.

As the waves subsided, I started humping against him, getting back into his rhythm. I felt more passion start building inside of me, and felt his already huge cock start enlarging even fuller. He started quickening his pace and I let the passion within me rise and started coming again, as I felt him stiffen and shove his cock as deep as possible into my firey hole. He came, and slowly rocked me back and forth, keeping his cock buried deep inside of me.

As his cock started deflating, and becoming limp inside of me, I pushed him back away from me, and squatted down. I took the filled rubber off his quickly shrinking cock, and tied it tight and slid it into my purse. I took his limp cock into my mouth, and cleaned him with my tongue. I was spent, and felt quite satisfied.

Looking at my watch I seen that I had been with him for just over an hour, cutting things a little tight to get back to Ms. S. before the two hours were over.

I kissed him, and thanked him, gave him a false number when asked if he could call me later, and headed away from him and back into the Night Club. I went into the ladies room and peed and wiped up my sopping mess cleaned up between my legs, then headed back out to try to find another hunk so I could get one more rubber filled. I told myself that I just needed to give one a quick blow job, and then my mission would be fulfilled, especially since my pussy was pretty much satisfied now.

I walked out of the toilet, and seen the hunk that I had fucked talking to a couple of other guys, and then I went on out amongst the people, looking for a guy I thought I could get a rubber filled from. I picked one out and was heading towards him when I felt a hand grasp my arm from behind, forcing me to spin around.

"Now where are you going sexy?" asked one of the guys that the hunk who I had fucked had been talking to.

"We hear that you are quite a fuck." Said the other.

"Leave me alone," I tried to command.

"We don't think so, we want to try you out," he said, then grabbing the chain hanging below my blouse, "Unless you want some really nice pain."

I couldn't say anything as they headed out the door with me in tow. Panic was coursing through my veins, and I knew that I was about to get raped.

I was led outside, and forced out among the cars, and led to a car that was parked near where I had already been fucked. One of the guys unlocked the door of the car, while the other held onto me.

"You, you can't do this to me," I tried to tell them.

"Shut up bitch, you can't do anything about it. And if you scream, I'll lay your ass out and then we will rape your unconscious body and leave you lying here. Do you understand me?"

"Yesth, just, just don't hurt me."

One of the guys pulled his pants down and sat in the car with his fuck pole sticking up in the air.

"I, I, I'm not on the pill I stammered, don't fuck my pussy." I pleaded.

"Then you better be finding a rubber," stated the one behind me.

I reached into my purse and pulled out a couple of rubbers, dropping another couple on the ground. I was scared to death, but felt lucky that I could at least get them to wear a rubber. The other started undoing his pants, pulling them down to his knees and showing me a huge cock, much bigger than the one that was sitting in the car.

"Put it on me," commanded the one standing.

I knelt down and Started to slide it onto him. "Get it wet, let me feel those lips of yours on my dick before I fuck you."

I slipped his cock into my mouth, and started getting it wet. I did not want him too deep in my throat, for I could just barely fit him into my lips which were already about stretched to their limit. I got him slick, then slid the condom over his cock. He grabbed my hair, and pulled me up.

"What about him?" I questioned pointing to the guy in the car.

"I don't need a rubber to fuck your mouth bitch," the one sitting in the car retorted.

I was forced around to face the one in the car. "Get your legs spread bitch. My cock is about to enter into your hole." Commanded the one standing.

I spread my legs, and heard the one in the car, "Well bend over and suck me off cunt."

I bent over at the waist, and put my face into his lap. The one behind me grabbed my skirt, and pulled it over my butt, giving him full access to my cunt and ass.

"Look here, she is one ready lady. She is wearing 'crotchless' panties," said the guy behind me as he ran his fingers over my pussy. "And she even shaves that gash of hers!"

I slowly put my lips to the guys cock that was in my face as I felt the one behind me grab my ass cheeks and I knew he was going to enter into me.

I then felt him slide his dick to the opening of my hole, making me gasp. I had not realized how wet I was, and as he slid into me, I felt my gash start stretching. He was not gentle either, and I thought that I was going to be split apart as he shoved his big cock deep into me with one stroke. The other grabbed my head, forcing my mouth onto his cock, and I tried to get my tongue out of the way of the invasion. He started forcing my head to slide up and down his pole as the other behind me started plowing into me from behind.

Started to gag as the dick in my mouth was forced beyond the back of my throat, and felt balls slap against my ass cheeks. I felt invaded, but also excited, and the mixed feelings were starting to fire up the burning desires inside of me. As I was getting raped through my mouth and cunt, I actually was getting excited enough to start my pussy to throbbing, adding juices to the ones that had already started.

The guy behind me reached up and grabbed my tits, making me jump as he grabbed my sensitive nipples. I reached up to push his hands away, but he started crushing them with his hands, making the pain I felt almost unbearable, and making me almost close my mouth down on the cock inside of my mouth. The guy sitting started forcing my head faster and faster up and down on his cock, making me breath through my nose because of his ever plunging cock staying deep down my throat.

I felt the cock in my mouth start to pulsate, and then get larger. He started forcing it even faster up and down into my throat, as the guy behind me increased the pace that he was stabbing into my cunt. I then felt the one I was sucking start to come, flooding my throat with his sperm, what seemed like gallons spewing into me and down my throat as he held my head down tight against his crotch. It made my desires reach the breaking point, and I felt an orgasm well up inside of me and start ripping up through my cunt, making me shudder and drench myself in sweat. At about that same moment, I felt the guy behind me stiffen and shove his cock as deep as it would go into my cunt, adding to my orgasm, and he spewed his load deep inside of me, filling the rubber with his seed.

The one behind me kept holding my breasts, crushing them harder as he held his throbbing cock inside of me, as the one whose cock was deep down my throat started releasing my head, allowing me to rise slowly off of his cock. I swallowed deeply as his fuck pole came out of my mouth, swallowing the come in my mouth and forcing it on down into me. I kissed and licked his dick, cleaning him as the guy behind me slowly released my tits, relaxing himself as I also felt his cock relax.

The one in the car released my head completely, and allowed me to rise up some, as the one who was behind started pulling out of my aching twat.

I turned as he pulled completely out of me and knelt down in front of him. I reached up and took his quickly softening cock into my hand, slipping the rubber off and quickly tying the end so that I would not loose any of it's precious cargo. I then slipped his cock into my mouth and proceeded to clean him up, tasting the salty cum, and rubbing his nuts with my fingers.

"You are one hot bitch," he stated.

I let his dick slip out of my mouth, and put the rubber into my purse. I then arose, and pulled down my skirt, looking at both of them. The one in the car had a satisfied look in his eyes, and the one behind me grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!" I cursed, "You got what you wanted, now let me go."

"Oh hell, you know that you were wanting to be fucked bitch," he said as he released my arm, "And we just might not be done with you yet."

My heart started racing at the words, and I started running, the best that I could in those damn high heels, and headed for the door of the night club. I heard them yell a few cat calls back at me, and heard some laughter, so I relaxed a bit, knowing that they were not following me.

When I got into the club, Ms. S. was there at the bar, sipping on a drink. I had been gone for about an hour and forty five minutes, so I felt good that I wasn't late. I had feared that if I was, then she would have left me here to fend for myself. I approached her and sat down by her at the bar.

"Well, you smell like you have been taking care of my requests," she told me, "Did you get everything?"

"Yes Mamm," I said with a glow.

She gulped down the rest of her drink and grabbed her purse, "Then let's go, we need to get you back to the house."

We left the club, and I started to get into the car, "Get the towel and sit on it young lady," she called to me over the car. Grabbing the towel from the back seat, I spread it out and sat down on it, knowing that I needed to raise my skirt and rub myself as we went back towards the house.

"Take your dildo out of your purse and start working it into your pussy." Ms. S. said.

"But Mamm, I am already quite sore from filling those rubbers, and I don't think I can go through with it."

"Don't argue, just get it out and start plunging it into the pussy of yours."

I reluctantly got out the dildo, and put it into my mouth, trying to add a little moisture to it so I would not make my cunt any sorer than it already was from the hard fucking that I had already been through. I lowered it down to my twat, and slowly started forcing it into my depths. My eager pussy was not so eager now, and it was very painful to work that big dildo into myself. I kept working it back and forth, wincing at the pain, and finally got it all the way into my pussy. I was starting to loosen up a little, and felt the pangs of passion start coursing into my mind when Ms. S. brought me back to my senses, "Don't get too worked up. I don't want you to come, just get yourself all worked up right now."

I slowed down the pace that I was plunging the rubber dick into myself at, and started enjoying the nice, slow fuck I was giving to my over anxious twat. We continued heading for the house, and I was starting to take a lot of enjoyment in ravaging my pussy with my rubber friend, bringing myself fairly close, and then slowing down so I did not make Ms. S. mad.

We pulled into the drive of the house, and she put the car into the garage. "Put your friend into your mouth and clean it up. And I mean all the way into your mouth. I seen how well you handled Jimmy this morning."

I did as directed, almost gagging but getting it all the way down my throat. We went into the house, and I started to take the cock out of my mouth. "No, you leave that in there. You look like you need something in your mouth to keep you from talking."

She then grabbed my hand and pulled me around facing here. She grabbed the sack that she had picked up at Jimmy's and pulled out a device, one that had a strap that went around my head, and one that went around my neck, and with a strap that would go over the top of my head so it did not slide down to my neck. It did not have anything hooked to it, but had a wide piece of leather that would easily hold the dildo in mouth in place. "Here, this will hold that in there for tonight. We wouldn't want it to get away from you as you are sleeping," and put the strap over my head, and around my neck, buckling both buckles. Then I heard two 'Click's' and knew that she had padlocked the device onto my head.

"Leave your purse here, and go take off those clothes. Want you to get yourself relieved, and wait for me in your bedroom. I will be there directly."

I did so, trying to keep calm so I would be able to breath with the gag forcing the rubber cock down my throat. My throat hurting from all of the assaults that it had been through today, but unable to do anything about it right now. I took off my blouse, and wondered if I was to leave on the clamps that were on my nipples. The pain was not too bad now, so I decided that I would wait and let Ms. S. decide the fate of those. I then slid down my skirt, and tried to kick my heels off, but they were held fast by the straps and padlocks there. I then relieved myself, and decided to douche to try to clean up my aching pussy a little. I felt better, and headed into the bedroom where Ms. S. was waiting for me, sitting on the bed.

"I am surprised at you. I figured that you would take the clamps off, but you fooled me and left them on instead." Then tossing me a negligee, she told me, "Come here and turn around."

I put the negligee on over my head, sliding my arms through the straps. I then turned around with my back to her and she grasped my arm and I felt the cold steel of a hand cuff grip around my wrist, then she grasped the other, and I had my hands cuffed behind me. She then forced me to face her and raising up my negligee she took off the nipple clamps, which just about made me pass out from the rush of blood that returned back to my now badly aching nipples. She then took one, and then the other into her mouth, sucking on them and making them feel considerably better.

She then told me to get into the bed, with my hose and high heels still on, so I did and tried to get comfortable. She then opened a drawer and pulled out another device, which was made out of plastic and had two elastic straps coming out of it, which she put under the negligee and pressed it against my pussy, then brought the elastic straps around each leg, forcing it tight against my love nest. She then reached back into the drawer and pulled out something that looked like a vibrator, and I felt her do something to the item she put onto my pussy. I then felt her do something to my foot and then realized she was strapping my legs to the end of the bed, pulling them apart in the spread eagle fashion. Then I heard a click and about jumped out of my skin when I felt the buzzing against my pussy lips and clit.

"You will like this, it is called a 'Butterfly' and it ought to keep you all relaxed for the night. If the batteries don't die, that is," she said laughingly as she turned off the lights and left the room.

I lay there for a little while trying to keep my mind off the buzzing at my cunt, but soon lost control and went with the flow. I orgasmed repeatedly, making the spot that I was laying in wet with my juices, and then I passed out, unable to take anymore of the ecstasy.

Next: Chapter 4

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