Life Begins at 25

Published on Apr 20, 2022




"LIFE BEGINS AT TWENTY-FIVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
Written in June 27th 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised
By a friend in New Zealand


The following morning, while Jacques was eating his breakfast, he suddenly felt he had to talk to her, about everything.


"Yes, Jacques?"

"I'm in love..."

"Is it the journalist?" the woman hesitantly asked.

"Yes, Alain."

"I guessed it. What about him?"


"Well, it's great, isn't it?" the woman then said, starting to feel as if on safe ground.

"But I... I don't want to."

"And why not?" the woman asked, looking at him in amazement.

"Mom, but look at me!"

"You are a handsome boy!"

"And handicapped in a wheelchair."

"That... he also knows, right? And if he says he loves you..."

"Like the other one?"

"The other one... well, each person is different. Maybe he wasn't really in love with you. Everybody's disappointed sometimes, even people not in wheelchairs. Your father... he was my third fiancée. And he had others before me... I believe he had a few stories, and as many disappointments. But then we met, he and I, and... we were OK together. If you don't try, how can you know how it could end? If you're afraid of it going bad, perhaps you just lose the right person."

"I don't know, Mom. He's so beautiful, an athlete, living and alive and I so... Don't you think it's an unlikely pair?"

"A person in love often feels inadequate for the other." the woman gently said.

"But I am inadequate, objectively. You know that better than me."

"I just know that I love you and that I would like to see you happy. Life has been unfair with you, now don't be unfair with yourself. Listen, Jacques, when you told me the first time that you liked...that you were gay, I couldn't believe it. I didn't understand, I asked myself if I made mistakes in raising you, I thought it was my fault. We talked about that, remember? At that time we talked, you and I...maybe just arguing but we were talking. And little by little, I understood, I accepted. But then you... you closed in yourself. You know I'm not reproaching you for that. I understand you, but it was difficult to be the only one to talk about some subjects. I felt you were suffering. I wanted to help you, but what could I do? If I was a man, probably... I don't know. I always felt so useless, at least on those subjects. You are a normal boy, just you cannot use your legs. But do you think I can't understand, I don't know that you feel desire like any other person? Sure, if you could go out, meet people, all would be easier. But you shut off yourself with your computer, your telescope, you didn't cultivate friendships... even just for a walk I have to insist quite to the point of yelling. Now you have this journalist, young, handsome, that says he loves you and you say you love him... Why are you feeling like that?"

"I'm scared, mom."

"Of what? Being disappointed? Jacques, it's impossible to avoid disappointments. They are part of life like joy and sorrow. In life, like in cooking, there's salt and sugar, vinegar and honey. If you know how to mix them in little quantities, they make dishes tastier. If you don't use them, well... what cooking comes out? It's tasteless."

Jacques smiled at that parallel. Hesitantly he then said: "He'll come to meet me again. He says that if I don't accept his love, at least he wants to have my friendship. He also says that we have to know each other in a better way. He says he doesn't give up."

"It seems to me that he is wise more than you, my dear son."

"You mothers see everything so simply."

"We mothers. I just know that I want to see you more content. And that boy gave me a really good impression. What is his name? Paul, right?"

"No, mom, that's just a pseudonym. His name is Alain."

"Nice name."

"Sure, all names always seem nice to you!" the boy answered, slightly surly.

"Jacques? Do you want a fight now?" his mother answered, but contradicting with a smile the belligerent tone of her words.

"No, Mom. But if I'm a problem for you, how could I not be one for him? Supposing that he is really in love with me, how long will it last? I'll be just a burden to him, as I am for you."

"But you're not a problem and neither a burden for me, can't you put that into your head? How could you be one for him, if he loves you? He saw you, he is aware of your physical conditions but he insists. He says you have to know each other better, and that's right. Like normal people. And then, if you find he loves you, I will be more comfortable - when I'm not here anymore, who'll take care of you?"

"What garbage, Mom!"

"Jacques, I'm not here forever. I have to think about the future. And if you really find somebody who loves you, who wants to love you, it will be wonderful. You risk a disappointment, I agree. But everything could go right. If you're disappointed, well, you will survive all the same, but if all goes right, you will live, and not just survive. On the two sides of the scale are living or surviving - it seems to me there can be just one choice. He says that he want to at least be your friend: well, you have to start from there."

Alain did nothing but think about Jacques. If he was in love with him before they met, now he was feeling that he couldn't, didn't want to lose him. He was absolutely not turned off by the fact that he was relegated to a wheelchair - after all even if he had a lover as sound as a bell, an accident could always happen and he could be in a wheelchair. He wouldn't abandon him for just that or love him less than before. Rather, he would love more than before. Jacques's accident had already happened, so he had just to love him more. He longed to meet him again soon, he wanted to be near him, see him, talk with him, make him feel that his love was a serious thing. So, in the afternoon, while he was going back home from his school, he decided to visit him.

When he rang the bell, Jacques's mother welcomed him with kindness: "Ah, Alain, right? I was about to go out. Jacques is in the other room, as usual. He will be glad to see you. I will be out for about two hours. You can stay as long as you want." the woman said to him, smiling amiability.

Alain thanked her with an hesitant smile, but answered: "I will be here until you are back, Madame. Don't worry. I'll take care of your son."

"Thank you, I can be more at ease. He can manage by himself but, you know a mother is..."

Alain went to Jacques's room and greeted him cheerfully. He took out the book and handed it to him: "Before I forget again, would you please autograph it? I'd be really appreciate it. Make it with yesterday's date."

"Sit down. Give me it. Would you prefer me to write Marc to Paul, or Jacques to Alain?" he asked taking his fountain pen.

"Marc to Paul, at least they love each other without problems." Alain answered.

Jacques looked at him in amusement, but wrote as he was told. After a short while his mother brought some coffee and pastry and told her son she was going to do shopping. Jacques looked at her studying her expression and perceived by intuition that his mother wanted to leave them alone in the hope that something could happen between the two boys. He was about to ask her to remain, but kept silent. They heard the woman going out. For a while they both said nothing, then they started to talk at once.

Smiling, Alain said: "You first."

"Thank you. You were doing that for me, last night, right?"

"Sure: I hoped you were looking at me."

"You don't stop."


"A friend, as you say you would like to be, doesn't do such things. You're not playing fair."

"Well... that one was Paul who was thinking about Marc, you can put it that way. Paul now knows that Marc is in love with him, so he didn't anything wrong, I think. Don't you agree?"

"I don't know." Jacques answered, slightly frowning.

"Jacques, let's stop playing games. Don't you need me? I need you. Even if my track suit doesn't allow you to see the effect that you have on me... I need you."

"Me too. But this doesn't mean that..."

Alain stood up, and went to the side of Jacques's wheelchair. While putting a hand on his shoulder, he gently pulled Jacques to him, caressing his head and pushing it against his belly.

Jacques circled his waist with one arm and, leaning his cheek against the hard, firm belly, emitted a kind of sigh, broken in a sob: "But it isn't fair of you! You know I want you, you know I'm dying with desire. What do you want from me?"

"You." Alain answered in a whisper, pulling the upper part of his track suit, and the singlet, so that Jacques's cheek was leaning directly against the skin of his naked belly.

Jacques lightly brushed his cheek against it, closing his eyes. Alain caressed him on the other cheek, on his neck, then slipped his hand under Jacques's track suit collar, caressing his shoulder. Jacques slightly turned his head and put his lips on Alain's tense belly, without moving them. Alain sighed and quivered. He lowered his hand under the track suit to caress Jacques chest.

"I need you Jacques, I desire you. Let me take you to your bed, please."

"No, wait. Not yet."

"Why? I want to make love with you."



"I want to get used to you, and to the fact I can really touch you."

"I'm here, I'm yours. Touch me as you want, where you want." Alain murmured with emotion, continuing to caress Jacques on his chest.

Jacques, always keeping his arm around Alain waist, started to kiss his companion's belly lightly, then to shyly lick it, then with his free hand, hesitantly tested Alain's turgidity. Alain again quivered. Then, without saying a word, Alain bent, passed an arm under Jacques's arms, the other under his legs, and easily took him from the wheelchair.

"No, stop what are you doing... no, put me down... No, Alain... no..." Jacques weakly protested.

Alain carried him to the bed, placed him there; and pushed his own shoes off, using his feet.

"Alain, please, no..." Jacques murmured again, confused and trembling, feeling incredibly weak.

"We won't make love if you don't want it. But now I want to lie next to you, embrace you, kiss you. I want you to feel all my desire, and I want to feel yours." Alain sweetly answered, going on the bed.

Alain lay on top of him, taking him between his arms, setting his elbows and knees at Jacques' sides so as not to put too much weight on him while with the tip of his tongue he brushed Jacques' lips. Jacques parted his lips and pushed out his tongue to meet Alain's and to lightly touch together. Then Alain, while taking his tongue between Jacques's lips and gently sucked it, lowered his pelvis just a little to brush his erection against that of Jacques. Jacques then slipped his hands under Alain's track suit and titillated his nipples that in a ready answer became turgid.

"Isn't it beautiful, Jacques?"

"Even too much..." the young man panted.

"Let me undress you."

"No!" Jacques said, suddenly tensing.

"No, all right. But why?"

"I'm ashamed. I don't have a beautiful body like yours."

"Why don't you let me judge it?"

"Don't insist..."

"For today, it's OK. We remain as we are. But I desire you so much. You desire me too."

"Yes, sure, I want you terribly, but..."

"You are not ready." Alain said tenderly looking him in the eyes sweetly and caressing his cheeks.

"Not yet. But I like this, with you. Don't be afraid to put your weight on me, Alain, let yourself go."

"Caress me - I like to be touched by you. Your hands are light like butterfly and your mouth is sweet like milk and honey. Kiss me."

The both touched and kissed each other, keeping their excitations and mutual desire in check.



"Your eyes are splendid, and your smile delicious, and I love you, there is nothing to do. I love you."

"Alain, oh, Alain! I too love you, but..."

"Shhh! I know, and for now, it's enough for me. I like to feel you. To feel your desire and to show you mine."

"I feel like I'm playing with fire..."

"And you are afraid to burn yourself?"

"Yes, but it is too difficult to wait, to stop. And you take advantage of..."

"Do you want me to put you back on your chair?" Alain asked rising a little but without leaving him, continuing to look at him with a smile filled of love.

"I can do it alone, if you bring the wheelchair near the bed."

"Let me to do it - I like to take you in my arms." Alain got off the bed and, with the same easiness as before, he took Jacques and gently brought him back on the wheelchair.

As soon as Jacques was again seated, he stretched his hand to caress the other between his legs: "You are still aroused. Do you forgive me?"

"For this time, but just for this time." Alain answered with a smile and, while he was bending to kiss him in the mouth, he put his hand between Jacques's legs and started to finger him with gentle boldness: "But you too are still aroused, Jacques. Why don't you allow me to take care of it? I would like to kiss it, to take it between my lips."

"No. Oh, please Alain, stop it." Jacques protested blocking with his hands the inquisitive hand of the other.

Alain didn't insist, and stood up, leaving him. But caressed his hair: "As you want. I cannot, I don't want to force you. But you have to remember that I desire you very much. I want to make love with you."


"You're ashamed of your body. You're afraid I will be disappointed. You're scared that I'd get tired of you and that I'd leave you. And you are a silly young man. I desire you because I love you. And then, before, caressing you I didn't feel anything to be ashamed of. You are well built."

"I'm flabby, you have a dream body."

"That's just because you don't exercise. But you can have back vigour and tone in your muscles, at least those not affected by your accident. Remember that I'm a personal trainer. Why don't you come to my gym with me? I can get you and bring you back here, and I'll make you do the right exercises. What do you think?"

"Think of that - a handicapped guy in a wheelchair in a gym! I'll become everybody's joke... or arouse their pity. I don't want to be neither pitied or mocked."

"Don't be silly. Your legs don't work but all the rest does and there is nothing strange about you taking care of it. Your arms are strong enough, since you have to use them a lot."

"No, forget it..."

"No. Can't you do that for me? You can't be ashamed of yourself. And anyway you really have anything to be ashamed of. A person can be ashamed only of his bad actions and nothing else. In the next days I will study the right work-out for you. Your weight must be around seventy kilograms, right?"

"Seventy nine..." Jacques answered with a cunning giggle.

"Nice! And you are tall one meter... seventy five?"

"Seventy six."

"Good. A balanced diet, the right exercises and in a few months I'll transform you into a boy to rouse envy, wheelchair or not. Trust me."

"No, don't insist."

"I told you I'm stubborn, right? You'll see: I'm a Taurus. Stubborn to the bone!"

"I'm realising that..." Jacques said with a smile and caressed Alain's side.

"Listen, I'm serious. Let's do that - let's go out and I take you to my gym. It's nearby, you know that, it's on the ground floor of my house. It belongs to us. And all the equipment there is most up to date, with a sauna, steam room and pool. You could, for instance, swim without any problems."

"Swim? With my dead legs?" Jacques asked, unbelieving.

"Yes! There is a swim style where you keep your legs inert. Didn't you know? I'm also swimming trainer. Wouldn't you like to swim?"

"I think so... I like being in the water, even if my only experience, after the accident, is the bath tub."

"So, are you coming?" Alain determined said.

"I... don't know..."

"Come on! At least just to see. You'll decide after."

"I need to change my clothes..."

"You are already wearing a track suit, so you don't need to change. Come on, we'll just leave a note for your mother, so that, coming back, she won't worry if we are not at home, and we go. Agreed?" Alain insisted, and finally they went to the gym.

While Alain was pushing the wheelchair on their way back through the park, about one hour later, Jacques said: "Did you see? Everybody was looking at me."

"Well, sure, they are just not used to you. I think it is the first time somebody came there in a wheelchair. But like you'll will get used to them, they will get used to you, right? Did you like the gym?"

"Yes, sure, it is really wide, beautiful, elegant. Even too much. But how much it costs to join. A lot, I think."

"For you, nothing. So, when do we start?"

"I didn't yet say yes!"

"Sure you'll say yes. Next week, eh? Just time so I can gather information at my school. Then, we will get on with it."

"No, listen..."

"Hey friend, either you say yes, or I will undress you here in the middle of the park and start making love to you!"

"Good Lord! And I bet you'll do it. You are completely crazy... And you can be because you are stronger than me." Jacques said half upset and half amused.

"Won't you become stronger too? At least you can make me toe the line. Do you know that one of the instructors of the Kendo School where I go to train for Judo has just one leg? And yet he is one of the best in all France?"

"Come on! Kendo with just one leg? What does he do, jump around?"

"Sure, he jumps. And he does that in a perfect way. Nobody mocks him, I assure you, or pities him, especially if they are beaten by him. He lost his leg when he was your age. Now he is thirty nine. I'll take you to meet him, if you feel like. He is married and he has four children, and he is a happy man. Let me be the one to make you happy."

"How many children do you want to give me?" Jacques asked, laughing. Then, again serious, stopping the wheelchair and turning to face Alain, he said: "I love you Alain, I trust you. Don't hurt me, please. Think about what you are doing. If you want to proceed, you have to be really sure about yourself. If not, it's better we stop now, when it will not yet hurt me too much. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Yes Jacques, I understand. Do you want my answer now or would you prefer to wait until we are back home?"

"Be serious. Think about it in the next few days. You will give me your answer next Monday, if you will come to fetch me to go to the gym. If not... just don't come."

"And meanwhile? Don't you want me to see you?"

"If you want. But I'll ask my mother not to go out, the next time."

"But just until next Monday, OK?" Alain said with a cunning smile, holding out his hand.

Jacques took his hand and squeezed it: "Sure, till next Monday. Do you think I too wouldn't start making love with you, here?" Jacques answered feeling a faint sensation of well-being in himself.

Alain turned again the wheelchair and brought him home.

In the following days Alain talked with his professors and found out that there were several studies about sport for handicapped people. He never got an interest on that subject, before, so he didn't know about it. His teachers, when they knew he wanted to take care of an handicapped person, encouraged him and lavished advice on him, above all in the psychological field. Alain gathered lots of documents and studied, and little by little wrote down a program, custom made for Jacques, and verified it with his teachers. Meanwhile he visited Jacques every day, after school.

Notwithstanding the mother's presence in the nearby room, at times, sitting close by, they caressed or lightly played with their tongues and whispered to each other their mutual desire. During the evening, from his room, Alain continued to perform for Jacques knowing that his friend was looking at him and sharing, even if from afar, the same sweet and intense desire.

On Sunday Alain, invited to lunch by Jacques's mother, showed up with a cake and two wine bottles. While giving them to the woman in the entrance, knowing that the woman was informed about them and that she didn't have problems, Alain asked her in a whisper: "Could you please leave us alone after lunch?"

The woman smiled and nodded yes. Alain decided not to wait until the following day. It had been even too much difficult to control himself during those five days. Today he would not content himself with flirting with the young man he loved and with whom he fell deeper and deeper in love. He knew that Jacques desired him - and he would overcome his last resistances.

They went to the dining room and sat at the table. Jacques was dressed differently than usual, with a T shirt and jeans. Alain wore a short-sleeved shirt and slacks. They ate, talking of this and that. Then the two boys went to Jacques's room while the mother, in the kitchen, cleaned the dishes when the phone rang. Then they heard her speaking to someone. They were looking at the photocopies that Alain had gathered for Jacques, when the woman entered in the room.

"I'm sorry, boys, but I'm going out. Martine invited me to her place. I'll stay there for supper."

"But Mom! You told me..." Jacques surprised started to say.

"Well, Martine invited me, and she insisted so much... Jacques, can I have the right to enjoy myself a little? Anyway, I leave you in a good company..." the woman said with a resolute expression.

"Sure, Madame, don't worry. And, have a good evening." Alain said giving her his hand.

The woman shook it with vigour and went out of the room with a wave to her son.

"You plotted all that!" Jacques accused Alain.

"Yes. Now you are in my hands and cannot escape me. Come here, come on."

"At least wait she is out..." Jacques protested, a little resenting but yet aroused.

Alain lifted him up from the wheelchair and, holding him tightly against his chest, kissed him on the mouth, this time deeply, with passion.

"Alain..." Jacques murmured, taking his breath, quivering.

"Tell me, love..." Alain answered in a low voice, smiling to him.

"It's useless if I say no, this time, right?" he whispered looking at him in emotion.

"Just try it." the boy answered smiling to him while the mother from the entrance shouted a "bye bye" and closed the entrance door.

"No. I too can't resist any more. Bring me onto the bed, go on."

Alain didn't need to be told again. He put Jacques on the bed, pulled off his T shirt and bent down to suck his nipples. Meanwhile he opened the belt buckle, unbuttoned the waist-band's one button and lowered the fly zipper. Then pulled down Jacques's jeans. Now the boy had on him just his briefs, tenting, and his socks. Alain pulled off his shoes, his shirt, his trousers, his socks, then pulled off Jacques's socks. He went on the bed, kneeling near Jacques and, caressing him, said: "Pull down my briefs, go on..."

Jacques first caressed the showy turgidity, then lowered the briefs, admiring him as he was uncovering his groin: "God, how beautiful you are..." he murmured in emotion, caressing the hard and throbbing member with both hands.

Then Alain pulled out Jacques briefs, and while he was freeing his beloved member, said: "Oh, finally! It is beautiful, strong. I want it all inside me, I want to be yours, at last. It is really beautiful..."

"But... what, don't you take me?" Jacques asked, stupefied and a little disappointed.

"Later, if you want, with pleasure. But now you have to take me, I desire that too much. Let me take care of it, I want to give you joy..." he said.

He went astride the boy's knees, on his knees, lowering himself onto that vigorous erect stake, and while his hands were ranging all over Jacques' body, he started to lick, kiss, gently bite that quivering rod that at last he could see and love. Jacques emitted quite a sob - it had been months and months that he dreamed these sensations, and now it was happening, and it was infinitely more beautiful than in any of his dreams. And when Alain's lips closed on the swollen glans and his head started to slip down, down, down gulping down all the length of that powerful flesh column, Jacques was in delirium. Alain's head started to move slowly up and down and Jacques leaned his hands on top of Alain's head, caressing it, and moaned aloud all his intense pleasure. Alain was happy to finally feel that juicy stake throbbing against his tongue. He sucked it with relish, feeling Jacques body quiver with growing intensity. Then he slid up on the body, licking Jacques' belly, chest, neck and finally, to kiss him, his erection brushing Jacques' belly and his buttocks teasing the hard and straight rod.

"I want you all inside me, love. Keep it straight, while I sheathe it in me, go on. Let me feel it all. It's too good..."

Alain knelt straight, his legs wide open, astride his friend's pubes, while his buttocks searched the rod tip; then insalivated his anus and lowered to meet it. Finally he felt it pushing, widening his hole, inserting itself firmly inside him. He looked at Jacques's face and saw it transform, becoming wonderful, transfigured as he was dropping and being penetrated.

"Oh, Alain... oooh, that's wonderful" Alain, I... I'm almost coming... I... oooh..." the young man murmured, confused and excited, strongly shaking his head right and left, caressing Alain with growing passion.

Alain then stopped, now firmly pressed against his boyfriend's groin, and remained still for a while: "No, don't yet come..." he murmured, hoarse for the pleasure.

"It's... difficult. I'm too excited." Jacques panted.

"Do you like it, tell me? Are you happy?"

"Yes, sure, but... let me come..." the young man moaned.

"Then, tell me you love me..." Alain whispered starting again to move up and against his friend's groin, making his sphincter throb while skilfully moving his pelvis in a light circular movement to feel Jacques' member better to give him at the same time more intense sensations. He brushed between his thumbs and indexes his turgid and hypersensitive nipples.

"I love you... yes Alain, I loooove... love youuuu... ooooh... ilov... oooh... ooo... oooooh... ooove you... oooh... oooh... oooh!" Jacques moaned, rocking and swinging all his body while he was unloading, jet after jet into Alain's depths and, clasping Alain's waist, kept him pressed against his lap.

Then suddenly relaxed, panting, while Alain gently caressed him on all his body, without pulling out from him, waiting for Jacques's member to withdraw by itself.

He leaned on him, kissed him and whispered: "Do you know that while you were rejoicing your face became unbelievable beautiful? Do you know that I like you a lot and I love you? Do you know that I love having you inside me? That I'm happy to be finally with you?"

"I'm sorry I came so hastily. But it is my first time in years and... I was too excited. Would you forgive me?" Jacques shyly murmured in an apologetic tone.

Alain kissed him again softly, and caressed him tenderly, for a long while, in silence. Jacques looked at his eyes and saw in them love, gentleness, joy.

"Next time you will resist more, right? Do you promise?" gently Alain murmured.

"Yes. But now, will you take me? I want to have you in me. I'm longing for that. Make me yours, please." Jacques said, full of desire, his eyes shining, caressing Alain's member, still turgid.

Alain nodded yes, slowly slipped out from his companion's member that still throbbed in him, half hard, and asked him: "How will I take you?"

"As you want. What you like best. Just... I can't go on all fours, my legs can't bear me."

"That's the way I like least. I want to take you from the front, because I want to look at your face, at your eyes, while you make me rejoice..." Alain said gently spreading his lover's legs and kneeling between them.

"But when you took that boy in your room, you took him on his all fours, and you were so beautiful! So strong! Like a young bull in heat. I really loved to look at you, you know? Even if... I was jealous of him." Jacques said with a shy smile.

"I was not really interested in him, and he preferred that way. With you is different, because I love you. And anyway, if you really wanted to try dog style, I've just to put three or four cushions under your tummy and it becomes possible. But not today, today I want you from the front." Alain said taking his inert legs an pushing them against his chest.

Jacques' small ass was in that way fully exposed to his desire. Alain bent down, pushed his face between those beloved buttocks and started to work the small hole with his tongue and his fingers, moistening it carefully, preparing it for a long while to receive him. In fact he thought that it was ages that Jacques wasn't penetrated, and it was like if he was once again a virgin, and he absolutely didn't want to hurt him.

Jacques shuddered, feeling an incredibly strong pleasure and his member started to harden again and to throb: "Oh, my god, what are you doing? Oh, that's good, you make me die, so. You made me come again! Oooh, take me, take me, love!" Jacques panted.

When Alain felt Jacques was ready, he leaned his pelvis against his ass and aimed with his rod to the puckered hole, starting to push. He felt it to yield little by little, to give him room to open under his pressure, to welcome him, and he slowly slipped inside, with extreme gentleness mixed to resolute vigour.

"Oh, yes, Alain, sooo... I love you..."

"I love you, Jacques. And I love feeling how much you want me."

"Go on, push, enter all inside me, make me yours. Let me feel how much you want me, how much you love me... Go on... go on... go on..."

Alain now was completely in his lover, but still pushed quite as if he wanted, if possible, to sink into him even more. He slipped his hands up under Jacques' back and grasped Jacques' shoulders, pulling the boy to himself. Jacques, rising just a little his trunk, put both his hands like cups on the small, firm and urgent ass of his Alain, and in his turn pulled Alain against himself.

"Oh, Alain, love, let me feel what a strong male you are. Go on, bang me, let me feel I'm yours, fuck me, please..." he begged looking at him with eyes glossy with desire.

Alain withdrew almost completely, slowly, to then sink again in him with vigour. Back and forward, back and forward, in a virile dance full of passion, enjoying that warm, tight, welcoming hole, hammering into it with a rhythm becoming stronger and faster as he felt the height of pleasure approaching. Jacques shuddered at each stroke feeling an intense pleasure and looked at his friend's body, beautiful and strong, to dart at each thrust, and found it more beautiful than ever. And the idea that it was right for him, finally right that his body was giving pleasure to that splendid body come out from his dreams, filled him of a previously unknown happiness.

"Jacques, I love you."

"I too do, Alain. You are so beautiful."

"You too are beautiful, you know?"

"No, not I..."

"But yes. For me you really are beautiful. I like so much making love with you, at last. I really love it so much!"


"Oh yes!" Alain gasped continuing to take Jacques with vigorous thrusts of his loins, fingering him all over his body, prey of the delirium of his senses.

Jacques saw all the muscles of Alain's body go tense, and understood that his lover's orgasm was about to explode; he felt greatly excited, for the same excitation of Alain; and when his lover, with a long, loud moan, sunk in him strongly throbbing, he felt the powerful pulses sending Alain's sperm to fill him. Jacques came again, while Alain held him tight in his arms and kissed him in the mouth with passion.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 7

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