Life Changes

By Paul R

Published on Jan 5, 1999


Please read and enjoy. If you want to forward this, feel free to, but just do not do it for profit. This story is not to put on a Web Site that is access for profit. It can be distributed freely,


Chapter 2

I woke up a little later, around Noon, and had to pee really bad. I got up and headed for the toilet. I slid my fingers under the waist band of the panties and pulled them down, wincing as they pulled away from my shaved pussy. I realized that I needed to clean up after a hot night like I had early that morning with the dildo, for the goo left over dried and was like glue to my pussy and panties. I relieved myself, and got up off the toilet, and let my panties fall to the floor. I walked over to the mirror, and seen why one needed to dry their hair before going to bed, for it was frizzy mess.

I decided that I needed some coffee to get awake, so I padded out to the kitchen, and got the coffee maker started up. Set out a coffee cup and looked out the kitchen window into the yard, letting my thoughts roam about what to do today. I did not know what to do exactly, or where to go, but I still figured that it would all work out some how. I just knew that I was still in amazement at being a woman now, and that I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

As the coffee was brewing, I decided to go to the heap of clothes and see about finding something to wear for today. I sat down, cross legged by the heap and started pulling out some of the various clothes. There was a multitude of short skirts and tight blouses, lots of dresses, and a few pairs of jeans, and some shorts. I could quickly see that I had mostly skirts and dresses, which was not going to be too big a problem, for I had always fantasized about wearing dresses and skirts for most of my life.

I got to the lingerie, and started a new pile with them. It did surprise me that there was a lot of garter belts and bras, most that matched, and only a few pair of thongs. There were about a dozen pair of thongs, which was way out of proportion to the amount of garter belts and bras, and then there were about six pair crotchless panties. There were several body suits, and about a dozen corsets. Many pair of stockings, most which were new, and several pair of pantyhose, many of them which were new. All the clothes smelled clean, so it sort of intrigued my to as why they were thrown away at all. But I let those thoughts pass out of my mind about as quickly as they had entered.

There were several negligees, of all different types and some with bottoms and some without. And then there was a big fluffy bathrobe, which I laid aside for later use. There were also lots of belts, and some scarves.

Most of the shoes were high heeled, with the shortest pair looking like they had about a 4" tall heel. A couple of pair of tennis shoes and a pair of sandals. A couple of pair of tights, and two body suits for perhaps the gym, or work outs. And then there was more cosmetics than I knew what to do with, with all colors of fingernail polish, and lipstick, eye shadow, make up, mascara... just more than I knew how to apply to my body, but then I figured that I would work that part out in time.

I decided to get up and get a cup of coffee, so I grabbed the bathrobe, and got a cup of coffee. I then went to the toilet, and got ready to get all cleaned up, for I could smell the sex I had last night with my rubber friend, and that sort of started making me moist down in my pussy as I remembered the terrific orgasm that I had.

I slipped the top of the Baby Doll over my head, and tossed it with my soiled panties. Then I reached up and squeezed my tits as I was looking in the mirror, which sent a wave through me starting deep in the depths of my pussy. I told myself to behave, or I would never get anywhere today, so I got the water to running in the tub, and pulled the lever for the shower when it was good and warm.

I got into the shower, and felt the relaxing rush of the warm water over my body, which was pounding gently across my chest. The sensation of the water against my breasts started exciting me, and sending anticipation all through my body. I got my hair washed, and start lathering up, realizing that I had already started getting a few nubs of hair on my body even though it was just a few hours since I had shaved.

I got a hold of the razor and started shaving, not taking very long, and just touching up around my armpits, and my pussy. I put some soap on my fingers and allowed them to slide into my damp pussy, sending electric shocks through my body. As the water pounded against my chest I let my fingers slowly massage my cleft, and rubbed the palm of my hand against my clit. I quickly seen that I needed to get off again, so I continued to plunge two fingers into my slick slit.

It did not take me too long to reach a mild orgasm, which was satisfying, and so then I soaped up my fingers and washed out my pussy once again. I then allowed the water to rinse off my body, and as the water was getting cold, I turned it off. I got out of the shower and dried myself, taking care to not get carried away at my slit, for I knew that I would end up all messy again if I did not try to get my desires under control. I then slipped on the bathrobe and started digging out the hair dryer.

I got to drying my hair, and while watching myself in the mirror, I realized that I had pretty bushy eye brows for a woman. I also had no idea how to put on make up and started wondering just how I was going to learn that art. I always knew that putting on make up was a art of it's own, and not something that was easily done, but something that was learned over a period of time. I fantasized about how I would look in perfectly shaded eyeliner and a nicely painted face, with my well proportioned body. Then I came back out of the day dream and figured that I had ought to try to apply make up sparingly at first, and maybe slowly I would get the hang of it so that it would look like I really new what I was doing. But that would take place later if at all today.

I picked up my coffee and went out into the den, and looked at the clothes pile. I dug through the lingerie, and found a nice lacy white bra, looking at the tag on it. It said that it was a "Vanity Fair" variety, and that the size was a 34C. I wondered how large my chest was, and so now I knew.

I also knew that I did not need a bra, for my tits were almost at attention, but I had also heard about how they can sag over a long period of time if one did not give them some support. I wondered if there was any fact to that, or if the tits sagged aver time any way. But I dug through the lingerie, looking for a pair of hose and found a thong that also was white, with some lace, but did not quite match the bra. I was not going to wear any panties, but then I decided that maybe I ought to so that I did not reveal too much if I went out into public. I remembered that I was not used to keeping my legs closed, and figured that I would expose myself quite easily.

I slid the thong up my legs, and pulled it up over my hips and positioned the back between the cheeks of my ass. It felt so good to have on panties, and not have a bulge in the front, and with the flatness up front, it started getting me excited. I told myself to behave, and allowed myself to cool off for a few minutes before taking off the bathrobe and putting on the bra. This bra was easy, for all I had to do was lip my arms through the straps and hook it in the front. I positioned my tits into the cups, and got them babies all nice and comfortable.

I dug out a pair of pantyhose, and since I had worn them I was a male, got them all bunched up and slid them up my legs. I had looked at the tag, and found they were a size small, but they fit perfectly, and so I got the top all snug up my waist and got the crotch snug up against my pussy. I then dug through the clothes and found a polyester blouse that was not wrinkled too badly, and slipped my arms into it, allowing the front to hang open. I went to button it, and found that a new experience, for the buttons were on the wrong side as compared to that of a man's shirt. But I finally got it buttoned and enjoyed how it felt against my body. I left a couple of buttons open so that I could show the cleft between my breasts, but also knew that if I were to be embarrassed out in public then I could easily button up one of them.

I dug through the clothes again, and found a skirt, which was quite short, and made out of denim. It had a double zipper that went all the way up it, and could either be used to show more leg, and so that I could get it on easily. It was a pretty nice skirt, and looked pretty tight, so I thought that I would go ahead and put it on.

I slid the skirt up over my hips, and go the tag in the back, which put the zipper in the front. I had thought that the zipper would be in the back, but that was okay, I would just keep the zipper closed so that I did not flash anything in front of the wrong people. Thoughts of getting raped crossed my mind, but that just started exciting me, so I had to force them out of my mind before I got all wet again.

I decided to try to get a face on, so I started digging through the cosmetics, and laid out some of the items. I then went into the Utility room, and found a basket that I had kept over the years. I took that back into the den, and rummaging through the cosmetics sack, found some make up that was there, and a eye liner set. I also grabbed a bottle of perfume, and some mascara. There were various other items there, and I found a set of tweezers, and some lipsticks. There was cold cream there as well, so I decided to go into the bathroom and try my hand at getting ready to go out into public.

I took the tweezers out and started pulling out some of the hairs from my eye brows. Man, that hurt like all hell! But eventually I managed to get them pretty thin. I then decided to put on some of the make up, trying to keep it pretty light so that I would not look like a whore, even though I think my pussy would have liked being one of those. I was amazed at how the make up went on, and it actually did not look too bad, even though it did not look professional, it would pass, especially seeing how it was just my first try.

I then looked at the different eye shadows, and chose one of the blue ones, thinking about how I have seen other women wearing mostly blue, and some

with red or brown hues. At least I had been observant while I was a man, so I at least had an idea of how to do some of the stuff. I got that onto my eye lids, even though it was a fight to keep the eye lid shut as I put the eye shadow on the lid. I then dug out the mascara, and started putting it onto my eyelashes, and of course, I managed to get some of it into my eye, and that burnt like all get out too, but I did manage to get it out without messing up my other make up too badly.

I then got out some lipstick, and put it on, trying to get it to look like the lips of other women I have seen in the past. After rubbing it off a couple of times, I managed to get it to look similar to what I had expected. I polished off the look with just a touch of rouge, trying to use it quite sparingly, and trying to make it fade into the make up.

Looking into the mirror I was pretty happy with my first vain attempt at getting some war paint onto my face. I was turned on by my looks, and had to force my mind once again to not think about my pussy, or I would have my fingers stroking it before I knew it.

I then headed back out into the den, and decided that I would see about trying to walk in some of the many pairs of high heels. I found a nice pair of black patent leather ones, that looked as though they were a pair of the lower heeled ones, and sat in the chair and slid them onto my feet.

I stood up, testing my balance, and after feeling how the high heels forced my toes into the toe of the shoe, took a step forward, and started walking slowly around the house. I could quickly tell that it would be a while before I would be able to walk very much in the high heels, and decided that I would probably have to spend some of my money on a couple of pairs of shoes that only had 2" or so heels.

I decided to get around, so I squatted down by the shoes and other items of accessories, and realized that I needed to close my legs or I would never learn to not flash unsuspecting souls when I needed to get something picked up. I close my legs, almost losing my balance, and started rummaging through the stuff looking for a belt. I found a black one that was pretty wide, and also seen a nice black purse, that was pretty large and looked as though it was made out of leather.

Standing up, I put the purse onto the table, and put the belt around my waist. It was snug, but felt pretty good, and just looking down decided that it would be an acceptable accessory. I then picked back up the purse, and found my jeans from last night, when I was a man, and dug through the pockets and got out my keys, change and wallet. I went back over to the shoes and accessories, and started rummaging through all of that, looking for a coin purse, which there were two or three of, all new, and looked as though they must have been gifts for someone. I took a black one, and transferred all of the stuff out of my wallet into that, and put the billfold into my purse. I then just dropped the change into a pocket inside the purse, and threw my keys into the main part of the purse.

I rummaged through the cosmetics, and put several items from there into my purse, lipsticks, nail polishes, eyeliners and mascara's, and then went to the toilet and picked up the make up I had on. I figured that I may need the stuff while out, especially if I were to forget and brush my face and smudge up the make up.

I decided to go and pee, and take off for the ATM, and start getting out some of the money I had before I had to get out of the house I had when I was a man, and find out how to live my life as the new woman that I now was.

I slowly ambled my way out to the garage and got into the car, and rummaged through my purse for the keys. I laughed to myself for I had often gave some of my ex girlfriends hell about never being able to find their keys, and now I was on their side of the fence. But I found them, and slipped on the seatbelt, which slid down between my breasts, sending rushes that flushed my face as the electricity of excitement coursed through my body.

It was going to be hard to control things if I did not get a grasp on the sexual side of this change.

I took off in the van, and headed for the bank ATM, which was not too far away. I got out $300.00 and decided that I would have to continue to try to horde my money until I figured out a way to get some ID, and then eventually a job. Panic coursed through me again, for I did not exactly know what to do about any of that, for without a birth certificate, no one would know who I was, and I did not think there was anyway to get a Driver's License, let alone a Social Security number so that I could get a job that paid more than minimum wage. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and so I had to tell myself it would be all right, and that all it would do was smear the make up if I did not cease thinking about those problems.

Since it was about 3:00 PM, I felt the pangs of hunger in my stomach, so I decided that I would see about getting a quick bite to eat. I decided to go to the restaurant that was close by, and see about getting a little something to eat. I went to the "Perkins" down the road, and parked the van. As I got out of the van, my subconscious reminded me that I needed to watch my actions, for while I was getting out my legs spread, and my skirt quickly slid where the hem was right at my crotch, showing all I had underneath. I was certainly glad that I had chosen to wear panties, for as I looked around I realized that I had just flashed an old man and he had a deep smile on his face.

I got into the restaurant, and was seated by the window. I ordered a salad, remembering that a lady needed to eat lightly in order to keep her figure, and only eat heavily on rare occasions. I indulged in a Diet Coke, and waited, looking out the window towards the street as I waited for the waitress to bring me my salad. I let my mind wander, wondering what was going to work out in the future for me, and wondering how I was going to get myself into the role of the new woman that I was. I suddenly realized that I needed a name, for my old male name of Steven just was not going to work out anymore. I had read several "transformation" stories in the past, and remembered that most of those characters had taken an alternative feminine name, so I decided that Stephanie would work out quite well. That way I could remember it, and when someone spoke to me I would know it was me who needed to answer.

When the salad came, I slowly ate the enticing lettuce, allowing each bite to savor in my mouth before swallowing. My throat was a little sore, and it took me a little while before I figured out it was because of my rubber cock that I had down my throat before I had slept. That aroused me between my thighs, and so I had to concentrate to keep myself from getting all worked up over the ordeal.

I finished the salad, and so I decided to go to the shoe store and see about buying a couple pair of shoes with lower heels, for the ones that I had on were starting to remind me of the torture that my toes were going through as I balanced my tiny frame on them. So I got back into the van, watching how I slid in so I would not expose myself again, and headed for a shoe store.

I decided that since I needed to watch how much money that I spent on going to the "Kinney's" down the road. I pulled the van into the parking lot, and carefully slid out of the van, taking great pains to not allow my skirt to slide up my thighs. I went inside and was greeted by a very good looking salesman, who took me right to my size of shoes. He showed me a seat, and after telling him that I was looking for some shoes with a lower heel than those that I had on, he got a couple of pair off the shelf.

He commented on how nice my legs looked, and that I fit the high heels that I had on quite well. It did not take me too long to realize that he must have a foot and leg fetish, for he took great pains in finding some nice shoes that were on the shelf. He squatted down, and slipped the high heel off my right foot, sort of massaging the back of the calf of my leg as he held it in his hand. I was careful not to allow my legs to part, so I would not show him more than I had already due to my very short skirt.

After trying on several pair of shoes, I decided on two pair that had 2" heels, and while they still tortured my already aching toes, they were still a whole lot more comfortable than those with 4" heels. As I went up to the counter with him, I felt his had brush my cheek of my butt as he had me step in front of him, not actually copping a feel, but still getting a little enjoyment out of the touch. It was enjoyable to me as well, but only because I sensed that this gorgeous man actually would like to get into my panties.

As I was paying for the shoes, the salesman said, "Are you from around here?"

"No, I am just visiting a friend. I will only be here for a few days." I slowly lied to him.

"Well," he continued, "I was wondering if you are not doing anything tonight, I would like to take you out for some supper, and maybe a movie."

I smiled, for I knew this was a "Classic" line, and I had actually used it myself while I was a man.

"I do have some things to do tonight, and so it is not a real good time, but perhaps I will be free in a day or so", thinking that this would get me off the hook.

He quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "This is my home number and my work number. So if you are free, just give me a call, for I have no real plans right now", he said.

"Okay", I replied with a smile across my face, feeling on top of the world.

I got over the payment for the shoes, and felt the wetness return to my pussy as I exited out the door of the store. I opened the van, and not paying attention, slid right in, spreading my legs and putting on a good show for anyone who was looking my way. It was going to be really hard for me to get used to wearing a skirt, but somehow I would get used to it.

I headed back for home, trying to keep the thoughts of the afternoon out of my head, and got into the driveway. I parked the van in the garage and got inside the house. I seen all the clothes in the floor and so I decided that I was going to have to do something about them, and figure out what to do within the next couple of days. I decided to get out the suitcases, and iron some of the skirts, blouses and dresses, and get them ready for a trip. I could pack them into the van, and get to some town, and ditch the van, and then try to make a life for myself.

I had ironed quite a few items, neatly packing them into the suitcases, and getting the lingerie all packed in one of them. There was still lingerie in a fair sized pile, but they were sort of the "culls", which were still in good shape, but did show a little wear. I tried to organize the clothing the best that I could, setting it up so that I had a matching blouse for each skirt, and the dresses I hung on some clothes hangers along the shelf in the den. I also put all the shoes into a pile taking a good look at the various heights of the heels. I found that several of the pairs had 6" and 5" heels, which would make my tiny feet feel like I was trying to walk like a Ballerina.

As digging through the cosmetics, I found several packages of Birth Control Pills, so I put them into my purse after taking one for the current day. I figured that I would be wanting to be promiscuous one of these days and I for sure did not want to be pregnant with everything that I already ought to be worrying about. There was also a box of tampons, and a box of feminine napkins, so I took a few out and slipped them into my purse as well, for I sure didn't want something to happen that I should have been prepared for. When I went to pee again, I also put one of the butt plugs into my purse, for who knew when I might want to try that out, and finding a bottle of lubricant, put that with it.

I sat down and decided to just rest and enjoy some of the evening when the door bell rang all of a sudden. Panic attack big time! My heart started racing, and I got weak at the knees, wondering who it could be at the door.

I tip toed slowly to the peep hole, and looked out onto the porch, seeing that it was another lady, one who I did not know. That eased the panic a little, but then too, I was afraid that it may be one of the ladies who my folks were friends with and she may want something from my old male self.

I decided to not answer the door, but then she rang the bell again, and that about made me jump out of my skin.

Then I heard her, "Come on and open the door, for I know your situation", she said dryly.

I just stood there stunned, wondering just who this lady was, and if she really did know what had happened to me.

"Open the door or I will be forced to enter through it anyway", she loudly spoke.

I decided that maybe I ought to open the door and see if she really did know what my situation was, and thinking that if she did, then apparently she must have had some magic involved with the lingerie that I had put on in the dumpster.

"This is your last chance little lady, or I will make this tougher on you than you can imagine", I heard her voice again.

So, I slowly unlocked the burglar catch on the door and unlocked the deadbolt. As I opened the door, she opened the storm door and pretty much forced her way into my house. I was caught off guard, as she said, "Get your ass in here and get ready to come along with me".

"Who are you", I stammered, still never imagining that this is what would happen.

"I am your new Master, and it is time that you came with me. It was the clothes that I had discarded which you chose to take, and since you are now a lady, you shall be mine until I decide otherwise." She said dryly.

"How is it that you knew where I lived", I asked timidly.

"Because I am a Witch, and I had a spell on the clothes, and when you chose to put them on they alerted me, leading me throughout your path", she answered.

"So, you can help me", I asked.

"Yes", she said, "But for at least a while you are to be mine. I will show you how to act, and how to perform, and you will do as I say, or I will make life quite unbearable for you. Do you understand?"

"Yes", I meekly answered, not knowing exactly what she was talking about, but figuring that if she was a Witch, then she could probably turn me into a goat or something. Or worse, she could take away my new found body. But I felt assured that apparently she would be able to get me set up in this world with identification and a life I could call my own.

"I see that you have been sorting through the clothes, and have them pretty much all packed up, so gather the rest of your things and lets get going", she said to me.

"Okay," I replied, "But where are we going to go?"

"To my house of course, where I will teach you how to be a lady, and you will serve me as my maid," she told me.

"Okay, but do I need all of the clothes?" I asked.

"Yes," she retorted, "What else do you think you will use for body covering? Do you not think on your own?"

Well yes, but I just thought that if you were a Witch, then I thought that maybe you would just conjure up some clothing or something. I just did not know." I said to her hesitantly.

"You do have a lot to learn, but that is not surprising. First off, I do not like to be questioned, nor do I want to argue with you, and if you do not stop, then I will go and you can figure out how to get on with your life with out my help. Secondly, what you have read about Witches in books is not quite how it happens, and we can't just pull clothes out of thin air with a wave of our hand, a Witch can only perform certain acts of magic, and they have to be very carefully thought out and then a spell is cast before it can work. Enough of that now, grab up some clothes and take them out to the car. I will help you and then we can be gone." She said to me.

"Okay, I am just sort of really confused right now," I tried to respectively respond.

"Don't worry about it right now, I am not a cruel person, but I can get a little short when I am tired." She replied.

So I started closing the suitcases and went to the kitchen and got some trash bags to put the clothes that I had not had room for in the suitcases, and put them into the sacks. I made a quick pass through the toilet and the bedroom, picking up my dildo as I went through there and the soiled Baby Doll. I got everything picked up under the watchful eye of the Witch, when I realized that I did not know what her name was.

"What do I call you", I asked.

"My name is Samantha, but I would rather you called me Ms. S." she responded.

"Okay, and I really am grateful that you have came to my rescue, for I did not know what I was going to do after the next couple of days, for I knew that I would not be able to stay here." I told her.

"I know that, and so while I was not sure that I wanted another to train, I did feel like I owed it to you to get you all taken cared of since I did feel a little responsible for what has happened to you", she told me. Then she added, "Do you still have the lingerie that you had on when you were transformed into a woman?"

"Yes, they are in the purse over there," I said as I pointed to a big purse that looked as though it was probably a tourists.

She went over and picked up the bag, saying, "Well, you won't have any more use for these, so I will get rid of them so they do not put another into the same situation that you are in."

I looked at her, and the words sort of slipped out of my lips, "You mean that you did not intend for these to be in the dumpster?"

"No", she responded, "They were tossed out by the owner of the Apartment Complex where one who I trained before was staying. She had apparently left for some place, and left her clothes there. I forgot about the lingerie with the spell I had cast upon them, and they were actually intended to rejuvenate her to youthfulness, not to transform a man into a woman."

"Ohh, I had no idea", I said.

"That is okay, now let's get these things into my car, and let's get out of here," she said to me.

I gathered up a couple of suitcases, and she took a few of the lighter things, and in about 15 minutes everything was transferred into her car. I checked through the house one last time, and did not see or remember anything that I had forgotten, and said goodbye to my old self. I locked the door and went out to the car and climbed into the passenger side.

Samantha started up the car and pulled out of the drive, heading for town.

"So, where are we going," I inquired.

"Well, I have decided to get you all fixed up so that you can enjoy your new life, and since I have a friend that is a Beautician, I thought that we would go and get you a make-over," Samantha stated.

"A make-over? Like with make up?" I questioned.

"No, silly, I thought that I would let you get your hair done, have some long nails applied and get you ears pierced. You need to look like the beautiful young woman that you are," Samantha told me.

"Okay, that does sound intriguing," I told her.

As we drove down the road, we finally reached our goal, a Beauty Shop called "Carol's Hair Emporium" which looked like a pretty nice establishment.

"I had taken the liberty to already make an appointment, and while we are just a little early, you are the last one in for today, so she will be able to take care of everything. She is a good friend of mine, and I told her that you had come to live with me, and so she is more than eager to get you all fixed up." Samantha stated.

We entered into the shop, and was greeted by a pretty lady, quite slender, but had way too much make up on for my tastes. She introduced herself, "Hi, I am Georgia, and you must be......"

"Stephanie, and it is my pleasure to meet you as well," I replied.

"Well Stephanie, Ms. S. has already told us pretty much what you would need, so shall we get started?", stated Georgia.

I wondered just what I was going to have done, but for some reason I trusted Ms. S. and so I decided it would all be okay, so I didn't even bother to ask, just made like I knew what was in store for me.

"So, Ms. S. has told us that you have been in the dark for quite a while, and that this is your first trip to a city of this size. I do hope that you are enjoying being here, and hope that you find the city enjoyable." Said Georgia.

"Oh, I am enjoying it so much, and all the area that is filled with stores is quite exciting." I stretched the truth to Georgia.

Georgia took me over to a seat, and said "I was told that you were wanting a pedicure as well as false nails, so go ahead and take off you hose."

I almost died, and was sure glad that I had decided to wear panties when I got dressed. I pulled up my skirt and grabbed the waist band of my hose and pulled them down and then pulled back down my skirt. I kicked off my high heels, and sat down so I could get my hose off my feet. I took my hose and laid them with my high heels, and started getting sort of flushed.

"Do you have any preference with the color of nail polish Stephanie," Georgia asked.

"No, just what ever you recommend," I responded.

Georgia sat down and pulled over a table with the false nails on it, and took my hand and started holding the nails up to see what size I needed to be fit with. She then started mixing some epoxy and said to me, "Have you ever had long nails?"

"No, I have just never been able to grow them out," I replied to her, not really lying, but not telling her much else.

She said, "You have to be real careful for the first couple of weeks, for they will get into everything, like ripping your hose, making it hard to type, and scratching you when you least expect it."

I just sort of looked at her, nodding my head. I was really at a loss for words.

With a little more small talk, Georgia got the nails all set onto my fingers, and then said that she would go ahead and pint my toes. This was the first time anyone had touched my feet, and I jumped as she slid one up so she could brush on the nail polish. When she got done with the first coat on my toes, she painted my nails, and then took off across the room.

As I was just sitting there, another lady came in, and spoke to me, "Hello, I'm Annie, how are you today?"

I had not seen anyone else, and now I was taken aback. She informed me that she was going to do my hair, and that she had been told that I wanted my ears pierced. I told her yes, and so she set about messing with my h air.

Georgia returned and tested my nails, and while I was not paying any attention, she let her had slip into my lap and touch my thigh right above the knee. I jumped, and she just smiled at me, and then she started slowly moving her fingers around. I sort of liked the feeling, and did not think too much about it, as I was enjoying having my hair worked with.

I slowly felt Georgia's fingers slide up towards my crotch, and so I subconsciously opened my legs a little further, and allowed her to slip those moving fingers onto my upper thigh. About that time, Annie stopped playing with my hair and then I felt her face come near to my neck. I had no idea what exactly was going on, but I also knew that I was feeling a lot of electricity in my loins.

When Annie kissed my neck, Georgia reached my panty covered pussy, and I moaned out loud. I knew what was happening now, and I also knew that it felt pretty good. Since I was raised as a boy, I never even had any bad thoughts about lesbianism, so I just spread my legs farther apart and let Georgia rub her fingers across my nylon covered slit. I sort of let my head fall back and Annie put her lips to mine and gave me a gentle kiss.

She then kissed me again, and then sort of laid into a nice kiss, where she groped towards my lips with her tongue. About the same time I felt Georgia's fingers glide up under the leg of my thong, and brush my quickly moistening slit. That made me kiss back Annie just that much harder, and really start getting into the scene.

Annie slid over farther to my left, coming around from the back, and let her hand reach for my breast. Georgia then let her fingers move away from my pussy, and up higher, reaching for the waistband of my thong, grasping it and pulling it down. I braced my feet against the foot part of the chair, and raised my butt slightly off the chair seat. That allowed Georgia to pull my panties down around my ankles, and on off my body to be tossed into the pile with my high heels.

As Annie continued to kiss me, and play with my breast, easing her fingers into my blouse and down towards my bra, I felt Georgia's hair on the top of my legs, and soon I felt her kissing me on my thigh, and quickly moving up towards my crotch. I felt the zipper move up, and that gave me a whole lot more freedom to widen my legs, and giving Georgia more room to get her head down to my thigh. I was quickly getting so caught up in the ecstasy of all this, I had forgotten about everything that I ever knew, but I did know that I was getting so hot that I had to have some relief before too long.

When Georgia's tongue gently brushed my clit, I almost sucked Annie's tongue out of her mouth, and grasped the arms of the chair, shuddering all the way throughout my body. I was on fire, and just about felt like I had just been electrocuted! Annie popped loose a couple more buttons on my blouse, and then popped loose the catch on the front of my bra, freeing my breasts and sending another shock through my body and deep into my pussy where Georgia had just started probing with her hungry tongue.

Annie's hands moved to my very sensitive breasts, gently massaging them, and then just sort of taking the nipples and rolling them gently back and forth between her fingers. The sensation was exquisite, and I could feel myself skyrocketing deep within myself very quickly. Georgia started lapping deeper and deeper inside me, and then she started taking my clit into her mouth and started sucking on it quite hard, sending wave after wave of ecstasy through my body. And as I thought that I would never be able to reach a higher point, Annie broke away from my lips, and moved down to my tits, putting one in her mouth an started to suck. All I could do was let a moan and shudder from deep within my body.

About that time, I felt Georgia's mouth move away from my pussy, and I felt something enter into my slick cunt. Then I felt another, and then her mouth went back to work, working over my clit like there was no tomorrow.

Annie moved to my other tit, and then gently bit down on my nipple. I screamed as I started cumming, and know that I about flooded Georgia when I came. It seemed like an eternity while I came, and when it subsided I felt Georgia's mouth and tongue just gently lapping at my gash, and Annie kissing gently on one tit and then the other.

I was beside myself, so thoroughly satisfied, and could feel the flushness fill my cheeks and the warm afterglow enhance my body. Georgia pulled away from my pussy, and then Annie quit kissing my tits, and returned up to give me a couple of gentle kisses on the lips. I returned the kiss and thanked her for the moment. She raised up, and then Georgia moved up and gave me a kiss, sliding her tongue into my mouth, allowing me to taste my own juices that were still in her mouth. She pinched my tit, and then also moved back, taking the nail polish and shaking it.

Both women went back to work as I laid there almost exhausted, and filled with amazement. Annie asked me to scoot back up into the chair, and so I did, and then I reached up and started putting my breasts back into my bra, hooking the clasp and getting them all situated. Georgia, without saying anything, picked up my foot and started putting a second coat onto my toes.

Annie was doing something behind me, which I was not aware of, and then I felt her take a hold of my ear, stating that she was measuring my ears for the earrings.

I felt full in my pussy so I asked Georgia, "What did you insert into me?"

"Ben-Wa Balls, they will keep you excited when you walk with them. We sell them here, and so I figured that you needed a set of them," Georgia responded. "If you reach down and rub your pussy, then you will feel them move around."

I did, and felt the balls move around some, sending a new wave of excitement through my loins. I could tell that these were not exactly what I needed right now, for I was too easily excited as it was, and these were just going to keep me a wet mess. But I did not say anything, and just moved back my hand and let it go at that.

I felt Annie mark my ears with a pen, and then I felt the shooting pain of her putting in a set of earrings into my ear. Georgia was applying the second coat of polish to my fingernails, and then I felt another sting in my same ear.

"What are you doing to me?" I questioned to Annie.

"Ms. S. said that you wanted five pair of earrings in each ear, so I am trying to get them started. Is it hurting too much?" Annie replied.

"No, I had just forgot that she said it was going to be a little painful." I lied to Annie, not knowing that I would have more than one set in my ears.

After a while, both women were done with me, and so I had long fingernails, and them and my toes were all nicely polished with a pretty shade of red polish. I had 5 pair of earrings in my ears, which were tender, but when I looked into the mirror I also thought that they were quite pretty. I had a new hair set, with all types of curls and some highlighting here and there, making it look quite alive with life. And I now had a set of Ben-Wa balls in my aching pussy. I had been loved on by both women, and so they kissed me when they were done. That too made my already wet pussy just all that wetter.

I slid out of the chair, and noticed that I had a wet spot on the seat, not to mention that I was just a little stuck to it, so the women handed me a damp towel so I could clean myself up a little. Annie playfully shot my damp crotch with the hair dryer, which sent a wave of electricity from my pussy all through my body, and checked to be sure that I did not have a wet spot on my skirt. Georgia handed me my panties, which I slipped up my legs and pulled them tight up against my crotch. That made the Ben-Wa balls jostle around, and so I could rapidly see that there was going to be a problem with those things before I got them out of me, but did not say anything to Georgia. Then I sat down, and got my hose up my legs, and got them all snuggled up against my crotch as well. I pulled the zipper down on my skirt, and got the buttons buttoned on the blouse. I then slid the high heels onto my feet, and got ready to make my appearance to Ms. S.

As I headed for the door to the lounge, Annie took my hand and put a well placed kiss onto my lips, and then added just a little tongue. She said to me, "Hope we get to see you again real soon. We could have a good time at a party."

Then Georgia took a hold of me and grabbed the side of my face, and shoved her mouth onto mine, forcing my lips apart, and kissing me like I had never really be kissed before. Her hand slipped down the front of my skirt, and pressed against my covered pussy. She then broke the kiss and told me "Keep your nice tasty pussy all shaved for me, and keep the balls as a remembrance. Please do hurry back soon, and we can all go out and have a good time."

As I headed out into the lounge with the two beauticians trailing right behind me, Ms. S. stood up. She looked at me and I seen her smile like she was quite pleased with the outcome of the treatment. Then she looked at Georgia, saying "I trust that you two gave Stephanie the 'Royal' treatment?"

Georgia looked at her, saying "Yes Mamm, we only gave her the best of service, and we hope that she will return again someday."

I went flushed, and just sort of looked at Ms. S. But I knew that she knew what kind of 'treatment' that the two vixens had given to me.

Ms. S. paid the bill, and then motioned me to follow her to the car, telling the two beauticians to have a good day. As I was going out the door, both Annie and Georgia put their hands up to their mouths and blew me a kiss, and so I kissed the air at them as the door was closing.

As I got into the car with Ms. S., I adjusted my skirt, and made myself comfortable. Ms. S. then said to me, " I want to tell you the rules now, and then let you decide whether you want to spend some time with me or not.

I am not a cruel lady, but I do enjoy a challenge, and so I want you to be my slave, doing everything that I say, and do whatever I tell you to do without any questions. If you agree, then I will take care of you for all the time that you choose to stay with me, and will ensure that you are well taken cared of. If you choose not to be my slave, then I will let you out right here, and let you lead your own life as you see fit."

I looked at her, and said, "I have nothing, no ID, no credit cards, no social security number. My life is lost, and I have no idea how to get it started. What kind of choice is this?"

"Well, I guess that you have a problem, and a choice," she dryly said.

"Some choice," I said, and added "All I could be is a hooker, or at least until I get arrested, and then I would be lost in the judicial system."

"Oh come now, it is not that bad. You do not have to be my slave forever, just until you choose to leave. If you figure out some way to make your own life, then you will be free to leave. I can get the documents to make you be a person in this world, but will do it in my own sweet time." She told me.

"Well," I said, "I guess that I do not have a choice, but yet do. The alternative is pretty glum, but I want to know what I would be required to do as your slave."

"The answer is either yes, or no. No questions. I will provide no answers," she said as she whipped the car into a parking lot and screeched to a stop.

"Okay, okay," I said, "I am so confused, what with the beauticians that you apparently knew about, and these Ben-Wa balls in my pussy making me all hot and bothered. I guess that my answer is yes, since I can always go my own way if I decide that I can not handle it."

"Oh, I am sure that you will find out quite quickly," she said to me, giving me a quick peck on my cheek. "Now, I want you to sit back, and unzip your skirt, and put your hand on your crotch. Rub it as we head for the house."

I looked at her, and said, "What? You can't be serious!"

She slapped me so quickly and hard it made my head spin. "I told you what to do, and if you will not respond, then get out of the car right now!" she barked at me.

Tears swelled in my eyes, and so I reached down and pulled the zipper up, showing my panty and hose covered crotch. I put my hand on it, and slowly started rubbing it, feeling the Ben-Wa balls as they shifted ever so subtlety inside of me.

"Unbutton your blouse and unhook your bra, so that your tits are hanging out. Then we will proceed on to the house." She said to me with a new manner of commanding voice.

I reached up and unbuttoned the buttons on the blouse, tears slowly streaking down my face, and released my breasts. She reached over and pinched one nipple and then the other, saying "They just looked as though they were not as perky as they needed to be." And then laughed a little as she put the car into drive and started pulling through the parking lot.

"I told you to get your hand down to your crotch and start playing with yourself. Have you already forgotten?" she said again.

"No, I mean yes, I forgot. I understand," I stammered in earnest.

She headed out of the parking lot, and turned out into the street. I was grateful that it was dark, and that there were not too many cars out, but I knew I would be seen if we had to stop at a signal light. Tears were still flowing down my cheeks as I kept my hand rubbing my quickly moistening snatch. I panicked when she said, "I am hungry, and I bet you could use a little something as well. Shall we do McDonalds?"

All I could stammer is, "What if someone sees me?"

"Oh, it will be alright. No one will ever notice. You just keep that hand to moving or else you will be seen as I march you off in front of the car after we get into the lot." She told me.

We wheeled into the lot, with me still exposing myself, and playing with my crotch. She pulled into the drive-thru and ordered a hamburger, two small fries and a couple of cokes. I did not question or ask her why so little food, for I was starting to feel the pangs of hunger and knew that I could eat at least that much what with all the excitement that I had been through so far today. The salad at lunch had long been gone, and so I hoped that the burger was for me.

She pulled up to the window, making me blush and turning red. Handed the girl at the window a ten, and then got back some change. The girl looked across the car, and smirked like she was really annoyed, so I knew that she had seen me and completely disapproved.

Ms. S. pulled out of the drive-thru and parked in a spot. She then looked over to me and said, "Reach up and pull your hose and panties down. Let me see that pussy of yours."

I quit playing with myself, and raised my ass off the seat. Ms. S. reached into the back seat and grabbed a towel, slinging it over to me and told me, "Sit on this. I don't want the upholstery ruined."

I got my hose and thong down onto my upper thighs, and then slid the towel under me. I let my ass sown onto the towel, and then lid the hose and thong down a little farther.

"Go ahead and take them all the way off. I see that you are so proud of your pussy that you have shaved it all bare. I bet Georgia liked that. I know she has an infinity for a bald pussy." She said to me.

I got my hose and thong off, slipping my shoes off onto the floor. I felt really naked sitting in the car, what with my breasts exposed to the world, and my skirt unzipped and not having any underclothes on at all except for the bra that was still hanging onto my arms.

Ms. S. handed me a coke, and then reached into the bag and pulled out a bag of fries, handed them to me and said, "I want you to dip each fry into that bald pussy of yours before they make it to your mouth. Do you understand me young lady?"

All I could do was nod, as the tears welled up in my eyes again. I was starting to doubt that I would be able to go through all this, for the humiliation was already starting to take it's toll on me. I remembered how my juices tasted on Georgia's lips though when she kissed me, and that remembrance started making my pussy wet again. So I figured that I could make it through this, and then would have to judge the next action when we got to it.

I took out a fry and put it slowly into my moist gash, feeling the salt burn a little as it entered into me. I took it out and put it into my mouth, tasting how different a fry was with my own juices on it as compared to when I ate them as a man. Hunger overcame the slowness and so I kept dipping each fry into my awaiting box before I got them into my mouth.

Ms. S. finished her meal at about the same time I finished my fries. She then looked at me and said, "Get your bra off, and then we will head out."

I slowly let the blouse fall off my shoulders and then slipped my arms out of the bra, then laid it next to me in the seat with my panties and hose.

Ms. S. backed out of the parking space and took off out of the lot. "Go ahead and get your hand back into your crotch and keep that pussy of yours excited," she commanded.

I did so, and felt the Ben-Wa balls moving around inside my burning pussy.

The salt on the fries had made my pussy even more excited than before, so I let a finger slowly enter into myself.

"We need to go to Wal-Mart," Ms. S. stated, "So we can get some things that we will need."

I just looked at her, wondering what she had in store for me now.

We pulled into the lot at Wal-Mart, me with my hand still busy with my cunt, and my tits showing. I noticed a lot of people in the lot moving around, so I knew that I would be seen by some one. I just hoped that it was not an old man who was liable to have a heart attack if they were to see me totally exposed.

As we pulled into a parking space, Ms. S. told me, "Put your shoes on and get your blouse buttoned. When you get out, then pull your zipper down on that skirt. Remember to keep your thighs together too and those muscles in your cunt tight, or those Ben-Wa balls will fall out onto the floor. You will just think you are humiliated here in the car if that were to happen."

I got my shoes on, and got the blouse buttoned. I got out of the car, feeling the cool evening air sweep through the blouse onto my bare tits, and against my bald pussy. I got the zipper down and turned to head off into the store with Ms. S.

It took a lot of concentration to keep the Ben-Wa balls inside of me, fearing that they would fall out onto the floor, and picturing them rolling right in front of everyone. We got into the store and Ms. S. took out a cart and told me to follow her. We went to the cosmetics section and she got some more make-up, then we went into the pharmacy, where she picked up a couple of boxes of condoms. We then headed for the food section, where she got a bunch of bananas and several cucumbers. We then went to the clothing section, and she got a couple of pairs of bib overalls, which I quickly put out of my mind for I knew that they must be for someone else. She picked up several other items, but I was trying to concentrate on the Ben-Wa balls so they would not fall out, and they were not helping too much due to their constant moving around. I was about to come when we finally got up to the register. Ms. S. paid for the items, handing me the bags, and we headed back out to the car.

"Open your blouse back up, and get your zipper pulled back up. Want you to get that hand busy with your pussy." Ms. S. commanded as we got ready to leave.

I played with myself, sitting on the towel, all the way to where she must live. We pulled into the drive, and she put the car back into park. I grabbed my blouse and started buttoning it up.

"Did I tell you to cover up your tits?" she barked at me.

"No, but I thought that since we were here we were going to go inside," I replied.

"Yes we are going inside, but you are not to think on your own, I will do that for you. Do you understand me?" Ms. S. glared at me.

"Yes, Mamm," I replied as I unbuttoned my blouse.

She got out of the car, then looked through the glass saying, "Get out here and help me young lady, there are things to carry in."

I reluctantly got out of the car, and headed for the trunk. She took the items that we had bought at Wal-Mart, and so I grabbed some of the clothes that I knew probably needed to be taken into the house. She nodded to me as I looked at her with my hand on the clothes, and so I picked up what I could and followed her into the house. We entered into the house, and then she said, "This way. I will show you where to put those."

I followed her down the hall into a bedroom. She switched on the light, and told me, "This is your room. I want you to put all of your clothes in here. Lock the car when you get everything out of it. Then come back in here and put them away where they belong. Take off your skirt, and blouse, right now, and put them on the bed. Do you understand my directions?"

"But Mamm, I will be having to go outside naked to get my things," I replied.

"That's right, now strip," she responded.

I stripped and put my clothes on the bed, then turned and headed for the car. It took me several trips, and I was just thankful that there was not anyone coming down street as I was getting all the things out of there. I locked the car, and then went back into the bedroom and proceeded to put the clothes away. I was almost done when Ms. S. came in.

"Looks like you are just about done," she said. "Now come with me, we have some things to do."

I headed down the hall and followed her into the bathroom. She had an enema bag hanging on the shower rod and had just picked up a jar of lubricant. "Bend over and grasp your ankles," she told me.

I had enemas before, so I knew it was not going to hurt, but I felt somewhat humiliated by having to stand naked in front of this woman I had just met this afternoon, and then have her shove the nozzle up into my bowels. But I did as I was told.

I felt the coolness of the lubricant on the crack of my ass, and then I felt her finger slip into my asshole. That made me jump and when my muscles spasmed I felt the Ben-Wa balls move around inside of me. Then I felt the tip of the nozzle press against my spincter, and felt the rough edges as it passed into me. The water started flowing, which was warm, and started filling my bowels up. I concentrated and felt the water flow deeper inside of me. It seemed like forever, and my stomach started to cramp when I felt her pull the nozzle out of my rectum.

"Stay there," she commanded as she slipped out the door.

She soon returned and stepped back behind me. I felt something press against my spincter, then slowly slide up into me. I heard a hissing sound and at the same time realized that what she had inserted was expanding in my ass. After just a few seconds the hissing stopped, but I felt like I needed to go to the toilet really bad.

"Okay, stand up young lady," Ms. S. commanded. "Come with me."

I stepped out of the bathroom, and felt the water move inside my bowels. I was about to lose control of the Ben-Wa balls too, as I followed her back into my room. She turned and sat on the bed, and looked at me.

"Get out a garter belt, and some hose," she retorted.

I went to the drawer that I had put my stuff in, and got out a black garter belt and a set of hose. I held them as I looked at her.

"Get out your panties and bras, and put them in this sack," she said, as she pulled a sack out of the trash can and handed it to me.

I dug through the drawers and put the panties and the bras into the sack, and then handed it back to her. She took it from me and said, "You will wear any more bras or panties until I tell you that you have earned them.

If I find you wearing any that I have not gave to you, then the discipline will be tough, and quick. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Mamm," I replied with a nod of my head.

"Okay, grab your purse and come with me." She said as she exited my room.

We headed back to the bathroom, and I suddenly remembered the full bowel that I was carrying. She told me to sit down on the toilet, and grab the nozzle of the bellows she had expanded inside of me. I did so, and a stinking mess erupted into the toilet. I felt really relieved, and almost let the Ben-Wa balls fall out of my pussy and into the toilet.

"Wash that off, and take the balls out of yourself. Wash them too, then get a shower, and go back to your room and get on the garter belt and hose.

I will see you downstairs in 15 minutes," she told me as she exited the bathroom and closed the door.

I got the items all cleaned up and got into the shower. I was really confused about what was going on, but did not want to make Ms. S. mad by not doing what she commanded. I was out of the shower pretty quickly, and brushed out my hair. Headed for the bedroom, and put on the garter belt and the hose. My ears were burning from the new piercings, and my poor excited pussy felt a little bit vacant without the Ben-Wa balls inside there.

I headed down the hall and into the living room where Ms. S. was sitting.

"Where are your shoes?" she asked me.

"I did not know that they were required," I replied.

"You will always wear your high heels here, so get the tallest ones that you have, and get them on," she retorted to me, noticeably upset with me.

I returned to my room, and dug through the closet. I found a pair with 6" heels and slipped them onto my feet. When I stood up, I almost fell to the floor. These were going to take some getting use to in order to keep my balance, I thought to myself.

"Bring your purse with you as well," I heard Ms. S. yell from the living room.

I sort of stumbled and staggered to the bathroom to get my purse, and then headed down the hall to the living room as fast as I could safely walk with those high heels on. Ms. S. was still sitting there waiting or me, and motioned me to come over to her. I got over to her and heard her say, "Don't sit, just stand there, and get those legs together."

I got my legs together and sort of wobbled trying to hold onto my balance.

"I have rules for your stay here in this house." She stated to me, then added,

"First, there will not be any panties worn.

Second, no bras to hide those tits of yours.

Third, you are to be naked except for what I tell you to wear, except when you are going out, and I will choose what you are to wear then.

Fourth, you will always have on heels, and high heels at that, and we will get rid of any that you have that are not acceptable to me.

Fifth, you will always refer to me as Ms. S.

Sixth, you will do as I say, or you will be out on the street.

Seventh, you will not question what tell you to do.

Eighth, I will require you to have in your purse some items, which if they are not there when I check, you will be punished.

Ninth, you will take care of yourself, and exercise.

Tenth, you will not masturbate or cum unless I tell you that you may.

Do you understand these rules?"

"Yes," I stammered meekly.

"Good, now hand me your purse and let me take a look inside it. I will get the items that you will be needing." She said.

I handed her the purse, and she took it and opened it up. "Well, it looks like you were planning on having a good time. Some butt plugs, a dildo, and some make up. Where were you going?" she asked me.

"When I was going through the stuff I had found, I put those items into my purse. I was not going anywhere, I just did not want to misplace them, having to look for them later." I responded to her.

She pulled out one of the butt plugs and handed it to me, and then pulled out some lubricant and opened it up. "Get some on the end of that and get it up your ass." She told me.

I dipped the head of the butt plug into the jar and then bent over, allowing the tip to find it's way to my spincter. I slowly worked the butt plug into my ass, stretching it very slowly. I felt the pain, and kept working it, massaging it back and forth like I was getting fucked, trying to work it gently past the larger ring of the plug and into my bowels.

"I did not tell you to play with it, I told you to get it into your ass.

Are you having problems understanding me." Ms. S. barked at me.

I winced as I shoved the butt plug into my ass, feeling like it split my spincter and creating a lot of pain as it passed into my ass and wedged itself deep into my bowels. I was still wincing as I stood up and looked into her eyes.

"That's more like it." she said to me, "Now, let's get some of this stuff out of here."

She took the other butt plugs out of my purse, and then dumped the other contents onto the couch. She let me keep my wallet, and then put the lubricant back into the purse. She then inspected the 8" dildo, and put it back into my purse. She got up and went into the other room. She returned with a couple of small clamps, and 12 of the condoms that we had just bought. She put the condoms into my purse, and then fished out of a drawer a package of tissues, which went into my purse as well. She then went into the back room and returned with a vibrator, and a collar with a leash, a gag that looked like a penis and a pair of hand cuffs along with a short piece of rope. She laid these where she had been sitting, and went over and got a chair from the table, bringing it into the center of the room.

"Come here and sit down," she ordered to me. "I am going to let you have some fun tonight."

I sat down feeling the butt plug press deeper inside of me and she took my hand and pulled it around behind me. I felt the hand cuffs being put onto my wrist and clinched down tight, then she grabbed my other hand and cuffed it to the other. She then squatted down and started putting the rope around my leg, and then pulled it around the back of the chair and slung it around my other leg. She then forced my legs to slide around to the sides of the chair and tightened the rope. She picked up the penis gag, and shoved it into my mouth, almost making me gag, and fastened it around the back of my head.

"We don't want you to keep me up all night, now do we?" she said to me.

She then picked up my purse and pulled out the small clamps. I knew what she was going to do, and so I started squirming and trying to speak.

"Aw, getting you all excited," she laughingly said to me, "You just can't wait can you?"

She pinched one of my nipples with her fingers and then the other. She then tool the clamp and started closing it down onto my tender nipple almost making me pass out before she stopped tightening it. She repeated the procedure with the other tit, and then picked up the vibrator. She slid it into her mouth and I could see the spit glistening off of it in the light.

She then smiled at me and slowly started slipping the 8" vibrator into my pussy. When it was about half way in, she took off and went into the other room, making me wonder what else she had in store for me. She quickly returned though with a roll of surgical tape. She then turned the vibrator on, sending a flood of ecstasy through my loins, and started working it on into my gash. I tried to yell as it stretched my pussy to it's limit, but the gag only allowed a moan to pass through it. She got all 8 inches into me, and then ripped off a piece of the tape and taped it into my gash. I felt the pressures inside me start to build, then she turned to me and said, "There, now you can satisfy that itch inside you. Sleep well young lady, and I will see you in the morning."

She then switched off the light as the first of many orgasms raced through my body that night.

Next: Chapter 3

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