Life After Being a Child Star

Published on Nov 6, 2022


Life After Being a Child Star 8

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

I had been teaching for three years and it was hard to believe the changes in my life. I hadn't many friends as a child. Adults liked me because I was obedient and affable. When they canceled the TV series, mom and dad thought it was a disaster. It didn't bother me. College had been good because I discovered there was another world other than the television. I had disappointed my parents when I didn't get a new series.

Their deaths had been a shock, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. When I didn't find a new series, they were deeply unhappy. I had failed them.

Their death and finding a teaching job let me find a new life. My new life was entirely different from my old life. Of course, discovering a sex life was a nearly total surprise.

A week after the party, Rev. Abraham called me and asked if he could come over. I said that was fine. He was at my door fifteen minutes later. He was the senior Minister of First Baptist Church and the Chairman of the School Committee. The church ran a large K through 12 school. It also sponsored a baseball and soccer league. He thought there was something wrong in the high school level of the athletic leagues.

He had gone to several post victory parties over the years and he thought some of the student were acting strangely. He told me he some of team members seemed hyper.

"I am familiar with excited teenagers. This is different," he explained.

"Drugs?" I asked.

"Maybe, but it may be new one," he said. "It seems that anyone with a chemistry set can invent something. Given my sexual tastes, I can't do much investigating. Visiting the locker room would be a problem. You have connections. Do you know anyone who might help?"

I told him that I didn't know anyone, but I knew some people who knew people. I would make discrete inquiries. He thanked me for that.

"I have one embarrassing favor to ask of you," he said. "I greatly enjoyed our sexual interlude at Whitey's party. I hope you enjoyed it." I told him I enjoyed it.

"Well, I have a quirk. I learned the ropes of man sex from the Music Director of the seminary I attended. The music program was well known and the director was well known," Abraham explained. "We connected, I had a good bass voice back then. He told me it wasn't sex as long as you didn't take sperm in the ass."

"That seems odd," I remarked.

"Actually, it was odder than that. He said it acceptable to breed men who weren't Christians," Abraham explained.

"Jews, atheists and Muslims?" I asked.

Abraham laughed. "No, he was talking about Catholics, Episcopalians and Presbyterians," he said. "In his mind Baptist were the only true Christians. As long as they didn't leave a load in your ass, all was well. Even then I realized finding these rules in the Bible would be a stretch. Somehow I have managed to follow those rules." He paused. "I was hoping you would fuck and breed me. I want your cum in my ass."

"What caused this change of heart?" I asked.

"I have a good friend who wants to fuck me. I want to take him, but I'm afraid I might embarrass myself," he said. "I hope that doesn't insult you."

I smiled and said that it takes a lot to insult me. We went to the pool, got naked and went at it. There is no way to know how a man will take a cock up the ass for the first time. I am no virgin and I introduced him to his prostate. His sphincter was tight, but I bulldozed past it and then used his prostate as a punching bag for my cock head. He didn't know he could feel so much.

I fucked him to the edge of an orgasm three or four times over the next hour. He almost passed out when he finally shot off. My own orgasm finally made him cum.

When I started to pull out, he asked me to leave my cock in him. I told him I would do that if he squeezed his sphincter to milk the last drops of cum from my cock. Abraham was a happy man. We broke apart, he thanked me for fucking him, dressed and went home.

The next morning I talked with Ralph about Abraham's concern about his youth teams, and possible drug involvement. He asked if Abraham was prone to hysteria. I said no. He was the sort of man who avoided strong coffee.

Ralph laughed, and said he would make discrete inquiries. He and his wife, Sarah, were well connected the world of coaching.

Webster Poole dropped in with a new friend, Ronald. Ronald worked for Webster's dad's Pool company. Ronald was an engineer who was working on the solar power aspect of the pools. Ronald was in his early thirties, and combined a high powered engineers mind, with social ineptitude.

I had helped Webster with an introductory class in gay sex. He had a strong feeling that Ronald needed guidance. Ronald was impressive in explaining technical aspects of technology, but had almost crippling social skills. It seemed to me that introducing him to the intimacy of gay sex, was not going to help.

Webster pointed out that sex was its own reward, and that the rewards were immediate. The rewards did not require a long period of study to master. Ronald was a big man. He wasn't exactly overweight, but his weight was not photogenic. He had red hair that was almost Bozo orange.

They came to my house and we talked for a while, before we went to the pool. Webster had told Ronald it was a nude pool. Ronald jumped in immediately. He was a good swimmer, and was graceful and almost elegant in the water. We had a few races to the other end of the pool and Ronald won easily.

That seemed to bolster his self confidence, and he relaxed. He had been on the swim team in high school, but the engineering curriculum in college was too time consuming for team sports. Apparently in high school he had advanced from the you show me yours, and I will show you mine stage. He and his pals has sucked some.

Webster, Ronald and I had a mutual admiration session, and I sucked Ronald. I was afraid that might scare him off. Fortunately, my sucking skills were vastly advance on those of his high school buddies. Ronald was shy and reserved, but his cock was a party animal. I had noted that in myself. Went it came to sexual matters, the cock usually triumphs over the mind.

I soon recalled that an ejaculating cock totally overwhelms the brain. Webster joined me to share his orgasm.

"I'm sorry about that," Ronald said after he stopped ejaculating. "I've made a mess."

"Technically, you have made a trip to heaven and fed me the food of the gods," I said. "Your load was beautiful."

"Has anyone taken your load before?" Webster asked.

"No. Do I have to take your cum?" Ronald asked. "It seems too personal."

"Sperm is the necessary for human life on Earth. Most men produce 100 million sperms in each orgasm. That is enough to repopulate a good part of the earth," I said. "There is no reason to save it. Think of it as an appetizer. It's also the most personal thing a man could give you." They were happy men by the time they left. The three of us had a good time.

The next day I called Ralph and asked if there were any whispers that might be related to Abraham's problem. He said he would ask around the Phys Ed community and ask if there was anything new. There was nothing in the public schools, but one of the coaches mentioned he had heard a whisper about a super vitamin that improved performance. He thought it was called something like Vitamin C Ultra.

The next morning Ralph called me and said a friend had heard of something called C Squared. It was supposed to an undetectable Russian performance enhancer. I called a pal in the police and he said he would investigate.

The next morning I had a call from Detective Morrow of drug enforcement. He said there were rumors of something new, called CXC. That was supposed to be Caffeine squared, or four times the recommend daily amount of Caffeine.

"That is one hell of a caffeine hit, but apparently there are undefined "trace elements," he explained. "There may be some mood enhancers." Morrow said they needed to get some of the stuff to properly analyze it. I heard nothing more from him, but the police were not into telegraphing their intentions.

Abraham came by a day later with a friend, Hal. Hal was the former head of the youth athletic program. You could tell Hal had been a jock. He looked as if he tried to keep in shape, but was losing the battle. I told they about my conversation with Ralph and the police.

"Do you think they will do something about it?" Hal asked.

"I assume they will, but we won't know about it," I said. The fewer people who know the better.

"Well, I keep my ears open," Hal said. "If I hear something, I will let you know. I'm like a bull in a china store, so I won't do anything. I tend to make a mess."

We talked for a while and eventually Abraham got to the other reason for his visit.

"Hal developed our athletic program. He is unmarried and he had an example for the kids. He retired from the job three years ago. He told me he has a few interests thought were sinful. It told him I had similar interest. I thought they were not sinful when you shared them with adults. I was exploring them with a discrete friend. He said he would like to explore these interests."

"I assume you are talking about intimate interests?" I asked. Hal nodded.

"Hal and I are old friends. He's worried he might offend me if he did something wrong," Abraham explained.

I don't think that would be a problem, but Hal was nervous ans uneasy. I was willing to help him out. I smiled to myself. Somehow it seemed that I was always willing to introduce a man to gay sex.

Fifteen minutes later Abraham went home and I was alone with Hal. I took him to the pool. Swimming always provided a good excuse to get naked. Unexpectedly, Hal relaxed after Abraham left. It was easier to relax with out his preacher's involvement. Hal was a good swimmer and was comfortable being nude. He was one of the rare 60-year-old men who looked better naked than dressed. He was in pretty good shape and had a hairy chest, with a treasure trail. He was a good swimmer. When he rested and sat on the edge of the pool, he was semi-erect.

"Sorry about that," he said as I swam over to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I said just before I licked his cock head. A second later my tongue was caressing his cock.

He moaned, "Oh Baby." I came close to taking his entire cock into my mouth. Two or three minutes later, all was well.

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off," he moaned.

I pulled away from his cock. "Would I shock you if I said that is our objective?" I returned to his cock.

"Have you done this with Abraham?" he asked.

"I never kiss and tell, but you know the answer, don't you?" I replied. "Is it all the same taste?" he asked.

"More or less," I answered. "To be strictly truthful, I am not sure if sperm is that different or if the difference is based on the man I am sucking and his cock. Your precum is flowing. It tastes good. That is a preview of your sperm."

"Do you want it?" he asked. I said yes and seconds later his cum flooded my mouth. Hal liked that a lot if his moans were any indicator.

After he finished shooting, he said, "I didn't think it would be that good." He paused, and then asked, "Do I need to take yours?"

"That is entirely up to you," I said. "There are no hard and fast rules." He got out of the pool and began to dress. He was buttoning his shirt when he stopped.

"Damn, I need to taste your cock!" he exclaimed. He undressed, got on his knees and carefully wrapped his lips around my cock. Hal was soon both enthusiastic and comfortable. We played for an hour before he left. Hal was a different man.

A week later Abraham called and asked if he and Hal could come by on Saturday afternoon. I had no plans, so, I said yes.

That morning Webster Poole came by with a friend, Ronald. I am no fool, and I guessed that Webster and Ronald hoped to have some recreational activities.

I had forgotten about Abraham's visit. When he and Hal arrived, all four men realized the real reason for the visit. We went to the pool. I asked if they wanted to take a dip in the pool. All said yes.

Ronald was into daddy types, so he got along well with Abraham and Hal. I sometimes think there is a mystical connection between gay men's cocks. Nothing was said, but somehow Hal and Ronald connected.

Abraham seemed go to Webster. I suspected men would eventually exchange sperm. I wondered if the sticky sexual residue would be in the mouth or ass. I was rock hard and suspected that I was hoping that my ass would be the final resting place for the creamy expression of gay affection.

Both Abraham and Hal were much more engaged. I assumed that they were more accepting of gay sex, but I wondered if the presence of the two younger men, Webster and Ronald, was more exciting for them. Being in a group of five presented more opportunities for sexual situations. Everyone seemed more relaxed and more adventurous.

Hal discovered the joys of anal sex in my ass. As he fucked me, Webster saw an opportunity and slipped his cock into Hal's ass. That was a total surprise to Hal, who hadn't even known that was a possibility. Hal's prostate loved it and our trio was a complete success.

Hal tended to be reserved. He lost control as he shot off in my ass as Webster pulled out just before he shot off in his ass. It was a success for all three of us.

During a lull in the sexual activity that allowed us all to recharge and reload, Hal said that he couldn't believe what he just did.

"Are you okay?" Abraham asked.

"I think I'm a lot more than just okay," Hal replied. "I didn't know you could do that stuff, especially in front of other guys."

"We're all adults. Why should we be embarrassed in front of men who share our sexual preference?" I asked. "We live in post Victorian times. We know that Queen Victoria loved Albert and they had multiple children. Did anyone think they they did that without sex? We enjoy sex. Why not admit we enjoy it?"

"It is personal and private," Webster added. "I don't want to broadcast my sexual connections, but I'm not ashamed that I am gay and I like gay sex. I enjoy it and I want my partners to enjoy it."

"I do a lot of counseling with married couples. Some want to have children but they think sex is dirty and sinful. They are taught to dread it," Abraham said. "In the Catholic Church becoming a priest or a nun provided a socially acceptable sexless alternative. That proved to be a fantasy or a nightmare depending on your experiences. If you were gay it was fine, if you weren't you became bitter and mean."

"How was your experience," Webster asked.

"I was lucky. I liked my wife and she was a good mother and friend. She was occupied with the children and I was occupied full time with the church. Eventually we had a loving, but not much of a sexual relationship. When she died of cancer, I was able to use my affection for her to ward off the outbreak of widows and spinsters who wanted to bag the minister as a trophy," Abraham said. "I slowly admitted I was gay a few years later."

"My wife wanted me as an ex-high school football player and successful businessman" Hal said. "We had twins and that provided an instant family. Thank god they were smart and good looking. As long as things looked good to her friends, all was well. After the kids graduated, she found a man with more recent achievements. Being married to the captain of the football team twenty-five years earlier was not adequate. Both she and I were tired of the relationship."

He paused. "Here I am naked in a pool with four horny men. I never would have dreamed I would be here, enjoying the best sex I have ever had."

"I wonder of the Presbyterians' theories about predestination are correct after all?" Abraham said.

That struck me as being unlikely. We rested and recharged our balls until we were ready to go again.

Hal came over to me. "I really enjoyed that. I had no idea a guy's ass was so tight," he whispered. "I didn't know you would take my load up your behind. Are you okay with that?" I nodded and said I felt each ejaculation and it was good.

"Does it bother you that my cum is in your ass now?"

"Having some high test in my behind is not a problem," I replied. "Are you embarrassed you liked it?"

"It was really good while I was shooting off. I was sort of embarrassed," he said.

"I would bet you are not so embarrassed that you wouldn't do it again," I said.

He laughed. "You are right about that," he said. "Do you get to fuck me now?"

"There is no need to rush things," I said. "Let nature and your cock be your guide."

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