Life Anew

Published on Sep 12, 2022


Life Anew Chapter 11B

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Life Anew

Keep it Professional

Chapter 11, Part 2

Andrew needs to consider what Cody and he discussed before leaving work today. He needs to think things through, and he sees an opportunity to pull over and just give it time to soak into his mind. Pulling into the park's parking lot, he pauses for a second before getting out of the car. He heads for the swings. Cody's words hit him as he sat down on the swings and began to think over the words.

`Guess I blew it today. This was the first time that Cody raised his voice to me, but I asked for it. He brought up transferring me to Doctor Hartman's office, and I don't want to be away from him and the ladies. I can't stand the thought of it. I want him by my side and Chase in my life.'

He's swinging and thinking at the same time. His eyes are getting a little wet. It hit him when he thought about being without Cody and Chase. Not a day goes by where he doesn't see Cody and doesn't hear from Chase. There is no way that he wants to be sent away. He needs to figure out what he wants. Ethan will love it if Andrew ends up being single again. Andrew finds himself thinking about his relationship with his guy.

`He doesn't hate me. He wants me to be me, and I love him for that. It seems like he could care less about professionalism. Cody is more interested in me and my ability to work with patients, especially younger ones. I know he loves me, but I don't know if it's enough.'

Andrew is having issues with being professional while dating the boss. It feels wrong to do the job and not act the way a nurse should. Mistakes aren't allowed. How does he get his boss to understand how he's feeling? He wants to speak with Cody a bit more.


Andrew wants to see Cody, so he drives out to see his neighborhood, but at the last minute, he decides not to. He made the decision before reaching home. If a little boy had seen his car and then noticed that he didn't stop, the boy would have been crushed, but he can't face the boy's father now. He feels like right now, space is needed for his boyfriend to cool down. Cody would love for him to call or stop by, but he thinks Andrew needs to cool off as well. It's the reason that Cody hasn't called. Andrew would love to know what his guy is thinking. Cody is worth fighting for, but how does he fight himself? How does he deal with work, and what was discussed? He'll have to see what Cody says tomorrow. In the meantime, Cody is about to get an earful from his mother.


Cody's mom usually doesn't spread gossip, but this time it involves her son's boyfriend. She is already concerned about him and his relationship with her son. This news just adds fuel to the fire. She decides to call her son and share the information with him.

"Hi, Mom, how are you?"

He would be more worried if they hadn't just seen each other.

"Honest, we need to talk about your boyfriend. You know, I hate gossiping, but one of my friends worked with your boyfriend while he worked up at the hospital. It seems that he created quite the problem up there."

Cody should tell his mom to mind her business, but now he is curious.

"So what was the problem? I'm sure it couldn't be anything that bad."

Andrew couldn't have messed up too terribly because he was worried about being unprofessional.

"Well, according to what she said, there was a teen in the hospital, and your boyfriend was one of his nurses. The teen's brother had a boyfriend who was flirting with your man. Your man flirted back with the guy openly. The teen's brother didn't complain about it, but he was spotted by another visitor and a doctor. On multiple occasions, he was spotted taking breaks to visit with the teen's brother's boyfriend. At one point, he was busted for texting this guy at the hospital when he should have taken a patient's vitals. The straw that broke the camel's back was a report that the two men disappeared into a restroom together."

Cody is a little stunned. He knows about Ethan. Could the "boyfriend" that his mother is talking about be Ethan? Why would someone so concerned about being professional act like this at work? It doesn't add up.

"Are you sure it's my boyfriend that you're talking about?"

Cody asked, wanting to be sure that his mom was talking about Andrew.

"Yes, I'm sure. She sent me pictures of him with Andrew."

He isn't concerned that Andrew would cheat on him. Should he be worried about it? He has to address it, though, if for no other reason than to deal with it as a potential problem at work and in their relationship.

"I'm stumped, Mom, because he's never given me any issues at work. In fact, he's worried about being unprofessional."

His mom needed to bring it to his attention, and he knows that Ethan caused issues with Andrew.

"Mom, I'm going to let you go."

He tells her as he ends the call without giving her a chance to say goodbye. He wants to address it.


Cody wastes no time in calling Andrew. Andrew almost didn't pick up out of fear of what Cody might say about their conversation earlier. He gives in and answers anyway.

"Hi Cody, how are you?"

Cody is unsure how to answer that and still be honest and kind. If this had been a new hire, he would never hired him, but this is Andrew, the man that stole Cody's heart.

"Well, that depends on how you answer these questions."

Andrew doesn't like the sound of this at all. Cody doesn't sound happy. To his knowledge, he hasn't done anything to warrant this mess.

"I just got off the phone with someone concerned about your past at the hospital. Apparently, you were flirting with someone while you were supposed to be working. You were texting someone while you were supposed to be working. What concerns me the most is that someone said you were in the restroom with this guy instead of while you were supposed to be working."

If Cody could see Andrew's face right now, he would end up holding him in his arms to comfort him. Andrew doesn't know who accused him of being in the restroom. If he is being honest, it never happened, though. Will Cody even listen to him about this issue? If he gives his end of the story, will it do him any good?

"Look, Cody, I admit that I flirted with Ethan. I admit that I even texted him as I walking back from lunch. I swear to you, though, I never went into a restroom with Ethan. I...I can't prove it, but Ethan didn't do me any favors. I'm pretty sure that he got me fired."

Will Cody believe him if Andrew says he didn't do it? But Cody would like proof that nothing happened in the restroom. Who does he talk to about it? Only one other person will know the truth, and that person is Ethan, but will he be honest with him.

"Look, I don't care about the texts or the flirting. The whole disappearing into the restroom is huge, dude. I want to call Ethan. I want to ask him about the restroom incident."

Andrew doesn't understand why he won't take his word for it.

"You really don't believe me on this one?"

Honestly, Andrew is a little angry at his boyfriend.

"Look, it's as much of a work issue as a trust issue. But I'm handling this as a work issue. I understand about you not telling me about it. Do you have a number for Ethan?"

Andrew is going to give the number to Cody. Keeping the number from Cody would make it look like he is lying to his boyfriend. He wants to show his boyfriend that he is willing to work with him even though he disagrees with him on the subject. He immediately texts the number to Cody.

"I will let you go, Andrew, to get some rest. I'm going to have a meeting with Doctor Hartman and the ladies to discuss what you and I discussed earlier today. I'll call you after the meeting."

Andrew feels like he just got shoot by Cody. He thought they agreed not to do the transfer. Andrew needs to have faith in Cody. It's something he is really struggling with.

"Bye, Cody! Have a good night!"

Andrew says, trying to avoid saying what he really wants to say.

`Maybe, it's best to just keep my mouth shut.'

"Bye, Andrew; I'll call you tomorrow."

Andrew ends the call and gets ready for bed, and Cody does the same.


Not one minute goes by before Andrew gets a text from Cody.

"I'm giving you a day off tomorrow. That way, you aren't stressing about the meeting and can kick back and relax."

Andrew was planning on going to work, but if his boss is going to give him a day off, he'll take it. Course, he's going to stress about the meeting regardless of what Cody thinks he should do. Although, he may do some shopping or at least window shopping to relax.

"You're the boss. Going to go shopping tomorrow."

Andrew replies to Cody's text. Then he turns off the phone and goes to bed.


Cody and Doctor Hartman have rescheduled all their appointments for today's meeting. They were not sure how long the meeting will take. Cody needs to spend a few minutes on the phone talking with Ethan. More than likely, he'll call Ethan since he's the one person who would be able to answer Cody's questions. All Cody has to do is watch his mouth and restrain his anger; not an easy task considering who he will talk to. He has to call Ethan. Cody decides to go to work and make the call from his office. Once he reaches the clinic, he goes into his office and sits down to call Ethan. He enters the phone number and then waits for Ethan to answer.

"Hello, Ethan here; who is this?"

Hearing his voice is enough to make Cody want to puke. The call has got to happen, though.

"Hi, my name is Doctor Cody Gaines, and I'm calling regarding Andrew Brock. I understand you knew him?"

Ethan is not happy to have someone poking their nose in his past, but it is okay because it's not directly about him.

"Okay, how can I help you?"

The attitude that is coming from this guy is horrid.

"Well, I heard that Andrew Brock flirted with you when you were with a boyfriend, and long story short, you started dating. Okay, so I heard that you and Andrew walked into the restroom together, and I need to confirm this. After all, if he did this, he might do this at my clinic, and I can't allow that. I need to confirm this."

The phone went quiet. Cody is hoping to hear Ethan say something that will make him happy.

"Look, I don't know what crack someone is smoking, but that never happened."

At this point, Cody is curious: if it never happened, how did the rumor start?"

"So do you think it's possible that someone started the rumor about Andrew to get back at him for something?"

This time, Cody's question got a response from Ethan pretty quickly.

"Yeah, I could see someone doing that."

Ethan said with a chuckle, which told Cody all he needed to know.

"I think that's all I need to know for now. Thank you for your time."

Cody wanted to add an insult to the end of the last comment. It just wouldn't be very professional, so he didn't. He's pissed. Cody cannot believe this guy. Ethan is still striking out at Andrew. It's evident from the tone and the words that came from his mouth that Ethan started the rumor of Andrew going into the restroom with him. Cody has to straighten this out.


Cody has to call his mom about what he learned from his call with Ethan. He will try to convince her to speak with her friend at the hospital so they can stop that evil rumor and maybe offer an apology. He won't count on the apology. He grabs his phone and calls her.

"Hi Cody, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. What is going on?"

Cody can't have lies being told about his boyfriend.

"Mom, I need you to listen to me carefully. You told me about Andrew entering the restroom with another guy. I spoke with Andrew after talking with you, and he denied it. I also spoke with the guy; Ethan and his exact words were:

"I don't know what crack someone is smoking, but that never happened."

So I asked if he thought someone might have started a rumor about Andrew entering the restroom with a guy. He told me he could see someone doing that, and Mom, you should have heard him say it. I promise you that Ethan started the rumor. Now I need you to call that friend from the hospital and tell them about it."

She agrees to speak with her friend. Maybe, it will help with his guy's image. He just wants his baby to be okay.


It's time for the meeting with Doctor Hartman, Susan, Jenn, and Lisa. Cody joins everyone in the breakroom.

"Hi everyone, I called this meeting to discuss what to do with Andrew. As you know, Andrew and I are in a relationship, but this is a meeting to discuss what needs to be done about the current situation with his struggles. He's been awesome; I cannot complain about his job performance, but his performance has taken a nose dive in the last week or so. He's overcompensating when it comes to being professional. While overdoing professionalism it's affecting our relationship. He's trying to avoid showing that he's in a relationship with me from the eyes of the patients. As I mentioned that it's affecting our relationship; it's also started affecting his work performance. I want to fix this before it does warrant firing him and losing him. I did mention potentially transferring him over to your office, Doctor Hartman, but he didn't want to be transferred. How can I handle this situation?"

Cody goes quiet and waits for everyone's input. Doctor Hartman's first thought is, "How the hell?". He knows about the relationship and disagrees with it; however, he thinks that this needs to be addressed.

"Doctor Gaines, what exactly is the problem? You hinted at him overcompensating his professionalism, but is there more to it?"

Doctor Hartman wants an answer before he gives his thoughts on the matter.

"I'm not sure if he's allowing work to interfere in our relationship if there are issues with his last job. He's borderline obsessing over being professional. It's to the point that he hardly acknowledges me unless it directly involves work. It's to the point that even the patients have noticed that something is going on that I can't allow. I don't want the relationship to be an issue, but I don't want this to be an issue."

Doctor Hartman looks at his partner. You can clearly see that he isn't happy.

"Cody, this nurse of yours is your boyfriend, and it's a problem that I would not want. My advice would be to find him a job in a new clinic, but I know you won't take advice so tell him to lay aside the professionalism and just do his job."

Cody's business partner puts it out there. Hopefully, Cody listens. Jennifer wants to high-five Doctor Hartman, and Susan and Lisa agree with him too.

"It isn't just the patients who have noticed the difference in him. I want our cutie back."

Lisa says as she looks at Cody. Cody wishes he would have thought to record this so Andrew could hear what everyone had to say.

"To me, it seems like Andrew seems to be unsure of him. Maybe I am wrong, but one thing is sure, he's not himself. Not sure, what to do, but something has to give."

Susan says as Jennifer nods her head in agreement.

"Susan, can you explain why you believe Andrew is not himself?"

Doctor Hartman asks, and she looks right at him as she gathers her thoughts.

"He is quieter, not as open. The only time he gets a light in his eyes is when a kid; a patient needs him to be himself. It used to be that he would smile and wink at Cody when no one was looking or confide in one of us about his hopes and dreams regarding the relationship, but what has all stopped. It's like something or someone is drawing him away from us?"

Cody hates to admit that Susan is right. The problem is Andrew would deny it. He hopes Andrew isn't cheating. It is like she said; it's like happiness is being sucked away from his soul. Maybe, he needs to address it with him.

"Hearing this makes me wonder if it's depression. Doctor Gaines keep an eye on him. A vacation wouldn't be a bad idea. Sometimes, a change of location is a good thing."

Doctor Hartman tells Cody. Cody loves the idea but will Andrew love it?

"I have loved what everyone has said. I wonder if Doctor Hartman is right. I mean, he was treated pretty badly by his ex. Then fired from his last job over something he didn't do. Andrew is a good guy who made a bad choice. Doctor Gaines, Doctor Hartman, I don't want to see Andrew transferred, but we need to get him back on track."

Jennifer says to the group. Lisa and Susan agree with Jennifer. They don't want to see their male counterpart sent to the other office. They work well together.

"Jennifer, I don't want to take Andrew away from you, Lisa, or Susan. I think Cody has a tough decision, and I wouldn't want to be in his shoes."

Doctor Hartman tells Jennifer. Cody knows his decision already. Hopefully, Andrew will be okay with Cody's choice regarding his employment.

"Just so everyone knows, my final decision is to keep Andrew here with me. I will follow Doctor Hartman's advice and try to get him to do his job and still be himself."

The ladies are happy with Doctor Gaines's announcement. No one wants to see the male nurse transferred. After the meeting, Cody needs to do one more thing.


Andrew is at home and has no idea that Cody is about to pull into his driveway. When Cody pulls in, he takes a second to take a breath. There is something he wants to tell Andrew, but it will have to wait. He stops the car and gets out of the vehicle. As he walks up to the front door, Cody gathers his thoughts. He knocks at the door as words begin to form. When Andrew answers the door, Cody smiles as he waits to be welcomed into the house.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see you so soon. Come inside; it's hot out there."

Andrew says as he smiles back at the handsome man standing before him. He wants to kiss the doctor. Cody enters the house as Andrew closes the door behind them.

"So what brings you here when you should be with the patients? Not trying to be rude."

Andrew says as he sits down in the living room. Cody knows that Andrew isn't being rude.

"Andrew, I have had a busy morning. I've spoken with your ex, had that meeting with Hartman and the ladies, and now I've cleared my day to see you."

Andrew doesn't know if he wants to hear what was discussed at the meeting, but on the other hand, he's curious.

"I guess you can start with Ethan; what did he say?"

Cody smiles as he looks at his boyfriend. Hopefully, he'll smile at the revelation given by Ethan.

"Well, I asked him about you and him going into the restroom together. First, he said that it never happened. I also asked if he thought someone might have started that rumor. His answer left me with the impression that he started the rumor."

Andrew's face says it all. He's mad but relieved at the same time. Andrew cannot believe that the man spoke the truth.

"Ethan said it didn't happen, but he didn't say that he made up the rumor, just said that someone might have started it. To me, that's as good as him saying that he did it."

The guys chuckled at Cody's choice of words. Now, how will Andrew react to the news about the meeting? Cody is going, to be honest with him.

"Let me tell you what went down at the meeting. The consensus of this little brainstorming event is that you are too focused on being professional. Doctor Hartman clearly stated that he isn't accepting your transfer, so you're stuck with me. I also will not accept your transfer or your resignation. I want you to just be yourself."

Andrew looks at Cody with a tear in his eyes.

`He wants me even though I messed up at the hospital.'

Cody isn't about to throw this guy away. He wants to wrap his arms around him.

"Hey, what are those tears about?"

Cody says as he wipes a tear away. A smile breaks out on Andrew's face.

"I thought you were going to send me to Doctor Hartman's office. I know you said that you were not going to transfer me. I-I just want to be there; to be here."

Cody immediately hugs his boyfriend. Right there, he promises to never let go of the man; he's embracing. Maybe, Andrew needs to hear it.

"Babe, look at me for a second."

Andrew's attention is on Cody.

"I am never going away, and I will never let go unless that is what you want."

Andrew wants to kiss Cody, but he wants to just feel Cody's arms around him. Cody and Andrew break their hug. They know that they love each other. As Andrew sits there, he realizes that Ethan did him an incredible favor when he told Cody that he didn't go into the restroom with him. He needs to text that guy.


Andrew grabs his cell phone while Cody is sitting on the couch. Andrew goes to text the guy who made his life hell. Their relationship was good, but it was doomed from the start.

"Ethan, I never meant to text you again, but I have to thank you for telling Doctor Gaines that we didn't go into that restroom together. Thank you!"

He knows that he owed Ethan "Thank you!" but didn't want to message him. Still, it's better than calling him. He doesn't want to hear his voice. Ethan never responds to the text, which doesn't surprise Andrew or Cody. The guy is an idiot.


Andrew isn't sure what to do, what is best for them, and the patients. He just isn't sure how to be professional and not be professional simultaneously. He asks his sweetheart how to go about being professional without overdoing it.

"You know what, I don't have a good answer for you; however, being you and giving the patients your true self will go a long way; be caring and be empathic. Once the patients are gone, I want you to be your true self. I want you to smile at me, I want you to wink at me, and I want to have lunch together. Do you hear me?"

He isn't sure if Andrew gets it, but he hopes he'll improve on the issues. He'll be on a journey, that is for sure; however, Cody will be there every step of the way.


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One more thing, you may notice that chapters are smaller, I am breaking chapters up into two pieces, so I am not sitting at the computer as long. I hope you like them. Thanks for reading!!

Next: Chapter 14

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