Life After Oc


Published on Jun 30, 2009


Ryan awoke the next morning with Seth still cuddled on him. He could not believe the night he just had -- Ryan had sex with Seth. It was amazing and one experience Ryan would not forget. The feelings that Ryan had finally succumbed to took over the previous night, and it was awesome. Seth was Ryan's best friend, but now it felt like something more. What that just was, Ryan was not quite sure yet.

Seth turned over and woke up. He looked at Ryan, who stared back into his eyes. "Morning," he said.

"Hey," Ryan replied. The two kissed each other briefly. Seth resumed his position of curling on top of Ryan. His hand began caressing Ryan's chest, paying careful attention to the large nipples that laid atop the perfect pectoral muscles. "God you're so fucking hot," Seth sighed. Ryan laughed lightly as he thanked Seth.

"That feels good Seth," Ryan claimed. Seth did not stop. Ryan's breathing became rougher as Seth continued touching his naked torso. Seth began kissing Ryan's chest. He licked the nipples that stuck out

from the skin. Ryan moaned quietly. It was then that Seth realized something: they were both naked, and right now, Ryan's hard cock was pressing against Seth. "Can't get enough of me?" Seth asked.

"You have no idea."

"Want me to take care of it?" Seth asked. Ryan p ulled Seth to him as they began kissing again. Ryan's tongue entered Seth's mouth and the two began feeling each other up again. Ryan's hands roamed to Seth's cute, perky ass. He squeezed and massaged. Meanwhile, Seth had taken a hold of Ryan's dick. He was slowly and sensually stroking the nine and a half incher.

"Mmmm," was the only sound Ryan could make.

Seth broke the kiss and started kissing down Ryan's body. He eventually wound up at the penis he had fallen in love with. Seth stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of Ryan's mushroom head. He then dove straight into the best blowjob Ryan had ever received. Seth had the perfect combination of suction, wetness, touch, and sensitivity to him. Ryan was sure this would make him come.

But suddenly Seth had stopped. He moved his mouth lower to Ryan's balls. He licked both hairy nuts and took them into his mouth. Mimicking what Ryan had done to him the night before, Seth hummed on Ryan. Ryan screamed in ecstasy. Seth's hands moved to caress Ryan's perfect body once more. His mouth on the other hand, moved lower again, this time, to Ryan's tight hole.

Seth stuck his tongue out and began licking the pink chute in front of him. "FUCK!" Ryan screamed. Seth was now giving Ryan the best rim job he'd ever received. The feeling of Seth's tongue inside him was not one to forget. Seth then brought one of his fingers to Ryan's hole and inserted it. Ryan moaned in pleasure to let Seth know it was okay. Then one more, then two more fingers entered Ryan. Ryan was now playing to role Seth took the previous night. Ryan was grasping onto the bed sheets. He knew he was close.

"Seth, fuck. Oh my -- SHIT. Seth!" Seth did not stop though, he was a man on a mission: get Ryan to come. He would very quickly accomplish this mission when Ryan took hold of Seth's head and brought it back up to his cock. "I'm going to fucking shoot!" Ryan shouted.

Seth placed his mouth over Ryan's dick again and sucked as hard as he could. His fingers were still inside Ryan. Ryan screamed and panted as he reached his climax. "FUCK! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Ryan moaned as he began squirting load after load into Seth's awaiting mouth. It eventually became too much as it overflowed. Seth pulled back and let Ryan shoot over his faced. Seth was practically coated in Ryan's jiz as he crawled back up to his new lover. He swallowed the remains of Ryan's cum, savoring it. Ryan licked Seth's face clean before kissing him again. Their tongues wrestled once more before Ryan stopped.

"We've still go a problem," Ryan stated. As if he knew Seth was going to respond with "what?

he grabbed a hold of Seth's eight inch piece of meat. Ryan lightly tossed Seth off of him and turned over onto his stomach. "What are you doing?" Seth asked.

"We need to take care of that," Ryan said blatantly. He pushed himself onto all fours and looked back at Seth. He winked. "Are you sure?" Seth asked.

"Put your fucking dick inside me. Now."

Seth smiled and positioned himself behind Ryan. His hard eight-inch cock was rigid with testosterone. Seth licked his hand and gave his dick a few quick tugs. The mushroom head was now pushing against Ryan's tight sphincter. Ryan grinded his ass toward Seth, "come on!"

"Fine!" Seth shouted and shoved his cock into Ryan. "FUCK!" Ryan screamed as Seth started fucking him. The warm feeling of having Seth inside him made Ryan moan louder than he ever had in his life. "Oh fuck! Yes! Come on Seth show me what you can do!"

Seth sped up his pace and bucked his hips even faster. He leaned forward and started kissing Ryan's neck. Ryan maneuvered his head and starting kissing Seth. The two licked each other's tongues as they both moaned into their mouths.

Seth's hands moved from propping him up to caressing Ryan's body again. His left hand pinched Ryan's nipple, while the right hand moved down to Ryan's cock. "A gain?" Seth exclaimed. Ryan was hard once again.

"It's what you do to me," Ryan panted.

Seth began jerking Ryan's dick as he continued to fuck him. His hard cock felt so good and comfortable in Ryan's tight chute. His balls began stirring and he could tell he was going to cum soon. With the combination of Ryan's hot body, his kisses, his hard cock, his hole, and his moans, Seth was surprised he hadn't already come.

"Fuck, Ryan. I'm going to come."

"Do it inside me."

"You got it!" Seth shouted. He picked his pace up again and started deep-dicking Ryan. "Fuck!" Seth kept yelling as he was fucking Ryan. "Oh god! Ryan! You're so hot -- come on! Mmmm! Yeah! Here it comes. FUCK. FUUUCK. SHIT!" Seth finally unloaded into Ryan's ass. Seth moaned as Ryan took it all in. "Fuck yeah."

Seth pulled out and collapsed next to Ryan. Ryan turned over and put himself on top of Seth. He started grinding into Seth. "Do you know how horny you make me?"

"No idea," Seth joked. The two kissed again. Ryan's hard cock was ramming up against Seth now. He could not resist humping the cute boy beneath him.

"You're so fucking hot, Seth."

"Look at you -- you're body's perfect. I've jerked off to it so

many times. Stolen your underwear, wife beaters."

"Yeah? Did you come?"

"Of course. Almost instantly."

"You know what would make me feel really good right now?"


Ryan did not verbally answer. Instead he shoved his hard cock into Seth's ass. "Oh FUCK RYAN! YES!" Seth shouted. Ryan once again was fucking Seth. Both men felt amazing. Seth's ass was on fire with the huge cock massaging his insides. Ryan began kissing Seth's neck as he fucked Seth.

The two were moaning and shouting the lungs off as they fucked each other. Ryan began sweating again onto Seth. It made it easy to slide up against each other again -- a huge turn on for Ryan. "Fuck Seth. You're so god-damned hot."

"Fuck me harder!" Seth shouted. Ryan complied.

The hard nine and a half inch cock started fucking Seth more forcefully. The thrusts from Ryan were doing wondrous things to Seth's prostate. Ryan's dick was the one true desire of Seth right now.

Ryan placed his arms underneath Seth as he grabbed him. Ryan picked Seth up and stood up as well. He began fucking Seth vertically. "Mmmm you're so strong."

Ryan did not respond. He grunted and focused more intently on fucking Seth. The thrusts were powerful and sensual. "Shit. I think I'm gonna blow."

Let me down." Seth said. Ryan pulled out and let Seth down. Seth got down on his knees and grabbed Ryan's hard cock. He began jerking Ryan vigorously. The strokes brought Ryan to full climax as he screamed out loud. "HOLY SHIT SETH!" The cum flew out of Ryan's penis and ran everywhere: Seth's face included.

After this second orgasm, Ryan collapsed to his knees. He was eye-level with Seth now. They kissed briefly before Seth rested his head on Ryan again. "Wow. You are awesome."

"So are you," Ryan responded. "And now I'm in need of a shower."

"Mind if I join?"

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